#charles and delia are bj's parents
okay this might sound silly when we're talking about a fandom that readily accepts fics where a demon fucks about with clones of himself and/or a married couple but i've got an idea for a silly little oneshot fic that's beetlejuice/delia/charles and i'm genuinely wondering whether that would be too freaky for the fandom
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mysteroads · 7 months
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody... but it sure makes 'em scream! A link to the finale chapter of my Halloween-themed fic. (Warning: a dramatic death scene, a dance scene, a 1950s romper, adrenaline-fueled smooching, and a sandworm appear in this chapter.)
Gonna put my favorite scene down here for your viewing pleasure. It's a riot. 😆 Dratted clone totally stole the show, and I absolutely love him.
Eyes wide, Lydia and Beetlejuice rushed to the edge of the roof and looked down. One of the windows has exploded outward, unleashing a torrent of… “Is that glow-in-the-dark elephant toothpaste?” Beetlejuice asked, nonplussed. “I thought the witches were making moonshine!”
Below them, they heard more cheering and cries of “More!” and “Again!” 
“The fuck?” Lydia asked, feeling a little out of body. This was a lot in a very short amount of time. Beetlejuice put a steadying arm around her waist, letting her lean on him, so she felt it when he stiffened. “What now?”
“It never rains but it pours,” he groaned. “I just got a message from my clones. I put two on the road to watch for Chuck and Delia.”
Lydia felt herself pale. “Oh shit.”
“Don’t panic,” he told her. “They’re stallin' your parents, and they’re two of my best. They were made for the stage."
“Hold on, Little Bug!” Delia cradled the blood-splattered clone in her arms as it spasmed in the stark illumination of the headlights. “Stay with us!”
Charles paced back and forth, pulling at his hair, frantic as his wife. “What do we do? What do we do? I can’t call an ambulance! BJ is going to go crazy when he hears I hit one of his clones!” He groaned. “I thought those things couldn’t be hurt!”
Gasping in indignation, Delia clutched the clone to her bosom. In her angel costume –tinsel halo and wings bobbling– it was a fitting image. “He’s not a thing!”
“I know that! But we still can’t take him to the hospital, now can we?!”
The blood-soaked clone jerked out of Delia’s hold, sitting up, reaching toward the moon with one dramatic hand as it clutched its heart with another 
“Ah! No! Don’t go towards the light!” Delia cried, her hands fluttering wildly. “Charles!”
Charles rushed over, knocking his glowing devil horns askew in his haste. Together, they attempted to support the clone’s trembling body as it struggled for life. It stared into nothing, mouthing the word, “Rose…bud…”  
The wail of a siren distracted them all from the death scene. A police car came flying up the road, lights spinning, but did manage to screech to a halt  when they saw the Deetz car. One of the policemen stuck their head out the window. “Everything alright, folks?”
The clone in Delia’s arms glanced toward the back of the Deetz car. Another clone popped into view and gave a double thumbs up. In response, the one covered in blood abandoned its act and sprang to its feet. It gave the policemen and the Deetz a theatrical bow, then bounded into the surrounding foliage. 
Everyone stared after it, then Charles let out a long, long sigh and picked up his fallen devil horns. “Yes, officer, everything is fine. Just some kids playing a not very funny prank.”
The officer nodded, then the car sped away. 
Charles helped Delia to her feet, then they went back to their car. “What was that all about?” Delia wondered, eyes still wide. 
“I’m not sure, but I’m also sure that it wasn’t an accident,” Charles said, and eased the car off the side of the road. The car jerked and groaned, sending their hearts into their throats  again and causing Charles to hit the brakes hard for the second time that night. Immediately after, the car informed them that the back tires were low on pressure. 
The couple exchanged meaningful looks, then stared in the direction the police car had gone. It only just now occurred to them that there were very few houses in that direction. “Definitely not an accident,” Charles said grimly. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I know that someone is going to be in a lot of trouble when we get home.”
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regentbison · 2 years
Ok hear me out.
Vampire!Emily, Human!Charles.
They were very much in love, but humans didn’t like the fact that a human married a vampire and so she was killed by hunters.
By some miracle, before she was murdered, Emily and Charles managed to somehow by some miracle conceive a child. Lydia.
(Fuck twilight this has nothing to do with this, I’m gonna make these vampires work however the fuck I want them to work)
Charles and Emily kept Lydia a secret, wanting to protect her from the world, so not only one ad her mom killed, Lydia is suddenly thrust into the world basically completely blind since she couldn’t be hidden away anymore.
Charles managed to forge some of her papers to make it look like he adopted her, that way no one would suspect she was a half vampire fledgeling. Unfortunately, her mom was her main source of vital energy (I’ll get to that later) and now Lydia has to also find some other way of keeping her thirst under wraps.
Now since Lydia can’t go around biting people or zapping their energy from them, she’s basically fucked since her father knows nothing about this.
They move to Connecticut after Lydia accidentally attacked someone from thirst and grief and nearly killed them, Delia knows about her being a vampire and is still her life coach in this story.
Think of humans knowledge about vampires like the way the people in Buffy thought about them, they think they’re myth and aren’t real, but some people know about them.
Beetlejuice is also a vampire in this story, the Maitlands are the Deetzs new neighbors.
Sorry this is so messy I’m literally typing thous out as I think.
Idk how they meet yet, but Beetlejuice is this century old vampire that’s basically lost any humanity he ever had after spending so much time alone.
I’m thinking, he somehow sees Lydia huddled up looking half mad from thirst and not being able to do anything about it since she really doesn’t want to hurt anyone. He helps her by giving her some of his energy to quench it at least for now
he becomes sort of Lydia’s mentor/best friend but let’s face it, he’s not exactly the best influence, and since beetlejuice refuses to go near any human at all Charles never gets to meet him and becomes concerned
Now here’s where the maitlands come in
They’re basically the only humans Beetlejuice is willing to look at. He doesn’t know what it is about them but they’re just so sweet and disgustingly domestic, they’re everything he never had and always wanted
With Lydia’s help, the three befriend each other and help bj start to regain trust in other humans again
Now I’ll explain the energy thing. Basically, (this is from Wikipedia) A vampire is a mythical creature that subsists by feeding on the vital essence (generally in the form of blood) of the living.
Let’s ignore that from the living part for a minute.
Vital essence is (again this is from Wikipedia) the element is often referred to as the "vital spark," "energy," or "élan vital," which some equate with the soul. (Basically, the non physical part of you)
In my story, vampires both drink blood and take peoples essence, their instincts when they’re “thirsty” is to immediately bite the closest living thing next to them, but most prefer to zap people energies since it’s less ossicle to kill (it takes a while for a soul to “heal” but it does at some point). Only the more vulgar vampires go mostly for blood.
Now, vampires can feed each other their energies, BUT, it has to come willingly and the one loosing their essence has to sort of “feed” the other vampire. Parent vamps are known to feed their kids that way until they’re taught how to feed without harming by themselves.
A vampire feeding a vampire still loses energy, but it replenishes much faster than humans, and they have “more of it”. Also, it makes a vampire become thirsty faster, typically they only really need to properly feed every two/three weeks, depending on age and size.
This is way longer than I anticipated. I hope something comes out of this? I’ll try to actually write it and not just talk about it
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armpit-of-orion · 4 years
if u want to I’d love to hear some of ur hcs of beej interacting w charles and delia cause their dynamic gives me life and they’re his PARENTS
for sure! thanks for asking!
(also guys check my tag “beetlejuice headcanons” for more of my headcanons and feel free to ask for more!)
this got long as fuck, so I’m putting in a cut. 
also p.s. “Amanita” is pronounced “am-uh-NY-tuh.”
okay so maybe Charles and Emily always wanted a big family, but they had difficulty conceiving and it was hard enough for them to have Lydia, so they sort of gave up on the idea of a big family. so Charles doesn’t mind (read: is thrilled) when Beetlejuice sort of slides into their family.
