#colonel lennox
thescandalousladyk · 1 year
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The lack of Colonel Lennox fanfiction surprises me. I'd love to see him try and redeem himself, or an AU. I guess he's too much of a rake for most people (understandably).
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behindfairytales · 1 year
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icons of Tom Weston-Jones in Sanditon (s2) as Colonel Francis Lennox
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zombqueeen · 1 year
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Good God, I know his character was a douche in Sanditon but I’ll just imagine he’s Lt. Graham Gore here and we never lost him so quickly 🥰
I would take orders from him any day… 🤤
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wannabesewcrafty · 1 month
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Tom Weston Jones,selected bits from Sanditon
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The Climb
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Summary: You're a scientist, an engineer to be exact. Called to a meeting you had no real right to be at, Optimus Prime takes an exclusive interest in you, but you can't help but ask yourself at every turn, Why?
Rating: 18+ 🌹🩸🍆
Story Masterlist
Chapter 5
I really wasn’t sure what to make of Optimus’s strange response to my question, but I maintained that if he had faith in me, then everything would be okay.
     Colonel Morshower called in for an update with myself and Lennox, Optimus was loitering on the other side of the hanger, behind the screen.
     ‘How’s it going Dr Harding?’ He asked, sitting down in his usual seat on the video link.
     ‘Well, I’m not out of breath walking up those stairs anymore.’ I tried to joke, gaining only a small smile from the Colonel.
     ‘It’s going well, sir.’ Lennox intervened. ‘Dr Harding’s physical capabilities have improved drastically over the last two months and her team have been working on a way to reduce the amount needed to climb.’
     ‘How? I thought electronics would be detected?’
     ‘Yes, sir.’ I cut in. ‘But we can use a suction gun that works via air pressure instead. No electronics needed.’
     ‘That’s good to hear.’ Morshower nodded. ‘What about when you get inside the ship?’
     ‘That’s proving to be more difficult.’ Lennox admitted. ‘So far as we can tell, Dr Harding will need to either take or construct a small bomb to disrupt the ship enough to stop it from harvesting our core.’
     ‘Make a bomb?’
     ‘Oh, it’s easy enough, but the hard part will be having to carry the extra weight.’ I waved my hand, dismissing the question.
     ‘It’s easy, is it?’ Morshower raised his eyebrow, almost amused. ‘Remind me to keep a closer eye on you Doctor. What about descent?’
     I felt the guilt whip at my chest as Lennox stepped forward. ‘We’re planning a parachute jump, but hopefully by that point, the ship will be incapacitated, and Harding can be picked up by one of the Autobots.’
     I glanced at Optimus who may well have been thinking the same thing as me.
     ‘This plan seems to be getting more and more elaborate by the day, are you sure you’re up to it, Harding?’
     ‘Well, we don’t have much of a choice now, sir.’ I sighed. ‘It’s too late to train anyone else and if making a bomb is now an essential component, it limits the possibilities considerably.’
     ‘Very well.’
     The colonel and Lennox had other things to discuss, and I had an air pressure gun to build with Theo. I wandered back down the stairs and caught Optimus out of the corner of my eye, he always watched me, like he was expecting something to happen.
     I went back to the lab and continued working on the prototype gun, Theo had managed to shave off a lot of the weight already, but it would still be weight I didn’t want to carry around. I’d already started training carrying a parachute and a couple of weights that approximated the same weight needed to construct a small bomb. It made everything harder, but Lennox reminded me that gravity was heavier closer to the Earth’s surface, it should get easier the further up I went.
     ‘Shit.’ I whispered.
     ‘What?’ Theo suddenly looked down at the gun I was constructing. ‘Something wrong?’
     ‘Altitude.’ I breathed. ‘The air’s going to be really thin up there.’
     ‘Shit.’ Theo sighed as well.
     Suddenly everything was that much harder. If I ran out of breath in an oxygen rich environment, then I would almost certainly pass out so close to the edge of the atmosphere.
     I went for a walk in the quieter part of the base, just getting some space to think.
     ‘Harding.’ Ironhide nodded as I wandered passed him hanging out with Bumblebee. ‘Made any progress on that gun yet? I’ll gladly help you out.’
     I chuckled. ‘I told you, it’s not a real gun, it’s to help me make the climb. If I can get it working, I can pull myself up maybe twenty feet at a time.’
     ‘Urgh, so civil.’ He shook his head, making me laugh a little. ‘So, not to intrude, but how did it go with Prime the other night?’
     ‘What do you mean?’ I frowned.
     ‘He came back to the hanger in a beast of a mood. What did you say to him?’
     I shook my head. ‘I didn’t say anything. I asked him why he let me speak the first day we met, and he told me he couldn’t say. Then he basically ordered me to get some rest. That was about it.’
     ‘Hmm.’ Ironhide shrugged and began walking away.
     I couldn’t dwell too much on his question, I needed to figure out a way to breathe while at high altitude without resorting to carrying an oxygen tank.
     I found a quiet spot just behind a hill and sat on the grass staring out at the ocean. It was beautiful, but it was obvious all of a sudden that I wasn’t alone. Optimus.
     ‘I didn’t want to disturb you.’ He said, looking as if he’d been standing there for some time.
     ‘It’s okay, I can leave you alone if you wanted some peace.’ I went to stand.
     ‘No.’ He stopped me, holding out his hand, but immediately brought it back to his side and said nothing else.
