#chissy and eddie
elidoesntbreathwee · 1 year
Chrissy and Eddie being alive and happy and best friends :)
// CW! descriptions of ED //
Eddie had seen Chrissy around school a fair amount of times, and of course at the middle school talent show, but if he was honest, he would have never guessed what she was really like. He kinda thought she'd be mean and scary, like a stereotypical popular cheerleader, and then he met her in the woods one day.
She was way cooler than Eddie had thought she'd be. She laughed at his jokes and made some good ones herself. She'd come there for a reason, though, so Eddie delivered, of course, but he and Chrissy had gotten more out of it than they thought they would.
Chrissy wanted something stronger than Eddie had on him though, so Eddie just decided to take her to his and his uncle's trailer. He got her what she wanted, she payed, then left. Eddie thought that'd be the last time he would talk to Chrissy, but he was most certainly wrong.
Only a week or so later, Eddie had run into Chrissy again, not in the woods or anything, in a much more normal place, with less suspicious activity. Eddie was making his way back to his trailer after getting some soda form a corner store, when he saw Chrissy a little bit ahead of him. He didn't think to walk up to her, since he usually never talked to his costumers again, unless they wanted more of the good stuff, but Chrissy turned around at just the right moment and smiled brightly. She jogged over to him cheerfully.
"Eddie! Hi, how are you?!" She said, still smiling.
"Hey Chrissy," Eddie smiled. "I've been good, actually. Did the stuff help you?"
Chrissy looked lost for a moment, then realized what he meant.
"Oh! Yeah, I guess a little."
"Glad it helped"
"Do you... i dont know. Do you want to talk at like, a coffee shop?"
"Uhh, sure. Why not."
Chrissy led Eddie to her favorite coffee shop in town, called Café Java, where she visited semi-regularly, to the point that a few of the employees knew who she was. Chrissy ordered a vanilla latte, and Eddie, after trying his best to understand what all the different types were, chose an americano, because he panicked.
They talked for a while, and somehow they'd been talking for 3 hours. When Eddie realized this he remembered that his soda was probably now warm. He told Chrissy that he needed to take them home, and that they should hang out again soon.
He ran home and put his soda in the fridge :)
The next night, Eddie had been up trying to write a song, when he heard a knock on the trailer's door. Wayne had work that night, so it couldn't have been him, so Eddie was curious. He set down his pen and went to open the door.
"Hey" Chrissy said, with a worried smile on her face, and did a small wave.
"Chrissy? Is everything ok?"
"Yeah... I just... I just got scared I guess, and I didn't know where to go."
"Don't you have a boyfriend you could go to?"
"He... doesn't understand. It's complicated, but, he gets upset... I guess... so I don't really want to go to him." Chrissy was fidgeting with the zipper on her jacket, the same way Eddie messed with his rings when he was nervous.
"Oh. Well, come on in, make yourself comfy, and I'll getcha some water, alright." Eddie smile as Chrissy walked in and sat on the couch in the middle of their living room.
"Do you wanna talk about why ya got scared?" He said as he handed her a glass of water, then sat next to her.
"I dont know... you'd probably think I was insane..."
"Hey, no matter what it is, I won't think that, but if you really don't wanna tell me, you don't have to. We can talk about something else?" Eddie patted Chrissy's shoulder, hoping she got the non-verbal message that he was here for her.
"No, I- uh, I need to get it off my chest." she took a deep breath, then let it out. "Sometimes I get... visions, i guess, of my mom and she's screaming at me, telling me that I..." Chrissy bit her lip, trying to stop herself from crying, but failed. Eddie put his arm around her to comfort her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to cry in front of you"
"Hey, its ok, Chrissy, you dont have to worry. Y'need more water?"
"No- no thank you, im alright." Chrissy sniffled.
"So um, she says that, um.. basically she yells at me about how Im... ugly, and that I shouldn't be eating as much as i do... but" she glanced at Eddie to make sure he didn't look angry. "but i really only eat two (2) small meals and she's still not happy... and my dad" Chrissy started sobbing. Between sobs she got out "My dad just sits there like nothing's even happening, like he doesn't even care"
Eddie hugged her tightly for a while, until she her breathing was more regular, and she had stopped crying. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eye "Chrissy, you're probably the prettiest girl in the entire school, and if your parents can't even see that, then they're full of shit. I know I can't just fix all the damage that's been done, but I wanna help you, because you're my friend, Chrissy, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."
Chrissy was silent for a moment, then she hugged Eddie again "Thank you so much. You dont know how much it means to me that- that you'd be there for me."
"Hey, are ya hungry?" Eddie said, pulling out of the hug.
"... Mhm." Chrissy nodded
"Welp," Eddie stood up "We dont have a lot, but uh, we've prolly got some spaghetti, if ya like that?"
Chrissy laughed "Yeah! Yeah, that'd be great!"
Chrissy ended up staying over the whole night. They had talked more and Eddie brought out his cards and taught her how to play Palace, then they just messed around. If you asked either of them what happened the rest of the night, they wouldn't have known. They had just been there.
