#charlotte x declan
crazychicke · 2 years
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moodboards: Sanditon season 3
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mockscreens · 2 years
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please like/reblog if you save!
more sanditon lockscreens here!
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wowthatsextra · 8 months
My sister and her boyfriend are watching Revenge rn and God I forgot how good Charlotte and Declan's Season 1 breakup was. Like it was a nasty betrayal and super dramatic but not at all contrived or out of character- they loved each other but they both had to take a decision in a moment when blood was thicker than water
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jerzwriter · 2 years
What Happened In Vegas Chapter 3 - Winners and Losers
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Book: Open Heart (Book 2)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, mild sexual content
Category: Series - AU
Words: 6,200 (sorry, but we cover a lot 😊
Series Summary: Casey & her roommates are heading to Vegas, intent on taking down Declan Nash and Panacea, but this time, Dr. Ethan Ramsey is in tow.
Chapter 3: Casey makes herself scarce as Ethan sets his plan in motion, earning the suspicion of many, including Casey. Before the night ends, it appears celebrating is in order, but another revelation awaits. @choicesdecember2022 - Day 1 - Love Spiral
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Ethan moved across the packed floor of the lounge. Although slithering may have been a more fitting term given the crowd assembled. Pharma executives in hand-tailored suites, an occasional politician or two, most likely on the take, and of course, a swarm of doctors.
He grumbled to himself. These weren’t worthy of the term. As far as Ethan was concerned, being a doctor ceased to exist the moment making a buck became more important than patient care. The crowd here? They weren’t doctors to him. He was trying to think of places he would less rather be, but he couldn’t think of many. Thoughts of bolting played over and over in his mind, and he swore he felt his body moving toward the exit. But it was too late.
Charlotte’s lips curled into a coy smile when their eyes locked. She studied him intently as he walked her way, taking him in the way an animal surveys its prey. He felt his stomach churn, the desire to flee increasing tenfold. But he felt the need to make things right as much as Jackie did. For all his loathing of the “doctors” in attendance, he was responsible for bringing Panacea on board at Edenbrook. When push came to shove, he also put his own desires above the greater good. He needed to right that wrong. So with a deep breath, he produced the most sincere smile he could muster and stepped in front of a simpering Charlotte.
"Dr. Ramsey?" she purred, doing nothing to conceal her adulation. "Can you reassure me this isn't a dream?"
"With the caliber of scotch they're serving? If this is a dream, you’ll have to reclassify it as a nightmare."
Her face soured, and she glared at the bar with fury in her eyes. "I’m disappointed to hear that. Panacea has spared no expense on this event, and our intention is to impress our most distinguished guests. I will speak with management.”
“No need,” Ethan reassured. “I’m confident that the majority of your guests are not as discerning as me. A fancy bottle and a high price tag, they’ll be easily convinced that the swill they’re drinking is top shelf. So, Panacea’s goals will be met.”
“Hmmm,” she hummed, eyeing him salaciously from head to toe. “The thing is, I’m not really concerned about what most think, but I am…” she stopped short with a coy smile. “You know, I was in the VIP sportsbook earlier, and they were serving Balvenie 40. Would that be to your satisfaction?”
“It depends,” he replied with a cocked eyebrow. “Are you buying?”
Charlotte’s head tilted back in a fit of laughter far more enthusiastic than the situation merited. As she drowned out the jazz quartet and the hum of dozens of conversations around them, heads began to turn their way. Unbeknownst to Ethan, two of those heads belonged to Jackie and Sienna.
“I’m happy to treat you this evening,” she enticed. “Well, Panacea is. In any case,” she inched closer, locking her eyes on his as she caressed his forearm with a well manicured hand. “You won’t have to pay a cent to enjoy the finest things Vegas has to offer tonight. What do you say, Dr. Ramsey?”
He stood silently, partly to maintain an air of mystery but mainly to prevent himself from saying what he wished he could say. Only after Charlotte looped her arm into his did he reply.
“I say, lead the way.”
“Did you see that!” Sienna shouted.
Jackie twisted her lips, “I did.”
“Tell me that’s part of the plan! Where is Casey? This better be part of the plan!”
Jackie stretched her neck to search the room. “I don’t see her. But she did say she was making herself scarce...”
“But the minute she’s gone…he’s… he’s….”
“Sienna, stop preparing to bite his ankles. It’s probably part of the plan… Ethan doesn’t strike me as the type who would have a thing for that rattlesnake. Besides, we’re not even sure if he and Casey are together.”
Senna looked at Jackie with a knowing smirk.
“Yeah, I know… why don’t you text Casey.”
“I already did,” Sienna declared.  
“I should have known! Why don’t we head to the sportsbook ourselves? We can watch what’s happening and maybe get some dirt on Charlotte.”
“But isn’t it VIP-only?”
Holding up a gold-plated pass in her hand, Jackie started to pout. “And who do you think you’re hanging out with? I’m one of Panacea’s favorites, remember? Just stick with me.”
The two women waited impatiently at the entrance of the sportsbook while Ethan and Charlotte settled into a small table in a darkened corner of the room.
“We should just go in,” Sienna insisted.
“They’re not going to have sex on the bar in the next five minutes, Si! Relax.”
“I didn’t say they were! But I’m anxious to get on with it!”
A relieved smile spread on Jackie’s face when she saw Bryce leading the rest of the gang their way. “Well, it looks like we are on our way to doing that!”   
“You summoned, Jackie?” Bryce grinned.
"I did. Ethan’s in there with Charlotte, and we think he’s trying to cozy up to her for info, but….”
“Cozy being the operative word!” Sienna scowled.
“Well, just ask Casey,” Elijah interjected.
“We would, but she’s nowhere to be found,” Jackie sighed. “She hasn’t replied to our texts, and… I’m getting worried.”
“I’m sure she’s fine, but we could spread out and look for her,” Aurora offered. “One of us is bound to run into her.”  
“That’s not a bad idea,” Jackie agreed. “Since I’m the only one with a VIP pass, I’ll stay here and scope out Charlotte and Ramsey.”
“I’m staying too,” Sienna insisted. 
“I will, too,” Elijah grinned. “It’s not every day I get to conduct a heist in a place this swanky!”
“It’s not exactly a heist,” Jackie clarified.
“No matter; it’s still swanky!”
