#charles le fou
rhianna · 4 months
Chariot tarot charles6.jpg
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DescriptionCharles VI (or Gringonneur) Deck; Le tarot dit de Charles VIDate15th centurySourcehttp://expositions.bnf.fr/renais/arret/3/index.htmAuthorUnknown author
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stregamoda · 2 years
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One of King Charles VI's (known as "Charles the Mad") most fascinating episodes involved a phenomenon known as the Glass Delusion. Charles became convinced that he was made of glass, and could shatter at the slightest bump. He wouldn’t allow anyone to touch him, and had special protective iron rods and padding applied to his clothing. Advisors were asked to remove their shoes and tiptoe when approaching (not too close!) He was particularly concerned about the royal buttocks, and would wrap his midsection in blankets before daring to sit down. 
A strange thing about the ailments of rulers is that they have a habit of catching on. The Glass Delusion may not have originated with Charles VI, but he was certainly a very early and visible sufferer. Glass, especially clear glass, was a relatively new technological advance in Europe at the time, and had about it an air of mysticism and alchemical magic. People, particularly nobles, throughout Europe began presenting with a variety of “oh shit, I’m breakable” beliefs - glass bones, glass hearts, glass heads and organs. Concern over possibly shattering glass butts was not at all uncommon, with sufferers demanding ample seat padding or strapping pillows to their behinds. One man feared leaving the house lest he be melted down into a window, another attempted to fling himself into a kiln on the island of Murano (known for its glass artisans). 
The delusion manifested in slightly different ways. Some sufferers believed themselves to be vases, oil lamps, or glass flasks called “urinals”. One scholar believed that the world was glass, and full of serpents - he wouldn’t step out of his bed for fear that he’d break the surface. Princess Alexandra Amalie of Bavaria developed the belief that she had swallowed a full-size glass grand piano in childhood and must be extremely careful in her movements, lest it smash inside of her. Her delusion was discovered when she was found creeping around the palace halls sideways. 
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lemondeabicyclette · 9 months
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Certaines personnes ne font jamais de folies. Quelles vies vraiment horribles elles doivent traverser. Charles Bukowski
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guycourtheoux · 3 months
LE MOIS MOLIERE, à Versailles
Le mois Molière à Versailles :    Un, deux, trois, Vive le théâtre ! Depuis vingt-huit ans, le mois Molière à Versailles est devenu un rendez-vous incontournable des amoureux du théâtre, qu’ils soient versaillais ou de la région, tant les propositions sont alléchantes. Des créations, des reprises sont suivis par un public nombreux et familial. Les tarifs sont très bas ou offrent des prix…
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François-Auguste Biard - Le roi fou ou la folie de Charles VI (1839)
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jeanchrisosme · 28 days
Seuls les fous et les solitaires peuvent se permettre d'être eux-mêmes. Parce que les solitaires n'ont besoin de plaire à personne et les fous ne se soucient pas d'être compris.
Charles Bukowski
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thebearchives · 2 years
Group C, prompt B with you and Charles at his birthday party
pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
prompt: one person pouting, only to have it removed by a kiss from the other person.
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at the head of the table, charles sat with a wide smile on his face, brighter than all the lights that were flashing at him. you sat next to him, smiling just as wide as your boyfriend squeezed your hand under the table.
“c'est fou,” charles shook his head, a laugh of disbelief escaped his lips, “tout ça pour moi?” this is crazy. all of this for me?
your eyes caught arthur’s on the other side of charles. he was frowning, his own eyes rolling at his brother’s words, “et moi, mais s'il te plaît, ignore-moi comme tu le fais toujours.” and me, but please, ignore me like you always do.
“alright, alright, let’s not get carried away,” you giggled, hand already coming up to close charles’ mouth just as it opened, “no fighting at your shared birthday celebration, please.”
arthur gave you a sickly sweet smile, “me? fight with my stupid older brother? never!”
“hey,” charles pushed arthur’s head away with one finger on his forehead, “if i’m stupid, what does that make you, huh? et je suis plus âgé que toi, traite-moi avec respect.” and i’m older than you, treat me with respect.
