#charlie martínez
superallihoran · 10 months
También hice estas etiquetas para útiles escolares hace unos días JAJAJAJAJAJAJ AMO 💛💙❤️💚🧡
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deeptrashwitch · 4 days
Ello, ello 👋 A small(?) questionnaire for the ⭐ couple!
Where would they live after retiring and settling down? Was the proposal done years after MWIII lore or before that? Were their issues (like family disapproval or arguments/disagreements) during their engagement phase? Was there someone opposing the idea 👀 ?
Heheh, love these two sm (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ💕✨!
Hello hello Smol ^^ thanks for sending this asks in :3
1. Where would they live after retiring and settling down?
Ehhh, I haven't decided exactly where, tbh. But since Alicia is the one that will continue with her military career, I would say that they'll stay on Texas after Alejandro retires. Also, they'll probably go visit Las Almas frecuently to visit Olivia (their daughter) with Leo (their son) tagging along and pass a good time together.
And after Alicia needs/is forced to retire? Uhh, I'm not sure yet, sorry 😅
2. Was the proposal done years later after MWIII lore or before that?
It was done like...4 or 5 years after MWIII. Two years after the lore of MWIII and "A Haunting Past" (that occurs at the same time), they'll have their children and two years after that, Alejandro will propose to Alicia and they'll get married.
3. Were their issues (like family dissaproval or arguments/disagreements) during their engagement phase?
On Alicia's side? Nope, everyone was good with that. Although, August, Elías, Juan David, María, Gabriela, Camila and Nicolás investigated him to make sure he's fit for their cousin/sister (overprotective family? Absolutely xd).
On Alejandro's side? I think that his family would like him to marry a girl outside of the military business, and if they met here before him it'd be even better. So I think they'll dissaprove at Alicia since she's a Spec OPS Captain, and dislike her even more when they learn about how all the soldiers under her command are men, 'cause they'll be worried Alicia might cheat on Alejandro. (Speaking of, no xd she won't, ever. The thought of cheating is disgusting for her and the boys are like family for her, so that's a big no no on her books 😅)
4. Was there someone opposing the idea?
I think probably Alejandro's mom or dad would (maybe both) be opposing to the wedding. For the things I said/wrote earlier, and for the fact that they don't like that Alicia looks like a...well, soldier. (Not like Alejandro cares about what his parents think :/ he's marrying Alicia one way or another)
I love speaking about this couple too 💕✨💕✨💕✨💕✨💕✨
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vactiontown · 9 months
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copiando a amiguinha, vou deixar aqui todos meus chars disponíveis e algumas prompts pra iniciar starter ou connections.
pra não ficar tão padrão vou tentar colocar nossos chars em situações diferentes, caso não feche com o seu char pode me avisar e eu mudo!
se prefere que seu char tenha dito a prompt, só colocar no comentário.
alguns chars tem bio se quiserem ver antes, o link está no nome!
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CHARS: takashi kato (mackenyu) | brooke scott (emily rudd) | yuri itadori (kim jiwoong) | salem gogel (matthew noszka) | thomas huntt (maxence danet-fauvel) | felix irving (charlie gillespie) | chen zing zhang (gong jun) | gabriel haynes (cody christian) | felipe rodríguez (tommy martínez) | jade edwards (olivia cooke) | gustavo tawamba (jack gilinsky) | lucas duke (brenton thwaites) | asher campbell (robert pattinson) | nathan elric (boyd holbrook) | wesley (romulo estrela).
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based on this.
based on this. (cnn ou plot)
❛ quick ! this way , before they see you .  ❜
❛  i’ll still be here when you wake up , i promise .  ❜
❛  none of this would have happened if you’d just listened to me !  ❜
❛  you don’t have to hold my hand , you know .  ❜
❛  you should have thought about that before you engaged in a fight .  ❜
❛  stay with me . just for tonight .  ❜
❛  you know … you’re really cute for someone with such a terrible personality .  ❜
“You’re a god damn mistake, that’s what you are.”