Delia’s also always wanted to have a family; a spouse and as many kids as they could support. but her life didn’t seem to be heading in that direction, and by the time she hit forty she’d figured that her hope to have a big family was gone. so like Charles, it really isn’t unwelcome when her new family starts to grow.
now, it’s true that two kids doesn’t usually count as a “big family.” however, it’s also true that it does count as a “big family” when one of those kids is Beetlejuice.
(to be clear, Beetlejuice isn’t a child; in human terms, he’s in his early thirties. so when I talk about a parent-child relationship here, I mean parent-adult!child relationship. it’s more father/mother figure than just father/mother. just thought I should make this point clear since I ship him with the Maitlands, which would be not be okay if I was portraying BJ as in his teens/early twenties or something.)
Beetlejuice starts to see Charles as a father figure before he starts to see Delia as a mother figure.
that’s because he first sees Lydia as his sister, and he tries to relate to the people around him the way Lydia does. since Lydia doesn’t really see Delia as a mother figure (she starts to later, but not right away!), BJ doesn’t see Delia as a mother figure at first either.
BUT since Lydia only sees Charles as “Dad,” that’s exactly how BJ sees him too!
(I mean Lydia has known Delia, Adam, and Barbara as people other than her parents, but Charles has only ever been “Dad” to her, and it’s hard to see your parents as being actual people, not just your parents, especially when you’re young.)
Charles panics a little at the realization that he’s somehow adopted a demon who’s at least twenty times older than he is, and that panic manifests as him trying to engage Beej in traditional father-son bonding activities.
the fishing trip doesn’t go well, as Charles wasn’t aware that Beetlejuice does Not Like water, and it hadn’t occurred to Beetlejuice that fishing might involve him being near water.
they try to play catch, except Beetlejuice misunderstood the point of the game, so when Charles tosses him a baseball, Beetlejuice opens his mouth and somehow manages to swallow the ball whole. Charles is too disturbed by whatever the fuck that was to try again.
but! they figure out that they like going on walks in the woods together! Charles likes to try to identify the plants and wildlife they see, and it’s a good way for Beetlejuice to get some fun snacks.
Charles is (mostly) used to seeing BJ eat random bugs, but on one walk he sees Beetlejuice pop a couple of wild mushrooms into his mouth, and all Charles’s logic flies out the window for a moment.
he starts yelling at Beetlejuice to spit them out, and in his shock and confusion, Beetlejuice does the opposite.
Charles is in the process of dragging Beetlejuice home and has started to dial 911 before Beetlejuice can even react.
“Whoa, Chuck, what are you doing?”
“That looked like one of the deadly Amanita mushrooms. They’re extremely toxic; we have to get you to the hospital right—”
“Uh, Chuck? I’m dead. Those angalida—”
“—indochina mushrooms aren’t gonna make me more dead.”
Beetlejuice makes fun of Charles for forgetting that he’s, y’know, dead, but he’s secretly touched that Charles cares about him enough to panic like that.
and Delia! Beetlejuice starts to see her as a mother figure before Lydia does.
(actually, Delia being all “mom” around Beetlejuice helps Lydia warm up to the idea of Delia being a mother figure to her, too!)
they both have a ton of self-esteem issues, but they work on that together!
also they do spa days! sometimes Lydia joins in, but it’s usually a mother-son bonding thing. they do foot soaks and homemade face masks. Delia always has to make extra face mask …goop? (idk what to call it) because BJ will eat it. he likes the ones with honey best!
they talk a lot about stuff! Delia’s awesome to talk about sex with because she’s so nonjudgemental and open. once Beetlejuice stops trying to shock her or make her uncomfortable they actually have pretty deep conversations, and she helps him develop a healthier attitude about sex.
Delia starts teaching him how to meditate! it’s really hard— especially when you have ADHD— but it’s also really helpful and rewarding as long as you keep at it! and Delia never gets mad about how long it takes or about how BJ struggles to sit still or keep quiet for just ten seconds. she doesn’t give up, and after a couple months of five minute sessions he’s actually able to meditate a little!
also Beetlejuice makes her a necklace! (the Maitlands had a jewelry-making phase.) it’s the ugliest thing ever and Delia adores it, and she actually manages to make it work with some of her outfits. (she’s that good.)
during the weekdays, while Lydia’s at school and Charles is at work, Beetlejuice usually spends time with the Maitlands. but if Delia’s home, BJ will follow Delia around the house (like how my family’s dog follows my mom around lol). most of the time he doesn’t even try to distract her or engage her; he just wants to be in her presence! (once Lydia gets home though, he’ll leave Delia in favor of following Lydia around.)
Delia quickly becomes someone Beetlejuice goes to for comfort or emotional support. Lydia, bless her heart, does her best, but she’s not the most emotionally mature person (she’s fifteen! that’s okay!) and she has plenty of her own problems too, and BJ recognizes this and turns to Delia as a result. Delia’s hugs are awesome and help him forget about Juno.
in conclusion Charles and Delia are Beetlejuice’s parents and they love and support each other thank you and goodnight.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
Beetlejuice Wing AU Headcanons
a treat 😌
The reason why Lydia can’t fly is because of faulty hybrid genes.
Moth and butterfly Cimexs are actually Very Strong. Their wings are big and heavy, so they have refined, tough muscles in their backs to support all that weight.
However, Lydia does not have those muscles because she takes more after a Vesper because her mother was a Vesper (hybrids tend to take after their mothers more than their fathers). So she’s missing the proper strength to hold her wings up. This leaves them droopy and sagging because she physically cannot lift them up.
Lifting her wings causes a strain on her back, sometimes even ripping the skin around the bases where they connect to the rest of her body. There’s also bruising and inflammation and general discomfort.
It is Not Fun.
Lydia’s blood is purple! (because of Charles’s blood is blue and Emily’s was the normal red)
Barbara’s feathers are bioluminescent! They give off a soft golden glow and even radiate a slight warmth.
Lydia, being a moth, Loves This
Adam also Loves This because his wife is So Pretty
Barbara is technically a bird of prey and Adam is a prey bird and it’s Great because what an odd pair (or, it’s odd in Avem eyes)
Lydia has a very carnivorous diet. She likes eating bone marrow, blood, raw meat, and BUGS.
Charles, being a Cimex, Hates when she eats bugs around him
She also enjoys juice! :}
Adam and Barbara are trying to teach Lydia how to fly! Their lessons are usually very short because of the strain it puts on Lydia’s body, but they’re still making more of an effort than her parents have!
As much as Lydia loved her mom, Emily was kinda overprotective of Lydia. While Charles was kinda ashamed of having a hybrid daughter, Emily was worried about Everything she did, so she never even attempted to teach her how to fly.
Emily’s mind was often full of worried thoughts, which made Lydia secretly self-conscious because her mom would always think about people judging them.
Charles’s mind is Loud. Like a stampede or a meeting where everyone yells at each other at once. Lydia hates it in there.
But she hates Delia’s mind even more. It’s Bright and Sharp in a way she can’t explain to non-mind readers, every surface seems to be a colorful reflective crystal, and she often gets awful headaches if she listens in for too long. Not that she can make heads or tails of what Delia is even thinking half the time. None of it makes any sense to her.
BJ’s mind is also Fucking Weird. It’s Loud, too. It’s like a maze in there. If Lydia focuses on it for too long, she gets lost in everything he thinks about, almost like she’s in a trance.
Adam’s mind is like a library, every thought being a different book. It’s quiet and peaceful and Lydia likes to sink into it when she’s overwhelmed.
