#cheating scandle
sporthb1 · 1 year
episode 1 of grill the grid i complained that they are giving carlos hints and not th others. they gave him points for free, and i said i wouldnt be upset about it if he didnt win.... but he won.... I'm annoyed.
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bad-lobcorp-aus · 4 months
Can i actually aubmit my. Lobcorp modern au im thinking too much ahout to the point im making DESIGNS for it.
lobcorp was an mlm ran by an exmormon from utah (carmen) headquarted in nyc. The mlm was widespread but only a few specific college or highschool students (the sefirot) truly knew the true nature of it. Maybe the mlm would be like psychological? Like a betterhelp-esque scandle sjit? Or mahbe like vitamins and all. Few years later quixote and meursault are attorneys who recruit witnesses of the mlm (the sinners) as testimonies for the court case. Ayin was also a ceo of the mlm but he literally just fucking cheated on benjamin and left him and angela and whilst angela and benjamin are in a whole other state ayij is leading a cult.
Then she’s finally gojng to college and. “Congratulations your father died and now you own the property of Seed Of Light Co.” so she then decides ro work on a case study regarding the cult which is how she meets the sefirot. Carmen was raised mormon, moved to nyc when she was 8 and became a scientologist as an adult.
Some of the thjngs in the court case could be like “faust is working for a laboratort and thinks these drugs are extremely unsafe” “ishmael’s coworkers blowed like 700 dollars on these shitass pills” “kromer was a twitch streamer and promoted the mlm products and kromer also had her followers swat sinclair for tje sole basis that he is jewish”…
When carmen moves to nyc she befriends giovanni despite him not being mormon like her family (adoptive family is catholic but giovanni is ethnically jewish) think gio would be half italian half eritrean
Theres so much more than this lmfao like. Test tube baby + disabled angela to explain how much she dehumanizes herslef but like.
this falls under rule 5, you've put too much thought into it for it to be a bad au, but you should definitely elaborate on it on your own blog :O
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
heavy themes, minors dni, homophobia, slurs?, mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of drug abuse, mentions of death, mentions of sexual assault.
ten years ago, eddie left the safety of his hospital room and braved the outside world. see, hawkins was hell. not just metaphorically, small town america where the satanic panic was everywhere and people beat up queers regularly. but also, it was literally hell. the upside down was bleeding out into the real world, and after experiencing five minuets of being legally dead, eddie was fuckin out of there.
ten years ago, he rounded up the troops after graduation and fucked off to chicago, lived it out in a shitty little apartment and played whatever gigs he could get on his blessed sweetheart that wayne had thankfully saved before the rip.
ten years ago was the last time he had seen steve harrington, the town famous jock and ladies man that had selfishly stolen eddie’s heart during the hardest week of his life.
eddie left. and he didn’t look back.
over the years, his friends came to visit him, or he’d bump into them elsewhere. he ended up closest with nancy since she was living close to him for about six months back in ‘88.
that was the year corroded coffin got big.
like, really big.
like, playing at the garden and partying with mötley crüe, sex scandles and overdoses making the front page kind of big.
eddie was a star.
it was everything he had dreamed of.
when performing, he was in his element. when writing lyrics, he was in his element. when being chased down the street by a hoard of teenage girls just trying to touch his hair or get an autograph or even just trying to get him to look them in the eye, he was in his fucking element.
eddie had always been an attention whore.
in ‘91, the tabloids went off the charts when eddie was seen standing awfully close to another man in a dark allyway, both sharing a cigarette, and then another photo of them walking into an underground, invite only club together that was infamous for its suspected queerness.
christmas ‘92, eddie announced during a massive fucking christmas concert in new york, live streamed across the world, for all ages, that he was in a committed relationship with a man. and then he pulled said man on stage, and kissed him. really fucking hard.
his manager fired him the next morning, but that didn’t stop eddie.
his fame outweighed the queerness. plus, it totally boosted his popularity in that community and people started figuring out that a whole bunch of his lyrics were really queer coded.
eddie and his boyfriend broke up in ‘93. he got cheated on. right under his nose. his brilliant, punky boyfriend was fucking his pencil skirt wearing assistant the entire fucking time. turns out, punky boy was only with eddie for his money.
eddie loved him.
it hurt.
he developed a life threatening addiction after that, following in his mums footsteps. it started with the drinking. then it turned to coke. then he found heroine.
he ended up overdosing three times, he’s lucky to still have his life.
he did meet some really cool people in rehab though.
it took him till december ‘95 to make one month clean. he’d managed to stay clean. gareth threatened to kick him out of the band if he didn’t.
