#chill on my man 🤕
screampied · 9 months
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leave sukuna bae alone plz 😭😭😭😭 what tf am i even looking at get that shit AWAY 😭😭😭
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bitterchocoo · 5 months
My first time requesting but I need a part 2 of Kilmer where aventurine adopts the reader (somehow) or gets the reader away from that awful man 🤕 angst with comfort and a bit of fluff in the end if its possible, Thank you!! :) (P.S. I love your works!!)
Aventurine | Child M. Reader (Platonic)
Part One | Part Two (You're here)
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"It's an all-or-nothing surrender!"
No matter how many days, weeks, months have passed. The sight of that serial number on the neck of a young child has sear itself into Aventurine's mind. Images of his own past flashes before his eyes. Those times, those things he went through.. the thought of someone else going through the same thing at such a young age. Sends a chill down his spine.
Every time he ever met the man for business, his gaze would linger on the child much longer than the man he was having business with. That blank expression, those expensive and luxurious clothing on him. Like a little trophy. Just for show. A way for his caretaker--no.. owner to say "Hey! Look at this shiny new toy I got! Isn't he pretty?" Put in a glass box, a collection, a doll being stored on a shelf.
Every time he has to meet up with the man, Aventurine makes sure that he brings gifts. He doesn't mind buying gifts for clients. It's nothing really. Anything to make [Name]'s life more bearable... but his main concern, his main target is the trophy, the doll, the child, [Name]. And evert time he gave [Name] a gift, it's always met by complete silence and subtle glances directed to his owner. As if asking permission to take it.
"See this? This is a limited type of confectionery that everyone in the galaxy simply adores. There are only sixteen slices sold every day. Here, why don't you have a taste?" Aventurine says, his hand gestures towards a plate of slice cake. A very popular, very delicious dessert. One that he hopes the child would take it. [Name] glances over to his master, as if he's silently asking if he could, which earned him a firm nod. "Go ahead, it's rude to not accept gifts."
After contemplating over it, [Name] took a seat next to Aventurine, his hand reaching out towards the dessert plate, with his other hand the child use the utensil to eat his dessert. It was simply divine. It's no wonder this cake is a favorite of the people in the galaxy. [Name] had never tried anything this wonderful before.
The subtle light in the child's dull eyes make Aventurine smile widens.
Anything to make [Name]'s life more bearable.
But even so, these gifts could only do so much.. he needs a plan. A permanent one. But it seems... he doesn't need to think of that anymore...
The "lifeless doll" had taken care of it.
Aventurine merely stare with widen eyes as the boy stood there in front of all of them with handcuffs on his wrist, the usually clean and tidy suit he wore is now messy with wrinkles and splashes of fresh blood, his neat hair now in shambles as he look at them through his hair strands with dull eyes.
As if what he had done didn't face him one bit.
It was a banquet, a normal banquet, nothing special, another day, another business. The waiters and waitresses handing drinks and foods to every patron. A normal business event.
And yet..
It had end in a massacre.
The trial went on and on. the trial took way too long for comfort, for every evidence and every alibi... the child is proven innocent. It took what felt like an eternity to finally gathered enough proof for him to be proven guilty. And yet..
The IPC showed him mercy. Finding it to be such a shame to lose such an asset. The length this boy went through, not breaking character as he slowly make his plan come into fruition.
This "lifeless doll" isn't as lifeless as he make himself to be.
For someone as young as him.. to be able to make elaborate plans and following it through till the end.. and creating evidence and alibies to prove himself innocent, whether if it's fabricated or not...
He's a mastermind.
And the IPC can't simply let such a valuable asset to simply.. cease to exist.
But that smile soon disappears once he heard the sound of someone entering the room, a man that he's well familiar with. There's no mistaken those eyes. He then approached [Name] before kneeling down in front of him.
At a vacant room, [Name] sat on the edge of the bed looking blankly at the wall in front of him, his gaze sometimes shifted between the wall and his still blood stained hands, along with the handcuffs on his wrists. The sight of it could make anyone feel uneasy and squeamish. But to him.. it brought a sense of satisfaction as a ghost of a smile made it's way onto his face. For his plan had come to fruition.
Giving him a sense of comfort he never thought he could ever feel.
"The IPC has pardon your crimes, but of course that still didn't erase the fact you had slaughtered a whole banquet of people... I'm afraid you have to work hard in order to clear your name.."
A soft and warm smile adorn on his expression as he stretch out a hand towards the younger. "In the meantime, you'll be under my care.."
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rosemaze-reveries · 5 months
During an interview, the manor guests suddenly get a question about you. (Part 2)
hello hello! here is part 2 as promised. there are less characters than I hoped to write, but in exchange each blurb is a little longer than pt.1 !
part 1 can be found here
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Q. Could you describe your relationship with (Y/N)?
