#cherry magic was just like. turn thirty and read minds when you touch people. and they ran with it
littlesmartart · 2 years
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DRAWTOBER #24 - Point of Contact by carriecmoney
Jonathan’s life was fine. He didn’t need other people. He studied them instead, like fire ants on the abandoned edge of the playground; carefully, with a stick and good shoes, watching their patterns and keeping his observations to himself, figuring out which ones to leave alone and which ones would make good surprises in bullies’ backpacks. Other people were tools, in the multiple definitions of the word. He used them. He didn’t like them. He didn’t need them. He was fine. All in all, it wasn’t difficult to stay a virgin until he turned thirty. A JGY-centric, Cherry Magic-inspired AU.
this was a fic that I added pretty late in my planning - I had most of my list together, then I noticed this fic was complete and I DEVOURED it all in one day, and immediately had to shuffle my whole drawtober list around because I absolutely had to get it in. I normally avoid fics that use english names for these characters purely because I find it kind of jarring, but this fic really uses it to great effect in a way that felt - to me, anyway - like it reinforced ideas we get in the canon universe re: how privilege allows you to express your real self, compared to poor JGY who must always adapt himself to be more palatable and acceptable to others.
the characterisations are just absolutely stunning in this fic, especially as we get to see the external versions of them vs their inner mind that JGY sees when he touches them. I love the contrast between kind, calm Dr Lan vs Sappy Horny Brain Lan Huan, I love how Mingjue's mind house reflects the state of his mental health, I love flighty goofy external Huaisang hiding his super fast shrewd Quebecois inner monologue, I love how JGY's relationship with Zixuan and Yanli grows, I love his (temporary lmao) solidarity with Wangji, and I love all the flashbacks to JGY's childhood. as someone who really enjoys creating visual imagery for conceptual ideas in my own writing, it was such a delight to read about how JGY experienced everyone's minds as physical spaces. what I've drawn doesn't really necessarily encapsulate the vibe of the fic, but after seeing this INCREDIBLE animation I realised anything I was gonna draw would just wind up being a copy of that, so I went for something a bit different, showing one of my favourite moments and the, ah, mixed signals JGY gets in his journey to dating Xichen and Mingjue...
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accidentalrabbit · 3 years
(series + bonus ep. "Valentine's Day / Rokkaku")
Japan 2020
A-pairing: Adachi x Kurosawa
B-pairing: eh, we’ll get to this one
Other character(s) i enjoyed: Fujisaki, Rokkaku
Overall review:
"What if turning thirty years old without having sex gave you the power to read minds?" I'm hooked. Please tell me more.
Cherry Magic is a chaste (ha!) little series with solid production value and a fun story that doesn't take itself too seriously but does try its best to be earnest and consistent, and if nothing else, i respect a show that does a good job being exactly what it is. The mind-reading virgin premise adds a unique supernatural element to the narrative without wasting screentime trying to explain itself. Sometimes weird things are just weird! The series also gets points for being an office rom-com without a boss-employee tryst or anyone getting fired because of a relationship, two of my LEAST favorite office romance tropes. Instead, Cherry Magic takes the popular kid/wallflower nerd high school dynamic, ages it up a decade and a half, and captures something magical about the banalities of adulthood and the timeless feeling of falling in love.
From the moment Kurosawa's hand first brushes Adachi's cheek, revealing his crush, i was riveted, and my enjoyment of their relationship only escalated from there. Wallflower nerd virgin Adachi and popular kid adult taxpayer Kurosawa are an excellent lead pairing, and the conceit of Adachi having to touch people to read their minds introduces an incredible amount of homoerotic tension between them despite the low levels of conventional heat. The fact that Adachi and (especially) Kurosawa both want badly to touch and be touched is played against Adachi's attempts not to take advantage of his new power, to great effect. I like the way both of them try to respect each other's boundaries but struggle deeply with their own repressed desires, which is far more effective and thematically resonant in this story than an external conflict.
Kurosawa's outer confidence and popular appeal belie his deep-seated self-doubt, and his actor gives an excellent performance full of half-hesitations and dazzling smiles whenever Adachi validates him. Adachi is a ball of self-deprecating neurosis who clings to routine for comfort. He doesn't realize his greatest strengths lie outside of his new powers, and it's nice to watch how his kindness to Kurosawa and his other coworkers ultimately forces his character to grow. They take care of each other, they listen to each other, they encourage each other, they remember each other's food preferences, they have wacky but temporary misunderstandings. Their domestic scenes are especially good, and i would pay real money to watch two hours of Kurosawa doing nothing but cooking for Adachi throughout the day.
The side characters of Fujisaki and Rokkaku are fun to have around. Fujisaki gets a whole subplot about how she wishes she didn't face so much familial pressure for being single, and the way Adachi handles discovering this information really rounds out both of their characters. It's nice when less prominent characters get thoughtful treatment in service of interesting themes. Rokkaku, who is hard-working and productive, but not always very perceptive, is a nice little comic relief character and helps advance or connect plot threads between our lead couples. Speaking of whom: Tsuge and Minato also exist. We'll get there soon. Both Fujisaki and Rokkaku come in clutch in the finale to make Kurosawa's Christmas fireworks date come true after some last-minute angst, and i love an ally moment.
Overall the writing for the show is fairly tight, and none of the characters end up feeling totally extraneous to its plot or themes. And there are a few interesting messages to look at. First, communication is key. (Adachi can read minds so it would be hard to avoid this takeaway, but it also gets a little spin when Adachi realizes he has to confess his power to Kurosawa.) Second, having a gift is not the same as knowing what to do with it. There are monents when Adachi thinks his power is an unfair advantage, but ultimately it's his strengths as a ~*natural empath*~ that inform his character, compared to Tsuge who is much less graceful with the same ability. Adachi chooses to use his power for compassion in a hundred tiny ways for several other characters, which ties into a third major theme: Never underestimate the impact your actions will have on others. Kurosawa loved Adachi because of a few moments of thoughtless kindness long before the events of the main timeline, and throughout the series small gestures of love or carelessness create opportunities for relationships to grow and strain.
Finally, Cherry Magic cares a lot about the idea that a person's thoughts and desires should only ever be their own. Fujisaki unpacks her desire to be partnered and rejects the notion that she has to find a relationship to please her family. Kurosawa has a massive crush on Adachi but never pressures him into going further, keeping his thoughts to himself (he thinks). Minato really likes to dance. And Adachi is terrified beyond reason that somehow he has abused his power to manipulate Kurosawa into a relationship in a massive breach of trust. (Which it kind of is, but he's fine with it.) So communication is important, but so are self-reflection, and boundaries, and trust, and kindness.
I had a good time, but:
The B-couple, but specifically Tsuge? Hands down the least pleasant part of my viewing experience. I understand how Japanese comedic acting can be very over-the-top, but this guy is doing way too much for the show he's in, and it's very grating. He never looks like anything other than a middle-aged man yelling in his 'funny' scenes, and his character is fairly demure otherwise so it tonally doesn't mesh with the rest of the series. Minato, who is inexplicably attracted to this behavior, has a bulletpoint of a personality that never really comes through, and an arc about following his dreams as a freestyle dancer that falls flat. His actor, and i'm trying to be charitable, never demonstrates any of this character's talent for dance, and the wig(? i hope) they put him in is a trip.
Unfortunately, you have been chopped: Bonus Episode "Tsuge & Minato."
Hope this wasn't too much of a shock! This episode is short and benign enough that i'm actually on the fence about axing it entirely, but it's just a whole episode of B-plot. I watched it specifically as filler between episodes 11 and 12 to build anticipation for the resolution between the characters i, uh, cared about. If you like Tsuge and Minato, this is probably fun and don't let the haters get you down. If you're in a time crunch because there are 50 other shows you're trying to watch and you need to cut corners somewhere, this corner is very cuttable.
Character(s) entitled to financial compensation: N/A. I think everyone here does just fine.
Conclusion: Cherry Magic is a sweet little series that is, with the exception of its second couple, difficult not to enjoy. The central conceit is unique and its impact on the world of the story is written well without being overthought. It's fun to get inside the lead characters' heads and watch them develop, and the minor characters nudge the plot in interesting ways every now and then. This is a show that finds magic in a sea of adult drudgery, wearing its heart firmly on its sleeve. I love it very much. (Also there's a sequel coming. Might be fun?)
In the next installment, hear me gush effusively about possibly my favorite BL i've seen so far, the INIMITABLE, the GOAT, Gaya Sa Pelikula (2020).
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morifinwes · 3 years
wangxian fic rec list!
aka in which i read fics, write some recs down for aamna and share them!! they're all wangxian fics and uhh @yibobibo i hope you'll like them!!
wolf devours playboy bunny by @greenteafiend (5K, werewolf!lwj, getting together, idk if anyone needs to know that but there's nudity just not uhh explicit)
Lan Zhan has wanted Wei Ying as long as he has known him, and the worst part is that he thinks Wei Ying could want him back.
Too bad he could never in good conscience let himself go there—Wei Ying has a debilitating fear of all things canine, and once a month, Lan Zhan is the exact, precise thing that Wei Ying’s nightmares are made of.
Aka, Lan Zhan is a werewolf.
between the lines by @jywait (19K gaming au!!!, i'm always down for a good gaming au, lwj is the best aksks he's such a good boy)
☆yilingpatriarch☆: pls...give me some face, help me fight these monsters...I'm gonna die
Bluetooth: no.
"You have died." The screen said, and Wei Wuxian threw his hands up in frustration.
resonant frequencies by chinxe (15K, college au, fake dating au, tw mention of cheating but it's brief and no one was cheated on i promise)
In which Wei Wuxian decides that the best way to deal with being in love with Lan Wangji is to pretend to date him for three weeks.
It goes about as well as can be expected.
drift compatible by windoworwhatever (5K, poetry, fluff, drunkji, getting together, college au)
"It was just a fact of life. The sky was blue, university stipends for graduate students working in TA positions barely covered rent, bisexuals cuffed their jeans, Lan Wangji had a massive crush on Wei Wuxian, and spent his time pining and writing research papers about gay subtexts in ancient poetry."
Lan Wangji is in love with Wei Wuxian, and everybody knows, except Wei Wuxian.
the bunny next door by detailsinthefabric (43K, this is mostly fluff and very light angst, and they were neighbors!!!, rabbits!!, aka wangxian's bunny children, this is... so cute i just have to rec it)
Lan Wangji did not know what he was doing. He did not know what he was going to say. He was frozen in place, puzzling over the situation. Maybe he had made the man uncomfortable, which is why he wanted to leave? But his tone had still been so friendly—maybe…
“Would…” he paused, swallowed, forced the last words to come out of his suddenly parched mouth, “would you let me pet him?”
Lan Wangji, who doesn't know how to socialize and whose icy demeanor scares everyone away, lets down all his defenses when he meets the bunny next door...oh, and also its owner, Wei Wuxian.
leading tone by silencemostofall (32K, everyone is a music student? or something like that akskk, curse fic, tw panic attacks, tw child abuse, small scene of drunkji, wwx has low self esteem, bro this was so painful to read)
The first time you touch someone you're fated to love, you leave a mark on their skin. If they will love you in return, they'll mark you where you touched them. The deeper the color, the deeper the connection.
Wei Ying has no marks at all.
public places, private thoughts by leahelisabeth (for the love of camelot) ( 8K, cherry magic au, getting together with like... immediate upgrade to fiance status, the author is wrong i crave good wangxian cherry magic aus even tho i haven't even watched cherry magic)
Wei Wuxian had heard the story of course. It had made its rounds through his high school and followed him into his college days. He didn’t think there was any possibility it was true. Virginity was a social construct, invented by creepy old men to exercise dominance over women. The idea that a simple lack of sexual activity before the age of thirty could give one magical powers was absolutely ludicrous.
Wei Wuxian believed this until the morning of his thirtieth birthday.
AKA the Wangxian Cherry Magic AU that absolutely nobody asked for.
i'd be all right (if i could see you) by @thirtysixsavefiles (16K, this was nice, i read this at 6am but it was cute, (while writing this post i must admit i don't remember anything but 6am-me said it's good))
The younger Lan brother is something of an enigma on campus; while Lan Xichen can sometimes be seen in the company of other graduate students or conducting a seminar, Lan Wangji appears to spend all his time in class or in the library. He doesn’t drink. He doesn’t smoke. He doesn’t attend social events. He doesn’t do anything for fun, as far as Wei Wuxian can tell, and it’s driving Wei Wuxian just a little bit up the wall.
Or, Wei Wuxian convinces Lan Wangji to come to a house party, and then they're assigned to the same group project. Wei Wuxian tries his best, but he is not in possession of all the facts.
axe on leg by itszero (4K, i still don't get why wwx did that but it was nice seeing him jealous for once, jealous!wwx, lwj i love you....)
Wei Wuxian pressed his face into his pillow and screamed. He paused to take a few deep breaths, partially hindered by the pillow, and listened to the sounds of Nie Huaisang slurping his iced coffee, from his seat on Wei Wuxian's desk chair.
Having caught his breath, he resumed his screaming and did not stop at the sound of his dorm room door opening.
"What's wrong with him?" He heard his brother, Jiang Cheng, ask.
The slurping stopped. "He's an idiot."
"He's always been an idiot. Why is he bothered about it now?"
"He forced Lan Wangji to go on a date," Nie Huaisang replied, shaking the ice cubes in his drink.
"Okay and…?"
"With someone else." The slurping resumed.
Wei Wuxian, in all his glorious dumbassery, convinces his boyfriend to go on a date with someone else.
these two most powerful by @stiltonbasket (4K, amnesia, wangxian with children!!!, aksksk this was adorable, dadji!!)
When Lan Wangji went to bed last night, he was alone in a tiny guest room with nothing but the howling of the wind in the mountains and his own lonely thoughts for company.
But when he opened his eyes in the morning, Wei Ying was asleep beside him.
(In which Lan Wangji loses twenty years' worth of memories after a night-hunt gone wrong, and his life as a doting father and husband continues without a hitch somehow.)
good things come to those who wait [but i ain't in a patient phase] by @cerlunas (4K, getting together, pining lwj)
Lan Wangji can't take it anymore.
“I love you”, he says, and god, it feels terrifying. “I’ve been in love with you for a long time.”
“Lan Zhan…” Wei Wuxian starts, but Lan Wangji doesn’t want to hear it.
He grabs his cup and drinks everything. He doesn’t know what face Wei Wuxian is making at him right now, and it’s okay. 
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Wuxian repeats louder, but it’s too late. He is already falling asleep.
Or, even after 13 years, Lan Wangji is still in love with his best friend. Maybe it's time to open up.
wei ying, will you marry m- oh my god he swallowed the ring! by selene210 (2K, marriage proposals, crack, marriage proposals but.. they go wrong)
“A ring?”
And indeed it was. The ring Lan Wangji was going to propose to Wei Ying with. That the man had now choked on.
“You swallowed it.”
“It was in my soufflé! Why did you put a ring in my soufflé Lan Zhan- oh. oh”
of glittery valentine's cards by @soft-fics (3K, valentine's day, this was adorable aksk, a-yuan best boy!!)
Lan Zhan didn't want to know what his best friend had planned for Valentine's Day; his heart would simply not be able to handle it. When his son tells him that he made Wei Ying a Valentine's Day card, though, Lan Zhan decided to bring it over anyway.
of coffee and white tea by @soft-fics (9K, fluff, lwj doesn't like coffee, wwx buys him coffee, then they switch drinks, again and again and again, the staff ships it lmao, tbh jc shouldn't have done that like wtf)
For the fourth time this week a stranger orders him a cup of coffee. Lan Wangji wonders how exactly to tell this man to stop ordering him coffee he doesn't even like. Turns out, buying the other white tea and switching drinks is not the best way to go about it
canon setting
on the importance of restraint (or lack thereof) by nixthothou (4K, in which sizhui snaps, i love that boy, no like seriously he's the best boy)
Lan Sizhui does not usually find himself in the company of Sect Leader Jiang.
Suffice to say, Lan Sizhui's feelings toward him are conflicted.
lan wangji is wei wuxian's baby by lilycs (3K, i was craving fluff while reading this, lwj my beloved, drunk!lwj)
Lan Wangji gets drunk from barely a cup of alcohol, becoming a whiny baby and asking his husband for cuddles.
one of our own by glitteringmoonlight (8K, wei wuxian & lan sect, 5+1 things, in which they learn to love him, they're all part of the wwx protection squad lead by lwj, wangxian isn't the focus but !!! THIS)
Times change, but some people remain the same.
The Lans are nothing, if not aware of this.
For one of their own, they will stand against the world.
Or, 5 times the Lans defended Wei Wuxian, and the 1 time he was there to see it happen.
so why not crack your skull when the mind swells by @greenteafiend (13K, love curse, post cql canon, curses, getting together, fluff, so much fluff, lwj tries to talk about his emotions!, lwj pov)
Lan Wangji detects the curse trying to curl through his heart meridians like smoke. A love curse, then. It must have been cast remotely somehow to have found him in his bed in Cloud Recesses. No matter. Lan Wangji crushes it easily, enveloping it in his spiritual energy, and then squeezing. Curse averted, Lan Wangji closes his eyes and goes back to sleep. He thinks no more of it.
Two days later, Wei Wuxian arrives in Cloud Recesses.
Or, Wei Wuxian is cursed to feel terrible pain when he and Lan Wangji aren’t touching.
i started from the bottom / now i'm rich by x_los (57K, time travel, fix it, jealous lwj, crack treated serious, god this is so good tho, wwx/wrh & wwx/jgs but like as a joke and it doesn't really happen, but it has its purpose!!)
“First, you get the money. Then you get the power, respect - hos come last.”
Wen Qing traps Wei Wuxian in the Demon Slaughtering Cave, but Wei Wuxian isn’t interested in being the beneficiary of the Wen Remnants’ noble sacrifice. His efforts to free himself accidentally send him back to the beginning of the Sunshot Campaign. Coreless but armed with demonic cultivation, knowledge of the future and his wits, Wei Wuxian takes advantage of this opportunity to come out on top of both the war and its aftermath—before either has a chance to happen—by marrying and swiftly burying the cultivation world’s worst men.
Lan Wangji is confused, hurt, and uncomfortably aroused by Wei Wuxian’s improbably elaborate series of Sect-themed bridal negligees.
lead me on through by mrsronweasley (55K, they're in love your honor, arranged marriage but they don't know to whom, basically wwx & lwj want to practice kissing which then goes beyond kissing but not the whole way y'know, lxc the best wingman tho)
"Who do you think your betrothed is?" Wei Wuxian asks, sprawling out in front of Lan Zhan and enjoying the prim thinning of his lips at the question. He shouldn't be sprawling—they're in the library, for one, and Lan Zhan is studying, for another—but he can't help himself. Wei Wuxian is a sprawler.
