sunsetscurving · 5 years
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Ch. 1
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In a world where reincarnation is common and excepted, people stopped to care for a reason or how many times they already lived – they have no memory of their past life anymore.
But Lucas Lallemant can feel that this isn’t his first life, some shreds of his former life still present in his new one. He has this feeling that something from his past life tied him so much to it that he has to find it again in his new life.
Something. Or someone.
It’s been 6960 days since he last saw Lucas.
19 years and 35 days.
An eternity for some people. Nearly two decades.
But not for Eliott. For Eliott, it could have been two eternities or only some minutes. Time started to work differently for him.
All he wanted was to die when he lost him all those years ago. All he wanted was to bury himself alive or disappear into the deepest deep of hell where he belonged after all of that happened. There hasn’t been a day where stopped reproaching him for what happened and how he simple could have let it happen.
I could have saved him.
Eliott was doing his daily walk through the city when the thoughts of it all occupied him again, looking around with curiosity and trying to distract himself through that. Things changed when you were immortal, things changed a lot. And Eliott learned to see every little change, no matter if it was a new bench on the side of the street or a new person working in his favorite coffee shop. When you already lived for countless years, some tiny and minor changes could lift up your whole year.
He was tucking his hands in the pockets of his a caramel brown jacket, the hood of his hoodie hiding his messy hair and his flushed cheeks. The cold morning air felt good on his face and when he walked past the bus station, something inside him twisted, memories of forgotten times surfacing again.
There was never a minute where he didn’t think about him. Everything reminded Eliott of him, a stupid bus station making him shiver with longing.
But he’s gone and that’s your fault.
Eliott was rounding a corner now, slowly coming to a stop when he reached the college he was currently attending. Leaning against a brick wall, he was watching the students coming out of the college, chatting about their last lecture or the homework they had. He already studied a lot in his life and he didn’t need it to survive. But it would be too obvious for a boy who looked 20 years old to not do… anything. And in this way, he had a task. Something to do. A reason to stand up in the morning and not to stay in bed all day, thinking and thinking and thinking.
And suddenly, while standing at the corner and watching the students spill out of the college, Eliott’s world stopped spinning.
Oh my…
Time lost its meaning as he watched someone coming out of that building and his heart was surely not beating at all or currently jumping out of his chest, Eliott didn’t know and he didn’t care. Eliott blinked rapidly, trying to calm down. But there was no calming down – not now and not ever if this what he just saw was true.
This is not real. This is a dream. This is not real.
“Hey, Lucas. There you are”, said a boy with blonde hair and glasses, greeting the other boy with a handshake.
Eliott had heard this name so often when he was in public, swirling around at the sound of it, his heart beating too fast. The disappointment then was even worse than the possibility to see him again.
But this time, no disappointment crushed Eliott like a giant wave.
This time, his heart kept beating faster and faster and Eliott had the feeling to faint.
His whole world suddenly was colorful again and it seemed like everything had a meaning again. Since he was gone, everything seemed dull to Eliott, he seemed numb to so many things he usually enjoyed or loved, forgetting how to be truly happy. It seemed like he took all the light and hope from Eliott with him.
And now he was standing there, only a few meters away from him.
Eliott needed to steady himself with one arm on the wall next to him.
This was Lucas.
His Lucas.
I missed you so much.
And he looked as beautiful and cute and hot as ever. He didn’t look like he died in Eliott’s arms.
Eliott felt his feet moving towards Lucas on their own accord, his arms wanting to close around the other smaller boy and to hold him as tightly as he could, never ever letting go of him. But he couldn’t do that. Because Lucas didn’t know who Eliott was. Because Lucas died and was reincarnated, like so many other people on this planet were too. Eliott often saw the same faces again after several years passed, the others not knowing Eliott or anything else about their former life.
There was no system who was reincarnated and who was not. It seemed kind of random but Eliott knew that everyone who was reincarnated had a reason why fate choose to give them another life.
When someone was reincarnated, their other life was erased – every memory connected to them disappeared from the minds of the people they knew, who were their family or their friends. People usually were reincarnated with their same body and their same name because of this. Their former life, their former self just didn’t… exist anymore. Like it never was there in the first place.
But there were expectations. There were people who don’t apply to that rule. People who didn’t forget about the reincarnated people.
And Eliott, being immortal, was one of those people.
