#charlotte nightlife tonight
angrylizardjacket · 4 years
runs in the family // charlotte&lola (penny&jupiter)
Summary: Jupiter and Penny somehow find themselves in 1981. What else is there to do but meet their moms at Motley Crue's first gig?
A/N: as always, for @misscharlottelee and eva ill edit this and tag u when I find ur new url. @compositionnotebook 💖 why did I write this? Because I love to suffer. Also as always, unedited.
Of course, waking up in a hotel room they don’t remember, with their cousin asleep in the other bed, only to realise that they’re back in LA when they’re meant to be on the other side of the country in the middle of their tour, Jupiter was understandably panicked. They hadn’t been drinking last night, and they’re pretty sure there was no way of them getting across the country without realising, and the idea that something is up is solidified when Penny wakes up and starts panicking too. 
The front desk says they’re paid up for the month; the woman’s hair is sand blonde, feathered and sprayed up to the high heavens, while the uniform she wears is the ugliest shade of green Jupiter’s ever laid eyes on, but the woman has the gall to give Jupiter’s outfit an unimpressed look. They’re all for the current resurgence in 80s fashion trends, but it feels like this woman may have committed too hard to the bit. Jupiter, nonetheless, asks the woman if she remembers how they and Penny had arrived, and the woman actually rolls her eyes and says that she’s not paid to ask nosy questions. 
It takes the cousins a full hour to find out that somehow they’ve landed themselves in 1981, a full day to believe it, and a full week to fully understand what that means. 
“I hate this, I want to do something, go somewhere,” Friday night and Jupiter’s sick to death of no TV and only the radio for entertainment. Whoever had been staying here, whoever’s place they and Penny had taken, had left a wallet with no ID, but an exorbitant amount of cash, and a closet full of clothes in their sizes. It’s eerie as fuck, but the only person who’s come knocking was the housekeeping staff, and Jupiter tells them to go away every time. 
“We are near The Strip in the eighties,” Penny suggests, flicking through a newspaper idly, lounging on the bed, “what if we saw young Guns ‘n’ Roses live, or, oh God, what about Motley, could you imagine?” Penny snorted, and Jupiter’s whole expression wrinkles to something horrified.
“They weren’t around yet, were they? What’s the date?”
“April twenty-fourth,” Penny’s expression sobers considerably from it’s delight, adding, “nineteen eighty-one,” much quieter, “fuck.”
They agree to go out, if only to get out of the room they’d been hiding from the world in, rather terrified to face their reality. There’s hesitation; do they get dressed up? Do they use the makeup sitting neatly on the bathroom counter? It felt safer to try and blend in, but blending in with the 80s nightlife wasn’t exactly the easiest thing in the world. 
Both have the distinct, horrifying thought of ‘I look like my mother’ when they’re finished, looking in the mirror, all dark makeup and patterned jeans and leather jackets; there’s a leather miniskirt that neither of them touch, not wanting to go too hard on their first night in the apparent real world. There’s a half empty bottle of hairspray on the counter that they both eye dubiously.
“It would be weirder if we didn’t spray up our hair, right?” Penny says, and Jupiter feels distinctly like a teenager, uncertain, awkward, not quite sure of their style, rather than the early-30s successful musician they were. 
It doesn’t end up looking good, at least not to their 2020 sensibilities, but as they make their way down to the street, a woman in leopard print gushes over how good they both look. 
It’s sunset, with people looking just as out there are the out-of-time cousins, band posters and flyers plastered to every wall, every telephone pole, every surface available as they walked the six blocks to The Strip. It takes only the ten minute walk from their shitty little hotel, to the Whiskey-A-Go-Go, for the reality it of it all to settle in Jupiter’s stomach like they’d swallowed ice. More specifically, it takes right up until they’re standing on the corner by the Whiskey, Penelope’s eye caught by one of the flyers on the nearby telephone pole, for Jupiter to think to look across the street at the rundown apartment complex that they realise they already know of. 
They gaze upon the window of one of the apartments on the second floor, with, even at this distance, a visibly fist-sized hole, gaff-taped up through the window. Jupiter knows that window, even as Penelope’s calling their name insistently. 
“It’s April Twenty-Fourth, right?” Penny calls, dubiously, and Jupiter says something about how that’s what she’d said back at the hotel, not paying attention.
“First ever rehearsal we had for the band, I didn’t even see your mom, she was out somewhere, the gym I think, but before she’d gone, she and Nikki had a fight and she put her whole fist through the window; I thought they were the coolest people I’d ever met.”
Tommy’s voice floats through Jupiter’s mind as they finally turn to Penny, to her insistent tone, only to step back, as if burned by the very sight of the Motley Crue poster. Penny was holding one corner in a fist, eyes wide. Tonight. The Starwood. 
“No.” Jupiter didn’t even let her get an word in edgewise, but Penny shook the poster more intently. 
“We have to,” she implored, though Jupiter was now adamantly shaking their head.
“We have to do no such thing,” Jupiter crossed their arms, cocking a hip. Turning their nose in the air at the poster, they accidently catch a glimpse of what they’re pretty sure is their mom’s apartment, and their expression reflexively wrinkles.
“What if my mom’s there?” Penny says quietly, and oh God damn it, there’s no way Jupiter could say no to that. The walk from the Whiskey to the Starwood is a good half an hour, and they’re both just glad to have opted for the flat shoes they’d brought from the future, rather than risked any of the platforms or heels that were lined up neatly at the bottom of the closet they’d raided. There’s a Motley poster ever few feet, and while dread had settled in Jupiter’s stomach, Penny was buzzing beside them nervously.
The Starwood had closed only months after Motley’s first performance, but both Jupiter and Penny had heard their family lovingly reminisce about it, with photos from the night, from nights before and after, so it strangely felt like they’d been there before, looking at the club’s name up in shining lights, Motley Crue headlining the night just below. 
“Isn’t that the guy from Rock Candy?” There’s two dudes a few feet away, squinting at another poster for the band, then looking up to the sign, both of them in leather jackets and flared jeans. 
“Dude, fuck, that’s the guy from London, last gig he played, he broke the singer’s jaw!” The second dude, delights, already tugging his friend towards the club where people were already filtering in.
“No man, their roadie broke the singer’s nose after he knocked out two of the bass player’s teeth on stage -”
It was so strange to hear misinformation spread so casually about people both Jupiter and Penny knew so well; they’d both heard the story of the night Tommy and Charlotte had met Nikki and Lola, how London had a small fight on stage that ended up giving Nikki a bloody nose, and how Lola had knocked out two of the singer’s teeth the in alley behind the bar after the gig. But here, now, it was like it’s own kind of folklore. 
They follow the men inside. 
No-one check their IDs, thank God, their own wallets hadn’t travelled back in time with them. The bouncer lets them pass without issue, and Jupiter is strangely reminded of their age as they see the people around them, a majority in their early to mid-20s, all looking right at home in leather and black denim. It’s still fairly quiet, the stage looking only half set up with a few clusters of people milling around the bar. There’s two people on the stage, setting it up, but with their backs turned, but they’re not exactly recognisable, long blonde hair and dark hair respectively, though the dark-haired one is in a distinctively spiked jacket. Closer to them, however is, a pretty red-head sat at the end, all tight clothes and effortless elegance, one leg crossed over the other where she was lounging against the bar on her barstool, a beer in one hand. Something about her is so familiar.
Jupiter and Penny carefully sit themselves by the bar too, a few seats away from the red-head, looking around but not quite processing it all. They’re at Motley Crue’s first show. 
Jupiter’s squinting at the row of drinks behind the bar, trying to decide what to order, when Penny grabs their hand so hard it hurts. Before they can turn back, however, they hear a voice they’ve only ever heard recordings of.
“Aw, Eileen, so nice of you to get me a drink,” Charlotte Lee’s tone was all teasing and light as she took the bottle out of the redhead - Eileen’s - hand, taking a sip as Eileen herself rolled her eyes.