After that they had hung out anytime they could, whether it was going to a café, or seeing a movie. Sometimes Chrissy sat by and watched Hellfire, and Eddie would watch her cheer practice. One day, though, someone found out about it all, and was not happy.
"Jason! He- he's not like that, you're wrong about him! He's a good person and he'd never hurt me!" Chrissy insisted.
"THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK! IT'S WHAT HE WANTS YOU TO THINK SO YOU'LL HANG OUT WITH HIM AND THEN HE'LL HURT YOU! Listen, Chrissy, I just dont want you to get hurt." Jason put his hands on his shoulders.
"And I wont! He wont hurt me."
"HE WONT!" That was the first time Chrissy had ever raised her voice at Jason Carver, her boyfriend. On the other hand, Jason yelling at her was becoming more and more common.
"Listen, Chrissy. You can hang out with him, but if you choose to do that, we're done."
"Jason, you aren't serious, right?" Chrissy moved back from him.
"No! I'm very serious! Eddie's some low life prick, and you're hanging out with him more that you're hanging out with me! So either you stop going near him, or you stay away from me."
"... ok then." Chrissy started walking away.
"Where are you going?!" Jason started walking after her
Chrissy turned around "You said it was you or Eddie, i choose him. He doesn't yell at me, and he actually cares about what i think. So goodbye, Jason. Were over."
And that was the end of it. Chrissy later found out from talking to people about it, that especially near the end, their relationship sounded pretty toxic, and it was good that she broke it off before it could get wore.
Chrissy went to find Eddie as quick as possible, because although she seemed confident on the outside, she was a wreck on the in side.
"Eddie, I broke up with him" Chrissy said, standing in Eddie's doorway, once again.
"Come'ere." Chrissy hugged Eddie tightly, then after a few moments, Eddie led Chrissy to the couch, and they talked about it until it was morning again.
One day, the two (2) of them had decided to have a movie marathon night, so they went to Family Video. Eddie was about to walk in, when he looked up and saw *him*. Eddie walked away from the door
"Where are you going?" Chrissy asked
"What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere." Eddie said, stoping in his tracks.
Chrissy looked in through the door "Is it her? Do... you like her?"
"Uhhh, something like that, sure"
"Oh?" Chrissy stared for a moment "She is pretty."
"Robin? I mean, yeah, she is." Eddie smiled awkwardly, not wanting to seem like he was lying. Unfortunately for him, Chrissy could tell that this wasn't about Robin.
"Come on, Eddie, we're friends! You can tell me." Chrissy smiled. "But, you don't have to if you don't want to"
"mMMmmmerg auhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Eddie said, sounding intelligent (sarcasm lmao). "mmm... Ok, I just- yeah, It's not about Robin. Let's just find some movies to watch though. That cool?" Eddie had started to fidget with his rings.
"Yeah, that's cool." Chrissy smiled as Eddie opened the door for her to walk in.
Robin greeted them from the counter, before going back to the book she was reading.
They looked around for a while and each found 2 movies.
"You ready to check out?" Eddie said once he and Chrissy had met back in their meeting spot (the romcom section)
"Yup! What'd you get?"
"E.T. and Back To The Future. 'M just in the mood for sci-fi. How 'bout you?" Eddie pointed at the tapes in Chrissy's hands
"Well, I got The Wizard of Oz, because it used to be my favorite, and I got Heathers!" Chrissy smiled big. "I'm so excited!"
When they got to the front desk (AN which was like 10 steps away im so silly :p) Eddie tried to avoid eye contact, furthering Chrissy's suspicion that he definitely liked someone behind that desk.
"Hey Eddie." Steve smiled "Dustin said he had fun last night..." Steve said awkwardly, since he didn't usually talk to Eddie when he picked the kids up from Hellfire.
"Hey. Glad he did..." Eddie said, equally awkwardly.
There was awkward silence while Steve was doing his thing (AN idk how to rent movies so ur just gonna deal with poor descriptions) and when he handed Eddie his tapes, his hand lingered for just a moment too long, their hands touching.
"Uh... Sinclair won his game, right?" Eddie had seen Dustin, Mike, and Erica run up to Lucas the night before, asking him questions about the game. Eddie had seen them jumping so he assumed Lucas had won.
"Yeah, he did! Super proud of the kid." Steve smiled "He made the winning shot, too!" Ever since Lucas had made the winning shot for the Championship game, he hadn't been on the bench in a while, and he'd been winning a lot of games too.
"No way! Guess I can't be that mad at him for missing Hellfire then." Steve and Eddie both chuckled "Well, uh, we gotta watch these." He looked at Chrissy, who had been rather quiet through Steve and Eddie's awkward interaction
"Chrissy?" Eddie waved his hand in front of her face
"Huh! Oh, sorry." Chrissy's face went red "See you guys" Chrissy smiled at Steve and Robin
As the two (2) were heading out the door, Eddie nudged Chrissy
"What?" Chrissy said
"Come ooon, you're face was bright red!" Eddie argued
"You startled me and I was embarrassed!" Chrissy laughed, knowing it wasn't the full truth "Besides, who cares what my face looked like: 'Glad he did, Steve' 'Sinclair won his game, right, Steve' 'Wow! Really, Steve!'"
