gravityfallsweirdgirl · 2 months
Darkwing vs art the clown
DARKWING IN: terrifier
It's all starts at a Halloween carnival, It was a crisp, clear evening at the Halloween carnival in saint canard.
The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, the smell of caramel apples, and the twinkling lights of rides and attractions.
illuminated by flickering lanterns shaped like jack-o'-lanterns.
As visitors stepped inside the boardwalk, Drake and gosayln arrived for a little father and daughter bonding.
they were greeted by an array of carnival rides, The Ferris wheel was draped in cobwebs, with seats resembling giant pumpkins, slowly turning under the pale glow of the full moon.
The carousel featured mystical creatures like skeletal horses and ghostly griffins, their eyes glowing eerily as they spun to a hauntingly whimsical tune.
The midway was bustling with activity, filled with stalls offering an assortment of Halloween-themed games and prizes.
They watched as Children and adults alike tossed rings onto witch's hats, shot water guns at moving targets that resembled creepy clowns, and fished for rubber bats in cauldrons filled with bubbling, glowing green liquid.
"I love Halloween" gosayln says.
"So do I kiddo reminds me when I was a kid, I always go as Darkwing duck" Drake says.
"Like you always do on Halloween"
Booths were festooned with strings of lights shaped like tiny skulls and bats, casting an eerie but festive glow over the crowd.
Food vendors tempted carnival-goers with delicious treats that matched the spooky theme.
candy corn in every imaginable color, and cauldrons of bubbling witches' brew—actually steaming cups of hot apple cider.
There were also stands offering pumpkin-spiced everything, from donuts to popcorn, and even cotton candy spun into the shapes of ghosts and goblins.
"But you know what I like best about festivals?" Gosayln asked.
Street performers added to the carnival's magical atmosphere. Fire breathers and jugglers in skeleton costumes amazed onlookers with their dazzling acts. Stilt walkers dressed as towering vampires and mummies roamed the grounds, posing for pictures
"Hmm? The rides?" Drake says.
with excited children. Fortune tellers, with their crystal balls and tarot cards, invited curious visitors to glimpse into their futures, their booths decorated with twinkling fairy lights and draped in deep purple fabrics.
"No, the hunted houses"
The highlight of the carnival was undoubtedly the haunted house, a grand, decrepit-looking mansion at the center of the grounds.
Its façade was covered in creeping ivy and cracked stone, with ghostly figures peering out from the windows.
The two look up at the hunted house, "haunted houses, don't they scare you"
"I'm not afraid of haunted houses, in fact nothing here scares me" Gosalyn loved haunted houses and all things spooky.
"Oh really?" Drake asked.
Throughout the carnival, costumed attendees added to the festive spirit.
"Yeah all of these are nothing but fakes it's what I like best about Halloween, I especially love the hunted houses because I know nothing bad will ever happen to me, well...not with you around" she looks up at him with sparks of joy in her eyes made him smile.
Witches, vampires, zombies, and a myriad of other spooky characters mingled with the crowd, laughing and enjoying the various attractions.
The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, screams of delight from the rides, and the occasional playful scare from costumed performers.
Gosayln gets nudged by someone, "what the-" she looks back to see a tall clown black and white carrying a trash bag.
"You ok?" Drake asked.
"Yeah this rude clown bump into me"
"And you don't like clowns"
"Nah not really much of a clown person"
"Well I wouldn't blame you, clowns are scary"
But Gosalyn Mallard was on a mission. She wanted to find the perfect souvenir from the haunted house to give to her biological father Jim starling during her next visit to the prison.
"Oh speaking of which I promise dad I would get him something I wanna give him a souvenir"
"So what did you had in mind:  some sort of plastic skull or fake slime " Drake asked.
"I don't something creepy, I'm gonna go check the haunted house to see what I can find" so she eagerly made her way to the eeriest attraction in the carnival.
"Ok...be careful" The haunted house loomed ahead, draped in cobwebs with eerie lights flickering in the windows.
She entered with a confident stride, excited to see what scares awaited her inside. But outside a tall figure saw her go in and followed.
The house was filled with the typical haunted house fare: skeletons popping out of closets, ghostly figures drifting through hallways, and eerie sounds echoing through the rooms.
Gosalyn chuckled at the jump scares and marveled at the spooky decor. She was having a great time, completely in her element.
"Ok what to get for dad" she muttered repeatedly.
As she ventured deeper into the haunted house, she wandered till she bumped into a creepy clown.
a strange, silent, and bald mime clown the same one form before, he stared down at her.
"Ah! Oh geez, you scared me" but he started grinning at her.
