#cheap lightweight laptops
sol-flo · 4 months
soooo remember when my laptop decided to get picky about charging (and eventually stopped entirely) but i got a new charger and that fixed it? well. (twin peaks giant voice) it is happening again. -_-
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
"but every computer in those screenshots is a piece of shit that will struggle to run a browser and a word processor at the same time unless you feel comfortable installing Linux." I know fuck-all about computer *specs*, but I can definitely install Linux, very comfortable with that. What changes about your advice if that's the case? [my laptop currently works fine, i'm just curious]
Linux is a lot less resource intensive than Windows; if you're comfortable installing linux then a $200 PC with 4GB RAM can run really well on some lightweight distros.
I've got a 12-year old Eee PC with a core 2 duo processor and 2GB of RAM running MX Linux and it's great for word processing (LibreOffice) and light web browsing (firefox), but it would be hot garbage if I tried to use PowerPoint on it.
So if you're comfortable installing Linux my advice is to seek out the specs recommended for your preferred distro and use those as a guideline, and in many cases something like Light or Mint would run well on the cheap laptops I showed.
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plushie-sentai · 5 months
King Ohger Drinking Headcanons
Made a little list earlier in reply to @stickers-on-a-laptop but then got carried away in my free time at work and did a whole bunch so. Have fun! I love liquor and spirits (in like. A ooh yummy this is cool bartender way and not in a I love getting drunk way) so this was honestly rlly fun to write!
Character headcanons below the cut with some little stories hidden inside lol
Sorry I’m too lazy to fix the formatting I might do it later lol
⁃ Gira isn’t accustomed to drinking, he’s young and was used to being at the orphanage all the time anyways. When he does drink with the kings he either opts for something nonalcoholic like a glass of sparkling cider or whatever someone hands him. Kaguragi likes to mess with him and give him cocktails that he SAYS aren’t alcoholic but… definitely are. (Kagu learned the hard way the first time he messed with him like this that Gira is a lightweight and ended up taking care of him overnight in Shuggodam’s castle. The only person who knows is Douga since Gira doesn’t remember and Kagu refuses to admit he felt bad about the incident or that it even happened)
⁃ Yanma - drinks watered down bud light ass beer for the longest time. He doesn’t like it, but it’s what his mentor drank and he thinks it makes him look cool. That, and it’s cheap. This is all he drinks until Himeno buys everyone a round of her favorite cocktail of the week and he realizes he REALLY likes sweet stuff. He orders fruity drinks all the time “for shiokara” but if you watch carefully they’re always sharing it and he never finishes more than one shitty beer anymore. Kaguragi hasn’t told him abt craft beer and ipas yet but he knows it’ll rock his world. Absolutely forgot to add that if Yanma DOES order a cocktail for himself openly it’ll always be a jack and coke.
⁃ Himeno - Drinks fancy cocktails all day everyday. They’re usually very sweet, sometimes extra dry depending on the mood, and she loves anything with champagne, but despite how they look they’re always a higher percentage than anything the other kings are drinking. She also loves a good wine and savors any sommelier knowledge she receives from Sebastian, Cleo, Elegance, and of course Jeramie. Her dinner parties are always coupled with tasteful optional drinks planned to fit the meal. At least once she has a drinking contest with Kaguragi and absolutely drinks him under the table to everyone’s surprise (except sebas)
⁃ Rita - Rita also doesn’t drink much, as they aren’t a fan of being drunk around others and certainly don’t enjoy the mood that comes with drinking alone, but once they’re closer with the other kings (especially Himeno, as she and Morphonia get Rita to try all kinds of new things together) they branch out into drinking here and there. More often than not, you’ll find Rita at a king celebration nursing a glass of sake, a Smokey whiskey, or some very expensive vodka on the rocks. Don’t knock it till you try it in the cold of gokkan.
⁃ Kaguragi - Kaguragi of course drinks anything hand crafted from Toufu. His favorite are the Nigori sake and Daiginjo Junmai sake made from the Suzume’s tears rice. Of course, he’s also a big fan of mead! He does enjoy a good craft beer on the occasion, and will often drink whatever Himeno is serving at her dinners, even if it’s not his usual taste. He’s just happy to be included and have an opportunity to mess with the others a little given he has the highest tolerance out of anyone other than Himeno and Suzume and finds himself getting more tipsy while the others are already fully drunk.
⁃ Jeramie - Jeramie LOVES wine. He’s been drinking it for a long time and even has some bottles that he found in his mothers things that he’s never opened (that in my heart him and Gira share at their wedding). He tends to drink a rose or any white wines as he’s cautious of spilling red wine onto his suit, but he does love a nice sweet red blend too. Whenever he goes wine shopping in the different kingdoms he brings a bottle of his favorite reds to Himeno as a gift.
⁃ Racles - Big baby with alcohol. Never drank much due to fear of letting down his guard around others. Will drink whatever Suzume gives him but mostly refuses drinks from others even after the end of the story. When he does drink, he loves Suzume’s Nigori sake or a small glass of orange blossom mead. He does his best to be the “DD” for Gira (or whoever else needs it really but he always says he’s only there for Gira) Is a very loving and silly drunk the few times he has been and always gets snuggly with Gira (familially obviously), Suzume, and Kaguragi. Gira gets a bit embarrassed but always welcomes it happily, and suzu and kagu LOVE the attention and a chance to mess with him.