🦌 Bane rubs his chin, tracing his memory. "Hm... Indeed, I'm familiar with that name. I'd suppose that's someone I knew when I worked for the DeRosses." He crosses his arms with a low, contemplative grunt, as if struggling to remember anything else. "I'd need a photograph." I happen to have a couple on hand, and he takes them gently. A long period of silence follows. After leafing through the photos for some time, he says: "I remember. They were always talking about marriage." With you? "Mm. I was never interested, but I never said no. Eventually I made them a ring from a scrap of iron. I hoped they'd stop visiting me if I satisfied them... It's too dangerous to come to the forest everyday." Then he reaches into his pocket, pulling out a ring of his own. "In exchange, they gave one back." He's been cherishing it all this time, even when he'd forgotten its origin.
🪼 Ivy - "I'm no stranger to feeling like I'm missing my other half, you know. That sense of loss is one of the only constants I have left. (Y/N) fills my emptiness, and without them it increases twofold." I open my mouth to ask, Do you think you could be soulmates? but then my eyes dart to the Yithian and I realize my mistake. Sorry, was that insensitive? Ivy is not amused with my implication that she might be interested in claiming (Y/N)'s soul. "My dear interviewer, I am a scholar, not a monster. Whatever you're insinuating, you're gravely mistaken."
🤡 Joker's face suddenly hardens, in spite of the fragile, twiddling-thumbs demeanor he'd shown me thus far. His hands ball into shaking fists and his lips purse, as if he's psyching himself up for a fight. Are you okay? I ask, preemptively guarding myself with my clipboard. Tears brim his eyes and the strength falls from his shoulders. He mutters out, "All I wanted was to be their sword and shield, their angel of light, and they left me out of my mind. Hahaha... Wanna know the biggest joke of all? I'd let them drive me crazy all over again."
🦎 Luchino's mouth stretches into a lazy grin. "That one's a cutie, eh? Had the pleasure of meeting them yet?" I shake my head, reminding him that (Y/N) is the focus of my current investigation. I guess his laidback attitude fooled me into saying too much. He promptly straightens his back, the smile fading. "Yeah... Yeah, from one researcher to another, I get the intrigue," he says. "But I can't say I fancy another guy using my love as a test subject."
🪞 Mary - "Do you take pleasure in nosing around a lady's private affairs? I'd expect more tact, even for an interviewer." The chill in her tone startles me. I sputter out something in my defense, but Mary huffs and waves me into silence. "(Y/N) is enjoying the privilege of being my right-hand. They're my favorite one so far, too. I dismissed the others without a second thought."
🤕 Naib - "On good terms." Wringing out any insightful answers from this man is tougher than I thought. In hopes of inspiring more of a reaction, I tell a small lie: When I interviewed (Y/N), they described a rather colorful affection for you... Almost immediately, Naib breaks eye contact and crosses his arms. But I still only get a guttural "Hm." in response. Can you confirm if this is true? I press. His answer is, once again, a curt "Hm." (Slightly more affirmative, I would say).
🕯️ Philippe - "My work has always stood as a testament to my love," he caresses the wax figure grafted onto his shoulder, "but shielding someone in life is a far greater challenge than honoring my losses. My worries are endless." Suddenly reminded of his sister's tragedy, I offer a sympathetic smile. Do you believe (Y/N) is in danger? Philippe returns my smile, though I can't make out the intent. "Of course. Evil lurks around every corner. At the very least, it won't reach them while I'm around."
🎭 Sangria - A fond smile graces her face as she recounts her memory. "It was clear to me after some time that I had disastrously entranced them." Then she adds, lightly, "I hadn't meant to, of course. At the time, I thought, I'm not looking for love—no, I'd had enough of it all—but soon, their smile would appear in my mind every time I sang. When someone gives you that much inspiration? You'd be a fool to let them go." She has a playful tone of voice, but I can tell (Y/N) means a great deal to her.
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youremyheaven · 2 months
Well, gurl... his childhood was tough. He’s been grinding since 16, skipped college, and became the family breadwinner. Now, he’s doing way better financially than me, and I have a degree! 😌
He had a wild phase with the wrong crowd and got into trouble, so now he is sticking to solo extreme sports like rock climbing. His life is work, extreme sports, and scrolling online. And his IG story always like 10 updates a day.