At first, she thought it was just another part of the attraction.
"So what are you supposed to be some psychopath demonic clown, murdered at this carnival and now waiting for an innocent girl to fall into your trap After all, what haunted house didn't have a creepy clown?"
But he didn't say anything, "ok I love to stay but I need to find a gift for my dad so see ya" she moved on, walked over him.
But soon she realized the clown was following her, she looks back to see him following her.
"Do you mind"
Gosalyn tried to lose him by weaving through different rooms and doubling back on her path, all the while pretending to be scared in case it was all part of the act.
But the clown's persistent presence started to unsettle her. The grin never left his face, and his eyes followed her every move.
Finally, the clown cornered her in a dimly lit room filled with fake cobwebs and plastic spiders.
"What do you want from me? Leave me alone" Gosalyn's heart raced, and her breath quickened.
"Hey-hey back off, my dad is here and he'll make you feel-s-sorry" The clown's grin seemed to widen as he loomed closer.
She tried to back away, but there was nowhere to go. Panic took over, and everything went black as she passed out from fear.
When she woke up, she was in the arms of her father, Drake Mallard, who had come running when he heard her scream.
"Gosalyn, gosayln? Wake up are you okay honey?" he asked, his voice filled with concern. He patted her face delicately.
She looked around, dazed and confused, and noticed that the clown was gone.
The memory of the clown's menacing grin and the feeling of being trapped came rushing back, and she screamed, tears streaming down her face as she was gripped by a panic attack.
"There-was-a-c-c-crrr-eeeee-e-ppp-y cccc-clown!"
"A clown where?" He looks around to find no one.
He felt her shivering, "shhh, it's ok honey, he's gone" Drake held her tightly, soothing her as best he could, she gripped on the sleeve of his plaid purple shirt.
"Shh It's okay, Gosalyn. You're safe now. I'm here." He cups the back of her head, burying her head in his chest, arms wrapped around her as he strokes her hair.
As she calmed down, Drake helped her out of the haunted house by carrying her, keeping a watchful eye out for any sign of the creepy clown.
As they made their way back through the carnival, Drake stopped at a stall selling small, spooky trinkets. "How about we get something from here for Jim?" he suggested gently.
Gosalyn nodded, her eyes scanning the array of items until she found a small, intricately carved wooden bat. It wasn't from the haunted house, but it was perfect.
They left the carnival, and Drake promised her that they would figure out who the clown was and ensure he wouldn't scare anyone else again.
Despite the terrifying encounter, Gosalyn was determined to get a souvenir for Jim.
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kuchpop · 10 months
Movies to see...
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Hey Tumblrs how are you? Hope all is well.I know this is an old movie as of 2016 but I forgot about it until I watched it again.It's Gods of Egypt,it has great digital effects,along with romance.You might want to check it out for yourself.
#GodsofEgypt #2016Movies
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years
Train to Busan (2016)
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Train to Busan doesn’t bring any new twists to the zombie genre, but only because it doesn’t need to. By utilizing a unique setting, pitting the zombies against fully-realized characters, and incorporating societal commentary in its story, this feels as fresh as the first time we saw the undead rise again.
Seok-woo (Gong Yoo), the divorced, workaholic absentee father to Su-an (Kim Su-an), agrees to bring her to Busan for her birthday to visit her mother. Onboard the train, a young woman suddenly bites one of attendants. Soon, the infectious disease has reduced most of the passengers to gnashing ghouls and the remainders must work together to survive.
The zombies in this film are more of the 28 Days Later variety, running towards their prey with hands outstretched but otherwise incapable of intelligent thought. This makes for plenty of tension, as the bulk of the action is set on the titular train to Busan. There's nowhere to run except towards the engine room and each compartment forward means less space to maneuver. On the other side of the doors, the passengers see their former friends and loved ones blank-eyed, covered in blood, and ready to pounce. Like in Snowpiercer, the people in charge sat down and really thought of everything that could be done with the setting. Tunnels, stations, the compartments, luggage, passengers, etc.
Every time someone gets overwhelmed and turned, it pains you. Whether it’s Seok-woo and his daughter, the heroic Yoon Sang-hwa (Ma Dong-seok) and his pregnant wife, Seong-kyeong (Jung Yu-mi), the highschool baseball team, the traumatized vagrant (Choi Gwi-hwa) or the elderly sisters Jong-gil and In-gil (Park Myung-sin and Ye Soo-jung), everyone has personality and a miniature story arc that makes them fully-realized people you hope will survive. Even the film's "villain", a self-centered COO (Kim Eui-sung) who consistently hampers the main cast feels real. You either want him to turn around and become a hero, or die a horrible, gruesome death. Either direction will be satisfactory, which means you’re always paying attention.
