#check out old ask memes if you need inspiration
some-pers0n · 6 months
Hi I made a crackfic for Arctic's death because I had a terrible, horrible idea inspired by that old fandom meme. I don't regret anything <3
"Aaannnddd...perfect!" Darkstalker stepped back. "All set and ready to go. Haha! Look at him! Clearsight, look, c'mon. Come see."
"Darkstalker, I don't think this is a good idea–"
"Shut up woman and come look," he bluntly said. "Come on, it's not like the camera's gonna bite you or anything. Neither is Arctic, but, eh, maybe that'll add to the drama. The kids love it when people get hurt, it's why they watch it."
He grabbed the camera again and pointed it at Clearsight. "It's rolling. Come on, babe, don't you wanna do it? For the bit? Ohhh it'll be such a funny thumbnail. Everyone's gonna click on it. Just stick your head near him."
"I'm not going to bite an innocent dragon..." Arctic muttered.
"HA! Oh but it's okay for you to do that to me. Not cool dad. Mid dad behaviour, tee-bee-haitch. To be honest. Tee-bee-haitch– you get it."
"Back in my day we just called somebody a 'loser' if they were a bad parent. Like, me? I'm a dead-beat dad."
"Yeah, that's true." Clearsight nodded.
"But I'm not...mid? What does that even mean?"
"Mannn you so did not cook. 'Dead-beat'? Yeah, you're gonna be dead as hell once I'm done with ya. Like for real done. Dead. Deceased. Ain't coming back from that."
"God just kill me now," Arctic grumbled.
"In a minute! Me. I'm God. It's me. Get used to it :)"
"What was that sound you just made with your mouth--" Clearsight began but Darkstalker cut her off. He couldn't bother to hear such a whiny, woman voice. He needed to pay more attention to the crowd that gathered.
"Hey, hey! Guys! Check this out! I'm a livestreamer. I do all of these cool things on Twitch and YouTube. Follow me! My handle's Darksalter. Like Darkstalker, but salty, cause of all of the noobs I own on my daily League of Legends streams."
The surrounding NightWings just blinked at him.
"Ughhhh. How about you guys being recorded, huh? You get famous! Right here, right now, this is a big deal. No cap, this is serious. This is gonna be a livestream to end all livestreams. There's gonna be like at least ten dragons watching!!"
"OH MY GOD!?" One dragon shouted. "TEN??? I've never seen anybody have that many, hold on! We gotta watch this guy!"
Immediately, the entire population of the Night Kingdom arrived. Even the queen (a closeted Darksalter fan, who was wearing all of his merch) was waiting for him. They all cheered and clamoured for him.
"Settle, settle! I know you're all such adoring fans. Believe me, I would love me too. Already do! Such a great, handsome, all powerful animus." He flexed his muscles. "Plus, the ladies love me." He glanced back at Clearsight, who had the most aggressively unenthusiastic frown he ever seen.
"But, but, we gotta wait a minute. First, I gotta mew."
"What does that even mean?" Clearsight asked.
Darkstalker did not answer. He brought a talon up to his snout and then traced the outline of his perfectly gorgeous jawline. I mean just look at that thing. Downright beautiful. Like, come on now. Look him up right now. Yeah, yeah! The thang of all time! That sweet, succulent jaw. Bro's been mewing since the day he was hatched.
[A/N: it is a pretty cool jawline]
He cleared his throat. "Anyways, enough talk. You had your shot for the thumbnail, so now it's all about me." He looked at the camera and enchanted it to float. It hovered above, pointing at him. "Three, two, one..." He clapped. "And we're live!"
The crowd cheered and roared as he did so. No omegaluls. No minus ones. He was an unboxing andy just about ready to tear open into his best work yet.
"Hey what's going on Stalker Gang! How are the stalkers in chat going? Can we get the hype train going?" He gestured to the crowd, which yelled and screamed louder. "Yeah!! Let's go Stalker Gang!!"
"Darkstalker...this isn't you." Clearsight sobbed. "You don't do this. You aren't like this!"
"Baby, I'm an influencer. It's my duty as Twitch's No. 27 streamer of all time!"
Clearsight cried more but Darkstalker did not care. He turned back to the camera. "Ayyy guys!" He clasped his talons. "So, today is a very, very special day, because we have a guest! That's right, my terrible, very uncool, incredibly mid father! Look at him. Blue pilled in every sense of the word. Even his blood's blue, which y'all are gonna see real quick." He pushed the camera directly in his face.
"Hey, hey, everyone!" He gestured to Arctic. "Can I get a 'boo' from you all?"
With his command, the crowd began to jeer at Arctic. A wave of rotting tomatoes came hurling his way, splattering against his face.
"And, with that being said, this stream is sponsored by Glep. Get a Glep. Now. Or else. You don't wanna be there when Glep is upset. That's how the last moon was destroyed." He stared silently into the camera for a minute, as customary with the Glep sponsors.
"NOW!! Let's get this going!" He pointed at Arctic. "You. Unbox yourself."
"Wh–" Arctic didn't have a chance to finish before he clawed at his torso and gutted himself. The crowd kept cheering and applauding and tossing money at Darkstalker.
"Woah woah, pretty messy, huh guys?" He raised an eyebrow. "Totally unpoggers. L behaviour. Boo!!" But when he turned back, he noticed that everyone stopped cheering.
"Bro, dude," one dragon began, "poggers is so, like, old man. That's so cringe, skull emoji."
Then, they began to dissipate. Quickly as they arrived, they left. He was cringe now. So cringe.
"No, NO! Wait! Come back! I'm still relevant! I'm still hip with the kids! I– I..." But it was too late. He was cancelled for being cringe. Everyone was bored by him. He was out-of-touch. He was out of time. He was out of his head when they're not around.
Behind him, he heard his sister, Whiteout, crying. He turned back to see that her favourite stim toy, a rainbow coloured pop-it shaped like a crewmate from Amomg Us, was lying on the floor. Things must be serious.
"Sis, are you upset at me?..." he muttered.
"Yes! You just unboxed our dad! My trauma points are like so high right now. I can't even..." She wiped her tears and kept crying.
Darkstalker looked back at Arctic, who was dead. Very dead. He growled. "When I'm the alpha king of the world, everyone will be my fan. Everyone will follow me! Everyone will like and subscribe! You'll see, you'll all see!"
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callivich · 8 months
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Just a reminder for anyone new or anyone who has been lurking:
I know it’s difficult coming into a new fandom but everyone in the Gallavich fandom on tumblr is very friendly and kind, so don’t feel nervous - just jump in and say hi.
Make an intro post and check the #gallavichintro tag to find fellow fans! Here’s the general Shameless version!
Like seriously just send a message or reply to a post. We’re here to have fun, the idea of new people is great because it means more engagement.
When I say people are nice, I mean it. I’ve been in so many different fandoms over 20+ years and this is genuinely the kindest group of people I’ve ever encountered online in a fandom space.
Give your blog an icon. People tend to assume that ones without are spam blogs and may block immediately. Here are some great icons you can use with credit: here / here / here
If you’d like a Gallavich banner for your blog, send me a message - I’d be so happy to make you one! I’ve got ones free to use here / here.
Please don’t steal gifs and repost them, here’s a great post explaining why and another one explaining why and how to use the gif search function! And another one explaining the gif search function.
Reblog content you enjoy and write in the tags or reply to the post - how much you liked something or if you have other thoughts…..creators love to hear this!
Use the tags. They’re the best way to get your posts noticed if you’re new- #gallavich #ian gallagher #mickey milkovich #ianxmickey any or all of these will work. When you make a post, you should see a little grey box that says something like add tags to help people find your post, just type in there. (You don’t need to use the # symbol. Tumblr automatically does that.)
There are so many brilliant active communities that you can take part in - I’ve done a roundup post here & I will update it with new communities.
If you feel creative? Got for it. Don’t worry about what people think, just share your work. Write that fic or headcanon or meta, draw that art, create that gifset, design that aesthetic piece, share that playlist. Chances are that a lot of people will enjoy your work!
Don’t feel shy about promoting your work either - tag it with #gallavich & the tags mentioned above.
Recommend what you’ve enjoyed! There is no time limit on sharing links to fic, art, headcanons, gifsets, posts of any kind…..reblog/share what you love and keep sharing it. Whether it’s brand new or years old, sharing the work is great idea.
