#cheong jin
pettyrgeo · 4 months
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what is bro talking about
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quack-quack-snacks · 11 months
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Star Crossed - Prologue
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
The Star Crossed Masterlist
My All Of Us Are Dead Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
Warnings: Rude behavior from a non-canon character, Su-hyeok being the best little lovely boy that he is, lmk if there are any more! Word Count: 2,437
Being the little sister of one of the biggest bullies in the school was not the best for your life in the classrooms. Although there were some benefits like nobody messing with you and getting protection from the rest of the bullies in the school, you were lonely. Nobody messing with you also meant nobody wanted to get near you in fear of your brother. Every day, you would watch the students of the school gather in their groups for lunch and laugh together and the lonely, empty feeling you had would grow. 
You were a sophomore now but the treatment from the people around you wasn’t new. Being a year younger than your brother also meant that he had involved himself in the bullying before you had even joined the school yet. You were outcasted from the very beginning. 
Although you technically always had a seat at lunch with your brother and his friends, you didn’t want to be any more associated with them than you had to. You loved your brother, of course, he’d been the one there for you since the beginning especially since your mother was absent and your father hardly gave the two of you the time of day, but you couldn’t stand the fact that he involved himself in that crowd, especially when he himself just got pushed around by the people within it. 
You never had any friends…
Until him.
Lee Su-hyeok.
One day, when you were sitting by yourself at lunch, headphones plugged in with your music playing loudly to keep the noises of the students in the cafeteria room having fun - and you not being involved - at bay, you didn’t notice the boy approaching your table until he sat down across from you. He gave you a small but genuine smile when you looked up at him in shock before pointing to your headphones and motioning for you to take them out. You took them out hesitantly, unsure of what he wanted from you. 
You weren’t oblivious to who he was. After all, he was friends with your brother and, therefore friends with the school’s bullies. The whole school pretty much knew who he was, and although he was different from the rest of the group, kinder and never really fighting unless they deserved it, you still weren’t sure of him. 
“Hi,” he started with an unsure tone to his voice.
“Hi,” you replied, your voice practically miming his with your own unsureness peeking through. 
“Sorry, this might be weird. I just…” he scratched the back of his neck as he looked away sheepishly, obviously not planning past the point of sitting next to you. 
‘Cute,’ you thought before scolding yourself as you remembered who exactly he was. 
His hand suddenly shot out in front of him toward you. “I’m Su-hyeok,” he said in a way that made it seem like he was trying to convince you it was his name. 
You let out a small laugh before extending your own hand to shake his, “I believe you.”
He blushed but let out a small grin.
“I’m (Y/n).”
“It’s nice to meet yo-"
“Oi! Su-hyeok!” He got cut off by his name being called from across the cafeteria. The both of you looked over to see Son Myeong-hwan calling out to him with your brother, Gwi-nam, standing next to him with an annoyed look on his face. 
“It’s okay,” you started before he could even open his mouth when he looked back at you. You gave him a small, reassuring smile, but you could tell he could see the disappointment lingering beneath it. “You should probably get back to your friends. I’ll see you around, yeah?” With that, you put your headphones back in and went back to eating, ignoring the way the small spark of remaining hope in your soul diminished when he got up and walked away. 
As you watched him sit down at the table where his friends were, rolling your eyes when Gwi-nam smacked him over the back of the head, that spark reflamed when he turned around to look at you and gave you a smile and a secret wave when he saw you already looking. 
Ever since that day, you saw him more and more often. You found yourself looking for him in the halls and noticing he had more than a few classes with you. Every day, without fail, he would give you your favorite snack right after your first class ended. 
“I overheard you telling your brother once that you were always hungry in our second class so I used to just leave these on your desk but now I think just giving them to you might be better.”
“B-but, I started getting those months ago?” You questioned him in confusion.
He just smiled before walking away.
It was so surprising to figure out he noticed you before you even officially met and even more surprising that he seemed to care enough to make sure you stayed fed. 
He was like a drop of rain during a drought. It had been so long since you’d had a friend that you forgot what it was like to have someone other than your brother care about you. 
It was refreshing.
When Su-hyeok finally got the courage to leave Myeong-hwan and his friend group, you were so relieved. The two of you had spent countless nights staying up way past your bedtimes spending hours on the phone talking and one night he confessed that he actually didn’t want to be in the group. He just didn’t really have anyone else. He entered the school alone and was instantly seen by Myeong-hwan who took him in. 
You’d wished he would be able to get out ever since you met, so when he told you he had made another friend you were ecstatic. You were so happy for him until you realized what that meant. 
You would be alone again. 
It’s not like he would bother sticking around now that he had actual friends outside of you, right?
You couldn’t have been more wrong. 
The day after he told you, you had spent the morning sulking and trying your best to avoid him, not wanting him to feel pressured to keep your friendship alive now that he had real friends. When lunch came, however, he sat down at your usual table where you always spent lunch alone. When you were about to get up and leave, he grabbed your wrist gently and looked at you with a sad pleading gaze. 
“Why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something?” He looked so sad as he asked and you felt so guilty.
Looking down and picking at your food, you told him. “I just didn’t want you to have to go through the trouble of telling me you don’t want to be friends with me now that you have your own friends.” You raised your head to look him in the eyes. “Su-hyeok, you don’t have to feel pressured to hang around me.”
His mouth hung open in disbelief and he sputtered before deciding to stand up and move to your side of the table.
“(Y/n), did it ever occur to you that I was friends with you because I wanted to and because I liked being your friend?”