"Ok!" Chrissy laughed. "First of all, that wasn't how the conversation went, and second, it was just a friendly conversation!" Eddie defended
"Sureee" Chrissy smiled slyly
"Yeah, yeah, smile all ya want." Eddie nudged Chrissy playfully, and she nudged him back. They kept on walking to Eddie's trailer to watch their movies.
Chrissy and Eddie had been watching their movies for about three (3) hours, and had watched E.T. and when an hour through The Wizard of Oz, but Eddie hadn't been paying very much attention.
He and Chrissy had been friends for a while, and they had gotten to know each other really well, but there was always something that Eddie kept from her. He'd planed on telling her eventually, it just wasn't something that everyone took kindly too. His uncle loved him no matter what, so when Eddie came out to Wayne, it wasn't that big of a deal, but Eddie knew not everyone was like that. But earlier that day when Chrissy had teased him about Steve, she seemed like it didn't bother her that Eddie and Steve were both guys. Even her comment about Robin, which Eddie first took as Chrissy just being nice, seemed a little bit like she didn't mean it in just a friendly way. Eddie decided that she seemed safe enough, and that if she wasn't she wouldn't tell everyone she could about how much more of a freak Eddie "The Freak" Munson was.
"Chrissy?" Eddie said, after a deep breath
"Yeah? What's up?" Chrissy turned down the movie a little bit, then turned back to Eddie.
"Uhm..." Eddie took another deep breath "Ok, I'm just gonna say it, and it'd be nice if you didn't tell the whole world about it."
"Of course I wouldn't tell anyone, not if you asked me not to, Eddie." Chrissy furrowed her brow slightly, confused as to why Eddie felt he needed to say that.
"Ok... um. Chrissy, I'm gay."
Chrissy was silent, her eyes wide.
"Yeah, yeah, ok, I kinda had a feeling this might happen." Eddie stood up "I'll help you get you're stuff an-"
"What do you mean?" Eddie said slowly
"Why would we get my stuff? I'm not leaving."
"You're not... weirded out?" Eddie asked
"Of course not! You're my best friend! Who you love isn't going to change that." Eddie's eyes started to water as Chrissy stood up and grabbed Eddie's shoulder's "You're amazing, Eddie, any way you come. I hope we can always be best friends." She smiled "I'm happy you felt comfortable enough to tell me."
Even if Eddie tried, he couldn't have stopped himself from crying. Chrissy hugged him tightly and Eddie hugged her back, just as tight.
"Thank you." He said through tears. Chrissy hugged him just a little bit tighter before letting go.
"You ready to keep watching the movies now?" She asked
Eddie laughed "You betcha"
Chrissy had insisted they return the movies as soon as possible, though Eddie wasn't sure why. The morning after their marathon, after they'd both eaten breakfast, they headed out to Family Video, where they'd been just they day before.
Chrissy held the door open for Eddie, who was carrying the movies, and gestured for him to walk in.
"Thanks! Guess we're going in turns" Eddie smiled at her
"Yup!" Chrissy smiled.
Chrissy walked into the Family Video, Eddie following behind her. behind the counter, Steve greeted them,
"Back already?" Steve said.
"Yeah, uh, we watched all our movies and I don't want any late fees, so... yeah" Eddie said awkwardly, seriously though, why cant he just be normal around Steve, Eddie thought, he guessed it wasn't too big of a deal, since Steve seemed awkward around him too.
"Oh, cool... Uh, I can take those for you..." Steve replied, holding out his hand to take the stack of tapes. Eddie handed him the tapes and Steve went to put them on a counter behind him.
"Well, uh, It was good to see you." Eddie said after awkward silence.
"Yeah, you too." Steve smiled, Eddie smiled back before turning to Chrissy.
"You ready to go?" Chrissy was staring into the room in the back. "Uhh... Chrissy?"
"Oh! Yeah! I'm ready, yeah." She said, startled.
"Alrighty." Eddie chuckled. "See ya, Stevie." He waved at Steve, Steve waving back, his face looking more red than usual.
Once Eddie and Chrissy had walked out of the video store, Eddie nudged her shoulder, something that seemed to happen every time they came out of that store.
"Soooo... What were you staring at?" Eddie smiled slyly.
"Shut up." Chrissy rolled her eyes.
“Oh come on, you got to tease me last time, I thought we were taking turns” Eddie said, now walking backwards, so as to face Chrissy.
“Fine,” Chrissy said, trying to hide a smile and sighing, “There was just something cool in the backroom.”
“Whatever you say Chris” Eddie said, turning to walk normally.