Barbara’s mind is like Lydia is hiding in a cave during a rainstorm. It’s hard to explain, but she feels safe and relaxed inside of her head. Like nothing bad can happen to her when she’s in there.
Barbara and Adam have a wreath made of their feathers that are woven together. In Avem culture, this is a one of the greatest signs of affection. They were distraught when it got thrown out, but Lydia dug through the landfill to find it and returned it to them! It’s hanging above the fireplace now.
Fun fact! Nesting season affects dead mother hens, too!
Being dead isn’t that great when you’re an avian, especially when you’re an Avem. Avians aren’t meant to be cooped up inside all the time, so Adam and Barbara can get pretty restless at times.
Adam and Barbara always try to make Lydia’s ears perk up, even going as far as lifting them up themselves. They always flop back down.
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Remember my Maitlands slowly becoming slightly less human overtime headcanon???
Maitlands gaining horror-like features when angered or turning horrific/demonic when they’re protecting Lydia
And they don’t mean to~
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elevator dinging noise to aLERT YOU TO A NEW CHAPTER, KIDDOS this is set in my BJ Deetz au. For context on that, you can start here, or just jump in, with the knowledge that you're robbing yourself of some pretty okay writing. tw for mentions of suicidal ideation and self harm
Of course something like this would happen, Lydia thinks, staring down at the linoleum of the hospital hallway. She’s sitting alone. Barbara and Adam are lying in hospital beds, in critical condition, and to see them, all she would have to do is stand, and enter the door to her left. She sits there. You’re being stupid. You’re being childish. Dead Mom didn’t even waste away in a hospital. Adam and Barbara need you. All you’re doing is sitting there, thinking about yourself, and two people are barely clinging to life, you miserable stupid freak LOSER. She uses the heel of her right boot to dig into a cut on the back of her left leg. She hears a noise, to her left, the door opening and closing, and her dad steps into the hallway. She can tell it’s him from the tired sigh, but her eyes never lift from the floor. “So?” she asks, voice raw. “They’re stable,” Charles says, not sounding nearly as hurt as he should. They’re family friends, and her dad sounds like he’s describing something of no consequence. The weather, maybe. Sports news. Not something serious, and important. He’s already pushed this down, in the same place in his chest where his pain over Dead Mom must live. She almost envies that skill. It’s like he can choose not to feel the hurt. All she can do is carry her broken heart around with her, and it cuts her hands and arms and leaves her raw and bleeding. Lydia picks at the hem of her dress.
“They said it was a stroke of luck we found them when we did,” Charles says, and then glances down at his phone. “I’ve got to make some calls. See about getting that floor replaced.” “Why?” “Because the house is in my name, Lydia. If someone goes in, takes a tumble through the floorboards, who do you think they’re suing, the comatose couple, or the New York real estate mogul?” “Oh,” she says, and then, “Adam would want the floorboards to be original. They spent all that time, sanding and polishing and shining the floors. We-” her voice breaks in a way she hates. “We were supposed to spend next summer there.”
A plan left over from before her life had gone to hell.
She turns to look at her dad, and blinks. He’s halfway down the hall, already on his phone. She can’t guarantee he even heard her. A nurse wheels someone in a wheelchair by her, and she winces, and turns her attention back to the floor. “Lydia?” she hears Delia call to her, and she focuses her pain into anger. “What?” she snaps, not looking up, not risking having to see someone else pass by her in the hall, on their way to death. “Do you want to come in, and see them?” Delia’s voice is very soft. “There’s no blood. It’s not scary.” “I’m not afraid of blood,” she says, the cuts in her skin aching. “I just.. Don’t want to see them laying there. Still.” As death, she thinks, but doesn’t finish.
“I won’t push you,” Delia says, clutching at the amethyst necklace around her neck. “But I think you might regret not coming in, and seeing them. I can step into the hall, give you a moment, if it’s.. Me, that’s keeping you away.” Lydia looks up, sees the hurt on the older woman’s features, and then sees her try and smile past it, as their eyes meet. “I bet they’d love to hear your voice, Lydia.”
Come on, come on, she chants to herself. Don’t leave them lying there, alone. Come on. It’s showtime. She steals herself, and stands. Delia steps aside, lets the teen move past her into the room, and Lydia takes in her two friends, laid out in blue hospital sheets, heads wrapped. Tubes are shoved everywhere, down noses and throats, hooked into arms. It’s a nightmare. She studies the heart monitors, listens to the steady sound of one heartbeat. At that, she nearly panics, until she realizes that she can only hear one noise, one blip, because the machines are sounding off together. Their hearts are beating in time with one another’s. That’s so them.
She stands between the two beds, looking from Barbara, to Adam, back and forth, studying their faces. Even though the Maitlands are still alive, it’s still like seeing Dead Mom, laying there, in her parent’s bed, stiff and cold. It makes her wince, makes bile rise up in the back of her throat. She powers through it. Both are twitching, mouths almost looking as though they’re struggling to form words, from within the depths of their unexpected, unwelcome slumber. Delia speaks, from outside the doorway. “The doctor says their brains are very active,” she says. “That’s good news. They’re both still in there. They just need to wake up.” “You’re not really in the hall,” Lydia points out, and Delia makes a little “oh!” noise, and ducks back out, but Lydia can tell she hasn’t gone far. Fine, whatever. The illusion of respect over her privacy is apparently as close as she can get. She reaches her hands out, takes Barbara’s, takes Adam’s, and holds them, for a long time, serving as a connection point for the two of them. “Please, please,” she begs, softly. “Please wake up, you guys. Please don’t go. How many times do I have to watch people leave?” she asks. Maybe this is what life is. You love people, love them so hard it makes you dizzy, leaves you breathless, and then they’re taken away, pointlessly, and you’re just expected to pretend that you’re alright, even when every part of you feels like it’s coming apart at the seams.
Barbara’s hand twitches in her’s, and she rubs her thumb over the top of it. finish reading over HERE
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
So this is barely coherent but I needed to get it out of my head so uhhhhhhh take this: Beetlejuice AU (I'm going off the musical because that's what I'm most familiar with)
I'm imagining Tommy as Lydia, Dream as Beetlejuice, Dream XD as Juno,Phil as Charles, and Wilbur could be Mrs. Deetz. Techno can just be another one of Phil's kids without filling any specific role.
Alternatively, we could have Schlatt as Beetlejuice and Dream as Juno (not related).
I was thinking that Niki, Tubbo, and Eret could fill the collective roles of Adam and Barbara, with the three of them being siblings instead of a married couple.
Hnnnnnnn Tommy singing "Dead Mom" (even if it's technically "Dead Brother" now).
Also Tommy singing "Invisible" AAAAAHHHH-
Ranboo could be sort of like Delia, except instead of Phil getting engaged he could be this kid that Phil has gotten attached to and is basically parenting him like he's part of the family, which obviously is going to make Tommy mad because it comes across as Phil trying to replace Wilbur.
In order to keep things from getting yikes let's just replace the wedding with some sort of other ritual that would bring back Schlatt/Dream.
(The more I think about it, I think it would make more sense with Schlatt as BJ and Dream as Juno.)
What do you think?
I do not know enough about Beetlejuice to go and give my input. I know three songs and that’s it.
However, man. This is great. I love everyone in this. Also, resurrection time for Dream/Schlatt. It’s time to do Necromancy.
Also, f for Eret, Niki, and Tubbo. They dead but at least they’re being friends with Tommy.
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beetles-and-rock · 3 years
I had to fill out the Beetlejuice Questionnaire. These were really fun to answer.
1. Musical Beetlejuice or Movie Beetlejuice?
I like both. I prefer Musical Beetlejuice, but the Movie version holds a special place in my heart.