“tu dois mériter mon respect, je ne vais pas te le donner comme ça,” arthur leaned back in his seat smugly, “essayez plus fort.” you need to deserve my respect, i won’t just give it to you. try harder.
pascale came around, yanking arthur by his ear, “tu marches sur une fine couche de glace, gamin. traite ton frère avec respect, je ne te le redemanderai pas.” you're walking on thin ice, kid. treat your brother with respect, i'm not gonna ask you again.
charles smirked, sticking his tongue out at arthur. pascale turned to her older son, rolling her eyes while smacking him across the back of his head, “charles, s'il te plaît, arrête de te comporter comme un enfant. tu as vingt-cinq ans maintenant, arrête de contrarier ton frère.” charles, please stop behaving like a child. you're twenty five now, stop antagonizing your brother.
charles frowned, hand coming up to rub his head, “ah, ok, ok. maman, vous m'embarrassez.” ah, okay, okay. mom, you're embarrassing me. 
pascale narrowed her eyes at him, “tu peux penser que tu es un crack, mais tu es toujours mon fils et j'ai le droit de te gronder quand et comme bon me semble.” you might think you're some hotshot, but you're still my son and i get to scold you whenever and however i see fit.
your loud laughter caused several heads to turn your way. you hid your face behind your hands, shoulder shaking as charles whined at you to stop laughing.
“amour, please,” charles grabbed your hand, tugging it down, though you wouldn’t let him, “this is so embarrassing. defend me!”
you wiped under your eyes, hoping no makeup got smudged with the tears that formed from your laughter, “i am sorry, my love, but i can’t defend you. la mère sait toujours ce qui est le mieux.” mother always knows best.
pascale smiled at you, hand smoothing down your hair before she leaned over and pressed a kiss to your head, “ah, my favourite child,” she glared at her two boys who were looking at the two of you, “you guys should learn something from her.”
pascale walked away soon after, with arthur following behind her spewing complaints, leaving you with a pouting charles.
you giggled, “why are you pouting?”
charles’ pout deepened and he crossed his arms, moving his body away from you. to think this man had turned twenty-five today, you refused to believe it.
“oh, so i’m getting the silent treatment now?” more silence, “well, this is highly unfair. can i know why, at least?”
charles’ eyes flitted back to you. he stayed quiet for a second before breathing deeply, “you didn’t defend me.”
you held back the laugh that threatened to escape, “charles, are you serious right now?”
charles turned towards you, a deep frown on his face, “le plus grave.” the most serious.
you rolled your eyes, “you’re acting like a baby.”
charles said nothing, arms still crossed at his chest and a furrow in his eyebrows.
you sighed, “fine, i’m sorry i didn’t defend you. i promise i won’t leave you hanging like that ever again.”
his pout returned, “i don’t believe you.”
you leaned closer, lips pressing against his pout. you pulled away shortly after, charles unwilling to cave.
his pout remained, although his eyes showed slight flashes of amusement. you hummed, “guess i’ll just have to try again.”
you leaned forward once again, this time pecking his mouth multiple times before pressing a single long kiss against his lips, hard. seconds into the kiss, you felt his lips quiver, pout transforming into a smile. his teeth just barely grazed your lips before he pulled back, unable to keep his laughter down.
his shoulders shook as he shook his head, “fine, fine, i believe you.”
“good,” you smiled, leaning back in your seat, “now, stop acting like a drama queen. you’re worse than arthur.”
charles’ laughter stopped, eyes wide as he stared at your side profile. he gasped, “you did not.”
you gave him a saccharine smile, “oh, but i did.”
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vital-deloin · 1 month
"Une vie d'amour, que l'on s'était jurée et que le temps a désarticulée, jour après jour blesse mes pensées. Tant des mots d'amour en nos cœurs étouffés dans un sanglot l'espace d'un baiser sont restés sourds à tout, mais n'ont rien changé. Car un au revoir ne peut être un adieu. Et fou d'espoir, je m'en remets à Dieu, pour te revoir, et te parler encore, et te jurer encore.." - Une Vie D'Amour
~ Charles Aznavour
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nemosisworld · 6 months
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Ce jour-là, quand je t'ai vue, j'étais comme quand on regarde le soleil; j'avais un grand feu dans la tête, je ne savais plus ce que je faisais, j'allais tout de travers comme un qui à trop bu, et mes mains tremblaient.
Je suis allé tout seul par le sentier des bois, je croyais te voir marcher devant moi, et je te parlais, mais tu ne me répondais pas.
J'avais peur de te voir, j'avais peur de t"entendre, j'avais peur du bruit de tes pieds dans l'herbe, j'avais peur de ton rire dans les branches; et je me disais:" Tu es fou, ah! si on te voyait, comme on se moquerait de toi!"???
Charles Ferdinand Ramuz.
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empiredesimparte · 9 months
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Interview : Louis Simparte, free above all else.
Journalist: You quit Maison Simparte as a teenager to join the Socialist Party. You claim to have found your freedom in this way.
Louis: At university, I took part in drunken student parties and joined student union groups. The final straw: I hung a portrait of Che Guevara in my room. It drove my parents crazy! It wasn't much, I'm sure you'll agree, but members of the imperial family are narrow-minded.
Journalist: Despite your family's exile at the time, did your parents hope to see you one day ascend the imperial throne in Francesim?
