#// you didnt see me accidentally post this early
dxnse-macabre · 5 months
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NAME — angie! PRONOUNS — she/her SEXUALITY — bisexual c: SINGLE / TAKEN — taken
— i used to be a fanfic writer that wrote primarily on w.attp.ad. one of my works got A LOT of hits after i stopped writing,,, i mean like 350k views last time i checked. my goal back then was to hit 1 mil but ofc i don't have the time now — i'm also a published author but only for like one book — i have a pet cat that was given to me when i was in middle school. i actually have... no idea how old she was when we got her. i still don't know how old she is. but she still looks & acts young,,, she also acts so sophisticated/stuck up so i've been convinced that she's an immortal being that is just here for the free snacks and a nice home
HOW LONG — i've been writing ever since i was in middle school (6-7th grade) but that was for fanfiction. i joined my first ever tumblr rp community i wanna say like... freshman/sophomore year of high school? it helped me get through a lot of rough times as it was like a form of escapism for me. i believe the first community i joined was the d.etroit b.ecome h.uman rpc. i stayed in that for a FAT minute before i was into the o.verwatch rpc and then the d.ragon a.ge rpc. if you wanna check out my really old blogs (they aren't active anymore, but i kept them up so i can look at them here and there) here they are: @ask-the-rk900 , @fen-dwxller, @bxckle-up @luridhearted @scxrred-prince (luridhearted was an attempt at a multimuse HAH) WHAT PLATFORMS — primarily tumblr, before i shifted over to discord for a couple years as i only had time to rp with like one person. afterwards, i ended up coming back to tumblr. if you're talking about now, i only rp on tumblr because i have too much fun with formatting my posts BEST EXPERIENCE — i had an rp partner that was like my bestie throughout my highschool years. we had our own ocs and they were always sad and depressed because we were too LMAO. but during that time, i absolutely LOVED our rps and our own characters. we drifted apart because of our own differences, but i hope they're doing okay now. they still influence me heavy to this day, and every now and then i look back at our stories that we made together. always missing you, ash.
FEMALE OR MALE — i've never really written female muses, unless they are older..(?) an example of this is a.na a.mari from o.verwatch. i've always loved writing male muses. a niche that i'd like to say that i'm particularly good at is the closeted bisexual that always believed they were straight and is in constant denial. oh, and rockerboy. i take a lot of inspiration from a fanfic for that sort of portrayal and it's so heavily ingrained in my brain. astarion is so not that but it's a nice change of pace. his rockstar AU helps me go back to my roots though. FLUFF , ANGST OR SMUT — i LOVE angst. angst is my go-to thing-- i feel like i'm some kind of sadist that loves seeing my muse get hurt????? is there something wrong with me???????? an example of this is fluff masking the angst underneath. ORRRR smut masking the angst underneath. it's been years since i've written anything remotely smutty and i have no idea if i can still write it hahaha PLOTS OR MEMES — i prefer a little bit of both. send in a meme, maybe even plot about how to go about it? or vice versa. those are SO yummy LONG OR SHORT REPLIES — depends on the mood of the day. most of the time i love making long replies because the muse tends to get carried away (he's very talkative, as you all know) but i know that a lot of gems come from short little banter-like threads so i love those too! BEST TIME TO WRITE — whenever the muse lets me. sometimes astarion gives a little pouty face and tells me he's too tired and doesn't wanna interact. sometimes astarion is bursting with energy cause he needs someone to fuck around with. sometimes... astarion is full of himself and wants to stare at pictures of himself. the muse wants what the muse wants, and if i force it, it's the first step to losing my muse ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) — on a trauma level, me && astarion are very similar. both of us felt like we needed to overly-sexualize ourselves to people who we deemed worthy of protecting us, so there is a sense of performance that we need to bring to every relationship. it's hard for the both of us to take off that mask since it's so second nature to us. i haven't been physically scarred by another person like astarion has, but i do have my own scars for other reasons. to me, astarion is essentially an embodiment of my past trauma that i can express in a healthy way. i guess that's why i've stuck with him longer than i have with any other muse---because of how familiar he is. (also, back with my rp partner i had on discord, neil was their faceclaim as well so that's a double whammy)
TAGGED BY: @wildskissed TAGGING: @crimesought @shdwtouch @crownshattered @stilettobite + anyone else that wants to do this!!!
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riceys · 6 months
just a thought b4 i go to bed cause brain rot but. . .
Schlatt with another cc!reader and priviate relationship and he accidentally leaks it
so hes super overworked and tired due to some big projects and goes to bed early
youre streaming, about ready to wrap up, when the door to your office opens and a very sleepy schlatt stomps in. you dont notice since your back is to the door
chat goes WILD
“A BOY???”
upon seeing this you turn around and see him, pouting in your doorway :(
panic sets in as you quickly realize that he is half asleep and doesnt realize youre live
you quickly turn back to your stream and turn it off before sighing and walking to him
“sorry” hes clearly more awake now and has realized whats happened
he collapses into your side, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing sleepy kisses to your jaw. “its okay baby you didnt mean to, it was bound to happen eventually” you coo as you play with his hair. he just nods and relaxes in your embrace and soon you hear his soft snores.
dude fell asleep standing up 💀
“aaalright lovie bedtime” he perks up at your words, eagerly leading you to the bedroom where he crawls into bed with you
“ill take care of it in the morning i promise. just need you right now” 🥺🥺🥺
cuddles omgggg
wake up next morning and check your phone only to find that you in fact did not end stream. . .
ok so this sucks but its okay cause im eepy as fuck
might turn into a real fic
ALSO i found an old yumi fic i wrote a while ago on wattpad so if yall want me to post that here lemme know (ill do it nyway 😁)
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d0g0r0t · 1 year
Can I please ask for some fluff with Toby pls 🙈
Toby fluff hcs!
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Got me kicking me feet and shit
Before you guys started dating he didn't know he had a crush on you until Tim told him
Toby: she's cool and strong and pretty and-
Tim: so you have a crush on her?
Toby: what
Tim: you literally just expressed to me you have a crush on her..
Toby:... no I didnt..
Tim: yes the fuck you did
Toby:.... nuh uh...
But when it finally clicked to him he had a crush on you he couldn't get the thought of you out of his head
He would draw you along with your name on literally everything, his hand, walls, floors, tables, paper. If it can be drawed on he'll do it
He saw you in everything and it actually started to effect his performance on missions and overall life
That tree over there? Sees your face. The sky? Sees your eyes. The grass? Sees your hair. The dirt? Sees your skin. Everywhere he goes he always sees you and he always becomes a hot mess
Everything your around he always gets super quiet and anxious and his face is very clearly red, his heads down and he always fiddles with his fingers and sleeve trying his best to make himself look small.
