#cheng xiao users
seoulicons · 8 months
xi98ao xiaosvie xiaovhs xiaosvlog wjscheng chengsfav is2cheng chengsbf
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newjeanzs · 2 years
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀cheng xiao icons!🧋
like or reblog if you save/use.
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wifiwuxians · 2 years
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my pieces for the danmei mermaid zine! these were so much fun, i’m convinced my true calling is just to make simple storybook illustrations lol
the story here is pretty much that a wandering delinquent found the son of a tyrant, who has been living in hiding for years, in a cave making love potions, not knowing that the young master of a prominent family was actually looking for him to prove himself to his family and bring him to justice. songxiao are explorers who do good deeds on the side and were tracking the delinquent until something more promising came up :3c
it’s also just xue yang gets grabbed: the show
please check out the zine, we all worked really hard on it!
[id: two full-color illustrations in a simplified style depicting a few characters from mdzs as merpeople. 
the first image takes place near the seabed, where some large rock formations give way to a cave. a red mer-squid somewhat resembling wen chao is poking out of it, grinning gleefully as his squid arms wrap around a somewhat flustered, yet smiling, xue yang. his tail is striped black and white and somewhat resembles a barred knifejaw, but his dorsal fin and overall tail shape allude to a shark. in the foreground, a purple, frilled eel tail swims through a few swaying stalks of seaweed, somewhat menacingly surveying the scene. a small hermit crab can be seen hanging out on a rock in the corner. the scene is bright, with white light breaking through the water and golden flecks painting the image. bubbles rise around it to denote movement.
the second image is more out in the open, with a small school of fish and a group of jellyfish swimming by. it is similarly bright and warm, with light streaking down and dotting the space. xiao xingchen, sporting a light golden tail and a surprised smile, is opening a giant clamshell to show its contents to song lan, who has light blue skin and a dark blue tail. he is smiling wider than ever in joy at what resides within the clamshell: a sleeping, tiny a-qing who resembles a green dumbo octopus. the clamshell rests upon a mossy rock. in the background, xue yang is being apprehended by an angry-looking jiang cheng, his purple eel tail coiling around xue yang as he humorously cries out for help. the bubbles rising in this image are duller in color to reflect a calmer image. /end id]
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sprinnklesstuff · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀⠀ WJSN (Cosmic Girls) users. 🪐✨
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ﹫xiaonatic ﹫danonne-dawon ﹫withseola
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ﹫luluuda ﹫meiqimehappy
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clvhq · 2 years
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se ha visto a zhu xiaolian desfilando por las calles y boulevares de parís, pero no hemos llegado a ver si es de pronto buena o mala fortuna la que le persigue. ¿tu sí? ¡anímate a descubrir cuál es!
dumpling, ¡bienvenide a cestlaviehq! nos encanta que seas parte de nuestro proyecto y esperamos que el buen juicio sea parte de tu camino dentro del mismo y si no… bueno, ¡así es la vida! recuerda que tienes 24 hs para hacernos saber cuál será la cuenta de tu personaje y que, en caso de necesitarlo, puedes pedir más tiempo.
out of character.
nombre / pseudónimo: Dumpling
pronombres:  el/suyo
edad: 26
país / zona horaria: México
triggers: -
user de discord:  Ya lo tienen
en caso de unfollow, ¿dejarías que se continúe utilizando tu personaje como no jugable?  Si
¿algo que agregar?   Necesito otro cupo más ;_; y traje a la pequeño loto a sufrir :3
in character.
nombre completo:  Xiaolian Zhu
pronombres:  ella/suya
faceclaim:  Cheng Xiao
fecha de cumpleaños:  15 de Julio
edad:  23 años
ocupación:  Estudiante de Gastronomía, ayuda en la lavandería familiar, streamer
descripción psicológica: +Leal, Responsable, Romántica - Soñadora, Rebelde, Torpe
headcanons sobre el personaje: Desde que tiene uso de razón, siempre le han atraído los videojuegos, quizás fue porque era su manera de alejarse de todo y de todos, unos momentos donde podría tener paz y tranquilidad.
