#chelsea islan
holly-mckenzie · 2 years
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There are other ways to conquer the dragons.
TIRA coming soon to Disney+ Hotstar
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pewartanusantara · 11 months
Terang-terangan Mengakui Operasi Plastik, Deretan Artis Indonesia Ubah Penampilan Demi Kecantikan yang Lebih Memukau
Terang-terangan Mengakui Operasi Plastik, Deretan Artis Indonesia Ubah Penampilan Demi Kecantikan yang Lebih Memukau
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Pewarta Nusantara, Entertainment – Dunia hiburan seringkali menjadi panggung utama di mana artis berlomba-lomba untuk tampil sempurna.
Bukan rahasia lagi bahwa beberapa Selebriti Indonesia telah menjalani operasi plastik guna mencapai penampilan yang lebih indah dan menarik di mata para penggemar mereka.
Dalam tahun 2023 ini, beberapa nama seperti Jessica Iskandar, Denada, dan Titi DJ telah dengan jujur mengakui bahwa mereka telah melakukan operasi plastik.
Jessica Iskandar, seorang ibu dua anak, memutuskan untuk terbang ke Korea Selatan untuk menjalani operasi plastik pada bagian hidungnya.
Motivasinya adalah untuk memperlebar rongga hidung yang selama ini dianggapnya terlalu kecil dan juga untuk memperbaiki sedikit kelengkungan tulang hidungnya.
“Aku dari awal pengennya kesehatan, baru benarin rongga hidung aku yang kecil. Makanya tampilannya itu agak sedikit bengkok, terus aku pengen benarinnya sudah lama,” ungkapnya.
Titi DJ, seorang penyanyi senior, memilih ID Plastic Surgery Hospital di Korea Selatan sebagai tempat untuk menjalani operasi plastik.
Dia mempercayakan proses tersebut pada rumah sakit tersebut karena dianggap sebagai salah satu rumah sakit terpercaya di dunia dalam urusan operasi plastik.
Titi DJ melakukan operasi plastik anti-aging dengan tujuan untuk terlihat lebih muda, meskipun dia tidak sepenuhnya mendapatkan dukungan dalam hal biaya.
“Aduh terus terang kalau soal biaya saya tidak 100 persen endorse. Saya tetap bayar, tapi dikasih special price,” tuturnya.
Baca Juga: Insiden Pembakaran Alquran di Masjid Stockholm pada Hari Raya Idul Adha Membuat Kontroversi
Dalam daftar tersebut juga terdapat beberapa artis lainnya yang blak-blakan mengungkapkan pengalaman mereka dengan operasi plastik. Misalnya, Lucinta yang telah melakukan hampir 20 kali operasi plastik di Korea Selatan demi mencapai wajah yang sempurna menurutnya.
Ivan Gunawan juga tak hanya melakukan operasi hidung, tetapi juga filler di bibirnya. Sedangkan Nikita Mirzani mengungkapkan bahwa dia hanya melakukan operasi plastik pada hidungnya dan melakukan filler pada bibirnya.
Bella Shofie juga memutuskan untuk melakukan operasi plastik demi mempercantik dirinya, meskipun dia enggan menyebutkan di negara mana operasi tersebut dilakukan.
Para artis ini dengan jujur berbagi pengalaman mereka dengan publik untuk memberikan wawasan tentang keputusan mereka dalam mengubah penampilan melalui operasi plastik.
Namun, mereka juga mengingatkan agar masyarakat tidak sembarang melakukan operasi plastik tanpa memilih metode dan penanganan yang tepat.
Keputusan untuk menjalani operasi plastik adalah keputusan pribadi setiap individu, dan penting untuk mempertimbangkan risiko, efek jangka panjang, dan memilih tenaga medis yang berkualitas untuk memastikan keselamatan dan kepuasan hasil akhirnya.
Tidak hanya artis perempuan, Raffi Ahmad, salah satu selebriti pria ternama Indonesia, juga tidak ragu untuk berbagi pengalaman operasi plastik yang pernah dilakukannya.
