#children’s soap opera
canmking · 6 months
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G r a n g e H i l l
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lorillee · 11 months
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ive always Loved how the sprite mannerisms in ace attorney a lot of the time are visual indications of the impact that characters have had on each others lives, absorbed habits stemming from significant relationships, and the von karma-edgeworth family is, naturally, no exception - if anything, they're the one of the most notable examples. something in particular i always found kind of interesting was how miles & franziska both have this shared habit of bowing/curtseying that manfred, notably, does not. of course, a gesture like this implies some amount of deference or respect - something that manfred is... also notably lacking in. so the question becomes, where did they get this? anyways you can imagine how i felt re: the implications of this when i realized miles had gotten this particular mannerism from gregory
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mimi-0007 · 1 year
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My favorite couple from Pine Valley. Jesse and Angie. I was all in it. 😂 Jesse and Angela "Angie" Hubbard are fictional characters and a supercouple from the ABC and The Online Network daytime drama All My Children. Jesse is portrayed by Darnell Williams and Angie is portrayed by Debbi Morgan.[note 1] Jesse first appeared in Pine Valley in 1981 as the nephew of Dr. Frank Grant, who assumed custody after the death of his sister (Jesse's mother). Angie first appeared in 1982, as the daughter of a well-to-do Pine Valley couple. Shortly after Angie's first appearance on the show, they were paired with one another. Jesse and Angie were best friends to fellow supercouple Greg Nelson and Jenny Gardner. They are daytime television's first African American supercouple, and arguably the two most popular African American characters in soap opera history
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oldshowbiz · 4 months
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doesnotloveyou · 9 months
the best parts of MV continue to be the moments where they have the extremely iconic masculine characters both question and defy toxic masculine norms. for example,
both Rico and Sonny show compassion and sometimes even affection for each other
both Rico and Sonny show it's okay to cry and be vulnerable, and that you shouldn't be mocked for it
both Rico and Sonny treat sex workers as fellow human beings who deserve respect and protection (sidenote: i think the undercover cops relate to the hookers because both jobs require putting on a persona under potentially dangerous circumstances)
Sonny regrets not backing up a friend who came out as gay because he was young and didn't know what to do
Sonny regrets not standing up for a high school classmate who was sexually assaulted and then demeaned behind her back, again because he was young and didn't know what to do
Sonny barely holds back his rage against a man who emotionally abuses his wife
Sonny barely holds back his rage against all abusers, including the couple who exploited a 13yo runaway for their own benefit
Sonny does, for the most part, hold back his rage or seek counsel from a male friend to calm him down (his anger issues needed more attention in the writing imo)
Rico approaches difficult circumstances with calm compassion and a positive mental attitude
Rico makes it clear it is never okay for an adult man to have a sexual interest in teenage girls even when they are asking for it
Rico also makes it clear that a hypersexual teenage girl does not deserve less respect for acting that way
Sonny is continuously nonplussed by LGBTQ people, treating them as equals, and rolling his eyes at cishet who don't like it
Sonny is emotionally devastated over every teenage boy who doesn't make it out of a bad situation
Castillo is gentler with female officers, female victims, and is proud of his wife for marrying again and finding happiness
actually, the biggest deal to me is this reoccuring theme of "forgive yourself for not knowing better at the time."
For instance, Sonny doesn't seem to know how to handle Gina's rape, but in a later season when she is avidly hunting down a friend's rapist Sonny jumps at the opportunity to chase the man down and be extra aggressive. Then in other instances where sexual assault is a topic, Sonny has stronger opinions and stronger reactions. So part of his character is that he learns, but it's usually the hard way and he tends to overcorrect.
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bumblingbabooshka · 17 days
What’s your favorite, most unrealistic or downright ridiculous Tuvok hc?
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For some reason I've always pictured him eating chips with 'chopsticks' (Vulcan word swapped in but we all know) as he watches/listens to some Documentary or History Channel thing Head Empty in his room. He has to destress after work too! He can't spend ALL his time meditating or taking care of plants - Vulcans have to just chill in their rooms sometimes too...but of course he'd never admit to this. BONUS HEADCANON: When he's alone in his quarters he sometimes sings or hums to himself as (he says) a way to focus on whatever he's doing...like a mantra or a chant. The only people who've heard him do this outside family are Janeway (who didn't let him know she knew) and Kes (who said she heard it can be good for plants, while smiling)
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minxallmychildren · 4 months
The full love story of Marissa and Bianca, now all in one long video complete with a happy ending.
