#chilumi - hurt/comfort
rainingskyguy · 7 months
Happy Valentines!
Have an angsty Chilumi letter I wrote for the Teyvat Matchmaker zine!
(It's open access, anyone can read it bc this is my valentines gift for y'all (?))
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guraiuna · 5 months
Ajax, I hardly knew ya'
Tw: angst, hurt/ no comfort
"Mommy, mommy, daddy's back!!!"
Her sweet daughter cheers as she's running towards her, a ecstatic smile plastered on her face.
And Lumine's blood freezes in her veins. For a split second, her face shows her sorrow, her torment.
Then her beloved daughter reaches her and she's back to her usual, kind smile.
"Oh, really, dear?" She asks. "Then lets go outside and welcome him together!"
She's happy and cheerful now. Taking her daughter's hand, the two of them exit the house and wait on the porch.
And when she sees that familiar mop of ginger hair that used to bring a smile to her face peeking out in the horizon, Lumine's heart churns
"Welcome home, Ajax." She utters cheefully from her spot as their daughter makes a run to hug her father, all the while screaming "daddyyyy".
Her husband's instantly face instantly brightens. He kneels in the dirt and catches the little girl in a tight hug.
Lumine finds herself smiling.
Then her eyes meet his over their daughter's tiny shoulders.
And Lumine wants to cry.
Where are the eyes that looked so mild?
She laments as she holds his gaze. His once blue eyes filled with life and laughter now gone. It their place, two lightless orbs rested in his eyesockets. They look like the eyes she once knew, yet Lumine knows–
They are not...
The Ajax she knew had beautiful eyes. Even if he used to argue with her when she voiced her thoughts out loud, admonishing her for being wrong; the one with beautiful eyes was her–
The romantic he was, yet his cheesiness made her laugh as she tried to hide her blush.
They were blue like the ocean and Lumine loved to get lost in them. A calm ocean that swayed her gently as took in all the love he carried for her. Swimming in it.
Now only storms brewed in them–
The calm ocean long gone.
And Lumine misses it everyday.
When he hugs her, Lumine bites her lip to hold back her tears. She can't cry in front of their daughter.
And he knows it.
"I'm happy for to see you home, dear..."
She tells him, her nose buried in his uniform.
She hates that jacket– with all her heart, with all her soul.
That uniform ripped him away from her for years. And that same uniform never gave him back to her.
Even when he did return.
When first you learned to carry a gun
Indeed, your dancing days are gone
Her Ajax used to dance. Dance with her.
Swing her around. Push her and let her go for a split second in which she would feel like she was falling only to be pulled right back to him. Pressed flush against his chest, her heart threatening to burst out of her chest.
Then he would grin down at her, knowing full well how clumsy she was when it came to dancing.
Dramatic and a bit annoying.
But warm.
He was so warm and full of love.
Full of life.
Bright– sometimes even blinding to look at. Just like the Sun above them. And Lumine?
Lumine was his Moon.
Now he only dances on the battlefield, she imagines, surrounded by the corpses of his enemies. And bathed in their blood.
Ever victorious.
After he comes back, he's tired.
No more energy left to swing her around anymore...
He has energy to play with their daughter though. No matter how tired he is, and Lumine is infinitely grateful for it.
Sometimes she sees glimpses of him– of her Ajax who for her is long gone.
Yet her Ajax is still there and he still has love to give. And he gives it fully;
To the battlefield.
And to their daughter.
But then there's no more for her– for Lumine.
And Lumine understands.
She understands why there no more Ajax for her. And she accepts it. It's her duty as a mother; she can't be selfish.
She can't take all his love for herself. She can't hurt her daughter that way–
For there is no way he would abandon the thrill of battle for her.
It's better this way. she tells herself when his hug gives her no comfort; feels mechanic and mandatory, as she's not their daughter.
And she's not the battlefield either.
But she understands...
Except in the few nights when she doesn't understand, when she's wrapped tightly around him, begging him to give some of what's left of his love, of his warmth to her too.
Not for long, she sobs.
Just while they're one. While their souls are unified again. While she can feel his heartbeat against her chest again.
While the heat of his body warms her up from tip to toes. Makes her melt into him as she used to so many times before.
Before the abyssal war took Ajax away from her. Mended him into Tartaglia.
And maybe she's melancholic, maybe she's tired of pretending.
Maybe she's unlovable and her Ajax never existed in the first place–
But she wants her soul to melt into his too. Not just her body. She wants her Ajax to whisk away her pain and longing. Erase any trace of it with that gentle touch her whole being ached to feel again on her skin.
Give his love to her fully. All of what was left of it–
Just in the silence of the night, when there is no one else to give it to.
When there is no thrill of battle.
And no daughter.
She's being selfish- she knows she is from how he looks at her when he hears her.
His lightless blue eyes scolding her for her request.
But he complies nonetheless.
And Lumine breaks into a million mismatching pieces in his arms. Her mind, body and soul in sync weeping for what will never be fully hers ever again.
Her Ajax...
The man she's desperately hugging, unwilling to let go, a shadow of her lover.
But it's all that's left of him and even if he's unrecognisable to her, Lumine will take what she can get.
It's better than nothing... she tells herself as she hugs him.
I'm sorry, Ajax, I hardly knew you...
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chilumific · 1 year
Las estrellas brillan mejor en las noches más oscuras by x-Claire-x
Estado: Completo
N° de capítulos: 1/1
Categoría:  K
Género: Romance, hurt/comfort
 'Eres como las estrellas del cielo nocturno, camarada. Nunca dejas de sorprenderme'.
Link AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34474837
Link FF.net:  https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13971933/1/Las-estrellas-brillan-mejor-en-las-noches-m%C3%A1s-oscuras
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chickenparm · 1 year
A Draw - ChiLumi
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you guys like jazz? and by jazz i mean me finally writing something. i wrote this for my buddy that deserves 1000 of these nastyass fics.
ChiLumi / ChildexLumine 2892 Words - NSFW (Size kink, thigh riding, foul legacy form)
Time, distance, circumstance; All keep Childe from truly reaching out with both hands to sink his fingers into Lumine. It’s not as if she’s uninterested - Childe sometimes plays the role of an oblivious nice guy, but he’s not a moron. The trailing of her eyes against the flash of skin revealed by his uniform, the way her cheeks flush when they’re nearly nose-to-nose in one of their occasional bouts, the reluctance to part ways when they have no further business with each other. 
No, Childe is convinced Lumine wants him, nearly as much as he wants her. 
But there’s a time and place for ruminating on his unwise feelings for the woman that is slowly but surely becoming a thorn in the Tsaritsa’s side that is too sharp to ignore. For now, she stands across from him in the secluded copse of trees that they’ve claimed for their spar, sword brandished and the silence surrounding them comfortably. 
Truthfully, they don’t need to exchange words. The typical rules of combat between Childe and Lumine never really change, but something itches beneath his skin and he calls out a greeting, followed with, “Girlie, I need a favor from you!”
“A favor?” Lumine responds, voice a bit flat and less musical than he remembers. From this distance, he can just make out the sight of dark circles beneath her eyes - she must be tired. 
But an advantage is an advantage, and it’s been a few too many fights since he last claimed victory. Especially with what he asks of her this time, a smile on his face like that would convince her. “I’d like to use my Foul Legacy transformation, if you’re up for it.”
“If you’re up for it.” Lumine responds, and Childe doesn’t miss the way her shoulders stiffen, her hand grips her sword a little tighter, and the shadows of her collarbone growing a little more prominent as she blushes. Huh… that’s new. 
But he waves a hand with a smile, “And that’s the favor - a kind Traveler helping me back to civilization so I don’t have to lay in the dirt out here recovering.” And maybe he gets to savor the feeling of leaning on her, his arm hitched around Lumine’s shoulders for support as he hobbles back to town. That’s a perk she doesn’t need to know about, though.
Lumine’s cheek shifts with how she chews on it, and it takes a little too long for her to finally nod, then add on, “Just don’t go too far. Don’t hurt yourself.”
As if they both wouldn’t be leaving the area without injuries from one another. Nothing lethal, of course, but bruises, sprains, maybe a gash or two. And this time, his debilitating exhaustion whether he won or not. 
So, it begins. With the knowledge he’ll be growing even more powerful, Lumine doesn’t dare go all out. The casual nature of each fight’s beginning gives her time to be a little distracted, and Childe wouldn’t dare deny her something so simple as shifting just right, widening that window of skin until it’s from hip bone to belly button. 
Lumine’s pupils expand, Childe’s blood sings and it can’t be attributed to the battle. 
It would be so easy, he thinks, to just take her. Or to let her take him. Before Lumine, the total sum of people he’d ever thought about willingly debasing himself for was a resounding zero. Either lack of respect, lack of trust, lack of power. She has two out of three, but he’s sure with enough time the trust would happen. 
One, two, three heartbeats before the familiar stinging floods his muscle fibers, his veins, every strand of nerves. The world doesn’t change, but it feels different at such a new vantage point as he looks down at Lumine. And she looks up at him with those same exact eyes, wide open and filled with hunger that is no longer as subtle. 
Things in his mind change a little when he lets the Abyss co-pilot his body. Nothing so overt, but certain inhibitions are lowered, specific emotions are amplified to the point of being impossible to resist. Temptation lingers in front of Childe, and he’s a little rougher than necessary when he pins her to the ground with clawed hands. 
The sound of her grunt of pain sounds warbled and is nearly lost against the rushing of blood in his ears. Lumine is so small now, growing fragile in the few moments it took him to shed one form and slip into another. There’s no fear in her eyes as she stares at the single-eyed mask that hides the twisted visage beneath, her legs shifting together in an unmistakable sign of his victory. 
Words don’t come easy. Childe resolves to only spout the ones that matter; phrases meant to direct and demand. His palms press to her shoulders, sharp-tipped fingers digging into the dirt to avoid the easy slicing of skin and sinew. Lumine’s throat bobs, the movement painfully obvious before she nods mutely. 
Demureness doesn’t feel right when she wears it like this, but Childe supposes it comes with the territory of this kind of victory. The pressure of his hold lessens, a silent invitation for her to make some sort of move to leave if she wasn’t exactly where she wanted to be. 
And Lumine doesn’t move from beneath him, only spreads her thighs a little wider as if to invite him exactly where he wants to be. 
Hands like these can’t necessarily touch her how he wants to, and he’s forced to make do with what he can. A little shift of his knee, careful of sharp bits and pointy things, until she’s pressed against the thin fabric covering Childe’s thigh. And he can feel the heat; the warmth seeping through the layers from her to him. 