I found them all so well drawn I couldn't predict who would make it out alive in the end. Korean horror movies are unafraid of going to the really dark place so don’t think the kid won’t be made an orphan, or that the pregnant wife won’t get torn to pieces.
It’s a great-looking picture that keeps moving and bringing new things into the mix. You can enjoy it simply as a horror-thriller but if you look deeper, you’ll notice a subtle message in Train to Busan about what is wrong with Korea (or society in general), and how we should be treating each other, meaning it’s also got great re-watch value. Yes, it’s subtitled, but that little bit of reading you’ll have to do is so, so worth it. This is a superior zombie flick. (Original Korean with English subtitles, July 1, 2018)
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internetminestrone · 7 years
...Kate Winslet is My Dressmaker.
Hello and welcome back one and all to my incredibly random blog where I attempt to get all of my overly analytical thoughts out of my head about movies I’ve watched recently in the hopes to cure my obsession. 
Today’s big flick? The Dressmaker! This darling film came out just last year in 2016, directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse and starring Kate Winslet, Liam Hemsworth, and even Judy Davis. 
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
It’s another rated R movie, but unlike my last review this time it’s much less obvious. From my perspective, there was a bit of language, a few romantic sense, and probably the darker thematic elements that were woven into the film 
The Dressmaker takes viewers on an adventure, partly comedic, slightly scary, with a mystery, all wrapped up in a story about going back to the past to discover who you really are (or aren’t). 
The premise of the movie is quite simple, heroine Tilly Dunnage (Winslet) rides back into her hometown after years and years, to uncover certain secrets about her past. Immediately her homecoming is the opposite of welcoming, as her dementia riddled and recluse mother (Davis) exhibits hostile behavior towards her and cannot seem to remember her own daughter. The townspeople are vibrant and slightly terrible people who, upon Tilly’s arrival, spread whispers of curses and other ill-mannered things towards the mother-daughter duo. Tilly, of course not one to give up, plans to recover the information that she’s lost and at the same time plot revenge for what the people in town had done to her. She begins wowing the humble country ladies of the town with her exquisite and intricate dresses that quickly makes her a star in the tiny Australian country town.Along the way, Tilly faces romance with Teddy (Hemsworth), who wants nothing more than for Tilly to get find a sense of justice in her past. The two engage in something of a teasing relationship that is sure to keep you interested and engaged. Tilly and her mother, Molly’s relationship throughout the movie tugs at the heartstrings as two strangers are reunited as a close family, which is all anyone really needs. 
That’s all I’ll say about the plot for now because I truly believe this is just one of those you’ve got to watch for yourself. It’s a gem of a film, with that refreshing old-fashioned vibe, but in a quirky way, I haven’t encountered before. It teaches plenty of life lessons including giving you that boost of girl power you needed after watching you Tilly skillfully rides off into the sunset at the ending of the movie. 
I give The Dressmaker a Four and a Half Stars out of a possible five.
I could almost give it a perfect score, but like I’ll probably note, again and again, I’m a perfectionist and a movie addict. 
What I enjoyed about this movie was that felt very original. It wasn’t one of those movies that was incredibly predictable, in fact, I had no idea what was going to happen next the whole way through. The screenwriting here was also pretty good, some things could’ve been tuned up as always, but this really stands out in terms of new old-movie. I also liked how it was set in the early twentieth century and there was little to no mention of any World Wars. Maybe because it was an Australian movie and not American? I love a good war history movie as much as the next gal, but only when it’s necessary. It would not have been necessary here, and I’m glad they kept it out. Also the acting of Winslet, and Davis was incredible. Their characters seemed as multi-dimensional as any stranger I’d meet on the street. Good Job! (oh, and you really should take a deep look at those dresses! I mean, where can I get one? Good job costume department!)
What I didn’t like this about this movie was mostly the romance. I won’t spoil it for you because I hate spoilers as much as you do, but in the end, all of the scenes with Liam Hemsworth mean nothing. If you take out Teddy, the character development and everything is still the same for the most part. I know there are a lot of fangirls out there who probably would watch the movie just because his name is on it, but in the end, his impact on Tilly’s life is small. The fast-tracked romance seemed to be thrown in after the fact and wasn’t integrated into the plot very well at all. But because Liam Hemsworth is Liam Hemsworth, I’ll give you a little heads up about the gem of a scene at 1:01:20, you’re welcome. But other than that my small issues are just with some weird dynamics in the flow of the movie, but that’s all. 
