#chekov and sulu deserved more screen time
anonymousewrites · 4 months
Logos and Pathos (AOS Edition) Chapter Four
AOS! Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Four: Ship in Distress
Summary: The Enterprise arrives at Vulcan to find their ships destroyed and a Romulan wants negotiations.
            “Spock,” greeted (Y/N) as they took their spot next to him.
            “(Y/N),” said Spock, nodding to him.
            “Welcome back, Commander, Lieutenant,” said Pike to them.
            “Hello, Captain,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Captain,” greeted Spock. “Engineering reports ready for launch.”
            “Thank you.” Pike looked around the bridge. “Ladies and gentlemen, the maiden of our newest flagship deserves more pomp and circumstance than we can afford today. A christening will just have to be our reward for a safe return. Carry on.” He sat down and pressed the comms button. “All decks, this is Captain Pike, prepare for immediate departure.” He stopped the announcement. “Helm, thrusters.”
            “Moorings retracted, Captain,” said Sulu. “Dock reports ready. Thrusters, fired. Separating from Spacedock. The ship’s ready for warp.”
            “Set course for Vulcan,” said Pike.
            “Aye, aye, Captain. Course laid in,” said Sulu.
            “Maximum warp. Punch it,” said Pike.
            Sulu pressed a button, but the ship sputtered in a failed attempt to fly forward. All heads turned to Sulu, and (Y/N) tilted their head in confusion.
            “Lieutenant, where is Helmsman McKenna?” asked Pike.
            “He has lungworm, sir. He couldn’t report to his post,” said Sulu as he fiddled with the controls. “I’m Hikaru Sulu.”
            “And you are a pilot, right?” said Pike.
            “Uh, very much so, sir. I’m, uh, not sure what’s wrong,” said Sulu.
            “Is the parking brake on?” suggested Pike, amused.
            “Uh, no, I’ll figure it out. I’m, just, uh…” Sulu trailed off.
            “Have you disengaged the external inertial dampener?” asked Pike.
            Silence. Sulu sheepishly pressed a few buttons and cleared his throat. “Ready for warp, sir.”
            “Let’s punch it,” said Pike.
            This time, the Enterprise leapt into motion and moved to warp speed quickly.
            “Engines at maximum warp, Captain,” said Sulu, turning around to face Pike.
            “Russian whiz kid, what’s your name?” said Pike. “Chankov? Cherpov?”
            “Ensign Chekov, Pavel Andreievich, sir,” said Chekov.
            One of Uhura’s friends, thought (Y/N).
            Their friend had told them about him and his skills. Even if he was a bit awkward at times, he was a hard worker and intelligent. Having him on the Enterprise would be helpful.
            “Fine, Chekov, Pavel Andreievich. Begin a ship-wide mission broadcast,” said Pike. He leaned back.
            “Yes, sir, happy to,” said Chekov. “Ensign authorization code 9-5-Wictor-Wictor-2.”
            “Authorization not recognized,” said the computer due to Chekov’s accent.
            “Ensign authorization code 9-5-Victor-Victor-2,” forced Chekov. Access was granted, and he could begin his broadcast. “May I have your attention, please? At 2200 hours, telemetry detected an anomaly in the Neutral Zone. What appeared to be a lightning storm in space. Soon after, Starfleet received a distress signal from Vulcan High Command that their planet was experiencing seismic activity. Our mission is to assess the condition of Vulcan and assist in evacuations if necessary. We should be arriving at Vulcan within three minutes. Thank you for your time.”
            Pike leaned back and focused on the viewing screen. “Lightning storm…Are those typical for Vulcan?”
            “Not particularly, and not to the degree to warrant a distress call,” said Spock.
            “And earthquakes?” asked (Y/N).
            “The same issue. This is unprecedented,” said Spock.
            (Y/N) and Spock’s heads whipped around to stare at the swollen face of Kirk. He stood on the bridge in non-regulation attire, which wasn’t surprising since he was on academic suspension and not supposed to even be on a ship. Bones and Uhura trailed behind him, having tried to catch him before he burst onto the bridge.
            “Jim, no!” snapped Bones, trying to grab him.
            “Captain Pike, we have to stop the ship!” said Kirk.
            “Kirk, how the hell did you get on board the Enterprise,” said Pike.
            “Captain, this man’s under the influence of a severe reaction of a Melveran flea vaccine, completely—” began Bones.
            “Bones, Bones,” said Kirk, trying to dodge his needles.
            “—Delusional. I take full responsibility,” said Bones.
            “Vulcan is not experiencing a natural disaster. It’s being attacked by Romulans,” said Kirk firmly.
            “Romulans?” Pike groaned. “Cadet Kirk, I think you’ve had enough attention for one day. McCoy, take him back to medical, we’ll have words later.”
            “Aye, Captain,” said Bones.
            “Look, sir, that same anomaly—” Bones tried to drag Kirk back.
            “Mister Kirk,” said Pike, narrowing his eyes.
            “Mister Kirk is not cleared to be aboard this vessel,” said Spock, stepping in officially.
            “Look, I get it, you’re a great orator,” said Kirk, rolling his eyes at Spock. “I’d love to do it again some time.”
            “I’ll remove the Cadet,” said Spock.
            “Try it! This Cadet is trying to save the bridge,” said Kirk.
            “By recommending a full-stop mid-warp during a rescue mission?” said Spock. To his own home.
            “It’s not a rescue mission, it’s an attack,” said Kirk firmly.
            (Y/N) touched his arm. They wanted to hear Kirk out. There was nothing but pure firm ferocity in his aura. Nothing seemed to be indicating lying…It concerned (Y/N).
            “What are your facts, Kirk?” asked (Y/N).
            Kirk turned to them, and relief at someone hearing them out flashed through them. “That same anomaly, a lightning storm in space that we saw today, also occurred on the day of my birth.” His gaze turned solemn. “Before a Romulan ship attacked the U.S.S. Kelvin.” He looked at Pike. “You know that, sir, I read your dissertation. That ship which had formidable and advanced weaponry was never seen or heard from again. The Kelvin attack took place on the edge of Klingon space, and at twenty-three hundred hours last night, there was an attack. Forty-seven Klingon warbirds destroyed by a Romulan, sir. It was reported that the Romulans were in one ship, one massive ship.”
            His logic was sound, and even if he didn’t end up being right, there was nothing indicating deception. Kirk was being absolutely serious and trying to be helpful. (Y/N) was inclined to believe that he had a point.
