#character: marshall maevik
ageofpiracyrp · 3 months
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When The Prosperity enters the area around Kor'sel'Koo where communications transmissions are most accessible, Muffy and Hero find themselves met with a wave of messages to sift through and sort.
To Skylar and Ali from Karmel: Happy belated anniversary in Earth years. Enjoy a round of drinks at Yggld Drinks on me. [Enclosed is a gift certificate for a round of ten shots from the Water Bar and Alcohol Bar chain Yggld Bars, which is ubiquitous in every major settlement on Kor'Sel'Koo.]
To Beck from "K": If you've made it safely and find yourself with a spot of free time, I'd love if you visited.
To Ali from Zuytri: Hi, Friend! Here's the contact information for that person we were talking about that I think you might want to meet. Medri in room 806 Jallik in the Ulsgian Moon Retirement Community.
To Laurie from Viola Dessamer of Revvly Capsule Hotels: Thank you for signing up for the Revvly Capsule Hotels communications list. If you are in need of a safe space, we are always here for you. Read between the lines, and always feel free to reach out if you need a place to stay or cruelty-free, sustainably sourced, and practical meals.
To Theo from someone in the music business in Different City [the equivalent of about $200 in gixys are included]: Hello, Theo. Enclosed are some royalties from the sales of your music. It isn't that many gixys, but I'm pleased to let you know that some of your songs have been gaining a few fans. We anticipate being able to send you some more in six months.
To HJ from Junyi: Hey, bae!! It's really starting to be a long time since we've seen each other but I don't think I'll ever miss you any less. Work is going so good that I think I might be getting quasi-semi-kind of famous. I got some AH MAY ZING new tsum tsums and I stacked all of the ones I could find into a giant pyramid. Sometimes I think 'hey, Junyi, maybe you have a problem with collecting' but then I make a giant pyramid and everything is okay. I'm sending you a collection of my favorite memes that I've found over the last week and I hope that you cherish at least one of them because they made me smile and think of how nice it would be to look at memes with you. Did you know that "meme" rhymes with "steam"? I didn't know that until yesterday. Anyway anyway anyway I love you soooo much and you're sooooo pretty and sooooo good at communicating, HJ. I think about how happy I was to get to meet you all the time and how lucky I am to get to continue to talk to you.
To Robin from Jayvon: Robin, hello! Just wanted to let you know that I started a new job as a close combat officer on a brand new pirate crew, The Dreamhouse. I love it, and I'm glad that I have someone to tell the good news. If our crews are ever in the same area (I'm on Marloken right now), we should meet up and exchange stories.
To Marshall from her Dads: Marshall! We heard you would be going to Kor'Sel'Koo, so we are sending some of our favorite pictures of you and the family when you were younger and we lived there. Also, enclosed are up-to-date addresses and contact information for your cousins and other family. If you have the time, I'm sure they would love to meet up. All of us send our love!
To Daphne from Muzzain: Coast is clear still. Looking forward to meeting with you. "If you're out on the road Feelin' lonely and so cold All you have to do is call my name". These are poignant lyrics from the Gilmore Girls theme song. My name is Muzzain. Until we meet.
To Samira from Makhaira: How is your life going? We exchanged contact information a while back, but I never wrote. I don't know how much you want to hear this, but I've picked up a new hobby: pickleball. It's the one thing I'm a little better at than most of my family, but they haven't given up on playing. We installed our own court, which sounds completely rich erkuss girl of me, but I'm glad for it. What's been keeping you busy?
To Ian from Marlene: It was very nice to see you, Ian. I'm glad that you seem happy with your new crew, and I hope we can meet up again sometime. I don't like to mean ill will of others, but if I had to pick a different ship to crew on than my own, it would be Prosperity. Safe travels.
To Beck from Julia: Hey, Wanker. I know your birthday's not for a few weeks, but apparently the Three Stooges from the galx got their act together and won't leave us the hell alone. The twins wanted to make sure you got their birthday video messages. While they're starting to be rebellious little buggers (I know I'm getting old when I shake my head and sigh saying teenagers) they do love and miss you. They made me say something nice because I called you wanker but I think you're all right.
