mcusonechicago · 2 years
Y/N Is in the ED ~ 1
tw: hospital & emergency room, cursing, physical pain, illness, injury, mentioning of a car accident pairings: natalie manning x fem!reader patient, will halstead x fem!reader patient, april sexton x fem!reader patient other characters mentioned: maggie lockwood
It's 5 pm and you've had enough. You've been sick with a cold for six weeks. You went to the doctor after two, and they said it's just a cold -- exactly what you thought. You've been suffering from a runny nose and a cough for over a month, and you're sick and tired of having coughing attacks and blowing your nose constantly. You decide to drive yourself to the hospital, knowing damn well that you'll be sitting in the waiting room until 10:00, but you can't take it any longer.
One second you're pulling into the hospital parking lot, the next you're being picked up by a doctor who has red hair. He's running towards the hospital entrance with you in his arms.
"Incoming! Dr. Manning, meet Dr. Halstead in trauma two!" Maggie yells, nudging her over.
"Oh my God," Nat says, running over to trauma two just as Will gets there, "what have we got?" "I found her in the parking lot unconscious, her vehicle maybe twenty feet away. She regained consciousness as I picked her up, but I'm not sure if she knows what's happening," he replies, placing you onto the hospital bed. "She keeps coughing.  No blood, as far as I can tell," he says, as Nat hooks you up to an IV. "Looks like her left ankle is broken, as well as her right wrist and left index finger. Multiple lesions on the arms and face, most likely from the glass when she was thrown from her vehicle."
"Oh my God, what happened to me," you say, suddenly fully awake as you sit up in bed. "Hey, hey, easy there, easy," Will says, gently pushing you back down. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I just have a cold. I was coming here because of that. That's why I'm coughing. I've had a cold for six weeks and it hasn't gone away. I wanted to see if something was wrong."
Nat looks at Will, now even more concerned.
"What's your name?" she asks, handing a tablet to Will. "Y/N.  My name's Y/N," you say, your voice shaking. "Heart rate spiking," Nat says, rushing over to get closer to you. "I'm fine. It's just anxiety. Promise." "I'm Dr. Manning, and this is Dr. Halstead. We're gonna take really good care of you, Y/N. How old are you? Is there anyone we can call?" "I'm 18. I live alone. My family lives halfway across the country. I don't want to worry any of my friends. I'm fine. I'm telling you."
"Someone who was thrown from their vehicle isn't fine. You have three broken bones, probably more that we aren't aware of yet," Will exclaims, making eye contact with Natalie before they both look back down at you.
"I WHAT?! I was wearing a seatbelt!  How-"
"Y/N, what car do you drive?" Natalie asks you, a concerned look growing across her face. "Um, um... a 1962 Corvette, why? Is-is that bad?" "Older cars are known to be more faulty. Could explain the broken seatbelt. Is it an across-the-chest one, or does it just go across your waist?" "Chest, chest. I made sure when I bought it."
"Wait, why don't I feel the broken bones...?" "We're gonna find out. April, I want a full CT, CBC, BNP, MRI, X-ray of the arms and legs, and a chest X-ray. You know, why not just do a full-body X-ray? While you're at it, might as well."
"Y/N, I'm going to press on your abdomen. Tell me if you feel any pain." "AH!" you yell out, flinching when Nat touches various places on your stomach. "Few broken ribs." "No, no, no, no!" "We are going to do our very best to take care of you, alright, love? Just take a deep breath," Nat says, taking your hand. "I can't- OH MY GOD NOW I FEEL IT," you yell out, squeezing her hand. "April, give her 5 milligrams of morphine. I need those X-rays NOW. The delay in pain must have been from the trauma on her body." "On it," she replies.