            “That is a similar situation,” murmured (Y/N).
            “How do you know about that Klingon attack?” demanded Pike.
            “Sir, I intercepted and translated the message myself,” said Uhura, stepping up. “Kirk’s report is accurate.”
            “We’re warping into a trap, sir. The Romulans are waiting for us, I promise you that,” said Kirk.
            “He doesn’t appear to be lying, and Uhura’s reports are unmatched due to her expertise in xenolinguistics,” said (Y/N).
            Spock’s jaw tense as he considered what could be happening at Vulcan. “The Cadets’ logic is sound. We would be wise to consider our options.”
            Pike nodded. “Scan Vulcan space, check for transmissions in Romulan.”
            “Sir, I’m not sure I can distinguish the Romulan language from Vulcan,” said a lieutenant.
            “(L/N), will you step in?” sighed Pike.
            “Sir, I’d prefer to remain free to monitor any other issues,” said (Y/N). They gestured to Uhura and smiled. “Cadet Uhura speaks Romulan excellently. She can handle it; I’m sure.”
            “Can you, Cadet?” said Pike. He trusted (Y/N)’s judgement, but he wanted to know that Uhura had the confidence to do her duty well.
            “I speak all three dialects, sir,” said Uhura, raising her chin.
            “Uhura, relieve the lieutenant,” said Pike.
            “Yes, sir.” Uhura instantly sat down and put on the earbuds to scan the channels.
            “Hannity, hail the U.S.S. Truman,” ordered Pike.
            “All the other ships are out of warp, sir, and have arrived at Vulcan, but we seem to have lost contact,” said Hannity.
            (Y/N) and Spock exchanged a look. That shouldn’t have happened if it was just a natural disaster.
            “Sir, I pick up no Romulan transmission or transmission of any kind in the area,” said Uhura, and (Y/N) frowned as worry flashed through her aura and moved into Pike’s as he furrowed his brow.
            “It’s because they’re being attacked,” said Kirk firmly.
            “Shields up, red alert,” ordered Pike.
            “Arrival at Vulcan in five seconds,” said Sulu as the red alert went up. “Four…three…two—”
            The Enterprise jerked as it came out of warp and was immediately in a cloud of debris.
            “Evasive action!” commanded Pike.
            The Enterprise dove to the side to avoid the remnants of the other starships. Several officers were thrown from their seats, and (Y/N) gripped their station tightly. Spock reached out subconsciously and gripped their arm to steady them.
            A horrifying thought appeared in (Y/N)’s mind. The Enterprise was only intact because it had arrived late. If there hadn’t been the problem before warp, they would have arrived and been ambushed in an instant. If they had been on time, they would be dead debris floating endlessly in space.
            “Damage report,” said Pike as the Enterprise cleared the greatest heaps of debris.
            “Deflector shields holding,” reported an officer.
            “All stations, report. Engineer Olson, report.” While he waited for reports to be sent in, he looked at the bridge crew. “Full reverse, come about starboard ninety degrees, drop us underneath and…”
            Pike trailed off as the screen’s view of the stars was blocked. A large, hulking, squid-like ship moved through space towards them. It overshadowed everything, and its maw was wide and foreboding, like a shark waiting for unsuspecting prey to swim in and be bit to pieces.
            (Y/N) stared in shock. They had never seen any ship like that, not even schematics for something so…huge.
            “Captain, they’re locking torpedoes,” alerted Spock, turning around in his seat.
            “Avert auxiliary power from port nacelles to forward shields,” said Pike.
            Several torpedoes fired and slammed into the hull of the Enterprise. The starship shook, but it didn’t break.
            “Sulu, status report,” said Pike.
            “Shields at thirty-two percent,” said Sulu grimly. “Several decks badly hit.”
            People will be injured or dead, thought (Y/N), heart sinking.
            “Their weapons are powerful, sir. We can’t take another hit like that,” said Sulu.
            “Get me Starfleet Command, (L/N),” said Pike.
            “Captain, the Romulan ship has lowered some kind of high energy pulse device into Vulcan atmosphere,” said (Y/N). “The signal is blocking communications.”
            Pike gritted his teeth, and (Y/N) felt the heat of his frustration. However, he kept a clear head and handled the situation to the best of his ability. “All power to forward shields. Prepare to fire all weapons.”
            “Captain,” said (Y/N), spinning around in their chair in surprise and alarm. “We’re being hailed.”
            Pike nodded tensely.
            On the viewing screen, the face of a tattooed Romulan appeared. (Y/N) felt everyone’s emotions take a darker turn for the negative, but they stared calmly at the person. They refused to let any of their apprehension show.
            “Hello,” he said plainly.
            “I’m Captain Christopher Pike,” said Pike, trying to take control. “To whom am I speaking.”
            “Hi, Christopher. I’m Nero,” replied the Romulan.
            “You’ve declared war against the Federation. Withdraw. I’ll arrange a conference with Romulan leadership at a neutral location,” said Pike.
            “I do not speak for the Empire,” said Nero. He narrowed his eyes as they passed over the bridge crew. “We stand apart, as does your Vulcan crewmember. Isn’t that right, Spock? Or perhaps your Celian officer would answer, correct, (L/N)?”
            Everyone’s gaze flicked to Spock and (Y/N), who looked at each other. They hadn’t anticipated being singled out.
            “Pardon me, I do not believe that you are acquainted with us,” said Spock, quirking an eyebrow as he stood. He moved between the screen and (Y/N) slightly.
            “No. We’re not,” said Nero. “Not yet.” His lip curled. “Spock…there’s something I would like you to see.” Spock furrowed his brow, but Nero addressed Pike again before he could ask any questions. “Captain Pike, your transporter has been disabled. As you can see by the rest of your armada, you have no choice. You will man a shuttle, come aboard the Narada, for negotiations. That is all.” The viewing screen cut off and left the crew alone.
            “He’ll kill you. You know that,” said Kirk, staring at Pike.
            “This is a trap,” said (Y/N).
            “Your survival is unlikely,” said Spock.
            “Captain, we gain nothing by diplomacy,” said Kirk.
            “Going to that ship is going to be futile,” agreed (Y/N).
            “I, too, agree. You should rethink your strategy,” said (Y/N).
            All three stared at Pike, a united front. Pike was undeterred, though.
            “I understand that.” But he turned away. “I need officers who have been trained in advanced hand-to-hand combat.”
            “I have training, sir,” said Sulu.