Meskipun belum lama ini ia mengungkapkannya, Raffi telah menjalani beberapa prosedur kecantikan untuk meningkatkan penampilannya.
Dalam sebuah wawancara, Raffi Ahmad dengan jujur mengakui bahwa ia telah melakukan operasi hidung demi mendapatkan bentuk hidung yang lebih ideal.
Ia merasa perlu untuk memperbaiki bentuk hidungnya agar sesuai dengan standar kecantikan yang ia inginkan. Keputusannya untuk melakukan operasi ini pun mendapatkan respons yang beragam dari publik.
Luna Maya, salah satu aktris ternama di Indonesia, juga bukanlah pengecualian dalam daftar artis yang telah menjalani operasi plastik.
Dalam beberapa kesempatan, Luna Maya secara terbuka berbicara tentang pengalaman operasi plastik yang pernah ia lakukan.
Salah satu prosedur operasi plastik yang dilakukan oleh Luna Maya adalah pada bagian wajahnya, di mana ia mempercantik bentuk hidungnya melalui prosedur rinoplasti.
Ia mengungkapkan bahwa keputusannya untuk melakukan operasi ini didasari oleh keinginan untuk meningkatkan rasa percaya dirinya.
Reza Rahadian, aktor terkenal Indonesia, juga tidak dapat diabaikan dalam pembahasan tentang artis yang terang-terangan mengaku melakukan operasi plastik.
Meskipun dalam beberapa kesempatan ia lebih tertutup tentang hal ini, namun beberapa wawancara terbaru mengungkapkan pengalaman operasi plastik yang pernah ia jalani.
Salah satu prosedur yang dilakukan oleh Reza Rahadian adalah operasi kelopak mata. Ia merasa perlu untuk memperbaiki kelopak matanya agar terlihat lebih segar dan terhindar dari tanda-tanda penuaan.
Keputusan ini tidak lepas dari tekanan dalam industri perfilman yang mengharuskan aktor terlihat lebih muda dan menarik.
Chelsea Islan, aktris muda berbakat Indonesia, juga memberikan pengakuan mengenai operasi plastik yang pernah ia lakukan.
Meskipun masih muda, Chelsea tidak ragu untuk membagikan pengalaman dan alasan di balik keputusannya untuk menjalani operasi plastik.
Salah satu prosedur yang dilakukan oleh Chelsea Islan adalah operasi hidung atau rinoplasti. Ia merasa perlu untuk memperbaiki bentuk hidungnya agar sesuai dengan citra yang diinginkannya di dunia perfilman.
Keputusannya ini juga mengundang perbincangan dari publik, terutama mengenai standar kecantikan yang ada dalam industri hiburan.
Dalam dunia hiburan, keputusan para artis untuk menjalani operasi plastik menjadi hal yang lumrah. Mereka memiliki alasan pribadi dan berani untuk berbagi pengalaman mereka dengan publik.
Baca Juga: Menghadapi Tantangan Hidup sebagai Single Mother, Denada Melangkah Maju dengan Keputusan Operasi Plastik
Terlepas dari pro dan kontra yang mungkin muncul, perlu diingat bahwa setiap individu memiliki hak untuk membuat keputusan tentang tubuh dan penampilannya.
Operasi Plastik, ketika dilakukan dengan bijaksana dan oleh profesional yang terampil, dapat membantu meningkatkan kepercayaan diri seseorang dan memberikan hasil yang diinginkan. (*Ibs)
New Post has been published on https://www.pewartanusantara.com/terang-terangan-mengakui-operasi-plastik-deretan-artis-indonesia-ubah-penampilan-demi-kecantikan-yang-lebih-memukau/
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zvlda · 9 months
—   𝐂 𝐇 𝐄 𝐋 𝐒 𝐄 𝐀 𝐈 𝐒 𝐋 𝐀 𝐍  ,   𝐆 𝐈 𝐅   𝐏 𝐀 𝐂 𝐊
( 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐊 ) by clicking on the CONTENT SOURCE BELOW you’ll find #515 gifs of actor chelsea islan in various interviews: part 2. bringing the gif total to #715. all of the gifs were made from scratch by me, and intended to be used for roleplaying purposes only. please like/reblog if you find this pack useful! 
