#chef classroom training
lightsaber-dorphin · 5 months
Jedi Order Corps and Subdivisions
More of my worldbuilding for the inner structure of the Jedi Order. This time focusing on the Corps and the schools of thought/ roles within the Order.
Some of these are canon, others are my own creation. The Jedi consolidating to one temple on Coruscant during the Ruusan Reformation is canon, but I’ve taken my own liberties with it. Without further ado, lore!
Prior to the Ruusan Reformation, there were a number of independent denominations of the Jedi. Most of them merged into one order based in the Coruscant temple during what was called the Reunification.
Many denominations had different ideas of what a Jedi should be/ how they should use their powers. As a result, Jedi from certain traditions tended towards certain jobs within the reunified order. The corps and their branches formed as a result of certain traditions and teachings being passed down by Jedi who occupied certain roles.
The corps aren’t administrative divisions. Individual Jedi have their corps and branch affiliation listed on file as a marker of what they specialize in/ what they’re trained to do. Jedi are selected for missions based on their corps and the specifics of the mission, and answer to whichever body sent them on the mission. (see my Jedi Order Bureaucratic Structure)
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Reunified Jedi Order:
One permanent location on Coruscant
Wandering Jedi who are technically members of the Order & follow its precepts but don't answer to the Council
Individual members can and do have corps/ division affiliations, but the group as a whole doesn't have a corps/ division affiliation
Usually part of the Sentinels or EduCorps
People aren’t selected to be trained for these jobs it’s all volunteer work
A lot of people do it part-time or for short periods, but a few folks make it their permanent gig
Maintenance workers:
Sometimes someone says “what if instead of going on missions I patched all the holes in our drywall” and why would they stop them
Lots of part-time volunteers
Most are Sentinels, because their philosophy encourages learning random useful skills
Distribute supplies
The Order buys stuff in bulk and then Jedi pick it up from the quartermasters office
Jedi way of saying chef
Transport mechanics:
Do you know a Car Person? Imagine if they were a monk.
The most dedicated to preserving the Jedi way of life of any group in the Order
Without these unthanked warriors the Jedi Order would’ve been destroyed by late-stage capitalism
Most are Lore Keepers
Usually hired from the outside
Inspired by "Jedi Counsel” on ao3
Sometimes a Jedi goes to law school
Temple Guards:
Protect the temple and are its first responders
Based on the lore from "Nameless"
Very connected to the living force within the temple
A little spooky!
Education Corps:
Advance in rank via academic achievement
Maven is the title equivalent to Knight
Can have multiple padawans at one time (but usually don’t)
Lore Keepers:
Strongly believe in the importance of academics
Believe knowledge is the path to connection with the Force
Based on "The Librarian's Lineage"
Teaching is hugely important to the Jedi, and all Jedi teach & learn how to teach to some degree, but for Preceptors it’s their main focus
Like the MedCorps it has a lot of transfers
Normal Preceptors:
Classroom teachers
Have formal education training
Either work for the Department of Classes or the Department of Primary Classes
DoC and DoPC are roughly the same thing, except the DoPC is for the general education classes all Jedi take as children and the DoC is for elective and continuing education classes
Teach lightsaber classes
Have formal education training
Inspired by "Careless to Let It Fall" on ao3
Main differences are that there’s more than one & they take education classes
One lead crèchemaster and two-ish assistant crèchemasters per every 6-ish younglings
Formal training in early childhood education
Must serve as an assistant crèchemaster before being a lead crèchemaster
Assistant crèchemasters are from "aphelion" on ao3
Exploration Corps:
One-on-one apprenticeships
Rarely in the temple (unless they have a padawan, when they’re required to be there more often)
Usually have a bed in a communal room at the temple instead of their own apartment
Use Knight title. Yes this is sometimes confusing
Wandering explorers/ patrol the galaxy
Instead of responding to specific requests they visit places & are available if anyone wants their help
Specific purpose is to make sure the Jedi don’t neglect/ are unaware of certain parts of the galaxy just because it hasn’t requested Jedi aid in a while
Find potential Jedi and offer them a place in the Order
Bond with new initiates and ease their transition into the Order
Expertise in Force-temple ruins
An undead Sith~ sleeping in your bed. Who you gonna call? Ghost! Busters!
Work closely with the Lore Keepers
Most likely to become Wayfinders or leave the Order (by percentage not numbers)
“Former Jedi who got really interested in a niche of archaeology without many Force-related ruins” is a thing in the archaeology community
They can work on normal digs but the Senate won’t approve sending them/ use of Jedi funds
Medical Corps:
MedCorps padawans are very rare. Most members transfer in from another corps
Student healers from other corps have a healing mentor in charge of their healer training, separate from their lineage-master
Healer is the equivalent title to Knight. Healers-in-training are called Student Healers, no matter what their rank is
Knight Corps:
Knights being a fifth corps
This is the corps we see most in canon
One-on-one apprenticeships, Knight title
Focus on fighting abilities & lightsaber combat
Negotiators, ambassadors, diplomats
Focus on Force abilities
Focus on non-Jedi skills such as hacking
Considered a midpoint between Guardians and Consulars
Jedi spies
Answer to the High Council
Permanent/ long-term posting within a system
Agriculture Corps:
Focus on nature-related abilities
Grow most of the food for the Order
Very involved in disaster relief work
Rarely in the temple & usually have a bed in a communal room instead of a personal room
Have long-term postings & typically get settled there
Padawans are assigned to a group rather than an individual
Maven is the Knight-equivalent title
The chapter that inspired this whole project
Large-scale Force usage
Can revitalize uninhabitable areas
Use the Force to rapidly speed up regrowth, kickstart life on planets where there is none, etc.
Don’t believe in using the Force on the scale that Terraformers do
Use the Force to help individual plants grow, stave off rot and parasites, connect with animals, etc.
Creature specialists
Force-sensitive animal control
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matchalovertrait · 4 months
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The Santoro Academy of Culinary Arts is a prestigious school for aspiring chefs. It's small compared to other schools, but students are guaranteed high-quality training taught by professionals. After all, it's where Michelin-starred chef and restauranteur Mia D'Angelo Ramirez graduated from.
The school is a shell of the Old Tartosa Farmhouse by @ghostlycc! I absolutely loved the outside areas for students to hang around in, so I converted some of the rooms inside to look like classrooms.
Also, Dulce is completing her culinary degree with the SimU Mod! So, we won't be seeing her that much in this class? Probably? Because she still has to do all of the work online, which takes time. I’m honestly sort of done with the specifics and such about cooking and backstories of other chefs because of Diced Junior...... That took so much of my time LOL. I'm glad I did it, though.
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ridreamir · 1 year
Hey!if you write for Arven would you be willing to do platonic Headcanons for him?
Yes I could! I haven't been writing on here but I am open to it!
(Just to let you guys know though I am in school full time so I might be a little slow haha, here's a short post!) This could potentially be interpreted as romantic! There isn't any romance explicitly stated but they are kind of close/friend date scenarios almost just to let you know!