The look of pure shock that you gave him broke his heart. He sighed and wrapped his arms around you, embracing you in a hug - something you hadn’t had in a long time. 
Although Gwi-nam was a good brother, he wasn’t a touchy one, so hugs were off the table. 
After the hug ended, Su-hyeok invited you to go over and sit with his friends but you couldn’t bring yourself to agree. You knew what your reputation was. How it made you seem to be: spoiled; rude; entitled. Despite no one - besides your brother and his friend group as well as Su-hyeok - actually knowing you, they all assumed the worst of you. Despite knowing Su-hyeok had his own reputation, you couldn’t find it in you to bring him down with yours. 
That was a little less than a year ago. Although you and Su-hyeok continued to remain friends, you refused to be around him in public and continued to stick to yourself when in school. 
“You’ll just drag yourself down if you hang around me, I don’t want that for you,” you would tell him every time he tried to change your mind. No matter how much convincing he did, he was never successful at changing your mind. 
In order to try to change the minds of your fellow students without the help of anyone else, you tried joining the Student Council.
There, you met Choi Nam-ra.
Although she had told you that her spot as Student President was just being paid for by her mother, you didn’t let it change the way you saw her. There was so much more to her than what met the eye and to be honest it didn’t surprise you. You knew what reputations and rumors did to how people were perceived considering you yourself were a victim of said reputations and rumors. Although awkward and blunt at times, she turned out to be a very kind and caring person who didn’t hesitate to call anyone out if they talked shit about you behind your back.
She would say the same for you. 
Nobody could speak badly about Nam-ra and get away with it in your presence. Although you were not a violent person by any means, you had a glare that rivaled that of your brother’s. Not to mention the tone you used with them if they were being a dick. 
Some people were scared shitless of you - not even just because of your reputation as the youngest of the Yoon family. 
Which is why you were surprised to figure out that you had been elected as the Student Vice President a few months after meeting Nam-ra.
She'd told you the news with a small smile on her face and gave you a quick hug, telling you how proud she was of you. She never told you but you were sure that she used some form of her Student Body President powers to get the position. Regardless, you were happier than ever to have a friend and a role in the school that didn’t consist of only being known as the bully’s younger sister. 
Your new status consisting of being the Vice President didn’t change the untouchability that came with the old one, if anything it just gave you more untouchability.
However, not all people saw it like that. 
One day, After walking down the hallway to your locker, you were approached by a boy whom you recognized from your first and fourth-period class. He had shaggy dark brown hair that went just past his eyes and he kept shaking his head to keep it out of his eyes. His cheeks were pink as he tapped on your shoulder to grab your attention and scratched the top of his head while you took your headphones out.
“Um… hi?” You whispered out hesitantly. 
“Hi, my name is Yoo Jaehyun. I’m in your first and fourth classes.” He shot his hand out, almost smacking you in the face so you jumped back before hesitantly shaking his hand. 
“It’s… nice to meet you Jaehyun, I’m-”
“I know who you are, (Y/n). Everyone in school knows who you are,” he told you as if it was a compliment but you just frowned and tried to take your hand out of his grip when he tightened his grip. You tried again and looked at him uncomfortably but he just seemed to ignore you as he kept talking. “I just wanted to introduce myself to you and tell you that I would like you to be my girlfriend. I like you and I think we would look good together.”
Finally yanking your hand out of his grasp, your elbow slammed into the lockers behind you painfully. You winced and held your elbow with your other hand as you gave him a slightly apologetic but mainly confused smile.
“But we don’t know each other?” You told him quietly. 
“I don’t need to know you I just like how hot you are. So what do you say, (Y/n)? Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked arrogantly.
You stood there and just looked at him, mortified. The way he said the words sounded more like catcalling than they did as a compliment and you found yourself feeling disgusted at where his palm touched your own just moments before. 
“Um… no… sorry,” you told him, though you were not sorry at all. 
“What? Why?” He asked, his tone becoming louder and more aggressive. 
“I… I just don’t-”
“You know, I always knew you were just a selfish bitch who didn’t care about anyone but herself and her fucking brother. No wonder no one talks to you,” he interrupted you again. “I was just trying to be nice but now that I know your personality is as fake as your spot as Vice President I don’t even want to anymore. You were ugly anyways.”
With that, he walked away. Leaving you to stare at the spot he once stood at and let the tears leave wet streaks down your cheeks as you furiously tried to wipe them away in the empty hallway. Completely giving up on being able to go to class, you decided to go to the girls’ bathroom and spend the rest of the class in there. Luckily it was the last class of the day anyways so you would be able to go home straight away afterward. You would just have to calm yourself down before you saw Gwi-nam or Su-hyeok.
Luckily you had another hour to do that. Texting a lame excuse to Su-hyeok and Nam-ra about why you weren’t in class, you decided to just gather your belongings and just head home alone. 
The next day, word had gotten around to Su-hyeok and Gwi-nam both about the situation. Someone who had been walking by had heard the conversation and started spreading it around. Unfortunately for the boy, Gwi-nam had gotten to him first. Su-hyeok had arrived at the scene just before you did, leading you away as he exchanged a slight nod with Gwi-nam. It seemed people forgot who you really were; who you knew. 
Even after going their separate ways and despising each other, they both could agree on one thing.
No one hurt you and got away with it.
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ROTBB First Time Headcanons (NSFW/Minors DNI)
An anonymous request. Work left me burnt out so I used this to get my creative juices flowing again. Written with a GN reader in mind.
Chung Myung
So you know how he has canonically big hands?
