#charecter dealing with loss
destinedtobeloved · 9 months
Cruickshank. Hansen. Jiang. Sujiadi. Tony- everyone else.
Died within the moments of what seemed like a lifetime. In what in reality was only really was only a couple of weeks.
He feels those memories inside him anytime he does anything.
The biting of Cruickshank’s foot as it hit him as she died- the splatter of gore Jiang was left of. Digging through the clumps of flesh and blood with Jiang, searching for something - anything to bring their brother back. Stacks unretreived.
Sometimes he’ll think about the others too.
Tony dead at his own hand- the wolf gene in him sobbing as he watches him go down with a look of shock on his face- maybe a look of betrayal as he watches from a third person perspective as he is killed.
The doctor who had known of his plans- falling to his knees crooning, ‘I knew it. I heard you, I saw you. Kovacs- I knew you’d do it.’ Over and over again, like the battle the Martian starship was replaying that infiltrated their heads to no end. And even Jan- thrown up into the abyss of what space claims to be- a deserter, and a traitor in all forms. A new sleeve. A fresh cut deal as the rest of them can’t control themselves from hurling over every ten minutes from the radiation. Regardless, Takeshi was guilty of making Schneider fear. Making him run away.
A stupid son-of-a-bitch beliver, arguing with Takeshi on the roof of the corporate building days before their mission about religion. A stick permanently up his ass, a serious and boring corporate executive like all of the rest at Mandrake, being kicked down by Carrera for a bounty- his stack cut out.
Takeshi probably could have afforded to bring him along- but he wasn’t sure if it was worth it in the end. Someone would end up like Cruickshank again with his ass still there. The cooperation would track him. He doesn’t know if he could handle another set of nannodes.
Sometimes he misses hearing his hushed prayers from the barracks, though. He won’t ever admit it regardless.
Tanya wardani. Not dead, but sometimes she might as well be. They won’t speak again. Come, eleven years, maybe. The time they spent on the beach- the way he’d watch her work and the surge of what emotion he really couldn’t tell everytime he saw her inching back from the ledge.
She was a murder. A traitor. Killing her teammates souly due to greed, wanting to keep this one for herself. A coward. Siding with the terroists the Kempists were, just for the sake of her planet.
Still, Takeshi couldn’t help himself.
He’d grown a family with them. An envoy bond. A pack.
For each of them moments were shared- proving them human.
And now they were gone.
He remembers ribbing on Cruickshank. ‘Dead at 22,’ he’d said. Maybe he manifested it. She’d been dead before- but this was real. Takeshi almsot wants to throw up when he thinks about her- someone so young killed for nothing by nanodes for the sake of what? A fucking starship? The greed shared by two men- killing humans because they are cheaper than machines- not caring who is caught in the crossfire or who does not return.
Fuck Mandrake corporation.
For once he gets to latimer- he will notify her family of her death. He will save the details of how she was torn apart- the body bag she was gathered into not even resembling a human- the layout of gore on the turquoise sand- the way her head landed somewhere apart from everything else. Letting those words out alone would make him retch. She never even made it to the Tanya Wardani. She never made it to space. She never saw what they saw. She would never share the look of admiration and true shock at the sight of the warship- the Martian skeletons hanging there- captivating them. She never saw.
The crying of cruikshanks mother he will hear. The look of shock on her father’s face. ‘She was just a baby,’ he will mutter, ‘she was only 22.’ Takeshi will bite his lip and nod his head, giving the family news of her passing 7 years too late.
She was the first one dead.
Maybe that’s why he remembers it the most. Or maybe he was more alive when she died than he was when the rest of them went down.
Dying was a serious condition. Fucks with everything you do.
They were all supposed to die, in the end, regardless of their true survival of the mission. The explosion of Sauberville by the Kempists proved that true.
But that was different. Stacks intact- promised millions of credits and a passage to Latimer City where new sleeves were garuiteed.
Out of the 10 of them, only four of them had made it out- the wolf in him screaming and crying and scratching his eyes out with hands covered in blood that isn’t his over a graveyard with fresh soil laying above the land.
Even as he stays in that construct on the ship, making his 7 year journey to Latimer city- a journey to better jobs and newer sleeves, he thinks of them every once and awhile.
Their journey will always be apart of him.
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Heartless - a criminal minds episode\\part 2
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part 1, part 3, masterlist
- english is not my first language please exuse any spelling or grammer mistakes.
