#chief Riju x reader
am-i-interrupting · 1 year
Riju Master List
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Still Not A Voe [one-shot, safe for work]
Stargazing Together [safe for work]
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frickingnerd · 7 months
life or death (or confession)
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pairing: riju x gn!reader
summary: in a life or death situation, riju confesses to you!
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“b-before we die here, i need to tell you… i love you–!!”
riju had yelled out those words, closing her eyes as those last three words left her lips. she was waiting for the inevitable to happen; being killed by the enemy. but after a few silent moments, she slowly opened her eyes again, finding the bokoblin that had corner you dead on the ground.
as riju looked up, she spotted link and zelda, who had rushed to your aid together. slowly, riju tilted her head, to make sure you were fine as well, but dreading your reaction after what she just said.
“are the two of you okay?”
zelda noticed the tension as riju stared at you, but riju was quick to look away again and brush the whole situation off.
“y-yeah, we're doing great! i– i wasn't worried a bit! i knew you'd come save us… a-and… i didn't say anything either–!”
before you could reply to anything riju had said, she hurried ahead, still acting like nothing happened. but as nobody followed, she turned around again.
“c-come on! let's leave before we get attacked again…!”
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tw1l1te · 7 months
The Final Promise₊˚✩⊹
Chapter 10
Linked Universe x reader
Warnings: Angst, tension, violence
Wars knew you were special, after all you were the one person in the group who wasn’t Hylian, much less some prophetic hero. But he knew you were more, your visual differences were just the top layer of your peculiarity.
At first, he was very wary of you and your presence. The hours spent examining you and talking to Time about your situation left him lost and frustrated beyond relief. You were strange, and he didn’t like it. He wanted to be nice, of course, he understood the fear and uncertainty you were feeling about the group, as he reciprocated the same feeling toward you: uncertainty and distrust. 
Initially, he was hoping that you’d find your way home after a few weeks or months, brushing it off as another lost soul needing guidance and a hero’s promise. But that goal didn’t last long as it was over a year, bordering a year and a half and so much had happened. He felt like… the group wasn’t complete without you, as much as he hated to admit that.
You made the journey feel less depressing and burdensome. Every day was new and undiscovered with you, whether it be a new piece of your own life uncovered to them or a new joke you used, he was in awe.
He needed to tell you how he felt, and he wanted to as soon as you left the inn, giving himself an excuse to follow because you might be in danger. When he saw the Vet being there, he stilled. This was not the plan.
He watched the entire scene go down, wincing at your sharp tone, hoping nobody else woke up from that. A person or two shuffled in their sleep, but no one work up. Next thing he saw was you on Legend’s lap, both of you lost in each other.
He should have been happy for you two, Hylia knows Vet needed someone for ages. She owed him something for all the shit he’s been through… but why did it have to be you? Sweet, kind, beautiful you?
And… didn’t you already have something going on with Time and/or Twilight? Even possibly Sky?
Was this a ruse? Surely you wouldn’t be the type, no, you were smarter than that. 
“And you’re sure this will work?” Time asked Wild.
Wild was readjusting his facial covering, sighing with annoyance, “For the last time, I’ve done this tens of times before. All I need from you and the rest of the group is to sit still at the Oasis while Y/n and I go talk to Riju in Gerudo Town. It’ll draw way too much attention if all of us come in, even if we got vai garb for you.”
“Right… how long do you think you both will take?”
“We should be back at the Oasis a little after sundown. We’ll take sand seals to get to the village, so the majority of the day will be spent talking to the Chief.”
Time nods, “Just be cautious, you never know who can pass the guards, even something as heavily guarded as Gerudo Town. I’d know.”
While Wild was talking to the old man, You were fastening your supplies onto your sash, going through your checklist of supplies.
You fidgeted with your necklace, tracing the Hylian insignia to calm you down. 
Why the hell were you so nervous?
“You’re nervous.” Four stated, eyeing your necklace. You hum.
“We’ll be right here the entire day, waiting for you. Just stick with the Champion and you’ll be fine.” You nod, seems simple enough to follow.
With a few waves and nods, you and Wild were off on your Sand Seals, being the most efficient and quick way to reach Gerudo Town.
The wind was refreshing, despite the sun beating its rays down upon you, as if it was trying to test your limits of heat. Wild was practically showing off, doing twists and hops, just laughing at his own antics. You’ve shield surfed before, but having the extra pull and momentum gave an extra edge to the thrill.
Wind would love this. You’d have to show him when you got back that night.
Before you knew it, you and Wild approached Gerudo Town, handing off the reigns to a merchant and heading towards the two guards stationed in front of the main entrance.
“What is your reason of being here?” she asked, voice deep.
Wild looked at you, reminding you that you were the main spokesperson for today.
“Ah- right. We have an appointment with Chief Riju?”
The two guards give each other a glance before letting you in, your shoulders releasing the tension the second you passed the threshold. 
