#platonic chrissy and eddie
elidoesntbreathwee · 1 year
Chrissy and Eddie being alive and happy and best friends :)
// CW! descriptions of ED //
Eddie had seen Chrissy around school a fair amount of times, and of course at the middle school talent show, but if he was honest, he would have never guessed what she was really like. He kinda thought she'd be mean and scary, like a stereotypical popular cheerleader, and then he met her in the woods one day.
She was way cooler than Eddie had thought she'd be. She laughed at his jokes and made some good ones herself. She'd come there for a reason, though, so Eddie delivered, of course, but he and Chrissy had gotten more out of it than they thought they would.
Chrissy wanted something stronger than Eddie had on him though, so Eddie just decided to take her to his and his uncle's trailer. He got her what she wanted, she payed, then left. Eddie thought that'd be the last time he would talk to Chrissy, but he was most certainly wrong.
Only a week or so later, Eddie had run into Chrissy again, not in the woods or anything, in a much more normal place, with less suspicious activity. Eddie was making his way back to his trailer after getting some soda form a corner store, when he saw Chrissy a little bit ahead of him. He didn't think to walk up to her, since he usually never talked to his costumers again, unless they wanted more of the good stuff, but Chrissy turned around at just the right moment and smiled brightly. She jogged over to him cheerfully.
"Eddie! Hi, how are you?!" She said, still smiling.
"Hey Chrissy," Eddie smiled. "I've been good, actually. Did the stuff help you?"
Chrissy looked lost for a moment, then realized what he meant.
"Oh! Yeah, I guess a little."
"Glad it helped"
"Do you... i dont know. Do you want to talk at like, a coffee shop?"
"Uhh, sure. Why not."
Chrissy led Eddie to her favorite coffee shop in town, called Café Java, where she visited semi-regularly, to the point that a few of the employees knew who she was. Chrissy ordered a vanilla latte, and Eddie, after trying his best to understand what all the different types were, chose an americano, because he panicked.
They talked for a while, and somehow they'd been talking for 3 hours. When Eddie realized this he remembered that his soda was probably now warm. He told Chrissy that he needed to take them home, and that they should hang out again soon.
He ran home and put his soda in the fridge :)
The next night, Eddie had been up trying to write a song, when he heard a knock on the trailer's door. Wayne had work that night, so it couldn't have been him, so Eddie was curious. He set down his pen and went to open the door.
"Hey" Chrissy said, with a worried smile on her face, and did a small wave.
"Chrissy? Is everything ok?"
"Yeah... I just... I just got scared I guess, and I didn't know where to go."
"Don't you have a boyfriend you could go to?"
"He... doesn't understand. It's complicated, but, he gets upset... I guess... so I don't really want to go to him." Chrissy was fidgeting with the zipper on her jacket, the same way Eddie messed with his rings when he was nervous.
"Oh. Well, come on in, make yourself comfy, and I'll getcha some water, alright." Eddie smile as Chrissy walked in and sat on the couch in the middle of their living room.
"Do you wanna talk about why ya got scared?" He said as he handed her a glass of water, then sat next to her.
"I dont know... you'd probably think I was insane..."
"Hey, no matter what it is, I won't think that, but if you really don't wanna tell me, you don't have to. We can talk about something else?" Eddie patted Chrissy's shoulder, hoping she got the non-verbal message that he was here for her.
"No, I- uh, I need to get it off my chest." she took a deep breath, then let it out. "Sometimes I get... visions, i guess, of my mom and she's screaming at me, telling me that I..." Chrissy bit her lip, trying to stop herself from crying, but failed. Eddie put his arm around her to comfort her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to cry in front of you"
"Hey, its ok, Chrissy, you dont have to worry. Y'need more water?"
"No- no thank you, im alright." Chrissy sniffled.
"So um, she says that, um.. basically she yells at me about how Im... ugly, and that I shouldn't be eating as much as i do... but" she glanced at Eddie to make sure he didn't look angry. "but i really only eat two (2) small meals and she's still not happy... and my dad" Chrissy started sobbing. Between sobs she got out "My dad just sits there like nothing's even happening, like he doesn't even care"
Eddie hugged her tightly for a while, until she her breathing was more regular, and she had stopped crying. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eye "Chrissy, you're probably the prettiest girl in the entire school, and if your parents can't even see that, then they're full of shit. I know I can't just fix all the damage that's been done, but I wanna help you, because you're my friend, Chrissy, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."
Chrissy was silent for a moment, then she hugged Eddie again "Thank you so much. You dont know how much it means to me that- that you'd be there for me."
"Hey, are ya hungry?" Eddie said, pulling out of the hug.
"... Mhm." Chrissy nodded
"Welp," Eddie stood up "We dont have a lot, but uh, we've prolly got some spaghetti, if ya like that?"
Chrissy laughed "Yeah! Yeah, that'd be great!"
Chrissy ended up staying over the whole night. They had talked more and Eddie brought out his cards and taught her how to play Palace, then they just messed around. If you asked either of them what happened the rest of the night, they wouldn't have known. They had just been there.
After that they had hung out anytime they could, whether it was going to a café, or seeing a movie. Sometimes Chrissy sat by and watched Hellfire, and Eddie would watch her cheer practice. One day, though, someone found out about it all, and was not happy.