“Lola is a terrible influence on you,” Eileen said flatly. Penny’s nails were digging into Jupiter’s forearm. Charlotte hands the drink back with a fond twinkle in her eyes.
“Lola hasn’t paid for a drink in her life, so I happen to think she’s a great influence-”
“She only drinks for free because she’s blackmailing half the bartenders in town,” the bartender himself piped up, cracking open a beer and handing it over to Charlotte without her even having to ask, flashing a grin that’s all teeth, “you ladies drink for free because I like making pretty girls smile.”
“Ricky, you’re the one who keeps hitting on her,” Charlotte points out, and his expression falls almost comically fast; “you keep taking her back to your place.”
“Only ‘cos she lives with Nikki and I don’t feel like being fucking stabbed in my sleep,” Ricky counters, pouting and flustered, his arms crossed over his chest. 
“That’s definitely fair, but it’s not Lola’s fault you’re embarrassed about having a nun fetish,” Eileen’s tone is unbothered in the fact of Ricky’s embarrassment, though her lips twitch in the barest amuse smile as she adds, “Father Richard,” and Ricky turns scarlet as Charlotte spits half her mouthful of beer as a laugh escapes her. 
Jupiter can feel their heart beat in their throw. This is so real, what the fuck. 
“Can we help you?” And then Eileen’s looking directly at Penny and Jupiter, who realise that they’re staring at the women by the bar, eyes wide like they’d seen a ghost. Ha. She’s got a single, perfect eyebrow raised, shifting in a way that’s barely noticible, but so clearly confrontational, like a cat’s fur raising even when a cat doesn’t move. 
“Charlotte Lee,” there’s a wobble in Penny’s voice when she finally speaks, and Jupiter can feel the way her hand’s trembling, “that makes... that makes you Eileen -” and she swallows hard, editing the last name she knows so well for the one that Eileen would have had in 1981, “Austen.” 
Charlotte and Eileen share a look, and then look back to Penelope. 
“Wait right here,” Charlotte sounds delighted, actually addressing Penny with a hand out.
“How do you guys know who we are?” Eileen asks, as Charlotte takes off towards the stage. Penny moves instinctively to follow her, but Jupiter holds her in place. There’s something in the evaluative look she gives them, lip curling just a little, on edge at being stared at by two strangers who must be roughly a decade older than them, who seem to already know them. “Are you friends of Lola’s?” She asks dubiously, and Jupiter is fighting the urge to run.
“Our little brother went to high school with you both,” Penny blurts out, “he was in the year above you,” but something seems to ease about Eileen’s posture as Penny tells her the exact school, and the year she and Charlotte would have graduated. It’s too specific for Eileen to think they’re lying, and for that both Jupiter and Penny are glad.
For all that Penny is Charlotte and Razzle's daughter, she was still raised, at least in part, by Lola, arguably the best liar of her generation. All the various Lee-Dingley-Sixx children had some innate ability to convincingly lie through their teeth, and though it didn't come in handy for Penny nearly as much as it seemingly did Jupiter, she was never more grateful for that skill than she was now.
“False alarm, Charlie, their brother went to school with us,” Eileen calls out, just as Charlotte is returning, dragging a dark haired woman both Jupiter and Penny knew far too well.
Seeing Charlotte at first had been so overwhelming that they hadn’t really processed what she’d looked like, but now, standing next to who could only be Lola, in 1981, it hit Jupiter just how young they both were. 
Lola’s still shorter than her own child, but taller than Jupiter remembers her ever being, curtesy of her intimidating platform boots, leather and buckles and spikes, a good match for her spiked leather jacket and studded bralette. She’s all sprayed up hair, larger than life, dark eyeshadow, and fishnets, somehow wearing so much and not at all at the same time. 
Beside her, Charlotte is only a few inches shorter, hair just as high, still with dark makeup, looking like a beautiful middle ground between Lola’s intimidating intensity and Eileen’s high glamour. In flashy denim pants and an artfully ripped, hand painted Motley Crue shirt, Charlotte’s the picture of the eighties, as beautiful and bright as any photo or recording Penny and Jupiter had ever seen. 
Charlotte’s expression falls with disappointment, but before she can speak -
“You’re twenty-two!” Jupiter hears themselves say, and Lola looks directly at them, lip curling. Jupiter’s blood runs ice cold. 
“What?” The single word is so derisive in a voice that Jupiter has never known to be cold, and before anyone else can speak, Lola looks to Charlotte, eyebrow raised. When she crosses her arms over her chest, even the leather jacket can’t completely hide how well muscled her arms are, “Charlie, I love you but I don’t give a shit about two old broads whose brother you knew, we gotta finish setting up.” It hurt like a physical ache, somewhere behind Jupiter’s sternum, each word somehow hurting more than the last.
“Don’t be rude,” Charlotte told her, elbowing her in the ribs, smiling even so.
“I don’t even know my fucking age - who are you?” Lola’s undeterred, on hand holding a roll of gaff tape in a white-knuckled grip, while the other had curled into a fist, weight shifting from one foot to the other in agitation. Okay, that’s very fair, Jupiter regrets ever opening their mouth. Fuck. 
“You don’t know how old you are?” Charlotte asks, disbelieving, breaking the tension, and Lola looks back at her, face scrunching up as the tension drops from her shoulders.
“Why would I know my age?”
“Because that’s a very weird thing not to know!” Charlotte exclaimed in disbelief, eyes wide. Jupiter, on the other hand, wracked their brains for any scrap of knowledge they’d heard about their mother’s past and actually retained.
“Sorry, we know we’re being weird,” eyes closed, they took a deep breath, trying to sort out their thoughts, “our brother Leo went to school with Charlotte and Eileen, but we... talked to a band you roadied for, and they told us roughly how old you were, but you look,” Jupiter pauses, cracking open their eyes, only to see the way Lola's expression had softened upon hearing the name Leo - oh fuck, she doesn't even know the truth about her own dad yet! -“younger than I expected.”
“I’m used to Lola being recognised around here, just got my hopes up that it was my turn,” Charlotte admits with the faintest embarrassment, picking her drink up from the bar and taking a sip. 
“One day soon, Charlie, if the boys take off, we’ll be right beside ‘em; everyone in LA will know your name,” the way Lola says it is strangely wry, like she’s self aware of the fact that her own name is out there for some less than reputable reasons, or like she isn’t fully convinced that Motley Crue would be the runaway success they all hoped.
Jupiter and Penny share a look, pained by the dramatic irony the three women across from them couldn’t even begin to comprehend.
It takes a moment, and Lola is definitely still a bit wary, but then it passes, and Lola looks to the stage again, still clearly addressing Charlotte.
"If you wanna help me with the last bit, I just need to do a sound check.” And with that, she was off, and Jupiter lets out a breath that hadn’t realised they’d been holding. Penny is still staring at Charlotte, who's rocking back on her heel as she has another drink, contemplating going after Lola, but also intrigued but the two interlopers enough to stay.
Eileen asks their names.
Penny and Jupiter share a panicked look, because they can't just tell the truth, it would make things weird in the future! What if they end up in the present named something entirely new!? They hadn't even begun to consider the butterfly effect of their being here.
"Lisa?" Jupiter says finally, picking a name they'd used in the past, but not for long, a nickname derived from their birth name in honour of their grandmother. Eileen looks wildly unconvinced, but Charlotte, bright and kind and perfect and alive, tells them its pretty. Penny is struggling to come up with an alternative, before conceding that her nickname is probably common enough that it wouldn't really matter.
"Penny's such a pretty name," Charlotte beams, and tells them its lovely to meet them, and Jupiter rests a gentle hand on their cousin's back, a silent reminder to keep breathing, as Charlotte trots off to help Lola with the last of the sound check.
Jupiter orders them both several drinks.
They end up sitting at the other end of the bar, away from the spot Eileen has clearly claimed for herself and Motley Crue's glorified roadies. Penny is quietly trying not to hyperventilate every time she thinks too hard about what's happening, and made a muffled scream upon hearing Charlotte laugh at one of Lola's jokes.