Wild led you forward, pointing out a few stalls that you’d both check out later as he needed to restock on a few ingredients anyways. You saw a few jewelry and clothing stalls, and even a tattoo parlor that seemed brand new. You didn’t remember seeing it when you played through the game.
You felt Wild clasp your hand in his, leading you up the stairs to the throne room. You could hear a few voices talking, no doubt something related to your meeting.
“Ah! Link! There you are. And this must be your friend, Y/n. I’ve heard so much about you!” Riju exclaims, already making her way towards you.
You panicked, bowing to her, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Chief Riju.”
She waves her hands, “Oh please! There’s no need for such formalities, any friend of Link’s is a friend of mine. Please, just call me Riju.”
You stand up straight, nervously fumbling with your necklace again, a clear indicator that you were not the best at being social. How was Wild being so nonchalant? 
“We came for the… updates. You mentioned in your letter something about the desert ruins and possibly the Yiga Clan?”
Letter? Wild never mentioned a letter-
“Ah, yes! Follow me, I have some information in my study. I sent you the letter months ago, but there’s been some developments…” she trailed off, leading you both to her room.
You gave him a look. 
Why was everyone keeping things from you? First Legend now Wild…
What else do you not know?
“Like I was saying, we’ve found some old artifacts sticking out from the remains of the Arbiter’s Grounds. It doesn’t serve much purpose to us, but we thought you could take a look and see if its anything you might be booking for or might help.”
Riju handed Wild a flat object covered in a beige tarp. He untied the loose knot, uncovering the black slab of rock with familiar markings on it.
“That’s a piece of the Twilight Mirror. How…”
Riju looks at you, “Ah, so you do know what it is! I presumed it had something to do with the Twili tribe but I wasn’t sure. I should’ve known you would have found it familiar, after all you’re the hero’s guide.”
You hum, you were still getting used to the title. It didn’t sit right with you that people regarded you in such a high manner. It was unnatural, considering your background.
“Did you see any other possible artifacts or pieces of the mirror? The rest couldn’t have gone far.”
Riju sighs dejectedly, “No, unfortunately. The research team scouted out the ruins high and low and even dug under a few feet, but nothing came up. There were some markings on the old columns, but nothing noteworthy.”
She pauses for a moment before turning back to Link, “However, the Yiga Clan showed up halfway through the research, though not in a hostile manner. At least, not towards us. Toward Link, Y/n, and your group, rather. They mentioned something about hooded figures entering their hideout demanding your guide.”
Wild stiffens at that and turns to you, “Weren’t those the figures you were reading about?”
You nod. Shit, you left the book back at the Oasis. You always manage to forget something.
“Chie- Riju, did the Yiga mention anything about the hooded figures? Did they look peculiar or mention anything of importance?”
Riju thinks for a moment. 
“One of the Yiga members did mention they wore full-length black robes, and had masculine voices. They also said one threatened a clan member using Fae magic, though Fae magic is almost unheard of, at least in this time period. I can’t offer much information right now, as I didn’t directly talk to the member, but I can corroborate with one of my guards that went on the short expedition and write down notes to mail to you.”
“That would be really helpful, thank you Riju.” Link states.
“Do you mind if we hold onto this mirror shard? It's small enough for us to travel with and it might prove to be useful in our… travels.” There was no easy way to put interdimensional and time travel into casual conversation, but Riju got the meaning behind his words.
“Yes, of course. I suggest wrapping it up in a tarp or cloth as this material is very peculiar and we don’t know what it's capable of.”
Link rewrapped the mirror shard, storing it in his Sheikah Slate. You’d have to examine it later, maybe take a closer look at the hieroglyphics if you can.
“I’ll have the guards escort you out, as I have a few more meetings to get to with a few ambassadors from outside of the desert. It was wonderful meeting you, Y/n. I do hope we meet again soon,” she said with a smile. You thanked her, waving goodbye as you and Link made your way back to the main plaza.
“I’m gonna go stock up on a few things. You can go look around if you want, just don’t leave without me.”
You nod wordlessly, meandering about the main square as you examine all sorts of wares. You didn’t have the chance to get a ton of rupees in a while, so you were a bit tight on what you could get, but you bought a small ruby ring for a certain bunny, as a small thanks for being vulnerable with you. It was nothing compared to what you wanted to verbally express to him, but it was just a small symbol of trust and appreciation.
Stuffing the ring into your pouch, you keep walking around the town, munching on a piece of Hydromelon. It was in season, so the flavors were bursting on your tongue.
You made your way around a corner, finding it to be a dead end. You were about to turn around to make your way back to the main square before someone wrapped their hand around your mouth, cutting off your terrified scream. Before you had the chance to blink, paper fluttered in front of your eyes, masking your vision.
All that was left in your place were a few, red paper rectangles, signaling a Yiga clan member had trespassed Gerudo walls: an invasion.
The sun had set almost two hours ago and the chain was starting to get on edge.
“They’re taking too long.”
“They should’ve been here by now. Where are they?”
