#cheet art
wanlingnic · 1 year
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An arctic exploration crew trapped on an island. What crimes will they commit?
More Beast Wars Human AU here!
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davestaresatthesun · 1 month
you and I and me and you and we are not the same
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[robro and alpha dave from @0rphiichaze 's badlydrawnbaby dirk im back on my bs and they are my new victums]
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lonertale · 1 year
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Meet Asriel Dreemurr!
As King Asgore and Queen Toriel’s only son, Asriel is the monsters’ prince and heir to the throne. Throughout his childhood, his parents aimed to protect him from the dangers outside the Royal Palace. Living nearly his entire life inside the capitol, Asriel was never permitted to leave the castle walls during his childhood years. Because of this, he’s never had the chance to make proper friends and feels lonely as a result. Being a little mischievous, he practices against bloodline norms and learns to summon sentient vegetation for comfort (the birth of Flowey). However, his efforts to sooth his loneliness this way would be in vain due to Flowey’s passive aggressive behavior as a sentient magic summon. However, this all changes when Doctor Gaster and his son Papyrus come to the palace to seek refuge. On top of that, Gerson would donate Undyne’s service to the Royal Palace for further training to become a member of the Royal Guard. There, his friendships with Papyrus and Undyne would start to blossom. As the young prince grows older and with the war between humans and monsters inevitable, he is constantly reminded of his future responsibilities in turn making him extremely stressed. Although, aside from how rebellious he is to tradition, he's a sweet heart to all.
(Revised Reference)
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wyrmtunnel · 1 year
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cheet playermodel (july 29th 2023) - this one i am actually using in a personal modpack for collecting creatures. i can make him sit also
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ratmadeofrats · 2 years
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“So like... I’m in. :p”
Cybernetic enhancements, known colloquially as Synthware, are very commonplace among the youth in the Great States. One of the most common are Emotion Displays, Emotis for short. Though widescale used to immerse oneself in VR or in phones to cater to your feelings, some have taken to rewiring Emotis to fit other causes. One such case of this belongs to an anonymous hacker known only as ‘Starter’.
Starter, with the help of a trusted doc, merged the Emoti with an External Neural Port. An ENP’s purpose is to read neural wavelengths and transmit them into electrical pulses to power devices. Starter wired her Emoti to work with the ENP to display Starter’s emotions via preset emoticons on her self-made mask. This is a case of synthware that isn’t unheard of, but is uncommon due to it’s lack of practical use. Starter however views this as an anti-social loner’s dream... to be able to hide in the public’s eye and still conform enough to be accepted. She rarely finds herself without the mask in their day-to-day life, now unable to separate herself from it in their own mind. They purposefully keep their life from before the mask as secretive as possible, going as far as to manually delete or hide any trace of it she could reach. With her anonymity, Starter took to a career of cyber-vigilantism, using their computer prowess to become a modern day Robin Hood. Their work eventually got her noticed by The Lucky Stars, where they work under to this day. They do mostly the same as before, now with a more... targeted focus.
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justanotherblogger · 2 months
Small Tang Ramble
Right now, I have started rewatching the entire Lego Monkie Kid series from the start while I wait to see the recent season 5 episodes (that I was suckerpunched with when scrolling through Tumblr and having some stuff spoiled whene I didnt even think a new season would come for at least a few more months).
Then, when I finally got to season 4, I noticed something interesting with how they handle Tang's powers.
At the start of the season, it's revealed that Tang's cheat sheet, given to him by Azure Lion, was something that supposedly should've been helpful to someone "mysticly powerful, comparable to the Great Monk, Tang Sanzang", then the sheet should be a piece of cake so to speak.
Then we see how Tang struggles and has a hard time finding where his friends are located, but then a Golden Cicada helps him to find Pigsy, which was the same one that flew around the Samadhi Fire ritual site when Mei had it reunited within her.
That's not my topic right now, though, so I'll just skip the "random destiny bugs" (name given to me by a friend), and keep going towards my main point.
Anyways, skipping a few episode to when the meet the Great Master (I forgot the guys name), we see how Tang got berated for his lack of courage and work ethic. Then Tang and the rest of the gang are put to train, and I'm not exactly sure on how long they were in training for, but I'm going to assume a few hours at the sky visibly got darker near the end of the montage.
