#charisk tag
1coin-and-2lights · 1 year
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TW: GORE and 🍋 ish-
Again, this was Valentines for 2021. They got a little love dovey obsessed. This was Chara’s idea btw. ‘Bleeding love’. Can I post voice clips? probably too long. But there was recording to show how they ended up with this theme.
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salchichas-art · 8 months
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i care them a lot
(also that tweet is so funny to me cus i realized that i accidentally did divide them into that LMAO)
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dreemurr-skelememer · 11 months
you should draw more charisk to piss them off <3
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and da worrrllddd keeeeps tuuurningggggg
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asiul-green · 2 months
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Did this last month and got too lazy to finish
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s0dalici0uss · 11 months
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i've been in a rarepair mood lately
full-bodies under the cut
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stronger-monsters · 1 year
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miundy-again · 2 years
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I had this page of Charisk sketches.
Omg, I said, perfect for more practice! ❤👌
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I'm uncertain if I ship it, I just want to get this off my chest, but 'The Red Means I Love You' by Madds Buckley feels like a huge toxic Chara/Frisk song. 💖
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Different Frisks with different names
Basically the way i differentiate between which Frisk belongs to which timeline is to add a different surname to each.
So as you may already know my post pacifist Frisk is named Frisk the Skeleton because I said before I headcanon them to live with the skelebros and the idea of their surname being "the skeleton" despite the fact that they're very obviously not a skeleton was very funny to me. (This also gave me the idea that almost all the Undertale families just have basic descriptors of species and roles as surnames)
In the Deltarune timeline (with college Frisk), Frisk actually manages to get back in contact with their birth family again (around the same time our Undertale Frisk fell down) and thus their full name is Frisk Friesen, child of Lisa and Rene Friesen. (alliteration for the win!)
And for the murder run, their name ends up being ...Frisk Dreemurr. Not by adoption (Toriel and Asgore are dead now) but because two codepedent idiot children decided to "get married" at 11 and 13, despite a) everyone who could actually make this official again being dead and b) they are still children. It was more of a promise to protect and stay by each other's side for eternity but they did find and make each other rings and yes...decide that Frisk would be a Dreemurr. What would a kinda toxic gay bestfriendship be without concerning promises of absolute devotion. "We'll be together forever, won't we?" and it wouldn't be the only time that a bad route in utdr featured a sort of "marriage"... and then Frisk voices second thoughts about this whole destroying the world thing and Chara is furious at their partner's betrayal...and it turns out that maybe, these kids idea of eternity was never built to last. (Also since here Frisk is also a Dreemurr and has murdered people (duh), It means the dreemurr curse is alive and well)
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chupapizza · 1 year
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jellyfishys2 · 3 months
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Holaaa queria solo mostrar esta fokin mamada que va a ser un Au inspirado en lovedtale o no se (El que me diga Algo en contra le meto un Palo por El recto)
El we tiene una hermanita pequeña toda diabolica
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invertedfate · 2 years
I'm honestly kind of surprised by the amount of perception Frisk has in null_3. I mean, they've figured some things out. Being around Cap might've had something to do with it.
Honestly, they adore Cap way more than they hate Asriel. And they hate Asriel a LOT. Them being able to reassure Chara doesn't change that- they just realize, just from what they've picked up on so far, that this is something Cap has to face. It's clear that they are at the root of all of this. For as deeply as Frisk is hurting, they'd rather be there for Chara than simmer in their own hate. It's like... they will never be friends with Asriel. When this is over, they want him out of their life. But they are directly a part of this mess because Asriel MADE them a part of it, and like hell are they gonna hide away while Chara has to tackle this clearly painful situation. And this is why I have such a soft spot for these two. There's just a lot of healthy reciprocity in their relationship in the way they can both balance each other out, providing support the other needs and seeing things the other can't. Just... guh. Wholesome. The brainrot is real. :'|
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asiul-green · 4 months
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So... My hand slipped
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s0dalici0uss · 6 months
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Should I be a pacifist
Or should i use my fists
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snowcollector · 9 months
CARLYRAEJEPSANS is a proshipper who lies about it, ships char(asriel and is mutuals with popular UTDR in(cest shippers, necrophil(ia fic posters, UTDR ra(pe fic posters, sh(otacons and groomers
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readmore for triggering content since people requested it after my last callout
first of all carlyraejepsans posted this on their good omens blog which shows that they think anticest people on their utdr blog are basically stupid children and they talk about having a nec(rophilia/corpsef**cking mutual
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and as you can see in the first few screenshots they HATE people who are against in(cest fic. they're also friends with imptwins who they used to have blocked for making under(age UTDR art
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but now they're friends again.
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IMPTWINS makes r(ape fic of S(uselle (drugging and r(aping her) and carlyraejepsans used to have them blocked for their reputation but doesn't care anymore and unblocked them but they definitely know about it
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imptwins also admitted to committing actual se(xual assault against real people and downplayed it by saying it's just what all teens do.
