#character: german reyes
armoricaroyalty · 4 months
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Previous | Chapter Start | Beginning | Epilogue
author's note: thank you to @crownsofesha, @housekonig, @bridgeportbritt, and @simming-in-the-rain for sharing screenshots and headlines with me to fill out the news!
ETA: Thanks to @sirianasims for catching my typo!
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thesquirrelqueer · 1 year
okay actually speaking of foreign productions and re: asking you things, what’s all the info we know about the unofficial German production? I think I’ve seen like 2 tiktok bootleg moments but when I went digging for more all I found was promo YouTube/insta stuff. Apparently there are 3 squips???
Okay so I knew about as much as you did going into this, but I was able to get into contact with Kevin Flemming, the actor who played Jay/Jenna and this is what he said (also if you have more questions about the production that I don’t answer here I’ll try to ask him later)
How did the SQUIP work if there were 3 of them?
The SQUIP was a puppet and the 3 of them were the puppeteers. Two of them worked the arms and the other worked the legs. A lot of the dialogue and singing was split between the three of them, but they also did 3 part harmonies.
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Besides being translated from English to German, were there any script changes made?
1. The role of Jenna became Jay and they were explicitly stated to be non-binary and use they/them pronouns. There were other ideas for the role such as making Jenna be a drag role or changing her to a stereotypical gay boy named Jason, but ultimately they settled on making them non-binary.
2. During the hospital scene, Rich tells Jeremy that he had a crush on him
3. Since they were using the Two River script, they didn’t have Loser Geek Whatever but they did add in the “I’m tired of being the person that everyone thinks that I am” section of upgrade
4. Mr. Heere and Mr. Reyes became Mrs. Heere and Ms. Reyes, they are played by separate actors. When casting, there were no men who were old enough to play Mr. Heere so it wasn't a surprise when she became Jeremy's mom instead of his dad. The Ms. Reyes gender change wasn't known until the full cast list came out.
5. The SQUIP was changed to "sound like Siri" but it also had options for Alexa and Google
6. There were some adlibs at the end of the smartphone hour and in the pitiful children
7. They added 2 new characters, Tessa and Denise, who were the ensemble
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chicgeekgirl89 · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks to @bonheur-cafe and @lemonlyman-dotcom for the tags!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
99! Must do something special for 100! Any suggestions?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Actively: 911 Lone Star, Heartstopper
Previously: NCIS LA, SEAL Team, Teen Wolf, others...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Good, the Bad, and the Very Ugly
The House in the Pines Where the Road Ends
Hold Onto Me
The Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! It means SO MUCH to me when people comment, I feel like the least I can do is say thank you! Also, it always makes me happy when someone responds to my comments, so I try and give that magical feeling to others!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I Could Have Loved You- This is a SEAL Team fic that explored the six weeks in season 2 where Sonny and Lisa were together in before she would have left for her officer billet. In the end I had her leave even though both of them wanted to stay together. Honestly still prefer it to the shit show the show turned them into.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It All Fades Away- I finally married Kensi and Deeks off on the beach because the damn show was taking too long. It was really beautiful! Also this is so old that it's only posted on ff.net lol.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not often, especially now that I'm on AO3. People used to be real mean over on ff.net.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. I like to let people have their privacy. I will write straight up to the line of smut though.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written exactly one 911 LS/The Rookie crossover for @bluenet13 and I only posted it on Tumblr. It involved the Reyes sisters is was generally hilarious.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. Please don't steal my things lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone asked me many years ago if they could translate one of my fics into German and I said yes. I saw it once, no idea where it's posted now.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Tarlos, Ron/Hermione, Nick and Charlie
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Ron/Hermione fic that spans the time from the end of DH to 19 Years Later and it's not done and it makes me sad because I really loved a lot of it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
DIALOGUE. I only have one, but I do think I'm pretty damn good at it. Okay maybe also character voice.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Scene description. I hate it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Yes? Sure? But like, know what you're doing. Don't guess.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First ever? Star Wars. First posted? Power Rangers. I've come a long way lolol.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ever?!?! Oh, I don't know! Anything involving Adriana and Francesca maybe? Or maybe Requesting Immediate Backup. I loved writing Andrea and T.K. teaming up on Carlos to make him feel better when he's sick.
Tagging (no pressure) @ladytessa74, @carlos-in-glasses, and anyone else who wants to play!
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ajcrowleys · 2 years
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Hello everyone! I recently hit 1k followers, and I’m just amazed about it. So I wanted to do a little celebration as a thank you to all of my lovely followers. Thank you for sticking with me, even when what I’m obsessed with isn’t what you came here for. Your support means so much to me!
Now, time for the fun part! Send me one of the following emojis for a:
🖤 — make me choose between two characters/ships/shows/movies.
⏰ — timestamp roulette of a show or movie.
Please be following me, as this is a followers only event. And please be patient with me!
And under the cut is a little follow forever (I’m really sorry if I missed anyone):
# - G
@7x10mickey @actuallysara @addycarver @alexisrosemullens @anakinskywalkier @arthurhavisham @bellamuertes @bishmonts @buffyblue @carlos-reyes @chrrispine @chrissiewatts @dacre-montgomery @dangermagnetstrand @danieljradcliffe @djarin @djarsdin @diaaz @edstede @emziess @evanbukley @fionagallaqher @gallawitchxx @grogus-dad
H - Q
@heroeddiemunson @ianrightsonly @imikhailo @jackpearcsn @jddryder @joseph-quinns @julesfairmont @kieumy @laurens-german @layla-el-faouly @lovandthundr @madsbuckley @malewifesteve @matthew-goodes @mickolo @milkoviched @milkovichy @mulderscully @ne8ula @nelsonnicks @nick-nellson @nicknellsons @nilefreemans @pedrorascal @presleyelvis
R - Z
@reyescarlos @roseapothecary @sci-fi @scullay @seik-o @shameless-notashamed @sharpesjoy @star-kovs @stedexbonnet @stevehs @strandtk @squidyyy23 @superchocovian @tatianpetrovna @tennant @tessas-thompson @themilkoviches @typicaltk
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causewhywouldnti · 4 months
My thoughts as I’m watching 24 seasons of law & order svu: (and oc)
Season 24
OC 3x01, Turf war. Always good to see Benson and Stabler together, even if only for a short scene.
24x01, I’m enjoying this crossover! Stabler doesn't use this soft voice enough. Benson handling Stabler well. Did Benson and Stabler need to clear the floor together? No, but I don't mind. I was a bit disappointed with the ending of the third part.
24x02, why does everyone gotta dump on Stabler?!?
24x05, I really like Carisi and Rollins together.
Shallow observation: Benson’s hair is really pretty this season.