Louis: Oh yes. When I was a child, on my way to school, Simpartist soldiers and supporters would greet me as if I were a prophet. I lived completely out of touch with reality: baptized by the Pope, surrounded by old aristocrats who fantasized about empire and the old ways. My father fed off these fantasies and was convinced that one day we'd be back at the helm of Francesim. I had to be prepared to embody his dream.
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Journalist: Your grandfather's dream was realized through his grandson, Charles, who became Emperor Napoléon IV.
Louis: My father forced me to marry an aristocrat, and I had Charles and Henri. To please the head of the family. But I was soon divorced, I couldn't live chained to my father any longer. So my father disinherited me and took it out on my son, Charles. He separated us from each other and made him think that I was the enemy of the family.
Journalist: And now? Would you like to reconcile with the imperial family?
Louis: I've come to terms with myself and my family history over the years. Charles and Henri never invited me to ceremonies in Francesim, and Napoléon V didn't either. None of them considered me in the Imperial Constitution, even though I am the true dynastic head. Today, I think I'm a blot on their imperial history.
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Journalist: Did the tragic death of Emperor Napoléon IV change your position? Perhaps in the future, your destiny will be to return to Francesim, to the Emperor.
Louis: You know… I don't think so. No. I have a parallel life to all that, and I took my responsibilities when I left the Simparte family. For the past ten years, I've been working for the United Nations, helping countries and associations all over the world. For my part, I'm no longer angry with my children Charles and Henri. I don't know Napoléon V, my grandson, nor his sister Hortense. But my republican ideas are undeniably interfering with their lives.
Journalist: Yet you've decided to move back to Francesim next year.
Louis: With all due respect to the imperial family (sic), I think it's important for me to illustrate all the facets of Simpartism. I'm still a Simparte. And Napoléon isn't just a dynasty, a tyrant or an emperor. He's also the revolutionary, the general, the first president of the French republic.
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Journalist: Your book is selling like hotcakes in French bookshops. You are conducting numerous interviews. From the shadows, you entered the light at the dawn of Napoleon V's reign. With your arrival in Francesim, few people think it's harmless. Some call it a "family settling of scores".
Louis: I don't want to challenge the Emperor, or Henri, or anyone else. I simply assume who I am without any complexes, I don't feel any scruples and I don't want to run away from debates either. I simply want to set the record straight, for the young Emperor's sake too.
Journalist: Do you think Emperor Napoléon V will read your book?
Louis: Probably not, but I sincerely hope so.
⚜ Traduction française
Interview : Louis Simparte, libre avant tout.
Journaliste : Vous avez claqué la porte à la Maison Simparte depuis votre adolescence pour rejoindre le parti socialiste. Vous dîtes avoir ainsi trouvé votre liberté.
Louis : A l'université, j'ai participé à des fêtes estudiantines arrosées et j'ai rejoint des groupes syndicaux étudiants. Le coup final : j'ai accroché un portrait du Che Guevara dans ma chambre. Cela rendait mes parents fous ! Ce n'était pas grand chose vous en conviendrez, mais les membres de la famille impériale sont étroits d'esprit.
Journaliste : Malgré l'exil de votre famille à l'époque, vos parents espéraient-ils vous voir un jour monter sur le trône impérial en Francesim ?
Louis : Oh oui. Lorsque j'étais enfant, sur le chemin de l'école, des militaires et des soutiens Simpartistes me saluaient comme si j'étais un prophète. Je vivais complètement déconnecté de la réalité : baptisé par le pape, entouré de vieux aristocrates qui fantasmaient l'empire et les vieilles mœurs. Mon père se nourrissait sans cesse de ces fantasmes et était persuadé que nous reviendrons un jour à la tête de la Francesim. Je devais être préparé à incarner son rêve.
Journaliste : Le rêve de votre grand-père s'est réalisé à travers son petit-fils, Charles devenu l'Empereur Napoléon IV. Pourquoi lui plutôt que vous ?
Louis : Mon père m'a marié de force à une aristocrate, et j'ai eu Charles et Henri. Pour faire plaisir au chef de famille. Mais j'ai divorcé rapidement, je ne pouvais plus vivre enchaîné à mon père. Alors mon père m'a déshérité et s'en est pris à mon fils, Charles. Il nous a séparés l'un de l'autre et lui a mis en tête que j'étais l'ennemi de la famille.
Journaliste : Et maintenant ? Souhaitez-vous vous réconcilier avec la famille impériale ?