To Marshall from Oplo: You fixed our air conditioning, correct? Can you send tips?
To Daniel from Seetha: Hi, Daniel! I've missed talking with you so much, I've come to realize. I wanted to tell SOMEONE that isn't being a big meanie (Leo, he's being a big meanie) that I have a boyfriend now! :) His name is Frodo and he's so darling. I think you'd get along famously if you met. My captain is getting sentimental and sending messages to your ship, so I thought I'd send them too.
To Ryder from Seetha: I heard how Leo treated you from him and I am APPALLED. I know it was a while ago, but he's been so bratty and callous to you and also sweet Daniel and Ian. It sounds like he's cleared the air before, but it still doesn't sound right to me. Let me know if you need me to get a real apology out of that meanie on your terms. I know he'll actually mean it because he's apparently stopping his weird bedroom behavior and slowly but surely coming to terms with that. My goodness. You don't deserve that weird behavior.
To Skylar from Kenna: [It's just a picture of French fries with a digital smiley face drawn over]
By the time the crew touches down on Kor'Sel'Koo on 3/22/24, all of the messages have been sorted and provided and we pick up a new crew member: Mari, a quirky mate who is 4'6" of apparently pure enthusiasm.
The crew doesn't immediately settle down, as there are messages to read and Gilmore Gilrs to figure out.
Muzzain, the far'ly'dae one who ordered all of that Gilmore Girls merchandise, is staying temporarily in Wuunzek, a smallish city about an hour (by underground tunnel train) from Twarvu.
Wuunzek includes a variety of amenities, including Yggld Bars, the Inspired By Earth Waterpark (it's got a lazy river, a waterslide, and a wave pool), an enormous vitamin store aimed at Ly'Daesun called Yonrur, and more.
Wuunzek Population: 89% Far’Ly’Dae, 9% Erkuss, 1% Vanneer, 1% Carrek.
The process of getting the Gilmore Girls merchandise to the right place now will be... annoying because most of it actually needs to go to Twarvu. While it would normally take an hour and a half, the crew will probably take a full 24 hours to get their surreptiously.
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marshallmaevik · 1 year
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Name: Marshall Jane Maevik Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Birthday: May 18, 1986
Faceclaim: Sujaya Dasgupta Height: 5′5″ Build: Average...?  Slightly muscular arms from doing mechanic work. Hair Color: Dark brown to black. Hairstyle: Long and curly, with bangs.  Reference Eye Color: Warm violet. Scars/Markings/Tattoos: Marshall has a few tattoos.  Pinterest > Tattoo Tour Fashion Sense: I’ve been calling it “90s glittery/celestial hippy” in my head.  She will also wear leather jacket/pants when riding motorcycles, and just whenever.  Pinterest > Fashion
Hometown: Twarvu, Kor’Sel’Koo, but moved to Ruug, Gaison, Kraysha when she was seven. Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Relationship Status: Single Occupation: Lead Mechanic Hobbies: Reading tarot and horoscopes, reading books in general but primarily contemporary/romance and horror/thriller, and riding motorcycles.
Strengths: Family-oriented, loyal, patient, a great listener, empathetic, intelligent Weaknesses: Indecisive, uncertain, jaded Temperament: Calm Neutral Traits: A realist, soft, introverted Dominant Hand: Left
Life Philosophy: Be there for others. Values: Family, making sure everyone around her is taken care of and happy Ambitions: She’s looking for a fresh start, to start over.  To find happiness of her own. Religion Affiliation/spirituality: She believes in some higher power that has has some say in the stars and what the stars can tell us about ourselves.  She’s an astrologist, yeah. Favorite Time of Day: Nighttime. Pet Peeves: Internet (or Kraysha equivalent) trolls, terrible book-to-movie adaptions. Quirks: Has a fear of dinosaurs; firmly believes in the erkuss eye shades having meaning, even though warm-violet means she would be more extroverted and she is not; messes don’t bother her and in fact, her pod will usually be in some cluttered state; will use anything as a bookmark instead of an actual bookmark.