2. Favourite character? Beetlejuice
3. Favourite song?
"That Beautiful Sound" It always cheers me up.
4. Unpopular opinions? Lydia is asexual. Yes I expect the angry mob at my door any minute.
5. Favourite lydia song? "Home" as someone who has lost a parent, I can understand the desire to hear their voice again, and how lost someone can feel when they're gone.
6. Day-o or Jump in the line? Jump in the line
7. The whole being dead thing or That beautiful sound? That beautiful sound. Again this one always cheers me up and is so fun to watch. It is very close though because I love The Whole Being Dead Thing as well.
8. Favourite understudy/swing? I think I have an equal appreciation for Will Blum and Presley Ryan. They are both so adorable, and give the characters a softer, sweeter, feel.
9. Favourite moments? Invisible Reprise. It's our first look at how deeply emotional the Musical Version of Beetlejuice can get, and while this scene is meant to be silly, I feel for him. Then there is where he actually gets summoned. He couldn't be happier and the stuff he does (or really the crew does) with the puppets and all is just so cool to watch. Fright of Their lives all the way down to the "New phone. Who dis?" Line for sure. That Beautiful Sound, even Creepy Old Guy is fun to watch with the constant knowledge of "This isn't gonna end well." lingering throughout the song. There are a lot of good moments in this Musical.
10. Favourite underappreciated thing? (song, character, costume, etc) I would say the special affects. Including the pre-recorded voice lines for Beetlejuice. Obviously they have had Alex record them, but on a night Will Blum played Beetlejuice, they made sure that the recording was of him even if it was some of the ones distorted beyond recognition. A lot of work went into this show, and we have so many people behind the scenes to thank for it.
11. Favourite line? There are so many good lines in the show. Almost anything Beetlejuice says is pure gold. Lydia roasting people without hesitation, Barbara and Adam being wholesome, and not scary. Delia's "Sucks-Yes!" And some of her lines where you can only think "Who hurt you?" Charles even had good ones. Then there's of course the classics: "It's Showtime!" And "I myself am Strange and Unusual."
12. Dream role? Lydia for sure. Though I probably could do Barbara too. I know the option is there for a woman to play Beetlejuice, but I don't think I'm that woman.
13. Something you'd change about it? Nothing, I think it's brilliant the way it is. It references the movie beautifully and in the best ways, has some of the cartoon's silliness, and at the same time, is it's own thing.
14. Moment from the movie you wish had been in the musical?
Barbara: You had a picture of Bigfoot.
Adam: My picture of Bigfoot is a different story.
15. Least favourite song? I have to agree with Alex Brightman "This album has no skip tracks."
16. Blonde lydia or Black haired lydia? Black haired Lydia.
17. Favourite BJ line?
"Well that was a soliloquy, so you're the one who's being rude."
"Don't text me in the middle of the night saying 'you up?' because 'New phone. . . *sobbing* . . . Who dis?"
*Dorky giggling during That Beautiful Sound* Listen for it, it will give you serotonin.
"I may have to get a little. . .mean. I may have to get a little. . . Nasty. Well! You wanna treat me like a demon. . . I'll be a demon."
"Check it out, Lydia. Now we've both got dead moms!"
18. Favourite lydia line?
"Yeah, you look like a bloated zebra that a lion ripped apart but didn't eat because there was obviously something wrong with it, so it was just left to rot in the hot African sun."
"I myself am Strange and Unusual."
"She was the ghost of Edgar Allen Poe! I thought she was terrifying! No one else knew who she was. . . people don't read."
"We are old book smell people."
19. Sandworm or The Pig? Big Sandy.
20. Wild card, say anything you feel like saying about the musical! This musical is amazing! It couldn't have come at a better time in my life! As someone who has been a fan of Tim Burton's works for years I think it was very well done. It's been soothing to hear or watch when I'm stressed, or just want to relax. I have made amazing friends in the fandom. I'll say it again, I love this musical!
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Younger me screwed current me over
Beetlejuice finds you clothes from a phase you had back in high school (a legit phase I personally had and I blame anime)
Musical beetlejuice x reader
sorta nsft???
Back in your early college years and laye high school years, you had a style phase, black and white stripes, anime was to blame, it started out as just the stockings, but kind of escalated to other articals of clothing.
As you got older the phase died down, you would wear them still, but to a lesser extent, you still loved them, but newer style choices took over. You still kept them of course, buried deep within your dresser, most of with you forgot.
Forgetting these clothes turned out to be a blessing in disguise, shortly after you finished college you up lifed yourself and moved out to the same town as your aunt Delia, long story short, you were her ex husband's sister's daughter, but Delia enjoyed you since you studied the art, and humored her views on crystals and such, you enjoyed her excessive positivity.
Delia was more then thrilled to introduce you to her new family, Charles seemed nice, and Lydia was quite interesting, of course you were introduced to the Maitlands who were very sweet. Then there was beetlejuice, lydia planned off the bat to introduce you to him as a quick scare, which ended with you sucker punching the demon, and just like that the ghoul was into you, no one had the balls to ever do that before.
Beetlejuice had worked his way into your life, shortly after your introduction he begged you to summon him whenever you wanted, and was thrilled it didnt take much convincing for you to bring him to your little flat, the ghoul got into the habbit of hanging around your place when Lydia was at school or busy. He would even hang around your place when you were at work stating you had better movies then the Deetz, but let's be honest he wanted to snoop through your stuff.
You told beetlejuice you had to pick up some misc groceries, and would be gone for an hour or so, tonight was gonna be your guys movie night, so aside from necessities you were also getting snacks.
He waved you goodbye with a bright smile, but the second the door closed and locked behind you, the smile dropped to a lecherous grin. It's been awhile since he was alone in your place, so he wasnt gonna let this opportunity pass.
You were never the type to have any REAL secrets, so blackmail was never really an option for teasing, instead beetlejuice normally took this time to roll around in your bed, smell your more delicate laundry items, and just take care of his sexual urges. Unknown to you, the demon had quite the crush on you, how could he not, you were kind, funny, basically gave him free reign, and had quite the cute behind, he adored spending time with you, and of course he wanted to pound you so hard into the mattress that you wouldn't be able to walk the next day, but you were clueless and took his advances as jokes, he'd crack you one day, but until that, messing around in your stiff was fine.
Unfortunately for him, your dirty laundry basket was empty, so no freshly used panties, he decided to just dig around through your dresser, nothing much of interest, until he spots a bit of white, in the sea of black shirts, pulling it out, he smiles, ot was a form fitting sweater, black and white horizontal striped, with a neon green trim, it was like beetlejuice designed it himself.
"How long have you had this sugar?" He purrs to himself, he sets the shirt aside before moving to his favourite drawer, inside was where all your lacy unmentionables hid, the demon couldnt help himself, smelling the croch of a few, and licking the croch of a few more, even the faintest scent or taste was enough for him. As he dug around he spotted a few unseen treasures pushed to the back of the drawer, a lecherous smirk crosses his face as he pulls out a black and white striped bra and panty set, along with a pair of matching thigh high socks. He could have came then and there, the tough of you in such a get up drove him wild, he started to palm himself through his pants at the idea of you wearing that cute little get up for him, he was snapped out of his little day dream by the sound of the front door opening.
"I'm home" you yelled, beetlejuice always appreciated this warning you gave him, not that you knew, that was just how you always came back when you lived with your parents.
In a flash the demon was before you, you flinch at his sudden appearance, obviously not expecting that, he chuckles at your response. With a snap of his fingers you bags were delt with.
"Oh! Thanks, you didnt have to do that" you greatly appreciated BJ's help since it was a rare thing, but it always felt weird when he made things disappear on you.