in ‘96, corroded coffin went on a short tour to their favourite places to perform. rocking the house out and showing the world that eddie was okay. that he could still party and perform and get caught up in several sex scandles, like the one with popular actor james rowan or the playboy model, eliza truman. that he was clean and nothing that bad had ever really happened.
ninety percent of being a rockstar is just lying.
eddie got home at three in the morning post tour. finally able to sleep in his own bed again, rather than the stupid tour busses or random hotels. eddie was glad to be home.
he’d bought himself a lavish place. he didn’t have much as a kid, so he wanted to have it all now that he could. he’d bought wayne a place too, though, it was a penthouse, wayne didn’t need a mansion. eddie was living down in LA too, by the coast. he had a private beach. he loved it.
he locked the door behind him, resetting the security alarm. that was always his top priority, after that crazy fan smashed his window and crawled into his bed in the middle of the night and tried to suck him off in his sleep.
eddie was kinda traumatised.
he walked through the downstairs area, grabbing himself a bottle of apple juice out of the far too big fridge in his kitchen, and walked over to check on his guitar room.
yup, they were all safe.
he walked over to the counter where his new assistant placed his mail when he was gone and shuffled through it.
he found an invite from hawkins high for the ten year reunion.
eddie never thought he would ever go to a highschool reunion, he hated highschool. and he hated everyone at highschool. but after some thinking and a bowl of kraft max n cheese, he decided he might go pay the old town a visit.
he knew the gates were closed, nancy told him that.
and there were less homophobes, robin told him that, though… it was still hawkins.
most people eddie hated (carver) were either dead, moved away, or had the most mundane jobs known to man. they all had pathetic lives. and eddie was a world famous rockstar.
freak, bullied, beaten and ridiculed his whole life, turned rockstar, egotistical sex symbol desired by all.
he bet he could make a few of those assholes jealous with a simple wink their bored wives way.
fuck it. let’s raise a little hell.
the reunion was as boring as he has suspected. dull, shit music, people that bullied him asking him for his autograph and having the audacity to say ‘i never thought you were a freak’.
it was an entire night of eye rolls for eddie.
he was ready to head back to cali the next morning, but robin begged him to stay. she was hosting a charity fundraiser to put more money into the schools for the kids. the town was pretty run down, and the schools were falling apart and the entire arts program was shut down and eddie’s money would be really useful. eddie was happy to give her some, kids deserved a good education, but he didn’t want to stick around.
but then she had told him all the kids would be there, and they’d want to see him, and it would actually be fun. because robin was fun, and so were her events.
so eddie gave in and stuck around for a few more nights.
eddie got all dressed up, per robins request. a smart black suit with metallic embroidery all over it. a black button up underneath, left partly unbuttoned so you could see the low hanging chains around his neck and the tattoo between his breast plates. a large sword pointing towards his stomach, woven with vines and very fantasy badass. he topped it off with his usual rings, some dress shoes, and his sunnies that he wore everywhere to hide his face.
when he got to the event, thankfully, there were no paparazzi. eddie thanked the heavens robin didn’t tell anyone of his attendance. he walked in and overheard a few murmurs, of course, he stood out. most men here were dressed in simple dress shirts and blazers with their short cut hair. some people recognised him from around town. some people recognised him for his music. some people recognised him from the papers. and some people recognised him as that murderous queer.
yeah, it suddenly felt a little hot.
there were a lot of older people here.
older people really didn’t like queers.
eddie pushed through, keeping his shades on for that extra protection.
when he found robin, she was dressed in lovely green silk and she looked devine. he took her hand graciously and spun her around before bowing down and kissing her hand. the photographer for the event - jonothan byers - snapped a few pics.
“lady robin.” eddie smiled, standing again.
she pulled hand back and waved it at him, “oh my goodness, world famous rockstar eddie munson! i’m never washing my hand again. defile me, please, i beg of you!”
“ha ha. your real funny, you know that?”
“i do.” she smirked and tapped his shoulder with her purse, “nance is over there if you wanna say hi. i’ve sat you at the table at the back over there with dustin, el, erica and argyle. is that cool?”
“cool with me.” he nodded, hands behind his back, “your the boss lady. i am here to simply follow along and throw all my money at you.”