En el ámbito escolar, sus notas siempre han estado entre las notas más altas, ya que a su parecer, de esa manera no traería ningún problema a su familia. A sus trece años la noticia de mudarse de China a Francia, fue algo que no esperaba, pero no opuso resistencia, tuvo que aprender lo más básico en francés para por lo menos no ir en blanco a aquel país. A sus diecisiete fue cuando fue alentada a crear un canal en Twitch y comenzar a hacer directos, al principio le costó, vio los retos que todo conlleva, desde atraer una audiencia, que estén activos en el chat, el buscar juegos que pudieran gustarle tanto a ella como a los que la veían. Fue hasta el siguiente año que su comunidad le logró dar la sorpresa de estar afiliada a la plataforma.. pero no todo siempre es bueno y eso lo aprendió a la mala un par de años después, cuando las personas que querían salir con ella, solo iban por la fama que podían adquirir en lugar de realmente interesarse en ella. Solo hubo una persona que demostró el interés en ella, pero tuvieron que terminar un par de años después, ¿La razón? La diferencia de edades se volvió algo que la sociedad se encargó de siempre hacérselos notar, hasta ese punto de terminar.
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 5 months
Link Click Musical Masterlist 🔍🌟
#音乐剧时光代理��# <- 'Time Agents Musical' main tag, pictures tab - shows majority of stage pictures in chronological order, updates from official Encore Musicals show up here too.
Tips: 1) Visit the OP's profiles! They usually post more than the one photo you can see in a thumbnail. And it's easier to browse & save pics through the profile.
2) Even though you can scroll the pics tab indefinitely, without a weibo account you won't be able to easily access older posts, as they'll get buried under the user's newer posts (there's a roundabout way mentioned in my guide). So I recommend to visit this tag frequently, if you wanna be sure nothing is hidden away 🔍 Daily or once in a 2-3 days will be enough imo, it's not very crowded tag ^^
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3) ⬆You can also check videos in this tag, the orange tab has 10 most recent clips from the musical (other one has the most popular ones).
接着奏乐接着舞Musicals (Encore Musicals) <- official profile of a theatre that runs LC stage, they post the cast schedules, photos/behind the scenes clips, whenever new actor debuts, there's a special guests or a cast member has a birthday. They also report when an actor goes on a health break. Tip: all LC actors can be found in the pinned post (you'd need OCR 'image-text' tool to copy their names from pics though)
Encore Musicals Bilibili account <- theatre's official profile on a major cn video-sharing platform (more bts clips)
动画师lan <- bonus link to studio LAN profile, that's where they post the mysterious animation frames~
校医来啦 <- profile of a chief producer of LC Musical, Chen Xiaoyi
兮兮兮辞_ <- profile of an executive producer of LC musical
Metablue赛博蓝 <- bilibili of a music producer, she did videos about working on LC musical songs
✨cast visuals promotional photos here✨
their personal weibo profile & actor specific hashtag (the 'diamond tag', you find the most stuff here)
Lu Guang
Wang Minhui - @王敏辉Black 王敏辉
Wu Yihan - @音乐剧演员吴以瀚 音乐剧演员吴以瀚
Guo Hongxu - @郭虹旭_GHX 郭虹旭
Du Guangyi - @杜光禕 杜光祎
Zhu Hanbin - @Keb_朱涵彬 朱涵彬
Yin Haolun - @殷浩倫Monster 殷浩伦
Yang Haoran - @YANGHRAN 杨浩然hr