He takes great care of his mom and siblings, but he’s all about living on the edge, even if it means getting hurt sometimes 🤕🥺 He’s not scared of death and only goes to the hospital if it’s really bad 😵 So it’s nice to hear your story with your pookie 😄😄 helps take my mind off the extreme stuff my man does 😅
Although he doesn’t always express his love and care through words, he shows it through actions like reminding me to eat healthy, not drink coffee on an empty stomach, and when I’m stressed, he’s there for beach walks, sunsets, and telling me to chill and enjoy life. And intimately he’s got a wild side, and when I say wild, I mean wild wild 😏🫠 Lol
Oppsss sorry for the long yap 😅😅
damn all that Saturn influence creating a difficult early life and affecting his education is very on brand for Shani
wild phase is completely in alignment with both Saturn and Rahu influence
extreme sports is also very Saturnian (bc its self-punishing and extreme, both Saturnian things)
scrolling online and 10 updates a day is so on brand behaviour lmaoooo
its so cute that he's a family man 🥺🥺my pookie is the same way, his parents work but he's mainly the breadwinner for now and his life's goal is to help them retire asap 😭😭he has a younger brother who is in 8th grade and he says he wants him to have everything he didnt have growing up and thats why he works soooo hard 😭😭😭🥺he's such a great son and brother, and he's veryyy elder son🥺coded but he was the only child for a long time so I think that influence is also apparent.
its sooo cute that he does that <333🥺🥺🥺there are many ways to show love and express it,, if someone loves you they'll express it one way or another, so his little reminders and just his being there is soooo wonderful<333
i dont doubt the wild side 👀🥵🥵Saturnian men are absolutely insane. they have a major degradation kink, its not for the faint of heart. spill deets if u want to👀im all ears 😌no pressure tho 🤪
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alyjojo · 4 months
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Thinking of You - June 🤞 2024 - Cancer
Whole of their energy towards Cancer: Page of Pentacles
In the preshuffle I saw a break between you and this person, and the sentiment that you’d like to work things out and move forward, but that they’re a “my way or the highway” sort of person, very arrogant, bossy and demanding - and you can’t really work with that, can you? I’m not seeing the same cards here, but I am seeing Marionette, which shows you feeling controlled by them. If you speak your mind or try to bring resolution, you’re dealing with someone who is going to act out and “punish” you for doing so. Is that who they are or this specific situation, idk, I find it hard to believe this behavior can only be one situation, yanno? So that’s for you to chew on.
I do see them wanting to apologize for whatever has happened, two cards showing an apology here, and it may be a message - along with something. Doing you a favor, offering you something, a gift, some kind of tangible thing you can see or touch. This isn’t over.
Feelings: Death rev
See? Not over. Not to them. This would also indicate there’s been no *real* action taken. So if you live together, they may not be speaking but they’re one room away and don’t intend on actually going anywhere. No effort being made to leave, but there’s no conversation telling you how they feel either - and an apology is pending but not reality, yet.
Intentions: The Moon
Whatever your issue is, they don’t really understand - so them apologizing is kinda pointless but they know it’s what you want and what they have to do to get back into your good graces. Do they mean it? No, not really, they don’t even know what they did wrong. They’re afraid of losing you though. The Hanged Man rev clarifies as like…an *inability* to see outside of their own perspective. They literally can’t. Maybe you went silent and didn’t tell them why you’re upset. The Devil rev is positive though, sorta. Do they have good intentions - yes. Do they have any idea how to fix the problem you have without knowing what that is - no. If you would consider them or something they’ve done/said as toxic, they don’t know that or have no idea how to change it.
Actions: The Fool
They’re just gonna YOLO it, they’re coming back around to try and talk to you, butter you up. Maybe offer you something. Cook you dinner. Take you out. Anything, but again there’s some kind of gift or tangible thing involved. That’s their thing. They want the stress to end, don’t like not speaking, they just want everything to get better and today we start over. Everything is fixed now. I can’t see your perspective with that but that’s their perspective. You’re seeing manipulative and I’m just seeing clueless. Could be, you’d know best.
Their side:
- Boujee
Your side:
- Marriage Material 💍
- Honest!
