#children weaned on poison etc etc
carefulfears · 1 year
Yes! It’s especially insane with Phoebe bc like the show goes out of it’s way to explicitly show how fucked up she was idk how people forget it
yep yep yep!! it's quite literally the entire point of the episode. but i still see people all the time like...calling mulder stupid for "trusting" her and making jokes about the way he behaves around her and it's just like...please don't piss me off. same exact thing with diana.
fire is one of my favorite episodes though i think it's such an interesting look at mulder's character and example of the ways that he views and interacts with people close to him
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because he understands and acknowledges from the very beginning that phoebe's just there to fuck with him, that she made the trip from boston to DC to bring him in on the investigation for no reason other than knowing that it will scare him
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he knows what she’s doing, and he still agrees to help her
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his only concession being that scully not be involved
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noting that he's not going to "put her through" phoebe's games
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this is something that we've seen him do before, with his former partner jerry earlier in season one, who broke into his office and stole his work.
it's clear throughout ghost in the machine that mulder isn't comfortable working with him, but helps him anyway because jerry asked him to
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and builds him up when jerry is feeling insecure
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he infamously does it again with diana, always affording her the benefit of the doubt and defending her
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and with his parents, consistently coming whenever they call, despite all of their lies and neglect
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(side note from pulling ghost in the machine caps but his ties in this ep are soooo classic baby spooky i miss s1 soooo much)
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anyway, this is the dynamic that fire circles around, and the only time in the episode that mulder pushes back against phoebe is when he cracks this joke about having a "refined technique" with women who cheat
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which he apologizes for instantly, recognizing that it upset her
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fire is also one of the best portrayals of the true sign of a toxic/abusive relationship: not realizing anything is wrong with it until you tell your best friend
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i see criticism of this episode sometimes that interprets it as glorifying phoebe, portraying her as sexy and her behavior as righteous, but i disagree.
i don't think that you can base the episode's stance on phoebe on mulder's behavior, he's responding to her through a very warped and controlled lens. just because he views her in a positive light, doesn't mean that we should as the audience.
whereas, scully is immediately wary of phoebe and critical of her, even before knowing the context for her actions.
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this shot is my favorite lmao. she is contemplating murder. she is wondering if she could get away with it.
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her lil passive aggressive "bye bitch" finger wave
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her "mmmmyeah sure sherlock"
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her watchful eye as she hangs in the doorway while mulder and phoebe meet with the arson specialist
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she literally sits at his desk in his chair and waits for him just to make this sherlock holmes joke 😭😭😭 they are BEST friends
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now, this is when she finds out the true history with phoebe, and the reason behind her visit. and it's when mulder tells her that she's off the case.
and from that point, scully starts investigating the murders herself, consulting her own sources to put together her own theories
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while these two do absolutely fuck all
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she shows up uninvited at the event in boston, having SOLVED THE CASE HER-FUCKING-SELF
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and she's the only one who gives a fuck when mulder gets hurt
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while phoebe shakes hands and schmoozes at the party
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sweetie pie making sure her partner gets some water and some rest
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now, dana 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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after making sure mulder is okay (and getting a peek at him shirtless) she shows him the evidence that she found, telling him that she just "didn't know a whole lot about arson" so took the opportunity to do some research "for my own edification, of course" GIRLLLLL
and they identify the groundskeeper as the murderer based on the information that she gathered
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the face of a woman who single-handedly solved a string of serial murders to get her best friend's bitch of an ex away from him. she is truly an inspiration to us all.
and she has 1 more sherlock holmes joke in her.
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so, anyway, mulder is visibly uncomfortable around phoebe from the start, and this is something that scully picks up on immediately, even before being told any information about phoebe or her motives
and this is an ongoing theme from the very beginning, as mulder is generally unaggressive and compassionate to a fault, leaving scully feeling a responsibility to be conscious and wary of their surroundings.
scully isn't being jealous towards phoebe, just like she isn't "taking things personally" with diana. she understands this about mulder and how exploitable it is, and she's fiercely protective of both him and the kindhearted qualities that leave him vulnerable to these situations
anyway TLDR let me see any of you call either of them stupid again
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pemguims · 3 months
also.........sm that im finding a Little annoying is people acting like th oilers r full of the worst of humanity and deserve no good at all whilst the panthers r nice and clean and absolutely deserve nice things. like nick cousins is right there. every nhl team has its stinkers!! there r peoples names on the stanley cup who were racist sexist homophobic abusive u name it!! thats the nhl babey!! purity doesnt exist here!!
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corneliushickey · 2 years
🔥 alicent!!
oh ho!!! my unpopular opinion about her is what makes her interesting to me: she's a bad person.
the whole point of hotd is that no one on either side of the dance is a purely good or purely evil person. they all have flaws and nuances and they are all three dimensional people and they are all saddled with the yoke of patriarchy, dynasty, imperialism, legacy, etc. all the things that make the iron throne the exact sort of endless death pit that it is.
alicent had horrible things happen to her. she was abused, taken advantage of, mistreated. she has had an ugly and difficult life shaped by the people who should have been caring for her.
and she also perpetuates her father's cycle of abuse with her own children!! she actively wishes and enacts harm on her childhood best friend, on the future queen of the realm!! she has all the tools at her disposal to change the narrative of her life and she won't because she can't.
that makes her an incredibly tragic and painful character. she is imo incredibly well written as both a victim and a perpetrator of abuse. the fact that she is sitting in her gilded cage and polishing the bars instead of trying to slip out from between them is both tragic and infuriating. that's the point. the cyclical tragedy of her miserable life is perpetuated by her own hand. that's why it's sad!!
i've been so disappointed by both people who like and dislike alicent because i feel like so many people just want to root for soccer teams instead of meaningfully engage in the story. yes, she suffers. yes she is in immense and terrible pain. no, she is not the virgin mary. no, she is not a catholic saint.
"But there is no mysterious virtue in Justine’s suffering. The martyrdom of this Christ-figure is absolutely useless; she is a gratuitous victim. And if there is no virtue in her suffering, then there is none, it turns out, in her virtue itself; it does nobody any good, least of all herself." <- i already have this in my justine/alicent comparison but it really rings sooooo true for me wrt like her own attitude toward her suffering and self-punishment and the comfort she takes in perpetuating her own oppression and imposing it on others
like, the child weaned on poison considers harm a comfort! it's just silly imo to act like alicent doesn't want the people around her to suffer. like she doesn't take pleasure in torturing rhaenyra and her husband(s) and her children.
and it's also so upsetting to me when people are like "ha ha alicunt deserves to burn in hell what a dumb bitch!!" because like... i'm serious she is a very well written and nuanced character and she makes me so sad and i can understand not liking her but if you just want to call her an annoying stuck up bitch like you are being willfully obtuse. you are purposefully watching this show with your eyes closed and your ears plugged.
"hurt people hurt people" is like sooooooo trite and overplayed and like we get it we all watched house md but the thing is that it is true!! people who were victims of abuse go on to abuse others that is what generational trauma is! how can you look at alicent and just expect her to like. fucking what. fucking what!! do you want her to do??? you want her to like invent DBT and then put herself through it??
also i've talked to you about this lol but there is no happy ending for alicent ever. like she simply cannot escape the narrative that she has spent her whole life cocooning herself in and smothering everyone around her with. she is never going to end up with rhaenyra, or criston, or find self actualization. she is doomed like capital D fucking DOOMED like old valyria. ring of fire baby. black earth. i love her so fucking much.