"Oh my God," you moan out in pain, pulling your knees into your chest, then flinching again. "It hurts, it hurts. Please make it stop." "Y/N, I need you to stay still so we can take these X-rays, alright? It'll only take a second," Nat says, nodding. She takes a deep breath with you, which helps you slow your heart rate. "Are you sure you don't want us to call anyone for you? I'm sure your parents would want to know what's going on," she says, starting the X-rays. "No, no. They live too far away. I don't want to make them worry, or make them feel obligated to come here. It's alright." "Okay, well, let us know if you change your mind," she smiles. "Thanks."
"Yep, looks like a broken left ankle, right wrist, left index finger, and three broken ribs. Only the ankle has to be reset. Your left hip is also dislocated. I'm gonna need to pop it back into place as well." "Oh my gosh, how bad is my ankle?" you ask her, panicking as your eyes grow wide. "Pretty bad," Will says, tilting his head. "No, no, no, this can't be happening. Oh my God. Oh my God. I never should have come here.  It's just a cold. Why on Earth did this have to happen? Why?" "Y/N, everything is going to be okay," Nat says, helping you get into position for the chest X-ray. "No, no, you don't understand. I don't have time for a broken ankle! Or a broken anything, for that matter." Nat and Will look at each other, confused. "I'm a dancer and an actress. I have to be on set tomorrow for a film I'm shooting, and I have to perform in a ballet in a week. I'm the lead. I have to dance. This is tech week. Rehearsals are mandatory!" "You don't have an understudy or something?" he asks, making eye contact with Natalie again. "Yes, yes, but I have to dance! Let alone film! Production ends in less than a month!" you say, tearing up, and Nat takes your hand again, nodding to Will.
"Y/N, I have to reset your ankle now.  It's going to hurt," he says, walking towards the end of the bed. "How much is it going to hurt?" you ask, your voice quivering. "A lot." "How broken is it?!" He clears his throat. "Very." You start tearing up as your heart rate spikes to 200.
"Y/N, Y/N, sweetie, you have to take a deep breath. Just try to relax," Nat says, squeezing your fingers, being careful to avoid your wrist. "I can't, I can't!" "Breathe.  Just breathe." "AHHH!," you scream out in pain, "OH MY GOD, THAT HURTS LIKE A BITCH." Will did it by surprise.
"Y/N, hey, hey! You're alright. You're okay. You did a great job. I'm right here, I'm right here. You're safe," Nat says to you softly, rubbing your shoulder.
"No, no, I'm very much not.  Now you have to pop my literal hip back into its socket. I'm assuming that's more painful than just having a dislocated hip? And a broken ankle being reset?" "Very much so," Will replies. "God, why. At least you're honest, I guess."
"It's okay, you're okay," Nat moves your hair out of your face. "Please, Dr. Halstead." "I promise I'm going to fix your hip." "But it's gonna hurt," you say, looking over at Nat as a single tear escapes from your right eye. She looks at you in sympathy, giving your hand another squeeze. "It's gonna be okay.  Take a deep breath," she says, grabbing a hold of your hip with her other hand.
Will and Nat nod at each other and he pulls on your leg. You scream in pain and begin to sob, grabbing onto the side of the bed with your left hand, and squeezing Nat's hand with your right one, despite the pain in your finger and wrist. "Pull, pull!" she yells at Will, and you scream the most when he finally pops it back into place.
"You're alright, you're alright.  Breathe." You take a deep, shaky breath with Nat's help. "I'll be back to check on you soon. Just try to relax. You're gonna be okay," Nat says, giving your hand one more squeeze. Will gives you a smile. He and Natalie exchange a worried and sympathetic look before they head off to take care of more patients.
"Don't worry.  We've got you, honey.  I'm gonna have to take your blood now.  Is that okay?" April says, tying the band around your arm before she squeezes your shoulder.  You nod.