After a moment of stillness - because he’s exercising impossible levels of restraint and every moment is met with the instinct to hurt, harm, leave lasting marks that might never go away - Lumine’s wariness slips just enough for her to roll her hips a single time. That’s all she needs to realize that if Childe won’t be a little more swift with providing what she needs, then at the very least she can take it for herself. 
A thousand words want to escape, but with his jaw clamped tightly shut, all he can do is purr through grit teeth, “Good.” 
It could be that it feels good for him. Or that he’s impressed with her willingness to use him for what she wants. It could even be some sort of reassurance that despite the last time she saw him in this way, things are so very different this time around. 
Truthfully, it’s all of the above. 
Lumine freezes, golden eyelashes fluttering at the sensation she gives herself using Childe so easily. Her breath shakes with arousal, Childe’s rumbles quietly with anticipation - he doesn’t have to wait long. Palms pressed flat against the ground below, Lumine uses it as leverage to rock against his thigh once, twice, three more times until her trepidation has all but vanished. The sounds that leave the back of her throat are shameless in their volume. 
If he were more like himself - or less like himself, sometimes he isn’t sure anymore - he’d be grinning wildly and prodding her for answers to questions like, “Does that feel good?” or, “Are you enjoying yourself?”
Instead, Childe watches with a single blue, gem-like eye as Lumine’s cheeks run pink and her eyelids fall halfway with each languid grind of her cunt against him. And each press put it in stark relief that the warmth through the layers is accompanied by a wetness telling of Lumine’s arousal, the depravity she’s indulging in by showing attraction rather than fear. 
Little puffs of air leave her parted lips, and he leans closer and examines the exact shade of pink, wondering if she’s just as pink elsewhere. Lifting one hand, relieving enough pressure that she could escape if she truly wanted to, Childe tugs and tugs at the straps of her halter top until she grows irritated enough to pull it open herself,  her chest spilling free and confirming the sick little suspicions in Childe’s head.
What he wouldn’t give to reach out and squeeze, pinch, roll until she’s breathless and whining beneath him, begging for more or pleading him to quit teasing. The best he can do to sate himself is press the heel of his palm to her breast and zero in on the sensation of her nipple hardening from just his touch alone. 
Lumine, suddenly so receptive and willing, arches into him and stammers out the single-syllable of his name in some form of elation before it melts into a quiet moan signaling her release. It’s nothing groundbreaking or earth-shattering, not with how dull the stimulation must have been through so many layers, but Childe could give her so much more if she wanted it. 
Surely she must - that can’t have been enough for her. The lack of exertion makes it so that he can stay like this longer, and if Lumine were willing enough to continue just… using him…
Childe pushes off of her, falling onto his backside and giving her a pleading expression that he knows full well she can’t see under the mask of his transformation. Perhaps it’s better that she can’t - it would likely only serve to scare her away, if the prominent bulge of his cock straining beneath the fabric of his belt wasn’t intimidating enough. 
Lumine props on her elbows. She watches him, bare chest rising and falling as she looks first at his mask, then his chest, then to his lap which he has made so very inviting. Sitting up more, she hesitates as if to make sure she isn’t misreading a situation that is so very obvious, then crawls closer. Childe thinks she looks rather pretty on her hands and knees, dirt staining her dress, her boots, the palms of her hands and pads of her fingers that reach beneath her skirt to pull away shorts and underwear that have been soaked through. 
Childe can be merciful, when he wants to be. And he desperately wants, right now. Hooking clawed thumbs into hidden fastenings, he tugs himself free of constraining fabric until Lumine pauses, eyes widening with a sudden hesitation at what she was so sure she could handle. 
“Come here.” The two words grate from his throat as he reaches out for her, part encouragement and part impatience. Bravery has always been a hallmark of hers, so what use is it for her to balk now when this battle is far easier than any she’s taken on so far? 
Lumine ignores his hand, swallowing hard before crawling forward further. Her dirtied hands curl around his shins, then hook around the sharp protrusions of his boots as she crawls into his lap. Those same small hands lay against his chest as she steadies herself, hovering over his cock but not quite touching. As before, it would be so easy to just grab her and pull her down, to impale her on his length and take what he’s been unable to stop yearning for. 
But he doesn’t. Transformed or not, Childe isn’t nearly so callous as to go faster than Lumine can handle. Though, she certainly can handle him when he’s this way, it simply needs to be at her pace - or he’ll never find himself in this sort of situation ever again. 
With one hand - it’s shaking - Lumine reaches down to wrap her fingers around him, giving a single experimental stroke as if to remind her of the inhuman size. As if she needed some sort of refresher when she needs to crane her neck to look up at his masked face. Then, holding him steady at the base, she lines up and lowers just a little, just enough to take his tip inside of a cunt not quite meant to take someone of his size. 
Lumine pauses, a whimper falling from her lips that mingles with the quiet relieved groan of his own. Even if this is all she could handle, it would be something he’d be appreciative of - she’s so warm, impossibly tight around him as she works a little more inside, bit by bit. 
Childe’s head cocks to the side, a silent question, and Lumine answers with fervent enthusiasm, “I’m taking it all. Be patient.”
As if he were the one starting to move faster, be louder, breathe so quickly that it borders on hysteria. Childe is as a statue, not even trembling despite the monumental effort it takes to keep from just gripping her hips and pulling her the rest of the way. It’s her own determination that keeps him in check - one way or another, she’ll get there. 
And she does. It’s agonizingly slow, but Lumine settles firm in his lap, forehead pressed against his chest. If she were to simply stay like this - stuffed full of his cock and keeping it warm - Childe would chalk that up to a victory and be able to die a happy man. But then she moves, leaning back a little, the walls of her pussy shifting against his length with a vice-like tension, and Childe greedily wants more. 
But his voice won’t form words - only a low rumble and a wheezing sigh. Careful of sharp-tipped fingers, he lifts his hand to rest his palm against one of her bare thighs, so small beneath his hand as he curls sharp fingers around it. Lumine makes her first real movement; a lift up before a tentative lowering. Childe’s vision swims, and the only coherent thought he can grasp in that split-second is the sensation of her thigh muscles trembling in his hand. 
He thought her stillness would have been enough, but the line has been pushed back a little more. Surely this would be enough, this tentative motion of riding his cock in centimeter segments that grow longer and longer in distance. 
Through a single blue eye, Lumine looks beautiful as she falls apart. 
Any poise she’s held in the light of day is long gone in the murky dim light as she braces her hands on his knees that help hold her upright, fingertips bleeding bone-white as she grasps at him in a mixture of pleasure and pain with unclear ratios. But if it’s not enough for her to want to stop, then who is he to decide which amounts are best? 
All Childe can do is watch as Lumine grows feverish and desperate, moving faster, fucking herself with his cock until she cries out in a way that’s eerily similar to what she sounds like when she’s in a short burst of agony. As she tenses to the point of shivering around him, Childe digs through his memories for any time he’s heard that sound in battle, then files them away to be repurposed in the event that Lumine has no further interest in taking him again. 
The line moves again. It’s enough that she cums, that she soaks his lap with her arousal as she gets what she swore she wanted. Childe stares and stares, committing it to memory even as the world shifts, as Lumine isn’t quite as small as she’d been moments before. His vision goes double before he realizes that one eye has become two, that Lumine’s breathless whines sound relieved as he gets a little smaller in turn. 
It’s easier to slide his arms around her, to cradle her in his lap as he kisses her with little care for the dazed expression she gives him. Lumine’s passivity lasts for but a moment, before she shows surprising strength in the grip she establishes on his sweaty hair. 
In the span of that single kiss, Childe almost forgets entirely that his entire body is screaming in agony. Lumine is like a balm, and only when she pulls away do his hands start to tremble and he struggles to extend an arm behind himself to simply stay upright. 
“I could kill you right now.” Lumine teases, and to most that would have horrifying connotations, but Childe thinks it’s the most romantic thing he’s ever heard. 
His head lazily rolls to the side in a mockery of curious expression, “What’s stopping you?”
“Sore.” Lumine says shortly, but amends it with a clarification of why she bothered to establish such a power dynamic after nearly fucking herself to pieces with his body. Is it some kind of sacrilege to have sex when he’s more abyss than man? Maybe something to bring up when he sees Skirk next, he thinks. His thoughts are interrupted by Lumine asking, “Technically that means I win. Because I could kill you. Checkmate and all that.”
“I could have killed you while you were busy-”
“But you didn’t say it, you didn’t claim it, so that can’t be counted.”
“That’s not-” Childe pauses for a moment. His cock is still inside her, her hair is matted with sweat, her cheeks flushed. Somewhere behind her, her underwear lays forgotten in the grass. There’s dirt under her nails. “Fine. You can have this one.”
Despite her victorious smile, the squeeze of her hands on his knees, Childe’s pretty sure this is, at best, a draw.
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Like Different Stars
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Tartaglia/Lumine (Chilumi)
Summary: “It’s because I trust you the most that I have a favor to ask.”
Her head swiveled. He had grown more serious now, the tired warrior having returned.
“What’s the favor?” A part of her knew she should dismiss it immediately, as she wanted no part in Fatui schemes.
And yet she knew that she would be yanked around on the strings of the Tsaritsa like a puppet no matter what road she took here. Somehow, no matter what she did, it had a way of playing out well for the Fatui in the endgame.
And a part of her could not deny Ajax what he wanted, could not betray the fondness and trust exchanged now in the night, in this secret reunion.
“I need to you to hang onto this for me.” He removed his Vision from his belt. “I can’t explain why, but I can’t have it right now and I need someone to keep it safe.”
Childe trusts Lumine with his Vision for safekeeping.
“Ah, it’s great to see you again.” Childe sighed and looked up to the night sky above them.
The lights were so bright here, that Lumine could only see pinpricks from the brightest stars, far from the swirling galaxies that she was used to seeing over even the most advanced cities of Teyvat. 
Seeing only faintly-twinkling pinpricks made her feel uneasy, as weak as she had felt when she’d first awoken on that beach in Mondstadt. For so long, voyaging across the sea of infinite stars between realms had been her only constant, the last comfort and security after her forgotten homeworld had been destroyed. 
There was something else about Fontaine that set Lumine on edge, made her skin prickle and all her hair stand on end. She could see it in the eyes of the smiling people, always darting to the mechanical guards and the shadow of the islands looming overhead. She could hear it in the mumbles and whispers of an old prophecy, of a day of judgement coming. 