EVERY SINGLE TIME you talk to him his stutters and tics get super bad and it makes him frustrated cause he feels like you'll be weirded out. But when you don't care he can't help but feel butterflies in his stomach.
He's always staring at you when your around. He doesn't really realize that you guys are making eye contact and that you caught him.
When he finally got the courage to ask you out and you said yes. All he said was "Ok" and walked away. The moment he was alone he was jumping up and down, kicking his feet, screaming into his pillow and overall fan girling over you and the fact you guys were dating
The first few days were so awkward
Everytime you were near he would glance over and smile at you and give you small very awkward compliments "you look very pretty today... well I mean you look pretty everyday!" "You remind me of a jelly fish.. fuck wait that sounds so weird.."
He gives you little gifts. Probably stole them
He BEGS all the girls in the mansion for advice on how to be atleast a decant boyfriend
LIGHT NIGHT CAMPFIRES. Will take you by the hand and hold you close making sure your safe and he doesn't lose you in the dark and starts a nice warm fire for just the two of you as you guys eat snacks and do silly couple things
He gets really off track and will start following random squirrels and will be really sad when it runs up and hides in a tree. "Awe man the squirrel ran away :("
He's a human dog.. that's it he's an actual dog stuck in a humans body
He follows you around LIKE A DOG.
everytime you speak to him he always gets really happy and he stims and gets all giddy
He gets even more happy when you guys get physical. He's never really had any good physical interactions so the first time you were gentle with him he started to cry because you were so nice
Doesn't really understand boundaries. He's always on you one way or another and doesn't think about you personally, your just in his arms and that's all that matters
But when you tell him the boundaries he broke he'll get really sappy and upset with himself and won't shut up about how sorry he is
Back to him being an actual dog he growls when people get to close to you ad he holds you tightly in his arms with his head on top of yours. "Mine >:("
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Also i accidentally posted this to early and couldn't UNPOST IT. So if you saw it before it was finished no u didnt
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
could I um.. request the whole alphabet with gangle.. take your time :))
The fluff alphabet w/ Gangle (Full!)
so sorry it took me so long to get to this! i got back to my computer just now and decided to whip up a masterlist/begin one before working on requests again! i must admit gangle is a hard character for me to write, so if some letters seem lackluster, sound repetitive, or whatever, i apologize in advance </3
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ABSTRACT- if you ever abstract gangle will be absolutely beside herself, overcome with grief. i dont think she would abstract, though. she keeps to her room, her comedy mask long forgotten. broken or not, she cant bring herself to put it on. she feels bad, why didnt you reach out to her? did you feel like you were a burden? did you think she wouldnt be enough to save you? thoughts like that eat her alive
BONDING- you two draw together, sometimes even making comics with each other! i saw a few posts where gangle loves to draw, and draws in an early 2000-2010s anime art style and i absolutely love that. you guys just do that, when you have the free time
CUDDLING- neither little nor big spoon, gangle is simply. ribbon. its like cuddling ribbon, there isnt much to be said in that regard. kinda cold but thats because ribbon doesnt really carry heat. wraps her body around you
DATES- drawing dates! similar to the bonding segment, but you guys make it a point to draw things for each other. you even get to bust out some paints. yipee! ends up in you two drawing each other. so many painted hearts
EMOTION- gangle is definitely the more emotional one between the two of you, especially if shes wearing her tragedy mask. not much to be said, gangle is a cry baby and i dont mean that in a bad way
FAMILY- should the two of you ever escape the digital world and find each other, you two would definitely get married! as for children, i honestly dont see gangle as the type to have kids, but thats just a me thing
GIFT- really nailing the art stuff deep, gangle draws things for you all the time. but i can also see them being into origami! they make you paper hearts and little critters, bows and crowns, things like that! gangle loves receiving gifts as well, unsure of what she would like, though
IN HOUSE ADVENTURE- the only reason she wouldnt spend all of her time with you on an adventure is if she gets paired up with someone in a group (ex. her sticking with kinger after jax put them together), since i feel she would be too scared to speak up about it, even if shes starting to gain more of a voice thanks to your influence
JEALOUSY- gangle doesnt really. get jealous. at least not in the "traditional" way, to be more accurate, she gets sad. i mean, she knows shes a crybaby, she knows shes frail, but she wouldnt want to make you feel bad that she feels bad. please give her a lot of reassurance :(
KISS- lets play my favorite game! admins favorite hc for characters with no normal mouth/lips! she gently doinks her mask against your face; careful not to hurt you and to not accidentally knock off her mask! loves giving you cheek kisses, loves receiving forehead kisses
LOVE LANGUAGE- gangle feels loves when you reassure her that you love her just as she is, as well as when you spend time with her. gangle shows her love by making you gifts and fawning over you
MENDED- should you ever come back from being abstracted some how, all those thoughts that plagued her mind are now voiced. she cant help it, she feels so bad for dumping her grief onto you the second you're retrieved from the cellar. but she cant stop herself. poor girl is going to wrapped around you, literally..
NO- please dont be mean or rude to her she will feel very bad, even if you're just teasing her or joking. she already has to put up with everyone else (well, mostly jax)
ODDITY- when the comedy mask is on, she can light up a room, well, kinda. we dont get to see her with her comedy mask but i think shes loads more cheerful with it on, and perhaps even a smidge more confident in herself, when the mask is broken she can take a quick nose dive. its not so much thats it weird, more so that its a bit jarring at how big the change is
PDA- very shy about PDA, but i think ultimately if you want to hold her hand she wont object!
QUIET TIME- one word, drawing. but also i can see the two of you just being able to lie in bed with each other in comfortable silence
ROSES- PAPER ROSES PAPER ROSES! i may have a soft spot because i myself used to make origami flowers, but i think she would give you a bouquet of paper flowers. she would be over the moon if you gave her some, she looks like a dandelion enjoyer (like the yellow ones, but i think she would also like the white fuzzy ones)
SHH- loads of secrets, a lot of them tying into the jealousy segment. gangle probably also doesnt speak up about when someone is mean to her, opting to stay quiet in order to not cause issues or drama. please help her break that habit
TUNES- it might be because ive been listening to jack on loop, but this is the first one that comes to mind:
UPSET- when she gets upset she just wants to be comforted and held; when you're upset shes ready to do everything it takes to help you, just say the word and she'll do it... the image of gangle confronting someone for your sake has just flashed through my mind, though i think that may be the one thing she wont do... would love to see it though
VALENTINE- paper hearts. you two decide to go to the digital carnival together and experience some of the themed attractions... namely, the ferris wheel.... should i bring up everyones favorite ferris wheel trope...
WANT- she wants someone who wont think shes some. weirdo. and who thinks shes worthwhile
XOXO- little love notes, similar to my idea for ragatha! though gangle is more... eh, about it, since she fears you might be turned off by it
YEARN- id say in the middle, since she can respect your space and whatever it is you need to do, and she has to admit herself there are times where she wants to hang out with someone else or be alone; and thats perfectly okay!
