#chasing stars ff
prismportrait · 2 years
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Call me a skeptic, but I don’t trust the American military reporting without more information from other sources. If anyone does come across more information from Japanese news sources around Kazuki Takahashi’s death, please hmu.
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novaursa · 1 month
The Heir of Ice and Ash
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- Summary: A little less than a year into your marriage with Cregan, you give birth to your first child.
- Paring: velaryon!reader/Cregan Stark
- Note: reader is referred to as Y/N, is only daughter od Rhaenyra, has silver hair and violet eyes, and is bonded with dragon called Thraxata. These events happen after The North Remembers. To read all the chapters in chronological order visit my blog. The list is pinned to the top.
- Rating: Mature 16+
- Word count: 5 115
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @21-princess
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The sun sets below the horizon, painting the skies over Winterfell in hues of deep indigo and velvet, as if the Gods themselves pay tribute to the impending night. You stand by the window, your gaze fixed on the first stars twinkling above. They are a stark contrast against the endless darkness stretching out from the Godswood and the towering walls of the castle. Your hand rests heavily against the swell of your belly, the child within restless, as though sensing the night ahead will be anything but peaceful.
Autumn has fully settled upon the North, and even though the warmth of the hearth blazes behind you, a chill seeps into your bones that no fire can chase away. You shift uncomfortably, feeling a familiar ache in your lower back. It has been a constant companion these past weeks, dull and persistent. But tonight, it pulses more sharply—like the distant beat of a war drum.
Cregan finds you there, framed by the shadows and the low, flickering light of the fire. His presence is a balm, even before he speaks. The Lord of Winterfell—your husband—carries the strength and sternness of the North, but in his eyes, softened by the firelight, there is only concern and tenderness for you. His dark hair is wild, just as the snow-laden winds that howl outside, and a slight frown creases his brow as he crosses the room to you.
"Y/N," he says, his voice low and gravelly, "you should be resting. The Maester said the time grows close. You cannot push yourself like this."
You turn to him, offering a smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes. "Resting makes me feel like a caged dragon," you reply, your voice laced with both fondness and frustration. "Thraxata would gnaw through her own wings before sitting idly while the world shifts around her."
He chuckles, but there’s tension beneath it. Cregan’s large hand covers yours on your belly, and you feel the child stir once more—a reminder of the life you carry, a testament to the love that has grown between you in this stark, unyielding place.
"The child takes after you, then," he murmurs. "Stubborn and fierce."
You meet his gaze, feeling warmth bloom in your chest. "Or perhaps after you—strong and steadfast. A wolf with a dragon's fire."
Before either of you can speak further, a sharp pain lances through your body. You inhale sharply, clutching Cregan’s arm, your nails digging into the fur-lined sleeve. His expression shifts instantly, dark brows knitting together with worry. You feel the tightness spread like a wildfire across your belly, and when it releases, you’re left breathless and trembling.
"Y/N?" The concern in his voice is almost a command, though he’s careful not to let the fear creep into it. "Is it time?"
You shake your head, breathing deeply to steady yourself. "Not yet," you whisper, but even you can hear the uncertainty in your tone. It has been hours since these pains started, subtle and far between at first. But now, they come more frequently, gripping you like waves crashing against a rocky shore.
Cregan doesn’t waste time. He steps away, only long enough to summon Maester Kennet and the midwives. You watch him move with purpose, the Lord of Winterfell transformed into a man both ready to command and helpless in the face of the unknown. His love for you is written in every line of his face, in the tightness of his jaw, in the way his hands curl into fists as if he could fight off the pain on your behalf.
The midwives arrive quickly, bustling into the room with hushed voices and brisk efficiency. They guide you to the bed, their hands gentle yet firm as they help you settle against the piled furs and cushions. You clutch Cregan’s hand as the Maester approaches, his lined face kind but serious as he takes note of your condition.
"How long have the pains been this strong, my lady?" he asks, his voice even but edged with concern.
"A few hours," you admit through gritted teeth. "But it’s growing worse. They’re coming faster now."
The Maester nods gravely, exchanging a glance with the lead midwife. "Your body is preparing, my lady. It may yet be some time before the babe is ready to enter the world, but the process has begun in earnest."
His words offer little comfort. You know, intellectually, that this is how it must be—how it is for every woman who brings forth life—but knowing does nothing to dull the reality of it. Each time the pain comes, it tears through you with a force that leaves you gasping, gripping Cregan’s hand as if it were a lifeline.
"Stay with me, Cregan," you breathe out between labored breaths. You’ve never felt so vulnerable, so desperate for his presence. 
"Always," he promises, his voice a low rumble, grounding you amidst the storm brewing in your body. He presses his forehead against yours, his warmth a beacon in the encroaching darkness. "You are stronger than any dragon, Y/N. You’ll see this through, as you always do—with fire and fury."
The night drags on, and with it, the pain ebbs and flows like the tide, relentless and unyielding. You find yourself slipping between moments of clarity and haze, clinging to Cregan’s voice as he whispers reassurances in your ear, his hand never leaving yours. You hear the midwives speaking softly to one another, discussing the progression, debating when to intervene, when to let nature take its course.
Outside, the wind howls, a mournful sound that seems to echo the turmoil within you. Somewhere far off, perhaps even from the Godswood, you think you hear the distant call of a wolf—your child’s ancestors, awaiting the new life ready to join their pack.
But for now, the waiting continues. The pain intensifies, like the tightening coil of a spring wound to its limit, yet still, there is no sign that the final moment is near. You can feel it, lingering on the edge of every breath—a future that hangs just out of reach, not yet ready to reveal itself.
Exhausted, you close your eyes, letting Cregan’s steady presence be your anchor. The Maester and midwives murmur around you, but their words blur into the background as you focus on the rhythm of your breaths, each inhale and exhale a battle won.
The night is far from over. The child within you stirs as if in answer, reminding you that the fiercest trials are yet to come. And yet, you are a dragon of Velaryon blood, a child of the conquerors and the seas. Winter may have yet to come, but it cannot quell the fire that lives within you. And so, you wait—braced for the storm, knowing that when dawn breaks, it will bring with it either triumph or heartbreak.
But for now, there is only the darkness, the pain, and the unwavering strength of your husband's hand holding yours, as you both prepare to face what lies ahead together.
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The night stretches on, thick and unyielding like the ice that blankets the North. The chamber is dim, save for the flicker of the hearth and the low glow of the candles, their light wavering with each gust of wind rattling the shutters. You feel as if time itself has slowed, each moment pulling at you like heavy chains, dragging you deeper into the intensity of the labor.
The pain is unrelenting now, no longer coming in waves but crashing over you like a tempest at sea, leaving no room to breathe, no space to gather your strength. Every muscle in your body is taut, straining as the child within you fights its way into the world. You cling to Cregan’s hand, his knuckles white under the force of your grip. His face is etched with concern, a rare crack in the stoic mask he wears so easily. But beneath it all, his love is there—steady, unwavering, a lighthouse in the storm.
“You’re doing well, Y/N,” the midwife assures you, though her voice seems distant, as if carried through a tunnel. “The babe is moving down. Keep breathing, just like we practiced.”
You grit your teeth, trying to focus on the instructions, but it’s hard to think beyond the pressure building within you, the primal urge to push overwhelming every other instinct. It’s as if a fire roars through your veins, the fury and strength of your dragon blood awakened, urging you to finish this battle.
“I can’t… I don’t know if I can,” you gasp, the words torn from you in a moment of weakness. For a fleeting second, doubt curls in your chest, tightening around your heart.
But Cregan is there, leaning close, his voice a low rumble in your ear, filled with the deep, unyielding strength of the North. “You can. You are Y/N Velaryon—daughter of Rhaenyra, rider of Thraxata, a dragon forged in fire. There’s nothing in this world that can break you, least of all this.”
His words cut through the fog of pain, grounding you, reminding you who you are. You’ve fought for your place in this world—carved it out with both grace and fury—and you’ll fight for this child too, just as fiercely.
The midwife nods, seeing the determination flash in your eyes. “It’s time, my lady. With the next contraction, you must push.”
And so you do.
The first push takes everything you have, and the scream that tears from your throat is one of both agony and defiance. The world narrows to this one moment, the struggle of bringing life into being, of pushing past the pain and fear to reach the light on the other side. You feel the child shift, the head crowning, and the sensation is like being split in two, raw and fierce.
“Good, that’s it!” The midwife’s voice rises with encouragement. “Again, my lady, when the next one comes!”
You barely have time to gather yourself before another contraction grips you, fierce and unrelenting. Sweat beads on your brow, mixing with tears that you’re only half-aware of. You lean into the pain, letting it fuel your resolve, focusing all your energy on bringing this child into the world.
Cregan’s hand is still in yours, his voice a steady chant in your ear. “Almost there, Y/N. You’re almost there. I’m with you. We’re in this together.”
His presence is a comfort, his strength lending you the courage to face the next wave. The room blurs around you—the midwives, the Maester, all of it fading as you focus on the one task that matters. The pain is all-encompassing, a fire burning through you, but there is something else there too—a deep, instinctual knowledge that you are nearing the end, that you are almost ready to meet the child who has been growing inside you for all these months.
“One more, my lady!” The midwife’s voice cuts through, sharp and encouraging. “One final push!”
You gather every ounce of strength left in your body, the remnants of your willpower igniting into one last surge. With a primal roar, you bear down, feeling the child finally slip free, the sensation one of both release and completion. And then, for a moment, there is silence—the world holding its breath in the space between one heartbeat and the next.
Then the air is split by the cry of a newborn—a sound so pure and strong that it brings tears to your eyes. Relief crashes over you, leaving you trembling and gasping for breath. The midwife moves quickly, cleaning the child and wrapping them in soft furs before placing them in your arms.
“It’s a boy, my lady,” she says with a smile, her eyes shining with the joy of the moment.
You look down at your son, tears blurring your vision as you take in the tiny face, scrunched and red, his little fists waving in the air. His hair is dark, like Cregan’s, but when he opens his eyes, you see a familiar shade of violet staring back at you—the mark of your bloodline, of your heritage. He is a perfect blend of both of you, a child of both fire and ice.
Cregan’s breath catches as he looks at the child, awe and tenderness softening his usually stern features. He brushes a hand gently over your hair, pressing a kiss to your damp forehead. “He’s beautiful,” he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. “You’ve done it, Y/N. Our son…”
The joy is overwhelming, the bond between the three of you already stronger than anything you’ve ever known. You cradle your son close, feeling his warmth, hearing his tiny breaths as he calms in your arms. The pain, the exhaustion—it all fades in the face of this moment, the pure love that fills the room like a warm light cutting through the cold.
“What will we name him?” Cregan asks softly, his fingers tracing the baby’s cheek with a touch so gentle it belies the strength in his hands.
You look at your son, feeling the weight of his future, the legacy he carries within him. He is of House Velaryon and House Stark, a bridge between two worlds, a symbol of unity and strength. “Killian,” you finally say, the name rolling off your tongue like a promise, one you will both keep. “Killian Stark.”
Cregan nods, pride and love shining in his eyes. “Killian Stark,” he repeats, his voice filled with certainty, as if speaking the name cements the child’s place in the world.
The midwives move quietly around you, tidying the room and tending to you both, but in this moment, nothing else matters. It’s just you, Cregan, and Killian—the three of you bound together by blood, by love, by the trials of this night. The wind howls outside, but inside, all is warmth and peace. Your child is here, safe in your arms, and for now, that is enough.
You lean back against the pillows, exhaustion finally overtaking you, but you don’t mind. You close your eyes, content in the knowledge that when you wake, you will find Cregan by your side, your son nestled between you both, and the future ahead bright with possibilities.
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The night sky is a deep indigo, dusted with a thousand stars, as if the very heavens themselves have come to bear witness to the celebration. Winterfell’s courtyard is alive with the sounds of laughter, the crackle of bonfires, and the deep, melodic hum of Northern songs sung by gruff voices. The air is crisp and cold, but it carries the warmth of joy and camaraderie—a warmth that flows through the gathered Lords and Ladies of the North, drawn together to honor the birth of your son, Killian Stark.
It’s been a month since his arrival, and though the days have been marked by exhaustion and recovery, tonight is a time to celebrate. To revel in the strength of family and the bonds forged in fire and snow. Cregan has spared no effort in ensuring the night is one to remember, filling the halls and courtyard with the rich scents of roasted meats, spiced wine, and hearty stews. Long tables are laid out under the open sky, heavy with food and drink, and adorned with simple yet elegant winter blooms and evergreen boughs.
You stand at Cregan’s side, your fingers intertwined with his, feeling the steady heat of his presence. The fur-lined cloak draped over your shoulders is soft, its weight a comforting reminder of Winterfell’s protective embrace. Killian rests peacefully in your arms, swaddled in thick, dark furs, his tiny face barely visible except for the delicate curve of his nose and the wisps of dark hair peeking out from beneath the blanket. His eyes, the deep violet of your lineage, are closed in contented sleep, unaware of the grand feast being held in his honor.
As you take in the scene before you, you feel a sense of pride swell in your chest. These are your people now—the fierce, loyal Northerners who have accepted you as one of their own. They raise their cups and call out toasts to your health and that of your son, their voices echoing against the ancient stone walls. There is a rugged beauty to this place, to these people, and it’s a beauty that you’ve come to love.
The drums begin to beat—a steady, rhythmic pulse that resonates in the bones, calling the attention of all present. At the center of the courtyard, the space is cleared, and all eyes turn to Cregan as he steps forward, raising his hand for silence. The Northern Lords and Ladies fall quiet, their eyes shining with respect and anticipation.
“My kin, my friends,” Cregan begins, his voice carrying easily across the gathering. There’s a natural authority in the way he speaks, his words as solid and enduring as the mountains that rise beyond Winterfell’s walls. “Tonight, we gather not just to celebrate the birth of my son, Killian, but to honor the woman who brought him into this world, my wife, Y/N. She came to us from beyond our borders, a daughter of fire and sea, yet she has proven herself as fierce and resilient as any Northerner born. She has brought warmth to our halls and strength to our bloodline.”
A murmur of agreement ripples through the crowd, and you feel a flush rise to your cheeks. The pride in Cregan’s voice, the way he speaks of you as both wife and equal, makes your heart swell with love for this man who has made the North your home.
“And to you, Killian Stark,” Cregan continues, turning his gaze to your son, “may you grow strong in the ways of the North, guided by the wisdom of both wolf and dragon. Tonight, we celebrate you and the bonds that unite us all, both as family and as the people of the North.”