She could close her eyes and ears and pretend not to see it, pretend not to notice it. How many worlds had she done that in, never to question their fates again? That is, until now. 
She looked to Childe, and thought of how the thin white streak in his hair had grown wider, stark against the lively copper. His eyes were brighter than usual, the way they only were around Teucer or in the heat of battle. He was always more alive when he looked at her, when he was by her side. 
He was her enemy, allied with the Tsaritsa who had hurt her friends, who was threatening the world that had become as much of a home as that first one had been to her. And yet, like Teyvat, against her will she had become fonder of him than she’d ever confess. 
“It’s good to see you too.” The words came out, barely above a whisper. Maybe she even hoped that he wouldn’t have heard it, forgotten it over the silence of her reverie. 
But no such hope was honored. 
He looked back to her, ocean eyes shining like the waves in the moonlight of the canal outside of the grand hotel. 
“I had no idea I meant so much to you, Traveler.” There was a teasing edge to his voice, but beneath it was something much more genuine. “I thought you still hated me, even after our adventures in Inazuma together.”
Lumine shrugged. “I’m still not going to be a friend to the Fatui.”
“But to a Harbinger?” He raised an eyebrow.
Lumine looked back to the waters. “I’m willing to be Ajax’s friend.”
She looked back in time to see him genuinely caught off-guard. He blinked at her, once, twice, a tinge of pink filling his cheeks. It was such a soft look, for someone like him. 
He coughed into his fist and the two of them looked away at anything, at anywhere else but the connection that was becoming palpable between them. 
It was a long time before Childe spoke again. “I’m glad to have you as my comrade, Lumine. I’d trust you over anyone else to fight by my side.”
She could feel that he’d turned back to her, but she could not, would not return that gaze because she could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. 
“It’s because I trust you the most that I have a favor to ask.”
Her head swiveled. He had grown more serious now, the tired warrior having returned. 
“What’s the favor?” A part of her knew she should dismiss it immediately, as she wanted no part in Fatui schemes. 
And yet she knew that she would be yanked around on the strings of the Tsaritsa like a puppet no matter what road she took here. Somehow, no matter what she did, it had a way of playing out well for the Fatui in the endgame. 
And a part of her could not deny Ajax what he wanted, could not betray the fondness and trust exchanged now in the night, in this secret reunion. 
“I need to you to hang onto this for me.” He removed his Vision from his belt. “I can’t explain why, but I can’t have it right now and I need someone to keep it safe.”
He pressed the Vision into her cupped hands. The light of the Vision danced in front of her, like sunlight on the waves of the shoals of Liyue. She stared at it before her eyes moved up to its owner. 
“What are you planning?”
He looked down at the Vision with a sense of longing. “Whatever I can to keep my colleagues from razing this city. I didn’t want things to go that way in Liyue, but my colleagues don’t share the same sense of honor. I’ll do what’s necessary for the Tsaritsa. . . But the Knave’s plan is completely unnecessary.”
“Childe, what is the Knave planning?” That general sense of unease exploded into full-blown panic. If her methods were something that even he disagreed with. . . 
“I know I have no right to ask this.” His fingers lingered under her own, cupped around that Vision. He looked so tired, so resigned to fate, so deflated. Like he had after the Ruin Guard factory. “Please, comrade. Trust me one more time?”
Their eyes met, and all Lumine could see was sincerity. In an instant, she understood him as a fellow traveling warrior, a fellow vagabond who had lost their home a long time ago with their innocence. In him, she saw the rainfall, the attempt to make things right. 
“I will.” She placed the Vision in the pocket of her dress. “I’ll keep it safe.”
He smiled, more out of relief than anything else. “Thank you. I trust you will.”
He then sighed and turned. “I just wish things could have been different.”
“Teucer once told me that you’d have joined me, if I’d asked.” Lumine realized she sounded unbearably sad. “But it’s too late for that, isn’t it?”
He turned back to her, a reflection of her own unacknowledged sorrow. “It always was, comrade.”
Lumine reached for his hand. Before she knew it, she was pulling him in closer, until they were face to face, eye to eye. . . 
That was when he leaned in for the kiss and she didn’t dare push him away. Their embrace was a desperate plea to stay, although Lumine had no idea who was doing the pleading. Maybe it was both of them. 
Their kiss tasted bittersweet, like the fall of rain.
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anneliese077 · 6 months
Can anyone recommend me some good Chilumi fanfics? Like, idk, some modern/reincarnation aus, or university aus, idk man. I just want some good hurt/comfort Chilumi fics but am too scared of not finding anything that satisfies me 😞
If they are slowburn, it’d be fantastic, but yeah, almost anything would do ig.
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viatrixtravels-a · 6 months
//Not gonna bother with anon. Fave ships for your Lumine? XiaoLumi is my top one. I also like WanLumi and ChiLumi.. and proably more. Let her be happy with her collection of (mostly) short boys. (Childe is too tall to be considered short)
Anonymously tell me what your favorite ship for my muse is.
// Me 🤝 You
Ship tastes
ChiLumi was my very first Lumine ship because the 'ojou-chan' got me when playing that part of the Liyue AQ. I also just really like how Childe can bring out her tsundere side the most. <;u<
Then XiaoLumi became my next obsession and it's still my number 1 ship for Lumine. The slow burn and mutual hurt/comfort between those two is just SO GOOD. Also it's the ship which feels the most 'canon' when you play the events.
WanLumi I got into fairly recently. I actually just finished the interlude AQ which is all about his redemption and I do like their dynamic. Although I felt like the game was making the Traveler a bit too harsh/cold towards him at times. ;; I wish we got some other dialogue options to choose from where they are more sympathic towards his past suffering. (I'll just fix that with my own interpretation/HCs though so it's all good)
My favorite part about WanLumi is the tension between them. uwu It's different from the ChiLumi tension and can be incredibly fun to write. :3 I also saw this post on Twitter the other day which pointed out that Ei's and Lumine's names are the same in Chinese (Ying) but with a different tone. While Ei's mean 'dark', Lumine's mean 'light' or 'glow'. Ei - the dark - was the one responsible behind Wanderer's birth, but she never gave him a proper name. So after his 'rebirth', it was Lumine - the light - to give him his first proper name. ;w; Maybe it's just me but stuff like that fuels my shipping heart. xD
Honorable mention for AlbeLumi and Albedo's smooth rizz. I hope we get to see more of him in-game soon and some fun interactions with the Traveler. I miss him. T _ T
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starglimmersfw · 2 years
Darkest Before Dawn
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Childe/Lumine
Summary: How do you keep the darkness away when it possesses you while you sleep?
Childe has night terrors. A farewell gift from the Abyss, he usually picks something up from Bubu Pharmacy to knock him out into a dreamless sleep, but he doesn’t always have it with him when he visits Lumine in the Serenitea Pot. The first time he woke up, drenched in sweat and screaming, Lumine was so startled she materialized her sword and nearly took his head off.
But as soon as she saw the dazed look in his eyes, she knew what was happening. She sat up and stretched, careful not to touch him right away. But eventually she moved closer, letting her arm touch his, then their fingertips brushing against each other. Finally she took his hand, slowly rubbing her thumb over his knuckles, each point of contact slowly bringing Childe back to her.
When Childe finally woke up, it still took a few minutes for the shock and confusion to wear off. But as the dark fog dispersed in his mind, he took stock of his situation and came to realize what had happened. He dragged his hands over his face, trying to temper his mortification, wondering how he was going to explain this to Lumine.
By the time he noticed she was gone, Lumine was already back in the bedroom, the silk robe he brought her the day before slipping down her shoulder. She handed him a cool washcloth and put a glass of water on the nightstand next to him. He wiped his face and neck, feeling the mattress shift as she joined him in bed. He sighed, trying and failing to find the right words to explain what had happened.
Before he could make another attempt, she nudged him with her knee. "Hey.” Another nudge, “don't worry about it." He opened his mouth to protest and she just shook her head. "You don't have to say anything if you don’t want to." She laughed, "Honestly, Paimon's snoring is even louder sometimes."
She carefully laced her fingers between his own, "you don't even need to talk about it. But," she chewed her bottom lip, considering her words carefully. "I'm here if you need me, whatever it is." He felt a pang of tenderness, blaming it on his emotional state. But deep down? He knew better.
For now, for tonight, he would ignore his own better judgment and let that tenderness keep its hold on him. He curled up next to Lumine and laid his head in her lap. He couldn't lie, close contact with her was always guaranteed to improve his mood, whether it was a rousing sparring session or something soft and quiet like this.
But it was the way she ran her fingers through his hair that had his heartbeat dropping. And with each exhale his eyes closed just a little more, until the only sound was the deep, even breaths of both of them, tangled up together and fast asleep.
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starcharontis · 4 years
Tartaglia’s breath halts at the sight of her indifference and the way her dress and skin are coated in a gleaming crimson.
Yet, to Tartaglia, Lumine does not look like someone who murdered Rex Lapis.
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gutouhua · 2 years
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summary: just vampire!chilumi having hot sex with no blood-sucking involved because cum is hotter (╯✧▽✧)╯/ read on ao3
wc: 2.19k
tags: vampire mates, enemies to lovers (flashback), mentions of blood, porn without plot, chilumi are very horny, childe has an oral fixation, chilumi are both gremlins who can stand toe to toe with each other, vaginal fingering, oral sex (f. receiving), squirting, dirty talk, pet names (princess, good girl), scent kink sort of, creampie, breeding but no pregnant, childe is a bit of a masochist, cum swallowing
a/n: idk what this...but here, have my crumbs for #chilumiweek2022. if you squint, you'll spot the soulmates & happy ending themes...
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“Kiss me, Tartaglia.”
And who is he to deny his sweet princess? Whatever she wanted of him, he would gladly give to her. If she wanted his body, he would hack it to pieces and present each limb one by one to her. If she wanted his life, he would follow every command of hers until his last dying breath. And if she wanted his soul, well, she didn’t even have to ask – for she had long conquered it.
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Childe always tries to leave everything at the door.
Anything he wouldn’t want Lumine to know about – even though just one look from her would unman him and all his secrets.
There’s a fountain outside the house that he always uses to rinse the blood off. (She doesn’t like blood unless it’s his blood going down her throat.) It always gets on his shoes so he makes sure to hose it down no matter how tired he is – he doesn’t want to track a stranger’s blood into the house. He tries to be careful about his clothes though since it’s harder to wash it off, so most of the time there’s just a splatter or two, maybe something bigger if he got hurt that night, but it’s his hands that kill him the most – the thing he scrubs the hardest.