"Jason! He- he's not like that, you're wrong about him! He's a good person and he'd never hurt me!" Chrissy insisted.
"THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK! IT'S WHAT HE WANTS YOU TO THINK SO YOU'LL HANG OUT WITH HIM AND THEN HE'LL HURT YOU! Listen, Chrissy, I just dont want you to get hurt." Jason put his hands on his shoulders.
"And I wont! He wont hurt me."
"HE WONT!" That was the first time Chrissy had ever raised her voice at Jason Carver, her boyfriend. On the other hand, Jason yelling at her was becoming more and more common.
"Listen, Chrissy. You can hang out with him, but if you choose to do that, we're done."
"Jason, you aren't serious, right?" Chrissy moved back from him.
"No! I'm very serious! Eddie's some low life prick, and you're hanging out with him more that you're hanging out with me! So either you stop going near him, or you stay away from me."
"... ok then." Chrissy started walking away.
"Where are you going?!" Jason started walking after her
Chrissy turned around "You said it was you or Eddie, i choose him. He doesn't yell at me, and he actually cares about what i think. So goodbye, Jason. Were over."
And that was the end of it. Chrissy later found out from talking to people about it, that especially near the end, their relationship sounded pretty toxic, and it was good that she broke it off before it could get wore.
Chrissy went to find Eddie as quick as possible, because although she seemed confident on the outside, she was a wreck on the in side.
"Eddie, I broke up with him" Chrissy said, standing in Eddie's doorway, once again.
"Come'ere." Chrissy hugged Eddie tightly, then after a few moments, Eddie led Chrissy to the couch, and they talked about it until it was morning again.
One day, the two (2) of them had decided to have a movie marathon night, so they went to Family Video. Eddie was about to walk in, when he looked up and saw *him*. Eddie walked away from the door
"Where are you going?" Chrissy asked
"What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere." Eddie said, stoping in his tracks.
Chrissy looked in through the door "Is it her? Do... you like her?"
"Uhhh, something like that, sure"
"Oh?" Chrissy stared for a moment "She is pretty."
"Robin? I mean, yeah, she is." Eddie smiled awkwardly, not wanting to seem like he was lying. Unfortunately for him, Chrissy could tell that this wasn't about Robin.
"Come on, Eddie, we're friends! You can tell me." Chrissy smiled. "But, you don't have to if you don't want to"
"mMMmmmerg auhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Eddie said, sounding intelligent (sarcasm lmao). "mmm... Ok, I just- yeah, It's not about Robin. Let's just find some movies to watch though. That cool?" Eddie had started to fidget with his rings.
"Yeah, that's cool." Chrissy smiled as Eddie opened the door for her to walk in.
Robin greeted them from the counter, before going back to the book she was reading.
They looked around for a while and each found 2 movies.
"You ready to check out?" Eddie said once he and Chrissy had met back in their meeting spot (the romcom section)
"Yup! What'd you get?"
"E.T. and Back To The Future. 'M just in the mood for sci-fi. How 'bout you?" Eddie pointed at the tapes in Chrissy's hands
"Well, I got The Wizard of Oz, because it used to be my favorite, and I got Heathers!" Chrissy smiled big. "I'm so excited!"
When they got to the front desk (AN which was like 10 steps away im so silly :p) Eddie tried to avoid eye contact, furthering Chrissy's suspicion that he definitely liked someone behind that desk.
"Hey Eddie." Steve smiled "Dustin said he had fun last night..." Steve said awkwardly, since he didn't usually talk to Eddie when he picked the kids up from Hellfire.
"Hey. Glad he did..." Eddie said, equally awkwardly.
There was awkward silence while Steve was doing his thing (AN idk how to rent movies so ur just gonna deal with poor descriptions) and when he handed Eddie his tapes, his hand lingered for just a moment too long, their hands touching.
"Uh... Sinclair won his game, right?" Eddie had seen Dustin, Mike, and Erica run up to Lucas the night before, asking him questions about the game. Eddie had seen them jumping so he assumed Lucas had won.
"Yeah, he did! Super proud of the kid." Steve smiled "He made the winning shot, too!" Ever since Lucas had made the winning shot for the Championship game, he hadn't been on the bench in a while, and he'd been winning a lot of games too.
"No way! Guess I can't be that mad at him for missing Hellfire then." Steve and Eddie both chuckled "Well, uh, we gotta watch these." He looked at Chrissy, who had been rather quiet through Steve and Eddie's awkward interaction
"Chrissy?" Eddie waved his hand in front of her face
"Huh! Oh, sorry." Chrissy's face went red "See you guys" Chrissy smiled at Steve and Robin
As the two (2) were heading out the door, Eddie nudged Chrissy
"What?" Chrissy said
"Come ooon, you're face was bright red!" Eddie argued
"You startled me and I was embarrassed!" Chrissy laughed, knowing it wasn't the full truth "Besides, who cares what my face looked like: 'Glad he did, Steve' 'Sinclair won his game, right, Steve' 'Wow! Really, Steve!'"
"Ok!" Chrissy laughed. "First of all, that wasn't how the conversation went, and second, it was just a friendly conversation!" Eddie defended
"Sureee" Chrissy smiled slyly
"Yeah, yeah, smile all ya want." Eddie nudged Chrissy playfully, and she nudged him back. They kept on walking to Eddie's trailer to watch their movies.