(I'm pretty sure that something akin to a stop in time for them to train would have been stated in the show itself if that was an explanation for how long they have been training for, so I'm gonna rule out any sort of "checkpoint" or "rest stop" rules here, like when you can stay in a safe space for whatever amount of time and come out with little time passed afterwards.)
The reason why I'm talking about how long they've trained for, is because after (what I assume) is a few hours, Tang is able to teleport a WHOLE AIR BALLOON, RIGHT ON TOP OF WHERE THEY NEEDED TO BE, WITHOUT HIS STAFF NO LESS.
*ahem* We know Tang had struggled with the teleportation magic from the beginning, even with his staff along with only transporting 3 people, and the magic level required to do so is comparable to the Monk, who is very powerful considering what we've seen in how his training was revered by the great master for being extensive plus how the Monk focussed only on his studies, and in-show examples. (Ex. Releasing the heavenly seal put on monkey king singehandedly, sealing the Samadhi Fire along with three others, then also Sealing the Lady Bone Demon to where she can only escape through her self reflecting or a rare, mystical key, etc)
I'm just saying how it's very impressive how Tang could go from barely being able to teleport accurately with 3 people, the staff in hand, to figuring out how to teleport accurately, how to teleport something as big as an airship, and then gaining enough focus/mystic power to do the teleport without his staff for this first time shown in the show. And remember this: all of this growth was in, at most, half a day.
And we know how long the Great Monk had to study to get to where he was, "learning everything there was to learn" with him blocking out anything else to focus purely on his studies to get where he was, and yes, he probably studied more than just the teleportation magic in his time, but Azure said it himself, that someone "mysticly powerful, comparable to the Great Monk, Tang Sanzang" should be able to figure out the cheet sheet, or at least versed in the mystical topic.
I already showcased how much work is really needed through that comment, but then Azure showed it again in his comment of "if hes learned it in the mystical arts.." describing how this would have needed to be taught like how they gang were forced to with the Great Master. We already know how hard the training from the Great Master was to get even a fraction of Mk's power, and considering how heavily it's put on how the Monk only studied and studied when it was talked about, with the students in the flashback looking like the ones under the Great Master, I would assume learning the mystic arts takes a similar amount of time and effort.
And now that my points have been laid out, you guys get it when I was gobsmacked at how quickly Tang grew in the time with the Great Master, reiterating my point of how Tang was able to figure out HOW TO DO TELEPORT AND AIRSHIP WITHOUT THE CHEAT SHEET, WITH HIS BARE HANDS, IN A MATTER OF HOURS when it was heavily implied (from what interpreted) that doing something like this would take a considerable amount of time and training, even for the Monk as he was said to only focus on his studies to optimize his mystic abilities and to block any distractions.
And then to add to this, it was only ever shown in the show that Tang only read throughout the entire training session. Whenever we see him in the montage, it's him reading scrolls no matter what. We never see him practice, or even mimic any of the moves or exercise that I would assume would be on those scrolls for him to learn. Then, the first time he ever put those ideas he read about into practice after using the staff the entire time before and messing it up, he was able to make the transportation of the airship fast, accurate, and without the help of the staff entirely.
TLDR: Tang is either so good at cramming that he was able to shorten a good year of learning into a couple hours, or he's severely gifted in the mystic arts with the right training or examples. Either way, if you gave this man a week in the scroll library with some noodles and motivation from the Great Master, then I would assume he might actually become one of the most powerful characters LMK, given the time to do so. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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unsoundedcomic · 8 months
For the scenes in the Khert is some of it rendered in CG? Both the shapes/how they interacts with things and the way it feels like texture is applied to it gives it that feel. I like it and no criticism either way (some still see it as "cheeting"), but I was curious.
The khert scenes are a composited combination of hand painted elements, comic art, and rendered mandelbulbs from Mandelbulb3D. Mandelbulbs are a kind of 3D fractal that I always thought perfectly represented what the khert would look like, as they keep iterating the closer you look and the further in you go, like a memory blossoming.