__________________________________________________ Some platonic moments with Arven might include: Going out into the forest to forage for ingredients, since you two already made such a duo trying to hunt for Herba Mystica! He's constantly reading new foraging books and is very careful, it almost makes you wonder why he doesn't do so hot in his other classes. He does have reading glasses, but he's too embarrassed to wear them in front of others. That could partly be the reason why he's been flunking, but then again a big part of passing class is showing up and he's the type to want to be everywhere but the classroom (except for Mr. Saguaro's class of course!) Sitting in fields and having picnics, making sandwiches together! Arven is a next-level chef so he carries around a mini hot plate and pan so he can cook things up on the spot, and most of the time it ends up incredible. ...Sometimes though, you've both been prone to burning certain ingredients or accidentally mixing the wrong things. Not to mention how often you drop stuff. Those sandwiches often go to Koraidon and Miraidon because they're quantity over quality type lizards.
If it weren't for his health, Mabostiff would also be feasting. Arven is really careful with his diet, and you're not sure his dog friend always likes being denied a gross burnt burger sandwich but it just goes to show how much Arven really cares. You both like to take naps in the grass, but you've found him snoozing in some very odd locations. He's usually propped against a rock or tree in the shade, or lying with his arms folded. Needless to say, you have nearly tripped over him before because he literally will choose any spot that looks like it might be even remotely comfortable.
He doesn't seem like it, but Arven is an incredibly strong trainer, and if he put his mind to it he could absolutely beat the gym challenge. You never really catch him training, but his Pokemon eat Michelin-star-level meals daily so you're starting to think that might be the secret to his incredible strength. Speaking of strength, he suffers from mild back pain from carrying that huge heavy pack around 24/7, but he'll still do wild and crazy things. He's not the most outwardly athletic in terms of sports but he's really good at hiking and climbing, and he's gotten very strong physically from exploring Paldea. When exploring, he's constantly trying to feed you. He's not the type to pull out trail mix either, he'll literally stop and park in the middle of nowhere if he finds out you haven't ate in a while and will sit there and angry-cook a whole meal in front of you. You do annoy him a little sometimes, but you think that he might have such a hyperfocus on food because of his childhood. It's not a fun topic for him though so you never try to pry. He knows you're a busy person, but somehow you always find time for each other. You're still attending the academy together at least, so it's not hard for him to stop by and check in on you. He's been barred from wandering off too far because of his grades, but you're not going to rat him out for sneaking out (partly because you come along and could get in trouble for encouraging him.)
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b14augrana · 4 months
Hola , love reading the asks and the fics so much
Will you like to give us any hc of our scrubber that you want to share ? Would love to hear your thoughts and your writing is so wonderful... chef's kiss 😘🤩
I would love to omg strap in guys this is gonna be a big one. Here are some headcanons, let me know if you want to see more x
Known as something different to every single person. Her nicknames are Pequeñita (Aitana), Bebita (Mapi), Buenaza (also Mapi), Chiquita (Alexia), Nenita (Irene), Kärlek (Fridolina), Herlig (Ingrid) and of course, Scrubber
Actually pretty tall for her age. The only thing that makes it easy to tell she’s 16 is the fact she looks notably younger than everyone else. She’s very strong though, and everyone underestimates her because of her age
Shy around most people she meets in football. She’s nervous around them due to her age, but she settles into environments quickly
Not very confrontational with her words. If someone badly tackled her on the pitch, she won’t really say anything (that’s Mapi’s job), but instead she’ll respond by crunching whoever it was 10x harder than they did to her. Works every time + bonus points for Irene's approval
She can't speak an inkling of French despite living there for years. Lucy can speak more French than her and she uses that against her all the time. Lucy is horrid at speaking Spanish though, so Bebita has that on her
Very deep sleeper, it takes an army to wake her up when she's slept for 10 hours or more. She's also a bed hog and needs a whole king sized mattress to herself which is why most of the girls have a sleeping space reserved just for her. They've all experienced sharing the bed with Bebita and they can hardly call it sharing
It's Alexia's biggest fear that Chiquita will leave Barcelona but Chiquita has no intentions to do that. She'll never go anywhere without her big sisters, so she doesn't understand why Alexia is so worried
Hates maths in all its shapes and forms. Whenever she sees that maths is on the agenda after training, she does everything in her power to get out of doing it. She has made a break from it down the road just to avoid being dragged into the classroom, Irene had to run after her and looked like a lunatic running down the street
Obviously a big Hay Day fan. She takes Bagheera Land very seriously. She has actually missed a day of her streak before, and that was almost the end of her as we know it. It was a very bad day for everyone around her when she found out her streak was lost, but she'll never make the same mistake again
Sucker for some good food. She agrees to go to most functions when one of the girls brings up a good assortment of food, and that really sells it to her. Her and Irene take turns smuggling food out of the venue to have for dinner the next night
Extremely terrified of any small thing that flies or crawls. Absolutely hates butterflies, moths, and wasps. Bumblebees are okay, houseflies are hated by all. She hates all insects, but spiders are her worst enemy. She always wishes she could Brexit tackle spiders without kicking massive holes in the walls
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nixthelapin · 10 months
Marinette’s friends and connections
It has occurred to me just how many of Marinette’s classmates have prestigious family.
To get the obvious ones out of the way:
Adrien: Gabriel Agreste, fashion designer; Émilie, ex-nobility (she gave up her title) and actress
Chloe (and Zoe): Mayor, Andre Bourgeois; Audrey is a renowned fashion critique
Juleka (and Luka): Jagged Stone (even though they didn’t know it most of their lives)
But there’s a surprising amount of others with pretty high-up positions:
Alya: mom is head chef at a very famous hotel (owned by the Mayor himself) and was even a judge on that chef competition next to a TV host and a literal rockstar; dad owns the zoo (I think, he at least runs it)
Mylène: dad is a famous mime (famous enough to get his face plastered all over Paris for his show)
Sabrina: her dad isn’t just a regular cop, he’s the chief cop
Lila: her mom is an ambassador (yes, I’m including her, I think this one is actually true, seeing as her mom was actually on screen that one time)
Max: mom operates the StarTrain, then becomes and astronaut and almost immediately tests a new AI in space (idk how she got through training that fast)
Alix: her dad runs the freaking Louvre
That’s nine (9) students! Out of 15 in the class! That’s more than half the students with at least one parent in a prestigious position.
AND, this includes herself!
Yeah, her parents are bakers, and they only really get famous-level popular after Marinette gets them endorsements from Ladybug and Jagged Stone, but remember: her uncle (great uncle?) is a famous chef in China! He literally owns a world-renowned restaurant in Shang Hai! And even if he’s not super commonly known in France, it’s still well-enough that he was invited to be a major chef competition at the Mayor’s hotel! Also, her grandma (dad’s side) apparently has enough money to just spend years traveling and buy her a motorized scooter on a whim. So, there’s also that.
Non-classroom honorable mentions:
- Kagami: mom and Tsurugi tech
- Manon: mom is the host of almost every news show it seems
- Aurore: kids tv weather girl (she’s shown to be friends with her briefly in s3)
“Normal girl with a normal life” my butt, Marinette!