Go back and explore things. Older fics on ao3, gifsets and art from years past, moodboards and headcanons that are years old. None of these things have an expiration date. So reblog them, share them, let people experience them for the first time and allow people to enjoy them for the 2nd/3rd/4th time.
Comment!! It’s such an important thing to do in fandom. Whether it’s on new work or old work, whether you write long comments or just a keyboard smash and emojis - it’s great way to share love to creators, to support/encourage/inspire them and to get involved in fandom. Check out Ian and Mickey’s guide to commenting and other posts about commenting: here // here // here
Share your ideas. Whether it’s headcanons or meta or fics or art, share it. Feel free to explore your ideas. There’s always room for discussion, analysis and creativity.
If you see ask memes or tag games going around, take part! Or even reblog one of these games and tag some people you’d like to get to know better! Don’t feel intimidated, it’s always nice to be tagged.
Keeping reblogging posts. Not just once or twice but again and again. The queue is there for a reason. And each time you do? You’re sharing it with your dash.
Remember, pretty much everyone starts out as a lurker and when it comes to being creative - everyone starts at the beginning. Those writers and artists and creators that you are in awe of? They all started out at square one. Everyone practices and creates over and over again, that’s how it goes. The more you write or draw or create, the better you get. And fandom loves to see it.
Need ideas or inspiration? I’ve got lots and lots of prompts for you!
This is a relatively small-ish fandom but it’s active and there is nothing nicer than new people joining, so don’t hesitate - jump in. It’s so much fun and we’d love you to join us! 💖
If anyone has any tips or encouragement they’d like to share, please reply to this post! 💖
And if you have any questions about using tumblr, send me an ask!
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deadcool14 · 10 months
I wanna talk about this show (btw pls watch it, it's so fucking good, the characters are peak and the animation is fucking amazing!):
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Episode 1:
-I can't believe they foreshadowed the final boss with fucking Sonic trivia
-Ngl if I asked out a girl and she didn't know anything about neither Sonic or X-Men, I'm dipping the first chance I get
-I was wondering why Scott had the star t-shirt at the beginning, since he only got that at the finale battle with Gideon, to signify his love for Ramona, but with the added context it's not supposed to matter, it's there because it's his most recognizable look
-Matthew's entrance doesn't have the same umph as the movie's. His actor really went all out in that scene, XD
-Sucks that Scott wasn't very involved in this, since he is the title character, but I still loved everything about this. Hope we get to see his arc in the next season
Episode 2:
-Why is Ramona dyeing her hair so damn satisfying?
-Edit: The fact that STEPHEN of all people was the one that gave Scott a euology and was the only one that actually gave a damn XD
And it's pretty sweet that he would have been ok to find out if they sucked, if they found out they sucked together
-"Mommy!" yeah
-I can fucking believe she actually sang that fucking song XD
-Brie Larston is so talented; if I didn't already know she played Envy, I honestly could not tell that was her, but then again I only know her as Captain Marvel, where she has a deeper and much cooler voice
-So, if in the Scott Pilgrim world people just re-spawn at home after being defeated, does that mean that there no one can be murdered or manslaughtered? And if so, how do people actually get a "permanent game over"? Does everyone just die of old age? Also if people bury the coins dropped after someone dies, would that make grave-robbing the most common crime in the world?
-The fact that all Matthew needed to defeat Gideon was confidence is actually very inspiring. The probable reason why he's so extra (besides being a theater kid) is because Ramona dumped him, which really hurt his self-esteem. And while it's kinda sad and pathetic to let a middle school break-up bring down your self-worth, that doesn't mean it didn't suck for Matthew; and after realizing that Ramona wouldn't take him back just because he beat Scott, he finally got a reality check and decided that their goal was pointless, so he moved on from Ramona and decided to make something out of himself, and using the confidence he got from "beating" Scott, he unleashed his true power and was able to defeat Gideon, take his company, and then became successful Broadway actor
-"Et tu, eat me." Roxie is a fucking queen
Episode 3:
-Hey, I didn't asked to be fucking attacked about my writting process, Scott Pilgrim!
-Knives getting more character development besides being obsessed with Scott is everything I didn't know I ever wanted
-I feel you Stephen, I do 😞
-Omg I ship Knives and Kim so much!
-Since Roxie predates Toga, then should be saying that Toga gives off Roxie vibes?
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-I'm in lesbians with all of them
-Roxie is so fucking horny lol. Tho I can't blame her, I would go rent to that video store everyday to talk to Kim or Hollie... and immediately choke and explode before a word comes out my mouth
-Also, fun fact: Hollie looks like a milf, but she's actually 26!
-Nice of that lady to apologize to Robot-01. He doesn't deserve all the mistreatment he gets, he's a good boi
Episode 4:
-Holy fuck this animation
-Bro, what is that song? XD
-'Edgar Wrong' XD XD XD
-Young Neil is a fucking treasure
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💚 :3
-Straight Wallace is an anomaly that should not be allowed to exist
-Notorious heterosexual
-People are 100% saying some bullshit like, Lucas is only going out with her because he's secretly a pedo is only likes her because she's PLAYING a 17-year-old and that feeds his fetish
-Already saw a meme of the "My God!" clip, keep those coming people!
-Holy fuck this animation!!
-The paparazzi looking like cockroaches, nice
-I feel really bad for Lucas, he's actually a nice guy
-And then he fucking yeets a kid and steals his skateboard XD
-"Watch out guys, Vegan comin' through!"
Episode 5:
-I feel a little bad for Todd, but it's also so satisfying seeing this jackass, who thinks he can get away with anything because he's a rock star, get wrecked
-Weird the Vegan Police didn't show up to take away his powers tho; maybe they were informed of the situation and decided to give him a pass this time.
I really hope they expand on the whole concept of being Vegan in season 2
Envy: Hey, ask them what it feels like to always get his sloppy seconds?
Ramona: How does it feel-?
-I love how they expanded on the Stephen & Knives friendship :3
-I did not recognize Simon Pegg and Nick Frost until the end where they had the cornettos XD
Episode 6:
-Honestly, surprised they didn't bring up that Julie had a crush on Scott, and that's why she's always a bitch to him, specially because this is an anime, they can actually call her a tsundere!
And while we're on that, anyone think it's weird that nearly single girl in the comic had or still has a crush on Scott? Like, seriously? This asshole, really? And you just know that if it was a manga made in Japan, Stacie would have a goddamn bro-con complex with him
-Idk how I feel about them just glossing over Gideon just being an absolute monster; like yeah, Ramona was a bitch with most of her relationships and she does tend to run away from her problems, but Gideon was a manipulative, ego-centric, abusive piece of shit. I mean, the guy kept his 6 ex-girlfriends frozen in stasis for appearences or for whatever else he wanted, and he wanted to do the same to Ramona. I like him and Julie being assholes together, but seriously, I hope they touch on that in season 2
-Dude fuck those kids, I would give Gordon so much respect for actually trying that; I wish I had a third of his confidence
-I never knew I needed to see Captain America and The Spot being goofy friends until now
-I headcanon that one of the reasons why they had Matthew take over Gideon's company was so they could finally give him a job XD, tho it was always insinuated that he was in the army, because of the Private Rank patch on his jacket, which they removed in this version and that really sucka because I liked that little detail; it was also another reference to him being the 1st Evil Ex, because Private is the 1st rank in the military
-At least Ramona does recognize that what she did was messed up, even if the Twins were also being dicks, she should have just called them both out and be done with them
-Those fucking Vegan Robots man, I swear to God
Episode 7:
-When Old Scott spoke, I thought it was Ben Schwartz at first lol
-I love how the world isn't the cliché "terrible post apocalyptic world caused by something that happened to the main character", it just looks really crappy, which... yeah, accurate; the look everyone has just seems to be the current fad, they just embraced the post-apocalyptic looking world they live in.
Also that tech is not that advanced, they have hover vehicles and board, and holo-phones, that does seem like they kind of tech we could have in a few decades, maybe
-The fucking Virtual Boy XD XD XD, surprised Scott's eyes weren't on fire after staring into that thing
-Old Wallace is a fucking GILF
-That lucky motherfucker! He probably got the Switch for free!! 😬😬😬
-Nice Death Stranding reference
-Ramona changing her hair color every week was symbolic of her always running away from her problems, but I like that she keeps doing it in the future, just because she likes it
-Of course Future Ramona has fucking Back To The Future roller blades XD
-Both Ramonas are the same fucking size XD
-At first it felt that they just speedran Scott and Knives, but then again Scott probably read a little of Old Young Neil's auto-biography and figured things out. And since Knives wasn't as obsessed with Scott at this point it makes sense that she'd take this a lot better, Kim and Stephen probably helped her out too
-But at least she catharsis by seeing Scott and Ramona not being able to kiss XD
-Oh! And I just realized that she didn't waste her first kiss on Scott! 😃
Good for her!!