OC 3x07, don’t know how Eli is in College already…
OC 3x08, Stabler, actually admitted to someone that he is in love. Jet’s disappointment at getting her thunder stolen is real.
24x09, Rollisi wedding! (Kinda surprised the kids weren't at the actual wedding) I get that Noah is really excited to have met his brother, but I do feel a bit bad about Benson. Rollins asking Benson the real questions. I think that’s the first time the show made me actually emotional about a character leaving!
OC 3x09, Stabler is definitely the one taking charge here!
24x10, don’t really get why Benson doesn't go inside with Noah… I’m sorry, but I like that dude shutting Benson down, when she tries to get the DNA fast-tracked.
OC 3x10, I don’t know why, but I think Stabler is funny. Stabler is talking about Benson, right?
24x11, Benson screaming at the rape tree had me laughing. It's just such a weird thing to do…
24x12, brutal end for Duarte. The kitchen scene between Benson and Stabler!!
OC 3x12, he should have just called Benson… he didn't want to go along with that cop at all, until she name-dropped Benson.
24x13, Fin and Benson's conversation about stray puppies was fun.
24x15, Benson apologizing to Pence because he wasn't the one who killed his wife… the end with her reading "king of the moon" was really sweet.
OC 3x15, I always like it, when we get a bit of background on Stabler.
24x16, Go Carisi!!! Finally, a good court scene, I feel like we didn't see a lot of court scenes this season.
24x17, Benson playing babysitter at work. I think this episode actually really showed Benson as Captain rather than Detective.
OC 3x17, the ending with Stabler and Eli was cute.
OC 3x18, the description for Stablers fake dating app is awesome. Especially everyone's reaction to it.
24x19, Benson saying "the only thing worse than a partner with no loyalty, is a partner with blind loyalty." is ironic, like do you remember your partnership with Stabler and the absolute blind loyalty you had to each other? (Not that I mind their blind loyalty)
OC 3x19, Bernie is back!
OC 3x20, well hello there Kathy.
24x21, I still really like Carisi, don’t feel like he got enough screen time. Finally, Benson and Stabler back together! Those two just know how to act, especially together.
OC 3x21, Protelliot! As if Stabler would protect the case over Benson. Just want to point out, that that particular Umlaut is not a German one… OC has a lot of small, funny, random moments that I really enjoy. Last episode it was Stabler and Bell having to lean over the counter, this episode it's Reyes enjoying his free sandwich. Rollins! What’s with the clips of real life criminals?
24x22, so here’s the thing, I watched this episode before I started to watch the actual show. But it is kinds nice to actually know who these people are and what’s going on. McGrath really hasn't gotten any better… the Churlish Muncy friendship has been a highlight for me this season. I just love that whole take out scene (doesn't matter that I’ve already watched it a ton). I think Benson had a higher bounty on her head before.
OC 3x22, have watched this episode before as well. The Diner scene!! Stabler didn't necessarily need to carry Benson outside, but I’m really happy he did. The hospital scene!!! Sad to lose Whelan. Also, that poor Medic, was there really just one Medic?!? Like, the poor girl had to run like a mad woman. The ornament and the compass!!! That ending was just really sweet!
I kinda missed the villains whose storylines would play out over a (half) season on OC. SVU had a lot of cast changes and I didn't really care for any one of them. But I did enjoy Churlish and Muncy teaming up.
I’m a little disappointed on how little Benson/Stabler interactions there were this season compared to the two before. At least, there were three crossovers.
Mostly, I can’t believe I actually managed to binge both shows before they come back. Because it was not looking good for that goal the week before Christmas. And I even have a week to spare!
Favorite Episodes: OC 3x09, OC 3x21, 24x22, OC 3x22
Favorite Lines:
"I did feel like Stabler was my home." Benson 24x09
"There's nobody that I trust more to bring my son home in one piece than Stabler." Benson 24x12
"I wish I could bottle this." Stabler 24x22 (don’t we all)
*Lead you to happiness, Liv." Stabler OC 3x22
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birdylion · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers!
@annerbhp said she tagged anyone who wants to do this.
How many works do you have on ao3? 26, of which 15 are in English
What’s your total ao3 word count? 50,585
What fandoms do you write for? I have written for Mass Effect (Trilogy + Andromeda), Harry Potter, Rivers of London, Firefly, The Memoirs of Lady Trent, Rogue One, … mostly a small number of fics each, it seems that I'm a fandom hopper. I can't say what I'm working on at the moment, for reasons of (exchange related) secrecy, but my other WIP that I can talk about is for this one German crime TV show that's got a new episode upcoming soon, Tatort (the Saarbrücken version).
What are your top five fics by kudos? HP: What we're made of, my trans Viktor Krum/Hermione Granger fic Good Omens: Sleepless Night, my Ineffable Husbands insomnia comfort ficlet Rogue One: The Darkest Prison, my Baze/Chirrut during imperial occupation fic Rivers of London: Bintumani, my Elsie Winstanley in Sierra Leone adventure fic The Memoirs of Lady Trent: Studying Dragons, my fic about a queer subculture in the flying university
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, I usually respond to comments, but sometimes they sit for a (really long) while in my inbox before I answer because I want to look at them in the preview of my unread comments. Why do I answer? Always in the hopes of awesome dialogue :D but also to show my appreciation for the commenters
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My first impulse was to say that I don't do pure angst without happy endings, but that's not true: I've written two Mass Effect fics that fit the bill. One is wistful and introspective about a failed relationship between Ryder and Reyes Vidal, but the other is more angsty: "under the burning sun", a story set between ME1 and ME2 in which Shepard & Kaidan return to Virmire to grieve Ashley. It's a story about grief and doesn't have a happy or even hopeful ending. They lost someone they didn't want to lose.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'm not sure it's the happiest, but my fluffiest ending is in "Spürst du die Funken", my (German language) Dean/Seamus getting together story with gay Seamus & grayromantic bi Dean that I'm still meaning to translate into English some day.
Do you get hate on fic? I've never gotten hate on fic. Fingers crossed it stays that way.
Do you write smut? Not until recently, and I haven't published anything yet. One of my Tatort Saarbrücken fics is going to be very smutty though. Like, pure smut with a side order of character development.
Do you write crossovers? I haven't published any crossovers yet, but one of my WIPs is a Rivers of London / The Old Guard crossover in which they're in the same world, and Peter becomes the same kind of immortal as the Old Guard.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? As far as I know, no.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, not so far.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, it's one of the Tatort Saarbrücken WIPs! With @shakespearerants . We're kind of stuck on the editing though because I can't find the time for getting back into it.