If you look up mandelbulbs, they should remind you of the khert. Check out this fly-through! This is the sort of crap Duane has to navigate >(
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highwaydiamonds · 2 years
I was tagged by the spiffy @mountainmaven
fave colour = Rainbow Glitter or I guess maybe pale aqua? i don't really have a solid favorite. It changes a lot.
currently reading = Greenwich Park by Katherine Faulkner
last song = Inside Out by POSTDATA (their newest release from last year and it kicks ass)
sweet/spicy/savoury = i like them all. i like sweet and spicy together too. it just depends on the mood i'm in.
fave alc drink = i like a good paloma a lot - but i'm v changeable - as long as i don't taste the booze i'm happy. (in a mixed drink anyway. but i'm more often going to be having wine or cider)
currently working on = lol trying to figure what the hell i'm doing with my life hehheh... heh >.<
traditional or modern = eclectic - antique stuff but comfortable and colorful soft furnishings- a happy mix
fave writer = Jane Austen,
fave dessert = ooh this is hard - i love creme brulee but uhhh i also love a decadent cake with some chocolate ganache in it or some sort of lemon raspberry cheesecake..
fave rapper = uhhhhhhh idk man - i'll let you know when i have one?
fave soccer/hockey/tennis player = i don't have one? Like if i named one of the few players i could think of ( I can think of a very few) it wouldn't really be because they were my " favorite" it would just be "i know of their name and maybe a couple things?" so I'll abstain.
fave politician = ever??? or now? Maxine waters is p dang cool - I appreciate Alexandria Occasio-Cortez decently... Shirley Chisholm was a kick ass politician... But is this open to people who might not have held politial office but were activists? Because Dolores Huerta is p dang cool.
colour of bedroom = ideally I like somewhat lighter colors- because i like colorful cheets and pillows... either warmish white or light light yellow or light robin's egg blue, or light light pink - because those lighter tones i feel like are easier to work with
loyalty or lust = i mean por que no los dos??? but in terms of more than romantic relationships : loyalty. In terms of romantic ones - I want both! I feel like I have some very loyal people - i'm over due on people lusting after me frankly lol - i would like to correct that balance a bit ok???
pizza or pasta = i hate this choice. this should not be an OR question. But I make pasta too often to go without pasta, s i guess pasta. (But Pizza - I LOVE YOU- don't leave me!!)
are you vegan or veggie = nah, I like some vegan and quite a bit of vegetarian options but i eat eggs and honey and meat.
fave time period = This is just for historical and aesthetic reasons ( because lbr i don't want to live in a time without all the technological advantages and antibiotics I can get) Latter half of the 18th century ( particularly French style) and the British Regency period (Georgian stuff is my fucking JAM ok?), late victorian and some edwardian period stuff, Ancient Rome - under Augustus through Marcus Aurelius, the Dutch golden age ( especially for art), the 1950s for fashion was amazing, and probably more - i mean i love some stuff from ancient egypt - but that's way too long to be " a period" and i can't narrow down particular dynasties or kingdoms, nd same with some ancient mesopotamian stuff.
love or hate = they don't say it's hate that makes the world go round - so clearly the answer is LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. It's easy. (just ask Paul and Ringo.)
last series watched = I'm always watching several things. Handmaid's Tale, House of the Dragon, The Serpent Queen, Interview with a Vampire, I just binged Dark Winds, and there are other things i've just watched the odd episode of but not stuck onto.
classical or rock music = I guess on balance, rock? But I'm not sure that what i listen to is necessarily "rock" music... I listen to a lot of stuff but I guess it's closer to rock than it is classical - but calling it rock feels weird?
fairy or dragon = Fairy. Dragons are fun but I am way more into fairies. Plus i'd rather have a gryphon than a dragon, unless dragons are extra friendly. (Like w/ GoT and HotD I enjoy the people and political machinations - I'm not as psyched about dragons)
GOT or LOTR = In terms of the books - I read all of LotR and watched all the films. I haven't read any of the ASoIaF books, while idid watch all of GoT and am currently watching House of the Dragon... I also don't know that i will ever read the ASoIaF books... Idk maybe i will in time, we'll see. I enjoy both but I'm not sure I'm a diehard for either.