     ‘Okay.’ I didn’t want to push him to say what was on his mind, he didn’t need that from me.
     ‘How is your progress?’ Optimus suddenly asked, keeping his conversation professional.
     ‘It’s fine.’ I shook my head. ‘But I had the realisation that at such a high altitude, lack of oxygen is a problem.’
     ‘Hmm.’ He nodded running his finger along his chin thoughtfully. ‘I have seen humans wear masks when oxygen is low, can you not construct a device that operates in a similar fashion?’
     ‘I can, but the problem is the weight. I’ll already be carrying more than I want to and I can’t carry anything unnecessary.’
     ‘Oxygen is necessary.’ Optimus countered.
     ‘I know.’ I sighed. ‘I just mean…’ I really didn’t want to say what I was thinking. ‘I could swap the parachute for an oxygen mask, that way we’ll actually be shaving off some weight.’
     ‘The parachute is for your descent. It is also necessary.’
     I let a heavy breath go. ‘Look, you and I both know that my chances of survival are slim anyway, the fact is I will have to put the bomb on a timer and I don’t know if I’ll have enough energy left to make my way off that ship-‘
     ‘Stop.’ Optimus growled, once again, descending to his knees to talk to me. ‘You will make the descent, Dr Harding. You cannot sacrifice yourself needlessly.’
     ‘It won’t be needless if it saves the world.’ I shot back.
     ‘I cannot allow you to die on this mission, I would rather do so myself.’ He was angry, I knew that much, but shame seemed to follow from the way his complex face moved afterwards.
     ‘Look, I know we’re different beings,’ I started, noting a change in his expression that I couldn’t quite identify. ‘I know we have different cultures and honestly, when I first dreamed about meeting an Autobot, one of the first things I thought about was how great it would be to get to know you, understand your customs, the way you work and maybe if you trusted me enough, I could ask you about how you operate. But now, all I want is to know what it is about me that upsets you so much.’
     ‘Upsets me?’
     ‘Because right now… I feel so small compared to you, I feel like I can’t do this and I was never worthy of being your choice-‘
     ‘Stop.’ Optimus commanded again, moving himself closer to me, hesitating before stopping completely. Optimus sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. ‘Dr Harding, I cannot express my feelings for you in a way that would represent them accurately. All I know, is that if you fail, if you die, I may lose my reason for being.’
     I felt my heart fall through the floor, before shooting back up to my chest and working in overdrive.
     ‘I don’t understand.’ I could feel the tears escaping. ‘Are you saying…’ I swallowed unable to imagine ever asking what I was about to ask, especially to Optimus Prime. ‘Are you saying you like me?’
     ‘It would be such a small fraction of my feelings for you, but yes, I do.’ He nodded and I could feel my heart pumping even harder. ‘I do not expect you to return such feelings, but I would ask that you continue to look after yourself, it pains me greatly to see you hurting yourself, or not complying with your body’s wishes to rest.’
     I didn’t have the chance to say anything else. Optimus immediately stood and transformed into the blue and red flamed truck and drove away. What was I supposed to do with the information?
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hotjaneaustenmenpoll · 7 months
I love this idea, but I'm so sad no one submitted Alexander Colbourne from Sanditon, I would have voted so hard for that sad little man.
Not including the Sanditon Men was a hardship - I love so many of them! But as no one requested them and only Sidney really appears in the bit of the book we have they were sacrificed:((( but take this mini-poll as my apology so you can still vote for your sad little man Alexander Colbourne
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jellyfishxxi · 7 months
Transformers: Genesis
Chapter 1
Warnings: Implied character death
Pairings: None yet
Notes: This took so long.
“Many know of the Allspark and its capabilities of bringing life to any planet. Many more believed it to be nothing more than a legend. But there was one other device, a device that could shape the universe to the user’s whim.”
“The Chronoforge.”
“The Chronoforge is an ancient clock that had the power to warp space, time and matter. To displace objects in time, to bring the user’s imagination to life. It was used to create the planet Cybertron, with the Allspark giving the planet life.”
“Many wanted to use the Allspark for their own gain, to create an army of Cybertronians. Many more wanted to use the Chronoforge to take other planets as Cybertron colonies. They were dubbed; The Decepticons.”
“Those who opposed, who believed freedom was the right of all races, regardless of strength or advancement, were dubbed Autobots. Fighting for the freedom of all planets.”
“War was declared between the two sides. In the final days of the Cybertron war, the Allspark was lost. The Chronoforge went with it, as if the past Primes had refused to let the device fall into the hands of a monster.”
“After years of searching, we found the resting place of the Chronoforge. Earth. The Allspark remains lost to us. We can only hope that whoever has the map now does not use it for evil.”
G.I Joe had been working closely with the military for several years. Dealing with bigger threats, threats that the public shouldn’t know about. However, there was no threat this time, no enemy that required their involvement.
“Five more months of this. I can’t wait to get home to mama’s cooking. Alligators and etouffee…” Fig’s mouth watered at the thought, causing Epps to shudder in disgust.
“You’ve been talking about nothing but barbecued gators and crickets for weeks now. That’s it, I am never going to your house, Fig. I promise you that.” Fig just rolled his eyes. “Vamos, Epps. Quizás te guste.” Fig spoke in Spanish, much to the chagrin of the others in the group.
