#tbh i don’t really ship it now
ihavesomejays · 9 days
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text transcription:
Many springs ago, I perceived a sea of flowers upon a lake. I thought to myself that those fleeting colors held indescribable beauty.
The next time I perceived those colors was many years later, when the medic’s tent had blinded me to all but red. The radiance of that shining star was lost on my eyes.
Now, my eyes no longer perceive the subtleties in the colors around me.
But I am content.
For I can now see the most brilliant colors in my universe.
anyways yeah why did they fucking do that to jiaoqiu bro
the planning for this experimentalish comic is under keep reading
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eli-am-confused · 3 months
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Howard doesn’t want to admit what he’s reading so he tells Eddie a lie. Eddie does not believe him
Again could I have stopped here? I mean yeah but again I wrote so many words in my notes.
Words under the cut
Picture one
Howard: It’s a… uh… history or politics? I’m… studying to become… the president?
Picture two
Eddie: Really Howie? You? The president of the United States of America?
Picture three
Eddie: Next you’ll say that Bailey’s gonna be a cop, Gary’s gonna become the towns only lawyer,
Picture four
Eddie: little Ed’s gonna adopt a squirrel that fits in his ratty old hoodie pocket, and I’m gonna marry some rich guy I met in an underground fighting ring for kids with super powers.
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beartitled · 12 days
I absolutely am proud of the work you do. And I appreciate what you draw no matter what fandoms as it's wonderful. But I'm curious if you're falling interest out of Stanley Parable? I know it's a silly question. But I've seen a lot artists fall out and just wanted to check.
Even if i came from that era. I'll still support your adventures no matter what!💖
Awww glad you enjoy my art ❤️💞🥹 Your support means a lot ❤️
I wouldn’t say I lost interest in TSP, I just not actively creating content for the fandom nowadays + moved on to other things
Do you mean “fall out” as leave the fandom entirely? Then nope
I think many ppl in the fandom went through “narrator to oc” pipeline (me included 😈) and started moving away from the og game
Which is a good thing on my opinion
It frees people to create and explore without being restrained by the canon
Or some ppl just moved on to different things/fandoms, which is totally normal
It’s actually very impressive to me how an office simulator with a British guy/silly
attracted such creative fanbase, like damn 💥
Tsp is my first fandom I actively took part in (and I would say the longest from the fandoms I were in so far), so TSP will always have a place in my tiny bear heart 🐻‍❄️❤️
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terriblegam2r · 3 months
If I had a nickel for every time an FX show turned me into a clown I would have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Not the spiderverse art book restarting the dying down Hobie age discourse. With the Japanese version implying he’s a ‘young boy’(I think that’s what it was either way either way) and the book saying ‘he’s much older than miles..’(smth like that either way either way) and it’s like seriously? Again? AGAIN?
The directors said it’s up to interpretation. And the only reason(w/ the exclusion of the people thinking he’s like 30 cause that’s weird and gross, re-examine some racial biases)that people are so adamant he is or isn’t a minor is because of shipping! Whether it’s with one of the spider teens or with OCs or justifying self shipping it’s weird! It’s weird that that’s the reason people are going nuts over this shit and dying on their respective hills. And let people have their HCs holyshit.
And to reiterate: it’s not proshipping/pedoshit if someone HCs Hobie as a teen and ships them with one of the spider teens. It’s not necessarily fetishization and is not pedoshit if people HC him as a young adult and do self ships or whatever else goes on there.
It’s fandom let people fuck around. Something doesn’t have to be justified as morally wrong for you not to like it. Stop trying to force your own Head Canons, key word HEAD as in the canon in your head, onto other people.
Sorry for the rant I just cannot believe it’s still going.
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undeserved-halo · 25 days
crazy but true: the easiest way to make friends is to fucking lie
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sehrgefaelltmir · 3 months
would it be dumb and/or wrong and/or selfish to delete a fic other people like just cause i don’t like it cause like. i kinda want to but i feel bad 💀
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padfootastic · 2 years
H E L L O jfp-eyes pen (thats your new name btw)
i know its a little late but my mind keep going back to it and i also talked about a similar issue w several other people on here since and i was wondering if you can/want elaborate on what you said about this:
"like, u want potters to be desi? it’s not just the cute clothes and good food and linguistic differences u need to keep in mind. there’s so much more where it comes from, including several practices that will be considered highly objectionable by this rigidly judgemental crowd."