What’s your all-time favourite ship? I'm a multishipper (multiple ships even for the same character), how am I supposed to have an all-time favourite? Also, since I'm not that prolific and I'm a fandom hopper, there aren't many pairings for which I've written much. I guess Ron/Hermione is the pairing I've written the most? But that's, like, 3 oneshots.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t? I haven't given up hope for any of them. There are some I don't want to finish because I've lost interest, but for the rest, I'm still keeping up hope. There is one that has a low priority though, and that's a fic for the book "Firebrand" in the Green Rider series in which Zachary and Estora have consensual but very bad (and from Zachary's side unwanted) sex. I started it because their dynamic was so uncomfortable in that book, everyone acting as if everything was alright, even Zachary himself, and I wanted to explore what I felt was an approach more true to the emotional reality of the situation.
What are your writing strengths? Introspection and emotions. Also, landscapes and travel logistics, I think. But I'd be interested to hear other people's opinions on that, obviously.
What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue. I'm used to writing introspection. I love lingering in the internal thoughts and feelings of my POV character, and since that's the kind of role play writing I've done for almost 10 years now, I'm good at it (and in German, I can do it subtly). But it doesn't lend itself to the rhythm a good dialogue needs to have, so I always struggle with that. I should try to get more into theatre.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I'd do it if it fit my story, but I have strong feelings about how to do it. It has to fit the situation and the characters, and having dialogue in another language than the fic is a stylistic choice that tells us something about the POV character and the other characters. So you'd have to do it very deliberately. Also, I'm particular about bilingualism and accents. Mostly, I don't show accents in written speech, especially when it's not something the characters would notice. A good example of how I use other languages and accents of other languages in fics would be "What we're made of", my trans Viktor Krum story. I wrote it from his point of view, so of course he doesn't notice his own accent in English, how his pronounciation differs from, e.g., Hermione's. In his dialogue, I write him making grammar mistakes I think a native speaker of Bulgarian could make in English (extrapolating from my experience of Bulgarians speaking German, adapted to English grammar), but in his internal thoughts, I use normal English grammar because he thinks in grammatically correct Bulgarian, even though I don't comment on it.
First fandom you wrote for? The very first I wrote for was some horse girl book I had as a child. The first I published were for Harry Potter.
Favourite fic you’ve written? To Serve the Sacred, a very niche Mass Effect Andromeda worldbuilding fic from the POV of a Kett soldier, a view into the internal politics and religion of the Kett, which are the (on the surface generic) bad guys of the game. There's a lot of implied lore, and I'm exploring that. I still want to write an continuation of the game in which I'd explore it even more, as I have a big interconnected headcanon for why they are the way they are. Anyway, that fic has 21 hits and 3 kudos, but I'm immensely proud of it.
I'm tagging @shakespearerants @freizusein @hermitknut @astronicht and @weatheredlaw - and as always, anyone who wants to do this! Seriously, I mean it (as you can see from the fact that I wasn't tagged personally, either).
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
I can't believe it's only been a year - seems like forever ago - but a year ago today, on my birthday, I got to post my MEBB story for 2021, No Rest For the Wicked.
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No Rest For the Wicked
Summary: War is hell.
In 1940, just weeks after the Nazis invade and occupy France, Spectre-Commander Caleb Shepard is sent behind enemy lines to extract a Prothean beacon that could help Britain win the war. Instead, he encounters murder, double agents, and ends up on the run for his life. With help from an unexpected ally, he fights his way back to England, but will he make it in time…?
Relationship: (mShenko) Caleb Shepard/Kaidan Alenko
Characters: male Shepard, Caleb Shepard, Kaidan Alenko, Liara T'Soni, Ashley Williams, Saren Arterius, David Anderson, Steven Hackett, Admiral Kahoku, Major Coats, Dr. Karin Chakwas, assorted NPCs from the games
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Game Level Violence, Mass Murder (Mindoir), Realistic War Situation, WWII Typical Situation, Canonical Character Death
Tags: Crossover Fic, Mass Effect/World War II Crossover, Alternate Universe, Adventure, Angst, Sexual Content
Notes: This is a crossover fic for Mass Effect and World War II set in the 1940s/WWII. It is part of a new AU series I will be working on called Something Wicked This Way Comes featuring Caleb Shepard, an Earthborn Shepard from Shannon, Ireland. Shepard occasionally speaks Irish, and there are instances of Ukrainian and German that appear in the story. Any translations will show up in the notes at the end of the chapter or be explained within the chapter itself.
It started my ME/WWII crossover story experience which now has/will have at least three series tied into it: 1) Something Wicked This Way Comes - Caleb Shepard/Kaidan Alenko
2) Romance & Resistance - John (Shepard) Smith/Lachlan (Shepard) Berger (with @happychica)
3) On A Wing & A Prayer - Scott Ryder/Reyes Vidal [to be published]
It's been a wild ride over the past 365 days, and I'm damned proud of this story for far too many reasons to count and the art by @altnaharra is just perfect, so I thought I'd share it again on its anniversary.
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endlessfighter · 1 year
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I posted 387 times in 2022
That's 327 more posts than 2021!
49 posts created (13%)
338 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 384 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#tarlos - 131 posts
#911 lone star - 129 posts
#carlos reyes - 111 posts
#tk strand - 99 posts
#chenford - 73 posts
#911 on fox - 71 posts
#tim bradford - 71 posts
#911 lone star spoilers - 69 posts
#lucy chen - 69 posts
#buddie - 64 posts
Longest Tag: 61 characters
#too bad this german never actually watches anything in german
My Top Posts in 2022:
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The message I just sent to my work bestie at 1am
you better BELIEVE she’s getting a play-by-play tomorrow 😂
40 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
You know… It would pain me to see Carlos out of that uniform… Because he wears it so.fucking.well… 🤤
But I also want baby to STRIVE… he needs to become a detective!
TK would be ever the supportive boyfriend and help him study ❤️
47 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
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55 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
It’s Carlos’s voice in that tarmac reunion scene that does it for me…
The high pitch…
The wetness of tears in her voice…
The desperation…
I mean, the whole episode ruined me… But the tone of his voice in that scene just finished me off
66 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Also, the nickname “tiger” was joined by “raging bull” tonight… I’m VERY okay with that 😏
82 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nexility-sims · 1 year
can you tell us more about yesenia? she's stunning
ahh !!! you made my day. i love her ...
yesenia is me indulging in the Poor Smart Girl trope :^) she attends the same secondary school as german, barbie, julian, and co. and is part of their friend group in the aughts. she's at the school for merit rather than because she's part of the rich elite, but she develops a sincere friendship with barbie, which opens the door to an exciting new world. classic boarding school storyline ! julian is the romantic interest who acts as a foil for the growing up she does. i recently had the diabolical idea of her ending up in a Serious Adult relationship with another reyes cousin (and member of the friend group), marcos, sometime down the road ... maybe ten years later? that's what this outtake is about. no idea if they have a happily ever after, but it is theoretically another in a series of wake-up calls for mister julian. tragically, he is very bad at not hitting snooze ... i think she maintains a soft spot for julian's kid because they spent a lot of time together when he was a baby. yesenia, like most of the group, eventually moves out of the party lifestyle they all shared for a while. i imagine she was in college at the time, got a degree in something related to social impact, and has a career. she started off as a background character i made out of an aaliyah sim from the gallery ... then, i thought she was too pretty not to include more substantially. a meghan markle / amal clooney dream Woman fantasy? maybe so.