Louis : Je me suis réconcilié avec moi-même et avec mon histoire familiale, au fur et à mesure des années. Charles et Henri ne m'ont jamais convié aux cérémonies en Francesim, et Napoléon V non plus. Aucun d'eux ne me considère dans la Constitution impériale, alors que je suis le véritable chef dynastique. Aujourd'hui, je crois que je suis pour eux une tache de leur histoire impériale.
Journaliste : La disparition tragique de l'Empereur Napoléon IV n'a rien changé à votre position ? Peut-être que à l'avenir, votre destin sera de revenir en Francesim auprès de l'Empereur.
Louis : Vous savez... Je ne crois pas. Non. J'ai une vie parallèle à tout ça, j'ai pris mes responsabilités en quittant la famille Simparte. Je travaille depuis une dizaine d'années pour les Nations Unies, pour aider les pays et les associations du monde entier. De mon côté, je ne suis plus fâché contre mes enfants Charles et Henri. Je ne connais pas Napoléon V, mon petit fils, ni Hortense sa soeur. Mais mes idées républicaines nuisent à leur vie indéniablement.
Journaliste : Pourtant, vous avez décidé de revenir vivre en Francesim l'an prochain.
Louis : N'en déplaise à la famille impériale. Je pense que c'est important pour moi d'illustrer toutes les facettes du Simpartisme. Je reste un Simparte. Et Napoléon, ce n'est pas qu'une dynastie, que le tyran ou l'empereur. C'est aussi le révolutionnaire, le général, le premier président de la république française.
Journaliste : Votre livre s'arrache dans toutes les librairies françaises. Vous menez de nombreuses interviews. De l'ombre, vous entrez dans la lumière à l'aube du règne de Napoléon V. Avec votre arrivée en Francesim, peu de gens pensent que c'est anodin. Certains parlent d'un "règlement de comptes familial".
Louis : Je ne veux pas défier l'Empereur, ou Henri, ou qui que ce soit. J'assume simplement qui je suis sans complexe, je ne ressens pas de scrupules et je n'ai pas non plus envie de fuir les débats. Je veux simplement rétablir la vérité, aussi pour le jeune Empereur.
Journaliste : Pensez-vous que l'Empereur Napoléon V lira votre livre ?
Louis : Probablement pas, mais je l'espère sincèrement.
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bugattieb111 · 2 months
votre eminance charles 3
vous trouverez votre reponse bientot
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rhianna · 4 months
Empereur tarot charles6.jpg
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Charles VI (or Gringonneur) Deck; Le tarot dit de Charles VI
Unknown author
Public domain
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vague-abondage · 1 year
Seuls les fous et les solitaires peuvent se permettre d'être eux-mêmes. Les solitaires n'ont personne à qui plaire et les fous s'en foutent complètement de plaire ou pas.
Charles Bukowski
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mlmshipbracket · 10 months
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~ Updated bracket for Round One is above ~
OFFICIAL POLLS BEGIN TODAY AND will last until Saturday, December 2nd.
You will notice previously the tournament had been divided into two brackets. I realized now after the preliminaries we would be down to 32 ships. I decided to condense it to one bracket, still in its original order. The tournament shall continue as a normal bracket does.
Happy Voting!
REMINDER: All match-ups were randomly generated using a randomizer to ensure a higher likelihood of randomness as ships were pitted against one another.
Polls posted will include submitted propaganda (with edits for spelling/punctuation). Feel free to include your own propaganda (in the reblogs, comments, tags, or submitted via 'ask') for which ships everyone should vote for and hype up your favorite ship if you want them to win! Feel free to add text, art, or videos to your propaganda as well!
I will continue linking propaganda and ongoing polls so keep an eye out for those throughout the ongoing weeks.
Remember, get those votes in. Reblog, comment, tag. Get as many others to vote and get your favorite ships to Round Two!
As I have seen some arguing in previous polls I wanted to clarify:
You can vote to your heart's content!
The ship you vote for can be:
canon or not!
the cutest/most adorable
or just your favorite ship
There is no actual criteria for voting.
Its all who you believe to be the best ship
This is why propaganda is important, to convince others your favorite is the best.
With that out of the way-
Round One polls are beneath the cut or [Find by Tag]
Round One Polls!