ZZZ- likes wrapping her entire body around you, head to your chest. she doesnt really move when she sleeps, too entangled around you to do that. probably snores very softly
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celestialorcas · 2 months
Saw people on tumblr talking about "A good girls guide to murder" so i checked it out and.....
god DAMN Just finished watching it... THAT WAS AMAZING!!!! 100% checking out the book series now too! I have a lot of thoughts so probably wont be the last post about it, but all mine will be after keep reading sections... like the following one!
Don't continue unless youve seen the whole thing, dont spoil this amazing story for yourself!!! its on BBC iplayer and netflix, and is a book series! SPOILERS FOR THE STORY OF THE SHOW AND I ASSUME BOOK 1 BELOW THE KEEP READING
Another big block in case you accidentally clicked the keep reading or didnt heed my warning, seriously omg this was a great story and the bits after this talk about the ending so...kindly piss off-
The moment Mr Ward handed her the notepad very early on I noticed how they framed it, it felt like one of the things you go back and in hindsight....oooh but i picked up on it!! (didnt ruin it for me cause while i called it, he wasnt an actual suspect i was thinking about for anything, kinda forgot about it until the phone call Pip got-) less big brain early calling but the when Bella said she would show Pip where the body was and to "drink up" i was like....why Bella....there something in the tea? (gave off "drink up and youll see her soon" vibes-) overall, what a ride, yea i need these books cause if the tv adaptation got it even a little close, then the books must be amazing \o/
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
OP your addtion about the Harbinger's reaction? Sent me wheezing to the moon 🤣🤣💀
I dont have any additions to Teyvat language yet (other anons have a more in depth explanations while mine is just shitposts wheEZE--) but I did have an idea for a Genshin AU.
I'm pretty sure everybody has heard about the blue alien people Avatar. Tribal people from another planet. (Also I just stumbled upon the forests of Sumeru while going through Chasm quests. The one that has giant mushrooms).
Imagine Genshin in the Avatar Au. Sumeru can be based on the first movie (It fits cause from what I can explore of Sumeru reminds me of the time I watched Avatar of the first time. Pure awe and wonder..) While the Water nation can be based on the 2nd movie, Hoyoverse hasnt released the name of the Water Country yet so we're just waiting. Mondstadt can be based on the upcoming 3rd (4th or 5th? Idk they had it lined up) movie that involves being high above the clouds. Kind of like the Jade palace or the Floating Abode in the serenitea pot.
Its all I could base for now since the other movies dont have that much info yet to be paired with Genshin's countries.
Bonus idea that randomnly popped into my head:
Still going with this Au but its sagau themed. Creator!Reader arrives to Teyvat and is considered as Eywa
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I just want u to know i feel b l e s s e d that u put this in MY ask box , when this coulda been a whole post of ur own 💖💖🙏🙏
WARNING: So i havent seen the new movie, just the og Avatar one, and i totally loved that concept about Eywa and how their world works so ill refresh myself but if theres any new lore from the 2nd movie i aint got it yet 💁 srry babs
^ except ur like the life itself bc ur god now
Thats why i put that there
This AU radiates that energy
So I accidentally posted this too early so keep refreshing or coming back bc if theres no "♡the beloveds♡" im still updating this then LMAO
So anon's a genius and i could listen to u talk about this all day
I fucking love combining world building or lore together
Esp like making one the AU or just the setting like u said with Avatar worlds as settings and same characters-
So they deffo use "Eywa" as a term for you instead of your name
Honestly, before when u were a mysterious af planet creature thing (lets say u get isekaied there i mean)
Nobody rlly knew if u even could take a mortal form or even thought of that as a concept
I feel like the younger generations immortals and Teyvat's current countries kinda think of you Eywa as more of a passive entity life force thing
Rather than the older immortals and creatures that had seen thru eons or over the course of a couple thousand years
That u were very aware and intelligent
Not that ur energy or aura didnt tell them that alone
So a little deeper into the Teyvat lore here but i dont see anybody else talking about it so I will
Originally, it was the Seven Sovriegns and you, and eventually Phanes and their Four Shades,
And they literally all quickly came to realize u literally made this planet and began to start the first traditions of worshipping you!
Like putting gifts or hand made goods at the base
(Ppl have also gotten a tradition from Morax/Rex Lapis and Guizhong and other adepti to leave birthday letters to offer you, which ties into what i say below⬇️)
Ya know,
Eywa the tree could even be a sort of source to the eyes of Teyvat of what you look like while u were playing the game
Like how Eywa's little jellyfish reach ppl in the forest and shit? I think?
So like i would imagine that whatever u make certain vessels or acolytes do most often, is what they think they should offer u :0
Claymore users give u gemstones and ores
Bow users give u hunted game like fowl, or the treasure from puzzles that required arrows (like those bursting blue balloons?)
Catalysts and Polearms give u all kinda of crazy shit lmao
Bc they can be used for a vareity of things
Bc of ur player status and abilities, people of Teyvat attribute a gain in power or talents or whatnot to you, Eywa
So say u actually physically there now, and u just wake up under the coolest sickest tree youve ever seen in ur life
Omg could u imagine????
Seeing Teyvat irl? But AVATAR WORLD IRL???!!!
You would stand there lookin around like a drunk fuck for like 20 minutes, maybe longer lmao
Its just so ✨️pretty✨️ here
Also the tree itself just feels like, the equivalent to ur bedroom basically but like specifically if it was hella comfy and like just the way u want it (all the decor is up, the floor is clean, u got like hot choco on ur desk, theres a candle burning, etc.)
Oh so since ur like weirdly connected to the land, like u know how theres a voice line abt walking in that glowing aranara part of Sumeru and ur steps light up?
I saw that too in the OG avatar movie
So i feel like u would have a map with ALLLLL the peoples on it and little icons
U can focus on just vision users or bosses or big nature things like Dragonspine
Oh so Eywa can control all animals and whatnot and so u as a mortal person can too
So anytime theres a threat u can deadass just become a pokemon trainer LMAO
Ok but think how badass it would be to just like,
Get the Primo Geovishap or Giant Bird Jadeplume Terror thingy to just leave their territory and wipeout some mfs
It would be fucking amazing
Unrelated to above bc im just spitting out ideas srry guys
but like
I feel like if u were a lifeforce sort of ancient eldritch god for the entire goddamn continent of Teyvat let alone the whole planet-
You would have to maintain said continent/planet
Like, make sure the Irminsul is growing okay, protect from mfs like Dottore,
Stop diasters if ur Eywa too, esp bc u can hear prayers now, and would hear ppl crying out to help them geez
while the prayers of the many kinda just glob together to form the major "feeling" of the prayer for most creatures,
Vision users, gods, ancient creatures u can get their exact sentences
Basically more magic = better heard to connect with u
Oh u know, i could even see it being even more manual or personal labor bc ur not like a tree connected to ur roots thruout the world technically
Like if volcanoes erupt in Natlan, the archon and gods there help and u r also wanted/needed in person for it to work
U would still be powerful, but yeah like say the tree was u just playing genshin before,
The game automatically regulated diasters and stuff other than what was supposed to happen in game
So kinda bouncing off that I read smwhere that the Na'vi dont actually view Eywa as like omnipotent or omniscient
(like the God™️ from the Christian bible for a example of what your not)
And also! Dont blame/attribute natural diasters, plagues, or other bad stuff on Eywa
So good for you whew 💦
Ur actually supposed to kinda just be the collective lifeforce or Teyvat/world and nature, and a defender and guide of life :0
Which kinda fits with the whole "upgrading characters" thing actually
Okay but I saw somewhere in SAGAU tag someone did another name instead of Creator to spice it up and its "All-Mother"
And interestingly, Eywa in Avatar is also called that and "Great Mother"!!