Chrissy and Eddie had been watching their movies for about three (3) hours, and had watched E.T. and when an hour through The Wizard of Oz, but Eddie hadn't been paying very much attention.
He and Chrissy had been friends for a while, and they had gotten to know each other really well, but there was always something that Eddie kept from her. He'd planed on telling her eventually, it just wasn't something that everyone took kindly too. His uncle loved him no matter what, so when Eddie came out to Wayne, it wasn't that big of a deal, but Eddie knew not everyone was like that. But earlier that day when Chrissy had teased him about Steve, she seemed like it didn't bother her that Eddie and Steve were both guys. Even her comment about Robin, which Eddie first took as Chrissy just being nice, seemed a little bit like she didn't mean it in just a friendly way. Eddie decided that she seemed safe enough, and that if she wasn't she wouldn't tell everyone she could about how much more of a freak Eddie "The Freak" Munson was.
"Chrissy?" Eddie said, after a deep breath
"Yeah? What's up?" Chrissy turned down the movie a little bit, then turned back to Eddie.
"Uhm..." Eddie took another deep breath "Ok, I'm just gonna say it, and it'd be nice if you didn't tell the whole world about it."
"Of course I wouldn't tell anyone, not if you asked me not to, Eddie." Chrissy furrowed her brow slightly, confused as to why Eddie felt he needed to say that.
"Ok... um. Chrissy, I'm gay."
Chrissy was silent, her eyes wide.
"Yeah, yeah, ok, I kinda had a feeling this might happen." Eddie stood up "I'll help you get you're stuff an-"
"What do you mean?" Eddie said slowly
"Why would we get my stuff? I'm not leaving."
"You're not... weirded out?" Eddie asked
"Of course not! You're my best friend! Who you love isn't going to change that." Eddie's eyes started to water as Chrissy stood up and grabbed Eddie's shoulder's "You're amazing, Eddie, any way you come. I hope we can always be best friends." She smiled "I'm happy you felt comfortable enough to tell me."
Even if Eddie tried, he couldn't have stopped himself from crying. Chrissy hugged him tightly and Eddie hugged her back, just as tight.
"Thank you." He said through tears. Chrissy hugged him just a little bit tighter before letting go.
"You ready to keep watching the movies now?" She asked
Eddie laughed "You betcha"
Chrissy had insisted they return the movies as soon as possible, though Eddie wasn't sure why. The morning after their marathon, after they'd both eaten breakfast, they headed out to Family Video, where they'd been just they day before.
Chrissy held the door open for Eddie, who was carrying the movies, and gestured for him to walk in.
"Thanks! Guess we're going in turns" Eddie smiled at her
"Yup!" Chrissy smiled.
Chrissy walked into the Family Video, Eddie following behind her. behind the counter, Steve greeted them,
"Back already?" Steve said.
"Yeah, uh, we watched all our movies and I don't want any late fees, so... yeah" Eddie said awkwardly, seriously though, why cant he just be normal around Steve, Eddie thought, he guessed it wasn't too big of a deal, since Steve seemed awkward around him too.
"Oh, cool... Uh, I can take those for you..." Steve replied, holding out his hand to take the stack of tapes. Eddie handed him the tapes and Steve went to put them on a counter behind him.
"Well, uh, It was good to see you." Eddie said after awkward silence.
"Yeah, you too." Steve smiled, Eddie smiled back before turning to Chrissy.
"You ready to go?" Chrissy was staring into the room in the back. "Uhh... Chrissy?"
"Oh! Yeah! I'm ready, yeah." She said, startled.
"Alrighty." Eddie chuckled. "See ya, Stevie." He waved at Steve, Steve waving back, his face looking more red than usual.
Once Eddie and Chrissy had walked out of the video store, Eddie nudged her shoulder, something that seemed to happen every time they came out of that store.
"Soooo... What were you staring at?" Eddie smiled slyly.
"Shut up." Chrissy rolled her eyes.
“Oh come on, you got to tease me last time, I thought we were taking turns” Eddie said, now walking backwards, so as to face Chrissy.
“Fine,” Chrissy said, trying to hide a smile and sighing, “There was just something cool in the backroom.”
“Whatever you say Chris” Eddie said, turning to walk normally.
One lazy afternoon, Chrissy had come over to the Munson’s trailer to hang out. When Eddie opened the door, Chrissy could definitely tell that he was high. She didn’t mind or anything, she could just tell he’d been smoking.
“Chrissycat! Hey, what’s up!” Eddie said, if this had been TV, this would be the moment where Chrissy looked directly at the camera and said ‘definitely high.’
“Hi Eddie, How are you?” Chrissy asked.
“Uhh, I’m good, yeah, come in!” Eddie said, and as Chrissy stepped in he shut the door with a loud thud that made Chrissy jump.
Chrissy sat on the couch, and Eddie draped himself over the place on the couch next to her.
“Soooo, How’s it goin’?” Eddie asked, drawing out most of his words.
“It’s going good, how about you?” Chrissy smiled at him.
“Um, It’s going… Uh… Chriss” Eddie paused. “You promise you won’t laugh?”
“Yeah, Eddie, I promise.” Chrissy said sincerely. 
“So uh, I’ve been thinkin’ this afternoon and well I- , well, you know,” Eddie inhaled deeply. “I think, no I definitely have a crush on Steve, y’know?” He looked over at Chrissy.