"Not sweat babes, since your free, how bout we have a little chat?~" his gravely voice drops to that unsettling tone that ment he was up to no good. Stating back at him you dont respond, but the ghoul continues as if you did "so sweetheart, you would say you're quite the stylish gal right? Right, I was thinking, maybe youd like a hand or two when i comes to dressing, as a change of pace~" he flashes you that unsettling smug grin signaling he WAS up to no good.
Before you can protest or do anything, beetlejuice snaps his fingers and you were now wearing the form fitting sweater he found earlier, black short shorts with black suspenders that hung around your bum, and the black and white striped thigh highs.
Something clicked in you mind, when you felt the tightness around your chest, you were no longer wearing the sports bra you slipped on today, but rather a tighter, more padded number, in a panic you pull the shorts away from you waist seeing your underwear was different too.
A mixture of anger and embarrassment fill your chest, the clothes changing, not am issue, bit the underwear, that was a step too far. "BEETLEJUICE!"
"Looking real good there sugar, had no idea we had the same taste~ how bout you you shimmy out of those clothes and show me how the panties look too~?" He purrs while walking circles around you, taking in his master piece of fashion.
"Where are my other clothes?" You huff
The demon laughs "dont worry about it, they're in the laundry" aside from your panties, there were in the ghoul's pocket.
You sigh looking at your reflection in the window "I guess this DOES look good, bra's alittle uncomfortable, but it looks like high school me vomited on current me" you turn back to the demon, who was ecstatic that you came around.
"So? Am I your fashion consultant now?" He says grabbing your hands.
You sigh "on occasion sure, just dont swap kit my underwear while I'm wearing them please"
"Wouldn't dream of it doll"
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beetlelands · 3 years
im just gonna post some of these back to back bc why not. this draft is from october 2019 and is aptly titled “ruh roh ghost lad." but this is the one where beej gets stuck as a ghost in the maitland-deetz house
With a poof, Beetlejuice was on the roof of the Maitland-Deetz house. He groaned, opening his eyes. “Where am I?” He questioned quietly, looking around the area. He was quick to recognize his destination. “Wait what no, how did I get here? God/Satan please send me back,” he muttered to himself. He tried his best to teleport himself away, but he couldn’t go anywhere. He tried to fly away but ended up on Saturn so he was quick to fly back to the roof.
Beetlejuice sunk down to his knees, begging to god/satan- or perhaps the person who sent him there in the first place.
“Dammit!” he shouted in frustration, slamming his hand down on the tiling of the roof.
He heard the window begin to rattle as it was being opened. Muttering a string of curses to himself, Beetlejuice teleported himself to the other side of the roof, hiding. He heard the familiar voice of Barbara Maitland say “I told you there’s nothing out here honey, stop being so paranoid.” With that the window shut once more.
Beetlejuice sighed, slumping down the side of the chimney. He was trapped in the plane of the Maitland/Deetz house. The place he was killed- not that he was still salty about that or anything. He refused to believe he was a simple ghost. He was still a demon- he had to be- maybe he was just trapped.
That’s when an idea struck him- he needed to see Lydia. If she said his name three times, he could return to the living plane like before. Sure, it might be hard to get her to say his name, but the two of them were BFFFFs forever. She had to help him, it was his only choice. He needed to get out of there and Lydia was his ticket home.
Begrudgingly, Beetlejuice floated down to Lydia’s room. The blinds were closed, so he knocked on the window. When she opened the blinds, he was out of sight. He phased through the wall and took a seat at the end of the bed. Beetlejuice watched as the girl narrowed her eyes, peering out the window. “Must’ve been a bird,” she shrugged before turning around to see none other than Lawrence Beetlejuice Shoggoth.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“Oh c’mon Lyds, I know you missed me.” Beetlejuice teased, but the girl merely rolled her eyes, giving him a stern look. “Fine, I missed you- no okay even I didn’t believe that.”
She couldn’t help but smile a little at that, “You love me, don’t try to deny it.” The demon pretended to throw up, which caused Lydia to laugh but she was quick to stop herself. She regained the same serious tone she had earlier, “You know my family isn’t going to want you here.”
“But do you?” He asked, earning a confused look in return. “Lydia, do you want me to leave?”
“I don’t know, Beej. If I say, yes will you go?” The teen asked playfully.
“Nope! But get this- I won’t leave, because I can’t.”
“Wait what?” Lydia’s smug expression fell.
“I am trapped here just like dear old Adam and Barbara. You may wonder ‘how?’ and to that I say- I don't know! But I have an idea on how I might be able to leave, and that involves you, scarecrow. I need you to say my name three times and maybe, just maybe, I can get out of here.”
“What if it doesn’t work?”
“Well then, we just have to test it to find out.”
“Beetlejuice,” the demon clenched his fists in anticipation. “Beetlejuice,” he closed his eyes, preparing himself. “Beetlejuice,” Lydia finished off, watching intently to see what would happen.
The bio-exorcist stayed quiet for a little bit before opening one eye to examine if anything had happened. Groaning, he opened his other eye. “I don’t feel any different.” He tried using his demonic powers but nothing happened, well there were a bit of sparks (which caused Lydia to giggle a little at his failure). He tried teleporting but that was to no avail. “I don’t have my demon powers. I’m… not a demon.” Lydia was understandably shocked. For as long as she knew Beetlejuice he was a demon, she couldn’t even picture him as anything else. “I’m a ghost, Lydia! A fucking ghost!” He shouted angrily, slamming his fist down on her bed post. She shushed him, causing him to take a few deep breaths, “Okay, sorry, sorry. Gotta keep quiet so the fam doesn’t find me, I know.”
Lydia scrunched her nose in disgust at the word ‘fam’ but knew that wasn’t nearly as important as what Beetlejuice just revealed about himself. “How can you no longer be a demon? Is that even possible? And you said you’re trapped here? In that case, it doesn’t matter if you’re quiet or not. It’s not like you can hide forever. Plus, maybe Adam and Barbara can help get you back to normal. Is there a way to get you back to normal? What if-”
The ex-demon placed a hand on the girl’s shoulder, causing her to look up at him. “I’ll be honest with you, I zoned out until you said Adam.”
The girl pushed his hand off her shoulder, “This is serious Beej. What if you’re trapped here forever like the Maitlands?”
“Then I’m trapped here forever with the Maitlands” he smirked.
Lydia scoffed, rolling her eyes. “There’s gotta be some reason you’re like this, and there has to be some way to get you back to the way you were.” Beetlejuice nodded in agreement. “First step to figuring this all out is to let everyone know what’s happening.”
She motioned for him to follow her. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Nope but it’s all we got.” She shrugged and he copied the action.
Beetlejuice put his hand on the door before she could open it. “Okay but what if we prank them?”
“You know I’m always down to spook my family, but they’re not gonna be happy that you’re here to begin with. So we should take things easy, don’t overwhelm them, y’know?” He groaned and muttered complaints under his breath as he moved his hand from the door.
Lydia led Beetlejuice downstairs. No one was in the living room, so she loudly screamed for a family meeting.
Charles bolted into the room, Delia excitedly following him. The Maitlands sank down from the ceiling, clearly stressed by the teen’s yelling.
“I can’t believe you called a family meeting, Lydia!” Delia said cheerfully, not noticing the ex-demon standing behind Lydia.
“Get away from her” Charles commanded, glaring angrily at Beetlejuice. Sure, they didn’t leave off on a bad foot, but he was not going to let history repeat itself. Delia flinched at his shouting before seeing who he was talking to.
“Oh c’mon, Chuck. Aren’t you happy to see your son-in-law?” Beej teased, earning death glares from all of the adults in the room. “Too soon?” He asked, feigning innocence. Lydia laughed at the inappropriate joke. “See this guy gets it” Beetlejuice smiled, nudging the teen.