Side A
1. Takasugi Shinsuke/Sakata Gintoki vs. Jack Harkness/Ianto
2. Astarion Ancunín/Wyll Ravengard vs. Juno Steele/Peter Nureyev
3. Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe vs. Prince Gumball "Gary Prince"/Marshall Lee
4. Gaston/Le Fou vs. Gregg Lee/Angus Delaney
5. Dean Winchester/Castiel vs. Luo Binghe/Shen Qingqiu
6. Legolas Greanleaf/Gimli son of Gloin vs. Odo/Quark
7. Luca Paguro/Alberto Scorfano vs. Adrien Agreste/Luka Couffaine
8. Fizzarolli/Asmodeus vs. Detective Hunch Curio/Daniel Fucks
Side B
9. Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth vs. Fiddleford Hadron Mcgucket/Stanford Fillbrick Pines
10. Squalo/Tiziano vs. Shawn Spencer/Carlton Lassiter
11. Kurogane/Fai D. Fluorite vs. Dream/Hob Gadling
12. Bruno Bucciarati/Leone Abbacchio vs. Stede Bonnet/Edward Teach
13. Ike/Soren vs. Jean-Paul Beaubier/Kyle Jinadu
14. Noe Archiviste/Vanitas vs. Elim Garak/Julian Bashir
15. Lelouch Lamperouge/Suzaku Kururugi vs. Edwin Paine/Charles Rowland
16. Gol D. Roger/Silvers Rayleigh vs. Johnny Silverhand/V
tag key-
polls- #masterpost, #first mlm ship bracket, #second mlm ship bracket, #third mlm ship bracket, #mlm ship bracket 2023, #mlm ship bracket tournamnet 2023
other-polls- #other tournaments
preliminaries- #thirdprelims
rounds- #thirdr[1-5]. (ex. thirdr1)
propaganda- #propaganda
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formulinos · 1 year
on the monday after jeddah, eurosport fr dropped an episode of their podcast "les fous du volant" and one of the topics was, obviously, her. Scuderia Ferrari.
normally i wouldn't pay as much attention as to italian/british media but given that we have a stronger french presence in Ferrari again, i think these reports shouldn't be completely ignored. so, i listened to it and i did some notes, in case you guys missed it.
so, from 27:31, they talk about how the current performance and expectations for the season are just the tip of the iceberg. i split it into general topics, stuff that is important to note is in bold:
gino rosato: his function was external relations (link up and host the VIPs + any other task that involved dealing with the world outside of maranello); joined Ferrari before jean todt but just as an occasional freelancer - todt made him a full time employer; montezemolo and kimi protected him. he left with kimi in 2009 and came back with him in 2014; main feeling is that his role was more politic than it seemed and he acted as a supervisor of both inner and outer Ferrari at times; vigna took the Scuderia by his own hands when he came in and rosato was let go; since his role was such an insider role, he is the main suspect for the yapping to the italian press; vasseur's arrival tackled the binotto clan and started to dismantle it; bonus joke about rosato moving to AM.
laurent mekies: he was being prepped to become binotto's successor with his career evolution; vasseur reworked his role inside Ferrari after the restructuring that happened last year; the two studied in the same uni; he had several proposals (f1, fia, alpine/hyvia) in december but vasseur vetoed his exit; vasseur is inquired (probably by the board of directors) on how and why he's taking these choices of breaking up the binotto clan;
david sanchez: sanchez wouldn't have been let go easily with only vasseur's demand, means elkann authorised the move and is behind fred; thus, when vasseur says he has a lot of freedom, he probably means it; it's a matter of recreating the team culture; sanchez's move possibly opens a precedent for later moves: enrico cardille (head of chassis area) is close to his end of contract, yet to see if he is going to be retained as well since he is part of the binotto clan and he was part of the sf23 design team; sanchez fired after discussion w/ charles at training is at the very least interesting (they lowkey imply it was the final nail in the coffin); discussion as to whether Ferrari considers this year finished and must be sacrificed to develop 2024 or not - usually upgrades are anticipated in february according to what engineers might feel the car will require in the upcoming races, but we're yet to see if with the 2023 car will be affected by role changes. 
drivers: discussion on their approach to charles and how he felt he could have done more in jeddah if he was ahead of carlos; charles would have indeed inquired elkann on future plans for the team and the structure of Ferrari; they cite that his contract will end in 2024 and lots of teams might try to seduce him for 2025; sainz in an awkward role as no2 but not quite openly, also could rethink his future. 
the most interesting thing is the link to gino rosato as the possible leaker (he truly is one of kimi's closest friends, and was in Ferrari for nearly 30 years if you add his two stints up, but then again we never expected stepney to do spygate innit). i saw a few other outlets also name jonathan giacobazzi (executive race manager, whatever the fuck that means) as another possible whistleblower (he was let go together with gino) but i heard of no such thing in this podcast, at least. we'll stay tuned. forza Ferrari!
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queermtl · 7 months
Queer MTL : quoi faire en mars 2024 // Queer MTL things to do: March 2024
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The year keeps marching on, and spring is on its way (not to mention International Women’s Day)! This month, Montréal is stuffed to the brim with events, parties and unique experiences painted in all the colours of the LGBTQ+ rainbow. From drag to community, circuit to underground, here’s some of our picks for the best LGBTQ+ things to do in the city. For further announcements, including those not announced at time of publication, follow Queer MTL on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr! Got an event coming up? DM it our way!