A resounding cheer follows his words, the Northern lords lifting their cups high. “To House Stark! To Killian Stark!” they shout in unison, their voices roughened by years of weather and war. “To the Lady of Winterfell!”
The toasts are followed by the deep bellow of warhorns, their sound echoing through the courtyard, signaling the beginning of the night’s revelry. The drums pick up again, faster now, a beat that invites movement, dance, and the unbridled joy of the North’s people. As the first notes of the fiddle and lute join the drums, couples begin to spill onto the cleared space, their steps a blend of tradition and wild abandon.
Cregan returns to your side, offering you a crooked smile. “Would you do me the honor of a dance, my lady?” His tone is light, but there’s an intensity in his gaze that suggests he’s asking much more than that.
You laugh softly, shifting Killian in your arms. “I would, but our son seems to have other ideas.”
Cregan’s eyes soften as he looks at Killian, who remains blissfully unaware of the world around him. “Let me hold him,” he says, taking the child from your arms with a tenderness that never fails to surprise you in a man of such strength. He cradles Killian against his chest, his movements careful, protective. “Go, dance. Let the people see their Lady take part in the traditions of the North.”
With a nod of gratitude, you hand Killian over and let yourself be led into the circle of dancers. The music is lively, the steps quick and purposeful, the kind of dance that demands focus and energy. You let yourself get lost in it, the rhythm of the drums syncing with your heartbeat, your body moving with a grace and fluidity that comes as naturally as flying on dragonback. The Northern women dance alongside you, their steps fierce and determined, their laughter wild and free. The men join in with strong, purposeful movements, celebrating with a raw, untamed joy that feels like a release after the long weeks of winter’s dark grip.
As you twirl and leap, you catch glimpses of Cregan watching you from the edge of the circle, Killian nestled in his arms. He looks at you with a mixture of pride and desire, as if you are both a miracle and a force of nature. The flames of the bonfires dance in his eyes, and in that moment, you feel the strength of the bond you’ve forged here in the North—a bond between a dragon and a wolf, between fire and ice.
The dance ends with a flourish, breathless laughter echoing through the night. You return to Cregan’s side, cheeks flushed, heart racing, but there is no exhaustion, only exhilaration. He hands Killian back to you, his fingers brushing yours with a touch that lingers, a silent promise between husband and wife. 
“Was that Northern enough for you?” you ask playfully, cradling Killian close as the warmth of the firelight wraps around you both.
Cregan grins, his hand resting on your back. “You’ve more than proven yourself, my love. The North is yours as much as it is mine.”
The night continues in a blur of song, drink, and tales told by firelight. The lords and ladies exchange stories of old battles, of hunts and harsh winters survived, weaving a tapestry of history that you are now a part of. The bonds of kinship, of loyalty to House Stark, are celebrated in each toast, in every clap on the back, every shared laugh.
As the hours pass, the revelry slows, giving way to a quieter, more reflective mood. Cregan’s hand finds yours, squeezing gently. “Thank you, Y/N,” he murmurs, his voice low, meant only for your ears. “For giving me a son, for standing beside me in this land of ice and snow. For being the flame that warms these cold stones.”
You lean into him, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath your cheek. “And thank you, Cregan, for giving me a home, a place where I can be both dragon and wolf. Our family is strong, our future bright.”
In the distance, wolves howl, their voices rising in harmony with the night wind, a song that speaks of strength, unity, and the enduring spirit of the North. And in the heart of Winterfell, under the watchful eyes of the old gods and the stars above, you stand together as a family—rooted in tradition, yet reaching toward the future, ready to face whatever the coming winters may bring.
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The revelry is in full swing when a sudden, urgent shout pierces the cold night air. “A dragon! A dragon is coming!”
The music halts abruptly, the notes hanging in the silence that follows. All eyes turn to the sky, scanning the darkness for the shape of wings. Even in the depths of night, you know the North is no stranger to strange sights, but the cry of “dragon” sends a ripple of tension through the crowd. It’s rare to see dragons in these lands—this far north, in the heart of autumn.
Your heart leaps to your throat, and a part of you already knows. Before you even spot the golden scales gleaming faintly in the moonlight, you know who it is. The familiar silhouette of a dragon with graceful wings and a golden hue, Syrax—the Queen’s dragon. Your mother has come to Winterfell.
Gasps and murmurs spread through the gathering as people look up in awe, some with fear, others with wonder. Syrax is a radiant sight even in the shadows of night, her scales catching the glow of the bonfires below as she circles the castle. The distinctive thrum of her wings reverberates through the courtyard, a sound that sends a shiver down your spine, not of fear but of anticipation.
Cregan steps closer, his hand instinctively resting on the hilt of his sword. It’s not out of distrust, but out of habit—he is ever the vigilant protector. “It’s her,” you whisper, more to yourself than to him, and he turns to you with understanding in his eyes.
“The Queen,” he murmurs, lowering his hand. “Your mother.”
There’s no mistaking the regal presence in the sky, even before Syrax lands with a soft thud that shakes the ground. The wind stirred by her wings sends cloaks and hair whipping around, and you instinctively tighten your grip on Killian, who stirs but doesn’t wake. Your breath catches as you watch the dragon’s rider dismount, a figure cloaked in dark furs, her silver hair flowing in the night breeze. Even in the shadows, the unmistakable violet eyes of your mother, Queen Rhaenyra, gleam with fierce purpose.
The lords and ladies of the North, who only moments ago were laughing and celebrating, now stand silent, watching the scene unfold with a mix of reverence and curiosity. Many of them have never seen a dragon (as Thraxata prefers her solitude) much less the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms in person. There’s a hushed awe in the air as she strides forward, her gaze sweeping the courtyard until they find you—her daughter.
“Mother…” you breathe, hardly able to believe she’s truly here.
Rhaenyra’s stern expression softens the moment her eyes land on you holding Killian. The lines of worry and weariness that have grown on her face over the years seem to fade, replaced by something softer, something warm and achingly tender. She walks quickly, almost as if she’s afraid she might lose sight of you, and the crowd parts for her as if commanded by an unspoken will.
When she reaches you, she doesn’t hesitate. She pulls you into a tight embrace, wrapping you and Killian in her arms, her breath hitching as she holds you close. The scent of sea salt and smoke clings to her, a comforting reminder of your childhood. “Y/N, my sweet girl,” she murmurs, her voice trembling. “You’ve become a mother yourself.”
You smile through tears as you pull back slightly to look at her. “I have, Mother. Meet your grandson, Killian Stark.”
Rhaenyra’s eyes glisten as she turns her gaze down to the tiny bundle nestled in your arms. She reaches out with trembling hands, and you gently place Killian in her grasp. Her breath catches in her throat as she cradles him, tears spilling freely down her cheeks. “Oh, he’s perfect,” she whispers, her voice cracking with emotion. “He’s so beautiful, Y/N. He’s perfect.”
The Queen, the strong and resolute ruler of the realm, stands before you with tears streaming down her face as she gazes at her first grandchild. Her fingers brush over his soft cheeks, marveling at the dark hair and those distinctive violet eyes that echo her own. She cradles him close to her chest, her tears falling onto his swaddled form as she gently rocks him. “My little dragon,” she whispers lovingly. “My grandson.”
Killian stirs, letting out a soft whimper, and Rhaenyra’s face lights up with a radiant smile, despite the tears. She presses a kiss to his forehead, her tears mingling with her laughter. “He’s strong. I can feel it,” she says, her voice thick with pride. “He has the blood of both the dragon and the wolf. He’ll be a force to be reckoned with one day.”
You stand beside her, emotions overwhelming you as you watch the most powerful woman in the realm reduced to tears by the sight of her grandchild. “Mother, I didn’t know you were coming,” you say softly, brushing away your own tears. “I wasn’t expecting—”
Rhaenyra interrupts you with a shake of her head. “How could I not come?” she replies, her voice breaking. “The moment I heard that you’d given birth, I knew I had to be here. You’re my daughter, Y/N, and this—” she gestures to Killian, “—is my blood, my legacy. I would fly through fire and storm to be here for this.”
Cregan, who has been watching quietly, steps forward and bows his head respectfully. “Your Grace,” he greets, his tone low and respectful. “Winterfell is honored by your presence.”
Rhaenyra’s gaze softens as she looks at him, still holding Killian close. “Lord Stark,” she replies, inclining her head. “Winterfell is now part of my family as well, thanks to you and Y/N.” Her eyes flick back to Killian. “I see that my daughter has chosen well. You’ve given her a place where she can be strong and loved.”
Cregan’s eyes meet hers, and in them, there is a mutual understanding—one born of respect for the woman standing before him and the bond she shares with you. “I love her fiercely, Your Grace, as she deserves to be loved. And our son—your grandson—will know the strength of both his mother’s house and his father’s.”
Rhaenyra nods, satisfied by his words, but it’s clear she’s still entranced by the little life she cradles in her arms. “He is the future,” she murmurs. “Our future.” Her voice takes on a more somber tone as she adds, “The world is uncertain, and the storms may come, but Killian will be a light in that darkness. He will carry the strength of both ice and fire, of wolf and dragon.”
The lords and ladies of the North, who had stood back respectfully, begin to approach now, offering congratulations to the Queen, but always with their eyes drawn to the babe in her arms. The tension from earlier has melted away, replaced by a sense of unity. It’s as if Rhaenyra’s presence has bridged the gap between South and North, connecting them through shared blood and purpose.
Rhaenyra eventually returns Killian to you, but not without a lingering kiss to his forehead. Her eyes remain wet, and her voice trembles as she speaks. “I wish your father could see this,” she whispers, her voice tinged with both sorrow and joy. “He would be so proud of you, of the family you’ve built.”
You nod, feeling a pang of loss for Laenor, who never lived to see his daughter become a mother herself. “He’s watching over us, I’m sure of it,” you reply, your voice soft but resolute.
The night’s celebration shifts into something more intimate now, with people sharing stories of family, of home, and of the legacy that you are all building together. Rhaenyra remains by your side, her hand resting on your arm as she watches Killian sleep peacefully, content in the love surrounding him.
As the bonfires crackle and the Northern songs continue softly in the background, you find yourself overwhelmed by the strength of family, of tradition, and of the unbreakable bonds that have been forged this night. Winterfell, with its ancient stones and cold winds, has never felt warmer, never felt more like home.
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racfoam · 1 year
What are your top 5 favorites ff in the whole Harry Potter Fandom?
Oh boy, anon, this is a much broader answer. I'll try to sort them out. Ranked in no particular way. Most of these are M-rated.
Harrymort (M/M)
Entwined by @purplewitch156
AN: Voldemort tries to find Harry who went missing during the Hogwarts battle, and a beautiful ending paired with a wonderful sequel. I love it with all my heart. Voldemort crossed space to find Harry. Literally. Those snowflakes at the end of Entwined are forever in my mind, like a moving photograph.
Retreat Series by Lomonaaeren
Such wonderful characterization and story, of how they grow closer in their marriage. Voldemort is fantastically written.
Two Words in Green Ink by @riddleandpottersittinginatree
Soulmate AU. Harry has Avada Kedavra on his wrist. Voldemort finds out.
Speechless. Please go read this. It’s beautiful.
Love in the Dark by @shouldertallabyss
This is the Voldemort Wins that I need, starring snake-face Voldy. This is where it's at. Beautifully written slow-burn. It sucks you in and doesn't let go, just like Voldemort doesn't let go of Harry. I want to give Harry a big hug and wrap him in a blanket.
I Can't Carry This Anymore by lemonchase
Voldemort's Soup Delivery Service by @duplicitywrites
In Due Thyme by @rudehellion
Voldemort and Harry are married but Voldemort avoids Harry because he’s bad at feelings. Harry decorates for the holidays hoping to give a message across and there is wonderful symbolism. Such a heart-warming one shot. My heart melted.
Run Boy Run by @youknowmevj
A full 5k words of a hide and seek and chase scene, predator/prey of Harry trying to escape his snakey husband (they're married, your honour, Voldemort put a ring on it!) who enjoys the chase. The strategies Harry uses are so well-done and well thought of. The hiding and running are so well done and so wonderfully described in detail, I was holding my breath the entire time. How Harry hides and how intense it all is, and when Voldemort finds him it gets deliciously steamy. It ends with the married couple going back to bed with Vee holding Harry’s hand. There are even details about the current wizarding world sprinkled in how it is under Voldemort's rule. The best hide and seek Harrymort fic ever written. Wonderful one-shot.
Mirrored by brainstorm1001
This fic is the Harrymort treasure trove. The first chapter starts in the Malfoy Manor Scene and Voldemort manages to make it before Harry escapes. And Harry, the courageous, feral, favourite Gryffindor... punches the Dark Lord in the family jewels. The Heir of Slytherin sure won't be making any more Heirs of Slytherin now. xD If that doesn’t get you reading the fic, I don't know what will. It's a classic.
- recommended by @leafiloaf
Thank you, @leafiloaf for reminding me of it. ❤️
The Cave Incident by brainstorm1001
Another classic in the Harrymort fic treasure trove. Harry & Voldemort get trapped in a cave and have to work together to get out.
Tomarrymort (M/M)
draw me after you (let us run) by @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger
Harry runs. Voldemort chases. They fall in love in-between.
A wonderful trip around the world while a Dark Lord chases Harry and ends up vying for his hand? Beautiful. It has lore, it has great plot, side characters are interesting, it has magic, it has tension, Voldemort is a flirt, Harry is adorable when he blushes and his ears go all red, and my heart skips ten beats when I see an update e-mail on this fic because I am being fed very well.
Haunted and Hunted by @obsidianpen
Canon Divergence from 6th Year. Voldemort finds out Harry is his Horcrux after 5th Year and tells Harry he will come for him. Harry, bless his impulsive brain, leaves the safety of the wards and is captured and put into enchanted sleep. This is a Tomarrymort treasure trove.
Bring tissues for the sequel. You’ll need them.
Heir Apparent by @monsieurclavier
Harry time travels and crashed into Voldemort’s home. He speaks Parseltongue so Voldemort assumes that Harry is his son. After all, only his heir could speak Parseltongue. Harry goes along with it. Daddymort is very touchy with his son and is also a big sugar daddy to him, and a SIMP to boot. Also, Abraxas is lucky to have Morgane as his wife. Morgane Malfoy, ladies and gentlemen, slays in this fic. Absolutely. Slays. Queen. Also, Bellatrix vying for Harry (I think she'll jump him at some point, actually physically jump on the poor lad) and Vee being jealous and possessive is hilarious. A detail I love in the fic are the wizarding clothes, I love their descriptions.