Cheng Xiaoshi
Cai Qi - @超级蔡淇 超级蔡淇
Shu Rongbo - @舒荣波-Bobi 舒荣波
Ji Xiaokun - @原来是纪晓坤啊 纪晓坤
Teng Chunpeng - @滕春鹏tcp 滕春鹏 (cw: heel injury pic is the only post on his @profile ><, just visit the tag)
Ding Xingchen - @D丁星辰 丁星辰
Cao Muzhi - @曺牧之 曹牧之
Bai Zhuoming - @丿日亻卓钅名 白倬铭
Wang Yifei - @王逸飞_V 王逸飞
Jing Yanqiao - @井彦乔JING_ 井彦乔
Guo Hongxu - @郭虹旭_GHX 郭虹旭 (yes, he plays both)
Qiao Ling
Cai Lu - @蔡璐_Katherine 蔡璐
Deng Xianling - @邓贤凌邓阿凌 邓贤凌
Wu Hanglu - @吴杭律 吴杭律
Feng Xinyao - @冯鑫垚smile 冯鑫垚
Qiang Dongyue - @嘀嗒_强东玥 强东玥
Zuo Yiping - @左一平儿 左一平
Qian Anqi - @钱安琪麦麦 钱安琪
Yan Lehuang - @闫乐湟乐乐 闫乐湟
Lu Hongbin/Chen Xiao
Zhang Jiahao - @张嘉豪music 演员张嘉豪
Li Zexi - @李泽熙Zenith 李泽熙
Xu Fangxing - @阿星-许放星 许放星
Zhi Bowen - @智小少总是不靠谱 智博闻
Zhou Bobo - @就叫我波波好了 周波波波波波
Zhang Zhiwei - @张智伟_
Song Yuanming - @教练 我zen勒想打球! 宋元明
Gaoer Jinbaoyin - @高尔金宝音 高尔金宝音
Lin Zhen/Chen Xiao's mom
Hong Guo - @红果其实是洪果 音乐剧演员洪果
Liao Jingyuan - @廖婧媛LJY 廖婧媛
Guo Zhenyan - @郭珍艳Miki 郭珍艳
En Yu - @恩妤Ura
Shen Tian - @音乐剧演员沈恬 音乐剧演员沈恬
Yu Mengying - @于梦滢yummy 于梦滢
Zhu Jiayan - @朱佳艳Rio 朱佳艳
Zhang Ruishu - @_张睿姝_
Zou Ziyue - @-Zou醉是子月 邹子月
A few actors for supporting cast don't have a tag bc they seem to be newbie actors and/or have very small online presence
Tips: 1) Without a weibo account you can scroll through the actor's tag only up to abt 45 most recent posts. The actors perform in multiple plays (duh) so non-LC photos will show up too.
2) Imo the most optimal method, so the limits won't stop you is: go to the main 'LC musical' tag and see what's new. Check schedule for the cast lineup in a recent performance. Go to the actors' tags to see what's new.
3) Sometimes there are 2 performances on a same day, with different actors. So don't be surprised if you find mixed lineups under one date.
4) Mostly QL and Lin Zhen's actresses post behind the scenes photos on their personal profiles. Don't bother looking up the guys accounts, unless it's a holiday or their b-day >< From what I remember, only Wu Yihan posts abt his cat. Zhang Jiahao and Zhou Bobo post selfies sometimes. Ji Xiaokun posts his own photography (he's good!).
5) Google translate, however broken, is enough to translate the captions, so use it for context✨Ppl sometimes give their reviews titled 'repos' from the stage they've seen 🙏
6) You'll find more musical related clips under the actor's tag, than in 'LC musical' main tag. It's usually in an actor's fancam, but not always. Useful when you like an actor or there was a particular moment you want to see from a different angle🌟👌
7) The clips tab (one in the middle) under the actor's tag has no time limited access. You can browse and watch the videos without issues!
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I'll try to add missing tags when the actors debut 💪 And if you find any mistakes or a broken links, please let me know 🙏 For those who read it all, here's a present ;>
光时 <- bonus Shiguang ship tag, they're just like us fr (but way more horny on main), there's lots of art, from cute fluff to nsfw djs >>
OKAY that's all I have🎉
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ballad-of-encore · 14 days
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i have no idea how much, but there's mostly females since i'm most comfortable with playing female characters asides from enstars and league HELLLLL
more hidden under the tab <3
please note that characters that are bolded are main muses!