Guide him and he'll become the fingering king in no time. He already has long fingers, so you just need to tell him where to go, what to do, and how fast to do it.
Staying on the topic of hands he's grabbing everything because A. Grabbing your bits is funand B. He wants to see how you react. 
Surprisingly good at foreplay, and it makes you wonder if he’s read a couple of books on this or not.
Also bricked up and if you comment on this he will get cocky. (pun intended lmaoooo)
It might be his first time, but holy shit he has stamina thanks to his training. Even if he finished too soon he's going back in. Will not stop until you've finished.
Probably started out with missionary for the first round but will want to try other positions later in the night.
Kind of guy to finish inside of you, stay inside for a minute, and then accidentally get hard again from staying inside. (wrap it before you tap it)
Baek Cheon
He tries to be super romantic during his first time because he thinks that's what you want and he desperately wants to impress you. He’s a perfectionist, so he tries to make everything perfect.
Probably took you on a nice little date first. Has prepped his room ahead of time in case he gets lucky. He's got candles, towels, etc.
Normally you don't plan your first time, but he keeps this stuff on hand just so he can be prepared
And when he does get lucky he’ll concentrate more on giving his partner a pleasurable experience than his own satisfaction
Tries so hard to spoil his partner, but you should uno reverse it. He’ll get flustered and ask if it’s okay that he’s receiving all of this attention. Please continue pleasuring him he really likes it.
Going to go with missionary first because it’s easy and he wants to see how you react to his performance. If you want to continue spoiling him ride him during round 2 and he’ll be in heaven.
I also headcanon him as being bricked up but he needs to learn how to uhhh… wield the blade? Again? But like a different blade if you know what I mean? I need to stop bye-
Jo Geol
He doesn't know what he's doing. He's received advice, read romance novels, etc. but he’s still awkward. But then again who isn't awkward during their first time?? He's trying his best and that's all that matters.
Will try really hard to be romantic, but he’s extremely nervous. Will tell you he’s nervous, because admitting that he’s nervous helps calm him down. Idk why it just works.
Please reassure him and tell him he’s doing a good job.
Communicates a lot and is very loud. The more you stimulate him, the louder he’ll get. Isn’t shy when it comes to dirty talking with you.
He strikes me as a doggy-style kind of guy. Idk why.
Not as well-endowed as the last two but it’s about the motion of the ocean. He’s a quick learner so he’ll learn how to hit it right after a couple of tries.
Really reserved and shy, so you’ll have to take the lead with this one. There’s no way he’d initiate something so scandalous. 
If he makes any moves he’ll be really polite and constantly ask if what he’s doing is okay and if you feel good.
A blunt partner would make him soooo flustered, but he’s secretly turned on by a partner like that.
Yunjong wants to be dominated and bottom. Like he’ll top if you want him to, but he really likes watching you ride him. Find the thought of you getting off while using him like a dildo really hot, but you could never get him to say that out loud.
Discovers that he likes receiving hickeys, but can’t stand the embarrassment that comes with people seeing them. If you mark his neck please teach him how to use makeup to cover them up.
Jo Geol notices him during his walk of shame and Yunjong gets interrogated. Jo Geol was waiting for you two to get together and won a bet thanks to you guys.
Sweating nervously and giving vague answers when people ask him where he was last night, but everyone knows. He doesn’t say anything, but his nervous body language gives everything away.
 Yu Iseol
Ugh, I wish they would develop her more. I love her but she’s so hard to write for.
She seems quiet and stoic but if you're trying to seduce her she will get a little flustered.
Her flusteredness is very subtle though. It’s a blink and you might miss it kind of thing.
Her cheeks turn slightly red and she can't hold eye contact for as long as she normally does. 
Literally has no idea what she's doing. She has no prior experience or advice so she's in the dark. Please help guide her or be the dominant one.
Trying to figure out what she likes/dislikes and vice versa. 
I feel like she wants to top, but you’ll have to tell her what to do and if you like it or not. 
She also likes bottoming, and when you top you should overstimulate her. She won’t say it out loud but you can tell based on her expressions that she really enjoys it.
Doesn’t moan a lot so you’ll have to gauge your performance based off of her facial expressions and body language.
Likes it when you play or pull on her hair.
If she does a good job, please tell her. She loves being praised. 
Lee Songbaek
Sweet boy
Another one that asks if everything he's doing is okay and is very gentle with you because he doesn't want to accidentally hurt you.
He discovers that he’s a big fan of foreplay. Really likes to make you a panting mess before the main event happens.
Like Yu Iseol, I headcanon him as a switch. 
I feel like he’d want to do the face-off position during his first time. That or any position where his partner faces him because he likes the intimacy.
Also likes to watch you get off when you’re on top of him.
He seemed shy at first, but after you’ve seen each other inside and out (hahahahah) he’s going to be more honest and bold
Wants you to untie his hair and pull on it
Jin Geumryong
Another one I struggle to write for…
You have feelings for this guy? Bless your heart.
Likes being dominant and in control, but finds a witty partner that fights back exciting. 
If you try to fight for dominance you’re not gonna win. Nice try though!
Probably discovers that he’s into brat taming, and wants to do freakier shit but waits until next time because he doesn’t want to scare you off.
Will ask to tie you up to see if you two enjoy it, and you do.
When he marks you for the first time, he finds out he really likes making you squirm and will do it again.
Also enjoys overstimulating you.
Like Chung Myung, he will want to keep going until you’ve finished too. He might be a little mean but he’s not going to leave you unsatisfied.