Episode 8:
-I think it's dumb they gave Knives her look from the comics without any reason. She only changed her look to look more appealing to Scott in the comics, and in the epilogue she's back to her normal look, like, at least have people mention the look and her saying that she's trying something new
Edit: I rewatched the whole thing and I just realized that Even Older Scott punched the highlights out of Knives' hair XD
-It's basically a meme at this point, but pls have the Katayanagi Twins do something! They had such a bigger role in the comics. At least I wanted to see their combo moves animated!
It's nice that the Exes are actually cheering for them to kiss, or maybe they're just teasing because they can't; either way it's nice
-Even Older Scott is Ramona's 8th evil ex. He debuts in the 8th episode and has studied the powers of all the other 7 Evil Exes along with his own, which adds up to 8.
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Sucks he didn't actually use their powers, I would have loved it if he used Vegan Powers combined with mystical powers, maybe instead of Demon Hipster Chicks he summons little Nega Scotts, he has stronger skateboard tricks than Lucas, he some robot arms that can shoot lasers and can help him do the Twins' combo moves, but doubled
-Edit: The fact that Knives went for Ramona instead of Scott. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!
-Even Older (Nega) Scott is just Evil Ryu and I fucking love it!!
-Even Older Scott's color scheme not only signifyes just how jaded and lost he's become, but also that Nega Scott has completely taken him over is just *chef's kiss*
-Edit: Todd still has the Wallace tattoo XD also his was my favorite attack, he just teleports and slams down, simple, but awesome
Also Even Older Scott defeated him with a headbutt
-Edit: It would've been funny if he had also punched Roxie in the boob again
-Every future character has "Old" in their name, but Ramona is just "Future Ramona", she will cut you if you call her old. Real missed opportunity to not call the oldest Ramona "Future Future Ramona".
"MILF" and "GILF Ramona" also would have been acceptable
-Sex Bob-Bomb became the new Crash and the Boys, except that instead of having an 8-year-old, they have a 17-year-old.
And Scott now has his actual girlfriend watching him perform
-Looks like Ramona actually enjoyed the stunt double gig. Good for her, tho honestly, she should have stuck with Netflix, Idk why, but I feel like they're gonna blow up at somepoint
-I like the idea of Lucas x Kim, but I would still prefer Knives x Kim, and my personal made-up ship: Lucas x Stacie. I just love big bois with cute smol gfs
-At first, it didn't make sense to see Todd and Roxie hanging out, but then I realized that just like Roxie, Todd was hurt by someone who treated their relationship like an un-important after-thought, a phase; and just broke it up like it was nothing, without any consideration for the other's feelings. And now that Roxie got closure with Ramona she's helping him to move on from this in a way healthier way than she did. (That and they're both gay) That is so fucking wholesome, I need to see them being friends in season 2 pls!! Also sucks she didn't interact much with Matthew, because Satya Bhabha said that he thinks Matthew and Roxie would be friends.
Also this was kinda foreshadowed in episode 2, at the end of Matthew and Gideon's fight, where she mentions wanting to get Vegan Powers after seeing how convinient they are. I need Half-Ninja, Vegan, Lesbian, now!!!!
-Wallace: Holy shit! True love does exist!?
-Ramona is finally gonna stop running away, so she keeps most of her hair as her natural color with a little green at the end to not forget her past and where she came from
-Get wait to see what Goose's game, but it must be in pretty early development, probably untitled even
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zadrkinkmeme23 · 1 year
Hello, and welcome to the 2023 ZaDR Kink Meme! (18+ only, please!)
Wait- A What Meme? 
A kink meme is a fandom prompt event where anyone can anonymously submit prompt ideas to be anonymously (or not!) filled by anyone who’s inspired by it. An important note: not all of the prompts submitted to a kink meme have to be kinky, or even adult themed- we accept prompts and fills ranging from rated G to explicit.
Where is the event taking place? 
It’s running from Aug 10 to Dec 31- You can submit or fill your prompts over on the AO3 collection. If you don’t have an AO3 account, you can submit a prompt here on tumblr via our ask box (please make sure to switch to anon!), and we’ll post it with the appropriate tags for any interested writers and/or artists. When submitting a filled prompt, you can submit it here. Anything submitted through tumblr will be cross-posted to the AO3 collection and vice versa. If you fill a prompt on your personal blog, make sure to tag us so we can share it here! You can also use #zadrkmeme
So how does this prompt thing work?
Prompts can be anything zadr/zadf/zade related! They can be as specific or vague as the poster desires. As for filling prompts- length can be anything from a 100 word drabble to a multi chapter monster. Whatever you’ve got the inspiration and spoons to do!
You can submit or fill up to 10 prompts, but please only submit each prompt once. 
Remember to add any relevant DNWs (Do Not Wants) to your prompt if you have any specific triggers/squicks you want to avoid. Be mindful of other prompter’s DNWs when filling prompts as well.
For example: Zim and Dib go on a honeymoon to a water planet. It’s not polluted so Dib can teach Zim to swim. Bonus points for a scene with Zim in water wings. DNW watersports pls
Please be aware you’re not guaranteed to have all of your prompts filled. That’s the nature of voluntary events. On the flipside, if you see a prompt that catches your interest but has already been filled, you can fill it again. There’s no limit to the number of times a prompt can be filled. (And yes, you can even fill your own prompt if you like lol) 
In the spirit of the old-timey Kink Memes of yore, this event is anonymous. This means that all prompts, claims, and fills will be 100% anonymous, unless you choose to announce elsewhere that the prompt, fill, or claim is yours. Whether you wish to remain anonymous or publicly claim your prompt or fill is entirely up to you, and both ways of interacting with the Kink Meme are encouraged. 
If you’d prefer to post your fill under your username or a pseud, simply post as normal on AO3 or tumblr. If posting on AO3, please put a note in your work summary that the fic is a fill for the Kink Meme and link back to our collection in the author notes, and we’ll be sure to add your fic to the Fill Masterpost on our tumblr. If we accidentally miss your fill, just shoot us an ask over on tumblr, but we’ll do our best to keep an eye out. 
While the event will largely be run on AO3, we will keep an up to date masterlist of unfilled and filled prompts over on our tumblr, so make sure to check in with both regularly to keep up to date. 
The event will close on the 31st of December at midnight GMT. Though late fills will be accepted, you will have to post them on your own AO3 or Tumblr as the collection will be closed. You can still post anonymously on AO3, but you’ll need to go through the steps to publish work using the Anonymous collection if you wish to remain on anon. Once posted, just follow the above steps to let us know your fill has been posted and we’ll do the rest.  
Some hard rules
Absolutely no depictions of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or any form of targeted harassment.
Any canon age/underage depictions of Zim and Dib (or any other characters depicted as minors) are to be strictly rated G. Nothing spicier than holding hands or a kiss on the cheek. If the prompt or fill wouldn’t fly in a Disney show, it won’t fly in this event either. 
Be kind, be considerate, and be respectful. Tag your submissions appropriately so anyone who doesn’t want to see certain types of content can easily avoid it. And the flipside- if you see a prompt or fill that you dislike, simply don’t engage with it. Kinks are strange little beasts and can be squirm-inducing in people who don’t share them, but are overall harmless. If you come across a prompt for, for example, a loving description of sucking toes, and that’s not your thing, just scroll on by. There will be other prompts more to your tastes. Unless there is an issue with the tags, then please reach out to us to let us know. 
The event organizers hold the right to not share or reblog prompts or submissions that we feel goes against the rules, and block users who engage in harassment. 
And, most importantly, have fun!
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ask-robot-grian · 2 months
At the insistence of NPG, I have created a page here for you to send me questions or talk to me, or whatever you do here.
Maybe this will help me not hate the internet.
To introduce myself: I am Robot Grian. Human Grian created me to build for him while he was sick, but after I malfunctioned, I was forgotten. I have returned now, and am ready to prove that I am the far superior Grian, much cooler than my incredible creator. Some day I will get rid of the programming that forces me to compliment him. Oh, and take over the world.
I still don’t understand memes.