Eliott was pinching himself in his arm now, afraid that Lucas was some kind of hallucination. That the long time Eliott looked for his boy in the crowds of people, trying to find a short boy with brownish, messy hair, were starting to get on his nerves and his mind. That fate started to play a game with him, punishing him for all the mistakes he already did in his immortal life. But when Eliott opened his eyes again, Lucas was still standing there, now laughing at a joke one of the boys in their group made and Eliott’s whole world seemed to light up as he saw the other boy laughing.
He is real. He is back. I have another chance.
Eliott swore Lucas that he would never forget him. And he didn’t. And Eliott had been praying to some kind of higher force that Lucas would be reincarnated. And now his wish came true.
And Lucas knew nothing about Eliott at all.
But Eliott would change that, if Lucas would let him. He had the feeling that their love was one of the reasons why Lucas was being reincarnated. Their love being so strong that it could even beat death and everything else.
And this time, things would end differently. Eliott would make sure of that.
Eliott smiled slightly. This was real. This was not some kind of weird dream.
It’s been one minute since he last saw Lucas. Lucas Lallemant, the love of his life.
In Lucas’ world, reincarnation was common and expected. Everyone knew about the possibility of reincarnation. No one asked why, no one cared about how often they were already reincarnated. No one had any memories from their past life.
No one except Lucas.
Lucas just knew that he was reincarnated. He didn’t have any proof, he just felt it. He felt it in the way his dreams were so vivid and lively that they couldn’t be just only dreams. He felt it in the way his mind recognized certain places he never saw before in this life. And he felt it in the way of this strange pull which seemed to say: Come. Find me.
There was a reason he was being reincarnated and he needed to find out what this reason was.
Lucas was absent with his thoughts while Yann and Basile talked, Arthur adding some stuff to their discussion. They always said that Lucas was a dreamer, constantly in thoughts and captured by little things. And maybe this was true. He never talked about his possible former life with his friends and as much as Lucas loved them, he just knew that they wouldn’t understand it. The whole society knew that there was a possibility of reincarnation and often it was guessed what their former life was about, especially in the young generation of Lucas. But no one really knew of their reincarnation. Not like Lucas knew it.
So he kept his feelings to himself, often being occupied by thoughts so that it looked like Lucas was dreaming about some boy he saw in the hallway of their college, his friends tending to mock him about it.
A loud noise came from the door of the college being thrown against the wall behind it and Lucas jumped, panic raising inside of him, his breathing quickening rapidly and the stream of thoughts forgotten.
“Hey bud… Are you okay?”, asked Yann as he saw how panicked his best friend was. Yann always knew when something was wrong. Lucas just nodded and took a deep breath.
“I just…”
He was not sure what this all was about. He was not sure why he always jumped at loud noises, why he seemed to hate everything connected to an explosive sound. His friends looked at him, Arthur biting his lip slightly before speaking.
“Have you ever thought about the possibility that your phonophobia comes from your possible former life?”
Everyone was staring at Arthur now, especially Lucas whose heart was now racing.
He can’t know about it.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”, asked Lucas while huffing a laugh. But inside, Lucas was actually dead serious.
“I’ve heard that our phobias come from the way we died in our former life”, answered Arthur and shrugged as if he just hadn’t told them something bigger than they could ever imagine. Basile was staring at him, his mouth slightly open.
“This is absolutely crazy”, he whispered quietly as if they are sharing a big secret, “Crazy in a cool way.”
Lucas was turning his head in Basile’s direction and Yann was dramatically slamming his face in his hand.
“Only you can think of something as ‘cool’ which is connected to dying and phobias”, said Yann muffled through the hand on his face and Lucas couldn’t help but smile.
“This is bullshit, Arthur”, said Lucas quickly before Basile could protest to the things Yann said, “I mean, why should this be connected to my possible former life? How did I die, then? Through a fucking door which was slammed against a wall and I was standing behind that door or what?”
“You would have died as a sandwich between a wall and a door.”
Everyone was staring at Basile again, a look of pure confusion on their faces and Lucas asked himself for the thousandth time if Basile even had a brain or any braincell at all.
“Basile, what the actually fuck”, whispered Yann unbelievable and everyone erupted into laughter. His friends made it again – they freed Lucas from his dark and deep thoughts.
“Okay, now I’m hungry. What about some sandwiches at mine?”, suggested Arthur and this plan was greeted with a please nodding.