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despite Imptwins admitting to se(xually assaulting multiple people carlyrae has defended this and changed the story so it was just one person in a bad relationship imptwins se(xually assaulted and then threatened to beat people to death for bringing it up
imptwins and kimberlyeab made friends with a minor who read their s(mut (like the Suselle drugging/ra(ping fic they advertised in the main UTDR tags with no content filters so it can't be blocked or filtered) and invited the minor into their private discord servers and sent the minor into my askbox to defend them and "prove" they aren't being groomed.
carlyraepesans is also mutuals with wordbending who is a sh(otacon
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who is a supporter of kimberlyeab and wordbending loves in(cest, as you can see here
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wordbending also makes in(cest fic of underage UTDR characters including char(isk s(mut which carlyraejepsans reads because it's aged up and they think aged up Frisk is hot
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they also think it's okay to se(xualize the kid characters and age them up to do it
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(this was about flowey/asriel but they use it to excuse them reading "aged up" sm(ut of charisk and finding frisk attractive)
carlyraejepsans is a big supporter of fictional in(cests and thinks toby fox is too
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they interact with people who have proship DNI because they don't care.
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they unfollowed Ish_Bruhh after they made a callout post for Zixzs (who makes in(cest porn of Kris/Toriel) but they used to follow them
and they support kimberlyeab who lies about their age and intercts with a 15 year old who reads their utdr ns(fw content and blocked me for telling them kimberlyeab was a groomer (proof post here) and liked this tweet AFTER I showed them proof kimberlyeab was a groomer
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they also ship char(asriel which is an in(cest ship
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they also lied about having the tag blocked because they often reblog art that open tagged ch(asriel which they wouldn't see if they had the tag blocked
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this was reblogged from their mutual wordbending who again writes s(mut of them char(isk and char(asriel and likes sh(otacon
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carlyrae pretends the reason they don't interact with wordbending anymore is because of the sh(otacon thing but it's actually just because wordbending got banned, imptwins also retweens lol(isho and carlyrae is still friends with imptwins.
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carlyraejepsans knows about what these people do and says that who they interact with is none of my business even though they're admitted pe(dophiles who have committed irl se(xual assault
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so if you're wondering why they blocked you for no reason it's probably because you're against in(cest and und(ragefic and sh(otacon and all their friends and mutuals are into it but they're hiding it from the public for their reputation so they can keep following people with proship DNI in their profiles
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unma · 2 months
There's something so deeply irrational about how people will simply choose to substitute their own falsehoods as truth when confronted with a reality even mildly inconvenient to them.
I was scrolling through the flowerfell tag (in part because Kazefiend mentioned that more people were posting in the tag about how they didn't like Frans). Of course I did nothing more than block them, because I simply can't be bothered to go after random people on the internet, and keep scrolling through the tag. Yet, as I kept going, it was surprising to see more and more people talk like this.
Now I don't need to explain why tagging your ship hate as the ship you're hating on is a dumb idea. If you're lucky, you just get blocked by a bunch of people who understand harassment is not okay and not worth it. If you're unlucky you get dogpiled. There is no winning here. But this is slightly different, so I wanted to talk about it.
The pattern I noticed here was that these posts seem to accept that Flowerfell is a frans au, but either choose to actively ignore the shipping aspects of the au (a tough ask when said ship's relationship is one of the defining pieces of the au's narrative), deride the au for having the ship (oh my god mind your own business. Don't like don't read, have you forgotten your basic fandom etiquette?) or act like it was never a frans au, which is perhaps the worst of them all. But I'm not here to talk about the last one. No, I'm here to deal with the second option.
Choosing to deride or despise a work simply for its main ship is dumb for a whole lot of reasons. Firstly, you lose out on the joy of experiencing great works residing outside your current taste, for example: I was never a Charisk fan (until recently) and have a faint distaste for Soriel (due to how much I see it and due to how often it's compared to Frans), but if you asked me my opinions on, say, the Fading Away comic or Reapertale, I would tell you I love them both. The Fading Away comic is so sweet and wholesome, and I adored it even though at the time my involvement with the ship was 'a ship that one friend of mine likes', and I don't even need to explain why Reapertale is so damn cool.
At the end of the day, though, you do not need to force yourself to read things outside your comfort zone. It is your choice, and I ain't forcing you. But here comes fandom etiquette once more: "Don't like, Don't read." There is no point to subjecting yourself to something you don't want to read. If you don't like frans, don't read it. Simple.
Yet, that isn't even the most important part. It's not the point I wrote this post to create. The real point I want to convey is simple: If you refuse to acknowledge a part of the work so foundational to its identity, narrative and meaning, you are failing so disastrously to truly engage with and understand the story. It's like playing Undertale and choosing to ignore the fact that the pacifist route exists. Even in stories focused on the Genocide route, if the author chose to act like said route was the only possible option for whoever was in control, then it would go directly against the in-game portrayal of the route as a choice the player made despite the game's attempts to deny you the route.
If you go through Flowerfell ignoring the relationship between Sans and Frisk, or worse, changing it to fit your convenience, you end up with a dramatically skewed perspective on the work. Sans is an utter shithead to Frisk when they first meet, something he ultimately regrets, and their eventual reconciliation and their growing romantic relationship is important to the story. You can wish they weren't shipped together, sure, but to deny it is simply to deny reality and to deny yourself a complete, accurate reading of the story.
Don't even get me started on how absurd the hate for aged up ships is. But that isn't the point of the post. I've said my piece, and I'm just gonna keep blocking anyone being stupid in the flowerfell tag. Back to scrolling, and perhaps crying to Secret Garden at 3am.
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