ecargmura · 6 months
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I need more dogs voiced by Junichi Suwabe.
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nyaruhodou · 6 months
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[A burly, tall, and semi-intimidating figure loomed into the Bakery, his presence seeming to thin the air.The man made his way to the counter and without hesitation, he placed his order.]
"Greetings. I would like a small loaf of bread and a bottle of water.”
“Also If it's alright...... Could you add on one of those colorful cupcakes to my order, please.Also... if it's not too much trouble... a bottle of milk with that too.”
[For some reason, the man's once intimidating aura seemed to fade away in an instant, replaced by a sheepish and shy demeanor. His eyes averted as he quietly asked for the last two items to be added to his order, hinting that they were not for him but for someone else..]
-Kazuya Chataro @ask-idv-suspects
"A-Ah, welcome to my bakery..! Oh? A loaf of bread, a bottle of water, a cupcake, and a bottle of milk? T-That's no trouble at all, sir! W-Will that be for here or to go?"
She smiled warmly at him as she brought the bread and cupcake out of the case, before heading into the back to fetch the water and milk
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ljaesch · 1 year
English Cast Announced for the AYAKA Anime
The English cast has been announced for the AYAKA anime: Main cast: Dallas Reid is Yukito Landon McDonald is Jingi Oscar Seung is Kurama Alex Hom is Ibuki Supporting cast: Corey Wilder is Chataro Hayden Daviau is Ibara Kent Williams is Inou Lexi Nieto is Jingi (Young) Brianna Roberts is Momoko Brianna Roberts is Yako Marcus Stimac is Yanagi Bev Mageto is Yukito (Young) Additional…
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shinjinrui · 3 years
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daa-daa-daa · 7 years
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animedogoftheday · 3 years
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Today’s anime dog of the day is:
Chataro from Witch Watch (2021)
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azflashjp · 4 years
【原寸大の誘惑】志野田茶太郎 Shinoda-Chataro by Moris Chan 
Via Flickr: 岐阜県土岐市の道の駅「志野・織部」マスコットキャラ
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spunking-dummy · 5 years
#チャタロウニッキあしあと 2016年10月11日 ① チャタロウのお願い。 ボクたちに、沢山 たぁーくさん 話しかけて。 人間の言葉は話せないけど… ボクたち ぜーんぶ 判ってるよ! A wish of chataro. I want us to speak a lot Though we cannot talk, we understand the human words あなたの傍らに佇む 彼らに語りかけてください。 彼らも目で、仕草で応えてくれますから。 Please speak to them whom there is next to you. They meet it by a gesture with eyes, too. ボクたちは、たまたま犬に生まれたけれど あなたの家族なんだ。 They are the families who were only born as a dog by chance #たまたま犬に生まれた家族 #肥満細胞 #パラディア #闘病 #保護犬 #殺処分 #野良犬 #フィラリア #笑顔 #犬 #わん #ワンコ #余命宣告 #dog #愛犬 #散歩 #甲斐犬 #断脚 #3本足のワンコ #3本足の犬 #3本足 #闘病 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3c6A9Nh1N4/?igshid=13o7mch3ap9hs
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herepet-blog · 6 years
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Source: instagram.com, cats_of_instagram ‪From @amaccho5160: "短足兄妹❤️モデルウォーキングの🐾‬ ‪練習してるにゃฅ( ̳• ·̫ • ̳ฅ)💕‬ ‪Chataro and kinako practicing...
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1358456 · 6 years
Dex Holder Team Overhaul
Here goes! ... The post title is exactly the same as the last one and even other overhaul posts so that it’s easy for me to find. All I have to do is search my Tumblr for “overhaul” and there we go. Hehe.
First up is Gold!
Gold’s current team is: Typhlosion, Ambipom, Togekiss, Sunflora, Politoed, Sudowoodo. ... Which is pretty bad.
He’s going to keep Typhlosion because starter. He’ll also keep Ambipom since it’s his first Pokemon. He’ll also keep Togekiss for aerial transport and because it’s kind of significant.
The Sunflora is sh*t and will be fired. Politoed will also be sacked. Gold is a Generation II Dex Holder. VIII is incoming. Which means he’s one of the absolute oldest, so he should no longer be trying to mimic his senior (Red), but rather try for his own style so that his juniors might mimic him. Be an inspiration, you know? So for that reason, Gold will no longer keep Politoed to match Red’s Poliwrath. ... And sack the Sudowoodo because it’s sh*t.