(the world) and its quiet turning by @tommarvoloriddlesdiary
A cease of conflict is reached. Voldemort makes sure Harry is okay. They gravitate toward each other after that. It is such a sweet, lovely, heart-warming series and each fic is just wonderful. I love it very much.
Tomarry (M/M)
Terrible But Great by @isalisewrites
My boooys. Isa's Harry has me in a chokehold, I would do anything for him, I would brush his hair, I would cook for him, I would give him shoulder massages, I would wrap him up in a blanket and I would fight Voldemort for him. Nobody hurts him. They have to go through me. Tom is an oblivious baby Dark Lord and keeps underestimating Harry. I love them, your honour.
like a parasite (kill my butterflies) by @tommarvoloriddlesdiary
Tom finds himself dangling off the ledge. Literally. Harry offers a helping hand.
Female Harry (Tomarry, Harrymort, Tomarrymort)
she walks in beauty by @mayfriend
The Soulmate AU fic with soul marks that has me in a deadlock. My favourite Female Harry and the one that I re-read to this day.
I have three words for you all: Avada Kedavra and LIAR.
“Give me the stone, Harriet, and I will make you a queen. Give me the stone, Harriet. You were meant to be mine.”
I am in shambles. This line will haunt me to my grave. Do you know what it means, that a sentence is so in-character and that I can hear Voldemort say it to Harry, that it will follow me to the grave? Do you know how brilliant that is, that it will stick with me to the grave? I love you, mayfriend. Thank you.
Precious Horcrux by @loneamaryllis (Harrymort)
Me to Precious Horcrux: “I have crossed oceans of AO3 to find you.”
Voldemort Wins AU, Female Harry with snake-face Voldy (finally, finally, finally) hot smut, wonderful plot, everyone is in-character, Voldemort is horny for Harrie and Harrie only.I cried of joy when I found this fic. I'm not kidding. I cried with JOY. I needed this fic since the beginning of the Female Harry cave I fell into. I have been searching for this fic since forever. Thank you, author. Thank you.
for love is always with you by @cordeliawrites (Tomarry)
Another Soulmate & Soul Marks fic. I think most of the fandom knows of this one.
Voldemort finishing the words to Harri left me sobbing at 11pm. I need an AU with them ruling together, screw morals. Voldemort deserved to have his chance, too. Brb, I need to cry. My Tomarry heart was happy, but my Harrymort heart was shattered into pieces, and I'm still trying to find them.
(dishes out my credit card) Do you accept bribery? I will pay. I'm not kidding. I will pay.
Appetence by @elysian-drops (Tomarrymort)
Voldemort finds out Harri is his Horcrux on the graveyard. He wants her back to his side.
I've been following this one since the first chapter! It's amazing!
the one where she is head over heels for him by @latteloves (Tomarry)
🎶A little bit of fluffy Tomarry in my life, a little bit of Harry being absolutely in love with Tom by my side, a little bit of James & Lily alive is all I need, a jealous Tom is all I see, a little bit of Tomarry in the sun, a little bit of blushing Harry all night long, a cute kiss makes me a happy Tomarry shipper. 🎶
When Harry Met Tom by The_Carnivorous_Muffin (Tomarry)
This fic. This fic. This fic! I LOVE IT SO. Harry time travels and meets Tom. They spend a year at Hogwarts together. The fic is on-going.
To Become A Dark Lord by Blood_Stained_Fingers (Harrymort)
Boss ass bitch Harry wants to become the next Dark Lord, and all the schemes she schemes and the friends/allies she makes. A bit of dark Harry, I love it very much. At the end, Voldemort is very interested in helping Harry along. A wonderful, enchanting one shot.
To Be One by wynnebat (Tomarrymort)
Female Voldemort with Canon Harry
Closer the Better by @youknowmevj
Lady Voldemort takes her handsome, human Horcrux Harry Potter into her care after finding out he is her Horcrux. Harrymort shenanigans ensues, including Harry carrying other Horcruxes. What do they all have in common? Wanting to be atop Harry, of course!
I need Voldemort atop Harry. Vish! (rattling the bars of my cage) Vish, when is Voldemort gonna top Harry? I need it, Vish! Pleaaaase!
Voldemort Adopts Harry
Methods of Humanity by local_doom_void
DADA Professor Harry
Invisible Man by RenderedReversed (Harrymort)
Hogwarts, to welcome you home by gedsparrowhawk (FaceChanger)
“You understand, Professor,” Harry began, after a moment, “that I don’t have my N.E.W.T.s. I never even finished seventh year. Between everything, I never had a chance the first time around, and then afterwards there didn’t seem to be much point. Hermione argued for it, of course, but I was so tired of Britain. So technically, I am completely unqualified for the position.”
“Quite a way to begin an interview, Mr. Potter,” McGonagall said, dryly.
Or, three years after the war, Harry Potter becomes Hogwarts' newest Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.
Princeps by Lomonaaeren
Harry makes a plan. He time-travels to the 1970s and becomes the DADA Professor, keeping an eye on the Slytherins and trying to keep them out of trouble. The trouble being joining Voldemort’s ranks.
There are other ships, but for now this is for the Tomarry/Harrymort/Tomarrymort since they are my OTP. If you want, send me an ask for other ships.
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tired-reader-writer · 8 months
Finally, finally I am back on my ArSen bullshit. So starting from where I last left off (chapter 94):
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Fr tho, Hilmes, where was this when I needed you to have the attitude? This just reads as copium ffs.
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I normally don't give that much thought to Team Zahhak's philosophy, but this time I decided to sit down and mull on it a bit. Evil is the way of the world, the root and origin of all things, and humans have established “justice” to oppose it. The problem? Justice isn't One True Thing as many like to think— to borrow Narsus' metaphor it's actually like a thousand stars fighting to dominate the sky. And what this causes is conflict, everybody thinks they're right, and therefore the others must be wrong, and to prop up their own justice blood is shed.
One would normally associate bloodshed with, y'know, evil. Which makes me wonder if Team Zahhak thinks of justice as a hypocrisy— in fighting for their justice the pain and loss the fight inevitably causes is no different from that which evil would cause. In seeking to banish evil they just kept inventing evil itself over and over, with a prettier facade on top.
Maybe Team Zahhak sees it as a pointless, fruitless endeavor, and thus chases evil in its own right instead of dressing it up in pretty ideals that ultimately mean nothing.
That's my interpretation of these panels, I buy that line of philosophy obviously, but I think I can see where they're coming from, especially considering the origins of Zahhak himself (which, to make it as vague as possible, he was born from evil, so surely that must've shaped his worldview?).
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I want to say, “what did you think was gonna happen when y'all went crazy like rabid dogs on the capital and let Bodin run free to do whatever he wanted???” because I am right— but my anger is tinged with dread/grief because the consequences. They're going to bite Hilmes in the ass.
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Interesting. VERY INTERESTING. I'm spinning this in my head. What can I do with this, hmmmm~
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They were conscripted, ey?
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There's something about their faith taking the shape of brutality. That their “love” for their God wasn't characterized by, like, I dunno how to put it, a genuine connection with Yaldaboath nor spirituality nor anything like that if that makes sense, but rather in the form of... Gah, my brain isn't cooperating.
The way they were so proud of killing the defenseless and vulnerable (women and children) leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
“I think we've done our duty to God well enough to call it a day.” my god my fucking god, like, killing enough people means you did your job means you don't have to do anything more no meaningful deeds or introspection you don't need to do more you've murdered and that's apparently fucking enough shut uuuup.
I know they were manipulated by those above them, the clergy and the higher-ups who wanted this campaign but ugh. Ugh.
If one were to only look at the deeds of followers of Yaldaboath, I don't think it would be inaccurate to say that Yaldaboath is an ever-hungering bloodthirsty god who demands bloodshed and human sacrifice as worship.
Of course, it's not the case, I'm sure the faith means something else, something far less murderous, but there's a point where the original intent and purpose is lost and the twisted version takes over. It is the real, tangible impact it has on the world and the people in it that ultimately matters.
Of course, this is not a problem unique to the faith of Yaldaboath, the Parsian priesthood is pretty corrupt (@innerchorus made a post about that, I'll link it if I can find it again), and y'know, all institutionalized, big religions seem to follow the rough chops. Hell, in my homeland's history one of our kings went to war to seize Buddhist texts from another king!! Like what!! That's so antithetical to what Buddhism is supposed to be about!
Where am I going with this? Honestly, I've got no fucking clue. I just needed to rant, I suppose.
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Everybody's big sister comes into clutch and nudges Arslan to not lose focus.
Also, is it just me or does Arslan's hair seem kinda long in this scene? Like,
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Am I imagining things???? Was his hair always this long?
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After two whole rants in the same post I no longer have the brain juices to dedicate any meaningful thought about the Royal Academy thing but I will say that I definitely want to know more about it. Who attends it? Is it a boarding school? Do other regions of Pars have similar academies? How do children of nobility and the wealthy in more rural areas learn? At home, with private tutors? This was never elaborated on and I'm left with a bucketload of questions.
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They!! Alfarīd looks so cute here, look at that smile! And Farangis is so fond. I really love their bond, though I wish it was featured a little more (I guess it kinda is, but it involves Farangis pushing Alfarīd onto Narsus and I'm not sure how I feel about that so yeah).
And between and behind the two there's one of the dresses Alfarīd showed Narsus later on! The one she didn't end up buying, though I have to admit it's a cute design.
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Evil’s Theater Productions: OSS
 - Barisols Child is an Only Child CONCEPT - For the stage we’re gonna have to halves, one side for Behemo, one side for Levia. When we get to the lyric “ There was another world in the mirror that his eyes had been able to see “ we should have some sort of wall-thing that represents a mirror so then whoever plays Levia can do her thing and extend her hand towards Behemo. - Project MA - Eve enters through Left Center stage (PLS DO UR OWN RESEARCH ON STAGE DIRECTIONS. I’VE LEARNED THIS THROUGH DRAMA CLASSES) and stops singing her part when she walks to Right Center Stage. We get to the part that says “ The name of the man I love is Adam” he could appear and does what the lyrics say (specifically He gave me a kiss and told me “After this you will become the mother of gods, ‘Mem Aleph’”.) and also give her the brainwashing,.. poison thing....  At the part “  When everything’s over with, let’s have a marriage ceremony. In our favorite Helds forest. “ There could be a screen that shows an image of Held’s forest... I just think that’ll be cool. For Adam’s part, this time he’ll enter Right Center Stage and walk towards Left Center Stage. When we get to the part “I have regretful news. The project was a failure.” (uhmm... i didnt read oss so correct me if anything is wrong or should be fixed here) I guess we could see Eve and Adam’s reaction to the miscarriage???!??! Then Eve leaves the stage once again and we get to the part “The senate and Seth took my mother from me” we could see something happen to Adam’s mom and Adam plotting to punish them. When we get to the part “  My beloved Eve, I’ve broken you, I’m sorry “ I WANT EVERYTHING TO GO ALL DARK. EVERYTHING DARK, YOU CANNOT SEE ADAM ANYWHERE AND A SCREEN COULD SHOW THE LYRICS. Then without us noticing, Eve enters the stage (Left Stage Center) and the spotlight focuses on Adam and Eve when we get to the lyric “I truly came to love, completely.” The stage lights up again and we see a marriage ceremony in Held’s Forest at the “  Come, let’s get married in that forest “ and they have their marriage stuff...ew kiss kiss and all that. WE COULD GET A SCREEN THAT SHOWS A BROKEN STAR AND A MOON AND STAR VANISHING FOR THE LYRIC “  The night the star was broken, the moon and star vanished from the south sky “ and then they flee the stage and a labratory i think !??! and we see seth talking his crap and all the the end. - Moonlit Bear - We see the forest again, and we see Eve picking up some apples. The apples are of course - not real apples because they’re translucent and show Hansel and Gretel inside the apples (like fish eggs). We get to the part “  A scary bear comes out “ and Meta enters from Right Center Stage and she’s gonna go to Eve like “yo?? wtf bitch those r my kids” (obviously she wont say that you get the point) We get a Meta and Eve chase scene, I think it would be fun that we get Eve to get the audience to help her (and depending if there is enough space in the audience we could get her to plead the audience to help her). We see the Moonlit Residence and Eve enters the house. (also we see meta’s corspe she’ll just chill out there for now) and Adam’s saying shit like “FFS EVE YOU DELUSINAL ASS BITCH. OUR CHILDREN?? DEAD.” (once again obviously he won’t say that but we know the story) and eventually they go outside and see Meta’s corspe. ((do blogs never require maximum of words??? i’ve typed so much already)) -  A Tale of Abandonment on a Moonlit Night -  We see the Moonlit family, Hansel and Gretel aren’t babies anymore. Eve and Adam lead their children through the path and of course there are questioning them “Mother, what kind of fortune does this path lead to? Over there, will we be able to eat lots of our favorite snacks?” “Father, beyond this point is God waiting for us? Why do you look at us with such sad faces?” Adam and Eve exit the the stage and now the twins are abandoned. What happens is self-explantory but when Hansel finds the bottle we should get the spotlight to play as the moonlight ( “ A small glass bottle is lit up by the moon”). We need a box thing that’s an oven. I WOULD ENJOY TO SEE HANSEL AND GRETEL SHOVE EVE IN THE OVEN AND KILL ADAM. AND THERES FIRE EVERYWHERE OMG I’D LOVE IT (as a gretel sympath) Hansel and Gretel exit the stage and as they say “Come, let’s go meet our real mother and father.” Closes the book of OSS. Okay that was a long one.. I’ll continue Original Sin Story tonight maybe. Remember that some things are illogical and that is okay, we’re just having fun here. Share your ideas too. :3
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
To Update/ Coming soon- June 14th- August 31st
** means smut
Admiral's Daughter- part 1, 2 and 3- Top Gun Maverick ff, Chasing Angels series. 2 Hangman/ Bianca/ Rooster, 3 Dagger Squad, 1. Bianca, Hangman, Coyote, and Phoniex.