claim them as your own or add into hunts!
use in smut rps / krps, use to portray minors
use in your own graphics or crop for personal use, without visible credit
[ ! ] CONTENT WARNINGS : none [ ! ] COMMISSION INFO :  here
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souvenirsofsurgery · 2 years
drives me up the fucking wall when I see people going "oh why did Chelsea Islan forget how to act in May the Devil Take You Too" like she did not!! These movies took a lot of inspiration from the Evil Dead franchise, she's doing a "Bruce Campbell in Evil Dead 2" bit you guys. The over-the-top acting is on PURPOSE and I think it FUCKS
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lawlessfm · 5 months
wanted fcs for the terrors?
I just gasped   —-     the Terrors are the newest additions to Lawlessfm and I would simply thriveeeee to see more babies there!    Feral or not   ( but mostly feral ).      Some suggestions would be:     Joel Oulette, Jamilla Strand,       Jung Jin-young, Kevin Kane, Michelle Buteau,      Andrew Koji, Leo Suter, Emilio Sakraya, Jamie Chung,         Luke Grimes, Danny Ramirez, Enzo Vogrincic, Liev Schreiber,   Josh Dallas, Ok Taec-yeon,   Hugh Jackman, Antonio Banderas,     Austin Butler, Lakeith Stanfield, Lee Sang-yi, Noah Sebastian, Kevin Costner,     Trevante Rhodes, Kiowa Gordon, Tommy Flanagan,      Callum Turner, Sandra Oh,        Paul Mescal, Lesley Ann Brandt,      Mike Angelo, Ryusei Yokohama, Ji Chang-wook, Cate Blanchett,     Harris Dickinson, Lily Gladstone, Yang Se-jong, Justin Chien, Bright Vachirawit,       Charles Michael Davis,       Charlotte Nicdao,     Byeon Woo-seok, Chelsea Islan,     Gabrielle Union,      Keke Palmer, Lena Heady,      Wang Zi Yi, Karl Urban,    Derek Luh, Chiwetel Ejiofor,       Okamoto Tao,     Sonoya Mizuno,     Chiemi Blouson,     Hikari Mori,         Angelica Ross,        Song Kang, Jake Gyllenhaal,     Patrick Wilson, Alexander Skarsgard,     John Leguizamo,      Hyun Bin,     James Roday Rodriguez,     Jared Harris, Golf Pichaya, Danny Pino,     Yamashita Tomohisa,       Mercedes Morris, Diego Luna, Tony Thornburg,        Elizabeth Lail,     Keeya King,       Ross Butler,    Juliette Binoche,        Aja Naomi King,       Woo Do-hwan, Laverne Cox, Dandara Mariana,          Tika Sumpter,      Danielle Brooks,        Karrueche Tran,      Javicia Leslie,    Drew Ray Tanner,      or Elliot Page!    I hope some of these catch your eye,   beloved!   
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inidataid · 8 days
Neona bercerita mengenai cara ia mengejar mimpi sebagai musisi muda sekaligus pelajar yang harus membagi waktu saban harinya
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ephyz-universe · 2 months
Headshot Movie 2016
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Uwais plays a young man who washes ashore, an amnesiac with a serious head injury whose past comes back to haunt him shortly after being nursed back to health by a young doctor. Violence ensues. Sweet, sweet violence. Starring Ario Bayu, Avrilla Sigarlaki, Bront Palarae, Chelsea Islan, David Hendrawan, Egy Fedly, Ganindra Bimo and others.