The younger members were starting to pick up on both of your absences, thoughts already assuming the worst. Wild was capable of handling his safety, but you? As much as they liked to think you’ve gotten experience and plenty of training from each of them, you could have been harassed, cornered, kidnapped, killed-
Everyone snapped their heads to the sound of violent panting, already knowing its Wild.
Wars ran up to him, gripping his arm to support Wild.
“Where is she, Wild. She should’ve been with you-”
“-They took her.”
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funkybotwstuff · 3 years
Hello! I hope you're doing well! I'm super happy to see more people offering Botw Imagines, so I figured I'd send one in! How would Sidon, Mipha, Revali, Yunobo and Riju (if that's not too many, you can cut some if you'd like) react to their so being from our world and somehow ending up in Hyrule? And maybe their so brings a CD/Record Player and shows them their favorite music, or a portable tv so they can watch movies together, and just generally shows them all sorts of modern stuff from our world? Thanks so much, I hope this request isn't too weird or long!!
Hey! Sorry it took a while to answer this, but this was absolutely so fun to write so thank you so much for the request! This may be a bit long but whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I loved the request so I went a tiny overboard! Hope the wait was worth it!
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she's so sweet honestly like AAA
You first met on the side of a river, where you were unconscious and Mipha healed a wound on your leg, somehow ending up in Hyrule after you passed out at a bus stop
Since you and Mipha met, she has been extremely curious about what you keep in your modern backpack, and you finally get the hint that she wants to see your trinkets when you catch her fiddling with one of your keychains (which she was promptly embarrassed about)
She’s very understanding of your situation, and tries the best she can to help out to her abilities
Any chance she gets, she wonders about your life outside of Hyrule, like your family, friends, and where you lived
She loves hearing about your cultures and ways of life, and about the differences of the two worlds
She’s completely infatuated with every single item you have, delicately holding them like they’re some kind of precious relics and examining them while you explain what they do
She more or less just observes quietly while you talk, only asking questions in between
While you explain, she absentmindedly fidgets with the keychains and zippers on your bag and apologizes constantly when she thinks she accidentally “ruined” your objects by handling them
When you pull out your phone, she mistakes it for a type of Sheikah Slate because of the similar shape, and as soon as you turn it on she flinches a little, not expecting the screen to be so different from the Slate
She still kinda believes your phone is made up of Sheikah technology because that’s the most logical answer she has
Anything camera related she compares to the Slate, and she shys away from the lens to avoid being viewed by the camera when you turn it on
She’s a bit overwhelmed on how fast you can access things in your phone and how it can gather information like the weather or the time
You show her your songs that you downloaded, and she’s taken aback at first by the sudden noise, but still quietly asks questions about how there’s music coming out of your device
Your songs confuse her because of how drastically different the genre is compared to music in Hyrule, but nevertheless she is very glad to get insight on modern human culture
She was frightened at first when you showed her a clip of a movie you downloaded, but her face shifts into pure curiosity and joy when she sees people moving on the screen
“Um, h-how do they fit in there?”
“The people, why are they tiny?”
She’ll point out objects that she thinks someone else would like
“Oh! Sidon would love this! May I show him?”
She's genuinely curious about you but has a hard time directly asking you to observe you or your belongings
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no you don't understand how much I love him
Damn you somehow got yourself isekei’d after falling asleep on a camping trip (⊙ˍ⊙)
You woke up in the middle of the woods that was definitely NOT your campsite with a somewhat pissed off Rito standing over you, asking what the hell you were doing sleeping on the ground with nothing else around you but the items on your person
He chastises you for doing stupid things, but since you’re not used to the customs in Hyrule, he begrudgingly tries to help you
However, he sneers at anyone who dares to pick on you for being human
A step up from bullying people for being Hylian LMAO
He denies any claims that he truly cares about you tho
Doesn’t really ask about your life before you ended up in Hyrule until later in the relationship, but it sometimes comes up during conversation
“Your aim is absolutely terrible. Start over.”
“Well pardon me, we don’t have monsters back where I’m from. We don’t exactly do this daily.”
“Wait… are you serious?”
He takes it upon himself to train you so you’re not completely helpless
because he's so great of course
The culture shock was pretty significant for him: no monsters, no Ganon, no Rito, not even Hylians
“So, there aren’t any Rito at all? Not even Hylians?”
“Nope, it’s just us humans.”
“Hmph, that’s unfortunate"
As much as he doesn’t want to admit it, he finds some charm in your way of life, and wonders what it would be like to live in your world
He believes that all of your human technology is inferior in terms of practicality compared to Hyrulean tech
I mean, can your phone stop objects in time or spawn bombs? Yeah, he didn’t think so
Besides that, he is genuinely baffled by your technology and on how stuff like a phone can create moving images
You can literally show him all of your favourite songs and movies and he’ll still call them rubbish, and call them wastes of his precious time
When you force him to watch movies, once he gets past the ‘why and how is this working’ stage, he spends basically the entire time questioning the decisions of the movie characters like the cynical movie critic he is
This bitch thinks he’s an expert after the third movie you guys watch
After a while, he shuts up while watching because he noticed that you weren’t too fond of his downgrading of your favourite movies
You show him a CD player you had on hand, and the mechanics of how a disc can spit out music hurts his poor, poor brain
He pretends to understand but he’s so bewildered
“Tch, of course I know how your machine works.”