- this case is made up
- it happens around the.. 6th season, i think? so the team is Hotch, dave, Morgan, Prentiss, JJ and reid
- it will end up being Reidxreader kinda, tho my main focous is to create a plot line for an episode with a (y\n) charecter.
- lmk what you think - i try to make the charectes as in charecter i can :)
As per Hotches orders, once they've landed Reid and dave went to the MEs office, to take a look at the bodies. (y\n), prentiss and JJ joined Hotch and Morgan at the local police station, tho when they arrived the 5 of them split up - Hotch and morgan setteled in the station and talked to the chief officer, while the rest started interviewing the ex-soon-to-be-wives. … "Mr. Clark, hello, i am SSA prentiss" Emily says, shaking his hand as she sat down. He is wearing his work uniforms - a polo shirt with the symbol of the garage he workes for and a pair of dirty jeans with stains that are probably impossible to remove.
"i am so sorry for your loss, i can't even imagine what you are going through. The guy who was sitting across from her nodded, "thank you" he smiles weakly, clearly forcing himself to keep a more profational deminor, thoe he wasn't sure why, "and please, call me Daniel. mr. Clark is my dad". Prentiss smiles at him, trying to be comforting. "well, Daniel, i have a few questions for you, this might be… not so easy to hear, so take a moment, if you feel like you need it" Emily says, taking a breath herself.
This guy was already heartbroken over his murderd fiance, and now she's about to ask him if there is any chance he was being cheathed on. What an awful way to learn your partner may have been unfaithful. "go on, i am ready for whatever it is. i just want to know who did this to my… to the love of my life" Daniel says, and so Emily asks the question she has to. "Daniel, were there ever any suspitions your fiance was cheating on you?"
… "Mrs. garisson, hey" JJ smiles at the poor woman sitting on the padded chair, eyes red and hair in a messy bun. She is wearing a nice enough dress, clearly attempting to look okay. Layla wipes away the tears streaming down her face. "Hey" she says in a weak voice. "my name is Jennifer Jeroue, i am here with the FBI, we came to investigate what happend to James". "Thank you" Layla says, "i- i heard there were others. Other ones who lost.. lost their Fiance, others that…" she tries to finish the senence but failes. Her cries are painful for JJ to hear.
"Jennifer… why him? of all the people…" Layle askes, "he is such a great guy, everyone…" she stops, realising she is talking in present, "liked him. He was always so kind, and nice…" she continues to talk, tripping on her words. JJ lookes at her, wondering how would she be able to break her heart all over again. "uhm, Layla, i have to ask you this question - don't take this in the wrong way, please, we are just trying to make sure we are covering all our bases…" JJ starts, tho finishing the sentence is proving itself to be harder than she thought it will be, "has anyone ever suspected that james was't loyal?"
"you must be with the FBI" Winnoa says, reaching her hand out for (y\n) to shake. She is wearing a simple yet complamating button up shirt coverd in stripes that matched the ones on her pants. (y\n) cleares their throat and shake the hand that was offered to them, "yes, hello, i am agent (y\l\n), but you can call me (y\n)". "Thank you for coming" Winnona says, "this… this is awful. I don't think something like that has ever happened in our town. "well, this is part of the reason we are here, to help the local police deal with these horrible crimes" (y\n) says, sitting down. "is there anyway i can help? i was already questioned by the officers here, but maybe you can see something they couldn't see in my answears" The woman says, despreat to be of help.
"Winnona, i am very sorry for what i am about to ask…" they start, but they find it hard to figure out a way to finish the sentence. "whatever it is, please" the woman across from them is begging, and so (y\n) clears their throat to ask, tho they end up bearly forming the sentence. "is there any chance… do you think that maybe.. well, Winnona, i am so very sorry - have you ever suspected Sean was being unfaithful?"
"Well, no, never. Fiona was a kind soul, she could bearly hurt a fly. i highly doubt she would ever do such thing" Daniel says, "Why would you even feel the need to ask me this question?" his tone was laced with anger, but rightfully so. Prentiss expected that reaction. "well, just making sure we are looking at all possible leads" She says, "Can you think of someone that may have suspected that Fiona wasn't a great match for you? anyone ever objected to your engagment?" she asks this, aware of the facy Daniel is getting more and more upset as more words leave her mouth.