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honeyleesblog · 10 months
Astrological Outlook and Personality Analysis for Those with a May 25th Birthday
They are exceptionally tricky individuals, particularly when confronted with unexpected snags. They deal with their perspective. Their minds are very evolved and they are likewise exceptionally fascinating. His taste is exceptionally inconspicuous. They love everything, and are much of the time blissful about their excellence and way of life. It is likewise normal for them to show huge capacity concerning craftsmanship, music, singing, and so on. They are exceptionally acquainted with human expression, and may try and find actual success in verse or music. What would it be advisable for them to look out for? In spite of the fact that they are exceptionally capable, they think excessively, again and again, in their lives. Be that as it may, they are without a doubt fit for getting through throughout everyday life. They are solid in all perspectives, both genuinely and intellectually. Astounding speakers: they can be extremely discretionary individuals who are doing their exercises. They are equipped for accomplishing appropriate mental and profound advancement throughout everyday life. Astrological Outlook and Personality Analysis for Those with a May 25th Birthday 
 Assuming your birthday is on May 23, your zodiac sign is Gemini May 23 - character and character character: impartial, unobtrusive, generous, shameless, forceful, testy; calling: social scientist, instructor, attorney; colors: cyan, greenish blue, war vessel dark; stone: cimfano; creature: mollusk; plant: strawberry; fortunate numbers: 3,5,15,30,53,56 very fortunate number: 29 Occasions and observances - May 23 Mexico: Understudy's Day. "Disclosure of the Bდ¡b", sacred day in the Baha'i schedule. Worldwide Day for the Annihilation of Obstetric Fistula May 23 VIP Birthday. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1900: Franz Neumann, German legislator. 1903 - Charles William Morris, American savant. 1905: Renდ© Cდ³spito, Argentine artist and entertainer (d. 2000). 1905: Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, Spanish lawmaker and author (d. 1936). 1906: Lucha Reyes, Mexican artist (d. 1944). 1908: John Bardeen, American physicist, 1956 Nobel Prize victor in Physical science and 1972 (d. 1991). 1908: Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Swiss columnist (d. 1942). 1910: Franz Kline, American painter (d. 1962). 1910: Artie Shaw, American jazz clarinetist and guide (d. 2004). 1912: Jean Franდ§aix, French author (f. 1997). 1917: Jorge Gottau, Argentine minister (d. 1994). 1917: Edward Lorenz, American mathematician and meteorologist (d. 2008). 1919: Ruth Fernდ¡ndez, Puerto Rican artist (d. 2012). 1919: Luis Papic Ramos, Chilean lawmaker (d. 1990). 1923: Alicia de Larrocha, Spanish musician (d. 2009). 1924: Karlheinz Deschner, German antiquarian, pundit and writer (d. 2014). 1925: Joshua Lederberg, American geneticist, 1958 Nobel Prize Victor (d. 2008). 1926: Joe Slovo, South African Jewish socialist legislator of Lithuanian beginning (d. 1995). 1927: Calorie counter Hildebrandt, German nightclub craftsman (d. 2013). 1928: Rosemary Clooney, American vocalist and entertainer (f. 2002). 1928: Nigel Davenport, English film and TV entertainer (d. 2013). 1930: Friedrich Achleitner, Austrian author. 1930: Jordi Solდ© Tura, Spanish lawmaker (d. 2009). 1931: Josდ© Luis Coll, Spanish comedian and author (f. 2007). 1933: Joan Collins, English entertainer. 1934: Robert Moog, American innovator (d. 2005). 1940: Cora Sadosky, Argentine mathematician (d. 2010). 1940: Gდ©rard Larrousse, French dashing driver and group director. 1942: Josდ© Pastoriza, Argentine soccer player and specialized chief (f. 2004). 1944: John Newcombe, Australian tennis player. 1944: Lena Nyman, Swedish entertainer (d. 2011). 1946: Rodolfo Aicardi, Colombian vocalist lyricist of well known music (f. 2007). 1947: Ann Hui, Hong Kong movie producer and screenwriter. 1949: Moncho Alpuente, Spanish author, artist and columnist (d. 2015). 1949: Alan Garcდ­a, Peruvian legislator, leader of his country. 1951: Anatoly Karpov, Russian chess player. 1952: Anne-Marie David, French vocalist. 1952: Federico Trillo, Spanish lawmaker. 1953: Enzo Trossero, Argentine footballer and mentor. 1956: Ursula Plassnik, Austrian lawmaker. 1957: Jimmy McShane, Northern Irish vocalist (d. 1995). 1958: Drew Carey, American entertainer. 1958: Thomas Reiter, German space traveler. 1959: Ryuta Kawashima, Japanese neuroscientist. 1961: Lucდ­a Galდ¡n, Argentine vocalist (Pimpinela). 1965: Manuel Sanchდ­s, Spanish soccer player. 1965: Tom Tykwer, German movie chief. 1965: Melissa McBride, American entertainer. 1967: Luis Roberto Alves "Zague", Mexican soccer player. 1967: Phil Selway, English artist, of the band Radiohead. 1969: Laurent Aiello, French motorsport driver. 1971: George Osborne, English government official. 1972: Rubens Barrichello, Brazilian engine hustling driver. 1972: Sebastiდ¡n Cordero, Ecuadorian producer. 1973: Santiago Eximeno, Spanish essayist. 1974: Gem, artist and American entertainer. 1974: Mდ³nica Naranjo, Spanish artist. 1974: Sebastiდ¡n Wainraich, Argentine entertainer, jokester and TV have. 1974: Marდ­a Soledad Rosas, Italian-Argentine revolutionary aggressor. 1976: Antonio Naelson Sinha Matias, Mexican-Brazilian soccer player. 1976: Kelly Monaco, American entertainer. 1976: Emiliano Spataro, Argentine engine hustling driver. 1977: Sergio Mur, Spanish entertainer. 1978: Scott Raynor, American drummer, of the band Squint 182. 1978: Mauricio Martდ­nez, entertainer, artist and Mexican artist. 1978: 2-D, lead artist of Gorillaz 1980: Miren Ibarguren, Spanish entertainer. 1981: Gwenno Pipette, English artist (The Pipettes). 1982: Malene Mortensen, Danish artist. 1983: Heidi Reach, English vocalist (Sugababes). 1983: Alex Shelley, American expert grappler. 1983: Silvio Proto, Belgian footballer. 1983: Natalia Hernდ¡ndez Rojo, Spanish writer. 1984: Adam Wylie, American entertainer. 1984: Hugo Almeida, Portuguese soccer player. 1988: Angelo Ogbonna, Italian footballer. 1991: Lena Meyer-Landrut, German vocalist. 1997: Rui Tanabe, Japanese voice entertainer and artist.