            “Come with me,” said Pike. “Kirk, you too. You’re not supposed to be here, anyway. Chekov, you have the conn.”
            “Aye, aye, Captain,” said Chekov.
            Pike headed off the bridge with Sulu and Kirk. (Y/N) and Spock only had to exchange a glance before following. They wouldn’t let Pike leave without knowing he had something in mind.
            Pike led the way to Engineering and motioned for Engineer Olson to join the small group he’d created.
            “Without transporters, we can’t beam off the ship, we can’t assist Vulcan, we can’t do our job,” he said gravely. “Mister Kirk, Mister Sulu, and Engineer Olson will space-jump from the shuttler. You will land on that machine they lowered into the atmosphere that’s scrambling our gear. You’ll get inside. You’ll disable it. Then, you’ll beam back to the ship.” The group nodded, and Pike looked at Spock. “Mister Spock, I’m leaving you in command of the Enterprise. Once we have transport capabilities, communications will be back up. (L/N), you’ll contact Starfleet and report what the hell’s going on here.” Spock and (Y/N) nodded. “And if all else fails, fall back and rendezvous with the fleet in the Laurentian system.” His eyes went to Kirk. “Kirk, I’m promoting you to First Officer.”
            Shock rippled through the group, even Kirk himself.
            “Captain, please, I apologize, but the complexities of human pranks escape me,” said Spock, furrowing his brow slightly.
            “It’s not a prank, Spock. And I’m not the Captain, you are.” Pike gazed at Spock for a moment as the facts settled in. Then, he blinked and nodded to the three men he’d gathered. “Let’s go.”
            “What happens to you, sir, when we knock out that drill? Nero will know it’s an act of hostility, and you’ll be stuck with him,” said (Y/N).
            “I guess you’ll have to come and get me,” said Pike. He smiled at Spock in wry amusement. “Careful with the ship, Spock. She’s brand new.”
            Spock nodded curtly, and (Y/N) just stood beside him, tense. Neither approved of Pike’s plan, but they knew there was no other option at this point to try to stay alive and help Vulcan. Pike turned and headed towards a shuttle. He stepped in, and the door closed.
            It was done. The plan was set.
            “Well,” said (Y/N). They straightened and faced Olson, Sulu, and Kirk. “It’s time to follow his orders.” Their gaze went to Spock. “Ready?”
            He nodded. “I’m ready.”
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the99thfanboy · 2 years
Almost every episode of
Star Trek: The Original Series:
Spock: In some amount of danger, possibly almost dying and still managing to save the day with astonishing science while being everyone’s favorite (yes, even McCoy)
Kirk: Doing everything possible to save Spock and being very cranky when he can’t do it right away and getting in over his head or seeking a little too much adventure but ultimately learning his lesson
McCoy: Keeping Kirk on track while passively being worried about Spock and keeping most of the crew alive while also being utterly confused by some alien flora or physiology
Scotty: Carrying the entire ship on his shoulders and fixing the impossible while being in love with the Enterprise itself, occasionally grinning his face off
Uhura: Actually doing her job and not getting distracted like the professional badass she is and providing some of the most important information the crew will ever hear
Sulu: Taking orders and usually being very confused about what Kirk is doing, sometimes being absolutely bonkers if poisoned in some way
Chekov: Desperately trying to find a way to bring Russia into the conversation, navigating like a pro, or taking over Spock’s science station when our dear science officer is in his usual deadly circumstances
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calliecat93 · 4 years
Star Trek 2009... so... very mixed.
Let’s do the good first. The cinematography is really good. It FEELS like a futuristic time period moreso than TOS, but tbf the films have the advantage of being closer to modern day and being able to match the evolved times. Still, it’s very much a movie that wanted to look good and did. The acting for most pf the cast was good and I don’t have an issue with any of the reboot cast. No Chris Pine isn’t Shatner (and that’s a good thing) nor is Zachary Quinto Leonard Nimoy. But they and the others did their jobs well and I’m glad they all did their own thing and not just copy their predecessors. Simon Pegg as Scotty I really enjoyed amd I like his new friend XD And while I’m... mixed about the direction taken if only because it makes me sad, Leonard Nimoy returning as the Spock we’ve known or so long was lovely, especially when he and Quinto!Spock meet.
Some moments were good. I actually almost teared up when Kirk’s dad died because the actors just put so much emotion into it. I can’t say that there was no effort put into this. They tried to add emotion and meaning and depth. They tried to give Kirk and Spock (and yes, Bones being even MORE of a third wheel than normal REALLY pisses me off) depth and connect the audiences to them and form that connection with each other that we’re so familiar with. I respect that. I respect the effort. I’ve seen reboots that don’t give a damn, but it didn’t feel that way to me here especially with Nimoy!Spock showing that this may be different, but the original very much still exists.
That being said... I have some big issues, especially with Kirk. This is NOT James Tibirius Kirk. This is the pop culture depiction of Kirk that the filmmakers decided was better to go with than the actual character. And no, this being an alternate timeline and him being younger than in canon is NOT a valid excuse. I got told that the death of Kirk’s dad changed the course of history... but I fail to understand how THAT caused Kirk to be an arrogant, cocky, reckless idiot. Might be because his parents NEVER came up in the show so how can any TOS fans get that point if the show never went into it? I know I joke about Kirk doing something dumb, but TOS!Kirk was a perfectly smart, optimistic, level-headed individual who yeah WOULD go against Starfleet at times, but usually did so with good reason. Hell didn’t TOS say that he was overly serious int he academy amd lightened up as he got older? How did the timeline changes change that? Anyways! It felt like they wanted this Kirk to just be a standard action hero and didn’t bother to check if it fit the characterization, or do anything to justify the change aside from ‘different reality’. Like woth the Kobayashi Maru, it’s to emphasize Kirk’s cockiness here...when in WoK it emphasized Kirk’s optimism and hope. How he NEVER believed that there was a true no-win scenario. There was LWAYS a way. Don’t get me wrong, Kirk isn’t horrible and has the ability to become more like his TOS self, but first impressions are everything, and they failed here. Chris Pine was good though, I could actually picture how he played Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman fitting a Reboot Kirk pretty well but alas. Also his captaincy wasn’t earned nor is he mature enough to hold the position. It got handed to him because canon says so, and that is bullshit.