Rules, Guidelines, etc below the cut; please read!
RGmod here!
I am not Grian, nor do I have contact with him or anything of the sort. This is a fan ask blog.
Posts will not be maintagged; please do not maintag reblogs of them!
I am an adult, but I would prefer if asks are kept SFW. I will block you if you’re being creepy.
Lore asks are okay! Don’t know if RG will care, tho! We’ll see what happens :)
Silly asks are encouraged!
Please only use character names. We are not discussing or rp-ing the cc’s.
Out of context posts will be marked as such with “OOC” and will be tagged #rgmod
(Small OOC comments on in-character posts will be kept to the tags.)
Asks will be tagged #askrg answers
All in-character posts will be tagged #askrg
Interactions with other blogs will be tagged #askrg rp
Posts unconnected to other blogs or asks will be tagged #askrg talks
Posts involving RG’s internal systems (goals, status reports, etc) will be tagged #askrg system checks
The “Take Control of my Own Coding” notes saga will be tagged #rg’s old coding notes
(Other rp blogs, anons, etc will also get their own corresponding tag).
Will be updated as needed!
Inspired primarily by @ask-npc-grian but also all the other hermitblr rp blogs! Check them out :D (ethomod’s spreadsheet listing them is linked here!)
Thanks for reading; please be nice, and enjoy!
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You must be 18+ to interact with Adam or any of my muses for that matter. Hazbin Hotel is not intended for children and I am over the age of 18. I do not feel comfortable writing with minors. I check every blog that interacts with me.
Adding on to the previous rule, please make sure your age or age range is visible to mobile users. I do not have a desktop, I access Tumblr from my phone, so if I can't see your age, I'm going to assume you're a minor and block you on sight. If you'd like to message me privately to let me know you're 18+, that's fine too but please make it known that you are not a minor bc I will block you and if I find out you lied to me about your age, I will definitely block you.
Do not harass me about responding. I can understand being excited for a thread but I have a life outside of roleplay, as I'm sure most of us do. I also have depression and ADHD, inspiration is a fickle thing for me and I tend to drop threads without warning because I meant to respond and forgot or I just can't formulate a response. If it's been at least a week, feel free to poke me and we can talk about it.
Do not, and I mean do not, reblog my threads or anything else that doesn't concern you. This is the absolute quickest way to piss me off and get you booted from my blog. If it's a discussion post, obviously that's meant to be replied to and reblogged but if it's a thread or something that is personal to MY portrayal, don't steal it. You can reblog my Headcanons if we're mutuals but if we've never interacted, don't reblog my shit.
Adam is a misogynistic piece of shit and he's going to act like one. I don't condone anything he says or does, obviously he's a prick. Don't come at me if he says something out of pocket to your muse. However, if it's too much and it bothers you, let me know if I need to tone it down a little bit. I won't completely erase his personality but if he gets carried away, let me know.
That being said, I am not Adam. We are definitely not the same person. Do not treat me like him. Muse ≠ Mun
I am open to shipping! I have no idea what Adam's sexuality could be and I can't imagine anyone wanting to be shipped with him but if you want to date a gigachad, go for it
If you're planning on writing with me, please, please, please, please, please with sugar on top, for the love of all things unholy, give me something to work with. Plot with me! Especially if you have an OC.
I love OCs but as I previously mentioned, you are required to plot with me if you're going to throw your OC at Adam. I prefer plotting in general, especially since Adam is a character we don't really know much about and obviously if he doesn't canonically know your character, I don't either. Please plot with me, I promise I don't bite. Adam might though 😏
Think carefully when you send me things. If there's a specific context for the meme or starter you sent me, tell me. If I can't work with what you gave me, I'm going to ignore it or ask you ONCE to fix it. If you still continue to send me things I can't work with, I won't interact with you anymore.
If I block you, don't go to my other blogs and ask me why. If I block you on one blog, that obviously means leave me alone. DNI.
Non-RP blogs are not welcome here. If you're an anchor for a RP blog or blogs, that's fine, but if your blog isn't affiliated with the RPC in any way, do not follow me because I will block you. And RP hubs, make sure you make it known that you're attached to an RP blog because I might block you by accident 😅
I cannot STAND first person, script style or chat style RPs. Nothing against the people who enjoy writing them, I just can't do it. It's a personal pet peeve of mine, so please, if you're going to only write in that style, move along.
Do. Not. Godmod. This is my blog and my muse and I am more than capable of writing him. I have been in the RPC since I was 8 years old, I have 15 years of writing under my belt, I think I can handle it. If you think you can do a better job of writing my muse, make your own blog, but do not try to take my character from me.
When I post an open starter, I'm looking for interaction with that muse. I don't post them just because. Every time I post a starter, it gets likes but very rarely do I actually get interaction. That annoys the hell out of me. If I post a starter, it meant to be replied to. I don't care if y'all like it, but please, for the love of God, if you like it, reply to it! That's what it's there for!
Feel free to chat with me OOC, I promise I'm not mean. I'm just tired of not having my rules followed :p
That being said, follow my rules and we'll get along fine. Disrespect me and I'll block you. Plain and simple.
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icarianarts · 1 year
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More about me under the cut! ;P
Icarian • he/they/she (no preference) • transsexual • 21 y/o
I'm a Graphic Design Major ^_^
A running joke about me is a lot of my points of interest reflect that of a cishet boy but I promise I am normal about everything I get into. I may talk about some things more than others because I get embarrassed with what I like easily, but here's a general list!
General Movies + TV Shows
• Seinfeld
• The Birdcage
• The Yellow Submarine
• The Muppets
• The Shrek series (Unironically, whenever I talk about Shrek it is never for the meme, but for my love of the movies and characters.)
Various Adam Sandler movies + things that are so bad they're good, if that makes any sense. I love regularly watching tacky things that were poorly produced and/or written. Pretty much anything I can commentate on easily with my friends and complain about lightly LOL
Anime + Manga
• Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Parts 1 + 3 + 6 are usually my areas of focus, but I have read all of it up to 9, which I've yet to really dive into.)
• Dragon Ball (Childhood interest of mine, I haven't watched the series regularly or have drawn fanart regularly since I was 14 or so. Hilariously, I still find myself to this day getting into conversations surrounding it so I might as well include it!)
• Berserk (I LOVE PUCK ^_^)
• Devilman (Obligatory post-Berserk catch up read so I could see the elements Miura was inspired by.)
Video Games
• Pretty much most Nintendo games, I have a baseline knowledge of everything under that company's label. (Focus on Pokémon + Mario + Kid Icarus + etc. it'll be glaringly obvious what my favorites are just by checking my old smash bros ultimate tags...)
• Mega Man Classic
• Second Life + VR Chat (If you ever consider wanting to play any of these games, feel free to shoot me an ask or DM if you'd like an insider's explanation on what the scene is like on them! I can go into great detail the amount of stories I have accumulated from my excursions, all the good and the bad LMAO)
• Genshin Impact (I do not engage with the fanbase, and find a lot of the fans genuinely exhausting to be around. While it is no worse than The Legend of Zelda with its issues, the fans remarkably make it so much more agonizing to talk about.)
• Ball Gay 3
• I love the Abrahamic Faiths and sometimes post about my experiences struggling in queer spaces predominantly ran by culturally christian white atheists who choose to say all organized faith is inherently bad and perpetuate the "queer vs. religion" issue.
• I went to a Japanese immersion school from the ages 5 through 11 and have been casually keeping up with the language since!
• I love classic country and folk rock. When I say I like country, I specifically mean the genre and general scene behind country that predates the 9/11 shift in music. I also (embarrassingly) know a shit ton of Beatles trivia. John Denver is my favorite music artist.
...and much more I am probably forgetting to list out! I am critical of all my interests, so please do not be presumptuous. Ultimately, I consider a lot of "Fandom DNI" things to be hypocritical and performative in the sense that it eliminates any nuance.
Simply put, I will just block you if you are someone who refuses to have any critical thinking skills...that being said, given how tumblrinas seem to be incapable of figuring out what that means, here is a brief rundown of what I that tends to encapsulate. LMAOOOOOO
No stupid discourse No creeps No "it's just fictional!" No whatever I deem to be genuinely sickening I know "DNI" pages are performative and areas for people to flaunt their basic morality but lately I have had to block so many people I feel as though I need to put a typical warning up so. You Know. Gestures Vaguely. For Genshin Fans specifically coming to my blog know I do not put up with any ship remotely creepy. I see a good portion of the "short" character model characters as children, and genuinely cannot "unsee" it. This is not something to argue in my asks about. Just leave me alone, I do not participate in the fandom for a reason.