All in all, The Dressmaker was a lovely movie set in down under for people looking for a whirlwind movie, filled with wonderful characters, beautiful costumes, and interesting characters. Simply put: this is a good movie. 
It’s the end of the day, and I need to get some sleep. You on my side of the world tuck in as well. But for everyone else; love, hate, or laugh at this movie? Tell me all about it! What was your favorite dress? Tell me your’s and I’ll tell you mine! Have a great night, and remember, the best way to relax is with a movie! 
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mag7lockscreens · 4 years
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1080 x 1920 // 1080 x 1920
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uchiuchi-universe · 5 years
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aidene · 4 years
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Arrival (2016)
"If you could see your whole life land out in front of you, would you change things?"
When gigantic spaceships land in 12 different locations around the world, nations find themselves in the verge of war against the aliens. Linguistic professor Louisa Banks and theoretical physicist Ian Donnelly are given the task to understand the motives of the "visitors" and communicate with them.
Unlike any other UFO-related sci-fi movie, that deals with the dangers and extermination of aliens, this movie takes an unlikely turn. It presents them as beings willing to help the humanity unite itself. It is a movie that deals with the concept of time and coincidence, while giving you motive to think about various philosophical themes.
I was so amazed and fascinated with this movie and I consider it as one of the best movies of the genre. Once more Denis Villeneuve proves one of my favorite directors and I cannot deny that scifi movies are my personal favorites.
P.s. Take a moment after watching this movie to concider all these things given to you. Time and moments of life and memories. And consider the conclusion of this movie. What would you change if you saw all of your life in front of you?
Genre: Drama, Sci-fi, Mystery and Thriller
Directed by: Denis Villeneuve
Written by: Eric Heisserer
Based on: "Story of your life" by Ted Chiang
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smeemyselfandi · 8 years
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Every movie of 2016 (I've seen) ranked Best to Worst:
1. Moonlight- I can’t think of anything I would change about this movie to make it better. This movie was a experience that everyone should see
2. Hacksaw Ridge- This a War movie I like. ,A movie that just isn’t about the War but about the characters and isn’t afraid of being too violent which ,I heard a certain reviewer didn’t like that which how can you not like violence in a war movie?
3. Captian America: Civil War- Possibly the Best Superhero movie I ever seen. How can a movie have so many characters and not feel like a mess? Well this movie did it.
4. Kubo and the Two Strings- Great Animation with a good story. I don’t get why people bash the story so much. Was it perfect? No but it was still good in my opinion.
5. Moana- Great Music and possibly the best Disney Princess ever. I loved Moana but the story was kinda cliche and Maui was a bit too unlikeable.
6. La La Land- The whole time watching this movie I couldn’t figure out why it was so special then the ending happened and I wanted to watch the movie again and again.
7. O.J.: Made in America- Should this count as a film? I thought it was a miniseries but besides that it was interesting look at the rise and fall of O.J.
8. 10 Cloverfield Lane- This possibly could of been number 1 then the ending happened and I hated the ending so much but everything else I loved.
9. Silence- What a depressing movie about Faith that is very well done. The trailer is a bit misleading and it is a long moviee but I don’t regret watching it and felt every minute was worth it.
10.The Jungle Book- What a surprise this movie was. I enjoyed it way more than I thought. The animals looked very good.
11.The Conjuring 2- This was way better than the first one in my opinion and way scarier. That nun will give you nightmares.
12.Hell or High Water- Had no idea about this film going in but heard good things. It was good but kinda wasn’t really going anywhere until the end.
13.Doctor Strange- One of the best solo marvel movies. The villian is still disappointing though.
14.Fences- Great performances with a interesting story but I knew it was a play and it was very obvious
15.Manchester By The Sea- Might be the most depressing film of the year (This or Silence) but I liked it I just thought the kid was a bad actor and really didn’t care about their relationship. Should have been done better.
16.Zootopia- What a good kids film. Creative way to teach kids about accepting people by their race or gender.
17.The Nice Guys- A funny movie that was entertaining but I felt got way more praise than it deserved
  18.Nocturnal Animals- The story was interesting but Amy Adams story wasn’t that interesting but I still enjoyed the movie overall.
19.Arrival- Why is the movie so low?!?!? Cause it was kinda boring at parts and didn’t make too much sense at times but was still good.
20.Gleason- A heartbreaking film showing the effects of ALS. I just wish they talked about Gleason life more.
21.All The Way- Ahh Lyndon B. Johnson the guy people say may be the worst modern president ever. Bryan Cranston did a great job and this was interesting but I kinda wish it was more just about Lyndon B. Johnson.