How fun :0
Also, the reason Eywa still got people with free-will is bc they kinda described the relationship to Eywa being something like a mother or parent
Maybe where name/titles came from ig?
Either way, ppl be calling u all types of nicknames u aint heard before lmao
I mean ur sacred, they dont just say ur name,
Nobody knows ur real name or what u call yourself
Just what they call u
Bc they couldnt communicate with u super well before, (the bday letters were the closest they got verbally, and even then they had to be addressed somewhat to ur first vessel the traveler to get thru/be seen)
Otherwise yeah u operating them lets say before on Earth you rlly felt like an eldritch nature deity 💀
Cause u guide them in battles, strengthen their talents and skills and bodies, and feed them food
If they were in battle like needing healing food, u help them heal by consuming it for them so they dont have to take a snack break in battle and
Let me tell u, these denizens of Teyvat who have to constantly deal with magic and monsters and abyss stuff, so a stroll outside ur house gets u in a fight...
...They are very grateful for that needless to say.
Plus i like to think u make fighting easier on them bc ur "guiding" their bodies
Anyway thats a long winded way to say, help me think of all the names Teyvat's given you lmao:
All-Mother / Great Mother
All-Father / Great Father
All-Parent? / Great Parent
Their Grace
Great Puppeteer
The Puppeteer
Soul of Teyvat
Greatest Soul
She aint long bc im not that creative and this idea has sm potential too😔
I would love to be Eywa sounds fun and powerful af and i dont get expected to be Jesus and they know i dont cause the natural diasters, like that sounds nice
Aight im no genius and this writing feels like im just rambling like a drunk guy sittin on the sidewalk mumbling to myself, i had to stop writing 💀
Like that energy specifically-
So lmk if yall got any other cool titles or names :0
I couldn't think of anymore :/
Also srry about the updating this post and making u check back in if u already read this before i put the taglist
(Me putting the taglist means im done editing/writing this dw if u seein this)
♡my beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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bucketspammer4life · 1 year
and for that.. i bring you..
☆ the boxers planning a birthday party ☆
and for this special ocassion.. I will be posting my cringe writing!!!! Happy birthday to me!!!
Glass Joe
- 99% he was the one that baked the cake, he really didnt have a choice other than to go with the walmart cake
- doting on everything, the cake has to be the perfect flavor, the invitations have to be in the right font so its not too fancy but its not too bland, the decorations need to be cheery but not too childish, the presents need to be spot on with whatever they like but not too spot on because stalking people is not cool, generally organized
- on that last note, he can and will stalk your social media accounts to find out what you like and how you like it, you'll suddenly see that "baguettedude420" is following your Facebook account and "winethief21" is viewing your instagram story (and accidentally liked a post from 2016 uh oh)
- going all out like its your last birthday
Von Kaiser
- doing his best, hes not good at remembering dates so he usually celebrates it WAYYY too early or after a week, you'll see a "happy birthday!!" message from him a month after your actual birthday
- gets "generally liked" gifts if he doesnt know what you like including: perfume, merch of a band you might like, jeans and socks (kaiser you have bad taste)
- will buy a pre-made cake because baking is not his thing
- will not sing happy birthday, nuh uh hes not putting you through that
Disco Kid
- going all out like this is his last day on earth, you cant get him to directly ask you "what do you want for ur birthday" because he'd rather cartwheel off a cliff than do that, doing mental gymnastics to find out what you would like for your birthday, "oh so you like sharks?" He then proceeds to get you shark themed gifts (if you have a hyperfixation on something really specific this is a win for you)
- goes out of his way to make, decorate & throw edible glitter at a cake for you
- definitely asking your friends "what does this bitch like??" (not that exact question but still close) since he doesnt have the guts to ask you what you like without making it obvious he wants to get you something specific
-oversinging happy birthday
King Hippo
- rushing on the last day, the only thing that saved him was the reminder on his phone
- also stalks your social media accounts because he didnt have the time to think about what hes gonna get you, uh oh looks like "theking5262627" is following your instagram account
- his gifts are mostly food related, like baking? Heres a whisk, like cooking? Heres a apron & a pan, like fruit? Enjoy this Apple shaped mug
- bakes a gorgeous cake, if you dont like how it tastes he'll be heartbroken, so for now you'll have to suffer through the blueberry allergy or he'll be sad
Piston Hondo
- overdoing everything like Joe, this time its not limited to asking your friends & stalking your social media accounts, hes gonna contact your family & ask your siblings and parents like "i know that you dont know me but your childs birthday is coming up what do they like pls tell me im gonna get them a gift" and it usually ends in hondo being friends with your parents, hes gonna whip out the oujia board to contact your deceased relatives to ask what kind of cake you like, hes gonna to swim in your gene pool to find out what your favorite color is, hes gonna get info, one way or another
- He thinks more about your birthday than you do, planning this like his life depends on it
-makes sure the decorations fit your taste because nothings worse than a badly decorated birthday (other than a family argument ending in both sides cutting contact but my point stands)
- makes it obvious hes planning it, you could say something like "i think green is a really good color" And he would just start overthinking it like "so you like green??? Do you also like plants?? Nature??? Mint??"