⁃ Douga - douga doesn’t like to drink a lot since he works a lot, but Gira tries to make sure he and his family are invited to celebrations where douga may partake in the occasional light beer (typically whatever Kaguragi brings bc he knows it’s always good). He used to drink a decent amount when he was younger so he tries to gently help Gira make sure he isn’t gonna over do it… Gira does accidentally anyways frequently lol
⁃ Kogane and Boone obviously don’t drink alcohol but Gira still makes them Shirley temples all the time as a treat (my sister used to make them for me when we had sibling sleepovers and watch mean girls so this is mostly for me lol)
⁃ Shiokara usually drinks fruity cocktails because he enjoys sour stuff and sodas, which he now usually ends up sharing with Yanma while he poses like he’s still drinking just his shitty beer. Shiokara is also a lovey dovey drunk, but no one is surprised since he’s also like this when he’s sober. Shio is also often a caretaker after parties, even if he himself is drunk, and finds himself helping with clean up and getting people home hydrated and safe, despite usually needing a place to crash himself (hopefully into yanmas arms-)
⁃ Sebastian doesn’t drink super often as he’s worried he wouldn’t be able to keep up appearances as an older gentleman, but when he’s with just the kings or just the ishibana squad, he doesn’t mind letting the veil drop. He’s unexpectedly a bit of a flirty drunk, but knowing this he’ll usually remove his makeup before drinking just so he doesn’t accidentally creep anyone out. Even regardless of that he’s still very aware and occasionally charmingly over-careful about people’s boundaries. He usually drinks whatever he is helping to prepare for Himeno as it’s what’s available, but his favorite is Spumante champagne.
⁃ Cleo - Cleo is a conniseur of all things ishibanan, her favorites being cocktails made with crème de violette and/or white chocolate crème liquor. She doesn’t get drunk often unless she’s having a girls night with elegance and Himeno (and sometimes sebas), but when she is she somehow ends up very quiet and only speaks to either give the wisest advice you’ve ever heard or something just completely unintelligible to anyone but her.
⁃ Elegance doesn’t drink pretty much unless Cleo does, so they’re about on par there. They like to share drinks with each other on occasion so they can try everything sebas and the chef came up with for a meal or party. The first time she drinks with the other kings however they learn that she used to be a bit of a partier when she was younger and always has stories to tell about this time. Yanma (and sometimes Kagu) like to challenge her to arm wrestling but they pretty much always lose. Yanma definitely always loses.
⁃ Morphonia may have started drinking when she was a teen (just for shits n giggles) but she still has a laughably low tolerance. She tried once to drink whatever Rita’s drinking but that night… did not end well. Not that she didn’t appreciate being waited on by Himeno and Rita themselves. She’s honestly a fan of the light beers Yanma never seems to finish, and she thinks the fact he won’t admit he hates them is funny, so she drinks them for him whenever he leaves one open. I don’t think Yanma ever notices it’s her drinking them, lol. She loves to party, but she’s a very chill drunk, and definitely prefers an edible to a glass of anything.
⁃ Kuroko - will typically have the first glass out of any bottle opens for Kaguragi, mostly for safety, but he tends to enjoy the same as him other than will prefer to have beer more often than any spirit. Doesn’t drink a lot because he likes to stay on guard for Kaguragi (though he usually doesn’t need it lol)
⁃ Suzume CAN outdrink Kaguragi, and is pretty evenly matched with Himeno, but often prefers to pretend to get drunk so she can pull pranks or gossip or do whatever scheme she has her heart set on. She also loves a good Suzume’s tears nigori sake, and will occasionally partake in an edible when offered by morf. The few times she does get genuinely drunk, she almost seems exactly the same and lucid?? People are very confused by this lol
⁃ Gerojim, like other bugnarak, have “strange taste” when it comes to liquor. His favorite drinks, on the rare occasion that he feels comfortable to partake, are VERY light absinthe cocktails with a lot of sugar, a bugnarak-made kelp liquor (yes it exists irl), and buganarak algae beer (which also exists, tho very little of it lol. A French brand made some in 2022 and it’s BLUE). Despite his size, he is definitely a lightweight, and is very careful about how much he drinks as alcohol tends to have a bit of an aphrodisiac-like effect on bugnarak and gerojim gets very embarrassed about his behavior during previous fun-times. (note: this is based in studies showing that rejected male flies may turn to alcohol when offered combined with a cursory glance at articles about alcohol creating pheromone signals in fruit flies as well. No promises that this is perfectly accurate but I think it’s fun LOL)
⁃ Dethnarak tends to avoid alcohol, as he both doesn’t enjoy most of it but also is uncertain as to the effect it may have on him in larger quantities.Some worm-descending bugnarak are incapable of getting drunk and find health benefits to drinking it, and others are highly sensitive to it and can do major damage to their nervous systems when partaking. If he drinks at all, it’s usually a glass of expensive smoked mezcal tequila on the rocks. (See again cursory google search at the effect alcohol can have on earth worms, also the joke of worms being in mezcal lol)
⁃ Iroki, Nephila, and Karras have girls nights in hakabaka whenever they feel like having a little fun. Given its hakabaka, they can really have whatever they want, but iroki tends towards a very sharp Namazake sake like she drank made from the rice grown by the dybowskis, nephila a deep dry red wine like an aged Cabernet Sauvignon, and karras a nice bourbon brûlée like she’d have to keep warm and cozy in gokkan. They get as pleasantly drunk as they wish, no matter how much they drink. Their nights are always fun and maybe… occasionally involve some spice.
⁃ Akka likes a good IPA and will often bring a case of somethin new to try to hang outs with the nkosopa gang. He doesn’t drink a lot in general and tends not to get drunk just by preference.
⁃ Mayuta LOVES coming up with new fruity and sour cocktails with shiokara, but also really loves a good IPA like Akka since he keeps bringing them to hang outs. She gets tipsy at parties but isn’t crazy about being drunk either. She just likes to have fun :)
⁃ Asuba drinks a lot of seltzer drinks, basically whatever nkosopas version of white claws and trulys are. He’s happy to drink whatever Yanma and shio are supplying as long as it’s not his shitty watery beer, though. He likes a good party and drinks a decent amount while gaming with the rest of the squad. He’s definitely a goofy/clumsy drunk, telling a lot of jokes but tripping over his words and himself.