"I've died, Jup, we've died and this is the afterlife because that is my fucking mother, and she's alive, and she's twenty-one goddamn years old. She is a child. Our mothers are children. What the fuck?!" Penny hissed, and took another sip of her drink. Jup was watching Lola, so young and confident and mean as all hell, a defensive mechanism that's only made apparent to be such because Jupiter's known her longer than this version of Lola's been alive. But she smiles around Charlotte and Eileen in a way Jupiter's never seen her smile before, something grateful and adoring at the corners of her lips, an unfamiliar kind of softness in her eyes for just the barest moment.
Lola smiles like she feels lucky to be here, to be around these women, to call them friends. Here and now it hits Jupiter hard, that even decades later, their mother never fully recovered from losing Charlotte.
"We're not dead," Jupiter tells their cousin softly, and they both watch Lola and Charlotte head back to the green room before the band begins.
"But I- how, explain then, how can I go over there and touch her? She's real, Jup, really real, my mother, Charlotte Lee."
"I can't explain it, it just is," Jupiter muses, and finishes of their next drink as Lola and Charlotte reappear, followed by the band, all looking far too young and overeager, and Jupiter's heart is beating in their throat as Tommy Lee beams and waves to the crowd. They're going to be sick. Or maybe cry. Or maybe have a full panic attack right here by the bar. Fucking hell he's even more of a child than Charlotte, only twenty, and just as bright and excitable as they've known him to be, possibly moreso.
The audience seems underwhelmed, not sure what to make of these boys with their leather and hairspray and nervous excitement; Vince introduces them to the quiet bar with a yell, and Jupiter kind of hates that their future step-dad is giving them gender envy.
And then Tommy knocks over his cymbal after showing off with his drumsticks, and Jupiter bursts into tears.
They're furious at themselves for crying, hand pressed to their mouth for fear of anyone hearing if they would sob, brow furrowed into a scowl, other hand messily wiping at their eyes as they mouth defiant swears against their palm. People are jeering and booing, and out of the corner of their eye, Jupiter sees Charlotte actively holding Lola back, and something deep inside their heart knows that if there wasn't stupid fucking tears in their eyes, they'd be just as ready to defend the band's honour as their mom is.
"Oh, he's always been like this-" Penny's voice is softly adoring as she watches the man who will one day be her uncle and adopted father, before she looks to Jupiter, sees them overwhelmed with it all, and mad at themselves for feeling that, and she laughs, gentle and kind and understanding, and wraps Jupiter up in a hug. Its grounding. Even as Jupiter sulkily tells her to fuck off, they wrap an arm around Penny's shoulders and press their face into her hair.
"He looks like you," Penny murmurs as the first song starts, despite the negativity still pouring from the crowd. Jupiter wrinkles their nose, but can't help but smile. Tommy looks incredibly cool tonight, and it's true that Jupiter had inherited a lot of physical characteristics from their father.
Everyone in the bar hears the jeering way a dude in the audience asks about the 'chick singer', and for a moment, the children unwittingly mirror their mothers as Penny's grip on Jupiter tightens, anticipating when they go to lunge for the stage in outrage, but the moment the guy spits on Vince, across the bar Charlotte let's go of Lola, setting her loose on the vitriolic patrons.
Penny and Jupiter knew Motley's first gig started with a fight, but it was another thing to witness it.
Tommy leaps into the crowd, delighted by the carnage that Nikki and Vince are already taking part in, and Lola’s already knocked a guy flat on his ass. Surprisingly, Charlotte lobs her half-empty bottle at the guy who had spat at Vince, not taking direct part, but not abstaining either, cackling when it shatters against him and he's looking around, angry and confused, and Eileen says her name with a tone thats both scandalised and impressed.
In the end, by the time the bouncers step in, all that's left is Tommy absolutely wailing on a dude, and much to everyone's surprise, most of all her child's, little Lola Gone wraps her arms around Tommy's chest, cops a full elbow to the face, and still hauls him up and off his victim like he weighs nothing, even as he's thrashing and swearing and telling her to go fuck herself before realising who it is. When she puts him down, she snarls something at him, and shoves him towards the stage.
By the bar, Jupiter's mouth is agape, while Penny is trying to hold in her laughter, both of them realising just how terrifyingly similar to their father Jupiter actually is. And that at Twenty-Two, Lola is built like a tank.
The things you never truly understand about your parents because you always think of them as your parents is wild.
But above all, in the wake of the small riot, Jupiter and Penny can only feel a strange and overwhelming pride, seeing how eagerly they'd all defended each other.
"Fuck yeah, Motley Crue!" Leaves Penny's lips, delighted, at the top of her lungs, and suddenly the eyes of everyone in the bar, and more importantly, the people these two time travelling cousins will call family, forty years from now, fall on them. Grateful. Beaming. Then, laughter; Charlotte’s.
"Fuck yeah!" She echoes her daughter, and a cheer rises around the bar as the band begins playing again, energy revitalised. Charlotte beams at them, sharing in the moment, waving them both over eagerly as the bartender begrudgingly hands over a stack of napkins, while Lola's got her head tipped back, arguing with Eileen as to whether or not her nose is broken as it bleeds profusely.
Even at their first gig, Take Me To The Top sounds good, sounds like it should, all rough and energetic, and Jupiter knows how strange it would be to sing along at the band's first fucking gig, but the song, even now, feels like home.
"Lola, you're a danger to yourself and others," Eileen smirked, "and you're a terrible influence on Charlie."
"Thank you," Lola grins, right as Charlotte tries to deny it, which devolves into Eileen pointing out that Charlotte had lobbed her bottle at one of the offenders, which delighted Lola to no end.
"Don't know if you would know this, not sure how much your brother would have said," Charlotte says, grinning at Jupiter and Penny, "but my cousin, Tommy, he's the one on drums," she says, oozing pride. Jupiter and Penny both bite back on their instinctual responses, but still the surprise reads on their face.
"The one who did this to me," Lola's beaming despite looking a little like a horror movie, sounding only proud.
"He's certainly energetic," Penny says, finally, before letting herself breathe, watching the band for the moment, "they're really good," like she can't quite believe this is all real, still, "they have no idea how huge they're gonna be," the words slip out quite by accident, and both Jup and Penny share a panicked look, but the words don't get the reaction they expected.
"I knew I liked you," Charlotte's grin is sharp and pleased, and before Penny can protest, Charlotte's thrown an arm around her shoulders, "you've got taste." And that's enough incentive for Charlotte to shout both Jup and Penny a drink, oblivious to the way Penny freezes, like a deer in the headlights. Her mother's arm is around her without her mom even knowing how much this means. She looks like she's about to cry.
"Its really good to meet you, Charlie," Penny's voice is strangely hoarse, strangely honest in ways Charlotte can't even begin to understand, and Charlotte gives Penny's shoulder a squeeze.
"You too, Penny, and you, Lisa," she adds, grinning up at Jupiter for a moment, "anyone who thinks good things about my reckless dumbass of a cousin and his band is good in my books." She's so effortlessly earnest and endearing, exactly as everyone had described her, able to make friends wherever she went. Penny tentatively thanks Charlotte when she hands her a drink, and wraps an arm around Charlotte's waist when the younger blonde seemed content with an arm around Penny's shoulders.
"I can't believe you two are the only other assholes with taste," Lola smirks, holding a napkin to her nose.
"Get bent," Jupiter fires off automatically at the vaguely derisive tone, and Lola flips them off while Charlotte shoves her in the ribs. This moment, in its own weird little way, makes sense.
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nazariolahela · 5 years
Something Domestic: Chapter 8
A/N: Hey y'all! This is a new TRR AU I’ve been working on. This story is told in first-person narrative, from Riley’s (MC) POV. There will likely be smidges of canon in this, but not too much. Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback, and/or if you would like to be tagged.