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across-violet-skies · 8 months
the first installation of my Linked University AU!
preview under the cut :)
Snow fell in heavy flakes outside a large university building, painting everything white. As more and more snow piled up on the ground, the campus parking lot emptied itself, both students and faculty making a break for it before the roads became unusable.
Inside, only nine people remained.
“This puff pastry is almost perfect.” A redheaded woman gestured, half-eaten pastry in hand, at the rest of the tray. “But you should really be using more butter.”
A long-haired boy with scarring on one side of his face frowned. “More butter?” He seemed to contemplate this for a moment, shaking his head. “Professor Malon, I put four sticks of butter in there!”
“Just Malon is fine,” she corrected, smiling. “But yes; more butter. Puff pastry is supposed to be buttery, so maybe five sticks instead of four would be better.” Malon took another bite of the pastry, nodding. “This is a perfectly acceptable puff pastry, but I know you can do better than just ‘acceptable’. You’re quite the chef, Wild.”
Wild rubbed the back of his neck shyly, grinning. “Thank you, Professor.”
Malon chuckled. “Of course, Wild.” She glanced out the window, eyebrows raised. “We should get going. It’s coming down pretty hard out there.”
Wild walked alongside Malon as they left the classroom. “Man, I should’ve brought my snowquill jacket! It’s gotta be freezing out there,” he mused, shaking his head.
“Well, I’m sure we could give you a ride if you’d like,” Malon offered, smiling. “I don’t want any of my students to have to walk in this weather, especially if you forgot a coat.”
Wild raised his eyebrows, nodding. “If it’s not too much of a hassle, actually, that would be great.” He glanced out the windows as they walked, grimacing. “Wow, that’s a lot of snow.”
And a lot of snow it was. What had previously been only a few inches on the ground had become close to a foot of snow, packing itself snugly against the walls of the university building. Yikes. Wild was thankful Malon had offered him a ride because his dorm was at least a thirty-minute walk from here. And without a coat? He’d be lucky to even make it home.
Malon waved a hand, grinning. “Hey there, Fairy Boy!” She exclaimed, laughing. Down the hall, a medium-height man with blond hair and sharp features turned around, smiling. Malon leaned in closer to Wild, keeping her eyes trained on the man down the hall. “Have you ever met my husband?” She whispered.
Wild’s brows lifted in surprise as he shook his head. “Him?”
“Don’t let his appearance scare you,” he replied, chuckling. “He’s got a good heart.”
Wild only nodded, watching the man as they got closer. At this distance, he could see that Malon’s husband was missing an eye, a thin scar running diagonally through where it should’ve been. He seemed mysterious, and Wild never would’ve guessed that this man was Malon’s husband. They seemed so different…
“Hi, honey,” the man greeted, easily sweeping her into a hug as he spun her around once. Turned back around, his eye landed on Wild, brow lifting. “Who’s this?”
“Time, meet Wild,” Malon introduced, waving a hand in Wild’s direction. “He’s one of my pastry students. Quite a skilled baker.”
“Hi,” he waved shyly, a little pink in the face from the compliment.
Malon’s husband– Time?– nodded, humming lowly. “Nice to meet you, Wild. Are you a baking student, then?”
“Oh! No, I’m actually a culinary arts major,” Wild corrected, smiling. “I never got to bake much as a kid, so I thought I’d give it a try.”
Malon elbowed Time, grinning. “He’s a natural!”
Time chuckled. “Really? I’ll have to be the judge of that.”
“He’s kidding!” Malon exclaimed, gently hitting Time in the chest. “He loves to taste test everything I bake. He’s got quite the sweet tooth.”
“Hey now,” Time warned teasingly. Malon laughed as they looked at each other, causing Time to crack a smile as well. He turned back to Wild, a hint of a smile still lingering. “I’m a professor here as well. You probably won’t be in any of my classes as a culinary major, but I teach agriculture and animal sciences.”
“Still talking about animal sciences, Old Man?” A new voice butted in, low chuckles accompanying it. “I thought we were off the clock!”
Time smiled, looking past Wild where a slightly older student stood. He had darker blond hair, almost brown, and he carried a binder full of messy papers. “What, can’t this old man talk about work?” He chuckled, shaking his head. “I was introducing myself to Wild here.” Time gestured at Wild. “Unlike some people, I have manners.”
“Wowwww,” the other man said, clicking his tongue. His gaze flickered to Wild, piercing blue eyes boring into the cook’s soul. “Well then– Wild, was it?” Wild nodded as the man shook his hand. “I’m Twilight. I’m working on my Master's degree in education, but I also work as a TA for some of the introductory courses.” The man– Twilight– glanced up at Time, smirking. “The Old Man and I have quite the history, but I’m sure he’s already mentioned that.”
Time laughed, shaking his head. “Give me a break! I just met the guy,” he scoffed, sighing with a mischievous smile. Time turned to address Wild, gesturing at Twilight. “Twilight was one of my students a few years back, before he switched his major to education. He was– how do I put this gently– a huge pain in my ass.”
Twilight snorted. “I grew up on a ranch,” he replied coolly, shrugging. “We did things a little differently, to say the least. But then I switched my major, and the only time I could pester the Old Man was in the hallways.”
Wild opened his mouth to comment, but a shrill voice interrupted him. “Seriously? I sat and waited here all day, and now I don’t even get to sit in on your class? This is bullshit!”
“Wind! Language!” A second voice scolded. Two figures turned down the hallway, one smaller than the other.
“Well! Haven’t seen you in a while, Captain,” Time called, catching the taller figure’s attention. From a distance, the most defining characteristic was a long, royal blue scarf. The smaller person wore a light blue shirt with a white pattern on it, too distant to make out. Both of them had short, yellow-blond hair.
“Ah! Time.” Both of them made a beeline for the steadily growing group. “It has been quite some time, yes.” The man with the blue scarf scanned the lot of them, smiling. “Hey, Malon. Who are these two?”
Twilight stepped forward, holding a hand against his chest. “I’m Twilight. Working on my Master’s in education.”
“This one’s Wild,” Malon introduced for him, smiling. “He’s one of my students. Culinary major.”
The man’s perfectly manicured eyebrows raised. “Culinary, huh? I can’t cook to save my life,” he commented, snorting. “I’m Warriors, by the way. And this is my younger brother, Wind.” Warriors tilted his head toward the teenager by his side. “Sorry about him. I told him he could sit through my class tonight, but I guess all the night classes got canceled.”
“Yeah!” Wind huffed. “I had to sit there all day while he graded papers! And people were using the computers so I had to read books instead!”
Warriors rolled his eyes. “His high school closed early for the storm, but I assumed they wouldn’t cancel classes here. He was curious about what college classes were like,” he explained. “I’m an adjunct, so I mostly teach night classes. Tonight was supposed to be Intro to Psych.”
“I wasted my snow day,” Wind grumbled, crossing his arms. “I could’ve been playing video games with Tetra, but no.”