“Oh, really? What’s it called?”
“...Obviously it’s a music box.”
“Close enough.”
The thing is, he finds it awfully fascinating how you get so enveloped in your favourite music even though it sounds somewhat horrendous to him, and enjoys the look on your face when it’s playing (he denies any accusations of liking the music of course)
He spends a lot of time putting up with your “human nonsense” but eventually finds it endearing
He still won’t admit your movies and music are good though
Of course, he gets incredibly frustrated trying to handle your items, as they aren’t suited to be handled by most Hyruleans, particularly Rito’s
Phones. Especially phones. His feathers aren’t even compatible with the screen, so when poking the screen aggressively doesn't work, he just tosses it back to you angrily
As revenge for ribbing about your movies and whatnot, record him while he’s ranting and replay it over and over again to piss him off >:D
The best part: he can’t delete it on his own
It wouldn’t be Revali without him calling your human objects 'asinine'
There’s ought to be one song he actually likes from your pick of downloaded options and CD’s, and when he does find one he appreciates (most likely an instrumental or classical piece of some sort), he waits until you’re not around to try and play it on your CD player because he doesn’t want to ask for help
He still can’t use your items no matter how hard he tries; he’s too stubborn to ask for help
Over time, he honestly wants to watch your favourite movies/songs with you when he learns to enjoy them
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man so many people don't like Yunobo but we love an underrated boy here
Following the event of you waking up in Hyrule after being transported by a blinding white light, you go exploring for a few hours, trying to avoid monster camps along the way
Eventually, you find Yunobo cowering from you after running into you on a trail, promptly scared of your non-Hylian ears and garments
Hylia have mercy on his poor soul
With much persuasion, you convince him you’re harmless
He’s not much of the prying type, so don’t expect too many questions about your original world
Although, he does like when you talk about your home; it gives him comfort knowing where you’re from
He has a bit of trouble adjusting to your human lifestyle, but give him time and he warms up fairly quickly
Unless it’s about your tech
You tried to call a friend on your cell phone, and he yelled in fear and summoned Daruk’s Protection as soon as he heard your ringtone
“Yunobo it’s just my phone—”
He’s extremely cautious when you present your human items to him
Flinch once with any of your objects in hand and he’ll immediately crouch into Daruk’s Protection
His hands shake a lot when he holds something of yours
However, he refuses to hold your delicate objects because he’s extremely terrified that he’ll break them all
No matter how much you try to convince him to watch your movies, he’ll shy away and politely refuse while shaking and sweating profusely
He's not trying to make you feel ashamed of your items, he's just a poor, nervous wreck
Once in a while, he’ll peer over your shoulder to attempt to watch your movies with you
To try and be more respectful and grateful for you revealing your human items to him, he compromises and listens to your music (although it still frightens him so much)
He prefers your softer instrumental music as opposed to lyrics because it freaks him out less
Overall, he’s huge scaredy cat but makes attempts to make sure he’s not alienating you for living your human lifestyle
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help I love him so much
Your last memory was passing out before heading out on a road trip
After somehow ending up in Hyrule and appearing at the trail nearing Zora's Domain, you met a particularly energetic Zora searching for a Hylian by the name of ‘Link’
Following the realization that you are in fact not a Hylian, Sidon caught wind of your unfamiliar items
This man is so curious oh my god
Basically just like his sister in terms of inquisitiveness, except more forward and loud
He can listen to you talk about your home for hours, and was pretty taken aback when he found out there are only humans where you come from, seeing as there is a myriad of races in Hyrule
He’s your personal tour guide for the area, showing you all the best spots and telling you what to avoid
He heavily respects the differences of your worlds, and tries to accommodate you as best as he can
Once you’re comfortable with it, he shows you to his father, excitedly telling him about all the things he’s learned about your world
Very protective of you as well
Ever since he learned that there aren’t any monsters and whatnot where you’re from, he takes to responsibility of being your guard if you’re venturing into Hyrule
He’ll gently ask people not to judge you for being human
Extremely enthusiastic about your belongings and asks so, so many questions
Like just be prepared for a barrage of questions regarding your stuff
“What does this do?”
“Oh, my CD player? It plays music!”
“That little box plays music? INCREDIBLE! How does it work? May I listen?”
He never really had the roadblock of being afraid of your stuff; his eagerness overrode any caution he might’ve had
Similarly to his sister, he also mistakes your phone for a Sheikah Slate at first
He loved your stuff so much that he presented them to his father, giving praise to your kind for coming up with such brilliant objects, even if it’s just as simple as a smart watch
Speaking of smart watches, he loves the fact that you can track how many steps you’ve taken
There’s no particular reason for this, he just thinks it neat and will start running around with the watch on to watch the numbers go up
Parades around the domain giving demonstrations of your items to his people once he understands how they work (with your permission of course because Sidon is a courteous boi)
He’s always careful with your objects though, and never takes them without asking you first
Absolutely LOVES watching movies with you
The colors, the stories, the characters, the music, he loves it all
He probably prefers animated movies more because of how fantastical they are
“Unbelievable! They’re moving pictures! How is this possible!?”