Then he heard a suppressed giggle.
Chrissy couldn’t hold it back anymore, she began laughing like crazy.
“What! Chrisss, come onn, you promised!” Eddie said, lightly hitting her shoulder.
“No, no, it’s just you were kinda obvious and I was gonna tell you” Chrissy began to calm her laughing down, “the same thing - well, not the same thing, but that I definitely have a crush on someone, but, y’know, not Steve.”
Eddie stared at her. “Wait… Do you think Steve already knows I like him! Ahg!” Eddie panicked. 
“I don’t think you’re obvious to him, just to me, don’t worry, silly.” Chrissy said to calm him.
“Wait, so who do you definitely have a crush on? You said you have a definitely crush on someone, right?” Eddie said, straight faced.
“‘A definitely crush’? Eddie, oh my god. But yeah, um, I have a crush…” Chrissy said laughing at ‘a definitely crush’. “ Um… Yeah so you know how you’re gay?”
“Yeah?” Eddie responded.
“I think I am too.” Chrissy breathed out, looking at the ceiling. “Ever since I broke up with Jason I’ve been thinking, y’know? I’ve had ‘boyfriends’ but only because people expect me to be with them. Eddie, “She said, now looking at Eddie. “I think I like girls - Like, just girls.”
“Sick, man.” Eddie said, hugging her. It wasn’t quite the response she was expecting, but she wasn't expecting Eddie to be high either.
“Yeah, Eddie, It is pretty sick.” Chrissy said smiling.
“Now we're both gay nerds!” Eddie said, releasing Chrissy from his bear trap of a hug.
Chrissy laughed.
“So, who’s your cruuush.” Eddie said like a middle school girl.
Chrissy rolled her eyes. “Fine. It’s… well, Robin.”
“Oh my god this is perfect! Our crushes work at the same place, so it’ll be easier for me to wingman you and hopelessly pine!” Eddie said enthusiastically. 
“Wait, you expect to wingman me, and think that I’ll let you just be hopeless? No way, Eddie! You’re getting a date with Steve.” Chrissy announced to the walls of Eddie’s living room.
“Chrissycat, I’m glad you’re my friend.” Eddie said on a slightly more serious note.
“I’m glad you're my friend too, Eddie.” Chrissy smiled. The rest of the afternoon, the two just hung out, if you asked either of them what happened, they couldn’t tell you, they wouldn’t have known. They had just been there together.
(A/N) Helloooo hope you liked this, and sorry if its a bit inconsistent (or if there r typos), it took me like 11 months to write lol, and tho it was a struggle bus for me and my procrastination, it was very fun to write. A like or reblog would be SO INCREDIBLY APPRECIATED especially on this :') Hope u have a good day :D
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arelliann · 3 months
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@astrangersummer Week 8: Pool
Hey, hey guys, hey guys watch this, watch, hey, hey guys, hey, you weren’t watching :(
See their Roadtrip of ‘86 Series so far here
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lavenderstobins · 5 months
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the conversation that happened in my head
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Okay this one's been stuck in my head all day but I have absolutely time to write it so please share this vision with me
Try as they might, Steve and Robin couldn't get tickets to Chrissy Cunningham's arena tour, but they could get tickets to a festival she was playing.
The last thing Steve ever wanted to do was go and stand in a muddy field for sixteen hours while they waited for the headline act. But he was pretty sure Robin was in love with her favourite musician, and he wasn't about to deny his best friend a chance at love.
So he helped her make personalised t-shirts because honestly all the other bands in the line-up kinda sounded like they sucked.
His read, "Only Here for Chrissy" on the front and "I'm Steve" on the back and Robin's read "Chrissy, Will You Be My Girlfriend?" on the front and "If Lost, Please Return To Steve" on the back.
And it turned out, as they stood against the barrier in a not so muddy field, on a lovely, warm, but overcast, May day, that even bands that sucked could be fun. Even if it was only because they spent their day with earplugs in, so their eardrums wouldn't combust, bitching about each artist's lack of ability to put notes or an outfit together.
During the lunchtime intermission, the pair made friends with the lesbian couple next to them, Kayla and Jess, who were also eagerly awaiting Chrissy's set and similarly liked to mock those who committed crimes against sound and fashion. Steve was glad to have met them, they were really nice, and he felt better about leaving her to use the bathroom or to fetch food, knowing Robin was in safe hands.
He also felt better about letting her wander off, not that it stopped him from stressing out when she and Kayla had been missing for over fifteen minutes. He spread himself out to keep their places against the railing with his back to the stage, watching the crowd intently. Jess wasn't quite as chatty once they were alone, but she seemed content enough, bobbing along to the band that'd appeared on the stage.
Steve didn't turn back around to face the stage until he spotted the girls heading back towards them, he gave them a wave and turned around to look at the guys who hadn't been attempting to destroy anyone's hearing and was met with the face of the most gorgeous man he'd ever seen. Pretty face, long curly hair tied up in a bun, muscle tee showing off his many tattoos, piercings and chains and glittery Docs; Steve felt himself owl blink and blush.
God's gift to mankind was kneeling centre stage, guitar in hand making the most beautiful sounds Steve had ever heard as his fingers flew over the strings, and it was only when the rest of the band kicked back in that the man looked up, winked directly at Steve, and then jumped back to his feet, spending the rest of the song bouncing around the stage.