"i really don't think so" Layla says, her tone calm but her eyes full of pain. "as i said, he is- was, a lovely man, we loved each other, we were soulmates" her voice breaks as the word 'soulmates' leaves her mouth, and the tears fill her eyes once again. JJ smiled at her a sad smile, "Well. is there any chance there was someone who didn't agree with you on that?" JJ askes. Layla's cries grow stronger, and JJ's need to comfort her wins her need to be profitional. she gets up to rest her hand on Layla's shoulder. The woman leans into JJ, crying, and JJ's heart breaks.
"i never suspected such thing" Winnona says, "but, uh, my friend did. he was staying long hours in the office, and my friend who works at a similar posetion claimed she was never asked to stay so long at the office, not at that rate at least. I asked him about that, and he said that her boss is probably just less harsh than his is, and that he only has eyes for me, and that will never change. than he got on one knee and asked if i'll allow him to spend the rest of my life with him. i belived him, and said yes. my friend wasn't very happy about that, but she ended up being supportive. she wanted me to be happy".
"okay, thank you" (y\n) says, sad smile on their face, unsure if this possible lead is a good thing or no. "agent, do you think he was cheating? was my friend right? is that what got him killed?" Winnona askes, but sadly (y\n) dosen't have an answer, so they just say "we'll let you know if we find something".
"Garcia is calling" Morgan calls out and Hotch, Prentiss, JJ and (y\n) follow him into the office the BAU took over for their time here. "hey there choclate thounder" Garcia's voice says from the other side of the line. "Baby girl, you are on speaker. Hotch, Prentiss, JJ and (y\l\n) are here with me. did you find any connection between the couples?" Derek says. "hey there you beautiful agents" Garcia said, "i called to let you know there is no overlap in the victimis wedding planning - they looked at different venues, checked out different caterings… even the photographeres they reached out to were different… but i mean, that has to be it, right? i mean, i looked at their socials - they all have privet accounts so i highly doubt that's how the unsub found out about the engagment" Garcia says.
"well, we suspect the unsub could be hunting cheaters, so try to find any hint of cheating in the victims life" (y\n) says. "look at their emails, try to find their profiles on, ugh, dating websites…" JJ says. "Winnona said her fiance worked late but a friend says there is no way he needed to work that many hours" (y\n) adds. "okay, i will get back to you with all the answears, no stone will be ledt unturned. Baby girl out" the beeping of the call being hung up came soon after Garcia's last words.
"well, all three bodies had their hearts missing - that you already know, but it seems the cause of death was strangulation, but not manual. I think its some fabric, since they all had fibers under their nails as if they were trying to rip it off them" the ME, dr. Roland, says what she gathered so far. "the mark on the guys is about 3.25 inches, which is the typical width of a tie" Reid says, and Dave looks at him, catching up to Reids idea. "he could be strangeling them with a tie, symbolising the tie they could have been wearing on their wedding day" Dave says, and the ME sqints. "The woman… her mark is… texured, in lack of a different word - could be a vail or a garter" she says, "she also seems to have been dead for at least some of the time he strangeled her". "So he was angrier with her, she was closer to his ideal victim, meaning he was probably hurt by a woman and that's what triggered him to start killing" Dave says.
"dr. Roland, by your judgment, would it take any sergical skills to cut the hearts out the way the unsub did?" Reid asks. "well, the first heart had some cuts on it, meaning the unsub probably cut it while trying to cut it out. the cuts are… well, sonky, so i doubt they were done with actual medical eqipment, it looks like the work of a good quality meat knife. the cuts pn the hearts get fewer and fewer with the other hearts, so i belive he learns from his mistakes" She says. "well, thanks doctor, you helped us a lot" Dave smiles at her, and she blushes.
By the time Spencer and Dave made it to the police station, the team was all set up at the office they were assigned. the crime board done, orginised by dates and couples, as well as the note "cheaters?" under the line of photos of the victims. they walk into the room, and Prentiss welcomes them in. "Reid, (y\n), you are on the geographical profile" Hotch says, "prentiss, you and morgan will go interview the first wedding venue, Rossie, you will go with JJ to the second one and i'll go with the chief officer to check out the third one" He orders, "sdresses are waiting at your phones". everyone splits up. "well, the first body was found over here" Dr. Reid starts, grabbing the pen from the desk. well, not exactly the desk, as (y\n) was holding it. "hey!" They called out, But mr. pretty boy didn't mind much.