Great Tiger
- He already knows what you want, what flavor of cake (or any other desert) you want since he stalked your social media accounts WAYYYY before this, what on earth made you think "thegreatestman11" was a normal account
- dont let him sing happy birthday (PLEASE) or he'll perform a entire choreography (am i spelling that correctly)
- baking and putting his soul into it, theres sweat, blood and tears in that cake (not in the literal sense hes not that nasty) but he did see the light halfway through decorating the cake
Bear Hugger
-going off vibes & what he knows and is pretty spot on, if he cant decide on a gift he'll make a Facebook account (not to stalk you this time) to abuse the data stealing algorithm and get you a funny t shirt, sorry but your legally a old man who skateboards, has a weird obsession with fire extinguishers and was born in august now enjoy your destiny
- cannot bake to save his life, if you told him to bake a simple cake or do a backflip off a building he'll happily take the plunge, for this reason he just gets Ms. Bear to help
- you will get at least one (1) camo themed object from him
Don Flamenco
- this fucking bastard, hes rushing the last day to get you a present from walmart, hes just grabbing objects he could see you looking at and going "This is ok i guess" And running, cake? He got it from a bakery since he was normal enough to get you a edible cake with a hint of care
- He just dissapears after 20 minutes from your party he has places to be and this is not one of those
Aran Ryan
- fucking hell. He gets you dumb t-shirts off aliexpress along with gag gifts since he doesnt have the energy to be sane, best case scenario he'll handcarve you a little cat made from wood if he cares enough
- worst cake ever, hes simply struggling, eating the cake he baked would cause you a stroke, 20 heart attacks, 98 diseases, 2 ancient curses and liver failure, he has to film a apology video now uh oh
Soda Popinski
- handmaking stuff for you, decorations? He made them all, gifts? He crochetted (im so not spelling that right), he knitted, he carved and baked (both a cake and clay)
- definitely came late but still came
- (forgive me for these becoming short im exhausted + this is a scheduled post)
Bald Bull
- definitely not coming because no one wants to get swarmed at their birthday, no way
- He wont even go through with getting you a gift, hes just gonna send you money because why struggle with thinking about a person when they can think about themselves??
- stalking your social media accounts (not even for your birthday, hes just a bit noisy)
Super Macho Man
- same case as Bull, sends you money & wont show up, except this time he also gets you gifts other than money, also stalking your accounts
- no cake but will go all out for your decorations
Mr Sandman
- actually sane, hes not overthinking it but hes not forgetting about it either, he'll get you stuff he thinks you would adore, hes not really spot on but hes doing his best
- needs help with the cake, Sandman please stop youre gonna burn the kitchen down and im sure this is the 2nd building you'll wreck if you dont stop
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red-dyed-sarumane · 6 months
WHILE TRYING TO SEND YOU THIS ASK I ACCIDENTALLY UNFOLLOWED YOU AND HAD TO REFOLLOW AHHH anyways. i just realized i don't think i've ever asked or seen you post about how you got into vocaloid/vsynth?? what got you into this hell. i'm curious
totally fine this site makes it so easy to accidentally unfollow people i did it at least 2ce in the past week
so when i was like somewhere in the 10-12 range i was super active on flipnote hatena & kept coming across ones that used voca songs tho i didnt know it initially. the 3 songs i really credit with getting me into it are circus' insanity bc that was used just so so much & this luka song was Also used SOOO much & one animator i really liked used seleP's ellie once. my one irl friend knew more than me & when i told her i liked the songs she was like "oh yeah those are vocaloid songs" & then between looking those songs up & a bit of help from my friend who admitted wasnt really into it as much as knew what it was & started falling down the hole. ended up on the official vocaloid site in the middle of v3 era & found lapis & liked her a lot & ended up on yt looking for more of her & also whatever voca stuff got recc'd to me i would say i officially consider myself into it in early 2013 when i liked enough songs & saw enough reposted that i got an nnd account myself to watch them from the source. ive never really been into the whole giving synths their own personality part of the fandom until the isotopes bc of the 4koma ive just always really liked how people use them in songs & get so creative with it. ive always been more into specific songs &/or series idk i dont see that really changing any time soon
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cerealmonster15 · 7 months
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
HMM. tbh i feel like i say a lot about my personal self here LOL for people that read my tag rambles what i can i say that u dont already know... i feel like the only stuff i omit is like, to keep my identity a SECRET lol ummm.
ok i literally couldnt think of anything JSDKLFJDSKLFJSDKLJ. ask me a question if u want maybe ill share LOL
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
H. HEY. HEY. i dont wanna LOL JKFLDJKFLDS truth be told i dont actually HATE hate many characters. it's usually only ones that are like. token creep characters or REALLY super nasty and i dont WANNA talk about those so im gonna CHEAT and just do what i suspect im baited into doing and talk about a character i. hmm. Used To Strongly Dislike. i was a hater but i dont know that i ever really FULLY hated him. but i def disliked him for a while at first lol
and in terms of twst there are at least four characters this could be describing but i have to do leona bc ive had the most character development with my feelings about him kljsdklfjdsklfjklsdj
he really is so smart and perceptive. it's super interesting when i go back and reread stories and how he's shown to either directly or maybe heavily implied to know/suspect something that's going on far before most of the other characters do. he doesnt always. say anything about it to people 🧍 JKFLSDJFKLDS but it IS cool how you can see he's like, paying attention. he's got experience!
it's kinda sweet when he actually does, sometimes, show his care for the younger students. like in rook's lab coat story when epel accidentally bumps into him, and the npc talking to rook is like OH GOD!!! but rooks like nono, it's okay, leona knows not to just pick a fight with a random student for no reason. <- me calling it sweet when leona doesnt bitch at someone i guess LOL but!!! jfkdsjflds it is. and then in book 6 at the start when everyones getting ROBOT KIDNAPPED, this goes hand in hand with my first point - leona recognized the charon soldiers, clocked that they were dangerous, fighting was futile and risky, and just surrendered himself and told ruggie to not start a fight and to just look after the dorm while he was gone, if he ever came back. i was sooooo grumpy at that scene for so long bc of how COOL he was and i did not like admitting leona was being cool ever LOL JFKLSJDFKLDSJLJ but he was 😔 ive come to terms with it. AND in the jpn server's halloween event playful land, [mild beginning of event spoilers to anyone reading this i guess lol] the fact that he showed up late at night to bring everyone back so they wouldnt get in themselves trouble.... like he SAID it's bc he just didnt wanna get blamed for it later, but like, iirc he aimed his lecture at the ENTIRE GROUP, not just jack who he's dorm responsible for. he showed up early morning/middle of the night to do it too, when hes the king of I Love Sleeping. he probably coulda sent ruggie to do it but it was his turn to be in the event so he came and did it himself;;; dskfjdlsjfk listen i think leona is pretty straightforward and a bitch but i do think he still has some sense of care for people even though he'd rather die than admit it KFJSDKLFJSELJ
this might be cheating but i listed like three separate examples in the prev point so whatever. he's funny when he fights with vil and malleus JKLFJDSKLFJDSLFJ and i like when characters bitch at each other for comedic purposes. that is a positive point in my book i like LAUGHING at my SCREEN
i love when im asked a simple question and use ten thousand words to answer lol
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
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worldwright · 8 months
good evening ! im super early today bc im dying lmao
man, it was so fucking hard to fall asleep after my war against that fucking stinkbug, and someone i wont name fucking deserted and left her leader to fight this great and horrifying enemy
anyway, i checked which fucking painkiller i can take, and the only one i can is paracetamol but this fucker does nothing to my headaches, so im switching entirely to water from tea bc it works better than a fucking painkiller
i slept bad (what a surprise), my father woke me up bc he couldnt find me (man, the only day he wants to know where the fuck i am is the only where i dont wnat him to find him), a headache is there and my nap didnt help ;-; but at least i finished my second watch of glass onion (started last week) and watched the episode of dunmesh and now i can say w/o any doubt that chilchuck is my fav -he was from the very beginning but ude, now im sure)
ill be able to finally sleep in my bed tonight yay
and here a picture the coward from this morning (or icecream, or latte, or whatever you like to compare her to. my friends call her "table basse" [coffee table] or "chieng en format familial" [familiy-sized doggo]. youre too kind with your nicknames for her lol)
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have a wonderful morning with your partner my friend !