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devilsskettle · 3 years
still thinking about these stories of fraught parent/child relationships and specifically in the ways the expectation of unconditional love is failed and what takes the place of it as a replacement for/approximation of love: in sharp objects, it’s replaced by feelings of self worth, social reputation, feeling needed; in we need to talk about kevin, it’s replaced with a sense of duty, idealization on the part of the father, and attempted to be replaced with pity as the mother hopes that he can be diagnosed with something, that there will be something wrong with him, so she can at least sympathize with him, which she sees as a potential foundation for love; in stoker, it’s replaced with, in contrast to sharp objects, the parenting of the mother by the daughter, the expectation of a child’s love and care; in hannibal, the child becomes a bargaining tool for partnership, family, a sense of normalcy, and then as an instrument of causing harm, viewed as expendable for the parent figure’s own ends; just like in medea; in the oresteia, it’s replaced with wrath and violence, a prioritization of vengeance on behalf of one child at the expense of the others; in the witch, love gives way to resentment and jealousy; etc; etc; etc; and there tends to be a conflict due to lack of reciprocation (the withholding of love, the rejection of inadequate expressions of love, conditional love). there’s also a preoccupation with damaging expressions of love (or approximations of it) and the replacement of care with harm, either through verbal/emotional abuse and neglect, or through physical violence, and in many of these stories, the characters (typically the children) conflate the experience of being loved with the experience of violence, either accepting violence as love (“we accept the love we think we deserve” or whatever) or committing harm themselves (“a child weaned on poison considers harm a comfort.” or whatever). thinking about camille’s self harm vs amma’s harm of others, how adora only gives love to a daughter who is willing to suffer for her; about abigail being the lure for her father vs taking hannibal’s hand in mizumono, perhaps knowing what was going to happen; about how kevin only accepts his mother’s love when he is sick, how he only respects her when she’s honest about her hate for him (the “most honest” thing she’d ever done being breaking his arm when he was a child), his rejection of the unconditional love of his father and little sister at their great expense. anyway i don’t know where i’m going with this and it’s all very melodramatic, isn’t it? but i am thinking about it. and like can people admit when they fail to meet the expectation of unconditional love. can you fill the space where unconditional love is supposed to be with something else or will trying to fill that space always hurt the people you’re supposed to love 
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sapphic-luthor · 4 years
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
oh jesus fucking christ there are so many, but:
“a child weaned on poison considers harm a comfort” from gillian flynn’s sharp objects // “sometimes your jaw slacks in a certain way where you look like life’s just happening to you” from vox luxe // “you operate with such strength and clarity. it’s as if you were moving above us somehow; how do you walk along that razor edge without falling?” from vita & virginia // “sometimes i think i’ve felt everything i’m gonna feel, and from here on out i’m not gonna feel anything new, just lesser versions of what i’ve already felt” from Her // “love is a debt, she thought. when the bill comes, you pay in grief.” from mary doria russell’s children of god //  “I want to meet you in every place I ever loved. Listen to me. I am your echo. I would rather break the world than lose you.” from amal el-mohtar and max gladstone’s this is how you lose the time war
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populationpensive · 5 years
Inhalation Injury
This is a quick guide to inhalation injury. I’ll review what YOU can do as a PCP if you suspect inhalation injury, how to identify it, as well as what I do in my specialty. For information regarding burns in general or when to refer to a burn center, please see my post about burn center referrals. Keep in mind, inhalation injury is the most common immediate cause of death in a large burn patient and should ALWAYS be on your differential in patients coming from a fire in an enclosed space. Be prepared, I’ll probably say that like 100 times. 
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Risk Factors
More common in the elderly, immobile, and children
Fire in an ENCLOSED space
Carbonaceous sputum
Raspy or hoarse voice
Facial burns (2nd degree or worse)
Singed facial hair
Arterial PaO2 < 60 mmHg
Carboxyhemoglobin >15%
Bronchospasm or wheezing
Metabolic acidosis 
Alcohol and drug use + fire 
Inhalation injury can be devastating for 2 very important reasons 
Smoke and inhaled irritants cause airway edema and mucosal sloughing, leading to loss of a patent airway.
Burning things creates poisons which can be inhaled and kill you.
Organic things combust into carbon which is carcinogenic and an airway irritant. Synthetic things often combust into hydrogen cyanide. This can be inhaled as well and cause cyanide poisoning. Annnd then of course there is carbon monoxide. 
Hydrogen Cyanide poisoning - colorless gas with the smell of bitter almonds. Cyanide kills people because it impairs oxidative phosphorylation. It impairs a cell’s ability to utilize oxygen and produce ATP. 
Carbon monoxide poisoning - colorless and odorless gas. CO kills people because it has 200 x the binding affinity to hemoglobin as oxygen does. CO that binds prevents O2 from binding. However, this also means that remaining O2 on the hemoglobin will bind more tightly to the hemoglobin molecule and will not be delivered to the tissues. 
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Important History
Inhalation injuries do NOT occur just because someone has a burn to the face. In fact, they are RARE when a fire has taken place out doors (campfires, brush fires, etc).
Suspect inhalation injury in any patient coming from a house/building fire or a car fire. Essentially, any enclosed space.
Syncope + a house fire? Higher index of suspicion
Does your patient smoke? Do they have existing lung disease? Have a higher index of suspicion. 
Was extrication from the fire prolonged? 
Kids are at a high risk because they tend to hide in closets during a fire rather than escape. The elderly or immobile have physical barriers to escape. 
PCP Steps
#1: If the history supports possible injury and the patient has a change in voice/declining respiratory status, INTUBATE THEM. You will NEVER be at fault for protecting an airway. 
If you suspect CO poisoning, make sure the patient is on FiO2 of 100%
If your facility is able, get the following labs: BMP, ABG, carboxyhgb
If you have high index of suspicion and are able, administer hydroxycobalamin to reverse cyanide toxicity - be aware, this will turn their urine maroon like red wine. Do not be alarmed.
If you have ANY suspicion of inhalation injury, they must be sent to a local burn center. 
REMEMBER: SpO2 saturations CANNOT tell you if someone has CO poisoning. This is because a pulse oximeter is only measuring binding affinity of oxygen to hemoglobin, not the amount of oxygen present in the tissues. Someone can have CO poisoning and have normal SpO2. Only a carboxyhemoglobin (and a good physical exam) can tell you if CO poisoning has occurred. I would like to point out that the stereotypical “cherry red skin” appearance of CO poisoning is NOT often reliable. This is particularly the case in a burn patient whose burns alone will cloud your ability to determine this. 
Burn Center Management
If we suspect cyanide poisoning and hydroxycobalamin hasn’t been administered, we will do that. If we have a patient with moderate to severe CO poisoning, we will send them for hyperbaric oxygen therapy. We will usually do 1 to 3 dives at 2 atm for 2 hours each to help offload the CO. The theory here is that you expose the patient to higher atmospheric pressure and 100% FiO2 to force the CO off of the hemoglobin. 
Most patients with suspected inhalation injury are (thankfully) intubated by the time they arrive to our burn unit. The first thing we do is bronchoscopy to confirm inhalation and categorize it. We grade inhalation injury using the AIS - Abbreviated Injury Score:
Grade 0 - no injury 
Grade 1 - mild injury - minor or patchy areas of erythema/carbonaceous deposits 
Grade 2 - moderate injury - larger areas of erythema, carbonaceous sputum, bronchorrhea, or partial obstruction
Grade 3 - severe injury - severe inflammation of the airway with friability, copious carbonaceous deposits and areas of partial/full obstruction 
Grade 4 - massive injury - evidence of mucosal sloughing, necrosis, and endoluminal obliteration
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Patients with a grade 0 or 1 injury will likely be extubated a couple of hours later if they are otherwise healthy. Sometimes, we keep patients with existing lung disease on the vent with a grade 1 so that we can give aggressive suctioning and medications to optimize their vent wean. 
Anyone with a grade 2 or high will likely take longer to extubate, at least 24 hours - more than that if the injury is worse or if they have existing lung disease. Smokers tend to suffer much more than people with health lungs, as do asthma and COPD pts. 
We have an inhalation protocol for our ventilated patients which consists of the following:
Heparin 5,000 U inhaled solution Q4h x 7 days
Mucomyst 3 mL inhaled solution Q4h x 7 days 
Albuterol 2.5 mg inhaled solution Q4h x 7 days
We give albuterol and mucomyst together and alternate with the heparin so that the patient is receiving treatment every 2 hours. We do this to help flush out toxins, open the airway, and breakup/thin out blood clots (hence the heparin). Bad inhalation injuries will have bronchial bleeding and heparin helps remove and prevent further blood clots from clogging up the bronchi. 
From here, we wean patients off the vent! If a patient needs a vent for > 1 week or has had failure to wean for a variety of reasons, we will usually give them a tracheostomy. 
And now you know!
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heroes-hq-blog1 · 5 years
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Astrological magic. By tapping into the mystic energy surrounding astrology and their ruling planets, the user is able to wield cosmic magic. As this is a celestial magic, a user is able to use basic magic at all times, but the more powerful and offensive strengths lie with that which is directly empowered by zodiac houses.
ALIEN PHYSIOLOGY. Though she looks human, Astra is an entirely different species, and as such there are difference between her body and that of those born on Earth. ( + ) She has enhanced strength, endurance and speed compared to a mortal. ( + ) She has more durable skin and can handle prolonged exposure to extreme heat and cold.
ASTROLOGY MAGIC. Largely akin to any other magic, this is simply drawn from and powered by the celestial bodies and astrology. ( + ) Divination. A result of her magic, in the same way that horoscopes are researched and written by astrologers, Astra is able to interpret the future through the movement of celestial bodies through zodiac houses. This works quite well when interpreting for individuals, particularly when they have a singular topic they want to address (romance, career, health, etc). She can access this power at all times. ( + ) Magic telekinesis. The bulk of the power falls under this umbrella. By manipulating magic energy, she is able to lift, move, compress, etc objects. She is also able to use this for a kind of flight, though it’s not true flight, and instead created by propelling magic towards the ground or through the air to shift her position. ( + ) Magical energy blasts.
( + ) ZODIAC EMPOWERMENT. What is most notable about Astra’s powers is the changes they undergo. For the month of each zodiac sign, she is able to empower herself and embody them. The powers are different for every zodiac, but often include at least one physical aspect (eg. horns in Taurus season, feline physiology in Leo season) and manipulation facet (poison generation in Scorpio, earth manipulation in Capricorn).
ALIEN PHYSIOLOGY. ( - ) Her body has a tough outer skin because of the very weak and vulnerable innards that all of her species posses. She is extremely perceptible to ingestible poisons - even slight dosages meant to subdue rather than kill could prove fatal to her. Her internal organs are so susceptible to mortal food that she even throws up quite easily. ( - ) Though it does not happen, when she catches a cold or flu, it goes beyond that of the effect on a mortal and can become far more serious, lasting a long time and sapping a great amount of her strength. ( - ) An attack that does manage to penetrate her skin can cause severe internal damage.