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- Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller - Stars: Iko Uwais, Chelsea Islan, Sunny Pang - Runtime: 118mins
Headshot Movie 2016 MKV Download
Read the full article
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verumfm · 3 months
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━◈ WANTED CONNECTIONS ... four new ones have been added to the page!
there are tales of how dante masoe is searching for their childhood frenemy/rival, which is antagonistic in nature. the records show that they are about 25-29 years old and their photographs look like chelsea islan, jung hoyeon, deniz can aktas, michael evans behling, jane de leon, moon gayoung, madeleine madden, ozge yagiz, bright vachirawit, yamazaki kento, yuki kato, dylan wang, quintessa swindell, jessie mei li, khadijha red thunder, maris racal, mimi keene, cha eunwoo, cody christian, justin chien, samantha logan, fc ultimately utp. help us find them, but make sure that you speak to karin at @kencanas on tumblr beforehand. this is their story so far: this muse would have grown up in cynefin along with dante. they probably share quite a few mutual friends too or were in the same circles growing up, but that’s the main reason why they (barely) tolerate each other. otherwise, they get quite competitive with each other and have always been that way, never really able to see eye to eye. whenever they’re alone, dante sees no need to sugarcoat the fact that they’re not exactly friendly with each other. why the two of them consider each other rivals is up for future discussion, but i would like the thinly veiled antagonism to be mutual.
there are tales of how dante & savina masoe is searching for their parents’ protege, which is up to player in nature. the records show that they are about 28-34 years old and their photographs look like daniel ezra, damson idris, hande ercel, oh sehun, apo nattawin, avan jogia, greta onieogou, bai lu, jaz sinclair, seo kang joon, kwon nara, kylie verzosa, alia bhatt, reina hardesty, kofi siriboe, lin yanjun, dev patel, lee junho, yang yang, zeng keni, fc ultimately utp. help us find them, but make sure that you speak to karin or liza at @kencanas or @svnblinds on tumblr (or via discord if you’re already a member) beforehand. this is their story so far: neither dante nor savina is very interested in taking over their parents’ textile business, something that has always been obvious on dante’s end and her best-kept secret on savina’s end. while this muse’s personality and their dynamic with the masoe siblings are largely up to player/discussion, one given thing about them is that they’re a key employee at the masoes’ small textile empire in the valley. they would be someone the masoe parents trust with their job and see a lot of potential in. should it come out that neither masoe siblings are continuing the family business, the burden of running it may just fall on this muse’s shoulders.
there are tales of how lintang aulia is searching for their elixirs teacher, which is platonic/transactional in nature. the records show that they are about 28+ years old and their photographs look like simone ashley, clark backo, fukushi sota, julie estelle, seo yeji, keith powers, lucien laviscount, melisa asli pamuk, adonis bosso, mike angelo, devery jacobs, ni ni, courtney eaton, jung hoyeon, medalion rahimi, mena massoud, himesh patel, may calamawy, woo dohwan, fc ultimately utp. help us find them, but make sure that you speak to karin at @kencanas on tumblr beforehand. this is their story so far: despite their lack of affinity in khemia, lintang is also stupidly stubborn about feeling like they need to learn it. elixirs, especially, is something that they strongly think would be incredibly useful. now that they’re stuck in cynefin and working in verum, lintang would seek out someone who they think would be able to unofficially mentor them in the art. i imagine that the relationship is at least a touch positive, but how close they are is up for discussion, especially because this muse is largely utp. the only two things i require are that they were trained in elixirs and that they are either a verum staff/professor or cynefin resident. this connection can be taken in tandem with lintang’s regular contact or part-time employer, too.
there are tales of how lintang aulia is searching for their part-time employer, which is professional in nature. the records show that they are about 35+ years old and their photographs look like arifin putra, martin sensmeier, lim jiyeon, rege-jean page, kuroki meisa, aishwarya rai, keanu reeves, mahersala ali, elodie yung, dichen lachman, riz ahmed, gong yoo, qin lan, raymond ablack, deepika padukone, iko uwais, oliver jackson-cohen, gina torres, sanada hiroyuki, fc ultimately utp. help us find them, but make sure that you speak to karin at @kencanas on tumblr beforehand. this is their story so far: while lintang mostly works at verum as an infirmary staff, she has a tendency of spreading herself too thin to keep herself occupied. so it’s no surprise that she’s taken to part-timing with a local doctor/healer/apothecary in town. everything about this muse is utp other than the fact that they must be a medic of some kind, as mentioned above. i imagine that lintang is determined to gain their respect and/or approval, but how the current relationship is can be discussed further. they just would have to be open enough to willingly let an outsider trapped in cynefin to currently work with them. this connection can also be taken in tandem with lintang’s elixirs teacher connection.