Steve only realised his mouth was agape when Robin finally arrived next to him and elbowed him hard in the ribs, giving him the same look she did whenever he was embarrassing in the club. He watched the rest of the Corroded Coffin, according to the backdrop, set in awe. Screaming and clapping along when they wished everyone a great day, throwing picks and drumsticks into the crowd and taking a bow; patting each other on the back as they wandered offstage.
As soon as it was quiet again, Robin wanted to know what the hell was wrong with his face and honestly, he couldn't answer her. He didn't even believe in love, not for himself at least, and he certainly didn't believe in love at first sight. It didn't stop him from spending the next couple of hours watching the faces at the sides of the stage, hoping to catch a glimpse of his new favourite guitarist, though.
As soon as Chrissy hit the stage, Steve got lost, between filming the set and watching Robin trying not to hyperventilate when Chrissy spotted her t-shirt, pointed to her, and giving her a coy little wink, blew her a kiss.
"An old school friend is here with me tonight, and I'd like him to help me out with this next track. Especially for the beauty in the front row, this is Girlfriend!"
The crowd went wild as the beat kicked in, but Steve was still watching Robin because it looked like she'd stopped breathing altogether. That was until she gasped loudly and started smacking Steve in the way she always did whenever she got overly excited; pointing wildly at the stage, and it was only when he looked over he saw Corroded Coffins guitarist bouncing up and down next to Chrissy.
Instead of the black muscle vest and skinny jeans he'd been sporting earlier in the day, he had changed into pale blue board shorts and a baggy white t-shirt that read "Hey Steve!" written in black sharpie with a giant winking smiley face underneath that could only really be seen when he swung his guitar around his back to copy Chrissy's dance moves.
The song ended, and the friends hugged, Chrissy waving him off the stage and calling out, "Eddie Munson everybody!" letting the crowd go wild for her friend before launching into the rest of her set.
By the time Chrissy had actually left the stage, Robin looked exhausted, having screamed and sung and danced herself out. They hung around a bit, said goodbye to Kayla and Jess, wishing them a safe journey home, and they were just taking one last look at the now empty stage when he heard someone yell his name...
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stevieschrodinger · 2 months
Part One Two Three Four
Steve sits with his head pressed against the steering wheel.
In the passenger seat, Robin’s doing her make up.
“What are we doing here, Rob?”
“You mean like, in the cosmic soul searching sense, or here specifically?”
“Here. Specifically.”
“Well, your beautiful brunette boyfriend-”
“You don’t score points for alliteration. And he’s not my boyfriend.”
“All right then, the man who is under the distinct impression that he’s your boyfriend, suggested we all hang out together. So we are here. At the place I suggested.”
“Because you know I hate it here.”
Robin makes a non committal noise, Steve looks, she’s pulling the horrendous mascara face. He goes back to resting his forehead on the steering wheel.
Steve does hate it here. Reminds him of...fucking work brunches with his father and Sunday lunches with his mother and he just. Hates it.
Steve sighs like a Victorian maid who’s betrothed has not yet returned from sea. He’s certain he’ll die from consumption at any minute.
“Shut up you big baby,” Robin tells him as she fluffs her hair, “all I want is to finger bang this chick in the bathroom and then rub my cunt on her face, is that too much to ask?”
And Robin has been wholly supportive of Steve so far, so, “no, I suppose-what the fuck Robin? Did you choose this place because-”
“I like the bathrooms-”
“-the bathrooms are nice-”
“Oh you fucking-”
“They’re romantic kinda’.”
“They’re bathrooms, Robin!”
“The lighting is good. I like the vibe.”
“Oh my god.”
Steve’s stares mournfully after his best friend. She’s at the bar with Chrissy, because Chrissy wanted to watch the guy make their cocktails, look he does tricks with the thing, like in that old movie with Tom Cruise.
Steve could physically feel himself ageing as she spoke.
“It’s so cool they’re dating.” Steve does not point out that whatever Robin's about to do to Chrissy, it will be a four letter word, but that four letter word is not ‘date’.
“You think?”
Eddie smiles big. The dimples come out. Huge happy brown fucking cow eyes. He’s not attractive Steve reminds himself viciously. He’s playing with his cutlery because he can’t sit still and...his chins too pointy. Or something. “Well yeah. It’d be so cool if they get married.”
Steve nearly chokes on his drink.
“Hey man, you okay?”
“Fine, fine,” Steve’s nose is burning from the bubbles going up there, “what makes you think they’ll get married?”
“Well...why would you date someone if you can’t see it going somewhere?” Steve hopes this is going somewhere; like to a bed, specifically, “so there’s a chance, right? I can tell Chris really likes her. I hope it’s like, a long term thing.”
Steve feels himself slow blink. He doesn’t explain to Eddie that you date someone because you want to stick your penis in them. Eddie turns to watch the girls again, they laugh, and Eddie grins at them, all happy and fond.
Steve sighs.
“You okay?”
“You just...you don’t seem so happy to be here man. Kind of tense.”
Steve has no idea how Eddie even noticed, usually people don’t notice. Or usually people don’t care, but it amounts to the same thing because coming to somewhere like this is just the step you take before you step into a bedroom.