((i am v v interested but no pressure to answer this, i totally get if you dont want to get into this discourse))
dani—you’re gonna pull me into the desi potters discourse one way or the other, eh?
so. i’m not sure how much sense this’ll make because it’s like…half-baked thoughts but my problem with this scenario actually stems from a more macro, general trend i’m noticing in fandom behaviour. for some reason, puritan culture & veiled conservatism is coming back in the guise of progressiveness? and that’s leading to a lack of critical thinking in these spaces & randomly attributing buzzwords to things out of context bc u don’t have more than a shallow understanding of it.
which means that that comment was directed at a very specific subset of fandom that decided that idk ignoring the Bad Things & Flaws would somehow make them cease to exist. let’s only take the most ‘exotic’, fun aspects even if it’s a completely one dimensional reading & run with it. they wouldn’t be able to tell u what desi is beyond the barebones.
so, you’ll have people vehemently arguing that the potters can’t be anything but desi and white james is gross and i’m just like—why. why are u, as a non-desi person, so attached to this headcanon that you’ll ridicule real people for it? and then their attitudes as well. the incest thing, for example. there are communities in india that marry their first cousins—if i write a story tomorrow where james marries his mother’s imaginary brother’s daughter, then depending on how i HC him, that’s perfectly culturally acceptable (and desirable). if i write a story where euphemia and fleamont use corporal punishment for him, and he takes it super lightly and jokes about it, that’s also fine. (which is a direct contrast to how the western black family & sirius’ abuse is treated). there’ a community in india where the man ‘drinks’ from his mother’s breast, publicly, at his wedding to symbolise the last time he’d be her son before he becomes someone’s husband. another where a new mother can’t feed her son until her sister-in-law washes her breast thoroughly. caste is something that’s not even touched upon. it’s so complicated. but how do u think it’ll be received by most of the desi potter crowd if i actually do write any of this? will i be praised for my ~representation or called out on twitter for being a freak?
and that’s really where i get annoyed. the attitudes most of this crowd hold does not have any space for cultural subjectivity, what is ok to them has to be universally ethical. there’s no way other cultures do things their way and if they do, it’s barbaric/backward/problematic etc etc. pseudo-colonial, like i said.
(disclaimer: i want it to be made very clear i’m not demanding people nclude this stuff in their fics. i’m well aware of how escapism works, being the premier advocate for it. im just saying it won’t hurt to be mindful of these facts, that this is a whole culture that’s ridiculously diverse that doesn’t just exist for the sake of people’s headcanons)
and this isn’t even going into the cultural nuances of how desi families work. you can’t bring in american/european individualism & have james move out at 18 & write everything transactionally & do everything the way u would for a white character but only pay lip service when saying they’re brown ykno? when u say they’re a certain identity, there’s so much that comes with that. and if u don’t include any of that, then it really just makes me wonder why u want a brown james—feels like ego appeasement and falling to peer pressure half the time tbh.
another important thing for me is that so much of this crowd intersects with the ‘fandom is activism’ crowd and i just. fundamentally disagree with those people. and find their words/actions incredibly performative. by which i mean, the way they treat real people—people from the communities they’re adopting as HCs for their beloved characters. there’s this…hypocrisy, yeah? what i mentioned above, about how if i wrote some culturally different practice, i’d probably be attacked. they don’t want desi potter, they want white-lite potters that is palatable to & tailored for their own constitution but in a form that they can pass of as ‘oh look, my characters r diverse which makes me Morally Good and i can use that to shit on others’.
i think my problem is just that i don’t like it when people use the identity headcanons to portray themselves as being inherently better because they have ~equal representation. fandom is not a government institution—lateral visibility & membership is not a prerequisite to wanting to write about x and y fucking or going on a date or hugging or having a conversation. making a marauder group where each character—functionally an OC—is from a different community (often w/o considering how intersectionality works) for the sake of saying ‘oh i have a x in my HCs’ does not make u some radical leftist, yeah? and i strongly dislike people who pretend it does.