One lazy afternoon, Chrissy had come over to the Munson’s trailer to hang out. When Eddie opened the door, Chrissy could definitely tell that he was high. She didn’t mind or anything, she could just tell he’d been smoking.
“Chrissycat! Hey, what’s up!” Eddie said, if this had been TV, this would be the moment where Chrissy looked directly at the camera and said ‘definitely high.’
“Hi Eddie, How are you?” Chrissy asked.
“Uhh, I’m good, yeah, come in!” Eddie said, and as Chrissy stepped in he shut the door with a loud thud that made Chrissy jump.
Chrissy sat on the couch, and Eddie draped himself over the place on the couch next to her.
“Soooo, How’s it goin’?” Eddie asked, drawing out most of his words.
“It’s going good, how about you?” Chrissy smiled at him.
“Um, It’s going… Uh… Chriss” Eddie paused. “You promise you won’t laugh?”
“Yeah, Eddie, I promise.” Chrissy said sincerely. 
“So uh, I’ve been thinkin’ this afternoon and well I- , well, you know,” Eddie inhaled deeply. “I think, no I definitely have a crush on Steve, y’know?” He looked over at Chrissy.
Then he heard a suppressed giggle.
Chrissy couldn’t hold it back anymore, she began laughing like crazy.
“What! Chrisss, come onn, you promised!” Eddie said, lightly hitting her shoulder.
“No, no, it’s just you were kinda obvious and I was gonna tell you” Chrissy began to calm her laughing down, “the same thing - well, not the same thing, but that I definitely have a crush on someone, but, y’know, not Steve.”
Eddie stared at her. “Wait… Do you think Steve already knows I like him! Ahg!” Eddie panicked. 
“I don’t think you’re obvious to him, just to me, don’t worry, silly.” Chrissy said to calm him.
“Wait, so who do you definitely have a crush on? You said you have a definitely crush on someone, right?” Eddie said, straight faced.
“‘A definitely crush’? Eddie, oh my god. But yeah, um, I have a crush…” Chrissy said laughing at ‘a definitely crush’. “ Um… Yeah so you know how you’re gay?”
“Yeah?” Eddie responded.
“I think I am too.” Chrissy breathed out, looking at the ceiling. “Ever since I broke up with Jason I’ve been thinking, y’know? I’ve had ‘boyfriends’ but only because people expect me to be with them. Eddie, “She said, now looking at Eddie. “I think I like girls - Like, just girls.”
“Sick, man.” Eddie said, hugging her. It wasn’t quite the response she was expecting, but she wasn't expecting Eddie to be high either.
“Yeah, Eddie, It is pretty sick.” Chrissy said smiling.
“Now we're both gay nerds!” Eddie said, releasing Chrissy from his bear trap of a hug.
Chrissy laughed.
“So, who’s your cruuush.” Eddie said like a middle school girl.
Chrissy rolled her eyes. “Fine. It’s… well, Robin.”
“Oh my god this is perfect! Our crushes work at the same place, so it’ll be easier for me to wingman you and hopelessly pine!” Eddie said enthusiastically. 
“Wait, you expect to wingman me, and think that I’ll let you just be hopeless? No way, Eddie! You’re getting a date with Steve.” Chrissy announced to the walls of Eddie’s living room.
“Chrissycat, I’m glad you’re my friend.” Eddie said on a slightly more serious note.
“I’m glad you're my friend too, Eddie.” Chrissy smiled. The rest of the afternoon, the two just hung out, if you asked either of them what happened, they couldn’t tell you, they wouldn’t have known. They had just been there together.
(A/N) Helloooo hope you liked this, and sorry if its a bit inconsistent (or if there r typos), it took me like 11 months to write lol, and tho it was a struggle bus for me and my procrastination, it was very fun to write. A like or reblog would be SO INCREDIBLY APPRECIATED especially on this :') Hope u have a good day :D
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8em-em-em8 · 10 months
The rare times I've stumbled upon fics whit Steve, Eddie and Chrissy being a poly couple, it always was one of the boys joining an ongoing relationship, what if Steddie were together before Chrissy joined them?
I imagine an AU where they meet Chrissy in college, she cheers for Robin's soccer team or something, and Steve notice almost as soon as Eddie starts being weird around Chrissy (that he's grown to like a lot, because really, what is there not to like about the angel that she is.)
When Steve finally manage to corner his boyfriend about it, he gets to witness Eddie panicking through his Bi awakening.
''I don't understand Steve, I'm gay, I've always known I was gay, girls never did it for me but she's- Steve she's so pretty and so fucking sweet and I love you, I love you so so much but I'm also starting to like her, I know I do and I'm completely lost.'' He's ugly crying at this point, his hands holding Steves' as if he's going to dissolve if he let him go.
He's also panicking about how Steve's gonna react, not about the bi part but the liking someone else part : Eddie knows Steve's Dad cheating contributed a lot in how his parents fucked their kid up growing up, and how being cheated on already broke Steve's heart once before, and losing Steve is literally his worst nightmare. He hates himself for the feelings he has towards Chrissy, and the fact that this is a girl makes it even worse to him.