"I do not believe this to be of importance," Lan Zhan responds, without turning his gaze away from his book.
"What!" Wei Wuxian sits up. "How can you say that? Of course it's important! This is the person you'll be with for the rest of your life, Lan Zhan."
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ctl-yuejie · 3 years
How the diverse world of the addictive tv series “Cherry magic” got made
(interview with scriptwriter Yoshida Erika by Yokogawa Yoshiaki)
沼堕ち続出ドラマ“チェリまほ”の多様な世界はどうやって作られたのか【脚本家・吉田 恵里香さん】2020.12.22  横川 良明
for @howdydowdy because we were talking about what a fantastic character Fujisaki is and the notion of consent when it comes to reading someone’s mind
Currently, societal values continue to change rapidly. On one hand the movement of respecting each other’s diverse individualities and making it easier for each and every one to live in society has become more active, one the other hand it is not a rare occasion to be lost for words when suddenly unconscious discriminatory biases – derived from not being able to cut loose old values that are rooted deep in oneself – raise their heads.
How should we exist within this period of polarization? This series is to create the opportunity to think about this topic by having discussions with the toprunners in the entertainment world. The person I am introducing for the first edition is screenwriter Yoshida Erika.
She is behind the script of “Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!”, the tv series that has grabbed the first spot on the oricon satisfaction ranking for 4 weeks in a row, and has gained fast popularity despite its late-night spot. The enthusiasm for the show can be attributed to the soft view Ms. Yoshida has on the world.
Yokogawa Yoshiaki (YY): I am happily watching the series. I really liked the original work, however the way it was adapted to a television format has been brilliant. One big thing is the making of the character of Kurosawa played by Machida Keita. By Adachi’s magic (played by Akasouji Eiji), the voice of Kurosawa’s heart spills out, and while the original text had him be quite blatant in his expressions overall, the drama carefully examines them.
Yoshida Erika (YE): That is definitely where there is a difference in depth. The original has the premise of a work in the BL genre, readers are expecting a BL-like development, so they can take such things in stride, but the viewership of the tv series is more varied. Under them there might be people who do not like BL. That is why I was conscious about how different people from different backgrounds might watch this show.
It is not okay to assault someone just because you were invited to their house, kissing or touching without consent is not okay and being of the same or different sex makes no difference in this. Treating such things as okay because it is BL would be rude to the parties concerned. Because we are using the BL genre, we want to specifically protect the “firsts” of the parties concerned. That is something the producer Ms. Honma Kanami and the director agreed about and I therefore paid extra attention to.
YY: Adachi himself, as he is about to step into Kurosawa’s house thinks “Not that I might possibly get assaulted?!”, and is very vigilant, but with some soul-searching realizes that that is rude towards Kurosawa. To say it briefly, you can feel the probity of the creators.
YE: I thought that a main character that thinks that he will get assaulted when he steps into the house of someone will not be loveable. No matter how well received the person is who acts it out, if we cannot love them on a human level, this drama will not work. Adachi’s power to read people’s hearts is also the action of seeing people’s darker sides on his own volition. That’s why a character we cannot love as a person will receive push-back by the viewers.
YY: Just like you said, the act of reading peoples’ hearts includes great violence. That is why I think that when he realizes that Kurosawa has fond feelings for him, unlike the original where he reads Kurosawa’s heart on purpose, the drama treats it as an accidental force. Over the whole series, it is of focal importance that Adachi doesn’t overuse his magic.
YE: That is where we were extremely careful. In the manga easy comprehensiveness is important and that type of suspense is interesting - and we don’t intend to deny that - but if you do it as a drama, I didn’t want to make him into a young man using his powers at ease. That is why, especially in the first half, he decides and tries very hard not to use his powers when possible. The scene where he reads the CEO’s heart appears in the first issue of the original, but in the drama we pushed it back to the 5th episode. We made it a point to illustrate how Adachi is filled with the emotion to help Kurosawa and that is why he uses his powers.
That what I don’t want others to do unto me, I do not want to inflict on characters.
YY: His colleague Fujisaki (Satou Ryo) is a Fujoshi in the original and that premise was cut from the series. If you decided to have a Fujoshi character on a prime time show, did you think that misunderstandings might arise easily?
YE: That was definitely a thought. In BL as a genre it is not an issue that a character exists that takes the same viewpoint as the reader, and I love Fujisaki in the original, but the people who are acting it out in reality are real people. At that point, loudly fawning about someone else’s’ love life is not perceived as good conduct. At the least, I thought that I wouldn’t want to be treated like that.
YY: It is fine to envision fictional characters as romantic partners, but it is different when you make a real acquaintance the target of that.
A thought we had was that if Adachi and Kurosawa were to really date it would be one thing, but grinning at someone - who might even be heterosexual – because you inflate your own BL adjacent delusion isn’t much different from a man grinning at a woman with big breasts and calling her sexy. I wouldn’t want to get treated that way, so I didn’t want to inflict that on the characters in the story as well.
When it comes to Fujisaki it isn’t like she isn’t a Fujoshi. We do not clearly state it, but I thought there was no reason to show it in the drama. 
YY: You are saying, that it is fine that people might interpret Fujisaki as a Fujoshi when she is smiling at Adachi and Kurosawa.
YE: Yes. That is where you are free to imagine (laughs).
YY: What I thought was very fresh is that instead of proclaiming her to be a Fujoshi, Fujisaki is turned into someone who “is happily living her daily life even without romantic love”. We don’t often get characters like that in Japanese tv series.
Personally, I also like romantic tv series, but while feeling venerated when the main characters have realized their love in the final episode, when trying to build a romantic connection to someone else in real life it might not go well and beyond that, it is not that it never happens that I, who also holds interests in other things than romance, end up feeling empty because of the lonely feeling of having been left behind (when watching a romance on tv unfold).
But with having Fujisaki appear, it felt like I got rescued.
YE: Until now, for several projects I made the suggestion of a character that is not interested in romance, but I wasn’t understood. “Is it necessary to do that?” “Aren’t you overthinking it?” were things I got told often.
But with this production, when I said that I wanted Fujisaki to be asexual or aromantic, no one denied me. From that stage on I thought that this place was a good one, and thanks to the original writer giving her agreement it got turned into reality.
YY: Since this kind of character hasn’t really appeared in a tv series, it felt like people like Fujisaki were assigned to be non-existent in this world. But thanks to you envisioning her like this, seen from a person that like Fujisaki might say “I got used to acting “normal”” and feel a notion of despair when confronted with people not understanding them, it felt like it got emphasized that people like her also exist in our society. Picking such little voices feels like it is one of the purposes of entertainment.
YE: If that could become the case I would be glad about it. 10 to 20 years prior, a “fairytale gay” (describing the flamboyant gay friend, that mentally supports the heroine by giving some harsh but accurate advice) often appeared in tv series from abroad, but this portrayal slowly changed, finally it has reached the point where the view point that being gay isn’t something special has penetrated the public.
So this time, I believe that one of my duties was to tell the story of people that are not interested in romance or people who do not only love one person, not from a standpoint that is convenient for consumption, but to have properly realized characters up to their individual backgrounds.
I hope the time comes where it isn’t necessary to especially say “This is a BL series”
YY: Please let me speak on something that has confused me this far. Prior, when you explained Fujisaki in context of the script, it felt like it wasn’t okay to call her asexual or aromantic because she herself doesn’t use any of those labels. I was somewhat afraid that an outsider would just selfishly declare that “you are asexual, aren’t you!?” in regards to someone who hasn’t professed anything.
YE: There is the point of both of the terms asexual and aromantic not being widely known in Japan as much as compared to overseas and I also think there are people who just wouldn’t use these words. Even when you think you are not interested in romance at the moment, it could also be that you just haven’t found the person that makes you feel that way. That’s why I can understand how labelling someone has a violent notion.
YY: My next question is also relating to that: This applies to Cherry Maho, but generally when I write about over works that feature a lovestory between men I try not to use the word BL.
This is my own opinion but to me it feels like the term BL has too much of a sexual image.
In private I casually use the word BL. However, for the content of an article that is read by an unspecified number of people, I remember stumbling over labelling something as BL. Using BL as an easy genre specifier has the effect that there will be a layer that won’t get looked at. I simply want to have more people enjoy a piece of work. I don’t object to the editor using BL in the title but in the content I write, I try not to use the term BL story but simply “love story between two men” and keep it close to how you’d address it in reality.
YE: I understand that. Obviously, I don’t intend to shame the taste of people that like BL. However, I understand that there are people that feel a sense of resistance towards BL as a genre. That is why I also don’t use the word BL when I promote on twitter. I do think that it would be great to have a new word.
Just like women have things they don’t want to be subjected to, men also have things they don’t want to be subjected to. This kind of awareness has become more broadly spread bit by bit. However, in order to have it really penetrate society it needs for the voices of the affected people to be heard. But it is also the reality of today’s society that violence is directed at people that raise their voice. That is why I feel like it is the job of the people that create tv shows to speak up instead.
At the least, that is how I want to straightforwardly create the world, so that in 10 years without directly stating “this is a BL series” we have a society that takes it in as a “new cool romantic drama beginning” with “the leads being actor x and actor z” and as nothing unusual.  Now we really have such a transitional period, and as a writer I want to build the steps towards it.  
original article: https://mi-mollet.com/articles/-/27045?page=3&per_page=1
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kurodachimagic · 3 years
Chocolate and Cherries - Chapter 1
Summary: When Adachi falls into the arms of a kind stranger his life changes for the better.
Rating: Pg 13
Tags/warnings: Fluff, getting together, au, Writer Adachi, Chef Kurosawa.
Word count: 6.2k
A/n: This story was written for the cherry magic mini bang! Thank you @hiwatari-art for inviting me to join! Had a lovely time working with you as always. Thank you to my other artist over on twitter guacagabs. The entire story is being posted right now. Thank you to @schnaf for being a great friend and beta!
Read on ao3
Adachi dragged his feet on the pavement as he made his way home from work. He was already too exhausted to start his writing day with the best mindset but it would have to do. He’d already skipped four days this week and if he didn’t actually sit down to work on his book, it would never be published. He let out a deep sigh and shook his head slightly.
The situation was not ideal by any means, he was not great at cooking and it was already too late to start dinner, but he definitely needed to eat something or his mind would absolutely quit on him, he knew that much.
Adachi knew he should probably get something healthier but he refused to waste even more time walking to the store, so he decided to stop by the food cart near his flat for his usual emergency menu: two tuna onigiris with mayo - along with a can of soda in the hopes that the caffeine would boost his creativity. He was not too happy about it, but he didn’t have much time to contemplate his choice because as soon as he had paid, the first few droplets of water hit his shoulders. Looking up, he felt the next few drops hit his nose and his forehead. He cursed inwardly and simply took off awkwardly running the last few blocks home, trying his best not to slip and fall, his dress shoes nothing but a hazard in this particular situation.
The building door was so close, he could see it through the pouring rain; just a few meters and he would be home. Adachi rushed, his hand extended already to grab at the door handle when his body collided with something - someone - and fell backwards. It was as if time had slowed down; he could see the face of the person he ran into frozen in shock, his eyes widening as he saw Adachi falling, while Adachi could only think about the pain this would cause him, physical, yes, but mostly emotional. He always managed to get himself in embarrassing situations and now -
His neighbour extended his hand just in time to catch Adachi’s and pulled him upright effortlessly, his expression switching from shock to a relieved smile. “Are you ok? I’m so sorry, I hadn’t seen you.”
“Thank you! I’m so sorry,” Adachi said, feeling the heat rise to his face, partly because of his clumsiness and partly because his neighbour had not let go of him yet. In fact, Adachi could have sworn that the guy was rubbing his thumb on the back of his hand. He didn’t know what to do, so he tried again. “Uh, sorry. I should’ve been more careful.”
“It’s ok, I’m glad that you didn’t get hurt.” The man seemed to suddenly remember they were standing in the pouring rain and pulled Adachi to the door. “Come, you’ll catch a cold in this weather.”
No matter how hard he thought, Adachi couldn't remember ever catching his name but he had seen this man before in the elevator and in some of the common areas. He seemed to be a bit of a recluse, much like himself.
The man opened the door and finally let go of his hand before ushering him in. “After you, Adachi.”
Adachi’s eyes widened; he didn't know how the man knew his name, but he didn’t mention it. He walked inside and called the elevator, followed closely by his saviour. Once the doors opened, he stepped in and turned around, pressing the button for the fifth floor and finally facing the man. "Thank you, again…" he trailed off.
"Kurosawa. My name is Kurosawa." He pressed the fourth-floor button.
Adachi smiled and bowed to him. "It was nice seeing you, Kurosawa. Have a good night."
The elevator dinged and Kurosawa bowed with a smile before exiting. “Good night, Adachi,” he waved.
Adachi hesitantly waved back as the elevator doors closed. Before he knew it he was one floor up, opening the door to his flat, throwing his work bag on the sofa and taking his wet clothes off with a groan before going to the bathroom.
What a day. Not only had he stayed late to finish on that project Urabe had handed to him but he also made himself look like a fool in front of his very cool neighbour, and to add insult to injury now he needed a hot shower to hopefully avoid catching a cold. He shook his head and hopped under the stream, washing himself thoroughly and letting the hot stream relax his muscles.
Feeling in a bit of a better mood, Adachi got out of the shower, wrapped himself in a towel and went about getting into a comfy set of pyjamas. He finally sat at his desk and opened the white doc of doom, checking the time and cursing as he realized it was 9 pm already. He slouched in his chair, throwing his head back with a groan. This book was going to take a million years at this rate, he really needed to prioritize his schedule, put on some good hours into it each day, especially during the weekend, he needed to -
Adachi’s stomach growled loudly, reminding him that his emergency dinner laid abandoned in its bag. He got up and stomped over to the sofa, unwrapping the onigiris and eating them without so much as a thought before returning to his spot. He promptly sat down to continue with the daily task of staring at the document while he begged his brain to type something - anything - out. But his mind had other plans though, Kurosawa’s face and gentle smile kept popping in his mind. Maybe it was because of the way he moved, how he had kept him from falling with his sharp reflexes, or maybe it was how elegant he looked even when he was soaking wet, how well his suit fitted him. Kurosawa was like some sort of superhero, or… no, he was more like a Prince Charming from an epic battle world. That was a start - it was not the murder mystery he had thought about, but it was definitely a start.
The sound of Adachi’s footsteps worked like a metronome, helping his mind settle into a rhythm. He was starting to see things in more detail: The brave prince paced in his castle, his sword close by his side, the problems his kingdom was facing were almost too much to bear and with his father on the brink of death, it was all on him. A shadow appeared above the citadel - the… the… ‘kingdom x’ was being attacked by a three-headed dragon. How would he fix this and save his people? Had someone sent the dragon or did it act with free will? Did the soon-to-be king have secret magic powers? Maybe they were a secret even to himself!
With renewed energy and excitement, Adachi sat down to work. This new world just wanted to be written, to become a reality, and he was not going to stop it. Aided by the occasional sip of soda and a few “stretching breaks” that were more like actual pacing, he managed to draft four thousand words by 5 am, effectively breaking his 3 thousand word record from just a few months ago. If he could keep up the pace he could finish the book within the next month and send it to Tsuge for editing and review. He sent a quick text to his friend to tell him the good news and got into bed; he would probably regret staying up so late tomorrow, but now he didn’t have it in him to care. Writing was definitely his call - even if he was very close to missing his goal of being a published author by 30.
The commute to work was nothing short of hell. The morning started with Adachi missing his usual train and having to take the next one during rush hour - not that he ever managed to avoid rush hour, but he usually took the first train during it so it wasn’t as crazy as later in the morning. This resulted in him having a very unpleasant ride, squeezed half to death between the sea of people, feeling like a canned sardine with a bad case of insomnia. That was the other issue, the previous writing night ended up being a success but even though he’d been exhausted by the time he was done, it had been impossible to fall asleep. Now he was on his way to a long workday with a pounding headache and a sour mood. If given the opportunity, Adachi would’ve chosen to take the day off to sleep and feel refreshed enough by sundown to continue writing.
His job was definitely a necessary evil, but sometimes he couldn’t help but resent it. On the verge of thirty, Adachi spent most of his day at the office, writing his reports, Urabe’s reports, and occasionally picking up the slack of some of his colleagues. There was barely any time for hobbies or relaxing and least of all to be an aspiring writer. To be completely honest, Adachi had started viewing his day job as his second career in the past year. His heart and soul were focused on his new goal, what he really wanted. In the end, if writing didn’t become his main income, it wouldn’t matter, he was passionate enough about it to continue no matter what. After all, living in the fantasy worlds he created was more than enough for him.
Adachi made it to his desk just on time, but running those last few blocks only served to make his mood even sourer. He pulled at the collar of his shirt with a small huff, still thinking about his writing and leaned back in his chair until it touched Urabe’s shoulder, startling him.
He turned around swiftly, blush already rising to his cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Senpai.”
Urabe nodded and waved him off. Then, he cocked his head and looked at Adachi in more detail. “What is going on with you, Adachi? You look tired.”
“I just had trouble sleeping last night, that’s all,” Adachi said with a heavy sigh. He could picture so many things he would rather do than give explanations about his personal life, but he would feel too guilty if he was rude to Urabe when he was only worried about him.
“Hmm, are you sure that’s all?”
“Yes. I’m ok.” He attempted his best smile. “Thank you for asking.”
“Adachi,” Urabe pouted, his brows burrowed into a childish frown, just like every time he would ask Adachi to take on more work, any semblance of concern already gone out the window. “Can you finish this report for tomorrow? The boss is really piling stuff on my shoulders and I already had other plans for today.”
Sometimes Adachi wished he was a bad person, or a bad colleague even, but he couldn’t help taking on the extra work when it was needed, after all, he didn’t have much of a life. He rolled his eyes but nodded. “Yes, of course.”
“Oh, wait. Is your birthday today or tomorrow?”
“And you’re turning 30, right?”
Adachi nodded once again, hoping to end the conversation as soon as possible; he didn’t want to be reminded of the passage of time or how much he hadn’t achieved by now.
Urabe rolled his chair closer and elbowed him. “Aaah, you sly weasel. Do you have a date?”
“Of course not. I’m just looking forward to getting home and sleeping.” That was literally his birthday plan.
Urabe frowned and gave him a quizzical look. “But you have... ‘dated’ before, right?” He winked.
Adachi shook his head slightly and saw the same look many people gave him, a mix of pity and judgement.
“You should ask one of the girls out. I’ve heard Yui is single and she’s very pretty!”