#also jfp-eyes pen skshdjhskcwdj#see i’m more open ab this now bc i’ve outed myself lol#earlier i was worried i’d fell on myself in the process of expressing my opinions so i just stayed quiet#this doesn’t apply to everyone obv#some people don’t want it to be that deep#(but then my question is why even incorporate it if u don’t lol)#this isn’t a black or white/yes or no thing#there’s no wrong or right way for things here#it’s just personal discomfort i was expressing tbh#this wasn’t easy for me to articulate#bc i’m not exactly sure what it is about this whole thing that bothers me sm#i think it’s also just—american audiences in general that irl me#irk*#esp w all this shipping/fictional likes discourse that keeps going on#bc they’re really very self centred imo#and it’s weird watching this for the outside#lol dani u really got me ranting here#but it’s an issue that bothers me sm#esp that puritan young adult/teen crowd#who somehow believe they know best#and intersectionality—identities are such rigid boxes for them#the fluidity & agency & human element of it is completely erased#bc *what* they are becomes more imp than what they can do for the plot#and then u start putting fictional characters on a pedestal and fight w real people#like i just wanna say—my litmus test for anyone advocating for desi potters would be this#if i wrote a story where fleamont hits him with his footwear and james jokes about it before going on to marry his first cousin#then will u accept it?#bc if u say u do then good. if u don’t tho—take a long hard inside urself re why u fight so hard for desi potters then#pen’s asks#pen’s notes
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bisexualmikisayaka · 1 year
someone called dinluke an example of a migratory slash ship and oh my god. Oh my god it all makes sense now
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ontargetmadders · 9 months
God writing a wedding is actually harder than it seems! Especially if you're trying to make it relaistic and use the proper phrases and processes and everything
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toyboy-molloy · 1 year
everyone out there getting fed with their ship content meanwhile roykeeley fans dying of starvation
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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the nagihiyo mirror is so cute~~~~~~~
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tellie-vision-art · 1 year
Wanting more Priyaxel content but also knowing if I want it that badly I will have to make it myself bc it feels like no one actively ships it/makes content for it anymore 😭
I feel like a loser here in my corner hyped up over something no one else cares about and I’m kinda embarrassed about it 😩 like I have thoroughly convinced myself now that I am dumb for shipping it bc no one sees it like I do and people are perceiving me as weird and overdramatic about it 😔
#top ten saddest moments in history number one#sorry if you followed exclusively for Priyaxel content this might be the end of the road tbh#I still really like the ship obviously but I feel like no one cares and my hype over it is cringe to see#honestly I’m almost finished with the thing I am writing but#I might not even post it bc there’s no audience for it so what’s the point /:#and I feel like people wouldn’t like it anyway tbh that’s always what happens#maybe the world is not ready for my Axel has BPD/Autism combo headcanon#but also idk maybe I should post it and get told it sucks before I give up on it#I guess the real con here is if I don’t post it then I can’t post/finish the PMV either#but I could also post that in its unfinished state?#anyway sorry if I never post any of this stuff I really am not sure if there’s a point#if there is someone out there in the void you’re free to try and convince me but idk /:#when I started writing this thing it was a different world where Priyaxel looked like the most popular ship#and now it seems like everyone dropped it for Ax*lle 💔#see and Idek if I could just do a big text post with my thoughts on them either bc they’re so specific which was the point for writing 😭#lmao I’m the meme of that ant packing up and leaving#ok but for real if I don’t finish the PMV I WILL post the unfinished version in the tag bc that took effort#sorry this is so gloomy I just feel kinda sad and demotivated#like it was so exciting when I first watched the season and discovered a ton of people shipped it and now…#alas I can always recycle my ideas for OCs that never fails me just fails everyone around me that wanted the canon characters#but damn it I am disappointed too when I go in the TD tag and all I see is Ax*lle#I have spoken too much you get the point by now I just feel /:
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mycological-mariner · 2 years
“Bad Moon Rising” should be in way more boat media tbh
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neofelis----nebulosa · 2 months
Idk if it’s just my computer getting but I really have noticed a significant decline in the user experience of photoshop ever since they started focusing so much on ai. Like it was always frustrating, but until fairly recently it was at least fun to edit my photos. Now, I dread that part of the process as even the most basic of commands result in at least 30 seconds of lag.
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the-somwthing · 4 months
My brain’s on a bit of a flower husbands kick rn. I wanted to do more scott/joel but hey. Maybe I’ll do some fh before I get back to that.
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