He's also worrying that Steve will think it's what's best for him, because Steve is way too self sacrifing. He's in love with Eddie and Eddie knows that if Steve think having a girlfriend will be easier for him, he could be capable to assume breaking up is for the best.
After a lot of talking and a some tears, Steve ends up explaining that liking a girl even after years of only liking guys is okay, reminding him that sexuality is a spectrum.
And he calmly explains that he doesn't mind. That maybe a couple of years ago he would have, be him and Eddie have been together long enough that he knows for a fact Eddie loves him just as much as he loves Eddie. That all he need in their relationship is honestly, trust and love. He wouldn't mind if Eddie loved Chrissy too, know there is room for two in Eddie's heart. And let's be honest he wouldn't mind sharing his life with Chrissy either, as long as she is on board with a crazy idea like that.
(I don't plan on writing this idea so if someone want to extend it, feel free to do so)
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ima-ghost-art · 2 years
Modern theatre cast st au!!
Musical - Cats!!
Steve wasnt disappointed with the character he was cast with, actually he was quite exited for it, but he was a little confused.
Originally, when he and Robin came to audition into the new show Dustin was working on. (Cats) (seriously the kid was amazing at building sets and helping with the tech side of theatre aswell as offering backing vocals if needed?!) Steve had auditioned for the role of Munkustrap.
There wasnt alot for the role compared to others he had done before, the whole musical itself was basically all song and dance which was a nice change. Sure Munkustrap danced most of the songs, but Steve had trained in both ballet and contemporary since he was little (much to his fathers resentment), so the constant dancing was a fun concept!!
Plus, with Munkustrap, it was more of a singing and narration role, most of the time performing to accompany another actor. He was also a protective cat, so steve thought performing as him would be quite fitting.
When Robin finally came barreling into their shared apartment followed by thier friend Chrissy, with the letters telling them what roles they got, Steve was surprised to see that he was given the Character of 'Mr Mistoffelees/ Quaxo' the magical cat.
"I just dont get it robs... why would they give me Mistoffelees of all cats?" He wasnt unhappy, just confused, Mistoffelees was often given to more... smaller (?) male actors. Which Steve knew he wasnt that small.
"Well maybe its because your an amazing dancer who ive witnessed do like 50 pirouette in a row, AND could easily steal the show, but doesnt like admitting how good he is out of fear people will think hes some rich kid who just gets roles handed to him instead of trying really hard because his parents disowned him leaving him to work paycheck to paycheck while also babysitting to get through performing arts school?" Robin smirked up at him over the copy of the letter telling her she got 'Skimpleshanks the railway cat', the same role she auditioned for.
Chrissy laughed, her role as 'Victoria' also displayed out infount of her, "You know shes not wrong stevie!" Mischief glinted in her eyes as she held her girlfriends hand.
Steve looked to the two of them and huffed, "I can do like 27 not 50." He roled his eyes at the unimpressed look Robin gave him, but it didn't last long before they all laughed.
Steve was pleased for them, he and Chris had met as kids, the two children of rich familys who had convinced thier parents to send them to dance school, who also lived in the same small town, quickly became close before chrissys mother moved her away. Thankfully however, they reconnected back in college away from their controlling families.
They had met Robin in a production of Wicked a couple years later, she was playing Elphaba while Chrissy was Galinda and Steve had the role as Fiyero.
Mid way through practicing the production, there had been a fire in the theatre that had him and Robin trapped for hours in the bathroom. It had left Steve with a pretty nasty concussion too.
While hiding in one of the musty old stalls, they had a heart to heart were Rob had confessed her feelings for their co star and couldnt go through with kissing Steve on stage. He had understood and after being saved from the burning reck of the old theatre, desided to come up with a way to help with Robin's stage kissing problem.
Turned out, after talking with a couple of the kids he babysits, there was an easy change that could be made to the story that fit the character archs better, aswell as not force Robin to have to kiss a boy on stage.
With permission, the kids had taken the script, making a change that left the two women as the love interests instead, while the Scarecrow Fiyero took over looking after Oz. It was an instant hit, pulling out the shows hidden queer themes. Also leading to the now power couple that is Robin and Chrissy, who didnt take long after the first show to confess to eachother!!
Now him and rob share an apartment, with Chris basically living there too even though she had her own apartment and roommate too. All now being told they finally all were cast in the same production again!
"I dont even get to sing my own song though!" He slumped into the sofa, taking a moment to glare at Robin as she chuckled at him from where she sat on the floor between Chrissy legs.
"Yes buttttt you get like the coolest costume and the best dance number all while being serenaded by whoever is playing Rum Tum Tugger!" Robin threw her hand that wasnt being held by her girlfriend in the air as she talked, "Plus Mistoffelees has a bunch of like, jumps and spinnys which is like... literally your favourite thing to do when dancing so dont worry about how you got the role, be exited that you get to do it!!!"