He doesn’t want to taint Lumine with his filthy hands – the ugly, scar-riddled hands of a monster. Even if he is a reformed monster.
The house is quiet when he enters, the shadows creep silently behind him (it seems he will not be able to rid himself of them tonight) and he reaches for the vodka in the liquor pantry, relishing the hot burn as it slides down his throat. He knows he should take a shower and get clean before he sees Lumine, but he can’t help but take a look at her first. He needs to know that she’s okay – that she’s still here with him.
He pads lightly into the bedroom, inhaling deeply when he smells Lumi’s faint lilac scent, shuddering, and feels the hardness that grows in his pants. He can never keep his hands off of her for too long – even if it would destroy her. He was evil like that, he knew, even if Lumi was adamant about seeing the good in him.
The bed sinks slightly as he sits down to reach out and sweep her golden hair off her face, and he smiles when he sees her brows furrow. Her pink lips are parted slightly, drool leaking from a corner, and Childe’s thoughts immediately turn dirty and his lower half agrees, throbbing harshly against his pants. He wants to ruin her, his sweet Lumine.
But not tonight, he doesn’t want to bother her, so he’ll take care of himself in the shower. He slides off the bed and strips down, ready for the cold blast of water when he hears a groggy voice.
“Tartaglia? Is that you?”
Childe turns. “Yes, Lumi. Go back to sleep. I’m taking a shower then I’ll join you.”
But his Lumi will not take no for an answer so she drags him into bed and forces him onto the comforter (my, how it turns Childe on to see her take charge even when half-asleep), sitting her perky little ass low on his abs – so low that his dick presses hard against her ass.
“Lumi,” he growls, feeling his fangs creep out from behind his lips, “If you don’t want me to fuck you right now, you need to let me take a shower.”
But Lumine only pouts before pulling her tank top and panties off, wiggling against his hard length. Childe groans. Of course, she isn’t wearing a bra underneath.
“Kiss me, Tartaglia.”
And who is he to deny his sweet princess? Whatever she wanted of him, he would gladly give to her. If she wanted his body, he would hack it to pieces and present each limb one by one to her. If she wanted his life, he would follow every command of hers until his last dying breath. And if she wanted his soul, well, she didn’t even have to ask – for she had long conquered it.
Childe reaches up to wipe her drool from the corner of her lips before slipping his thumb into her mouth, finger pushing lightly against her wanting tongue. He slips another inside and imagines his cock inside her hot mouth as she swirls her pretty pink tongue around his fingers.
“Tartaglia,” Lumine whines. “Kiss me.”
He only hums, keeping his fingers inside her mouth as he smashes his lips against hers in a frenzy to open her up and devour her whole. Lumine moans against his chapped lips and snakes her hands to his hair to tug at the mess, earning a sharp moan of pleasure from Childe. (He always did like it to hurt a little bit.)
Childe continues to kiss her, nipping her bottom lip, fingers pushing against the sides of her mouth before he breaks off the kiss, panting hard and immensely pleased when Lumine’s tongue reaches out to catch the string of saliva that connects their tongue.
“Good girl,” he murmurs.
“Ah, please.” She breathes hard, eyes bright even in the dark, lips shiny from their shared saliva.
“Please, what?” Childe teases. “Use your words, Lumi.”
She bares her fanged teeth at him in a show of defiance, the white flashing in the dark, and he’s reminded of the first time they met: she was all bloody and battle-worn with shoulders held high in defiance despite the fact that she had been kneeling before him – at his mercy.
“Tell me, Lumine of the Celestials, Keeper of the Seven Winds, do you yield?”
“Never.” She spat.
Childe smiled. Instead of surrender, she had given him blood. And oh, how glorious that blood was, that fragrance that perfumed his senses and beckoned him to tear her apart from limb to limb while simultaneously making him want to see her writhe beneath him in pleasure. He would wrench sweet surrender from her, one delicious drop of blood at a time, and he would take great pleasure in it.
“I will never give myself up to a creature as wretched and vile as you.” Lumine would kill herself before she let Tartaglia, Prince of the Abyssals, touch her. The abyssal vampires were terrible, bloodthirsty creatures with no care for the lives of humans or other creatures. They took what they wanted with no consequence.
Just like how Tartaglia took her.
Childe grabs her soft cheeks, fingernails digging into soft flesh but just barely so that the marks would be gone before morning came, knowing that that’s how Lumine wanted it tonight. “I was thinking about the first time we met, dear Lumi, how wild and vicious you were.” Childe’s voice drops as he runs his nose along her neck, inhaling, before licking slowly from her jaw down to her collarbone to suck harshly at the hollow.
“How rough and hard you liked it.”
Underneath him, Lumine trembles as he kisses his way down her body, tattooing deep, purple marks every few inches until he reaches the apex of her thighs.
His name comes out as a desperate prayer on her lips when he blows softly at her folds before planting a kiss on her clit. “Ah, Tartaglia.”
Childe smiles deviously against her thighs.
“Less talk about the past, more doing in the present.” She gasps when he slides his fingers in one practiced motion, his knuckles kissing wet folds as he sucks on her hard nub. “I-I need you inside. Now. Please.”
But Childe is in no rush – he wants to savor his Lumi. He’s done this so many times over the past few hundred years, but he could never tire of her. Never tire of his soul.
“Hush, Lumi.” He whispers as he pushes her tummy down to stop her bucking hips from finding friction against his fingers and lips. “I need this. Let me have this, please.” And his plea is so earnest, so sincere, that Lumine cannot find it in herself to deny him. So she settles herself, trying to find what little respite she can as he has his way with her.
But Childe is not a cruel lover, even if he may be a cruel creature, so he brings her to her high quickly by thrusting three fingers into her pussy while he laps at her folds. And when he can no longer keep her hips from thrusting upwards towards him, her cries too much for him to bear, he curls his fingers up to find that spongy part Lumi loves so much and sucks her clit so hard that hot liquid sprays onto Childe’s face and he smiles, pleased at his handiwork.
“You squirted.” He chuckles as he removes his fingers from her wet folds before licking her slick off his fingers, careful to get every last drop. Ingesting your lover's cum meant that you would smell like them. And vampires were territorial creatures with a penchant for hot liquids – Childe, no exception.
Lumine’s reply is indignant, hundreds of years of being mates have whittled away what shame she once had. “Of course I did! You finger-fucked me so hard and sucked so hard on my clit that I thought I was going to faint.”
“But you like it when I finger-fuck and suck you.”
Childe is sly, but Lumine is even slyer. She doesn't even bat an eye at that. “I like it even better when you fuck me with your dick, honey, so get to work.”
Childe, Prince of the Abyssals, although that title has long been forgotten in the passage of time, did not follow people’s orders. He did the ordering around. But for Lumine, he would do anything she wanted him to do.
He settles in between her legs, fingers gripping plush thighs to spread her open. She pants underneath him, eyes heavy-lidded with want when she feels his hard length rest heavily against her puffy folds.
But Childe doesn’t move. Won’t move. Until his princess orders him to.
“My princess, what are your orders?”
“Fuck me.” Her command is simple, but Childe pretends to not understand. There is no sweetness in victory if it is given so easily.
“But I already did.”
“Put your dick in me, Tartaglia, or so help me god I will never give you another blowjob.” Lumine is frustrated because he is so close to being inside her that she can smell his musky scent and feel the delicious weight of him bearing down on her…but he refuses her unless she commands him.
“As you wish, my princess.”
Childe pushes his fat tip inside her folds, loving the slight resistance he always feels at the beginning before he slides all the way in so that their hips are flush and they are so close to each other that Childe swears that he and Lumine are now the same people – the same soul.
He stays like that for a few moments before Lumine starts to claw at his back and squeeze her thighs around him tightly, a silent urge for him to move, so he does, taking his time to savor each stroke that grants him a delicious squeeze against his cock and the soft pants that rise from her every time he pushes against her favorite spot.
“Harder, Tartaglia. Fuck me harder.”
Childe obeys her and slams his hips into hers, groaning when she clenches hard against him and rakes red marks down his back. That heady combination of pleasure and pain makes his balls drawback tight and heavy with seed and he stiffens, ready to spill inside her.
“Let’s cum at the same time, Lumi.” She nods so he reaches down to pinch her puffy clit, smiling ferociously when she lets out a whine. “Almost?” He asks.
“Yes, ah, fuck. Again, again, again, please. Almost there.” He rubs and squeezes again as he continues to pound into her, feeling slick gather at his fingertips. “Ah, ah—fuck, Tartaglia, I’m cumming, cumming, ‘m cumming–”
One more sloppy tug is all it takes before Lumine comes undone beneath him with glassy eyes and lips parted in ecstasy. And that sight of his beautiful princess is all it takes for Childe’s hips to stutter and jerk shakily against her before he cums.
He holds her still, fucking her softly through her high, trying to ease the ache before he pulls out agonizingly slowly to watch his cum drip out of her. Childe moves to push it back in, but Lumine bats his hands away.
“Too sensitive.” She complains.
“I know, Lumi.” Childe’s voice is soft yet chastizing. “I just want to put it back in. Is that okay?”
“You always do that.” But she doesn’t stop him when he scoops the cum up and feeds it back into her pussy.
“So messy and pretty,” Childe coos. “All for me.” He plants soft kisses on her sticky folds, not even caring that he can taste his own cum then rises up to kiss Lumine with wet, milky lips.
“I can taste you,” Lumine whispers as she kisses him, sucking his lips lightly to swallow whatever is leftover on his lips.
“And I, you.”
“Vampires are terribly territorial aren’t they?”
Lumine is sure that tomorrow, all she will smell of is Childe, even more so than when they exchange blood, but she doesn’t mind.
“But you like me like that.”
“I like you like that.” She agrees.
Because she knows that Childe will also smell of her all day tomorrow.
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naralumi · 2 years
take the pain away - a chilumi drabble
(hurt/comfort, childe/lumine, lumine worrying about her best friend’s continued use of the delusion, especially after witnessing it’s destruction first hand. post-inazuma. best friends who don’t realise they’re in love.)
part of my chilumi collection of drabbles & headcanons. 