22.Kung Fu Panda 3- Feel like people forgot about this movie. It was the best of the franchise and done differently than the other two which I liked. The villian was the best in my opinion as well.
  23.Weiner- What a narcissist. I just wanted to look away from this film cause it was so uncomfortabe but it was still really interesting.
24.Sing Street- The music in this film is fantastic but the love story..... not so much.
25.Finding Dory- This film was better than I thought it was gonna be but still felt pretty pointless.
  26.Loving- The first like 30 minutes of this movie is fantastic than it just nothing happens for the rest. You expect something awful to happen and they even tease it but nope.
27.The Red Turtle- A nice little film but kinda forgetable if you ask me.
  28.Swiss Army Man- This movie is stupid and I can’t believe people think it should be oscar nominated. It is not as deep as it thinks it is but I still enjoyed but not nearly as much as other people did.
  29.The Birth of a Nation- Controversary aside this movie was pretty decent. Good performances and scene but it’s hard to ignore the stuff they made up and the controversary.
30.Deadpool- This movie was fine but way overrated by people. The villian sucked, the story was average and the jokes weren’t that great. Deadpool was a great character though but I feel like people ignore everything else.
31.A Monster Calls- This movie did not make me cry even though it realllllllllly wanted to.I didn’t even come close cause it didn’t focuse enough on the mom and son relationship but I sitll enjoyed the movie.
  32.Don't Breathe- This movie was kinda stupid but still fun to watch. I enjoyed it for what it was I guess.
  33.Blair Witch- I don’t get the hate this film gets. Okay the characters suck but it was still scary and still entertaining in my opinion.
34.X-Men: Apocalypse- This is another movie that I feel gets too much hate. Apocalypse wasn’t as good as I hope but I did like the X-men. Nightcrawler was awesome!
35.Beware The Slenderman- First half of this film was really interesting then it kept going and going and going. This movie was too long for such a short story.
  36.Sausage Party- This movie was funny but most of the funny jokes were in the trailer. Disappointed in this movie but still think it’s good.
37.The Girl on the Train- A who done it movie which has the most predictable climax but Emily Blunt may have gave one of the best performances of the year
37.Hail, Caeser!- Can’t believe I ranked a Cohen film this far down but I felt the story was all over the place and didn’t care about most of the characters cause most of them were barely on screen.
  38.The BFG- I wanted to love this movie but I felt it was kinda pointless to make. There isn’t much wrong with it but a very basic children story.
39.Suicide Squad- This movie isn’t nearly as bad as people make it. I thought it actually might be good until the ending then it became a big mess and the villian was awful.
  40.Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice-  This movie was a mess. It was too long but also too short and batman and alfred was the only good performance and Lois Lane is such a awful character.
41.Batman: The Killing Joke- The first part of this movie. That’s all I gotta really say...
42.Confirmation- This movie was pointless?? I really didn’t understand why this wa s made. If you know the story then you don’t need to watch this movie.
43.TMNT: Out of The Shadows- This movie was goofy and stupid but I liked it better than the first even though it still wasn’t good...
44.Jackie- zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Sorry I fell asleep just thinking about this movie. How can you make a interesting person like her so boring.
45.Hush- Basic crappy horror movie but she’s deaf!!! That makes it better right?!?!?
46.Justice League vs Teen Titans- This movie should be sued for false advertisement. I barely remember much about this movie but I know it’s barely a Teen Titans Vs Justice League movie.
  47.Lights Out- Watch Mama. It’s done way better and actually makes sense. Only good thing was the special effects everything else was pretty stupid.
48.Yoga Hosers- Kevin Smith please stop smoking weed. This is not a movie for girls, Kevin Smith fans, stoners or anybody besides Kevin Smith and it was awful.
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thezachrogers · 8 years
The top 50 films of 2016 cont...
(added 9 more films, top 59) - revised 4/3/2017 *chuckle* *chuckle*
Okay, Okay, I see what’s happening yeah, you’re face to face with greatness…
Ladies and gentlemen, the TOP 25 FILMS OF 2016 (from what I saw)
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32. Florence Foster Jenkins 4 Stars (86% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7/10 on IMDB)
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31. Paterson 4 Stars (95% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.6/10 on IMDB)
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30. La La Land 4 Stars (93% on Rotten Tomatoes 8.9/10 on IMDB) Watch it on Redbox, not worth spending your hard earned money in the theater.
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29. Kubo and the Two Strings 4.5 Stars (97% on Rotten Tomatoes, 8/10 on IMDB) This was one of the darkest animated theatrical films I have ever seen; more so than The Nightmare Before Christmas. The voice acting cast is definitely the most A List of the year with Matthew McConaughey, Charlize Theron, and Ralph Fiennes. The kids need to be a little older to watch this one. 