Steve looked down and smiled, "I am exited... it's going to be the first performance with us and all the kids either performing or working front or back of house... plus Jon said hes helping backstage this year and doing promotional work, and Hoppers joining again, I so am exited. I just want this to be perfect Robs."
He looked up to see his best friend giving him a knowing smile. They had worked hard for this, both with unsuporting familys, all the tireless classes, with boring tough part time jobs to afford paying off loans and rent. They worked for this.
Even if this was performing as mystical, jellicle cats on Broadway.
"If it helps," Chis let go of Robin, scooching her legs around her girlfriend so she could move to cuddle into Steve's side. He leaned into her, snorting slightly hearing Robin huff that steve stole Chrissy from her.
"If it helps, I'm almost certainly convinced I know who got Tugger if your wondering who got to sing your song." She beamed at him, excitedly grabbing his hands in hers and pulling them both to be sitting up as Robin came and rested her arms on their legs, "my roommate auditioned for Cats aswell! He doesnt often do shows like this but his dream role ever since I ment him has been Rum Tum Tugger!! Hes really good aswell so if its him I bet you guys would work wonders together!"
Steve laughed and shook his head. "You make it sound like Mistoffelees and Tugger are inlove!?"
The girls gasped! "Steve I know you're a dingus who probably has enough brain damage to stop you from performing, but you HAVE to know of the power couple that is Tugoffelees!?!?" Robin said sounding aghast from where she sat on the floor, hand to her chest and everything!
"Omg EXACTLY!!" Chrissy looked between Robin and Steve, "Tugger doesnt want everything he cant have, stealing the spotlight whenever he can, while misto playfully acts uninterested when every fauns over Tugger, ONLY FOR Rum Tum Tugger to sing an entire song dedicated to Mistoffelees being perfect!?!? I dont think so steve, that has gay and smitten written all over it!!!"
Steve snorted and shook his head, looking at the girls like they couldnt be serious. When he noticed their expressions hadnt changed, still holding firm about this suposed truth for these beloved characters, he looked at them like they had grown a third head.
"They are CATS??" he said incredulously!
"THEY'RE GAY CATS STEVE!!" The lesbians yelled back in unison!
He groaned knowing he wouldnt win this argument, even tho being queer himself and understanding what it ment to have characters like them in media, especially theatre. Still he had never been able to get into any fandoms, even if he did perform in some shows with respectably large ones, much unlike his female counterparts who revealed in needing out one every musical they heard. So honestly the concept of how two cats based on children's poems were gay? Very possible. Was he about to analyse every rendition of the character to determine their sexual preferences?
Yeah no, he would much rather just dance his little heart out performing as said character, than worrying about anyone else's but his owns sexuality.
Plus, he doubted he could even have the same 'romantic tension' with he co star, whoever he was, anyway. He had given up on romance ages ago since his last relationship with Nancy Wheeler, a kick ass reporter who had been writing an article about how the group had gotten the chance to rewrite parts of Wicked, crashed and burned the night of the grand finale.
Steve gave out a long suffering sigh, "Uhhhh fine you win gay cats," he rubbed a hand over his face, "but really chris, your roommate? I thought you said he was in a metal band??"
"Oh he is!" She absent mindedly went to stroke Robin's hair as she spoke, "but he and his best friend are in some of my music classes, they often audition for more 'out there' parts. His most known role was the Phantom in Phantom of the opera, and I think his friend got Michael last year in an off Broadway production of Be more chill, they both auditioned for this show aswell! They have like amazing range as singers!!"
"Well if they get any parts it's going to be nice to finally meet them!" Rob says looking pleasantly blissed out from being pet by her girlfriend. "You've been rooming with this guy for like three years and I dont think I've seen more than a picture of him!"
Chrissy giggled, they all knew her roommate was her other best friend she lovingly called rockstar to the point no one was sure what his real name was. At this point it was a running joke to see who ever could meet him first since the man was often sleeping, or away through out most of the evening and night. Constant clashing of schedules making it so neither him or robin had met the elusive man. Which was kind of shocking since apparently to chis, he was very hard to miss!
"Definitely!! Hes out of state till next week, just before rehearsals start actually, so I was wondering I could stay here till hes back?"
"Do you really have to ask Chris?" Robin asked, making her girlfriend turn to her with a shy smile.
"I love having you here and so does Robs, you practically live here at this point" steve pointed out, "honestly I'd tell you to move in if I knew you didnt like liveing with your other friend so much!"
They laughed, "Steve made a great point love, you should know you are always welcomed here!" After getting a chrissy giggle of approval, Robin stood up, immediately pulling the other up with her!
"Now come on! We just got the greatest job offers yet, we need to celebrate!!" The woman dragged them, all laughing with her, too her and Steve's liquor cabinet. Opening it and reaching in she pulled out a bottle of vodka that Murray, their very... exasperated acting coach, had lovingly gifted them after their auditions.
Robin looked Steve in the eye, a glimmer of something mischievous as she brandished the bottle.