“i’m sorry i can’t take the pain away, ajax.”
lumine is torn up inside seeing ajax take longer and longer to come around after a battle, and thinking about how it’s her own fault - this wasn’t even one of their regular bouts, the ones that ajax insisted on so she could prove to him that she was strong enough to handle herself, but something so, so stupid. so much worse. 
she hadn’t been feeling well - exhausted, the long days of travelling by foot getting to her, especially under the hot sun and through uninhabited wilderness, with nothing to snack on but the odd piece of fowl cooked with sweet flower. what she wouldn’t have given for xiangling to turn up out of nowhere with a wanmin restaurant invention of the week. point being - she had been under the weather, and took a rest under the shade of a large tree. something she’d done a hundred times before, but for whatever reason, lumine had fallen into a deeper sleep than usual, and didn’t stir quick enough at the sound of an ambush. 
they weren’t even strong enemies, just a bunch of annoying treasure hoarders making wide eyes at her backpack. before lumine even knew it was happening, a riptide dispersed the mob. an all too familiar skill. 
“hey, comrade.” 
ajax was bent over on his knees, clearly in pain, holding his ribs - but he still managed to wink at her and wave. “you should really learn to secure your valuables.”
“you’re hurt.”
he hadn’t even used his delusion just there, but she could tell he had recently, because there was no way a quick encounter like that would knock ajax for six. scrambling to her feet, she rushed to his side. “what happened?”
“you know i’d tell you if i could,” he winced, trying to shift his weight back. 
“let me help you lie down.”
“don’t be stupid, i don’t need hel- ow,” he groaned as he let himself fall into a sitting position. 
“you saw a doctor, right? the last time you used the delusion-,”
“with you in the factory? yes, and the time after that - and the time after that. please, don’t worry about me.”
lumine doesn’t know how to talk sense into him. 
so much goes unsaid between them, like stories of what they’ve been up to between encounters, the grittier details of their lives. it’s like they don’t want to compromise anything, each other. on the other hand, they try not to get too personal, either. “i’m sorry i can’t take the pain away, ajax.”
“you can. you are.” he closes his eyes. “you worry me, you know. you nag at me about my condition, but what about your own?” 
“i’m fine. unless you count me worrying myself sick! i don’t see you for weeks on end, you could be anywhere, you could be dead - you’re the one who holds onto that death machine! it destroys people, ajax. i’ve seen it happen.”
“lumine, i don’t have a choice.”
“but let me guess, you can’t tell me why?”
“i have to get stronger.”
“look at you, ajax.”
she kneels in front of him, placing her hand under his chin so that he has no choice but to meet her eyes. “ajax, let me in.” 
“i promised i’d keep you safe, lumie. that’s all i was doing. aren’t you glad i was here?”
“of course,” she blinks. “i’m always glad you’re here. that doesn’t mean i don’t want to murder you for putting yourself in harms way with no regard for your personal safety.”
“when have you ever known me to care about that? hey, cheer up, girlie,” he chuckles. “isn’t that why you love me?”
“you’re so annoying.” 
lumine doesn’t admit to herself that she loves ajax, nor to him, but she shows it in her own way. brewing tea, a herbal dressing to the wounds on his chest and ribs, the majority share of her dinner rations, all in an attempt to take the pain away. he gladly accepts, sneaking some mora and ingredients into her bag when she’s not looking in return. 
he’s always well stocked for travels too, after all. 
“you should head home for a bit once you’re stronger.” 
“i was just there,” ajax shakes his head. “we were, how do i put this - summoned? after signora’s death.”
lumine grimaces. “i guess you can’t tell me much.”
“no, not really. i wish i could, though.” he lets out a sigh. “you make really good sweet madame.”
“i’ve had enough practice. don’t change the subject.”
“you attend to your business, i’ll tend to mine. if you get in trouble, i’ll make sure to save the day.”
“you have quite the hero complex for someone playing for the enemy.”
“the enemy?” ajax laughs. “i’m playing for myself. you should too.”
he’s right, lumine knows that. she knows ajax would never do anyone’s bidding unless there’s something in it for him, unless there’s no other choice. he’s selfish, but in ways, also the most selfless person she knew. his loyalty towards his loved ones would be the death of him.
as dusk settles, and the stars begin to peep through the dark blanket of sky, ajax doesn’t hurry to leave. lumine helps him back over to the tree she had set up camp at, and lets him rest. “i’ll keep watch. you can rest your eyes,” she promises. 
“i’ve got your back,” he mumbles, already half asleep. lumine stifles a giggle. 
“i really do wish i could take the pain away.”
“i already told you. you do, lumie. just your voice is enough.”
his hand is in her lap, thumb slowly circling the skin on her thigh, a comforting motion. she lets her head fall onto his shoulder, though she doesn’t dare close her eyes. it’s her turn to watch over him, even if he slept all night and all day. her travels could wait until ajax was on his feet again. 
“you’re my best friend.” she nuzzles into his neck. “no matter what happens.” 
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artby-mld · 4 years
“A Night Together”
Summary: Childe and Lumine get caught in a rainstorm and decide to stay at Wangshu Inn for the night and share a room. A room... with one bed.
i posted the AO3 link to this a few days ago but the post seemed to have been shadowbanned (thanks tumblr :’D). so here you go! first chilumi fic :3
“The sky’s looking pretty dark. Are you sure it isn’t supposed to rain, girlie?”
Lumine turned to see the Harbinger behind her, stopping to look up at the sky. Childe wasn’t wrong. The once clear skies of Liyue were swirling with dark grey clouds, ominous and forewarning. “Paimon told me not to worry about the weather before I went out for commissions. Sure, it was just her gut feeling, but I believe her judgement, you know?”
“Right. Speaking of which, where is your little friend? Does she really not trust me that much still to where she won’t even come along?” Lumine could tell by Childe’s ever-present smirk that he wasn’t really hurt by the idea of her fairy companion not trusting him.
In return, she threw a smirk back at him. “Well, you were the one that almost killed me back at the Golden House.” Childe’s smirk fell, instead averting his gaze over to a sprig of mint growing along the trail. He looks... upset, Lumine thought. “But no, Paimon’s off taste-testing some of Xiangling’s new dishes back in Liyue Harbor. You know how she gets when she hears about food.”
Lumine took out her adventure handbook and flipped to her commissions section. Most of the pages were blank, the others filled front and back with past commissions scribbled down and checked off. “It looks like... we’re helping Hui’an repair the stairs at Wangshu Inn.”
“So no fighting? That’s boring.”
“I’ll have to agree with you on that one.” Lumine closed her handbook and placed it in her bag, then began to lead the way towards Wangshu Inn. No one said a word, the awkward silence being filled in by the sound of footsteps and the swift noise of Childe twirling a hydro dagger between his fingers. Lumine found herself watching him in the corner of her eye. It looked sharp, deadly and dangerous - just like him. It made her think of Childe, even more than she already did. Was Paimon right? Was he really able to be trusted after everything?
And just why was he helping her out of the blue? Didn’t he have Fatui work to deal with? Why did he always find a way to be in her presence? Why did she actually like having him around?
Just as Lumine was going to ask Childe about why he was helping her, a crash of thunder sounded in the distance. A storm’s coming.
“I told you girlie, it’s gonna rain. You should listen to a Hydro user when it comes to storms.”
“Hey! I don’t have to listen to anyone I don’t want to, thank you very-“ Before Lumine could finish her sentence, it began to downpour. She froze still, the cold, hard pattering of rain against her skin surprising her so suddenly.
Childe quickly began unpinning the brooch that held his scarf in place and draped the red fabric over her head and shoulders. “I know it’s not much, I just don’t want you to get sick.” The gesture made Lumine’s face heat up. “Let’s get moving, Wangshu Inn isn’t far from here.”
The two began to run down the muddy trail until the reached the staircase leading to Wangshu Inn. The usual flow of guests had retreated inside as the rain continued to beat down onto the earth. By the time Childe and Lumine reached the lobby’s entryway they were soaked, their hair clinging to their faces.
Lumine spotted Hui’an in the distance and began making her way towards him as quick as possible. Childe looked at her at a loss for words. Is she seriously going to do a commission in this weather?, he wondered to himself. He began to feel amusement towards her determination.
“Hui’an! I’m here to help with the broken staircase. What can I get started on?”
Hui’an turned towards the disheveled young woman. “I’m sorry, traveler, but with the way this storm is coming down I decided to postpone repairs for another day. The rain doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon, and probably won’t until tomorrow morning. I suggest you spend a night here in one of the rooms to ensure you’re safe and healthy.”
“But I have a few more commissions-”
“I think you’ve done enough for Liyue to where one night off wouldn’t hurt your reputation. You can talk to Verr over at the reception desk to see if rooms are available.”
Lumine sighed in defeat, nodded her head and walked over to Childe. He perked up when he saw her, a smile forming quickly on his lips.
“Not able to finish your little commissions due to the rain? Such a shame, I was really looking forward to taking care of those Treasure Hunters.”
“Sorry you couldn’t feel the excitement you were looking for.”
“It’s no problem, really. Besides, I have you here, don’t I? I’m fine with anything when I’m with you, pretty girl.” Lumine noticed that Childe’s face was much closer to hers than before. Her cheeks grew pink at their closeness and she started looking away.
“I… We should really talk to Verr over at the reception desk and look for rooms to stay in.”
“You know, we could both save a lot of mora if we just shared a room.”
“And worry about you waking me up in the middle of the night to go fight to the death in the rain? No thank you.”
Childe situated his hands on his hips. “Fine. If you have the mora for your own room, We can part ways and I’ll see you in the morning.”
Lumine’s eyes widened. She’d been running out of mora as of recent thanks to weapon enhancements and Paimon’s insatiable appetite. Slowly, she reached for her coin pouch and opened it up. There were a few coins in the pouch, but not enough to cover a nice room for the night.
The young man in front of Lumine had to stifle a laugh. “Just as I thought. Did Paimon end up eating your mora now, too?”
“She might as well have,” Lumine said with an embarrassed laughter. “Fine, then. Let’s go find a room.” Childe was beaming and took her hand in his, leading them over to the reception desk. Lumine swore her face was as red as Childe’s scarf that was still draped around her.
Verr Goldet looked up at the two from the papers scattered across her desk. “Welcome to Wangshu Inn. How may I help you?”
“We’re looking for a room to stay in for the night.” Lumine looked over her shoulder and saw Childe preoccupied with petting the cat that laid on the end of the desk. She couldn’t help but smile at the sight, but eventually she lightly tugged on his sleeve to have him pay attention.
“Yes, a room… let me check to see what we have available,” Verr said as she dragged her finger across a list of rooms and its occupants. Her finger stopped at one empty slot. “You’re just in luck, we have one more room available.”
Childe and Lumine looked at each other and nodded. “We’ll take it.”
“Okay, a single-bed room would be…”
“A single-bed room?” Lumine felt like she was going to explode in a matter of seconds.