“and you are a gem for that.” she pet his face a couple of times with a smile and hurried off, “catch you later.”
he saluted her before making his way over to nancy.
the night flew by, he got to catch up with dustin, el and erica whom he hadn’t seen in well over a year now. the last time was at dustin and els wedding, he just found out they were pregnant with their first. eddie tried his best not to cry. he also got reacquainted with argyle. he’d only met the guy once, seemed cool enough. he was cool now, had really awesome hair that eddie admired. and he was sorta cute and really gave off gay vibes. eddie spent half the night flirting with him until jonothan walked over on his break and greeted argyle with a kiss. safe to say eddie was embarrassed and he apologised profusely, argyle was flattered.
the food was good. like, really fuckin good. eddie was a little confused as to how rob could pay for it all, she was a primary school teacher, but apparently nancy scored some brilliant reporters gig and made stacks now, and they were together. eddie was proud of her.
then came the charity part of the night. there was a silent auction where people donated items amongst the art pieces the primary and middle school kids supplied. eddie won a bunch of things. he won a hand painted vase that ms henderson donated for two thousand dollars. he won a homemade candle set that he only wanted because it smelt like the tour van after their first concert, for eight hundred dollars. he won a canvas painting from a six year old of a pink dinosaur for five thousand. he won an attempted teapot from a ten year old that was painted like an enchanted forrest for eight thousand dollars. and he won a clay monster with nine arms and seven eyes and two mouths and a weird shaped figure created by some siblings aged thirteen and four, and eddie thought he could hang his rings on it, for twelve thousand.
when robin calculated the amount he had spent just from the auction, she cried. that meant she could put on a play this year.
eddie himself donated a guitar, an old electric that robin ended up scoring herself, she wanted to learn and be able to teach the kids.
the next charity event was a bet. people were drawn out of the crowd at random and forced to compete against each-other at random games, and guests could place bets on who would win or lose.
eddie bet on the losing side for all the jocks, and won almost every time. (all the winning money went to the schools). eddie was called up for a competition, and he was ready for it.
beer pong.
he had this in the fucking bag.
oh, and look who it was against… steve mother fucking harrington.
when eddie first locked eyes on steve, his heart raced. he still looked just as beautiful as he did ten years ago. all those horrible memories of unrequited love and his broken heart came flooding back. he’d lost a love he’d never had for no fault but his own. he was dressed in a smart black suit with a bow tie and shiny shoes and… by god, is that strawberry lipgloss? and blonde highlights?
yeah, eddie wasn’t making it out of here alive.
eddie stepped up to the table, droning out the oohs and ahhs of the crowd, he was used to it. he watched robin fill steve’s cups with beer and then watched her fill his own (secretly) with soda. thank the sober gods.
“are my eyes deceiving me, or is that king steve?”
steve laughed, “in the flesh. im honoured to grace your presence though.” he bowed, and god, he was an actual dork now. fuck dustin for being so influential.
“hmm.” eddie nodded with a smile, “love the hair. going for ‘ken doll’ or something?”
steve smirked, “insult me all you want, i get all the barbies i want.”
eddie tried not to laugh. apparently steve was not as slick as he used to be, “right… we shouldn’t keep them waiting.”
steve shook his head, and they both turned to robin.
“okay!” she announced through the mic, “how much are we betting on steve to win?”
people started voting, the money adding up. steve was the basketball champ and resident party boy back in highschool, so it made sense most people voted for him.
but no one had played beer pong with eddie back in highschool. and they were in for a treat.
“and who votes for eddie to win?”
a couple of people placed their votes, those being eddie’s friends who had played beer pong with him before. eddie looked at the boards, only three hundred dollars was casted his way, compared to steve’s five thousand. he looked back to steve with a smirk.
“i’d like to bet, robin.”
“uh…” she looked over to nancy with a questioning face, who just shrugged, “alright… i guess.”
“i bet…” eddie pretended to think, “ten thousand dollars that i win.
“oh,” steve laughed, “i can see someone’s not cocky just for show.”
“i have a right to be, don’t you think? i mean, you get it, stevie.” eddie grinned, “lotta money, fancy clothes, chicks love me…”
steve deadpanned him and picked up the ball, “suck a dick, munson.”
“oh, i do. quite often, actually.” eddie leant on the table as steve readied himself, “why? you interested?”
steve’s cheeks flushed pink and he terribly bounced the ball, and it missed.
eddie smirked, picking up the ball himself, tossing it, and landing it perfectly in the cup, “bottoms up, big boy.”
the game was over faster than it started, eddie sunk every single cup. the crowd groaned in annoyance, and steve seemed a little ticked off. eddie chucked him a devilish wink before finding his seat again. a few more bets were played before the final charity event of the night started.
