#chava cerilla x mc
fictif-moonlight · 3 years
Hello po Can i Request a Heir to love and lies The main 3 x Mc that is Really Really soft and sweet like even u Shout at the mc they doesnt Talk back and Just smiles? The mc is a girl or Neutural 😅😅
Thanks for requesting this po. I'm not sure if you wanted angst but it's mostly fluff with a bit of angst. I hope you like it 🌼💚🧡💙🌼
Heir to Love and Lies Main 3 Headcanons:
With a Soft and Sweet Mc - Gender Neutral Reader
Writings Masterlist
Warning: Includes strong language
Genre: Fluff and Angst
Note: My ask box is open is anyone wants to request/ask for some Fanfics and Headcanons. I will be writing for Sergio, Chava, Val and other Heir to Love and Lies Characters.
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• He'd think it's harmless at first until he realized you let other people look down on you. It made him remember the time he was homeless, and even after his success in life, people of higher ranks in society still looked down on him. Which led him to put on a facade and even look down on others, cause he's scared they'll look down and take advantage of him. So he made sure to tell you that even though you have a very soft and kind heart, you should never let anyone take advantage of it.
-"Mc, can we talk? Why do you let people treat you like that? Cariño, I know you're very kind but you should stand up for yourself, you shouldn't let others take advantage of you."
-"You're the one who taught me that I shouldn't put on a facade, that I shouldn't look down on others. Instead, I should keep my guard up for those kinds of people, but still have open arms and a warm heart. Now, I want you to stay the way you are, soft, sweet and kind, but with a firm stance."
•When he's at the situation itself just know that he's not gonna hesitate to step in and defend you. I mean, he is a lawyer. He might even humiliate them if it happened in public. Oh god, the person who did you wrong are in for a ride.
-"Excuse me, why were you just yelling at my lover? What I saw was very clear. How mannerless of you to scream at them. You, are undoubtedly a puto pendejo (fucking asshole) for what you did. If I lose my patience, the next time I see you will be in court."
•The time where Sergio was the one who ended up screaming at you. You two are having a serious heated argument, he has been calm and composed until he got so frustrated he screamed at you for the first time. He immediately realized that he messed up real bad. The fact that you simply smiled about it didn't help either. He felt so angry with himself.
-"Mc! Can't you just-!"
His expression went from extremely frustrated to completely lost for a moment.
-"Mc... I'm sorry I screamed at you. I'm sorry cariño. Let's talk everything out. I don't like fighting with you."
•Aside from the whole others looking down on you, he really likes how soft and sweet you are. When he's at his office, completely bored, he can't help but think about you and how sweet you are. He just wants to spend more time with you.
-"If only Mc was here, I highly need them…" *sighs* "I should call them."
-"Hello mi amor. How are you doing my sweetheart?"
•Gets so flustered, or as Sergio describes it "like a school boy around his crush" when you check up on him and be so soft and affectionate.
-"Cariño, do you need anything? I was just about to-" *blushes* "Of course, cuddle breaks are important. Come, let me give you muchos besos (many kisses)"
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•Chava is pretty similar, except he knows when to stand up for himself. He's soft and sweet, but he doesn't let anyone take advantage of it, especially when they were disrespectful towards him. He also saw an issue about how you let others look down on you, so he also talked to you about it.
-"Mc you really should not be this kind, at least not towards those people who look down on you. They are only going to be more mean towards you if you are going to continue to let them act that way."
-"Trust me, I have been treated like that many times, they feed on your kindness and step down on you. I'll be here for you when it happens, I'll talk back to them if you want me to and I'll comfort you away from them if you don't. But please stand up for yourself when I am not around."
•Like he told you, when he was at the situation itself, he calmly asked you with a furious expression on his face. If you wanted him to speak for you, he did. And when you didn't want to, he walked with you, away from them, holding your hand tight and silently comforting you.