Baby I Do,- Part 2* ,3*, 4,5- Elvis- Burnin' Love series- Elvis/ Sylvie
Little White Church- One Shot- Elvis- Stand alone- Elvis/Sylvie
Cowboy Take Me Away- Parts *2 and 3- Top Gun Maverick FF- Chasing Angels series- Hangman/Bianca
Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy*- One shot- Yellowstone- Angel of Mercy Series- Lee Dutton/ Spencer Abbott
Just Dance- Part 1, 2*,3*,4* - Top Gun Maverick FF- Chasing Angels series- Hangman/Bianca
Wouldn't It Be Nice- One shot- Supernatural- Darkest Before the Dawn Series- Dean/Ellie
Secrets That Are Meant- one shot* Supernatural- Secrets That Are Meant To Kept Series- Sam/ Dean- Wincest
To Be Kept- One Shot*- Supernatural- Secrets That Are Meant To Kept Series- Ellie/Dean/Sam
Need You To Know- One shot*- Supernatural- Secrets That Are Meant To Kept- Ellie/Dean
Be My Baby Tonight- Part 1, Part 2*, Part 3, Part 4*- Avengers, Only Fools Rush Series- Steve/ Lennon, Bucky/ Lennon
Saturday's Alright For Fighting- One Shot- Fast Saga- Life in The Fastlane Saga- Vince/Sophie
On The Outside- Parts 3, 4,5,6 The Outsiders- On The Outside- implied Soda/Mattie
Game Changers- Part 2, 3,4,5.6- The Mighty Ducks- Game Changers series- Adam Banks/ Ava Bombay
I Kissed A Girl- One Shot*- Fast Saga- Life In The Fastlane Saga- Letty/ Sophie
California Girls- One Shot*- Top Gun Maverick- Chasing Angels- Phoniex/ Bianca
Courage Under Fire- Band of Brothers- Courage Under Fire Series- Bill/Olivia, Olivia/ Joseph Liebgott, Bill/ May Jenkins Parts 1, 2, 3*,4,5
Burnin' Love- Elvis- Burnin' Love Series- Elvis/Sylvie- Parts 5,6,7,8,9,10
Chasing Angels- Top Gun Maverick- Chasing Angels Series- Rooster/ Bianca, IceMav, Hangman/ Bianca, Hangman/ Phoniex, Phoneix/ Bianca. Parts 2, 3*, 4*,5,6,7
Should Be Me- Band of Brothers- Courage Under Fire series- what if- part 2- Bill/ Olivia
Charming Town- Sons of Anarchy- Charming Town Series- Jax/Ryder- Parts 7,8, 9*,10*,11*,12
I Don't Dance But For You- Top Gun Maverick- Chasing Angels one shot- Rooster Bianca-
Only Fools Rush In- Captain America- Only Fools Rush in Series- Parts 2,3,4,5*,6*,7*,8,9,10- Bucky/Hannah. Steve/Peggy
Under False Pretenses- Band of Brothers Mafia AU- Under False Pretense series- Liebgott/ Olivia, Dick/Olivia/Nixon part 2*,3*,4*,5*,6,7,8*,9*,10*
Are You Going My Way- Band of Brothers College AU- Are You Going My Way Series- Lewis/ Olivia, Buck/Olivia, Liebgott/Oliva, Bill/Olivia etc Part 2*, Part 3, Part 4*,5,6*
Please, I Need You- Chicago PD- Thin Blue Line series- Jay Libby one shot
Got You- Chicago PD x Blue Blood crossover- Jayx Libby- parts 4*, 5*, 6, 7
Don't Stop Believing- Chicago Fire x Blue Crossover- Kelly Severide. Libby Reagan- Parts 2,3,4,5,6
Through The Heart- S.W.A.T- Luca x Josie Kay- parts 4,5,6,7,8
Star Crossed Lovers- Twilight- Star Crossed Lovers series- Rosalie/Emmett/ Lily parts 1,2,3,4,5
Hearts Made of Glass- Twilight All Human- Lily/Edward- Parts 2,3,4,5
Life In The Fastlane- Fast Saga- Vince/Sophie, Dom/Sophie, Letty/Sophie, Dom/Letty, Mia/Brian- Parts 7*,8*,9,10,11
Girl from Barstow- Fast Saga- Life In The Fastlane series- One shot-
Thin Blue Line- One Chicago/Law and Order SVU/Blue Bloods crossover- Parts 2,3,4
Winter's Gate- Game of Thrones- Winter's Gate series- Robb Stark/Jonlynn- Parts 4, 5*, 6
Homeward Bound- Game of Thrones- Winter Gate series- Robb Stark/ Jonlynn- Part 2,3, 4
Second Chances- Lord of The Rings/The Hobbbit- Second Chances series- Legolas/Ilianna/ either Fili or Kili- Part 2, 3,4
Royals- Harry Potter- Royals Series- Fred/Celeste. George- part 1,2,3,4,5
Puzzle Pieces- Triple Frontier- Miller Brothers/OFC parts 1,2,3, 4
Mine now. Sons of anarchy- Jax/Ryder one shot
Night Terrors - Winter Solider and the Falcon- Bucky/Lennon one shot
Sweet as Georgia Peach- Band of Brothers- prequel story to Courage Under Fire. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Oh My, My Love- Elvis- Two Shot- part 1, part 2
London Blue- Band of Brothers- one shot- Liebgott/ Liv- set after D-Day
London Grey- Band of Brothers- one shot- Nixon/Liv
Undercover- One Chicago- parts 2,3,4
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writingmochi · 10 months
an honest review of orange blood from musical and conceptual observation (not proofread)
opening remarks: wow... they really let go of manifesto saga all together, huh? ngl i think they're doing this to cater towards the dark moon audience (as per what sunghoon said in the vlog they did in lotte world towards solon, "are you more famous than me? you are me."
also, i'm gonna be truthful here: i haven't kept up with their lore stuff after border era finished (actually it's more of because i've been straying from kpop a lot now). i used to read webtoons but idk man i still think that hybe is really pushing their artists into making intellectual properties so they can license it to everyone (the successful ones are tiny tan and bts universe) but when you're here for the artistry in the music and audio visual aspect of the music, you kinda feel being left behind. so, relating to another hybe artist, i kind of like txt separating from their star seekers character but dark moon is technically enhypen's (and &team's) dna now.
concept-wise visually, i think it's good. we love a sanskrit representation with ksana and kalpa, but i think it'll be more interesting if they dig deeper into what it means cosmological, mythological, etc and relate it towards dark moon, sooha/selen, the werewolves of sunshine city and more.
also, it's an interesting choice on hybe's behalf to make a comeback between &team and enhypen around the same time, especially since they are brothers-with-rivalries group (yes, i just coin that teehee)
i can go on on a tangent about how belift doesn't know where enhypen's is going long-term wise but... eh, that's for another time...
let's start!
1.mortal: intro track as always! i love the more lo-fi instrumental of it (it can be a good bgm to reflect on mortality akfbauewiue4g) i also love that every member participates here, either by monologuing or singing. it's like a poem in a short film (it could actually be in the concept trailer, cmiiw) and i think it's gonna be a good visual spectacle on concerts (which given the state of kpop now. they will do tours even for EPs, too criminal actually)
also WHY THE FUCK IS THIS LONGER THAN THE TITLE TRACK FFS (unless this is not a monologue, but dialogues between differing perspective, i agree that it should be that long) oh gosh...
2.sweet venom: AINT THIS JAKE'S ERA?! my boy!!! also WE GET A FREAKING BRIDGE ISTG YOU DON'T KNOW HOW UNEXPECTED THAT IS AS SOMEONE WHO MISSES ENHYPEN'S BRIDGES (given-taken my love). from the post i made before this, i mentioned hybe is doing something interesting and the answer is... we're returning to 2020 hybe again with their retro-sounding title tracks like chasing the feeling, god of music, and this. also, i watched the mv first before hearing the audio and i love the stop-motion mv like for real (definitely matches the music)
i definitely can see and hear the michael jackson influence for this comeback and the choreo, funk is his genre after all. but the funk is making it easy-listening that it doesn't overwhelm those who aren't funk and disco listeners. the orchestral bytes in the bridges make it nostalgic towards songs in the 90s. it definitely is trying to cater towards gen z's affection towards nostalgia (which hits me too with the mj influence, riki probably likes this comeback so much :D)
highlights? oh the three oldest hyungs get it. jake has never been the center of a comeback (it's always heeseung or jungwon) and i love that he can hold himself up, for my fellow jaeyun lover be prepared to see him in thumbnails now~ heeseung and jay's vocals? chef's kiss! get those falsettos, kings! and their runs in the verses is just so good ughh
also, another tangent of me of the vocal mixing incoming. i think it's better but niki's voice sounds unrecognizable in the audio. maybe it's because his voice hasn't stop evolving or what not but yeah, if i didn't watch the mv first, i wouldn't recognize niki's voice. also the last chorus can be given two more bars cause it just unsatisfyingly ends? and i can understand why sunghoon doesn't have that much lines here because (and don't cancel me on this) it doesn't suit his timbre much because his voice is more on the baritone range than the others who are tenor and this song is in a high key. if maybe they can lower the key like a full step than it can match his voice more...
3.still monster: emo-ballad enha? is that you? the start does sound a bit more bossa-nova ish before the drums kick in. i love how muted the instrumental is so that we can hear the vocals more. it definitely has the analog phone filter to it, kinda of reminds me of haru haru by big bang but mellower. i think i know that synth keyboard sound font is because it sounds so vintage and i like how it harmonizes with the guitar. i can definitely play bass to the song *cue me trying to make the bass tab in my free time after this*. i can hear sunghoon again yay! also we love the ad-libs at the last chorus. get it, heeseung! and this song is very heeseung actually lol
4.blind: wow... synth? at the start i think this is gonna be like cyberpunk by ateez but then it goes into a more rnb route. i almost thought also jersey club percussion, okay drum fills in the pre-chorus. and BAM... synthwave! this is more like take me home by ateez. i think this could even be an ateez song, but it's not as abrasive as the ones ateez makes. that post-chorus part though when the bass kicks in, the fuck was that? and why can't we got more of that D:?
but i actually like how slow it's taking, like they're trying to take the vibes in first, ya know? i think it is because this is their first venture to synthwave from a more rnb/hip-hop-based set of songs. they tried it with tamed-dashed but this is a mature, slower version of it. also, heeseung with the ad-libs istg!!! heeseung stop it, don't tug my heart string like that. that bounce between sunghoon and niki, we like that!
5.orange flower (you complete me): *cue onf's complete* you complete... ME~~~~ when i see the tracklist, that's the kind of song i predict with this title. and, a signature of enhypen in this album, we have a more mellow version of the style they're going with this song. they're also catering this towards gen z as this is like the type of songs that's gonna be placed in a "indie rock end credits" type of music. it's pretty predictable with a name like orange flower for it to be a feel-good song. i actually like this more than tfw cause the instrumental is more optimistic.
i also like the verses more than the chorus (kinda a bit anti-climatic for me) but it still gives of a music that you play while riding bicycles with your friends around sunset (wish i could do that again but growing up is pain ehheheheeh)
6.sweet venom (english ver): since this is just sweet venom but in a different language, i'm gonna focus more on vocal performance and lyrics.
i like how gritty they sound, like the textures in their voice i can hear it better. the way the pronounce the words is clear enough to be deciphered. i love the pre-chorus in korean version better but i know that they're trying to make the lyrics make sense in the language. idk why but heeseung sounds better here like my man wtf is on with you istg
7.sweet venom (ft. bella poarch): first: i don't have beef with bella poarch cause i don't really care about her. she's just another influencer trying to survive the internet and life honestly. i think it's also another situation how engenes are jealous because enhypen's with a girl because they're delulu that enha can only be with them through sooha lmao (read: enhypen now performing bite me with female partners) because they dig into controversies that don't really involve them (international engenes, especially westerners). i just think that what western engenes are doing with the situation is reacting the same way that korean engene react to them during bite me era. it's part of stan culture and to break it, it's gonna be hard.
second: since this is technically sweet venom eng ver with bella poarch, i'll be focusing on vocal performance and lyrics (if they decide to change it)
even from the mixing, you can hear the difference from the vocals. bella's voice is much more airy with more reverb than enha's. i also think that it makes the song more richer, especially with the harmonics, some are a bit unnecessary. but from me, this changes sweet venom's color from a full orange color towards a peachy one with bella's feminine influence.
closing remarks: i definitely didn't expect to like this album as much.
coming from unliking three enha title tracks in a row, even i can't believe that i like the sound of this album. the sound is more cohesive; a mellow rnb touch in every track as they combine with other genres (sweet venom with funk, still monster with emo-ballad, blind with synthwave, and orange flower with indie rock) yet they still try to push the boundaries of genres they wanna try.
the highlight of the overall album is definitely heeseung. he kills it with his vocal performance and i love how versatile he is as he pushes some fancy things in one song and dim it in another, creating a more diverse set of texture for each song. jay is close second because this album just shows how much of a powerhouse he is (i think his music diversification with listening to rock songs helps him with that).
when it comes to the whole comeback, imo, it doesn't really match that well from both audio and visual. it's like they have two different visions cause the theme doesn't matches with between the art and music direction. it's like if belift just said "the main theme of this album is orange." okay so what do you mean orange? like visually, the concept photo is very orange-like and the music does sound orange to me, but what is the connection here? it also definitely shows with how enha can't explained what orange blood means in one interview they did. because i don't understand what they're trying to say with the phrase orange blood. is it orange because it's like fire? is it orange because it is derived from red blood? if it's like fire, then why did we get a funk song?
also, what saddens me is the track listing like only 5 new songs + one is more like monologue. even i can see it as a scam if you actually are trying to use your money to buy an album + they have 3 versions of this album with randomized photocard. please treat your money carefully!
final ranking:
7.sweet venom (english ver.)