“Right.” Time shook his head, sighing. “Well, it’s nice to see you again. We should get going, though, the weather looks like it’s getting worse.”
Malon held a key up, shoving herself up against the window as she pressed a button. She frowned, pressing it a few more times before sighing and giving up. “The car won’t start.”
Warriors and Wind looked at each other, frowning. Time hummed, zipping up his coat. “Here, I’ll see what I can do.”
Malon handed over the keys, giving her husband a peck on the cheek as she adjusted his collar. “Be careful out there. Watch out for ice.”
Everybody watched as Time shuffled out the door, braving the weather to get to the car. It wasn’t parked too far, but the visibility was practically zero, and he seemed to disappear into the swirling white of the storm.
“Our car won’t start, either,” Warriors commented, frowning.
“It’s possible that it could be too cold for the cars to start,” Twilight mused, frowning.
Malon turned around, eyeing each of the boys. “Well, let’s not worry too much about it. We can handle a little snow.”
Wild pointed. “He’s coming back!”
Everyone backed off as Time shuffled back inside, shaking off snow and ice. Silently, he dropped the car keys back into Malon’s palm, shaking his head.
“Are we… stuck here?” Wild questioned, twirling a strand of his hair absently.
Malon watched with a sigh as Time trudged down the hallway, turning out of view. “It looks like we might be.”
“Well, at least we’re all together,” Warriors decided, shrugging. “And we still have power. It could be worse.”
Twilight nodded. “You’re right. It’s not ideal, but we’ll be fine.”
read the rest –> here!
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Hey Gojo? Do you know about the Cursey bites Kisho made? If so, did he ever keep making them?
@demon-blood-youths & @chunibyo-x-sorcerer
"Hmm? Cursey bites? Ohhhh you mean the cookies he made? Yeah, I heard about them. They did look a bit different than what I thought but..still cookies none the less. Though, the others don't talk about them too much..not after what happened a week ago." he said snickering.
~~~~~Flashback/a week ago~~~~~~~~
"You know Kisho, I think we should try this one. Maybe if we did we can get a better view on training." Miko smiled to him seeing Anaconda and Eito happily eating some lunch.
"Uhhh y..yeah! We can if you like to Miko." he said.
While the two were happily checking something, Taz was speaking with Ink and her friends during the daily check up in the classroom. Her teammates were there too while in the background. They missed her but knew she was alright.
"Really? Head to head on training? I wasn't expecting you to be ready with that." Ink said proud of her team member that Taz smiled to nod.
"Yeah. Big brother is helping me with it but he says I'm getting better and better." she looked proud of herself too even with Yuji patting her head. He was so proud of Taz seeing how much she's grown.
"Yep, our little Taz is growing up!" Gojo said proud but he head tears with a smile. "Such a strong pup.."
"Gojo sensei.." Taz smiled but she was happy.
"Well, even so, we are still so proud of you Taz. Keep up the good work and you'll get even stronger I just know it." Ink said with Maggie agreeing who was in the phone call.
"Yeah, though, I guess you guys are doing alright over there too?" Yuji asked.
"Yeah, we are fine! Just came back from a mission with the others. Everyone was beat and tired though we did it. Even now, we are just going to be chilling. I heard Jaron is going to make some tasty lunch later for us." Ink said.
"Oh cool! His food is still really good. Why isn't he a chef? He really can make amazing foods." Yuji said.
"I agree! His mac and cheese was a blast!" Nobara giggled remembering it. In the background Jaron heard but he smiled looking away making some lunch.
"I know right?! Heck, even Melinda was in love with his food after she made something for us one time. I still remember her snicker doodle brownies she made. Really good and so soft. Even her stuffed bomb chicken pies were good." Ink said smiling.
"Wait, you mean it was true that he and her were-you told me he wasn't Yuji!" Megumi said.
"No no I did! They are together but their food is really good. You should try some of theirs when we go visit NYC in the summer." Yuji said happy.
"..I think I will." Megumi said.
"Anyway, I guess you guys are going to be going off?" Yuria asked.
"In a bit. We are going to chill for the rest of the day though, the other fractions are doing well." Opheila said beside Ink too waving to the others since it's been a while.
"We get it. Oh yeah, before you go! We sent something to you and the fractions! We were hoping you don't mind some home made sweets." Nobara said that Ink blinks.
"Really?! Sweets! Awww thanks you guys!"
"Your welcome. It's our way to say thanks for the fun last summer when we went to NYC. We just wanted to send some baked goods to you." Miko said as Ink laughed.
"Thanks so much..though....what is the sweet?"
"Oh just some cookies." Taz said happy as Ink thinks to seeing Navarro walking in the background.
"Hey guys! I got a box with cookies inside! It's from Taz and the sorcerers." he said. Everyone goes to check on the present but Taz was happy.
"It's really sweet that we sent this to them. I hope they like em." Taz said.
"No worries Taz, I'm sure they will love them." Megumi said. "You're a great baker so they will love it." he said.
"Thanks big brother Megumi!" she said. Still so cute!!!
"Even so, we will enjoy them." Maggie said smiling. As the DBT was opening the box.....
"I really do hope they like them. We had to make a lot for the fractions in and out of NYC. But it was fun though!" Taz said.
"Yeah, it was fun! I'm glad I was able to help with the cooking Taz." Kisho said but Megumi heard.
"Well yeah...she asked me to help so I did. I even made more of my cursey bites for the shikigami. Isn't that cool?" he said that Megumi blinks.
"You mean...the cookies? You made more of them?" he said.
"Uhhh yeah? But don't worry I made sure to send the right boxes out. All of them bearing the cute red ribbon on them." he said proud. Taz heard but blinks.
"Uhhhhh Kisho? The ones I was sending should have the blue bows on them. The red ones has your cookies you made." she said as everyone blinks. Eh?
"Kisho.....what do you mean? The blue ones were for the others..." Nobara said.
"But I did send them! See? The box they have as the others are blue." Kisho said looking at the video but as Navarro sets the box down, the sorcerers eyes widen seeing a red ribbon.
'Uh oh..'
"You know these cookies look a little different but it's still a cookie!" Ink said happy. "Dig in everyone!" she said happy.
~~~~~Thirty minutes later~~~~~
Megumi winces hearing sounds of The DBT throwing up in trashbags or someone in the bathrooms while having the gloomy look on their faces being sick from cursed energy poisoning.
"Ugghhh my stomach hurts!" Fosh cries while twitching, lowering his head to throw up again.
"What was in those cookies!?" Maggie said but groans looking green in the face.
"I don't feel...*Throws up again in the bag*" Rust was throwing up and hearing Sai coughing by him before he threw up too.
"I can't! Please my stomach a-*gags but throws up in trashcan again*" Opheila was worried but she whines with Hellmare rubbing her back.
"What the hell was even in them!?" Navarro shouted mad before he gags and lowers his head throwing up.
"I'm dizzy..." Jaron groans but he covers his mouth throwing up again even seeing Oblivion doing the same while gripping the trashcan.