“But we won’t eat Lucas, the sandwich between wall and door, right?”
“Shut up, Basile”, said Lucas, Yann and Arthur in a choir before the boys started to walk to Arthur’ house, laughing all the way.
Lucas was on the back of that group, smiling and listening to their conversation, when he suddenly felt a gaze on his back. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. His eyes immediately found the pair of eyes which were staring at him and Lucas went hot and cold in the span of mere seconds.
The boy was beautiful.
Really beautiful.
He couldn’t see his eyes which were hidden under his hood but he knew that they must be breathtaking. Lucas was instantly taking a step in the direction of that stranger staring at him, but with the next blink, he was gone. Lucas stopped and looked around, searching for any sign of that stranger.
Did I only imagine him or…
Lucas looked over his shoulder, seeing his friends waiting for him and he looked back to the place where the stranger disappeared as fast as he appeared.
Maybe Lucas really only imagined him.
But why could he still feel his heart racing?
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Missed these two
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ashxketchum · 2 years
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DIGIWEEK (2022) DAY 4 - “give me another chance, I wanna grow up once again”
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some dumb dmmd memes I just made
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sakasakiii · 3 years
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your art. It gives me such JOY. I'm new to the Silm fandom, but goddamn, I'm glad I found you. Your bratty Fëanor is my favorite. I love how he bothers Nerdanel and whines for her attention like a sideswiped puppy, how he pesters his brothers with unnecessary rivalry, and traumatizes his children with questionable parenting. If you're taking requests, I'd happily see more of them, or whatever you may have lying around 👉👈
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NONNIES!!! thank you so SO much for all the kind words gahhaHA i must say, reading these *ABSOLUTELY* had me in hysterics 😂 you guys have their dynamic down pat!!! the way Feanor is described, it makes him seem like a public fiend or something and honestly?? i think that's the most accurate version of him, even pre-Silmarils lmao. this is gold, im done, i could retire my pen and tablet in this very moment and be forever fulfilled HAHAHAH
your wishes are my command!!! luckily there are a few feanerdanel doodles here and there in my mostly-maedhros filled drawer hoohoo.... here are some lighthearted pieces i did over the course of the past two months (which explains the mismatched dates heehe 👀)
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also, just rereading the phrase "sideswiped puppy" has had it resonating in my head nonstop this whole morning............
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in all seriousness though, thank you both so much AGAIN for taking the time to write such lovely asks!!! each one is such a joy to reread and take in eeugahsdhh 🥺🥺💓 it really means a lot to know you both enjoy my works?? hearing things like that is just.... wild, man.... Apologies this has taken so long, but thanks again for the well-wishes on my exams!! ill put out a post later explaining my absence, but this has been SUCH a sweet thing to return to 💓💓 have a happy new year's eve (or new year even!!!), and cheers to a great 2022 to come!
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mihotose · 2 years
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love-songs-for-emma · 2 years
how soon after will broke up with hannibal in "digestivo," do u think he regretted it? vote now in the comments below! (mostly /j)
a) as soon as he saw him in that prison jumpsuit for the tooth fairy case
b) the moment he set foot in the same court room as him during hannibal's trial
c) when hannibal revealed himself from the shadows of will's house & surrended to jack
d) the moment the words left his mouth
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vixenofthemist · 3 years
I've gotten into the AA games and honestly I'm obsessed with how at first glance Klapollo is a rock star x normal guy ship and from that u would assume the intrigue and drama comes from normal guy being thrown into the world of stardom and fame when really it's Rock Star who has to like sit down and process every other tidbit Normal Guy drops about his past lmao
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Love’s Wrecks (An Our Flag Means Death Series)
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Author’s declaration towards altering the cannon:
With all honesty and adoration, Our Flag Means Death is an amazing, colorful series full of an amazing cast that has soul and heart. Everything from performances to soundtrack, set design, and the story is thought through and somewhat historically accurate, give or take a few things. Most importantly, what this show does, is give us a canonically confirmed queer couple - more than one in this regard. Olu and Jim (a non-binary character), Lucius and Pete (they somewhat open and queer relationship), and of course, Edward and Stede by the end of the series. The journeys all the couples go through are realistic and heartwarming.