“I guess I’ll take Bryce, then. We’ll keep an eye for Declan and hopefully find Casey in the process.”
“Good plan!” Bryce nodded. “I’ll be your handsome arm candy, disarming people with this million-dollar smile.”
“On second thought,” Aurora cringed, “I’ll trade you for Elijah.” 
“Oh, hell no!” Jackie retorted. “You wanted the meathead? He’s all yours! Just keep your phones on. We have to be able to reach each other.”
“Don’t worry, Jackie,” Bryce winked, “With us on this… we’ll be done in no time.”
Aurora shook her head as she dragged him off. “Forgive me if I lack his confidence.”  
The three friends commandeered a perfect spot just feet away from Ethan & Charlotte, but obscured by several large plants, they could listen in without being seen.
“So, do we get to bet while we wait?” Elijah grinned.
“We’re not here to play!” Jackie reminded. “Let’s do what we’re here to do, and if we’re lucky, we can enjoy Vegas a bit before we head back to Boston.” 
Sienna peeked through the leaves to spy on the couple as their copious laughter filled the air. Ethan swirled a crystal glass of amber liqueur in his hand, and the server poured a fresh flute of  Dom Perignon for Charlotte.
“How much does she drink?” Sienna whispered.
“If it helps the cause, I hope a whole lot more,” Jackie replied. 
Charlotte raised her glass with a smile. “Cheers,” she beamed, bumping her glass against Ethan’s.  
“Again?” He sneered. “How many times are we toasting?”
“Are you complaining? I hope your beverage is to your satisfaction.”
“It’s quite good,” he stated. “But it takes more than this to satisfy me.”
“Well,” Charlotte cooed, “luckily for you, the night is still young.”
Several feet away, a red-faced Sienna jumped to her feet. “That’s it, I’m going to….”
“You’re going to sit down and shut up,” Jackie instructed.
“Order another. Remember, it’s on me.”
“One doesn’t gulp this sort of thing. It isn’t, say, Dom Perignon.”
Once again, Charlotte drew attention, laughing much more than she should, as Ethan shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Looking up, he caught Jackie’s eye, and with a slight nod, Jackie felt some reassurance.
“Did you see that!” she whispered to his friends. “I knew he was just trying to get her to spill. But, God knows if the old fool knows how to use his phone to record.”
“Jackie, he’s not old, that’s really rude, and I….”
“Not the time, Sienna!” Jackie spat. “Just get your phones ready. I’m putting mine in this plant; I’m not leaving this to chance.”
The three friends sipped their drinks and did their best to endure the nauseating conversation –Charlotte speaking in sexual innuendo and Ethan doing his best to keep her reeled in, yet far away – as the clock ticked on.
“This could go on all night,” Sienna complained.
“Well, the server just brought over another bottle of Dom. She’s either going to be passed out or signing soon. Hopefully the latter.”
Once Charlotte began to slur every third word, Ethan suggested they step out onto the balcony for some fresh air. Relishing the idea of sharing a more private venue with him, she eagerly complied. Jumping onto her stiletto-heeled feet, she lost her balance, and Ethan quickly offered his arm to assist. Charlotte rubbed against him provocatively, her hands caressing the lapels on his jacket. Plan or not, Sienna was seeing red.
“Dr. Ramsey, who knew you were such a knight in shining armor,” Charlotte giggled.
“If I’m your knight in shining armor, you needn't be so formal. Ethan will do just fine.”
“Oh, but Dr. Ramsey,” she purred, “this all plays into my little fantasy. You can’t deprive me of that.”
“I’m going to throw up,” Sienna cringed.
“No, we’re going to follow them… quietly,” Jackie stated. “If Ethan’s suffering this much, we have to at least make it worth his while.”
“But is he suffering?” Elijah asked in a pained voice. He was standing too close, they were laughing too much, and friends grew a little warier with every Dr. Ramsey that fell from Charlotte’s lips.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this, guys,” Sienna frowned.
“And we can’t even hear them anymore,” Elijah sulked. “So who knows if he’s even getting any information.”
“I know,” Jackie agreed. “I hate to admit it, but I’m getting a weird feeling too. Si, maybe you should tell Casey not to come. We’re not sure what’s going on and….”
“Why shouldn’t I be here?”
The three friends turned at the sound of Casey’s voice, each one of their eyes wider than the next.
“What’s going on?”
“How did you get in here?” Jackie attempted to deflect. “It’s VIP only.”
“Really,” Casey smirked. “This dress, these heels, and the right amount of flirtation? I’ll get into any VIP lounge in Vegas. Now, what are you trying to….”
Her jaw dropped as she peered onto the balcony, catching Ethan and Charlotte inches away from what appeared to be a kiss. 
“He wouldn’t!” she gasped, taking a step toward them, but Jackie quickly pulled her friend back.
“We’re pretty sure he’s just trying to get information out of her.”
“Even if he is,” Casey fumed. “This is taking it too far!”
“But if he is and you barge out there now,  you could ruin any progress he’s made,” Jackie reasoned.  “And, honestly, I view this as a sacrifice on Ethan’s part.”
“I don’t care what you view it as! This is just….”
“I’m sorry, ma’am,” the manager interrupted as the group began to attract attention. “What seems to be the problem.”
Casey turned to the man with fire in her eyes. “My problem is that my….”
“Casey?” Ethan called from behind, looking mortified as he bumped into Casey with a leering Charlotte on his arm.
“Ethan…I…” her face turned from shock to rage before their eyes. “I can’t… I can’t believe you! I’m gone an hour and… and this!”
“Casey, wait,” Ethan pled, dropping Charlotte’s arm. “I can explain!”
“Explain what? I have eyes! You know what,” she said as tears of frustration sprang to her eyes, “You’re welcome to her. Just don’t think you’re coming anywhere near me again.”
Charlotte yanked Ethan’s arm when he attempted to rush after her.
“Where do you think you’re going? She has her friends. She’ll be fine.”
“Charlotte, I…”
Her eyes narrowed and lips pursed; she wasn’t a woman used to not getting her way.
“Look, she’s not just… she’s… she’s my intern,” Ethan breathed.
Charlotte’s demeanor changed at once.  