He marks the spot, "second one here…" he mumbles. (y\n) grabs the pen from him, "and the third one here" They say as they circle the spot. Spencer lets out a half-laught, and if it wasn't for the fact he was slightly rude to them a second ago, (y\n) would have thought it was cute. well, they did, actually. "the victims live here, here, and here" (y\n) mumbles, pointing at the town's map with the pen, but not marking anything. "the victims were'nt taken from their homes tho, so that won't help finding the hunting zone" Spencer sighs, "we should look at where the victims were last seen".
"well, that would be… sean at his job, he should be taking route 45 to get home" (y\n) says, reading from the file as spencer marks it with a different pen. "Fiona was at a lunch with a friend according to Daniel, and her phone pinged at a coffee place around… here" They say, pointing at the map to let spencer know where to leave a green circle. "and James's last text was pinged about 10 minitues from the gym he frequented, right about… here" spencer said. "these are all over the town, and not that close to the dump sites, so the unsub must be mobile. in order to move the bodies he will need a big veichal" (y\n) says, furring their eyebrows at the map.
"what about the wedding venues? they could also be the place the unsub chooses his victims" Spencer says. "we just talked to Garcia, and she said-" (y\n) tries to catch up Reid on the phone call he missed, but right on que there is another incoming call from Penelope Garcia herself. "hey there, Garcia, it's (y'n) and i here" Spencer says. "oh, if it's not my favorite wonder boy and wonder mind" Garcia says. (y\n) was also a genious of sort, but they didn't think they quite compared to Reid, tho with the iq of 130 they were the closest on the team. "Garcia, do you have any updates about the wedding plans or the cheting?" (y\n) asks, and spencer shoots them a slightly confused look, as he didn't get the chance to catch up on the team's idea for a lead.
"well, you know how at first i didn't find a connection between the wedding venues? i looked deeper, so deep i got to the very core, and you know what's in the core? Lave. major, hot lava" Garcia says, "it looks like all of the wedding venues are owned by the same major, greedy company. It's called Marry-go-round, and they own most of the wedding venues in the area. each one is designd to appeal to a different audience - they have gothic ones, hystorical ones, botnical ones… they share employees, meaning one guy might be working at more than one venue…" Garcia says, "and before you ask me to, i am already running searches to see who worked at all 3 the day those couples went".
"you are so great, Garcia, i don't know where we'd be without you" (y\n) says, smiling at the phone. "well, the answear is way behind. goodby lovies, sent the rest of the team my love and warm hugs, i will let you guys know once i have answears regarding to the victims… side-quests" Garcia says, ending the call with a smooch sound of a kiss.
Prentiss and Morgan walk into the "garden of eden" venue, that was the one James and Layla looket at. "hello" a woman in a bright red suit welcomed them. "my name is Diane" she said, reaching out her hand to shake the one of the pair infront of her, "it is lovely to have such a beautiful couple here, we actually never had such wedding here, so that would be great to have you two as the first one. "you mean… mixed couples?" Morgan asked, confusion in his voice and slight annoyence. "well-" Diane tries to save herself, but the sentence doesn't get the chance to be fully formed.
"mam, we are not here to plan a wedding, we are here to ask about a couple who did" Prentiss cuts her off, showing her the FBI tag. "well, that's unfortunate. I am sorry, but what does that couple has to do with my wedding venue?" Diane asks. "well, they looked at this… lovely venue, and now one of them is dead and the other one got her beloved boyfriend's heart in the mail" Derek says, sparing no details from the woman who already wasn't on his good side. "well, that's unfortunate, but i still don't see what that has to do with us" Diane stands her ground.
"have you seen anyone suspicius around? someone who looked at couples, trying to study them?" Prentiss asks. "do you think this murderer found them here? well that is impossible, only couples and employees are allowed on the premiss" Diane says. "do you ever have more than one couple looking around? this guy could come here with his own fiance" Derek says, the last part of the sentence directed more to his fellow agent than to the wedding venue annoying manager. "no, and i belive this is where we end this conversation. i have a tour here from an actual couple, so, bye-bye" Diane says, walking around the agents to welcome the couple that just walked in. "hello, my name is Diane, it is lovely to have such a beautiful couple here…"
the agents exchange looks and leave the venue, tho they don't think they are done there just yet.