Catch up here
Series Tags: @burnsoslow​ @aworldoffandoms​ @dcbbw​ @ladyangel70​ @texaskitten30​ @sunandlemons​ @jlynn12273​ @indiacater​ @jared2612​ @rainbowsinthestorm​ @drakesensworld​ @badchoicesposts​ @msjr0119​ @katurrade​ @blackcoffee85​ @cynicalworlds-blog​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @beardedoafdonutwagon​ @cmestrella​ @sugarandspice-milkandhoney​
Synopsis: When Riley Brooks takes a new job as a nanny for the affluent Rhys family in New York’s Upper East Side, she assumes she’s just going to care for the children of the couple who hired her. But instead of just school pick-ups and afternoon snacks, she also finds herself spending time with Liam, the handsome divorced dad. Can Riley control her feelings for Liam while still performing the job she was hired for?
All characters are the property of Pixelberry Studios. Thanks for allowing me to borrow them.
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Chapter Summary: Riley and Liam get to know each other and sparks fly.
I look at the clock on the microwave and sigh. It’s 7:02 p.m. and Madeleine still isn’t home. Good thing I didn’t have any Friday night plans. Not that I mind staying late, but a little heads up would have been nice. If she doesn’t show up soon, I’m going to have to get dinner started for the kids. They’re currently upstairs in the playroom, watching a movie, so I’m down here in the living room — sprawled out on the couch — waiting for someone to relieve me of my duties. Mara appears from the elevator a few minutes later, holding a plastic CVS bag.
“Here you are, Miss. The items you requested.”
I take the bag from her and pull out the contents: A bottle of Starbeans Frappuccino Vanilla Coffee, a bag of sour gummy worms, and the latest issue of Trend Magazine. If I'm going to be stuck here, I might as well have sustenance and entertainment. As I sit on the couch, chewing on a gummy worm, I scroll through my social media newsfeed. Looking at photos of my friends and acquaintances getting ready to start their weekend, I feel a tinge of jealousy. Okay, that’s enough of that. I close out the app and reach into the bag, grabbing the frap and the issue of Trend.
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Time to catch up on my celebrity gossip. I flip through the pages, thankful there aren’t any more photos of Liam and Madeleine playing “fake family.” Just your daily celebrity feuds, who’s dating who, and your run-of-the-mill rumors. If I didn’t secretly love this stuff so much, I’d hate it.  Mara excuses herself to check in with Bastien, so I pull out my phone to text Hana. As I open my text app, the phone rings with an incoming call from her. “Hey, girl!”
“Riley, where are you? My date with Meghan is at 8 p.m. and I can’t decide on an outfit,” she says frantically.
I exhale. “I’m still here. Madeleine’s not home from work yet.”
“I hope everything is okay. Did you text her? Have you heard from Liam?”
“I did but got no answer. Liam should be home soon. If I’m not home before you leave for your date, I just wanted to wish good luck tonight. Whatever you decide to wear, it’s going to knock her socks off.”
She laughs. “You’re ridiculous. Call me if you need me to bring you anything.”
“Will do. Love you!”
“Love you more!”
We hang up and I set the phone back down on the coffee table. I pick up the magazine and resume reading. A few minutes later, I hear the ding of the elevator door and sit up to find Liam entering the penthouse. He looks up from his phone and spots me sitting in the middle of the living room. He shoots me a questioning glance. “Riley? What are you still doing here?”
“Madeleine never showed up. I couldn’t just leave the kids here alone.”
His jaw tightens. “Thank you for that. I’m sorry that she never called. Next time that happens, please don’t hesitate to call me. You shouldn’t have to give up your Friday night plans because my children’s mother can’t pick them up on time. I’ll make sure you get paid overtime for today as well.”
“It’s really no trouble at all. I didn’t have any plans. My roommate has a date tonight, so I was probably just going to sit on my couch and catch up on Real Housewives of Ducitora. Besides, I’m not that big into New York nightlife. Too loud, too many people, too expensive.”
He smirks. “Well, if you’re not busy, why don’t you hang out for a while? I have a bottle of wine chilling in the fridge, and Real Housewives OnDemand.”
I bite my lip, contemplating his offer. “I don’t want to impose.”
“Trust me. You’re not,” he replies, and my chest tightens. One drink won’t hurt. Right? He’s not asking me to have sex with him. Think of it as a chance to get to know him better. I nod and he smiles. He makes his way to the kitchen to retrieve the wine. While he’s gone, I grab my purse and make my way to the bathroom. I check my reflection, making sure I don’t look like a homeless bag lady. I pull the hair tie from my hair and finger-comb through it. I then grab my tinted lip balm and brush a couple of coats across my lips.
Satisfied with my appearance, I flick off the bathroom light and head back to the living room. He returns a moment later, setting the bottle and two glasses on the coffee table. He glances down at my half-empty bottle of frap and the gossip mag. He picks it up, thumbing through the pages and frowns. “I can’t believe you read this crap. Half the things they say in here are total bullshit.”
I shrug. “It’s my guilty pleasure. I like getting a look at how the other half lives. Until I started working here, I assumed all you rich and famous people live in McMansions with gold fixtures and an army of servants. I bet you don’t even cook for yourself.”
He chuckles, the sound warming me from within. “There’s a reason for that. Ask my kids what a terrible cook I am.”
I couldn’t hide my smile. “That explains the personal chef.”
He flashes me a boyish grin that shoots through my body, down to my core. My gods, save me from my lustful ways. He pops the cork of the wine bottle and pours two glasses, handing me one. I bring my wine to my lips and take a long sip. His eyes watch me as my tongue sweeps up a stray drop of wine dripping down the side. He visibly swallows. I think about what Charlotte told me and figure now is a good time to bring it up.
“So, I wanted to talk to you about something Charlotte mentioned to me today.” He sets his glass down and focuses his attention on me. I fiddle with my wine glass, doubting myself. He nods for me to continue. I exhale. “Okay. So, she mentioned that Madeleine has friends over from time to time.”
He rolls his eyes. “Penelope and Kiara. Yeah, those two are always around. Those three have been friends since college. I swear, when I married her, apparently they were a package deal.”
Ooh. This is awkward. “Actually, she mentioned a guy. She said that he’s over here frequently and that they spend a substantial amount of time in her room while you’re at work.”
Anger flashes in his eyes. Then almost immediately, he regains his composure. He exhales loudly. “I see. You know, I always suspected that she was bringing men into my home, but I never imagined she was doing it in front of my kids.” He gulps down his wine and pours himself another glass.
“I’m sorry I had to be the one to tell you.”
He shakes his head and sighs sadly. “Don’t be. It’s not your fault.”
We sit in silence for several minutes. He brings his wine glass to his mouth, staring into it with a blank expression. I watch him from the corner of my eye, making sure he’s not going to explode. Needing to break the tension, I set my glass on the table and lean back in my seat. “So, I hear you’ve been telling your friends all about me.”
His chokes on his wine and his cheeks immediately flush. “They told you about that?”
“Yeah, for a guy who doesn’t want his ex to find out, you sure talk a lot.”
He grimaces and sets his glass down. “In my defense, Drake, Max, and Liv are the only people I would ever tell something like that because I know they won’t tell her. From the moment I met you, I knew I was attracted to you. And in a moment of drunkenness, I may have confessed that to my friends. I didn’t mean for them to tell you though.”
He looks away. Is he embarrassed? Thinking back to what Drake told me at the bar that night, Liam hasn’t been with anyone since Madeleine. Assuming they were having sex regularly, he said it’s been a few months since he filed for divorce. Which means they probably weren’t having sex at all towards the end. Remembering my own drought, my mind wanders to that forbidden place. Is he lonely? Does he seek the company of certain women to fill the void his wife left? He doesn’t need those women when I’m more than willing to offer my “services” for free. I scold myself for thinking such stupid thoughts and take another sip of my wine.
Clearing his throat, he quickly changes the subject. “So, tell me. Other than gossip rags, trashy reality TV marathons, and hanging out at the Double Tappe, what do you like to do in your spare time?”
I drain the last of my wine and set the glass on the coffee table. “Not much. I do like to read in my spare time. And not just tabloid magazines. I just finished the new John Grisham novel. Talk about intense. Other than that, I spend most of my time hanging out with Hana. We used to spend a lot of time at The Foundry, but the drinks got way too expensive. Plus, the male clientele there really doesn’t really do it for me anymore. Too many tech-bros.”