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ao3feed-the100 · 1 year
At a different Time
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/r8BXEqL
by Romykomtrikru
Lexa is a famous actress who has just died a famous movie death and is on vacation in Clarke's town. The latter is a doctor and lives a normal life, at least until she meets the contradictory Lexa.
 The story is in narrative form and therefore is not limited to just one point of view.
 As always, I translate my story using Deepl. Everything I upload here has already been posted in German.
Words: 4413, Chapters: 2/32, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Raven Reyes (The 100), Octavia Blake, Titus (The 100), Niylah (The 100)
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/r8BXEqL
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armoricaroyalty · 5 months
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Transcript under the cut.
The Passionflower // Armorican State Visit - Day 4
JULIÁN | …I’m not going to kiss and tell. I’m a gentleman. GERMÁN | Bullshit. And come on, man. I’m not asking for the play-by-play just…y’know. Are you going to see her again? JULIÁN | Uh...maybe?  JULIÁN | [sighs] I had fun, but... GERMÁN | But? JULIÁN | So how do I measure up? VIVI | To my husband? JULIÁN | [laughs] No, I’m confident I’m a better lover than him. JULIÁN | But am I the best you’ve ever had? Flatter me, beautiful, I'm very sensitive. VIVI | [chuckles] Fine. VIVI | You're the best I've ever had. [chuckles] Best of two. JULIÁN | Wait— JULIÁN | How was I supposed to know she was a virgin? GERMÁN | She’s got a child, doesn't she. JULIÁN | Fine. The nearest thing to a virgin. JULIÁN | [sighs] I feel like a dirty old man. GERMÁN | [laughs] Hey man. If the shoe fits… ROSALIND | He’s really milking it, isn’t he? MARY | Oh come on. It was your idea. You told him to do this. ROSALIND | I told him to propose, not to shove it down everyone’s throats. MARY | I think you’re jealous. ROSALIND | Of course I'm jealous! He stole my ring! MARY | Stole? You gave it to him. ROSALIND |I had to! The engagement would have been obvious as a diversion if he’d gone out and bought a ring from some Uspanian jeweler. ROSALIND | [sighs unhappily] I wanted to see you wearing it. MARY | …maybe it’s for the best. MARY | Don’t get me wrong. It’s a beautiful ring, but. Ah. It’s not really to my taste. ROSALIND | … ROSALIND | Well, we’ll have to pick out something together then, won’t we? [ROSALIND’s phone vibrates.] ROSALIND | Hold on...oh no. Shit. MARY | What is it? MARY | Let me see! ... Oh no. Shit. ROSALIND | I'll speak to my father. We need to change our flight. EMILY | ...this trip has been incredible. Honestly, it still feels a little unreal. VIVI | Yeah? EMILY | Yeah. And...I've been meaning to ask you. How did you adjust? EMILY | I mean, with your background, it must have been a struggle. Like, I'm used to the lifestyle, but no one really knows what to expect, do they? VIVI | [sighs] EMILY | Do you have any advice for me, since we're going to be sisters and all? VIVI | No. EMILY | Uh...no? VIVI | What do you want me to say? EMILY | I just thought that you might— VIVI | Figure it out. I did. VIVI | ...even with my background. EMILY | What? Oh, Vivi, I didn't mean it like that— VIVI | Whatever. It's fine. EMILY | I'm sorry...Please don't be angry with me. I want us to be close. VIVI | I said it's fine. VIVI | [sighs] I can't wait for all this to be over. I want to go home.
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carpe-astra · 1 year
Storm Character Write Ups
Key characters for Storm:
-Konstantin Hauser: 5th generation Methuselah, Tremere Prince, he rules the domain of Kragmont city (in the southern region of the Northern Continent on Hellifyno), recently kidnapped Kara, then spoke with Embraced vampires and gave Kara back if they promised a future favor and also hunted down an individual known as Keven Church
-Lukas Jager: 8th generation, Tremere Scourge, previously hunting Keven. Loyal only to Konstantin. Does not get along with others. Sounds German. Always lurking nearby…watching Embraced from afar.
-Keven Church: 16th generation, mysterious Dhampir, escaped to Hellifyno to get away from Lukas, but now finds himself in the middle of an even bigger mess. Didn’t know the Embraced vampires were given the task to hunt him down (has had a run in with them before, seemed friendly enough towards them) but then Liliana had to open her big fat mouth and he ran off, current whereabouts unknown
-Vanya Berkova: Garou from the Shadow Lord Tribe, also part of a camp within the Tribe known as Lightbringers; see above description, also likes Isaac, but is stuck in an arranged marriage to a mage named Vlad -Count Vladislav Bludov: a powerful fire mage from the Society of Leopold (vampire slayers). is allied with the Berkovas through marriage (with Vanya). Has ventured to Hellifyno to investigate an Antitribu problem
-Berkovas: family of Garou from the Shadow Lord Tribe, also part of a particular camp within the Tribe known as Lightbringers; very gothic, nobility, espionage warrior vibes, whatever that means; kinda sus tbh; they want to train their Kinfolk in magic with the help of the Society of Leopold, and maybe want some rare artifacts. Tentatively allied with the vampires of Embraced through Vanya’s involvement and a promise by Val that they will help protect their Kinfolk
-Kára Eriksdottir: 5th generation Methuselah, Noiad bloodline, Gangrel clan, divine visions from northern lights, turned Knox into a vampire a long time ago, was recently held hostage by the Tremere Prince (Konstantin) who wanted to use her visions to fight his own enemies–they seem to have a history
-Knox T. Wilder: 6th generation, Gangrel clan, Noiad bloodline, Kara’s Childe, cowboy vampire vibes, died at the Alamo lul, turned Tapsa and Harvey into vampires recently, can shift into a bison type monster-beast thing. Likes Spektor
-Harvey Reyes: Noiad bloodline; Gangrel clan; 7th generation; an underground street fighter for money, eventually worked his way to the circuits on Hellifyno. Ended up being beaten to death one night. When left for dead, Knox offered him a second chance and turned him
-Sofiya Berkova: 12th generation, creepy blood mage vampire, seems to work for the Tremere/Konstantin; attacked the Embraced vampires in an ambush set up by Alicia and the Tremere (before the Tremere and Val became allies), turned out to be Vanya's long lost Kinfolk sister, not much else is known at the moment (Vanya thought she was dead all this time. omg wow)
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amorremanet · 2 years
why did you call Jackson a "white guy" on twitter? Colton Haynes has Native American descents, therefore Jackson is canonically a POC. If you apply the "Tyler Posey is half Mexican so Scott is Mexican too even though Scott McCall was written as a white guy in the script and his race is never even mentioned in the actual show" logic to Scott, then you have to apply it to Jackson, Theo, Erica, Derek and other characters too. Otherwise you are just a hypocrite
1. Colton Haynes may have 1/32 or 1/64 Cherokee ancestry, but he is not a member of Cherokee Nation. Moreover, he himself never claims that ancestry; the source is something that someone (it could be pretty much anyone) put on his fucking IMDB page. Listen to ACTUAL NATIVE PEOPLE about this: because actual Native people have written about why Colton Haynes isn't Native, and their voices are the important ones here.