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ageofpiracyrp · 4 months
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It has become apparent that the GEE has made a massive difference for the Prosperity's travel experience, and it's only a matter of time before other pirate ships get a hold of this thing. Part of the nonmonetary terms of the deal with Derros is that Daphne agreed to be a reference to other ships looking to purchase this thing. She has and will continue to inquire with the engineering, navigation, and piloting crews about technical specs and ship experience to be able to continue to give these good references for Derros.
A trip from Kraysha or Kor'Sel'Koo to Earth used to be considered one of the quickest journeys- a week. Arjbo was not anywhere close to Earth, and the journey ended up being just five days including buffer time to navigate around what looked like Ayshena's ship.
The Communications department is busy, as they manage to get a message from the KBW (Kuiper Belt Waystation). Zuytri's message is interesting: Prosperity! If the rumors are true, I heard that you were in the area and possibly going to Kor'Sel'Koo afterward. If you have time, would you be able to stop by my precious KBW for a little longer than you were planning? There's something that I've been wanting to discuss with Ali and his boo. Nothing awful, I swear, but it would mean a lot if you have some time to spare. Qraxaldrov is docked here too, by the by, so we can make it a little gathering for everyone else. Hoping to see you soon! Kisses -- Z
It really is great timing to have ship that can get places so much faster than it used to, isn't it?
(And yes, every time the GEE launches, the nearest pairing of damartrekt/djayyar will experience the same symptoms)
Here is the schedule:
February 14: Depart from Arjbo
February 19: Arrive on Earth (Connecticut); Marshall and HJ go to visit HJ's parents while the others prep for the heist.
February 20: "Heist" day - acquire those Gilmore Girls box sets- mostly by legal means
February 21: "Heist" day 2 - acquire those Gilmore Girls box sets- we will go through dumpsters if we have to
February 22: "Heist" day- The Quartermaster will lead the charge to buy up a ton of DVDs so the crew can make some extra DVD-only sets (we won't lie and say they are fake). "Free" afternoon the crew starts to burn the DVDs - We will take people anywhere else they seem to need or want to go (if Marshall and HJ are ready at this point, they can be picked up too). Traveling in groups recommended, please.
February 23: Free morning for Beck and the co-pilot while everyone enjoys their time wherever they are. Afternoon, the piloting crew picks everyone up.
February 24: Travel to KBW - arrive early in the afternoon.
February 24 - March 2: KBW
March 3: Travel to Kor'Sel'Koo
March 4: Arrive on Kor'Sel'Koo
Players can start plotting or playing out threads as early as February 24 provided nothing takes place on the KBW.
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ageofpiracyrp · 1 year
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Marshall Maevik
Pronouns: she/her
Role: Lead Mechanic
Age: 37
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Species: Erkuss
Home Planet: Kraysha, born on Kor’Sel’Koo
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Sujaya Dasgupta
True Appearance: Marshall has warm-violet eyes. Her hair is long, dark, and curly, with bangs she’s learned to cut herself.  She has a septum piercing and several tattoos.
[TW: Violence, Death Mention, Paralysis]
Siyan and Oryo Maevik were born and raised in Twarvu, Kor’Sel’Koo among the erkuss population.  Their families were tight-knit, the two were best friends their whole lives, and they always knew on some level they’d end up together.  They shared a weird affinity for both extinct animals and also repairing vehicles, and by the time they graduated from school and got married, they’d accumulated a lot of money saved together to start both their own business, and for the family they’d always wanted.