“I...I actually don’t really like it here much.”
Eddie looks at him, leans close. He’s ready to really listen. He...cares. About Steve. Steve wonders if he’s going to come up in a rash; it feels like the sort of thing he should be allergic too. He wonders vaguely if there’s antihistamines in the glove box.
“Well...I.” Steve pulls a face. He doesn’t talk about...meaningful things, but he figures it can’t hurt this once, he can be vague. Especially if it increases the chance of doing the no pants dance with Eddie, “I don’t have the best relationship with my parents. I mean, they’re good parents, I had really good nannies growing up, had a great education, the best boarding school, they funded my degree, gave me a solid start at work, so they are great...we just don’t exactly get on all the time. We used to come here for pretty much every family meal.”
Eddie’s frown deepens the more Steve talks, “how often were the...family meals?”
“I don’t know,” Steve hums, “holidays I guess, when I was away, and then...maybe fortnightly? We don’t do it now, obviously.”
“Oh. Me and uncle Wayne had one meal a day together, at least, when I lived there. It was like, a house rule.”
“Oh that’s...you’re close?” To Steve that already sounds like something out of the fucking Brady Bunch.
“Yeah. Speaking of which, he’s invited you to dinner.”
“Dinner?” Steve asks weakly.
“Yeah, since you’re courting that boy, he said.” Eddie puts his hands up to do the air quotes. And then he grins. That big stupid grin. He looks so happy. So genuinely happy to see Steve. So happy about the prospect of just...seeing him again.
Steve does not point out that a blow job at a garden party, humping each other in a public bathroom, and one co ed BBQ does not courting make.
“Awesome, I’ll let you know when,” Eddie drums two forks on the edge of the table. Steve stares at his bony wrists. His mind suggests phrases like, ‘slender’ and ‘delicate’ and Steve ignores those and thinks about how he could very easily hold both of those wrists in one hand. “listen, do you want to get out of here?”
“Well, the girls won’t care,” and he’s probably right there, “and you don’t like it here, and I don’t care where I am as long as it’s with you.”
Steve riffles through his internal Rolodex and comes up blank; no one has ever said anything that sincere to him in his life. And Eddie means it too; he means everything he says in a completely unguarded way Steve has literally never encountered before. It’s like meeting an alien. Steve wants to put him under a microscope.
“I just want you to have a nice time, you know. I want you to be happy.”
Eddie reaches out and takes Steve’s hand.
Steve lets him.
Part Six
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
Closing shifts at Scoops Ahoy are always boring, but Robin took off early to study and nobody is coming in for ice cream at 8pm on a school night in mid-winter. Steve's alone and has been for the last forty-five minutes, with no end in sight.
He's doing tricks with his scooper, counting how many times he can twist it through his fingers without dropping it (57 so far), when the most beautiful man Steve has ever seen, walks in. He's got long dark hair that falls in perfect curls around his shoulders; wide eyes the same deep brown of fresh, dark coffee; and the most perfect plump mouth.
Steve can't move, his head going fuzzy. His eyes catch on the man's chest--visible through the black mesh tank top he's wearing-- revealing tantalizing swirls of black ink and the glint of silver bars through each nipple. The guy also has on leather pants that cling to the line of his legs like a second skin.
Jesus. Steve just realized he's bi and the physical embodiment of his wet dreams walks into the store like it's nothing. He's going to die.
The man rushes to the counter, his eyes finally falling on Steve, and it's like his feet get caught on each other for a second before he struts forward. His face melts into this heart-stopping smile, bringing out the cutest set of dimples Steve has ever seen. This is it, Steve is done for, time of death, 8:06pm.
"Ahoy, sailor," the man says with a mischievous glint in those dark eyes.
He returns the smile and somewhere, somehow, finds the words to reply, "I think that's my line."
Steve leans towards the counter, but in doing so, drops the scooper hanging from his fingers. The metallic clatter is harsh against the tile, and blood rushes to his cheek. "Whoops," he mumbles. He ducks down to retrieve it, mentally kicking himself for his clumsiness.
The man's smile only grows, and now there's a faint flush across his pale cheeks. And fuck if Steve can't help but smile right back, to let their eye contact linger.
"What can I get you?" He asks. His voice is way too low for regular customer service, and if he flutters his eyelashes too--well, that's between him and the USS Butterscotch.
"I know this is ridiculous. It's late and it's starting to snow," the man says. He leans over the counter. "But I need a strawberry shake to go."
"Strawberry shake, good choice," Steve nods. "Coming right up."
They don't stop looking at each other or smiling as he blends up the drink, and when he hands the cup over, their fingers brush, linger, both their faces staining red.
"How much do I owe you?" he asks.
Steve shakes his head. "On the house."
"You really know how to charm a guy, sailor-boy."
"Maybe I'm hoping to see you again."
"Depends," the man says. His smile widening, his dimples getting somehow deeper.
"How good this shake is." He winks.
Steve thinks he might burst into flame before the man can taste the drink, but then the guy glances at his watch and curses. "Sorry, sweetheart, I gotta run. Been a pleasure, sailor."
And with that, he runs from the store, strawberry shake clutched in his long-fingered grasp.
Steve collapses against the counter, burying his face in his hands. He's not ever gonna recover from that.