⁃ Bonus: Grub! - grub kinda drinks whatever’s put in front of him and has a surprisingly high alcohol tolerance. A lot of people think he’s a bit of a pothead but he doesn’t actually smoke or do edibles as he’s not a fan of feeling high. He can be a bit of a sad drunk, so he’s grateful to have a higher tolerance to keep himself in check, but he’s still a big softie caretaker at heart and will help clean up after parties with shiokara if he’s sober enough to do so, otherwise he tends to fall asleep easily past a certain point and he’s a VERY heavy sleeper lmao. His favorite drinks are margaritas and lemon drop shots, anything sour!
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dragongirltail · 4 months
I hear that you like Microsoft Surface tablets. I'm currently setting one up for my friend, and I'm wondering what it is that draws you to them? I know it's Microsoft's "answer" to the iPad but haven't paid much attention to it since it's release
Oooo, loaded question that one! In truth, it's less that I like Surface tablets and more that there's nothing that does it like them.
The windows tablet market is a hellscape where most of what people use them for is lightweight chromebook note block stuff that requires little to no computing power, so most of what's available from most companies is just kinda meh.
You have tons of Lenovo/Thinkpad stuff that tends to run on pentiums and low power i3s and whatnot, it'll be able to play a youtube video but that's about it.
For higher performance there's like two or three models by lenovo, Dell has a few good ones, you can go the gamer route and buy an asus ROG thingie that looks gaudy and like it's made for 15 year olds, but either way you're gonna be running short on something if you just want something basic.
Gaming tablets are high in power but at that point you might aswell buy a laptop since the battery life is atrocious, the lenovo ones are alright but quite new and hard to get used, and I just dislike dell out of principle because they're a terrible company.
So that means generally the only real answer lies in Microsoft's lineup since they offer sleek but pleasant designs, and their performance isn't so through the roof that you can't use them without wall power, but still good enough to do general tasks and basic gaming which is exactly the sweet spot I'm looking for!
The personal answer here is that the surface Pro series specifically covers a large area of specific things I'd like in my secondary device: Portable, decently long battery life, good performance for how long it lasts.
The main purpose for wanting one is so I can use it to watch videos in bed before sleep on a larger screen, to be able to play basic games when I'm away from home, and as an auxilliary screen to put somewhere on my desk when I need it for other stuff like reference pictures or whatnot.
Having a touchscreen is a godsend there since it's so much easier to operate something with just bapping it with your fingers instead of operating a trackpad, keyboard, or mouse so it's the easiest choice for that kind of "no brain" use to me.
The other issue is price, since most of the other companies only recently jumped on the windows tablet bandwagon they're hard to get used, but surfaces are available online for cheap the further back in generation you go.
Currently I've got a Pro 7+ with an i7-1165G7, 16GB of ram, and 512GB of storage + a 128GB micro sd card installed. The i7 is an 11th gen intel model which means it has the blazing fast iris Xe integrated graphics and anything I can really see myself playing on this thing it handles swimmingly (minecraft, warframe, any game from like 6+ years ago).
Bought it for about 500€ last winter, which is extremely good value for what it is, seriously!
TL;DR: Surfaces are the least bad choice in the tablet/convertible market, they're expensive but previous gen models will still do all you'd ask from one without much issue.
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doulayogimama · 5 months
I got my period today and the weather is crap. I had to spend the majority of my afternoon packing while caring for / entertaining my 3yo, so that took 5x longer than it should've, lol.
I am checking a large luggage at the check in counter.
I have a carry on backpack that will have my laptop, chargers, Sky's snack + entertainment bag, her book bag, and her insulated milk bag. My purse can be stuffed in that large book bag or I can wear it on my shoulder.
I was debating whether to bring her stroller or not, but I think I will. It's worth it. I'm just not sure if I'm going to stuff it into my checked bag or if I'm going to put it in my large carry on bookbag.
This stroller is the best parenting purchase I've ever made -- not ideal for a child under 1, but for a toddler, this is more than enough and it can literally fit in a shoulder bag once it's folded up. Used it the 4 months through Europe and it saved our lives. The only city I struggled using a stroller was Lisbon. We've used it in cities like NYC and Barcelona; this stroller was amazing and is 1000% worth the money (and this is cheap as far as travel strollers go).
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
Last Monday of the Week 2023-01-23
New experiences!
Listening: I put out a call for electronic music earlier this week and so that's what I've been listening to. The song that has been stuck in my head is S3RL's Bass Slut, which is unfortunate given that I already knew some S3RL and I don't really like most of it. Not a very useful datapoint.
This has had me going back to all the psychedelic recommendations I got from people on IRC.
Reading: Working through Google's Rust training
Good introduction to the key programming concepts without being a "Baby's first language" guide. Very happy to throw the stdlib at you and say "here, figure it out."
This was prompted by hearing about the ESP-RS project, which is toolchains and libraries for running Rust on Espressif microcontrollers. I basically only use ESP-32's given the choice these days because integrated networking and two cores is so useful. I guess the Pi Pico W might also be a contender to look at at some point.
Watching: So close to finishing Umbrella Academy Season 3. I'll say so far this is both the funniest and weakest season. Too much magic.
Playing: Nothing! Power outages have been a major source of interference and I no longer have any routine games because I dropped Forza pretty hard. It's actually wild how hard that was dropped, after seeing my Steam annual stats I basically haven't touched it. Thanks Steam.
Making: More quilt as always, and more Galena.
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Quilt is coming along well, it's probably going to be finished by my mother only after I leave the country but I think most of the patchwork will be done between now and then at least.
Galena has a new set of cases! They're almost done, but sanding them with the orbital sander was a nightmare. Going to rent time in a workshop to finish them off with a disk sander or an oscillating orbital sander, as well as to cut cable channels with a table router.
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Realized I finally had an excuse to use the machine screw cutter in my wire strippers and used that to trim the machine screws holding the plate down to length. Everything is coming together.