Adachi slowly turned his chair towards the copy machine and saw Yui across the room. She was, in fact, very pretty, but… she didn’t spark anything in him. She looked like a work of art, pleasant to look at, but not for him. “No, I don’t think that would work.”
“Adachi, if you don’t date someone by the time you turn 30, you will turn into a wizard!” He whispered.
“What? That’s ridiculous!”
“It’s true, you’ll see!”
Adachi rolled his eyes and turned back to his desk, finally starting on the reports needed. The sooner he was done with that, the sooner he could return to his writing.
The elevator opened its doors for Adachi and the ding that followed made his muscles relax instantly. Only a few more minutes and he would be up in his flat, taking his shoes off and cooking something quick before sitting down to write. He felt inspired by the beginning of this new story and he wasn’t about to let a bad day at work ruin that for him.
Just as the doors started to close, someone put a bag between them to keep them open. The first thing Adachi saw was a girl with a cute and gentle look, a black wispy fringe framing her face and a sweet smile. She nodded at Adachi and he smiled and nodded back. He wondered if he would ever date a girl like her, if sharing his life with a partner and doing things together would be so different than what he did now. The answer was probably not, since he assumed nobody would be supportive of him working all day and writing all night; if he was honest with himself, he didn’t really have time for a relationship, even if he sometimes yearned for a bit of company - theoretically. Adachi blinked repeatedly, suddenly crashing back into reality when he saw the looming presence of Kurosawa behind her, giving him a weird look he couldn’t quite place as he ushered the girl into the elevator.
Out of sheer awkwardness, Adachi nodded and mumbled a quiet hello at him, looking away as a blush crept onto his cheeks. Was that Kurosawa’s girlfriend? He groaned and let his head fall back against the elevator wall. He’d been caught staring at his neighbour’s girlfriend like a creep. He ventured a sideways glance and realized Kurosawa was still looking at him with a weird expression.
Thankfully, the ride was short and only a minute later, Adachi was home, barely paying any attention to his basic needs as per usual. He made some instant ramen and added a bit of egg to it before eating it mindlessly, daydreaming of his new story and the magic system involved.
Perhaps it was quickly becoming a much more ambitious project than he had anticipated but as long as the writing flowed, everything would be ok. What was supposed to be a long writing session soon turned into an early night after Adachi’s brain decided to shut down mid-sentence, putting him to sleep sitting at his desk, his head hanging down and his spine hunched over.
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theres-a-goldensky · 4 years
BL Show Review Series - Cherry Magic
Do something kind for yourself in the last week of this miserable year and watch the next show in my BL review series, Cherry Magic. 
Disclaimer that these are my own opinions, and I don’t know where the BL community as a whole stands on these shows. If I disliked a show you loved or visa versa, no disrespect is intended!
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Cherry Magic or Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! Rating: 9/10
As the winter rolled into my part of the world and everything got scary and sad with the virus, the one thing that was a consistent bright spot for me was the 25-ish minutes every week when I’d get to watch the newest episode of the Japanese BL Cherry Magic. 
This is the show that we needed to cap off 2020. It’s just...it’s nice. There are no villains or scheming. The only thing getting in the way of our protagonist’s happiness is himself. 
And speaking of, said lead character is named Adachi. We meet Adachi on the day before his thirtieth birthday. He works in an office where he keeps a low profile because he has very low self-esteem and very little confidence in himself.
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The other main character is Kurosawa, Adachi’s co-worker and the smart, handsome, and popular guy in the office that everyone loves.
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(I mean, literally look at this man.)
When Adachi wakes up on his thirtieth birthday, he discovers that an old wives’ tale is actually true: if you are a virgin by the time you turn thirty years old, you become a wizard. In this case, it means that overnight Adachi develops the ability to read people’s minds when he touches them, whether he wants to or not.
Then Adachi touches Kurosawa in a crowded elevator and accidentally learns that Kurosawa has a huge crush on him. Instead of being excited or emboldened, this makes the introverted Adachi even more nervous and awkward around him.
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Many movies, TV shows, novels, etc have tackled the idea of mindreading, but never have I seen it more pleasantly handled. There’s no scenes where Adachi uses his power to get revenge or find out a terrible secret about someone else. In fact, what Adachi discovers is that he’s not the only person with anxieties and fears, and that his co-workers are actually very kind and just trying their best the same as him.
This goes double - nay, triple - for Kurosawa, who is a full on Prince Charming. His inner-monologue only makes him more desirable. He thinks Adachi is wonderful and wishes he could help him become more confident. Occasionally, thanks to Adachi’s powers, we get flashes of fantasies that Kurosawa has about Adachi. These allow us to see Adachi through Kurosawa’s eyes. It’s adorable and sweet and charming and perfect, perfect, perfect.
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The acting by the two leads is immaculate. Eiji Akaso, who plays Adachi, does awkward and stuttering so well. He also perfectly conveys the moments when Adachi has to visibly summon his courage to speak to Kurosawa. 
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And if you don’t end up falling in love with Keita Machida as Kurosawa, then I don’t even want to know you, frankly. His charisma is visible from space, and the earnest way that he dotes on Adachi and encourages him is precious. Both of these roles were cast to perfection.
It seems kind of petty to take off points in the rating because the episodes are so short, but UGH. This show epitomizes the concept of ‘leave them wanting more.’ 
The only thing that didn’t click for me as well was the side couple. Adachi’s best friend Tsuge also becomes a wizard and gets his own romance with the guy who delivers his packages. The problem is that the actor who plays Tsuge is so over the top in his portrayal that I would get secondhand embarrassment just watching him.This is clearly what he was told to do, because there are times when he tones it down while speaking with Adachi or his love interest, Minato. 
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Perhaps his shouty, overwrought performance matches the character in the manga, but it doesn’t translate well to live action, in my opinion. This is especially true when you contrast it with the natural performances of the rest of the cast. Adachi has his emotional moments, but nowhere near Tsuge, who faints on more than one occasion.
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(This from Adachi, for example, was a lot.)
All 12 episodes + 3 short specials are like a warm balm to your soul. They are so romantic and soothing and optimistic. Do yourself a favor, engage in some self-care and watch this one. You won’t regret it. 
(Send me an ask if you have a show you’d like me to review - with the understanding that I will be completely honest - or if there’s anything you think I forgot or got wrong in this review.)
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kermitthequeer · 4 years
review: Cherry Magic | Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
Disclaimer: This is my very own humble opinion. If you  agree with my review, I’m glad that I’ve found someone like-minded, if  you do not agree, that’s fine too. Every opinion is valid. Don’t hate me  for mine.
I do not speak any asian language and therefore I rely solely on subtitles. And we all know that they are not always flawless. So if I misread a situation or misunderstand something, feel free to inform me. Spoilers ahead!
Genre: BL
From: Japan
Known Actors:  /
Trigger Warnings: cuteness overload
Rating: 8.5/10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ☆    
Synopsis: When Kyoshi Adachi reaches his 30th birthday he develops an ability to hear the thoughts of other people by touching them. One day, he discovers that his popular co-worker, Yuichi Kurosawa, is in love with him.
Main Character(s): Kyoshi Adachi, Yuichi Kurosawa
Side Character(s): Masato Tsuge (Adachis BFF), Minato Wataya (Tsuges lover boy), Yuta Rokkaku (co-worker + Kurosawas “friend”), Nozomi Fujisaki, Kengo Urabe (Adachi's co-worker)
Short Appereance: /
Main Couple(s): AdachixKurosawa
Side Couple(s): TsugexMinato
My review:
I think I don’t really have to explain much, the title does a good job.This is going to be a little different than most reviews I do. I’m not going to comment every scene or comment on every step of the storyline, even though I will try to. For the most part I’m just going to ramble around for a bit. And try to write my thoughts down.
I remember when Cherry Magic fan edits popped up on youtube and it looked so cute I just had to watch it. During that time winter came into my town and another lockdown was around the corner. So, this show was really there to brighten my day once a week (or for a few days while I binge watched it).
The concept was really interesting, too. And here are my thoughts about it:
Adachi and Kurosawa
We start our story one day before our protagonsts 30th birthday. His name is Adachi. He has very low self esteem and and little confidence in himself (sounds familiar) but a big heart. It’s not always easy for him to say “no” (espacially to his co-worker). His life is mostly uneventful and repetitive. UNTIL one day on his 30th birthday he discover that the old wives’ tale that you develop powers if you are a virgin for 30years is actually true. He is able to hear peoples thoughts!
At the beginning he isn’t really sure if it’s just all in his head or if he really has this power. On his way to work he meets his co-worker Kurosawa. Due to a very crowded elevator, Kurosawa accidentally touches Adachi. Because of that, Adachi finds out that his super popular and super handsome co-worker is actually madly in love with him (relatable right?)
At first Adachi tries to ingore his powers. He can not be sure that the things he hears are really other people’s thoughts or just him making stuff up. He avoides crowds and Kurosawa. But fate just throws these two together again and again.
Since Adachi can read thoughts, every encounter he has with Kurosawa from now on excalates pretty quickly. Because our boy Kurosawa is just as horny as we all are. One day Kurosawa is being a “nice boy” and helps Adachi with the workload that his co-worker asked him to do. Totally selfless of course, not in any way him trying to be near his crush or anything noo. After hearing Kurosawa gushing over Adachi’s mole on his neck, that Adachi wasn’t even aware of, he is now pretty sure that his powers are real.
Adachi knows that - if the tale is true - he will only lose his powers if he also loses his virginity. And let me tell you something... Honestly, sex is probably really great and all but...you have powers. You are basically one step away of becoming a superhero. You can help people with that. Come one now, this show just proves that asexuals are above us all and are so powerful and deserve to be wizards. If you were able to life a life without sex to your 30s, it’s not that hard, you are almost halfway there. Just hold on.
This show follows mostly our two main leads, Adachi and Kurosawa, trying to manage their love for each other. But what makes Cherry Magic so sweet and heardwarming is the fact, that there are other topics being addressed besides same-sex-love. Like I said earlier, Adachi has extreme low self-esteeem and this is one of the biggest reasons why it takes so long for Adachi to realize and accept that he is not only in love with Kurosawa but also that he deserve this kind of love.
So many times, Adachi chickens out of telling Kurosawa how he feels and espacially when Kurosawa wants to take things to the next level, Adachi needs time. And Kurosawa respects that (bare minimum, but sadly the bar is so low) and gives Adachi time.
Kurosawa also suffers from some incecurities that he not often talks about, but since Adachi has his powers, we are often granted a quick look into Kurosawas head. And these little thought trains that we get tell us so much more about Kurosawa and fully flesh him out as a character.
We get to know about his fantasies, his wishes, his fears and insecurities. Sometimes, when Adachi reads Kurosawas mind, we get little fantasies. We see Adachi through Kurosawas eyes and it’s always a cute scene of Adachi smiling. We see how beautiful Kurosawa thinks of Adachi.
We get one episode from Kurosawas perspective, where we discover how Kurosawa fell in love with Adachi. He was always “aware” that he was there, but he never really “noticed” him. One day, when they both are having dinner with their boss and some random creepy lady, both realize pretty quickly, why they are really there (because of their looks). Kurosawa notices that Adachi does not drink alcohol and therefore he takes his glass and get’s drunk quickly.
Even though, it seems like a dumb thing to do, it tells you so much about Kurosawas character. How he wants to help people, even if that means he is the one to “suffer”. No matter the consequences, he helped his co-worker out there. The lady starts harassing Kurosawa and he turns her down in a very obvious way which was apparently something he wasn’t allowed to do. But fuck this lady and fuck his boss. Kurosawa, you did nothing wrong. She did.
He overhears his boss saying that Kurosawa is only a pretty face and apparently he can’t even do that right. This just gives him the rest and he leaves. Adachi, who was surprised by Kurosawa’s actions (drinking the alcohol for him), follows him outside to comfort him.
It’s a very touching backstory and it’s great that we get it in the middle of the show and not at the beginning, only allowing the characters to become more fleshed out.
When Adachi reads Kurosawa’s thoughts, he mostly thinks about how much he adores Adachi and how much he wants to help him becoming more confident. He often is pretty hard on himself and blames himself for things too often. He seems calm on the surface, but his inner-monologues show how much of a chaotic hopeless romantic he really is.
A reaccuring theme is Adachi being a little put off by how often Kurosawa get’s presents or just admiring looks or words. Because he get’s none and if so, he can’t really take compliments well.
What is really interesting is that through Adachi, we can hear that Kurosawa is not really enjoying all of this presents and kind words of his (mostly) female co-workers. He just wants to be praised for his work not his looks. Which is something only pretty people say. No, fr, I can only imagine that it’s super annoying that people only view you as “pretty” and therefore do not acknowledge your talents and skills. This show actually deals with that nicely. In Kurosawa’s episode he has this beautiful monologue: I had an advantage because of my looks. I hated that people only saw my looks. I knew it would annoy others if I talked about it. So, I pretended it didn’t bother me.
This show was not only about love, but also about loving and respecting yourself. Trusting yourself and gaining a little more confidence in yourself. What I loved so much about Kurosawa and Adachi is that they bring out the best in each other and help each other in so many ways.
At one point, Adachi tells Kurosawa the truth about his powers. Kurosawa tells him that he actually is happy that he has his powers, since they were the reason they got together in the first place.
But Adachi is not so happy about it. He grew used of the powers and now fears that his relationship won’t work out with Kurosawa, once he loses them. Since he wouldn’t be able to read his mind anymore, like he used to. The only option Adachi sees is: breaking up. And since Kurosawa respects his wishes, he leaves (hoping that Adachi would fight for him and maybe hold him back).
They make up in the end, when Adachi realizes that maybe communicating would be another option they have left. Because, guess what, that’s what most people do. So, they get back together and Kurosawa basically proposes to Adachi, which seemed...quite abruptly tbh. But hey, everyone has their own pace.
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Minato and Tsuge
Tsuge is Adachi’s best friend and also a virgin. Later, he becomes a wizard like Adachi, being able to read minds. He is a writer and spends his time at home 20/7, the 4 hours are probably just the hours he is willing to leave for grocery shopping and eating out with Adachi.
He has a really sweet cat and this cat will help him get him his future boyfriend. Minato, is his name. He works as a deliveryman. Tsuge doesn’t like Minato very much, since he is a so called “youngster” (oh gosh I think a brain cell just died while writing this).
Minato feels the same way about Tsuge “the old man”, but does love his cat. Tsuge develops feelings for Minato pretty quickly and even begins to stalks him, to find out more about him. He orders so much stuff from different shops just so this guy would show up at his doorstep again.
He finds out that Minato is actually trying to fullfil his dreams of becoming a dancer.
While it would’ve been a sweet idea, this couple couldn’t really win me over. First and foremost, how old is Minato supposed to be? The actor was at that point approximately 20/21 and he looks way younger than that tbh.  And in the show it’s never stated how old he is, his love interest states multiple times that he is “young” and refers to him as “the youngster(s)”. And it’s clear that Tsuge is 30. So...I just can’t ship them. Like, they are both of age and adults but it still feels weird for some reason. If the actor would at least look older...I guess that would maybe change my view on them. In reallife they are 6 (?) years apart which is still a lot but way less than what seems to be 8 or 10 years on the show.
It really didn’t help that Tsuge was the one initiating the relatioship and stalking Minato. Others called him even a pervert and honestly...he acted like one. Secretly talking pictures of someone, following them around, etc.
On top of that, their scenes often included cringy / over the top acting and triggered my second-hand embarassment, which...was that really necessary? Maybe, it was part of Tsuge’s character in the Manga, but you just can’t translate everything into a life-action show, because it looks hideous and awkward. In the more serious scene that Tsuge was in, he actually wasn’t all that bad.
I can take cringy acting, that’s how I survived most BL’s actually. But was it really necessary to have Tsuge kneel before Minato and scream at him how sorry he is in public? While people are watching? And Minato doesn’t really seem to be delighted by that. I’m sorry, but that’s where I draw the line, my cringe-o-meter exploded. I’m a very private and introverted person, so that just wasn’t it for me.
It actually hurts my heart that so many people think this is how socially awkward people behave, which - as a socially awkward person - I can’t confirm. We don’t flinch everytime people touch us, we don’t scream and shout and talk very fast, when we get nervous (at least not to that extent). And we don’t...ugh..back to the series.
I mean they had potential, they could’ve been cute and I don’t mind if anyone is shipping them, it’s just really icky to me and I can’t do that.
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Things I disliked
The actors ages. I mean, I know that most asians look very young, but come on. No one can tell me that these guys are supposed to be 30. I guess the actor of Kurosawa was about 29 (?) so he comes closest (he doesn’t look like he is 30 but I appreciate the attempt) but the others...They just don’t look like they are 30. And please, don’t cast some really young-looking dude as the love interest of a supposedly 30-year old.
Over the top “humorous scenes”. It doesn’t make me laugh, just cringe. But this happened only with scenes between Minato and Tsuge. Sometimes, I just skipped them. But yeah...not everyone’s tea I guess.
No kiss. I don’t need NC scenes or anything too intimate. But the whole no-kissing seems more like a “no homo” situation here. These guys are insanely in love and are basically married and you tell me that they didn’t even kiss on camera ONCE? Don’t tell me they are asexual or anything (even though I would love to see more representation like that, I mean if the actors don’t wanna kiss or the management is against it, why not create a little more representation while you’re at it?) because I would support that, they just didn’t want to show that or maybe the actors didn’t want to kiss. But then again I ask myself...why not cast actors who actually want to act out the role? Or was it a management issue? Whatever it was, defiinitely made it seem less believeable and it felt more rushed. Like, even if you give me the classic “fish kiss” with eyes wide open and it’s basically just them pressing their lips together...this treatment most Korean BLs get (thank you TMS honestly) it would’ve been better imo.
Also, Minato and Tsuge had a kissing scene (it wasn’t good but still). And that even further aligns with my theory of the actors or the management not wanting them to kiss. But this show is still cute and enjoyable, so I’ll let it slide this one time.
Rushed ending. Like I already said, this kind-of-proposal came out of nowhere for me and felt rushed. Sure, they know each other for years, but they only began to grow closer over the last couple weeks. Shouldn’t they start with dating first, then go to living together for a few couple of months and then - after really being sure that they want it and after talking it through - propose? But hey, I’m the single one here, so maybe I am in the wrong here.
Things I liked
How they handlded Adachi’s powers. Adachi was suddenly able to read peoples thoughts. One of the most private and intimate things. And Kurosawa was just like ‘“k, I’m actually glad you secretly kept reading my thoughts” which seemed a little too anti-climactic. Please, sweety at least pretend that you are a little hurt that your boyfriend kept reading your most private thoughts. It’s like someone reading your diary without your permission.