“okay,” robin leant over into the mic, “this is entirely backwards of me, but the lovely ms butterscotch insisted we add this to the list. just for some light fun. so!” robin cleared her throat, “a little disclaimer before we start, you are not owed shit.”
the crowd nodded.
“okay, you lovely people with heavy wallets out there get to buy yourselves a date with some of hawkins most eligible bachelors and bachelorettes. the deal is one dinner of your choice with the your partner and that is it! you are just buying a dinner with them!”
eddie laughed to himself. this was the type of shit you would see in movies.
“up first, we have the lovely ms butterscotch herself. who would like to take this lovely lady out for the night?”
a few younger guys, probably freshly graduated all placed their bets with charming smiles, wooing the sweet old lady. eddie thought about placing one just for fun, taking her out on the town for a night, but he wasn’t sure how she’d feel about his whole demonistic metal look.
“next up, we have the lovely ms jane hopper.”
there was a little cheer, and dustin started placing bets against mike and will. and he was losing. and eddie found it very amusing. so he placed a bet too, seven thousand dollars. he won. dustin death stared him down. when el approached the table with the date ticket for eddie, he took her hand and kissed it graciously before slamming the ticket down in dustin’s palm, along with a couple hundred dollar bills.
“take your wife out somewhere nice, a congrats on the baby or whatever.”
dustin smiled warmly and helped el back into her seat.
a few names went by, both male and female, most of them eddie didn’t know.
“and last, our most eligible bachelor, as all you lovely ladies out there know, we’ve got steve harrington.”
there was a cheer in the little crowd and eddie thought it was a bit much. but he also totally understood, steve was, and always has been, a total babe. the bet started off small, working its way higher and higher into the hundreds increasingly quick. it got to just two ladies bickering a dollar higher each time, both red faced and determined to get their date with steve. eddie was having a big laugh. steve was making faces with dustin the whole time, unable to believe what was happening.
“seven hundred and twenty.”
“seven hundred and twenty two!”
it was giving eddie a headache. he reached for his water and took a sip, looking over his glass at steve on the stage. he looked a little nervous, all flushed in the cheeks and fiddling his fingers. eddie noticed he was wearing a ring on his pointer finger. steve looked very well put together. and honestly, it had been making eddie feel a little hot under the collar all night. steve looked over his shoulder at robin wearily, and then back down at the ground. watching steve made eddie’s heart race. he missed him. the boy he barely knew all those years ago. he missed looking at the softness of steve’s eyes and feeling safe there. of never wanting to leave.
then he did the cutest thing.
he scrunched up his nose, trying to get his top lip to touch it out of pure boredom.
“fifty thousand dollars!” eddie slammed his hand down on the table without a second thought, not even processing that it was him who spoke at all, until he felt every single eye in the room fall on him.
“what?” robin choked out wide eyed.
eddie swallowed. well, he was in it now.
“i said, i bet fifty thousand,” he stood slowly, reaching his hands out and bowing graciously, “for a date with steve harrington.”
“jesus.” steve muttered.
“uh…” robin looked around the room, “has he got any competition?”
the two girls looked furious.
eddie smirked.
steve was bright red in the face, and robin handed him the ticket with a little wink. steve walked up to eddie’s table and handed the ticket to him.
“uh!” he shook his head, snatching the ticket, “i’ll be referred to as baby, or your highness from now on. whichever you choose.”
steve glared at him, “fine… your highness. i’m free tomorrow night.”
“wonderfull.” eddie smiled, chucking him a little wink as he looked down at the ticket, “i’ll give you a call.”
steve nodded as he began to back away, “i won’t look forward to it.”
oh, but eddie would.
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i heard that professor hemp left his booth so i ran to get some food while i waited for him to come back and UM???
[VIDEO: @prof-hemp420 and @subwaywardeningo walking together in the city. They're too far away for what they're saying to be heard, but at one point, Hemp takes Ingo's hand. Shortly after, Ingo turns noticeably red, even from a distance. The two rush off together into the crowds of Opelucid City, still holding hands.]
OH NO! Is @prof-hemp420's realationship on the rocks with @yell-on-spikemuth
did we catch cheating!!!
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russilton · 1 year
the more George shows his dislike for Max the more I love him
I really need Mercedes to get their act together so that they can give him and Lewis a car they can beat RB with.
I have a million reasons I adore that weird little man but his visceral dislike of Red Bull is what we all need on the grid to represent us. It’s hysterical.
He’s walking around drinking coffee with a pride flag on his head and ignoring Max, like come on, that’s tumblr core isn’t it?