He nods then picks up the bottle and both glasses and takes them into the kitchen. After depositing them in the sink, he returns to the couch. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear he is sitting a little closer this time. I can feel the heat radiating from his thigh a mere inches from mine. My hands folded in my lap, I move them to the top of my thighs. His own hands rest at his sides, his fingers tapping the cushion. I stare down at his fingers as they inch closer. I look up and he’s staring at me, lust burning in his eyes.
“You said you weren’t into tech-bros. Are there any other eligible bachelors that have caught your eye lately?”
I blush. “Just one…”
“Anyone I know?”
My cheeks redden. Well, Riley. It’s now or never. He’s already told me how he feels about me. Why not let him know I reciprocate those feelings? He moves his hand to my knee and begins moving his thumb back and forth. My heart thunders. “Yeah. You.”
His smile fades as he moves even closer to me on the couch. “Riley. You should tell me goodnight.”
My breath hitches. “Why?”
“Because if you don’t, I’m going to kiss you.”
“What if I want you to kiss me?”
Before he can answer, he leans over and takes my head in his hands and presses his lips to mine. My shock turns to awe as I part my lips, inviting his tongue between them. I crawl forward into his lap, straddling his waist and wrap my arms around his neck. I press my chest to his, feeling his heart beating fast. My head tilts to the side, and he moves his mouth down my neck, sucking on my pulse. I tug his earlobe between my teeth and he growls, kissing and sucking harder. I’m probably going to have a hickey tomorrow, but who cares?
He moves his mouth back to my lips and his hands slip beneath the hem of my shirt, slowly moving up my back. I can feel his dick straining under his dress pants as I press my core against his crotch. He groans in my mouth, the sound shooting straight to my pussy.
Oh my god, this is so wrong. But why does it feel so right? His hands fumble with the clasps on my bra. I reach between us and begin tugging on his belt. The heat between us is blazing and I can’t stop myself. Finally, he breaks our kiss.
“We have to stop.”
“What? Why?”
He swallows. “You know why.”
“Is it because of the kids? If you’re worried about them interrupting us, we could go to your bedroom.”
He groans and ohmygod it does things to me. “It’s not that…”
“You don’t want to?” I ask.
“Of course I do. I’ve wanted to since the moment you walked in here that first day for your interview. I look at you and all I want to do is take you all over this apartment. You can obviously feel it,” he says. My eyes dart down between us to the evident bulge in his pants, and I bite my lip. His eyes follow mine; his expression amused. Then, his face goes serious again. “But my divorce isn’t final yet, and I can’t risk anything that would put your job or the kids’ livelihood in jeopardy. Besides, you don’t want to get involved with me. Divorced Dad lusting after the hot nanny. I’m like a walking cliche.”
I sigh, then nod. His words are the same ones that Hana has been preaching since Day One. And the same ones that Olivia spewed at me that night at the Double Tappe. Maybe I should start listening to these people. Not to mention, the kids are upstairs. And Madeleine could walk in at any moment. I slide off his lap and rise to my feet. “I should probably go.” I make my way to the kitchen and start gathering my things. He stands to adjust himself, then follows me.
“I’m sorry if I took advantage of you.”
I roll my eyes. “Liam. You didn’t take advantage of me.”
“You’re my kids’ nanny. I’m only trying to protect you.”
I open my mouth to respond when the ding of the elevator cuts through the silence in the room, and Madeleine emerges. She notices me standing in the kitchen, hastily packing up my tote. “You’re still here?”
“Yeah, no thanks to you,” Liam snaps. “You could have called her. Or me.”
Madeleine shoots daggers at him. “I got held up in a meeting. I didn’t have my phone on me. And besides, you’re here to relieve her, so what’s the problem?”
“The problem is that you shirked your responsibilities. You’re supposed to be here to relieve Riley in the evening so she doesn’t have to stay here all night. They’re your kids, not hers.”
She laughs, although there is no humor in her voice. “What does she care? She’s getting paid regardless.”
“She doesn’t get paid to raise our kids for us. That’s our job,” he growls.
Needing to get away from this situation ASAP, I grab my tote bag and scurry out of the kitchen. “Uhh...I’m gonna head out. I’ll see you guys Monday morning.”
As they argue, I make my way to the elevator and scramble inside. Once the doors close, I text Mara and tell her to meet me downstairs. I reach up and touch my lips, still feeling them tingle from his kiss. Did we really just do that? What would have happened if he hadn’t stopped it? I can’t stop thinking about that kiss as the elevator takes me to the ground floor. His hands up my shirt, the taste of his lips, the scent of his cologne. The way his dick rubbed against my center as I straddled him. My body is desperate for release, and all I can think about is how much he clearly wanted it too.
I should have known that hormones + alcohol = bad things. Although it was nice that he was a gentleman and restrained himself, part of me is angry with him for working me up like that, just to shut it down. Hello, lady blue balls. My name is Riley. The elevator reaches the lobby and I’m greeted by the sight of Mara waiting for me. She follows me out to the waiting cab and holds the door as I get in. Once I’m in, she taps the hood of the car and it pulls away from the curb. As the cab rolls down the street, I lean my head back on the seat and inhale, my emotions alternating between anger and humiliation.
Shit is going to be really awkward come Monday.
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Old And New
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Pairing: Ashton Irwin/ Female OC
Requested By: N/A (inspired by @irwinkitten and this blurb)
Word Count: 2,157
Summary: Ashton runs into an old hookup a few years after. 
Lights flashing in her eyes, music thumping in her ears, and alcohol flowing through her. That was exactly how Amber Austin spent most of her weekend nights. She'd just turned 21, and was out to make the most of it. Tonight had started just like any other. She got together with a few girls from work, got dolled up, and hit the town.
She was a few drink deep, and had a little over an hour until the bar closed when she saw him. He was tall, but not too tall. Blond hair with a single, perfectly placed curl falling over his forehead. His leather jacket looked almost too cool as it sat over his barely half buttoned red shirt. She watched as he excused himself from his group of friends. Draining her drink and setting the empty glass on the bar in front of her, she waited. She knew he was coming over to her, probably some stupid line on his lips. She also knew that whatever that line was, it would definitely work. It was late and she was ready for a good time.
“Hello,” He said, leaning on his elbows next to her. She turned slightly, smiling up to him. “What are ya drinkin’, gorgeous?”
“Whiskey neat.”
She didn't miss the slight raise of his brows as he put two fingers up, catching the bartender's attention. He motioned silently, ordering their drinks. Amber offered the bartender the slight smile as he set their glasses in front of them. She was here enough that even he knew exactly what this was leading too.
“So,” He started, lifting his glass to his lips. “What's got you drinking whiskey alone tonight?”
Amber shrugged before taking a sip of her own drink. “Nobody to drink it with.”
“Fair enough,” He chuckled. “Mind if I change that?”
“Not at all.”
He smiled as he took a seat on the bar stool next to her.
The pair finished their drinks quickly, with him ordering a second round without asking her. She liked that about him. By the time she was half finished with her second drink, Amber was starting to wonder where this was actually going. She was used to guys buying her a drink and immediately asking to take her home. But this particular guy seemed to be taking his time. He checked the time on his watch (which she couldn't help but to notice looked expensive) as he set his second empty glass on the bar.
“You live close?” He asked.
“Kinda, but my car is right outside.”
“Your car?”
Amber shrugged, wouldn't be the first time someone's hooked up in the parking lot of a bar. He wordlessly stood from his stool, pausing for just a moment before leading her to the door. She stepped around him, pulling her key from her bag as she walked to her car. She clicked a button and the tail lights of her car flashed a few rows ahead.
“Wait-” he said, grabbing her arm. “What's your name?”
“Nice to meet you, can we..?” She asked, gesturing to her car. He smiled and put his hand out, motioning her forward.