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enihk-writes · 8 months
[before the year ends]
seasonal fics : 除夕 (chú xī) / lunar new year's eve edition
paring: various!hwasan men x gn!reader
summary: things that happen on the last day of the year.
characters: chung myung (can be read as both pbss and mhdd) // chung mun // chung jin // tang bo // tang gunak // jang ilso // jin hyeon // lee songbaek // jin geumryong // baek cheon
author's note: my personal music recommendations for the day are lovers in seoul by off the menu , hot potato by n.flying , coconut love by seoulmoon , mercury by bye bye badman and t + tik tak tok by silica gel feat. So!YoON! (doing this for fun because my other hobby is looking for new music and putting them in a playlist partly because one of my teenage dreams was to open up a cd shop in an art street or own a music-vinyl brunch cafe by the seaside ugggh but you need money like do you know how expensive seaside properties are in singapore!!! i don't have that cash!!! so i have to work!!!! fuck!!!!)
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CHUNG MYUNG doesn't like to be cooped up indoors during the festive period. so that afternoon he slipped out to visit the next town over, hearing about their night market and looking forward to getting drunk off his rocker before returning home. only to come face-to-face with you. to his credit he tried to divert your attention to slip away with a bold-faced lie but to be honest, he isn't very good at that. he ends up letting you tag along to buy your silence. which wasn't that bad of a decision — he found himself enjoying the private time he had with you more than he'd expected, like walking through the markets with pinkies interlocked, visiting taverns and teahouses getting mistaken for a couple to get discounts, even the passionate drunken kisses you both shared on the inn balcony which left him quite dazed. when he gets back he would have to have a talk with you about what happened here. though right now he's a little preoccupied with leaving marks all up your neck, hands under your clothes going to places he probably shouldn't, revelling in your embarrassment a little too much. thank goodness he had the foresight to rent out a room to stay in so the both of you could do whatever you wanted in here to the heart's content all night long.
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CHUNG MUN watches as you scurry around the sect grounds checking in on the workers who were all preparing for the banquet that was to be held over the new year. as the sect leader he shouldn't interrupt another elder's duties, but as your husband he wanted you to pay attention to him too — it was new years eve and your spouse can't even ask for some alone time with you? you were so cruel, was this how he was to spend the last day of the year? he sighed and turned back to his papers, finishing up with his own work until it was finally time for bed. you met him in the front of your shared house, he finds himself cracking a smile when you bury your face into his chest, he walks you over to sit together on the bench, where you plop your head down on his lap, very much like a certain youngest, pouring your heart out on the annoyances that you've faced today so what has your dear husband have in mind to reward their hardworking partner? the man only chuckles at your ranting, running his fingers until you fell asleep, carrying your tired body to tuck you in bed. he looks over at your peaceful form one more time, kisses your hand and leaves for his own quarters to retire for the night.
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CHUNG JIN had been pulled out from under the pile of books he's buried under to take a day off at the behest of the other elders and disciples. not knowing what to do, he hovers around your side, not really wanting to go down the mountain without a solid plan. you thought he looked a little like a lost sparrow then, so you let him stay around as you went about your day. he aided you with small tasks here and there — wasn't he supposed to be on break? old habits die hard, you supposed. he ended up helping you finish your job earlier than intended, bringing the leftovers from the kitchen along, the two of you headed down the forested path at the back of the mountain to wile away the rest of the afternoon as you ate the food and engaged in small talk about nothing in particular. the sun felt warm on your skin, and as it began to set, the sounds of the flowing stream nearby lulled the two elders into a dreamless sleep.
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TANG BO stifled a laugh as he looked at your sorry state. only an idiot falls sick on new year's eve — was what he'd told you. you wanted to strangle him right then and there, never mind that he was your husband. he offered to nurse you for the day, supposedly from the kindness of his heart. bullshit. this guy had something up his sleeve, you were so sure of it. but whatever you thought he'd do never happened. your husband truly did take care of you that whole day. he'd wipe off your cold sweat, change towels, feed you food and medication on time, among other things. you thought he'd turn over a new leaf and was just about to praise him when he snickers at you again. maybe you should get sick more often, you're so much nicer when you're quiet like this. too bad for him your fingers were faster as you shove them up his nose to choke him in retaliation. fortune favours the just. the next morning you woke up feeling good as new — your fever had gone away just in time to celebrate the new year. your husband, on the other hand, didn't seem to be doing too well, seemingly catching your cold from yesterday. hmph, serves him right for teasing you like that.
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TANG GUNAK could not catch a break even on new year's eve. there was always work to do, the world did not stop on holidays, after all. you slipped into the room quietly with refreshments in hand, hoping to get him to take a short break from his paperwork. the man had sharp ears — recognising the weighted rhythm of your footsteps even as you were on the far end of the hallway. he sets down his brush, getting up to greet you. my love, he'd call out softly, expertly placing away the tray in your hands. you laugh as he pulls you into his embrace, his face burrowing into your shoulder. you try to hug him back with as much vigour you could muster, pulling away just so you could place a few pecks on his face. it wasn't a very long break, but he was grateful for it nonetheless. he sipped on the tea you brewed, listening to your excited recounting of a new novel you had been reading. new years was a time to give thanks for the blessings in life, and he was more than thankful for the way your shoulder felt pressed against his arm as you two sat side by side.