“English, Fig. English. You know we don’t speak Spanish.” Lennox reminded him. Fig just groaned. “Why you gotta ruin it for me, man? That 's my heritage. Esa es mi vida, hombre. Mi sangre.”
Lennox just sighed. “Fine, man. Whatever.” The air was tense for a few seconds before Donnelly spoke up, breaking the short silence. “You guys remember weekends? Sox at fenway, hotdog, maybe nachos and an ice cold beer.”
Epps laughed. “Perfect day.” Fig looked at Lennox. “How about you, captain? You got a perfect day?” Lennox looked back. “Yeah. it’s happening in five months.” The other soldiers looked at him, confused. Lennox continued on.
“It’s the day I can hold my baby girl for the first time.” The others teased him, a common occurrence among their group. Lennox just laughed. “Shut up.” He spoke in a joking tone.
The planes landed just as the sun was beginning to set. The base was in a relaxed mode, as there was no word from the G.I Joe organisation about any major threats, nor from the pentagon to keep their guards up. Many soldiers were playing basketball, taking showers, playing card games, just socialising.
As Lennox was winding down from the trip to the base, a young boy ran up to him, calling his name. “Lennox!” The qatari boy called out, running towards him holding a canteen-bag. “Hey, how are you doing?” Lennox asked him.
“Water?” Mahfouz asked, holding out the canteen. “Oh, Thank you.” He replied, taking a swig of the refreshing liquid inside. When he was done, he wiped his mouth. “ You gonna help with the gear?” He asked.
Somewhere in the desert, an unknown Helicopter flew, approaching the base.
“Colonel Sharp,” a radar officer spoke up. “We have an unidentified aircraft, about 10 miles out.” A man approached the radar, looking over the officer’s shoulder. Indeed, the monitor showed an approaching aircraft. Sharp began speaking over the radio.
“Unidentified Aircraft, you are flying in restricted US military airspace. Squawk ident and proceed east out of the area.” There was no response from the aircraft, so Sharp spoke again on the radio.
“Raptors one and two, snap to heading two-five-zero to intercept. Bogie is in the weeds ten miles out, not squawking.” He spoke to a pair of F-22 pilots.
“Unidentified aircraft, we will escort you to US SOCCENT air base. If you do not comply, we will use deadly force.” Sharp warned the aircraft, though still, he received no reply.
That alone should have been an indicator that something was wrong.
“Copy the bogie. Tail 4500 x-ray.” The pilots reported, tailing the aircraft. In the base, an officer handed Sharp a piece of paper.
“Sir, says here that 4500 X was shot down months ago, in afghanistan.” Sharp looked over the paper, but that had to be a mistake, right? There was no possible way that 4500 X was flying through the airspace after being shot down months ago.
“Must be a mistake. Check again and re-check.” Sharp instructed the officer. “I did, sir. Friend of mine was on that chopper.”
Another officer spoke through the radio. “Unidentified aircraft, we will escort you to US SOCCENT airbase.” The sun was setting by that point as the helicopter approached.
“Radar, where’s the inbound?” Sharp asked. “Bogie’s five miles out, sir.”
Back at the base, Lennox was on call with his wife and baby daughter. As he approached the camera, he laughed excitedly. “Hey hey, my ladies!” He exclaimed excitedly. His wife, Sara, smiled and held up their daughter. “Look.” She said, holding up the infant, who cooed.
“Oh goodness, Look at her! She’s getting so big!” Lennox exclaimed. “Look at those chubby cheeks, I just wanna chew on em.” God, baby we made a good looking kid. I know people say that all the time but we made one good looking kid.”
Sarah laughed, adjusting her daughter to sit comfortably in her lap. “She has your laugh, you know.” She said, causing Lennox to somehow look even more excited. “She laughed?” He gasped. Sarah nodded.
“Her first one, yeah.” She confirmed. “You sure she didn’t just fart?” Lennox teased, causing Sarah to laugh. “No, she’s a lady.” The baby cried a little. “She doesn’t know you yet, but she will.”
Sharp monitored the feed of the chopper landing. “4500 X. something’s not right here.” The room was abuzz with chatter as the chopper landed on base. “Bogie’s on the deck.” An officer spoke.
A radar officer spoke up. “Woah, woah, woah, Radar’s jammed. The chopper, it’s putting out a signal.” The radar glitched, the power flickering. Armed soldiers quickly surrounded the chopper, with Sharp’s voice coming over the radio waves.
“MH-53 pilot, power down now.” The chopper started powering down. Inside, the ‘man’ controlling it seemed to… glitch. Something was wrong. Very wrong.
“Have your crew step out or we will kill you.” It was tense for a few seconds. The chopper stopped completely, the blades of the rotor suddenly freezing in place as the mechanism extended, the blades folding back.
“Hold your fire!” A soldier shouted. Whirring noises came from the chopper, which quickly began transforming into Blackout, unleashing a full assault on the base.
Blackout began to shoot, killing many men and destroying multiple cars and machines. Even with the bloodshed, he didn’t stop. On the hunt, searching for something. A terminal. He let out a shockwave, breaking all of the glass within the area and continued his hunt.
“They bombed the antenna farm!” Epps shouted as he ran through the base. “We’re under attack!” Blackout continued shooting as soldiers ran out of firing range, some even getting in cars to avoid the assault and counterfire.
Though it turns out that wasn’t the brightest of ideas, as multiple cars flipped over themselves in the resulting explosions.