o how decadent is her lounging !! would that we could all feel the same peace 😌❤️
(no that is not proper English grammar don't copy me 😭😭)
hehe tiny emojis 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸���🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🍃🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
immmmmm so excited to hang out with people I felt like I was withering lmfao
I think I'm gonna go up to see all my friends next weekend, since all of them are once again living in their dream life shared apartment with the besties ughhhh I can't wait to live there
the new office manager at my job is so cool :3 he's incredibly gay lmfao
I've officially caught up on apothecary diaries. ugh what do I do with my life now
obviously the answer is wait impatiently for every new episode and write analysis posts in the meantime
mmm I wanna reread witch hat atelier...... next week downtime obsession found 👍👍
egg salad last night was all right! I accidentally added too much mayonnaise and then had to overcorrect from there, so it ended up not having as much egg per volume as it should have. but still tasty and nutritious :3
speaking of food you're SO valid about Chilchuck. he's just ❤️❤️❤️ This Is A Divorced Father Of Three With Extreme Communication Issues ❤️❤️❤️ who looks like a middle schooler 🥰🥰🥰
also chatted with a friend about our fic ideas, which was really fun. the problem is that I have a really fleshed-out AU, but I don't know what actual plot to put in the AU. lol. ahhhhhhh
girlfriend weekend!!!!! girlfriend weekend!!!!!!!!
hope your headache goes away in time for you to get good sleep tonight!!
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e17omm · 10 months
do you ever wanna write something new and different (tm) or are you content with the stories you have?
Most of the time I get a few short ideas of things that could be fun but I dont write anything so they just kinda fade away.
Most of the time though, I write what has my brainrot going. My brain thinks a lot - and its not always a good thing. I started writing Himeko adopts a stray Herrscher because I could not stop thinking about it. It gave me a headache.
So the reason why I write so much of Snippets is because Ive kinda broken out of the "I cant keep track of a long-ass story because if I write down notes (like what happened to HaasH) then my brain just hits the brakes and stops there." shell.
Because I can write Snippets of Sirin Schariac's life in whatever order I write it in. So absolutely; Snippets AU is kinda an amalgination of ideas that Ive had of the HI3 story that I mash together and make work.
Sirin is alive. Bella is alive. They have a better life with Cecilia and Kiana is their little sister. Mobius is alive (though that one is more "I read the Soul Eater manga recently and I cant believe the anime ends 40% through the story. Also Medusa is fucking great and I basically copy how she is written while undercover as the school nurse and write Mobius like that"). Mei accepts being a Herrscher early on. Kurikara isnt Bella's reincarnated corpse but Mei's version of Benares. Kevin actually does shit. Kiana got to use the Judgement of Shamash. Himeko becomes a Herrscher. The Herrscher of Dominance isnt stupid and will abuse the hell out of the massive advantage that they threw away in canon. The ending wont take a wierd turn into a stigmata dream thing that wasn't foreshadowed at all.
What if Sirin survived? What if Mei accepted being a Herrscher early on? What if the Will of the Herrscher (chapters 7-9) never happened? What if Project Stigma was what it was foreshadowed to be? What if the Will of Honkai was the Will of Honkai and not Prometheus wierdly hacking into it?
You can (or will) see those independent ideas that I had in Snippets of Sirin Schariac's life. That's why Im writing so much of it, its like 8 different fanfiction/canon divergences that I've thought about turned into one long fanfic AU.
That's not as to say I dont have other ideas. That Fallen Moon AU is like a side-gig I'll definitely return too when I want/need a little break from Snippets.
I have minor fic ideas like "what if every battlesuit was a person in a FGO-style of way?" and other stuff like "what if Reaper in the Black Reaper RWBY fanfic was sent back in time and met her earlier self?" I like fics like that.
For Black Reaper, since its a fanfic of a show I barely mention; it is a fanfic of one of the main characters (Ruby) falling from grace, takes on her dead sisters Semblance (special power), but since its anger-based, and Ruby wasnt meant to have it, she completely loses control of her emotions. Shes much angrier and violent because Yang's semblance turned anger/pain into strength. And Ruby just spirals down until she accidentally (yes, accidentally) murders someone in cold blood. She runs away, teams up with everyones favorite criminal duo, Roman and Neo, and does crime.
What Black Reaper does that sets it apart from other "fallen from grace" fanfics I've read is that - it stick to what it did.
But it also almost didnt.
So, the original ship is Ruby x Velvet. Perfectly fine, cute ship.
The much more interesting ship is Ruby/Reaper x Neo.
Because Reaper does turn back to the good side. So you'd expect the boring "angsty return coz Ruby did horrible stuff and is trying to be good again with Velvet." turn.
But NO! The author, vengfulfate, posted in their notes that the original plan was to have that boring return to 'Ruby'. What they decided seeing the comments though. Was to have 'Reaper' return to the good side. Not Ruby. (Fall from grace fics turning around and making the whole thing mostly pointless, and BR not doing that, is likely one of the main reason why I love consequences from events in stories. Bronya's legs being fucked and needing to be robotic. Mei's horns staying there. Sirin's arm being chopped off. I have nothing against them, but those are consequences from events and just, undoing them is so boring!)
So Ruby falls from grace, turns to crime, renames herself Reaper, returns to the good side as Reaper. She fully embraces her new life with Neo. The most important thing is that Reaper learns to tame Yang's semblance, so ultimately, Reaper does get something out of having turned to crime. And it just makes it all feel like it had a point to it.
I would've hated Black Reaper if Reaper turned back to Ruby. Because it just undoes so much and makes it pointless.
And the reason I went on this Black Reaper rant, is because Ive always had a small want to write a fic where Reaper is sent back to a time pre-Yang death. Because Reaper is VERY different from Ruby.
It'll also be so unheard of. Most "sent back in time" has a character develop, get experience, then sent back to their younger, more inexperience self.