I think Merc is doing their best when faced up against the cheating Titan RB has become. Don’t get me wrong I’ll always be chasing Merc to do more, but the way things have gone with cost cap scandles and back room deals, it shouldn’t be under sold how Redbulls lead is unnatural.
It is unacceptable we’re so behind aston. They have our engine for gods sake.
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killa-trav · 2 years
Cheating to me is one of the worst things a person can do in any type of relationship. Everytime a rumour circulates it just gets me on edge..on one side people who spread false information and say "yeah I slept with..." etc and then the other side when people are caught out and have to confess because the evidence is RIGHT.THERE. then those who dig through years of stuff to find anything that could possibly link to infidelity.
Personally I don't believe anything I've read on this hellsite. However it still gives me this bad taste in my mouth when I see people joking about cheating scandles and potential stuff...there's a difference between fanfiction and the actual humans that we follow in sport/TV etc.
i’m very much aware about how serious cheating is, i’ve seen my best friends relationship’s been ruined by both men and women cheating, its even happened w my own parents but i won’t delve into that bc i don’t like talking ab my personal life like that at all n me joking about it is literally me coping w such a serious topic because i use humour as my coping mechanism.
obviously it’s tumblr everything is meant to be taken w a grain of salt n i don’t really want to talk too much about this bc seb is extremely private about his personal life for a reason but icl yeh the way he spoke ab hanna in beyond the grid n during his autosport awards makes me think that is all baseless rumours bc u don’t talk ab someone w that much love and admiration especially when u have been so tight lipped about ur relationship like that only to go n cheat on them
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catgirlsupremacist · 6 years
People are really acting like this is a cover up for SK politicians corruption when seungri's allegations lterally involves police corruption and mafia ties... Also both of these things can be true at the same time
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taketwo-orthree · 4 years
I dont understand how someone can willingly partake in helping someone cheat. Like as soon as I find out someone's taken, I no longer find them attractive in an active way. For example. Ryan Destiny and Keith Powers. Both of them are individually attractive. But are both taken (by each other). So now their attractiveness is more objective, just a fact now, than something that would stir active appreciation and longing on my part. Like yeah they are attractive but its dulled cause they are taken
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crosby-interesting · 3 years
The ice house anon is bang on about Sharp. He was a serial cheater. The years 2013-2015 were wild for Blackhawks. They used to party whole night specially the summer 2015 was particularly wild. Sharp allegedly also cheated with Keith's wife hence he was traded and the divorce. ( Take this with a pinch of salt) but this news was fairly discussed in hockey inner circles in Chi. The Blackhawks FO is very good at burying player related news. They kept this scandle under wraps till the 2015 cup.
P.S I know all this because my step sis was a bunny in chi back then and she used to tell us stuff when she got drunk. 😝
the only thing I love alcoholics for is talkativeness 🍸
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But like remember in Hamilton when he cheated on his wife and everyone agreed that he couldn’t possibly be president after such a scandle? What happened?
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aworldinsideaperson · 4 years
Been thinking a lot about why I love Barchie so much but tonight I watched it with Erick (my fiancé) on FaceTime and I was telling him about their relationship and he goes, that sounds familiar, I asked what and he said “it sounds like us” and he’s right, there were things said in this episode that seem almost completely lifted from our lives.
Friend to lovers? ✔️
Everyone around us being able to see it from a mile away ✔️
Mild cheating ‘scandle’ ✔️
The ‘We can’t be together we have to stay friends’ talk ✔️
Ends up joining the military ✔️
There are some other things too but I’m too tired to think about them right now.
So the way I see it, hope is not lost cause Erick and I ended up together in the end after a lot of back and forth and ‘will they won’t they’ slow burn stuff so maybe it’s just wishful thinking or overly comparing it to my relationship but I refuse to believe hope is lost for Barchie.
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we8comic · 4 years
popped into trains stream bc im just skimming rn and theyve just been talking about dream's cheating scandle
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taylorscottbarnett · 5 years
First: Go to hell you bourgeois. Sorry I get a little annoyed at the same tired advice from rich people that never look at their situation or millennials with any context and seem to think they have a magic bullet that will fix everything stemming from their knowledge at their brilliant success while never recognizing the heaping amounts of luck and privilege not granted to most peasants -- err, I mean common folk, ummmm, people.
Youe highnesses, may I present a rebuttle of your vastly oversimplified idealistic veiw of exactly what you did right and what millenials are just too stupid to realize?
Coffee: Let's go with the average of $92 a month. That's $3.06 a day.