But apart from that, they handlded it actually quite well. Adachi wasn’t super okay with reading other people’s thoughts. He didn’t use it for revenge, there were no bad intentions. He always wanted to help and only used it as a way to help others or clear things up. When he did use it for his own advantage, he felt bad afterwards.
Miscommunication subplot. Overused, lame, just for the sake of plot, annoying - these are the first things that come into my mind, when thinking about miscommunication subplots. But Cherry Magic actually did a decent job at it. There was a miscommunicating subplot at the end and I expected to hate it, but I actually did like it.
It makes so much sense here, since Adachi was so used to his powers at some point, that losing them seemed like he was no longer able to understand people or their feelings. The “oh no I lost my powers and since I used them to understand Kurosawa better I don’t know if we can be together now that I don’t have them anymore” struggle seems realistic.
Tsuge only made it worse by saying: “I forgot how difficult it is to sense other’s feelings [without being ablte to read their thoughts]” after having a minor fight with Minato. And since Adachi is a person that worries and overthinks quite often and easily, he didn’t take it too well. It could’ve been so much better, if they did actually drag it out a little more. But maybe it’s for the better like that. They got the most important points across, even though they resolved it pretty quickly.
No happily ever after. This title is actually a little misleading, since the couple did get a happy ending. What I mean with that is that they didn’t give the couple a “they are now offically a couple so there story ends with that”. Most shows think that viewers only want to see the couple coming together and call it a day. In Cherry Magic the story doesn’t end with them getting together. We see them struggle with their relationship, going on cute dates, breaking up, resolving their issues and semi-propose.
It’s nothing new or groundbreaking, but it’s rare and refreshing to see. I do like that shows always try to give us the “and all was well” happy ending after they get together, but seeing storyline like Cherry Magic, where they actually deal with them being a couple and show us their ups and dows, I really appreciate that.
Special episodes. IIRC there are a total of 3 special episodes that are just the cherry on top of this cake. I really did enjoy them. They weren’t necessary for the story to work, but were a nice add to it. Pure fluff and comedy. Speaking of fluff-
Fluff and feel-good. This show in no way ITSAY or MOD and nowhere near them. It doesn’t make you ugly cry at 3 o’clock in the morning. And it’s not a mystery where you sit at the edge of your seat, trying to figure out who is the big bad guy. But - and this is important - this show is not meant for you to feel these kind of emotions. Cherry Magic is more of a rom-com. A feel-good show. Some sort of “grab your blanket and some hot chocolate and watch it and feel safe” kind of show. Espacially needed during whatever the hell is going on right now.
So, if you ever want a show, where the leads are adorable and relatable, where there is a little sprinkle of magic and a ton of fluff and you just wanna lay back and find a safe space to escape reality, this is the show for you.
I think this covers my thoughts on this series. Thanks for reading. Check out my other reviews.
My BL Review List: https://urmyquerencia.tumblr.com/post/627642344497364992/bl-reviews
- urmyquerencia
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Bookshelf Briefs 11/16/20
A Bride’s Story, Vol. 12 | By Kaoru Mori | Yen Press – Being at a yearly schedule for this series is bad, but it could be worse: Yotsuba&! seems to come out every 3-4 years. The best part of this volume sees Mr. Smith and Talas meeting up with Anis and Sherine, a married couple that, as before, remains defined by the lack of husband in their lives. He’s there, to be sure, but this may as well be a yuri couple for all the emotional beats. Also, learning how to write everyone’s name is very awesome and cathartic. Elsewhere, Karluk is reminded that everyone has different skill sets, and Pariya has to deal with unexpectedly being on her own. The “plot” of the series barely exists, and I’m not sure it will last till Karluk comes of age. But it’s peaceful and the art is gorgeous. – Sean Gaffney
Cherry Magic!: Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!, Vol. 1 | By Yuu Toyota | Square Enix – With a title and conceit like Cherry Magic!, I’ll admit I wasn’t expecting much from the series, so I was delighted to encounter a surprisingly charming and lighthearted first volume. After turning thirty without experiencing so much as a first kiss, Adachi finds that he can now read people’s minds when he physically touches them. The ability can occasionally be helpful, but in general he tries to avoid using it. Things take an awkward turn when he bumps into his coworker Kurosawa, inadvertently learning he’s been hiding a crush on him. Kurosawa is a popular and nice enough guy, but Adachi, being romantically inexperienced, isn’t quite sure what he should do with his newfound knowledge—especially considering that Kurosawa hasn’t actually mentioned anything about liking him yet. Cherry Magic! is a silly but sweet romantic comedy; I had fun reading it and would happily read more. -Ash Brown
Farming Life in Another World, Vol. 1 | By Kinosuke Naito and Yasuyuki Tsurugi | One Peace Books – If you liked everything about In Another World with My Smartphone but wish that the magical smartphone had been replaced with a magical farming tool, have I got a series for you. Most of the plot beats are even the same, although Hiraki manages to get it on with most of his wives a good 20 or so volumes before Touya. Despite that last sentence, those who are buying this for the “snu snu” will not be happy—it’s far more interested in the farming, as well as his accumulation of wolves, spiders, and brides. I’m honestly not unhappy that we only got the manga version of this—I suspect it would be tedious in prose. As it is, it’s perfectly good slow-life isekai with a farming bent. – Sean Gaffney
Himouto! Umaru-chan, Vol. 11 | By Sankakuhead | Seven Seas – This is the penultimate volume of the original series, though I understand there are several spinoffs. That said, there’s nothing here indicating that we’re headed for a big finish or climax. Which makes sense—this is not really that kind of series. It does show us how Umaru and Ebina met, which is as cutesy as it sounds. Indeed, cutesy is the watchword for every single chapter. Even the sibling relationship friction, which was what drove many of the early volumes, seems to have been dialed way back as they’re mostly getting along now. It’s a good sign that the series should be wrapping up, really, and so it is. That said, if you love Umaru-chan, this should make you happy. – Sean Gaffney
Revolutionary Girl Utena: After the Revolution | By Chihi Saito | Viz Media – I am, to put it mildly, not a fan of the original Utena manga. So I was initially incredibly uninterested in this 20-years-later single-volume afterword. That said, it does not seem to even take place in the same universe—it feels like Saito was told to make this an anime sequel more than a manga sequel. Good news, this means Juri is gay again. Not surprisingly, I found the Juri/Shiori/Ruka story the most interesting, though I still hate Ruka more than the creators want me to. Elsewhere, Touga and Saionji turn into Scooby Doo investigators, and Miki and Kaoru are still really into incestual subtext. I still prefer Artistic Veggie Platters as an Utena continuation, but this is OK. – Sean Gaffney
Teasing Master Takagi-san, Vol. 10 | By Soichiro Yamamoto | Yen Press – The “future” chapter showing Nishikata and Takagi married and having a daughter was wildly popular with readers. We don’t get another in the series here—by this point there was a spinoff all its own to take care of that—but we do see an older Chi in middle school, trying to be what her mother was with the guy she likes and failing miserably. It’s pretty adorable. As for the actual cast, they pet dogs, go fishing, eat candy, and make everyone think they are the most sickeningly sweet couple you’ll ever meet without actually being a couple. There’s no “plot advancing” chapters here, but there’s lots of cuteness, and Takagi is the most likeable of the “teasing” girls we see a lot of these days. – Sean Gaffney
That Blue Summer, Vol. 8 | By Atsuko Namba | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – Rio’s days in the tranquil village of Ueko are coming to an end. She has ended things with Ginzo because it was too hard, knowing they could never be together long-term, and tries to put on a brave face about going back home to Tokyo. But once she gets there and tries to move on, it’s clear she’s just going through the motions. I really liked that I wasn’t sure that the main couple would actually end up together, and also that the romance between a couple of side characters wasn’t just filler but a way to put things into perspective for Rio. What I liked most, though, is why Ginzo loves Rio—she’s the one who encouraged him to embrace his passion for graphic design, who created opportunities for him that boosted his confidence. This has been one of my favorites of the Kodansha digital-only shoujo offerings! – Michelle Smith
Yoshi no Zuikara: The Frog in the Well Does Not Know the Ocean, Vol. 1 | By Satsuki Yoshino | Yen Press – Despite my good intentions, I have yet to read Barakamon. And so I must ask… is this what Barakamon is like?! ‘Cos it’s good as hell! Naruhiko Tohno is a struggling manga artist who still lives in the remote village in which he was born and raised. He’s been writing fantasy manga for ten years and isn’t exactly gung-ho when his editor suggests he try writing rural slice-of-life instead, but it ends up selling far more than his previous series. I definitely enjoyed the segments about Tohno and his life growing up, particularly the obvious links between his middle-school friends and classmates and the characters in his manga, but I’m a little sad that we don’t spend more time with the characters in his manga, because they were totally charming, too. Guess I gotta go read everything in English by Yoshino-sensei now! – Michelle Smith
Yowamushi Pedal, Vol. 15 | By Wataru Watanabe | Yen Press – I mentioned as I was reading this that it’s astonishing that Watanabe has not turned his hand to horror manga, given everything about Midousuji in this volume, which is simply mind-numbingly creepy. That said, wow, he’s a good cyclist, and he likely will help to goad Naruko into becoming more well-rounded. Elsewhere, we learn how difficult it is to find new members who are as good as the old ones—the previous year was unusual, after all—and also not to abandon a potential member just because you judge them at first to be not worth your time. I hope to see more of our new huge son. It did feel weird that this volume did not have a major race in it, but I’m sure that’s coming soon. – Sean Gaffney
By: Ash Brown
0 notes
Episode 1: Our Powers Are Returning?
Magical Warrior Reunion! Beautiful Flower Blooms Again!
Episode 1: Our Powers Are Returning?
Twenty years is a long time, Chirio mused as she scrolled through an article she’d found. It was a clickbait kind of piece, wondering where Magical Girl Team Beautiful Flower had gone after the monsters attacking their city had just dried up after their last battle. There was even a picture of herself and her friends that they’d posed for after saving the world from… something, she couldn’t even remember now, they all blurred into each other after a while, all ‘Demon Emperor’ this and ‘Star Crusher’ that.
“Probably compensating for something…” She mumbled, scrolling past a grainy picture of what she assumed to be a Magical Morning Glory cosplayer buying drugs somewhere in America. She still had Karin on Facebook, enduring the occasional dated meme and endless pictures of her two children, she knew full well that the woman wouldn’t wear her hair like that, and any trips to America would have been loudly announced months ahead of time. The drugs… she wasn’t entirely sure that part was inaccurate, she knew the woman drank heavily at least.
Sipping her coffee, she sat back, resting her head against her seat and allowing herself a small, nostalgic smile. They’d drifted apart, as teenage friends tended to do after high school, even ones who had literally weaponised the power of friendship, and Chihiro had lost touch with all but Karin. The article assumed that Crimson Rose, as the team leader, had obviously gone into politics or something of that ilk, an amusing thought, given how she’d been inspired by their occasionally-evolving outfits and ended up in fashion design, getting out a good few pieces before winding up as editor for a fairly popular magazine on the subject. Two clearly wrong assumptions, she had to assume that the rest were probably wrong too.
Setting her coffee down, she clicked away from the article and went back to typing up an article on some of the absurdly oversized suit jackets she’d seen in the Tokyo Fashion Week press releases. Even in a job like hers, she did not understand the appeal of certain trends. As she typed up a comment about how the best suit jackets were the ones properly tailored to someone’s body shape, she paused, looking down at her coffee, which rippled strangely. Furrowing her brow, she was about to turn back to her work when it rippled again… and then again, this time accompanied by a distant boom.
She rushed to her window, looking out frantically, her eyes widening as she saw something she hadn’t seen in over twenty years. Flying in the air over the city was a monster, demon-class, shaped like a man, but some thirty feet tall, blue-skinned, hideously overmuscled, and bearing long horns, feathered wings and outward-curving tusks. Moving to open the window, she could hear it better, laughing maniacally and announcing something she was too far distant to properly hear as it hurled a fireball down at the streets below.
“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.”
It seemed that the rest of the city was starting to take notice, going by the frantic noises she could hear inside her building and the old citywide announcement system, some two decades out of use, crackling into life and encouraging all citizens to make way to the equally-disused shelters, now mostly home to the disenfranchised. When her secretary burst through the door, Chihiro was rubbing at her temples in frustration.
“Ma’am! There’s a monster attack… Oh, you’ve already seen. I’ve been told there’s an old shelter in the basement, please, come with me!”
Chihiro waved her hand dismissively at the younger woman. “You go, I’ll catch up if it seems like there’s a risk of the monster coming this way. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
After stammering for a moment, her secretary nodded and shut the door, her running footsteps fading quickly as Chihiro looked out of the window again, blinking slowly as she saw a pink streak leap from a nearby building and intercept a fireball, before slamming into the beast, causing it to reel, more from surprise than any real damage.
“Natsumi?” She gasped, tilting her head as the streak began to attack again, the figure in the streak was too far away to make out any pertinent details, but it was pretty clear that whoever it was, a Magical Girl had entered the battle against the demonic figure. As she watched, the demon drew its arm back, then backhanded the streak into the side of a building, leaving a sizable crater.
Swearing, Chihiro made her way over to her handbag and pulled it open, reaching in and withdrawing what looked, for all the world, like a bulky, tacky, red compact, complete with a ruby gleaming on top. The gem had been dull for years, but now seemed to flicker into life in her grip, pulsing with red light. Stuffing it into her blazer pocket, she kicked off her shoes and burst out of her office, making for the fire escape and, working against the flow of people, dashed up to the roof. After looking around to ensure there were no witnesses, she slipped the compact back out of her pocket, running her thumb over the pulsing gem.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this…” She muttered. “I’m not some wide-eyed teenager anymore. I’m thirty-seven, I have a mortgage for god’s sake…”
Sighing softly, she slid one foot out to the side, adopting a wide stance, lifted the compact above her head, cleared her throat, and after a long sigh, spoke words that had not left her lips in years.
“Crimson… fuck, what was it again? Crimson Rose Power!”
The rush of power that went through her still felt strange, perhaps stranger now from the time that had passed since she’d last used it, and there was a brief moment of panic in her mind as she wondered if the suit would still fit her, since she’d filled out somewhat in the chest and hip regions since her teenage years, not by much, she’d kept in good shape, but she still remembered how tight the suit was.
Fortunately, whatever magic powered these devices seemed to read her body, and how it had changed, as well as her general sensibilities. Instead of the sailor suit she did not remember fondly, as she was enveloped in that familiar column of light and her suit was shunted away to wherever it went when she underwent this process, a pair of white leggings and red knee-high boots enveloped her legs, along with a red skirt pleated skirt that, thankfully, extended as far as the pencil skirt she’d been wearing, though with more flare to it. Red gloves formed on her arms, up past the elbow, and a white, corset-style top covered her chest, topped with red lace. The compact attached itself to her chest, just above her cleavage, and extended a white undersuit over her upper arms and chest, with a red bow forming around the device. From above, a long, white staff descended into her hand, topped with a roselike shape with a large ruby in the centre, and as she gripped it, her black hair went red, and arranged itself into a ponytail held in place by another ribbon.
As the column of light faded, she looked down at herself and scowled a little, glaring at the device on her chest. “Really? This look is far too young for me.” She grumbled as she gave it a little smack. The device, as it always had, remained silent on the matter. Rolling her eyes, she took a few steps back from the edge of the roof, then a few more to be safe, before taking a running jump, launching herself with incredible force that left a dent in the concrete roof where she’d taken off, followed by a red streak, true to her magical girl name.
Panting hard, Natsumi glared at the demon, gripping her tree-branch shaped staff in both hands as cherry blossom petals fell in a slow, but constant stream from it. The monster loomed over her, wings lazily flapping as it laughed mockingly. “I was told this world held a team of mighty female warriors, and all they sent to fight me is one fat woman. Pathetic.”
Glaring at him, she raised her staff above her head. “Nobody sent me, demon! I came to fight you because it’s the right thing to do! Even if I have to fight you alone, I will prevail through the power of my friends, and the belief of the people of this city!” Despite her bravado, she was battered, pink knee-boots and gloves scuffed, A-line pastel pink dungaree dress singed in places, with the pink ribbon on the front hanging limp, and dust staining the white blouse and leggings she wore beneath. Even her hair, pale pink locks done up in twin pigtails, was looking worse for wear. The demon’s comment stung a little, she knew she’d put on weight since her heyday, working in fast food restaurants to put herself through university, and generally following a fairly sedentary life since becoming a counsellor. Interestingly, she’d noticed, despite the damage she’d suffered, she was holding up against the attacks a lot better than she had in her youth, the youngest and smallest of the Magical Girl Team Beautiful Flower. However the magic had changed, it seemed to be working in her favour. Still, she smirked at the demon.
“Yeah, I’ve put on a bit of weight, but that just means there’s more of me to put behind kicking your ass. Sakura Blossom Petal Rain”
That last announcement caused her staff to glow bright pink, and as she swung it, a rain of pink petals followed the arc, then shot out like so many bullets, striking the demon repeatedly in the chest, and the arm he brought up to protect his face. Lowering it again, he gave her another cruel laugh.
“Pathetic, you think attacks like this could do anything to hurt me? I am the Demon Marquis Andras!” Lifting a hand, he began to summon up a fresh, and much larger fireball. “And you will be the first to fall in the name of my conquest of this world!”
Letting out a small squeak, Natsumi lifted her staff in front of her. “Cherry Blossom Shield!” She intoned, crouching behind it and screwing her eyes shut as she heard a new, but familiar voice enter the fray. Opening her eyes again, she looked up, seeing the red-and-white clad figure on the rooftop behind Andras.
“Every time with the ‘I am the demon blah blah’, ‘I will conquer the world’, ‘look at my pecs and realise that you’re doomed’.” Chihiro shook her head sadly. “Twenty years since we last had to deal with you knuckleheads, and you still haven’t come up with new material. Frankly, I’m disappointed.” She levelled her staff at him. “Rose Petal Shower!”
Chihiro’s attack hit much harder than Natsumi’s, brilliant beams of crimson light lancing out of her staff at sharp angles and hammering into the demon’s back, making him double over and groan, before turning to glare at her. “Foolish mortal! I think I will destroy you first!”
Raising an eyebrow, Chihiro clucked her tongue. “Groundbreaking.” She retorted, before tilting at the waist and waving to the woman opposite. “Hey Sakura Blossom, been a while.”
“Chi… Ah, sorry, Crimson Rose! It’s so nice to see you again! Are the others coming?”
“No idea. I should send out the call.” Chihiro replied, resting her hand on the compact gracing her chest and closing her eyes. “Can’t believe I still have to use the old phrases, here goes. ‘Oh floral warriors, come at my call, evil threatens the city and, through the power of Love and Friendship, shit, uuuh... must be defeated. Magical Girl Team Beautiful Flower, Blossom!’”