5.sweet venom (ft. bella poarch)
4.still monster
3.orange flower (you complete me)
2.sweet venom
also, here's my predictions for the next entry of the blood series:
following the colors of the rainbow, it's gonna be yellow/golden blood. it's gonna make the blood series have seven albums from the colors of the rainbow (red = jungwon, orange = jake, yellow = ???)
following the next phrase related to blood (and because of selen from the lore), it's gonna be blue blood: a term used to refer to noble birth, royalty, etc here's me hoping they do a more dpr ian miito sound for a regal comeback
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linked to jessie (jace)'s girl ff pt1 pt2
– so it originally started when they were still in school at about 13/14 so year 8 for a talent show – they made pop-punk themed songs but the lyrics are quite insightful when you look into them – they called it 'Weirwood' to honour Rhaenyra and Alicent's favourite hidden meetup spot behind the school – Alicent wrote the lyrics to their songs, it's one of the only times she felt like she could truly express herself, and played the keyboard (she likes it especially because it keeps her hands busy so she'll stop picking at them so much when she's anxious she can drum her fingers against her leg as if thinking up sheet music) – Rhaenyra helped brand themselves as she had the high confidence and 'star presence' but she also does vocals and electric guitar – also her uncle Daemon was also in a band and helped them out when they were stuck on something – the band included other members such as Laena on drums, Laenor on electric guitar and Criston on bass guitar (he also helped on vocals sometimes) – Rhaenyra starts calling their fans 'Zaldrīzes' which means 'Dragons' in Rhaenyra's mother tongue and it catches on – Rhaenyra and Criston hooked up but broke things off when Rhaenyra told him she just wanted to keep things casual – when Alicent found out her best friend was keeping this from her, she completely flipped out because she didn't approve of making things complicated with bandmates – Rhaenyra chased after Alicent for a few years but always got rejected because Alicent didn't want to mix relationship drama with business decisions, she thought it was unethical – this blew up into a huge fight which the tabloids have since dubbed 'The Dance of The Dragons' because when the band split, the separated bands moved to different agencies which conveniently both were known for undertaking dancers 'The Greens' stayed with 'The Red Keep' agency while 'The Blacks' moved to one called 'Dragonstone' – 'The Greens' rebranded and took on Larys Strong while 'The Blacks' took on his brother Harwin Strong – Neither band does particularly well afterward but the drama between them is always the centre off attention when they attend the same events, they still have some very dedicated fanbases – at first they make remarks about one another but soon they grow out of it and rekindle – they get back together for songs sometimes until another thread snaps and they fight again – they know it will never be the same so they settle for being civil with one another – very hot and cold – at an award ceremony, every tabloid covers how Rhaenyra arrives without her signature black in favour of emerald green and Alicent arrives instead of her signature green in coal black – there are many photos snapped of Rhaenyra and Alicent laughing the night away and sticking close together after they're seated at close tables next to each other – eventually both bands separate but once their kids show interest in their teen years they are very willing to help and so the next generation take over their respective parents' band
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novaursa · 29 days
The Last Dance
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- Summary: The Dance of the Dragons is over. You and Aegon finally find peace.
- Paring: twin!sister reader/Aegon II Targaryen
- Note: reader is referred to as Y/N, is twin sister and wife to Aegon II, and is bonded with dragon called Starfyre. These events happen right after The Searing Flame. To read all of the chapters in chronological order, or more of my works, visit my blog. The list is pinned to the top.
- Rating: Mature 16+
- Word count: 5 119
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff
- A/N: This is the chapter that finalizes this series. That being said, there will be more twin!reader/Aegon II stories to fill the gaps.
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The air is filled with the scent of salt and smoke as you stand on the balcony of Dragonstone, the sea churning below in restless waves. The horizon is cast in hues of deep purple and amber as dusk sets in, but your attention is wholly on the sky, where two golden streaks dart through the twilight. You feel Aegon’s presence beside you, a warmth against the cool stone at your back. His scarred arm is under your hand, his skin rough and uneven beneath your touch, a harsh reminder of Rook’s Rest and the countless betrayals that led you here.
Yet there’s still strength in him, a burning defiance that never faded even after all the wounds. You rest your head on his shoulder, feeling the tension in his muscles, the way he seems to hold his breath as he watches Sunfyre and Starfyre circle above. It’s not just the raw power of your dragons that grips him—no, this is something more primal. It's the joy of seeing them together again, as they were always meant to be: siblings, mates, war-dragons forged in the heat of fire and vengeance.
“There,” Aegon murmurs, his voice low, strained. He points to a shadow in the clouds—Grey Ghost. The wild dragon had stayed hidden for so long, slipping through the cracks of Dragonstone’s defenses, but not tonight. Sunfyre and Starfyre had scented him out, and now there would be no escape.
You tighten your grip on Aegon’s arm, feeling the thrill of it, a dark satisfaction blooming in your chest. The shadow resolves into a shape—a dirty, scarred creature with wings tattered from battles long lost. Grey Ghost is no match for your dragons, but he’s quick, darting between clouds, trying to outmaneuver the gleaming pair that pursue him.
Starfyre leads the chase, her silvery form a flash of brilliance in the twilight, her scales glimmering like starlight against the darkening sky. The alabaster undershine of her wings catches the last of the sun’s rays as she twists and turns, a deadly dance that lures Grey Ghost into false confidence. Her movements are elegant, fluid—every beat of her wings purposeful, calculated. The Star Dame, as you’ve come to call her in the intimacy of your thoughts, is a creature born of night and light, her presence both ethereal and deadly.
Sunfyre is close behind her, a shimmering blaze of gold that seems almost unnatural in its brilliance. The awkward bend in his healed wing does nothing to diminish his ferocity—if anything, it makes him all the more terrifying, a creature that defies the laws of nature, a king among dragons that should have been crippled but refused to be. His roar echoes across the sky, a sound of pure fury that reverberates through your chest, making your heart race.
“They hunt as one,” you whisper, awe lacing your words. You lift your head from Aegon’s shoulder to look up at him, catching the gleam of pride in his eyes. “It’s beautiful.”
Aegon’s mouth curves into a small, crooked smile, a hint of the man he was before the war marred him. “Beautiful, yes. But more than that—vengeance.” He says the last word with a bitterness that lingers in the air. Sunfyre and Starfyre had been denied their chance to fight side by side for too long, much like the two of you. But now, the skies belong to them again, as they should.
You don’t respond, letting the sight before you speak for itself. Starfyre suddenly plummets, diving at a steep angle that seems reckless until Grey Ghost veers, startled by her speed. It’s then that Sunfyre strikes, a burst of flame searing the air as he barrels into Grey Ghost from above, jaws snapping at the smaller dragon’s neck. Grey Ghost shrieks, a sound full of desperation as he tries to shake free, but Sunfyre holds on, his talons digging deep into flesh.
Starfyre swoops in, her silvery wings flaring as she joins the fray, her jaws clamping down on one of Grey Ghost’s wings. You watch as she tears through it with merciless precision, ripping membrane and bone with a single twist of her head. Blood sprays across the sky, dark and ominous, and Grey Ghost’s struggles grow frantic, but they’re futile. Starfyre and Sunfyre tear into him together, a dance of coordinated destruction that speaks of deep, intrinsic connection.
“Together, they’re unstoppable,” you breathe, unable to tear your gaze away. You feel Aegon’s fingers intertwine with yours, his grip tight and possessive. He’s watching them too, but you know he’s seeing more than just dragons tearing apart a weaker foe—he’s seeing the future, the strength you still hold, the power you’ll wield together to take back what was stolen from you.
When Grey Ghost finally falls, his body torn and mangled, he drops like a stone into the sea below. You both watch in silence as the waves claim him, dragging him under until he’s nothing more than a memory.
Starfyre and Sunfyre wheel in the air, circling each other before flying back towards the keep. The bond between them is palpable, a mirror of your own with Aegon. Sunfyre’s awkward wingbeat matches Aegon’s own struggles, while Starfyre’s radiant strength reflects the resilience you’ve both clung to, even in the face of loss. The dragons’ victory is your victory, and as they draw closer, you feel a sense of unity, of destiny.
Aegon turns to you then, his scarred face shadowed but his eyes burning with resolve. “We will reclaim what is ours, Y/N,” he says, his voice a quiet promise. “With our dragons, with our strength—we will not be broken.”
You meet his gaze, and there’s a fierce pride in your chest as you nod. “We are not broken, Aegon,” you reply softly, but with steel in your tone. “We are fire and blood.”
As the night closes in, the sky dark and filled with stars, you stand together in silence, hand in hand. Sunfyre and Starfyre land on the courtyard below, their golden and silver scales gleaming even in the dim light. They are kings and queens among dragons, just as you and Aegon are meant to be.
And as long as they soar, so will you.
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The dread in the throne room is thick enough to choke on as you stand beside Aegon, your hand resting lightly on Daena’s shoulder while Baelon clutches the edge of your gown. The echo of footsteps and clinking chains resound through the stone chamber as Alfred Broome and his men drag the remnants of Rhaenyra’s forces into the hall. They are bruised, bloodied, and defeated—a pale reflection of the power Rhaenyra once held. Among them, her young son Aegon clings to her, his eyes wide with fear as he takes in the fearsome sight of the dragons looming in the distance outside, their golden and silver forms visible through the open arches.
Sunfyre and Starfyre wait like harbingers of death, gleaming in the twilight.
You feel Aegon’s arm tense beside you, a flicker of pain passing through him from his old wounds. But there’s more than just physical pain here—there’s a deep, simmering rage that’s been brewing since the moment Blood and Cheese ripped your family apart. You and Aegon have been waiting for this moment, dreaming of it in your darkest hours. And now, it’s finally here.
Rhaenyra is forced to her knees before you, her once-proud visage a mask of defiance even in chains. She looks older than you remember, her face gaunt and hollow, but her eyes still blaze with the stubborn arrogance that led her here. Her remaining Queensguard lie dead, slain by your forces as they tried to resist one last time. There is no one left to protect her.
You meet her gaze with cold satisfaction, leaning forward slightly as you speak, your voice sharp as a blade. “We have long awaited this moment, Rhaenyra. Ever since you sent those assassins to kill our sons—two innocent boys, slaughtered because of your ambition.”
Rhaenyra’s lips tremble, but she doesn’t back down. “My sons died as well, Y/N,” she retorts, her voice shaking with fury. “Jace, Luke, Viserys… you cannot know that pain.”
“You dare to compare?” Aegon’s voice cuts through the air like the crack of a whip, silencing her. He steps forward, the limp from his injury barely noticeable as his anger gives him strength. “This war began because you could never let go of our father’s lies. He promised you the throne, and you clung to that entitlement like a drowning woman clutches driftwood.”
Rhaenyra opens her mouth to speak, but Aegon doesn’t let her. “You speak of your lost sons as if their deaths were a justification for your madness, but it was your own hubris that led them to the grave. If you had shown even a hint of reason, none of this would have happened. Y/N and I never wanted the crown. We only wanted to love each other and grow old with our children. But the crown was pushed onto us—pushed by your ambition and vanity.”
Your heart twists as you think of the peaceful life you and Aegon could have had, far from the bloodshed, if only Rhaenyra had accepted the reality of your father’s death that relinquished her claims. But that was never an option for her, was it? Pride, ambition, and greed had consumed her until there was nothing left but this hollow shell of a queen.
Rhaenyra’s defiance cracks then, her eyes filling with desperation. “Please, Aegon—Y/N—my son—”
But Aegon’s gaze hardens. “It’s too late for pleas, Rhaenyra. Your choices have brought us to this point, and now they will swallow us all. Even your precious children.”
You see the flicker of fear in her eyes, the realization that there will be no mercy here. This is no place for mercy. This is retribution.
With a nod from Aegon, the great doors are opened, and Sunfyre’s golden form stalks into the throne room, his scales gleaming like molten gold in the torchlight. His eyes are locked on Rhaenyra, filled with a burning hunger that reflects the rage in Aegon’s heart. Starfyre follows him, her silvery wings brushing the stone walls as she moves with lethal grace, her pale blue undershine glowing like moonlight on water.
Rhaenyra tries to scramble back, pulling her son behind her, but she is chained, her movements futile. “No… please… not like this…”
The lords and ladies captured alongside her begin to cry out in terror as they realize what’s about to happen, but their voices are drowned out by the low, rumbling growl from Sunfyre. Aegon takes a step forward, his voice cold and resolute as he gives the command that seals his half-sister’s fate. “Dracarys.”
Sunfyre’s roar is deafening as flames erupt from his maw, engulfing Rhaenyra in a searing blaze. Her screams are short-lived, drowned in a cacophony of dragonfire and crackling flesh. Starfyre joins in, her breath cold and silver, mixing with Sunfyre’s golden flames in a mesmerizing yet horrifying display of raw power.
The smell of burning flesh and melting metal fills the air as the dragons tear into what remains of Rhaenyra, their jaws snapping and rending flesh. The lords and ladies bound beside her wail in despair, some of them collapsing to the floor as they are forced to watch the gruesome feast. Elinda Massey’s shrieks are especially piercing as she claws at her own eyes, unable to bear the sight.
But it isn’t over. Not yet.
Young Aegon, Rhaenyra’s last remaining son, stands paralyzed with terror, his small body trembling as he stares up at the dragons. You feel a pang of pity—he’s just a child, after all—but that pity is fleeting. This is the price of war, of ambition that knows no bounds. There can be no loose ends, no heirs to continue the cycle of bloodshed.
You turn your gaze away as Aegon gestures for the guards to push the boy toward the dragons. Sunfyre sniffs him, his nostrils flaring, but it’s Starfyre who moves first. She lowers her great head, her eyes glinting as she opens her jaws wide and snaps them shut around the child in one swift motion. There is no scream this time—just silence as she swallows him whole.
A hush falls over the throne room, broken only by the crackling of fire and the quiet sobbing of those left alive. Aegon turns to you, his expression unreadable, but you see the weariness in his eyes, the weight of everything that’s passed. “It’s done,” he says softly, and you feel the words settle like stones in your chest.
“Yes,” you whisper, your voice distant, “it’s done.”
The war may not be over, but this chapter has ended in blood and flame. You can only hope that, when the ashes settle, there will be something left to rebuild. Something more than this endless cycle of death.
But for now, all you can do is hold your children close and hope that the fire will fade, that peace will come in its wake—even if that peace is a fragile dream, trembling on the edge of a knife.
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The sun is low in the sky as your carriage finally creaks to a halt outside the Red Keep. The city is cloaked in uneasy silence—no cheers greet your return, no banners wave in celebration. King’s Landing feels hollow, as if the ghosts of those lost in the war still linger in its streets. You step out first, the weight of the crown heavy on your brow. Aegon follows, his limp more pronounced after the long journey, yet he holds his head high, his expression a mask of stoic resolve. Your children, Daena and Baelon, cling close to you, their wide eyes taking in the somber scene as they disembark from the carriage.
Ahead of you, standing at the base of the steps leading up to the Red Keep, is your mother, Queen Alicent, her face drawn with lines of sorrow and weariness. Beside her is Helaena, her once-luminous eyes now dulled by grief and loss. They are the last remnants of your family, the survivors of a war that has cost you all more than you could have imagined.
Alicent's breath hitches when she sees you, her eyes scanning you and Aegon as if needing to assure herself that you are truly there, alive and whole. Tears glisten in her eyes, and she covers her mouth with trembling fingers as her composure shatters. “My children,” she whispers, and it is as though the weight of years collapses in those words—years of fear, of war, of loss. She hurries forward, her regal bearing breaking into a desperate, motherly rush as she throws her arms around you both, clutching you as if afraid you might vanish like so many others.