But this would be a character getting traumatised, losing control of themselves due to things out of their control, turn to a life in crime, radically change their moral compass (Reaper casually steals snacks she thinks is too expensive and will break into a clothing shop in the middle of the night just to get a new fit. While still being a quote unquote Good Guy™. I love her. Reaper Rose is a great character), and have THAT person, transported back in time to a point where their moral compass would NEVER allow them to even think about doing those things? (Would also be great angst because Reaper get to see her sister again. And Neo wouldnt know her. So it would just be oh, so angsty with Reaper trying not to turn into a murderer again because oh, murdering Adam and Cinder would be all that she had left in her life with Neo gone from it. The only reason Reaper eventually stays as a Good Guy™ is because after turning Neo into a Good Guy™, Neo really liked that life and didnt want to go back to crime. But Reaper would also have to protect her younger self from becoming Reaper. So she would still have to be a Good Guy™ but only for the reason of murdering two specific people she absolutely hates. This is to say nothing of Ruby reacting to "oh god this is me in the future!")
Oh, I feel like I could just talk of some of my own ideas, Black Reaper, or Fragments of Chaldea for hours (not literally, but feel free to ask).
Anyways, yeah, I do have some more fanfic ideas. Some Honkai related and some not.
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puff-mmd · 1 year
thought about a character from kaisei's past. someone he used to sleep with from time to time, his name is yakumo.
he was one of the most....consistent? partners that kaisei had. often after being rejected by someone he was trying to get with, he would wind up with yakumo.
The thing is, yakumo didnt want a relationship (kaisei had tried pursuing that topic early on, only to be met with rejection.)
"Not because it's you asking, but because the answer would be the same no matter the person."
For whatever reason, he's adverse to the idea of being with anyone at all. And well....that whole situation isnt great for kaisei's head. Especially because yakumo believes kaisei wants to be used. He can't understand why he would come back to him if not because he finds some comfort in doing things with no strings attached.
So at some point after kaisei finds out about ciro's ex (which he doesnt know they broke up), he does end up in yakumo's bed again.
It's a night where he's feeling particularly lonely, and ciro had messaged him about meeting with him and yoai that weekend.
Well, he had been talking with his roommates about what happened, and they suggeatrd just cutting things off if that were the case. Kaisei insited he coulsnt completely shut him out, his was still working with them after all.
So they compromised - no contact unless its about work.
Kaisei looked down at the glowing screen giving off the only light in the room, his eyes already strained from the lack of decent sleep.
"Yoai and I are going out this Saturday, do you want to join us?"
'Why does he insist on keeping me around like this?' He thought as he looked over the text.
He couldn't understand what Ciro was thinking. It would be one thing if this were only a friendly invite, but whenever he went out with those two, Ciro was always hanging on to him. If they were at a restaurant, he would choose to sit with Kaisei. If they were seeing a movie, they insisted he be in the middle, and the blonde man would make a point of "accidentally" brushing their hands together.
It was all fine, even making Kaisei hopeful for a while, but it was all a lie, wasn't it?
He was being strung along once again - his hopes crushed by that one truth.
Ciro already had someone else.
So why would he do those things? To play with his heart? Because he didn't realize what those actions could mean? Was it only to get him to stay and work with them?
He'd heard so many excuses and explanations over the years, and he was too tired to think about what Ciro's could possibly be. It didn't matter the reason anyways, all that mattered to him is that he had been let down by his own expectations again. No matter how many times he told himself that his love would only ever be met with consequences, he still couldn't stop from hoping.
And it was that stupid lie of hope that made pressing "send" so hard.
"No. And please, stop contacting me outside of work."
Kaisei dropped the phone on his bed, laid back and sighed.
It didn't matter how many times he'd been hurt, things never felt any easier.
Again i swear i had posted this but nope. I just started talking about yakumo on main like everyone knew who he was lmao
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
AJSKDFJKFSF IT'S ALRIGHT !! although i was initially confused (and lowkey panicked bc i was like "o shit did i accidentally post the event early ??") i did like the plot that you gave me. making yuu suffer,,,,angst my beloved,,,,,,
ig i'll see you in around 2 hours ^^ the event will already have prompts attached to it though, so sadly i can't write your prompt,,,,but one day if my requests open, i'll definitely try taking it on :D
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springdandelixn · 2 years
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I posted 6,571 times in 2022
That's 6,321 more posts than 2021!
287 posts created (4%)
6,284 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 263 of my posts in 2022
#iain glen - 62 posts
#jorah mormont - 57 posts
#coconut bun stories - 55 posts
#ser jorah mormont - 51 posts
#loki - 35 posts
#mcu au - 29 posts
#game of thrones - 28 posts
#daenerys targaryen - 28 posts
#jorleesi - 27 posts
#jorah x daenerys - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 76 characters
#there was a lot of things about mom i didnt like but this wasn't one of them
My Top Posts in 2022:
For the smut prompts can I get 4 and 35 with Loki please?
The Bet
Loki x F!Reader
From the following prompts: #4 - Let's see how many times I can make you cum tonight. #35 - I’m gonna handcuff you to the bed so you can’t push my head away after I make you cum.
Warnings: 18+, bondage, oral (f receiving), Loki is cunning.
Thank you for the request! Kinda sloppy, so I apologize but I hope you enjoy! 💚
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208 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41763255
Husband!Steve x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your husband, Steve, takes care of you after an exhausting day at work.
Warnings: Fluffy Husband Steve
Just a quick drabble that came to me the moment I woke up. Might be a bit sloppy but I hope you enjoy. Comments, reblogs, likes are all appreciated! uwu
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213 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
Lost and Found
Soft!Dark!Steve x Plus size!Reader
Summary: Steve will stop at nothing to find you again.
Warnings: 18+ content, smut, bathroom sex, body shaming, stalker tendencies
Today is Friday and it’s time to post some FREAKY Friday drabbles! Inspiration for this fic will be here. 
This may simply be a drabble but your comments and likes are highly appreciated. Reblogs would be fantastic as it would help this story flourish. And as always, love you all and I hope you enjoy! 💙 Un-betad so may have some mistakes but y’know, we ain’t perfect and that’s okay.
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225 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Green Knitted Sweater
Loki x Reader
Summary: You’re angry because of Tony’s stupidity and Loki has a way to calm you down.
Warnings: fluff, some violence, Loki the Protecto, early stages of relationship (is that even a warning)
Some fluffy Loki to ease the drama from Behind Closed Doors. Comments and thoughts are very much welcome. Reblogs and likes are appreciated! Although this is only a drabble, I still hope you enjoy, Babies! 💚 Also credits to the owner of the photo uwu
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313 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ruby Eyes and Hands of Ice
Loki x F!Reader
Summary: In a moment of passion, Loki accidentally reveals the identity he’s been trying to hide. 
Warnings: mild smut, scared/anxious Loki, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff. I still consider this as 18+ so please exercise caution. 