There was a long pause, during which Natsumi stood up and lowered her shield, the two magical women looking awkwardly at each other and the demon.
“Think it worked Rose?”
“No idea Sakura, give it a minute.”
Andras let out a low, dark chuckle, rising to full on laughter, grinning at the women. “Hah, they won’t come to your aid or save you, fools. Now prepare yourselves for my- Ow”
A lance of blue light pierced through the demon’s shoulder, causing him to turn and glare at a new figure that had arrived. The boots, gloves, chest-bow and leggings all matched Chihiro’s and Natsumi’s, but she was wearing a blue sundress over her’s, with a white fashion belt around her waist. Her eyes were hidden behind a pair of blue-framed, butterfly style sunglasses, and her head was crowned in a pale blue inverted bob cut. Her own staff was more slender, composed of a sapphire, crystalline material with Morning Glory flowers of the same material sprouting from it. In her other hand, she held an iced latte, sipping from the straw. “Wow, Crimson Rose, I can’t believe you managed to get that right first time through. Wouldn’t it have been easier to shoot me a facebook message though?”
“Morning Glory! It’s so good to see you again!”
The newcomer, Karin, looked over the top of her sunglasses at Natsumi. “Is that you, Sakura Blossom? You, uh, seem to have filled out a bit.”
“Oh, you know how it is, fast food, comfy life, didn’t need to worry about keeping in shape for this business.” She shrugged. “No big, I’m still cute as hell, as my fiance likes to remind me daily.”
“You have a f-” Karin began, before the demon rounded on the three, launching fireballs at each of them, which they handily dodged due to the hurried aiming.
“Enough, mortals! Are you done? Is that all of you? Can I get back to destroying you all and conquering the world now?” Andras growled, looking at each of them in turn, before being slammed into a nearby building by three colourful blasts of light. Snarling, he pulled his way out of the rubble and launched himself at Karin, only to be nailed to a rooftop through his chest by what appeared to be a sharpened sunflower, though with a much stronger stem than the plant usually had. “Oh what the hell now?”
On a fourth rooftop, a handsome man stepped forth, clad in yellow leather trousers over black boots, with a white tee shirt beneath a leather jacket that matched his pants, the right sleeve wrapped in a criss-crossing white ribbon. At his waist, an elegant katana with a sunflower-shaped tsuba was sheathed in a white scabbard, and his golden hair was done up in a perfectly-coiffed pompadour. Drawing his blade, he levelled gold-coloured weapon at the demon, tilting his head.
“What kind of scum are you, to treat these beautiful women like this? I’ll kill you where you stand!”
Groaning, Andras pulled the flower out of his chest and rose to his feet, ichor dripping from the wound as he looked to the other three. “Oh great, do you three know this guy? Are there any more of you?”
Chihiro, Natsumi and Karin all exchanged looks, then stared at the man, until finally, Natsumi tilted her head and narrowed her eyes, then bounced on the spot. “Hahruhi? I mean, Golden Sunflower? Is that you?”
The man shook his head and chuckled. “I go by Haru now, Sakura Blossom.”
Holding her staff in the crook of her elbow, the pink-themed woman clapped excitedly. “You fully transitioned? Oh I’m so happy for you!”
Nodding, Haru lept from the rooftop he was on to join Natsumi, ruffling her hair as Chihiro and Karin landed near them. Chihiro offered her hand, which Haru shook. “So, uh… you’re a guy now?” Chihiro asked.
Haru gave her a long-suffering look. “I was always a guy boss, I just spent the first half of my life in the wrong body.” He gestured to himself. “Course of hormones and a little surgery, and now I look like I should.”
“So you’ve got a dick now?” Karin interjected, with Natsumi giving her a smack on the back of the head in response. Haru chuckled a little, then gave Karin a wink.
“Several actually, but now’s not the time for that conversation.” He looked around, then sighed softly. “Looks like Murasaki’s not coming, but this guy looks weak enough to finish without her. Shall we, ladies?”
They nodded and turned to face the demon, with Natsumi bobbing a polite little bow to Andras. “Thank you for waiting, we’re ready to defeat you now.”
Glaring at them, the demon raised his arms, forming a huge fireball above his head. “Insolent wretches, I’ll destroy you all in a single blow!”
Raising their weapons together, the other three members of the team glanced at Chihiro, who cleared her throat awkwardly. “Oh right, the thing.” She closed her eyes for a moment, then glared at the demon before her. “So, I’m going to have to kind of edit this on the fly a little here, but, uh. ‘Evil beast, you have terrorised this city for too long. We are warriors for Love, Friendship and Justice, the Magical… Help me out here Haru….”
“What? Oh, right, uh… Go with warrior I guess?”
“Warrior again? Fuck it, we can do a proper edit later. The Magical Warrior Team Beautiful Flower, and by our power, we will cleanse you.”
For the final part, the other three joined in, their voices resonating together for the first time in twenty years. “Flower… Prism… CHARGE!”
As they intoned together, the demon threw his fireball, only to meet the multicoloured beam of light launched from the team’s own weapons. There was a moment where the flaming sphere pushed the beam back, only to be overcome and destroyed by the team’s attack, the beam engulfing the demon in pure radiance, causing him to let out a cry of despair as he was banished back to hell.
Slumping to her knees, Natsumi let out a soft sigh of relief. “Whew, that was harder than I remember it being. It’s good to see you all again!”
Nodding in agreement, Chihiro began patting her herself, brow furrowing somewhat. “Crap, my cigarettes are still in my jacket, which is in whatever the hell dimension our clothes go to when we do this kind of thing… Eh?” She blinked at Haru, who was holding out an open packet and a lighter, which she gratefully accepted, lighting up and taking a long drag. “Much better, but how?”
Patting his thigh, Haru gave the woman a wry smirk. “My outfit comes with pockets boss.”
“Motherfucker. But Natsumi’s right, it’s so wonderful to see you all again. It’s a shame Murasaki didn’t join us… I hope she’s alright. In any case, wasn’t it our tradition to go out for milkshakes after a battle?” She grinned at them all. “One good thing about growing up, we can go to a bar instead. Do… any of you remember how to change back?”
There was a general shaking of heads, and a chorus of ‘no’ from the rest of the group, causing a long groan from Chihiro. “Fuck it, we just saved the city, maybe one of the local places will let us open a tab.”
They must have looked a sight, trooping into the bar like a group of cosplayers, with Sakura Blossom looking like she'd already been through a bar fight, but as they entered, they were met by a round of applause from the people there. It seemed that there'd been a news crew covering something else in the vicinity when the demon had attacked, and more had arrived while Natsumi had been fighting the beast. They all, naturally, had different reactions to this, with Natsumi blushing and trying to brush things off, while Chihiro did her best, as she always had, to head off people attempting to crowd around the youngest member of the team. Haru, meanwhile, took a moment to lap up both the praise, and the attention of a rather handsome young man, and Karin made her way over to the bar, ignoring the people praising the team and catching the attention of the bartender.
"Hey, would it be possible for us to open up a tab? Unfortunately we're all a little out of practice with this thing, and my handbag is, as best I can tell, in another dimension."
The balding, muscular man behind the bar folded his arms and fixed the woman with a long stare, which Karin met, tilting her sunglasses down so that her brilliant blue eyes, changed during the transformation sequence to match her general colour scheme. After a few moments, he laughed and slapped his hand down against the bar. "Heh, it's been a good few years now, and I suppose you can't be expected to remember every detail about the people you've helped, but back in the day, your group saved me and my wife, well she was my girlfriend at the time, from something that looked like a massively oversized centipede. Far as I'm concerned, Magical Girl Team Beautiful Flower always drinks free at my bar."
Karin was about to reply when Haru elbowed his way next to her, raising his finger. "Magical Warrior Team." He corrected the bartender, winking at the man. "Not just girls after all... Hey, I remember you, Masashi right? Meeting your girl after you'd just gotten that job what... about six months after we first started? Sorry about getting centipede demon blood on your suit."
The bartender waved his hand dismissively at him. "It's all good, you gi- folks are the reason my wife and I lived long enough to find out she was pregnant and have a beautiful daughter. I was just telling Morning Glory here that you and your friends are always welcome here, and you all drink free. In fact..." He paused for a moment and shouted to the inhabitants of a booth in the corner. "Hey, you lot, mind shifting your asses so that the Magical Warriors can sit there?"
There was little complaint as the group of salarymen pulled themselves out of their seats, swaying their way up to the bar to offer their own somewhat drunken congratulations and thanks to the pair at the bar before finding somewhere else to slump. Masashi turned back to Haru and Karin with a grin. "So, what're you all drinking?"
A few minutes later, the four were all seated, with suitably colour-coded drinks in front of them. Chihiro had red wine, Karin was drinking a charmingly-named 'Adios Motherfucker', a bright pink Shirly Temple sat in front of Natsumi, and Haru was on his second beer already. Standing up, Chihiro raised her glass.
"To the resurrection of Magical... Warrior Team Beautiful Flower! She announced. "I don't know if this is going to be a one-time thing, or if this bullshit is starting up all over again, but either way, I'm glad to have the band back together... shame Violet Violet isn't here, but hopefully everything's good with her."
"Wherever she is." Natsumi piped up.
"Like Na... Sakura Blossom said. Let's be honest, late to the party is pretty much the modus operandi for that girl."
"Hopefully we're not going to have to fight her again to get her on the team." Karin snarked, rubbing the rim of her glass and earning herself a dirty look from Natsumi. Shaking his head, Haru chuckled and rose to his feet, raising his own glass, with Natsumi, and finally Karin joining him.
"To the resurrection of the team, and to absent friends." He added, the others nodding as they clinked their glasses together. Sitting back down, he looked at them all and grinned. "Heh, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Crimson Rose is still the inspiring leader, Morning Glory still thinks she's cool, Sakura Blossom is adorable as ever."
Natsumi blushed and Karin looked like she was about to interject indignantly with something, Haru cutting her off before she could. "And, of course, I'm here to make you all look good by association." He chuckled.
"That reminds me!" Karin slurred, halfway down her cocktail. "You said something about several dicks?"
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Haru shook his head with a long-suffering look. "Glory, I love you honey, but I am not telling you about the intricacies of my sex life. Also, how in the hell did what I said remind you of that?"
"S'been on my mind."
"Don't you have a husband now?"  
"Fuck you."
Looking between the pair, and seeing one of the old head-butting contests rising between them, Natsumi raised her hands. "I-in any case, we should probably reconnect... out of costume, you know? We should probably hang out together until we figure out how to depower again, then exchange numbers and stuff!"
After tapping his chin thoughtfully, Haru raised his finger. "I have an app developer in my little black book, could see if he can put together a sort of... peer-to-peer encrypted chat app for us, with an 'alert all' function."
"Peer to wuh?" Karin blinked, with Chihiro patting her gently on the shoulder.
"Don't worry about it, I'll help you with it once Sunflower gets it sorted. Also, I remembered how to depower."
"We're gonna have a few more drinks first, right boss?" Haru interjected.
"Naturally." Chihiro replied, nodding with a wide grin. "We've got celebrating to do."
"Well in that case, I'll be back in a moment. I'm sure my fiance won't mind if I come home a little giggly tonight." Natsumi replied, wiggling out of the booth and 'excuse me'ing her way to the bar.
A few hours later, they all supported each other as they made their way out of the bar, almost dragging Karin as they walked along until they found a convenient alleyway to duck into, glad that the de-powering sequence not only was less dramatic that the empowering one, but reverted them to the state they were in before they transformed, including purging the alcohol from their system. Karin looked a little green around the gills for a moment before steadying herself.
"That... is very useful to know."
"I'm pretty sure that Inari would disapprove of us using the powers we were granted just to go on drunken benders Karin." Chihiro retorted. "Speaking of which, any of you seen that old vixen?"
There was a chorus of 'no', and the woman shrugged, shaking out her hair now that it was not longer tied up and crimson. Taking out her phone, she opened up her contacts, getting details from the two she'd lost contact with, then watching as the others reconnected. "So... do any of you actually know how to get in contact with Murasaki?"
"I think I was the last to talk to her." Karin replied. "But that was about fifteen years ago. She let me know she was going away. Next thing I know, all her social media profiles were deleted, and her number's 'no longer recognised'." She paused for a moment. "I hope she's alright. I know we never really got along, but we fought together, that binds people, you know?"
Haru clapped her on the shoulder. "The ice queen has a heart, am I the only one that's shocked?" He teased, prompting indignant noises from Karin, and chuckles from the other two. "I'm teasing, of course. Anyway ladies, I must be off, gotta get my handsome sleep, don't be strangers now."
There was general agreement with the sentiment, and the four of them made promises to get back in contact the next day, before dispersing.
Chihiro sighed as she walked through the largely abandoned streets, taking a route she knew with enough people that she was in little danger, without being likely to be bothered. Pausing on a corner, she leaned against the wall, looking up at the full moon overhead and sighing softly. "Hell of a day..." She mumbled to herself, before a flash of white fur in the corner of her eye caught her attention. Turning to look at it, she saw a fox, a relatively rare sight in this city, and one with white fur even more so. Looking around for a moment, she noticed that none of the other passers by were giving the creature a second look, let alone a first one. Chuckling softly, she turned her head to look at the animal, who sat and lowered it's head in an animalistic bow, it's tail lifting, then splitting into nine.
"Inari, you little vixen. You were watching the whole thing, weren't you?" Chihiro chuckled, prompting a vulpine grin, before the fox stood back up, trotting around another corner and vanishing from sight. Chihiro remembered from experience that if she were to follow after that kind of display, she'd round the corner to a great deal of nothing. Shrugging, she pushed herself off the wall, her sensible heels clicking along the floor as she made her way home.
On an airstrip, somewhere in the Middle East, a woman sat on the hood of an SUV, watching a cargo plane getting unloaded as the sun began to set. She cut an imposing figure despite being shorter than the former soldiers that made up her bodyguard. BDU trousers, a tank top under a bulletproof vest, with a long-coat that disguised it's own defences sitting on her shoulders. Peering through a pair of aviator sunglasses, her eyes missed nothing about the process, making sure nothing was unaccounted for.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, she heard the door of the vehicle open, and the sound of her aide approaching her, turning her head to look at the young woman, who flinched slightly under the intensity of the older woman's gaze. The younger, British woman looked out of place, clad in a smart suit next to the array of battle-hardened fighters surrounding the elder Japanese one.
"Umm, Ms Suzume, you asked me to keep a general eye out for anything of note happening in your hometown." The woman's voice quavered as she held out a tablet in both hands, which was snatched off of her, making her flinch. The older woman slid her sunglasses down her nose as she watched the footage. It was unsteady, but there was no mistaking what she saw, a flying demon being assailed by colourful blasts of light, before being finished off by a powerful beam. Raising her eyebrow, she slipped off the SUV and stretched out.
"Miss Jones, please inform my pilot that I want him ready to take off first thing in the morning. Erik, you're in charge of making sure this all goes off without a hitch, you fuck up, your balls are mine, clear?"
A large, blonde man with a Scandinavian accent half-saluted. "You got it boss."
Nodding, the Japanese woman handed the tablet back to her aide and gestured for two of her bodyguards to follow her, along with the aide, and made her way over to a nearby car, sending the driver over to the remaining people at the SUV and getting into the driver's seat herself as the other three got into the car with her. The aide looked at her nervously.
"If I may be so bold ma'am, what's going on?"
As the Japanese woman slipped her shades into the glove compartment, the aide could swear that, just for a moment, she could see a purplish gleam in the eyes of her boss.
"I'm going to go and visit some old friends, Miss Jones."
0 notes
Fix Your House Or Decorate It: Find Out More About Home Improvement. Almost everyone who owns a home has planned to improve it at some time. They could attest that there's a fine line when it comes to failing and succeeding, especially if the homeowner is not experienced enough. If you want some useful, knowledgeable home improvement tips that you can instantly use, make sure you keep reading this article. You can make a huge positive difference in the appearance of a room by installing a new floor in it. You can choose to get it professionally installed or do it yourself. Be sure to seek advice before deciding which method is preferable. Do not allow any work to be done on your home without a proper contract. The best idea is to have the contract evaluated by your lawyer. Start and end dates, work to be done and warranty information must be stated in the contract. Get at that drywall with a sponge! Rather than sanding the seams in your drywall, sponge them. After you practice a little, you can get good at smoothing the seams with a sponge just as easily as with a sander. Plus, less dust is created with the sponge. Use wallpaper to create a unique and attractive bookcase. Choose a vibrant graphic design. Apply the chosen wallpaper inside of the bookcase. This way, the design will be visible behind the books. This can really tie the room together and make a very nice aesthetic look. Some things often overlooked when doing home improvements or updating are gutters, downspouts and chimneys. However, without regular inspections, you may not discover if there is an issue with how these items function. Keeping your chimney free of debris is important to prevent fires from substances that might become trapped inside the chimney. Similarly, keeping your gutters free from debris will prevent water damage to your roof caused by the accumulation of water in rain gutters. If your next project involves lighting or other electrical components, you must cut power to that area before you begin. Forgetting to turn the power off may end in electrocution or even death. Your home's value can be increased by as much as 10 percent if you have a well-made, clean front door. The finishing touches on the door also improve the look. A variety of locks and knobs are available. Start thinking about, and planning for, your home improvement project early in the game. By compiling a list as you go along you will have a better idea of what you want when the time comes. When trying to decide on the perfect color palette, rushing through your decision is the last thing you want to do. The first step in beginning work in your bathroom or kitchen is shutting off any water supply to the fixtures or plumbing. That may sound like a no-brainer to you, but it is a step that is often overlooked by homeowners, resulting in costly flooding. If your home is in need of more space or you are not happy with the appearance, consider beginning a home improvement project to change it. When you renovate your home, you can make it just the way you want it, instead of moving into a property designed by someone else. Renovations are also much more affordable than purchasing a new property altogether. A finished basement adds value to any property, making it an ideal investment. A finished basement acts as more room for your home, whether it's storage or living space. Discount stores have everything you need as far as building materials. Often, people say that the value of your home may go up thirty percent by finishing the basement. If you are thinking of replacing your cabinets, consider using wood cabinets. Wood is one of the most durable materials out there and can resist warping, staining and scratching. Maple, cherry and oak are commonly used in cabinets. One additional benefit of these woods is that they take stains well. This makes it relatively easy to alter the color scheme of your cabinets. If your ceiling is starting to leak, odds are you need to replace your roof. If you wait too long to fix the problem, the results can be devastating. Contact a local roof repair specialist. Be sure that the contractor is fully qualified. You can complete home renovations by yourself. However, if the job is extensive and requires professional experience, then a contractor is necessary. You usually do not need a professional for painting, drywall, and easy plumbing fixes. Saving money is worth it! Wallpaper can be a good option if you don't like paint or paneling in your home. Using wallpaper is fairly cheap, and will give the room a refreshing new look. Be careful; some paper is harder to remove than certain others, and that will be a future challenge. Installing ceramic tile is a project that can be implemented in many kitchens and bathrooms. Consider unique and colorful designs, or a solid scheme that will complement the rest of the room with chic style. Ceramic flooring is easy to install and will add value to any home. Consider using light-colored tiles when you're replacing your roof. If you use tiles that are not as heavy the attic will not be as hot and your home will stay cooler and save money on air conditioning. When your air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard to cool your home, you'll see savings on your utility bill. It is important to shut off the water supply to your home before starting any plumbing project. Before attempting to repair or replace your sink, locate and turn off your home's water supply. The line that separates inexperience from experience is very thin. It's actually just the experience! So after you soak up some knowledge to help you along your way, you can begin to get that experience by making real repairs and improvements. There is a thin line between the success and failure of a home improvement project when a professional isn't there to help. Use the tips mentioned here to help you get your project started and carried through successfully.