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evikdpriagung · 4 months
Tira Season 1 (Disney Hotstar)
20240210 #5 20.42 WIB41/365 Days 12,351 Ternyata ini tuuuh minggu lalu episode terakhir, kirain masih lanjut. Tira, series pertama dari Bumilangit Cinematic Universe. Chelsea Islan cocok pegang karakter ini yang jutek dan galak. Maudy yang kalem, haikal yang punya rasa dengki bahkan Ben yang baik hati. Mgkin hanya di visual CHI yang kurang gahar kali ya. Pemeran pembantu y juga ada beberapa yang…
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geekiary · 4 months
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As I'm following two Disney+ original series at the same time; one if Percy Jackson and The Olympians and the other is Tira, I'm starting to wonder that the feeling of these shows feeling 'flat' to me is because Disney+ production is the problem.
Because as I wrote in my previous post about Percy Jackson and The Olympians that it feels flat to me in some ways, Tira also feels the same. There is stuff that is so rushed and doesn't gauge the maximum feelings it could experience. For example, the death of Ing Lan and how Haikal found out that Angkasa Prabaswara is not actually his father; how Angkasa Prabaswara as the leader of the 9 dragons should be more cunning and cold-blooded; the death of Widya Laksono; the whole fiasco of Maudy loving Haikal but Haikal is the enemy. That stuff can fuel 1000% more drama if being executed more thoroughly.
However, kudos to Bhisma Wijaya because at first I was so 'meh' about Ben character but at the end of the series I'm so fond of Ben that if there's something happened to him (again) I will riot.
Chelsea Islan always gives her all in every project of her that I've ever seen and this one is no exception.
I hope the Suci - Ben friendship is cemented that this brotp of mine will not sink into romanticization.
Suci still has 4 more dragons to hunt with only 16 days left at the end of the first season, so I hope the second season comes soonest before everyone is running out of time.
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stary-eyed · 4 months
Where We Met?
As Caretaker
1. yukitasanlat as Kayla (MentorKayla)
Closed Agencies (2D)
1. KOFrecruitment as Yelan (FAVOYelan)
2. ForLiyue as Kamisato Ayaka (EntrustedAyaya)
3. RailOddyssey as Collei (PassCollei)
4. KocchisMiiko as Tokito Muichiro (MuiOnATrip)
5. ScriptOfYouth as Matsuno Chifuyu (YouthChifuyu)
Closed Agencies (3D)
1. CuteLetterCrush as Baek Jiheon (YTHJiheon)
2. DeclareNow as Hamada Asahi (OradorAsahi)
3. ScoopfulDelight as Baek Jiheon (ConeJiheonie)
4. SerenadeofLoves as Chelsea Islan (BububCHELSEA)
5. BrickableYork as Cho Seungyoun (SeungyounDLX)
6. FIutteringLove as Kim Chaehyun (MailersChaerom)
7. TaleofAwe as An Yujin (ANYUJINize)
8. RedHeartache as Naoi Rei (NaoiAche)
9. ADayInMyLlfe as So Junghwan (VloggerJunghwan)
10. FinaIlyMeetYou as Baek Jiheon (IFoundJiheon)
11. dumblydays as Baek Jiheon (jiheonibengong)
12. MakeItSmiley as Baek Jiheon (SmillingJiheoni)
13. theminorlove as Shen Xiaoting (BerceuseOting)
14. RedLuggages as Lee Nakyung (TouristNakyung)
15. GotMeCrushed as Naoi Rei (SavedNRei)