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JANG ILSO cared little for the festivities. he wasn't in the mood for any banquet, or party or whatever loud activity. he had been itching to do something, but he couldn't pinpoint what he wanted to do and the idea of going outside annoyed him. you didn't really know, nor cared to find out about your employer's stormy tantrum going on right at that moment. unfortunately for you, you were one of his go-to people to piss off and annoy whenever he wanted to cause trouble. your boss was a temperamental man, and you always walked on eggshells around him. little did you know that you were third on his list of people he liked, so in the off chance that you did piss him off, he wasn't going to get rid of you. not that soon or quickly anyways. he barged into your office with attendants trailing behind him with boxes of drinks, food and entertainment for that evening. he was here to bother you, if you so kindly didn't mind. most of what happened was blurry — you only remembered drinking the sweet wine, going down far too easily, possibly knocking over papers and ink all over your desk and then passing out. the next time you came to, you were in a guest bedroom near your boss' own. the hangover medicine and new clothes already laid out on the table for you. there was no way you had created a moment that your boss could hold over your head as blackmail. no, you detested the teasing that was sure to come from him in the coming year.
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JIN HYEON had been out on an errand on behalf of the elders, and finally, he was going back to wudang just in time for new years. he stops by the small diner in the town next door, he often had his meals here whenever he's going out, outwardly he said it's because he liked the lotus root soup with pork ribs served with warm rice. in reality, he just wanted to find a chance to talk to you, the owner — a familiar face he had known since both of you were mere apprentices. though now you had taken over the restaurant your adoptive grandfather had left behind for you while he had risen up to the rank of a second-grade disciple. the diner was small, and the business was decent enough to make ends meet, but it wasn't so busy that you didn't have time to sit across him to have a short chat before he headed off. you asked him if he would stay and visit the night market this year. he shook his head sadly, feeling bad that he was turning down your offer yet again. you shook your disappointment off, opting to change the topic. the hour passed far too quickly, and he had to report back to the elders before night fall. you walk him towards the door, just as the wind picks up from where your back was turned, pushing you into his chest. the man takes the opportunity to pull you a little closer, accidentally placing a peck on your forehead. you didn't think he'd be this affectionate today but who cared? it was new years eve and it's been a while since he had walked you home. maybe next year you could ask him again to come with you to the night market.
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LEE SONGBAEK had gone to his hometown for the new year celebrations. he had been given permission by the elders to do so, along with a good majority of the other disciples. things had been really quiet back in the sect with nobody really wanting to do anything with them. speaking of which, he hadn't seen his family in years by now, and he wondered how they were all doing. he didn't plan to spend too much time — have dinner, catch up, stay overnight and leave the next morning. he didn't expect to see that you would also be in his house, helping out with the new year's eve dinner. he could smell the dough and sesame paste drying out in the sun for the tang-yuan they'd all have later. actually, he thinks most of the village was congregated at his house. the disciples who had tagged along with him were a little taken aback at the size of the crowd, much to his embarrassment. he didn't think his village would be so stoked to have him back on new years with his sect brothers. you slipped out of the kitchen to greet him as the elders fussed over the boys that had come to visit. he leans over to greet you, feeling a small smile pull at his lips when you tousle his hair. his original plan might have been a little thwarted, but since you were here, he didn't really mind. ah, when he goes back to the sect, he should ask if the tailor was accepting any apprentices — if he were, and you came over, he might see you around more often in the coming year.
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JIN GEUMRYONG wished he was anywhere else but here right now. but, as the eldest and prodigal son he should behave appropriately. he slips out of the banquet hall at the first opportunity, making shoddy excuses like needing to go to the restroom. he finds a spot in the quietest part of the estate, taking a moment to collect himself from the incessant social interaction he's had the whole day. soft footsteps approach him — really? he feels annoyed, but tries to reign back his distaste when he sees your smiling face beaming at him. go away. he tells you, not in the mood to deal with whatever you were about to drag him into. please? you'd beg, your hand pulling at his arm to get him on his feet. there was something you wanted to show him, and if he didn't go with you now, he was going to miss it! the man agreed reluctantly, letting you take him to the lake behind the hills. the night sky was clear and he could see every sparkling star in the sky. you sit on a fallen log, seemingly waiting for something to happen. he sits right by you, choosing not to question your actions. and then — there it was. the stars fell from the sky one after another, painting the night in long white painter's lines. he'd never seen anything like this in his life thus far, and he might not ever see it again. but it didn't matter. when you asked, doesn't it look amazing? he could only hum, unable to take his eyes off you all while your gaze was turned to the spectacle in the skies.
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BAEK CHEON, for the life of him, can't decide which tassel he wanted to buy and ended up just getting a roll of thread in plum-blossom pink to make one on his own. the handiwork was clumsy, clearly amateurish with the bronze coin woven into the accessory. it certainly resembled the shape of a tassel — if you didn't look at the finer details too closely and for too long. you could see him look embarrassed at the quality and was already regretting giving it to you. but how could you not want his sincere gift? you loved it, flaws and all, because it was from him and you wanted to be reminded of the idea that this perfectionist still could make mistakes. you pull him down for a kiss. and then another. and another, until you were peppering his whole face in kisses because your heart couldn't handle this gap in his personality. your poor love, look at how red his face had become. he didn't know whether to be happy that you liked his gift this much, or feel shy at the public show of affection in a place where everyone in the sect could possibly see? you can't help but snicker mischievously as you skipped away from the scene — leaving the poor boy in a flustered mess.
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Seung Sama: You think you're stronger than the entire martial world, huh?
Cheongmyeong: I don't think I'm stronger than the entire martial world. I know I am.
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still-love-the-moon · 2 years
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I already knew the sorrow of being a survivor, but I didn't know just how heavy that sorrow would be.