Eddie's guitar is in his lap, his melted strawberry shake at his side. He can't get the guy from the ice cream shop out of his head.
Fuck, he had all that perfect hair under that silly little hat; his face dotted with cute little moles and freckles; eyes that flashed from honey to gold to green flecked hazel; and the poutiest, most perfect lips ever had Eddie seen. Not to mention how he looked bent over in those itty bitty shorts. Shit, if he isn't totally done for.
He can't stop smiling.
That is until a guitar pick hits him right in the forehead, dragging his attention back to his surroundings.
"Earth to Eddie," their manager, Chrissy, says. "You go on in ten minutes."
"Don't tell me you didn't get the stupid shake." Gareth shakes his head.
"No, I got it. Not to worry."
"Then what's up with you?" Jeff asks.
Eddie can't help the huge, stupid smile that illuminates his face.
"There was a guy," Eddie sighs.
Chrissy and his bandmates share a look. "Let me guess," Gareth says. "You walked in and he was like 'Oh, Mr. Munson. Let me get you ice cream, let me suck your dick. Oooh, you're so hot. Corroded Coffin is my favorite band.'"
"C'mon, no. I don't even think he knew who I was."
At one point, that would've bothered him. But now, after five years of hooking up with dudes who were only interested in famous Eddie Munson, he likes that the guy from the ice cream parlor seemed totally oblivious. That, when his eyes lit up with interest, it was for genuine attraction and not name recognition.
"Did you get his number?" Chrissy asks.
He slumps. "No."
His friends all groan. Another guitar pick flies at him, getting caught up in his curls.
"Well, you'll go back tomorrow. Now get your head in the game, Munson! You have a sold out stadium to play!"
"I'm not kidding you, Robs, he was the hottest guy I've ever seen. I didn't even know dudes could be that beautiful."
"Uh-huh," she says.
"You're not even listening." He jabs her in the ribs, making her squeak.
"Sorry, sorry," she bats his hands away. "Describe him again?"
And he does, leaving nothing out. Once he's done, Robin is gaping at him, gum about to fall out of her open mouth.
She grabs his wrist, dragging him out of the store.
"Robin, what are you doing? We're supposed to be working!"
She doesn't answer, just hauls him to the record store down the hall.
"Was it this guy?" She asks. She's out of breath.
"Steve! Was it him?" She gestures to a new release display and it's Steve's turn for speechlessness.
He's surrounded of images of the man from last night; on magazines, CDs, cassettes, on a couple posters hanging on display. He's with a couple of other guys, they're in a band called Corroded Coffin, but all Steve can see is deep brown eyes and plush lips, the bright dimples.
"Well?" Robin demands.
"Yeah," he nods. "That's him."
"Oh my god!" Robin screams. She grabs his arm and squeezes. "You flirted with Eddie Munson! Steve! You minx!"
"It was nothing," he blushes. "He's probably got someone already, anyway. I mean, look at him."
Robin makes a little face. "There are some rumors, but nothing serious."
"It was a nice dream," he says. He gives her a little smile. "Now, let's get back to work."
She loops her arm through his. "Whatever you say, dingus."
It's been a long day of slinging ice cream. Maybe Robin's revelation that the cute guy from the night before was an insanely famous rockstar is to blame, but Steve is exhausted.
"Hey, dingus!" Robin calls from the front.
"Yeah?" he mumbles.
"Some guy is here for you. He looks a lot like Eddie Munson."
She's not even finished with her sentence before Steve is vaulting back behind the counter, coming face-to-face with the man of his dreams.
Eddie's gorgeous, his face already flushed a faint pink. And just like the night before, Steve can't help but smile at the man before him, who dimples up immediately in return.
He forgets that Robin is there until she says, "Go get 'em, tiger," and snaps him in the chest with a towel.
With Robin gone, they still don't say anything for a second, both smiling and blushing and staring at each other.
"So, uh, I guess you're wondering why I'm back today."
"That's easy," Steve says. "It was the best strawberry milkshake you ever had."
Eddie laughs with his head back and Steve is stuck staring at the long lines of his throat.
"Well, it was the best, no question. Made me realize I was a fool not to ask for your number."
Somehow Steve's smile grows. He jots his name and number on a Scoops napkin, passing it to Eddie who does the same, before carefully ripping the paper in half.
"We're still on tour for the next three months, but I'll call you when I can?"
"I'm looking forward to it."
"Talk soon, sweetheart," Eddie leans into Steve's space, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Steve still has a hand resting on the spot when Robin re-emerges.
"Oooh, you've got it sooo bad," she sing-songs.
He's so happy, he can't even bother to shush her.
Corroded Coffin has a new album out. It's a huge hit, number ones across the board, a fixture on MTV. It's full of heavy metal love songs, sales bolstered by the rumors that Eddie's been in a secret relationship for years.
They're at the Grammys, nominated for Best Metal Performance. The band has moved on down the red carpet, but Eddie's still answering questions, their assistant waiting with him. The interviewer asks Eddie, "There's a lot of speculation about your romantic life because of this album. There are rumors that the song 'Sailor Boy' is in reference to how you met your lover. Will you tell fans about the person you're dating, the one who inspired the album?"
"No," Eddie smiles for the camera. "But oh, do I love the way he moans," he sings a lyric of the song in question before giving the interviewer a lascivious wink, and continuing on down the carpet.