“This, us, was a fucking mistake and I should have known the second things went further than planned.” (cnn)
“ a kiss doesn’t mean anything. ”
“ i want to either kiss you or kill you right now. ”
“ want to make out? ”
“  you ‘didn’t mean to hurt me?’  yeah you did.  like it or not,  i know exactly who you are.  ”  (cnn)
“  i’m not angry at you.  i’m angry with myself for trusting you.  ”
“  stop pushing me away.  i’m not going anywhere,  asshole.  and as soon as you get that through that thick skull of yours,  the better.  ” (cnn)
[ DISCOVER ] for one muse to find the other crying alone. (especificar quem)
[ PREVENT ] for one muse to stop the other from going too far during a fight.  (especificar quem)
“i made you some soup, and i’m going to sit here until you eat it. i can wait.”
“stop trying to act like you’re not bleeding out in front of me!! this is serious!”
“listen, asshole. i’m gonna carry you home whether you like it or not. you’re not in any condition to get there yourself.”
based on this.
“Geez you feel so cold. Let me warm you up.”
“It’s too early to get up. Let’s stay a little longer.”
“You fell asleep right on my shoulder. Haha, no, no don’t feel bad. I thought it was rather cute.”
❝  will you sleep with me?  i know how that sounds i just mean—  i feel safe when you’re there.  ❞
❝  i thought you went home after i went to bed.  you didn’t have to do that— you could’ve at least joined me in bed that couch is shit for sleeping on.  ❞
❝  it’s late,  you might as well just stay here.  ❞
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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The Untold Stories of the Women Who Led Slave Revolts In Atlas Obscura’s Q&A series She Was There, we talk to female scholars who are writing long-forgotten women back into history. In scrawling cursive, an English enslaver named Robert Norris, captain of the slave ship The Unity, wrote an entry in his log marked June 6, 1770: “The slaves made an Insurrection which was soon quelled…with the loss of two woman slaves.” On June 22, “the slaves attempted another Insurrection after the death of a girl slave.” Then again, four days later on June 26, “a few of the slaves got off their Handcuffs but were detected in Time.” That’s three uprisings on one ship, in less than a month, all involving female African captives. Historian Rebecca Hall, author of the graphic novel Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts, says that’s not an anomaly; enslaved women and female captives led numerous uprisings, such as those onboard The Unity. In her new book, Hall opens with a “measured use of historical imagination,” working with her illustrator, Hugo Martínez, to visualize how the women on board The Unity fought back in 1770. It wasn’t hard to do, considering that 227 of the African captives on board were sold to Norris in Abomey, the capital of Dahomey, where women were trained as skilled warriors. “There were constant revolts,” says Hall. Atlas Obscura spoke with Hall about why she’s drawn to these women, such as “the Negro Wench” who led a 1708 slave revolt in New York City, and their enduring legacy. What is it about female warriors that have drawn you to their stories? Since I was a little kid, I remember watching women who fought back on TV. I watched Charlie's Angels and The Bionic Woman. I've always been drawn to women warriors because I find the idea of women fighting back in that way very inspiring. I’m interested in women warriors also as a historical category of analysis. I'm fascinated by the ways in which women warriors are valorized and disavowed at the same time. There are women warriors throughout history, but what happens is that the history is erased or the women become some kind of exception: She became this way because her husband died and she had to take over leadership. It’s always tied to a woman’s role. She ends up becoming the exception that proves the rule over and over again that women aren't warriors. In my own research in recovering the women who led slave revolts and participated in slave revolts, there was such pushback because people couldn’t even imagine the concept. What's the first woman-led slave revolt you uncovered? A woman led a revolt in what's now Queens [in New York City]. It was in the city of Newtown, which is [now] Elmhurst. She led a revolt and she was captured. She was burned at the stake and the men who were involved in the revolt were hanged. And I would love to tell you her name, but it's not preserved. She was referred to as the “Negro Fiend,” so that's what I call her. How do we know a woman led this revolt in 1708? There was one newspaper in the British colonies. It was The Boston Weekly Newsletter. So there are a couple of articles that describe what happened and talk about her. There's a correspondence between Lord Cornbury, who was then governor of New