MAGIC FLAWS. ( - ) This is always limited to the user’s personal knowledge and skills. Lack of use may result in weakening of powers. ( - ) Due to Astra’s physiology, her magic differs from that of a humans, and as such it lacks things that other magicians or wielders of magic might easily possess. This is not the type of magic that allows her to broaden her skills by use of spells, potions, etc. No amount of practice will make this available to her. ( - ) In order to draw more power for magical attacks, she must raise herself closer to the atmosphere/stars. While this may get her greater power, it makes aim far harder. ( - ) Her magic is simultaneously like part of her body and another thing entirely; it must be upkept with great care. Her mental state and connection to the stars heavily influences the power of her magic. She must always maintain a clear and solid mental state in order to have a relationship with her magic, and this takes meditation and worship. ( - ) Magical energy blasts sap a great amount of her power, and can only be used in short spurts.
DIVINATION FLAWS. ( - ) Astra is unable to see the future - this is not at all a version of precognition. She does not receive visions of what is to come, nor can she see as much even after meditation.  ( - ) She is not yet strong enough to divine a feeling or future about a large group – that would require a better relationship with the stars. ( - ) She cannot use it to interpret what move someone may do next in a fight, or predict an action/movement, and it takes her several minutes to determine what the stars are telling her. It is more a sense of what is to come, a vague and broad feeling, than anything else. While answers will be accurate, they are not specific. In many ways, this subset of her magic is more of a party trick, as it has absolutely no use in battle, is not particularly strong, and has no ability against an opponent. Mostly it’s just for fun!
ZODIAC EMPOWERMENT. While it may appear interesting to have rotating powers due to the zodiac, this can present huge issues for her. ( - ) She has absolutely no ability to choose which zodiac’s powers she harnesses, but is 100% beholden to the season Earth’s sun is in. ( - ) Only one zodiac’s powers may be used at a time. ( - ) The zodiac powers she has may not be useful or even effective against the person(s) she is battling or the needs she has. EG. trying to drown someone with water manipulation in Cancer season will do nothing against someone with aquatic physiology – at which point her zodiac empowerment is nigh useless. ( - ) To be honest… some powers are rather… stupid. And yet again, she can do nothing about it. Using Cancer season as an example once more - the sign of the crab. The water part might be great, but who needs pincher grip? What’s she going to do, hold someone tightly to death? ( - ) Similar to the latter point, certain zodiacs may have overall stronger power sets than others. ( - ) Rotating through power sets means she has less time to practice them all, meaning it takes her a greater amount of time to wean out more skills or greater power volume.
THE BIG DEFECT. ( - ) There are two factors that weaken Astra’s powers on Earth: the differing atmosphere, and the farther proximity to the stars from which she draws her powers. As her home planet more directly drew energy sources from the Cosmos and Earth does not, she is significantly less powerful on Earth than she would be among other planets in the universe. Catch her grumbling about this at all times.
She’s born where the stars are clear and within arm’s reach. A colony held so tightly to the bosom of the stars, it’s said that those born there swallow the magic of celestial power within their first breath. On the planet of Sostrar, a princess is born and raised without knowing her father because that is the way it is always done. Men are not among the things found amidst the palace of Sostari royalty; only queens and their kin, daughters and warriors and scientists. But still the child is raised by two forces: her mother, and the Cosmos. To be a Sostari is to know there is little difference between these two things: there are myths of how their people came to be, Valkyries that swallowed bits of stars and spat out starborn children, but the truth of the matter is that the truth does not matter.
And so the girl vows to be as consuming as all the constellations she prays to, as large and awe-inspiring as the celestial forces they pray to. Young as she is, her dreams swell and grow every day, weaned by the tales of justice, honour, and magick fed to her nightly by her mother. She pictures in her head what it is to be great, grand, the most powerful of them all, the way all young heroes in the making are ought to do. She is not the best yet, but she plans to be. These fantasies make her precocious yet determined, and the ladies of the kingdom merely chuckle at her ardour as she thrusts wooden practice swords into marble beams and floats above the gardens dictating to those that pass by. She adores nothing more than her home, that place where beauty and warfare meet, and in turn she is adored.
It is Mother’s decision to send her to the mortal plane. Girl-child protests, whines (despite nearly reaching a century of age, she is no closer to a woman now than she has ever been), and puts up as much fight as she dares to noble queen-mother. But the ruling does not bend: should she wish to be as great a warrior as she plans, she is told, a princess must do more than stand on her own self-contained achievements. To be welcomed among the warriors and rulers of her planet, she will have to test herself against the mightiest heroes of all the realms in the place where they all gather. And so the star-women descend from their place in the Cosmos, walking hand-in-hand to prevent the younger from escaping back up into the firmament.
The princess is given a form that better resembles that of the mortals, feels as her powers lessen from this new dirt-stacked plane so far from the ethereal, watches with resentment as she becomes more like them. With time the bitterness fades, smooths and alters into an understanding; it takes years for her to settle to their customs, and no less time for the world around her to adjust to her peculiarities. Still she says and does what she likes, blunt like a bat carved from aether, but she finds her place. An alien she may be, but foreign to the world she no longer is.
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hieromonkcharbel · 6 years
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If a tree is known by its fruit, and a good tree bears good fruit (cf. Mt. 7:17; Lk. 6:44), then is not the Mother of Goodness Itself, She who bore the Eternal Beauty, incomparably more excellent than every good, whether in this world or the world above? Therefore, the coeternal and identical Image of goodness, Preeternal, transcending all being, He Who is the preexisting and good Word of the Father, moved by His unutterable love for mankind and compassion for us, put on our image, that He might reclaim for Himself our nature which had been dragged down to uttermost Hades, so as to renew this corrupted nature and raise it to the heights of Heaven. For this purpose, He had to assume a flesh that was both new and ours, that He might refashion us from out of ourselves. Now He finds a Handmaiden perfectly suited to these needs, the supplier of Her own unsullied nature, the Ever-Virgin now hymned by us, and Whose miraculous Entrance into the Temple, into the Holy of Holies, we now celebrate. God predestined Her before the ages for the salvation and reclaiming of our kind. She was chosen, not just from the crowd, but from the ranks of the chosen of all ages, renowned for piety and understanding, and for their God-pleasing words and deeds. In the beginning, there was one who rose up against us: the author of evil, the serpent, who dragged us into the abyss. Many reasons impelled him to rise up against us, and there are many ways by which he enslaved our nature: envy, rivalry, hatred, injustice, treachery, slyness, etc. In addition to all this,he also has within him the power of bringing death, which he himself engendered, being the first to fall away from true life. The author of evil was jealous of Adam, when he saw him being led from earth to Heaven, from which he was justly cast down. Filled with envy, he pounced upon Adam with a terrible ferocity, and even wished to clothe him with the garb of death.Envy is not only the begetter of hatred, but also of murder, which this truly man-hating serpent brought about in us. For he wanted to be master over the earth-born for the ruin of that which was created in the image and likeness of God. Since he was not bold enough to make a face to face attack, he resorted to cunning and deceit. This truly terrible and malicious plotter pretended to be a friend and useful adviser by assuming the physical form of a serpent, and stealthily took their position. By his God-opposing advice, he instills in man his own death-bearing power, like a venomous poison. If Adam had been sufficiently strong to keep the divine commandment, then he would have shown himself the vanquisher of his enemy, and withstood his deathly attack. But since he voluntarily gave in to sin, he was defeated and was made a sinner. Since he is the root of our race, he has produced us as death-bearing shoots. So, it was necessary for us, if he were to fight back against his defeat and to claim victory, to rid himself of the death-bearing venomous poison in his soul and body, and to absorb life, eternal and indestructible life. It was necessary for us to have a new root for our race, a new Adam, not just one Who would be sinless and invincible, but one Who also would be able to forgive sins and set free from punishment those subject to it. And not only would He have life in Himself, but also the capacity to restore to life, so that He could grant to those who cleave to Him and are related to Him by race both life and the forgiveness of their sins, restoring to life not only those who came after Him, but also those who already had died before Him. Therefore, St. Paul, that great trumpet of the Holy Spirit, exclaims, The first man Adam was made a living soul, the last Adam was made a quickening spirit (1 Cor. 15:45). Except for God, there is no one who is without sin, or life-creating, or able to remit sin. Therefore, the new Adam must be not only Man, but also God. He is at the same time life, wisdom, truth, love, and mercy, and every other good thing, so that He might renew the old Adam and restore him to life through mercy, wisdom and righteousness. These are the opposites of the things which the author of evil used to bring about our aging and death. As the slayer of mankind raised himself against us with envy and hatred, so the Source of life was lifted up [on the Cross] because of His immeasurable goodness and love for mankind. He intensely desired the salvation of His creature, i.e., that His creature would be restored by Himself. In contrast to this, the author of evil wanted to bring God's creature to ruin, and thereby put mankind under his own power, and tyrannically to afflict us. And just as he achieved the conquest and the fall of mankind by means of injustice and cunning, by deceit and his trickery, so has the Liberator brought about the defeat of the author of evil, and the restoration of His own creature with truth, justice and wisdom. It was a deed of perfect justice that our nature, which was voluntarily enslaved and struck down, should again enter the struggle for victory and cast off its voluntary enslavement. Therefore, God deigned to receive our nature from us, hypostatically uniting with it in a marvellous way. But it was impossible to unite that Most High Nature,Whose purity is incomprehensible for human reason, to a sinful nature before it had been purified. Therefore, for the conception and birth of the Bestower of purity, a perfectly spotless and Most Pure Virgin was required. Today we celebrate the memory of those things that contributed, if only once, to the Incarnation. He Who is God by nature, the Co-unoriginate and Coeternal Word and Son of the Transcendent Father, becomes the Son of Man, the Son of the Ever-Virgin. Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today, and forever (Heb. 13:8), immutable in His divinity and blameless in His humanity, He alone, as the Prophet Isaiah prophesied, Practiced no iniquity, nor deceit with His lips (Is. 53: 9). He alone was not brought forth in iniquity, nor was He conceived in sin, in contrast to what the Prophet David says concerning himself and every other man (Ps. 50/51: 5). Even in what He assumes, He is perfectly pure and has no need to be cleansed Himself. But for our sake, He accepted purification, suffering, death and resurrection, that He might transmit them to us. God is born of the spotless and Holy Virgin, or better to say, of the Most Pure and All-Holy Virgin. She is above every fleshly defilement, and even above every impure thought. Her conceiving resulted not from fleshly lust, but by the overshadowing of the Most Holy Spirit. Such desire being utterly alien to Her, it is through prayer and spiritual readiness that She declared to the angel: Behold the handmaiden of the Lord; be it unto Me according to thy word (Lk. 1:38), and that She conceived and gave birth. So, in order to render the Virgin worthy of this sublime purpose, God marked this ever-virgin Daughter now praised by us, from before the ages, and from eternity, choosing Her from out of His elect. Turn your attention then, to where this choice began. From the sons of Adam God chose the wondrous Seth, who showed himself a living heaven through his becoming behavior, and through the beauty of his virtues. That is why he was chosen, and from whom the Virgin would blossom as the divinely fitting chariot of God. She was needed to give birth and to summon the earth-born to heavenly sonship. For this reason also all the lineage of Seth were called sons of God, because from this lineage a son of man would be born the Son of God. The name Seth signifies a rising or resurrection, or more specifically, it signifies the Lord, Who promises and gives immortal life to all who believe in Him. And how precisely exact is this parallel! Seth was born of Eve, as she herself said, in place of Abel, whom Cain killed through jealousy (cf. Gen. 4:25); and Christ, the Son of the Virgin, was born for us in place of Adam, whom the author of evil also killed through jealousy. But Seth did not resurrect Abel, since he was only a foretype of the resurrection. But our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected Adam, since He is the very Life and the Resurrection of the earth-born, for whose sake the descendants of Seth are granted divine adoption through hope, and are called the children of God. It was because of this hope that they were called sons of God, as is evident from the one who was first called so, the successor in the choice.This was Enos, the son of Seth, who as Moses wrote, first hoped to call on the Name of the Lord (Gen. 4:26). In this manner, the choice of the future Mother of God, beginning with the very sons of Adam and proceeding through all the generations of time, through the Providence of God, passes to the Prophet-king David and the successors of his kingdom and lineage. When the chosen time had come, then from the house and posterity of David, Joachim and Anna are chosen by God. Though they were childless, they were by their virtuous life and good disposition the finest of all those descended from the line of David.And when in prayer they besought God to deliver them from their childlessness, and promised to dedicate their child to God from its infancy. By God Himself, the Mother of God was proclaimed and given to them as a child, so that from such virtuous parents the all-virtuous child would be raised.So in this manner, chastity joined with prayer came to fruition by producing the Mother of virginity, giving birth in the flesh to Him Who was born of God the Father before the ages. Now, when Righteous Joachim and Anna saw that they had been granted their wish, and that the divine promise to them was realized in fact, then they on their part, as true lovers of God, hastened to fulfill their vow given to God as soon as the child had been weaned from milk. They have now led this truly sanctified child of God, now the Mother of God, this Virgin into the Temple of God. And She, being filled with Divine gifts even at such a tender age, ... She, rather than others, determined what was being done over Her. In Her manner She showed that She was not so much presented into the Temple, but that She Herself entered into the service of God of her own accord, as if she had wings, striving towards this sacred and divine love. She considered it desirable and fitting that she should enter into the Temple and dwell in the Holy of Holies. Therefore, the High Priest, seeing that this child, more than anyone else, had divine grace within Her, wished to set Her within the Holy of Holies. He convinced everyone present to welcome this, since God had advanced it and approved it. Through His angel, God assisted the Virgin and sent Her mystical food, with which She was strengthened in nature, while in body She was brought to maturity and was made purer and more exalted than the angels, having the Heavenly spirits as servants. She was led into the Holy of Holies not just once, but was accepted by God to dwell there with Him during Her youth, so that through Her, the Heavenly Abodes might be opened and given for an eternal habitation to those who believe in Her miraculous birthgiving. So it is, and this is why She, from the beginning of time, was chosen from among the chosen. She Who is manifest as the Holy of Holies, Who has a body even purer than the spirits purified by virtue, is capable of receiving ... the Hypostatic Word of the Unoriginate Father.Today the Ever-Virgin Mary, like a Treasure of God, is stored in the Holy of Holies, so that in due time, (as it later came to pass) She would serve for the enrichment of, and an ornament for, all the world. Therefore, Christ God also glorifies His Mother, both before birth, and also after birth. We who understand the salvation begun for our sake through the Most Holy Virgin, give Her thanks and praise according to our ability. And truly, if the grateful woman (of whom the Gospel tells us), after hearing the saving words of the Lord, blessed and thanked His Mother, raising her voice above the din of the crowd and saying to Christ, Blessed is the womb that bore Thee, and the paps Thou hast sucked (Lk. 11:27), then we who have the words of eternal life written out for us, and not only the words, but also the miracles and the Passion, and the raising of our nature from death, and its ascent from earth to Heaven, and the promise of immortal life and unfailing salvation, then how shall we not unceasingly hymn and bless the Mother of the Author of our Salvation and the Giver of Life, celebrating Her conception and birth, and now Her Entry into the Holy of Holies? Now, brethren, let us remove ourselves from earthly to celestial things. Let us change our path from the flesh to the spirit. Let us change our desire from temporal things to those that endure. Let us scorn fleshly delights, which serve as allurements for the soul and soon pass away. Let us desire spiritual gifts, which remain undiminished. Let us turn our reason and our attention from earthly concerns and raise them to the inaccessible places of Heaven, to the Holy of Holies, where the Mother of God now resides. Therefore, in such manner our songs and prayers to Her will gain entry, and thus through her mediation, we shall be heirs of the everlasting blessings to come, through the grace and love for mankind of Him Who was born of Her for our sake, our Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory, honor and worship, together with His Unoriginate Father and His Coeternal and Life-Creating Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. St. Gregory Palamas
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dalyunministry · 4 years
Min. Olusola Babarinde Nigeria
Praise the Lord. It is time for study. Thanks be to God and the leadership of this platform for the grace given me to share with us weekly. I pray God will keep us growing through his words in Jesus name.
Let us pray: Father we thank you today for another grace to eat to eat from you. We plead that you will help us to capture your mind as you reveal it to us today in Jesus name.
May we not disappoint you Lord. Thank you for answering us. In Jesus name. Amen
Text: Romans 8:35,38,39. What am about to share, is peculiar to our standing in the last days. I pray we all shall be blessed in Jesus name. It is end time. Surely things will be getting harder and harder on our faith.
Because Satan knows he has a very short time. It's end time, complacency will be costly.
This is because just as rain started suddenly when the ark had been locked by God and people were busy playing, partying, marrying, eating, shopping etc, so will Jesus appear suddenly in heaven...
Many of us need to be weaned from terrible habits of:
1. Opening Bible when we like
2. Praying when we like
3. Going to church when we like
(This number 3 started recently for some Christians due to covid but for some it had been their perpetual habit). But it is not even the aspect of spiritual laziness or lethargy that today's teaching is focusing, It is something else. But even if we don't proceed, and I stop here, am sure many of us had gained something..Haven't we?. Surely we have.
The topic as announced to us is: Won't you forsake Jesus?
It is coming like a question to us but a very serious question that is calling for deep sober reflection. Please think and think deep. The alarming rate at which professing believers are forsaking the faith even in the countries that God had once used to spread the gospel globally is calling for we the remnants that are standing to still ask ourselves this pertinent question and sincerely answer it.
Won't you forsake Jesus?. That is the topic.