“The only room we have available is on the smaller side and has just one bed. I assumed it wouldn’t be such an issue for a young couple such as yourself.”
“I— we’re not—”
Childe cut her off by handing Verr a good sized pouch of mora. “That’s completely fine with us, isn’t it honey?” Lumine was frozen still. “Here’s everything to cover the cost, you can keep the rest. Good night!” The situation ended faster than Lumine could keep up with. Her mind was spinning. Her and Childe together? As a couple? Sure, she’d admit that the idea has popped up in her dreams one too many times, but that’s all it could ever be. Just a hopeless, made up dream.
Lumine felt Childe once again taking her hand and leading the way up to their room. Archons, that’s probably why she believed we were together, she thought. She looked down at their hands. She never paid attention to it until now, but his gloves were off after being soaked in the rain. Lumine was surprised at how soft his hand felt around hers, with the exception of a small scar or two. She began laughing at herself in her head. Something as minuscule as how well their hands felt together set her heart aflame. But it made her wonder. Why would Childe go along with the idea that they’re together?
By the time Lumine snapped out of her thoughts, they had reached the door to their room. Childe fiddled with the key for a second before the door opened. Verr was right about the room being small, but nonetheless it was still nicely furnished and had anything they needed for a quick stay. A functional bathroom, a window showcasing Wangshu’s beautiful view of the land, and of course… the single bed. It was definitely big enough for two people, with a good amount of soft pillows and a plush comforter for warmth.
Lumine’s chest began to gain that warm, fluttery feeling again. She eyed the chair in the corner of the room. “I can sleep in that chair for the night.”
“What? No, absolutely not. There’s enough room for the both of us on that bed.” Childe locked the door behind them and walked over to the window to look out at the rain. “If you don’t get warmed up you could get sick from being in that weather for as long as we were.”
“I know but… us together is just—”
“Lumine. It’s just a bed, and we’re just sleeping. It’s not like we’re gonna be making out all night.” The serious face Childe wore disappeared. Lumine could practically see the gears turning in his head as a smirk formed. “Unless that’s what you want.”
Lumine choked on her spit. She’ll also admit that with the dreams about them being a couple, that has popped into her mind once or twice. “… No.”
“You hesistated~”
“I said no!”
Childe laughed, raising his hands up in surrender. “Alright, girlie, alright, I’ll stop. But I’m serious about the first part. Just stay here with me and if it makes you so embarrassed, we won’t talk about it ever again after tonight.” Lumine picked up on a tinge of disappointment in his voice as he continued to speak. Why was this man confusing her so much?
Childe looked her up and down. “Do you have a change of clothes? You’re still soaked.”
“I… don’t. I usually just camp outside, I pack light.”
“I think that’s a little less than packing light. You literally have nothing on you besides a sword and an Adventurer’s Handbook. Here, hold on.” He began unbuttoning his jacket, slipping it off with ease. “As a Hydro user myself, I made sure my clothes have good water resistance. This should be dry,” motioning towards the deep red undershirt he wore.
Childe’s shirt became unbuttoned and he took it off, handing it to her. Oh gods. “It might be a bit big on you, but it’ll be a lot more comfortable than a soaking wet traveling outfit.” Lumine tries so hard to keep looking into his eyes and not look down at his bare skin, littered with battle scars and toned well…
He’s trying to hold back a laugh. Does he find it funny that he’s going to be the death of me?, Lumine thought. Without a word, she took his shirt and made her way to the bathroom.
The shirt was indeed way too big for Lumine. The small slit in the bottom that usually showed off Childe’s Vision had rested at the middle of her thigh. She kept her own undershirt and shorts on; even when buttoning up there was too much visible for her comfort. Lumine looked into a mirror. She was drowning in the fabric, but it felt perfect. It smelt good, too — like clean, fresh water, warm spices and a hint of cologne.
When Lumine walked out to their room, she noticed Childe was already sitting up under the covers on his side. He looked up at her, mouth slightly open.
He shook himself out of a daze. “Nothing. That color red just looks well on you, that’s all.” He smiled and patted the spot next to him. Hesitantly, Lumine pulled the covers over her, gently laying down on her side. Soon enough, Childe laid down on his side, propping his head up in the palm of his hand. “See? Isn’t this much warmer than sleeping in a chair?”
Lumine nodded. “Thanks for the shirt.”
“It’s all good. What friend would I be if I didn’t make sure you felt okay?”
Friend. That word made Lumine tense up a little, her mind going back to the thousands of questions she wanted to ask Childe earlier. “Can I ask you something?”
“Anything you’d like to, Lumine.” The way her name sounded softly in his voice sent shivers down her spine. He seemed to like the way it sounded, too, as a genuine smile formed quickly after he was done talking.
“Why have you been so nice to me? How is it that you’ve somehow found your way into everything I do?”
Childe paused for a good second, looking up to the ceiling as he thought to himself. “Well for starters, I want to repay you as much as I can for helping me with Teucer a few months ago. I know he can be a handful, as most kids can be, but he loved spending time with you back in Liyue Harbor. He still asks about if you’re doing well when Tonia and him write letters to me.” He smiled. “Thanks to you going along with my act, he still looks up to me. And that’s something I hope he’s able to do for many more years.”
He looked like he wanted to say more, but struggled within himself. Lumine gave him another question that she’d been struggling to ask herself. “Why did you pretend that we’re a couple tonight?”
Childe laughed lightly. “There wasn’t much to it, really, I just enjoy going along with someone’s ideas. There’s no harm into playing along, I’m sure you know that.” He paused for a moment again, expressing an emotion so foreign for the young man that it took a while for Lumine to realize it was nervousness. “There’s… also the fact that I feel… drawn to you.”
The fluttering came back into Lumine’s chest. “Whenever I hear you’re around, I can’t stop myself from wanting to find you. I find myself wanting to talk to you constantly, Archons, even just seeing you is enough sometimes. Ever since our fight at the Golden House, I’ve felt different. No one’s ever beaten me the way that you did, Lumi. I know I already said I’m not the same man as I used to be, but I really meant it. You’re really one of a kind.” Their gazes locked with each other’s, deep oceans meeting Cor Lapis. Lumine swore she saw a sparkle return to Childe’s eyes.
The Harbinger laughed at himself. “Look at what you’ve done to me; you turned one of the most dangerous people in Teyvat into a complete sap.” He laid down on his back, staring at the ceiling once more. “It’s not like anything could work between us. You’re a hero in the people’s eyes. I have far too much blood on my hands to clean off. I care about you yet I’ve been the reason you’ve almost died.” His words are turning into mumbles as he continued to speak.
Is he…? As if on cue, a clap of thunder boomed outside as Lumine realized how he felt.
Lumine wasn’t sure how it washed over her but she found herself pulling Childe up into a tight hug. His arms were frozen in mid-air around her out of shock, but soon after they found his way around her. Lumine’s own hands rested on his back and tangled in his hair, which Childe seemed to be melting into.
“You care about me?”
“Lumi, I— It would never work—”
She pulled back slightly to look him in the eye. For once in the short time that Lumine knew him, he didn’t look confident at all.
“Forget how people view the both of us. Forget the Fatui, our titles, forget everything. You care about me and I… I do too.”
A radiant smile appeared on Childe’s face. “Well, would you look at that. If you kept saying anything else, I may have thought you’ve completely fallen in love with me.”
A blush scattered across Lumine’s face. “I think you’ve said enough to where I can make my own assumptions on how you feel.”
“Is that so?” Childe’s grip on Lumine’s waist tightened slightly as he shimmied down onto his back, Lumine following suit. He held her close to his chest as she snuggled in. “You’re really something else.”
Lumine could barely register the feather-light kiss he placed on the top of her head as they fell asleep to the sound of the pouring rain.
in conclusion they’re in love your honor-
i hope you enjoyed! ∩^ω^∩ and i hope to be writing more for these two in the near future :0
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“ice fishing” (pt. 5) (chilumi fic)
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] 
“Childe invites Lumine to the annual Snezhnayan holiday dedicated to the Tsaritsa. There, she meets his entire family, and all the conflict that comes with them.”
notes: thanks for your patience as always ;__;
love you guys <3
[Fic Masterlist] // [AO3 Link]
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“ice fishing” (pt. 5)
“So Misha just asked you about besting me in combat?” Childe asked. 
“She seemed to get a real kick out of it,” Lumine said. 
He smiled through gritted teeth. “Of course she did.” He put down a chess piece. “Well apparently that was enough to convince her. She’s a completely changed person.” 
“I like sister Misha like this!” Tonia chirped behind Lumine as she tried braiding the traveler’s blonde hair. 
“It’s the first time I’ve seen her smile so much!” Teucer added from Lumine’s lap where he was reading a book. 
“It’s a little weird,” Anthon commented. “But I guess I like it too.” He moved a chess piece opposite Childe's. “Aaaand checkmate!”
“You beat me again, Anthon,” Childe said, exasperated. 
“You let an 11 year old beat you at chess?” Lumine asked. 
While Anthon giggled, Childe turned his nose up. “It’s not as easy as you think.” 
The five of them were sitting in one of the den rooms, gathered there after dinner. A large fireplace burned in front of them, as the cold Snezhnayan night frosted on the great windows. The rest of the family had already turned in for the night. 
“If only Alexei wasn’t so weird,” Tonia mumbled. 
“Why do you think he’s weird?” Lumine asked. She was curious as to the children’s opinions of their eldest brother. 
“When Mommy got sick, he stopped playing with us! He wouldn’t talk to us either…,” she replied. 
“He was always really mad when talking to Mommy or Daddy,” Teucer said sadly. 
Anthon gripped a chess piece in his hand. “It’s like he has a dark cloud following him.” 
Childe’s brows furrowed. “Don’t worry guys. He’ll be gone soon; the holiday is almost over.”
“Does that mean you and Lumine will be leaving too?!” Teucer cried, dropping his book, and turning to wrap his arms tightly around her waist. “I don’t want you to leave…” 
“Can you stay forever?” Tonia begged. 
“Ah...uhm...maybe one day?” Lumine hesitantly responded. She smiled sadly. “I have a...mission I have to finish first. Maybe after that?” 
“Okay!” Tonia stepped around Lumine to face her. She held up her pinky finger. “Do you pinky promise?”
Lumine looked down at the little girl’s finger, her hopeful face. I...I…
Her heart broke. I can’t make that promise. 
As much as she loved her time here, there was no telling where her journey would lead her. And what happened if—when—she found Aether? 
And would Childe even still be at her side?
She glanced at him, surprised to find him already staring back at her, his own eyes wondering, waiting for her response. 