York [and New Jersey], to the Privy Council in England describing the events. [There was also a 19th-century book, written by a self-styled historian, called The Annals of Newtown.] It describes this revolt and the family that was killed: a man, his wife who was pregnant, and five kids. So those are all the sources related to that incident, and they all refer to this woman—the “Negro Wench” or the “Negro Fiend.” Your book opens with a female-led revolt on a slave ship. How did you learn about women’s involvement in ship insurrections? There's this incredible database. It's called the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, a searchable database of over 36,000 slave ship voyages. Historians using it found that there was [about one revolt for every ten voyages], which is much higher than anyone expected, because it's basically suicide. Then they were like, “Okay, so what's the difference between ships that have revolts and ships that didn't have revolts?” The only statistical difference was the more women on the ship, the more likely a revolt. And then they just dismissed their own findings by saying, “But we all know that women weren't involved in this kind of militant fighting.” What might explain why more women on a ship made a revolt more likely? [The slave trade] was a highly regulated business. So the rule was when you're on the coast of West Africa and you're loading captives onto your ship, everyone was kept below deck and in chains, because there was a risk of what's called a “cut-off,” where men and women would come and attack the ship and try to free the people on board. So to avoid that, [enslavers] kept everybody chained below deck. But once the ship was in the Atlantic, they took all the women, unchained them, and put them on deck, which is where the weapons were. It was about sexual violence and control, but it was also dismissing women as potential danger sources. A lot of these slavers died because they didn't take [these women] seriously. Why are there such detailed records of slave ship insurrections like those on board The Unity in 1770? The reason why these revolts were documented was for insurance purposes. So Lloyd's of London or [another insurance company] would insure slave traders and their ships and their so-called cargo. One of the things they would insure them against was something called the insurrection of cargo—which is crazy if you think about it because how can cargo insurrect? So [enslavers] needed to document every revolt, and that's why there are such good records on it. What's the most important thing readers should know about female-led slave revolts? Slave revolts, generally speaking, are so important and underappreciated in the Atlantic world [and] British-American history. So, first of all, I would like people to know that there were slave revolts. There were constant revolts. And that these revolts put so much pressure on—and helped to bring about the end of—the slave trade and the institution of slavery itself. I want people to know that we've been fighting this whole time. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/women-led-slave-revolts
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blemishezarchive · 1 year
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DAISY CHAINS! sapphic punk band. opening act on the "blemishes made me gay" tour. will bite the head off of any cishet man who comes into the vicinity - this is NOT a safe space.
pauline shen, vocalist. 27, non-binary, she/they, lesbian. a little bit of an ego; has beef with adam for absolutely no reason. friends with jodie and jude. indifferent to anwar. (fc: jessie mei li)
lydia devlin, bassist. 27, cis woman, she/her, bisexual. very bold, outspoken, will punch you in the face without question. hooked up with adam a couple times and then never again. (fc: emma mackey)
joanie martínez, lead guitarist. 28, trans woman, she/her, bisexual. absolute angel for the most part. (fc: zión moreno)
beatrice "bea" crawley, rhythm guitarist. 29, cis woman, she/her, lesbian. not quite the mom friend - more like the semi-absent reluctant father figure. (fc: olivia cooke)
charlie moss, drummer. 26, non-binary, they/them, lesbian. just a gremlin. gets along with all the members of blemishes, and pretty much everyone else. (fc: brigette lundy-paine)
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vitrinanorte · 3 months
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Banda Antofagastina Primate Bípedo, estrena su primer EP "Arrecife"
● La banda oriunda de Antofagasta regresa con el lanzamiento de “Arrecife”, un EP que, bajo una composición orientada a la música pop e indie, invita a viajar por sonoridades y letras que acompañan la intensidad de quiénes estén experimentando el amor.
● El lanzamiento se realizará el día 30 de marzo a las 20:30 horas en Orella 982 Espacio Fitza.