Delia placed a hand on Charles’ arm, a silent plea for him to remain calm. Adam placed his arm out in front of Barbara. She looked to him and he shook his head. With a sigh, she backed down, holding onto her husband’s hand for her emotional stability.
“Beetlejuice is trapped here as a ghost like Barbara and Adam.” Lydia states, breaking the tension in the room. Confusion was plastered on the adults’ features.
“How?” Adam asked slowly, hesitantly.
“Good question, really good question. However, we don’t have a really good answer.” Beetlejuice verbally danced around the answer.
“What does that mean?” Charles furrowed his eyebrows.
“He doesn’t know how this all happened.” The teen clarified with a shrug. “I thought that maybe my resident ghost parents could help us figure out what happened to him.”
Barbara narrowed her eyes at the ex-demon, not buying his act. Adam, however, smiled softly and said, “Of course we’ll help, Lydia.”
“If you’re staying here, we’re gonna need to lay down some ground rules.” Charles stated, eyes locked on Beetlejuice.
He met his eyes with an almost wicked smile, “Of course, Chuck.”
Lydia groaned dramatically, “it’s not like he can do much. He’s a ghost now, not a demon.”
“Ghosts need boundaries too” Barbara retorted.
“I think the most obvious rule is that you cannot marry Lydia again.” Delia said, earning nods from the adults in the room.
Beetlejuice groaned, “how many times do I have to say that it was a green card thing!?! Even I’m not creepy enough to actually try to marry Lydia. She’s like 3!”
“I’m almost 16, Beej.” She rolled her eyes.
“Exactly you’re 3. Now quiet down tot, the grown ups are talking.” He teased. She stuck her tongue out at him and he stuck his out at her.
“You’re not one to talk about age Beetlejuice. You may be extremely old, but you’re less mature than Lydia.” Charles spoke snidely. Both the ex-demon and his daughter seemed offended by the statement.
“Rule number two: no pranks.” Adam spoke up, trying to change the subject.
“What? That’s not fair!” Beej protested at the same time Lydia asked “Have you met us?”
“The last time you two pulled pranks, you scared people to the point that the passed out!” Barbara explained.
“Just because a couple of cowards couldn’t take a scare, doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be able to prank. Plus, That Beautiful Sound was a whole bop and our dance sequence was phenomenal.” Beetlejuice said defensively. Everyone except for Lydia gave him a confused look.
“Please don’t take away our pranks! We’ll tone them down, I promise.” Lydia bartered, giving both sets of parents puppy dog eyes.
Adam cracked first, then Delia, then Barbara. Charles didn’t crack until, with a frown, she muttered a quiet “please dad.”
“Okay fine. Rule number two is no big pranks. Just try not to do anything that will put yourself or others into harm’s way.” Charles amended.
“Rule three: don’t physically harass us, Beetlejuice.” Barbara said, crossing her arms sternly.
“Define physically harass…” BJ said furrowing his brows.
“Don’t grope or touch either of us inappropriately, don’t kiss us, and don’t make inappropriate jokes at our expense. I’m not just gonna take it this time.” Barbara said. Maitlands 2.0!
“Fair enough, Babs. But don’t pretend you didn’t like it.” He joked, earning the most terrifying look from Barbara. “Okay okay sorry, I was just kidding.”
Adam lightly rubbed his thumb in circles on Barbara’s hand, causing her to relax and saving Beetlejuice from her wrath.
“Rule four: no lashing out. In this house we try to maintain a calming aura, all matters can be solved through (calm) communication.” Delia smiled. Beetlejuice resisted to roll his eyes.
“I’d say the final rule is to not go into anyone’s bedroom unless you’re invited in. Snooping or just disturbing the peace is highly frowned upon, so just watch yourself. If any more rules are to be added in the future, you are expected to follow them as well.” Charles concluded.
“As you wish, Chuckles.” Beej said with a posh accent, bowing dramatically. Lydia giggled at his antics, but as usual, she was the only one to appreciate his jokes.
“We will leave you to figure out how all of this happened.” Delia stated with a soft smile, she lead Charles out of the room, and motioning for Lydia to follow. Hesitantly, she did. She mouthed to BJ that she’d be back in a bit.
“I don’t believe you.” Barbara said as soon as she heard the door down the hall close.
“What? What’s there to not believe? Wouldn’t you think I’d prefer to leave than stay somewhere where I’m clearly not wanted?”
“Well you weren’t exactly wanted the first time-“ Adam started, but was cut off by the ex-demon.
“I was selfish then. Goal oriented, if you will. I just wanted to be alive! But I’ve been down that track and seems like life just wasn’t meant for me. But here we are now, and I’m trapped with my killers.”
“Lydia is the one who stabbed you with bad art.” Adam stayed matter-of-factly.
“But you convinced me I was wanted. You kissed me.” He accused Adam. “And you flirted with me.” He pointed at Barbara. “You played to my senses to emotionally manipulate me! And you think I’m here by choice?”
Barbara frowned. He had left so confidently. There didn’t seem to be any hard feelings. But here they were. “Beetlejuice, I believe that you’re stuck here. I just meant that I didn’t believe you were telling the whole truth. But I’m sorry for what we did, we just wanted what was best for Lydia and that seemed like the only option.”
Beej took a breath, remembering Delia’s dumb rule. “What do you mean by you don’t believe I’m telling the whole truth?”
“You have to know how you got here.” Barbara said.
“Okay yeah fair enough. I’m pretty sure I know how and why I’m here but not how I can leave.”
“Wh- it was just that easy?” Adam asked. “All Barbara had to do was call you out?”
“The netherworld is full of paperwork
and again, an abrupt ending! because past me sucked <3
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Does anyone else ever think about how my gal - Delia Deetz - is out here saying in the finale that this is "the best day of her life" like honey are you okay?
Cause like whilst yeah Lydia asks her to stay and she finds a family lets recap what else happens to her (JUST THAT DAY!!)
Has to go back to the place she was possessed and is clearly scared
Sees an exorcism - this one is kinda her fault but I dont think she thought through what was going to happen to Barbara or Adam and she was still scared of them at that point
Captured by a scary demon man who threatens to kill her
Has her fiance and only real family leave her with that scary demon man
Finds out her mentor, who shes based a lot of her life around, is a fraud
Suddenly has to be okay with child marriage
Almost gets killed AGAIN cause its her BJs running to when Lydia grabs the 'art'
Has to deal with another demon coming into her nice new home
Threatened with death again
All still confused about wtf is going on
Offers to give her life to Lydia even though Lydia was never nice to her (she's a grieving kid tho so like no hate)
Sees a giant snake eat a woman
Then thinks that she's getting butted out of the family cause Charles and Lydia seem to be doing okay even after what happened
Sees how Adam and Barbara can be parental figures to Lydia so why would she need another one
OFFERS TO LEAVE like my gal straight up says I'll leave you to it like she is still expecting them to go
Delia how can that be the best day of your life? HOW?
Tldr I love Delia Deetz and she needs a hug
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mysteroads · 1 year
Summary: Charles is having a perfectly relaxing day off, until he gets a text from Lydia asking if he knows how to set a broken bone. Emergency Dad Mode is activated.
It was the perfect sort of day to relax at home.
Charles Deetz sipped his tea and watched rain hammer down as if it had a personal grudge against the entire world. Lightning forked across the sky, almost instantly followed by the type of booming, kettledrum thunder that sent adrenaline zipping through the veins of anyone caught under it. Charles relished the tiny thrill, then took another smug sip. Yes, this was indeed perfect.