If and when you play music he likes from your phone and you have earbuds in, he’ll politely ask to borrow one of your earbuds so he can listen as well
This is his favourite thing to do with you and your items: sit and listen to music with you or watch movies when he’s free, and will openly request to do so
It sounds strange to him since modern music isn’t y’know a thing in Hyrule, but nevertheless he enjoys it all the same, just as long as you like it
The first time he saw your camera, he spent five minutes looking through the lens and observing Hyrule through the camera, commenting on how fascinating it is to take pictures
There is no doubt in my mind that there’s around two hundred blurry photos of Sidon trying to operate the camera, and eight hundred more selfies of you two doing the trademark Sidon smile pose
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this gif makes me so happy omg
You woke up in a hot—no scratch that—boiling desert after heading home from the store, your new portable T.V. in one hand, your backpack in your other hand, and… there’s something licking your face??
Opening your eyes, there’s a familiar-looking sand seal and a young chieftess inspecting your foreign figure that’s somehow ended up in the middle of the Gerudo Desert
Make no mistake: you totally fell off Patricia while Riju took you back to town
Since that initial introduction, Riju has been naturally intrigued by you and your technology, but definitely assumed a certain amount of caution
And by caution I mean Bularia forcefully interrogated you about your stuff (by spilling all of it on the floor) and intentions until she deemed you safe, even though Riju proclaimed it wasn’t necessary
Other than that, Riju was like any other enquiring child, albeit in a slightly more professional manner
She inquired about where you came from and how you got there for security reasons, but later she asks more personal questions about your family and your home
Genuinely fascinated about your way of life, but tries to disguise it as mandatory questions to make sure you’re not a threat to try and maintain her mature, chieftess appearance in front of others
She was most curious about your portable T.V., seeing as that was your largest item you had on hand and the item that seemed most alien
With Bularia keeping close watch, you popped in a disc of your favourite movie, and it was all over
Riju was hooked
She flinched at first when the graphics appeared on the screen, but her eyes got insanely big with wonder
Ever since that moment, she shyly asks to see the rest of your objects once she has a break from overseeing the town
She tries to not get distracted, but how can she not? No one in Gerudo Town has seen tech like this before, so watching movies feels comforting for Riju
On some nights when she’s not busy, she’ll request to watch movies with you in her room while being surrounded by her mass of sand seal plushies
Your phone is also a huge point of interest for her
dw she's not like that one kid who's like "do you have games on your phone"
You’ll let her use it sometimes, but she has to ask for help constantly because 1. It’s a phone and 2. There’s no setting for ‘Hylian’ script for her to read off of
She'll occasionally 'confiscate' your items for 'safety measures', but in reality she just wants a closer look
She mainly uses it to take pictures of Patricia once you teach her how to use it properly
She was in awe when you changed your wallpaper to a picture of Patricia, and thought it was sweet you did that for her
Your keychains catch her eye too more often than not
She thinks they’re really cute
also small apologies if any of these seem ooc I've never written for Riju, Yunobo and Mipha before LMAO
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mytemporarycomfort · 2 years
Champions x innocent!Reader (BOTW)
A/N: Hello, Ive been having a bit of a tough week so this is super self-indulgent.
Content warnings: Yandere Themes.
BOTW Yandere!Champions x Innocent!Reader
Bruh, this man is so protective of you. This world is super fucked up. He knows it, but do you?
Keeps tabs on you. Like how he always manages to follow Zelda around? Yeah that.
You're his comfort person. He refuses to let you go.
He will pay for everything for you. Clothing, food, accommodations. You shouldn't strain yourself.
Will ask you to stay with someone he trusts like Sidon, Riju, or Impa. Will drag you there if you are defiant.
He cant keep you from seeing all the bad things going around because he is the hero after all, but goddamn does he try his best.
Does not like it when you see him all bloodied and beaten, so he will clean himself up all nice and proper for you.
Expects the same from you since he gets you all you need.
She is a well respected chief of Gerudo. People listen to her. She knows where you are all the time.
She doesn't want you to be jaded because of all thats happening around you.
Tries so hard to protect you from the outside world. So leaving the town? Only during the day with the best warriors, if she isn't able to do so herself.
At night, if you really insist on going outside the town, she will be with you 100 percent.
Will make sure you're well taken care of from the tip of your head to the bottom of your feet.
Gives you free access to a lot of the town accommodations but doesn't like it when you touch any weapons, or go into the tavern to get a drink. Alcohol is not good for the body and mind.
At night, she loves to have you close. It's when she can relax a bit more as chief, so she indulges herself in your presence.