Tools and Equipment: Self-adhesive non-slip rubber feet go a long way to making stuff feel more robust. You know this, I know this, laptop manufacturers know this. Around the 2010's laptop manufacturers realized that they could make a lightweight laptop feel much more solid if it just held its position on a table rather than sliding around at the slightest bump, and that's why all laptops have those long rubber strips for feet. This was popularized in the XPS13 but I think some other companies were doing it before that.
I bought a pack of 50 of those clear round rubber bumpers and they're stupendously sticky, they lock anything in place on a flat surface with even a little weight. I stuck some on Galena while she's in this half-finished state so I can keep typing, and I stuck some on my laptop's USB hub so that it doesn't flop around so much. Feels way less rattly and cheap now, that goes for Galena and the hub.
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rhythmcrown · 1 year
I think my next big thing after getting a GPU for my PC might be a cheap laptop. I haven't actually had one since 2016 but I feel like it would make it considerably easier for me to get lightweight work done without having to be at my desk - because what's been stopping me lately is just that. It hurts to sit at my desk for too long, and I'm not sure if it's just my shoulder and hips that suck, or what, but having an alternative would be... smart, to say the least, for when I struggle to get out of bed.
I'm clinging to September like 'Summer is almost on the way out, I'm so close to having energy again' but it can't come soon enough. I hardly want to get up and it's not even The Big Depresso!! I'm just tired and sore and this season takes the life out of me
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catgirl-kaiju · 2 years
Hey do you have any suggestions for a good college laptop? Mine bricked
Hmmm it's been a minute since I was at college or owned a laptop. I don't have any specific suggestions, but things to look for:
Good storage space
Able to run programs necessary for classes
Able to run some video games or other recreational software (art programs, music or video editing software, etc.)
Good cooling system with a quiet fan (no one wants to be the person in class with the loud af laptop)
Not a Mac
What you end up getting will most likely be a compromise of some of these, especially if you're on a budget, but pay attention to the specs and features of a prospective laptop to make sure it meets at least some of these.
I would also reccomend getting a special case or bag for your laptop to protect it from any particulates that might end up in your general use bag. An external mouse is also a must. You don't want to be stuck using that stupid trackpad or whatever that laptops come with. And make sure your mouse is comfortable but cheap. You don't want to get carpal tunnel, but you're also gonna be on the move a lot. Being on the move means your mouse is going to be constantly at risk of being damaged, lost, or stolen so you'll need to be able to easily replace it.
Also, I'm very serious, don't get a Macbook oh my god I had one in college and it was shit.
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autolenaphilia · 1 year
Just used Linux to revive an old laptop I haven't used in like 8 years. It was still functional, but was a kinda crappy computer, so I switched to the one I'm using now as my primary one. I wanted to try out other linux distros, without messing with my primary one, and this old one was lying around. Since it's a decade old and cheap even at the time, I decided to go with a very very lightweight distro, and picked Lubuntu, a version of Ubuntu that uses a very lightweight desktop environment.
And what do you know, it worked out perfectly. The battery is busted, but the laptop is still functional and replacing Windows 8 worked out well. Lubuntu is a very user-friendly distro, there is nothing too out there, and it works fine.
I still prefer Linux Mint. It's based on Ubuntu, but Ubuntu has gone over to its own package format called snap, whereas Mint still relies on deb and flatpak. If you are wondering what these formats are, you can watch this video, which is a fine overview of the formats used on Linux.
And snap programs are very slow to launch, it's a well known problem. Firefox is a default in lubuntu as a snap program, and it takes ages to launch, and I don't think that's entirely on this old laptop being old and low-spec. They work fine once they are actually launched, but that takes awhile. Firefox is a default in Mint too, but Mint uses the debian version instead, and it is quick as lightning in comparison.
Still, it's fun to have another computer around, and to test out another Linux distribution.
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angelhelvin · 2 years
How to Choose the Right Laptop for you?
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Buying a laptop takes some research. Before you know it, you will be inundated with all kinds of laptops, and making a choice is difficult. Buying a laptop is an investment that should be worth it. A good laptop will give you years of pleasure! Do you want to buy your first Laptop, or are you ready for a new one? We are happy to help you choose a nice laptop.
How do you choose the right new Laptop?
Buying a new laptop seems like it takes a lot of work. Still, the choice is pretty good when you know what you will use the Laptop for. For example, a passionate gamer has very different requirements for a laptop than a diligent student. See below which Laptop is best for your work.
What is a good laptop for home or business use?
You can use a new laptop in your spare time or tick off to-dos. A private or business laptop should be manageable but not too small. It is best to choose a 15 to 17-inch computer from Acer or HP for a good basic laptop.
Small school laptops for students
The portability of a laptop is important when it is used for studying. Carrying a laptop from lecture hall to lecture hall is no fun, so it must be as light as a feather. The Laptop must also be able to take a beating because it can sometimes be busy in the stairwell or the canteen. Therefore, opting for a sturdy yet lightweight Lenovo best laptop 2023.
Play games with a gaming laptop
When playing games, you should opt for the powerhouses of laptops. Gaming uses very heavy programs. You can play endless games with an Asus laptop. Then choose the models ASUS TUF or the Pro series. MSI laptops are also a very good choice. This popular game brand is best rated by gamers worldwide.
Want to compare more computers?
You may still need help to make a choice. Would you like to compare laptops even more extensively before taking the plunge? Then use our buying guide and discover which model suits you.
What are good laptops for a reasonable price?
Cheap laptops are less expensive for a reason. The price difference is often reflected in a quality difference. For an entry-level model suitable for basic use, such as emailing and surfing the internet, you can opt for a cheap laptop under $600. However, do you want a more powerful model with which you can watch razor-sharp movies, play games, or edit photos? Then the price will be higher.
What does a used laptop cost?
You can also opt for an almost new laptop. These laptops have been returned or exchanged by customers and then carefully checked by us. These laptops are in excellent condition, but you pay less than the new price. All these laptops also come with a 2-year warranty.