A/N: This is for one of my babies who got stuck in a car ride @mochie85​ haha But of course, it’s for everyone to enjoy as well. It’s been a while since I wrote something like this so yeah hahaha would like to thank @muddyorbs​ for if I didn’t see the picture, this wouldn’t have come to fruition 💚
A drabble this may be, I do want to hear your feedback and your reblogs will help this story flourish further. And as always, I hope you enjoy! 💚
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799 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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trashsexuality · 5 years
gdi i wish i could share my actual name on this blog because it’s nice to interact with you guys (even if just through reblogs), a lot of you seem really nice. but yknow..if people knew who i was then i would be at a serious risk of losing access to the spaces that keep me safe in real life because the feelings of cishets always seem to come before the safety of lgbt people :)
#personal#i mean..im sure a bunch of you know what my main is anyway#because occasionally i accidentally like posts from it#like..ive seen some of you follow my main so i know you know yknow?#it wouldnt be too hard to look at my main and tell it was me#just..not the other way round i think#i occasionally discourse on my main but only about trans topics really#occasionally about the bi/pan discourse and now and then ill mention something ace related#but it's never *controversial* it's just me talking about my specific experiences#i have lost long-term followers over it though rip#but it's nice seeing people i was in fandoms with 5 years ago develop the same kinds of views as me#even though we all had very different opinions than we do now back in the day#but like..im considering changing the name i use on this blog anyway because it's a name ive used in other places#idk what name should i pick?#im trying to think of other names ive gone by in the past but i think the only main other one is like..#the closest masculine name to my birth name lmao.!!!!!! a very early name i used#idk i could pick something that isnt a proper name but then it would be weird if it didnt fit with my blog and i dont wanna be 'trash' lmao#but yeah i love that people tried to kick my bf out of an irl lgbt space because he like..posted something from a page that had exclus stuff#like it wasnt even an exclus thing that he shared; ppl are just Wild#idk it's not even that safe of a space anyway since ppl are literally homophobic to us while we're there :)
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sningo-prompts · 3 years
Prompt idea but… my cat has a routine. The moment she hears my Keurig starting to pour my coffee she’s right their sticking her snout as close to the cup as possible without burning herself. What if Sningo does something similar but ends up accidentally sticking his snout too close to the pot?
My cats only come to the kitchen when they hear me sturring because i used to make a hot of hot chocolate (i literally made a blog to post everytime i made a cup) but once i finished kine i gave them a little whipped cream. But this sounds so funny so im gonna write it under the cut! Idk if you wanted me to do that or if you wanted some more prompts based on it but im a write it lol.
Emmet has a coffee pot that starts on its own so he didnt have to get up so early to make it himself. (This function is actually on a lot of coffee makers i noticed) So everyday like clockwork hes there right when it finishes. When Ingo comes back he stops setting it up the night before, mostly because hes been staying up late himself drinking it trying to study up on Sneasel care. After about a week or two he finally brings it back into his nightly routine.
Its the first morning of having it set that the problem starts. Emmet is awoken by his brother getting up and leaving the room. Groggily he follows curious as to what his brother might be up to. He doesnt have to wsit long to find out. Ingo went strait to the coffee maker. Tilting his head back and forth once or twice before perking up at the realisation. Emmet might be tired but his worry for his brother has kept him on edge so it doesnt take him long to figure out whats going on. Ingo mist have not had coffee while he was gone. Which is ashame because out of the two Ingo liked it more. Normally Ingo took is pretty dark, only adding a little cream or sugar. While Emmet on the other hand couldnt stand the bitterness of it. Though after his brother disappeared Emmet stopped caring to make up his coffee and just drinking it black for the caffeine.
So here he was, leaning on the doorway of their kitchen watching his brother excitedly watch the coffee be made. “You know coffee isnt really good for pokemon” Emmet teased. He couldnt pass up the moment to mess with his brother a little. Ingo didnt even jump at his brothers words, having heard Emmet walk in. Though the look Emmet received was worth it. The slow turn of Ingos head. The deadpan look. Ingo wasnt having it. In mock seriousness Emmet decided to tease his brother some more, still a few minutes before the coffees done after all. “Really Ingo you must watch your health.” Jokingly be puts his hands on his hips shaking his head as he approaches his brother. “What am i going to do with you hmm we only just got you better now.” Its taking everything Emmet has not to start giggling. Reaching the counter his picks Ingo up under his arms and places him in a chair at the table. Ingo who raises his disapproval with an incriminating “sneaa!” Fulling understanding what his brother ment Emmet moves to block his brothers view of the coffee maker “Now now i on the other hand have no health issues keeping me from the wonderful drink.” Ever so slowly he pours a cup, making sure Ingo can hear it. Peering over his should he can see his brother has turned away in a pout. As quietly as he can he sneaks up behind his brother and sets the cup in front of him. Ingo looking up in surprise. Now pretending to be hurt, placing a hand over his chest “Come now Ingo do you think me so cruel as to not make you a cup. And here i thought you knew me” Smirking he sits down next to his brother. Now with his own cup. Ingo raising an eyebrow at his brother. Shrugging Emmet answers “What can i say i learned to like coffee your way” Ingo just shrugs it off and starts trying to figure out how to pick up his cup. The claws make it awkward but he manages.
This routine continues for the next few days. Ingo waking up the moment he heard the coffee pot and going to the counter to wait for it to finish. He has missed coffee so much, and the smell oh how he missed that feeling. It happens on the one morning Emmet didnt immediately follow him to the kitchen.
Ingo was lost in the smell of the coffee that he didnt realise how close he was getting. His new nose just made it so much better, It was like almost tasing it. Then pain. A burning pain that caused him to yelp out and fall off the counter. Sitting up he rubbed his poor nose, silently cursing himself has he heard Emmet fumble and probably fall trying to get to the kitchen. Panicked Emmet burst into the room franticly looking around. Till he spotted Ingo sitting on the floor rubbing his nose. When his panicked mind put two and two together he couldnt help but burst out laughing. The look Ingo was giving him wasnt helping either. “Im sorry brother but did you reslly stick your nose in the HOT coffee!” Ingo just grumbled while continuing to rub his slightly burned nose. Still chuckling to himself Emmet went over to his brother to get a better look at the burn. “Come now Ingo dont be bitter let me have a look” Seeing it was anything bad, just a slight burn nothing some burn cream cant solve Emmet picks his brother up and sets him at the table, along with a fresh cut of coffee. “Now im going to get come cream for that, try not to inhale the coffee while im gone”
Sorry this is so long i got really off track and the realised i hadnt used your prompt at all so i kept going to get that bit in. I honestly like the idea that Ingo likes sweet more than Emmet because its not what you would expect from them but it really just didnt work for this so i scrapped it. I am so glad you sent this ask in because i had a lot of fun writing it.
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