In this series, I am using a female reader as an outlet that perceives the story. I don’t want to use a male reader since I have no experience writing this format and I don’t wanna come across as rude and disrespectful towards the audience.   Historically, Blackbeard was rumored to have many relationships with women, however flawed and troublesome these relationships were just as he was rumored to be inclined to have Stede around for most of his short-lived career as a pirate. For as long as I remember, the show doesn’t inform the audience that Edward Teach (born on a beach) is specifically labeled under one sexual orientation (if I am wrong, please correct me) - the show informed the audience, very explicitly and clearly, that he is, indeed, a canonically queer character.
For said reasons, I chose to go with the fem!reader perspective and perceive Ed as a bisexual.
I want to apologize to all readers that might be upset with me altering the cannon in their eyes, I don’t want to bring any heteronormativity into such a pure, queer show. Also, I plan on talking and focusing on the relationship between Stede and Edward pretty thoroughly in the first part of the story. I wanna respect it as much as I possibly can.
I also won’t be focusing on Ed only; I’d like to kind of play and toy around with the group dynamic the crew has, I would like to give them their time and space to shine, to be witty and funny, to be friends as well. I wanna connect to the dynamic David, Taika, Rhys, the cast and everyone working on the show had established before.
I hope you, as a reader, will accept this reasoning and enjoy the series for what it is.
The declaration:
I wow to respect most of the cannon’s rules except these ones: - Lucius is “dead”, as Edward claimed. His survival is explained in the first chapter. - The crew is left behind on an isolated island. Also explained in the first chapter; I think it’s kind of logical that a ship of the size of the Revenge needs more men than what Edward kept onboard - and a skilled captain, he realized that. He kicked them off, sure, but he came back after a day or two.
Description: Heartbreak is one hell of a bitch. And one Edward Teach could tell you all about it. Yet thanks to Fate being a little trickster, there’s a person who enters his life to remind him of how nice it is of having someone he can confide in, someone he can care about, and someone he can trust. To remind him, what it means to have a friend for better or worse.
Tagging: @missdictatorme, @soliyra-the-sunbringer​
Pairing: Edward Teach x fem!reader | Playlist for the series:   h e r e
Read here: 
Part One: Fate’s Games 
Part Two: A Member of the Crew
Part Three: The Tea Brewer
Part Four: The Man Behind the Myth
Part Five:  One Step at a Time
Part Six: My Jolly Sailor Bold 
Part Seven: Basking in the Moonlight 
Part Eight: The Criminal Mastermind, Part 1. 
Part Nine: The Criminal Mastermind, Part 2.
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accursedvoid · 2 years
Honestly, Owen and Beru being willing to immediately throw hands with an inquisitor on sight - legends only.
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rusycchi · 3 years
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literally the embodiment of head empty but 'deku' for 24/7 😫✋
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rhiezus · 2 years
“ you really make my days, you know that? ” // a heteroatividade do hyunki x hyanggi
it was just an apple pie and she didn't even make it herself, she only brought it from the cute bakery she explored earlier. it was incredibly different strolling through paris on her own now than it was when she was a high school student on a trip with her friends. the sights, the smells, the people, the noises... everything felt more livid even more charming than before. the first time she was here, she lost most of her money in handbags she was never gonna use and drank for the first time on the balcony of the hotel while scream-crying to kpop songs because she was homesick most of the time. now following her own kpop boy across the world for a few days felt like walking in a dream that her subconscious mind would never articulate on her own. honestly, she wasn't sure she was even there at all, and differently from what she would have expected, she was feeling like a once-in-a-lifetime well-deserved vacation for both of them even though hyunki was actually working. at least now with her in the hotel room, he wouldn't have the alone time to write another song.
she laid the apple pie on the table alongside the other delicacies she brought to try on nicely, tried out the new dress she also couldn't resist but to take with her and the stupid stuffed animal pillow she instantly thought of hyunki when she laid her eyes on — now he would think twice before boarding on an airplane without one and getting neck pains. hyanggi was feeling incredibly well after a shower, watching television on her own and killing time constantly looking at the hours passing by on her phone. she knew better than to wait, of course, but she still would if it meant seeing the cheerful smile on her boyfriend's face coming back to her after a long day. and so she did about a minute or so ago when he entered the hotel room, she was lucky his members gladly gave away a few days of privacy for them to enjoy on their own. they weren't even hesitant about hyanggi traveling a day after them, in fact, billie and hizhi were the first to meet her in the lobby while politely sending her the coordinates to the floor and rooms in which they were staying at. it was her first time doing something as recklessly as this, but it was what she bargained for and she had to admit it was also really exciting.