16. amorendezvouss as Park Jeongwoo (iMetJeongwu)
17. SaishoUsagi as Adzana Shaliha (UsagiAcel)
18. FirstHeartBeats as Park Jeongwoo (MelodyJeongwoo)
19. DreamyPlane as Yabuki Nako (UtopianNyako)
20. ShittyLoves as Park Jihoon (JihoonBlithe)
21. NgantukWeh as Baek Jiheon (JiheoniHoam)
22. EndlessReffrain as Park Jihoon (JIH00NsVerse)
23. EndlesslyMates as Jung Sungchan (BezzieSUNGCHAN)
24. DazzledSphere as Huh Yunjin (MemoireYunjin)
25. InMyPledge as Choi Arin (TwinYewon)
26. Garislnteraksi as Park Gunwook (BincangGunwook)
27. GhostMaisons as Kim Jimin (MondayTracker)
28. TOTHESH0RE as Kang Minah (MinaahSEA)
29. FairyKittyHug as Park Jihoon (HagguJIH00N)
31. KuiSekolah as Kang Haerin (KuiVanessa)
31. WasteWhirlwind as Song Eunseok (WhirlEunseok)
32. Flirt2GetU as Baek Jiheon (EaaJIHE0N)
33. 6thOfSummer as Song Eunseok (QuesterEunse0k)
34. tuneofheartiz as Song Eunseok (tunefulseunseok)
35. TheSillyLove as Song Eunseok (FoolishEunseok)
36. OjolWheels as Baek Jiheon (OjolJiheon)
37. WeDreamTale as Song Eunseok (DazeEunseok)
38. MemoirsLane as Song Eunseok (SolaceEunseok)
39. TokoTuckJill as Kang Minah (MINAHtumbas)
40. _NKOTBs as Song Eunseok (TeenageEunseok)
41. MagneticLike as Kim Minji (CherieMinjii)
42. Friendtangled as Yoo Jimin (TaleByKarina)
43. _whisperwillow_ as Baek Jiheon (ArdorJIHEON)
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disiniadarasa · 6 months
Selagi tak tergesa waktu dan tak hujan, saya menikmati lampu merah, memerhatikan dan memikirkan banyak hal.
Tadi, saya sedang memikirkan beragam hal ihwal Palestina.
Sedang asyik-asyiknya mikir, tiba-tiba ada yang menepung dari belakang, sontak terkesiap.
Ternyata rekan kerja saya dulu.
Kami ngobrol di lampu merah.
Seketika saya ingat, ini hari kami dulu piket bersama, pantas dia tampak tergesa.
Lampu kembali hijau, dia melaju lebih dulu. Perlu beberapa detak dan detik untuk memungut ingatan dan kata-kata yang berceceran di tengah deru kendaraan.
Oh ya, rupanya saya sedang menyusun quote ihwal pemboikotan.
Majelis Ulama menyatakan tidak menerbitkan daftar produk yang mesti dihindari. Namun rupanya masyarakat punya solidaritas dan inisiatif sendiri meski telah diklarifikasi di etalase jual beli.
Perkara boikot melibatkan dari berbagai sisi dan ilmu, tetapi kita yang merasa awam cukuplah memahami bahwa Zat dalam produk itu tidak haram.
Dan 'zat' ini tidak serta merta berubah menjadi haram meski melatarbelakangi penjajahan--Ingat, jangan mengharamkan apa yang Allah halalkan.
Tetapi kalau kita punya empati, rasa-rasanya tak tega terlibat perniagaan yang mendukung penjajahan
(Lebih dari Chelsea Islan yang tak tega memakai berlian karena anak kecil dipekerjakan)
Ada banyak alternatif, kenapa mesti memanjakan nafsu konsumtif?
Ada banyak substitusi, kenapa bersikeras "cocok" dan enggan mengganti?
Sebegitu ketergantungannya kah terhadap produk dunia?
Oh, betapa,
fitnah akhir zaman melulu menggiurkan,
Lantas bagaimana dengan nanti fitnah dajjal?
Kita di sini hanya bertarung dengan hawa nafsu yang hanya sementara, sedangkan saudara kita di Palestina bertaruh nyawa sepanjang belum merdeka .
Apakah kamu tidak kasihan, uang yang kaugelontorkan sebagiannya menjadi penyokong aksi pembantaian?