Nobara, Miko, Taz, Yuria, Megumi, and Yuji sweatdrops worried seeing this while noticing the cursed purple goop. The other fractions might have the same reaction. Since the boxes were sent all over. Oh boy indeed.
".........Uhhhh we gotta go...I think we need to...work on getting this out of our systems...later gmmff!" Ink covers her mouth looking green before ending the call. Everyone blinks but looks to Kisho who sweatdrops.
"Yeah, all the fractions in NYC and out got so ill they were in bed for a few days. But at least they understand about his cooking. Even the cooks like Jaron and Melinda were so sick it was bad. The shikigami some or all of them had were keeping a eye on their summoners but at least they were okay." he shurgs smiling.
"Okay?!? THEY WERE THROWING UP BITS OF THE COOKIE YOU IDIOT!" Megumi shouted at his teacher for being stupid. Gojo just laughed smiling.
"But they are fine!"
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Soul Eater Characters and their Modern AU Jobs
Maka  - A teacher or professor. I could see Maka working to go above and beyond to be certified to teach at any year in K-12 and ALSO be a professor and teach at a university. She specializes in history and creative learning programs. She’s not just a regular teacher… she’s a ~*~ cool teacher ~*~.
Soul Eater - A chef. We see him cook a lot in the anime, and even though he also has a wild side to him, Soul seems like the kind of person who is a mood maker. He wants to make sure everyone is having a good time, everyone is being supported, and one way he can do that is to make sure people are well fed. Soul loves creating new recipes, traveling for special ingredients, and talking with customers to hear their stories and share his own.
Tsubaki - A yoga/wellness/de-stress counselor at a resort or something. She has all the crystals and stones and calming music. Some people might roll their eyes when meeting her, but 10 minutes in, and they’re feeling reborn. 
Black Star - Pro Wrestler - He has a cult-like following of fans, and is one of the most popular wrestlers out there. One of his signature catch phrases is “I’m training to defeat God!” as he slams down on his opponent.
Death the Kid - Interior Designer - one of the super intense ones that make their assistants cry, but in the end everyone confesses how they “didn’t have a doubt in their mind that everything would turn out absolutely perfect”
Liz - A social media influencer, both for herself and for a makeup company. She knows all of the lingo, how to apply every bronzer, base, eyeshadow, etc., and can work with an audience to build them up and somehow convince them to spend three times more than they meant to. But Liz gives good advice, looks amazing, and is the kind of person everyone aims to be. 
Patty - A late night host who does the craziest shit. She’s all about eating non-typical, potentially poisonous food, pranking local interior designers, wrestling with the pros, and disturbing a calm classroom with a t-shirt cannon.
Crona - A social worker or an author - I’m imagining a universe where Crona has been able to work through their trauma and is determined to help other children live in loving homes and support families. I can also see Crona needing a job where they can work from home, so they work as an author with a secret pen name so when the critics come, they don’t know it’s Crona. It helps Crona put a bit of distance between the criticism and overwhelming times that can come with being an author. 
Excalibur - That annoying podcast host your friend is obsessed with, but you would rather listen to the scraping of nails on chalkboard than sit through him telling another one of his “wild adventure stories” with some celebrity. 
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marveltrumpshate · 11 months
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Environment & Natural Disasters
As we've all noticed with increasing alarm, natural disasters are occurring with more violence and regularity. The following organizations focus on responding to the climate crisis, protecting the planet, and helping with natural disaster relief.
For more information on donation methods and accepted currencies, please refer to our list of organizations page.
Clean Air Task Force
As we've seen for a long time now but especially this year with constant natural disasters and alarming news from all over the world, climate change is real and we need to do something about it. Over the past 25 years, CATF, a group of climate and energy experts who think outside the box to solve the climate crisis, has pushed for technology innovations, legal advocacy, research, and policy changes. Their goal is to achieve a zero-emissions, high-energy planet at an affordable cost.
Coalition for Rainforest Nations
Boasting a voluntary membership of over 50 rainforest nations, CORN provides a single voice to countries that didn’t cause the climate emergency but nevertheless feel the brunt of it daily. CORN originated the global conservation mechanism Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) to stop deforestation. REDD+ was successfully mandated in the Paris Climate Agreement (2015) and covers 90% of the world’s tropical rainforests.  
Direct Relief
Direct Relief provides humanitarian relief regardless of politics, religious or ethnic identities, or ability to pay and prepares the most vulnerable communities worldwide for more frequent, destructive emergencies. When disasters strike, they respond effectively and efficiently to provide requested medical equipment, medicine, and supplies to locally run healthcare facilities and projects.
International Rescue Committee
Founded in 1933, the IRC is a long-standing trusted partner in supporting those whose lives have been upended by sudden violence, political or natural. They are no stranger to areas of disaster and conflict throughout the world as they currently work in 40 countries. The IRC provides emergency aid and long-term assistance, including refugee settlement, and focuses on health, education, economic well-being, empowerment, and safety. 
Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF)
Odds are you’ve heard of MSF, the global organization that sends trained medical professionals to the places they’re needed most. MSF has been working globally for over 50 years, providing medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare—no matter what. They’re guided by principles of independence, impartiality, and neutrality to global political policies or movements. 
National Disaster Search Dog Foundation
This organization rescues, trains, and places abused or abandoned dogs with first responders at no cost to rescue humans in disasters. Search dogs are one of the best resources for locating survivors buried under wreckage, and this is a great solution for dogs whose personalities might make them unsuitable as family pets but ideal for search and rescue.  
Waterkeeper Alliance
In 1966, this movement was started by a band of blue-collar fishermen pushing back against industrial polluters, and their tough spirit remains intact through the 300+ local community groups that make up the global Waterkeeper Alliance today. The Alliance works to ensure, preserve, and protect clean and abundant water for all people and creatures. Their programs are diverse, spanning from patrolling waterways against polluters to advocating for environmental laws in courtrooms and town halls and educating in classrooms.
World Central Kitchen
Started by Chef José Andrés, WCK makes sure that people are fed in the wake of natural disasters. Their programs advance human and environmental health, offer access to professional culinary training, create jobs, and improve food security. WCK also teaches food safety and cooking classes to native people who live where disasters have occurred, so they may open restaurants and support the local economy more permanently. You can follow where WCK is currently on the ground assisting and feeding people affected by natural and man-made crises here.
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inazumaeveryday · 2 years
Day 4
Location: Kidou’s house
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Kidou: Good morning, mar.
Did you sleep well?
mar: (Hmmm, last night…)
Option 1
mar: Yep, I did! I even dreamed about Gouenji-kun’s shot!
Kidou: It’s hard to remain impassive before his Fire Tornado, I know the feeling.
Option 2
mar: Yep, I did! I even dreamed about Endou-kun’s technique!
Kidou: Oh, that move he suddenly pulled out at the end.
I wonder if he was hiding it all along? Or maybe it was just a fluke.
Did you find it that impressive that it appeared in your dreams?
Well, it happened to me too the first time I saw a professional game, so I get it.