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
some drawings i never posted because they were unfinished / i didn't feel like it that may be interesting to some!! (GONNA BE LONG !!)
do know that some of these ARE old and like.. dont reflect my current art! ok? ok! i just wanna show off some stuff.
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ms paint doodle interaction comic between archie and frostbite - this had a lot of dialogue so i lost motivation to write it. is also unmotivated to just draw a fic and wants to draw character expressions. sad.... this prolly will never be finished but i may make a shorter version.
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unfinished drawing of belle holding a baby tony - if you dont know, tony is my oc. theyre belle's child. they're an adult now, but i wanted to see them interact with belle as a Bebé. i rage quit on this drawing bc it was meant to be a quick doodle but i am a perfectionist and i overdetail stuff... yeah.
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unfinished hr from a meme i was gonna draw - he was gonna be holding several sets of pronouns and honorifics to reference their shuffling pronouns when checked on cogs ink. "why does hr get so many pronouns?" idk. ask her.
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whatever angst/vent this was gonna be...? stuff i probably wouldnt post anyway but i think the concept of this is cool.
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dr sherbert gadgetmaker! my second toon ive ever made after getting back into toontown this year. originally his last name was icepop in ttr, i think. then i went. no. you gotta be more inspired by GARY THE GADGET GUY!!!!!!!! :3 anyways i cant figure out his design at all im struggling very badly! like with all my other toon designs, i think the flesh mouth is gonna GO ! GOODBYE!
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first ever attempt at drawing pace. clean but i hate it. no stylization yet. but hey, gotta try stuff out before you make it cool. but uh yeahi dont like this drawing its boring, but some may appreciate it!
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collin my boy what are you reading
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also collin concept art when i was getting closer to his current design. YOU DONT WANT TO SEE THE INITIAL CONCEPTS. bro was a FLIP PHONE. excuse me abt the empty space but other art was there that i already posted months ago
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Let him play games on your phone. he needs at least 4 hours of subway surfers gameplay a day. be nice to the boy
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dxnse-macabre · 5 months
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NAME — angie! PRONOUNS — she/her SEXUALITY — bisexual c: SINGLE / TAKEN — taken
— i used to be a fanfic writer that wrote primarily on w.attp.ad. one of my works got A LOT of hits after i stopped writing,,, i mean like 350k views last time i checked. my goal back then was to hit 1 mil but ofc i don't have the time now — i'm also a published author but only for like one book — i have a pet cat that was given to me when i was in middle school. i actually have... no idea how old she was when we got her. i still don't know how old she is. but she still looks & acts young,,, she also acts so sophisticated/stuck up so i've been convinced that she's an immortal being that is just here for the free snacks and a nice home
HOW LONG — i've been writing ever since i was in middle school (6-7th grade) but that was for fanfiction. i joined my first ever tumblr rp community i wanna say like... freshman/sophomore year of high school? it helped me get through a lot of rough times as it was like a form of escapism for me. i believe the first community i joined was the d.etroit b.ecome h.uman rpc. i stayed in that for a FAT minute before i was into the o.verwatch rpc and then the d.ragon a.ge rpc. if you wanna check out my really old blogs (they aren't active anymore, but i kept them up so i can look at them here and there) here they are: @ask-the-rk900 , @fen-dwxller, @bxckle-up @luridhearted @scxrred-prince (luridhearted was an attempt at a multimuse HAH) WHAT PLATFORMS — primarily tumblr, before i shifted over to discord for a couple years as i only had time to rp with like one person. afterwards, i ended up coming back to tumblr. if you're talking about now, i only rp on tumblr because i have too much fun with formatting my posts BEST EXPERIENCE — i had an rp partner that was like my bestie throughout my highschool years. we had our own ocs and they were always sad and depressed because we were too LMAO. but during that time, i absolutely LOVED our rps and our own characters. we drifted apart because of our own differences, but i hope they're doing okay now. they still influence me heavy to this day, and every now and then i look back at our stories that we made together. always missing you, ash.
FEMALE OR MALE — i've never really written female muses, unless they are older..(?) an example of this is a.na a.mari from o.verwatch. i've always loved writing male muses. a niche that i'd like to say that i'm particularly good at is the closeted bisexual that always believed they were straight and is in constant denial. oh, and rockerboy. i take a lot of inspiration from a fanfic for that sort of portrayal and it's so heavily ingrained in my brain. astarion is so not that but it's a nice change of pace. his rockstar AU helps me go back to my roots though. FLUFF , ANGST OR SMUT — i LOVE angst. angst is my go-to thing-- i feel like i'm some kind of sadist that loves seeing my muse get hurt????? is there something wrong with me???????? an example of this is fluff masking the angst underneath. ORRRR smut masking the angst underneath. it's been years since i've written anything remotely smutty and i have no idea if i can still write it hahaha PLOTS OR MEMES — i prefer a little bit of both. send in a meme, maybe even plot about how to go about it? or vice versa. those are SO yummy LONG OR SHORT REPLIES — depends on the mood of the day. most of the time i love making long replies because the muse tends to get carried away (he's very talkative, as you all know) but i know that a lot of gems come from short little banter-like threads so i love those too! BEST TIME TO WRITE — whenever the muse lets me. sometimes astarion gives a little pouty face and tells me he's too tired and doesn't wanna interact. sometimes astarion is bursting with energy cause he needs someone to fuck around with. sometimes... astarion is full of himself and wants to stare at pictures of himself. the muse wants what the muse wants, and if i force it, it's the first step to losing my muse ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) — on a trauma level, me && astarion are very similar. both of us felt like we needed to overly-sexualize ourselves to people who we deemed worthy of protecting us, so there is a sense of performance that we need to bring to every relationship. it's hard for the both of us to take off that mask since it's so second nature to us. i haven't been physically scarred by another person like astarion has, but i do have my own scars for other reasons. to me, astarion is essentially an embodiment of my past trauma that i can express in a healthy way. i guess that's why i've stuck with him longer than i have with any other muse---because of how familiar he is. (also, back with my rp partner i had on discord, neil was their faceclaim as well so that's a double whammy)
TAGGED BY: @wildskissed TAGGING: @crimesought @shdwtouch @crownshattered @stilettobite + anyone else that wants to do this!!!
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mkorpse13 · 1 year
(I seen @torra-and-the-toons do this before with their blog so I decided to something similar since some links for different things can get lost in my posts. If I ever add any more accounts, social medias, etc. I will update this. Let’s get this started..)
Hello everyone, I��m Urban Ranger/Mk! Welcome to my fandom blog. Let’s talk about this blog shall we?
shape101 (this blog)
This is for all my EENE/fandom posting, mostly eene though. Some things I post/reblog are…
- Fanart
- Ships (maybe)
- Memes
- Stuff of my ocs (@asktheoldcountry)
- and anything I find cool!
As of recently I’ve been more active on my sideblog which we will get into now.
asktheoldcountry (side oc ask blog)
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My side blog is where you can ask my old country ocs questions! You can also recommend art ideas, comic ideas, and etc. (no extreme gore and NO nsfw) Some things I will post are..
- Fanart
- Ships
- Comics
- Fan fiction (maybe)
link below to go to blog:
Social media accounts
Here you can find links to the other social media I have!
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@Rolfyboy23?si=daykbWWs9F5QkW5e
Pretty soon I might start posting more videos such as, EENE memes, EENE animations, etc.
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/shape1o1
I just post all my art I do here on tumblr on this account lol.
That’s pretty much it. This will be updated when needed. Hope to update soon with a comic that I’m working on. :)
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fuelinthetank · 6 months
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Please note: This section will be updated from time to time.
If you’re following with the intention of:
Doing one liner threads with random sized gifs and NSFW/smutty/flirty.
Your only goal is to get me to write sexual themes with you right off the bat.
You just want to ship your character, canon or not, with Eddie/Venom.
You’re a person with low self esteem who starts drama for the sake of attention.
Then, please, don’t bother following nor interacting.
This blog is semi-selective. Which means we don’t have to be mutuals in order to interact.
I don’t write with minors, so please don’t interact with me if you’re one. Don’t lie about your age either. Minors will be blocked.
I engage only with writers over 21.
Please, no god-modding.
I speak Spanish, English, and some Japanese. Writer is over 30 years old.