🎥 Cinema 👑 Drag 🥳 Parties 🎶 Concert ✊ Activism 🏳️‍⚧️ Trans 🏳️‍🌈 Community 😆 Comedy 🎭 Performance 💪 Sports and Dance 👯‍♀️ Dance 🎤 Karaoke 🎨 Arts 📚 Literary / Educational 👠 Ballroom / Vogue
Vendredi 1 mars / Friday, March 1
🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
📚 Québec Lesbian Network hosts Colloque Recherches lesbiennes, Réseau des lesbiennes du Québec
🥳 Britney One More Time: 25 Years of Britney Dance Party, Cabaret Berlin 
👑 Mado Reçoit with Special Guests, Cabaret Mado
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud
Samedi 2 mars / Saturday, March 2
🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
🥳 Pikete presents Raveton with Jaijiu, Alta Magia, Jashim, Mcherry, La Niña Kiwi and Whorito, La Sotteranea
🥳 BLUSH x Nuit Blanche Montréal : Ménagerie with performers HercuSleaze and Lizzy Strange, DJs Patience, Girl, DJ Thatz and Glowzi, videographer Slug Bait and gogo dancers Dora Bones, Just Horny, Mina Minor and Stupid Baby Cupid at Nouvel établissement
🥳 Nuit Blanche—7 Péchés Capitaux, Le Protocole Kinky Lounge
🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra
👑 Jimmy Moore presents Madonna: The Celebration Tour, Cabaret Mado
👑 Mado Reçoit with Special Guests, Cabaret Mado
👑 Jackbox Games with Uma Gahd and Selma Gahd, Bar Le Cocktail 
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (514) 709-4678 for prices and signup information, Espaces des Arts
Dimanche 3 mars / Sunday, March 3
🎭 Ligue d’impro Gailaxie, Cabaret Mado
👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash, Marla Deer, Bobépine, Robin Brutal, Faymiss and Kelly Torrieli Cabaret Mado
👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Lundi 4 mars / Monday, March 4
😆 Trivia Night with PamDemic, La Casona
Mardi 5 mars / Tuesday, , March 5
👑 Full Gisèle : Spring Break with Gisèle Lullaby, Johnny Jones, Lana Dalida, Prudence and Victoire de Rockwell, Cabaret Mado
😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 6 mars / Wednesday, March 6
🎨 Drink & Draw by @Hommehomo, Bar Le Cocktail
🎶 Glitterer with Glixen and Seed Toss, La Sotterenea
😆 Very Pretentious Comedy presents 30/30: Raquel Maestre and Yumi Blake at the Poly Mic with Raquel Maestre, Yumi Blake and Sarah Warren, Bar Notre-Dame-Des-Quilles 
👑 Crystal and the Pals with Crystal Starz, Victoire de Rockwell, Eden Ashes and Rawxy, Cabaret Mado
Jeudi 7 mars / Thursday, March 7
📚Colloque international : Éthique queer, corporalités queer / Queer Ethics, Queer Embodiments conference, in French and English, Université de Montréal Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
🏳️‍🌈 Comité Queer Pointe-Saint Charles hosts Cuisine collective, Club Populaire des Consommateurs
👑 Girls’ Night Out with Krystella Fame, Tracy Trash, Bobépine and Jessie Précieuse, Cabaret Mado
👑 Concours MX Cocktail, Bar Le Cocktail
Vendredi 8 mars / Friday, March 8
📚Colloque international : Éthique queer, corporalités queer / Queer Ethics, Queer Embodiments conference, in French and English, Université de Montréal Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
🥳 Queen & Queer’s Lesbo-queer dance party is back for its Édition Journée Internationale des Droits des Femmes with Maus and DJ Sam, Société des arts technologiques [SAT]
🥳 Cerise Noire goth night with Shillelagh Jones and Elizabeth Leslie, Bar NDQ
🎶 Matana Roberts solo with special guests, La Sala Rossa
👑 Mado Reçoit with Special Guests, Cabaret Mado
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud
Samedi 9 mars / Saturday, March 9
📚Colloque international : Éthique queer, corporalités queer / Queer Ethics, Queer Embodiments conference, in French and English, Université de Montréal Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
📚 The Violet Hour Book Club reads Yukio Mishima’s Confessions of a Mask, Archives gaies du Québec
🥳 Jhalak presents Rangoli: A Queer and Trans South Asian Party with DJ Deep, Bar Champs
🥳 Armada Montréal RFC hosts Players with D’Jimi, Lion d’Or
🎭 Le Coin des Arts Montréal / Montreal Art Nook, White Wall Studio 
👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Rihanna, Cabaret Mado