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industrynewsupdates · 2 months
Personal Computing Procurement Intelligence 2024-2030: Uncovering Hidden Opportunities
Procurement of personal computing services refers to the process of acquiring computers, related hardware, and software for individual use or within an organization. The global market size was estimated at USD 205.5 billion in 2023. Efficient procurement ensures optimal performance, cost-effectiveness, and compatibility with existing systems while maintaining a focus on security and user satisfaction. In 2023, North America held the largest share of the global market with 30%. This growth can be attributed to the dominating presence of key players, deployment of high-speed data infrastructure, advancements in laptop design and performance, innovation and sustainability initiatives by key players, and an increase in sales via e-commerce platforms.
Asia Pacific is poised to witness the fastest growth rate during the forecast period due to the rise of commercial establishments, rapid infrastructure development, surge in product usage by emerging economies, capacity expansions by key suppliers, improvements in technology, and an increase in government initiatives. Key countries driving the growth in Asia Pacific include China, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Taiwan, owing to efficient and low-cost production facilities, cheap costs of labor, and components such as semiconductors, and high demand growth from various commercial units.
These products are deployed by a wide range of end-users to execute a wide spectrum of day-to-day tasks, enable efficient administration, enhance employee productivity, and improve time management. Key end-users include corporate offices, educational establishments, government agencies, finance and accounting companies, and other sectors such as healthcare, hospitality, and retail. For instance, finance and accounting firms utilize these products for financial analysis, budgeting, and tax preparation. Government agencies use these products for managing public records.
Order your copy of the Personal Computing Procurement Intelligence Report, 2024 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
Key technology trends impacting the growth of this industry include thin clients, Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) panels, convertible 2-in-1 Designs, AR and VR integration, and slim and lightweight design. Convertible 2-in-1 designs enable products to seamlessly transform between two modes such as laptop and tablet. These designs have hinges that facilitate a 360-degree rotation, enabling users to switch effortlessly. In laptop mode, these products have a physical keyboard and trackpad for efficient typing and multitasking. When detached from the keyboard, they are converted into lightweight tablets, suited for on-the-go use. These convertible products are also equipped with touchscreens, making them ideal for note-taking, drawing, and navigating applications.
Key suppliers that provide personal computing items compete based on product pricing, customization, compliance with environmental standards, lead time optimization, innovation in design aspects, and improvement of security options. Buyers in this market have diverse options for budget range, product specifications, supplementary services, product warranty, and after-sales options. Regulatory directives in several countries require suppliers to comply with stringent standards related to product durability, quality standards, safety measures, waste recycling, and environmental impact.
The prices of these products are impacted by numerous variables. Key elements affecting the prices include variations in the prices of raw materials and components, supply chain and logistical issues, labor cost fluctuations, and licensing and compliance needs. Commonly used raw materials such as plastic, glass, metals, aluminum, arsenic, and silicon undergo significant variations based on feedstock and energy costs. On a similar note, costs of components such as semiconductors, batteries, and motherboards may fluctuate due to several reasons.
For instance, in 2023, key manufacturers faced a major challenge in the form of semiconductor and chip shortages due to supply disturbances. These disruptions were driven by geopolitical conflicts and the U.S. sanctions on Chinese suppliers amid a tech war between the two nations. The increases in chip prices in turn had made the electronics and computing products very expensive in 2021 and 2022. The prices of semiconductors also increased to meet the growing demand for people worldwide. Similarly, aluminum is widely used in this sector, such as casing devices, computer parts, power lines, etc. Between July 2023 and January 2024, the global aluminum prices increased from USD 2,160 per MT to 2,201 per MT mainly due to increased demand in battery packs and casing. As a result, prices of products such as laptops / desktops also slightly increased.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused a substantial transformation in this industry. During the pandemic, demand for these items from corporate offices increased considerably, to facilitate remote working trends such as virtual meetings and uninterrupted communication in work-from-home conditions. On a similar note, demand for these products from educational institutions also increased, to facilitate the increased requirement for conducting online lectures and using e-learning platforms.
Post the pandemic, key suppliers are catering to changing customer demands by providing enhanced security features, investing in innovative product design, optimizing product performance, improving screen resolution, and extending battery life in these products. For instance, in 2023, suppliers such as Dell, HP, and Apple launched a new series of laptops with design innovations, upgrades in processing speed, and superior display resolutions. In procurement, the best practices for finding suppliers include comparing pricing options, evaluating product specifications, assessing suppliers' experience levels, analyzing client feedback, evaluating service capabilities, and comparing lead times.
Personal Computing Sourcing Intelligence Highlights
• The personal computing market comprises a fragmented landscape, with suppliers engaged in intense competition.
• Due to the vigorous market competition, buyers within the industry have significant bargaining power and have the flexibility to switch to better alternatives.
• China and the U.S. are favored as low-cost or best-cost countries within their respective regions for sourcing personal computing products due to their reasonable costs of low costs of electronic components and the presence of well-established manufacturing units.
• The key cost components include raw materials and electronic components, labor, equipment, packaging and labeling, logistics and supply chain, and other costs. Other costs include R&D, rent and utilities, licensing and compliance, sales and marketing, general and administrative, and taxes.
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Digital Procurement Systems Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Direct Mail Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Personal Computing - Key Suppliers
• Acer Inc.
• Apple Inc.
• ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
• Dell Inc.
• HP Development Company, L.P.
• Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
• Lenovo Group Ltd.
• LG Electronics Inc.
• Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
• Sony Group Corporation
Personal Computing Procurement Intelligence Report Scope
• Personal Computing Market Growth Rate: CAGR of 7.2% from 2024 to 2030
• Pricing Growth Outlook: 5% - 10% increase (Annually)
• Pricing Models: Cost-plus pricing, competition-based pricing, bundled pricing, demand-based pricing, penetration pricing
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, past engagements, productivity, geographical presence
• Supplier Selection Criteria: Geographical service provision, industries served, years in service, employee strength, revenue generated, key clientele, regulatory certifications, product range, processor type, storage type, use of sustainable materials, delivery mode, customer service, and others
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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govindhtech · 4 months
Tips To Find The Right Apple Magic keyboard For Your iPad
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Apple Magic Keyboard iPad
iPads have developed into immensely potent tools for work, creativity, and enjoyment in the modern world. They can feel heavy compared to a conventional laptop, though, when used for prolonged writing sessions. Fortunately, Apple has created Magic Keyboards, which turn your iPad into an almost laptop-like device that come with a touchpad and a comfy keyboard (on select models).