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An Shiraishi, Kohane Azusawa, Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Mizuki Akiyama, Haruka Kiritani, Airi Momoi, Emu Otori
Ritsu Sakuma, Natsume Sakasaki, Sora Harukawa, Shu Itsuki, Subaru Akehoshi, Izumi Sena, Hokuto Hidaka, Mao Isara
Female Rover, Encore
Lumine, Ayaka Kamisato, Arlecchino, Eula, Hu Tao, Xiao, Venti, Aether, Zhongli
Kougyoku Ren, Morgiana, Kouha Ren
Akane Kurokawa, Ai Hoshino, Minami Kotobuki
Ezreal, Aphelios, Kayn, Ahri, Seraphine — please note that all of them are meant to be roleplayed in their Riot Music alternate universe!
Atsushi Nakajima, Kyoka Izumi
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Kagami Tsurugi
Uta, Nami, Trafalgar Law (ONLY mlw pairings)
Maomao (Apothecary Diaries), Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail), Shinobu Kocho (Demon Slayer), Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia), Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan), Noelle Silva (Black Clover), Gen Asagiri (Dr. Stone), Anya Forger (Spy x Family)
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please comment on here first if you want to rp with me!
mlw, mlm + wlw and all gender-inclusive pairings allowed
rp asks allowed, but only sfw!
in contrast, as i'm of age, i am capable of doing nsfw writing even though i'm publicly embarrassed to say so LMAO. i'd rather keep all the nsfw stuff to private/dms thanksies <3
but in the event that the plot requires characters to be aged up (e.g., marriage, drinking shenanigans, college/university setting, etc.), that is ALSO allowed
OCS WELCOMED!!! i am NOT against cc x oc roleplay as i also have my own original characters i roleplay and yap about!!!
AUs are SO welcomed, genuinely
characters of all ages are allowed!!
romantic and platonic are highly preferred!
i don't do well with horror, nor am i all that great at action scenes, so i'm 100% more partial to a fluff and light-hearted setting!
you don’t always gotta give me a plot, just give me a character, the setting, and WE BALL!!!
crossover pairings, multiships, polyamory—all are welcome, but in terms of polyamory, i'd be fine if it's just between three people :'D
please also note that there are also canon ships from certain fandom/media that i prefer to not roleplay as i primarily see them as friends and nothing else! (eg., anhane, shin soukoku, atsushi and kyoka)
if you ask to roleplay on another platform, then it would be discord i'm most comfortable with!
if you're a minor and ask for nsfw roleplay, then i'm sorry, but i'm turning you down because i'd be comfortable doing that with an adult.
this list will grow as i figure tumblr out more! (despite being a user for... several years now... sigh...)
RP CARD: symphonic encore
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brokenmachinemusings · 2 months
hi tumblr you get to hear my insane sgdlr ramblings theories whatever about mr vein which mifht be wrong but I DOTN CARE
ok sooooo first i connected the dots with cheng xiaoshi and vein bc they had the same shadow that dropped from the top left in the anniversary pv’s. most people reacted with “you didn’t connect shit”, but i’m telling you, i connected the dots.
what caught my eye on the shadow thing is that vein’s shadow didn’f have the same circular borders as liu xiao and xia fei who were obviously meant to be the same style. so they deliberately kept it at just the top left (to cover him up also). and did i mention cheng xiaoshi looks like he is trapped behind glass in the anniversary artwork? no i didn’t. i personally think all of the anniversary artworks are supposed to represent a special part of each character (qiao ling stepping out. you know).
i have not fully analysed vein’s outfit design because frankly i’m not sure what else to search up but. i’ll talk about the parts i did find
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so. first of all the pattern on his shoulders looks like blood. isn’t rhat fun!