Blackout blew the roof off of a building, reaching in to grab the main database, ripping it out. Images flashed on one of the monitors, classified images of a project forgotten by everyone except those given clearance to see it. Those at the US SOCCENT base were not of those people.
“Cut the hard lines, it’s going after the files!” Sharp commanded through the chaos. One of the officers struggled with the box. “Damnit, it’s locked! I need a key!” Sharp, instead of wasting time getting a key like a normal person, proceeded to grab an axe and manually destroy the hard lines before Blackout could get what he was after.
Upon realising this, Blackout decided the best course of action would be Murder. Because why not.
Lennox led Mahfouz and Fig through the chaos of flying sparks and metal, instructing the boy to hide in a crevice to avoid being hurt or killed.
Eppz ran through the, now battlefield, tripping on Blackout’s foot, alerting the con to his presence. He looked straight up, snapping a picture as Blackout scanned him. Blackout’s face then shifted into a gun.
“What the?!” Epps exclaimed in horror and confusion as he scurried away. Fig shot a flare into Blackout’s back, causing the con to cry out in confusion and pain. Lennox dragged Epps away as Scorponok launched off of his back, burrowing in the sand.
Blackout let out three large blasts, killing anyone who hadn’t managed to run away or who wasn’t already dead.
You sat in history class, listening to other students give their genealogy reports. You were bored. Most of the reports were the same anyway. ‘Famous’ relative after ‘famous’ relative. You had taken to just looking out the window and ignoring everything by the time Sam Witwicky went up.
He brought out a bag of stuff, pouring it out on the table. You could see Mr Hosney visibly roll his eyes at this.
“Sorry, sorry. I got a lot of stuff.” Sam spoke, right before one of the jocks of the class, Trent, flicked a rubber-band towards him. You didn’t pay attention to whatever Mr Hosney said to that. Sam continued on regardless.
“So for my genealogy report, I chose to do a report on my great great grandfather. He was a famous man, Captain Archibald Witwicky. Very famous explorer, as he was one of the first to explore, The arctic circle.” Sam held up a map, likely a very old map.
Belongs in a museum. You thought to yourself. “Which was a big deal.” Sam spoke. “He led an expedition of 41 men to the arctic shelf in the late 1800s, 1897 being exact.” Sam placed the map down, picking up another object.
“So that’s the story. Here, here we have some of the basic tools used by 19th century seamen.” The class laughed, but Sam continued. “This here’s the uh, the quadrant, which you can get for 80$. It’s all for sale, by the way.”
“Like the sextant,” He held up another object. The class laughed again. You just mostly tuned the rest of the would-be auction out, waiting for Sam to continue with the actual presentation.
“Sorry, Sorry. Anyways, um, Unfortunately, My great-great grandfather, despite being a genius, wound up going blind and insane after that expedition, drawing weird symbols in a psycho ward and babbling on about a metal man in the ice.” Sam put the old newspaper and paper down, picking up his diary.
“He also wrote in a journal of sorts, about something called the Chronoforge.” Sam opened the book and began reading a passage.
“Verily, the days have slipped through my grasp like grains of sand in a tempest. The year, I am told by the markings on a calendar, is 1900. Since the conclusion of our arduous expedition, I find myself beset by visions of peculiar symbols, haunting my every waking moment. Alas, my shipmates dismiss my accounts as the ravings of a deluded mind, and perhaps they are not mistaken in their judgment.”
“In addition to these mystifying symbols, I have beheld a phenomenon beyond comprehension. Its nature eludes my feeble understanding, yet one word echoes relentlessly in my thoughts: Chronoforge. What manner of artifact or entity it may be, I cannot fathom. Nor do I possess any knowledge of its purpose, its whereabouts, or its significance. However, one fact remains starkly apparent: a being fashioned of metal, akin to a man yet not of mortal flesh, harbors an insatiable desire for this enigmatic Chronoforge. So great is his yearning that he willingly subjected himself to a frozen slumber, spanning many years, in pursuit of his elusive quarry.”
Sam held up the diary. “This is one of the last pieces of writing that’s coherent. He then draws pictures of what is presumably the Chronoforge, and mazes. The same maze, repeated over and over.” This intrigued you.
“This is 30$, and I’ll even pair it with the glasses if you buy it now.” Sam spoke, still trying to sell stuff. The bell rang before Mr Hosney could speak. “Alright, there might be a pop quiz tomorrow, might not. Sleep in fear.” He spoke to the leaving students.
As you walked into the hallway, placing the books you didn’t need in your locker, Your friend Mikaela caught up with you. “I thought you were asleep, Honestly.” She said, causing you to jokingly roll your eyes.
“You gotta admit that was kinda boring. Trent just went off on a tangent about football, half the ‘famous’ relatives in there weren’t even the cool kind of famous and Sam just kept trying to sell us stuff.” You turned to her.
“Except the last bit, about the diary.” Mikaela laughed. You worked well together because you both had your things that most people wouldn’t expect girls to be into. Mikaela liked cars, and she was a beast in an auto-repair shop, and you liked puzzles. Not just the puzzle games either, mysteries.
“I figured that’d interest you. A weird object nobody’s ever heard of before now? Has your name written all over it.” Mikaela spoke. The both of you noticed Sam leaving the class. Mikaela looked at you. You looked at her. A silent communication.