Shoes: First, you realize that when it comes to dress shoes certain things have to match right? But I digress, the article states the average person owns 12 pairs. Your claim that women may own more shoes -- have you considered that they have to match what the person wears? You go to work in shoes that don't match the rest of your outfit and see the looks you get.
Besides that however, do you realize people generally don't buy 12 shoes a year every year? They might OWN 12 pairs, but it's not a continuous recurring cost every single year.
I buy tennis shoes usually two pairs at a time. I have three pairs of "dress" shoes, one black, one brown, one of those a recent purchase, about a year old. The other is oh, three years old when I was going too see Wicked and realized I didn't actually own any dress shoes. Lastly one pair of marching band shoes I've owned for, oh, 16 years, mostly for things needing slightly better shoes than sneakers, but not that dressed up.
In addition, I have a two pairs of running shoes, and three pairs of tennis shoes. I also own a pair of hiking boots that are nearly a decade old, and a four year old pair of snow boots.
Know why? Those tennis shoes I bought on sale, and if I alternate shoes by week they don't wear out as fast, meaning I dont have to buy shoes again when they might not be discounted.
Jeans: for years I only owned, oh, three pairs of jeans. I spent the last two years adding more to my wardrobe. I've maybe 8 pairs of jeans, ranging from work clothing, to casual. I've 8 pairs of pants from Swiss Tech I picked up over the course of a year when they went on sale. They tend to make up a large portion of what I wear to class. Two pairs of dress pants. Some of those are 6 years old. Some are 1. Thing is, when you can alternate clothing, you can put off doing laundry until you have a full load. Saving you money in the long run in terms of detergent, water, electricity, and wear and tear on your clothes from use/washing -- meaning you don't have to replace them for ages. I'll wear those clothing for an average of about 8-10 years each. A pair of my black jeans are nearly a decade old and apart from a rip at the knee when I fell off a stage and busted by knee last year they are in great shape. Screw you.
Your seven percent a year profit from investing is screwy as hell you know that? That's an average over decades. Between 1926 and 2014, returns were in that “average” band of 8% to 12% only six times. The rest of the time they were much lower or much higher. It also doesn't account for luck. Those gains only materialized if you happen to have owned stocks on the best performing days.
According to JP Morgan if you missed the best ten days from Jan. 01, 1999 to Dec. 31, 2018, your overall return of 7% becomes oh, about 3.5%. Average inflation for that time period was 2.18% total accumulative inflation was 50.72%
Take the average inflation away from the overall return, and if you missed just the 10 best days of the market over a 20 year period (or you know, for my generation happened to be like 10 at the start of 1999) your return is a paltry little over 1%.
It takes money to invest and have a decent, diversified portfolio, assuming you invest only in mutual funds so you dont have to buy one share of Amazon at oh nearly $2,000, even if you are only investing via an app like Acorns.
And about that coffee: I'm a barista. I spent 4 years saving my tips and putting them towards 15k in student loans at 7% interest. Along with a $100 month payment. I also got lucky, I helped take care of my COPD stricken aunt. I lived rent free, and could afford to put an extremely large amount of my income towards those debts. I also would turn around and put the tax deduction savings from the interest payments towards paying off debt.
My customers went a long way towards me paying off my loans. A married couple for example tipped me a dollar each. They got a large coffee each. That's $6 total from their family budget. It was also about $520 in tips to me a year. Did that $6/day mean a lot to them? Probably not. Did the coffee before work? Definitely. Did the $520 a year mean a lot to me? Absolutely.
Acorns lists Americans spending an average of $92/month on coffee. $3 a day. Does it mean a lot to them? The cost probably not. Does the experience enrich their soul? Help them survive at work? Keep them from quiting or setting fire to their boss? Absolutely. Does this save them money in the long run? Probably.
So maybe the next time you are giving advice, consider that not everyone happend to found a learning software company in the late 80's that got lucky and was sold to Mattel making you multimillionaire. Or happened to be sent to an expensive boarding school for your education. (While I don't know what it cost your parents, it's current tuition is listed as $53,000 /year).
Or attended a school that only cost only about $2,500 a year, (that's $15,808.15 in today's dollars) as opposed to the $52k it is today.
Then again ecconomic Conservatives have a big tendency towards blowing their successes out of proportion while minimizing failures. (After all, you claimed Donald Trump was "Smart as a fox" pretty much even a glance at his string of lies, deceit, scandles, shady dealings, multiple business failures, twitter feed, or his extremely obvious incompetence in deal making or negotiation with Republicans or Democrats in Congress, never mind other political scandals since taking office, would easily confirm Trump is a trust-fund baby, carnival barker, who's much better at lying, cheating, and screwing over people than actually being a businessman.)