second of all the little knots around his design, i’m pretty sure are ‘round brocade knots’ which represent “balance, completeness, good fortune”. i haven’t made exact ties between that and vein myself yet but it’s worth noting it.
i didn’t find out anything else about his design. the necklace is cut off just perfectly to not be able to see what it is (like liu xiao’s)
anyway. i’m just gonna jump to my theory. i think he is connected to either cheng xiaoshi or the disappearance of his parents!!!! wow. it might sound unlikely i am aware but this is what theories are for.
the biggest reason i came up with this is because we don’t need a new villain. we don’t need to be introduced to someone new when we already have liu xiao. but you know what liu xiao wouldn’t do? GET HIS HANDS DIRTY. at least, most likely, he strikes me as the type to work behind the scenes.
so what other reason would there be to introduce vein? “you could make the same argument for xia fei” well yeah but xia fei is a pushing force in how cheng xiaoshi and lu guang discovered their powers (probably. idk)
okkkk back to vein and cheng xiaoshi’s parents actually. why i think it’s likely they’re either missing because of vein or, if they’re dead, their bodies got disposed of for some reason? it’s because if they were caught in the earthquake THEIR BODIES WOULD BE FOUND BY NOW. at least that’s what makes sense to me lore wise. and i don’t think they would just ghost their child for like 12 years. and because from narrative storytellijg it would make sense if vein was the one that did something. (let me redirect you to pattern that looks like blood on his shoulders)
of course this could all be a red herring but the last time i said something was a red herring it turned out to be true. so i choose to stick to it this time!
the other possibility (or actually, both possibilities could ring true) is that vein was the one who shot cxs. who else would? (feel free to debate lol) i don’t think xia fei would have interest in that after the whole overseas trip business, liu xiao wouldn’t want to do it himself (he’d make someone else do it) and li tianchen is an option but we don’t know if he will be the one to do it in the end. so
i don’t have a good way to end this weird theory bit. if i think of something else i will add it. it has been plaguing at my mind. thank you tumblr user for reading my weird theory rambling and feel free to debate me. if i tjink of anything else myself i will edit and add it
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miyamiwu · 10 months
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OKay, so what if… What if the reason why CXS was in Liu Lan’s body in the end was simply because Liu Lan had also taken the photo.
It was a timed camera. Not the first instance a timed camera is used in this show, but in all previous times (in season 1), CXS had always entered as the one who initiated the photo.
So what if… Xiao Xi was the one who asked for a photo (out of a child’s curiosity, perhaps), but since she doesn’t know how to use the camera, she asked her mom to set it up? So technically, both of them had initiated the photo.
What’s odd, then, is not why CXS become Liu Lan, but why he was kicked out.
And I think this is definitely because another ability user had appeared/started using their abilities.
The same thing happened in the S1 end, when CXS was kicked out of the surveillance video of Emma. Back then, Red-eyes had appeared.
And with S2E7, we can practically confirm that there is a way for ability-users to interfere with another’s abilities. (Lu Guang tackling Cheng Xiaoshi made the latter snap out of mind control.)
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kumapillow · 9 months
Some more Link Click thoughts and qs after stewing and rewatching some scenes from S2.
Is the power transfer temporary, and can it only be used once…? And it seems to be implied that one needs to be holding the dying power user for the transfer to happen (like with Qiao Ling). Is that what happened as well to Lu Guang?
There’s that scene in ep6 with the photo of Xixi and her mom. Lu Guang told Cheng Xiaoshi that if the photo is lost, ‘their’ present will be lost. I guess LG knows this from firsthand experience…? Did he destroy the photo he used to dive back in time so the future he came from will less likely happen/be cut off completely? And how many times did he go back to actually find that out…? 😅 (ooh, and now CXS knows that too ohno—)
Liu Xiao and his talk about parallel universes kinda reminded me of Byakuran from KHR 😆😅 I’m actually excited to see what havoc he and Tianchen are going to do lol
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Anyway, I’m looking forward to a S3, and hopefully we get more answers then (though there will probably be more questions and headshakers as usual 😅).