You went towards Sam. “Sam! Hey!” You called out for him. He looked towards you, seemingly wanting to hurry the conversation, like he had somewhere to be.
He did, but you had no clue about that.
“The diary, it was how much? 20?” You asked him. He blinked, like he was processing the fact that someone actually wanted to buy from him. “30$..” He replied. You took out your wallet, handing him a 20 and a 10. He held out the diary, and you eagerly took it, though being gentle not to cause damage, more damage anyway, to the old book.
You went back to Mikaela, who had watched the exchange. “So.. Now you have this old man’s diary. What are you gonna do with it?” She asked you. You placed the book in your bag, turning back to her.
“I’m gonna take it, and then I’m gonna read it.” You spoke. Mikaela nodded, sighing as Trent called her. “Good luck.” You laughed, patting her shoulder as you walked out of the school.
“Optimus, I’ve found the diary. It’s with a human female, approximately 18 years old.” A female voice sounded. There was a quiet hum before a male voice spoke through the radio.
“Tail her. The diary must not fall into Decepticon hands.” Optimus spoke, before the radio went silent.
“I won’t let you down, sir.” Arcee spoke, using her holoform as a disguise of some sorts and riding off after you.
That afternoon, You were going through the diary. Your phone buzzed, breaking your concentration.
U sure u don’t want 2 come? - Mikaela
Lol, yeah. Trent annoys me. - ______
Alr, cu tmrw - Mikaela
You put your phone back down, continuing to read the diary. It started out as a simple captain's log, things a seaman in the 19th century would note down. Weather patterns, landmark notes, position of the ship, departure time, ect. Then, there was an entry about the metal man.
On that desolate expanse of ice, amidst the biting winds and the unforgiving cold, I chanced upon a spectacle beyond the ken of mortal man. A figure, towering tall as a cathedral spire, encased in a frozen embrace that seemed to defy the very laws of nature. His form, wrought entirely of metal, stood as a testament to some arcane craftsmanship beyond comprehension.
At first glance, I deemed him lifeless, a monument to the harshness of our polar surroundings. Yet, to my astonishment, he stirred; his eyes, aglow with an otherworldly radiance, pierced the darkness and laid bare the depths of my soul. It was then that I realized, with a shiver that transcended mere physical chill, that life yet pulsed within his metallic frame.
As his luminous gaze enveloped me, I found myself ensnared in a web of ethereal illumination, revealing to my bewildered senses a tapestry of symbols so cryptic and alien that they seared themselves into the recesses of my consciousness. Amongst this profusion of enigmatic glyphs, one word burned with an intensity that eclipsed all others: Chronoforge. What dark mysteries lay concealed within this word, I dare not contemplate. Yet, its resonance has plagued my every waking moment since our departure from the icy confines of the arctic realm, haunting my dreams with an insistent urgency that defies explanation.
You noted that word again; Chronoforge. Going through the diary some more, you saw drawings. The same drawings Sam had mentioned in his report. Drawings of a mysterious clock-like object, and mazes. The same maze repeated over and over, getting more and more deranged, messier and messier, until it stopped.
You could only assume that when it stopped, he had died.
“What were you trying to say..?” You spoke to yourself, getting a piece of paper and drawing the maze. It was odd. The ‘maze’ looped back on itself multiple times with what seemed like X’s in various places that got scribbled out. If it was a maze, it was a freakin’ weird one.
You sat there, staring at the maze for what felt like, and probably was, hours. Tracing the paths of the maze. Looking out your window, you could see the sun was beginning to set. You stood up from your desk, sighing and left your room, deciding that you needed a break before you went completely nuts.
As you walked outside, you saw something in the dim light of the sunset that definitely wasn’t there before. A motorbike, a really good motorbike that you wouldn’t be able to afford, even if you dropped out of highschool and worked 2 jobs for 20 years.
Walking up to the bike, you found a note. “Free bike. Keys are in ignition.” You spoke, reading the note’s content aloud. Looking around, you didn’t see any obvious cameras, nor someone peeking out from behind a bush, waiting to jump out and scare you like in those god awful prank shows.
“This cannot be real.” You spoke. “There is no way a bike this good is just, here. For free.” You looked around again, taking the keys into your hands, feeling them. “There has to be something wrong with it. A broken exhaust, or leaking oil chamber, or damaged steering, or…” You looked the bike over again.
“Or it’s just a really good bike.” You spoke. Looking around one last time, you rolled the bike into your garage, prepared to show it off at school tomorrow.
You failed to notice the keychain’s weird shape.
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afirewiel · 1 year
Another thing I just love about Alexander Colbourne is that he's genuinely humble and not in a false modesty sort of way, but rather in a “I’m only doing what any decent person would do” sort of way. He doesn’t seem to realize that raising his unfaithful wife’s child as his own is extraordinary. Or that going after his brother that he hasn’t seen or spoken to in ten years just so that brother can help out the friend of someone he cares about, and paying him to do it, is extraordinary. Or that, for the time period at least, not forcing your wife to be a stay at home wife and mother and actually supporting her dreams and goals is extraordinary. To him, it’s just what one does. To him, with the exceptions of the Edward Denhams and Colonel Lennoxs of the world, anyone would do the same. He’s an amazing man who doesn’t realize how amazing he is.
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Where my Cade Yeager x Colonel William Lennox fics and arts at? These two defo have a nice romance going on.