Possible signs:
Heavy Pisces, Gemini & Virgo
If you’re dealing with:
Temperance shows a chill month with calm and balanced interactions - or that’s the goal. 10 Swords rev underneath could be like playing damage control or trying to put the pieces back together after a difficult situation you or others have endured - which you’re doing successfully. At least you’re not drama, but you can’t help what other people do 🤷‍♂️
Aries - doesn’t come around or make an effort because they don’t see the potential of it going anywhere positive
Taurus - can’t continue moving in a new direction bc they can’t break free from something old
Gemini - there’s unfinished business and a lot of healing that needs to take place here 🤕
Cancer - a secret or hidden information coming out makes the decision they weren’t actively trying to make before - now they can’t
Leo - feels abandoned by you, like you aren’t giving what they are and that the connection isn’t reciprocated, could be financially
Virgo - moving forward in a positive direction, both of you are creating exactly what you want
Libra - quitting something, could happen very quickly
Scorpio - defending flirtatious behavior because they will die being “right” - or switch it - someone isn’t interested in the other’s perspective
Sagittarius - done talking to or having anything to do with you, could be a person firing you - or they’re just…a harsh, sharp talker, greedy, time is money and they’re being rude or calling you out - or switch it 😬
Capricorn - confused about what the decision to make is - regarding everything in their life
Aquarius - cutting through delusion and bs, it would be silly to try and come at them any way but *logical*, if it’s a romantic thing, they think you’re full of bologna or starry eyed over nothing
Pisces - if you’re waiting for this person to grow up, enjoy waiting forever, your version of grow up will never be their reality - 3 Wands rev indicates never
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ujunxverse · 1 year
also I STILL WRITEEE !!! i kinda moved over to twitter/ao3 AND I WENT BACK TO WRITING SHIP FICS TOO FJWKDNBE ive kinda been working on a lot of things but i just 😭😭 cant focus on finishing ONE 😭😭😭
AND TELL ME ABOUT THE TAEHYUNxKAI WIPPPP AND SUNSUN PLSSSSS (ive lost my battle against sunghoon and have... begun to.. 🤒 bias 🤕 him...) AND SK8R BOI CHENJI 😭😭😭I AM HOLDING U TO THAT 😤😤
(I shouldve just dmed this to u fr 😭)
AWWW THAT'S SO GOOD TO HEAR !! honestly i wish i took a gap year before thrusting myself into uni :((( YOU'RE LIVING THE LIFE FR I'M SO JEALOUS AND EXTREMELY HAPPY FOR YOU FR !! CONCERT AFTER CONCERT IS A DREAM ESP IN THIS ECONOMY !!!! also omg you're lucky you get to experience frosh in first year cos it's MAGICAL FR !! like, you'll have the full package experience !! just go to the parties, let loose, and have fun while remembering to always opt out if you don't feel safe !!
LKASJDFLKASJ THE BIG TWO ZERO !!! but nah mad felt this economy is so brutal fr :"(( have you considered like a dorm ?? or does your uni not offer it ?? some of my friends who also went to school in the netherlands did student residence first, then moved out once they were able to get used to the country.
PLS YOU LEFT TUMBLR THAT'S SO GOOD FOR YOU THIS HELLSITE IS A MESS FR !! i tried my hand at ao3 but man idk what about the tagging system bothers me but ig i'm too used to tumblr ugh. LET ME KNOW ABT ALL YOUR WIPS HEHEHHE THIS IS JUST LIKE OLD TIMES FR I NEED TO KNOW BESTIE (also tell me your ao3 rn or else i'll pull up and pop pop skra skra)
omg okok so the gist of the taening fic (greenland is the title lOL) is that hyuka is from a long line of mushers (sledding dog sport) and he's a late bloomer because unlike his siblings, he grew up in hawaii, so he didn't really have time to adjust to the cold weather + has a soft spot for dogs like this mfer feels bad for keeping them on a leash LMAO. taehyun's family are polar explorers so he's used to traveling back and forth between the city and the arctic. absolutely hates it. meets hyuka as a kid and helps out the huening family take care of their huskies cos he's bored and his parents are busy doing science stuff. it's a slow burn f2l tale with soft bean hyuka who cries when taehyun yells at the dogs and taehyun having to remind hyuka that it's literally their job to be sled dogs LOL.
THE SUNSUN FIC AHHH WHERE DO I BEGIN i don't have a title for it yet but it's gonna be a soulmates!au thing where sunoo is literally obsessed with finding his soulmate and sunghoon being skeptical about that shit (this is a world where soulmates are just a superstition). sunoo is a dumbass and tries it all: tarot, crystals, palm reading, chinese numerology, sticks, and basically everything without realizing that sunghoon's right there the whole time. (also an ice skater au where sunghoon gets distracted every time he has to dance with a partner because all he sees is sunoo on his arms)
phew this was long neway may post these on my ao3 too cos ngl tumblr literally hates ship fics LOL
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sungbeam · 2 years
xnonie present !! (i don't think i told u, but u should sing it as "ateez present" whenever u read that btw 😁🫶)