She is so sweet, it's hard not to say yes to this lady. She also has a really good read on you so don't try to lie to her or anything like that.
Will dress you up in all her finest clothing and jewels. She wants you to look presentable, since you are her significant other.
She does your hair all the time. Zoras don't have hair so she is so invested in yours.
Always takes baths with you. It's such an intimate and vulnerable time, she uses this time to know you even better.
You cant tell me she doesn't think about having a domestic life you. Can't change my mind. She loves waking up next to you, drinking tea in the morning together, having cute dates together.
She is such a romantic, it's almost too sweet.
She'll allow you out of the domain, but if you so much as touch a body water when she's not around, she will be so upset. She's scared that you'll drown without her.
If you are not in this birds wings, you are in the village.
Your personal guard. The rito in the village better know how to treat you right or they will face some serious consequences.
Believes you're the only one good enough for him, and vice versa. He makes this known too! Everyone knows about your relationship. I mean why not? if anyone hurts you, he's there, if they can even hurt you of course.
Ironically, Revali is one of the softest champions in this senario, despite his front. This is mostly behind closed doors though.
Will only allow you to walk to the base of Rito Village. To be fair, you do have full access and accommodations in the village.
In the rare moments that you're allowed to leave the village is when its a special event with him. Like an anniversary date.
Makes your shared house super cozy for you. You're so close to the cold climate, he wants you well taken care of there.
If you find anything that reminds you of him, give it to him and he will never let it go. If anyone touches the gifts you've given to him, the person will have lost some feathers, unfortunately.
Strait up moves out of death mountain for you if he can, sort of. I mean he still needs to take care of his people.
If he can, he will get you all the fire-proof elixers he can get his hands on, on top of the fire-proof armour to hopefully allow you to stay by death mountain with him.
This man built you a fricken mountain house for you. The door is made out of rock so he can move it but you? good luck on that.
Hes not locking you in the house or anything but it helps him make sure you are where he left you.
No dogs allowed. Those things are too dangerous for your good.
Do you like gems? yeah you do! Here have 100 diamonds or something.
Has the whole town following you when possible.
nearly bone crushing hugs, cuz this man is something else when it comes to his strength
Understands that death mountain isn't for everyone, so if you do tell him that, he will move you to another city where he can easily meet up with you whenever possible.
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linkemon · 3 years
Makeela Riju x Reader
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Riju od dziecka marzyła o tym by przejąć tron w Gerudo. Co jednak, gdy jej najlepsza przyjaciółka z dzieciństwa postanowi zrobić to samo?
Praca znajduje się też na Wattpadzie (pod tym samym nickiem). Beta: Dusigrosz
Informacje dodatkowe: 1. Nie wiadomo jak dokładnie odbywa się wybór następczyni Gerudo. Wymyśliłam to na potrzeby shota (podobnie jak prawa). Zaznaczam też, że matką Riju nie była Urbosa (z gry wiadomo tylko, że są spokrewnione). 2. Tłumaczenia: sand seal — piaskowy mors a nie piaskowa foka (wystarczy spojrzeć na kły w grze). chief — przywódczyni thunder helm — hełm burzy (pozwoliłam sobie odejść trochę od dokładności, bo gryzłoby się jeszcze bardziej) sarqso — dziękuję w języku Gerudo
— Będę silna jak Urbosa! — wykrzyczała mała Riju na dachu jednego ze stoisk, wymachując drewnianą, treningową włócznią.
— Ciszej, bo ktoś nas usły... — [Reader] nie dane było dokończyć.
— Znowu tu jesteście? Wy małe... — rozniósł się echem głos jednej z właścicielek budki.
Dziewczynki zawsze biegały po wysokich piętrach w dni wolne od pracy. Lubiły też wspinaczkę na szczyt ponad pałacem. Czasami zdarzało im się wychodzić w nocy. Chłód w Gerudo nie był tak dokuczliwy jak poza miastem, więc nie potrzebowały dodatkowych przygotowań. Nie cieszyło się to jednak aprobatą mieszkanek miasta, które nie mogły spać.
Codzienne ćwiczenia w walce zostawiały Riju i [Reader] niewiele czasu dla siebie, ale nie przeszkadzało im to. Rzadko miały ochotę się ze sobą rozstawać. Widywały się tak często, że praktycznie działały jak jedność. Stanowiły partnerki w treningach a także poza nimi. Choć kłótnie były burzliwe, zwykle kończyły się szybko, bo nie potrafiły wytrzymać bez siebie długo.
— Naprawdę chcesz startować na przywódczynię jak dorośniesz? — [Reader] usiadła na jednym z murków.
Podzieliła zabrany wcześniej z domu melon i podała połowę przyjaciółce.
— No jasne, że tak. To super robota. Masz tron, ładne ubrania i jesteś bogata, a poza tym możesz innym rozkazywać. Mama dała radę, to ja tym bardziej. Moim pierwszym dekretem będzie piaskowa foka dla każdego. — Wyszczerzyła zęby.