El quinteto artístico integrado por Andrés Sarria, Daniel Lattus, Mauricio Marín, Renato Cortés y Pablo Martínez, consagran en su más reciente trabajo aquello que los caracteriza: sonoridades bailables y rítmicas, una mezcla intrigante de estilos, y una lírica que compromete a la audiencia a sentir, conectar e imaginar.
“Arrecife” es un EP conformado por cuatro canciones, donde integran a la melodía ritmos propios del funk, beats energéticos que transportan a los años 80, y una narrativa romántica que desata la pasión, todo esto trabajado dentro de su estilo distintivo denominado “pop arqueológico”.
Desde los comienzos de su carrera musical en 2020, las cifras han ido a la par de su talento, y es que tras la publicación de sus canciones: Sin Estaciones, Tantas y Zero Like, han alcanzado más de 50 mil reproducciones en las plataformas digitales.
El grupo aspira a que sus oyentes, tras oír cada una de las piezas de “Arrecife”, se inspiren a: “Que bailen y puedan generar un paisaje sonoro con sus propias vivencias, que sea la música la que conecta lo vivido con lo contenido en las canciones”.
Durante los últimos años, Espacio Fitza ha desarrollado diferentes actividades para la comunidad, no sólo enfocadas en las artes escénicas, sino que también para otras disciplinas artísticas que permiten visibilizar y a la vez entregar un espacio que beneficie a los artistas de Antofagasta y la comunidad . El arte y la cultura son expresiones de la creatividad humana que nos permiten comunicar, sensibilizar y transformar nuestra realidad.
Primate Bipedo, marcara el ritmo este 2024 con letras, música y bailes envolventes,
El lanzamiento del EP “Arrecife” se realizará el día sábado 30 de marzo a las 21:00 horas en Espacio Fitza ubicados en Orella 982 y en esta oportunidad la banda antofagastina “Charlie Guns”, serán los encargados de dar inicio la jornada musical.
El evento tiene un valor de $5000, apto para todo público.
Reservas al +56934080777 o al correo [email protected]
Créditos Musicales:
Productor de la grabación: Carlos Araya Salfate.
Mezclador/mixer: Carlos Araya Salfate.
Mastering: Francisco Holzmann | Holz Masters
Compositor: Primate Bipedo
Letrista:Andrés Sarria Tapia y Mauricio Marín Grusic
Músicos intérpretes: Mauricio Marín Grusic/ guitarra y coros. Daniel Lattus Ramos/bajo y coro. Renato Cortés Pinto/teclados, sintetizadores, coros. Pablo Martínez Fernández/ batería y coros. Andrés Sarria Tapia/Voz.
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goalhofer · 6 months
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2023 In Memoriam Part 43
Archbishop Vincentius Sensi Potokota, 72
Guillermo Hernández, 69
Background Bob, 15
Alice Denney, 101
Preston Hanna, 69
Bishop Paul Tịnh Nguyễn Bình Tĩnh, 93
Dr. S.S. Badrinath, 88
Ron Acks, 79
Chad Allan, 80
Bettina Moissi Berggruen, 100
Dave Young, 64
Mike D'Amato, 82
Tony Genato, 94
Barbara Haščák, 43
Lanny Larason aka Tom Larson, 84
Bishop Guy Armand Romano, 86
Harald Hasselbach, 56
Mark Kellar, 71
George Cohon, 86
Ron Hodges, 74
Archbishop Fabio Martínez Castilla, 73
Daryl Johnson, 77
Terry Venables, 80
A.J. Walling, 77
Geordie Walker, 64
Mike Corkins, 77
Victor J. Kemper, 96
Frances Sternhagen Carlin, 93
Charlie Munger, 99
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diarioelpepazo · 1 year
Con soberbio cuadrangular, le dio la victoria 3 carreras por 2 a la Liga Nacional y fue nombrado MVP del Juego de Estrellas. Es el segundo venezolano en alcanzar tal hazaña, David Concepción lo logró en Montreal en 1.982. Además, es el séptimo criollo en conectar cuadrangular en este evento y son David Concepción, Magglio Ordóñez, Víctor Martínez, Miguel Cabrera, Salvador Pérez y Willson Contreras completan el listado. [caption id="attachment_80318" align="aligncenter" width="675"] Elías Díaz al momento de ser anunciado como el Jugador Más Valioso. Foto Cortesía[/caption] Neyken Vegas La Liga Nacional acaba de derrotar por la mínima 3-2 a la Liga Americana en el Juego de las Estrellas 2023, el cual estuvo plagado de buenas jugadas y donde los venezolanos fueron los principales protagonistas, comandados