Okay, so I'mma tag: @seashells-and-bookshelves , @theselkiesea , @usedtobeanothername , @waitingtogethome , and @ndb-123 ! No pressure if i did tag you, and if i didn't, consider yourself tagged if you'd like!
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tvmblrsillyman · 3 months
Hello . I hope you doing well . Im Ahmed Alhabil . With my Parents , wife and my 2 kids living in Ga*za . I have make this go fund me link to fund my family to evacuate from Ga*za to the safe place .
Can you please help as much as you can . Press all buttons on my wall ,
And donate any amount to safe life ..
I will appreciate your help❤️
you can creat video to help us ❤️.
I beg you to visit my page, view it, and donate via the link in the bio💔
🍉Dont forget 100$ USA=1100kron Norwegian 🍉
Sorry for the late response. I will reblog your post now and queue it later in the morning and afternoon to make up for lost time. I will share your post here along with your campaign link too. I am sorry that I cannot donate right now. But I will do what I can to share, along with offering my artist skills for donations from others directly to you.
I'm also sorry to hear what happened to your children. Hearing about immune deficiency is quite worrying from what I understand about the disease, and even worse within a war zone.
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Everyone else, please consider checking out their campaign, and donate if you're able to. I'll even open this offer art if you want something out of this. If you can't, then at least reblog his post.
Ahmed's campaign is vetted by several people, so please do not hesitate.
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arterrorist · 1 year
Now spinning: Lennie Tristano. Recorded in 1955, released in 1956. On this album Lennie used controversial (at the time) studio techniques, many years before Miles Davis/Teo Macero studio trickery. He changed the speed of the tape and used some overdubs. Nothing schocking by today standards, and it’s the music, not studio magic, that comes to the fore, nevertheless it was enough to accuse Lennie of ‚cheeting’. Now we should see him as one of the pioneers of using studio as an instrument. Plus, he also used unusual tempos several years before Brubeck, who often gets all the credit. Tristano used times like 7/8-7/4 in one track, 5/8 & 5/4 in the other, plus 3/8 before switching to 4/4 in another one.
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So a pioneering record on several levels but, what is the most important, also a very enjoyable album. Several first tracks contain abovementioned experiments while the rest of the album (recorded live) is a very pleasant small combo nightclub jazz.
Tristano is accompanied by Lee Konitz. Rhythm section consists of Gene Ramey/Art Taylor, who were replaced on two tracks by Peter Ind/Jeff Morton.
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AU Muses#1: Sumo-Verse
Sumo Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy
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Sumo Catwoman and Talia Al Ghul
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Sumo Batgirl (imagine she wear mawashi)
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Sumo Artemis and Zatanna
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Sumo SuperWoman and Wonder Woman
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Sumo Circe and Galatea
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Sumo Black Canary (again imagine she wear mawashi)
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Sumo Giganta (She can change her size, but not just height but she can maximize her weight)
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Sumo Cheetah
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Sumo Stargirl
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lindwyrms · 2 years
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your honor i simply like him
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opera25 · 3 years
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In which they do it more afterward.
just a doodle of etho and bdubs in My Last Life au :)
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birlarks · 3 years
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Pinning - Taxidermy
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wyrmtunnel · 1 year
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(july 17th 2023) experimenting a little with making cheet scruffier and desaturating his palette a bit more
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Aaaah your billy is so good,,,,,,I don't have a specific request but I'm desperate to see more of him in your stellar style 🖤
🥺👉👈 UHUHHH uhuyhh t-thank you.... you're the main reason im so exited about that little puny guy, that 5'8 piece of shit little boy, littlr mousy boy so 💖💖💖 here's smth quick from my break from classes o w o
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I still barely have any idea whats going on w him (didnt watch the remake, might be too rough for my sensitive ass) so I don't really have a full characterization of Billyboye??? But I was relistening to the calls and the "I'm going to kill you" bit just. God. Destroys me. It sounds like he at that moment realized he's going to do it, like it was barely a threat, just, "oh, so this is the plan now o — o" and i Love that that is Chilling and I really want to do a full mood piece painting based on it.
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