Spock was... fine. Far as characterization goes I don’t really have any issues. He’s not TOS Spock but again he shouldn’t be. It’s hard for me to find the words on how he’s different aside from being younger and seeming a little more resentful about the half-human, half-Vulcan thing, but it still works well enough. He and Sarek also seem on better terms in this continuity, and that I do like since it’s different, but consideirng the circumstances he needs that kind of solace and it allows exploration of their relationship in a more supportive light. Didn’t like Spock marooning Kirk like he did, but it does connect to his arc showing how emotional repression is affecting him, so ah well. I DO have issues with some of the directions taken though. His relationship with Uhura has no establishment nor development and comes across as being there for the sake of having a romance in there without the work. And no I’m not just saying that as a Spones/Spirk/McSpirk shipper. It WOULD have been fine if they actually WORKED ON DEVELOPING IT ON-SCREEN. And how did the timeline changes cause that when Uhura and him flirted like... once in TOS and it was one-sided on Uhura’s part anyways?! It sucks especially since I really like Reboot Uhura. I also don’t like them destroying Vulcan cause that feels like overkill on the angst, but at least they have an explanation for it. I DO however despise them killing Amanda and ESPECIALLY how they did it. Amanda is relegated tot he standard ‘pure hearted mom who we have to kill to hurt this character’ and considering how she died via a crumbling cliff just as transport started, the ‘changed timeline’ explanation is bull. Again I appreciate them trying to add more character stuff, but I very much disagree with the choices. But as far as the character himself is concerned, I was good with Spock andI did genuinely care for and feel bad for him.
Bones... oh baby you deserved so, SO much better. Characterization wise,he was the most like his TOS self. He comes across as more gruff than cranky,but that’s mainly due to Karl Urban being younger than DeForest Kelley. Otherwise he was funny, endearing, loyal to Jim, and Urban did a lovely job making the character his own but honoring his predecessor. Will also give them credit as Bones has a damn good reason to dislike Spock after he marooned Jim like he did. The film didnt give a damn about McCoy tbh, but we’ll get to that in a bit. But to put it short, I really liked Bones, but he REALLY needed more screentime which from what I can tell, isn’t gonna happen until Beyond. But as far as the character goes, I felt like they got his best though the lack of focus reason may very well be why that is. Very least I got fanon to satisfy my needs.
Now we get to my biggest criticism: The Triumvirate is non-existent here, nor does it form within the film. Again, I blame pop culture depiction as I imagine they went ‘we need Kirk and Spock to be close together and Bones is that guy who is Jim’s other best friend who has witty lines but ain’t Kirk and Spock so who cares?’. Which especially baffles me sonce the arguments Kirk and Spock have regaridng emotion? That’s MCCOY’S role. They got the Kirk and Spock relationship completely and utterly wrong. Nor do I feel like the film dod enough to form the relationship between the two. It just feels like they became friends because the plot said so, not out of genuine understanding and care. Kirk was one of, if not the first to accept Spock for who he was and respect him. That’s what made the relationship special. But their edforts to establish it here just fall flat because they made Kirk Spock’s opposite, aka McCoy’s role. McCoy is the one who challenges Spock. The one who pushes him to consider the emotional. He can be harsh, but it is a dynamic that worked. Kirk os their balance. The one who keeps the two in check and they in turn represented the two sides (mind and heart) that he (the body/soul) needed to make the proper decisions. But because of the choices made with Kirk and Bones, the balance is theown off. Spock is more or less fine but Bones loses his importance while Kirk has his character skewed to make it work. General audiences may not be able to tell, but as someone who just watched all of TOS and those films two weeks ago? I could, and it hurt the film significantly imo. Also kind of wish they emphasized that Spock ALSO needs Bones and the rest of the crew, not just Jim because emphasis on just one relationship ALWAYS annoys me, especially since again, they didn’t do well to form it here to begin with. So yeah they missed the aspect that made me love TOS, so needless to say I am displeased. I plan to do a full film review in the future so I won’t say how I’d improve it, especially since hindsight is 20/20, but yeah not happy.
Otherwise, the film is fine. Uhura, Scotty, Sulu,and Chekov are fine, the former two I especially enjoyed. The plot is fone. Nero is a boring villain but for a start, it’s okay. I didn’t like Vulcan’s destruction at alla nd what that means for Spock, but we’ll see how the other two films continue this. I don’t know how I feel about Prime Spock because it just makes me... depressed that he has to accept never going home (even if Bones and the others are dead it just feels... wrong) but I DO appreciate that they included Nimoy and he was just as fantastic as he had been all those years ago. I have so many problems with characterization and plot points, but tbf that’s from someone who just went through TOS. As far as a general audience goes, they likely won’t have that filter and some may be more of the ‘timeline changed so this stuff changed’ explanation than I, a media consumer who has seen this happen over and over again to varying degrees of success’, may be. Otherwise the film was fine. If you like action and want a blockbuster, this one is for you. But I’m in it for characterization and story and while the latter worked well enough in the general sense,t he former was severely lacking. So while it was okay and it got me excited/to laugh a few tomes, overall I didn’t care for the film. Will Into Darkness be any better? Well... from what I can tell no. But I also need to make my own judgements, so onward we go.
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transxfiles · 4 years
Star Trek for the fandom thing!
the first character i ever fell in love with: Spock a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Bones - I enjoyed him at first but as I continued to watch and saw how awful he was to Spock, I liked him less and less. a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: Spock/Uhura... I watched AOS first and thought it was sweet but then I saw TOS and I was like “Wait these bitches gay... why did Abrams put them together??”  my ultimate favorite character™: Spock  prettiest character: It’s a four way tie between Uhura, T’Pring, Spock, and Kirk. my most hated character: Hm.  my OTP: I have a deep love for Uhura/Rand and also Kirk/Spock. my NOTP: Spones makes no sense to me 😔 I'm sorry. favorite episode: Journey To Babel wins! saddest death: Okay when Spock died in The Wrath Of Khan even though I knew he was coming back... that got me. favorite season: Season 2!! Good shit. least favorite season: Season 3... it had some good moments and good episodes but overall I was kinda meh on it also Scotty’s hair. What happened. character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:  my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Chekov :) he is not so much a piece of trash but moreso just a little bastard man. my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Sulu... king. Just wants to take care of his plants and fence some of his friends. Mr. Kyle also falls into this category. And Uhura for that matter. And Christine. They all deserved more screen time. my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: None. my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Nyota Uhura and Christine Chapel... they are sweet.
(send me a fandom and i’ll tell you...)