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morally-graysoul · 10 months
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Cheong-san: Why are you sleeping on the couch?
Woo-jin: Dae-su and I had a fight.
Cheong-san: But what does that have to do with you and Joon-yeong?
Woo-jin: He took Joon-yeong away from me as punishment.
Cheong-san: ... It works that way?
Woo-jin: Apparently.
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glitterfairy-21225 · 1 year
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Ideas for AoUAD season two, some good, some bad, some absolutely terrifying. Not to say that I want everything on this to happen, obviously, some of these keep up at night shaking in fear (Ha-ri, get behind me). But all things I can see the show maybe doing.
Will reblog once the season comes out. 
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intothemultifandom · 1 year
Auld Lang Syne || Chapter One
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Pairing: Han Gyeong-Su x Reader
Summary: Class 2-2's Vice President: VP.
In which the sensible Vice-President does their best to keep their little band of survivors alive.
Tags/Warnings: reader insert, character death, swearing, canon divergence, pre-relationship, angst + more
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Chapter One
Harabeoji lays on the hospital bed, unaware that the world continues without him.
You're his only visitor today. The room is cold, and his heart monitor fills the silence since you won't.
You don't know what to say, where to start.
Do you tell him that he needs to wake up? That since he fell sick, your step-grandmother used his coma as an opportunity to move everyone from your family home (sans yourself) and that her son, your half-uncle and proxy, is already making deals to have the line of succession passed to him instead?
Seoul is too far from Hyosan for you to visit him, to remind him to keep fighting and to keep vigil at his bedside, but they moved his treatment here anyway. Have already brought themselves a sky-line apartment right in the centre.
If you told him that they've left you alone, that they've left you behind, would that be enough to wake him up?
On your lap, you've brought a collection of Western comic books you've been reading to practise your English and since you need to fill the quiet somehow, you pick one out to read:
The Walking Dead, it says.
If Harabeoji finds your pick distasteful, he doesn't say.
(You wish he would).
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In a class-room setting, the Vice-President is meant to ensure that there is strong communication between the Class Reps and the President. When the President is absent, it is up to them to act in their stead. To lead the class through ever-changing situations with a clear head and mature outlook.
At times, you enjoy being responsible for such tasks. The position gives you a sense of purpose on days when you feel set adrift, makes you feel more present as you tend to your responsibilities and resolve minor conflicts. Those are the days you feel like an ordinary student, responsible only for the happenings of your class.
Other times however, it's a bitter reminder. Of Harabeoji who's counting on you to do good, of the dynasty you're set to inherit in his name and of the interests you've had to sacrifice in favour of activities more appealing for Universities overseas. Like being Vice-President.
Joon-Yeong insists you should have been Class President when the positions are first announced. It's unfair Nam-Ra gets the position because of her Mother's bribery when you're not only first in class but have given up more to commit to your school's night self-learning programme and your new role.
He says it with an air of indifference as he crosses his arms, but his eyes burn behind his glasses. You think it's because losing the Presidency to a friend will make the loss hurt a little less, and because it would excuse you from not hanging out with him and the others as much as you used to.
You don't point it out to him, though. Joon-Yeong has to come to his own conclusion for things to stick. Instead, you make a show of pointing your finger right at his nose as you order him–and the others watching–to call you "VP" henceforth.
It's not much, but if you show that you're not upset with the position you're given then your friends have no grounds to be angry on your behalf. You just hope that overtime, they'll come around about the Class President you do have in the meantime.
You did in the end, hadn't you?
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Speaking of your Class President, Nam-Ra always complains about the music playing on your headphones whenever she slides into her seat next to you, but it doesn't stop her from leaning over your textbook to assess your work.
You respond by turning your volume all the way up so the melody of Auld Lang Syne rattles your ears, mouth curling when she nods begrudgingly at your answers.
There isn't much she'll find to begin with, but it's routine; Nam-ra grumbles about your music in the morning as she looks over your work (way better than her rhythm techno beats, mind you), and you pretend this isn't her odd way of showing her friendship.
Silently, you offer her a piece of Poki from your half-opened bag, your own show of friendship, and she accepts the treat after a long, drawn out moment. Even though she doesn't say anything, you can see her face soften in the corner of your eye, and beyond the obvious, you're glad that she's not actually mad about your song choice for today.
"Wake me up when Ms. Park comes," you say after a moment, falling into your normal position as you cross your arms over your textbook, cushioning your head as you close your eyes. Nam-ra predictably grumbles at your command, but doesn't make a move to disturb you.
And drifting off, you hope that today is another calm day.
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It's not.
Hyeon-Ju's bloodied entrance is too shocking for the day to be anything but calm.
Even when she's whisked away by Ms. Park, Su-Hyeok and a few others to the infirmary, the shock gives way to unease and the feeling settles under your skin before you can do anything about it. It makes you itch to do something, anything.
Ms. Park instructs you all to resume studying but hearing what Hyeon-Ju said and seeing her state in general, more than half the class group together to brainstorm what happened between your classmate and Mr. Lee.
Nam-Ra seems to be the only one actually studying and while it looks like you are too, with all your pens laid out and your head tilted down to your book, you're actually listening in on the chatter around you. Pulling out your stationary was just a show of solidarity, if anything.
From what you gather, no one seems to say anything that corroborates your unease or the sense of foreboding that's taken root. Dae-Su's idea is perverse, Wu-Jin is quick to slap him on the back of his head, and I-Sak returns with a troubled face before the others can chime in.