Both Ashton and Amber had moved on from that night. They'd had their fun, said their goodbyes, and never looked back. The world kept turning. The sun rose and fell. The seasons changed. Life continued. For four years.
Ashton was back in Seattle, finally. He loved the city and never cared for how little time he got the spend there. But now the band was on a break and he was here for pleasure instead of business. He stepped out of a small cafe, coffee in hand as the early afternoon sun warmed his face.
He took a sip from his drink and started down the sidewalk.  He smiled to himself as the sounds of one of his favorite cities filled his ears. He spotted a small music store just ahead, and beelined for the door.
A small bell chimed over his head as he opened the door. He heard some strange sounding indie song playing over the speakers. He didn't know it, but he liked it. There was a guy and a girl laughing behind the counter. He watched her for a moment. She looked so familiar. Maybe she'd been at the meet and greet last time they were here. He was almost certain he'd never been to this shop before, since he didn't usually have time to sightsee on tour.
He stepped further into the shop. Walking slowly down the rows and rows of new and used vinyl records, he flipped through a few but couldn’t keep his mind off of the girl behind the counter. He knew her from somewhere. He heard a laugh behind him and turned just slightly toward the sound. It was coming from her. Her head was thrown back, her blond hair falling down her back as she laughed loudly to whatever her coworker had said. He liked the sound of her laugh, even if he didn’t know how he remembered her.
He continued to shop, tucking a few records under his arm as he walked through the store. He was just about to turn down another aisle when it hit him. He knew her because he’d hooked up with her the last time the band had something of a night off in Seattle. It was after a show, and they weren’t leaving until the next morning. He and the guys had decided to check out whatever nightlife Seattle had to offer. And he had met her.
He felt his face go warm as he recalled their time together. Hot and fast and nearly anonymous in the back seat of her car. He remembered how carefree she had been as she talked and drank with him. He remembered the way she had giggled as they tried to figure out the mechanics of having sex in the back seat of a compact car, clearly a learning experience for the both of them. He remembered everything about that night, other than her name. Amanda? Ashley?
“Hey,” She appeared beside him, almost making him drop his coffee as she caught him off guard. “Need help with anything?”
“Uh, no,” He smiled. Surely she had to recognize him, too.
“Okay, just let one of us know if ya change your mind.” She smiled and started to turn away.
She turned back, her smile wider now. “Change your mind already?”
“No,” He answered, turning his smile to the ground for a moment. “Just, uh, you don't remember me?”
She looked at him for a moment, he could see the gears turning in her head. Before he could apologize, thinking he must have made a mistake, her eyes widened and her smile fell. “Fuck.”
“Yeah, basically.” He laughed. He didn’t miss the way her stance changed instantly. She seemed almost uncomfortable as she put on a fake smile.
“Sorry, just been a long time, huh?” She asked, an awkward laugh falling from her lips as she crossed her arms in front of her.
“Few years, yeah.”
“How’ve ya been?”
“Not bad at all, and you?”
“Good, good,” She answered, her shoulders relaxing just slightly. “Busy with work and life and stuff. You know, the usual.”
“Yeah, same here.” He took half a step closer to her, lowering his voice. “So, uh, you think we could meet up later? Maybe catch up a bit?”
“Sure,” She answered. She nodded to the cup in his hand. “Meet there tomorrow?”
“How’s 10 sound?” She nodded and started to turn away again. “Wait, so sorry, but what was your name again?”
Amber smiled, her lips not parting even slightly as she turned away from him. He watched as she walked behind the counter. She touched her coworkers arm and he leaned down, his ear coming close to her lips as she whispered something to him before retreating behind a door. Ashton noticed that she didn't come out from behind that door for the entire time he was there.
The next morning, at 9:50, Ashton was already at a table outside of the small cafe from yesterday. He was a bit early, but he didn't mind the wait. He pulled his phone from his jacket pocket and started to scroll through various social media.
Before he knew it, it was twenty past ten. He looked up from his phone, craning his neck as he looked up and down the street. He began to think that she'd stood him up. Maybe she forgot?
Just as he was about to stand to leave, he saw her walking up the street. She was holding the hand of a young girl. Her purple tutu didn't match the orange t-shirt or yellow sunglasses she wore, but he had to say that he liked her style. Amber smiled at him as the two got close to his table.
“Hey, sorry,” She sighed. “My sitter flaked at, like, the last possible second.”
Ashton stood, pulling her into a hug. “No worries. And who's this?” He asked, turning his attention to the little girl at her side.
“This is Charlotte, but we call her Charlie.” She knelt down, speaking softly as she brushed some dirty blond hair from Charlie's face. “You wanna say hello to Ashton?”
“Hi, Aston.” She said quietly. He chuckled to himself at her mispronunciation.
“Hello, Charlie. I like your glasses.”
“Thank you!” She said, bouncing slightly. “Mommy let me pick them out.”
“All by yourself?” He asked her. She nodded proudly. “Well, you did a wonderful job picking.”
Amber stood up straight, offering Ashton a sorry looking expression. “I know we were supposed to do coffee. But there's a park down the street and I think if I distract her with a jungle gym, we might be able to actually talk.” She took Charlie's hand again. “I mean, if you still wanted to catch up. I get it if you don't wanna hang with a three year old.”
Ashton grabbed his drink, shoving his phone into his pocket. “Definitely. Maybe I'll show you ladies how high I can swing.”
When they got to the park Amber set Charlie loose in an area for smaller children. She took off like a rocket towards the jungle gym, just like Amber had said she would.
“She's yours?” Ashton asked as they sat on a bench nearby.
“Yup,” Amber smiled. “My little monster.”
“She looks just like you.”
She smiled again, turning her attention to her daughter. Charlie was currently almost halfway across the monkey bars, her pink tennis shoes thrown to the side. “Yeah,” She agreed. “I get that a lot.”
The pair watched Charlie play for a bit while they caught up on the last four years. Ashton gushed about tours and the new album he was working on. Amber gushed about Charlie and how good she was doing in pre-school.
“I can't even imagine being a parent right now.” Ashton said with a heavy sigh. “Someday, sure. But not for a while. I don't know how you're doing it.”
“One day at a time.” She shrugged.
Before he could respond, they heard what could only be described as the worst sound ever. Charlie was lying on the ground, clutching her shoulder as she wailed loudly. Amber stood and ran to her. Unsure what to do or what help he could even offer, Ashton stayed put.
“What happened?”
“I- I-” Charlie tried to explain through sobs.
“Calm down, baby.” Amber cooed. “Take a deep breath.” Ashton watched as Amber coached her daughter through a few deep breaths. “Now, tell me what happened.”
Charlie sniffled a few times, wiped her eyes with her hands, and took one more deep breath. “I was hanging on my feet,” She paused for a few more sniffles. “And I fell.”
“What did I say would happen if you kept doing that, Charlotte Ann?”
“I will get hurt.”
“And what happened?”
“I got hurt.”
Amber helped Charlie to stand and brushed the dirt from her arms and knees. “Come on, Grace. Let's go sit down and cool off for a bit.” She said as she lead her to the bench. Charlie sat between Ashton and her mother while Amber pulled a pack of fruit gummies from her purse.
“Grace?” Ashton asked.
“Short for graceful.” Amber laughed. “This one's got a real knack for getting herself hurt. Don't ya, kid?”
“Grandma says I'm clumsy.” Charlie answered, turning to Ashton.
Ashton felt his heart drop to his stomach, which, in turn, dropped to his knees. With her sunglasses off, Ashton could finally see her eyes. Or rather, his own. Big, and beautiful bright green in the autumn sun.
He looked up to Amber, his throat drying by the moment. He knew. And she knew that he did.
“Ashton, hold on,” She said almost frantically. “I can explain everything, if you want me to.”
She’s back, hunnys!! Life has been insane recently so I haven’t been writing, like, at all. But then a few weeks ago I read Laura’s blurb and just had to keep going with it. Endless love and thanks to her for trusting me not to fuck this up. I hope you like this, and the coming chapters ♥ Thank you all for being patient with me while I’ve been away. I hope I haven’t lost my touch. 