me when ur watching werewolf at night while i'm chilling in ur ask inbox: 🫂 BUT DW BEAM! i say i love horror movies but i scream like those flying goats in love & thunder when there's a jumpscare ✋️☹️
btw i just saw ur response to my other ask & omg ur making kwan cry?!?! beam they literally have a song saying they don't wanna do that how could u ☹️☹️☹️ BUT NEVER FEAR i am one of the biggest consumers & writers of angst & all that dark gritty stuff, so i'll be thoroughly pleased. crying by the end, but thoroughly pleased 🤞😀
also MY picks??? WELL for the ones i gave u, it would beeeee
slow burn/matt, e2l/druig, fake dating/quicksilver (from any universe tbh b/c it can go in different directions from either of them)
theeeen for kpop: slow burn/hanji, slow burn/parkji, and fake dating/jay 💞💞
my other kpop fandoms are... a lot shdksjd but mainly skz, svt, cravity, enha, nct... basically a lot of the groups u write for 💀
as for ggs?? everglow, aespa, twice, rv, nmixx, & a whole lot more i can't name rn LMAO 😭
if u wanna give me an sb/e2l/fd from the bgs i mentioned then that would be cool too LOL
xnonie ur early LOL JKJK (ノ´∀`*) i always go :DDDDD when i see and read ur messages (omg that's practically how i've been reading it in my head anyhow 🤩🤩)
BAHHAHAHAHAHAH DONT MAKE ME LAUGH IN PUBLIC NOT THE GOATS FROM L+T 😭😭😭😭😭😭 im not much of a screamer, i'm more of a sharp intake of breath, tenser-upper, hide behind a pillow type of gal. my brother always tries to scare me cuz he screams really loud when i sneak up on him and i don't, but i really can't *scream* BUT WE CAN HOLD EACH OTHER DURING WBN!! apparently it's only like an hour long?? hm
SHHUUUSH ITS SO FUNNY HOW WILD THE HULKS R 😭😭😭 LIKE UR KIDDING ??!?! OMG I WAS GONNA COMMENT ON MATT FKN MURDOCK'S VIBE AT THE END SKFBKEJF DAD GOING TO A BBQ SO TRUE (´Д⊂ヽ W THE GLASSES TOO BAHAHHAHAH idk bro i kinda vibe w the couple cuz they're like,,, equals? its funny how they've made matt the "low-key enemies 2 lovers, eventual match made in heaven" role that's just so funny to me like nevermind his powers, we'll make him look cool and then he's just there to look pretty 🤩🤩🤩
LMAO ulgo shipji anha who ???? they WILL cry in this one ;))))) that's just what i do. i love making men cry 😁😁😁😁😁 (lmao out of context this sounds so weird) WAIT A DAMN UR A WRITER TOO O_O PLS OMG AND AN ANGST ENJOYER WE LOVE TO SEE IT!!! i'm wondering if i,, , , know u and/or ur content hmph but ik ur on anon for a reason so i will respect that !! if i ever pry tho, pls do put me in my place bc i am incredibly nosy :'D but yes, i agree that angst makes me cry, but i like feeling something 😔😔😔😔
i'd cry if e2l w druig tbh like his MIND GAMES???? i would literally not survive and he would know that i find him painstakingly attractive 🤕🤕🤕 it would just be unfair.
ooh woah cravity !! i've come across a few people who stan them, so u can def suggest some music from them !!
OOP HAVE U LISTENED TO SEULGIS 28 REASONS CUZ SHES SOOOO HAWWWWT 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 my faves rn r anywhere but home and dead man runnin !
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secondhello-moved · 3 years
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Because I brought it up heres the ref for the 3d model, I designed the outfit in one sitting this morning w the goal of like. It being very 3d modeling friendly.
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iz-hoonz · 3 years
#slay ship ur moots with an idol 😋👆
it's here 🤩 thanks luna my bff slayer 4lyfer 💐💐💐
so i won't really ship romantically but maybe more of who i see as the best friends type
@lunaflvms : maybe riki or wonyoung 😋 you and riki would look really cute 2gether especially with your fun personality and his teasing personality. i would cry if i see you two together having fun and all bc ITS SO CUTE TO EVEN IMAGINE 😓😓😓 and wonyoung bc you both are #superslayers and you guys would bitch slap anyone across the face if they talked dirty about your friends 😕
@one16core : hmm maybe sunoo 😇 idk i feel like you guys would fit eachothers personality. both sunshines but don't mess with them 😋💪
@moatrash : HUNINGKAI!! i bet you guys would be an inseperable duo. you guys are always active and you give me baby/maknae vibes 😭😭😭
@juniblvssom : jo yuri! you have this really fun and teasing personality but inside, you really care and won't hesitate to cheer someone up by making them laugh. you give off so much yuri vibes, actually 🤕 you're also very genuine and caring to people ☹☹ also bc you're a wiz*one
@seungstarss : HEESEUNG. NO DOUBT HEESEUNG. not only bc of your user, no. you seem very organized and laid back and is very serious about something they're passionate about. i also feel like you two would be partners in crime 🗯 sei x hee best duo 🗣🗣🗣
@isacoree : yura my beloved!! with.. chaehyun! i was looking around your blog and found chae on your pinned post and thought how well you guys are alike ☹ you're very lovely and kind! love cute stuff as well so they do go with you both <3
@wonjaems : jaemin and jay 😼😼 your user reminded of jaemin and i thought about how cool you guys are 😭 also with jay. you may seem quiet at first but are really fun to talk with!! everything about you is cool and people may find you intimidating 💪 rose is an icon!