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28. Disney’s Queen of Katwe *family film* 4 Stars (92% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.3/10 on IMDB) 
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27. Fences 4.75 Stars (94% on Rotten Tomatoes, 8/10 on IMDB) 
I ranked this film so low because I did not necessarily like it. Denzel Washington and Viola Davis both gave outstanding performances and most likely one of them, if not both will win the Golden Globe and/or the Academy Award. The content of this film was super dark and there really wasn’t a story; just a whole lot of dialog. I imagine it would be a better Broadway play (as seen above) than a movie. It is rated PG-13 but families, if you want to see this film, it is not for the kids. There were two families in the theater I watched this in and the film has a constant use of the n word. Kids do not need to see this. Wait for rental for this one, not worth seeing in theaters.
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26. Captain Fantastic 5 Stars (82% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.9/10 on IMDB)
Incredible movie about modern hippy living. I unfortunately know someone who lives like this with his family and it is so sad to watch these people’s lives unfold. The world is progressing, not regressing and this film reveals the harsh realities of what these families go through. These people are not happy, they are just running from what is in front of them, the kids get little glimpses of what REAL LIFE is like and they want more, and that is okay, yet the selfish parents don’t let these kids have the opportunity to have any sort of reality and attainable success. I hate knowing that people actually live like this. I love that this movie brings awareness to it. Keeping kids from medicine and starving them IS CHILD ABUSE. Period. There is no way around it. This movie is rated R for language.
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25. Sing Street 4 Stars (95% on Rotten Tomatoes, 8/10 on IMDB) now on Netflix
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24. Loving 4 Stars (89% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.1/10 on IMDB)
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23. Eddie the Eagle 4 Stars *family film* (80% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.4/10 on IMDB) now on HBOGO
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22. Blood Father 4 Stars (89% on Rotten Tomatoes, 6.5/10 on IMDB)
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21. Hunt for the Wilderpeople 5 Stars (97% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.9/10 on IMDB) 
Feel good movie of the year. Was definitely a sleeper. Beautiful Cinematography of New Zealand and Sam Neil’s best performance to date. Watched this film on New Year’s Eve and I am glad I did! Now available on hulu and redbox!
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20. The Edge of Seventeen 4 Stars (95% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.5/10 on IMDB)
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19. Deadpool 4 Stars (84% on Rotten Tomatoes, 8.1/10 on IMDB) From 15 to 1, these are all the movies you should have seen in theaters or missed out on. If you can catch ANY of the below films in theaters, DO IT. #rantover. Anyways, this is an R Rated Comedy. Fortunately, I watched a limited censored version on FXX. But I'm telling you, go read the parents guide on IMDB. Again, parents this is an R-Rated comedy for graphic violence, language, and full on nudity, DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS TO SEE THIS!
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18. Sully 5 Stars (86% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.6/10 on IMDB) Watched this on Redbox last week, one of the five films I wish I saw in theaters in 2016. Tom Hanks and Clint Eastwood definitely got snubbed of Golden Globe nominations. One of Hanks’s best performances. Shove it in there with Forrest Gump, Captain Phillips, Saving Private Ryan, Philadelphia, Bridge of Spies, Cast Away, Saving Mr. Banks, Catch Me If You Can, The Green Mile, Big, Apollo 13…never mind.
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17. Deepwater Horizon 4 Stars (84% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.3/10 on IMDB) On DVD Jan. 10
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16. Arrival 4.5 Stars (94% on Rotten Tomatoes, 8.3/10 on IMDB) Interstellar and Inception made love and conceived Arrival. What a freaking movie. Amy Adams is currently nominated for the Golden Globe, I don’t know why for a Sci-Fi film, but its probably because of Denis Villeneuve’s directing. This movie has me so amped up for Blade Runner 2049 and the second installment in the Sicaro franchise. See this movie while it is still in theaters and let your mind be blown!
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15. Manchester by the Sea 5 Stars (96% on Rotten Tomatoes, 8/10 on IMDB)
Read review here.
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14. Disney/Pixar’s Finding Dory 5 Stars *family film* (94% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.5 on IMDB) 
It’s the sequel to Finding Nemo, do I need to say anything else?