Make Over Your Home The D-I-Y Way With These Tips
Home improvement is a great way to add your own personal flare to your home. It's important that you're aware of what to do and how to make sure it's done properly. The best plan of attack you can take is to first educate yourself on the subject. A little extra education never hurt anyone, and you can find it by continuing to read this article.
If you are purchasing a house, have your home inspected by a professional. You will not have to depend on your own judgement and what the seller is trying to tell you. Having a professional who is an objective third party is a good way to keep any findings civil as well.
Get a new porch light that features a motion sensor in order to help reduce your electric bill. You can still use this type of light manually, and the sensitivity of the sensor can be changed on most motion sensors.
Be mindful of your environment when doing home improvement, and only tackle upgrades that fit the overall picture. Avoid nonsensical or questionable improvements like leaving a sun room in a cold climate uninsulated. This will make your home much more difficult to sell. Build what you want to, but try not to go beyond what will be useful in your climate.
Plan out what you intend to do before you start on your home improvement project. If you want to stay withing your budget, you have to have a plan. You also know how much more adding in different things to your project might cost you. If you know what you want before you begin, it will be easier to keep your contractor happy.
Put a shot into that vinyl flooring bubble. If there is a bubble in one of these floors, you can slice it open and let the air out. The bubble will collapse in the short term. However, you will have to insert some new glue to set the fixed section onto the floor. You can find glue that is specially sold in a syringe to make this job as easy as possible.
Are there little nail holes in your walls? Pick up a little spackle and paint. Pick up some spackle first. Only a small bit of spackle is needed to cover small holes. The little holes may be filled with spackle using just a bobby pin. After your spackle has dried, use some sandpaper or even a credit card to smooth everything out and make the wall look new again. Then, apply paint to the area. Your holes will disappear like magic, giving your home a fresh look!
Opt for a unique coffee table rather than a generic pre-made one. You can use an old chest as a coffee table, for instance. You can throw things in it as well. Place magazines and books on top of your coffee table to give it definition. For a country look arrange teacups on a tablecloth.
You can change the appearance of your appliances in the kitchen more affordably than you might think. While stainless steel is popular, there's no reason to toss your fridge because you don't care for the color. You can purchase inexpensive spray paint for your appliances and paint them almost any color imaginable. You can change the entire feel of the kitchen in the span of a day.
Before you tackle a project around the house, solicit help from your family and friends. If you delay asking for help until the project has already begun, it might be hard to get someone to help. It may also take you longer to finish your project than you initially expected.
Caned chair seats are naturally subject to sagging as time passes. There is a simple trick that you can use to repair the caning. Get a sponge and get the caning's underside wet. Only use warm water. Let everything sit for about 12 hours. Keep doing it until you have completed the repair.
Take a good look at your porch when considering improvements. It is what is first seen by someone visiting your home. It will set the initial impression they have for your home. Keep this area clutter-free and enhance its look with flowers or patio furniture. As an added benefit, you can enjoy an increased home value.
A new front door could increase significantly the value of your home, sometimes up to 10 percent. An easy, relatively inexpensive way to update the look of the front door is by replacing the existing doorknob and lock with a newer, fancier one.
Home improvement projects can run into all types of hazards. Avoid the purchase of Chinese manufactured drywall. China has imported the majority of drywall US contractors use since 2005. A lot of the drywall is not up to par. Drywall from China can, in the worst-case scenario, exude gases that damage the electrical wiring in the wall behind it.
Individual solar lights come in an abundance of styles and are cheap, however they serve very little purpose other than decoration. To adequately light a path, you will want lights powerful by electricity. Although the equipment is more expensive and the installation is more complex, these lights are far more reliable and durable than their solar cousins.
Do you want to add sophisticated touches to your residence? You can really make your home seem more elegant by adding a nice, classy doorbell. If you do that, visitors will automatically have a new sense of your house.
When you are going to remodel your bathroom, go small at first. Just a little money is necessary for making a dramatic difference in your bathroom. Get new toilet paper holders, light fixtures, mirrors, and towel bars. Painting is an excellent improvement for a bathroom. You will have a seemingly new bathroom for less money than you probably thought possible.
When done wrong, home improvement projects can be frustrating, but when done right, they can be increase your home's value and make it look amazing. This article contained helpful tips that should help you get started on the right path!
High Power Cleaning Services
0 notes
Fix Your House Or Decorate It: Find Out More About Home Improvement. Almost everyone who owns a home has planned to improve it at some time. They could attest that there's a fine line when it comes to failing and succeeding, especially if the homeowner is not experienced enough. If you want some useful, knowledgeable home improvement tips that you can instantly use, make sure you keep reading this article. You can make a huge positive difference in the appearance of a room by installing a new floor in it. You can choose to get it professionally installed or do it yourself. Be sure to seek advice before deciding which method is preferable. Do not allow any work to be done on your home without a proper contract. The best idea is to have the contract evaluated by your lawyer. Start and end dates, work to be done and warranty information must be stated in the contract. Get at that drywall with a sponge! Rather than sanding the seams in your drywall, sponge them. After you practice a little, you can get good at smoothing the seams with a sponge just as easily as with a sander. Plus, less dust is created with the sponge. Use wallpaper to create a unique and attractive bookcase. Choose a vibrant graphic design. Apply the chosen wallpaper inside of the bookcase. This way, the design will be visible behind the books. This can really tie the room together and make a very nice aesthetic look. Some things often overlooked when doing home improvements or updating are gutters, downspouts and chimneys. However, without regular inspections, you may not discover if there is an issue with how these items function. Keeping your chimney free of debris is important to prevent fires from substances that might become trapped inside the chimney. Similarly, keeping your gutters free from debris will prevent water damage to your roof caused by the accumulation of water in rain gutters. If your next project involves lighting or other electrical components, you must cut power to that area before you begin. Forgetting to turn the power off may end in electrocution or even death. Your home's value can be increased by as much as 10 percent if you have a well-made, clean front door. The finishing touches on the door also improve the look. A variety of locks and knobs are available. Start thinking about, and planning for, your home improvement project early in the game. By compiling a list as you go along you will have a better idea of what you want when the time comes. When trying to decide on the perfect color palette, rushing through your decision is the last thing you want to do. The first step in beginning work in your bathroom or kitchen is shutting off any water supply to the fixtures or plumbing. That may sound like a no-brainer to you, but it is a step that is often overlooked by homeowners, resulting in costly flooding. If your home is in need of more space or you are not happy with the appearance, consider beginning a home improvement project to change it. When you renovate your home, you can make it just the way you want it, instead of moving into a property designed by someone else. Renovations are also much more affordable than purchasing a new property altogether. A finished basement adds value to any property, making it an ideal investment. A finished basement acts as more room for your home, whether it's storage or living space. Discount stores have everything you need as far as building materials. Often, people say that the value of your home may go up thirty percent by finishing the basement. If you are thinking of replacing your cabinets, consider using wood cabinets. Wood is one of the most durable materials out there and can resist warping, staining and scratching. Maple, cherry and oak are commonly used in cabinets. One additional benefit of these woods is that they take stains well. This makes it relatively easy to alter the color scheme of your cabinets. If your ceiling is starting to leak, odds are you need to replace your roof. If you wait too long to fix the problem, the results can be devastating. Contact a local roof repair specialist. Be sure that the contractor is fully qualified. You can complete home renovations by yourself. However, if the job is extensive and requires professional experience, then a contractor is necessary. You usually do not need a professional for painting, drywall, and easy plumbing fixes. Saving money is worth it! Wallpaper can be a good option if you don't like paint or paneling in your home. Using wallpaper is fairly cheap, and will give the room a refreshing new look. Be careful; some paper is harder to remove than certain others, and that will be a future challenge. Installing ceramic tile is a project that can be implemented in many kitchens and bathrooms. Consider unique and colorful designs, or a solid scheme that will complement the rest of the room with chic style. Ceramic flooring is easy to install and will add value to any home. Consider using light-colored tiles when you're replacing your roof. If you use tiles that are not as heavy the attic will not be as hot and your home will stay cooler and save money on air conditioning. When your air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard to cool your home, you'll see savings on your utility bill. It is important to shut off the water supply to your home before starting any plumbing project. Before attempting to repair or replace your sink, locate and turn off your home's water supply. The line that separates inexperience from experience is very thin. It's actually just the experience! So after you soak up some knowledge to help you along your way, you can begin to get that experience by making real repairs and improvements. There is a thin line between the success and failure of a home improvement project when a professional isn't there to help. Use the tips mentioned here to help you get your project started and carried through successfully.
Make Over Your Home The D-I-Y Way With These Tips
Home improvement is a great way to add your own personal flare to your home. It's important that you're aware of what to do and how to make sure it's done properly. The best plan of attack you can take is to first educate yourself on the subject. A little extra education never hurt anyone, and you can find it by continuing to read this article.
If you are purchasing a house, have your home inspected by a professional. You will not have to depend on your own judgement and what the seller is trying to tell you. Having a professional who is an objective third party is a good way to keep any findings civil as well.
Get a new porch light that features a motion sensor in order to help reduce your electric bill. You can still use this type of light manually, and the sensitivity of the sensor can be changed on most motion sensors.
Be mindful of your environment when doing home improvement, and only tackle upgrades that fit the overall picture. Avoid nonsensical or questionable improvements like leaving a sun room in a cold climate uninsulated. This will make your home much more difficult to sell. Build what you want to, but try not to go beyond what will be useful in your climate.
Plan out what you intend to do before you start on your home improvement project. If you want to stay withing your budget, you have to have a plan. You also know how much more adding in different things to your project might cost you. If you know what you want before you begin, it will be easier to keep your contractor happy.
Put a shot into that vinyl flooring bubble. If there is a bubble in one of these floors, you can slice it open and let the air out. The bubble will collapse in the short term. However, you will have to insert some new glue to set the fixed section onto the floor. You can find glue that is specially sold in a syringe to make this job as easy as possible.
Are there little nail holes in your walls? Pick up a little spackle and paint. Pick up some spackle first. Only a small bit of spackle is needed to cover small holes. The little holes may be filled with spackle using just a bobby pin. After your spackle has dried, use some sandpaper or even a credit card to smooth everything out and make the wall look new again. Then, apply paint to the area. Your holes will disappear like magic, giving your home a fresh look!
Opt for a unique coffee table rather than a generic pre-made one. You can use an old chest as a coffee table, for instance. You can throw things in it as well. Place magazines and books on top of your coffee table to give it definition. For a country look arrange teacups on a tablecloth.
You can change the appearance of your appliances in the kitchen more affordably than you might think. While stainless steel is popular, there's no reason to toss your fridge because you don't care for the color. You can purchase inexpensive spray paint for your appliances and paint them almost any color imaginable. You can change the entire feel of the kitchen in the span of a day.
Before you tackle a project around the house, solicit help from your family and friends. If you delay asking for help until the project has already begun, it might be hard to get someone to help. It may also take you longer to finish your project than you initially expected.
Caned chair seats are naturally subject to sagging as time passes. There is a simple trick that you can use to repair the caning. Get a sponge and get the caning's underside wet. Only use warm water. Let everything sit for about 12 hours. Keep doing it until you have completed the repair.
Take a good look at your porch when considering improvements. It is what is first seen by someone visiting your home. It will set the initial impression they have for your home. Keep this area clutter-free and enhance its look with flowers or patio furniture. As an added benefit, you can enjoy an increased home value.
A new front door could increase significantly the value of your home, sometimes up to 10 percent. An easy, relatively inexpensive way to update the look of the front door is by replacing the existing doorknob and lock with a newer, fancier one.
Home improvement projects can run into all types of hazards. Avoid the purchase of Chinese manufactured drywall. China has imported the majority of drywall US contractors use since 2005. A lot of the drywall is not up to par. Drywall from China can, in the worst-case scenario, exude gases that damage the electrical wiring in the wall behind it.
Individual solar lights come in an abundance of styles and are cheap, however they serve very little purpose other than decoration. To adequately light a path, you will want lights powerful by electricity. Although the equipment is more expensive and the installation is more complex, these lights are far more reliable and durable than their solar cousins.
Do you want to add sophisticated touches to your residence? You can really make your home seem more elegant by adding a nice, classy doorbell. If you do that, visitors will automatically have a new sense of your house.
When you are going to remodel your bathroom, go small at first. Just a little money is necessary for making a dramatic difference in your bathroom. Get new toilet paper holders, light fixtures, mirrors, and towel bars. Painting is an excellent improvement for a bathroom. You will have a seemingly new bathroom for less money than you probably thought possible.
When done wrong, home improvement projects can be frustrating, but when done right, they can be increase your home's value and make it look amazing. This article contained helpful tips that should help you get started on the right path!
High Power Cleaning Services
0 notes
forextrendyscanner · 6 years
Fix Your House Or Decorate It: Find Out More About Home Improvement. Almost everyone who owns a home has planned to improve it at some time. They could attest that there's a fine line when it comes to failing and succeeding, especially if the homeowner is not experienced enough. If you want some useful, knowledgeable home improvement tips that you can instantly use, make sure you keep reading this article. You can make a huge positive difference in the appearance of a room by installing a new floor in it. You can choose to get it professionally installed or do it yourself. Be sure to seek advice before deciding which method is preferable. Do not allow any work to be done on your home without a proper contract. The best idea is to have the contract evaluated by your lawyer. Start and end dates, work to be done and warranty information must be stated in the contract. Get at that drywall with a sponge! Rather than sanding the seams in your drywall, sponge them. After you practice a little, you can get good at smoothing the seams with a sponge just as easily as with a sander. Plus, less dust is created with the sponge. Use wallpaper to create a unique and attractive bookcase. Choose a vibrant graphic design. Apply the chosen wallpaper inside of the bookcase. This way, the design will be visible behind the books. This can really tie the room together and make a very nice aesthetic look. Some things often overlooked when doing home improvements or updating are gutters, downspouts and chimneys. However, without regular inspections, you may not discover if there is an issue with how these items function. Keeping your chimney free of debris is important to prevent fires from substances that might become trapped inside the chimney. Similarly, keeping your gutters free from debris will prevent water damage to your roof caused by the accumulation of water in rain gutters. If your next project involves lighting or other electrical components, you must cut power to that area before you begin. Forgetting to turn the power off may end in electrocution or even death. Your home's value can be increased by as much as 10 percent if you have a well-made, clean front door. The finishing touches on the door also improve the look. A variety of locks and knobs are available. Start thinking about, and planning for, your home improvement project early in the game. By compiling a list as you go along you will have a better idea of what you want when the time comes. When trying to decide on the perfect color palette, rushing through your decision is the last thing you want to do. The first step in beginning work in your bathroom or kitchen is shutting off any water supply to the fixtures or plumbing. That may sound like a no-brainer to you, but it is a step that is often overlooked by homeowners, resulting in costly flooding. If your home is in need of more space or you are not happy with the appearance, consider beginning a home improvement project to change it. When you renovate your home, you can make it just the way you want it, instead of moving into a property designed by someone else. Renovations are also much more affordable than purchasing a new property altogether. A finished basement adds value to any property, making it an ideal investment. A finished basement acts as more room for your home, whether it's storage or living space. Discount stores have everything you need as far as building materials. Often, people say that the value of your home may go up thirty percent by finishing the basement. If you are thinking of replacing your cabinets, consider using wood cabinets. Wood is one of the most durable materials out there and can resist warping, staining and scratching. Maple, cherry and oak are commonly used in cabinets. One additional benefit of these woods is that they take stains well. This makes it relatively easy to alter the color scheme of your cabinets. If your ceiling is starting to leak, odds are you need to replace your roof. If you wait too long to fix the problem, the results can be devastating. Contact a local roof repair specialist. Be sure that the contractor is fully qualified. You can complete home renovations by yourself. However, if the job is extensive and requires professional experience, then a contractor is necessary. You usually do not need a professional for painting, drywall, and easy plumbing fixes. Saving money is worth it! Wallpaper can be a good option if you don't like paint or paneling in your home. Using wallpaper is fairly cheap, and will give the room a refreshing new look. Be careful; some paper is harder to remove than certain others, and that will be a future challenge. Installing ceramic tile is a project that can be implemented in many kitchens and bathrooms. Consider unique and colorful designs, or a solid scheme that will complement the rest of the room with chic style. Ceramic flooring is easy to install and will add value to any home. Consider using light-colored tiles when you're replacing your roof. If you use tiles that are not as heavy the attic will not be as hot and your home will stay cooler and save money on air conditioning. When your air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard to cool your home, you'll see savings on your utility bill. It is important to shut off the water supply to your home before starting any plumbing project. Before attempting to repair or replace your sink, locate and turn off your home's water supply. The line that separates inexperience from experience is very thin. It's actually just the experience! So after you soak up some knowledge to help you along your way, you can begin to get that experience by making real repairs and improvements. There is a thin line between the success and failure of a home improvement project when a professional isn't there to help. Use the tips mentioned here to help you get your project started and carried through successfully.
Make Over Your Home The D-I-Y Way With These Tips
Home improvement is a great way to add your own personal flare to your home. It's important that you're aware of what to do and how to make sure it's done properly. The best plan of attack you can take is to first educate yourself on the subject. A little extra education never hurt anyone, and you can find it by continuing to read this article.
If you are purchasing a house, have your home inspected by a professional. You will not have to depend on your own judgement and what the seller is trying to tell you. Having a professional who is an objective third party is a good way to keep any findings civil as well.
Get a new porch light that features a motion sensor in order to help reduce your electric bill. You can still use this type of light manually, and the sensitivity of the sensor can be changed on most motion sensors.