“Screwing your intern? So, that’s the intern!” Charlotte laughed. “Dr. Ramsey, you’re far more naughty than I gave you credit for… I like this side of you. But I assure you… you will be better entertained by a real woman tonight. Go,” she motioned to the door. “Go chase the pathetic child.  You have to make things right so she doesn’t squeal, and then you have issues. Hell, give her $50 to get ice cream with her little friends, but when you’re done… I’ll be waiting right here.”
It took all his power to conceal the array of emotions welling inside him.  It took more strength than he thought he possessed to restrain himself from telling her exactly what he thought of her. But thinking of the conversation recorded on his phone helped him keep his composure. Imagining Charlotte’s face when she realized he wasn’t returning tonight gave him conviction.  H could see this farce through a moment longer.  
“I’ll be back,” he lied convincingly.
“I’ll be waiting,” she cooed, as she took a seat at the bar. 
People in Vegas aren’t easily phased. But even in a city where anything goes, the sight of the handsome, six-foot-four, tuxedo-clad man hurdling through the halls like he was going for the Olympic gold… that turned some heads.
“Excuse me,” he said as he plowed through the crowd. Concerned, but not enough to see if anyone had toppled. Only two things mattered to him now: listening to the recording and clearing things up with Casey. He was hoping she was just a better actress than he realized.
Back in their suite, Jackie and Sienna tended to their weepy friend while Elijah was assigned to the door. They all knew it was only a matter of time before Ethan showed; at least, they hoped so. So when the bell rang, the door immediately opened.
“I was wondering how long it would take you to show.”
Ethan had no time for small talk. “Where is Casey?”
Elijah gestured toward the door leading to the east end of their suite. “She’s over there,” he started as Ethan bolted past him. “But, wait, I’m not sure she wants to see you!”
Ethan burst into the parlor to find a red-faced Casey flanked by her two friends. Jackie offered Ethan a sympathetic grin, but Sienna wasn’t as kind.
“You really shouldn’t be here,” her defensive friend barked, but Ethan remained undeterred.   
“Casey, we need to talk. You understand I was just trying to get information out of Charlotte, right? You can’t believe that I would….”
“Save it,” she snapped, silencing him. The fire that had been her eyes had been replaced with a steely resolve.  
“I said I don’t want to hear it! There are lines, Ethan; no matter your reason, you crossed them!”
“Do you think I wanted to? I’d rather be mauled by tigers. But I got it!” He pulled the phone from his pocket with a flourish, but Casey remained unimpressed. “Here, please. Listen…”
Casey looked at the phone lying in his palm, then fixed her angry gaze on him before wordlessly retreating to the other side of the room.
“Well, if you’re not listening,” Jackie interjected. “I am. I don’t know the deal between you two, but you can sort it out later. We have bigger fish to fry. May we?” she asked. 
Ethan unlocked his phone and placed it on the table for all to hear.  Sienna and Elijah cautiously gathered around as well, but Casey didn’t budge. With her arms crossed defiantly in front of her chest, she stared at the lights of the glittering city below with her back to everyone. Still, she could feel that Ethan’s eyes never left her.  
Bryce and Aurora stumbled into the room and joined their friends at the table, curiously looking between Casey and everyone else. “Later,” Jackie mouthed as the recording began to play.
“I’m afraid I misjudged you, Dr. Ramsey. I thought you were an uptight, boring, do-gooder.”
“That’s what you thought?”
“It is… and I thought it was a shame. After all, anyone as handsome as you should never be that boring.”
“So what tipped you off that you were wrong?”
“The time you punched Declan! That was delicious! I’ve wanted to do that countless times!”
“So one sucker punch was all it took?”
“Of course not! I chalked it up to some savior complex… still part of  your good boy persona.”
“So what changed?”
“When I heard about you and that little intern of yours… hiding Naveen, breaking every rule… I knew there was more to you than meets the eye.”
“That could have been because Naveen is important to me.”
“Pfft.  Please! If you cared about Naveen, you wouldn’t have him holed off in an abandoned hospital corridor. You wanted the acclaim, Dr. Ramsey… and were willing to do anything to get it. That’s… fabulous! And selecting that nubile little intern… well, it doesn’t take the best doctor of a generation to figure out why she’d be your choice. I started to realize I might be wrong about you.”
“You’re more perceptive than most, Charlotte.”
“I know, and I was delighted to know you had that… edge.  Most forget that humans are designed to thrive on adrenaline. The greater the risk, the greater the payoff….”
“I couldn’t agree more. Do you know that when I was younger, before I finished my first year of med school, I bought a police radio to beat the paramedics to medical calls.  I would show up and tell them I was a doctor!” ”
“You didn’t!”
“I did!”
“But what if someone had… died?”
“They didn’t. But it was a rush.”
“When I was around that age, I snuck into the Lion exhibit at the Atlanta zoo.”
“And you got out with your life?”
“At the end of the day, they’re just big kitties. Nothing I can’t handle.”
“When I was in high school, a buddy and I filled a hundred empty beer bottles with water and sold them to a local frat.”
“If you’re trying to impress me, you’ll have to try harder! Call me when you’ve increased your company’s quarterly profits by 60% by inflating the wholesale prices of your most used drugs.”
“You’re lying! There is no way you could pull that off.”
“Wanna bet? It’s easy. We officially price the product at ten times retail. When Medicare pays for it, they pay the full amount. And we just offer it at 90% wholesale discount to all our other buyers. But that stays between us, of course.”
“Of course…”
“What is that commotion inside?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Well, I don’t appreciate the chaos.  Why don’t we head someplace more… private… Dr. Ramsey?”
“After you…”
“Holy shit!” Bryce exclaimed after Jackie pressed pause.
 “This is huge? Right?” Sienna asked. “This sounds huge!”
“Oh, it’s huge, all right,” Jackie confirmed.
Ethan nodded. “It’s classic Medicare fraud. This is the best thing she could have given us. The government only cares about bilking patients, cutting corners on research, or intentionally causing patient harm during election years… if it behooves them. But this, this will always get their attention and action.”
“It’s like getting Capone on tax matters,” Jackie chimed in.
“Exactly!” Ethan concurred, “and she provided a road map. It won’t be hard to follow this trail.”
“So what do we do next?” Aurora asked.
“I have an old Hopkins friend that works in the healthcare division at the DOJ. I trust him. I think I need to give him a call.”
“But we need more insurance,” Jackie interrupted. “You have your friends, but I have mine. Are you familiar with Angela DeJesus?”