A thud above his head that was not from thunder interrupted his quiet. Frowning, he glanced up. Another thud. Were the Maitlands moving things again? They’d said they were planning on staying in bed today to better enjoy the storm, much as he was doing. Perhaps they’d gotten bored. Well, he didn’t mind if they rearranged the entire house, so long as they didn’t ask him for help. Not today. Today was his day off, and he intended to do absolutely nothing.
Then his phone chimed. Frowning, he went to the end table by the sofa where he’d left it plugged in. He’d left it on ‘do not disturb’, so the only ones who could contact him were emergency services, Delia, and Lydia. Delia, out shopping with some art buddies, knew better than to text him today, and Lydia was supposed to be out of cell service herself until this evening. The text was from Lydia, and it made his blood run to ice.
Did that CERT thingy you went to last month cover broken bones?
He dropped his tea in his haste to call her. His frantic call immediately went to voicemail and he received an automated text: Can’t talk now, sorry! :) A few seconds later, he got a real text from Lydia, I’m fine, Dad. Chill.
Collapsing onto the couch, he let out a long sigh, looking sadly at the puddle of spilled tea soaking into the carpet. After getting his heart under control, he texted back. Yes it did. Why do you ask?
Because BJ broke his arm.
Again, his heart seemed to stop for a second, but he recovered more quickly this time. Beetlejuice had become part of the household after his (sudden, but inevitable) return a month after the infamous ‘moving in week’. Charles had reluctantly learned to accept the mischievous monster because Lydia adored him and the feeling was mutual. It helped that “BJ”, now out from under his curse of invisibility and freed from an obviously abusive parent, was more hyperactive than murderously manic. He could actually be funny sometimes. But Charles hadn’t realized that the demon could be injured beyond quickly healed scrapes or comedically removed limbs. Exhausted from magical overuse, yes, but injured?
How did that happen? 
Too long to text. Can you come up here and help me? Hurry, please.
They were back? Charles blinked in surprise, then emergency parent mode activated in his brain and he heaved himself to his feet and into the kitchen, where their big first aid kit was kept. Lydia and Beetlejuice had been to the Neitherworld, and had planned to spend the day there. That they were back so soon spoke to real trouble. 
He raced up the stairs and to Lydia’s door. He paused to catch his breath and calm himself down, remembering the CERT training. Staying calm was the most important thing. You couldn’t help anyone if you were too panicked to think clearly. As he let his heart slow down, he heard Lydia through the door: “Don’t bother with the glamor, Beej. You said you need all the energy you can get to heal, didn’t you?” The words didn’t really register with him, only the worried tone, so when he opened the door he was taken completely by surprise.
Beetlejuice sat on the floor next to Lydia’s mirror, hair white with streaks of sickly yellow, one arm held tight against his chest. There were other changes to his appearance, major changes, but Charles didn’t get a chance to really take them in because the startled demon made a shoving motion with one hand and sent him flying out of the door and into the wall outside. THe door slammed after him.
“Beej!” Lydia shrieked. 
Groaning, he rubbed the back of his head, feeling a dull throb he knew would turn into a full body ache later. The door flew open and Lydia rushed out to him. “Dad! Dad, are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he said, looking around for the first aid kit. It was a few feet away, luckily unscathed. “Maybe I should’ve knocked.”
“I should’ve warned you” she apologized. “He didn’t want me to tell anyone.”
“Because I’m fine!” snarled Beetlejuice, his voice even raspier than usual.
“No you’re not!” Lydia snapped over her shoulder. “Shut up and sit still, dumbass.”
Beetlejuice answered with a snarl. 
Charles stood up with a hand up from Lydia, rubbed his face, and grabbed the first aid kit. Then he looked at Beetlejuice. ‘Don’t bother with the glamor,’ she had said. Now he understood what she meant. 
Beetlejuice had never looked normal, but he’d been human enough. The… being huddled next to the mirror was definitely not human. How he’d hidden those truly impressive fangs and claws all this time was a true mystery. And those eyes. Charles did his best not to stare. Yesterday, he would’ve said Beetlejuice had yellow eyes. They weren’t yellow. They were gold as pirate doubloons and harvest moons, and just as luminous.
Remember, Charles, be calm. Taking a firmer grip on the kit, he headed into the room and knelt down next to Beetlejuice. The demon huddled back away from him. He had long, pointed ears, currently pressed tight back against his head. Charles would never admit it aloud, but they reminded him of a frightened puppy, and on any other person he’d call them cute. But that wasn’t what was important. He turned his attention on the arm Beetlejuice held against his chest.
“Will you let me help?” he asked, careful to keep his voice mild. 
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armpit-of-orion · 4 years
Charles and Beetlejuice bonding headcanons!
I was thinking about Charles trying to figure out how to interact with Beetlejuice
he is just so. perplexed. by the demon boy
Beetlejuice is like. lowkey obsessed with Charles and Charles can’t figure it out?
like when Charles gets home from work Beetlejuice greets him at the door and talks nonstop about his day for a solid twenty minutes (at least). he will follow Charles around the house until he’s done
eventually Charles realizes that BJ’s just looking for like. validation?
(it’s absolutely validation. BJ never had a parental figure who praised him or really gave him any positive attention (cough-we-hate-juno-here-cough) and because he spends so much time with Lydia, Charles’s defining character traits have kind of been reduced to “dad.” so Beetlejuice just soaks up whatever he can get from Charles to make up for what he didn’t get from his mom when he was young.)
like Beetlejuice is always so excited to tell Charles whenever he does something new
when Lydia buys him a pair of green socks, BJ immediately runs to show Charles after putting them on
and Charles goes “good job, buddy” and Beetlejuice is THRILLED
okay also Barbara introduces BJ to coloring books, and they color together a lot
(I hc that Barbara was a preschool or kindergarten teacher when she was alive, and she starts doing coloring books with Beej because she knows that they’re calming and helpful in developing fine motor skills.) (I hc that he doesn’t have the best fine motor skills.) (am I starting to project here?) (haha no way)
anyway the first time Beetlejuice finishes a page that he’s proud of, he immediately takes the book and goes to show Charles because look! almost all of his coloring is within the lines!
and Charles asks if it’s okay if he takes the picture out of the book
that freaks Beetlejuice out a bit, because why? what’s wrong with it?
and Charles assures him that there’s nothing wrong with it! he just wants to put it on the refrigerator
and BJ is just
over the moon!!
pretty soon the fridge fills up with pictures of cartoon bugs that Beetlejuice has colored in (as well as some original drawings of Big Sandy)
(did I take a break from writing this to impulse-buy an insect coloring book? you bet!)
one time Charles refers to both Lydia and Beetlejuice as his children, and he was mostly joking around, but Beej is so excited and touched that Charles starts doing it all the time
they have some hiccups. like sometimes Charles works from home, and he can’t have Beetlejuice running in and out of the office all the time while he’s trying to work, or sometimes Charles just needs some time to relax on his own. it takes some time to explain this to BJ, who has a hard time understanding that it doesn’t mean that Charles hates him just because he doesn’t want to be disturbed every now and then! but after some talking— with the help of Delia, who’s started training to become an actual counselor— they clear things up! so whenever Charles has his office door open BJ is welcome to come in, but if the door is closed BJ shouldn’t come in unless it’s an emergency
(it takes some time for Beetlejuice to figure out what counts as an emergency.) (“no, Beetlejuice, being unable to find your purple marker is not an emergency.” “maYbE nOT To yOU!!!”)
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walltowallfandoms · 4 years
For Slasher 🔪🔪 (@babes-week Day 7), I'm gonna give you an AU scenario.
Lydia is more bitter, more angry at her father. She lets Beetlejuice talk her into saying his name.
As he ponders wicked, violent revenge scheme after revenge scheme... Lydia starts to find the idea of torturing—even killing—her father more and more appealing.