-"Don't scream at them. You should learn to respect everyone, just because they are kind towards you does not mean I will be kind towards you. Especially after what you did."
-"Come on, let's go home. I know what will cheer you up mi corazon."
•When Chava was the one who screamed at you. It was when you had an argument with his sister. Because you got involved with the Cartel.
He realized what he did the moment the world fell from his lips but his expression did a good job on hiding it. He immediately said sorry once the situation has calmed down.
-"I'm sorry for screaming at you."
•He loves how soft and sweet you are especially when he's tired from working all day. Seeing your face already makes everything better, but when you're all soft and sweet, whether you're massaging or cuddling him, it never fails to make his heart all warm and fuzzy.
-"Mi amor, you truly are the sweetest. I'm glad I can finally get to be with you after a long day from work."
•The two of you are such a soft and sweet couple. Picking strawberries, driving around town on Chava's truck and catching firelies. Whatever it is that the two of you are doing the atmosphere is just so sweet.
-"Mi amor look at the firelies. How about we catch some? Or have a night time picnic under their shining lights?"
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•Unlike Sergio and Chava, she was with you the first time she noticed that you are being taken advantage of. When the person screamed at you she waited for you to respond to them. When you didn't respond, that's when she realized that your soft and sweet self has it's bad sides. She quickly stepped in and gave them a piece of mind.
-"Excuse me, what was that? Are you fucking serious? Screaming at them was unnecessary. You can't just take advantage of their kindness, The good thing is that I'm not kind at all, at least not towards people like you."
•You had to beg her to stop so it doesn't escalate even more. She listened and walked away, she gave you a full on lecture on the way though. She cares a lot for you and wants to make sure those kinds of things won't happen again.
-"Mc, why didn't you say anything? Is this the first time it happened? No?! Mc, you're a sweetie patutie, but you need to speak up and not let them treat you like that."
•When Val was the one who screamed at you. The two of you had a disagreement about a topic the both of you are sensitive about. It continued to escalate, then she screamed at you.
-"Just stop!"
She looked angry. She couldn't say anything but she couldn't hide her now genuinely guilty expression either. After a few more seconds, she apologized.
-"I'm sorry. We talked about how you shouldn't let others take advantage of you... you shouldn't let them scream at you. I'm sorry Mc."
•She gushes over how soft and sweet you are. Cups your face, pinches your cheeks, squeezes you in for a hug while enthusiastically saying how she loves you and your soft and sweet self.
-"Mc! Mc! Mc! Look at you being so cute! Cute face! Cute cheeks! Cuddle attack! I love you so much, you cutie sweetie patutie!
•Tells how soft and sweet you are when she's with her friends. She literally ends up talking about you half of the time she spoke.
-"Mc is so sweet. They're sweeter than candy. They're all soft and affectionate too. They're like a cat sometimes, snuggling they're face on my neck. Sometimes they're like a dog too though, all excited and sweet. Have I ever told you the time they-"
She's just gonna keep going on and on unless someone stops her.
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gachawipes133 · 3 years
Theo & Chava with a Short mc
Childhood best friends era👀🤞
• Tease you about it...
• "Ur so short easy to tease" as he laughs.
• Will Protect you
• And he finds it cute and will call you sweet nicknames like for ex: "Shortcake" "Lil' cutie" "Shorty" and "Baby girl/boy"👀🤞 BWBSJWJVWSJHSSB
• When he comes back from the arvore he will tease u "U know u become even more shorter than we were kids"
• He will compare ur height with his "Bahahaha Im more taller than you"
• CHEEK KISSES!!!! He loves u kiss u in the cheek but loves it morw when u Kiss him.
• Cuddles!! Ur always a little spoon even tho u try to be a big spoon u still end up in his arms.
• Will be overprotective over you 24/7.
• Will call u some Nicknames like "Chiquita/Chiquito" "Chica/Chico" "Chula/chulo"👀🤞
• Hes surprise that ur more shorter than before and he thinks its cute!