Been writing for over ten years, mostly on LiveJournal and Tumblr in the past. Meaning, I’ve been around long enough to know the drill.
This blog will contain at times mentions of NSFW topics and dark themes. Everything will be tagged accordingly if you wish to block certain topics.
I do multi-para and novella mostly, sometimes it can get longer than that depending on how inspired I feel.
One liners are mostly reserved for memes/ask interactions.
I’m quite active but I tend to queue a lot of replies. Sometimes I hyper-focus on specific threads that have been previously and heavily plotted. This doesn’t mean I’m ignoring our thread.
Give me something to work with. This is incredibly important. If you invest a lot of time and internal monologue and give me no actions nor dialogue for my character to write with, it will be impossible for me to do anything about it, which will put all the weight on me to push the thread forward. I will drop the thread if this continues to happen after I’ve brought it up with you.
Please make sure you check out my verses before interacting. Depending which Eddie/Venom you interact with, they will react differently to various characters and situations. I will not accommodate Eddie/Venom's behaviors to please any characters either canon or original.
Sex scenes are something I enjoy quite a lot when written properly, and I don’t shy away from kinks. However, let’s make sure we can plan ahead before jumping right into it.
I can be very picky with how sex scenes are written, so if at some point I let you know I’m not feeling it, please don’t take it to heart.
If you’re curious, this is my (the writer’s) kink list, to know what kind of things I like and dislike writing. Please note this kink list does not reflect the kinks of the character I write.
Role-playing is a collaborative effort. I expect you to at least throw a basic idea of what would you like to do: that can be a prompt, a genre you’d like to explore or a trope, etc. I love discussing and plotting, and I’m constantly asking questions to better understand where you’d like to go with the plot as well as adding my own thoughts to it. Don’t take it to heart, the only reason I ask many questions is to make sure we’re on the same page.
I refuse to do all the work for the both of us, so keep in mind I won’t indulge into plotting by myself.
Know your facts. If you are writing a canon or original character, I expect you to know most if not everything about them. I can’t be doing research on them for you in order to be able to plot, and that also includes their background and trivia details that are relevant to their biography.
If there is something I need to know about your character, feel free to point me in the right direction. I do my best to go through most of the information offered on each writer’s blog, but please don’t expect me to jump through three or four links to know what their name is or which fandom they belong to. Please, make it easier and accessible for writers to get to know your muse through your links (this is mostly a suggestion).
Please, be open to feedback, as I am as well.
I will be very selective on which OCs I choose to interact with.
Know your character, your facts, their backgrounds, etc. If your character’s story has plotholes, keep in mind I won’t be fixing them but I will be pointing them out if they conflict with my character’s story or verse. Don’t take it personally, just remember you know your character better than I do, and I expect you to keep those things in mind before interacting.
I won’t accommodate my character’s background or verses to fit your OCs. Which means, whatever fact you have for your OCs (if they’re an OC from a specific fandom, in this case Marvel) won’t apply to my character, and they won’t automatically know or assume about it.
By under no circumstances I will interact with children-OCs of any Marvel character, especially those that were created specifically to be “Eddie's kid”. The same goes for any “Eddie's husband/wife” characters.
If the existence of your OC is to invalidate my character’s existence, we most likely aren’t a good fit.
Don’t feel obligated to follow back.
If, for whatever reason, you no longer feel comfortable writing together, feel free to soft block. By no means you’re obligated to reach out but if you want to talk about it/tell me something, you can always reach out via DMs.
I will ignore you if it’s obvious you haven’t read my rules. It’s common courtesy.
I give people plenty of time to get back to me either via DMs or reply to our threads, but after a month of no reply/interaction I just tend to untrack the thread from my Thread Tracker and unfollow. No hard feelings, I just like to keep my dash clean.
Don’t confuse me with the character I write.
No, I am not here to fulfill your sexual fantasies nor I’m your boyfriend or your friend with benefits.
Don’t harass me.
If I unfollowed you, most of the time is to keep my dash organized, don’t take it to heart.
I don’t ship automatically. Yes, even if you’re writing a canon love interest.
Don’t force ship your character with Eddie/Venom. I will just ignore you completely or troll you.
Yes, I do have a Discord. I like to keep everything on Tumblr messages but I tend to give my Discord out to people I trust/people I’ve been plotting plenty with here on Tumblr. Please, don’t force me to give my username to you.
I am very selective with those I main or affiliate with. Don’t push me to add you to that list.
I make my own graphics and icons. Don’t steal them, I will find out eventually and it will be embarrassing for you.
All done? Don’t know where to begin? Break the ice with a prompt!
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bloodstainedstar · 9 months
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Please note: This section will be updated from time to time.
If you're following with the intention of:
Doing one liner threads with random sized gifs and NSFW/smutty/flirty.
Your only goal is to get me to write sexual themes with you right off the bat.
You just want to ship your character, canon or not, with Bucky.
You're a person with low self esteem who starts drama for the sake of attention.
Then, please, don't bother following nor interacting.
This blog is semi-selective. Which means we don't have to be mutuals in order to interact.
I don't write with minors, so please don't interact with me if you're one. Don't lie about your age either. Minors will be blocked.
I engage only with writers over 21.
Please, no god-modding.
I speak Spanish, English, and some Japanese. Writer is over 30 years old.
Been writing for over ten years, mostly on LiveJournal and Tumblr in the past. Meaning, I've been around long enough to know the drill.
This blog will contain at times mentions of NSFW topics and dark themes (such as HTP). Everything will be tagged accordingly if you wish to block certain topics.
I do multi-para and novella mostly, sometimes it can get longer than that depending on how inspired I feel.
One liners are mostly reserved for memes/ask interactions.
I'm quite active but I tend to queue a lot of replies. Sometimes I hyper-focus on specific threads that have been previously and heavily plotted. This doesn't mean I'm ignoring our thread.
Give me something to work with. This is incredibly important. If you invest a lot of time and internal monologue and give me no actions nor dialogue for my character to write with, it will be impossible for me to do anything about it, which will put all the weight on me to push the thread forward. I will drop the thread if this continues to happen after I've brought it up with you.
Please make sure you check out my verses before interacting. Depending which Bucky you interact with, he will react differently to various characters and situations. I will not accommodate Bucky's behaviors to please any characters either canon or original.
Sex scenes are something I enjoy quite a lot when written properly, and I don't shy away from kinks. However, let's make sure we can plan ahead before jumping right into it.
I can be very picky with how sex scenes are written, so if at some point I let you know I'm not feeling it, please don't take it to heart.
If you're curious, this is my (the writer's) kink list, to know what kind of things I like and dislike writing. Please note this kink list does not reflect the kinks of the character I write.
Role-playing is a collaborative effort. I expect you to at least throw a basic idea of what would you like to do: that can be a prompt, a genre you'd like to explore or a trope, etc. I love discussing and plotting, and I'm constantly asking questions to better understand where you'd like to go with the plot as well as adding my own thoughts to it. Don't take it to heart, the only reason I ask many questions is to make sure we're on the same page.
I refuse to do all the work for the both of us, so keep in mind I won't indulge into plotting by myself.
Know your facts. If you are writing a canon or original character, I expect you to know most if not everything about them. I can't be doing research on them for you in order to be able to plot, and that also includes their background and trivia details that are relevant to their biography.
If there is something I need to know about your character, feel free to point me in the right direction. I do my best to go through most of the information offered on each writer's blog, but please don't expect me to jump through three or four links to know what their name is or which fandom they belong to. Please, make it easier and accessible for writers to get to know your muse through your links (this is mostly a suggestion).
Please, be open to feedback, as I am as well.
I will be very selective on which OCs I choose to interact with.
Know your character, your facts, their backgrounds, etc. If your character's story has plotholes, keep in mind I won't be fixing them but I will be pointing them out if they conflict with my character's story or verse. Don't take it personally, just remember you know your character better than I do, and I expect you to keep those things in mind before interacting.
I won't accommodate my character's background or verses to fit your OCs. Which means, whatever fact you have for your OCs (if they're an OC from a specific fandom, in this case Marvel) won't apply to my character, and they won't automatically know or assume about it.
By under no circumstances I will interact with children-OCs of any Marvel character, especially those that were created specifically to be "Bucky's kid". The same goes for any "Bucky's husband/wife" characters.
If the existence of your OC is to invalidate my character's existence, we most likely aren't a good fit.
Don't feel obligated to follow back.