Kidou: The food at yesterday’s party was prepared by a famous chef.
I’m kind of interested in trying to recreate the taste of it myself.
Morning practice
Kidou: Alright, we’re going to try this new training menu I’ve thought up today.
Let me know what you guys think of it.
The team: Yes!
At school
Location: hallway
Kidou: mar, I’ll be cooking dinner tonight.
I told you this morning that a famous chef prepared the food at the party last night, right?
I want to try to recreate that taste while I still remember it.
mar: (Yuuto-kun will be making dinner…)
Option 1
What kind of food is it? Japanese? Western? Maybe Chinese?
Kidou: You can request any of that if you want, it’s fine.
Option 2
mar: Wow, you even know how to cook!
Kidou: French, Italian, Russian, Thai… I’ve had to cook many different kinds of food as part of my kingcraft lessons.
Come to think of it, I might as well invite the rest of the team.
Ah, but it might be hard for you to talk if there are too many people, right? Maybe I’ll keep it to only a few people then.
This’ll be a good opportunity for you to get to know the rest of the team better, so make sure you talk a little, okay?
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Henmi: Hey, um... mar-san.
Kidou-san... what’s he like at home...?
Kidou: Hey, Henmi. What are you guys whispering about?
Henmi: Ah, uh—nothing really?! I was just saying, nice weather we’re having today, right?!
Location: classroom (English)
Kidou: Fluency in English is a must if I want to play soccer overseas.
…Well, there’s no need for words to simply enjoy soccer.
Location: hallway
Kidou: Domon, your English pronunciation is really good. As expected of a returnee.
Domon: You really think so? Wow, thanks~
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Domon: But, coming from you, Kidou-san… I mean, you speak like a native and you’re not even a returnee, so…
Location: classroom (science)
Kidou: This molecule looks like a string of soccer balls all attached together…
…That’d be a pretty hard ball to kick.
Location: hallway
Genda: Kidou, look!
I got a new pair of gloves! I’ll definitely stop Gouenji’s Fire Tornado next time, I promise!
Kidou: Next time…
Got it. I hope you get the chance to.
Location: classroom (math)
Kidou: We just got our math tests back. I got an average score on this one.
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Kidou: Of course, an average score for me is a perfect score.
Location: cafeteria
Kidou: The food served at Teikoku is top class.
I’m talking about nutrition, of course. Though it’s true that it’s beautifully plated as well.
Location: hallway
Sakuma: mar, did you know everyone’s talking about you?
Kidou’s a big deal here—he’s the Kidou Yuuto, captain of Teikoku’s soccer club, see. And you’re always with him.
The other students find him hard to approach. A lot of them are afraid to talk to him.
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Kidou: Is that so…? I did have a feeling they were avoiding me…
Location: classroom (Japanese)
Kidou: It’s easy to get sleepy during afternoon classes, but that won't be a problem here.
To think of using a book on soccer theory as teaching materials to keep us focused… The teacher knows us well.
Location: classroom (social studies)
Kidou: I’ve read a textbook that traces back Japanese history starting from the modern era.
It taught me that this kind of approach also exists.
Club activities
Kidou: Alright everyone, we’ll take a break now!
Oh, that’s right. I should decide who I’m going to invite tonight.
Sakuma, Genda, Domon.
I’m having a dinner party at my house tonight. Sorry about asking on such short notice, but would you guys like to come?
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Sakuma: Can we?
Kidou: Of course. I was thinking it’d be good for mar to get to know you better.
Genda: Yeah, of course! You can bet I’ll be there, Kidou!
Domon: Is… is it really okay if I come too?!
Kidou: I’d like you to tell me about American soccer again. You’ve got firsthand experience with it as a returnee, right? I want to hear all about it.
Domon: Aw, shucks~ If Kidou-san’s asking, then I can’t refuse!
Kidou: Alright. We’ll have our party after practice is over. Look forward to it.
After school
Location: in the car
Kidou: I asked Hakamada to prepare the ingredients, so cooking shouldn’t take too long.
Location: Kidou’s house
The dinner party has started.
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Domon: Oh my god, this is freaking delicious?!
Genda: That’s our Kidou~ Even your cooking is perfect!
Kidou: I was just trying to recreate something I ate yesterday, but it turned out surprisingly good.
Sakuma: To make something that tasty on your own, only from the memory of the taste…
I already knew this, but you’re amazing, Kidou.
Kidou: I’m glad you all like it. I was a little worried since everyone’s got different tastes.
Domon: Ah, honestly~ I’m feeling kind of jealous of you right now, mar-san~
Sakuma: Oh, come to think of it, I heard Raimon’s next opponent has been decided?
Kidou: Yeah, they’re playing Occult.
Genda: Oh, I’ve heard a lot of rumors about that school.
mar: (Rumors…?)
Option 1
mar: Like, the players are actually ghosts or something?
Kidou: Your intuition’s pretty good. You're not that far off.
Option 2
mar: Like, they’re a bunch of delinquents or something?
Kidou: No, that’s not what they’re about…
People say they put a curse on their opponents.
Everyone who’s played against them came down with a fever a few days later, or they say when they tried to shoot, their legs couldn’t move…
There’s no such thing as a curse, though, so it’s probably just some kind of trick.
Kidou: mar, is the food to your liking?
It’s nice to just sit down and talk about soccer with friends over a meal sometimes.
Ah, right. Make sure to leave some room for dessert. I made something with chocolate.
The party ends, and Sakuma and the others go home.
Location: Kidou's room
Kidou: As far as I can tell, they’ve stopped moving…
Wait, actually…? This might just be…
Oh, mar, I didn’t notice you were there. Did you have a good time today?
It’s nice to have dinner with friends once in a while, right?
mar: (This is… a video of one of Occult’s matches?)
Option 1
mar: Are you worried about Raimon?
Kidou: No, that’s not it.
Option 2
mar: Are you trying to figure out the trick to Occult’s curse?
Kidou: Yeah. I won’t be fooled by the way they call it a curse. There’s got to be something behind it.
Kidou:The Football Frontier’s coming up soon too, so this counts as research in case we end up with them as our opponents.
Well, be it Occult or Raimon—whoever the winner is, they’ll still be no match for us.
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Forget-me-not and Peony for Koro-sensei please! >:3
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Nyuhuhuhu~ More asks for me~ ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Forget-me-not – Share a cherished memory you have about Emile
I'm sure I'm only supposed to pick one and tell the whole story buuuuut (○` 3′○) There's simply too many to pick from!!
Of course there was the first day we met he was running late on his first day of work (っ °Д °;)っand ended up tripping over the door framing to the classroom when Mr. Karasuma introduced him!
Then there was this time Terasaka broke his nose in gym class and I mean broke it there was blood everywhere Karasuma was totally panicking (untrue) and Emile handled it so calmly!! He's such a hero!!