As always, if you have any requests, or would like to be tagged in future 5sos fics please let me know!  
Tag List: @crownedbyluke @24kcalum @blue-skies-are-alright @lmao5sosimagines @therainydays4 @rosecth @thesoundsyoumake @kinglyhemmings @a-little-international @harryandthelesbians @lukescherrypie @ashotofblues @youngblood199456 @rexorangecouny @cashton-queen @tothemoonwithclifford @babylon-uncrowned @asht0ns-world @abitloudforanaccousticset @gettingjillywithit @itjustkindahappenedreally @dancingonanemptywallet @lustingforwunder @mysticalhood @5sos-are-banhanhas @cxddlyash @sweetmisseddreams2002 @myloverboyash @lazerdaize @valentinelrh @irwinkitten
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Best Nightclubs in Charlotte
Charlotte is one of the cities which are famous for its nightlife. You will find many best night clubs in Charlotte. You will find here the best Charlotte NC nightlife environment of all types ranging from ambient to upscale and in fact all kinds. You will find in Charlotte various clubs serving great barbecue food as well as you will find some delicious beverages as well being served with awesome food that is the plus point of many nightclubs in Charlotte NC. Clubs in Charlotte offers state of the art sound systems, electronic lighting, and big dance floors though you will find an extended range of foods being served with mouthwatering beverages as well. The bouncers in most of the clubs are friendly, and you will find enough educated and well-mannered crowd in various clubs in Charlotte NC. The nightclubs in Charlotte are a treat for those who want to get relief from the stressful moments. People admire the Charlotte nightlife. Dancing is quite a high mode of fun out here in this great city, and you will hence find many dance clubs in Charlotte NC. If you are thinking of Charlotte nightlife tonight, then you should be searching for some clubs. We have selected some of the best clubs in the city of Charlotte, and we are sure you will admire them. These are the best clubs in Charlotte, and you are going to cherish the moments spent here throughout your life. If you are from some other country, then you should know that you are in one of the top nightlife locations in the US. Here you will find the clubs organizing the best Charlotte nightlife events. If you are thinking of things to do in Charlotte, then do consider the clubs being mentioned below. Charlotte urban nightlife is quite famous definitely.
Cosmos Café
This is one of the best clubs in Charlotte. You won't find a club that is as upscale as this in the entire city. The excellent and vibrant atmosphere of this club is going to catch your attention, and you are going to love almost every specialty of this club. The club caters to young people aging 20s and 30s that are fond of large city palates. You will find the environment out here always in upscale mode and you the richly diverse clientele with excellent music, cool artwork as well as awesome martinis. Only a few clubs in the US offers wood-fired pizzas and Cosmos café is one place where you can find the great wood-fired pizzas. The European inspired meze is also the specialty of this club. If you enjoy the upscale environment, then this is the club for you.  It's a surety that when you will see this club then you will start thinking about the Charlotte NC things to do and you will find it as one of the best locations for getting relief from the stress. You can think of best nightlife in Charlotte NC out here in this club. You should also look for Charlotte Thursday night as well as you will find many clubs offering great events that you can attend.
300 east
If you want to experience the sophisticated European feel, then the best club for you is 300 East, and through this club, you are always going to enjoy memorable moments. Out here you are going to enjoy both libations and the food. The full Sunday brunch is also the specialty of this club. The veggie egg Benedict and the breakfast of light bagel, as well as the fruit, is always going to make you smile. Salads, sandwiches as well as various other selected entries are also the specialty of this club. The black-eyed Susan's and the cascading lantana in the patio area surrounding the tables that you can book is good enough to give the feel that you will be cherishing whole life. It's an excellent gentlemen's club Charlotte NC.
Ri Ra
If you want to enjoy the Irish style of the club, then this one is for you. The rich Irish culture can be explored here, and there is no hesitation at all that you are going to enjoy this rich Irish culture that is famous worldwide for its grand style of livelihood. The great Dublin ledgers that date back to 1800 can be found here and you are going to enjoy reading these ledgers. This is an amazing one definitely, and you will have a great time out here while having beverages as well as reading through some ancient ledgers. Your memories are going to be revived out here. The afterhour’s clubs in charlotte NC are an awesome option for you definitely to find events that you can attend.
Sir Edmond Halley‘s Restaurants and Free House
If you are looking for a place to chill out, then you will not find a place better than this. The Kitchen of this club also remains quite busy throughout the week. The Ostrich meatloaf and the pork tenderloin that is being served out here is the specialty of this club, and you will love having them with the mouthwatering beverages. The well-landscaped patio is also great to dine if the weather remains good. The club is an awesome one with dart boards, wood tables, and chairs as well as the comfortable atmosphere that is the specialty of this club. This is one of the best clubs in Charlotte NC undoubtedly, and you are going to love the environment out here. If you are thinking of, things to do in Charlotte NC then do think about this club. The free Wi-Fi is also available in this club. Undoubtedly, it's the South East's best nightlife destinations. The atmosphere out here as stated is always comfortable for all and hence all age people can enjoy out here as the club has something for all of them. If you are thinking of things to do in Charlotte NC at night, then think of this club.
 Moosehead Grill
If you want to eat the best food in Charlotte then probably, Moosehead Grill the best location for you. You will love the food that is being served out here. The place where this club stand was previously a Pizza Hut and the best thing is that still, it stands as one of the best locations in Charlotte to dine definitely. Grilled food is the specialty of this club, and if you eat here, then you are going to taste the real spicy food that you might not find anywhere else in Charlotte. Try this club once if you are in Charlotte. If you are looking for After hours party then click here.
Tilt On Trade
Formerly, this club was known as Liquid Lounge. This is the best place to enjoy the weekend and get relief from stress. You will find here great live music all the time as well as eight flat screen televisions, hardwood floors and awesome patio.  All these facilities make this club as one of the best clubs in the city. You will find here an excellent crowd dancing on the music. The club has a strict dress code as well.
The uptown Charlotte nightlife is a great option, and you are going to love the nightlife out here as the facilities are impressive. The clubs downtown Charlotte is also quite an awesome option as well. You will find many hip-hop clubs in Charlotte NC as well.