At once, everyone turns their attention towards her, even Nam-Ra, but the weight of someone's stare grows heavy on the side of your face so you turn to other side of the room instead, catching Gyeong-Su's gaze just as he snaps his head back to I-Sak.
You're sure he knows you caught him staring at you because the tips of his ears are pink, and his posture is rigid as he faces the front. If you weren't feeling so agitated, your skin still itching, you'd smile at his embarrassment.
How long will he wait before he confesses?
"–What happened? Is Hyeon-Ju okay?" Wu-Jin chimes. He kneels next to I-Sak when he asks, and you begin tapping your finger on your desk when she speaks, pulled back to the matter at hand.
When you saw Hyeon-Ju last, the poor girl was delirious as she stumbled into the room, eyes fluttering as she tried to stay awake. Her face was bloodied, her hair was matted and when she collapsed by Ms. Parks' feet, she could could barely move.
However, the Hyeon-Ju I-Sak left in the infirmary sounds like a completely different person.
Having to be restrained as she thrashed on the bed. Hissing. Biting.
She scratched Ms. Kim, I-Sak says.
There's a cold sweat running down the back of your neck the more you imagine it, different scenarios flitting through your head in quick succession, but when I-Sak mentions some weird shot Mr. Lee injected her with, the agitation you feel reaches a crescendo.
You stop tapping, deciding that you need to see things yourself.
Nam-Ra glances at you from the corner of her eye, and you hope the look you flash her doesn't belie your nerves.
It turns out though that the Class President must consider you more of a friend than you realised (the kind of friend that you cover for), because her mouth twists like she knows you're up to something but doesn't push.
"I'll find a mop to clean up the mess," you lie, grabbing your bag.
"Hurry back," is Nam-Ra's cool reply.
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This is a multi-fic story. 
I intend to post this story on Wattpad and Ao3 shortly. Maybe even Quotev and FF.net, too. 
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impromptu-sketches · 2 years
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author’s twitter
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enihk-writes · 11 months
[kiss, kiss, kiss, 단 하루도 빼먹지 말고]
based on lyrics from day 1 by red velvet
paring: various!hwasan men x gn!reader
(OR) various!hwasan men x preferred pairing free for all, ambiguous, can be them with anybody of your choice (i.e. tangchung / whiterust / cmxilso)
summary: short headcanons of where they like to kiss their beloveds
characters: geumjon (pbss) // geumhyeop (mhdd) // chung mun // tang bo // tang gunak // baek cheon // jin geumryong // lee songbaek // namgung dowi // jang ilso // chung jin
author's note: gagged when i typed the word beloved oh god when i say i get physically sick writing sappy romance i mean it yall my stomach is having issues rn....................... listening to rizzotto's sexyback cover on repeat and day 1 at the same time for maximum effect............ (looking like an insane homebody) also i feel like i should apologize to soso for this... yanno... just in case uhhhh what else???? AHHHHHHHHHH DEUKAE COMEBACK ON THE 22ND SO IM GOING MIA!!! I LOVE ROTBB BUT I LOVE MY GIRLS MORE!!!!!!! RAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHH I AM A FEMINIST FIRST!!!!!! AND A C0CK SUCKER 2ND!!!!!!
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GEUMJON is still very immature at heart so, kisses from him are more innocent and well, somewhat child-like. he's not experienced with things like this so he mostly settles for impromptu cheek kisses whenever he's the one initiating. surprisingly conservative, won't go any further than innocuous touches unless the relationship is established to be romantic with the intention to marry. even then, out in public especially under broad daylight, he won't be the first to make a move even if he really, really wants to.
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GEUMHYEOP is quieter, more grounded and direct. he doesn't like to waste time. if he has the urge to kiss his partner, he will. it doesn't matter where they are, he would cup their cheeks in his hands and give them a proper kiss on their lips... unless they are both in the middle of an important discussion or in a room with the others. he still has some basic manners and decency to not embarrass the other one. expanding on the way he goes about it — he likes to observe his partner's face, and remember their every detail because he recognises that memory is unreliable and hopes that doing this would burn their image in his mind for good. doesn't seek out for kisses often but doesn't push away his partner's advances. if he does seek them out, it's more likely because he's going through something at that moment and isn't in the mood to talk about it yet.
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JANG ILSO is the complete opposite. no shame, no patience. they could be in the middle of a conversation with someone else or out and about in public under broad daylight. it's either he gets a kiss from his partner now or he will have them wait until he's back in the mood. doesn't really care if it pisses the other off... lowkey gets off on their anger. very tall guy so he likes to grab his partner's chin and tilt their head backwards so he can lean down and give a short peck, sometimes the kisses are more heated and lasts far longer — so they often end up in... situations... no matter where he is with his partner...
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CHUNG MUN is the type of guy someone brings home to meet their parents. will not make a move, not even hand-holding until he gets explicit permission from his partner. date-to-marry type, and super conservative. even after having their first kiss, will not do that again unless it was during the wedding ceremony, wedding night and subsequent special occasions relating to his partner. prefers to convey his affections through interlocking fingers with his partner, and when they are alone, he'd bring them up to his lips and kiss their knuckles tenderly.
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CHUNG JIN can often be found in between rows of bookshelves taking archives. that's also usually the place where he shares kisses with his partner. most times it's a quick peck on their eyelid as he walks past them, other times it's a brief nuzzle of the side of their head. ever so often, when he was staying late to transcribe the pages and pages of text, he'd take breaks by leaning on their shoulder, enjoying his moment of shut-eye. and it's during these times when he would turn his head and pepper kisses on the other's jaw. if he's feeling a little bold, he would block their faces from the window view with an open book — leaning in with apologies for his lack of attention these days as he pulls them in for a kiss.