“The reporter that got those two senators indicted?” Aurora asked. “She is badass!”
“She is, and she was also my college roommate. She was my BFF before I met any of you losers.”
Ethan’s smile grew to double its size. “Then I think we have some calls to make.”
The mood in the suite changed visibly after the calls were made.  That is for everyone except Casey. 
“I can’t believe this!” Jackie yelled as Bryce poured champagne for all.
“I can!” He grinned. “We have the damn dream team here, and we were going to do whatever it took to get this done!”
He handed Ethan a flute, “To the MVP!”
“The MVP!” Aurora yelled as the other three friends turned to Casey.
Sienna placed her champagne aside and joined her friend on the oversized leather sofa. “Case, you heard the recording. I think it’s pretty obvious he was just trying to get information. Maybe you should talk to him.”
Casey glanced at Ethan, quickly lowering her eyes when they met his. “Maybe… but not today. It’s been a long day, and….”
“But Casey, I think….”
“Sienna, I think it went too far. And do you have any idea how it felt to see him on someone's arm, kissing them… when I’ve had to be relegated to nothing but his little secret. I just… I have a lot to think about.”
“OK. But we’re about to go out and celebrate. Why don’t you come along and get your mind off of things? I doubt Ethan will want to join us.”
Casey smiled softly. “I appreciate it, Si. But I really want a hot bubble bath, then I want to slip between those Egyptian cotton sheets and sleep on that mattress that will forever be out of my price range. Can you convince the others to go without me? I’m not up for explanations right now.”
Sienna wrapped Casey in a hug. “Of course, you can count on me. Why don’t you sneak off to your room now? I’ll talk to them once you’re gone.”
With that, Casey stood up and stealthily made her way to the hallway; Ethan was the only one who noticed. Again, their brief eye contact gave him no direction; he had no idea where things stood.  
“OK, I dropped a few names and got us a VIP booth at the Hakkasan Nightclub,” Bryce grinned, “Let’s go take this party to the next level!”
“Let’s go!” Jackie hollered.
“What about Casey?” Aurora asked.
“Uh, she may join us a little later,” Sienna informed, “but she isn’t feeling up to it right now.”
“Are you kidding? Do you know how hard it was to get this….”
“Bryce!” Sienna glared. “No!”
“Uhm, OK,” he backed off. “So what do you say, big guy?” Bryce said, tapping Ethan too firmly on the back. “Care to join us?”
“No, I think I’m going to turn in.  I accomplished what I came to Vegas for, now… I just want to sleep off the jet lag.”
“Are you sure, Ethan?” Jackie queried. “You’re the reason we have something to celebrate.”
“Trust me,” he smiled sadly, “you’ll have more fun without me there.”
“OK then,” Sienna frowned. “But if you change your mind….”
“I  know where to find you.”
The silence in his room was almost deafening.  He didn’t give much thought to how he would be spending this night, but it certainly wasn’t like this. He removed his bowtie with a sigh and tossed it onto the nightstand; his cufflinks quickly followed. He picked up his phone and considered calling Casey, but he thought it best to let her be… for now. He poured himself a Scotch and sat at the foot of the bed with the drawn curtains covering the beautiful view he had paid extra to see. It wasn’t worth taking it in alone. 
He tried to take solace in thinking about Panacea’s future woes, even letting out a chuckle when he pictured Declan in handcuffs. Still, the victory was shallow without Casey by his side. He just hoped this was a temporary setback, nothing more serious.
He was about to turn in when someone was furiously knocking at his door.  Startled, he jumped to his feet to answer.  
“Hi,” Casey beamed, leaning seductively against the door frame. “YOU are impressive! That was some outstanding work, Dr. Ramsey….”
He looked both directions down the hall to be sure no one was around, then he wasted no time pulling her into his arms.
“You little minx!” He scolded. “Do you have any idea how worried I was? I know we discussed the plan with Charlotte, but the way you were acting… I thought I was in the doghouse for sure!”
“I’m just that good,” she bowed. “I needed to make it convincing, and if I convinced you, then hopefully I convinced the others too.”
“I’m impressed,” he exclaimed as his lips fell to her neck.  “Butt you’re still going to pay for what you put me through.”
“Oh no!” Casey yelled, pushing him away. “I may have to suck up knowing where those lips have been for the benefit of greater society – but there is no way those lips are not touching me until they’ve been rinsed with acid! Have you rinsed with acid, Ethan?”
“Would Scotch suffice?”
“Absolutely not!” Casey asserted as she plopped onto his bed. “Go brush your teeth, use half a bottle of Listerine, and burn your toothbrush! After that, we’ll talk.”
Ethan turned and chuckled, more than content with the view of her sprawled across his bed. 
“We’re going to do much more than talk, Rookie.  I’ll be back.”
When he returned from the bathroom, Casey had set up champagne for the two of them to toast.  The first thing Ethan did was open the curtains so they could share the view together, and it wasn’t long before they found themselves locked in a lingering kiss.
“So you’re not mad at me?” he asked, still needing reassurance.
“Are you kidding? You brought down the evil empire!” she teased, “Do you have any idea how sexy that is?”
“I don’t,” he smirked, “but you could always show me.”
“Oh, I plan to,” she sang, tossing herself back onto his bed.  “Are we going to celebrate?”
The devilish look in her eyes and seductive smile was replaced with a look of concern when Ethan didn’t immediately follow.
“What’s wrong? You’re not pulling another Miami on me now, are you?”
“Need I remind you that we already broke this room in?”
“No,” she blushed, “I remember it quite well.”
“It’s just that… we’re in Vegas. I’m all for returning here for private debauchery later on, but we should go celebrate in style.”
“But we just staged this whole quasi-breakup so my friends won’t think we’re together. We can’t just go mingle in the casino now.”
“I’m not sure if you’re aware, but there is more than one casino in Vegas.”
Casey tossed a pillow in his direction. “I’m aware, smartass.”
“We can head to the Palms, Downtown… I doubt the crowd from this convention will be there when they’re being spoiled for free here.  And Bryce got your cohorts a VIP booth at Hakkasan. They won’t be leaving.  That means you and I can go out and have fun… like a real,  regular couple. What do you say?”