• Will tease you with the face liek u know👀👀👀👀
• Will glare at everyone who will insult u for being short :>
• FOREHEAD KISSES!! He loves to kiss u in the forehead cuz ur smol:>
• Cuddles! He loves u spoon u and u cant stop it ;)
Orayt!!! Im so sorry if its short😅😅 i tried my best to think more 😅😅 i hope that you like it!!! U can requesy for more in my inbox!!!
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ragethebunny · 3 years
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this man deserve all the love, please
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oceanatydes · 4 years
hi y’all! I wanna draw some fictif fanart so send me ship requests!
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fictif-moonlight · 3 years
Thank you for the request ANON! 💕
This is more of a Fluff to Angst to Fluff again, I used gender neutral pronouns since the pronouns weren't specified. I hope you don't mind ANON. I hope this isn't to short for your taste😅, and I hope you like it🧡.
(Edit) Note for ANON: I don't know why the ask was removed when I saved this post on my drafts. I'm really sorry about that.
"The Bitterness in Childhood Sweethearts"
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Pairing: Chava Cerilla X Gender Neutral Reader
Warning: Mentions of blood and injuries
Writings Masterlist
Type: One-shot (Request)
Genre: Fluff ☁︎ and Angst ꕥ
Words: 884
Summary: Falling in love with your childhood friend is as sweet as strawberries, but looking back at some childhood memories, some strawberries can leave a bitter taste, despite being next to your sleeping lover's warm embrace, this specific memory leaves you wondering, and so you continued wondering...
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Falling in love with your childhood friend is as sweet as strawberries, but looking back at some childhood memories, some strawberries can leave a bitter taste, despite being next to your sleeping lover's warm embrace, this specific memory leaves you wondering, and so you continued wondering…
On a peaceful night where fireflies are lighting up the dark, you found yourself reminiscing a memory of the past, the kind you wish you could take your carelessly spoken childish words back.
Chava is already sleeping next to you while you're in doubt, if that day still hurts him, if that day makes him cry everytime it double crosses his mind. 
And so you recall that exact day…
"Abuela, where's Chava?" you ask your Abuela while picking some strawberries. "He might still be sleeping at the cottage" she answered. "Can I check if he's awake? Pleaseee, I wanna play with him" you insist with an adorable tone. "Of course, just make sure to not wake him up if he's still sleeping." 
You run to the cottage. *Knock Knock*
"Chava? It's Mc. Are you awake? Can we play?" The cottage door opens and you see the warm smile, fluffy cotton candy hair and sleepy eyes. "Did I wake you up?" you ask him. "Yes, but I'm glad you did. Goodmorning." "Goodmorning, can we play now now now now now!?" Chava laughs.
"What do you wanna play?" Chava asks. "Let's play tag!" you replied. "Uhhh… how do you play tag?" Chava sheepishly ask you, completely embarrassed. "Oh! We have to chase each other. If I touch you and say 'Tag you're it' it means you have to chase me. Then, when you touch me and say 'Tag you're it' then I'm the one who needs to chase you" you explain. "Okay I understand" Chava says acting a bit unusual, then you quickly realized-
"Tag you're it" Chava tags you and quickly runs towards the strawberry fields. You chase after him. "Be careful you two!" Abuela shouts, but you're too focused on trying to catch Chava you didn't even got to say a word back. He runs towards the cottage again, then back to the strawberry fields, then back to the cottage, then back to the strawberry fields. At that point you waited at the strawberry fields so you could sneak attack. But he noticed and decided to run towards the ponds instead. Now you're really far behind.
After minutes of running and running.
You manage to catch up, so close yet so far, reaching out the best you can towards his back, you're ready to tag him
…BAAM You fell, and it hurts like hell. You lift yourself up and blood runs through your forehead down to the ground. Your arms and legs feel weak. When Chava finally realizes what happened, he rushes towards you. "Mc are you okay?" he calmly asked, but despite his calm tone, his concerned and nervous face couldn't hide it. 