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thescandalousladyk · 1 year
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A Battle of Wits
When Eleanor Parker returned to Sanditon, she had expected a warm welcome: the prodigal daughter, home at last.
What she had not expected was to find the man she had refused seven years ago right at her brother's side, whispering in his ear.
Francis Lennox had successfully repressed every thought of her for seven years only to meet her in a quaint little seaside town that offered neither diversion nor respite from her presence.
This time, he is determined not to let her humiliate him.
This time, she is determined not to let him fool her.
But while they whet their knives and devise their schemes, other memories of their time together come back unbidden and only serve to make matters even more complicated.
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behindfairytales · 1 year
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Tom Weston-Jones in Sanditon (s2) as Colonel Francis Lennox
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someonelikemehere · 2 years
Sanditon S3 Spoilers
So, is it just me, or are there not enough episodes in this season?
I would have loved to see more of Heyborne. I know they love each other, but I would have wanted a few more fluffy moments where they are alone and talking about their future before the wedding happened. Also, not even one 'Until Tomorrow, then?' And, I also would have loved a good, proper 10-minute-long scene where he asks 'And, how does a young woman, so long reclused from society, come about understanding so much of love?' and have her tell him all about Sydney (and, how she had loved and been hurt, and heartbroken, and without hope, and how it was Xander who brought her back to life). They did not even call each other by their first name, or one saucy, smirky, secluded Mrs Colbourne to tide us over.
Also, Samuel and Susan were absolutely adorable! So, I would have loved more of them. Mostly I want Susan snarking at Samuel all the time, every day. And, him being a simp of course.
Now, the Duke and our always joyful Mr Arthur Parker. I cannot fault it, the Duke was so done with everything and everyone (his mother in particular), and such a joy to watch. He was perfect. And, I am happy for them both.
Loved Lady Lydia. Loved her snarkiness and her countenance. Hated they did not say who she was engaged to.
I did not care for the Edward redemption ark and his involvement with Augusta. The redemption ark was not all too convincing. Also, I would have thought Augusta smarter than to allow herself to fall in love with a man like him. This villainy I expected in season 2, with Colonel Lennox (and, I would have much preferred to have him back and attempt such a deed with Augusta).
The rest was more or less expected. Tom Parker was equally horrid and wrong in his ways, and Mary was a saint suffering through that. I was happy about Georgiana's story (finding her mother, and her way back to Otis, even though I was not particularly fond of some of her behaviour this season). Lady Denham was hilarious and evil. Mr Hankins was annoying. The arc between the Fraulein and the Doctor was adorable.
So, anyway, there should have been more episodes, right?
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autobot2001 · 7 months
Ask Her to The Dance
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Fanfiction Fandom: Transformers Rating: E Warnings: Brief mention of poor mental health. Description: Drift wants to take Jamie to the Valentine's Day dance at the N.E.S.T. base.
Day 18; @fluffyfebruary: shadow @fluffbruary: suave | cologne | gradual
The Autobots and soldiers at N.E.S.T. like how Colonel William Lennox would plan events around Earth holidays. Precautions are taken to mitigate Decepticon attacks. Regardless if an event is planned. Since Valentine’s Day is on Wednesday this year, a dance is planned for Saturday. Drift wants to take Jamie to the dance as a date. With the dance next week, Drift needs to talk to Jamie, so the two can prepare for the dance.
Jamie gazes at the ocean from the balcony. She sees a shadow gradually approach from behind before hearing the sliding door open. "What are you doing standing out here?" "I hoped to see stars but saw the full moon on the ocean. No stars tonight." Drift's holoform stands next to Jamie. The height difference making him tower over her. Even with the sixteen-inch height difference, Drift still pictures dancing with Jamie. Not caring if dancing would be him holding her or even being on his knees to dance the traditional couple's dance. Even with this desire, he is worried about asking her. He's reminded about part of their complicated relationship. To Drift, Jamie being a cross-dimensional traveler is the least of the challenges. He and his friends can visit her dimension and stay for extended periods. They've learned how humans treat mental health. Which has made Jamie afraid to love Drift. She has shown she loves him, but he can tell she's cautious. Jamie has told him she's making it easier for him to move on because of her mental health and the chemical in her blood trying to kill her. To Jamie, this is protecting Drift from heartbreak, but Drift feels this shows how afraid to love Jamie is and how hurt she is. He still loves her. "Drift?" Jamie's blue eyes look at him, concerned. "I'm fine, just thinking. You know there's a Valentine's Day dance on Saturday?" Jamie nods, "we should go. Our friends will be there," Drift sees the uncertainty in Jamie's eyes. He crouches down to her level and takes her hands, "it'll be fun." Drift worries he's causing Jamie to think she has to go rather than being encouraging. He knows it's part of her mental health struggle. Jamie tells Drift she'll go to the dance. Drift wasn't expecting Jamie to mention the cologne he has only for special events. "I will do that," he smiles and kisses Jamie, "if you want me to wear it daily, I will." Jamie only smiles.
(To be continued)
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Stephen "Dougray" Scott born on November 25th 1965.
In my opinion Dougray is one of the most underrated Scottish  actors, with his broad Scottish brogue he oozes Scottishness whenever he speaks in his native tongue.