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yemme · 4 months
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Riches ~ Sibling Return
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artisticpulses · 9 months
The Downfall of Daytime Television: The Demise of Soap Operas and Their Digital Migration
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The Golden Age of Daytime Television
Daytime television has a storied past, dating back to the early days of broadcasting. In the 1940s and 1950s, soap operas earned their moniker as they were often sponsored by soap companies eager to connect with their predominantly female audience. These early soap operas, aired on radio and television, provided daily entertainment while frequently addressing significant social issues.
Throughout the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, soap operas enjoyed an unparalleled golden age. Shows like “General Hospital,” “The Young and the Restless,” “All My Children,” and “Days of Our Lives” captivated millions of viewers daily. These programs were renowned for their gripping storylines, well-crafted characters, and ability to tackle vital social issues, including AIDS, addiction, and mental health, thoughtfully and compassionately.
The Downfall of Daytime Television
Nonetheless, the turn of the 21st century ushered in a substantial decline in the popularity of daytime television and soap operas. Several converging factors contributed to this decline:
1. Changing Viewership Habits: The emergence of the internet and the proliferation of streaming services gradually prompted viewers to shift away from traditional television. Younger generations, in particular, favored on-demand content over rigid broadcast schedules.
2. Dwindling Advertising Revenue: Traditionally, soap operas relied heavily on advertising revenue, and as viewership waned, so did the advertising dollars. Advertisers redirected their budgets towards more lucrative prime-time slots and digital platforms.
3. High Production Costs: The production costs associated with daily soap operas, including actor salaries, writers’ fees, and crew expenses, remained notably high. This financial burden became increasingly difficult for networks to justify as viewership declined.
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The Digital Migration of “Days of Our Lives”
In a significant and strategic move, “Days of Our Lives,” one of the most iconic soap operas, made a groundbreaking transition in 2021. The show shifted its broadcast platform from traditional television to the Peacock streaming service. This transition was perceived as a survival tactic and an acknowledgment of the changing media landscape.
The decline of daytime television, marked by the cancellation of numerous soap operas and the migration of “Days of Our Lives” to Peacock, reflects the dynamic shifts in the modern media landscape. While the heyday of soap operas may be in the rearview mirror, the genre’s legacy lives on in the hearts of devoted fans and the continued exploration of compelling storytelling in the digital era. The demise of daytime television serves as a poignant reminder that adaptability and innovation are essential for any form of entertainment to survive and thrive in the ever-evolving media world.
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quatregats · 2 months
Finals are nigh I am thinking about the Solomon a Gaenor fic again time is a circle
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soap100drabbles · 4 months
A new fanfic challenge for soap fans!
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Hello, Soap Fans!
What if Maxie Jones fell in love with Harrison Chase? What if Sonny Corinthos finally got a vasectomy? What if Steffy Forrester opened her own fashion house? What if Kate Roberts met Victor Newman and was determined to become his next wife, consequences be damned? What if...?
Yes, there are so many storyline possibilities on the soaps. This is, after all, a genre where literally anything can happen: aliens come down to Earth, people return from the dead, the devil possesses the sainted town matriarch, and more than one family relative suffers from multiple personalities.
And if you're like me, then you have probably imagined a hundred and one different storylines you would love to see play out on your favorite show. Well, now is your chance to share some of those ideas while spreading some much-needed positivity in the fanbase too!
I am inviting all soap fans to check out Soap Drabbles, a new fanfiction challenge where you get to decide what happens on your favorite show! Will you reunite your favorite couple, break up another one, kill off someone in a tragic car accident, and reveal it was the evil twin whodunnit? You have the storytelling power in your pen - or should I say, laptop, phone, etc.?
We're officially launching Monday, February 19th, but I invite you to come and see what we're all about now. Please help spread the word!
Check out the rules & faqs here. Thank you!
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mimi-0007 · 2 years
Debbi Morgan Actress. Tv and movie. Beautiful and talented 🖤🖤🖤
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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Soap operas setting a bad example for the youth in our society.
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henrysglock · 1 year
my favorite thing about ptolemaea as a semi fix-it fic is that. henry isn't that much different. he's just a touch less insane.
he spends a paragraph going "y'know, actually, i think i'm getting too old to be nosy...i think i've had enough excitement for a lifetime after those years i spent in/recovering from the lab..." but then troy walsh shows up to terrorize the Party and he's immediately like "oh? what's this? a chance for me to insert myself in other people's business? sign me up."
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soapoperamen · 1 year
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Cameron Mathison (Ryan Lavery, All My Children)
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