“A real, regular couple,” she giggled as his lips were back at her neck, dragging down to her collarbone, his tongue gliding across her chest. “That sounds good, but you better stop it if you expect me to leave this room.”
“What?” He teased. “I’m just giving you a taste of what will be waiting for you when we get back. But what will you tell your friends?”
Casey sighed warily. “They know a few of my friends from med school are here for the conference, and I can tell them I’m going to see them and convince them I’m staying with them for the night.  It’s just….”
“I hate lying to them like this.”
“I know, baby.  But it’s not forever.”
“I know. But tonight,” she said, jumping to her feet. “Take me out and show me a good time, Dr. Ramsey….”
“I’m going to show you a good time, all right, but… just for tonight… can you lose that Dr. Ramsey? Just for tonight. I’m having flashbacks.”
Casey smiled the brightest smile, and it was one he would never forget.  “You’ve got it.  Now let’s go!”
Ethan and Casey snuck down to the lobby and slid into a limousine he ordered.
“You know an Uber would have done the job just fine, right?” She winked.
“Yes.  But we’re celebrating, remember?” Handing Casey a flute of champagne, he grinned.  “It’s a big day; I want to go all out.”
“Considering this is our second bottle of champagne in twenty minutes, I think we’re off to a good start!”
And off to a good start they were, but it was only that… a start. Already drunk in love, neither was prepared for just how amazing it would feel to be out together.  Alone, unencumbered, free to hold hands to kiss, to flirt… the rush was much greater than they expected.  Casey happily sat on Ethan’s lap as they played the slot machines.  Partaking in more bubbly, the two giggled and kissed ferociously until they earned harsh stares from fellow casino goers. 
“Come on, it’s Vegas…” a tipsy Casey protested.  “This is legal here!”
The next stop was the tables.  Ethan wanted to show her how to play, and she was eager to learn.  First up was roulette, then baccarat.  They switched to martinis and attempted to keep their hands off each other as they played. But in time, keeping their hands off each other proved too great a burden.  They found a quiet but still public corner of the casino floor, and the joyously inebriated couple began to make out like teenagers.  Completely forgetting where they were, Ethan’s hands started landing on places they just shouldn’t in public. They were so enraptured with each other that neither noticed the security guard who had been summonsed to reign them in. Only parting when he gruffly coughed to get their attention.  
“OK, you two… you should probably take this back to your room.  You can’t be doing this here.”
“But it’s Vegas….” Casey whined.
“Yes, it is,” the guard laughed.  “But we still have rules.”
“We’re sorry,” Casey couldn’t stop giggling as she apologized. “We’re just… we’re celebrating.”
“I see that, but you still can’t do that here.  Come on, kids, take it back to your room.”
Casey’s giggles turned to full-on laughing as she shoved Ethan’s shoulder. 
“He called you a kid! He’s drunker than we are!”
Exiting the casino floor, they swerved and swayed down the halls, intent on making it to the Rojo Lounge.  After all, they figured they needed more drinks. Plus, they were sure they could find a dark corner to get frisky in without a guard ruining their fun.
But they never made it. Ethan sat on the side of a fountain in the lobby, and Casey sat next to him.  Within minutes, Ethan was lavishing kisses on her wrist, her arm, her shoulder, and her neck.  He stopped to whisper the risqué things he wanted to do to her in her ear.  Eager to start what he was planning, Casey jumped up and quickly lost her balance, falling back into the fountain.
“It’s OK,” she insisted. If her cheeks hadn’t already red from alcohol, they’d be red from embarrassment right now. “I’m fine,” she said, trying to save face.  “Only my legs got wet.” Taking off a shoe, she tilted it to empty water, and Ethan started to roar with laughter. 
That’s when they noticed their old friend.  The security guard from the casino was wrapping up his shift in the lobby.   
“Look, kids… didn’t I warn you? Are you staying at the hotel?”
“Yes,” Casey slurred, “We are staying at a hotel.”
“Not a hotel, young lady.  This hotel?”
Ethan shook his head vigorously, “No. Not this one.”
“Do you know which one you’re staying at?”
Ethan stretched his arms wide, nearly striking a passerby in the process.  “A big one. A really, really big one,” he laughed.
Casey found it hysterical and began laughing, too, then she fell back into the fountain again. 
“OK, that’s it!” The guard barked. “Fun time is over.”
“No,” Ethan leered. “Fun time starts when we get back to our room!”
Somehow they ascertained that they were staying at the MGM Grand, and the kind but increasingly frustrated guard got them in a taxi and sent them on their way.  The two of them hung out the windows waving to him as they left… and that is all they could remember. 
They never drew the curtains again, and while the view was just as beautiful during the day, Casey was not in a place to appreciate the sun. Lying on her stomach with her head at the foot of the bed, she groggily moaned as he attempted to raise her head. Her blonde hair was beyond unkempt as it shot in every direction, and the last thing she wanted to do was get up.  But if she didn’t block out that sun, she was quite convinced that she would die.
So, with much effort, she sat upright and dangled her legs off the side of the bed. Ethan was still passed out, looking peaceful, without a care in the world.  Casey attempted to smile before deciding it was too painful. Using the wall to prevent herself from falling, she made her way to the window and successfully pulled the curtains shut. 
She made a mental note to figure out some things later.  Like why they were both partially dressed.  Why they were lying in different directions in bed.  But, most importantly, what was this crap falling out of her hair.  But right now, none of that mattered. She needed to go back to sleep.   
What she wouldn’t give to have the ingredients for her special hangover cure in his room. Since she didn’t have that, she decided some Advil and water would help soothe her pounding head.  She dropped the contents of her purse to the floor and found the bottle she needed.  She walked to a table in the corner of the room and poured herself a glass of water when something caught her eye.
She adjusted the lampshade, so the light wouldn’t shine directly in her eyes as she gingerly lifted a piece of paper from the table. Confident her eyes were still too blurry to read, she blinked, hoping to get a better look.  She blinked again, then again when she realized no amount of blinking would change what she saw.
“Oh my… God…” she gasped. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no!”
This had to be a joke.  Something they picked up in a souvenir shop. There was no way… then she saw another sheet of paper that appeared much more official than the decorative one she held in her hand. Her hangover was suddenly gone, replaced with a headache that made the pain she was experiencing before pale in comparison.