After attending Auchmuty High School in Fife trained at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama where he was named most promising drama student and took the his stage name from his grandmother's surname, "Dougray
Scott's early work was in Scottish national theatre and television, first appearing in the series Soldier Soldier as well as on the stage in the Tim Fleming directed production of Wallace. Early television credits to follow included The Rover, Taggart: Nest of Vipers, Lovejoy, and Soldier Soldier. Scott followed this up with impactful turns in the films You Don't Have to Say You Love Me, Black Beauty, and Another Nine & a Half Weeks. Shortly thereafter, Scott could be seen opposite Drew Barrymore in the hit film Ever After, opposite Robert Duvall, Tea Leoni, and Vanessa Redgrave in the film Deep Impact, as well as the second installment in the hit Mission: Impossible franchise, Mission: Impossible 2. 
He also starred in a film I mentioned the other day, alongside Dougie Henshall, This Years Love, look out for it, it is very funny and full of Scots, but set in London.
Scott also appeared opposite Kate Winslet in Michael Apted's Enigma as well as the 2002 film Ripley's Game, opposite Ray Winstone. Starring opposite Jennifer Connelly in the 2005 film Dark Water and the 2007 film Hit Man, Scott soon appeared in US television for the first time in the ABC miniseries The Ten Commandments as well the Hallmark TV movie Arabian Nights.
Other film roles have included the hit film Ever After, opposite Drew Barrymore Then with Robert Duvall, Tea Leoni, and Vanessa Redgrave in the film Deep Impact, as well as the second instalment in the hit Mission: Impossible franchise, Mission Impossible 2. Scott also appeared opposite Kate Winslet in Michael Apted’s Enigma as well as the 2002 film Ripley’s Game, opposite Ray Winstone. In 2006 Dougray  appeared in US television for the first time in the ABC miniseries The Ten Commandments as well the Hallmark TV movie Arabian Nights. US television audiences next saw Scott in the NBC series Heist as well as the hit series Desperate Housewives. He followed these impressive turns with the BBC miniseries adaptation of the cult classic novel The Day of the Triffids .
He was also been seen in the critically-acclaimed movie My Week With Marilyn, the hit Netflix series Hemlock Grove, and the Cinemax series Strike Back. On this side of the Atlantic, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was great as well as another film was New Town Killers, set in Edinburgh, and in an episode of Dr Who with Matt Smith. He was also in the TV series, Snatch, based on the film of the same name.
During the last few years  playing  Colonel Jacob Kane in the series Batwoman. The series was cancelled after 3 seasons.  He has also appeared in La Cha Chis a dark comedy which also stars the excellent Rhys Ifans, it was written and filmed in South Wales in four weeks over the coronavirus lockdown.
At present you can find Dougray in the Irvine Welsh series Crime, where he platys troubled detective DI Ray Lennox. I’m really looking forward to the second installment, which will see the excellent English actor John Simm join the cast. 
In the second season Ray is ready to return to the fray at Edinburgh Serious Crimes, keen to prove he is fully recovered from his breakdown, I’ll say no more in case you haven’t watched series one, please go do it! Dougray has one a Scottish Bafta for his portrayal and just this weekend in the 50th International Emmy Awards was also awarded Best Performance by an Actor.   Vigil, set in Scotland won the Best Drama Series
In a post on social media, Welsh congratulated the Hollywood star, who he claims “battled for years” to play the lead role in Crime.
Dougray will also be in the Sky series  A Town Called Malice about a  family of petty thieves from South London who decamp to Spain to profit from an unexpected windfall. I’m also looking forward to the film, Irena's Vow telling the true story of Polish nurse Irene Gut Opdyke, who was  awarded the Righteous Among the Nations medal for showing remarkable courage in her attempt to save Polish Jews during World War II. The film is based on the Broadway play of the same name. It is set to premiere next year.
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The Climb
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Summary: You're a scientist, an engineer to be exact. Called to a meeting you had no real right to be at, Optimus Prime takes an exclusive interest in you, but you can't help but ask yourself at every turn, Why?
Rating: 18+ 🌹🩸🍆
Story Masterlist
Chapter 4
‘No, no, this is unacceptable.’ Smith exclaimed in a meeting in the hanger.
     Optimus Prime stood in his usual spot in the centre, Lennox right beside me on the balcony at eye level to the Autobot, and a screen displaying the people responsible for making sure the official Plan A succeeded. There seemed to be a shared knowledge that it would fail, and more reliance was being put onto my plan.
     ‘You’re supposed to be finding a way to blow a hole in that ship, not planning to scale it yourself.’ Smith argued more firmly. ‘We gave you a list of perfectly suitable candidates, men who are trained to handle the type of mission you have proposed and now you’re telling us the world’s best athletes are not good enough, but you, a scientist who has never seen a day of hard exercise in her life, can. This is outrageous.’
     The room was quiet, I felt my fear seeping in, he might have been right, but I didn’t want him to know that.
     ‘Someone would need to train you.’ Colonel Morshower said from one of the screens.
     ‘I’ll take that responsibility, sir.’ Lennox stepped forward.
     ‘I thought you might.’ He nodded.
     ‘Now, hang on a minute.’ Smith interrupted. ‘You’re not seriously considering placing the fate of the world in the hands of a scientist, who quite frankly doesn’t even look old enough to have graduated college.’
     ‘I thought it was my physical capabilities and not my superior intelligence up for debate, Mr Smith.’ I shot, tired of the arguing, I just wanted to get started with my training.
     ‘You’re on thin ice, young lady, I’d suggest keeping your opinions to yourself.’ Smith growled.