👑 Mado Reçoit with Special Guests, Cabaret Mado 
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (514) 709-4678 for prices and signup information, Espaces des Arts
Dimanche 10 mars / Sunday, March 10
👑 Afternoon Drag Café with Awful, La Pitre, Spiked Corona and Teddy Boop, L’Orbite
👑 Le Brunch aux Folles with Misty Waterfalls, Esirena and Selma Gahd, Bar Social Verdun 
🎭 Ligue d’impro Gailaxie, Cabaret Mado
👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash, Pétula Claque, Kiara, Bambi Dextrous and Aizysse Baga, Cabaret Mado
👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Lundi 11 mars / Monday, March 11
🎶 The Dandy Warhols, Le Studio TD
😆 Trivia Night with PamDemic, La Casona
🏳️‍🌈 Spring into Action: Outrage, full lineup here, QPIRG | GRIP McGill 
Mardi 12 mars / Tuesday, March 12
🎶 Video Age with Sean Nicholas Savage, l’Escogriffe Bar Spectacle
👑 Full Gisèle : Invasion Maritime with Gisèle Lullaby, Brooke Rivers, Trinity Foxx, X and Jessie Précieuse, Cabaret Mado
👑 Garden of Shade : Heroes vs. Villains with Lulu Shade, Sarah Winters, Lady Boom Boom, Ciatha Night, Skyler Rey and Stella Stone, Bar Le Cocktail
🏳️‍🌈 Spring into Action: Outrage, full lineup here, QPIRG | GRIP McGill
🏳️‍🌈 Formation gratuite sur les familles LGBT+, Coalition des familles LGBT+
😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 13 mars / Wednesday, March 13
🏳️‍🌈 Spring into Action: Outrage, full lineup here, QPIRG | GRIP McGill
Jeudi 14 mars / Thursday, March 14
👑 Le Meilleur des Grands Concerts with Tracy Trash, Bobépine, Johnny Jones, Lana Dalida, Marla Deer, Sasha Baga, Bambi Dextrous, Ruby Doll, Clay Thorris and Nicole Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
🎭 Queer Magique presents DIVAS, Café Cléopatra
🏳️‍🌈 Spring into Action: Outrage, full lineup here, QPIRG | GRIP McGill
👑 Concours MX Cocktail, Bar Le Cocktail
Vendredi 15 mars / Friday, March 15
🎭 Queer Magique presents DIVAS, Café Cléopatra
🏳️‍🌈 Spring into Action: Outrage, full lineup here, QPIRG | GRIP McGill
👑 Mado Reçoit with Special Guests, Cabaret Mado
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
📚 Queer Oral History Workshop with Liam Devitt, Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling
🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud
Samedi 16 mars / Saturday, March 16
🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra
🎶 Stereolab’s Laetitia Sadier with Lola 1:2, Bar Le Ritz PDB
🎶 Chelsea Wolfe, Club Soda
🏳️‍🌈 Spring into Action: Outrage, full lineup here, QPIRG | GRIP McGill
🏳️‍⚧️ Atelier : Devenir parent (personnes trans ou non-binaires), Coalition des familles LGBT+
🏳️‍🌈 Comité Queer Pointe-Saint Charles hosts Soirée Cabaret, Press Start Youth Coop: Bâtiment 7
🥳 Queer Wine Night Edition No. 2, Vinorama
👑 Mado Reçoit with Special Guests, Cabaret Mado
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (514) 709-4678 for prices and signup information, Espaces des Arts
Dimanche 17 mars / Sunday, March 17
🎭 Ligue d’impro Gailaxie, Cabaret Mado
🏳️‍🌈 Spring into Action: Outrage, full lineup here, QPIRG | GRIP McGill
🏳️‍🌈 Cabane à sucre des familles 2SLGBTQ+, Coalition des familles LGBT+
🏳️‍🌈 Monkland Quilt Studio hosts Rainbow Stitching Days, Monkland Quilt Studio 
👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash, Marla Deer, Océane Aqua-Black, Sasha Baga, Eva Moist and Crystal Starz, Cabaret Mado
👑 Bonne fête Sally-D with Sally-D, Bar Le Cocktail 
Lundi 18 mars / Monday, March 18
🏳️‍🌈 Spring into Action: Outrage, full lineup here, QPIRG | GRIP McGill
😆 Trivia Night with PamDemic, La Casona
Mardi 19 mars / Tuesday, March 19
🎶 Otoboke Beaver with Drinking Boys and Girls Choir, Beanfield Theatre
🏳️‍🌈 Spring into Action: Outrage, full lineup here, QPIRG | GRIP McGill
👑 Full Gisèle : Beach Party with Gisèle Lullaby, Kiara, Adriana, Démone Lastrange and Rose Beef, Cabaret Mado
😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 20 mars / Wednesday, March 20
🏳️‍🌈 Haircuts Without Appointment for LGBTQ+ community members who are unemployed or on low income, Centre communautaire LGBTQ de Montréal