"well, the venue we checked was orginised, they had a security detail at the entrence, even after seeing our badge we were'nt let inside, the manager came out to talk to us" JJ said. "he was a lovely man, once he talked to us for a bit he gave us a tour - i noticed they were fixing a broken part of the fence, but he said that it's usually hidden with flowers, so no one knows of it. he said he'd give us the records of the couples who came there the same day as Daniel and Fiona, meaning we may be able to identify his next victim" Dave said, waving the files in his hand.
"the venue we checked said they have double bookings, sometimes more than one couple is there. sometimes only one half of a couple arrives. we should check and see - mayby there is a couple, or someone who claims to be engaged who was in all three venues the same day as the victims, he could be angry with his fiance, unable to process that, and so he kill people who remind him of her in someway" Hotch says.
"and what about you?" Hotches eyes traveled to the two defided faces of his two agents who just walked in. "well, the manager was a bitch" Prentiss sighed, "she bearly answered our questions, and her whole deminor was just… off" Derek agreed with her. Reid and (y\n) come inside the room, holding 6 cups of coffee in between them both. "oh, you are my savior" Prentiss says as she grabs the coffee (y\n) handed to her.
after the coffee ceremony is done, the wonder due explains their findings regarding the hunting zone and the comfort zone, as well as catching their teamates up to speed regarding the connection between the venues.
just as they finished, the actual savior of the team called. "hello my darlings, it is i, Penelope Garcia, coming to you with a very, very sad news flash. i found some proof of unfaithfulness from all of our victims. It appears Sean was spending way too much time in his office, off the clock. He's work sheet says he finished work by 5pm, but his phone pings at home around 9pm, and before that it pings at many different sketchy motels. not once, not twice, but on a weekly basis. James was also being a bad, very bad boy - his pictures are on many different dating websites, and you may think 'well, it could be someone who is using his photos' but no, the some of the photoes on there are very nasty and very not on any of his socials" Garcias word flow stops as she takes a breath to continue.
"And Fiona… well, she was a little tricky, but i found these very much not PG emails between her and a [email protected], she used her work email, which is very icky of her, but it sure did keep it a secret". "Garcia, how hard would it be for someone to find out about the cheatings?" Prentiss askes. "well, it took me about two hours, so i belive that someone with the avarage hacking skill could get this information in about three days" Garcia says, slight cockiness in her voice. "well, babygirl, this is very helpful information" Derek says, smiling at the phone, "thank you". "can't wait for my reward" Garcia says, and the call is finished.
"It's likely our unsub was cheated on by a woman, since it looked like he overkilled the female victim, and it is possible they were engaged when he found out, that's why he attacks couples who are planning a wedding. He feels the need to punish cheaters" Reid says, looking at his team. "well, that has to narrow down the unsub pool" Dave says. "well, about 12% of married women admit that they have cheated on their spouse, and 20% of engagments end up being broken off, and 50% of those are due to financial stress. This town has roughly 7,639 people-" Spencer starts calculating, trying to figure out exactly how big is the suspect pool. "Kid, please. let's just have Garcia look it up" Dave cuts him off. "it's about 20 potentiol unsubs" Spencer mumbled under his breath, but his teamates don't react. "maybe his mom or dad were also cheaters, that could be the stressor and his partner doing the same thing to him would make one hell of a trigger" Prentiss says.
"well, i think it's time for the profile" Hotch says.
JJ, Hotch, Morgan and Prentiss are standing infront of the cameras. "we belive this unsub is a white male in his 20s, he recently expirienced a heartbreak over a cheating partner, possibly a fiance" Hotch says. "He has a high level technical knowlage, as it appears he took a deep dive into the victims life, finding out intimate details about their sex lives" JJ says, trying to not say the straight up truth of the cheatings he uncovered. "tho he has no prior medical skills, he appears to be learning how to perform his ritual with more accuracy" Prentiss says, "therefor we belive he is smart and possibly works at something that requires a similar set of skills as a surgen". "this unsub is sending the victims fiances the hearts he carved out, which shows signs of pshcopathic tendecies. this guy is probably cold, manipulative, and yet has a charm to him not many people see through" Dave continues. "we belive he may have had a parent who cheated on their spouse, making the cheating he expirienced triggering" JJ says. "if you know anyone who can fit this description, we encourege you to talk to us" Hotch says, and the cameras cut.