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<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/42847563"><strong>After Dark</strong></a> (107 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/Rixeu"><strong>Rixeu</strong></a><br />Chapters: 1/?<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Xi%20You%20Ji%20%7C%20Journey%20to%20the%20West%20-%20Wu%20Cheng&#39;en">Xi You Ji | Journey to the West - Wu Cheng&#39;en</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/LEGO%20Monkie%20Kid">LEGO Monkie Kid</a><br />Rating: Mature<br />Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence<br />Relationships: Liu Er Mihou | Six-eared Macaque/Sun Wukong | Monkey King, Bai Long Ma | White Dragon Horse & Sun Wukong | Monkey King, Liu er Mihou | Six-eared Macaque & Qi Xiaotian | MK & Sun Wukong | Monkey King, Liu Er Mihou | Six-eared Macaque/Sun Wukong | Monkey King/Tang/Zhu Bajie | Pigsy (Monkie Kid), Qi Xiaotian | MK/Red Son, Long Xiaojiao | Mei & Red Son<br />Characters: Sun Wukong | Monkey King, Liu Er Mihou | Six-eared Macaque, Tang Sanzang | Tripitaka, Tang (Monkie Kid), Sha Wujing | Sandy (Monkie Kid), Sha Wujing | Sandy, Zhu Bajie | Eight-Precepts Pig, Zhu Bajie | Pigsy (Monkie Kid), Tieshan Gongzhu | Princess Iron Fan, Niu Mo Wang | Bull Demon King, Xiezi Jing | The Scorpion Spirit, Jin | Gold Horn Demon (Monkie Kid), Yin | Silver Horn Demon (Monkie Kid), Spider Queen (Monkie Kid), Strong Spider (Monkie Kid), Original Characters, Background & Cameo Characters, chimerashipping- freeform, Spicynoodles - freeform - Character, Freenoodles - freeform - Character, Lady Bone Demon's Host (Monkie Kid), Hong Hai'er | Red Boy, Red Son (Monkie Kid)<br />Additional Tags: Heavy Angst, References to Depression, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Non-Linear Narrative, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, generous description of violence, Sun Wukong | Monkey King Being an Asshole, Traumatized Sun Wukong | Monkey King, implied ShadowPeach if you squint hard enough, Aro/Ace sun wukong, Trans Sun Wukong, Trans Character, sun WuKong uses any pronouns, He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Qi Xiaotian | MK, Liu Er Mihou | Six-eared Macaque Being an Asshole, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Genderfluid sun wukong<br />Summary: <p>After an accident happened while hanging out with the gang.</p><p>They were sent to to the past by an ancient time pool called </p><p>An ancient lake that Qi Xiao was instructed NOT to go near</p><p>Join the hero’s on a journey they never thought they would be on.</p><p>A journey back to the past.</p>
Here’s a little demo 🤗
but THANK YOU!!!!
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seoulicons · 2 years
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xi98ao xiaosvie xiaovhs xiaosvlog wjscheng chengsfav is2cheng chengsbf
© to ye89un like or reblog if you use
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clvhq · 2 years
cheng xiao queda reservada a nombre de dumpling con un cupo en la familia zhu.
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soogyuloml · 2 years
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୨ 🕊 cheng xiao layouts ⋆˙⊹ [ requested ]
like/reblog if u save !!
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i6nie · 3 years
cheng xiao bios 𖤐
(🗯️) 私の幸せは . . . CHENG XIAO !?
don't talk to me, i'm thinking of more important things (𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗻𝗴 𝘅𝗶𝗮𝗼)
# #CHENG: 特寫 鏡頭 🎸
. . . bye 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯 🧠 hello 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙜 𝙭𝙞𝙖𝙤 ☆
i don't believe in "nobody is perfect" because come on! you didn't see cheng xiao?
like or reblog if you save or use.
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minhozito · 4 years
cheng xiao users
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