She looked back at Tonia’s awaiting hand, biting the inside of her cheek. 
Protect the children’s dreams, she thought. She raised her hand, ready to seal the promise. Ready to lie to this sweet little girl. 
Childe’s gloved hand gently closed over Tonia’s. He knelt down, so he was face to face with his sister. “Let’s not make Lumine promise something like that, okay?” he said quietly. “It’s a big promise to ask of someone.”
Tonia blinked, her doe eyes glistening, and her little mouth turned into a frown. She put her hand down. “Okay…” 
Childe smiled at her, then ruffled her hair. “Thank you, Tonia.” He stood, then turned and walked out of the room without another word. 
There was something wrong, and Lumine knew it. She stood as quickly as she could, picking up Teucer out of her lap. “Keep playing, kids. I’ll be right back.” She ran into the hall, the children’s noises of protests fading behind her. 
The hallway was dark, the only source of light was the pale moonlight streaming in through the large windows. 
She caught up to Childe, grabbing his arm. “What’s wrong?” 
He stopped in his tracks. She heard him take a small breath in. He turned, and there was a smile on his face. “Nothing’s wrong.” He continued walking. 
Lumine frowned. A lie. 
She stepped in front of him. “Tell me.” 
He looked at her. The smile dropped, and he looked tired. “How much longer do we have, Lumine?” 
Lumine blinked at him. “...What do you mean?”
“You have your mission; you have to find your brother,” he said. “Then what? You find him, then bring him back here?” His eyes were concerned. “Would he even want to come here? Would you even want to come back?”
He...He’s worried. Worried about their future together. 
Sure there was a lot of uncertainty. And that was something she battled for a long time. But for the first time in a long, long time, she felt safe and warm. Comfortable. Loved. 
Lumine stepped close, wrapping her arms around Childe. He hesitantly hugged her back. “You’re right. I don’t know. I don’t know about a lot of things in the future,” she told him. “But...I do know that...I love you. That I want to be with you. For as long as I can.” 
A soft laugh. “You…” He put his index finger under her chin, tilting her head up, his thumb on her lips. “You always know what to say,” he leaned down, close, his breath on hers, his voice getting quieter, “to make me fall in love with you even more.” 
They shared a kiss—a soft, sweet kiss. A soft promise of being together, for as long as they could. 
Then there was a shuffling behind them, and they broke apart to see the three children scurrying back to the den. 
“I told you, Tonia, they were just gonna be kissing out there!” they heard Anthon whisper aggressively down the hall. 
Tonia giggled and Teucer let out an “ewwwww!” 
“You sure you want to come back to that?” Childe asked, teasingly. 
“Of course,” Lumine said. “It’s family.”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lumine awoke in the middle of the night. Childe was sound asleep next to her. She curled up next to him, laying her head on his chest. 
She tried falling back asleep to the rise and fall of his breathing, but to no avail. Something was keeping her up. 
She sat up, yawning and stretching as quietly as she could, then slid out of bed. She left the room. Hopefully a stroll around the house will help. 
She walked down the corridor, passing closed doors, making her way to the stairs. She heard footsteps coming from the adjacent hallway. Someone else is awake?
She turned the corner and saw Alexei walking down the hallway, to his mother’s room. Clutching something in his hand. 
“Taking everything that’s rightfully mine.” His chilling words rang in her mind. 
She stepped towards him. “Stop,” she said, her voice bouncing around the stone hallway. 
He froze, then slowly turned towards her. His eye twitched. “Ah, Lumine,” he said with a strained smile. “Whatever are you doing up at this hour?”
She crossed her arms. “I couldn’t sleep. And you?” she asked, eyeing his clenched hand. 
His gaze flickered to the hand as well. “Giving my mother her nightly medicine.” He opened his palm, revealing a small vial of liquid. It looked medicinal enough. But is it?
Lumine took a step towards him, and Alexei took a step back. Nervousness. Or defensiveness. “Why do I not believe you?”
“You’ve only just met me, dear,” he said. “Of course you don’t trust me.”
“You pulled a dagger on me.”
He laughed. “Apologies for that. I do get unreasonably angry when people compare me to Ajax.” He bowed slightly. “Other than that, I haven’t wronged you, have I?”
She scoffed. “You said you were going to take what’s ‘rightfully yours.’ And, you said you would only hurt me if I got in your way.” She glared at him. “So forgive me if I’m not exactly trusting of you.” 
“How about this?” he said, pocketing the vial. “You let me go, and I’ll do the same for you.” 
“Absolutely not.” 
Alexei shrugged, a quick exhale escaping from his nose. “Your loss.”
He charged at her, taking out his dagger speedily. 
Too easy. Lumine materialized her blade, catching his dagger. “Same old trick, Alexei?”
He smiled. “Hmm...not quite.” Suddenly, the dagger glowed purple, and sent out a sphere of Electro energy. 
The wave shocked Lumine point blank, sending her flying backwards, landing on her side. The air was knocked from her lungs, and now her entire body was in pain. 
Alexei didn’t have a Vision before—?!
She looked up to seeing him examining the weapon. “You know, it took me a while to find a black market Delusion,” he told her. “But with this, I’ll be able to easily take on anyone with a Vision.” 
Of course...that power was stronger than a Vision. She had been unprepared for it. Now her body was suffering because of it. 
“So...what now...Alexei?” Lumine said heavy breaths. “You...you going to murder...your family?” 
He raised an eyebrow. “Is it that obvious?” He laughed wickedly. 
“And...and for what?”
“For everything, of course. The wealth, the power, blah blah blah.” He came and crouched in front of Lumine. She weakly held up her sword in defense. He continued, “There’s no place for weakness in this world. So my parents have to go. My siblings? They never saw me as superior.” He grimaced. “Always Ajax…” He glared at her. “So they all have to go.” 
He stood, raising his dagger, charging it with massive amounts of Electro energy. “And now that you decided to get in my way, you’ll have to go too, dear Lumine.” He tilted his head. “A pity. I was just getting to know you.” A laugh. “Oh well!” 
The dagger came rushing down. 
Lumine took a deep breath, starting to muster her energy to conjure enough Anemo power to hopefully blast the attack away. But she didn’t have to. 
A large wave of Hydro energy splashed in front of her—a shield—sending the Electro energy sparking back. 
“Just like I said,” Childe said behind her as he helped lift her up, “Stirring up trouble as always, Lumine.” 
“Seems like trouble just seems to find its way to us.” 
“You let Alexei almost beat you?” 
She glared at him. “Of course not. I was caught off guard.” She lifted her sword, turning to Alexei. “I won’t let it happen again.” 
Alexei let out a haggard laugh. “What a lovely power couple.” He charged up a ball of electricity in his palm. “Will it be enough to stop me though?” 
“Alexei, you always lost to me,” Childe said, Hydro energy swirling around him. “What makes you think this time is different?” 
The eldest brother grinned. “You may be strong, Ajax. But you never were very good at chess.” 
He shot the electricity at the door behind him. Into his mother’s room. 
The entire wall crumbled, sending debris flying down the hall. Childe and Lumine dropped to the floor, dodging the pieces. When they looked up, Alexei had disappeared. They heard the sounds of people approaching. 
Misha stood there, looking dazed and confused, along with Feliks. “What happened?!” she asked, eyes on the blown out wall. 
“That’s—That’s Galina’s room!” Feliks yelled. He rushed forward, but Childe stepped in front of him. 
“It’s too dangerous,” Childe said. 
Lumine nodded. “You two take the kids and get away from here.” 
“Where’s Alexei?” Misha asked. 
Childe’s jaw clenched. “Who do you think started this?” 
She frowned. “That crazy bastard.” She unsheathed her own sword. “Let me help.” 
“No,” Childe said. “He has a Delusion now; you two don’t have Visions. You need to get Tonia, Anthon, and Teucer out of here.”
Misha paused, then sheathed her blade. “Okay...But give him a piece of my mind for me.”
“Alexei…,” Feliks murmured, incredible sadness crossing his face. 
Lumine set a gentle hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay. We’ll handle it,” she reassured. “Now, quickly, get out of here!” We’ve wasted enough time…
Feliks and Misha nodded, turning the corner to the hallway where the kid’s bedrooms were. 
Lumine and Childe nodded at each other, then ventured through the rubble into Galina’s room. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Half of the wall had been destroyed in the blast, letting the cold night air rush in. Little snow flurries floated in, and the moonlight casted a blue hue throughout the room. Alexei knelt in the middle of the room, Galina in his arms. Her eyes were closed. 
Lumine raised her sword while Childe raised his Hydro spear. 
Alexei looked up at them. Then, “Too late,” he said, a sardonic grin splitting his face. He held up the empty vial.
He dropped her on the floor where she fell limply. 
Lumine’s heart froze. No—!
Next to her, Childe was still, as if all time had stopped. His eyes were unblinking as he looked at his mother on the ground. 
Alexei stood. “Look at what happens when you worry about family too much,” he said. “If only father and sister didn’t show up, maybe you would’ve stopped me in time.” He charged up his Electro energy in his hand again. It was growing more unstable, lightning strikes lashing out at random. “One down. Eight more to go.”
He shot the attack towards Lumine and Childe. 
Childe caught it in his bare hand, holding the ball of energy as the electricity crackled around him, up his arm. He bared his teeth, biting down so hard Lumine saw a trail of blood leak from his lips. His face was twisted in pure anger. 
“ALEXEI!” he screamed, his voice becoming heavily distorted. 
He’s—! Lumine automatically knew what was happening. She dove to the side, getting as far away from him as she could.
Childe absorbed the Electro energy he held, his whole body becoming engulfed in the sparking electricity. Then, Lumine heard the familiar sound of metal crashing together as heavy armor clashed onto his body. 
Alexei’s eyes widened. 
The lightning cleared, and floating before them was Tartaglia: complete in his Foul Legacy Transformation.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[part 6]
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When the Trees Fell Silent
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: When Lumine fell ill because of the meditation incense, her condition was so grave that Tighnari asked Paimon who might come to see her. The Eleventh Fatui Harbinger is the one who arrives in record time to help.
Pairing: Childe/Tartaglia x Lumine (Chilumi)
The girl known as the Traveler dreamt in the hazy darkness that overcame her in the scholar’s cave. Visions of decaying Inazuman mansions and a large, glowing tree flickered in and out, with an abyss of stars in between. She could hear voices whispering around her, but could never quite pick out what they were saying. Time and her own identity were lost to her, consumed by the heaviness that had caused her to collapse and succumb. 