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chuckduhdude · 4 years
Who’s ready to see me rip Rob Manfred and new one! When inducted into the position of MLB commissioner he gave the league his future goal for it, and I am here the show how all of how it is not working out. (I’m not saying all my facts are going to be correct and that some may just be my opinion on it. Also because I’m still mad about their not being a 2020 season at all, but here we go)
1.(Youth Outreach): In 2018 it was shown that there’s been a 3% increase in kids ages 6-12 that are playing/interested in baseball. Which is great! Don’t get me wrong, but just seeing how the 2020 draft go to just 5 rounds, (I’ve seen many fans point this out) how can we inspire a new generation of baseball players when later their dream of becoming a big leaguer are getting cut by have a small draft class?
2.(Embracing technology): I think they embraced technology too much that it led to the Astros cheating scandle. That but when I googled “how MLB embraced technology since 2015” nothing came up.
3.(Pace of Play): This one still annoys me, like there is no way to speed up baseball! The pitching clock and mound visits literally cut of .01 seconds in a game. (I worked game 3 of the 2018 WS) let me tell you I barely remember there being any mound visits. If a game gets tied, IT’S TIED! You play till there is no longer a tie. Teams are aware if the pitching clock and mound visits, but if the decied not to use then it won’t make the game any shorter.
4.(Player Relationship): Obviously after the Astros scandle a lot of the players were angry with the punishment given, they expressed that they thought Manfred was weak in giving a punishment. NOW... with how he said he was confident in there being a 2020 season, then a couple days later saying he was definitely not confident in there being a season. Players are calling him out on the BS. How can the league build player relationships if they can’t trust the commissioner and his words.
5.(Business Operations): This could be the only thing Manfred can say he hasn’t fully screw up yet. But I’ve read on twitter many fans as of the result of their not being a 2020 season yet (or if ever) “This sport is dying because of how its runned”. Yeah it’s not all Manfred’s fault but as a commissioner if the owners and player can’t come together he should have stepped in a set the season. If the owners and the league are so worried about money, if they can’t get a season going they DEFINITELY are going to have no money. Fans will move on to sports that their season are about to start.
If anyone wants to discuss this with me message your girl. If you feel like my points are off, like I said this is based off of some actual facts and mostly my own opinions. Ok rant over.
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okay so this is a request for a kardashian inspired reality tv family. the family has basically grown up in front of the camera’s. shae and his twin brother have been in front of the camera since they were only ten. all about the alden’s is still one of the most watched reality tv shows on tv right now. from messy fighting to cheating scandle’s to drug use. this family has gone through it all. his dad is a retired movie producer and his mom is just along for the ride. shes dramatic and controlling and causes a lot of drama which the views eat up. so this request is for the rest of the alden family. this will range from adopted sibling to half siblings. both his parents have kids from previous marriages. it’s only him and his twin brother that are their full biological kids. we have just a skeleton of the family members based of the more well know kardashian/jenner kids but were open to adding more! they all grew up on the show. some have their own careers, some just have the show. but we would love to see them all taken! spouses of the siblings are also welcome!!!
--- alden, 65, the bruce
--- alden, 58, the kris
--- alden, 32, the scott
--- alden, 30, the kourtney
--- alden, 28, the kim
--- alden, 26, the khloe
--- alden, 25, the brody
--- alden, 24, the rob
shae alden, 22, the kendall, taken by chloe
--- alden, 22, the kylie, taken by theo
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smile-smile-ichthys · 8 years
Tumblr has been a right div recently and basically broke my masterpost page on my blog, saying it’s now not supported which makes me very angry as it means I almost lost a LOT of my fanfic. Thankfully they didn’t delete any posts, just the page stopped working, so here is a Masterpost POST so people can still find all my work! This includes all my work, literally everything! Including Akagami no Shirayukihime and Akatsuki no Yona.
PS Mystic Messenger is at the bottom!