Gold’s personality is rather explosive and fiery. So his team should reflect that. Typhlosion with Eruption (...) and other Fire type attacks fit that well. So why not keep doing that?
He will now get a Chandelure as a part of the Flash Fire package that I hate so much. It will get along well with Typhlosion’s Lava Plume, which then triggers the Flash Fire. Combo! Chandelure, nicknamed as... hmm... Chataro sounds like a Chatot. Lurtaro? Maybe if Gold starts off with a Litwick, it’d be Litaro? Though given Explotaro (Bakutaro the Bakuphoon), Gold uses the first part of the final evolution form’s name, so... I guess it would be Chataro. But like with Y’s nickname scheme, I’ll have to bend the scheme a bit. So Gold will have Litaro the Chandelure!
Next up in the Flash Fire package is Houndoom. Gold having a puppy (Houndour) following him around seems too cute to pass up, and... Flash Fire. And conveniently, Houndoom has a Mega Evolution. ... So Gold will get a Mega item. I’d like to jam the Key Stone into the indestructible billiard cue he carries around, but he also likes to throw that, so... that’d be bad. So standard issue Mega Ring it is. Now, I’d LOVE to have the Houndoom be called Doomtaro, but... hehe. Hountaro is fine, I think. Hountaro the Mega Houndoom!
And last up is something that Gold’s trait would appreciate. Gold is really stupidly relentless. Strike him down and he gets back up over and over again. So how about a Pokemon whose Dex data says that it can’t be harmed by attacks? Behold Tyranitar! Which is also a Pokemon that’s certainly capable of getting bloodlust or bloodrage. And besides, Gold would appreciate a big Pokemon that’s capable of physically throwing down with the opponent, instead of relying on ranged attacks all the time. Gold’s nickname scheme means it should be called Tyrataro, but... Tartaro is a possibility so... Tartaro it is. Li’l Tartaro the Larvitar that becomes Li’l Tartaro the Tyranitar. ... Hehe. I have a feeling that Crystal wouldn’t really appreciate this guy, given her past.
As for reasons for encountering them... Well, Gold conveniently works (worked) at a daycare so he could just wind up with the eggs of those Pokemon. Convenient half-assed explanations that requires no screentime, unlike the ones I gave Platinum and Y.
So that’s Gold’s new team now. Typhlosion, Ambipom, Togekiss, Chandelure, Houndoom, Tyranitar. Team theme: Explosive Fury.
Next is Crystal.
Her current team is... Meganium, Xatu, Arcanine, Hitmonchan, Parasect, Cubone. May also have Mr. Mime and Smoochum. ... And that is garbage. Now admittedly, Crystal SUCKS at fighting, and her whole team is supposedly designed to catch stuff instead of beating it senseless. So I can’t give her super amazing stuff, but I can give her less sh*t things. And a Mega to match her Johto buddies.
Meganium stays because starter. Xatu stays because flight. Arcanine stays because it’s one of her first Pokemon and isn’t bad. Hitmonchan makes no sense. Parasect is garbage, and Cubone is... ... still a freaking Cubone, whose purpose is False Swipe? ...
Parasect’s purpose is Spore, which is handy for Pokemon captures. Doesn’t affect Grass types anymore, but... yeah. Cubone’s is False Swipe. And Hitmonchan is... er... a random Fighting type. ... How about I combine all three into ONE Pokemon? Behold Breloom! A Fighting type with Spore that gets False Swipe. Loompeon the Breloom!
So now that Crystal’s capture specialist aspect is covered with ONE Pokemon instead of three, time to fill the rest of her team with some... support stuff, I guess. Crystal doesn’t do head-on fights, and sucks at that, so her purpose is to provide utility support and assistance for her friends who will be doing the direct head-on fights. Like Gold or Silver. While Mr. Mime works with that role since it gets Reflect and Light Screen, but... Crystal would need something that has a bit more utility than that. So... how about Ampharos? It has a Mega. Gets Thunderwave which is handy for things that are immune to Spore. Also gets Cotton Guard to immobilize targets (kills speed), and also gets Light Screen. Ampeon the Mega Ampharos.