Therefore, when recalling the events later, she did not know how much time had passed when a new voice had cut through it all. 
“Lumine? Lumine!” 
In a shock, her eyes flew open. Her body was weightless now, as she flew up from the bed. Light flooded through the window and doorway, everything still a haze, albeit a more colorful one now. 
“Ajax?” She whispered the name, a secret given under the confidence of Snezhnayan fire-whiskey and more familiar stars. That couldn’t be, he was in Inazuma just as she’d been leaving, she had still been keeping her distance from him then. 
And yet, when she blinked, she saw his frame dropping onto the stool beside her bed. The circles under his eyes were darker than usual, but his eyes were still just as terribly intense, like a raging sea. 
“I’m here.” He took her hand. 
“I don’t understand.” Lumine frowned as she took in her surroundings. She was in a green leaflike hut, the likes of which she’d never seen before. “What happened? Where am I?”
“I don’t know everything.” Childe glanced over his shoulder. A young man with tall fox-like ears and Paimon lingered just outside the hut’s doorway. “But Paimon told me that something happened when you first came to Sumeru, then she started crying and I couldn’t understand her.”
“I was in a cave, there was this lady. . .” Lumine trailed off as she struggled to recall what had happened before she had entered that fog. “Wait—how did you know to come?”
“I just got here.” Childe chuckled. “Just in time, I guess. I already had a bad feeling, before I got the letter.”
“A letter?”
The fox-eared youth stepped through the doorway. “That would be me. I asked your friend if there was anyone to write to, since your condition is undoubtedly the worst reaction I’ve ever seen to the mediation incense. She told me that you’d want me to write to him.”
“I got the letter two days ago,” Childe added. “I came as quickly as I could. Sorry I couldn’t be here sooner.”
“How long have I been out of it?” Lumine looked now to Paimon, who had floated into the hut. 
“Seven days.” The fox-eared youth was the one who had answered. “But you have a place to rest now, and you’re going to need it.”
He then looked to Childe. “I’ve seen it happen before, miraculous recoveries when the right people are nearby. I’m just glad it worked out this time. I’m Tighnari, by the way. You can come find me if you have any questions. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to join a patrol.”
With that, the fox-eared Tighnari disappeared.  
“Traveler, are you okay?” Paimon floated over the end of Lumine’s bed now. “Paimon was worried—Paimon kept yelling but you wouldn’t wake up and it was forever before the Forest Rangers came!”
“I’m okay.” That was a lie, Lumine’s head definitely hurt, and not just for hearing the high pitch of Paimon’s shrill voice.
“It’s going to be okay, Paimon.” Childe’s voice was gentle, like when he spoke to Teucer. “You can rest now, I’ll keep an eye on her.”
“Are you sure?” Paimon tilted her head, her arms folded to match her suspicious glare. “No funny business, Mr. Fatui!”
“No funny business, I promise.” He sounded as if he were struggling not to laugh as he held up his free hand. “Pinky promise.”
“Oh, that means Paimon gets to throw you on the ice if you break it!” Paimon’s eyes lit up. “That’s a deal!”
Lumine exhaled sharply through her nose—that was as close to a laugh as she could get right now. 
Paimon started to float off, when Lumine had a thought. “Wait!”
Paimon stopped and turned around. “Something wrong?”
“Thank you,” she said. “You were right.”
Paimon tilted her head, shrugged, and then continued off. Which left her and the Eleventh Harbinger alone. 
“How are you really?” He asked, once Paimon was fully gone. 
“Head hurts,” she admitted. “I’m still so tired.”
“I’ve heard about the meditation incense the scholars use here.” Childe’s expression was contemplative. “I’ve been wanting to train to withstand it, to get stronger. But first, you’ll have to get stronger, comrade.”
He was still holding her hand, she realized—and she didn’t want to let go. A part of her knew that she should, that she should try to put up walls between them, try to stop her heart from breaking again. 
She forced herself to pull her hand away, as if he’d burned her. Which he had—but it was a long time ago now. 
“Something wrong?” All joviality had left him, she could now picture exactly what he’d looked like when he came through the door and called her name, called her from the dark. 
She turned around, letting her back face him. She wanted to reach back out for him. But hadn’t she embarrassed herself enough, letting him know that he mattered enough to her to bring her back, when no one else could? By calling his name back?
She was so sick of traveling. So tired of having no home to come to, always unfamiliar sights. Only two familiar faces—her brother’s and and her own. She’d had a home once, long ago. It was in times like these, the few times a falling star and a young god could truly be vulnerable, that she wanted a home, she wanted familiar faces. She wanted an open heart. 
“I want to go home,” she finally said. “But there is no home.”
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m sorry, girlie.”
It wasn’t just about what she’d said, she knew that with how heavy his voice was. It was about everything she wouldn’t, couldn’t say. It was about everything he’d never say—not because he didn’t want to, but because he couldn’t. 
It was quiet for a long time. The wind rustled through the trees and a light rain began to tap at the roof. A chill came in through the open windows and doors. Lumine heard a scraping of the stool being pushed back.
“I’ll go find a blanket.”
At the first footstep, she panicked. 
She rolled over and reached a hand out, but he was already out of reach. “Don’t—“
He stopped. He was so still, he might have been a statue or a tree. 
“Don’t go,” she found herself saying, and hating herself for it. “Please don’t leave me.”
He hurried over to her side, taking her into his arms. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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lyxzeun · 3 years
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request rules . . .
please do not send requests including . . .
kaeluc, chilumi/chaether, traveler + adult character, nsfw, kinks, haikyuu (i discontinued writing for it), minor + adult character, character ships, dsmp, romantic + klee, qiqi, diona, sayu, yaoyao, underaged character + suggestive, incest, (too much) violence, specific looking reader(i.e blue eyed reader, brunette reader), mental illnesses (i can’t really detail all of it), male reader (i am not experienced in writing male readers, i apologize.)
i accept requests with . . .
character x reader x character, unreleased characters (i.e pantalone, scaramouche), platonic relationships, slightly suggestive reqs, angst, fluff, kpop x reader, fem!reader, gn!reader, hurt/comfort, and more that i cannot list atm :D! (character limit : 7)
fandoms/kpop groups . . .
genshin impact, seventeen, enhypen, tokyo revengers, obey me! one master to rule them all, and tears of themis, twisted wonderland.
feel free to also send oc info! i’d love to know them !!
feel free to also ask to be moots!! although u should be aware that my old account, @lysse-707 will be the one following you, since i haven’t figured out things yet :)
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 3 years
masterpost - mind the tags and ratings
my Ao3 account
Genshin Impact
for a fluffy Genshin Impact childhood friends AU: The Wind Rises
for shorter Genshin one-shots:
dark Kaeluc: March on Through the Rain
Dainsleif fic: The Stars, Eternal
dark Chilumi: Spider Lillies
canon-compliant rewrite of Kaeya getting his Vision: It Ends in Fire
Xiaoven through the Traveler's eyes: Tell Me of Teyvat
dark Chiluc: Delusions of Happiness
ambiguous Kaeya and Diluc reconciliation: This is No Cultivated Heaven
soft Kaeluc: All My Love is Sunlight
gory Scaramouche ascension fic: and the whole point is that he was loved
tragic Chang’e inspired Kaeluc: May You Live Without Me
soft pre-femslash Eula/Jean: An Exceptional Knight
hurt/comfort post-canon Childe/Yoimiya: you, who saved me in more ways than i can count
angsty post-Irminsul Chiscara: till death do us part (and if i've died already?)
For an AU war story where Kaeya was adopted by the Kamisatos: Overturn Eternity
For a crack, OC-centric series: Diaries of a Treasure Hoarder
For a double-agent Chilumi: The Waning Moon, the First Snowfall
Bungou Stray Dogs
for BSD one-shots:
Q's rampage from the POV of a Port Mafia employee: Just Another Thursday
if Yosano hadn't gone with the ADA: The Monster in the Port Mafia's Basement
Yosano coming to terms with Mori: Hurricanes in Brazil
Fyodor gets possessed: Eat the Apple
Tanizaki is recruited to the PM by force: They Took Her
Dazai dies for a little while during Dead Apple: Absolution
FukuMori fantasy AU: Toss a Coin to Your Fairy
a found family!Kunikida bday fic: Carry on Rowing
for a speculative Fukuzawa and Oda piece (a companion to absolution, somewhat): The Coffeehouse at the End of the World
for an absurd comedy about Atsushi coming into his own: Yoga Mats and Selfhood
For an Akutagawa character study: Tokyo Bay Streetlamps
for OT3 Soukoku/Sigma: sigma didn't sign up for this
for Boomer Soukoku childhood friends AU: Fukuzawa and Mori, Fifteen
for a Harry Potter/BSD crossover: Never the Blood
for an AU where Atsushi is the bartender at the Bar Lupin: The Bar at Ginza
for a comedy series about the Guild: The Guild and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
for a Jujutsu Kaisen casefic-style crossover: Hauntings in the Heart of Yokohama
Trigun/Trigun Stampede
for a series of KV shortfics: a typhoon in the garden of eden
for a post-manga canon reconciliation KV fic: we’ve got to get back to that stinking garden
for a modern au VW get-together: live this shit life reckless
for a short VW reincarnation drabble: you are a mosaic of everyone you’ve ever loved
for a VW royalty AU smutfic: carve heaven outta hell
for a VW BSD!AU: Trigun Stray Dogs
for a KV soulmate AU: my brother, the myrrh eater
for a Zazie/Vash episodic longfic: worm moon
Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed)
for Jiang Cheng/Xue Yang AU during the blank period: Jiang Cheng is a Dog Person
in the same vein, there's a larger collaborative AU: Feral Cats of Yunmeng
Jujutsu Kaisen
for a Gojo Satoru character study where he can see the future: Becoming
for a Hakata Tonkatsu Ramens casefic-style crossover: A City that Eats
Hakata Tonkatsu Ramens
for a fluffy Lin and Banba oneshot: Cherry Blossoms for Three Days
Punishing: Gray Raven
for a story about Solaeter Liv getting revenge: Cauterize
PGR longfic: What We Left in the Ashes
Mars Red
for a Code Zero reunion: A Vampire at the Sea of Galilee
for a short Shutaro/Aoi drabble: October 27, 1924, 3:23 am
Disco Elysium
for a short HarryKim drabble: Fourteen Gunshots
Princess Tutu
for a short, meta Duck drabble: Dialogue Between a Duck and a Grandfather Clock
My Hero Academia
for a villain!Deku au: May Those Who Follow Their Fate Be Granted Happiness
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