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beyond the sea (waiting for me)
Author: Elanor_gamgee
Rating/Warning: Teen and up audiences, referenced past ab*se, referenced past ED
Chapter Count: 7/7
Description: Chrissy just wanted to move into a lighthouse and work on her writing in peace and quiet. She doesn't understand who Eddie is, or why he seems so insistent that she take his coat.
Tags: Alternate Universe- no vecna, selkie!Eddie, Author!Chrissy, Chissy ran away from her past, she has a light house, fluff, angst, discussions of trauma, Chrissy POV, multiple chapters, Status: completed
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I'm really exposing myself here... i've been trying to reproduce Eddie Munson's trailer in my sims 4 game for like 2 months. I've searched and downloaded so many ccs that i think my pc could explode anytime soon. I'm not completely satisfied, i'd imagined it way messier than it is, but the game didn't let me do my job! I know that there are some errors and difference from the actual trailer but this is the best i could do! Anyway i'm so proud, expecially for the living room and Eddie's bedroom. Hope that my english makes sense. Chissy's house is the nexy!
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edhellfire · 1 year
Continued from here with @little-miss-losing-her-mind
Teenagers often chose to throw parties when their parents were out of town. Not Chissy Cunningham. Chrissy Cunningham invited her secret boyfriend to spend the weekend with her. Originally it had been under the guise that she didn't want to be by herself in that big old house but they both knew the real reason. They didn't get to spend nearly as much time with each other as they wanted to. Chrissy's parents would have a heart attack if they found out that the reason she had dumped Jason Carver was because she was developed feelings for the Hawkins burnout. Jason would hunt Eddie down like prey if he knew. God knows what else would happen to pull them apart.
They couldn't risk it. They were good for each other. Weird as it may be from an outside perspective, they understood each other. Chrissy made Eddie want to be better. He felt like he had to so he could deserve her. Not that Chrissy ever said he needed to be better. She loved him just the way he was, loud, obnoxious, crazy hair and all. They truly were the odd couple.
Eddie was soaking up every second of this weekend. That included standing in the doorway of the bathroom watching as Chrissy brushed her hair and got ready for bed. He still couldn't believe that he got his middle school crush.
"We're graduating, Chris." It was terrifying. It looked like Eddie was finally at the finish line. He should be celebrating considering how many times he'd tried to get here but he had this feeling that Chrissy's parents were going to send her off to college and fuck knows Eddie didn't have the grades for that. But he wasn't going to ask her to stay either. This girl he was staring at was meant for things greater than Hawkins.
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a-strange-inkling · 2 years
How do you imagine Eddie and Chissy's first kiss was? For me, it was certainly Chrissy's initiative in an impulsive act on her part, Eddie must have been floored and all silly kkkkkkkk
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This so cute omg 😱
Oooo I have actually written it both ways in different fics and I could honestly see either of them initiating the first kiss. It’s so cute when it’s Chrissy, because it makes Eddie’s brain go brrr! In the Old Haunts verse, Eddie kisses her first 🤫
Whoever does, I too imagine it would be almost on dazed impulse, like they’re looking at them all dreamy and smitten and then they just mwa!
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andvys · 1 year
First of all, let me say thank you for spending time on writing this! Writers of Fanfics don't get thanked nearly as much as you should.
This chapter was everything I wanted and more! I have so many questions! Is TR going to get the T on Miss Chritine? And is that going to piss her off even more? Is Steebie(that wasn't a typo i call him that and get made fun of by my mom constantly😆) going to be the one to spill the T, or is Garreth since he's been pushing the two of them together?
I wouldn't have wanted to be on the bus with them and would have rented a car and drove myself to the next gig.I'll be there when I get there😂
Listen Chissy you have no right putting your hands on Eddie when your nasty ass is fucking around behind his back. TR, on the other hand, has all of the rights to beat an ass. I am glad she went the way she did, though I was laughing so hard I would have been standing up and clapping if I saw that go down in real life😂
Aaahhh thank youuuu😭❤️ I appreciate your kind words so much!
Reader is gonna find out about what happened in Eddie and Chrissy’s relationship when she’s in Hawkins, Wayne is actually going to be the one to tell her👀 (Also Steebie how cute 😂)
She won’t want to be there with them either but she’s gonna just focus on herself and try to keep her distance as best as she can!
And yup….. she doesn’t deserve him at all and she doesn’t deserve to touch him after what she did 😅
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royalty-unknown · 2 years
Accidents Happen
Mommy! Chrissy x Daddy! Eddie x Little!reader 
Requested by:@pillowcolorsstuff
Summary: Shifting in school was bad, but having an accident was even worse. 
WARNINGS!!: Pull-up use, crying, Accidental slipping, Accidently going potty, Teacher being a meanie, Fluff
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The request just wanted mommy Chrissy and daddy Eddie that’s all and they said I can do anything with it! Hope you like it!