You being young, childish and careless…
"No! I HATE YOU! This is your fault!" You screamed out of pain and childishness. "I didn't mean to hurt you… I'm sorry Mc" Chava says in the verge of tears. "You got a head start! It's so unfair! My arm hurts, my leg hurts, my head hurts, I hate you so much!" you say without a second thought. "I'm sorry… I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it. I promise, I never wanted to hurt you…" Chava says crying this time, feeling hopeless and guilty.
Out of anger you decided to run back to your Abuela's house, limping from the pain. But on the way there- "Mc! What happened to you?! You're bleeding!" Abuela says while quickly carrying you back to the house. With you on your Abuela's arms, facing her, you can see Chava hesitantly follows the two of you, keeping his distance, still crying… "I'm sorry Mc" you hear his subtle mumble.
"I'm sorry Mc" you hear, still zoned out 
"Mc?" you hear more clearly 
"Mi corazon?" you turn and see Chava, not crying, but with his warm smile, fluffy cotton candy hair and sleepy eyes. "Huh? Sorry, I was just wondering about something" you say. "What are you wondering about that is keeping you up this late at night mi amor?" he ask.
"Ohhh… Well… Remember when we were kids? We played tag, I fell on the ground and I told you it was your fault and… I told you that I hated you
I'm sorry I said all those things to you, I'm so sorry." Chava gives a sad smile. "Mc, we were kids." he says while pulling you closer to him. "I know, I just thought… I just… Wanted to say sorry." You say while Chava strokes his hand through your hair.
"I was really sad about it back then, I never wanted to hurt you, but we were kids, don't keep yourself up because of that, I know you don't hate me. I know you love me, and I love you just the same as I did back then mi amor." He gives you a kiss on the forehead.
With Chava and his warm smile, fluffy cotton candy hair and already asleep eyes next to you, you lean your head on his chest and fall asleep, this time without a single doubt.
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Note: My ask box is open if anyone wants to ask/request some headcanons and fanfics. I will write for Sergio, Chava, Val and other Heir to Love and Lies Characters.
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fictif-moonlight · 3 years
Um Hi!- magandang umaga po Can i request some Main 3 like The mc accidently drink Aphrodisiac or Them Accindently drink it? U can make it Smut of slight smut
Magandang umaga to you too! Thanks for the request! Hope you like it! 💝
Heir to Love and Lies Main 3 Headcanons:
When Mc Drinks Aphrodisiac - Gender Neutral Reader
Writings Masterlist
Warning: Smut
Genre: Smut and some Fluff
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• He's the type of person who'd do his research when he doesn't know about something that much or he's simply curious about it. So he probably brought it up first, asking you if you'd like to try it. 
He's also a very open person when it comes to kinks and all that stuff, he's willing to try your kinks and share his kinks as well, asking if it's alright with you. As we all know from the handcuffs.
- "Cariño, I've been curious about something. Do you think we should try some aphrodisiac? It increases performance and pleasure. I'm free tonight, all night, every night."
•Sergio winks. A night of pleasure was shared between you two, intoxicated with the substance and passion.
- "You're so eager for me mi amor. As much as I am completely intoxicated by your lustful aura, it wouldn't be so much fun if I don't get to tease you a bit first wouldn't it? Now, lay down on your back for me mi gatita/gatito."
• Makes sure to take care of you afterwards. Literal king of aftercare. Kisses, cuddles, massages, this man is a full package. Of course he asked you if the substance had any side effects, he asked you if you're alright and if you want to use the substance again.
- "You did so good for me cariño. Are you alright? Are there any side effects? Do you want to use it again next time?"
Sergio asked with a gentle tone.