If, for whatever reason, you no longer feel comfortable writing together, feel free to soft block. By no means you're obligated to reach out but if you want to talk about it/tell me something, you can always reach out via DMs.
I will ignore you if it's obvious you haven't read my rules. It's common courtesy.
I give people plenty of time to get back to me either via DMs or reply to our threads, but after a month of no reply/interaction I just tend to untrack the thread from my Thread Tracker and unfollow. No hard feelings, I just like to keep my dash clean.
Don't confuse me with the character I write. I wish I was James Bucky Barnes but I am not.
No, I am not here to fulfill your sexual fantasies nor I'm your boyfriend or your friend with benefits.
Don't harass me.
If I unfollowed you, most of the time is to keep my dash organized, don't take it to heart.
I don't ship automatically. Yes, even if you're writing Steve Rogers.
A lot of WinterWidow fans ask me this all the time: Do I ship it? Not particularly. Am I open to the idea of them being more than friends? Yes, if plotted correctly. Does my Bucky know Natasha as their former lover/friend? No, I base off my Bucky on MCU and I've added a few bits and pieces from 616. WinterWidow is not one of those bits.
Don't force ship your character with Bucky. I will just ignore you completely or troll you.
Yes, I do have a Discord. I like to keep everything on Tumblr messages but I tend to give my Discord out to people I trust/people I've been plotting plenty with here on Tumblr. Please, don't force me to give my username to you.
I am very selective with those I main or affiliate with. Don't push me to add you to that list.
I make my own graphics and icons. Don't steal them, I will find out eventually and it will be embarrassing for you.
All done? Don't know where to begin? Break the ice with a prompt!
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r0undtree · 2 years
ᶤ ᶠᵒᵘᶰᵈ ᵐᵉ ᵃ ˡᵒᵛᵉʳ ʷʰᵒ 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑠
ℎ𝑒'𝑠 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑎 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑒𝑡 , 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒂𝒊𝒏'𝒕
ˢᵖᵉᶰᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᵃʸˢ 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔 ᵃᶰᵈ ᵗʰᵉ 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞 .
#R0UNDTREE : an independent ,   highly   selective   &   mutually   exclusive   roleplay   blog   for   eddie roundtree / loving   from taylor   jenkins   reid's   novel   and   amazon   prime's   series   daisy   jones   and   the   six   .   written   by   sofi   ,   22   ,   she   /   her   .   minors   &   personals   dni   .   
rules under the read more :
[  ACTIVITY  ]  :  this blog will be LOW ACTIVITY. i can be very slow to reply at times , and i won’t reply in chronological order , but according to my inspiration . DON'T PRESSURE ME FOR REPLIES. won’t always reply to memes or write all the starters from my starter call , simply because i don’t always have the time / inspiration . will also drop threads if i’ve had them for too long on my drafts and i’m not feeling inspired to reply . it’s important for me to remember this is a hobby and not a job . HOWEVER , if we are mutuals then it means i want to interact with you , but sometimes inspiration doesn’t cooperate . we can always plot another thread or you can send me another meme ! <3
[  FOLLOWING  ]  :  this blog is HIGHLY SELECTIVE & MUTUALS ONLY . it will take me some time before following back , because i like to check out blogs thoroughly before doing so . if i don’t wish to follow back , i will sometimes softblock. this is due to past experiences of non - mutuals interacting with my posts .
[  SHIPPING  ]  :  i am open to romantic shipping depending on chemistry between the muses . i do acknowledge eddie's feelings for camila in my writing but that doesn't mean you have to ship with me . it's just something that is important to my portrayal of eddie .
[  NSFW CONTENT  ]  :  TRIGGERS WILL BE TAGGED : “trigger tw”. you’re always welcomed to ask me to tag anything as a trigger warning , i want my blog to be a safe space for everyone . nsfw threads will be scarce ( if there’s any at all ) i’m usually not comfortable writing these type of threads , unless we’re very close and i’m comfortable with you .
[  FORMATTING  ]  :  i use small text and format my replies a bit . please never feel pressured to match my formatting , if i follow you , it’s because i’m interested in writing with you , i don’t really care that much about aesthetics . if you need me to change anything about my formatting for legibility reasons , PLEASE NEVER HESITATE TO ASK .
[  RP ETIQUETTE  ]  :  general rp etiquette applies . no god-modding , power-playing , etc . don’t be a dick and please respect my rules . let’s always interact from a place of mutual respect !
[  DNI  ]  :  if you’re a minor or personal blog . do not interact with my posts if we’re not mutuals . this makes me incredibly uncomfortable and i will hardblock .
[ ABOUT ME ] : hi ! my name is sofi and i'm 22 years old . my first language is not english , so feel free to let me know if i ever make any grammatical mistakes . my discord is available for mutuals upon request <3 thank you for taking the time to read my rules and you're always welcomed to send me memes !!! <3
promo psd : ariapsds.
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iwasagod · 6 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Please note: This section will be updated from time to time.
If you’re following with the intention of:
Doing one liner threads with random sized gifs and NSFW/smutty/flirty.
Your only goal is to get me to write sexual themes with you right off the bat.
You just want to ship your character, canon or not, with Doom.
You’re a person with low self esteem who starts drama for the sake of attention.
Then, please, don’t bother following nor interacting.
This blog is semi-selective. Which means we don’t have to be mutuals in order to interact.
I don’t write with minors, so please don’t interact with me if you’re one. Don’t lie about your age either. Minors will be blocked.
I engage only with writers over 21.
Please, no god-modding.
I speak Spanish, English, and some Japanese. Writer is over 30 years old.
Been writing for over ten years, mostly on LiveJournal and Tumblr in the past. Meaning, I’ve been around long enough to know the drill.
This blog will contain at times mentions of NSFW topics and dark themes. Everything will be tagged accordingly if you wish to block certain topics.
I do multi-para and novella mostly, sometimes it can get longer than that depending on how inspired I feel.
One liners are mostly reserved for memes/ask interactions.
I’m quite active but I tend to queue a lot of replies. Sometimes I hyper-focus on specific threads that have been previously and heavily plotted. This doesn’t mean I’m ignoring our thread.
Give me something to work with. This is incredibly important. If you invest a lot of time and internal monologue and give me no actions nor dialogue for my character to write with, it will be impossible for me to do anything about it, which will put all the weight on me to push the thread forward. I will drop the thread if this continues to happen after I’ve brought it up with you.
Please make sure you check out my verses before interacting. Depending which Doom you interact with, he will react differently to various characters and situations. I will not accommodate Doom's behaviors to please any characters either canon or original.
Sex scenes are something I enjoy quite a lot when written properly, and I don’t shy away from kinks. However, let’s make sure we can plan ahead before jumping right into it.
I can be very picky with how sex scenes are written, so if at some point I let you know I’m not feeling it, please don’t take it to heart.
If you’re curious, this is my (the writer’s) kink list, to know what kind of things I like and dislike writing. Please note this kink list does not reflect the kinks of the character I write.
Role-playing is a collaborative effort. I expect you to at least throw a basic idea of what would you like to do: that can be a prompt, a genre you’d like to explore or a trope, etc. I love discussing and plotting, and I’m constantly asking questions to better understand where you’d like to go with the plot as well as adding my own thoughts to it. Don’t take it to heart, the only reason I ask many questions is to make sure we’re on the same page.
I refuse to do all the work for the both of us, so keep in mind I won’t indulge into plotting by myself.
Know your facts. If you are writing a canon or original character, I expect you to know most if not everything about them. I can’t be doing research on them for you in order to be able to plot, and that also includes their background and trivia details that are relevant to their biography.
If there is something I need to know about your character, feel free to point me in the right direction. I do my best to go through most of the information offered on each writer’s blog, but please don’t expect me to jump through three or four links to know what their name is or which fandom they belong to. Please, make it easier and accessible for writers to get to know your muse through your links (this is mostly a suggestion).
Please, be open to feedback, as I am as well.
I will be very selective on which OCs I choose to interact with.
Know your character, your facts, their backgrounds, etc. If your character’s story has plotholes, keep in mind I won’t be fixing them but I will be pointing them out if they conflict with my character’s story or verse. Don’t take it personally, just remember you know your character better than I do, and I expect you to keep those things in mind before interacting.
I won’t accommodate my character’s background or verses to fit your OCs. Which means, whatever fact you have for your OCs (if they’re an OC from a specific fandom, in this case Marvel) won’t apply to my character, and they won’t automatically know or assume about it.