He forgot his wife, her mother! He abruptly moved her to a new house! He won't pay attention to her grief! He jumped onto Delia while his wife's corpse was still fresh!
That bastard must pay for the strife he's caused his poor daughter.
So, she and BJ work out a deliciously horrible little plan, to kill Charles. Lydia can barely wait, she's salivating at thought of her rat bastard father finally meeting his fate—and once he's in the netherworld, he can apologize to poor Emily for slutting it up before she was even in the ground. Beg his wife's forgiveness for the utter disrespect he showed her dead body.
The plan goes off without a hitch. Charles is terrified. Then dead.
Amidst the celebration of a successful plan, she remembers that Delia is still alive. The bitch her father had probably cheated on his ailing wife with. That little skank.
She has to go, too. And she does. She can postrate herself to Emily, too.
Lydia is more than pleased that the people who once made her life hell are now gone.
But her bloodlust, now fully awakened by an opportunistic and manipulative demon, still isn't sated.
When Charles' and Delia's friends come over to investigate, she just can't resist killing them too.
First goes Otho. Then Maxine. Then Max. One by one, the last human ties to her parents are gone. And Lydia now has the house to herself.
And BJ.
(The Maitlands had long since crossed over, unable to bear the sight of watching a teenage girl commit murder after murder with an unhinged demon).
Lydia and BJ celebrate their bloody victory by having sex, until Lydia is exhausted. In between rounds, they kill whoever is unlucky enough to ring the doorbell. Delivery man, pizza guy, census taker, a neighbour & her daughter, a medically fragile girl scout. All dead within days.
Lydia's never had so much fun in her life. But she's still not satisfied.
Neither is BJ.
He tells her that if she marries him, he can stay in the mortal world and cause even more havoc and death.
Lydia is delighted to hear this, and so, they marry.
Beetlejuice becomes an even more powerful demon, and he wastes no time in taking his new wife on a honeymoon—tracking down her old school bullies, and picking them off one by one.
Never has the other felt so much excitement and joy. And Beetlejuice has promised to turn Lydia into a demon once she dies, so they can continue their massacres forever.
Lydia is happy to have such a wonderful husband.
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headcanon requests, you say? can i get some uhhh charles going Full Dad on beej? i love that dynamic sm!
hskshdjsfb yes!!! i love that dynamic too it’s just 💞💓💕💘💖💗
just letting you know this is long as fuck because i have so many ideas for this
when beej was brought back by lydia him and charles didn’t really have much of a relationship other than ‘please don’t disturb me while i’m trying to birdwatch thanks’
lydia has tried talking to him about charles but bj usually got bored
but everything changed when the fire nation attacked when he spotted betelgeuse trying his absolute best to help lydia with some homework (let’s just say it was english or something)
so he comes into her room all ‘hey what’s going on here?’ and offers to help
lydia agrees obviously
the two are uncomfortable at first constantly interrupting eachother and doing that thing where they’re like ‘no you can go first’ ‘no you were talking first’ and then being silent for a second before talking at the same time but they eventually work it out and find how well they can work together
it all ended with lydia finally finishing her homework after a whole hour and a half even with help because they kept getting distracted and talked about stuff until one of them (never betelgeuse) were like ‘okay guys we need to do the homework’
after that charles tries his best to get closer with betelgeuse and it works
it’s actually scary how much they get along dispite being almost polar opposites but being scary as we all know is betelgeuse’s thing so don’t worry it’s ok
one day betelgeuse and lydia did a weird little art project they found online and show it to charles
lydia explains everything about it and betelgeuse ends it with ‘and i did that part!’ and he points to a couple scribbly drawings of random things
charles is all ‘that’s so good! i’m really impressed with you two!’ and beej’s hair instantly turns a bright green because he’d never had a father figure, hell even a normal parental figure, in his life
from then on beej showed everything he (and sometimes lydia) made and charles was always equally, if not more, impressed everytime
he also was glad it gave bj a hobby and something to do other than drink or wreck the house
he was surprised at how much of a pushover bj could be if you were just nice to him (i don’t know if pushover is the right word, i was thinking sweetheart but that sounded weird)
charles started inviting bj to do things with him and lydia that would usually just be, yknow, him and lydia
of course bj would accept and be overjoyed the whole time
fast forward to maybe a couple weeks and he’s gotten really used to this, both bj and charles, so after hearing lydia call charles dad so many times you can imagine what eventually happened
‘hiya, dad! h-‘ he stopped after realising what he had said, after basically everyone was staring at him
‘dad? am i a father figure to you?’
‘obviouslynotthat’sweird, it was just an accident’
‘alright, whatever you say, son’ he couldn’t help but smile at how happy betelgeuse got whenever he said things like that
betelgeuse started calling charles dad a bit more, feeling as if it was okay (which it was) but it got kinda awkward after delia mentioned it reminded her of the wedding, but that was in the past and bj had proven he wasn’t completely an asshole
lydia didn’t feel jealous while bj was getting affection, she felt happy for him and was excited that he was basically her brother now
ok i know this is a bit of a tangent and it’s not about charles and bj like you asked but betelgeuse goes full Protective Older Brother on anyone who even LOOKS at lydia in a bad way at school or anywhere. he’s said multiple times how he’s willing to kill lydias bullies but she always says the same thing about how ‘it’s wrong’ and stuff. but what a shock to her when she finds one of her worst bullies has gone missing right after they had talked some absolute sHIT and spread a rumour about her. she obviously knew who did it and was all ‘you can’t do this beej, i don’t know where they are but-‘ ‘lyds i’m just gonna be real with you i doubt they’ll ever find the body’
lydia didn’t know what the fuck to say
anyway back to charles and bj
yeah like i was saying she wasn’t jealous at all, in fact she was glad about how bj was being included more and wouldn’t just have to leave him on his own when some family gathering was happening with everyone (including the maitlands)
bj didn’t do the best on those days
after telling this to charles he felt really bad and apologised way too many times even though bj insisted it was okay and he didn’t really care anymore
bj is invited to everything now as long as he doesn’t make a mess (which he doesn’t, apart from on april fools which, oh god, was hell for everyone including himself)
of course there were times where bj couldn’t be invited as it was ‘Deetzes Only Please We Have Something Serious To Talk About Thank You Sorry’ but he would just vibe with the maitlands a bit
charles once overheard a (pretty depressing and obviously meant to be private) conversation between bj and lydia where he was talking about juno and how horrible she was, it was filled with many tears from beej and hugs from lydia
charles was really to fucking destroy a bitch!!!!!
he knocked on the door to lydias room and asked if he could come in
bj said yeah but lydia said no
he said it was okay and he’ll just ‘clean himself up a bit’ so he tried to change his hair colour on demand, something he had once learnt to do when he was with juno, but it only worked a little bit
charles asked what was wrong and bj insisted nothing and that everything was fine but charles already knew that was a lie
‘i want you to tell me everything she did to you.’
‘your mom. what did she do to you?’
‘ah, it’s fine, dad, really it wasn’t-‘
‘just talk about it. let it all out, okay?’
that night was uh
a lot
for all three of them
but it helped beej a lot and he was back to his normal self the next day which is good!!
i’m gonna try and wrap this up because this is extremely long and i don’t think you were expecting this much, but this is literally the first ask i’ve ever gotten in all my time on tumblr, even on my older blogs lol so i wanted to make the most of it
beej and charles have the best father to son dynamic you can’t change my mind because i am correct ok thank you my name is matylda thank you for coming to my ted talk
no but seriously thank you for being my first ask!! this was so much fun to write and i hope it’s not too bad, it’s pretty early in the uk and i’m kinda tired so if there are any mistakes i didn’t find i’ll try my best to fix them later! 🤍🖤🤍🖤
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