Some people who are conversant with media will know that a lot of allegations are been laid against ministers of God these days. So surprising even against men of God that I as a person respect.. Sorry to say but pls let me mention one. Just for you to know how serious Satan is coming after our noble faith
And he is using Christians to attack not just preachers but Christianity. Who has heard allegation against Dr. D.K Olukoya? (A great denomination leader in Nigeria). Am not hear to say whether what they said about him is true or false. But my point is this, you as a person, won't you forsake Jesus if the media published something about your pastors with verifiable proofs that he really did those things?. Think deep on this.
Many things had been said against that man and other ministers of God, and like I said,
some may be true. while many may not true.
More things will still be said. And may be true or not true. But won't you forsake Christianity when such news come out against your leader or any prominent believer that you know? Don't hastily say yes, think deep
God forbid your leader will not backlide.
But if it happen or if the news is false, what will be your fate as touching faith?
What will happen if you hear that your Pastor impregnates 3 choir members?
Won't join the company of people whose slogan is; there is no pastor anywhere..
No purity anywhere
No holiness anywhere
No godliness anywhere
No need of going to church
Just have faith in God, u can serve him alone even in your house.
What if they come with proofs that your pastor used church money for his personal affairs?
Some people, even just because the children of their upright pastors are not upright, they have started compromising, how much more if it is now that there pastor that compromise? Such will abandon Jesus..
Are you solid in Christ?
Are your convictions rooted in him or in man of God?
It will be pathetic if the man you put faith in fail or people lie against him..
Your Christianity can become history. God forbid. With many Muslims apologetics, who are giving wrong interpretation to the Holy Bible, won't you be persuaded to forsake this noble faith (Christianity)? Don't just say NO. Many said NO both in UK and US but they are now praying 5 times in the mosque. So pathetic. The present day Turkey was the Ephesus of old. It was predominantly Christian country but today you can hardly see the traces of Christianity in that country. Won't you also pick offence from Jesus and abandoned him at the slightest chance or opportunity?
Romans 8:35,38,39. (KJV); 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Can we all hear from one man of deep and great conviction in the finished work and love of Jesus?. From the text above, the man Paul the Apostle even put us inside his own personal conviction..He said, what shall separate us. He did not say what shall separate me. He spoke for all true believers in Christ not just for himself only. With his deep knowledge of what true salvation is, he knew and opined ahead even on our behalf that nothing should, could, would separate us from the love of Christ. For a true believer, even fake message even when delivered by angels can't move him or her out of the love of Christ.
News about failure of a minister or ministers should not destroy your conviction in Jesus is you are a normal Christian. Only a tomato believer forsake faith when he hears the news of the misbehaviour of another believer....A time is coming and very near. When the hatred of the world for the church will be vehemently revealed and exercise through the media...At that time, what will happen to your faith? Even presently, this terrible media who don't pick news of pastors healing mad men, raising the dead, engaging in charity, but get good time to tell the world about a pastor (he may not even be pastor), who raped 7 years old girl..
Or pastor that bought jet. The same pastor that bought jet because of the great expansion of his work that will not make it easy for him go and que at airport and still meet up with his meeting in another country where he will still leave to go to another conference in another country. Hence for easy mobility, bought jet for his God given assignment.
Meanwhile, that same pastor sent relief materials to the poor in many villages, but the media are blind to that. No time for good news about the church but they are busy with spreading of bad news, with the intention of painting the church black before the world.
Haven't you because of news published by media about pastors buying this and that stopped paying tithes and offering in the church? Haven't online pastors poisoned your mind against giving to God's servant?. "They are enriching themselves with your heard earned money they said" and since then you stopped giving to God. What a pathetic backslider you are!
Let me tell you, if you give faithfully to God in Church with pure motive, the reward you would have received from God will not allow you to be questioning how what you gave was spent. Because you would be busy counting your blessing, so you won't have time to be investigating the way what you gave was spent.
This message is preparing us for the time of intense persecution of the Church and ministers of God through by the media, so that when that time comes for what is in us to be tested by challenges, we won't fail Jesus...
Listen to this as I close, anybody who discuss the sin and error of the church on Facebook or other media is not sent by God but been used by Satan to fault the Church and Jesus..
Except if it is in a very closed group which is only for Christians.
Never join such. Don't encourage their evils.
Even any pastor preaching on air ( YouTube, radio, Facebook, television etc) against other pastors is not doing God's work but possessed by Satan to destroy the faith of people in both Church and Christ. Avoid them..
On air we are to preach repentance and salvation to sinners..
While in conferences or church programmes, we address the inadequacies of the church.
By the time you speak ill of the church before the world, why should the world repent and join the already sick and terrible church that you have painted with very dark oil? If we paint and present church to be sinful, how will the world see a need for repentance? Instead, they will justify their own sinfulness with the error of the church we have given to them.
The message here is that, you don't give the message meant for the growth and perfection of those who have accepted Jesus already (Church) to sinners who are in the world. To such people, we preach repentance and faith in Christ Jesus. Such message will be okay for them. But if we dabble into talking about the error of the church before the world, we will be ignorantly sending men father away from the cross. And God won't take it lightly with us. Finally, the admonition is this: don't forsake the Lord because of news of compromise of ministers or churches either true or untrue. Hold the forth. The Lord will keep us safe in Him.
1. Lord keep me rooted deeply in you no matter what happen to your church and in your church. Thanks for joining the study. God bless us. Till next week. Shalom.
Closing prayer..Lord we thank you for the grace to study your word for our edification. We pray that you will keep us strong in you no matter how Satan tries to dissuade us. We beg you to keep us faithful to the end. Help our heart to resist the false news, and also help us to react positively to the backsliding of believers, so that Satan will not use such news to make shipwreck of our faith. Thank you for answering our prayers. In Jesus mighty name we pray...Amen..
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roarfoodie-blog · 8 years
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WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS! New Year New You! Well what about the kids!! Its great to start taking control of your own nutrition… but what about your children’s? Did you know that children should consume a maximum of 3 teaspoons of sugar daily! Yet in an average glass of orange juice there is over 8 teaspoon’s. You think you are giving your children so called healthy snacks by offering them store bought flavoured yoghurt, juice, “healthy” muesli bars, cereal, bread (all bread is filled with hidden sugars – unless you bake your own) and then to top it off you treat to them a milo or ice-cream before bed = SUGAR OVERLOAD. It’s now scientifically proven that sugar is carcinogenic and causes obesity… not to mention the link to attention disorders! So why are we fueling our children with such poison! Why are we letting the food industry with its food like products rule us, and brainwash us to think that these foods are ok! For those of you wanting to take the leap of faith and try and reduce sugar in your children’s diet… first of all CONGRATULATIONS! Wanting to change is the first step in the right direction. Secondly… hang in there. It isn’t easy to wean your children off the highly addictive affects of refined sugar! But with persistence and perseverance it will pay off. Did you know that sugar is more addictive than cocaine! WT! And we feed our children this on a regular basis! So where do you start??? You start small… that’s where you start. •You let your pre-bought packaged food run out, and you don’t go running to the store to replace them when they do run out. •You cut up an orange and let your child eat the fibrous fruit instead of pouring juice from a bottle! •You replace milo with Mummamara’s Smoothie recipe (see below) •You offer sorbet instead of ice-cream, or make your own freshly squeezed fruit icy poles (my smoothie recipe also makes for a great icy pole recipe) •You make your own muesli bars - a fun day in the kitchen with kids! •Or better yet, offer the kids veggie snacks to eat – dipped in hummus •You make homemade popcorn instead of store brought chips •You give them bacon and eggs (real food) instead of prepackaged cereal for breakfast. The below smoothie recipe has become a winner with my kids… I started making it on milk first, then changed the milk to half coconut milk/half coconut water and after time I was able to make it on full coconut water (time =meaning 3 months) Now my kids are use to the flavour I get creative and add lots of things… like flax seeds and chia seeds and raw protein powder. KIDS CHOCOLATE SMOOTHIE RECIPE You will need a high-speed blender, thermomix or nutribullet. In a blender add: •1 large ripe banana (the riper the sweeter they are, and the more cancer fighting properties they have) •2 -3 medjool dates - pits removed (depending on how sweet you want it will depend on how many you use) * please get medjool dates, these are the ones found in the cold fruit & veg section of your super market. They are fresh, super plump and moist. If you cant get medjool dates you will need to soak dried dates in hot water for at least 20 mins prior to using. •Small handful baby spinach (start with a few leaves and work your way up) •6 raw almonds •1 tbs avocado (again, start with a small amount and work your way up as your child gets use to the flavour) •1 heaped tbs raw cacao powder (please note: cacao and cocoa are different. They do taste similar, but cacao is full of nutrients and cocoa is full of nothing!) •150ml coconut water (you may want to start with milk until your child gets use to the flavour then slowly transition to coconut water) •6-8 ice cubes (you will need ice to break down the fibers of the fruit and veggies etc.) Then blitz in your blender until completely smooth. I make mine in a thermomix Speed 10 for 1 minute.