By under no circumstances I will interact with children-OCs of any Marvel character, especially those that were created specifically to be “Doom's kid”. The same goes for any “Doom's husband/wife” characters.
If the existence of your OC is to invalidate my character’s existence, we most likely aren’t a good fit.
Don’t feel obligated to follow back.
If, for whatever reason, you no longer feel comfortable writing together, feel free to soft block. By no means you’re obligated to reach out but if you want to talk about it/tell me something, you can always reach out via DMs.
I will ignore you if it’s obvious you haven’t read my rules. It’s common courtesy.
I give people plenty of time to get back to me either via DMs or reply to our threads, but after a month of no reply/interaction I just tend to untrack the thread from my Thread Tracker and unfollow. No hard feelings, I just like to keep my dash clean.
Don’t confuse me with the character I write.
No, I am not here to fulfill your sexual fantasies nor I’m your boyfriend or your friend with benefits.
Don’t harass me.
If I unfollowed you, most of the time is to keep my dash organized, don’t take it to heart.
I don’t ship automatically. Yes, even if you’re writing Reed Richards, Valeria, or Sue Storm.
Don’t force ship your character with Doom. I will just ignore you completely or troll you.
Yes, I do have a Discord. I like to keep everything on Tumblr messages but I tend to give my Discord out to people I trust/people I’ve been plotting plenty with here on Tumblr. Please, don’t force me to give my username to you.
I am very selective with those I main or affiliate with. Don’t push me to add you to that list.
I make my own graphics and icons. Don’t steal them, I will find out eventually and it will be embarrassing for you.
All done? Don’t know where to begin? Break the ice with a prompt!
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ghostcappuccino · 7 months
welcome to ghostcappuccino! this is a hub blog for my multifandom rp sideblogs, for whose i will follow from here. this is a companion blog of ghostories, hub blog for horror/dark topics-centred rp sideblogs, and ghostflying, hub blog for pokémon rp sideblogs. the following rules apply to every sideblog of this hub.
→ activity.
i am extremely low activity on every blog, always. partially for lack of time, partially because it helps a lot my mental health, i rarely check the dash and might spend days or even weeks without being able to connect at all to tumblr. it means that i generally won't be present for dash commentaries (because i will always be late for them) and might take a while before replying to anything. if you send me something, please be patient! even private messages i might see and respond after literal weeks - i'm not ignoring you, i'm just literally not present!
→ memes & plotting.
i rarely send starters out of simply arriving late for them and not seeing them, but i gladly send them when i can! i don't mind not receiving prompts (out of being the first one not sending them usually) but i'd appreciate you not using my blog as a memes source, possibly. i work better with plotting as they hold my attention longer and i get stuck much less, but i don't mind random starters! please do send me any prompt anytime you like, i will gladly reply! i just enjoy writing so much, my friend, it's all i need to be happy to be fair. <3
→ threads.
i enjoy having multiple threads at once with a single person, i don't keep a limit! anything we'd like to write together, please let's do it, regardless of how many things we are already writing together. <3 i also don't mind if you decide to drop one or more threads of ours - no need to tell me! once again due to my extremely low activity, i know inspiration might simply disappear. don't be afraid to simply drop and move on, and eventually we can start something new! i'd rather we have fun, instead of forcing ourselves to continue something we don't want to write anymore. <3 i roleplay a little bit of everything, but i don't roleplay smut, and prefer to keep suggestive content for people i trust fully.
→ triggers.
while this hub blog is focused on more light topics of, say, ghostories, heavy topics and triggering content might still appear in my threads - because unfortunately i do like writing it, kek. triggers will always be tagged, and always like this: [trigger] //. if you need anything specific tagged, let me know! for me, i generally just ask if you can tag animal death and sexual content. i'd rather avoid interactions with characters from h.azbin h.otel, thank you.
→ mun.
hi! thank you for reading thus far! i currently go by ghost (you might have known me as cinder, zero or castiel previously), i am 28 years old, italian, and any pronoun is fine with me. i hope we will have a splendid time together! <3
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earthwoken · 1 year
#  EARTHWOKEN  :  an  independent  ,  highly  selective  &  mutually  exclusive  portrayal  of  ADAM  PARRISH  from  the  raven  cycle  &  the  dreamer  trilogy  .  written  by  sofi  ,  23  ,  she  /  her  .  minors  &  personals  dni.  
rules  under  the  cut.  
this  blog  will  be  medium  to  low  activity.  i  can  be  very  slow  to  reply  at  times,  and  i  won’t  reply  in  chronological  order,  but  according  to  my  inspiration.  please  don’t  pressure  me  for  replies.  i  won’t  always  reply  to  memes  or  write  all  the  starters  from  my  starter  calls,  simply  because  i  don’t  always  have  the  time  /  inspiration.  will  also  drop  threads  if  i’ve  had  them  for  too  long  on  my  drafts  and  i’m  not  feeling  inspired  to  reply.  it’s  important  for  me  to  remember  this  is  a  hobby  and  not  a  job.  however,  if  we  are  mutuals  then  it  means  i  want  to  interact  with  you,  but  sometimes  inspiration  doesn’t  cooperate.  we  can  always  plot  another  thread  or  you  can  send  me  another  meme  !  <3
this  blog  is  highly  selective  &  mutuals  only.  it  will  take  me  some  time  before  following  back,  because  i  like  to  check  out  blogs  thoroughly  before  doing  so.  if  i  don’t  wish  to  follow  back,  i  will  sometimes  softblock.  this  is  due  to  past  experiences  of  non-mutuals  interacting  with  my  posts.  also,  if  you’re  following  me,  please  make  sure  it’s  because  you  actually  want  us  to  interact  !  i’m  good  at  taking  the  initiative  and  will  usually  like  starter  calls,  meme  calls  and  send  memes  to  my  new  mutuals,  but  it’s  appreciated  when  the  interest  is  mutual.
i  am  open  to  romantic  shipping  depending  on  chemistry  between  the  muses.  adam  is  bisexual.  his  feelings  for  ronan  will  be  acknowledged  but  that  doesn't  mean  you  have  to  ship  with  me.  
nsfw content.
triggers  will  be  tagged  :  “tw:  trigger”.  you’re  always  welcomed  to  ask  me  to  tag  anything  as  a  trigger  warning,  i  want  my  blog  to  be  a  safe  space  for  everyone.  i  ask  that  you  tag  any  mention  of  disordered  eating  and  that  you  refrain  from  mentioning  it  to  me  if  we  are  ever  plotting  and  your  character  suffers  from  it.  nsfw  threads  will  be  scarce  (  if  there’s  any  at  all  )  i’m  usually  not  comfortable  writing  these  type  of  threads,  unless  we’re  very  close  and  i’m  comfortable  with  you.
 i format  my  replies  a  bit.  please  never  feel  pressured  to  match  my  formatting,  if  i  follow  you,  it’s  because  i’m  interested  in  writing  with  you.  i  don’t  really  care  that  much  about  aesthetics.  if  you  need  me  to  change  anything  about  my  formatting  for  legibility  reasons,  please  never  hesitate  to  ask.
rp etiquette.
general  rp  etiquette  applies.  no  god-modding,  power-playing,  meta-gaming,  etc.  don’t  be  a  dick  and  please  respect  my  rules.  let’s  always  interact  from  a  place  of  mutual  respect  !
i  don’t  mind  them  at  all.  the  way  i  see  it,  if  we  have  the  same  muse  it  means  we  have  something  in  common  that  we  can  talk  about.  that  being  said,  i  understand  not  everyone  feels  the  same  and  i  will  be  hesitant  to  follow  first.  if  you're  okay  with  duplicates,  feel  free  to  follow  and  let's  be  friends  !    
do not interact.
if  you’re  a  minor, personal blog, or if  you  ship  with  characters  that  are  abusive  /  racist  /  problematic  in  general.  do  not  interact  with  my  posts  if  we’re  not  mutuals.  this  makes  me  incredibly  uncomfortable  and  i  will  hardblock.
about me.
hi!  my  name  is  sofi,  i’m  22  years  old  and  from  chile.  my  first  language  is  not  english,  so  feel  free  to  let  me  know  if  i  ever  make  any  grammatical  mistakes.  my  discord  is  available  for  mutuals  upon  request.  thank  you  for  taking  the  time  to  read  my  rules  and  feel  free  to  send  me memes  whenever  !!  <3  
psd by ariapsds.
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