Apple Magic Keyboard iPad Air
It can be difficult to select the best Magic Keyboard for your particular iPad model, though, given the variety of options available. With all the knowledge you need to select the ideal Magic Keyboard for your iPad, this in-depth guide will arm you. We will explore the many models of Magic Keyboards, their features, compatibility, and important considerations to help you make the right decision.
Best buy Apple Magic keyboard
Two different Apple Magic Keyboard lines are available , each serving a different purpose:
Magic Keyboard
With a floating cantilever design, the Magic Keyboard is a full-sized keyboard solution that exudes luxury style. Along with a built-in trackpad for accurate cursor control and multi-touch gestures, backlit keys make typing comfortable in low light. Additionally, a USB-C connector enables pass-through charging. A laptop-like experience is provided by this keyboard.
Magic Keyboard Folio
This more cheap and compact variant is made especially for the 10th generation iPad. With its scissor mechanism, detachable keyboard, and 14-key function row for easy access to key operations, it’s equipped with an adjustable stand that allows for multiple viewing angles.
Apple Magic keyboard compatible
Selecting the Correct Magic Keyboard
There are important distinctions to take into account when choosing between the two Magic Keyboards, even if they both improve the usefulness of your iPad. A thorough summary of the important elements is provided below:
Magic Keyboard Apple
It’s this that matters most. Make sure your particular iPad model is compatible with the Magic Keyboard you have selected. To quickly review, consult the table above. Connectivity and functionality will be disrupted by mismatched models.
Interface and Operational Elements
Magic Keyboard
Provides an ergonomic scissor mechanism on a full-sized, illuminated keyboard, making it perfect for prolonged typing sessions.
Boasts an integrated trackpad that allows for accurate cursor control and multi-touch motions for applications like document manipulation and photo editing.
Like a laptop screen, the floating cantilever design enables perfect comfort by allowing for seamless modifications of the viewing angle.
Features a pass-through USB-C port that charges your iPad even when you’re using the keyboard.
Magic Keyboard Folio
Makes the iPad easier to carry around and offers a more lightweight and compact design.
Contains a scissor mechanism removable keyboard for comfortable typing.
Contains a 14-key function row for easy access to standard features like screen brightness adjustment and volume control.
Lacks the adaptability of the floating cantilever design, but it does provide an adjustable stand for different viewing angles.
Has no USB-C port and no trackpad.
Magic Keyboard
When closed, the iPad is fully protected on the front and rear, providing comfort against unintentional knocks and scratches.
Magic Keyboard Folio
Without a front cover, it provides protection for the rear when attached. If you want even more security, you might think about getting a second screen protector.
Apple Magic Keyboard Price
Magic Keyboard
Full-sized keyboard, trackpad, and USB-C connector are just a few of its high-end features, which typically translate into a higher price.
Magic Keyboard Folio
It’s a more cost-effective choice, which makes it perfect for those on a tight budget or mobile first.
Previous Typing Experience
These Magic Keyboards provide a comfortable typing experience because to their scissor mechanisms. But, because the Magic Keyboard’s full-sized keys have more travel distance and key spacing, they might be better suited for users who prioritise lengthy typing jobs.
Magic Keyboard Folio
For regular travel and on-the-go use, its lightweight and compact form is perfect.
Magic Keyboard
With its full-sized layout and floating cantilever construction, it still has a small footprint but has a larger footprint, making it a little heavier to move.
Apple Magic Keyboard for iPad
Your needs should come first when selecting the ideal match
It’s time to think about your unique requirements and preferences now that you are aware of the main characteristics of each Magic Keyboard:
Power User
The full-sized Magic Keyboard, with its trackpad and USB-C port, is the best option if you value a laptop-like experience, a lot of typing, and several touch gestures.
Cost-Concerned User
The Magic Keyboard Folio is a fantastic choice if you prioritise portability for daily work and affordability.
Portability is Key
The Magic Keyboard Folio is a lightweight option that may be more suitable for individuals who travel frequently or need optimum portability.
Protection Is Important
The design of the Magic Keyboard provides a comprehensive solution if total protection for your iPad is your top concern.
Apple Magic Keyboard warranty
Magic Keyboards are covered for one year. Since purchase, the warranty covers material and workmanship.
Apple Magic Keyboard warranty breakdown:
One-year warranty on manufacturing defects. Coverage begins at retail purchase. Not covered: Unauthorised changes, injuries, or wear & tear. AppleCare+ for your iPad might extend the warranty coverage when you buy the iPad and Magic Keyboard together. AppleCare+ for iPad covers the Magic Keyboard and the iPad, providing extended warranty and accidental damage protection (for a charge per incident).
Read more on govindhtech.com
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findtechnologystudio · 5 months
When to Ponder Purchasing an Affordable Microsoft Windows License Key?
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If you've ever questioned the functionality of purchasing an affordable Microsoft Windows activation key, there are numerous circumstances where it may just be the right propose you. Whether you're appearing to spare some money, have short-term necessities, or just yearn for to check out brand-new options, thinking about a budget-friendly key may be the solution you've been actually finding. Yet just before you make that choice, let's examine some key aspects to remember when considering this choice.
Main reasons You Should Think About Buying a Low-cost Microsoft Windows Activation Key
Limited Budget Constraints
When you have restricted finances restraints, buying an inexpensive Windows activation key could be a useful Option. Along with an activation Windows key low-priced, you may appreciate all the perks of having a real Windows OS without cracking the bank. This choice allows you to accessibility crucial functions and also safety updates that are critical for your unit's efficiency.