You were upset at the fact that the teacher wouldn’t let you go to the bathroom. He didn’t have a reason for you not to, he just didn’t want you to go, you thought. Chrissy and Eddie were in the same class as you, There being 8 rows of desk you being in the 7th, Chissy being in the 8th and Eddie being in the 6th (See what I did there?) all being in front of each other. You squirmed trying to hold it in even though it felt like your bladder was stabbing you over and over again with a dagger. You started to slip and tears formed in your eye’s, You mommy gently rubbing your back as an attempt to try to calm you down. 
There was 5 mins left of class but you couldn’t hold it you had to go so bad and that’s when you started bouncing trying your very hardest not to go potty on yourself, You had told your mommy and daddy that morning that you didn;t need a pull up because you weren’t going to slip but you did accidentally. By the time you stopped thinking the 5 mins were up and the bell rang but the moment it did you zoomed out of class hearing the teacher say the ‘The bell doesn’t dismiss you I do.’ but you were already in the bathroom. You put your stuff on a hook and immediately went to a stall and tried to pull your pants down but your belt was in the way and you couldn’t unbuckle it so you slowly slid down the stall wall and started crying. 
The frustration of not being able to go to potty, The pain form not being able to go potty, and your mommy and daddy not being here all because of your stupid teacher. You had to go so bad so you tried again but you couldn’t take the damn belt off. You didn’t mean to go potty on yourself, it just happened and there was now a puddle pooling around your feet. You were crying until you heard the bathroom door being pushed open and the sound of your mommy and daddy’s voice “little one are you ok?”  Eddie said, him and Chrissy walking towards the stall that you were in both stopping when they saw a light tint yellow puddle on the floor and hearing your cries. “Poor baby, y/n can you open the door for mommy and daddy please..”
 Chrissy asked as Eddie went to get your change of clothes from his bag with a pull up. “A-are c-chu and dadda mwad at me” You asked “no no baby never why would we be mad?” Eddie said with concern and confusion. “B-bwecause I’s sway I’s no need a pull up bwut I dwid and I went potty ons mwyself..I’s sorry I’s no mean to I’s juwust cwoudn’t get mwy bwelt o-off” you said already in tears “Baby we promise we aren't mad please open the door..” Chrissy said in a gentle comforting tone. You opened the door looking down at the floor still crying as the door was pushed open and your daddy gently grabbed your hand so he can walk you out of the puddle
and hugged you making sure your lower half won't touch him, Naturally he wouldn’t care but you were at school and he didn’t want to smell like pee. “Sh shh it’s ok daddy and mommy’s here.” He softly said while holding your hand and walking out the bathroom making sure no one saw you like this and Chrissy grabbed yours and his stuff following closely to cover your bottom just in case someone was walking by. Eddie walked you to his van and opened the back laying you down and slipping your bottoms off and you whined at the feeling of the cold air “Sh sh baby I’ll make it quick” Eddie said while chrissy played with your hair “It’s ok baby accidents happen” Chrissy said and she leaned down to kiss your forehead as Eddie gently wiped your your princess parts and lover half making sure to get everything. After that he then put a pull up on you putting powder in it first then he put your bottoms on which was a skirt and took your shirt off and put a white onesie on you strapping it between your legs then smiling at you. “All done bunny” He said and you giggled as he sat you up and kissed your nose. You all decided on just skipping and going to chrissy’s house and you spent the rest of the the day being reassured that it was not your fault,Cuddled, watching movies, and held by your two mose wonderful caregivers!
Word Count: 967
Hi my kittens! Please let me know about your thoughts and opinions but in a respectful manner. This request was different from others because the person just wanted mommy chrissy and daddy eddie and just said I can do anything I wan’t! This request was very fun to write and I do hope to receive more from you and others and I will hope to improve as I go and continue writing stories! But anyways hope you're drinking 1-4 water bottles/cups of water and eating at least 1-2 meals a day! Until the next one my fellow Victims~
 Your Friendly Neighborhood,
       ☢Killer Bunny☢
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Does it ever hit anyone that Eddie and Chissys Forest Scene has one of the most magical prettiest scores? It sounds right out of Labyrinth
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edhellfire · 1 year
inspired by the infamous “i want the k” meme by deactivated tumblr user tastcful. send 🎲 to generate a kiss! potential suggestive/nsf.w themes may appear
@havvkinsqueen - 40. An impulsive kiss
There were so many times that Eddie thought about kissing Chrissy but didn't. If he thought about it for even a minute he could come up with a million reasons not to do it. Maybe it was the beer and the shot he'd had before going on stage to play that Tuesday evening - liquid courage. Maybe it was watching Chissy watching him perform. Whatever the reason was, when Eddie hopped off the stage the first thing he did was walk over to Chrissy, place a hand on her hip and then lean down to kiss her. It was a bold move, a rockstar move. So maybe it wasn't the alcohol, maybe it wasn't even Chrissy looking at him, maybe it was just pure fucking adrenaline. He pulled back, a proud smile on his lips. "Thanks for coming tonight."
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Does it ever hit anyone that Eddie and Chissys Forest Scene has one of the most magical prettiest scores? It sounds right out of Labyrinth
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