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TANG BO... is a wild card. if he's the initiator, he likes to be playful about it. always a tease, and thoroughly enjoying the reactions he pulls from his partner. if the roles flip and he finds himself on the receiving end, would be stunned into silence. all the other has to do is kiss him, not anything one-and-done — it has to be a proper and genuine kind of kiss on the bridge of his nose, more specifically the spot between his eyebrows. he tends to stay up late and it does create tension that results in headaches in that area because of that. so when he feels his partner's tender touch, this guy is putty. for all that cockiness, he is the easiest to come undone.
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TANG GUNAK... an older man with experience for sure. he has children for fucks sake, let's be realistic here. doesn't matter how much brainpower his duties as the head takes up, he is very attentive to his partner's likes, dislikes, wants and needs. always acts according to the results of those observations. but in his downtime, when he is going to bed, he finds himself enjoying the embrace of his partner. resting his head on their chest, listening to their heartbeat because well, one might never know if they could have a heart attack soon or not. will always place a kiss on the other's chest, right over their heart just before he falls asleep.
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NAMGUNG DOWI. a good guy. an earnest guy. really trying his best. he's not good at this romance thing... please be patient with him... if things so south, he tends to use his face card to have his partner forgive him. and they do, because he's insanely good at pulling the sad, kicked, wet puppy face. when that happens, he would happily kiss them over and over again on every corner of their face, or well, whatever parts he can reach. he did make them sit on his lap without any wiggle room.
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LEE SONGBAEK prefers hugging more than kissing. partly because he's surrounded by kids so any grown-up action would have him be the brunt of their teasing for weeks. his partner is mostly understanding, maybe a little spiffed when it seems like they might kiss but a child waddles into their vicinity. he feels sorry for disappointing his partner, and often hugs the other from behind, muttering a string of apologies into their hair. eventually pecking the small bundle of nerves at the back of their ear, and the top of their jaw — his surefire way of leaving them a little hot and bothered.
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JIN GEUMRYONG suffers from emotional constipation to an extent. so it goes without saying, his partner has to be blessed with communication skills that can honestly end all wars. he is strict, mostly stern, but he means well. and his partner has been by his side long enough to understand that. he feels sorry they've chosen to stay regardless. he isn't one to let lose until it's time to rest, so it's only in these times they get to see his unguarded sides. downturned eyes that look at his partner wistfully, he would hug them and rest his chin on the crown of their head. occasionally moves down to press his lips on that spot as one hand cradles his partner's neck, fingers playing with their strands of hair.
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BAEK CHEON is undoubtedly a little pathetic. it's endearing, but it's still hard to watch sometimes. poor man still trips over his words and stumbles on his feet when he wants to ask his partner for a kiss. just one kiss please? god. it's hard to say no to a handsome face on the verge of tears... he's lucky they weren't a sadist. or well, trying not to be. it's so hard fighting those urges, that they ask him to reward their efforts. his pale face grows bright red, but he complies with his partner's request anyways. it's a timid kiss on their forehead that goes down the bridge of their nose, then the tip of it. he coyly kisses their cheeks, steering away from the other's lips so obviously that they lose patience and pull him in. he melts far too quickly into this, hands going all over his partner's body, tugging on their clothes. tsk, sly boy. so he had planned for this to happen, and like a fool they fell for his siren song.
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coffeebookslovegt · 6 months
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Seremos amigos, aunque no estemos juntos.
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mira-gaia · 1 year
I'm the process of drawing a sweet moment between tang bo and chung myung cause I love those two lil shits ♥ 🤭🤭
I'm sooooo normal about them 😋😋
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doyouknowbtsswag · 2 years
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ੈ✩‧₊˚Doctor Stranger ੈ✩‧₊˚
Out Of Character |Jae Joon|
Hard Truth |Jae Joon|
ੈ✩‧₊˚ I am Not a Robot ੈ✩‧₊˚
Not yet…
ੈ✩‧₊˚All of Us are Dead ੈ✩‧₊˚
I Found You |Su-Hyeok|
ੈ✩‧₊˚Sweet Home ੈ✩‧₊˚
Not yet…
ੈ✩‧₊˚Alice in Borderland ੈ✩‧₊˚
(I know it’s a Jdrama)
Do You Remember |Chishiya|
Do You Remember 2 |Chishiya|
ੈ✩‧₊˚While You We’re Sleeping ੈ✩‧₊˚
A Flash Of Time |Jung Jae Chan|
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Train To Busan ੈ✩‧₊˚
Not yet…
ੈ✩‧₊˚Happiness ੈ✩‧₊˚
Not yet…
ੈ✩‧₊˚Peninsula ੈ✩‧₊˚
Not yet…
ੈ✩‧₊˚Gangnam Zombie ੈ✩‧₊˚
Not yet…
ੈ✩‧₊˚The Silent Sea ੈ✩‧₊˚
Before Space |Yun Jae|
ੈ✩‧₊˚The Uncanny Counter ੈ✩‧₊˚
Should Have Picked Up The Phone |So-Mun|
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Weak Hero Class 1 ੈ✩‧₊˚
Joy Ride |So-Ho|
ੈ✩‧₊˚Tomorrow ੈ✩‧₊˚
Not yet…
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Pending Train ੈ✩‧₊˚
Not yet…
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Big Mouth ੈ✩‧₊˚
Not yet…
(I’m watching more as we speak!)
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