Apakah kamu tidak empati, uang yang kauterima sebagai gaji, selebihnya diselewengkan untuk aksi penjajahan?
Yakinlah, meninggalkan sesuatu karena Allah akan diganti dengan yang lebih baik.
Yakinlah, mencintai dan membenci sesuatu karena Allah adalah kesempurnaan iman.
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coloradohq · 10 months
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+4 connections have been added.
AUREL HADI (RALINE SHAH) is looking for TWO YOUNGER HALF SIBLINGS. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of WANG ZIYI, HUANG ZITAO, BRIANNE TJU, SUN YIHAN, NI NI, LUDI LIN, UTP (MUST BE AT LEAST HALF CHINESE), but you must reach out to KENCANAS to find out more! (+ aurel’s mother got remarried after divorcing her father and has two kids from her second marriage. aurel’s siblings must be ethnically at least half chinese, but they would culturally be at least half chinese-indonesian. their mother is chinese-indonesian and from indonesia, but everything else is utp. she can have met the siblings’ other parent in another country as well. the siblings would likely be anywhere between 26-31! their mother could also have remarried twice if preferred.) 
AUREL HADI (RALINE SHAH) is looking for TWO STEP SIBLINGS. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of JULIE ESTELLE, CHELSEA ISLAN, DEV PATEL, ALIA BHATT, MICHAEL B JORDAN, DAMSON IDRIS, IM YOONA, WOO DOHWAN, KYLIE BUNBURY, AYCA AYSIN TURAN, DENIZ CAN AKTAS, ADRIA ARJONA, SAYO YOSHIDA, REGE JEAN PAGE, ANYA CHALOTRA, LIM JIYEON, DILIREBA, DAVIKA HOORNE, UTP but you must reach out to KENCANAS to find out more! (+ these step siblings would be from aurel’s dad second marriage, who likely met the siblings’ parent in the uk but also this is flexible. they would have gotten married around 15 years ago. everything else is largely utp, all i ask is that the siblings share a parent—they can be adopted or biological siblings. the siblings would likely be anywhere between 26-40!) 
AUREL HADI (RALINE SHAH) is looking for A BUSINESS PARTNERS/CO-FOUNDER OF HER BRAND. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of ARIFIN PUTRA, IKO UWAIS, YOGURT NATTASHA, ALDIS HODGE, MARGOT ROBBIE, DEEPIKA PADUKONE, DANIEL KALUUYA, UTP (CHARACTER SHOULD BE 35+) but you must reach out to KENCANAS to find out more! (+ let’s face it, it’s highly unlikely that a retired f1 driver would be able to start a sportswear brand alone. this muse would be someone who is more well-versed in business and/or fashion than aurel is. the details of how they met and ended up being business partners can be discussed and i’m open to literally anything. they would have discussed about this business a little before aurel retired from f1 around 3-4 years ago and launched the brand publicly 1.5-2 years ago. the dynamic between aurel and this muse is also very flexible.) 
AUREL HADI (RALINE SHAH) is looking for EMPLOYEES. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of ZHANG NAN, MOOKDA NARINRAK, ALP NAVRUZ, MELISA PAMUK, VALERIE THOMAS, CINDY KIMBERLY, DANIEL PADILA, YUMI NU, SEN MITSUJI, RAFAEL SILVA, MICHAEL EVANS BEHLING, UTP but you must reach out to KENCANAS to find out more! (+ vita is a luxury sportswear brand that launched 1.5-2 years ago. while it doesn’t yet have a physical location, —opting on pop-up stores, their websites, and shelves at other shops—it’s in need of warehouse staff, concept artists, and social media officers. also a finance team. i’m sure there are other positions to be filled too, and i’m open to literally anything with this connection! this muse can work with aurel part time or full time.) 