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carefulfears · 1 year
And my girl Scully figured out that Diana and Phoebe were abusive to him and that’s why she was ready to disintegrate them with whenever they breathed Mulder’s air iktr. (Also to me that’s part of the reason Mulder was oblivious and defended them, people who are in abusive relationships are not always aware of it)
YUPP you’re literally dead right, anon, in my opinion. it really bugs me when people talk shit about mulder for “trusting” both phoebe and diana, as though that’s not like…the only thing he’s been taught to do.
i’ve been thinking a lot about the difference between scully’s reactions to phoebe vs. diana. when phoebe showed up, scully had only known mulder for a few weeks. and still she knew almost instantly that something wasn’t right.
i didn’t notice until i rewatched fire the way that she never leaves him alone with her. if mulder and phoebe are working on something, you can see scully. against the wall, peeking around the door, pacing in the hallway. he tells her that she’s “off the hook,” that he’s not going to “put her through this” with “phoebe’s little mind games,” and she takes it upon herself to investigate phoebe’s case herself, until she solves it and phoebe can go the fuck home.
girlbosses catch serial murderers singlehandedly to get their best friend’s shitty ex away from them.
when phoebe was around, scully is passive aggressive as hell. constantly hanging around and making little quips and mocking her accent.
when diana shows up? five years later? she’s just aggressive.
she said nah, we aren’t doing this again 😭😭
(one of my favorite scully moments is when she snaps “and not just because i think that woman is a….well, you know what i think that woman is” and mulder is just like “no you hide your feelings sooo well” lmfao)
i really do think meeting phoebe so early in their partnership informs a lot about the way scully reacts to his exposure and relationship to other people throughout the series. she really doesn’t trust a soul around him.
i always think of this line from madness by kittenscully (a post-syzygy fic, addressing the detective white incident):
“A surge of righteous indignation at the notion makes her sit up straighter, and she bites her tongue to avoid a very unpleasant comment from slipping out. As always, she thinks of Phoebe, of his wide, trusting eyes.”
diana was scary levels of manipulative and violating. but diana loved mulder, scully knew that and used that to plead with her in the end.
phoebe didn’t care about anything but playing with fire. she got off on scaring him, crossed state lines just to fuck with his head and hurt him, just like in their relationship a decade earlier. mulder knew this, he knew from the start what she was doing and what she wanted, and he helped her anyway. he praised her anyway. he connected with her and invested in her anyway.
y’all know i’m always thinking about the script note about phoebe’s coldness “eliciting some old need in him to have her affection.”
by the time diana came back around, scully had sat on the floor of a hotel and watched phoebe smile and shake hands with bureaucrats while mulder couldn’t breathe.
scully had stood in the next room when his questions to his mother got him little more than a slap to the face.
it’s different with diana because there’s a lot more history and connection there, and because at that point there is heartbreak and jealousy on scully’s side (when phoebe was in town, she hung around in doorways. when diana reaches for mulder’s hand, she turns around and holds back tears in the car.)
it’s a difficult position for both of them. he doesn’t know how to do anything but appease and trust and be loyal, to help whoever asks. he doesn’t care if it hurts him, he’s been groomed his whole life for that, to feel like he deserves it.
it makes scully crazy. he’s her best friend. she can’t believe anyone would look at that kind of softhearted hope and want to exploit it or crush it, rather than look up to it, follow it, nurture it.
and it hurts!! it hurts to watch him fall back into these traps, and especially with diana, it hurts to feel that your input and relationship doesn’t matter enough to have influence. to not be listened to, to feel like you’re not being chosen.
she doesn’t know that he went to search diana’s apartment after she told him not to trust her. she just heard, “i know her. you don’t. scully, you’re reaching.” and watched him leave.
it’s just this perfect crossroads of each of their most vulnerable spots. scully wants to protect him, always, and she also wants to be chosen.
mulder has to stand by his allegiances, to seek ‘affection’ in cruelty, to play his role in the larger scheme. this is what CSM knew when he recruited diana into the conspiracy, and he knows because he “created” it.
you can’t judge either of them, they’re both following their natures, and furthering the narrative they were chosen for.
(until scully stands in front of diana and begs, “i just want you to think…stand there in front of me, look me in the eye”…and breaks the whole thing down.)
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nijjhar · 4 years
Mark 16v9-15:- Unlike the Scriptures, Gospel is always received on an in... Mark 16v9-15:- Unlike the Scriptures, Gospel is always received on an individual basis through logical reasoning. Holy Gospel of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., delivered by the First Anointed Christ = Satguru of the highest living God Elohim that dwells within our Temple of God called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” according to Saint Mark 16,9-15. When Jesus and not the Title or the Innerman Christ (Spiritual) that you cannot see but perceive through the third eye of logical reasoning, had risen, early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had driven seven demons of Menorah rituals, the superstitions as the seven vats of wine were laid at Cana marriage. That is, she was set Free of the dead letters, the Scriptures and the superstitions, which is old wine that was rinsed out of the stone vats, our physical body, the Temple of God that has no place for rituals/superstitions and the Temple of God was prepared at Cana and then filled with freshwater (of the heart of a little child) to the brim, a new skin free of the Scriptures and the superstitions ready to receive the New Wine of that Jesus was the Fountain. Thus, unless you wean off the dead letters or Scriptures that can confuse you, you cannot be a vessel ready to receive the New Wine. That is why Jesus said, “When you go on the Preaching Tour, do not take any money in your pocket (Ananias and Sapphira), no two tunics and no Scripture, the Bible in your hand as the Gospel gets written over your own heart through logical reasoning that Brews Logo, which is His Word, the Oral Torah. Otherwise, the skin will burst with confusions as these dead in letters University Professors are in comparing what is written here and there; what applies to the flesh, just the opposite to Spirit. Or Jesus to protect the House of His heavenly father Yahweh, the outer Temple, he made a whip to flush the traders out whilst in Elohim, the Holiest of Holy that had Curtain around it, he Preached to turn the other cheek. She went and told his companions who were mourning and weeping. When they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her, they did not believe even though they saw Resurrection of Lazarus, a Friend of Jesus, earlier. How could they be surprised? They were not surprised but they cannot proclaim that fact unless they themselves see Jesus alive. After this, he appeared in another form to two Friends/Labourers and not the once-born Disciples of them walking along on their way to the country to Emmaus. They returned and told the others, but they did not believe them either unless they see him in person themselves. In Jesus, what comes out of your own mouth that matters. So, how could they tell others that Jesus had risen unless they themselves see him? That is, we do not believe what this book or that man says but what we ourselves have reasoned home, we say. (But) later, as the eleven were at the table, he appeared to them and rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart because they had not believed those who saw him after he had been raised. This is corruption by the Messianic Jews. He said to them, "Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every person and not the creatures such as animals. The Gospel of our living Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. is by His grace only. So, Gospel is not taught like the Scriptures but understood through logical reasoning." JESUS HAD NO ONCE-BORN DISCIPLES BUT THE TWICE-BORN LABOURERS. His twice-born Labouring Solitary Brethren/Friends called “Talmidim or Sikhs” and not the once-born natural disciples of the crook Rabbis who disciplined them through the moral laws of Moses. THE GOSPEL IS CALLED “LOGO” AND LOGO IS THE EXTRACT/NECTAR OF “LOGICAL REASONING” – SATGUR PARSAD. Once-born people are incapable of logical reasoning and, therefore, the logo is for the twice-born people of discerning intellect called the “holy spirit”, surtti or “common sense”. So, if you want The Gospel, then you must think logically over your own heart. Thus, listen to everyone and ponder over it logically in your own heart. Then, the Gospel would be written over the living tablets of heart – 2corn 3. Scriptures, the dead letters are “deadly poison” to The Gospel. Scriptures, the “dead letters” that the once-born people are taught in the universities and colleges, they are “old wines” or “milk for the babies”. This is the Jewish leaven which Jesus forbade. The twice-born people of “discerning intellect” are like the “birds of the air” capable of “logical reasoning” to brew the “New Wine” within their own hearts. For this, you need to be “impartial and unbiased” as the little children are. University degrees in “dead letters” will turn you into a super donkey. “Letter killeth, the spirit giveth Life”. Youtube Video on Son of God:- Son represents Father, so in Jesus, we are the sons of Elohim and we should display His qualities for Salvation. https://youtu.be/dQ8pSqeFjQw
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
A Glimpse at Simple Homesteading Life in the 1800s
By Kathy Belt – In the September/October 2012 issue, a reader wanted to know what homesteading life in the 1800s was like. Here’s my reply. I am a bit of a history nut. I have spent many years engaged in accurate historical re-enactment. (Think Ren Faire but with no turkey legs.) So your question about what simple homesteading life in the 1800s looked like prompted me to write.
First—when talking about life in the 1800s, do you mean the early 1800s? Before the advent of canning, telegraph, railroads, and sewing machines? Or are you talking late the 1800s? If the latter—just talk to any member of an Amish community about their simple homesteading lifestyle. If you are talking about the early 1800s—that’s a completely different matter. I would recommend visiting historic Williamsburg, Virginia.
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There are numerous diaries that have been left behind by the folks who “traveled West” and the hardships of simple homesteading they endured; as well as diaries of those who “stayed behind” in the civilized world of chamber pots and chimney fires. Reading these diaries gives a very good insight into how people lived.
Are you interested in the day-to-day life of agrarian people as opposed to those who live in the city? If so—I recommend becoming a homesteader without electricity, power tools or indoor plumbing.