instead of replying to him at first glance she did what she wanted instead — hyanggi leaped both feet on the bed and held both her arms to hug hyunki by the shoulders, making her slightly taller than him in the cutest of ways. he smelled like he was fresh off the shower, his hair was dry but it was windy outside and he seemed fragile under her embrace which made her melt even more into it. there was not a single doubt on her mind, that was the place she wanted to be and nowhere else in the world could compare. they stayed for a little way like that until she started moving their bodies side to side in a rhythm way but not for too long or she would fear him sleeping just like that. she motioned to stop, loosened her arms, and stared at his eyes for a moment before finally speaking. "hi." her voice sounded more softly than she intended, her cheeks were blushing now because it didn't matter that they dated for god knows how long, standing so close to hyunki still had that effect on her. "you're awfully handsome right now." it wasn't far from the truth, she was just suspecting he was doing something out of the ordinary today because he knew she was going to be there waiting for him. "did you shower before coming? that's was dumb, you have a shower here, we could have shared." and she whispered the last part, partially giggling, before coming off the bed with a thud on the ground and motioning to the table where she laid the goodies.
they were still looking so pretty from her point of view, she ought to remember the name of the bakery for later and if they were any good bring some home with her. "they look so beautiful, i will kill myself if they taste bad because they were exceptionally expansive." she pouted, taking a little bit of frosting off the pie and bringing it to her lips. it wasn't at all bad, hyanggi wasn't expertise in culinary so she could say it suited her tastes just fine. she waited for her boyfriend to sit on the loveseat next to the table with her, just so she could throw her legs on top of his while taking off a proper piece of pie for them to share. "now- i know most of it must have sucked without me but... how was really your day like?" it was only fair to hear about his day, in fact, she was entertained by most of which hyunki had to say always, but these days right here in pairs with him were special because it was mostly about how they could make it despite their different lives and the whole world outside that room.
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Very important Lady Sneasler the Weavile questions: does she still think of Noboringo as her adopted son? And do they still go climbing together?
But of course!! Ingo was always her favorite Warden, and now that he's turned into a kit again, she has to look after him. And climbing together is one of their favorite activities! Her new body isn't as suited for climbing her beloved mountains as it once was, but she has adapted, just like her Warden has adapted. She loves traveling with him!
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stellorc · 2 years
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I'm always afraid of public sharing art during the "oh no god no" stage, but yeah, please have this WIP of a super self-indulgent piece of mine. It's a lil bit out of my beloved comfort zone, just at that sweet spot between challenging and fun. The subject helps of course. I just love these two self-righteous bastards so much. Don't give me a chance to talk about them, I'll not shut up.
A little life update: I graduated college, started a new playthrough of The Witcher 3, went back to painting again and today I put on braces so my mouth feels weird. I'm also a few weeks away from my birthday and the fact that I haven't been transformed into an undead bloodsucking creature is unacceptable.
Anyway, I'll return to my painting and hopefully have it done soon. To the people that keep following this blog, thank you. I have no idea why you are here but I appreciate it a lot. Please remember to drink water and be safe, folks <3
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pensymbols · 2 years
“You’re like the sun, so are you wary of burning others with your own heat?” is such a raw fucking line and then you find out its from fucking natsume sakasaki
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videogamelover99 · 2 years
Any ideas on how you think the prison crew are gonna get out of their situation? I've been thinking on it and I just think it'd be kinda boring if Gogol just saves them. All of the build up just for bloop portal! I really want there to be a more satisfying resolution to it
Ooh, so, I had this idea that Gogol was gonna show up to the command room where Dazai and Sigma are, congratulate them on a job well done and game won and offer the antidote to Dazai.
And Sigma's gonna be pretty happy up until he notices Dazai isn't, that there's something wrong, and Gogol looks at him knowingly and goes "Unless of course, you didn't win." And Dazai gives him the bitterest, angriest smile possible.
Sigma looks confused and Gogol goes on another monologue about how "you see the prison that friendship is?? this is what I'm talking about!"
And while he's putting the pieces together Dazai takes the antidote and offers it back to Gogol in exchange for Chuuya's life.
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