And the final slot goes to... ... I kind of wanted to give her a Scizor, but I think Scizor is too good for her. She’s not a direct-combat type, and Scizor is a direct-combat type. Hmm... You know, I doubt whatever I give Crystal will get to appear that much anyways, so I guess she’ll keep Mr. Mime. Spam Reflect and Light Screen.
So Crystal doesn’t get an overhaul, but simply gets a team update. Meganium, Xatu, Arcanine, Mr. Mime, Ampharos, Breloom. Yay.
And conveniently, Crystal has already captured absolutely everything at least in the first three Generations, so a team switch is pretty easy. And as for her “star” theme... ... Just get some star stickers and go nuts on Ampharos and Breloom. Like Hitmonchan with a star sticker in its boxing gloves. Easy.
Last up is Pearl.
His team is... Infernape, Chatot, Luxray, Buizel, Diglett, Tauros.
... ? ... Why the Diglett? Why the Buizel? ... Why the Tauros? Did he even USE them?
So then. He’ll keep Infernape of course. And Luxray. He’ll no longer be using Chatot for combat, but will keep it around at all times, like Diamond with Munchlax, and Blue with Ditto.
I think Pearl should get Pokemon that are fast and nimble enough to take advantage of his Detector trait that allows him to see incoming attacks before they’re initiated. And I think “super fast” should be utilized as well, to match the boy’s usual hastiness.
Also Pearl would need a Mega Evolution to match his buddies. Platinum got Diamond a Mega Ring. She can give Pearl one too. And Pearl also needs aerial transport like his two friends. While Chatot can carry him, he’ll have to hang onto it like a sucker while Platinum and Diamond flies comfortably. So quality of life update, Pearl should get a better aerial transport.
So, first addition, the aerial transport... Staraptor! Since Starly is everywhere, it’s super easy for Pearl to get one. He’ll get a particularly tough looking one to distinguish from the common fodder. And Staraptor with Close Combat seems to make sense for Pearl, so yay.
Next, Mega. What’s a fast, nimble Mega Evolution? ... Lucario? Mega Lucario! That’s certainly cool, no? And Close Combat! ... Wait... Infernape with Close Combat. Staraptor with Close Combat. Mega Lucario with Close Combat. ... I’m sensing a theme here. It’s like Platinum with triple Blizzard.
And for the final slot in his team... ... How about Hawlucha? It’s already fast, and Unburden makes it super fast! And it’s small so it’d be fast and nimble to dodge attacks and as a Fighting type... ... Huh. It doesn’t get Close Combat! But is still a Fighting type, and it would be Pearl’s third Fighting type Pokemon.
So Pearl’s final team becomes... Infernape, Luxray, Floatzel, Staraptor, Lucario, Hawlucha. Team theme: Fast Combat.
As for the nicknames... ... er... What is Pearl’s nickname scheme? He called his Chimchar (Hikozaru) as Zaruhiko, and then added the -hiko to his other stuff. ... ... Ah, f*ck the nicknames.
... Good to see Pearl finally getting some attention, eh? Hehe...
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ecargmura · 7 months
Dog Signal Episode 18 Review - The Mangaka's Deaf Dog
After three weeks of emotional punches to the gut, this episode delivers another emotional one, but in a more light-hearted tone. This episode was so great. I was surprised that the client of the day managed to solve his issue on his own without consulting the trainers earlier. Despite that, it was a very compelling story of discovery.
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Haruyuki is a struggling manga artist who moved to Tokyo to achieve his dreams. His first serialized story got cancelled after a while and he has been struggling to put out something new for a while now. His editor always tells him his stories lack emotions, which is shown from how withdrawn he is. His only companion is Chataro, his Shiba Inu who is the cutest thing ever with his dopey smile that can brighten anyone’s day. Haruyuki’s story is about how pets can change people and bring out the best in them; this is definitely shown when Haruyuki realizes that Chataro has become deaf and they both discover new things about each other and themselves as they both try to deal with this sudden change in lifestyle.
I love that Haruyuki imagines speech bubbles as if he’s thinking about what Chataro could be saying to him. It’s definitely showing the creative side in him—the hidden talent that is waiting to be discovered by himself. His main issue is that he’s socially awkward, so he’s not good with understanding emotions. Chataro is full of emotions and energy, which is why Haruyuki is so dedicated to his dog; I love the fact that he found his dog as a stray and he just followed him home one day. Chataro definitely just saw him and claimed him as his human. Later in the episode, the speech bubbles disappear because he is troubled over Chataro’s loss of hearing; not only that, he also notices the change in Chataro’s mood as he stopped smiling since his hearing loss.