“Oh, my children,” she sobs, her voice cracking with emotion. “You’ve returned to me.”
Aegon wraps his arm around her, his scarred hand shaking as he holds his mother close. “We have, Mother,” he says softly, though there’s a hollowness to his tone. The joy that might have been there is tainted by the ghosts of those who aren’t here to share this moment. “But we return to ashes.”
Alicent pulls back slightly, looking at the both of you with tear-streaked cheeks. “I prayed for this day—prayed every night that you would survive, that you would come back to us.” Her eyes flit to the children—her grandchildren—and fresh tears spill over. “But at what cost? Daeron, Aemond—” Her voice breaks entirely, and she covers her face, unable to continue.
Aegon’s jaw tightens. You see the storm of guilt and grief flash across his features as he looks away, unable to meet her gaze. You reach out and grasp Alicent’s hand, squeezing it tightly as you fight to hold back your own tears. “We all bear the weight of those losses,” you say quietly. “But we are here now, and we are together. We must hold on to that, for their sake.” You glance down at Daena and Baelon, who watch their grandmother with wide eyes, not fully understanding the depth of the grief surrounding them.
Helaena, who has been standing silently, finally steps forward. Her movements are slow, almost ghostly, as if she is a shadow of the woman she once was. Her gaze lingers on Aegon for a long moment, searching his eyes, before drifting to you. “The dreams never lie,” she murmurs, her voice distant and laced with sorrow. “They all fade, in fire and blood.” Her words are eerie, a chilling echo of all that has transpired, but they carry a truth that cuts deep. Helaena’s prophecies have always carried an edge of tragedy, and now, you see the weight of them fully realized in her vacant stare.
Aegon steps toward her, gently taking her hands in his. “We’re still here, Helaena,” he says softly, though there is a break in his voice. “You, Y/N, me, Mother—we’re still here. We will rebuild, for their memory.”
She nods slowly, but you see no hope in her eyes, only resignation. “They dance no more,” she whispers, looking past you as if seeing something far beyond the physical realm.
Alicent wipes at her tears, her hands shaking as she does so. “Come inside, all of you,” she says, her voice thick with emotion. “You need rest, and there’s much to discuss. But first, let us be together as a family.”
You nod, though the word “family” feels strange on your tongue now. So much of it has been torn away—brothers, sisters, sons. Yet, you follow Alicent and Helaena up the steps, Aegon at your side, your children between you. Inside the Red Keep, the warmth of the hearth contrasts sharply with the chill that clings to your soul. The familiar halls seem both comforting and haunted, each shadow hiding memories of the past.
Alicent leads you to the council chamber, where a small, intimate table has been set, not for matters of state, but for a quiet meal. Servants flit about with anxious glances, aware of the tragedy that hangs in the air like a storm cloud. You all sit, and for a long moment, no one speaks. The silence is heavy, broken only by the crackle of the fire.
Aegon is the one who finally breaks it, lifting his cup. “To those we’ve lost,” he says, his voice hoarse, barely more than a whisper. “And to those who still remain.”
You lift your own cup, feeling the burn of unshed tears behind your eyes. “To those who remain,” you echo, and the words are a fragile hope, a thread of unity in a world torn apart by fire and blood.
As you drink, you feel a sense of finality settling over the room. The war is over. The Dance has ended. But you know, deep down, that the scars it has left—on your family, on your kingdom, on your very soul—will never truly heal.
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The chamber is dimly lit by the soft glow of a few scattered candles, their flickering light casting something akin to ghots long forgotten on the walls. The room is familiar, yet it feels almost foreign after all the horrors you’ve endured—so much time lost to war and death, to bitterness and grief. But now, for the first time in what feels like ages, you’re alone with Aegon, away from the eyes of lords and courtiers, away from the weight of the crown and the ghosts of the past.
The door clicks shut behind you, sealing you both within the warmth of the chamber. Aegon pauses by the threshold, his hand still resting on the handle as he takes a deep breath, as if he’s trying to steady himself, to remember that he’s home. You watch him in the flickering candlelight, the lines of his face etched deeper from the burdens he’s carried, but he’s still the man you fell in love with, still the boy who smiled at you with mischief in his eyes.
He looks at you then, and the tension that’s been holding him rigid melts away. His gaze softens, filled with a longing that nearly breaks you. Without a word, he crosses the room and pulls you into his arms, burying his face in your hair as if he needs to feel you, to know you’re truly there. You wrap your arms around him, holding him tight, and for a moment, neither of you speak—there are no words for the relief, the overwhelming need to be close after so much time apart.
“I’ve missed this,” he murmurs into your hair, his voice rough and choked with emotion. “I’ve missed you. So much.”
You tilt your head back, meeting his gaze. His eyes are shadowed with pain and fatigue, but there’s a warmth there too, a flicker of the love that has always burned between you. “I never let myself forget,” you whisper, reaching up to trace the scar on his cheek, a mark from Rook’s Rest that he wears like a badge of survival. “Even in the darkest moments, I held onto us. I held onto you.”
Aegon’s hand comes up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing away a tear that slips free. “I don’t know how we did it,” he admits, his voice cracking. “But we’re here. We’ve made it through everything they threw at us, every nightmare. You were the light that kept me going, Y/N. You always have been.”
His words are like a balm to the ache in your heart, the wounds left by loss and betrayal. You lean into his touch, savoring the warmth of his palm against your skin, the familiarity of it. “We’ve lost so much,” you say softly, your voice trembling as memories of those you loved flash through your mind. “But we still have each other. As long as we have that, we can rebuild.”
Aegon’s lips quirk into a faint smile, though it’s tinged with sorrow. “You’re right. We still have each other. And I swear to you, Y/N, I’ll never let you go again. Never. We’ve been torn apart too many times, but that ends now. No more battles, no more wars. Just us.”
He bends down then, his forehead resting against yours as his hands cradle your face. “Promise me, Y/N,” he whispers, his breath warm against your lips. “Promise me we won’t let anything—or anyone—come between us ever again.”
You close the distance between you, capturing his lips in a kiss that’s tender but laced with a desperation that speaks of all the pain, the longing, the fear of losing one another. His hands slide to your waist, pulling you flush against him as he deepens the kiss, pouring everything he feels into it—his love, his regret, his need.
When you finally pull away, you’re both breathless, your heart pounding in your chest. “I promise,” you whisper against his lips. “No matter what comes, we face it as one. I won’t let you go either, Aegon. Not ever.”
The shadows in his eyes soften, replaced by a rare glimmer of peace as he rests his forehead against yours again. “Together, then. Always.”
The warmth between you grows as he slowly guides you toward the bed, the softness of the mattress beneath you a welcome comfort after all the cold, hard battles you’ve faced. He lays beside you, pulling you into his arms so that your bodies are entwined, your head resting against his chest as you listen to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. His fingers trail lazily through your hair, a touch that’s both soothing and intimate, grounding you in this moment.
You turn slightly in his embrace, pressing a kiss to the scarred skin of his chest, a reminder of how close you came to losing him. “You’re mine,” you murmur softly, your voice thick with emotion. “And I’m yours. No one will ever tear us apart again.”
His grip tightens around you, as if the very thought of losing you is unbearable. “I’ll spend the rest of my days proving that, Y/N,” he vows, his voice low and filled with a fierce protectiveness. “I’ll give you the peace we’ve been denied. We’ll raise our children, grow old together, just as we always dreamed.”
In the quiet of your shared chambers, there’s no need for crowns or titles, no need for anything but each other. The world outside is a distant memory as you close your eyes, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath your cheek, the warmth of his embrace wrapping around you like a protective shield. You let yourself drift in that moment, in the certainty that, no matter what comes, you and Aegon are what remains.
For now, there’s only peace, the kind you’ve fought so hard to find. And in the comfort of each other’s arms, you know that no matter how many battles you’ve fought, the war for your love is one you’ve already won.
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From this moment, the histories diverge depending on which account one prefers to trust: the sober record of Grand Maester Orwyle, the poetic tales of Septon Eustace, or the salacious rumors spread by the fool Mushroom. Yet all agree on the most important details: the years following the Dance of the Dragons were marked not by further bloodshed, but by an unexpected peace.
The Golden Restoration
The reign of King Aegon II and Queen Y/N saw a return to stability in the realm, albeit built on a foundation of ash and charred bones. The devastation left by the war was undeniable, yet it was under their rule that the rebuilding of King's Landing began. With Dowager Queen Alicent and Princess Helaena ever at their sides, the royal family focused on mending what was broken, both in the capital and within their own hearts.
Many lords whispered that it was Y/N, the Silver Queen, who held the true power in those years. Aegon, scarred both inside and out by the horrors of the Dance, found solace and strength in his wife, who had proven herself his equal in fire and resolve. Together, they were inseparable. It was said that not a single important decision was made without their mutual consent, and that in private moments, they ruled as one, much like Sunfyre and Starfyre—mates in both life and flame.
Their children, Princess Daena and Prince Baelon, grew strong and healthy under the care of their parents and grandmother, Alicent. The two were doted upon, not merely as heirs but as symbols of the future—unbroken despite the tragedy that had marked their early years. As time passed, the bond between Daena and Baelon deepened, mirroring that of their parents. It was said that they were closer than most siblings, so close that when they were of age, they wed in the tradition of House Targaryen, cementing their bloodline and continuing the ancient customs of their house.
The Brood of Sunfyre and Starfyre
In the year 137 AC, three eggs were laid in the royal dragonpit—eggs said to be the offspring of Sunfyre and Starfyre, the twin flames that had seared Rhaenyra Targaryen from the earth. Two of these eggs hatched, producing dragons of extraordinary beauty: one with scales of pale gold streaked with silver, and the other shimmering with blue-tinged starlight. These dragons were gifted to Daena and Baelon on their wedding day, marking the start of a new generation of dragonlords, free from the taint of the Dance.
Yet even in this time of renewal, darkness lingered in the shadows. Helaena never recovered fully from the loss of her own children and her brother-husband, Aemond. She remained a distant figure, often lost in her dreams and visions. Some say she foresaw her own death, whispering of “faded light” and “withered roses” in her last days. When she passed away in her sleep in 139 AC, it was whispered by Mushroom that she had seen a final vision: a land where the dragons had turned to dust, and no kings ruled but the winds.
Dowager Queen Alicent outlived her daughter by a scant two years. Her grief had aged her beyond her years, and she spent her final days in prayer, seeking forgiveness for the bloodshed her ambitions had caused. In her final hours, she clutched the hands of Aegon and Y/N, begging them to remember the lesson learned in blood: that the pursuit of power, when unchecked, only breeds ruin. It was said that Y/N, ever compassionate, was the one who comforted Alicent in her last breath, whispering that peace had been found at last.
The Passing of the Dragon-King and Queen
The final years of Aegon and Y/N’s reign were marked by a quiet contentment. They ruled justly, often seen together in council or riding their dragons above the skies of King's Landing. The scars of war never fully faded, but together they created a realm that prospered. Yet even the most enduring fires must one day burn out.
In the year 151 AC, King Aegon II and Queen Y/N were found dead in their shared chambers, lying in each other's arms as if asleep. Some claim they had simply grown weary, their bodies giving out after years of bearing the weight of the crown. Others, more fanciful in their tales, whisper that they passed together in a moment of shared peace, their hearts giving out at the exact same instant. Mushroom claims that a vial of poison was found beside their bed, suggesting they chose to leave the world together, unwilling to face a life without the other.
When their bodies were discovered, Sunfyre and Starfyre howled in mourning, their roars shaking the very walls of the Red Keep. The dragons, who had never been separated, circled the skies together before landing side by side in the dragonpit, refusing to be parted. In a rare display of affection between beasts, they nuzzled one another and remained in that position until the end of their days.
The bodies of Aegon and Y/N were burned together on a single pyre, their ashes mingling in a final union. Their reign was remembered as the “Golden Twilight,” a time when, for a brief, shining moment, the Targaryens had found peace. But even in this, the seeds of future strife were sown—two children, two dragons, and the legacy of fire and blood that would never truly be quenched.
Thus ended the tale of King Aegon II and Queen Y/N, the last Targaryens to die in each other's arms, bound in life and in death by the fires they had endured and the love they refused to surrender.
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bardic-tales · 1 year
FF OC Introduction: Uncharted
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Aries | Enneagram: 3w4 | ENTP
I'm not just a treasure hunter. I'm a master of seduction. The thrill of the chase is matched only by the thrill of igniting a fire within those who dare to cross my path.
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Welcome to the enigmatic world of Maxwell Powers, a treasure hunter, historian, and seductive rogue with a thirst for uncovering the mysteries of the past. Born on March 27, 1989, in the vibrant city of Boston, Massachusetts, Max was raised in a household where stories of ancient civilizations and daring explorations were woven into the very fabric of his being.
From an early age, Max's innate curiosity and love for history set him on a path of discovery. Pursuing a degree in Archeology and History at a prestigious college, he delved deep into the study of ancient civilizations, honing his skills as a historian and researcher. His dedication and passion garnered admiration from his professors and peers, establishing him as a rising star in the field.
It was during his college years that fate intervened, leading him to cross paths with Emma Reynolds, a spirited and ambitious young woman who shared his affinity for treasure hunting. Despite their differing approaches and a simmering rivalry, Max and Emma formed an unconventional bond that surpassed the boundaries of friendship and competition.
However, as the pursuit of their shared ambitions grew intense, Max found himself at a crossroads. Driven by his relentless ambition and the yearning for untamed adventures, he made a difficult decision to carve his own path, leaving Emma behind and severing both personal and professional ties. Their parting was marked by a bittersweet understanding that their destinies might intertwine once more in the treacherous world they both inhabited.
With his education complete, Max embarked on a career as an archaeologist, specializing in historical research and artifact analysis. His profound knowledge of ancient civilizations, coupled with his meticulous attention to detail, made him a highly sought-after expert in the field. Max's insatiable hunger for adventure and his unyielding determination led him to become a seasoned treasure hunter, renowned for his audacious expeditions and unrelenting pursuit of lost treasures.
It was in 2017, within the enchanting walls of a quaint tea house in Marrakech, that Max's fate took an unexpected turn. Niamh Donovan, accompanied by her trusted mentor, Victor Sullivan, stumbled upon Max, captivated by his enigmatic allure and undeniable charm. Little did Max know that this encounter would set in motion a series of events that would shape his journey as a treasure hunter and test the depths of his character.