Be mindful of your environment when doing home improvement, and only tackle upgrades that fit the overall picture. Avoid nonsensical or questionable improvements like leaving a sun room in a cold climate uninsulated. This will make your home much more difficult to sell. Build what you want to, but try not to go beyond what will be useful in your climate.
Plan out what you intend to do before you start on your home improvement project. If you want to stay withing your budget, you have to have a plan. You also know how much more adding in different things to your project might cost you. If you know what you want before you begin, it will be easier to keep your contractor happy.
Put a shot into that vinyl flooring bubble. If there is a bubble in one of these floors, you can slice it open and let the air out. The bubble will collapse in the short term. However, you will have to insert some new glue to set the fixed section onto the floor. You can find glue that is specially sold in a syringe to make this job as easy as possible.
Are there little nail holes in your walls? Pick up a little spackle and paint. Pick up some spackle first. Only a small bit of spackle is needed to cover small holes. The little holes may be filled with spackle using just a bobby pin. After your spackle has dried, use some sandpaper or even a credit card to smooth everything out and make the wall look new again. Then, apply paint to the area. Your holes will disappear like magic, giving your home a fresh look!
Opt for a unique coffee table rather than a generic pre-made one. You can use an old chest as a coffee table, for instance. You can throw things in it as well. Place magazines and books on top of your coffee table to give it definition. For a country look arrange teacups on a tablecloth.
You can change the appearance of your appliances in the kitchen more affordably than you might think. While stainless steel is popular, there's no reason to toss your fridge because you don't care for the color. You can purchase inexpensive spray paint for your appliances and paint them almost any color imaginable. You can change the entire feel of the kitchen in the span of a day.
Before you tackle a project around the house, solicit help from your family and friends. If you delay asking for help until the project has already begun, it might be hard to get someone to help. It may also take you longer to finish your project than you initially expected.
Caned chair seats are naturally subject to sagging as time passes. There is a simple trick that you can use to repair the caning. Get a sponge and get the caning's underside wet. Only use warm water. Let everything sit for about 12 hours. Keep doing it until you have completed the repair.
Take a good look at your porch when considering improvements. It is what is first seen by someone visiting your home. It will set the initial impression they have for your home. Keep this area clutter-free and enhance its look with flowers or patio furniture. As an added benefit, you can enjoy an increased home value.
A new front door could increase significantly the value of your home, sometimes up to 10 percent. An easy, relatively inexpensive way to update the look of the front door is by replacing the existing doorknob and lock with a newer, fancier one.
Home improvement projects can run into all types of hazards. Avoid the purchase of Chinese manufactured drywall. China has imported the majority of drywall US contractors use since 2005. A lot of the drywall is not up to par. Drywall from China can, in the worst-case scenario, exude gases that damage the electrical wiring in the wall behind it.
Individual solar lights come in an abundance of styles and are cheap, however they serve very little purpose other than decoration. To adequately light a path, you will want lights powerful by electricity. Although the equipment is more expensive and the installation is more complex, these lights are far more reliable and durable than their solar cousins.
Do you want to add sophisticated touches to your residence? You can really make your home seem more elegant by adding a nice, classy doorbell. If you do that, visitors will automatically have a new sense of your house.
When you are going to remodel your bathroom, go small at first. Just a little money is necessary for making a dramatic difference in your bathroom. Get new toilet paper holders, light fixtures, mirrors, and towel bars. Painting is an excellent improvement for a bathroom. You will have a seemingly new bathroom for less money than you probably thought possible.
When done wrong, home improvement projects can be frustrating, but when done right, they can be increase your home's value and make it look amazing. This article contained helpful tips that should help you get started on the right path!
High Power Cleaning Services
0 notes
diki6808 · 6 years
Fix Your House Or Decorate It: Find Out More About Home Improvement. Almost everyone who owns a home has planned to improve it at some time. They could attest that there's a fine line when it comes to failing and succeeding, especially if the homeowner is not experienced enough. If you want some useful, knowledgeable home improvement tips that you can instantly use, make sure you keep reading this article. You can make a huge positive difference in the appearance of a room by installing a new floor in it. You can choose to get it professionally installed or do it yourself. Be sure to seek advice before deciding which method is preferable. Do not allow any work to be done on your home without a proper contract. The best idea is to have the contract evaluated by your lawyer. Start and end dates, work to be done and warranty information must be stated in the contract. Get at that drywall with a sponge! Rather than sanding the seams in your drywall, sponge them. After you practice a little, you can get good at smoothing the seams with a sponge just as easily as with a sander. Plus, less dust is created with the sponge. Use wallpaper to create a unique and attractive bookcase. Choose a vibrant graphic design. Apply the chosen wallpaper inside of the bookcase. This way, the design will be visible behind the books. This can really tie the room together and make a very nice aesthetic look. Some things often overlooked when doing home improvements or updating are gutters, downspouts and chimneys. However, without regular inspections, you may not discover if there is an issue with how these items function. Keeping your chimney free of debris is important to prevent fires from substances that might become trapped inside the chimney. Similarly, keeping your gutters free from debris will prevent water damage to your roof caused by the accumulation of water in rain gutters. If your next project involves lighting or other electrical components, you must cut power to that area before you begin. Forgetting to turn the power off may end in electrocution or even death. Your home's value can be increased by as much as 10 percent if you have a well-made, clean front door. The finishing touches on the door also improve the look. A variety of locks and knobs are available. Start thinking about, and planning for, your home improvement project early in the game. By compiling a list as you go along you will have a better idea of what you want when the time comes. When trying to decide on the perfect color palette, rushing through your decision is the last thing you want to do. The first step in beginning work in your bathroom or kitchen is shutting off any water supply to the fixtures or plumbing. That may sound like a no-brainer to you, but it is a step that is often overlooked by homeowners, resulting in costly flooding. If your home is in need of more space or you are not happy with the appearance, consider beginning a home improvement project to change it. When you renovate your home, you can make it just the way you want it, instead of moving into a property designed by someone else. Renovations are also much more affordable than purchasing a new property altogether. A finished basement adds value to any property, making it an ideal investment. A finished basement acts as more room for your home, whether it's storage or living space. Discount stores have everything you need as far as building materials. Often, people say that the value of your home may go up thirty percent by finishing the basement. If you are thinking of replacing your cabinets, consider using wood cabinets. Wood is one of the most durable materials out there and can resist warping, staining and scratching. Maple, cherry and oak are commonly used in cabinets. One additional benefit of these woods is that they take stains well. This makes it relatively easy to alter the color scheme of your cabinets. If your ceiling is starting to leak, odds are you need to replace your roof. If you wait too long to fix the problem, the results can be devastating. Contact a local roof repair specialist. Be sure that the contractor is fully qualified. You can complete home renovations by yourself. However, if the job is extensive and requires professional experience, then a contractor is necessary. You usually do not need a professional for painting, drywall, and easy plumbing fixes. Saving money is worth it! Wallpaper can be a good option if you don't like paint or paneling in your home. Using wallpaper is fairly cheap, and will give the room a refreshing new look. Be careful; some paper is harder to remove than certain others, and that will be a future challenge. Installing ceramic tile is a project that can be implemented in many kitchens and bathrooms. Consider unique and colorful designs, or a solid scheme that will complement the rest of the room with chic style. Ceramic flooring is easy to install and will add value to any home. Consider using light-colored tiles when you're replacing your roof. If you use tiles that are not as heavy the attic will not be as hot and your home will stay cooler and save money on air conditioning. When your air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard to cool your home, you'll see savings on your utility bill. It is important to shut off the water supply to your home before starting any plumbing project. Before attempting to repair or replace your sink, locate and turn off your home's water supply. The line that separates inexperience from experience is very thin. It's actually just the experience! So after you soak up some knowledge to help you along your way, you can begin to get that experience by making real repairs and improvements. There is a thin line between the success and failure of a home improvement project when a professional isn't there to help. Use the tips mentioned here to help you get your project started and carried through successfully.
Make Over Your Home The D-I-Y Way With These Tips
Home improvement is a great way to add your own personal flare to your home. It's important that you're aware of what to do and how to make sure it's done properly. The best plan of attack you can take is to first educate yourself on the subject. A little extra education never hurt anyone, and you can find it by continuing to read this article.
If you are purchasing a house, have your home inspected by a professional. You will not have to depend on your own judgement and what the seller is trying to tell you. Having a professional who is an objective third party is a good way to keep any findings civil as well.
Get a new porch light that features a motion sensor in order to help reduce your electric bill. You can still use this type of light manually, and the sensitivity of the sensor can be changed on most motion sensors.
Be mindful of your environment when doing home improvement, and only tackle upgrades that fit the overall picture. Avoid nonsensical or questionable improvements like leaving a sun room in a cold climate uninsulated. This will make your home much more difficult to sell. Build what you want to, but try not to go beyond what will be useful in your climate.
Plan out what you intend to do before you start on your home improvement project. If you want to stay withing your budget, you have to have a plan. You also know how much more adding in different things to your project might cost you. If you know what you want before you begin, it will be easier to keep your contractor happy.
Put a shot into that vinyl flooring bubble. If there is a bubble in one of these floors, you can slice it open and let the air out. The bubble will collapse in the short term. However, you will have to insert some new glue to set the fixed section onto the floor. You can find glue that is specially sold in a syringe to make this job as easy as possible.
Are there little nail holes in your walls? Pick up a little spackle and paint. Pick up some spackle first. Only a small bit of spackle is needed to cover small holes. The little holes may be filled with spackle using just a bobby pin. After your spackle has dried, use some sandpaper or even a credit card to smooth everything out and make the wall look new again. Then, apply paint to the area. Your holes will disappear like magic, giving your home a fresh look!
Opt for a unique coffee table rather than a generic pre-made one. You can use an old chest as a coffee table, for instance. You can throw things in it as well. Place magazines and books on top of your coffee table to give it definition. For a country look arrange teacups on a tablecloth.
You can change the appearance of your appliances in the kitchen more affordably than you might think. While stainless steel is popular, there's no reason to toss your fridge because you don't care for the color. You can purchase inexpensive spray paint for your appliances and paint them almost any color imaginable. You can change the entire feel of the kitchen in the span of a day.
Before you tackle a project around the house, solicit help from your family and friends. If you delay asking for help until the project has already begun, it might be hard to get someone to help. It may also take you longer to finish your project than you initially expected.
Caned chair seats are naturally subject to sagging as time passes. There is a simple trick that you can use to repair the caning. Get a sponge and get the caning's underside wet. Only use warm water. Let everything sit for about 12 hours. Keep doing it until you have completed the repair.
Take a good look at your porch when considering improvements. It is what is first seen by someone visiting your home. It will set the initial impression they have for your home. Keep this area clutter-free and enhance its look with flowers or patio furniture. As an added benefit, you can enjoy an increased home value.
A new front door could increase significantly the value of your home, sometimes up to 10 percent. An easy, relatively inexpensive way to update the look of the front door is by replacing the existing doorknob and lock with a newer, fancier one.
Home improvement projects can run into all types of hazards. Avoid the purchase of Chinese manufactured drywall. China has imported the majority of drywall US contractors use since 2005. A lot of the drywall is not up to par. Drywall from China can, in the worst-case scenario, exude gases that damage the electrical wiring in the wall behind it.
Individual solar lights come in an abundance of styles and are cheap, however they serve very little purpose other than decoration. To adequately light a path, you will want lights powerful by electricity. Although the equipment is more expensive and the installation is more complex, these lights are far more reliable and durable than their solar cousins.
Do you want to add sophisticated touches to your residence? You can really make your home seem more elegant by adding a nice, classy doorbell. If you do that, visitors will automatically have a new sense of your house.
When you are going to remodel your bathroom, go small at first. Just a little money is necessary for making a dramatic difference in your bathroom. Get new toilet paper holders, light fixtures, mirrors, and towel bars. Painting is an excellent improvement for a bathroom. You will have a seemingly new bathroom for less money than you probably thought possible.
When done wrong, home improvement projects can be frustrating, but when done right, they can be increase your home's value and make it look amazing. This article contained helpful tips that should help you get started on the right path!
High Power Cleaning Services
0 notes
its-me-dawn-flange · 6 years
Fix Your House Or Decorate It: Find Out More About Home Improvement. Almost everyone who owns a home has planned to improve it at some time. They could attest that there's a fine line when it comes to failing and succeeding, especially if the homeowner is not experienced enough. If you want some useful, knowledgeable home improvement tips that you can instantly use, make sure you keep reading this article. You can make a huge positive difference in the appearance of a room by installing a new floor in it. You can choose to get it professionally installed or do it yourself. Be sure to seek advice before deciding which method is preferable. Do not allow any work to be done on your home without a proper contract. The best idea is to have the contract evaluated by your lawyer. Start and end dates, work to be done and warranty information must be stated in the contract. Get at that drywall with a sponge! Rather than sanding the seams in your drywall, sponge them. After you practice a little, you can get good at smoothing the seams with a sponge just as easily as with a sander. Plus, less dust is created with the sponge. Use wallpaper to create a unique and attractive bookcase. Choose a vibrant graphic design. Apply the chosen wallpaper inside of the bookcase. This way, the design will be visible behind the books. This can really tie the room together and make a very nice aesthetic look. Some things often overlooked when doing home improvements or updating are gutters, downspouts and chimneys. However, without regular inspections, you may not discover if there is an issue with how these items function. Keeping your chimney free of debris is important to prevent fires from substances that might become trapped inside the chimney. Similarly, keeping your gutters free from debris will prevent water damage to your roof caused by the accumulation of water in rain gutters. If your next project involves lighting or other electrical components, you must cut power to that area before you begin. Forgetting to turn the power off may end in electrocution or even death. Your home's value can be increased by as much as 10 percent if you have a well-made, clean front door. The finishing touches on the door also improve the look. A variety of locks and knobs are available. Start thinking about, and planning for, your home improvement project early in the game. By compiling a list as you go along you will have a better idea of what you want when the time comes. When trying to decide on the perfect color palette, rushing through your decision is the last thing you want to do. The first step in beginning work in your bathroom or kitchen is shutting off any water supply to the fixtures or plumbing. That may sound like a no-brainer to you, but it is a step that is often overlooked by homeowners, resulting in costly flooding. If your home is in need of more space or you are not happy with the appearance, consider beginning a home improvement project to change it. When you renovate your home, you can make it just the way you want it, instead of moving into a property designed by someone else. Renovations are also much more affordable than purchasing a new property altogether. A finished basement adds value to any property, making it an ideal investment. A finished basement acts as more room for your home, whether it's storage or living space. Discount stores have everything you need as far as building materials. Often, people say that the value of your home may go up thirty percent by finishing the basement. If you are thinking of replacing your cabinets, consider using wood cabinets. Wood is one of the most durable materials out there and can resist warping, staining and scratching. Maple, cherry and oak are commonly used in cabinets. One additional benefit of these woods is that they take stains well. This makes it relatively easy to alter the color scheme of your cabinets. If your ceiling is starting to leak, odds are you need to replace your roof. If you wait too long to fix the problem, the results can be devastating. Contact a local roof repair specialist. Be sure that the contractor is fully qualified. You can complete home renovations by yourself. However, if the job is extensive and requires professional experience, then a contractor is necessary. You usually do not need a professional for painting, drywall, and easy plumbing fixes. Saving money is worth it! Wallpaper can be a good option if you don't like paint or paneling in your home. Using wallpaper is fairly cheap, and will give the room a refreshing new look. Be careful; some paper is harder to remove than certain others, and that will be a future challenge. Installing ceramic tile is a project that can be implemented in many kitchens and bathrooms. Consider unique and colorful designs, or a solid scheme that will complement the rest of the room with chic style. Ceramic flooring is easy to install and will add value to any home. Consider using light-colored tiles when you're replacing your roof. If you use tiles that are not as heavy the attic will not be as hot and your home will stay cooler and save money on air conditioning. When your air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard to cool your home, you'll see savings on your utility bill. It is important to shut off the water supply to your home before starting any plumbing project. Before attempting to repair or replace your sink, locate and turn off your home's water supply. The line that separates inexperience from experience is very thin. It's actually just the experience! So after you soak up some knowledge to help you along your way, you can begin to get that experience by making real repairs and improvements. There is a thin line between the success and failure of a home improvement project when a professional isn't there to help. Use the tips mentioned here to help you get your project started and carried through successfully.
Make Over Your Home The D-I-Y Way With These Tips
Home improvement is a great way to add your own personal flare to your home. It's important that you're aware of what to do and how to make sure it's done properly. The best plan of attack you can take is to first educate yourself on the subject. A little extra education never hurt anyone, and you can find it by continuing to read this article.
If you are purchasing a house, have your home inspected by a professional. You will not have to depend on your own judgement and what the seller is trying to tell you. Having a professional who is an objective third party is a good way to keep any findings civil as well.
Get a new porch light that features a motion sensor in order to help reduce your electric bill. You can still use this type of light manually, and the sensitivity of the sensor can be changed on most motion sensors.
Be mindful of your environment when doing home improvement, and only tackle upgrades that fit the overall picture. Avoid nonsensical or questionable improvements like leaving a sun room in a cold climate uninsulated. This will make your home much more difficult to sell. Build what you want to, but try not to go beyond what will be useful in your climate.
Plan out what you intend to do before you start on your home improvement project. If you want to stay withing your budget, you have to have a plan. You also know how much more adding in different things to your project might cost you. If you know what you want before you begin, it will be easier to keep your contractor happy.
Put a shot into that vinyl flooring bubble. If there is a bubble in one of these floors, you can slice it open and let the air out. The bubble will collapse in the short term. However, you will have to insert some new glue to set the fixed section onto the floor. You can find glue that is specially sold in a syringe to make this job as easy as possible.
Are there little nail holes in your walls? Pick up a little spackle and paint. Pick up some spackle first. Only a small bit of spackle is needed to cover small holes. The little holes may be filled with spackle using just a bobby pin. After your spackle has dried, use some sandpaper or even a credit card to smooth everything out and make the wall look new again. Then, apply paint to the area. Your holes will disappear like magic, giving your home a fresh look!
Opt for a unique coffee table rather than a generic pre-made one. You can use an old chest as a coffee table, for instance. You can throw things in it as well. Place magazines and books on top of your coffee table to give it definition. For a country look arrange teacups on a tablecloth.
You can change the appearance of your appliances in the kitchen more affordably than you might think. While stainless steel is popular, there's no reason to toss your fridge because you don't care for the color. You can purchase inexpensive spray paint for your appliances and paint them almost any color imaginable. You can change the entire feel of the kitchen in the span of a day.
Before you tackle a project around the house, solicit help from your family and friends. If you delay asking for help until the project has already begun, it might be hard to get someone to help. It may also take you longer to finish your project than you initially expected.