🏳️‍🌈 Spring into Action: Outrage, full lineup here, QPIRG | GRIP McGill
👑 Le Sami Party with Sami Landri, Cabaret Mado
Jeudi 21 mars / Thursday, March 21
👑 RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs. The World contestant Marina Summers, Cabaret Mado
👑 Sashalicious with Sasha Baga, Scarlett Evans, Will Charmer and Maeva Evans, Cabaret Mado
🏳️‍🌈 Spring into Action: Outrage, full lineup here, QPIRG | GRIP McGill
👑 Concours MX Cocktail, Bar Le Cocktail
Vendredi 22 mars / Friday, March 22
👑 Mado Reçoit with Special Guests, Cabaret Mado
🏳️‍🌈 Spring into Action: Outrage, full lineup here, QPIRG | GRIP McGill
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud
Samedi 23 mars / Saturday, March 23
📚 Violet Hour continues its literary series with Making Space featuring Michael Belcher, Paige Maylott and Marcus McCann, Casa d’Italia Montréal
🥳 Lez Dance presents Le retour de DJ Franklyne à la Taverne Urbaine! with DJ Franklyne, 1309 Taverne Urbaine
😆 Matteo Lane: The Al Dente Tour with Tranna Wintour, Olympia de Montréal
👑 Mado Reçoit with Special Guests, Cabaret Mado
👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Taylor Swift, Cabaret Mado
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (514) 709-4678 for prices and signup information, Espaces des Arts
Dimanche 24 mars / Sunday, March 24
😆 Matteo Lane: The Al Dente Tour with Tranna Wintour, Olympia de Montréal
🎭 Ligue d’impro Gailaxie, Cabaret Mado
👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash, Pétula Claque, Kitana, Peggy Sue and Lady Boom Boom, Cabaret Mado
👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Lundi 25 mars / Monday, March 25
😆 Trivia Night with PamDemic, La Casona
Mardi 26 mars / Tuesday, March 26
🎶 Olivia Rodrigo: Guts World Tour, Bell Centre
🎶 Arlo Parks with Chloe George, Beanfield Theatre
👑 Full Gisèle : Burlesque, le Film with Gisèle Lullaby, Pétula Claque, Lady Boom Boom, Miss Fountain, Sasha Baga and Celes, Cabaret Mado
😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 27 mars / Wednesday, March 27
🎶 Olivia Rodrigo: Guts World Tour, Bell Centre
Jeudi 28 mars / Thursday, March 28
🎶 Rêve with RALPH, Fairmount Theatre
🏳️‍🌈 Comité Queer Pointe-Saint Charles hosts Club de lecture Queer, Bibliothèque Saint-Charles
👑 Trashilaz with Aizysse Baga and Special Guests, Cabaret Mado
👑 Concours MX Cocktail, Bar Le Cocktail
Vendredi 29 mars / Friday, March 29
👑 Mado Reçoit with Special Guests, Cabaret Mado
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud
Samedi 30 mars / Saturday, March 30
🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra
🥳 District Events presents Locker Room with Reid Bourgeois, Alain Jackinsky and Mateo Tomas, Bain Mathieu
👑 Mado Reçoit with Special Guests, Cabaret Mado
👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Britney Spears, Cabaret Mado
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (514) 709-4678 for prices and signup information, Espaces des Arts
Dimanche 31 mars / Sunday, March 31
👑 Jimmy Moore presents Madonna: The Celebration Tour, Cabaret Mado
👑 Star Queens : Pâques with Plane Jane, Aurora Matrix, Denim, Pythia and Carmen Sutra, Cabaret Mado
👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
🏐 Les Ratons-Chasseurs (Montréal’s LGBTA dodgeball group) holds regular events. Keep an eye on their Facebook for upcoming opportunities to join in and play. 
🕹Montréal Gaymers hosts regular gatherings including board game nights and gaming gatherings. Check their Facebook for what’s next!
🏃🏾Join the Out-Run run and workout club for people relating to the queer / sapphic experience. Details on their Instagram!
🐦 Bird lovers should keep their eye on Queer Birders' regularly scheduled birdwatching events and excursions. Join the Facebook group and get those binoculars at the ready.
👠 Twice a month on every second Tuesday, Bring It! hosts an OTA night of ballroom and vogue with commentator and DJ. Follow their Instagram for dates and details.
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