Oh and then there was the first time he brought me lunch saying running all the way to China for lunch is why I must be broke all the time and everything in his bento was just awful because he can't cook for beans but still he tried just for me! (❤ ω ❤)
I'm focusing too hard on our time as educators together there was also when we were looking for apartments and while going to an open house he sent me photos of the empty apartment with himself doing silly poses in the middle of the floor so I could get a scale for everything and when we got the apartment we're in now and he collapses onto the Tatami floor and just rolled around on it for like an hour apparently he's always wanted tatami flooring
When he first started talking about Teruteru after visiting the dinner the first time and this really nice date we had window shopping around a bookstore and when we went to Comiket oh and when we first got into Pokemon go and just road the train around town catching Pokemon he's just hand his phone off to random kids on the bus who were watching us play and teach them how to throw the pokeball and this one time- (this could go on all day. I'm cutting him off.)
Peony – Tell us about your relationship’s embarrassing PDAs or cutesy nicknames.
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I'm afraid I do get rather flustered when it comes to most PDA, and sense my in public disguise relies so heavily on my color change abilities I can't risk going bright pink on the train, so I must leave the PDA to the professionals.. Such a shame ╯︿╰
I've been told my "nicknames" are a tad long winded as well. I don't quiet see what's wrong with that though. I'm rather fond of "My Angelic healing light" and "Godsend Master Chef" = ̄ω ̄=
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tedcoeducation · 14 days
Top Culinary Institutes in Delhi: Best Choices
Delhi, a vibrant city known for its rich culinary heritage, is home to many aspiring chefs who dream of mastering the art of cooking. Among the many culinary institutes in the Delhi, Tedco Goodrich Chefs Academy stands out as a premier institution, renowned for its world-class training, state-of-the-art facilities, and experienced faculty. Whether you’re a budding chef or a culinary enthusiast looking to refine your skills, Tedco Goodrich Chefs Academy offers the perfect platform to turn your passion into a profession.
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Why Choose Tedco Goodrich Chefs Academy?
Tedco Goodrich Chefs Academy is not just another culinary school; it’s a place where talent meets opportunity. Known for its rigorous training programs, the academy offers a wide range of courses tailored to suit the diverse needs of its students. From diploma courses in culinary arts and patisserie to specialized workshops and masterclasses, the academy covers every aspect of modern gastronomy.
World-Class Training and Experienced Faculty
The academy prides itself on its exceptional faculty, which includes internationally trained chefs and industry experts who bring a wealth of experience to the classroom. These instructors are not just educators but mentors who guide students through every step of their culinary journey. The hands-on approach ensures that students gain practical knowledge, mastering techniques that are essential in professional kitchens.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Tedco Goodrich Chefs Academy boasts state-of-the-art kitchen facilities, equipped with the latest technology and tools found in top restaurants and hotels worldwide. This real-world environment allows students to hone their skills under conditions that mimic the fast-paced nature of professional kitchens. From advanced baking equipment to cutting-edge culinary tools, the academy ensures that students have access to the best resources for their learning.
Comprehensive Curriculum and Industry Exposure
The comprehensive curriculum at Tedco Goodrich Chefs Academy covers a broad spectrum of culinary skills, including classical and contemporary cooking techniques, international cuisines, food presentation, and kitchen management. The academy also places a strong emphasis on practical training, offering students opportunities to intern and work with leading hotels and restaurants. This exposure to the industry helps students build valuable connections and gain firsthand experience, setting them apart in the competitive culinary world.
A Launchpad for Culinary Careers
Graduates of Tedco Goodrich Chefs Academy are well-equipped to embark on successful careers in the culinary industry. The academy’s commitment to excellence ensures that its students not only learn the art of cooking but also develop the discipline, creativity, and confidence needed to thrive as professional chefs.
Transform Your Passion into a Profession
Tedco Goodrich Chefs Academy is the best culinary institute in Delhi for those who are serious about pursuing a career in the culinary arts. With its exceptional training programs, expert faculty, and industry connections, the academy provides an unparalleled learning experience. If you’re ready to take your culinary skills to the next level, Tedco Goodrich Chefs Academy is the place to be.
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The Growing Demand for Skilled Pastry Chefs: How a Diploma Can Give You an Edge
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In recent times, the world of food has witnessed a significant increase in the need for skilled pastry chefs and bakers, with many students and professionals looking to specialize in this art. The increasing demand for exquisite desserts, gourmet bread, and delicate pastries has made this an extremely lucrative career choice. However, with the growing levels of competition, how does one stand out in the crowd? The key lies in obtaining an accredited certification in pastry arts, which can provide you with the necessary skills and expertise to excel. Enrolling in a bakery course in Kolkata can be a great way to kickstart your journey and gain the practical knowledge required to succeed in this competitive field.
Why Pastry Chefs Are in High Demand
The need for pastry chef has grown worldwide due to the changing trends in food and the growth that the hotel industry is experiencing. Gourmet restaurants, luxury hotels along with boutique bakeries, are always searching for experienced professionals who can design desserts that are not just delicious but also appear like art pieces.
Additionally, as consumers are becoming more conscious of their health and discerning in their choices for food The role of pastry chefs has gotten more important. Nowadays, pastry chefs need to be adept at creating anything from gluten-free desserts as well as vegan-friendly desserts. This has increased the need for experts who have specialized training. today's pastry chefs needs to be proficient in a variety of methods and diets.
What Does It Take to Be a Skilled Pastry Chef?
Being a competent pastry chef is more than just a passion for baking. While passion is an excellent beginning, professional education is necessary to master the complex techniques used in pastry making. A pastry chef needs to be precise, imaginative and focused. They also need to possess a thorough understanding in the art of baking since even the tiniest difference in temperature or ingredient measurement could affect the final result of an item.
This is where formal education that includes the certificate in the field of pastry can be beneficial. These programs can teach chefs not only the basics that bakers need to know, but more advanced techniques such as chocolate tempering, sugar art and plating. These are skills that are sought-after in the culinary industry and could provide chefs with a distinct advantage over those with no formal education.
How a Diploma Can Give You an Edge
The diploma in pastry arts gives students a comprehensive knowledge of the subject that covers everything from the basics of methods of baking to the most advanced design of pastry. The program has been designed so that the graduates are well-equipped to meet the requirements of an industry-standard kitchen.
At accredited culinary schools students are able to work with skilled Chefs who've worked in prestigious kitchens. This is a valuable mentorship because it enables students to gain insight from experienced professionals who are aware of the nuances of the industry. In addition the majority of diploma programs offer externships or internships, in which students gain practical experience in a real-world setting.
The combination of knowledge from the classroom and practical experience distinguishes diploma holders from others who haven't completed formal education. The hospitality industry's employers sector prefer those with professional training since they know that they have the technical knowledge and discipline required to excel at the table.
If, for instance, you're looking to increase your abilities, enrol in culinary arts courses in kolkata can give you the foundational knowledge and hands-on instruction needed to succeed in the field. This kind of program will ensure that students aren't only skilled in baking, but also comprehend the business aspect of managing a successful bakery or patisserie.