@liliansun : my honeybee gets jungwon 🐝🍯!! you seem very responsible and hard working and always gives time for their loved ones. you're really friendly too and you know how to start a convo and not make it uncomfortable 😭 just like how you approached me 😋😋
@juyeooo : my bff hoon, juyo, and wonyo stan 💳💥💳💥💳💥 you give off a ningning or chaeyoung vibe,, ningning bc you're very sweet and friendly 💐 and chae bc you seem like the shy observant type at the same time!! also no doubt you and juyeon would make a cute pair ;)
@viewonz : fav <3 you get liz !! you're very lovely and you type really cutely ☹☹☹ ur blog is really warm and cute as well. oh! and jungwon would fall for someone sweet and comforting just like you 🫂💌
@i-kai : man.. ryujin and ruto (welcome to the teume club <3 !!) you give off cool and chill vibes 😎😎 also no doubt you look stunning and you are very #slayful.
@enhaist : yeonjun 😎😎😎 i bet you guys are gonna make a pretty cool duo too. MAN YOU BOTH LOOK SO 🔥! no other words. self explanatory. these two are the power duo.
@strwbrymlkes : soobin and sheon!!! yes, i see sheon in your pfp and it definitely matches 💐 you seem, fun and bubbly ^__^ not to mention your soft theme too!! i hear blue hour when i enter your blog 🤍
@enloveclub : miyu!! hi!! enha's maknae line (?) you give off all 3 of their vibes honestly 💀 very soft and approachable. i can imagine you guys walking around and giggling like it's so cute i can't 😭😭 there are sparkles surrounding you ^__^ ✨💖
@amakumos : wonyoung!! you're so friendly, bubbly, and sweet >< ! although you may have a different side, you seem like a sunshine 💐💐 oh and junhwan there i see 😼
@giyyuzz : no doubt, jungwon. you seem like the type who someone runs to for comfort ☹ you know exactly what to say and how to comfortably talk to someone 🫂
@acciomylove : rei <3 she's on ur pfp so its meant to be 😱 she's smiling at me.. you seem sweet and shy,, just like naoi ☹☹ always always on my tl 🫂
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ransprang · 3 years
heeey, asking to get an arcane match up.
maybe a mix of sfw and nsfw😎
well for starters I am a female, she/they pronouns, and I go both ways<3
I am a mix between estp and an entp and I seriously can’t tell in between on which I classify to so I just consider myself both, im a april aries, I have Virgin black hair, but dyed the front streaks of my hair blonde because I seriously thought it would look good, I intended it to be white but bleaching hair is hard 💀 my hair is a mid length and I have black eyes.
id be the baddest bitch in the room, I’m mostly an intimidating person, I take everything seriously, and if I ask for answers and I don’t get direct ones i always flip off, I’m extremely impulsive and arrogant, maybe a tad manipulative, but I have a soft side <3 and im also quite a loud person and I consider myself humorous and full of life, well most specifically to a few people only. I’m not really an achiever, Im just there to lead people and sometimes observe.
I like to read, books on fantasy and sci fi, watch movies because I literally have nothing else better to do, mostly marvel films, I do archery and writing if im feeling good. I’m not big on inclusion when it comes to hobbies.
as I said I go both ways, but if I’d ended up dating someone they would usually be men. I’m into smart people, people who know what they are doing, people who devote their time into contributing something for the better good of all people, I’m not big on looks but if someone would have asked me if I would prefer brains or brawn’s I would always go with brains, brainy people are sexy, and if the question would be six pack or dad bod, I would go with skinny and scrawny 🤕
i hate those who don’t put efforts or appreciate anything. honestly. i also despise those who drink black coffee and dark chocolate, I just don’t like those people.
id shower you with praises and physical touch, attention maybe because i would also ask the same thing from my partner, and maybe gifts? But I’m a broke ass bitch so I either get you an expensive ring or a ringpop, it’s like I’m going big or I’m going home, and I just went home
you guys can do whatever you want with the nsfw part, go big or go home
thank you for the request!!
your arcane match up is.....SILCO!!
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- Silco is a smart and capable man. He is also clearly PRETTY dedicated to his cause. So he suits your type.
- He would be super glad that you prefer brainy people since he is insecure about his looks :( please feed him compliments and help him stop using that concealer
- Silco for sure would be into your bad bitch energy. He needs an s/o who matches his intimidating vibe. You both would legit be so cool together. But i could see you both also getting into arguments if you try to lead too much. As long as you’re both leading different things it’ll be chill
- Your impulsive actions would be something silco can handle. If he can handle jinx who is batshit crazy he can handle you! even if you mess up your hair color he’ll still call you beautiful
- Silco would be into reading but probably not the same genres as you. You could convince him to watch scifi with you if you really wanted to.
your not brainy & not brawny girl,
admin sar
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lovinkiri · 3 years
Fluff/humor with Villain Deku this time! Villain Deku’s recent injuries aren’t life-threatening and he’ll recover soon, but he pretends to be in critical pain just to spend time/mess with his Quirkless lover. LoV members watch in either amusement or disbelief as Deku acts out while S/O takes care of him. She feeds him, washes his body, and much more. Deku pretends to be further injured while he’s all smug and happy inside to spending time with a frantic and concerned S/O.