Also take away modern medicine, familiarize yourself with a healing herbs list and learn to recognize gangrene. Go to the grocery store for only flour, coffee, and sugar. Grow your own linen (hemp is preferable to flax for durability and comfort), and wool. Simple homesteading of this era means you learn how to knit, spin and weave, and use only your own feet (or those of a horse) for transportation. Dig your own well, do your own blacksmithing and starve in the winter when you’ve had a bad crop year.
If you truly want to try life in the 1800s, be expected to have 18-20 children, all born at home, and have half of them die before the age of five because of dysentery, typhoid, scarlet fever or measles. Be prepared to get up with the sun and read by the light of your drafty fireplace. (Yes, the Franklin stove was invented in the late 1700s, but it weighed so much, most folks who went west didn’t take it with them. Of course, if you stayed in one of the “big” cities, you would have access to whale oil or kerosene for your lights.)
Be prepared to slaughter pigs and use everything except the “oink.” (Think pickled pig’s feet.) And you had better spend all day Sunday at church.
Let’s see—what else—oh yes, hygiene. It didn’t exist. There was usually a pan with water in it (that you carried from the well in a bucket) for rinsing your fingers before meals and washing your face in the morning. Everyone washed in the same basin of water. There was one bathtub full of water that everyone used for their Saturday night baths.
And ladies—would you like to know the origin of the phrase “on the rag?” Just one of the many uses of the rag bag. I heard a nurse tell a story that happened in 1950. An old “bachelor farmer” came into the hospital and had to have both pairs of long johns cut off him. He had had them on so long, his hair was growing through them.
Babies wore cloth diapers (if they wore anything at all) and the diapers had to be boiled before hung on the line to dry. Yes, even in the winter. You’d hang them out so they froze, take them down and snap them so the water crystals would fly out, then bring them in and hang them from rope you strung from one side of the house to the other.
Clothes for the rest of the family? One dress for momma for church, and one dress for the rest of the week. One pair of pants and a shirt for poppa for church, and one outfit for him for the rest of the week.
The rest of the simple homesteading family— hand-me-downs. Clothes were remade and remade and remade until they ended up in the rag bag. Remember those funny pictures of baby boys wearing dresses? Yup! The ultimate in recycling. By the way ladies—there’s no underwear from the waist down—but there are chemise, corsets, corset covers, and then a blouse on top, and the skirts were multi layered—up to 16 layers.
Animal husbandry for simple homesteading? You’d better like being pecked by chickens, trying to solve mastitis without antibiotics, treating thrush (on your horses feet) with iodine, and trimming the hooves of everything that walks. Roosters need their spurs clipped, dogs need their claws shortened and so do cows, goats, horses, sheep and just about anything else you can think of except fish.
Don’t forget you should not drink water that is “downriver” from where the animals drink. And if you want your animals to work for you, they need to be fed before you are. You had better have good neighbors to swap seed and semen with. Remember, this is before artificial insemination and top seed companies. And animals are dangerous. Just because they are cute, doesn’t mean they are safe. Horses kick and bite. Bulls can gore you. A pig will eat you. Roosters’ spurs are sharp. I do hope you know how to sew up cuts and have alcohol (that you made yourself) to wash out wounds.
Housing. If you are living like a “pioneer,” expect a drafty cold house with snow on the bed, no glass in the windows and two rooms. One room is the bedroom, the other is for all other functions, including mending the harness, sharpening and oiling your tools, spinning, and weaving, cooking and relaxing in the evening.
If you were smart, you put in a loft (heat rises). Up there you will find two beds. One bed is for mom and dad and the baby, and the other bed is for everyone else. Half the heads on the pillows at the “head” of the bed and half the heads on the pillows at the “foot” of the bed. The bed will have ropes tied about every foot going across, and three or four ropes going from head to food. This is your “box spring.” Your mattress will be a piece of thick cloth (ticking) that is stuffed with straw or corn husks or something of that ilk. The featherbed (if there is one) goes on top to keep you warm.
If you are “city folk,” instead of simple homesteading you’ll have curtains around your bed to help keep body warmth in. You might be smart enough to make a house that has good chinking between the logs. In which case, you have to worry about “cabin fever”—which is really another name for carbon dioxide poisoning, because you haven’t opened the door enough to bring in oxygen after the fire and all the people use it all up.
Here’s something else you can do in your spare time—boiling the horns from the cows so they can be flattened and used to make into spoons and the “glass” in the lantern. That’s after you oil and mend all the harnesses, clean all the glass lanterns of their soot, and drop a live chicken down the chimney to break loose all the creosote. (Yes—I know folks who do it.)
Cooking. If you are living “out west,” you’ll be using dried buffalo dung for fuel. If you happen to live where there is plentiful wood, you get to chop down trees. As in, with an ax. There are saws, but most of them take two people. Look up bucksaw and “Swede” saw. Then you hitch up your horses to haul it out of the woods, chop it into smaller pieces, stack it and haul it into the house whenever you need heat. (Cooking, keeping warm, keeping the wool warm so it will spin, etc.) Ten cords of wood should last you a winter. A cord is 8′ x 8′ x 4′. With a chainsaw it takes me two weeks solid to cut 10 cords.
And the only food you have is what you grow or kill. If there is a drought or a flood, or the locusts hit your garden, or you get sick and can’t carry the water from the well to water the garden, you’re going to go hungry. By the way, you will probably only have two or three metal pans, a Dutch oven (or something that can be covered with coals), a frying pan and a boiling pan. (For 17 people, remember). In simple homesteading, lots of cooking is done in crockery or wrapped in leaves and stuck in the coals.
Expect to eat a lot of soup, especially for breakfast. And if it’s before the time of Napoleon, nothing canned. It’s all fresh, dried, salted, or fermented (think sauerkraut). Hopefully you have dug yourself a well wide enough you can keep stuff cool if you don’t have a springhouse or a root cellar. One of the reasons to make cheese is to use up all the milk you ended up with by milking by hand—after you weaned the calves. Another chore that isn’t fun—flour. If you grow your own grain, you’d better know the difference between a snath and a blade and how to sharpen the latter.
Have we talked about shoes yet? Before the American Civil War, there were no “left” and “right” shoes. Or rather, they weren’t made that way, but after wearing them often enough, they developed “left” and “right.” The country songs that talk about getting a “brand new pair” when the kids go off to school is pretty accurate—for the 20th century. Before that, you went barefoot most of the year. If you lived in the city and were a lady, you had satin slippers to go dancing in. Yes, satin material. No insole. No sole. Just a piece of satin material sewn into a slipper shape.
By the way, did I discuss disease yet? You know all those vaccines that are pushed on you as a child? All those were diseases that killed or crippled. Polio, measles, mumps, chicken pox, small pox, influenza, diphtheria, tetanus, typhoid, whooping cough, trench mouth, milk fever, goiters, warts, and worms. All those and all the “little” problems that we face such as arthritis, heart attacks, and diabetes, were out there with no cure. But there was opium!
Because of the high death rate among children, the “average” lifespan was 35. If you survived childhood, you had a good chance of living to be 60 or even 70. But by that time you were so worn out by all the work, you were ready. By the time you were 40 your skin was very wrinkled, you had lost most of your teeth, and every joint hurt—all the time.
Yup, life in the 1800s: the “good old days.” I’ll stick with homesteading today.
Two of my many sources are: America Eats, by Williams Woys Weaver, Museum of American FolkArt, Harper & Row Publishers, 1989 Everyday Life in the 1800s, by Marc McCutcheon, Writers Digest Books, 1993
Originally published in Countryside January / February 2013 and regularly vetted for accuracy.
A Glimpse at Simple Homesteading Life in the 1800s was originally posted by All About Chickens
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Proper Childhood Feeding
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Proper Childhood Feeding
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Copyright 2005 Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.
Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D, M.H., HMC
A lifelong legacy of good health emanates from the institution of correct feeding practices at birth. Unfortunately, in this era, feeding children in accordance with Nature’s dictates has fallen out of fashion.
Good parents make every effort to provide for their children materially and to orient their moral compasses. But their nutritional guidance responsibility is often neglected. As a result, many parents unwittingly subvert their offspring’s health and human potential. Proper feeding not only benefits the child in the immediate sense, but also serves as a paradigm the child is likely to adopt and pursue throughout his or her adulthood. Proverbs 22:6 teaches: “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
For the most part, disease is not, as is popularly thought, a direct outcome of microbial infection; rather, it’s the result of disregarding one of Nature’s primary laws: Human beings have an inherent relationship with those fundamental elements necessary for life: proper diet; pure water; fresh air; adequate sunlight, exercise, warmth, rest and sleep; emotional harmony; proper posture. Disease is an outgrowth of a deficiency or excess of one or more of them.
Violation of this law leads to the two primary roots of disease: autotoxemia and enervation. Autotoxemia is a polluted state of the internal milieu. This toxic burden impedes all bodily functions, including elimination, and so increases and perpetuates itself. Enervation is a state characterized by depletion of nerve force and reduction of the body’s resistance to infection. These two conjugated factors fuel each other and constitute the primary disease state. Acute ailments such as colds and flu as well as chronic ailments such as recurrent middle ear infections, diarrhea and eczema are secondary effects of this primary state.