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• Doesn't have much knowledge about it compared to Sergio and Val. So the way I see this would play out is that the Garcia sisters would mischievously have you try some substance without saying it's to increase sexual desire. Like how they gave Mc some kind of substance in Sergio's route. He'd be very oblivious about it, at least for the most part. He'd think you're just being romantic and seductive.
- "Hm? I think I know what you want mi amor."
• He walked you to the bedroom and gave you a sweet, passionate kiss. You two made love that night, he was quite surprised and more than satisfied with how you pleasured him.
- "Oh! Mi corazon… You're… Doing so well! Ah! Yes! More!"
• It was the morning of your love session, that was when you told him the Garcia sisters may have given you something, as to why you acted more "loving" than usual. He was very concerned, but soon calmed down when you said it was alright.
- "What? Well, are you feeling alright? Are you sure?"
Chava calms down once you reassured him, he pulls you even closer and kissed your forehead.
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• I have a feeling one of her friends would recommend it to her. She'd ask you if you want to try it. Once she knows you're okay with it she'd surprise you from time to time. You'd find her surprising you most when she's aware you've been very stressed lately.
- "You've been stressed lately. I could fix that for you."
• When you're the one who surprises her though, she gets completely flustered and turned on. She just stares at you for a moment, a gaze full of love and lust.
- "Oh… I didn't know you had a surprise for me tonight.~"
• When both of you intaked the substance, everything feels so lustful. All you can think about is how beautiful and sexy she is. It doesn't take long for the two of you to share a long night.
- "Mc… You're so amazing… That's the spot babygirl/babyboy." 
During aftercare, she's always a bit more clingy than usual. She likes to run her fingers through your hair.
Note: My ask box is open if anyone wants to ask/request some Fanfics and Headcanons. I will write for Sergio, Chava, Val, and other Heir to Love and Lies Characters
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fictif-moonlight · 3 years
Umm hi po! Can i request some Heir to love and lies main 3 That Someone is Sexual harrassing the mc? And the mc Is innocent like the mc never know what the guy doing? So The mc let it be? Bc Theyre innocent The Mc is gender neutral 😅😅
Thanks for the request ❤️. Sorry it took so long, I hope you like it!!!
Note: Sexual harassment is capable of happening to anyone. If you related to this I am very sorry and I want to let you know that you are strong for going through it. 💕
Heir to Love and Lies Main 3 Headcanons:
When an Oblivious Mc gets Sexually Harassed - Gender Neutral Reader
Writings Masterlist
Warning: Sexual Harassment
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• He was ready to pull out the lawyer card and threaten that man the moment he saw what was happening. He walked towards you, very calm and collected, his expression on the other hand… Let's just say he was pissed, I'm dragging you to hell kind of pissed. He was very quick to lay out the outcome for the person who harassed you. He made sure they know damn well what was going to happen to them. Despite his harsh words towards that person, he was very comforting towards you. He made sure to ease your shoulder, silently comforting you while verbally dragging that man to hell.
• He was very concerned afterwards. He asked you if you were alright, asked you if that has happened more than once. He felt very hurt and sad for you when he realized you were oblivious about it. Made sure to let you know what happened, how to legally deal with those things and how to defend yourself.
• He wrapped you up in a blanket, gave you cuddles, ran his fingers through your hair, and whispered sad reminders from time to time.
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• He wanted to punch that man in the face, which is unlike him because he's not the type to choose violence. Which means he was extremely angry, to the point where violence crossed his mind. Despite that, he didn't choose violence at all, he did his best to stay calm. He told the man how disgusting he was for doing such thing. He held your hand every word of it, squeezing it, not out of anger, but to assure you he's right there by your side.
• He gave you some coffee once you two got home and asked if you were alright. When you were slightly confused about it he asked Aurora if she could help him explain it to you since he didn't want to say anything wrong.
• He held you extra tight that night. Prayed that it won't happen again, prayed that you wouldn't have to go through that again.