— Dla mnie władza brzmi jak odpowiedzialność za innych. — [Reader] spojrzała w niebo. — Urbosa umarła w walce. Nie chciałabym, żebyś ty też tak skończyła.
— No co ty! — Wypluła pestkę. — Nic mi nie będzie. A jak już zasiądę na tronie, to załatwię ci miejsce w pałacu.
— Przecież to nie takie proste. Znasz zasady.
[Reader] przed oczyma stanęły serie dekretów. Obie musiały je znać na pamięć. Tego wymagano od kandydatek do gwardii pałacowej.
Od wieków kobiety, niepodzielnie rządzące Gerudo, stanowiły nowe prawa. Ich uchwalanie zajmowało sporo czasu. Wiele poddawano pod głosowanie obywatelek. Przywódczyni posiadała realną władzę, ale bez poparcia swojego ludu nie mogła zmienić zbyt wiele.
Jej ewentualne miejsce w pałacu jako gościa przeszłoby szereg stadiów zanim stałoby się rzeczywistością.
— Nuuudy. Ostatnio zrobiłaś się strasznie poważna. Chodzi o twoją mamę? — W zielonych tęczówkach na moment odbił się cień troski.
Dziewczynka pokiwała głową.
Nadal nie powiedziała Makeeli, że mama wstąpiła do klanu Yiga. Wiedza ta postawiłaby dwie najbliższe jej osoby w niebezpieczeństwie. Na dodatek bała się reakcji przyjaciółki.
Członek nielegalnej organizacji mógł zostać dożywotnio ukarany więzieniem. To samo dotyczyło ludzi, którzy takiej osobie pomagali. Należyty obowiązek każdego obywatela stanowiło poinformowanie władz o potencjalnym zdrajcy.
Czuła się rozdarta.
— W takim razie musimy zrobić coś szalonego. — Riju zakołysała się, a jej ognisty warkocz wraz z nią.
— O nie... — [Reader] spojrzała na kanał z wodą pod nimi. — Nie zrobisz mi te...
Głośny krzyk wyrwał się jej z gardła, gdy została wepchnięta wprost do lodowatej wody. Potężny plusk oznajmił, że przyjaciółka wylądowała zaraz obok niej. Odgarnęła mokre włosy z głowy i przetarła oczy.
W pierwszym odruchu chciała odejść i powiedzieć, że wcale jej się nie podobało. Słowa nigdy jednak nie opuściły jej ust.
W tafli odbijało się niebo. Miliony gwiazd na granatowym tle tuż na wyciągnięcie ręki. Obie dziewczynki pływały w migoczących iskierkach.
Złość wyparowała. Zastąpił ją śmiech, fale wyrzucanej na siebie nawzajem wody oraz narzekania sąsiadów.
Riju zawsze wiedziała, czego było potrzeba innym. Na pierwszy rzut oka zdawała się być jedynie rozrabiaką, ale pod spodem kryło się znacznie więcej. Udowadniały to odwiedziny u starej kobiety pod statuą, która potrzebowała towarzystwa. Podobnie pomoc przy straganach i opieka nad małymi dziećmi. Przyjaciółka miała dar bezinteresownej pomocy.
Ujawniał się w takich chwilach jak ta, kiedy trzeba było pocieszyć najbliższą osobę.
— Makeela. — Na to słowo podniosła głowę.
Nikt inny poza [Reader] go nie używał. Ludzie znali ją pod drugim imieniem. Uważała je za o wiele lepsze niż pierwsze.
— Jeśli cię wybiorą, to wiem, że będziesz świetną przywódczynią — ujęła ją za dłoń, ociekającą wodą — bo dbasz o ludzi jak nikt inny.
— Sarqso.
Po policzku skapnęło coś, co mogło być łzą wzruszenia. Mogła się jednak mylić. Twarz przyjaciółki była mokra od wody, a poza tym otaczała je noc.
— Wyłazimy z tej wody — zarządziła dziarsko, odwracając się plecami. — Jutro znowu trening. Nie możemy się rozchorować.
Riju z niedowierzaniem wpatrywała się w twarz, którą znała od tylu lat.
— Dlaczego bierzesz udział w konkursie? — Zacisnęła mocno palce na rękojeści włóczni. — Przecież nigdy cię to nie interesowało.
— Nie zrozumiesz mnie. Muszę wygrać. — [Reader] uciekła wzrokiem. — Jeśli przegram, odejdę stąd.
Czuła, że pytania ją osłabiają. Pragnęła wyznać wszystko przyjaciółce, ale wiedziała, jak zareaguje. Osoba przed nią zmieniła się. Nadal dbała o innych, ale spoważniała. Nie wykraczała już poza zasady. Dorosła do roli przywódczyni.
Cieszyło ją to, ale też przerażało jednocześnie.
Mieszkanki Gerudo wyglądały na zniecierpliwione. Walka o tytuł powinna się zacząć bez zbędnego przedłużania, a jednak rywalki stały naprzeciw siebie i żadna nie miała zamiaru zrobić kroku.