     ‘And I would suggest you keep your outrage in check.’ Optimus suddenly spoke, startling Smith. ‘Dr Harding is our nominated candidate as well. She has far more to offer than your small mind can see. I will not ask any other to make the climb.’
     ‘You’re not serious?’ Smith scoffed.
     ‘Dr Harding, if your council is agreement, then every Autobot under my command is at your service to ensure you complete your mission. Whatever is needed, you shall have it.’
     ‘Thank you.’ I breathed, knowing with Optimus Prime in my corner, I couldn’t fail.
     ‘And what if she asks for technology? You would entrust a single human being with your weapons-‘ Smith went on.
      ‘I wouldn’t ask.’ I snapped, feeling the bravery that Optimus and Lennox had put in me. ‘That’s the difference, Mr Smith. I’m self-aware enough to know that I may be liable to abuse such technology, so I would never ask. If I did, I would only prove myself unworthy of their trust.’
     The room was quiet again and everyone was in agreement, I would make the thirty thousand foot climb and sabotage the ship that threatened to destroy Earth.
     The council agreed to swap Plan A and B around, devoting more resources to my ascent than to research into weaponry that could penetrate the ship’s hull. Lennox took me out every morning to the track to improve my stamina, I worked with Theo to try and reduce the amount I had to climb, and Optimus was familiar enough with the type of ship that he could guide me through sabotaging it from the inside.
     After the first month I found myself able to run ten circuits of the track and make the climb up the one hundred and fifty foot wall without too much trouble, but I knew I would need to push myself harder. One hundred and fifty was a fraction of what was being asked of me.
     ‘You need rest.’ Theo told me one evening while I was cycling on a machine and working on my tablet.
     ‘I need to keep pushing.’ I reasoned back. ‘I’ll never make it otherwise.’
     Theo just sighed and wandered out of the training hall, it was just as Optimus and Ironhide drove in as their transformed counterparts. Ironhide revved, before driving away. Optimus, however, remained as the blue and red truck for a moment before transforming into his natural state. I never would get used to the sight of it.
     ‘Dr Harding,’ he said, an air of disappointment in his voice. ‘You should be resting.’
     ‘So, I’ve been told.’ I sighed and got back to work.
     ‘Without rest, your body will not recover enough to make the climb.’ He reasoned.
     ‘I won’t make the climb if I don’t push my limits.’ I shot back.
     I heard him take a couple of steps before he was directly in front of me, kneeling down once again. His expression was one of someone who was not used to being disobeyed.
     ‘You must rest otherwise you will fail.’ His voice was deep and unimpressed, it was the same one he used on Smith.
     I swallowed nervously, eventually slowing down before coming to a stop.
     ‘Thank you.’ Optimus nodded, finding his composure once again. ‘Understand this, we all want you to succeed, but you must allow your body to catch up with what your mind commands.’
     I let a heavy breath go, putting my tablet down on my mobile desk and began to stretch my legs.
     ‘I know.’ I said, quietly.
     ‘Then why do you not stop when your friends ask it of you?’
     ‘Honestly? Because I’m scared.’ I admitted and felt the tears fall hard and fast. I slid onto the floor and let myself sob for a moment.
     ‘If you weren’t, then I would question your sanity.’ Optimus gently stroked the tip of his finger down my back, it felt like a whole human hand, he was just so big.
     ‘Can I ask a question?’ I turned to see his hugely complex features nodding. ‘Why did you ask for my opinion in the first place? Why didn’t you accept our presentation?’
     Optimus took his hand away, leaning on the ground. He seemed unwilling to want to answer the question.
     ‘I cannot answer your question, Dr Harding.’ He shook his head. ‘Not for lack of want, but rather lack of knowledge. I do not know what it was about you that had me so captivated that day, but it continues to intrigue me.’
     I frowned for a moment. ‘I don’t understand, you’re an Autobot, not just any Autobot, you’re Optimus Prime and I’m… I’m no one, I’m just a scientist, there’s millions of me.’
     ‘There is no one like you, of that, I am certain.’
     I swallowed again. ‘What are you telling me?’
     Optimus’s blue eyes scanned me. ‘I do not know.’
     He didn’t say anything else. Optimus transformed into the familiar truck and drove off in the same direction as Ironhide, leaving me to continue working and rest my body.
Optimus drove speedily towards the Autobot hanger, angry with himself. He transformed back into his natural form and stomped towards the open doors that looked out at the last remaining rays of light.
     ‘Didn’t go well then?’ Ironhide stepped forward where the others didn’t dare just yet.
     Optimus just grunted in response.
     ‘Look, if you like her, just tell her.’
     ‘It is not so easy, Ironhide.’ Optimus shook his head. ‘I do not understand why. Why her? Why a human?’
     ‘Can’t do anything about the heart.’ Hound spoke up. ‘It choses who it choses, we don’t often get a say in that. That’s what humans say anyway.’ He added.
     Optimus hummed in agreement once again. He thought briefly on how fragile she felt beneath his finger, he tried so hard to be careful not to put too much pressure on her body which was already feeling the effects of training so hard. Optimus couldn’t help but feel something internal groaning to touch her again, even just to talk to her for a while would have been a privilege he didn’t think he deserved.
     He hoped that Dr Harding would rest that night, she was pushing herself too hard and risking injury. If she continued the way she was going, she would almost certainly set herself back weeks and that was time they didn’t have.
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