Haruyuki is one of those rare dog owners in this show where he’s very kind and patient. He doesn’t try to force Chataro to do things he’s uncomfortable with and tries his absolute best to communicate with him in other ways, eventually resorting to hand gestures and lip movement. Even when his dog bit him due to being startled, he doesn’t give up on him. I know for a fact that some dog owners would be super dramatic over the change in their dogs, but Haruyuki blames himself for troubling him and tries to imagine what his dog is feeling over his sudden silent world. The change manages to help bring him out of his shell as he learns the importances of emotions and manages to get serialized!
I think the most impressive thing about Haruyuki is that he doesn’t go to Proud Dog at first, but only went towards the end. He first met Miyu when he and Yuko were out on a walk with Tiara. When he saw Chataro, who doesn’t like being around other humans and dogs, Miyu gave his business card to Haruyuki, who then finds it in his pocket towards the end of the episode. I do like that even though he technically fixed his issue, he still went because he wants to know more about what he can do for Chataro. Seeing Niwa be impressed was a first! Though, I’m sure Haruyuki still need some consulting over Chataro’s minor issues like his habit of waiting for food and barking at other dogs, but that will most likely be done off-screen.
I’m always amazed by the choice of guest voice actors for this show. This episode has Miyu Irino and Junichi Suwabe as Haruyuki and Chataro’s speaking voice. If you’re a long time anime fan, you know these two are big names. I was legit shocked to hear that they casted these two. Miyu Irino did an excellent job with the reserved, gloomy side of Haruyuki and the loud, confident side in the second half. Since Miyu is voiced by Kensho Ono, seeing their characters interact felt like a Seraph of the End (where they played the leads) and A Silent Voice (where Irino played the MC and Ono played the best friend with green curly hair) reunion! Heck, the scene at Proud Dog with Niwa, Miyu and Haruyuki is basically just a Seraph of the End reunion as Niwa’s voice actor Suzumura voiced Crowley. Most of all, I did NOT expect Suwabe to be voicing the DOG. The way he used a cuter voice to voice him got my heart all fluttery. I wouldn’t mind watching an entire anime with Suwabe voicing all the dogs. I love it when voice actors play a totally unexpected character.
What do you mean there are only two episodes left? What do you mean Dog Signal is going to end in two weeks? It’s going to be hard to part ways with this anime. It’s easily a hidden gem and a potential all-time favorite. The list of my absolute favorite animes doesn’t usually have much changes, but Dog Signal, a very underrated and obscure anime, could easily make a change in that list. What are your thoughts on this episode of Dog Signal?
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nyaruhodou · 6 months
im starting a chataro (chacha) and miichan (nene) fanclub on here who wants to join me
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短足兄妹🐾 これが邪魔で入れないにゃ(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭⁾⁾📦💦 Chataro and Kinako want to put it in a box📦but we can not put it in😑💦 From Instagram
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viralafeed · 3 years
I Took Photos Of My Cats Wearing Glasses (10 Pics)
I Took Photos Of My Cats Wearing Glasses (10 Pics)
I came across a pair of glasses for cats at the local 100 yen shop (think 1 dollar), so I bought them, rushed home, grabbed the nearest guinea pig cat and popped off a couple of shots. Neat, I thought. We need more of those glasses. And it grew from there. #1 Mugi-Chan (Real Name Princess Elegance) #2 Chataro #3 Chataro #4 Kanoko-Chan #5 Chataro #6 Mugi-Chan #7 Tj (Tuxedo Jones) #8…
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wavepets · 3 years
Plus de photos de l'incroyable transformation de Chataro
Plus de photos de l’incroyable transformation de Chataro
J’ai récemment posté un peu sur Chataro, qui nous est venu un égaré brisé à peine accroché à la vie. La réponse à ce message a été si positive que j’ai pensé que je pourrais en ajouter à son histoire. Le post précédent ne rendait justice ni à sa terrible condition ni à sa transformation remarquable, alors voici quelques clichés pour essayer de remédier à cela. Même si Cha a l’air affreux sur la…
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