Poor Baby
Author's Thoughts: He would so definitely do this though 😂 Also look at the picture I chose, I'm in love 😩
Warning: Mention of injury, Cussing, etc.
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He thinks of the plan one night when he comes home not injured, but sore
And you're immediately on him
Asking if he needs help washing up, eating, anything
His rosebud was just that sweet
So gets an idea
An amazing idea
One day, he gets into a fight with a hero
And he holds back, allowing himself to get beat up a bit
Then he beats the hero's ass and leaves quickly
Now if this were Yandere Villain Deku he'd let the hero put him in critical condition but anyway
He goes to Lov hideout where you're waiting for him
And you immediately are trying to help him walk through the front door
Thats when he knows his plan worked perfectly
Instead of the usual, assuring you that he's okay
He cringes and holds his ribs
"God, that hurts like hell.."
He watches as you help him to the couch frantically
"Do you need anything? At all?"
"Well.. I am kinda hungry.."
And off you go to get this man some food
The league is watching him in a mix of amusement or agitation
Well Shigaraki was agitated
You come out and without even being asked to, you start feeding him
He pouts like
"You don't have to Y/n" 🥺
"I can do it myself I think" 🥺
"My arms are just a bit sprained" 🥺
But you're like "Oh nonsense baby, I got you"
And just like that, he's being fed
Afterward he decides he wants to take a shower
So you help him to the bathroom
Izuku sticks his tongue out at Shigaraki as you pass, unbeknownst to you
When you get to the shower, you adjust the water for him
"Can you shower with me?" 🥺
"I hate to admit, but I think I need help in here" 🥺
You could never deny that face
So you shower with him, washing his hair and his body for him
He even lets you wash his face which results in some quick kisses
After the shower, you redress him in a t-shirt and some sweatpants
You take him back to the league and kiss his head
"Are you feeling better Izu?"
"A little.. My shoulders hurts though" 🥺
So you get behind him and give him a shoulder massage
"Mmm.. That's nice. Thank you rosebud."
At this point Izuku is rubbing it in the league's face that he has a girlfriend to do this for him
And Shigaraki can tell
"Oh come on, he's fine!"
Izuku's eyes narrow but when you look, it gets soft like 🤕🤕🤕
"Shigaraki, he's in pain! Just chill out and leave him be tonight"
Shigaraki's mouth is agape
And again, Izuku sticks his tongue out
After the massage, you don't leave his side
You two stay in each others arms exchanging quick kisses, nuzzling into one another
This would definitely not be the last time Izuku does this
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bellewritesstuff · 2 years
heyyy i just posted a fanfiction on wattpad, and here’s the preface to it! pls check it out and i hope u enjoy!! 😻
TOMMY WITHOUT HESITATION COULD RECALL THE DAY WHEN HE MET LORELAI FOR THE FIRST TIME. not only because she immediately became one of his best friends, but he would consider it as the best day of his entire life.
it had taken place during one of his unexpected, chill streams on the alt account. he was casually messing around the server while telling some (in his opinion) funny stories, but as the time passed everyone started to get bored.
"let's see if sapnap is down for a round or two games in valorant." he let a small sigh out, before joining the vc with dream, sapnap, and deafened karl. "why the fuck are you two here? can't you just talk to each other in the living room or some shit?"
"hi tommy" dream chuckled as tommy finished his sentence. "we're on a minecraft date, and you're kind of interrupting us right now, dude." the oldest boy added, trying to muffle his laugh.
"eww, man. i'm almost the same age as your younger sister, what the heck?" hearing the unknown voice, tommy shifted his gaze from the game to their discord server (just to check if he had mistaken someone for sapnap). "hello tommy, i'm rory, sapnap's sister. it's a huge pleasure to meet you." the girl added, making his lips curl up into a small smile.
"SEE, CHAT? women love me and think it's a HUGE pleasure to meet me." tommy exclaimed looking into his webcam with a wide grin. "it's a pleasure to meet you as well, rory. down for some valorant?" his voice sounded so pleasantly chill, and calm as he spoke, logging into the riot client.
lorelai genuinely enjoyed tom's videos, especially the ones on his vlog channel. she would watch them every time she felt miserable, because of his friend group's humor. and well, how could she say no?
"under one condition," he hummed in response. "you gotta carry me, cause i'm in a low elo." she added, making him chuckle lightly.
"of course, woman, dream what about y- CHAT, I'M NOT A SIMP STOP WITH THAT BULLSHIT."
it's been a few minutes, and after exchanging riot ids, spending a good two minutes in a queue, they finally started a game. dream decided to stay in a call with the two, muting himself eventually.
"someone take sage, we need sage" an unknown voice spoke in a team voice chat, causing rory to roll her eyes. "then you shouldn't insta lock jett asshole" she spoke annoyed, making tommy giggle a little.