por el jugador que fue nombrado Más Valioso de esta edición, Elías Díaz. Cuando todo pintaba a que sería una victoria para los locales en este evento (la Americana), debido a que estaban ganando 1-2 en el octavo inning, apareció el criollo Díaz, para conectar el cuadrangular que le dio la vuelta a las acciones y de esa manera, ponerse la capa de héroe, al darle un lauro que hace muchos años no conseguía la Nacional. El receptor fue el último jugador de la reserva del viejo circuito en entrar al juego y su primer turno llegó ante el derecho Félix Bautista, con un hombre en circulación y en cuenta pareja de 2-2, aprovechó un cambio del relevista, para desplegar un tremendo vuelacerca por el jardín izquierdo y así se convirtió en el séptimo jugador nativo del país que se va para la calle en un All Star Game. Finalmente, el careta de los Rockies culminó la noche de 2-1 y su oportuno bambinazo le bastó, para quedarse con el premio Cal Ripken Jr. (MVP). Aunado a eso, es apenas el segundo pelotero venezolano que es nombrado Más Valioso de este compromiso, después de David Concepción, jugador más destacado en el 1982, duelo donde también ganó la Nacional 4-1, en un partido que se disputó en el Olympic Stadium (sede de los antiguos Expos de Montreal). El jugador de 32 años hizo historia en su primer Juego de Estrellas, debido a que fue el primer catcher de los Rockies de Colorado en ver acción en el encuentro entre ambas ligas y además, consiguió unirse a: Todd Helton, Matt Holliday, Trevor Story y Charlie Blackmon, como los únicos peloteros de esta franquicia en conectar jonrones en el Clásico de mitad de campaña. "Es lo más especial del mundo para mí. Después de tanto sacrificio que hemos pasado, es lo mejor que mi madre esté presente en este momento", fueron las palabras del derecho, sobre su logro y también acerca de lo importante que fue para él tener a su madre en el estadio T-Mobile Park, mediante lágrimas al final de su relato. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Meridiano
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apun59-59 · 1 year
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rcmndedlisten · 2 years
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To be a pop artist in 2022 is to be an influencer. There are the obvious giants in the scene who seemingly absorb the entire timeline the second they drop new music and cause ticket websites to crash entirely when their concerts go on sale. As we’ve learned over the past few years, however, the definition of pop music is evolving and can also take indie darlings and bring them huge, new devoted audiences once their music becomes trending TikTok fodder. At the end of the day, it’s popular music, and these were the best albums it had to offer in 2022...
The 1975 - Being Funny In A Foreign Language [Dirty Hit]
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At just under 45 minutes, the 1975 refrains from bloating an album with songs which capture every current content trend in the moment, and instead refine their songwriting narrative to a modern spin on contemporary indie folk and the late ‘80s / early ‘90s pastiche which they’ve absorbed excellently into their own neon light. Matty Healy still remains the endearingly insufferable lyrical prophet of these times, working in references to boners, ejaculation, and being cancelled into earnest love songs, be it in his reality or daydreams. A less tryhard form of sincerity works just as well in their favor.
Bad Bunny - Un Verano Sin Ti [RIMAS]
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Like its predecessors in 2020′s one-two punch in the acclaimed YHLQMDLG and its punk-exploring counterpart EL ÚLTIMO TOUR DE MUNDO, Un Verano Sin Ti is packed at 23 tracks, but to date, Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio has yet to falter at ensuring his albums are all substance and little to no filler through his futuristic lens and global genre-hopping, in this instance curated for warm weather play (and hopefully hotter play in the bedroom after grinding through those cold, lonely nights...)