2. That post I linked by @/capricornsicle addresses Tyler Hoechlin as well: he claimed Native heritage once, on twitter, in 2012 (not even a specific tribe, just "Native American"), but said he was still researching & it's never come up again. More importantly, he does not claim membership in any First Nation. Therefore, he isn't Native and neither is Derek Hale.
3. Scott and Melissa being Mexican *IS* brought up in the show, actually. I believe the refs to it start during season 3a.
4. I said literally nothing about Theo Raeken during the past few days of talking on Twitter about the harassment campaigns against me and others back in the Teen Wolf fandom of old—the ones that, among other results, pushed me back into active suicidal ideation and pushed a 19-year-old Black girl to not only leave the fandom but to also leave tumblr entirely because she couldn't get away from the 30-something white woman who resented being asked to NOT SAY THE N-WORD—nor did I say anything about Cody Christian's heritage.
4a. Nor would I have said anything about either of them because Cody Christian isn't white. He is a member of the Penobscot Nation.
5. If your argument for bringing up Erica is that her last name is Reyes, then either: a. you're showing your own ignorance, because Latinx people can be white. "Latinx" is a complex ethnocultural designation that includes both white people (e.g., Cameron Diaz) and BIPOC (e.g., Gina Torres, Zoë Saldana, Benjamin Bratt, Jaime Camil, Guillermo Diaz, Kandy Muse/Kevin Candelario, queer icon Javier/Harvey Guillen);
or b. showing your own hypocrisy, because if your argument is that Erica is supposed to be a BIPOC character, then you should still be pissed off that a white actress was cast to play her. (Literally, the only thing I can find on Gage Golightly's heritage is "white." Not even "1/4 Polish, 1/3 Scottish, 1/3 Irish, 3/17s German" or something. Just "white.")
6. Trying to prove that the Teen Wolf fandom was never a hot mess of racism and harassment……by sending me anonymous harassment that is also massively racist. Bold move.
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7. Congrats on getting anon privileges revoked for everybody. I'm not dealing with the garbage I went through back then again. (For that matter: are you bringing twitter shit over here because I have you blocked over there or something? Because that happened with some dude who brought twitter shit to my AO3 comments a while back so he could block-evade, and if that's the case………please get a life?)
8. I'm not in the Teen Wolf fandom anymore. I haven't been for YEARS. I only spoke up about long-buried Teen Wolf fandom wank to help explain a common site of confusion between people who experienced or witnessed the bullshit of the Teen Wolf fandom, and people who talk about "antis" and "pro-shippers" in the sense of "people who harass, stalk, suicide-bait, etc. other fans on the Internet over which fictional characters they want to kiss, make erroneous allegations of pedophilia over people shipping two unrelated adults who the anti doesn't personally approve of, etc." and "people who don't do that."
I spoke up because I've seen that confusion A LOT, in multiple contexts. I've actually tried to speak up about it multiple times before; this past weekend is just the only time when one of the big names in contemporary fandom ""discourse"" [wank] actually listened. In all of my threads about what happened back then, I tried to be very clear that the people behind the harassment were not indicative of how the entire Sterek fandom behaved, that many people in the Sterek fandom didn't realize what was going on because the narrative got spun and the victims of the harassment got vilified so hard, and that I was not attacking Sterek or people who ship it, only discussing how I and others were targeted for YEARS of harassment by people who did ship it, all because we: a. said that bigotry was wrong and undermined the idea of making fandom inclusive for everyone; and b. shipped things other than Sterek.
None of this should be controversial. If you want me to actually say something controversial: I think Lady Camden is fine? On the current season of Drag Race? But she's not some Robbed Goddess who's being unfairly overlooked by the judges just because she hasn't won every challenge or because she got rough critiques during the girl group challenge. She's just a talented queen who is doing fine in the challenges, but outside of the soap opera challenge, in my opinion, hasn't had as many standout moments as a lot of the Drag Race fandom seems to think. She's just fine, y'know?
There, I have been controversial for you.
Now kindly shoo and leave me alone.
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hotchley · 2 years
the clock never stops (but maybe it ticks a little quieter)
I'm meant to be revising the german economy so let's keep this short. This exists in some weird time post 3x08, but it's all over the place. I basically couldn't get the thank you scene, or the Reyes family meal out of my head, and it spiralled into this.
All of Carlos' experiences with grief counselling are based on my own, apart from when he tells his family. That is so far from my reality that we won't even get into it.
This isn't to say everything will be fine. It's to say that we can come back from grief. It's to make everyone who's had to trust that they weren't being lied to feel seen. It's to try and bring someone reading the same comfort I got writing it.
Title inspired by There Are Leeches in Denton Lake- Everybody's Worried About Owen.
read on ao3!
Trigger Warnings: grief, death, family relations, implied depression/depressive episodes, self-destructive behaviours (discussed), emotional invalidation (done by self), negative self image, previous drug addiction (NA meeting mention, concern when leaving character alone)
Carlos wakes in the same way he does most things: a little, and then so suddenly it takes him a moment to realise he isn’t dreaming anymore.
There were days where that realisation filled him with sadness and sorrow. Now it doesn’t. Now waking up means TK is laying next to him, a soft smile on his face.
Carlos is glad. Nightmares are never fun, for either of them. He has his fair share, but TK is always more disoriented after them and it’s harder to bring him back to proper awareness.
They have their methods though, and those work well enough.
He doesn’t immediately get out of bed. Instead he takes in the lines on TK’s face put there by his smiles and his frowns. He watches the slowed rise and fall of his chest as he continues to sleep. He can’t help himself for pressing two fingers to his neck, ever so gently.
TK’s pulse is strong. His heart is beating steadily. He’s alive.
Even as Carlos shifts them both so his head is resting on TK’s chest in order to hear that steady bear, TK doesn’t stir. Carlos lets his mind wander since his shift isn’t for a few hours.