"Garcia and i just talked, she says there is one employee who was in all wedding venues the same day as our victims, but she dosen't fit the profile. happily married, 2 kids, grew up in a loving family" Derek says as he joins his team in the office, highlighting the word "she". "well, maybe the unsub wasn't on the clock, they could have some employees that get paid under the table" Prentiss says. "we profiled the unsub to be white, so it is less likely he is not listed" Reid says. "well, i guess we can't be sure, since he crosses race lines. the main reason we think he's white is because this town has so few pocs, and most of them arent able to afford the type pf education this unsub has" (y\n) says, spinning her chair as she thinks. A knock on the door makes the team look over. "they just found another body" officer Williams says. "let's go" JJ says, following the officer and the rest of the team follows her.
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whatsyourcolor · 1 year
You know watching PPP has completely flipped my interpretation of PP3 and PPFI.I think I am having a delayed heartbreak.Before PPP I definitely saw their interactions at the end of PPFI as romantic/at least something that resembles more than a working relationship.But now with context it looks like two people who understands they have a different understanding of justice and decided to be amicable about it.Funnily enough I don’t think I would even call them friends at that point let alone possible romantic partners.It feels more like they have resigned themselves to the fact their ideals of justice would never converge.That’s a huge deal breaker for friendship let alone romance.The best possible scenario for me would be if they released ppp chronologically.That way I could save myself the massive heartbreak of PP3+PPFI.Also as much as I have tried I just can’t ignore the writers and director.I have always perceived Kougami and Akane as very romantic.The nature of their ideologies.The absolute trust they have in each other .Twin flames who just couldn’t be together because of circumstances of the society they live under.Now that I know as both evidenced by canon and cast interviews that they are supposed to be percieved as platonic work buddies who don’t see eye to eye and they’ll never fall in love I have to go back and reevaluate the entire understanding of their relationship,maybe even pp because pp to me has always meant Shinkane/Kouaka.I feel like I don’t even know the charecters anymore.I swear the loss of romance aspects don’t even bother me quite as much as them setting up Kougami as Akane’s ideological opponent/foil.For me it has always been Akane and Kougami vs Sybil/everything.But now they have turned the tables and the way it’s being set up Akane vs Kougami is going to be at least the secondary if not the main conflict of the series conclusion.Their conflict has been as unresolved as ever.They’ll be in the ideological opposition again.It hurts more than I ever imagined to put things into perspective.Of course they should tell the story they want to tell.But going forward I don’t think Kouaka is possible romantically in canon anymore(in their defence they told us point blank).In conclusion I feel bad about it but I am not sure if I can enjoy PP anymore because how do you reconcile two people who you percieved as soulmates ending up as opposition who will never meet in the middle?I can’t and it’s breaking my heart.Maybe someday I’d be able to be less bitter and more objective about the source material.But right now I can’t.I need to grieve.
I also feel like Akane is alone in her fight for justice and Kogami is constantly being proved right (explosions, fights, etc. No more literary Kogami). He was reduced to violence for violence’s sake.
I was thinking about what he said, that he agreed with Tonami, but that he believed in her because she’s always trying to do the right thing. I wish there was more of that. I wish he really tried to believe in her.
One of the novels, I remember, describes his arrival to SeaUN. There’s a part where people are celebrating in the distance and he asks why are they celebrating? And someone tells Kogami: “it’s the birth of a baby or a wedding.” He says something along the lines of “those are good things. Those are the things she fights for. I’ll fight for that too.” (It was @cleverwolfpoetry’s translation.) And I love that. That’s the Kogami that I absolutely adore.
Him training the guerrillas because these are oppressed people with clouded hues relegated to an inferior caste and with no power to fight back. Him fighting for the right for everyone to decide if they want a corporation like Sibyl to control their lives or not, which is the same thing Akane wants and was able to achieve after talking to Sibyl as Chairman Han. Maybe him being disappointed when people vote in favor of Sibyl. That’s Kogami.
Maybe he knows Akane is right, but her dreams are unattainable. The truth is somewhere between them two, but I don’t know if this is something they want to explore anymore in PP. It seems like their visions have become flat and one-dimensional at this point.
In S1, Kogami is a cynic but Akane reminds him of things worth fighting for. And Akane is naive but Kogami allows her to see beyond and look at evil in the face. Both things are necessary for a detective: protecting people and understanding that people can be evil. Kogami and Akane’s natures remain the same, but being able to understand the point of the view of the other is what made their relationship so beautiful.