You know you're in good hands. The doctors and nurses are going to take great care of you. They've got you.
word count: 1433 i hope you enjoyed, my lovely !!! <333
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dochudson · 6 years
Everybody follow my new blog @chicagomedimagines :)
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mcusonechicago · 2 years
requests info !!
hey babes !!
message me for requests <33 -> more details below xx about this blog: ~ one chicago imagines (pd, med, fire) ~ i don't do ocs, i always use y/n if a reader is in the story which i usually do, but if u want a character x character imagine with no reader i can do that too about me: ~ name: marissa (you can also call me mar, idc) ~ age: 15 ~ pronouns: she/they ~ sexuality: omniromantic lesbian (ik ik, fancy, right ??  HAHA) ~ country: united states ~ favorite food: mahi ~ favorite color: red ~ favorite one chicago show: chicago pd ~ favorite one chicago characters: erin lindsay & hailey upton ~ favorite pd characters: erin lindsay & hailey upton ~ favorite med character: ava bekker ~ favorite fire character: sylvie brett ~ favorite ships: linstead, upstead (IK IK I SHIP BOTH I'M SORRY), burzek, rhekker, manstead, chexton, maggie & ben, noah & sarah, brettsey, stellaride socials: ~ tiktok: mcusonechicago ~ tiktok shifting account: marissashifts ~ other tiktok account: marissa_marvel5678 ~ youtube: marrose ~ tumblr: mcusonechicago ~ insta: shoppalmtreesunset ~ wattpad: marrose (this is similar and possibly identical to my one chicago imagines wattpad book and i’ll be taking requests here and on that book)
i don't usually do a/ns or anything besides little blurbs at the start and end of my stories, but i wanted to leave this here for requests !!  i'd love to write requests and i figured i'd leave a formal request page <3
also i'm not doing fire team missions or stuff like that yet bc i've only seen some crossovers and a few reruns, but if u want singular or a few fire characters, i can do that !! xx i def will be able to do all of fire within a month or so when i start it and i'll update this then <3
things i do: ~ female reader ~ fluff [ m x m, m x f, f x f, m x fem reader, f x fem reader ] ~ smut [ m x f, f x f, f x fem reader ] ~ angst [ m x f, f x f, f x fem reader ] ~ poly smut [ m x m x f, m x f x f, f x f x f, f x f x fem reader, m x f x fem reader, i can also do 3+ but always at least one f plus fem reader (never m x m x fem reader or m x m x m) ] ~ dom/sub/switches
things i DON'T do: ~ gender-neutral reader ~ male reader ~ m x fem reader smut ~ m x m smut ~ m x m x m poly smut ~ m x m x fem reader poly smut
types of things:
rly anything, it can be romantic, just a cute friend thing, a team/partner(s) mission, a crossover, something rly sad, a comfort oneshot, a y/n is in the ed, a y/n is in the precinct, or anything ig idc topics i can include: ~ any illnesses or injuries ~ court or jail scenes ~ sa/rape ~ abuse ~ violence ~ really anything, i don't think there's anything i'm not comfy doing so if it's not mentioned here dw :)
how to request: ~ can be super vague, like "any erin lindsay x fem reader" ~ can be pretty vague, like "erin lindsay x fem reader in erin's apartment after work" ~ can be detailed, like "y/n is lightheaded, sleep deprived, starving, and dehydrated at work, and she stumbles around before ava, nat, and sarah find her and get her to eat and drink something and take care of her" ~ can be something slightly more detailed, but please don't write the story for me iykwim lol, like just give me an idea and stuff to include if u want and let me write it lol otherwise it's not gonna be what u want exactly and i'll just write it how i want and not including everything u wrote lol but please please please comment something for me to writeee <33 if u want it to be anonymous just message me the request so only i can see it, but lmk that u want it anon so i don't mention your user <3 (otherwise i'd prefer requests here !!)
lygsm !!!!!!  and i'm sooooooo grateful for all the love i've gotten on this so far omg thank you so much it means so much you have no idea !!! <333333
don’t forget to like & follow if u want <3
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dochudson · 2 years
Going to start posting on chicagomedimagines again except every post is about Sam Abrams
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