Beabadoobee - Beatopia [Dirty Hit]
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Swirling in bittersweet sugar and crystalline highs, beabadoobee comes into her own with her sophomore album Beatopia, contemplating the trials and tribulations of adulting and longing for relationships from the inside of them through a glossier daydream than that of her 2020 debut, Fake It Flowers, with touches of Matrix-esque pop-rock and cloudscaped indie-pop for the cannibas therapy crowd.
Beyoncé - RENAISSANCE [Parkwood Entertainment / Columbia Records]
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Moving past the personal and flawless execution of her acclaimed, poptimism peak one-two punch of 2013′s Beyoncé and 2016′s Lemonade, RENAISSANCE moves fully into art, quite literally at that in a celebration of Black dance music spanning across the last several decades that have permeated the culture at large, making that house (and club, and disco scene) Bey’s own dance floor with an album that flows like a mixtape meant to elicit movement, empowerment, escapism, and sex at their highest potential potency.
Charli XCX - CRASH [Atlantic Records]
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CRASH is Charli XCX’s swan song as the last album released on her Atlantic Records contract, so it’s fitting that the Internet pop superstar has come full circle with trying to appease both commercial and more nuanced creative degrees with an album from a place of learned experiences in the art of balancing both worlds, making it her most concentrated body yet to sound like both the future and present in the same breath for maximum exposure.
FKA twigs - CAPRISONGS [Young]
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CAPRISONGS is FKA Twigs in her most tangible creative element, but even so, she’s still eons ahead of the rest of the world even when she’s freewheeling into cosmic fun. From mega-powered R&B pop to its Afrobeat dance swerves and the symphonic art pop melding it all in-between, this mixtape is a reset from the serious-as-fuck fuck jams and heartache we’re familiar with, and hears the evocative alt-pop star branching her sound out into the universe effortlessly with that same energy without all of the drama.
Mitski - Laurel Hell [Dead Oceans]
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The world Mitski reenters the frame into with Laurel Hell is a very different one than where she last left us with the indie pop grandeur that was her acclaimed third album in 2019′s Be the Cowboy, with her audience now being absorbed into TikTok culture and the mythology behind her artistry growing with it. Nevertheless, Mitski has made Laurel Hell an understated statement for a reason, with it being a more patient listen that holds on quieter moments longer in order for its vivid realizations in full color as well as its emotional connect to be heard only by those who continue to listen even if she were to fall off the face of the Earth again.
ROSALÍA - MOTOMAMI [Columbia Records]
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ROSALÍA has tirelessly work in collaboration with culture shaping forces like the Weeknd, Bad Bunny, and Cardi B to make her metamorphosing style of global art-pop into music that translates beyond hipster cred status and into the common pop culture conscious since her sophomore breakout in 2019′s El Mal Querer, and with MOTOMAMI, the Spanish superstar gets there by rewriting every genre language as her own, tapping into what has come to define her work in atypical, oft morbid, oft horny songwriting meticulously produced with a consumer-friendly edge in its presentation that is incomparable to everything else on the landscape.
Sudan Archives - Natural Brown Prom Queen [Stones Throw]
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Sudan Archives’ Brittney Park is in a class all her own on Natural Brown Prom Queen, bending her violin in ways previously unheard through an uncanny composition of R&B, rap, electronic and pop futurism framing her story as an Black woman and L.A. transplant within memory and future desires. The ambition is palpable, and so is her inner energy projected out, coming into her own authentically with one of the year’s most truly singular visions.
Taylor Swift - Midnights [Republic Records]
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Following the pandemic album detour into the indie woods of folklore and evermore, Midnights is a late night pop vibe shift where Taylor Swift’s sprawling thoughts on the things that keep her mind racing at night command both deeper introspection into her self-mythology as a well as TikTok-worthy trend where even befuddling references to “sexy babies” lead down rabbit of holes of deeper significance, further expanding her musical multi-universe by yet another layer.