“ETHAN!” she rushed to the side of the bed, shaking him vigorously when he didn’t stir. “Ethan! You need to wake up. RIGHT NOW! Something… something has happened.”
Ignoring her, he pulled a pillow over his head, muttering a string of unintelligible words. Becoming irate, Casey yanked the pillow away.
“I’m not joking! Something terrible has happened! We need to talk!”
“Rookie,” he groaned. “I’m very hung over. How terrible are we talking? Because if it’s less than a 9 on a scale of 1-10, it can wait.”
“Oh yeah? Well, how is a 200 on a scale of 1-10? Get up, NOW!”  
“Fine,” he grumbled. “OW!” He cried, bracing his head as he sat up. Casey lovingly handed him a cup of water and two pills.
“Here,” she sighed. “Trust me… you’re going to need this!”  
“Did we murder someone?” he asked facetiously.
“Not to my knowledge.”
“OK, then how bad can it be.  Let it out.”
“What do you remember about last night?”
Ethan's eyes opened wide, then he shut them again, rubbing them as he continued.  “You may need to give me a few… but the last thing I remember is that guard shoving us into the car at The Palms. Why?”
“Well, that’s the last thing I remember, too.  I assure you,” she quivered, shoving the two documents into his hands.  “I don’t remember this.”
Ethan’s eyes opened like saucers, and it was now his turn to be instantly cured of his hangover.
“WHAT!” He gasped.  “We… we didn’t?”
“I mean, it would explain the confetti on the floor, the birdseed in my hair, and that bouquet on the chair.”
“What… what did we do?”
“Well, we may not remember it… but it looks like we got married.”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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secondsineternity · 2 years
Requests are currently open!
Currently Focused On: Katsuki Bakugo, Din Djarin, Steve Harrington, Anthony Lockwood, Eddie Munson, Matt Murdock (send in a request for any of these characters and it will be completed faster!)
Ace Attorney: Athena Cykes, Simon Blackquill, Nahyuta Sahdmahdi, Franziska von Karma
A Court of Thorns and Roses: Elain Archeron, Feyre Archeron, Nesta Archeron, Amren, Azriel, Cassian, Emerie, Gwyneth, Helion, Morrigan, Rhysand, Tamlin, Tarquin, Eris Vanserra, Lucian Vanserra
Camp Half-Blood: Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez
Castlevania: Alucard, Charlotte Aulin, Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, Jonathan Morris
Crescent City: Hunt Athalar, Lidia Cervos, Ruhn Danaan, Declan Emmett, Danika Fendyr, Tristan Flynn, Ithan Holstrom, Tharion Ketos, Bryce Quinlan
Death Note: L Lawliet, Mihael “Mello” Keehl
Demon Slayer: Hashibira Inosuke, Kyojuro Rengoku
Doctor Who: The Doctor (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Fugitive), The Master (Gomez & Dhawan), Mel Bush, Jo Grant, Grace Holloway, Martha Jones, Yasmin Khan, Dan Lewis, Ace McShane, Donna Noble, Clara Oswald, Amy Pond, Bill Potts, Liz Shaw, Sarah Jane Smith, River Song, Rose Tyler, Rory Williams
Fate, The Winx Saga: Aisha, Beatrix, Flora, Terra Harvey, Musa, Bloom Peters, Riven, Sky, Stella
Haikyuu!!: Keiji Akaashi, Asahi Azumane, Kotaro Bokuto, Chikara Ennoshita, Lev Haiba, Hajime Iwaizume, Tobio Kageyama, Shinsuke Kita, Kendaro Kyotani, Yu Nishinoya, Kiyomi Sakusa, Tendo Satori, Daichi Sawamura, Kiyoko Shimizu, Koshi Sugawara, Rintaro Suna, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Yuji Terushima, Kei Tsukishima, Keishin Ukai, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Hitoka Yachi, Tadashi Yamaguchi
Jujutsu Kaisen: Satoru Gojo, Toge Inunaki, Kento Nanami, Maki Zen’in
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Dex Dizznee, Sophie Foster, Keefe Sencen, Linh Song, Tam Song, Biana Vacker, Fitz Vacker
The Legend of Zelda: Link, Zelda
Lockwood & Co.: Lucy Carlyle, George Cubbins/George Karim, Anthony Lockwood
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ajak, Liz Allan, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter, Katy Chen, Carol Danvers, Layla El-Faouly, Jane Foster, Gamora, Agatha Harkness, Jessica Jones, Scott Lang, Darcy Lewis, Maya Lopez, Mantis, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Karli Morgenthau, Matt Murdock, Namor, Nebula, Hela Odinsdottir, Sylvie Odinsdottir, Loki Odinson, Thor Odinson, Peter Parker (Any), Pepper Potts, Peter Quill, Monica Rambeau, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sersi, Marc Spector/Steven Grant, Gwen Stacy, Tony Stark, Ava Starr, Stephen Strange, Thena, Joaquin Torres, T’Challa Udaku, Shuri Udaku, Valkyrie, Hope Van Dyne, Vision, Jennifer Walters, Michelle “MJ” Jones Watson, Sam Wilson, Shang-Chi Xu, Xialing Xu
My Hero Academia: Shota Aizawa, Tamaki Amajiki, Mina Ashido, Tsuyu Asui, Katsuki Bakugo, Jin Bubagawara, Nejire Hado, Tenya Iida, Kyoka Jirou, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Atsuhiro Sako, Hanta Sero, Tomura Shigaraki, Hitoshi Shinso, Mezo Shoji, Keigo Takami, Shoto Todoroki, Toya Todoroki, Himiko Toga, Mirio Togata, Fumikage Tokoyami, Ochako Uraraka, Toshinori Yagi, Momo Yaoyorozu, Hizashi Yamada
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner
Shatter Me: Kenji Kishimoto, Aaron Warner
Spy X Family: Agent Twilight (“Loid Forger”), Yor Briar
Star Wars: Cassian Andor, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin, Cara Dune, Armitage Hux, Bo-Katan Kryze, Fennec Shand
Stranger Things: Robin Buckley, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Chrissy Cunningham, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Donatello, Casey Jones, Leonardo, Michelangelo, April O’Neal, Raphael
Throne of Glass: Aedion Ashryver, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, Gavriel Ashryver, Manon Blackbeak-Crochan, Lysandra Ennar, Nesryn Faliq, Dorian Havilliard, Elide Lochan, Fenrys Moonbeam, Lorcan Salvaterre, Yrene Towers, Chaol Westfall, Rowan Whitethorn
Twisted Wonderland: Leona Kingscholar, Jamil Viper
The Umbrella Academy: Number One / Luther Hargreeves, Number Two / Diego Hargreeves, Number Three / Allison Hargreeves, Number Four / Klaus Hargreeves, Number Five, Number Six / Ben Hargreeves, Number Seven / Viktor Hargreeves, Number Five / Sloane Hargreeves
Vampire Academy: Adrian Ivashkov, Dimitri Belikov, Lissa Dragomir, Rose Hathaway, Sydney Sage
Wednesday: Wednesday Addams, Tyler Galpin, Enid Sinclair, Xavier Thorpe, Larissa Weems
Wizarding World: Lorenzo Berkshire, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, Ominis Gaunt, Hermione Granger, Queenie Goldstein, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Remus Lupin, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, James Potter, Mattheo Riddle, Sebastian Sallow, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley
a character in italics is a favorite to write for. taking a break from strikethroughed fandoms. list is subject to change.