I always said that the true resistance to a system like that would be to love each other. To say “fuck you” to the system. At this point both characters are distanced, disconnected. It’s like their relationship hasn’t evolved. I don’t know if what Akane did would make it evolve.
I just know that she’s the loneliest of characters and it seems like she’s leading that fight alone while everyone else is busy shooting each other or playing Machiavellian political games. If the writers are smart or if Urobuchi comes back (he won’t), they would show a real uprising caused by what Akane did. Maybe she’ll even be sacrificed.
She’s the one who’s always asking “what was I born for?” That question still hasn’t been answered. Seeing Kogami fight for her sake, for a better future, would be peak Kogami again.
One can dream…
That heartbreak you’re feeling I had it when I finished the mess that was S3. I don’t know why they went in the direction they went but I was so disappointed that I also grieved for a while. I guess that protected me from heartbreak watching PPP.
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I wanted to know a good way to show trauma and disabilities in my work.
More specifically, I have a charecter that, in a point on the story, will lose her hearing. Although she will get medical care and probably a hearing aid, because of the plot she almost immediately have to get back to work. I wanted to know a good way to express her mourning.
Also, about this is placed basically as "something the main character have to sacrifice to win," which is almost in the end of the story. Is this an okay place? How do I make it not feel rushed?
Showing Character's Grief About Hearing Loss
Grief can be expressed in so many ways. There's really no right or wrong way to grieve as long as it's not harmful in some way, and there's not just one way to grieve or express grief in any particular situation.
That said, it's up to you to think about this character, who they are personality-wise, what kinds of experiences they've had in the past (what level of experience they've had, if any, with loss and grief, and with facing hardship), and their specific situation. What makes the most sense for this character in terms of how they might grieve their hearing loss?
You can do research to learn about hearing loss and some of the ways people might feel when they experience it. You can look for articles and blogs written by people who've had the experience, as well as interviews and videos. Hearing stories of hearing loss from people who have experienced it is the best way to get an idea of how your character might deal with it. Once your story is written, I would also recommend hiring a sensitivity reader who has experienced hearing loss so you can make sure your portrayal isn't harmful or offensive in any way.
As far as the sacrifice being placed near the end, that's fine, but typically you want this sacrifice to be made in association with the climax. The climax being the "to win" part of that equation. The climax is the moment where they face their biggest obstacle and/or face the antagonist/antagonistic force and try to overcome it once and for all. So this is the moment where a character would make a big sacrifice in order to win.
If the sacrifice is their hearing loss, that only works if the hearing loss is the result of a choice they make. For example, if the protagonist and their group are fighting an evil sorceress in her cavernous lair, and the protagonist tells the others to run while holding off the sorceress, then releases magic that creates a big magical explosion that finishes off the sorceress once and for all--and the hearing loss is the result of that explosion--that would count as the sacrifice. Because the hearing loss is the direct result of the protagonist's choice to stay behind and save the others by creating the magical explosion. But, if the hearing loss is a random injury received in the broader battle, that wouldn't count because it's not the direct result of a choice. I hope that makes sense!
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ao3feed-peterstiles · 2 years
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42616953
by Little_Bites
The whole deck reshuffled: Alpha? Mate? Human? Sacrifice?
Words: 10887, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Teen Wolf: Bruises Build
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Chris Argent, Deucalion (Teen Wolf), Erica Reyes, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Lydia Martin's Father, Melissa McCall, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Noah Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski, Ethan (Teen Wolf), Aiden (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey, Kali (Teen Wolf), Ennis (Teen Wolf), Alan Deaton, Marin Morrell, Jennifer Blake, Victoria Argent, Gerard Argent, Kira Yukimura, Noshiko Yukimura, Ken Yukimura, Nogitsune (Teen Wolf), Void (Character), Original Characters
Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Deucalion/Peter Hale, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes, Allison Argent/Lydia Martin, Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore, Vernon Boyd/Kira Yukimura, Theo Raeken/Stiles Stilinski, Melissa McCall/Sheriff Stilinski
Additional Tags: Magic, Fae & Fairies, Were-Creatures, Tags Contain Spoilers, Major Character Injury, MAJOR charecter death, Minor Character Death, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Brutal Murder, Attempted Murder, Past Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Past Torture, Past Violence, Altered States, Altered Reality, Deals with Fey, Sacrifice, Human Sacrifice, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Dark Magic, Blood and Injury, Blood Magic, Blood Loss, blood sacrifice, Magical animal, Werewolf Mates, True Mates, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Manipulation, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort, Mild Hurt/Comfort
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42616953
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as-i-watch · 2 years
how do you feel about so many fake deaths in One Piece. Do you think the show needs to be more fatal?