Kissed By The Baddest Bidder:
A Soryu Proposal
Bidders Get a Lap Dance from the MC
MC Amost Dies on the Bidders Proposal Day
It’s Been A While:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
Going Up - Ryosuke Smut
Soryu Tries to Make Breakfast
Hide and Seek - Soryu and Daughter Drabble
Confessions of Love (Giveaway Prize)
MC and Bidders Fight then Make up
MC says other bidders name in sexy dream
MC does photoshoot with male model
Black Stone Cherry Song request - Soryu Angst
MC pulls a kick butt move on an obsessive ex
The guys find love poems in MC’s diary
Mamo Fluff
MC asks Bidder to help with Bra
Eisuke Angst Cancels Wedding
Enchanted In The Moonlight:
Headcanon: Chikage Adopts Koten with MC
Guys find out MC is pregnant Gifset
Star Crossed Myth:
The Journey Of A Goddess;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19  Hue Ending Ikky Ending
MC Turns Into A Goddess
MC Has A Split Personality As A Goddess
Snow White Ichthys
The Gift of Dancing - Ikky One Shot
Skating with Ichthys
Embarrassing Photos of MC Headcanon
An Encounter in the Garden - King Fluff
The Gods in the Woods
A Night in Handcuffs - Leon Smut
Daddy Scorpio
Let’s Ship Karno and Leon
The Gods reaction to the MC having a Doll version of them
Scorpio x Ichthys Yaoi Smut
Truth or Dare
Their kids ask where babies come from
Karno X Leon smut
MC has sexy dream about other Gods
A girl flirts with MC, the Gods reactions
MC adopts a child
Leon Fluff
Gods see their baby for the first time
Scandle In The Spotlight:
Iori Gift Fic for Yuki
Singing Lessons from Nagito
MC is Pregnant Headcanon
All You Had To Do Was Stay - Kyohei Angst
MC doesn’t feel pretty enough for the guys
MC is brought home from an accident
MC moans other guys name in sleep
MC asks guys for help with bra
My Forged Wedding:
An Evening With Ren
First Prenatal Appointment
Stressed Guys and Takes It Out On MC
Like I’m Gonna Lose You - Ren Fluff
The guys find MC’s sexy underwear
My Wedding and 7 Rings
MC is harrassed and guys reaction
Metro PD:
Crush Confession - Eiki x Tyg
Comforting Gif Headcanon
Sexy Calendar Stunt
How The MPD Men Make Love
Kirisaway X Nomura X MC - Smut
Kirisawa tries to come up with Goodbye Patrol Lyrics
Nomura wants to Transfer MC little drabble
Kirisawa Gets Jealous
Dr Himuro Fluff
Guys give MC Flowers Gifs
The Mouline Rouge’s Detectives:
1, 2, 3
Murder Mystery Writer
MC has sexy dream of other guys
Kirisawa Fluff
Kyobashi Smut
Nomura Angst
Guys have a sister that is dating one of 2nd Unit
Daddy Series:
Be My Princess
Butler Date Fluff
It’s A Princess’ Choice:
1 2 3 4 5 6
The Princes get Jealous of Prince Yakov
Food Fight
Alberto’s Old Mistress
Wilfred Fluff
Keith Cheats and MC Leaves him for Wilfred
1 2
MC Moans Butlers Name in Sleep
Butlers Find MC’s Sexy Underwear
Butlers reaction to having to buy a sex toy
Butlers Kinks
MC almost dies, BMP and BMP2
Roberto plays a prank on Alberto and MC
Princes and how they’d care for MC when she’s on her period
Alberto Fluff
Butlers Hobbies
Roberto Fluff
Butler Luke’s Granpda is Sick
Be My Princess 2
Butler Fluff
Prince Cheats on MC but Still Wants Her Back
MC falls for another prince
Love Letter From Thief X
The Power Goes Out At The Kujo Household Request
Cross Overs
Collision Course:
Eiki and Samejima Vy for MC’s attention
RFA Reaction to MC now with a Prince from BMP
Hosts of Japan:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Akagami no Shirayukihime
Nothing Special:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Zen, Shirayuki and Obi fluff
Obiyuki slight smut
Akatsuki no Yona
The Sumgyeojin Village:
Mystic Messenger
Anxiety Part 1 - A Saeyoung Fic
Anxiety Part 2 - A Saeyoung Fic
Dance With Me?:
1     2      3
MC Has Sexy Dream About A Different RFA Member
Saeyoung and MC Find Out She’s Pregnant
Don’t Reset:
Behind the Scenes:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
MC and Saeyoung Share a Bath
Saeran angst
Wedding Gif Headcanon - RFA
RFA and Saeran Reaction to MC Wearing Sexy Underwear
MC covers Jaehee’s Job and Jumin falls for her - MC POV
MC covers Jaehee’s Job and Jumin falls for her - Jumin POV
A Daughters Lesson - Saeran fanfic
Why now? - A Saeyoung Angst Fic
Merry Christmas My Golden Girls
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