Choosing a Windows key cheap for activation is actually specifically beneficial for individuals or even little businesses making an effort to spare money while guaranteeing they're running with a reputable software application license. By acquiring an economical activation key, you can easily stay away from the dangers connected with utilizing unauthorized or pirated models of Windows.
Brief Activation Demands
Taking into consideration temporary activation needs? If you locate yourself in a circumstance where you require a Microsoft Windows activation key for a temporary job or even a short-lived unit, acquiring a low-priced key could be a useful solution. Sites like Microsoft Windows Key Reddit deliver a platform where you can find budget-friendly activation keys that provide your immediate demands without breaking the bank. https://www.youtube.com/embed/lw2paOdNH08?si=3X_T08_HEmTjWNI-
Temporary activation demands commonly develop when you're dealing with a venture that calls for a certified Microsoft Windows operating system for a minimal timeframe. In such cases, buying a full-priced activation key may certainly not be cost-efficient, creating a less expensive choice a better possibility. Through checking out alternatives like activation Windows key with trustworthy sources, you can satisfy your momentary requirements without compromising on quality or surveillance.
Non-Critical Device Usage
If you possess a gadget that isn't crucial for your daily duties, purchasing a Windows key Reddit could be a sensible choice. Maybe you have an aged laptop pc existing around that you use sometimes for lightweight searching or even entertainment, or a second computer system that performs non-essential functionalities like working an ink-jet printer or handling your sound collection. In these scenarios, purchasing a low-priced activation key may conserve you money while making sure that your non-critical devices still function properly.
Trying Out New Software Application
Exploring new software program choices can easily be a stimulating way to improve your digital knowledge. When looking at purchasing an inexpensive Windows activation key, experimenting along with various software application may help you find out which ones best meet your needs. Experimenting with brand new software program allows you to discover cutting-edge attributes and functionalities that might not be offered in the plans you presently use. Whether you want efficiency resources, creative applications, or electricals to streamline your process, assessing out new software program can easily open a world of options.
Personal Home Use
Think about how an economical Windows activation key may gain your personal home make use of needs, supplying a cost-effective Option for your OS requirements. Whether you need to have to establish up an office, handle private funds, or simply surf the internet, possessing an authentic Windows activation key is actually essential for accessing all the components and protection updates that the operating system provides. Through buying an inexpensive activation key, you may make certain that your laptop is actually working easily without damaging the bank.
Short-Term Job Demands
To address short-term task needs efficiently, evaluate just how an economical Microsoft Windows activation key can easily assist your short-term functional demands. When embarking on a job with a determined end day, acquiring a low-priced Windows activation key could be a practical Option.
These keys supply the important access to Windows functions without a significant monetary investment, making all of them perfect for temporary tasks where cost-efficiency is key. Through getting a valid Windows key at a lesser price factor, you can easily ensure that your task remains within spending plan while still possessing access to necessary Windows performances.
Thus, if you discover yourself in a situation where you need to have to save some money or even possess short-term activation needs, acquiring an economical Microsoft Windows activation key may be a functional solution. Merely ensure to perform your research and also take measures to stay clear of any sort of prospective risks. Whether it is actually for try out brand-new software program, making use of a non-critical tool, or even screening compatibility problems, an inexpensive activation key can easily give you along with the total attributes of the Microsoft Windows operating system at a lesser cost.
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serverprovider24 · 6 months
Unlocking the Future of Remote Desktop Services with RDP Extra's Innovative Features
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Cheap streaming RDP is revolutionizing the accessibility and affordability of faraway laptop services. Traditionally, putting in place far-off access to a computing device or server concerned significant costs, consisting of hardware procurement, software program licenses, and infrastructure renovation. However, with cheap streaming RDP presented through RDP Extra, businesses can enjoy price-effective answers without compromising on performance or safety. Whether you are a small startup or a large enterprise, the affordability of streaming RDP opens doorways to more suitable productivity and collaboration possibilities.
Streaming RDP is another game-changing feature that is poised to redefine far-off computer offerings. Unlike conventional RDS setups that require committed consumer programs or heavy useful resource usage, streaming RDP gives a lightweight and seamless experience. With streaming RDP, customers can get the right of entry to their computer environment or programs from any tool with an internet connection, eliminating the restrictions of hardware compatibility or vicinity. This flexibility empowers people to work from anywhere, whether or not it’s a coffee store, a consumer’s office, or the consolation of their own home.
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Security is paramount in the present-day virtual panorama, and RDP Extra acknowledges the significance of protecting touchy statistics and infrastructure. With robust encryption protocols, multi-issue authentication, and proactive hazard detection mechanisms, RDP Extra’s cheap streaming RDP offers a steady environment for far-off get admission to. Whether you are gaining access to corporate networks, touchy files, or proprietary software programs, you may agree with RDP Extra to guard your information and mitigate capacity risks. By prioritizing security without compromising usability, RDP Extra affords peace of mind for organizations and people alike.
In addition to its center functionalities, RDP Extra’s commitment to customer satisfaction sets it apart in the aggressive panorama of far-flung desktop services. With responsive guide channels, intuitive user interfaces, and customizable capabilities, RDP Extra empowers users to tailor their far-flung laptop experience to their unique needs. Whether you are a pro IT professional or a newbie consumer, RDP Extra’s user-pleasant interface and comprehensive documentation make it clean to install, control, and optimize your far-off desktop surroundings. With RDP Extra, the destiny of remote laptop services is not only technologically superior but additionally consumer-centric and reachable to all.
Looking ahead, the destiny of far-flung desktop offerings is brimming with possibilities. As companies keep to embrace remote work fashions and virtual transformation projects, the demand for flexible, dependable, and steady far-off desktop answers will simplest develop. With innovations like cheap streaming RDP and streaming RDP, RDP Extra is at the vanguard of this evolution, empowering groups and people to work smarter, collaborate greater successfully, and release new possibilities in the virtual age. As the era keeps advancing and personal expectations evolve, RDP Extra stays dedicated to riding innovation and redefining the future of remote computer services for future years.