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13. Marvel’s Doctor Strange *family film* 5 Stars (91% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.9/10 on IMDB) I have this filmed currently ranked #3 out of the 14 Marvel films. It is Benedict Cumberbatch at his best. Might be the most psychedelic movie I have ever watched. GO SEE IT IN THEATERS IN IMAX 3D NOW
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12. Disney’s The Jungle Book *family film* 5 Stars (94% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.6/10 on IMDB) Jon Favreau is a freaking genius. A-List Ensemble voice cast is superb. You will fall in love with Neel Sethi (Mowgli) and be in awe of the beautiful imagery in this movie. One of the best movies I saw in theaters in 2016. Now available to watch on Netflix.
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11. Hell or High Water 5 Stars (98% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.8/10 on IMDB) Hate that I missed this one in theaters. I like to call this one “The Finest Hours 2″ since Chris Pine and Ben Foster are a duo in this film as well. This is a thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire movie. Rent on Redbox immediately!
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10. Everybody Wants Some!! 5 Stars (96% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.1/10 on IMDB) 
Another movie I missed in theaters. 2016 was such a great year for sleeper comedies. So many underrated comedies and too many overrated comedies came out in 2016. This is Richard Linklater’s 80s College follow-up to the 70s High School cult classic Dazed and Confused. Definitely a lot of great up and coming stars in this film. In about 15 years we will look back at some of these actors’ careers and this is the film that will be their launching pad, I guarantee it.
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9. Lion 5 Stars (86% on Rotten Tomatoes, 8.1/10 on IMDB)
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8. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 5 Stars *family film* (85% on Rotten Tomatoes, 8.1/10 on IMDB)
My favorite movie of 2016, obviously. This film is also my #2 favorite of the nine Star Wars theatrical films falling to The Empire Strikes Back. I was never old enough to experience the original trilogy in theaters and I think this was the closest I will ever get to that. It took me back to that world of the 1977 original film. Rogue One takes place just moments before the original 1977 film. Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin (1977 original characters) play major roles in this film which is the biggest takeaway of this movie. Other cameos of older characters from both the original trilogy and the prequel trilogies will make all the fanboys go nuts. Go see this movie now before it leaves theaters. I know I will.
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7. The Revenant 5 Stars (82% on Rotten Tomatoes and 8/10 on IMDB)
The most gruesome and realest film I have ever seen. This 3 time winning Oscar film is deserving for every award and nomination. The role of Leonardo DiCaprio’s career, he goes on a manhunt for the man who murdered his son, based on a true story during the post colonial times in America. This is a buyer for blu-ray.
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6. Eye In the Sky 5 Stars (95% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.3/10 on IMDB)
Alan Rickman’s final film of his career (rest in peace). This realistic modern warfare drama is all about the hardships of drone warfare. It’s not as simple as pulling a trigger and flying a ship from a cubicle. Go rent this one on redbox now.
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5. Captain America: Civil War 5 Stars *family film* (90% on Rotten Tomatoes, 8/10 on IMDB)
Clearly Marvel does not have enough good villains to spread across their cinematic universe, so they had to do a third Avengers film and title it as “Captain America”. This is the film we all wish Age of Ultron was. More Vision plus we got Ant-Man and our new Spider-Man! Great buyer for bluray. Hands down the best MCU film so far in the franchise.
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4. Disney’s Moana 5 Stars *family film* (95% on Rotten Tomatoes, 8/10 on IMDB)
2016 was just Disney’s year. 16 films and they were all outstanding. Moana shines as one of Disney’s best animated films to date. Dwayne Johnson is now in the family as one of Disney’s best and most lovable characters. All brand new and original music from Hamilton’s Lin-Manuel Miranda. I cannot get this soundtrack off repeat since I saw it. Go see this film with the entire family now!
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3. The Nice Guys 5 Stars (92% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.4/10 on IMDB)
One of my top three all time favorite comedies. It is now up there with Wedding Crashers and Dumb and Dumber. Ryan Gosling and Russel Crowe together in a comedy!? I know, I know, but it works. Filmed in Atlanta, this buddy comedy takes place in the 70s during the rise of the porn industry about a murder of young porn actress. Co starring Kim Basinger and Matt Bomer. Rated R for Mild Nudity and Violence. That’s really it though, no sex scenes and not much graphic language, just a bunch of laugh out loud hilarious dialog between the two costars. ANOTHER ONE I MISSED IN THEATERS! Go rent on Redbox now!