— Makeela, gdybyś wygrała... — Jej głos załamał się lekko. — Byłabyś w stanie złamać dla mnie prawo?
Wiedziała, jak będzie brzmiała odpowiedź, jeszcze zanim zadała pytanie. Mimo to złapała się desperacko ostatniej szansy.
— Dlaczego mówisz samymi zagadkami?
Wyciągnęła dłoń. Zawahała się jednak i opuściła ją z powrotem.
— Nie możesz mnie o to prosić... To by znaczyło zdradę stanu i... — Wewnętrzne rozdarcie odbijało się w jej słowach.
— Rozumiem. Nie mam ci tego za złe. Po prostu teraz jestem pewna, że musimy walczyć. — Zmusiła się do uśmiechu.
Matka planowała kradzież hełmu burzy. Bezcenny artefakt stał się obiektem zainteresowanie klanu Yiga. Córka podsłuchała jedną z jej wieczornych rozmów z informatorem.
Nie mogła wydać jedynej rodziny, jaka jej pozostała. Nie mogła też ostrzec straży, bo niechybnie złapaliby złodziejkę. Przyjaciółka nie była gotowa na złamanie dla niej prawa. Pozostało więc ochronić przedmiot na własną rękę. Na wstąpienie do gwardii była za młoda. Dostać się do pałacu nocą mogła tylko w jeden sposób — zostając przywódczynią.
Na jej drodze stała jednak przyjaciółka z dzieciństwa. Osoba, której na tej pozycji zależało od najmłodszych lat. Ćwiczyła długo i spędziła ogrom wolnego czasu na tym, by dorównać swojej matce (poprzedniej władczyni).
Tradycja nakazywała dać szansę innym kandydatkom. Tron nie był dziedziczny, choć osoby wychowujące się w pałacu miały większe szanse odpowiednio się wyszkolić. To dawało [Reader] szansę. Zdała każdy egzamin. Wyniki były praktycznie identyczne, jak jej rywalki. Pozostał więc test walki.
Całe miasto zebrało się, by obejrzeć i ocenić ich umiejętności.
Wiedziała, że jeśli przegra, będzie musiała wyruszyć samotnie, by spróbować powstrzymać matkę. Sytuacja przedstawiała się niewesoło.
Wzięła głęboki wdech. Przyjęła postawę defensywną jak wiele razy przedtem. Przygotowała się na pierwszy cios. Pojedynek z przyjaciółką nigdy nie wydawał się tak przerażający, jak w tej chwili.
Czerwone włosy zamigotały w upalnym słońcu. Włócznia zawirowała wraz z właścicielką. Bronie migotały w promieniach słońca, zderzając się raz po raz. Był to morderczy taniec. Każdy krok niósł precyzję. Lata nauki zapewniały widowisko. Zachwycone kobiety utworzyły ciasny krąg. Klaskały i wiwatowały, dopingując przeciwniczki.
Riju czuła się jak na ćwiczeniach. Pot spływał jej po twarzy, a mięśnie pracowały, gdy skupiała się na kolejnym ataku. Przez moment zapomniała, że to nie zwykły trening. Cieszyła się chwilą. Wszystko wyglądało jak dawniej, gdy miały po kilka lat i żadne sekrety nie stały na drodze przyjaźni.
Piękny moment pękł w sekundę niczym bańka mydlana. Czubek włóczni dosięgnął [Reader], raniąc lewe ramię.
— Pierwsza krew! Koniec walki! Zwyciężczynią zostaje Riju! — wykrzyczała Buliara.
Głos strażniczki z trudem przebił się poprzez wrzask podekscytowanych mieszczanek.
Nowa przywódczyni została porwana przez tłum gratulujących jej ludzi. Nie potrafiła jednak odwrócić wzroku od swojej rywalki.
Kilka osób pocieszało przegraną, zapewniając ją, że świetnie się sprawiła. Ona jednak nie zwracała na nich uwagi. Odszukała znajome od lat, wpatrujące się w nią zielone oczy.
— Sarqso — wyszeptała. Lat przyjaźni nie mogło odzwierciedlić zwykłe dziękuję, a jednak chciała to powiedzieć.
Riju pokiwała tylko głową, czując wzbierające w oczach łzy. Miała ochotę pobiec za odchodzącą przyjaciółką. Zatrzymać ją siłą, bo przecież były nierozłączne. Wiedziała jednak, że jeśli odejdzie, koronacja się nie odbędzie.
Zacisnęła więc zęby, uniosła dumnie głowę i skierowała się w stronę sali tronowej.
— [Reader]! — zawołała ponad ludźmi na progu pałacu. — Kiedy załatwisz swoje sprawy i tu wrócisz, już nigdy się stąd nie ruszysz. Jasne?
— Się wie, szefowo! — rzuciła, idąc w stronę głównej bramy.
Nie mogła jej powiedzieć, że nie wie, czy dożyje następnego ranka. Pozostało więc tylko kłamstwo, którego gorzki smak czuła przez całą drogę do kryjówki klanu Yiga.
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