Not really
Dont get me wrong, its not like 'buu dont let anyone die :(' it more that i get why Oda doesnt kill off that many charecters.
The death in One Piece bear such a weight, and i get that, death always bears that weight. And the charecters deal with other types of loss and there are painfull and emotional repercussions to stuff, is not like a looney tunes cartoon were damage and death do not exist. Oda wont kill just to have death on the show, he makes death mean something
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wolfstarlibrarian · 4 years
Hi mx. Librarian I was wondering if you had any fluffy wolfstar fics that include regulus? I just think theres so much charecter potential with him and I really want to see them all heal
Agreed friend! Regulus is a great character who deserves happiness. Hope you enjoy the fics below, and check out the previous list too!
Wolfstar + Regulus Black
Wolfstar + Regulus Black 2
Forever -orphaned account
When Sirius becomes enamoured with Moony's singing, he dedicates a sign tutorial in hopes he'll be noticed. This leads to exchanging of shout-outs and videos, and what Sirius hopes, is a little something more.
What's up star boy by @weird-fangirling-persona Remus is forced to attend a mixer blind date and he is not amused. Until he meets a certain witty, long-haired star boy. Inappropriate innuendos ensue.
Living It All -orphaned account After being disowned and disinherited, Sirius Black never imagined a tragic accident would leave him guardian of his younger brother. But there he was, dealing with a sullen teen who was facing both the loss of his parents and his sight. Sirius does his best to take care of him, and when Regulus joins a music class, Sirius certainly doesn't expect to fall for the adorable music teacher.
Banana Split by @theprongsletthatlived A story in which college sweetheart Remus Lupin couldn’t shake off his not-really-boyfriend, rich frat boy Sirius Black, even if he wanted to.
Suffer for the People -orphaned account Camp Counsellor Remus Lupin has a good relationship with a difficult charge. When Regulus becomes convinced something's happened to his brother, Remus decides to call Sirius to the camp to reassure the young teen that everything's fine. What Remus didn't expect was to fall head over heels in love.
Palo Alto by @nachodiablo Modern AU set in Silicon Valley. It's easy for Sirius to ignore his mixed-up feelings while he's got Remus all to himself, but when Remus starts dating again, Sirius is forced to figure things out before Remus moves on for good. Or before James and Peter strangle them both.
Video Call by @chillsoya Sirius is late, again. James keeps video calling him. Regulus picks up.
Sweater Weather by @lumosinlove Remus works for the Gryffindor Lions as a physical trainer, and has been half in love with Sirius Black, the Lions' heartthrob captain, for a while now, but he never expected Sirius to return the feelings. Read if you like cute nicknames, slow burn, and pining. Yep. That's it.
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allhailstephenking · 6 years
The Pusher. by Bebe Labree Via Flickr: This is the third door. This door leads to a very bad charecter in the Drawing of the Three, the 2nd installment of the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. Instead of revealing a new companion, the third door (labeled "The Pusher") instead reveals a new adversary for Roland named Jack Mort ("The Pusher"). Fulfilling the oracle's prophecy, 'this door contains Death, but not for you, Gunslinger.' Mort is responsible for the head trauma that created Detta Walker, the loss of Odetta/Detta's legs, and the death of Jake Chambers from the first Dark Tower novel. Mort's murder of Jake led to Jake's appearance in The Gunslinger. Roland's decisions while dealing with Mort are crucial to later events in the series. The encounter results in the death of Jack Mort and the fusing of the personalities of Odetta and Detta to form a third woman, who will thenceforth be called Susannah. And Although the Gunslinger does not bring "The Pusher" with him into his own world (as might be guessed based upon what has happened regarding the previous two doors), his quest for the Dark Tower is not lost, because Roland does draw his third. His third is Susannah; the result of Odetta and Detta's fusion of minds. Resources: Texture - sirius-sdz Beach - smevstock Door - amor-fati-stock
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