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2. Hacksaw Ridge 5 Stars (87% on Rotten Tomatoes, 8.2/10 on IMDB)
Read review here.
and the best film of 2016 is…
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1. Disney’s Zootopia 5 Stars *family film* (98% on Rotten Tomatoes, 8.1/10 on IMDB) I have a new all time favorite animated movie. It’s called Zootopia. This really was just Disney’s year. This movie is filled with adult relatable humor with Breaking Bad and The Godfather references. Anybody will love this film. I bent over laughing, I cried, I sat on the edge of my seat, this was the movie Sing wishes it was, but it just wasn’t. Now available on Netflix, this movie will forever be on “My List” Well that’s it everybody, that’s my top 50 of 2016. Please don’t crucify me for not seeing Manchester by the Sea or Hacksaw Ridge, I know, I know, I will see them soon. Stay tuned for my 2016 worst 10 and the movies to keep away from that I know NOT TO WATCH from 2016. I hope y’all enjoyed!! Feel free to share!
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a-serving-servant · 7 years
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A bit of what you might call a slow burner, you a while to get into the mood of this one. It's got the very done before aslyum setting but tries some interesting things. There is also a man with learning disabilities in the movie, I find his portrayal sincere but others may disagree. This is an ok movie, to be honest I would only consider it worthwhile if you are a big Eliza Dushku fan (why wouldn't you be right?) #horror #movie #movieposter #moviereview #elizadushku #2016movie
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lipslikemorphine98 · 5 years
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I love this movie so much! #loveeverlasting #loveeverlastingmovie #2016movie #luckybluesmith https://www.instagram.com/p/Bybvk7wB11o/?igshid=2u3n4wno1wt9
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 years
The Boy (2016)
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The Boy had an idea that - had it pursed all the way - would’ve been interesting. It takes the familiar route instead, making it generic and forgettable. In fact, I hardly remembered anything about the movie (except the lame twist ending) when I sat down to watch it again in anticipation of the sequel. To my surprise, I enjoyed it better the second time around. It still doesn’t live up to its potential but if you watch it at home, as a rental and you're fine with an uninspired story you won't be entirely sorry.
Greta (Lauren Cohan) is hired by the wealthy Heelshires to work as a nanny for their son, Brahms. At the house, she’s shocked to discover the boy died years ago. She will instead be taking care of a porcelain doll the parents claim is their son. When the Heelshires leave on vacation, strange occurrences make Greta wonder if the doll may actually be alive.
For a long time, Greta treats Brahms like a normal doll. A couple of strange occurrences raise minor flags - nothing you wouldn’t attribute to an old, creepy house or to parents who are still grieving. This isn’t one of those movies where the stupid heroine stays somewhere she doesn't belong. Based on the amount of cash she’s being paid to do nothing you’d put up with a lot. When things escalate, the solution seems easy: just follow the instructions the Heelshires gave her. Even if the spirit of Brahms is possessing the doll, he’s still easier to take care of than a normal kid. Greta has a past she's trying to escape (all the more reason to stay in the house and get paid mad monies) and the man who delivers the groceries once a week, Malcolm (Rupert Evans) is charming.
Some cheap jump scares are further cheapened when they turn out to be dreams but you’re ready to forgive these trespasses. As long as the movie is going to do what you think it’s going to do. Brahms seems to be getting along fine with Greta. It’s weird to be taking care of a ghost but if she can handle it, why not? The spirit might even protect her should her abusive ex-boyfriend make an appearance. You have the makings of neat little ghost story… until the film chickens out. To the picture’s credit, the hints have been sprinkled throughout (though Brahms’ parents’ behavior doesn’t quite make sense) so it doesn’t entirely come out of nowhere… only mostly.
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Turns out, Brahms is alive; a full-grown slasher (complete with creepy mask) who's been living in the house's walls this whole time. It explains why the food's been disappearing but talk about routine.
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In the end, The Boy loses confidence and chickens out. Had it stuck to what it was doing at first, it would’ve worked. It would’ve also been a lot more memorable. If you’re determined to see it, make it at home with lowered expectations. (February 23, 2020)
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luluuh95 · 3 years
فكره هذا الفيلم تسيطر عليه وهو أن الحب كل شيء سواء أكان لحبيبي أم لأم أو أيا كان..
مادلين تجازف بحياتها لتحظي بوقت مع حبيبها..
الفيلم رائع جداً ومن الأفلام الغريبه في قصتها جدا والنهايه مختلفه..
#توصيات_سينمائية_توصيه #أفلام_مسلسلات
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rickmymortyshop · 7 years
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Why are they here? 👽 . . #rickmymorty #rickandmorty #rickandmortyforever #rickandmortyfanart #rickandmorty100years #arrival #arrivalmovie #motionpicture #forestwhitaker #amyadams #jeremyrenner #movieposter #space #visitors #alien #aliens #scifi #2016movie #war #extraterrestrials #et #hurtlocker #military #army #heptapods #creature #monster #communication #aliencontact #scientist
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mag7lockscreens · 4 years
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1080 x 1920
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uchiuchi-universe · 5 years
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