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musikat18 · 7 years
Non-Stop (Jim Kirk x Reader Part 3)
Tumblr media
That Would Be Enough (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3- you are here)
Pairing: AOS Jim Kirk x Reader
Rating: PG for angst, language and descriptions of violence
A/N: Time to pick up steam and get into the meat of some plot~ Enjoy!
You probably should have taken that extra languages credit at the Academy instead of Advanced Physiological Analysis.
If you had, you would have found it easier to focus on the words of the panicked alien woman through the universal translator and not the tense figure of your ex-captain just across the way.
“Can we trust her?” Commodore Paris looked at you as the female alien, identifying herself as Kalara, tried desperately to read your face.
“There’s nothing significant in her records,” you half-mumbled and scrolled through the file. “She is the captain of a science vessel, though I....” You hesitated.
“You don’t know why she would leave without any of her crew with her,” Jim read your mind. Your smirk was almost noticeable. Dear god, did you miss what marginal intuition he showed.
“If there is any chance that crew can be rescued from the nebula she speaks of,” Paris looked over the chart of the region, “Starfleet has a duty to retrieve this peaceful vessel.”
You switched over to a new data chart on your PADD, “Sir, the region has yet to be explored by the Enterprise, or any other far-reaching vessel Starfleet operates. We have no idea what or who could be waiting in that nebula.”
“The Enterprise would be happy to accommodate space to allow Commander Y/L/N to join us,” Jim suggested. You snapped your head in his direction. He clearly did not take that Advanced Physiological Analysis class, because you were this close to yelling at him, and you probably would have if he hadn’t, for once in his life, suggested a perfectly logical and decent idea.
“...A word in my office, Captain,” Paris waved Jim after her. You blew air out through your nose. Great. Just great. You had worked so hard to keep yourself out of any emotional situations, and now Captain James Tiberius Perfect-Hair-Pretty-Eyes was going to ruin all the barriers you’d put up around yourself.
Like any logical person, you decided to retreat to your own office.
You heard that from your doorway, and for all your training in combat and security, you still jumped at the sound, almost falling into your holo-display of information.
Jim gave you an empty chuckle, “You’re putting that all together like you’re running out of time on something.”
“Well, I am,” you reasoned, “It’s for your crew. Information that might be helpful going into the nebula in that sector.”
He frowned to one side, “So you don’t want to come with us.”
“I have work here, Jim. I have a life here. I can’t just drop everything and run back out into space with you just because- because- why do you want me with your crew again?”
“Because I know you, Y/N,” he said, giving you a sincere look. “You’re the best security officer in this fleet, and an even better tactical officer than me or anyone currently on the Enterprise. You don’t deserve to spend your time on a Starbase where-”
“Can you cut that out, Jim?” you snapped. “I know what you’re discussing with Commodore Paris. You want to leave the Enterprise. You applied for a vice admiralty, and you applied for it here. How can a Starbase be good enough for you and not me?”
“That’s a different situation, Y/N, and how did you even find out about that?”
“I’m the security head, smartass. All comms go through me, voice-written or not.”
“That...that would make a lot of sense.”
“You don’t seem to be very good at that.”
Jim bored his blue eyes straight into yours, “That’s why I need you.”
“You have Spock and Bones to babysit you, and don’t you say ‘but I want you to babysit me.’ No, you don’t, because there is so much dumb stuff you could have done in five years that there’s no way I’d ever let you off the hook for it.”
“...Be that as it may-”
“Jim,” you sighed. “Don’t fight me, okay? Just don’t.”
Your ex-captain and current crush and friend and lots of other things nodded and hung his head, turning to leave your office.
“...I do think about why you could have left, you know.” He said, “I think about it all the time.”
Your heart wanted you to run after him, to tell him everything, but you couldn’t. Not before he was heading out on such a dangerous expedition. You turned back to your work. There was still a lot to do before the Enterprise left Yorktown with Kalara.
“Commander Y/L/N,” Paris greeted from your doorway.
“I am not getting on that ship.”
“I can’t believe she made me get on this ship,” you grumbled at Bones. 
You were now sitting in medbay, back in a standard red commander’s dress, crossing your legs over the edge of a biobed and waiting for McCoy to gather your new medical scans and vaccines.
“You and me both, darlin’,” the Southern doctor waved his tricorder at you. “You and me both.”
“Who does Jim think he is, asking me to drop everything and run back off into space with him?”
“Y’know, me and the others are still on this ship, too.”
You rolled your eyes, “You know what I meant.”
“Listen, Jim isn’t one to admit when he fucks up, but he does fuck up, and he knows he did with whatever happened between the two of you,” Bones offered. “You two have the same line of thinking.”
“Okay, but I keep myself alive, he goes and throws himself into danger at the flip of a switch.”
You could see the change in emotion behind Bones’ hazel eyes.
“This is about the warp core three years ago.”
You sputtered, “That’s ridiculous! That was three years ago!”
“I get it, alright?” McCoy cleaned his tools as he spoke to you, “You lost him, and it’s your job to keep this whole ship safe.”
“It was my job to keep this whole ship safe. I have a lot more on my plate now.”
Bones stood firm, “We do things that are more alike than I thought, I’ve decided. Save lives, just in different ways. I know you might not be able to let that all go so easy-- do you think I sleep well at night?”
You sat, silent for a moment. He was right, of course; you hadn’t had Jim’s dead body dropped in your security mainframe.
“Well, you and I tend to handle tragedy differently, don’t we, Bones?”
He didn’t argue with you. You weren’t sure if it was because you had struck a nerve or because you were right.
Both. It was probably both.
“Y/N,” Uhura poked her head in your new-old office on the ship. “Wow...you’ve gotten busy again quick.”
“I’m not staying here, Nyota,” you said, trying to cover up your disappointment for the sake of your sharpest friend. “I still have some Yorktown stuff to manage while I’m out here. Finnegan can’t do it all by himself, after all.”
“You’ve written a thousand pages of orders for Yorktown and any nearby vessels in three hours,” she said seriously. “Dr. McCoy would have a fit if he knew you were working this hard.”
“What else is there to do? Like I said, I’m not staying here.”
“Shame. Now that you and Christine are both transferred, I’m starting to run out of crew for girls’ night.”
You smiled, “Maybe we’ll have time for one more on the way back.” 
“Anyway,” she said with a laugh, “Captain Kirk wants you on the bridge. We’re almost through the nebula. Kalara says there’s a planet beyond there, and that that’s where her crew is.”
“When does Jim not need me on the bridge?” you grinned. There were so many meanings and feelings to swallow with that statement.
You could tell it hit Nyota more than you intended. 