Their meeting ignited a passionate and tumultuous affair, fueled by the intoxicating rush of shared adventures and the allure of the unknown. Max's magnetic personality and self-assured bravado left an indelible mark on Niamh. Yet, beneath the surface of their fiery connection, Max's underlying ambitions reared their head. In a moment of vulnerability and desire, he succumbed to the temptation to steal Niamh’s map leading to the coveted Eye of the Sahara, forever tainting their intimate night with the bitter taste of betrayal.
This encounter with Niamh set the stage for a complex and ever-evolving dynamic between Max, Niamh, and Sully. Their paths would intertwine time and again, driven by their shared pursuit of treasures and the lingering mix of attraction and resentment.
Max's encounters with Niamh remained an indelible presence in his life. The unfinished business and unresolved tension served as constant reminders of their intense connection. While Niamh's heart ultimately found solace in the embrace of Nathan Drake, Max couldn't help but be drawn back into the web of their shared history whenever their paths crossed.
Through introspection, forgiveness, and personal growth, Max sought redemption for his past actions. He learned from his mistakes, fostering a newfound sense of honor, integrity, and a genuine desire to seek artifacts of historical significance. The allure of wealth and fame lost its luster, replaced by a quest for self-discovery and the chance to rewrite his story.
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booplol · 2 years
Bad day?
Hello! This is a fic of 3 of my ocs! 
this is my first ff that i am posting so im sorry if it sucks 👍
  Rye opened the door to the small apartment and saw Ethan making food for them. "Hey love, how was your-"
  Rye was already gone and shut the door of the bedroom behind him. He took off his bag and coat and flopped on the bed for a sec. He was so tired, his boss was up his ass, his friend's dog got sick, he was in pain, everything that could have gone wrong today went wrong. He just could not think about talking to people right now.
 Knock knock.
"...Rye? You okay love?"
Ethan was definitely a bit annoyed she was ignored, but decided to put that aside and help their boyfriend.
"...I'm fine, sorry babe, can I have like 5 minutes to change?" "Of course, come out when you're done." Rye slightly smiled, he loved his partner so much. They made him feel so welcomed, Rye felt bad about what he did, so about five minutes later after changing into some pajamas, he went to the kitchen to check on Ethan.
"Hey babe, sorry about ignoring you, it's been a long day..." "Wanna talk about it?"
Rye sighed and laid his head on Ethan's shoulder. He explained all the bs he was put through that day, his boss, the customers, the dog, and whatever else. Ethan listened and finished making dinner for the three.
Ding dong!
"Hiiii did you miss me?"
Leaf shining like a bright star wheeled into the kitchen and gave Ethan a kiss before turning to Rye and smiling. Rye gave a half smile back and Leaf knew something was up. Rye is scared of telling Leaf some things because when xe know Rye is sad, they make is a war in order to make sure he is happy. Leaf immediately asked.
"Rye? What happened?" "W-what? Nothing! Just tired..." "No, that's a face of sadness, if you don't tell me right now mister, you know what I will do?" "WAIT! W-wait I know! I'll tell you..." "Wait, what will Leaf do?"
Ethan now clearly interested and mad he was not apart of this little secret he needed to know what it was now.
"N-NOTHING!! DON'T WORRY!" "Let's just say I have a way of getting him happy!"
Ethan was intrigued,
"Well, what is it?" "...Grab Rye and give him a bear hug."
Rye immediately bolted to his room, with Ethan chasing right behind him. Ethan's fighting experience mixed with his 6 day a week gym routine, he was much faster and stronger than Rye and gave him a bear hug. Leaf came in not long after and smiled deviously.
"Alright, you can't tell ANYONE. Got it?" "Uh... yeah got it."
Leaf grabbed Rye's hips and squeezed, with that squeeze was a following squeal. Following that was Rye's face turning bright red. Ethan know immediately what was going on.
"Ryeeee, how could you leave this from meeee?!" "Shuhuhuhut uhuhp!" "Hey! Don't talk to Ethan like that!"
Ethan lightly pressed Rye against the wall and started spidering his sides, causing him to slide down the wall. Leaf got out of the wheelchair cautiously, and sat on Rye's legs and poked at his knees. This sent him an octave higher than what he was before.
"Wowww, I have never seen him laugh like this before! It's so cute!" "It's more than cute! He loves it no matter what he tells you."
Rye could not handle the teasing and the tickling, it was unbearable!
Ethan had made it right next to his belly button, he started lightly scratching at the hole and, when I tell you he screamed, yes, he screamed.
Ethan was shocked, she has never seen their boyfriend so vulnerable before, it shocked him. He began scratching the bully button lighter, which reacted in squeaky giggles and hiccups.
"ehEEHEHEHEheehe. IhihIhih HahAHAataTehHEHE yohohoho GuYsS!" "Really? You think it's funny! Why can't we?"
Rye tried to kick, but that didn't work. Leaf eventually work xeir way to his feet. He shrieked and threw his head back, nearly smacking the wall and trying to escape this tickle torture! When Leaf scratched up and down his soles so lightly, he lost his composure and dignity. He thrashed and tried to escape, the ONE thing he could not take was this! Ethan let go of Rye's hands and joined Leaf who still had Rye's legs trapped. They both grabbed each foot and lightly tickled each foot.
Leaf heard these pleads and decided to slow down and go back to his knees, lightly tracing circles and squares and squiggles into the sensitive skin. Ethan went back to his boyfriend's torso and lightly scratched his sides. Rye's laughter died down into squeaky, quiet laughter.
"Do you feel better?" "Y-yehahaheahhaha."
As they stopped and Rye caught his breath entirely, Leaf turned to him,
"Rye, please don't be afraid to tell me things. I love you and respect you, okay?" "...yeah. I will. Thank you."
Beep! Beep! Beep!
"wtf... OH SHIT THE FOOD."
Hiii! Sorry this was shit, this is my first fic! I am very tired and maybe a bit high but y'know, slay.
So yea hope u likeditokbye.
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rodbei · 2 days
Lemon muffins
ok ok poookies long one because i forgot to do it the entire weekend and now its monday.
I got home saturday after the party, the train went fine even tho I HAD TO RUN TROUGH ANOTHER FUCKING BANEGÅRD CAUSE DSB FUCKING SUCKS and they changed the platform when i already moved to the wrong one and then i was late but i got home.. enentually they me and my dad went shopping for a new comforter for my bed and i also got a bluey bed sheet.. for reasons IT WAS RIGHT THERE I COULDEN TJUST NOT GET IT. i also had a ot of fun finding tounge twisters online like holy shit i annoyed the fuck out my dad, we also got groceries aaand went home. it was a very lazy weekend both my brother and sister were home me and my brother bought ice cream i watched twisted by starkid and made a movie watch list me and my brother also watched the fox and the hound, it was soo adorable and we baked lemon muffins and screamed to steven universe lyrics cause my brother is obbsessed with steven universe rn.
today i woke up at 5:30 bc me and my dad had to rive me up to schoo in viborg it was avery long boring ride cause my headset was dad also its rly rly foggy but i made it to school just in time like holy fuck. AND THEN RED WASENT THERE his bike had broken down both the tires were fuuucked anyway we had history wich was a movie i couldent see half the time like ffs it starred both REMUS LUPIN AND LEGOLAS LIKE TF, i had an muffin and random snack then we had math and that sucked major ass especially cause i wasent next to red so i was just soooo bored i did draw fanatr of bluet and my oc. and yapped with my bf's class mate.. that was intresting cause my bf told them i was a cis guy and made a joke about me having a small peen wich is funny and all BUT THIS DUDE SYMPHATISED WITH ME AND I CANT TELL IF IT WAS SARCASM?? that was a weird weird conversation especially cause i couldent resort back to my normal dumb girl thing online so i was so confuseed.
then we had english it was fine we had about fucking heart stopper and i was trying to not act like i obbsessed over the books and the soundtrack has me in a chokehold ITS BAD liek everyone was complaining its cringe and im just there midly freaking out CAUSE THE SOUNDTRACK RAAH
then me and red too the bus home cause now BOTH our bikes are fucked like comeon wtf his tires definety got fucked by some prick trying to steal his electric bike ffs. but we took the bus back or weel missed the first one took the next one cause stupid.
i helped him get their bike also got some dream cake from them cause their birthday is coming up and i wanna get them a lil gift.
then i finally got home forgot all about the film klub meeting and made dinner after a lot procrastination and watched st with my bf and yapped for so so long i fucking love that idiot the longer we spend toghter the goofier i get im cooked chat.
anyway i really need to sleep i properly missed some details.
Song of today: "first sight" - Adiescar Chase from heartstopper I CANT.
-Borei 23/09 - 2024 22:21
Also i love my brother and i hope he never changes
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 7 months
If DCLA characters had Tumblr part 13 🕺🏼
🧮 bestyoumixtournament Follow
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
I’m sorry??? I didn’t know there was a tournament for best youmix celebrity?! Why am I not in the finale?
🧮 bestyoumixtournament Follow
You lost the third round to Camila
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
HEY I’m the one who had an actual youmix career??!! Camila was only famous on youmix thanks to our school… that’s not a REAL celebrity
🎥 luz-camara-y-accion Follow
I’m more pissed that I’m not in the finale when I literally won the competition that got us all famous in the first place?
🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector Follow
Not to brag but me and Violetta had the most visited pages even if none of us won 💁🏻‍♀️ Not to mention if Violetta turned down the offer to be a youmix star then I would have been their next choice (they already offered tons of times for me to have a career in Italy 🤭)
This finale is completely expected and fair and both of us deserve to win 😁
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Why don’t you marry each other then smh
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🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Never go to a water park with @rapmiro it’s not worth it
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
We were in the middle of a pool when he suddenly jumped out of it and claimed I had peed in it (I hadn’t????)
Then he RAN OFF and I had to chase him I DIDN’T PEE IN THE POOL
😎 rapmiro Follow
You were smiling too much, like someone does when they pee in the pool
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Damn I didn’t know you were a pool wetter
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
… what
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
It’s like a bedwetter
but with pools
💍 queenoftherink Follow
What is this stupid conversation you are having? I get second hand embarrassment just reading it.
😎 rapmiro Follow
It’s you who decides to join in, you can just scroll by
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🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
I’ve gotten notifications but when I check them, nothing shows up. Is it a glitch?
🧢 everythingscominguponmaxi Follow
Could be. But it could also be someone you blocked who engages with your posts.
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
Who that I have blocked would want to engage so much with my posts?
🧢 everythingscominguponmaxi Follow
Hmm... well, I have my theories. Someone who likes to get involved with your love life and claims to be a real person, for example?
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
Ffs oh well I'm glad I can't see his posts then lmao
🥸 jeremias-realperson Follow
Who are you talking about? Whose posts can't you see?
I myself have a glitch where the ones I followed strangely enough do not show up unless someone else have reblogged from them... I can't even enter their blog!
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💅🏼 ja-jazmin Follow
Some people delete their oldest videos but I love to look back on them. It’s so fun!
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
Except when I’m in an old video of yours and people keep tagging me to this day laughing about the time I fell on the rink because for some reason you keep having that one up.
You didn’t even ask for my consent for that btw
💍 queenoftherink Follow
With all the things Jazmin has uploaded without consent I’m surprised she’s still not cancelled
💅🏼 ja-jazmin Follow
People love me! Also many people think everything in the videos are just acting
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
Oh my, imagine if we were acting...
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✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
I accidentally spilled water on an unsuspecting person... I was about to drink and slipped with my hand. I almost dropped it over the bridge but managed to catch it, but some water poured out on an unsuspecting person...
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🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
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🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Sometimes I think it was a blessing in disguise I didn't win that singing competition, considering the ones who won had to fake date people for drama and stuff. They would force me to date a man.
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Imagine an alternate reality where you and someone else won... that would be fun scenarios! 🤣
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Do you have the scenarios in your head?
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
You and Jazmin: She’d be so focused on her internet personality that they’d see you as the more ”serious” contestant. I think none of you would be force to date… maybe you, Jazmin I think they wouldn’t care so much about (sorry Jazmin), while they’d ask you a LOT about your love life 🙃 And if you have a boyfriend and is there someone you like🙃
You and Nico: No they’d try to make up that you two were dating each other 😭 Ugh what a mess
You and Ámbar: I think this could be interesting, since you two are so very different. Ámbar would have been seen as this ”mysterious” type that they can’t crack while they would portray you as the more ”down to earth girl with a secretive smile”. But a lot would be about them trying to uncover your secrets. So much press and paparazzi I’m afraid would be after you to try to figure out stuff.
💍 queenoftherink Follow
I think no matter what I’d drop out of the competition even if I won, because I tbh didn’t even wanna be a famous artist? I was supposed to go to Paris and study and shit, that would have just gotten in my way.
Although, the press could have had so much fun because I am so mysterious that I didn’t even know if I was lying or not myself 80% of the time.
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Me and Yam: I don't know if they would make up a story we would fake date. Rather I hope they'd focus on our respective talents <33
Me and Jazmin: We'd have a chill fun time too together <3
Me and Ámbar: Oh............. yeah Ámbar I think they'd speculate about our relationship definitely they would make EDITS of our tension
Me and Nico: This would have been the most chill and we would have so much fun together!!!
Matteo and Yam: I don't think they'd make you fake date because you have no chemistry /j Nah but I think it would keep you mostly separate as you have such different styles
Matteo and Jazmin: When I think about it Matteo would have no fake dating with anyone. They'd keep him and Jazmin separate too and only really have interviews with them together. But no competiton.
Matteo and Ámbar: Oh boy, you're exes, so they would def dig up old drama with you! How fun!
Matteo and Nico: Either very chill or very competitive and petty.
Ámbar and Jazmin: Would be pretty funny, I feel like both of you would compete for the spotlight (even if Ámbar would drop off later like you said)
Ámbar and Nico: Wow would you two even interact with each other Ámbar have you interacted with Nico ever
Jazmin and Nico: Hm... maybe like me and Jazmin, they'd have a chill fun time together!
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Hey Simón what the heck why is this something you sit and think about
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Don't you imagine scenarios sometimes?
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
No why would I? I live in the reality
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
You poor soul
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💍 queenoftherink Follow
Had a conversation with some people, where someone mentioned how they think their mom will be when they have children. And I replied casually ”My mom will never see my children.”
I got some sad looks from people. They thought either that I had a terrible relationship with her so that I’ve cut off all contact, or that she’s dead.