The Curriculum of a Pastry Arts Diploma Program
One of the major benefits of pursuing a degree for pastry is the extensive course. Contrary to short courses or even workshops, diploma programs dig into the entire process of pastry production, providing students a solid foundation for the area. Here's a look at what you'll learn:
Baking Techniques From bread-making to cake decorating Students are taught a variety of techniques for baking that are the foundation of pastry arts. It includes a study of various ingredients, such as leavening agents as well as baking times.
Sugar as well as Chocolate Artistry one of the most specific areas of pastry art is the use of chocolate and sugar. These ingredients are used to make intricate display pieces for competitions and events. The art of mastering this field requires patience, precision and imagination.
The presentation and plating The art of presenting and plating fine dining presentation is as crucial as the food. A pastry chef needs to learn how to present desserts with elegance by using colors, textures and shapes to produce visual appeal to dishes.
The Menu Development as well as Cost Control Past the kitchens, pastry chefs need to know how to develop profitable menus. This means studying the cost of ingredients as well as portion control and pricing strategies.
In a city such as Kolkata where food culture is rich and varied, taking the bakery program in Kolkata will open the door to many opportunities in the local food scene. Kolkata's booming hospitality industry is always looking for bakers with expertise who can bring a unique flavor to their dessert menus.
Career Opportunities for Pastry Chefs
The job opportunities of pastry chefs can be numerous and numerous. After finishing a diploma program the graduates are able to pursue positions in various situations, such as:
Luxury Hotels: Many luxury hotels have pastry chefs in-house who create desserts for buffets, restaurants and other special occasions.
Gourmet Restaurants with Pastry Chefs working in restaurants that specialize in fine dining are charged with developing distinctive dessert menus that compliment the menu's culinary offerings.
Boutique Bakeries If you prefer a more entrepreneurial path starting the first boutique bakery is a fantastic alternative. If you have the right business knowledge and expertise, a lot of pastry chefs are successful in creating their own businesses.
Catering Companies Pastry chefs are highly sought-after for catering firms who specialize in events of the highest quality including weddings, corporate functions, and weddings. celebrations.
A diploma bakery course in Kolkata will help students establish an excellent foundation in any of these careers. Not only will they acquire the essential abilities, but they'll also be able to meet with professionals in the industry and gain experiences through internships.
The job as a chef can be equally challenging and rewarding. It requires an enthralling mix of creativity along with precision and business savvy. With the rising demand for highly skilled professionals in this area, earning the diploma in pastry arts could provide chefs in the making with the edge they require to be successful. If you're looking to work in a luxurious hotel, an elegant restaurant or even establishing your own bakery, formal education can equip you with the expertise and abilities required to succeed in this fast-paced field.
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achm-chef-academy · 16 days
Why Choose ACHM Chef Academy for Your Bakery Course?
If you're looking to pursue a bakery course, ACHM Chef Academy is the perfect place. We provide practical training along with classroom learning to ensure that you’re fully equipped to succeed in the culinary world.
Our baking classes in Dehradun are designed for aspiring bakers who want to learn from the best. Our curriculum covers a variety of techniques, including cake decoration, pastry making, and bread baking.
Flexible class timings
Industry-recognized certification
Exposure to real-world bakery environments
Join the ACHM Chef Academy today and become a professional baker!
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avetaau · 20 days
Practical Skills for Career Advancement at AVETA – Enroll Today!
In today’s fast-paced world, acquiring skills that are both practical and industry-relevant is crucial for career advancement. AVETA stands out as a premier institution offering a diverse range of vocational education and training courses in Australia. With a focus on providing quality education, AVETA equips students with the skills they need to excel in their chosen fields. Whether you are looking to kickstart a new career or enhance your current skill set, AVETA’s comprehensive courses are designed to meet your needs.
AVETA prides itself on delivering education that goes beyond the classroom. Our courses are structured to provide hands-on experience, ensuring that students gain real-world insights and skills. This practical approach to learning not only enhances employability but also empowers students to confidently enter the workforce. Choosing AVETA means choosing a pathway to success backed by experienced educators and a commitment to excellence.
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Hands-On Learning for Real-World Career Success
Our wide array of offerings includes vet courses Australia, which are tailored to provide students with the knowledge and competencies needed for various industries. For those interested in pursuing a career in security, our security guard course in Australia offers thorough training and preparation for this responsible role. Furthermore, our esteemed bachelor of hospitality management Melbourne program combines theoretical knowledge with practical application, preparing students for leadership positions in the hospitality sector.
AVETA also offers the certificate iii in commercial cookery Australia, which is perfect for aspiring chefs looking to make their mark in the culinary world. This course emphasizes practical cooking skills alongside essential kitchen management techniques, ensuring graduates are ready to thrive in professional kitchens.
At AVETA, we are dedicated to fostering an environment where students can achieve their full potential. Our commitment to quality education and industry relevance makes us a trusted choice for vocational training in Australia. Join us to embark on a journey of learning and growth that will pave the way for a successful career. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can support your educational and career aspirations.
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superstudyca · 1 month
Master the Basics of Food Safety with the Food Safe Level 1 Course""
In the food industry, ensuring that food is handled, prepared, and served safely is critical to protecting public health. Whether you’re working in a restaurant, cafeteria, or food processing facility, the Food Safe Level 1 course provides the essential knowledge and skills to maintain high standards of food safety.
What is the Food Safe Level 1 Course?
The Food Safe Level 1 course is a foundational training program designed for individuals who handle food in any capacity. It covers the principles of food safety, including proper food handling, sanitation, and hygiene practices. This course is particularly beneficial for food handlers, kitchen staff, and anyone responsible for preparing or serving food.
Why is Food Safe Level 1 Important?
Foodborne illnesses are a serious concern, and they can occur when food safety protocols are not followed. The Food Safe Level 1 course educates participants on how to prevent contamination and reduce the risk of foodborne diseases. By learning about safe food handling practices, you can protect your customers and maintain the reputation of your establishment.
What Will You Learn?
The Food Safe Level 1 course covers a range of topics, including:
Personal Hygiene: Understanding the importance of cleanliness and proper handwashing techniques.
Foodborne Illnesses: Learning about common pathogens and how to prevent them.
Safe Food Handling: Best practices for storing, preparing, and cooking food safely.
Cleaning and Sanitizing: Proper methods for cleaning and sanitizing kitchen equipment and surfaces.
Pest Control: Techniques to prevent pests from contaminating food.
Who Should Take the Course?
Anyone involved in the food industry, from chefs to food service workers, should consider enrolling in the Food Safe Level 1 course. It’s not only a requirement in many workplaces but also a valuable asset for anyone looking to advance their career in the food sector.
How to Get Certified
The Food Safe Level 1 course is typically offered by accredited institutions and can be completed in a classroom setting or online. After successfully completing the course and passing the exam, you will receive a certification that is valid for a specific period, usually five years.
Investing in the Food Safe Level 1 course is a smart decision for anyone in the food industry. It equips you with the knowledge to ensure that the food you handle is safe for consumption, thereby safeguarding public health and enhancing your professional credentials. Whether you’re new to the industry or looking to refresh your skills, this course is an essential step in your food safety journey.
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