“...He has mellowed out, you know. Not a lot, he’s still Jim, but you get it.”
“I don’t think he’ll stop being Jim for anything. Not that I mind Jim, just...”
“I know,” she nodded, walking ahead of you into the turbolift. “I know you’re upset with him, we all see it.”
“Nyota,” you stopped her, “can we just focus on the mission?”
“That’s probably a good idea,” she said.
You hated her a little for being so good at reading anyone and everyone.
“Security commander on the bridge, keptin,” Chekov announced your arrival. You gave the sweet kid a little wave, and he grinned back. You didn’t quite regret coming back as much after that.
“The planet is called Altamid,” Kalara explained to you, standing with a tense posture at one of the viewing stations. Something about her had changed. She didn’t look worried anymore; she looked downright scared. You tried to meet eyes with Jim, but he was focused on other things.
“Captain, we have an incoming vessel,” Sulu warned Jim. You cast your eyes to the screen of the ship, trying to analyze the odd movement of the vessel across the way.
“Uhura, hail them.”
“Hailing frequencies open...they’re not responding.”
You’d never seen a ship move in such a serpentine manner before...
“I’m getting some kind of signal...still no response.”
It was almost like movie made each individual panel of the unidentified ship glimmer... You moved over to your old station, eyes bursting wide at the readings. 
“They’re mobilizing weapons!” your cry caught Jim and Kalara’s attention.
“Shields up!”
You began optimizing the weapons at your disposal as the unidentified ship split into hundreds of smaller battle pods. 
“Captain,” Spock warned, “we are not equipped for this kind of engagement.”
“He’s right, Jim,” you said. “The size of that fleet alone will-”
You cut yourself off as the ship jolted.
“They’re boarding, sir,” Nyota said. Your gaze steeled.
“Y/N,” Jim warned as you grabbed for a phaser under your station. “Y/N, what are you doing?!”
“You’re not the only one with the authority to save lives, Jim!”
Your stony expression froze his as the turbolift doors closed in front of you.
Your life, as it seemed, was going to go back to non-stop, break-neck action.
Tagging: @mrkrychek @wonders-of-the-enterprise
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pendragonfics · 7 years
We All Get Scared Sometimes
Paring: Leonard McCoy/Reader
Tags: gender neutral reader, well i wrote it to be female but no genitals are mentioned so there’s that, mentions of old Earth horror movies, fluff, hurt/comfort.
Summary: Reader has a love for horror flicks. Always has. Apart from being the daredevil on board, they've caught the eye of the CMO Leonard McCoy.
Word Count: 1,427
Posting Date:  2016-11-16
Current Date: 2017-05-29
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Your life as a pilot was a simple one: you loved danger. Granted, the USS Enterprise was no solo mission; you were the second in charge after Mr. Sulu on the command deck, and were encouraged greatly by your superior officers to not fly the ship in loop-the-loops (Captain Kirk would very much like to do that one day, but with Spock on his back, the two of you weren't to do that any time soon).
As someone who loved danger, there was something that made you feel it, even when it wasn't present. Earth's unlimited supply of horror movies.
It was like they made every flick, the gory, the psychoanalytic, the creepy - just for you. When your shift was over, when you had time off, spare time, you'd sit back in your quarters and pop one on. Whatever it be, you'd be happy, satisfied with your appreciation for cinema, and the need to feel a chill through your blood, just like your job. An old friend called you sick. So what. That was just you.
"Don't you ever get bored with your movies?" Mr. Sulu chuckled, handing the consul to you upon the end of his shift. "I mean, I know I'd get tired if I watched endless movies about plants and - no, I'm wrong. I wish they made a movie just about plants now."
You smiled to yourself. "See? It's just my thing, Sulu. Give your plants a hello from me."
Your coworker grinned. "Will do, you nut. Enjoy!"
By the time the shift ends, and you crash in your bed, it's well into the night. But, seeing as you're deep in space, and there is no day official and night as far as the ship is concerned, you wake when you are rested. But when that is, there is no alarm reminding you that your shift begins; you have two hours until the next time you're up on the bridge around the dream team.
The perfect timeframe for another movie.
On the television, you select a title you hadn't seen before, and become immersed into the gory story of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. As the story goes on, you keep an eye on the screen, not phased at all with what's going on screen as you prepare and dress for the next shift. 
"...and then there was this guy, and he hit him with a wrench, and -,"
"Why is your pilot talking about scary movies more than their own job?" Spock spoke over you, looking pointedly to Captain Kirk as he sat in the chair. "Captain?"
Kirk shrugged. "They're doing their job just fine, Spock, don't be such a sourpuss. ________ is just a fan of scary movies, and Chekov wasn't sure if he wanted to see it. Not a big deal." He soothed his First Mate.
Chekov was white in the face as he whispered, "I do not think I will watch that movie."
Another figure appeared on the Bridge, chuckling. "Yeah, Spock. I don't know what you're disagreeing on this time, but I'm against you." You recognised the man speaking to be the CMO on the ship, Dr. Leonard McCoy. Once or twice you had frequented the Medbay for regular jabs and checkups. "Hey, Jim, I need a signature on a few papers we're sending to the head base on Earth..."
You zoned out, focusing on Dr. McCoy. He had a dreamy appearance; his combed hair, stoic face posed differently; he was more handsome than Mr. Spock's emotionless, matter-of-fact appearance. He held himself in a causal way, too; like he was just a guy, not a robot on board a space ship; he stood what way he wanted. In other words: he was a total babe.
"...just remember, sweetheart, too many of those movies can make someone really scared," he warned you with a wink, and walked on out of the Bridge like he goddamned owned the place. 
Kirk chuckled. "Looks like someone has a crush on my pilot," he mused.
You laughed it off.
Three days later had you on time off, and with all the daily jobs for that day done, you were kicking back, relaxing with another of your favourite types of movies. Silence of the Lambs, Psycho, and The Shining later, you were sitting there on the small lounge, heart racing from the frightening thrillers you'd just watched. Dr. McCoy's words echoed in the rear of your mind, but you shook it off. You were tougher than that. 
"Nosferatu? Nope. Maybe later. 28 Days Later...that sounds more like a story about menstruation than horror..." you mumble, flicking through the selection on screen. "The Conjuring? That sounds promising," you press the buttons on the remote for the hologram television projected on the wall to begin the movie. You snuggle into the cushions of the chair, and prepared yourself for what was coming.