Marshall was born via surrogacy, the oldest of four.  She and her younger siblings (Holly, Will, and Rick) were named from the old television show “Land of the Lost” which ran from 1974-1977, of which Siyan and Oryo were completely obsessed with.  This show gave Marshall a generous fear of Sleestaks as a child, as well as an aversion to most dinosaur-related things, to the chagrin of her dads.  They were happy for a time on Kor’Sel’Koo, and then shortly after the birth of her youngest sister Rick, and when Marshall turned seven, her parents found a reasonably-priced building and a good opportunity to open their dream vehicle-repair shop in Ruug, Gaison, Kraysha.  And so they packed up all their things and moved to another planet, and away from their extended family.
Siyan and Oryo worked almost nonstop for several years to get their business, Maevik Motors up and running.  They showed Marshall and Holly the ropes, and initially hoped that maybe someday Marshall would take over the small company if she wanted to.  But it was Holly that showed more of an affinity and passion for the work and the business side of things, and they moved their focus to her, which suited Marshall perfectly fine.  Marshall wasn’t very excited at the prospect of becoming in charge of their dads’ company someday, and was content on handing the reins over to someone who clearly was.  All this was to say, if none of Siyon and Oryo’s children wanted Maevik Motors, they were free to sell it off, let a board run it, or anything else they wanted to do with it.  As long as their children were happy, that was what mattered.
Marshall and her siblings were happy, and they were loved, but they also stayed very busy.  Holly worked in the shop with their parents and also worked towards building up the company, Will filmed and edited the commercials and kept the computers and security systems running, Rick was the adorable face of Maevik Motors and quite an actress for their commercials (but actually otherwise had no real work responsibilities)…and Marshall made sure everyone's homework was completed, science fair projects were constructed, parent-teacher conferences were attended, and that her siblings were eating enough fruits and vegetables, just to name a few.  Marshall was the glue that kept the family from falling apart.  She was aware she was basically the mom without the benefit of being able to discipline Rick, so even though she wasn’t set to take over the company—which by the time she turned seventeen had become successful enough to open a couple of franchises throughout Gaison—she did have a large role to play in keeping their family afloat on top of her own studies.  Which is why when she fell in love with Star Fox, it was a very welcome distraction.
Teddy Vorian was in her grade from the moment she joined school in Ruug, up until he applied to and was accepted into the military flight program.  At seven years old, she didn’t talk to him out of shyness, and from fourteen onwards she didn’t talk to him because of the massive crush she had on him.  When they were seventeen he asked her out, seemingly out of nowhere.  Marshall thought he was pulling a prank on her, and so she said no.  He was too tall, too handsome.  He could get anyone here he wanted.  She was surprised at how disappointed he seemed, though, and she went home that night to vent to Holly.  Holly told her she was being stupid, and to go over to his house immediately to apologize and tell him she would love to go on a date with him.  Marshall borrowed her dad’s motorcycle, and did just that.  This succeeded in receiving a terrible first impression with his parents, but it did get the point across.  They went on that date, and many, many more after that.
Marshall and Teddy became inseparable.  They were each other’s study partner, best friend, and cheerleader.  Teddy had big dreams of literally flying away, becoming a hotshot pilot, and getting to explore the world and maybe even the galaxy someday.  Marshall didn’t know what she wanted to do, but she knew whatever it was, it would be with him.  She made sure to get the best grades and take all the certifications she could, and she made sure he did, too, so that he could become the aforementioned hotshot pilot.  When they were twenty-one, shortly before Teddy left to join the flight program, he proposed to her.  They weren’t technically adults yet, and both of their parents would have something to say about it.  But they didn’t care.
Marshall heard from her fiance every so often in the form of letters and phone/video calls.  Occasional visits home.  Teddy told her he was going by ‘Star Fox’ now--not by her, though, please.  He was the wingman to a very loud, but highly-capable cadet by the nickname of Maverick.  Occasionally Maverick would show her face on the calls and Marshall could see the proof for herself.  Things were amazing and great, Teddy told her, and he couldn’t wait to graduate from the academy and get married and start their life together.  Meanwhile, Marshall graduated with a charm bracelet full of certifications, many of those finance and mechanic-related.  She could be a mechanic anywhere.  Maybe she could even run a branch of her dads’ company.  Maybe she could repair the plane that Teddy eventually ended up on.  Marshall wasn’t too fussed about it; she was just happy.