"it's okay, i'll be sage" he locked in, waiting for a girl to pick an agent. "not gonna heal them tho" the boy rolled his eyes playfully.
dnf4life yoo tommy's a pocket sage??
jodienottaken imagine instalocking and then talking about team comp🤕🤕🤕
"your chat is spilling facts" lorelai claimed, locking in raze. "you're watching my stream right now?" he questioned a bit shocked. "yeah, i usually watch you while playing."
"YO GOOD JOB TOMMY!" rory shouted, clapping her hands as he aced the second round in a row. "i didn't expect you to be that good, oh my lord." she exclaimed joyously.
for the chat, it seemed like they'd known each other for a while now, without unnecessary awkwardness in the air, with constant jokes, and good communication during games. for the girl it was like a dream she didn't want to wake up from, playing with someone she felt she clicked with so much was way funnier than playing alone.
"yeah- hahaha, i, i bet it's just luck" he blushed lightly, almost impossible to notice, but some people had, and rory was one of them. "wait i'll revive you" his character placed a wall in front of them, before reviving her.
"thank you!" the girl remarked as she crouched happily, shooting at someone who tried to kill her new friend. "m gonna protect you, tommy, don't worry".
"i am a pocket sage, then." he stated before both of them burst into laughter.
after some won (and some lost) games, he finally ended his stream, making sure that the girl he was talking to earlier, would stay on a call with him. he couldn't know why, but something about her that interested him.
maybe it's because they clicked so fast, or because he hasn't really met any girl his age that he could play games with. it felt like he's known her his entire life, and leaving their call was the last thing he wanted to do.
"hey, um, i hope i didn't make you uncomfortable." tommy mumbled in his normal, non-streaming voice. "if i did, it was unintentional. i had sometimes forgotten that it's our first talk." he added, causing rory to smile.
"ahh, no, don't worry about it." she chuckled. "i had real fun talking to you. it seems so unreal, cause i feel like i've known you since always." rory added, her cheeks beginning to feel warmer.
"THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" he laughed softly, switching his screen to their call. "we've been talking for six hours now, oh my god."
"wait, isn't it 1am for you right now?"
"yeah, but it's okay. i enjoy talking to you" the boy spoke cheerfully, logging into the dream smp (that he made for him and his friends). "by the way, would you like to give me your own discord? so we can talk later?"
and after that, they were talking for the next three hours straight, without a single moment of unpleasant silence. the two would probably be even longer if it wasn't for sapnap who burst into the room, causing them to end the call.
"how long have you been talking?" sapnap asked, looking at his younger sister suspiciously. "you've been sitting here for nine hours straight?" he added in shock.
jodie 💨 | @jodienottaken
ayo is it me or tommy and rory seem like best friends material?
[ 217 likes | 57 retweets ]
🌌 | @lifebythesky
VOUCH!! they're so cute together smh
berry | @karlhonkers
tommy being her pocket sage tho🥺
ro | @abcderory
how did i gain so much followers over a few hours?
oh no, you guys found me already 💀
[ 10k likes | 2k retweets ]
(there’s another 3 parts on wattpad tho so pla check it if u enjoyed it!)
the fanfiction —> here
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jejciu · 2 years
thoughts on opera / theatre?
I hate to b admitting this but I actually don't like theatre!!!!!!! 🤕🤕🤕
It's not exactly bc I think it's bad, or whatever. I'm sure there's a lot of great plays, I don't mind comedy shows or stand ups, I don't think one-man shows are dumb, I don't think theatre actors are any less skilled than tv/movie stars (I actually think the theatrical way of acting has a lot of charm to it). Buuuuuut.... It stresses me out. It stresses me out so terribly. Like all live performances do! I can't help it! I find it so hard to focus on enjoying it bc I keep stressing about the actors making mistake any second. Which is so ridiculous bc even if they do stutter once or trip on stage or whatever, the show will still go on, I won't suddenly be like "so this was a waste of money" or anything. But I still cannot enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!! Even tho I absolutely appreciate the mannerism, the choreography, the makeup & costumes & hair stylists and everything. Well, the only thing about theatre I never ever liked were plays for kids, esp ones using puppets, they always felt so...... Condescendingly childish. To the point where it was just unfunny, and I hated it so much whenever we'd have to watch them on school trips. But I don't know, maybe now those have changed and they're better and not treating children like idiots! I hope so.
I guess I feel a little bit better about opera and other musical live performances for some reason, and I'd love to revisit the opera sometime soon (I think shows should start again in September). These don't stress me out nearly as much and give me the biggest chills. I love musicals! One day it would be so fucking amazing to see some famous shows live, like Chicago or maybe funny face or my fair lady or mamma mia or wicked and others.
Thank u for ur question I hope ur having a fun weekend ❤️😊😊😊😊😊
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