You shook in between the sheets of your bed. There was nothing you could do to stop it; with every noise the ship made around you brought bumps to your arms, raising your hairs to goose-pimples and bringing an edge to your breath. There was nothing that made your heart rest. It just made it worse, even holding your arms around your chest, holding yourself tight in the bed, keeping yourself company. 
But it wasn't enough. 
At once, you tossed the sheets off, donned a robe, slipped on shoes and rushed from your room. Security footage would show you running through the corridors of the sleeping areas, rushing around like a mad person possessed. It was like everything you'd watched in your life, all the frightening movies you'd seen was catching up to you finally, freaking you out all at once. Why on earth had it happened? All it had taken was one remark from Dr. McCoy - 
For reasons unknown, you knew where Dr. Leonard McCoy resided for his after-hours access and/or his living quarters were. Well, that was not entirely true. You had been over by someone's quarters - maybe it had been Mr. Scott's, the engineer's - when you had seen him exit. The memory of which door he had come out from was blurry, and a not-quite-there memory wasn't good to work with for you, the one who was rushing for company. 
But it was good enough. 
Within minutes, you're at the door you think is his, tapping the buzzer. Yes, it's quite early in the morning. Yes, you look like a wreck that had survived somehow within the depths of space and danger and all that was in the universe that had it in for you. Yes, it was quite the impractical way to make an impression on someone. 
The door opened. 
"________?" Dr. McCoy wiped his eyes upon seeing you. He wears the standard issue of pyjamas. "What - what's wrong?"
You shudder, but even without words, he knows what's going on, and leads you into his room. It's dimly lit, tidy. Nothing seems to be out of place; not even the sheets, rumpled from where he rolled out of bed to bring you in. There are bookshelves, brimming with books with medical names, his television hologram is turned off, and has a rug on the floor, the colour of the blue for the sciences on board the ship.
"You...you were right about the movies." you whisper, slowly descending to sit beside the sofa, upon the rug. "I can't - I couldn't sleep, and all my friends would have turned me away if I came to them, and I barely know you, Dr. McCoy -,"
"Leonard," he interrupts, stooping down to see eye to eye.
"Leonard, I'm terrified. Everything is too real now. I know I'm a bit of a daredevil, and love my job and to watch things others find gruesome, and people would say I deserve to shiver and be scared about what I've seen...but..." you can't keep speaking. The words are lost as you feel tears forming.
He places a hand on yours. "Don't you worry there sugar," his southern accent twangs, pulling you close to his chest. "Listen to my heart beat there, count along with it. It's all going to be alright, don't you worry. There ain't no crazy clowns or psychos on this space shit, don't fret sweetheart." He hums.
"Thank - thank you," you whisper, and relax into his form, feeling your blood warm, mind still. "You're too kind, Leonard - you hardly know me, and you're -,"
"Shhh," he whispers, "I'm a doctor, dammit, we get scared too - we all get scared sometimes. I'm here for you."
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Courting Rituals
Jim and Bones just want each other to be happy with their respective partners. A cute little rp between friends. 
Stranger: Bones, I need your expertise. JK
You: ...a highly suspicious way to begin a conversation when you're Jim Kirk, but I'll bite. LM What is it? LM
Stranger: What? Have I ever let you down? JK Vulcans. What do you know about them? JK
You: No, you haven't. That's the problem. LM Socially or medically? LM
Stranger: I always come through for you. JK Either would be nice. JK
Stranger: Me and Spock have been spending a lot of time together. JK
You: You're the Captain and First Officer. It would be a problem if you hadn't been. LM
Stranger: Not like that, Bones. JK
You: ...huh. LM Well, I have no idea how you stand him most of the time, but you've never exactly made sense. LM Vulcans are stubborn and incredibly secretive. It took goddamn years to get any medical knowledge about them, and even then, you have to have a specific clearance to get to some of it. It's, frankly, a little ridiculous. LM
Stranger: We mostly just play chess. but the fact that he gives me the time of day for it says a lot. JK Is there anything odd I should know? JK
Stranger: Besides him being, like, four times as strong as me. Because that is incredibly hot. JK
You: Jesus, kid. If there was ever a sentence I did not need to read, it was that one. I think I need to bleach my eyes. LM Has anything odd been happening? Besides him giving you the time of day, obviously. LM
Stranger: That was tame, compared to some of the stuff I could come up with. Goof to know you're so easy to mess with. JK I don't know what's normal for a Vulcan, that's why I'm asking you, doc. JK
You: Ugh. Disgusting. LM In all seriousness, Jim, any knowledge that I have is either negative or purely based on medical speculation or information. You have more practical knowledge than I ever want to. If Spock was acting differently, I think you'd know better than I would. LM
Stranger: Yes, how dare I be happy and attracted to someone. JK He's just been incredibly short lately. In his own way. I'm worried about him. JK
You: Exactly. Keep your happiness on your side of the ship. Some of us have reputations to uphold as grumpy old men. LM The one thing I've learned from being around Spock is that he's afraid of his own emotions. If you two are flirting around each other, I'd bet my last bottle of good bourbon that he doesn't know how to handle it. LM
Stranger: You know, all I have to do to shatter that is to ask about your daughter. You do love talking about her ;) JK He's better than you think. Or maybe he's just unaware that he's flirting. I was hoping you would know how Vulcans do this sort of thing. JK
You: Oh, shut up. Just because I love Jo doesn't mean I'm not a grumpy old man. LM Kid, the things that I know would curl your hair. LM If Spock was courting you, you'd know it. If Spock's FLIRTING with you, it's probably a different story. I mean, I doubt he'd be very good at it. Awkward silences, cautious touching. That sort of shit. LM What do YOU know about Vulcans? LM
Stranger: It's rather cute, how much you adore her. Really shatters the illusion, though. JK Considering I have nearly everything the other Spock knew in my head, probably a lot. I just don't want to go through that quite yet. JK Oh, there's plenty of that. I held his hand one time and I think it blew his mind. JK
You: [delay] Oh my god. LM
Stranger: What? JK
You: You held his hand? LM
Stranger: Yeah. JK And we talked. It was nice. JK