It was a late night in 2009 when Marshall received a call from Teddy’s mother.  There’d been an accident.  Teddy had very nearly died.  He was being discharged from the military, and it was looking like he’d never be able to move his body from the neck down ever again.  Marshall was an emotional wreck, and her father Oryo had to drive her to the hospital to see him.  Once she saw Teddy again, she didn’t leave his side for a week.  Well, aside from when Maverick—Beck, she now learned her real name—came to see him.  After Beck’s visit, Teddy became more and more bitter.  She understood.  He believed his life was ruined, his dreams crushed in an instant.  Marshall was bitter as well, but she was quick on her feet.  She’d work to support them both, they could live near family, they could—
Teddy threw the largest wrench in their plans, when he announced that they should break up.  They had a very large argument—their first, and their last.  Marshall yelled until she was red in the face, and until she had no tears left.  She wasn’t going to leave him over this.  But Teddy wasn’t giving her a choice.  In return, he wasn’t going to put her through this.  When Marshall was finally picked up to be driven home, her whole family was there for support, stuffed into one car.
It took several years before Marshall could go a day without thinking about Teddy.  She’d stayed at home in this time, half-wallowing, half-delving into making sure her younger siblings Will and Rick were taken care of.  Shortly after her twenty-sixth birthday, she moved out of her parents’ house and to Rungung to take over franchise operations there.  By this point, Maevik Motors had become a bit of a competitor in the field, and it was important to her dads that they had someone they trusted to keep the businesses there going.  Marshall threw herself into this work for the next ten years.   Getting a few tattoos, delving into divination and horoscopes, occasionally entering motorcycle races, and sleeping around were the extent of her living her life.  She never had anything serious romantically, and never anything close to what she had with Teddy.  Marshall was and is convinced that it would never happen again.  At this time, she was alive, but she wasn’t happy.  And her family knew this.
Marshall turned thirty-seven on May 18, 2023.  Her family threw her a Barbie Fairytopia-themed party for fun, and at this party they also had an intervention where they expressed it was time for her to do something she wanted to do.  Something that would make her happy, whatever that might be.  That night, fueled a tiny bit by alcohol and without their parents present Will, who was techy and very good with hacking, found some listings for a lead mechanic aboard a ship whose operations didn’t technically look legal, per se, but it sure did seem fun.  Rick and her new wife expressed Marshall absolutely needed to become a pirate and go to Earth, and when she did, to let them know whether humans there actually did have ‘proms’ or not, or whether it was all just a big conspiracy.  But Holly was Marshall’s best friend and she trusted her opinion the most.  And Holly said, “Fucking go for it.  Take care of yourself for once.”
So, Marshall fucking went for it.  She secured an interview and a job with a very hot yet somewhat distracted captain.  And she hoped this job aboard the Prosperity would be the fresh start she’d been looking for.
Skills: Marshall is skilled in building and repairing vehicles of all kinds.  She can also operate many vehicles including motorcycles, cars, trucks, and buses—or various Krayshan equivalents.  Up to applying and becoming a member of the Prosperity, she’s even licensed to drive these things.  She can speak Flagruu, Shavul, Ein, and English.  Because of certifications she took in school, and over a decade of experience, she’s good with math and finance-related things, physical science, as well as leadership skills.  In her spare time, she’s picked up being able to read Earth tarot and horoscopes until it’s second-nature, and she would consider this a skill.  Marshall is a great listener, has been known to have a sort of calming presence, and has a naturally caring and mama-bear nature.  
Played by Hope; 27; she/her; central time
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marshallmaevik · 1 year
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ageofpiracyrp · 1 year
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The following character has been accepted!
Marshall Maevik, an Erkuss Lead Mechanic played by Hope
Please send in your account. Looking forward to having you and your character join us here!
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