But no, she’s… just blind. She lost her eyesight. She will LITERALLY never see my children.
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🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector Follow
The moment where you walk down the street and someone speaks your native language and you're like !!!!!!!!! I can understand you!!!
😎 rapmiro Follow
That's not much, I hear my native language being spoken every day! x)
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🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
Question for everyone: What would you do if your parents suddenly got on tumblr and saw your posts?
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
I have nothing to hide and they wouldn't care much anyway. Probably even think some of my posts were funny and clever.
💍 queenoftherink Follow
If it was a few years ago I'd be terrified, but now I would wonder who helped set up an account and if they sit and read out loud everything or what? Like imagine someone sitting next to her, reading every meme out loud to her
📸 felicityfornow Follow
My parents already know, but if they'd have an account here then I'd post everything on a new anonymous account.
More anonymous than this blog was back in the day before everyone found out my name isn't actually Felicity.
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📸 felicityfornow Follow
I've gotten like 15 asks now saying "Your name isn't Felicity?!"
No. It is not. When you're online you shouldn't use your own name for your safety. At the same time, people lying about their names when chatting with people can be deemed as catfishes. So, I guess you can't truly win.
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“No one would notice. No one would know.”
Looking for a saviour in these dirty streets
I've been raising up my hands, drive another nail in
So 1:16 is doubly resonant because last week when I fell yet again, I stuck my hand out to catch myself and I did…on a spike. Which is why I have stitches for the first time in thirty years. “So you have a stigmata” my big sister said.
Park that car, drop that phone, sleep in the floor, Dream About Me
The films that I made
Forget that I’m fifty cause ya just got paid
You start professing that you’re knocking me dead
You sold me illusions, a bag full of checques (ah the money Psychic Jakk and I were promised day after day, 80k I think one tape said it was for what they did to our brains and our sex)
Don’t you want to be my fantasy?
Cmon Baby, let’s b-b-ball
Let’s pretend we’re married and go all night; I won’t stop til the morning light (ah yes the ring that was stolen off my finger, supposedly by PJ, but that “married” me to Blond)
And can we please for the love of God talk about what you did on the Fourth of July, ffs?
I’ll be following you
Watching your every move
prison bars will taunt you till you’re dead
Where did they all go? Hear the voice of God on the radio
“she fell down the well and broke her head.
On her recovery her sight returned, a fluke of nature everyone said.
I would tell her when she started at me, with her eyes wide and watery, that they reminded me of the well she fell into.
She liked this, it made her laugh.” (I fell into a well when I was 4 because I was chasing a balloon)
Please hold the light
And I can’t believe it took me this long
I’ve seen this storyline played out so many times before 
Oh, what a hell of a show….
but what I want to know is what exactly do you do for an encore?
Because this is hardcore. 
Go back to bed America your government has figured out how it all transpired.
“You are free to do as we tell you. You are free to do as we tell you.”
“I want to see a spike go through her eyeball. “
“They want to kill each other, I’m filming it.”
You'll find my key beneath the mat—-this is the song of the day. I sent J a text several times saying I was leaving my key under the mat for him, not realizing his better half (?) was reading everything. That move ended up truly destroying my life as I knew it. The TR def did a lot of awful black magick to us, but it was brought to a whole other level when I left my keys there.
It’s safe to say there were a lot of copies made.
I'm not that hard to find
Tell her she can look me up if she's got the Time
Just a small town girl livin' in a lonely world
Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit
Buying lies and stealing jokes and laughing every time I choke
Biding all the time you took
Now I know why you've been taken
I think I just fell in love with a pornstar; turn the camera on, she a born star
Have you lost your mind?
You could hear the loudest screams comin' from inside the screen, you a wild bitch
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang
Nothin' to hide, we both screwed the bridesmaids
Ancient Healing to undo this mess
If you really love me there's no way to tell
I'm always arriving when you say farewell
In all of my dreams we are husband and wife
I'lI never forget you all of my life
The weight of the fam is on our back and we can't fall
“I love the way she cries.”
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the-book-queen · 2 years
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Hide your wallets, it’s that time again! #TBQsBookDeals
Your Friday thread of #romancedeals is ready, FREE to $1.99. Happy shopping! 📚❤
  FREE ✦ What I Like About You by Kait Nolan
He's a former Army Ranger working at her father's horse ranch. She's just about finished with law school.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3G0KOgg 
FREE ✦ Seaside Summers by Melissa Foster
3 books, including:
~ Second chance, he's a boat craftsman
~ She's a cellist, he's a tech billionaire
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3Q8BuLN 
$0.99 ✦ Junkyard Dog by Katja Desjarlais
She's a park ranger, he's a hellhound on a mission from Hades.
Paranormal Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3vqnhAm 
$0.99 ✦ Falling for the Ice Queen by Cynthia Eden
He's a former bounty hunter now working on cold cases and chasing a killer. She's a society ice queen.
Romantic Suspense (MF) | https://amzn.to/3jAka6b 
$1.99 ✦ Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur
Second chance/childhood friends. Wedding planner + social media astrologist.
I enjoyed this one.
Contemporary Romance (FF) | https://amzn.to/3PZRW0G 
 Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq 
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sunsetscurving · 5 years
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Ch. 1
ao3 link
In a world where reincarnation is common and excepted, people stopped to care for a reason or how many times they already lived – they have no memory of their past life anymore.
But Lucas Lallemant can feel that this isn’t his first life, some shreds of his former life still present in his new one. He has this feeling that something from his past life tied him so much to it that he has to find it again in his new life.
Something. Or someone.
It’s been 6960 days since he last saw Lucas.
19 years and 35 days.
An eternity for some people. Nearly two decades.
But not for Eliott. For Eliott, it could have been two eternities or only some minutes. Time started to work differently for him.
All he wanted was to die when he lost him all those years ago. All he wanted was to bury himself alive or disappear into the deepest deep of hell where he belonged after all of that happened. There hasn’t been a day where stopped reproaching him for what happened and how he simple could have let it happen.
I could have saved him.
Eliott was doing his daily walk through the city when the thoughts of it all occupied him again, looking around with curiosity and trying to distract himself through that. Things changed when you were immortal, things changed a lot. And Eliott learned to see every little change, no matter if it was a new bench on the side of the street or a new person working in his favorite coffee shop. When you already lived for countless years, some tiny and minor changes could lift up your whole year.
He was tucking his hands in the pockets of his a caramel brown jacket, the hood of his hoodie hiding his messy hair and his flushed cheeks. The cold morning air felt good on his face and when he walked past the bus station, something inside him twisted, memories of forgotten times surfacing again.
There was never a minute where he didn’t think about him. Everything reminded Eliott of him, a stupid bus station making him shiver with longing.
But he’s gone and that’s your fault.
Eliott was rounding a corner now, slowly coming to a stop when he reached the college he was currently attending. Leaning against a brick wall, he was watching the students coming out of the college, chatting about their last lecture or the homework they had. He already studied a lot in his life and he didn’t need it to survive. But it would be too obvious for a boy who looked 20 years old to not do… anything. And in this way, he had a task. Something to do. A reason to stand up in the morning and not to stay in bed all day, thinking and thinking and thinking.
And suddenly, while standing at the corner and watching the students spill out of the college, Eliott’s world stopped spinning.
Oh my…
Time lost its meaning as he watched someone coming out of that building and his heart was surely not beating at all or currently jumping out of his chest, Eliott didn’t know and he didn’t care. Eliott blinked rapidly, trying to calm down. But there was no calming down – not now and not ever if this what he just saw was true.
This is not real. This is a dream. This is not real.
“Hey, Lucas. There you are”, said a boy with blonde hair and glasses, greeting the other boy with a handshake.
Eliott had heard this name so often when he was in public, swirling around at the sound of it, his heart beating too fast. The disappointment then was even worse than the possibility to see him again.
But this time, no disappointment crushed Eliott like a giant wave.
This time, his heart kept beating faster and faster and Eliott had the feeling to faint.
His whole world suddenly was colorful again and it seemed like everything had a meaning again. Since he was gone, everything seemed dull to Eliott, he seemed numb to so many things he usually enjoyed or loved, forgetting how to be truly happy. It seemed like he took all the light and hope from Eliott with him.
And now he was standing there, only a few meters away from him.
Eliott needed to steady himself with one arm on the wall next to him.
This was Lucas.
His Lucas.
I missed you so much.
And he looked as beautiful and cute and hot as ever. He didn’t look like he died in Eliott’s arms.
Eliott felt his feet moving towards Lucas on their own accord, his arms wanting to close around the other smaller boy and to hold him as tightly as he could, never ever letting go of him. But he couldn’t do that. Because Lucas didn’t know who Eliott was. Because Lucas died and was reincarnated, like so many other people on this planet were too. Eliott often saw the same faces again after several years passed, the others not knowing Eliott or anything else about their former life.
There was no system who was reincarnated and who was not. It seemed kind of random but Eliott knew that everyone who was reincarnated had a reason why fate choose to give them another life.
When someone was reincarnated, their other life was erased – every memory connected to them disappeared from the minds of the people they knew, who were their family or their friends. People usually were reincarnated with their same body and their same name because of this. Their former life, their former self just didn’t… exist anymore. Like it never was there in the first place.
But there were expectations. There were people who don’t apply to that rule. People who didn’t forget about the reincarnated people.
And Eliott, being immortal, was one of those people.
Eliott was pinching himself in his arm now, afraid that Lucas was some kind of hallucination. That the long time Eliott looked for his boy in the crowds of people, trying to find a short boy with brownish, messy hair, were starting to get on his nerves and his mind. That fate started to play a game with him, punishing him for all the mistakes he already did in his immortal life. But when Eliott opened his eyes again, Lucas was still standing there, now laughing at a joke one of the boys in their group made and Eliott’s whole world seemed to light up as he saw the other boy laughing.
He is real. He is back. I have another chance.
Eliott swore Lucas that he would never forget him. And he didn’t. And Eliott had been praying to some kind of higher force that Lucas would be reincarnated. And now his wish came true.
And Lucas knew nothing about Eliott at all.
But Eliott would change that, if Lucas would let him. He had the feeling that their love was one of the reasons why Lucas was being reincarnated. Their love being so strong that it could even beat death and everything else.
And this time, things would end differently. Eliott would make sure of that.
Eliott smiled slightly. This was real. This was not some kind of weird dream.
It’s been one minute since he last saw Lucas. Lucas Lallemant, the love of his life.
In Lucas’ world, reincarnation was common and expected. Everyone knew about the possibility of reincarnation. No one asked why, no one cared about how often they were already reincarnated. No one had any memories from their past life.
No one except Lucas.
Lucas just knew that he was reincarnated. He didn’t have any proof, he just felt it. He felt it in the way his dreams were so vivid and lively that they couldn’t be just only dreams. He felt it in the way his mind recognized certain places he never saw before in this life. And he felt it in the way of this strange pull which seemed to say: Come. Find me.
There was a reason he was being reincarnated and he needed to find out what this reason was.
Lucas was absent with his thoughts while Yann and Basile talked, Arthur adding some stuff to their discussion. They always said that Lucas was a dreamer, constantly in thoughts and captured by little things. And maybe this was true. He never talked about his possible former life with his friends and as much as Lucas loved them, he just knew that they wouldn’t understand it. The whole society knew that there was a possibility of reincarnation and often it was guessed what their former life was about, especially in the young generation of Lucas. But no one really knew of their reincarnation. Not like Lucas knew it.
So he kept his feelings to himself, often being occupied by thoughts so that it looked like Lucas was dreaming about some boy he saw in the hallway of their college, his friends tending to mock him about it.
A loud noise came from the door of the college being thrown against the wall behind it and Lucas jumped, panic raising inside of him, his breathing quickening rapidly and the stream of thoughts forgotten.
“Hey bud… Are you okay?”, asked Yann as he saw how panicked his best friend was. Yann always knew when something was wrong. Lucas just nodded and took a deep breath.
“I just…”
He was not sure what this all was about. He was not sure why he always jumped at loud noises, why he seemed to hate everything connected to an explosive sound. His friends looked at him, Arthur biting his lip slightly before speaking.
“Have you ever thought about the possibility that your phonophobia comes from your possible former life?”
Everyone was staring at Arthur now, especially Lucas whose heart was now racing.
He can’t know about it.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”, asked Lucas while huffing a laugh. But inside, Lucas was actually dead serious.
“I’ve heard that our phobias come from the way we died in our former life”, answered Arthur and shrugged as if he just hadn’t told them something bigger than they could ever imagine. Basile was staring at him, his mouth slightly open.
“This is absolutely crazy”, he whispered quietly as if they are sharing a big secret, “Crazy in a cool way.”
Lucas was turning his head in Basile’s direction and Yann was dramatically slamming his face in his hand.
“Only you can think of something as ‘cool’ which is connected to dying and phobias”, said Yann muffled through the hand on his face and Lucas couldn’t help but smile.
“This is bullshit, Arthur”, said Lucas quickly before Basile could protest to the things Yann said, “I mean, why should this be connected to my possible former life? How did I die, then? Through a fucking door which was slammed against a wall and I was standing behind that door or what?”
“You would have died as a sandwich between a wall and a door.”
Everyone was staring at Basile again, a look of pure confusion on their faces and Lucas asked himself for the thousandth time if Basile even had a brain or any braincell at all.
“Basile, what the actually fuck”, whispered Yann unbelievable and everyone erupted into laughter. His friends made it again – they freed Lucas from his dark and deep thoughts.
“Okay, now I’m hungry. What about some sandwiches at mine?”, suggested Arthur and this plan was greeted with a please nodding.
“But we won’t eat Lucas, the sandwich between wall and door, right?”
“Shut up, Basile”, said Lucas, Yann and Arthur in a choir before the boys started to walk to Arthur’ house, laughing all the way.
Lucas was on the back of that group, smiling and listening to their conversation, when he suddenly felt a gaze on his back. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. His eyes immediately found the pair of eyes which were staring at him and Lucas went hot and cold in the span of mere seconds.
The boy was beautiful.
Really beautiful.
He couldn’t see his eyes which were hidden under his hood but he knew that they must be breathtaking. Lucas was instantly taking a step in the direction of that stranger staring at him, but with the next blink, he was gone. Lucas stopped and looked around, searching for any sign of that stranger.
Did I only imagine him or…
Lucas looked over his shoulder, seeing his friends waiting for him and he looked back to the place where the stranger disappeared as fast as he appeared.
Maybe Lucas really only imagined him.
But why could he still feel his heart racing?
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