He starts thinking about how far both he and TK have come. He’s proud of TK, of the coping mechanisms he’s developed. Some, like the running until he can’t move another muscle, aren’t pretty or pleasant. Others, like the baking, are.
The point is they help him cope better than anything else ever has. Maybe that’s what matters most.
Carlos is proud of himself too. He’s allowed to be.
After his bereavement leave- Detective Washington said Gwyn had been his mother-in-law in everything but name- had finished, he’d returned to the station to find his shifts had been restructured.
Both to fit with TK’s (which was absolutely the result of Tommy, Judd and Mitchell) and to allow for grief counselling.
He’d said he didn’t need it. According to Detective Washington, it was more complicated to remove him from the list since Georgia already had some baseline information and was preparing to meet him.
So he had gone, deciding he would do the assessment and two sessions then ask to stop so he didn’t feel like he was wasting resources.
But something inside him had snapped during that assessment. Not in a bad way. In a good way. He’d been lying on most of the questions: no he’d never had a panic attack, yes he felt he had good emotional regulation, but one made him pause.
It made him wonder why he was lying. It made him wonder who he was hiding from, because Georgia clearly didn’t believe him. She was doing a very good job of hiding it, but he’d spent too much time with Paul to not notice the subtle tension in her shoulders.
He couldn’t even tell you what question it had been now.
But he’d been honest, and he’d asked if he could change the rest of his answers because he’d been lying. Georgia had simply smiled, and he had been more honest with her.
Although it was described as grief counselling, it became so much more than that. They spoke about why Gwyn’s death hurt so much and how Carlos could cope of course, but they spoke about everything else as well.
Why he was so quick to take the blame for everything. His fears around Gwyn’s ending causing other endings. The way he saw his own actions as never being enough to prove how much he loved people. How he felt he cried too easily and what did that mean?
They discussed his concerns about TK.
Georgia had told him the sobbing was part of the process. Thinking about other endings since there had been one was part of the process. It wasn’t pretty and it wasn’t nice but it was processing and it was coping.
Talking was coping too. That had made him smile. Because that meant he was coping as well.
She also told him that, at some point, he needed to trust TK. He needed to believe TK would tell him when things were bad and let him be, difficult as it may be. And maybe, he didn't need to make his own issues palatable. Maybe that was an unfair judgement because maybe TK could handle it all. And maybe it was okay if he couldn't handle it all, but shouldn't that have been his decision?
He told TK about that. They’d had a proper conversation in bed about how Carlos felt the need to hover because he was scared TK would leave. They talked about his need to manage everything so he knew it was safe and untouched.
And TK was honest with him about how sometimes, that much love felt the precursor to something terrible. That sometimes, love felt suffocating because it made him feel like he needed to be perfect. He talked about his need to control how good things were so he was always aware that they could never last.
It was nice. It had been good, and they had both felt safe. Carlos had taken a leap then too.
"Sometimes, I don't feel like I'm allowed to grieve Gwyn," he confessed.
"What do you mean, not allowed? Babe-" TK had said, eyes filling with tears.
"It's nothing to do with you TK. I just- she was your mom, and sometimes it seems like you're doing fine, and then I feel like, if you're okay, why do I want to start crying when I didn't know her for that long and only saw her on special occasions and at dinners? And I feel guilty because you're trying to deal with losing your mom, and I'm only dealing with-"
"Carlos. There is no only dealing with. You've lost a friend. And you've had to watch as my dad and I grieve, and you've had to stand by as there was nothing you could do but hold my hand and bring him food. That must have taken a toll on you. I'm sorry for not being more present, but you can always tell me how you're feeling. This is a relationship, and it has to go both ways," TK said, gentle and understanding in a way most people could only dream of.
Carlos nodded. "I'm working on it. I swear."
TK grinned at him. "I know you are."
That single sentence had been enough to convince him to use the rest of the sessions he had been given. And to start looking at therapists. Because it really was helping. And now he'd gotten the help once, it felt a little easier to try and do it once more.
He did tell TK the truth though.
It was on a day that was meant to be perfect. The sun was shining, the weather was warm, both he and TK had the day off. They were going to have a picnic, and a romantic stroll along the beach before they met up with some of Carlos' friends for a somewhat friendly game of bowling.
But Carlos had woken up feeling weighed down by something. He didn't know why, but he felt sad. He felt like any small thing going wrong would cause him to break down. And he hated himself for feeling like that. Because there was nothing about that date that was particularly significant to Gwyn's life. He just missed her.
TK had noticed immediately. He'd been hesitant to ask, scared that it would come off too pushy, but he'd swallowed his fear and just asked if Carlos was okay. And Carlos had almost said yes. But then he paused. Considered it.
"I just miss her. And I don't know why, because it's not like today had any special significance or is an anniversary or anything like that, so I don't know why I miss her so much, but I do, and I feel like it's going to ruin our plans."
"Oh baby. First, thank you for telling me. I know it's hard. Second, you're not going to ruin any plans. We'll see how the day goes, and if you need to cancel anything, we will. Third, this is grief Carlos. This is what it is. It's sudden and messy and it doesn't make sense. It's the clock that never stops ticking, but sometimes it ticks quietly and sometimes it ticks loudly. Today is a loud day for you, and that's okay. Is there anything in particular you need?"
"I just need you close to me," Carlos whispered.
TK nodded. "I'll bring breakfast and then we'll cuddle okay?"
They had cancelled their plans. But the next day, the grief was a little quieter. And when it got loud, Carlos found it easier to speak.
Him and Georgia spoke about his parents. About the influence they'd had on him- good and bad. About the conversations he felt like he could and couldn't have with them. Being palatable to what others wanted and found easy to cope with had come up again then.
Georgia had said he should test the waters. Mention something a bit more personal when they asked him how he was doing, and see how they responded. Because Carlos wanted to tell them what he was doing, because he wanted them to understand where this slow but steady improvement was coming from. He just didn't know how to do it. Not without making things weird.
And his intention had been to do that. Well and truly, he was going to take it slow. He was going to start with something a bit simpler to understand. Something will lower emotional stakes.
Unfortunately, he had never really been good at pacing himself. In almost everything that involved going big or going home, he went big. Sometimes it paid off. Other times it ended in disaster.
It had been one of the two times that his and TK's shifts didn't align with each other. Whilst TK was at work, Carlos had gone to see his parents alone. His phone stayed face up on the table, the ringer on, just in case something happened, but he had the sense things were going to be okay. TK had been back at work a few weeks at this point. Carlos had done four of his eight sessions.
"So, how are you and TK? It was so nice to hear the two of you laughing last week. I was worried we would never hear that sound again. From either of you," his mother said, coming over with a dish.
“I’m in grief counselling,” he blurted out. It hadn't been intentional. He'd been thinking about the words, but that had always been his fatal flaw: not thinking before he spoke. He could switch it off at work (it was how he still had a job) but in his home life, that ability apparently went out the window.