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zvlda · 10 months
—   𝐂 𝐇 𝐄 𝐋 𝐒 𝐄 𝐀 𝐈 𝐒 𝐋 𝐀 𝐍  ,   𝐆 𝐈 𝐅   𝐏 𝐀 𝐂 𝐊
( 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐊 ) by clicking on the CONTENT SOURCE BELOW you’ll find #200 gifs of actor chelsea islan in various interviews. all of the gifs were made from scratch by me, and intended to be used for roleplaying purposes only. please like/reblog if you find this pack useful! 
claim them as your own or add into hunts!
use in smut rps / krps, use to portray minors
use in your own graphics or crop for personal use, without visible credit
[ ! ] CONTENT WARNINGS :  none [ ! ] COMMISSION INFO :  here [ ! ] follow / tag @searph for southeast asian resources
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fcsources · 10 months
hey swann! can i get some recommendations of indonesian fcs with resources? thank you!
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𝙝𝙞 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙚! of course, love!! ♡ i went through quite literally every resource available to me, and here's what i came up with for you
Aliando Syarief ( 1996, actor, Indonesian )
Arifin Putra ( 1987, actor, half Indo-Chinese )
Brianne Tju ( 1998, actress, half Chinese && half Indonesian )
Chelsea Islan ( 1995, actress, half Indonesian )
Cindy Kimberly ( 1998, influencer and model, half Indonesian )
Dian Sastrowardoyo ( 1982, actress, Indonesian )
Haley Tju ( 2001, actress, half Chinese && half Indonesian )
Iko Uwais ( 1983, actor, Indonesian )
Jihane Almira Chedid ( 2000, actress, half Indonesian && half Lebanese )
Jon Prasida ( 1999, actor, Indo-Chinese(?) )
Jordan Connor ( 1991, actor, half mixed Chinese** )
Julie Estelle ( 1989, actress, half Indonesian )
Lulu Antariksa ( 1995, actress, half Indonesian )
Michelle Branch ( 1983, musician, one quarter Indonesian )
Nicholas Saputra ( 1984, actor, half Indonesian )
Nicole Zefanya ( 1999, musician, Indonesian )
Nikita Willy ( 1994, actress, Indonesian )
Phuwaryne Keenan ( 1988, actor, half Indonesian )
Prilly Latuconsina ( 1996, actress, Indonesian )
Putri Marino ( 1993, actress, half Indonesian )
Sasha Pereira ( 1997, model, Indonesian )
Tara Basro ( 1990, actress, Indonesian )
Valerie Teresa Thomas ( 1999, actress, Indonesian )
Vanesha Prescilla ( 1999, actress, Indonesian )
Widya Soraya ( 1996, influencer, half Indonesian )
Yoshi Sudarso ( 1989, actor, Indonesian including Chinese and Japanese )
Zoe Love Smith ( 2000, actress, half Black && half Indonesian )
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lawlessfm · 6 months
do you have any mw southeast asian fcs? thank you!
Yes,   bring them all   —   can I say that?      In all seriousness,   some suggestions for the beloveds would be:     Angel Locsin,      Anthony Keyvan,     Asia Jackson,     Brandon Perea,      Brenda Song,      Brianne Tju,      Bright Vachirawit,       Charles Michael Davis,       Charlotte Nicdao,     Chelsea Islan,      Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul,     Cindy Kimberly,      Daniel Padilla,       Evan Mock,     Fattah Amin,      Film Rachanun,      Francesca Corney,     Henry Golding,      Iko Uwais,      Jacob Batalon,   Kaity Nguyen,     Kate Valdez,     Kathryn Bernardo,      Kylie Verzosa,        Lana Condor,      Levy Tran,     Lulu Antariksa,   Mahesh Jadu,   Manny Jacinto,       Maris Racal,    Maxine Medina,        Miguel Tanfelix,       Nadech Kugimiya,     Nadine Lustre,    Namtarn Pichukkana,     Paris Berelc,      Piploy Kanyarat Ruangrung,     Putri Marino,      Raline Shah,     Sue Ramirez,     Urassaya Sperbund,     Yoghurt Nattasha,    and    Zorzo Natharuetai!            I tried to list some with decent amounts of resources!     Hope this helps,    angel.    I would also recommend taking a look over at the beloved @searph !! 
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