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unfortunate-arrow · 3 months
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general disclaimer: expect spoilers for both the books and the show amongst all of my bridgerton tags. my next gen ‘verse involves like 90% book canon and 10% of show canon (aka book canon supersedes show canon). auggie basset & ernest livingston are only in a modern au.
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𝓛𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝓥𝓲𝓸𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓸𝓷’𝓼 𝓖𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓷
⤷ Edmund, Miles, Charlotte, and Mary Bridgerton
⤷ Charles, Alexander, William, and Violet Bridgerton
⤷ Agatha, Thomas, Jane, and George (“Georgie”) Bridgerton
⤷ Amelia, Auggie, Belinda, Caroline, David, and Edward Basset
⤷ Amanda, Oliver, Penelope, Georgiana, and Frederick Crane
⤷ John and Janet Stirling
⤷ Katharine, Richard, Hermione, Daphne, Anthony (“Ant”), Benedict (“Ben”), Colin, Eloise, and Francesca (“Frannie”) Bridgerton
⤷ George and Isabella St. Clair
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𝓜𝔂 𝓞𝓒𝓼
⤷ Juliet Knight, Grace Hill, Rupert Townshend, and Arthur Townshend
⤷ Helena “Nell” Shepherd, Emma Rutledge, Róisín O’Connolly, and Jonathan “Jack” Fullerton
⤷ Stephen Ridlington, Eleanor Dane, Morgan Howell, and Olivia Sharpe
⤷ Ernest Livingston, Phoebe Wycliff, and Molly Campbell
⤷ Alice Linfield, Christopher “Kit” Barrington, Leopold “Leo” Wivenly, and Beatrice Winslow
⤷ Adeline Meadows and Samuel Prentice
⤷ Gabriel “Gabe” Montgomery, Elizabeth Winslow, Neil Pemberton, Timothy MacMillan, Felicity Holroyd, Vivian Marsh, Evangeline “Evie” Wright, Adam Howe, and Nathaniel Moore
⤷ Lilliana Steele and Patrick O’Donovan
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𝓢𝓷𝓪𝓹𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮: 𝓐 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓽 (coming soon…)
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general disclaimer: do not support or agree with jkr’s views or actions, but not here to explicitly discuss my personal or political views. canon storylines are utilized mostly for the hphm ocs.
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Orla O’Rourke | profile
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Tadhg Lynch | profile
Niamh Kelly | profile
Vincent Fitzroy | profile (wip)
Brianna O’Rourke | profile
Fankids (wip)
Tag: #hphl
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𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Maxwell “Max” Pembroke | profile
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William Devlin | profile
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Ophelia Lovell | profile (wip)
Linus Sullivan | profile
Colm O’Shea | profile
Minor OCs → Eugene Lovell • Ralph Myers (wip)
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Rory O’Neill | profile
Aisling Lynch | profile
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𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐌��𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Ruth Rosen | profile
Ryan O’Donnell | profile
Cara O’Donnell | profile
Sara O’Donnell | profile
Conor O’Donnell | profile
Minor OCs → Cian Jacob O’Donnell (wip)
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #hphm | #hogwarts mystery
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𝐀𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐄𝐫𝐚𝐬
Oscar Lynch | profile (wip)
Nicholas Wraxall | profile (wip)
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𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Finn MacKade | profile
Nate MacKade | profile
Jack Whitten | profile
Thea Whitten | profile
Minor OCs → Paddy MacKade • Owen MacKade (wip)
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #hpma | #magic awakened
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𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Sophie Power | profile (wip)
Luke Battersea | profile
Declan O’Donnell-Lee | profile
Jude Cozens | profile (wip)
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #hp next gen | #hp next gen oc
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In Which William Bridgerton Is Born Prematurely
I’d Still Dance with You
To See My Son Become a Father
You Belong Somewhere You Feel Free
You Must Know You Are Beloved
The Aftermath
Bridgerton Writing Requests (closed)
𝐇𝐏 𝐎𝐂 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬
HP 12 Months of Magic (2023) one-shots
30 Day (2020) OTP Challenge
Valentine’s Day 2022 Challenge
Spring Break 2022 Challenge
Summer Break 2022 Challenge
Back to School 2022
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vakariaan · 2 years
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740 notes · View notes
sanditondaily · 2 years
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A Family of Eavesdroppers
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ariadnethedragon · 2 years
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The Pining™
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ladyofglencairn · 2 years
Sanditon S02E04
• Let's kick off with "fuck Edward Denham." This man is an actual piece of trash. The shit he’s pulling with Esther and how he’s manipulating Clara makes me want to stab him. Can’t wait for his comeuppance! 
• Esther...  😢  Can she please have the baby she desires? And can Mark Stanley come back next season to be Daddy Babington? (Speaking it into existence!)
• I'm seeing the puzzle pieces fall into place and it's a little predictable and I’m not sure I like where this is headed. Looking at you Charles Lockhart. 👀
• Really loved the Charlotte and Colbourne interactions this episode. His smiles, the prolonged eye contact, opening up a little about his social isolation. Listen, I admit that I warmed up to Colbourne. He wasn’t leaping off the screen when I started watching S2. But that said, he is MY ideal hero - strong, silent, stoic, tortured, angsty. He’s my literal jam. So I was always naturally going to be attracted to his ‘type’. I think the writing this season is mediocre and could do a lot more to flesh out his character, but overall, I’m liking him more and more. Episode 5 will give us some more background I’m sure.