You: Right. Alright. LM Vulcan hands aren't like human hands, Jim. They're a lot more... sensitive. LM Gives a whole new meaning to the term "hand job." LM
Stranger: And no one thought to tell me this? JK
Stranger: That would explain a lot, actually. JK
You: I'm not about to go around explaining the nitty gritty of Vulcan biology to everyone on the goddamn ship, Jim. LM Do I dare ask? LM
Stranger: No, but you should to the guy who wants to sleep with him, idiot. JK If you couldn't handle me liking how he's strong, are you sure you want to know more? JK
You: No. I most certainly do not want to know more. Jesus. LM You should talk to him. Because if you've been this clueless, it might be time to have an enlightened conversation with the guy. Stubbornness or not. LM
Stranger: Come on. Might be fun. JK Alright. I will talk to him. What do I say? JK
You: Well, you might wanna start by letting him know you didn't mean to handsex him. LM Or maybe you did, and you start with that. Just please... don't tell me about it. LM
Stranger: You're reading too much into this. If he could read my mind, then he knows I was only thinking about him. JK
You: You sound like a bad romance holo. LM Then... I don't know, Jim, tell him that you want to stop dancing around the fact that you're both head over heels for each other. LM
Stranger: Okay. I'm going to do this. JK
You: Good luck. LM Although I doubt you'll need it. Everyone on the ship has been betting on when you two will finally stop making goo-goo eyes at each other and go for it. LM
Stranger: Who's got money on us already having gone for it? JK
You: Chekov. Overexcited little ass. LM Sulu keeps telling him he's wrong. Chekov's positive you two are fucking behind everyone's backs. LM Quite an imagination he's got, that kid. LM
Stranger: You know how I melded with old Spock? JK I saw a lot of things I don't think he intended me to see. Including that the other Spock, was with the other me. JK
You: Huh. LM
Stranger: Yeah. JK
Stranger: He misses the other me more than anything. JK It's kind of screwed up. JK
You: Yeah. It is. LM But it's also out of our control, kid. LM
Stranger: Alright. I'm going to do it. JK Going to message him. JK
You: Good luck, kiddo. LM
Stranger: [Delayed] It went a bit better than expected. JK
You: Oh? LM
Stranger: Much better. JK
You: How so? LM Do I want to know? LM
Stranger: He's sleeping next to me. So yeah. JK And I have /bruises/. The good kind ;) JK
Stranger: So who wins the pot now? JK
You: Uhura and I. Sulu might also be in the running, I've gotta check. LM
Stranger: You people are awful. JK You do know that Sulu is sleeping with Chekov, right? JK
You: Believe me, I know. LM I won that pot, too. LM
You: Although I might have cheated a little, since Sulu came in for a screening of his own volition and may or may not have mentioned it. LM
Stranger: That's the Bones I know and love. JK You ever going to ask your head nurse out? JK
You: Jesus, Jim. Can't a guy just be lonely for the rest of his life? LM I'm an old man. LM
Stranger: She likes you. You obviously like her. JK Come on. JK
You: I'm too old for her. She deserves better. LM
Stranger: You're not that old. JK And she's not a kid. JK
You: No, but she's a young woman who deserves better than anything I can offer. LM We were talking about you, not me. LM
Stranger: For god's sake, just ask her. I'm sure she'd love to go out with you. JK I know for a fact she would. JK
You: Drop it, Jim. LM
Stranger: I'm going to kick your ass until you do it. JK
Stranger: Leonard, you need to get your life in order. JK
You: My life is as ordered as it needs to be, thank you very much. LM
Stranger: Self-pity is a horrible look on you. JK
You: I've looked the same for years. Glad you see things my way. LM
Stranger: Let yourself be happy. JK
You: Maybe someday. Not today. LM
Stranger: Why not? JK
You: You're happy today. If there's too much happy on one ship, it'll explode. LM
Stranger: Ha ha. JK
You: No, really. It's a scientific fact. LM
Stranger: The other version of you was far more ballsy. JK
You: Glad to hear it. LM Shouldn't you be basking in the afterglow or some shit? LM
Stranger: I'm going to talk to her for you. JK Oh, we are. He says you're bring illogical. JK
You: Don't you dare. LM Great. Tell him he's illogical. LM
Stranger: I'll do it. JK He says that is no argument, and that you need to try, otherwise, you don't really have a reason to act depressed. JK I like him like this. JK
Stranger: I think you deserve to be happy. JK
You: And I think you're insane. We're all entitled to our opinions. LM Look, even if I wanted to do something about it, our ranks make it difficult. LM
Stranger: Who's going to tell on you? Certainly not anyone here. JK
You: If the admiralty finds out, we're all screwed. Both of us, you, probably Spock. LM
Stranger: Spock said the same thing to me. And I asked him how I could promote him, when he's one step below me. And it would be pretty obvious if I made him captain, and stepped down. JK So long as you aren't obviously playing favourites (which you aren't capable of), you're fine. I'll have your back. JK
Stranger: I break rules all the time. And I haven't been thrown out. JK
You: Yeah, well. You're Jim Kirk. LM
Stranger: What does that mean? JK
You: You've saved the universe, Jim. More than once. LM
Stranger: And they still hated that I broke rules doing it. JK
Stranger: My mother especially. JK
You: But you saved the universe anyways. They're not about to throw you out after something like that. Slap your wrist, yes. Throw you out? Not a chance. LM
Stranger: My mother wanted to. JK Then they offered me an admiral position. That's a fate worse than /death/. JK
You: Drama queen. LM
Stranger: A desk job would kill me. JK
You: You'd find some way to make it interesting. LM
Stranger: Sneaking onto another starship, yeah. JK I like what I do. You like what you do. JK
You: That's true. LM
Stranger: Even if you do complain constantly. JK
You: Like I said, I have a reputation to uphold. LM
Stranger: god forbid someone thinks you're nice. JK Though, Chapel does. JK
You: Jim. LM You really aren't going to let this go, are you? LM
Stranger: She really does, though. JK
You: And I'm sure she told you this, is that how you know? LM
Stranger: I might have overheard her talking with Uhura. JK
You: Seriously? LM
Stranger: Mhm. JK
You: Huh. LM
Stranger: Just go for it. JK
You: [long delay] I have a date. LM
Stranger: Told you. JK
You: I have a date. LM I. LM Have a date. LM An actual date. LM I'm pretty sure I've gone space mad. LM
Stranger: What did she say? JK
Stranger: What did you say? JK
You: I said that I would like to take her out on a date the next time we're planetside. LM And she said that she couldn't believe it took this long for me to ask. LM Am I crazy? I have to be. LM
Stranger: You two are about as subtle as spock and I. JK
Stranger: I told you she had noticed. She's not a Vulcan that doesn't understand 'mating rituals', as he calls it. JK
You: No one's as subtle as you two. I doubt we even come close. LM
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