The Weeknd - Dawn FM [Republic Records]
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Seamless in its play of cocaine-crusted Moroder disco gleam, sci-fi synth projections on the existential of life and celebrity, and the radio jockey character narrations by Abel Tesfaye’s L.A. neighbor, Jim Carey, Dawn FM has found a way to creak into the light of the Weeknd’s craft without being blinded by overloaded expectations, furthering a cohesiveness in his twilight dance-pop hallucinations in what amounts to his best album as a complete cosmic body.
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deeptrashwitch · 5 months
Specters/Team Charlie
Alicia "Origin" Marchant
Luke "Harlem" Michaelis
Jackson "Doc" Blackwell
Edward "Eager" Jackson
Noah "Cobalto" García
Elijah "Delta" Wilson
Nicholas "Clover" Fowlett
Marcus "Poison" Lombardi
Elliot "Pride" Stevens
Alexander "Hawk" Christensen
Francis "Viper" Scott
🍃The Beggining 🍃
Part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
🍃OC Ask Game🍃
Ask Game
🍃Archives and Extras🍃
Operation Firewall (2016)
Operation Sand Palace (2013)
Operation Ironfist (2011)
Task Force 267
Rejected names/soldiers
How they look?
Liù Xiao Chen (A.K.A Golden Empress)
Martínez Family
Random facts about the team
Major Oliver "Deepwater" Reyes
Retired Captain William "Artemis" McAllister
⚖️A Haunting Past⚖️
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Professor Charles "Charlie" Moore
A Hidden True Heart
✨Secondary timeline✨
Samantha "Sam" Cohen
David "Bonnie" Cooper
Irene "Flare" Sayre
Jayden/Cassandra "Cold heart" Fisher
👑Ashes of freedom 👑
Chapter 1: The Past Collides
Chapter 2: Inside The Earth
Chapter 3: About magic and vows
Chapter 4: The honors of a new era
Chapter 5: The king arise
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tpnoticias · 2 years
Todo está listo para recibir este próximo domingo la visita del expresidente y presidente del Partido de la Liberación Dominicana (PLD), Danilo Medina, y el candidato presidencial de esa organización, Abel Martínez, quienes estarán encabezando varias actividades en esta provincia. 
 Así lo informó el miembro del Comité Central del PLD, el periodista Hugo Gómez Guzmán, quien explicó que Danilo Medina y Abel Martínez estarán acompañados de Francisco Javier García, jefe de campaña del candidato presidencial, así como de Charlie Mariotti, secretario general de la entidad opositora y otros importantes dirigentes. 
 Guzmán, informó vía telefónica en el programa Al día con Puerto Plata que se transmite por La Reina 98.9 FM y sus redes sociales, que las actividades de Medina y Martínez iniciarán a las 9:00 de la mañana con un desayuno-encuentro en la residencia del miembro del Comité Central y aspirante a alcalde en San Felipe de Puerto Plata, Jesús Cabrera. 
 Posteriormente Danilo y Abel se trasladarán al polideportivo Fabio Rafael González, en donde juramentarán más de 17,000 nuevos miembros peledeístas integrados en los comités intermedios en toda la provincia Puerto Plata. 
 Las actividades encabezadas por Medina y Martínez continuarán con un almuerzo en la residencia del exalcalde de San Felipe de Puerto Plata, Walter Musa, mientras que para concluir una visita privada en e municipio Imbert.
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Supertramp | The logical song | Versión bajo
Nuestro amigo Charlie Martínez nos ha enviado este video. Espero que os guste. En la descripciòn del vídeo cuenta cómo fue su historia con Supertramp y con Roger. Recuerdos maravillosos que todos entendemos y compartimos.