When systemic level of toxicity surpasses the body’s threshold point of tolerance, a crisis of toxemia ensues. Medical science classifies these crises as acute “diseases,” according to their unique symptom complexes (e.g., bronchitis, colds, flu, pneumonia, etc.).
In reality, these crises are the body’s urgent efforts toward elimination of toxins. The crisis of toxemia continues until the level of toxicity has been reduced (via sweating, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, nasal drainage) to below the threshold point of tolerance, after which it subsides as naturally as it arose. However, if drugs are used to suppress toxic discharges, the poisonous matter (which the body is seeking to expel) is forced away from eliminating organs and secreting surfaces, and forced deeper into the tissues which further lowers the body’s vitality, setting the wheels of chronic disease in motion.
In this era, traditional naturopathic knowledge regarding childhood feeding has fallen into near-total obscurity. Harry Benjamin, N.D. writes in Everybody’s Guide To Nature Cure (1936): “Parents assume that the children’s ailments of today are something inevitable. So they are –if children are fed as they are today.” The import of this observation has increased exponentially in this ubiquitous junk-foods era.
Aliveness is dependent upon what naturopaths refer to as vital force and Chinese medicine calls chi. Vital force is the fundamental energy sustaining life and is present in every cell’s vibratory, biological process. The Chinese feel that a large proportion of vital force is liberated from food upon digestion and assimilation. Thus, the quantity of vital force—the very force that is the impetus of growth and development—is dependent upon our food’s quality.
Medical science now clearly acknowledges that childhood diet is a critical factor in adult health. A recent study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that weekly servings of French fries to girls between the ages of 3 and 5 significantly increases their risk of developing breast cancer later in life.
By now, the link between improper childhood feeding and lifelong obesity with all its associated health risks (e.g., diabetes, heart disease, cancer) is well-established. Astonishingly, 60% of American children are obese (i.e., over 30% of body weight is fat). Unlike adults, a child’s body, when challenged by an excess quantity of fat, creates new fat cells rather than relying upon the storage capacity of pre-existing cells. At maturity, the number of fat cells is fixed and can never be reduced. Normally, the adult body contains 30 to 40 billion fat cells. Adults who became overweight as children may house as many as 90 to 120 billion fat cells.
In cases of childhood physical illness and behavioral dysfunction, a pivotal and often overlooked factor is improper diet. In the digestive system, intestinal villi represent a type of “root system” charged with absorbing nutrients from the small intestine and transporting them to the blood. Like a plant, the integrity and vitality of the human organism is largely dependent upon its root strength and the quality of accessed nourishment.
Poor nutrition directly contributes to behavioral- as well as physical dysfunction in a variety of ways. Vital nutrient deficiency is an obvious one. For instance, zinc-deficient children are not only immunologically compromised, they are also subject to learning disabilities, moodiness and proneness to violent behavior.
Proper childhood feeding actually begins before birth. William Howard Hay, M.D. writes in Superior Health Through nutrition (1891): “As we eat, so are we. We die, cell by cell, every day of our lives and, cell by cell, we are recreated. We not only have the means of proper re-creation in our hands through our manner of feeding, but also original creation [of cells] depends largely on the state of the mother’s chemistry.” Thus, the importance of optimal prenatal nutrition cannot be overemphasized. For many children, a pattern of food allergies, obesity and chronic unwellness is institutionalized before they are even born
Mother’s Milk
Human milk meets the infant’s special growth requirements. To accommodate evolving nutritive requirements, both composition and volume of breast milk change as the infant matures. Each species’ milk is adapted precisely to the specifications of its own young. Accordingly, vast differences exist between nutrient profiles of human milk and those of other species. For instance, human milk contains 1% – 2% protein as opposed to the 3.4% protein-content in cow’s milk.
Importantly, human milk’s amino acid composition is ideally suited to facilitate the great degree of brain growth that occurs in a child’s first year of life. Cow’s milk, on the other hand, is structurally adapted to rapid development of muscle and bone mass rather than brain tissue (adult cows have relatively small brains).
Whether milk or soy based, commercial baby formulas are a highly problematic substitute for mother’s milk. Commercial formulas evoke diverse allergic reactions which often affect digestive function. Formulas generally provide difficult-to-digest proteins (more than baby can absorb), giving rise to putrefying accumulations in the bowels. Also, undigested protein can enter the bloodstream which causes distal-site inflammation and elicits adverse immunological responses.
Mother’s milk contains only one type of sugar: lactose. Artificial formulas are laden with refined sugars such as sucrose, maltose and dextrose which tend to ferment in the child’s digestive tract, interfere with the digestion of formula protein-content and lay the groundwork for many catarrhal disorders associated with childhood, including chronic ear infection, tonsillitis, croup and colic.
The Nursing Mother’s Proper Diet And Lifestyle
Despite breast milk’s superiority to the milk of other species and to commercial formulas, this does not mean that all breast milk is of good quality. Quality of breast milk will vary in accordance with the quality of mother’s diet and lifestyle. A healthy, thriving child is most likely the product of a nursing mother’s lifestyle that is characterized by: proper diet; adequate fresh air, exercise, sunshine, rest and sleep; emotional balance; avoidance of negative influences.
The nursing mother should eat a high water-content diet consisting of large quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables and comparatively smaller quantities of whole grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, fish, skinless chicken and turkey. She must also avoid all common allergenic foods (e.g., dairy, wheat, peanuts, etc.) and rotate moderately allergenic foods such as corn and eggs on a four-day schedule.
The Three Feeding Periods Of Childhood
Ideally, childhood feeding should consist of three clearly demarcated phases:
1) Breast milk period: breast milk is taken along with supplemental fresh, raw fruit and vegetable juices.
2) Transition period: intermediate-phase when the child takes both breast milk and proper solid foods.
3) Post-weaning period: the child subsists on a diet similar to that of adults.
Ultimately, the best way to ensure a child’s physical and behavioral integrity is through careful and knowledgeable implementation of each phase. For example, a common feeding error in infants is the premature introduction of starches. Starches do not occur in breast milk and infants are unable to digest it.
Starch digestion begins in the mouth as saliva contains the starch-splitting enzyme salivary amylase. Noted naturopath Paavo Airola, N.D. writes in Every Woman’s Book: “Salivary amylase will not be present in a child in any appreciable quantity for at least 6 months. Another starch-digesting enzyme secreted by the pancreas is also not present in sufficient amount to digest starch….The baby’s digestive system is not equipped to efficiently digest starch foods until 1-year or longer, and therefore, he should not be fed starchy foods for at least that long.”
It’s common practice for mothers to introduce cereals to 4-month-old infants. This crucial feeding error may impact the child’s health for the rest of her life. Herbert Shelton, N.D., founder of the Natural Hygiene System, writes in The Hygienic Care Of Children: “The present widespread practice of feeding cereals, baked potatoes, bread and other starch foods to babies is responsible for much illness in them. Indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, colic, skin rashes, tonsillitis, etc. are chief among the outgrowths of such feeding.” I have always advised mothers against feeding starches to babies until they are at least 14-months-old.
Clearly, investing in a child’s future must go beyond a college education fund to include parental investment of time and effort to learn about and implement optimal prenatal and childhood nutrition. In fact, it is one of the most important gifts a child can receive.
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carefulfears · 1 year
very hung up on the first thing that mulder says about phoebe being "she was brilliant. i got in over my head. and, uh, paid the price."
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carefulfears · 1 year
Is there anything sexier than Scully going scorch the earth to protect her idiot (affectionate)? No, the answer is no.
NOPE no anon there is not!! she's so funny for it too. she's 5'3 in heels but she'll fucking KILL you.
i adore this about her so much because he always just kind of takes everything in strides and it doesn't seem like any of it bothers him, but she doesn't care. she'll tell you she hopes you fall and die. she'll threaten to put a mark on your permanent record. she'll scream that she's gonna gas you into hell. she'll SNATCH you and throw you against the back of a police car. she never runs out of professional and proficient ways to say "fuck you! let him look for mothmen!" and still maintain dignity.
serial killers: 0
dana scully after you're mean to her bf: 12
it reminds me of something i read once in i think ellen bass's book? that said that anger is a tool of healing because it tells you that you're worth being angry over.
mulder is generally unaggressive and tends to accept any treatment and come back for more (children weaned on poison etc etc) and from the very beginning scully is shadowing behind saying, no. this isn't okay.
she feels such a responsibility to shield that vulnerability and compassion and hope that's in him, and it's one of the most moving things about the show to me. it would be so much easier for her to just not bother, to let the world touch him unrestricted, maybe it'll toughen him up like everyone else thinks. she wouldn't have to worry so much, she wouldn't have to fight so hard, she wouldn't have to deal with so much.
but it's never an option for her to do anything other than push back, because these things in him that can be so frustrating are also so special to her. he is so special to her. she really does share him with the world only reluctantly. there's something there that should've broken, by now, and she doesn't want to see him lose it.
she can't keep him from running out into the world, she can't keep him from facing the truth of it (or the lies), but she also can't help but give them hell in return.
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