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• She was the most feral. She wanted to throw them in jail. In Val the badass cop we stan. You didn't understand most of the spanish words she said but you can tell they were vulgar. She was angry, but you could recognize her sadness pass her anger.
• Even after everything went down her face was still pissed and disgusted. She gave you some self defense weapons like pepper spray and an alarm. When you looked a bit confused she asked you if you knew what the man did to you. She teared up when she found out you didn't exactly know what was happening.
• She gave you an hour long lecture about it, not the annoying kind people get from their parents, but the genuine and caring kind. She couldn't hide the sadness in her face whenever she'd pause for a moment.
Note: My ask box is open if anyone wants to ask/request some Fanfics and Headcanons. I will write for Sergio, Chava, Val, and other Heir to Love and Lies Characters.
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ragethebunny · 3 years
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dreaming of fireflies under the star, with you
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gachawipes133 · 3 years
Being in a Yandere poly relationships with Chava and Sergio
Toxic relationship,Abuse,?
(You can send request from me on my Request box!!)
• You and Chava were dating a few weeks ago and you started to notice that Chava is acting different than before be become more protective over you and sometimes will never let you go outside and you started to notice that Sergio started flirting with you and teasing you on public or infront of Chava. But even tho that hes doing it infront of Chava he didn't do anything and just let Sergio tease you more.
•Well a few weeks later Chava started to join teasing you with Sergio and u get realy really suspicious so you talk to him at night and ask him whats going on "Chava what wrong with you?" He didn't answer "Have you even notice that Sergio is teasing me? Tell me whats going o-" before you can even continue Sergio comes back at you and covers your mouth with his hanf and pinned you on the wall with a smirk and Chava started to chuckle "Mi vida i actually let Sergio tease u like that because he loves you and I love you too" Sergio chucklef and stops pinning you and removes his hand from your mouth "I-i dont understand" you said. "Well i actuallt decided that let Sergio join in our relationship so that we can protect you and love you" You still dont undertand but u agree to let Sergio join in you two's relationship.
• Just like Chava said the two of them becomes really protective over you and loves you but sometimes their protective our you is doesnt feels right because one time u were hanging out with your Bestfriends and like having fun but when your going to see them on the next day you didn't see them everywhere and so you feel sad and curious but u think to your self 'Maybe they move out anf never tell me' so you didnt try to find them. But u didn't know it was Chava and Sergio murdered them all bc of Jealousy.
• Well when Sergio join your relationship he become abusive sometimes if you did somethings wrong that he didn't like that you hanging out with someone else (Except for Chava) but when his really really mad at you Chava is always here to protect u from him but not always tho if you deserve it
• Unlike Sergio, Chava is more sweet and caring so when Sergio is here to beat you up you just run to Chava because you know that he didn't like to see you in pain bc of the you often give him kisses and hugs. But if Chava is the one whos mad at you no person to run to even Aurora and Lucia cant help you because they're Scared of Chava too even Franny cant help you!.
• The both of them never like things to do by your self and never go everywhere by your self you actually hated it but you have no choice but to let them be.
• Even the police and your imployies are scared of them that they can't help you which is mafe you mad but just didn't do anything which is make you snap at Chava and Sergio
• "ARE YOU BOTH CRAZY?!??! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU TWO??" You said angrly "But mi cariña/cariño this is for you!" Chava said "We want to protect you from danger!!" Sergio said but u cant take it anymore "NO!! I Can protect myself and i can do anything by myself!! I dont need you guys help!!" You yelled at them which is made the both of them angry u turn around and about to walk away but somethings hit you in the head which made your vision go black.
• You wake up at your abuela's room with a bondages on your head and you notice it you remembered it you were arguing with Chava and Sergio and about to walk away but something hit on your head (Bc Chava hit your head with a bath) and you saw Chava and Sergio looking at you with sweet eyes "Are you ok mi vida?" Chava said "We are so sorry for arguing with you last night" Sergio said and you didn't say anything but nod which made them both happy.
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