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Mariotti dice PRM le teme a Abel Martínez
Mariotti dice PRM le teme a Abel Martínez
El secretario general del Partido de la Liberación Dominicana (PLD), Charlie Mariotti, indicó en una rueda de prensa que el Partido Revolucionario Moderno (PRM) tiene miedo a la escogencia de Abel Martínez como aspirante a candidato presidencial por esa organización política. “Yo no sé si el PRM le tiene miedo, yo creo que el PRM debe tenerle más miedo a sí mismo que a Abel Martínez… pero si, le…
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raymondorta · 2 years
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Gaceta Oficial Venezuela #42465 del 19/09/2022 SUMARIO MINISTERIO DEL PODER POPULAR PARA HÁBITAT Y VIVIENDA Resolución mediante la cual se designa al ciudadano Gabriel José Martínez Alfonzo, como Director Ministerial Encargado del estado Guárico, de este Ministerio. Resolución mediante la cual se designa al ciudadano Willian Rafael Romero Giménez, como Director Regional Encargado de Hábitat y Vivienda de la Región Central, de este Ministerio. Resolución mediante la cual se designa a la ciudadana Charly Karola Calderón Graterol, como Directora General de Gestión del Sistema Nacional de Hábitat y Vivienda, de este Ministerio. MINISTERIO DEL PODER POPULAR PARA LA MUJER Y LA IGUALDAD DE GÉNERO Resolución mediante la cual se designa, a partir del 12 de agosto de 2022, a la ciudadana Dioxandra Yamilet Terán Graterol, como Directora Estadal del estado Bolivariano del Zulia, adscrita a la Oficina de Coordinación Territorial, de este Ministerio. MINISTERIO PÚBLICO Resolución mediante la cual se amplía la competencia de la Fiscalía Cuarta del Ministerio Público de la Circunscripción Judicial del estado Anzoátegui, con sede en El Tigre y competencia Plena; para que también conozca en “Material Estratégico y Delitos Económicos”, conservando la competencia que tiene asignada; mantendrá su adscripción a la Dirección General Contra Delitos Comunes. Resolución mediante la cual se amplía la competencia de la Fiscalía 46 Nacional Antiextorsión y Secuestro; para que también conozca en competencia “Plena”, conservando la competencia que tiene asignada; mantendrá su adscripción a la Dirección General Contra la Delincuencia Organizada. Resolución mediante la cual se amplía la competencia de la Fiscalía 69 Nacional Antiextorsión y Secuestro; para que también conozca la competencia “Plena”, conservando la competencia que tiene asignada; mantendrá su adscripción a la Dirección General Contra la Delincuencia Organizada. #gacetaoficial #derecho #venezuela #caracas #abogado #leyes #legal #decreto https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLjjEOuiEn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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palmbeachrpg · 2 years
Iremos subiendo lo más rápido posible, pero ¡¡se nos han juntado muchísimas!!
Felix Lee - Victor S. Cross
Isra Martínez - Rosie
Simone Susinna - Gollum
Ester Expósito - Bombilla (ha llegado antes que Flora, que Marte)
Charly Jordan - 1234
Yael Shelbia - Flora (ha llegado antes que Mandy, que Berry)
Barbara Palvin - Ariel (ha llegado antes que Loli)
Eduard Torres - Hook
Christina Nadin - Eleven
Ashley Moore - Moony
Bridget Satterlee - Musa
Kim Jennie - Sourcandy (ha llegado antes que Lover)
Kim Taehyung - Fried bacon
Xavier Serrano - Lofi (ha llegado antes que Juno)
Tobias Reuter - Cerbero (ha llegado antes que Wise , que Wolf, que Pan)
Helder Afonso - Requiem
Zahara Davis - Caulfield
Gonzalo Aquerreta - Alfie
Milana Vino - Gretta
Eden Fines - Caraca
Lalisa Manoban - Lover (ha llegado antes que Valky13)
Jeon Jungkook - Irial
Alexis Ren - Hielito
Isabelle Mathers - Limón (ha llegado antes que Em)
Sofia Wylie - Born pink
Maggie Lindemann - Rocky
Thalia Bree - Fire
Jannis Danner - Pan
Joshua Bassett - Nike
Vinnie Hacker - Teal (ha llegado antes que Eterea)
Emilia Mernes - Eevee
Shawn Mendes - Delfin
Scarlett Leithold - Em
Rome Flynn - Ryder
Neels Visser - Moto
Sadie Sink - Madmax
Madelyn Cline - Madmax
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