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themomsandthecity · 7 months
I Tried Calpak's New Baby Collection and Found the Diaper Bag of My Dreams
Since having a baby about seven months ago, I've accumulated more diaper bags than seems necessary or even appropriate - at least a half dozen. I have big diaper bags, mini diaper bags, diaper backpacks, expensive diaper bags, cheap diaper bags, and tote bags that I now use as diaper bags. But until I tried the new Calpak Baby Collection, I still hadn't found my perfect diaper bag. Now, I have; in fact, I found two of them. Calpak gained popularity over the past several years for their smart travel products. Calpak luggage, cosmetics cases, and packing cubes all make stowing and transporting your necessities super easy. So news that they were debuting a baby collection was met with a lot of excitement. After all, if anyone needs products that make it easier to stay organized while hauling a ton of stuff around, it's parents. Calpak's Baby Collection includes six products: a diaper tote bag, a convertible mini backpack, a diaper backpack, a portable changing pad clutch, a convertible stroller caddy crossbody, and stroller straps that let the other bags hang from your stroller handle. Bonus: these straps also come with the crossbody. The brand let me try out the last four products in the collection - and they helped fill a hole in my diaper bag game that I didn't know existed. What I Like About the Calpak Baby Collection First things first: the Calpak Baby Collection products are light. All the products are made of the same recycled nylon, which is super lightweight, something I appreciate given how much gear I'm usually stuffing inside. My previous favorite diaper bag was durable, but it had hardwear that made it weighty even when totally empty; when it was full, it was a back injury hazard. Even when I stash my laptop and breast pump in Calpak's diaper backpack, along with the typical diapers, wipes, bottles, toys, etc., it doesn't have that extra heft, so carrying it around is that much easier. (Personally, I always prefer backpacks over shoulder bags; and Calpak's straps are wide and soft for even more comfort.) The recycled nylon is also water-resistant and durable, two qualities that are a must in a baby line, considering the amount of bodily fluids they come into contact with on the regular. I also love how simple the Baby Collection is. Each product looks clean and minimal from the outside. But inside, they have all the compartments you could need to keep your baby gear organized. I especially love the insulated bottle holders in the diaper bag and crossbody, which keep my bottles cool and safe when out and about, and the clutch's ingenious baby wipe compartment, which lets you access one wipe at a time, without having to pull out an entire package. (The Baby Collection's tote has the same feature.) And because it's Calpak, they're designed with travel days in mind. The diaper backpack has a trolly sleeve that slips over luggage handles, for instance. Finally, the magnetic closures make Calpak's bags easy to open and close one-handed, which is a must when you're juggling a squirmy little human. Who's the Calpak Baby Collection Best For? The beauty of Calpak's six-piece Baby Collection is that there's a product for every parent. Since I live in a city, I love the crossbody, which functions as a mini diaper bag when I'm just popping out to the store with my baby and only need a couple diapers, one or two toys, and an emergency bottle. It's the perfect size for my smaller stroller, or when I'm using a baby carrier and no stroller at all. The bigger diaper bag, on the other hand, is roomy enough for longer excursions out, or for when I'm going straight from daycare drop-off to the office and need to stash my laptop, pump, and lunch along with a few baby essentials. The portable changing pad clutch comes in handy when I want to pack even lighter. I typically keep it packed with wipes, diapers, and diaper cream; then I can just toss it into the bigger diaper backpack or my own… https://www.popsugar.com/family/calpak-baby-collection-review-49340408?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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usedlaptop · 7 months
Purchase Used Laptops Online
Looking for a dependable site to buy used laptops online? Look no farther than Retechie! We are your one-stop shop for excellent refurbished gadgets, offering a large range of pre-owned laptops at cheap pricing. Whether you're a student, a professional, or a computer enthusiast on a budget, we have a variety of alternatives to meet your needs.
We recognize the value of cost without sacrificing quality. That is why we thoroughly check and renovate each laptop before selling it for sale on our website. To ensure maximum performance, our expert specialists evaluate every part of the laptop, from its hardware components to its software capabilities.
One of the primary benefits of acquiring a used laptop from Retechie.com is the cost savings compared to buying new. Choosing a reconditioned laptop allows you to save money without losing performance or dependability. Whether you need a laptop for business, education, or enjoyment, our broad collection includes models from major manufacturers like Dell, HP, Lenovo, Apple, and more.
However, shopping offers more than just a low price. We also prioritize customer happiness by offering extensive product descriptions, high-quality photos, and clear pricing to assist you make educated selections. Furthermore, all of our refurbished laptops have a warranty to provide you piece of mind and confidence in your purchase.
Another advantage of purchasing from Retechie is the environmentally responsible nature of using reconditioned gadgets. Choosing a secondhand laptop over a new one helps to decrease electrical waste and lowers your carbon impact. It's a sustainable decision that helps both you and the environment.
Whether you want a lightweight and portable laptop for everyday use, a powerful workstation for heavy workloads, or a low-cost alternative for basic computing needs, we have you covered. Buying a used laptop has never been easier or easier, thanks to our user-friendly internet layout and secure payment methods.
In addition to laptops, we provide a selection of accessories and peripherals to improve your computing experience. From laptop bags and covers to external hard drives and wireless mice, we offer everything you need to complete your reconditioned laptop and customize your setup.
Our objective is to supply clients with economical, high-quality refurbished laptops that come with exceptional customer service and support. Whether you are a first-time customer or a seasoned tech enthusiast, we try to surpass your expectations and provide a smooth online buying experience from beginning to end.
So, why wait? Explore our selection of used laptops now to find the ideal gadget for your requirements and budget. Owning a high-quality used laptop has never been easier or more rewarding thanks to Retechie. Happy shopping!
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