It had been the first time he’d said the words aloud. Him and TK referred to it as his sessions. He didn’t really know why. It, rather ironically, made it feel less clinical.
His mother put the serving dish down. “It’s helping, yes?”
He nodded.
“That’s all I needed to know.”
Carlos swallowed and finally met his fathers gaze. He’s surprised to see Gabriel Reyes’ eyes filled with unshed tears.
Before he could take the words back, or justify himself, or do something, his father hugged him with all the strength he had.
“Carlitos. My brave little boy,” he whispered.
Carlos hasn’t heard that since he was seventeen. He’s unashamed of the tears that run down his own cheeks.
“You’re not disappointed?”
“I could never be. Not in you. Not now I finally understand what a good man you are.”
“Papa,” Carlos sobbed.
“Carlitos,” was the only word Gabriel could form. It said everything he did not have the words for.
Andrea clasped her hands to her chest. "My beautiful, beautiful boys. How I love you both."
That had made Gabriel cry.
But it was the best meal Carlos had ever had with his parents.
Georgia had been incredibly happy that things had gone down so well. And three weeks after he told her about that meal, they wrapped up their final appointment with one final questionnaire. He'd thanked her for everything she had done to help him, and she had just shrugged and said a lot of it had come from him.
TK's grief counselling from the department had finished shortly after Carlos', but Carlos knew he was still discussing it with his therapist and at his NA meetings. He even did it at home. Carlos was glad, that TK felt comfortable enough to bring little pieces of Gwyn into their safe place.
He'd put a framed photo of TK and Gwyn with Jonah on the shelf. TK had flung himself into his arms when he'd realised, whispering thank you and declarations of love again and again as his brain finally understood that his mom was never going to leave him. Not really. Not whilst there were people to remember and honour her.
That particular memory brings a smile to his face.
It's at that moment that TK wakes up.
"Hi baby," Carlos whispered. "How are you feeling?"
"M'okay. When's your shift?"
"Not for a few hours," Carlos says. He pauses, waiting for TK to say what kind of day it is. He may not be able to stay the whole time- and he's going to accept that TK is being honest with him- but maybe if TK is having a grey day he can phone Judd and ask him to bring Charlie.
"That's good," TK says, burying himself under the duvet. His shift must have exhausted him.
"Will you be ready for breakfast if I start it now?" He asks.
TK makes a noise that could mean anything. Carlos snorts, then leaves the bed, because even if TK isn't ready for breakfast, he is.
"Carlos?" TK calls out, his voice still rough from sleep.
Carlos pauses in the doorway. His breath catches slightly whenever TK says his name like that, even now. "Yeah tiger?"
"Thank you."
He forgets how to breathe for a moment. "What?"
"Thank you. For saving my life by giving me a reason to stay. For everything you've done since Mom passed away. For letting me into your heart and telling me how you actually feel, even when it's hard. For trusting me always. That was so incredibly brave of you, and I never said thank you, so I'm saying it now. Thank you, Carlos Gabriel Reyes."
Carlos forgets about breakfast. He starts crying.
"Breathe for me love. Just match my breathing. The crying isn't bad, but you need to breathe," TK reminds him.
The tears keep coming, so TK runs from the bed and wraps his arms around Carlos. He knows there's nothing wrong with the tears. Knows they're coming from a place of gratitude and love and happiness, so he just embraces the man he loves more than he ever thought he was capable of.
"TK, thank you," Carlos says, once he's able to form words. "I've always worried that I messed up. And now I know I didn't. I was good."
"You were incredible," TK says, pressing a kiss to the top of Carlos' hair.
Carlos nods into his shoulder. "I love you."
"I love you too."
The next day marks eight months since Gwyn's death. Carlos is apprehensive when he wakes up. For him, the clock of grief is ticking just a little louder than normal, but he thinks it may be more so for TK. He's right, but that's okay. They get through the day by making cookies and looking at photos. TK sobs, and Carlos is there with tissues and a chamomile tea when the headache inevitably hits.
"Carlos?" TK whispers as they're going to bed.
"M awake," he replies, but almost asleep.
"I don't think I want to change any of what's happened for the world," TK says.
The ticking of the clock fades into a quiet but comforting constant as they both fall asleep with smiles on their faces.
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scottsumrners · 2 years
top 5 crimes against fictional brazilians that gringos have committed
i could fill this list alone with the crimes jk r*wling has committed against me personally. but i'll round them up
1. everything the terf cunt did
1.1. all the quidditch players in the brazilian team have spanish names, except a guy called josé da silva or some shit.
1.2. named a magic school in brazil 'castelobruxo' even though if you spoke with a single brazilian person for five minutes they'd tell you the name would probably be something from our native brazilian language (tupi-guarani), or something from one of our many colonizers (probably dutch or german).
1.3. decided that there was a single school for all of brazil (just a reminder that the entirety of england is smaller than the state where i live)
1.4. decided that said single school was for ALL of latinamerica. you know. all those countries that definitely do not speak the same language as brazil, and weren't colonized by us the same way england colonized its neighboring countries and forced their language upon them.
1.5. ruined my love for her stupid fantasy series by being a racist antisemitic terf
2. boberto da costa.
2.1. first his name used to be "daCosta" which is weird bc nobody is called that.
2.2. "berto" isn't really a nickname for roberto here. i mean, it is, in the same way that "bert" is a nickname for "robert". but it's just not used. beto would be the most logical nickname
2.3. cast a brown mexican actor to play my man in that flop days of future past movie just to keep killing him/using him as a punching bag, and then when the timeline was restored, he was nowhere to be found (just like all other poc in the movie)
2.4. decided to cast a brazilian man for the other flop new mutants, but chose a white man for the role. not even a brown man. straight up a white man. even though roberto has always been depicted as being black (same thing happened with cecelia reyes in the same movie. but her actress still claims to be black/mixed, since her grandfather was black. even though she is also very lightskinned)
3. loba andrade is brazilian! even though her father speaks european portuguese, her mother has an european portuguese name, and she speaks....spanish for some reason. but she is a vixen, so of course she is brazilian! they couldn't even make her properly dark-skinned
4. raze from valorant is brazilian, from bahia (the state with the highest concentration of black people in the country if i remember correctly). no, her voice actress isn't brazilian (it's sombra from overwatch). no, she doesn't pronounce the words right. no, the character isn't black, either.
5. lucio is a black man from brazilian, but he plays hockey (????????). his VA is also not a black man. also not brazilian. you can tell
6. honorary mention to the writers of carmen sandiego (the netflix tv show) who, in the episode set in brazil, told their audience they should visit the favelas when they visit rio de janeiro. yay for causing an international accident!
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