 This article was originally posted at:
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ignashous · 3 years
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kevdaceo · 4 years
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Go see our girl #thejuicyydragon
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#inrepostme @insaver.best
Pop bottles with me TONIGHT at
@element31clt 🍾🍾🍾
Ladies FREE all night 💃🏾
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cakalakgeorge · 7 years
S/O to the #MilliUpModels @kenisesway & @ering86 - ⚠️TONIGHT⚠️ Studio 1212 #charlotte NC C B T • I S • T H E • W O R L D #nobreaksnobrakes ©🅱➕🌎 #CBTistheworld #CantBeTouched #CBTGlobal #NoExcuses #LoyaltyIsEverything #BobbyDollaz MilliUp.com/millimerch SHOP WITH ME! Home of the urban music label and publishing company @MilliUpLLC MilliUp!dotcom! offers updates to their brand, music videos, roster music from their premier artists, merchandizing, as well as an entertainers and entrepreneurs blog which serves as a spot for all entertainers and entrepreneurs to gain brand exposure by accepting our MilliServices. #PARTIES #NIGHTLIFE #SPONSORSHIPS #Entrepreneurs #MakeMoneyOnline #support #MilliUpLLC #inspiration #inspirationalquotes  #IndependentArtist #NewMusic #musically #gift #destiny  #hiphopblogger #Hiphop #MusicArtist (at Charlotte, North Carolina)
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extraordinarygs · 5 years
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@_thepregame w/ @avo_1994 @confindentgina & MUSIC by @dj3rdd_ AT 10pm TUNE IN TONIGHT www.1051LIVE.com #fashion #artists #indiemusic #greensboro #nightlife #newmusic #music #talkradio #industry #djs #hiphop #radiostation #interviews #105LIVE #NCMusic #radio #live #entertainment #ThePregameShow #beats #newmusic #talkradio #podcasts #105Live #raleigh #charlotte #topics (at 105.1 LIVE) https://www.instagram.com/dmaejor/p/By8oe5-Hsno/?igshid=4v898xtq4r0t
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jannyg14500 · 7 years
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TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT 🔥🔥🔥🔥Dubai Nightlife🔥🔥🔥🔥 Sabado 24 de Junio..... Bailando #Abusadora #LaDeLaTanguitaRoja y mas..... #Boletos desde $10 dolares! (at Charlotte, North Carolina)
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notashleydotcom · 8 years
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Those of you looking for the move tonight, I heard the #kickback was the wave. @_seventyeleven is hosting the 1st of many events! #Tonight @apostrophelounge Doors open at 5p #hookah #drinks #clt #charlotte #nightlife #704 #QC #eventplanning #repost #instagood #instadaily #instalike Launch Party 🎉 I'm here for it! #support
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vneart-blog · 7 years
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Just a little bit of Jazz tonight, will make you feel alright.... Luna. Photographer Vince Williams. Agency Maevee Modelz #jazz #vibes #cool #hip #feelgood #reddress #modellife #asianmodel #nightlife #charlottemodels #charlottenc #dowhatyoulike (at Charlotte, North Carolina)
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djjkboston · 6 years
Charlotte, from behind the Bar, and into the Hearts & Minds of our Guests, straight strokes Ginuwine’s “Pony” for the Kick-A$$ Karaoke Faithful! TONIGHT and EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT from 9 pm. to 1 am: Kick-A$$ Karaoke Thursday’s at Article 24 w/ DJ JK!! Big-Screen Lyrics, Wireless Mics & Kountless Karaoke from the Internet and MORE!!! Half-priced Pizza from a Kitchen open until Midnight, as well as our endless, flavorful Food & Drink Menus to choose from!!!! The Red Sox host the hated Yanks starting at 7 pm., so that game, as well as other worthy Sporting Events, will be on our other Big-Screen TV’s!!!!! August is upon Us: Come celebrate Tonight.... #thirstythursday #thursdaynight #nightlife #thursday #kickasskaraokethursdays #kickasskaraoke #karaoke #karaokenight #karaokefamily #singer #performanceart #stagepresence #nocover #article24 #article24boston #boston #brightonma #brighton #banditabrighton #midnightkitchen #halfpricepizza #2am #beer #booze #cocktails #wine #soxyanks #music #requests #dj #djjk (at Article 24)
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tinymixtapes · 7 years
Music Review: Charli XCX - Pop 2
Charli XCX Pop 2 [Asylum; 2017] Rating: 4/5 She wasn’t supposed to make it past 25. Charlotte Aitchison’s Charli XCX persona has never been geared toward longevity. Whether braving an apocalyptic day of reckoning on “Nuclear Seasons” or literalizing her mortality on “Die Tonight,” the Cambridge singer has long displayed a sense of fatalism in her music. On True Romance, Charli’s oncoming demise demanded romantic consummation, no matter how transitory. On Sucker, she combated encroaching death with puerile hedonism and carnal distraction. And unlike compatriots and fellow Bacchanalia frontline journalists Arctic Monkeys, whose distaste for English nightlife is so acute you might mistake them for teetotalers, Charli revels in the debauchery of the London club scene, viewing its inevitable hangover as fait accompli and, consequently, a nonissue. This is why her career never seemed likely to sustain itself; the good times were bound to kill this death-obsessed girl. But the joke’s on us: she’s still alive, and on Pop 2, Charli XCX returns for more profligacy, yet this time with a keener perspective recalibrated by the nuances of young adult maturity. There’s a certain territoriality and arrogance in Charli naming her mixtape Pop 2, but much of her music is spent negotiating the line between admirable confidence and aggressive hauteur. Charli spent roughly half of Sucker explaining that she was too good for you — even if she’ll mete out second and third chances for the sake of comfort and familiarity — while elsewhere flaunting her superhuman tolerance to narcotics and a vast wealth that puts Croesus to shame. And so on Pop 2, we see more of the cocksureness Charli exhibits in spades, as on the escapist-affirmative “Out of My Head” (ft. Tove Lo and ALMA), as well as a self-assured autonomy on tracks like the prurient, cloying “Unlock It” (ft. Kim Petras and Jay Park). Yet on most of these tracks, Charli XCX sounds to have abjured the truculence and grandeur that granted her notoriety on singles like “Boom Clap,” “Fancy,” and “I Love It,” with much emphasis on her guests, which include Carly Rae Jepsen, CupcakKe, Mykki Blanco, Pabllo Vittar, MØ, Dorian Electra, and more. The Caroline Polachek duet “Tears” finds the singer reckoning with her proclivity for caprice, singing “I killed our life, I’m crazy […] Door shut tight, that ain’t love, no.” In place of her trademark overconfidence, Charli delivers a comparatively unadorned performance, signaling what seems to be genuine feelings of remorse. She may not be the most convincing agent of regret, but Charli didn’t pen these songs in hopes of credence or validation. Instead, she’s singing for her own benefit, to make sense of the needless waffling and unrest in her relationships. More power to her. In the last 40 seconds of “Delicious” (ft. Tommy Cash), the track shifts from a scrupulously produced club banger to a pristine choir. This is an apt metonym for the instrumentation and arrangements of Pop 2. With production help from the likes of SOPHIE, Life Sim, King Henry, EASYFUN, and executive producer A. G. Cook, the music vacillates between synth-powered spectral screeches and jolts and immaculate choral beds, as if to reconcile the delineation between the impersonal nature of club life, with its ephemeral hookups, and the deceptive jubilance of a real, long-term relationship. The result is mixed bag, with the album’s industrial moments more engrossing by virtue of their immediacy and the more human elements of the production turning into a slog if left alone for too long. For better or for worse, Charli XCX is embracing maturity on her fourth mixtape. Now 25 years (and some change) old, Charlotte Aitchison looks to be relieving herself of the “born to die young” credo she’s so ardently maintained for the past few years in favor of something more stable. And though she may not find what she’s looking for anytime soon, Charli XCX, on Pop 2, is at least looking down a new path. http://j.mp/2oYVuaL
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ignashous · 4 years
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MY WAKE UP VIEW!!!!!! LOCKDOWN WHERE??? WE FOLLOW FREEDOM OVER HERE!!! PHASE 4 TOUR TONIGHT!! #CONWAYNC WE OUT HERE MYRTLE BEACH WHATS GOOD! @mrjnicewatch @officialcheddachixs @waleedcoyote @lukenasty @therealakinyele @marlee_savage @coloradomyrical @synergy_2_ @buttahbeezlyy @carsonjamesmusic LETS GO!!! #party #club #mrphotoshootfresh #nightlife #dj #music #trapmusic #dance #night #nightclub #fun #nightout #friends #birthdaybash #food #executive #promoter #money #ballers #goodtimes #aviationentertainment #girls #drinks #hiphop #vip #dancing #djlife #charlotte #beautifulladies "WHEN YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED THE DEAL DONE!!! CONTACT [email protected] [email protected] PHONE- 254 458 1775 (at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CItGlGEDF8u/?igshid=ng1n670137nn
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cakalakgeorge · 6 years
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If you gone ve attending the #NCAT #HOMECOMING #STEPSHOW #2019 in Greensboro NC make sure you pull up here tonight and rock out w ya boy @futherealtor #AggiePride #Nightlife #MilliUp (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpsGKrwgH6B/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cjh6lj56bcte
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#Repost @boulevard_1820 (@get_repost) ・・・ Join us tonight as we let DJ Bryson take over the sound system! Doors open at 6pm. Dance and DJ at 10pm! Grab a craft cocktail, bite to eat, sit back and relax! #saturdaynight #saturday #craftbeer #southend #clt #charlotte #goodeats #beerstagram #queencity #qc #nc #boulevard1820 #blvd1820 #wine #railtrail #tonight #outdoorseating #patio #southendclt #drinks #dance #fun #grabadrink #hotspot #jenga #nightlife #datenight #northcarolina #music #dj #
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