Caned chair seats are naturally subject to sagging as time passes. There is a simple trick that you can use to repair the caning. Get a sponge and get the caning's underside wet. Only use warm water. Let everything sit for about 12 hours. Keep doing it until you have completed the repair.
Take a good look at your porch when considering improvements. It is what is first seen by someone visiting your home. It will set the initial impression they have for your home. Keep this area clutter-free and enhance its look with flowers or patio furniture. As an added benefit, you can enjoy an increased home value.
A new front door could increase significantly the value of your home, sometimes up to 10 percent. An easy, relatively inexpensive way to update the look of the front door is by replacing the existing doorknob and lock with a newer, fancier one.
Home improvement projects can run into all types of hazards. Avoid the purchase of Chinese manufactured drywall. China has imported the majority of drywall US contractors use since 2005. A lot of the drywall is not up to par. Drywall from China can, in the worst-case scenario, exude gases that damage the electrical wiring in the wall behind it.
Individual solar lights come in an abundance of styles and are cheap, however they serve very little purpose other than decoration. To adequately light a path, you will want lights powerful by electricity. Although the equipment is more expensive and the installation is more complex, these lights are far more reliable and durable than their solar cousins.
Do you want to add sophisticated touches to your residence? You can really make your home seem more elegant by adding a nice, classy doorbell. If you do that, visitors will automatically have a new sense of your house.
When you are going to remodel your bathroom, go small at first. Just a little money is necessary for making a dramatic difference in your bathroom. Get new toilet paper holders, light fixtures, mirrors, and towel bars. Painting is an excellent improvement for a bathroom. You will have a seemingly new bathroom for less money than you probably thought possible.
When done wrong, home improvement projects can be frustrating, but when done right, they can be increase your home's value and make it look amazing. This article contained helpful tips that should help you get started on the right path!
High Power Cleaning Services
0 notes
juliettespencerus · 6 years
Fix Your House Or Decorate It: Find Out More About Home Improvement. Almost everyone who owns a home has planned to improve it at some time. They could attest that there's a fine line when it comes to failing and succeeding, especially if the homeowner is not experienced enough. If you want some useful, knowledgeable home improvement tips that you can instantly use, make sure you keep reading this article. You can make a huge positive difference in the appearance of a room by installing a new floor in it. You can choose to get it professionally installed or do it yourself. Be sure to seek advice before deciding which method is preferable. Do not allow any work to be done on your home without a proper contract. The best idea is to have the contract evaluated by your lawyer. Start and end dates, work to be done and warranty information must be stated in the contract. Get at that drywall with a sponge! Rather than sanding the seams in your drywall, sponge them. After you practice a little, you can get good at smoothing the seams with a sponge just as easily as with a sander. Plus, less dust is created with the sponge. Use wallpaper to create a unique and attractive bookcase. Choose a vibrant graphic design. Apply the chosen wallpaper inside of the bookcase. This way, the design will be visible behind the books. This can really tie the room together and make a very nice aesthetic look. Some things often overlooked when doing home improvements or updating are gutters, downspouts and chimneys. However, without regular inspections, you may not discover if there is an issue with how these items function. Keeping your chimney free of debris is important to prevent fires from substances that might become trapped inside the chimney. Similarly, keeping your gutters free from debris will prevent water damage to your roof caused by the accumulation of water in rain gutters. If your next project involves lighting or other electrical components, you must cut power to that area before you begin. Forgetting to turn the power off may end in electrocution or even death. Your home's value can be increased by as much as 10 percent if you have a well-made, clean front door. The finishing touches on the door also improve the look. A variety of locks and knobs are available. Start thinking about, and planning for, your home improvement project early in the game. By compiling a list as you go along you will have a better idea of what you want when the time comes. When trying to decide on the perfect color palette, rushing through your decision is the last thing you want to do. The first step in beginning work in your bathroom or kitchen is shutting off any water supply to the fixtures or plumbing. That may sound like a no-brainer to you, but it is a step that is often overlooked by homeowners, resulting in costly flooding. If your home is in need of more space or you are not happy with the appearance, consider beginning a home improvement project to change it. When you renovate your home, you can make it just the way you want it, instead of moving into a property designed by someone else. Renovations are also much more affordable than purchasing a new property altogether. A finished basement adds value to any property, making it an ideal investment. A finished basement acts as more room for your home, whether it's storage or living space. Discount stores have everything you need as far as building materials. Often, people say that the value of your home may go up thirty percent by finishing the basement. If you are thinking of replacing your cabinets, consider using wood cabinets. Wood is one of the most durable materials out there and can resist warping, staining and scratching. Maple, cherry and oak are commonly used in cabinets. One additional benefit of these woods is that they take stains well. This makes it relatively easy to alter the color scheme of your cabinets. If your ceiling is starting to leak, odds are you need to replace your roof. If you wait too long to fix the problem, the results can be devastating. Contact a local roof repair specialist. Be sure that the contractor is fully qualified. You can complete home renovations by yourself. However, if the job is extensive and requires professional experience, then a contractor is necessary. You usually do not need a professional for painting, drywall, and easy plumbing fixes. Saving money is worth it! Wallpaper can be a good option if you don't like paint or paneling in your home. Using wallpaper is fairly cheap, and will give the room a refreshing new look. Be careful; some paper is harder to remove than certain others, and that will be a future challenge. Installing ceramic tile is a project that can be implemented in many kitchens and bathrooms. Consider unique and colorful designs, or a solid scheme that will complement the rest of the room with chic style. Ceramic flooring is easy to install and will add value to any home. Consider using light-colored tiles when you're replacing your roof. If you use tiles that are not as heavy the attic will not be as hot and your home will stay cooler and save money on air conditioning. When your air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard to cool your home, you'll see savings on your utility bill. It is important to shut off the water supply to your home before starting any plumbing project. Before attempting to repair or replace your sink, locate and turn off your home's water supply. The line that separates inexperience from experience is very thin. It's actually just the experience! So after you soak up some knowledge to help you along your way, you can begin to get that experience by making real repairs and improvements. There is a thin line between the success and failure of a home improvement project when a professional isn't there to help. Use the tips mentioned here to help you get your project started and carried through successfully.
Make Over Your Home The D-I-Y Way With These Tips
Home improvement is a great way to add your own personal flare to your home. It's important that you're aware of what to do and how to make sure it's done properly. The best plan of attack you can take is to first educate yourself on the subject. A little extra education never hurt anyone, and you can find it by continuing to read this article.
If you are purchasing a house, have your home inspected by a professional. You will not have to depend on your own judgement and what the seller is trying to tell you. Having a professional who is an objective third party is a good way to keep any findings civil as well.
Get a new porch light that features a motion sensor in order to help reduce your electric bill. You can still use this type of light manually, and the sensitivity of the sensor can be changed on most motion sensors.
Be mindful of your environment when doing home improvement, and only tackle upgrades that fit the overall picture. Avoid nonsensical or questionable improvements like leaving a sun room in a cold climate uninsulated. This will make your home much more difficult to sell. Build what you want to, but try not to go beyond what will be useful in your climate.
Plan out what you intend to do before you start on your home improvement project. If you want to stay withing your budget, you have to have a plan. You also know how much more adding in different things to your project might cost you. If you know what you want before you begin, it will be easier to keep your contractor happy.
Put a shot into that vinyl flooring bubble. If there is a bubble in one of these floors, you can slice it open and let the air out. The bubble will collapse in the short term. However, you will have to insert some new glue to set the fixed section onto the floor. You can find glue that is specially sold in a syringe to make this job as easy as possible.
Are there little nail holes in your walls? Pick up a little spackle and paint. Pick up some spackle first. Only a small bit of spackle is needed to cover small holes. The little holes may be filled with spackle using just a bobby pin. After your spackle has dried, use some sandpaper or even a credit card to smooth everything out and make the wall look new again. Then, apply paint to the area. Your holes will disappear like magic, giving your home a fresh look!
Opt for a unique coffee table rather than a generic pre-made one. You can use an old chest as a coffee table, for instance. You can throw things in it as well. Place magazines and books on top of your coffee table to give it definition. For a country look arrange teacups on a tablecloth.
You can change the appearance of your appliances in the kitchen more affordably than you might think. While stainless steel is popular, there's no reason to toss your fridge because you don't care for the color. You can purchase inexpensive spray paint for your appliances and paint them almost any color imaginable. You can change the entire feel of the kitchen in the span of a day.
Before you tackle a project around the house, solicit help from your family and friends. If you delay asking for help until the project has already begun, it might be hard to get someone to help. It may also take you longer to finish your project than you initially expected.
Caned chair seats are naturally subject to sagging as time passes. There is a simple trick that you can use to repair the caning. Get a sponge and get the caning's underside wet. Only use warm water. Let everything sit for about 12 hours. Keep doing it until you have completed the repair.
Take a good look at your porch when considering improvements. It is what is first seen by someone visiting your home. It will set the initial impression they have for your home. Keep this area clutter-free and enhance its look with flowers or patio furniture. As an added benefit, you can enjoy an increased home value.
A new front door could increase significantly the value of your home, sometimes up to 10 percent. An easy, relatively inexpensive way to update the look of the front door is by replacing the existing doorknob and lock with a newer, fancier one.
Home improvement projects can run into all types of hazards. Avoid the purchase of Chinese manufactured drywall. China has imported the majority of drywall US contractors use since 2005. A lot of the drywall is not up to par. Drywall from China can, in the worst-case scenario, exude gases that damage the electrical wiring in the wall behind it.
Individual solar lights come in an abundance of styles and are cheap, however they serve very little purpose other than decoration. To adequately light a path, you will want lights powerful by electricity. Although the equipment is more expensive and the installation is more complex, these lights are far more reliable and durable than their solar cousins.
Do you want to add sophisticated touches to your residence? You can really make your home seem more elegant by adding a nice, classy doorbell. If you do that, visitors will automatically have a new sense of your house.
When you are going to remodel your bathroom, go small at first. Just a little money is necessary for making a dramatic difference in your bathroom. Get new toilet paper holders, light fixtures, mirrors, and towel bars. Painting is an excellent improvement for a bathroom. You will have a seemingly new bathroom for less money than you probably thought possible.
When done wrong, home improvement projects can be frustrating, but when done right, they can be increase your home's value and make it look amazing. This article contained helpful tips that should help you get started on the right path!
High Power Cleaning Services
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siegel49188375-blog · 6 years
Fix Your House Or Decorate It: Find Out More About Home Improvement. Almost everyone who owns a home has planned to improve it at some time. They could attest that there's a fine line when it comes to failing and succeeding, especially if the homeowner is not experienced enough. If you want some useful, knowledgeable home improvement tips that you can instantly use, make sure you keep reading this article. You can make a huge positive difference in the appearance of a room by installing a new floor in it. You can choose to get it professionally installed or do it yourself. Be sure to seek advice before deciding which method is preferable. Do not allow any work to be done on your home without a proper contract. The best idea is to have the contract evaluated by your lawyer. Start and end dates, work to be done and warranty information must be stated in the contract. Get at that drywall with a sponge! Rather than sanding the seams in your drywall, sponge them. After you practice a little, you can get good at smoothing the seams with a sponge just as easily as with a sander. Plus, less dust is created with the sponge. Use wallpaper to create a unique and attractive bookcase. Choose a vibrant graphic design. Apply the chosen wallpaper inside of the bookcase. This way, the design will be visible behind the books. This can really tie the room together and make a very nice aesthetic look. Some things often overlooked when doing home improvements or updating are gutters, downspouts and chimneys. However, without regular inspections, you may not discover if there is an issue with how these items function. Keeping your chimney free of debris is important to prevent fires from substances that might become trapped inside the chimney. Similarly, keeping your gutters free from debris will prevent water damage to your roof caused by the accumulation of water in rain gutters. If your next project involves lighting or other electrical components, you must cut power to that area before you begin. Forgetting to turn the power off may end in electrocution or even death. Your home's value can be increased by as much as 10 percent if you have a well-made, clean front door. The finishing touches on the door also improve the look. A variety of locks and knobs are available. Start thinking about, and planning for, your home improvement project early in the game. By compiling a list as you go along you will have a better idea of what you want when the time comes. When trying to decide on the perfect color palette, rushing through your decision is the last thing you want to do. The first step in beginning work in your bathroom or kitchen is shutting off any water supply to the fixtures or plumbing. That may sound like a no-brainer to you, but it is a step that is often overlooked by homeowners, resulting in costly flooding. If your home is in need of more space or you are not happy with the appearance, consider beginning a home improvement project to change it. When you renovate your home, you can make it just the way you want it, instead of moving into a property designed by someone else. Renovations are also much more affordable than purchasing a new property altogether. A finished basement adds value to any property, making it an ideal investment. A finished basement acts as more room for your home, whether it's storage or living space. Discount stores have everything you need as far as building materials. Often, people say that the value of your home may go up thirty percent by finishing the basement. If you are thinking of replacing your cabinets, consider using wood cabinets. Wood is one of the most durable materials out there and can resist warping, staining and scratching. Maple, cherry and oak are commonly used in cabinets. One additional benefit of these woods is that they take stains well. This makes it relatively easy to alter the color scheme of your cabinets. If your ceiling is starting to leak, odds are you need to replace your roof. If you wait too long to fix the problem, the results can be devastating. Contact a local roof repair specialist. Be sure that the contractor is fully qualified. You can complete home renovations by yourself. However, if the job is extensive and requires professional experience, then a contractor is necessary. You usually do not need a professional for painting, drywall, and easy plumbing fixes. Saving money is worth it! Wallpaper can be a good option if you don't like paint or paneling in your home. Using wallpaper is fairly cheap, and will give the room a refreshing new look. Be careful; some paper is harder to remove than certain others, and that will be a future challenge. Installing ceramic tile is a project that can be implemented in many kitchens and bathrooms. Consider unique and colorful designs, or a solid scheme that will complement the rest of the room with chic style. Ceramic flooring is easy to install and will add value to any home. Consider using light-colored tiles when you're replacing your roof. If you use tiles that are not as heavy the attic will not be as hot and your home will stay cooler and save money on air conditioning. When your air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard to cool your home, you'll see savings on your utility bill. It is important to shut off the water supply to your home before starting any plumbing project. Before attempting to repair or replace your sink, locate and turn off your home's water supply. The line that separates inexperience from experience is very thin. It's actually just the experience! So after you soak up some knowledge to help you along your way, you can begin to get that experience by making real repairs and improvements. There is a thin line between the success and failure of a home improvement project when a professional isn't there to help. Use the tips mentioned here to help you get your project started and carried through successfully.
Make Over Your Home The D-I-Y Way With These Tips
Home improvement is a great way to add your own personal flare to your home. It's important that you're aware of what to do and how to make sure it's done properly. The best plan of attack you can take is to first educate yourself on the subject. A little extra education never hurt anyone, and you can find it by continuing to read this article.
If you are purchasing a house, have your home inspected by a professional. You will not have to depend on your own judgement and what the seller is trying to tell you. Having a professional who is an objective third party is a good way to keep any findings civil as well.
Get a new porch light that features a motion sensor in order to help reduce your electric bill. You can still use this type of light manually, and the sensitivity of the sensor can be changed on most motion sensors.
Be mindful of your environment when doing home improvement, and only tackle upgrades that fit the overall picture. Avoid nonsensical or questionable improvements like leaving a sun room in a cold climate uninsulated. This will make your home much more difficult to sell. Build what you want to, but try not to go beyond what will be useful in your climate.
Plan out what you intend to do before you start on your home improvement project. If you want to stay withing your budget, you have to have a plan. You also know how much more adding in different things to your project might cost you. If you know what you want before you begin, it will be easier to keep your contractor happy.
Put a shot into that vinyl flooring bubble. If there is a bubble in one of these floors, you can slice it open and let the air out. The bubble will collapse in the short term. However, you will have to insert some new glue to set the fixed section onto the floor. You can find glue that is specially sold in a syringe to make this job as easy as possible.
Are there little nail holes in your walls? Pick up a little spackle and paint. Pick up some spackle first. Only a small bit of spackle is needed to cover small holes. The little holes may be filled with spackle using just a bobby pin. After your spackle has dried, use some sandpaper or even a credit card to smooth everything out and make the wall look new again. Then, apply paint to the area. Your holes will disappear like magic, giving your home a fresh look!
Opt for a unique coffee table rather than a generic pre-made one. You can use an old chest as a coffee table, for instance. You can throw things in it as well. Place magazines and books on top of your coffee table to give it definition. For a country look arrange teacups on a tablecloth.
You can change the appearance of your appliances in the kitchen more affordably than you might think. While stainless steel is popular, there's no reason to toss your fridge because you don't care for the color. You can purchase inexpensive spray paint for your appliances and paint them almost any color imaginable. You can change the entire feel of the kitchen in the span of a day.
Before you tackle a project around the house, solicit help from your family and friends. If you delay asking for help until the project has already begun, it might be hard to get someone to help. It may also take you longer to finish your project than you initially expected.
Caned chair seats are naturally subject to sagging as time passes. There is a simple trick that you can use to repair the caning. Get a sponge and get the caning's underside wet. Only use warm water. Let everything sit for about 12 hours. Keep doing it until you have completed the repair.
Take a good look at your porch when considering improvements. It is what is first seen by someone visiting your home. It will set the initial impression they have for your home. Keep this area clutter-free and enhance its look with flowers or patio furniture. As an added benefit, you can enjoy an increased home value.
A new front door could increase significantly the value of your home, sometimes up to 10 percent. An easy, relatively inexpensive way to update the look of the front door is by replacing the existing doorknob and lock with a newer, fancier one.
Home improvement projects can run into all types of hazards. Avoid the purchase of Chinese manufactured drywall. China has imported the majority of drywall US contractors use since 2005. A lot of the drywall is not up to par. Drywall from China can, in the worst-case scenario, exude gases that damage the electrical wiring in the wall behind it.
Individual solar lights come in an abundance of styles and are cheap, however they serve very little purpose other than decoration. To adequately light a path, you will want lights powerful by electricity. Although the equipment is more expensive and the installation is more complex, these lights are far more reliable and durable than their solar cousins.
Do you want to add sophisticated touches to your residence? You can really make your home seem more elegant by adding a nice, classy doorbell. If you do that, visitors will automatically have a new sense of your house.
When you are going to remodel your bathroom, go small at first. Just a little money is necessary for making a dramatic difference in your bathroom. Get new toilet paper holders, light fixtures, mirrors, and towel bars. Painting is an excellent improvement for a bathroom. You will have a seemingly new bathroom for less money than you probably thought possible.
When done wrong, home improvement projects can be frustrating, but when done right, they can be increase your home's value and make it look amazing. This article contained helpful tips that should help you get started on the right path!
High Power Cleaning Services
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