• Well, Captain Lennox proved to be as shady as I suspected he might turn out to be nearly from the start. I'm not too sad about it though. He wasn't my first choice for Charlotte anyway. And honestly, 1) his behaviour at Lady Denham’s garden party - goading Colbourne, making inappropriate comments, using Charlotte to poke and prod at his rival was so corny. Those smirks were annoying as fuck. 2) The man has mounting debts and behaves like it’s not his problem. He’s basically Edward Denham light ie. a man not to be trusted, but not quite pure evil. Completely sure Charlotte will not be hitching her wagon to his star.
• Listen I’m INVESTED in Alison and Declan. Like, I N V E S T E D. His words to her about the woman he has feelings for .... **swoon** Like girl, how do you not know he’s talking about YOU?! Does he need to draw a map?? Ngl, I couldn’t help laughing when William failed to rescue her when she nearly drowned. It was a little funny? But also, why didn’t they show us the actual water rescue? Convinced these two are meant to be.
Why did I think this season would have 8 episodes?? Like, 6 feels like too few??
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mockscreens · 2 years
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please like/reblog if you save!
more sanditon lockscreens here!
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pianotuna · 2 years
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Characters: Heathcliff and Catherine “Cathy” Earnshaw Linton
Media: Wuthering Heights (2009)
Played by: Tom Hardy / Declan Wheeldon and Charlotte Riley / Alexandra Pearson
Setting: 1770s, Yorkshire
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I really enjoy when we go back to the actual seashore
Tom needs to get his life in check.
Georgiana: “If I were white and a man” 👏👏👏
My heart is bleeding for Esther. She deserves all of the happiness and GIVE HER THE LETTERS FROM BABINGTON
“I am quite undone in her company” 💔FRASER 😭
Op! Here comes the Darcy/Wickham stand-off
Edward needs to walk off a very short pier
I love the amount of people who stand with Georgiana
And so the lies from Captain Carter are now known! Now Alison has to realize how AMAZING Captain Fraser is. (Have I been spoiling this for myself....1,000% yes)
So there really isn’t a good bone in Colonel Lennox’s body
Also 6 episodes is too short of a season
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When you’re living for the Sanditon spoilers because you can’t wait a week and you know people have watched it already with PBS passport.
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harvey-guillen · 2 years
70+ Sanditon Icons [Episodes 5 & 6]
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Screencaps by @robbiedaymonds
Find them here
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whosvioletta · 3 years
four babies!
pairing: fred weasley x fem!reader
warning: s/o leaving their gf, pregnancy, george dies in the war instead of fred, mentions of death, let me know if there’s anymore!
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• you and fred met at hogwarts during your fifth year
• it was pretty cute, and very perfect
• you had a crush on him for a long time, and one day snape sat you guys together in potions class
• he was funny, and kind, and never judged a soul
• you guys did everything together (and george of course)
• from pranks to studying to staying up late in the common room
• you both graduated the same year, and stayed at the burrow for a while
• but as the war started up and things started getting dangerous, he started to worry about you
• worry more than he should have.
• people were getting hurt, they were dying
• and he couldn’t stomach the fact that it could happen to you
• so he impulsively broke things off with you
• and for months you couldn’t figure out why.
• everything was going so well..
• then you found out the worst news ever
• george had died in the battle of hogwarts
• your heart felt so heavy for fred, you couldn’t imagine what he was going through.
• and you tried to talk to him, you really did, but you just couldn’t seem to ever reach him.
• so you kept in touch with molly, checking in and making sure everything was okay.
• and then that’s when things got complicated.
• you were pregnant.
• and MY GOD were you so sick.
• not just the morning sickness, but like about the WHOLE complicated mess you were in.
• and when you realized fred did not want to talk to you, you decided to raise your baby on your own.
• turns out you had this kickass aunt who passed away, and she left money to her only remaining relative
• YOU!
• and this woman has LOADS of money, i’m talking rich rich
• so now you had LOADS of money, more than you would ever need
• your belly got really big and..
• you’re having quadruplets!!!
• you were terrified.
• but you’re a strong and independent woman, so of course you got through this!
• you gave birth to four beautiful babies.
• the first one was a boy, and you named him finn. he was loud, and outgoing. definitely a future quidditch player.
• the second was another boy, and you gave him the name declan after your amazing grandfather, a kind man. declan was mischievous and very witty.
• the third baby was a little girl, miss charlotte. she was so kind to her brothers, but just as strong.
• and finally a boy, the youngest. he was kind, and quiet, but when he spoke he said the funniest of things, and he loved playing pranks on his mama.
• so of course you named him george.
• one day five years later molly found out you had babies, and with her mother’s intuition she just KNEW those babies were fred’s.
• and they all had their heads full with red hair
• she invited you over every monday for tea, so the kids could run around the burrow and have fun, and you could have a break
• your one wish was that she could NOT tell fred.
• you didn’t want to speak to him after he left you without a trace.
• molly tried explaining why, but you would not have ANY OF IT MISS GIRL. GO OFF QUEEN.
• but one day out of the blue fred showed up with flowers
• he wanted to surprise his mom on his day off!!
• but there was little kids running around
• did his mom start a daycare for baby wizards and witches?
• let’s be real molly would do that lol
• that was a hard no because he saw you
• as beautiful as ever
• sitting at the table with molly
• and the little boy with red hair called YOU mama
• he stood there in shock
• fred had heard rumors you were insanely rich now, but never heard anything about kids
• you stood up quickly, and awkwardly smiled
• “hello fred.” you would say softly.
• merlin did he miss your voice 
• “who’s are these?” fred would ask in shock, but knowing the answer already.
• the red hair gave it away.
• the kids lined up next to you
• “this is finn, declan, charlotte, and..”
• you usherd the little boy hiding behind you out for fred to see.
• “and this is george.” you smiled.
• and fred almost broke down into tears.
• he regretted everything. leaving you, never bothering to check in.
• and the five lonely years he spent thinking of you.. and george.
• things finally felt okay.
• and he knew you and him needed to talk, cause he was not leaving. not now, not ever.
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