Years later, after Eddie and Steve are comfortably out and married and Corroded Coffin has cemented themselves in metal history, the video of that interview will be uploaded to YouTube.
It's obvious, now, the way Eddie and Steve, the "assistant", gravitate towards each other. How Steve flushes a pretty crimson that spreads below the collar of his shirt as Eddie sings. The way Eddie smirks at him with a raised eyebrow. The way his hand cradles the small of Steve's back as they walk away together.
It causes a frenzy online, fans compiling blog posts and videos of moments of Steve and Eddie being totally obvious about being in love before the world knew that they were.
Eventually, Steve posts a photo to the band's webpage. It's of him and Eddie at Scoops Ahoy. He's wearing his uniform, and Eddie is in a faded Metallica t-shirt and ripped jeans. They stand at the counter with their arms around each other, smiling hard, eyes locked. He captions it with, "putting the sailor boy allegations to rest."
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one chance
111 words | T | for @steddiemicrofic's july challenge "one"
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here's the text! without the names/usernames, it's 111 words exactly!
Your Local Freak™ @/edmunsn what i would give for one (1) chance with king steve.. pls.. i promise id blow your muind chris c. @/86theham uhmmm.. chris c. @/86theham eddie, sweetie, this isn’t your priv Your Local Freak™ @/edmunsn can you come over and kill me dead? It’ll only take a sec… ok cool. thanks
Your Local Freak™ @/edmunsn what i would give for one (1) chance with king steve.. pls.. i promise id blow your muind Robert M. Buckley III @/bobin 👀 Robert M. Buckley III @/bobin @/steveharrington Your Local Freak™ @/edmunsn i hate you
Your Local Freak™ @/edmunsn what i would give for one (1) chance with king steve.. pls.. i promise id blow your muind steeb @/steveharrington open my dm munson Your Local Freak™ @/edmunsn no steeb @/steveharrington fine. be there in 5 Your Local Freak™ @/edmunsn ???!!!
Your Local Freak™ @/edmunsn what i would give for one (1) chance with king steve.. pls.. i promise id blow your muind Your Local Freak™ @/edmunsn update:
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xoxogabriella · 1 year
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Because every useless gay in Hawkins needs an emotional support bi disaster bff
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Part One
The drive's short one. 
Steve gets out of his car, opening the passenger door for Chrissy and escorting her up to the house, quietly envisioning what Jason would look like if a real monster got him.
What would he say, staring down the crazy, five-starred head, filled with teeth and drool? Would he turn back? Or run?
(Steve swears he doesn't take great pleasure in imagining Carver getting eaten, but he'll admit to taking a little.)  
"Chrissy do you have any idea--oh." Mrs. Cunningham startles, grasping her robe at the front as she spots Steve standing next to her daughter.  
"Hi Miss Cunningham." He says.
"Hello." She says suspiciously. "And who are you?"
"I'm Steve Harrington, ma'am." He watches as her mother straightens immediately at his name, and sinks right into the ol' Harrington charm, knowing instantly it will work. "I know you were expecting Jason, but I'm afraid he wasn't able to drive Chrissy home." 
"Oh, Steve! It's so late I almost didn't recognize you." She titters, suspicion gone. "Your mother and I are on the same charity board." 
Of course they were.
"I thought you were dating that nice Nancy girl." She says with a squint that mimics Chrissy's, because even in the midst of a crisis he can't escape the gossip that is Hawkins upper echelon. 
"Nance is waiting in the car." Steve lies smoothly. "I just wanted to make sure Chrissy got home safe." 
"What happened?" Chrissy's father appears, ushering them both in while blatantly peering around them, eyes sweeping the street before closing the door.
Steve recognizes the move. He's checking for nosy neighbors. 
"Jason and I broke up." Chrissy admits.
"We..." She falters in front of her parents. 
"What happened to Jason?" Her father asks, tuning back in once they're safely away from peering eyes.
"I'm afraid Jason and some of his friends brought beer to the party." Steve steps in to explain.  
"Oh Chrissy, it's a high school party. That's no reason to break up with him." Her mother fusses, face flushing in embarrassment. Her eyes dart from her daughter to Steve and back, and Steve knows he needs to start damage control. 
If he plays it right he can burn Jason while he's at it. 
"He was horrible, mom. Just awful." Chrissy says, but Steve can tell she's shrinking under her mothers gaze. 
"He drank quite a lot, Miss Cunningham." With a theatrical wince, Steve turns to face Chrissy's dad, lowers his voice and says "I'm going to have to talk to Coach about it." 
He gets the intended response, which is a raised eyebrow. "That bad, huh?" 
Steve nods once, painting a pained smile on his face. "He made a real fool of himself tonight, Sir. The basketball team has a reputation to uphold." 
"Oh." Mrs. Cunningham says, hand fluttering in front of her face. "I never would have thought…"
"He's normally a good guy. I don't know what got into him." Steve has them both eating out of the palm of his hand, attention neatly off Chrissy and onto the story he's feeding them. 
Its worth it to see her shoulders relax. 
"I couldn't let him take Chrissy home in the state he was in Sir, and he got very…" 
Steve pauses. 
Fills his voice with tempered disappointment, channeling his dad. "Belligerent. Said some nasty things."  
"Really?" Mr. Cunningham says, with a low whistle, and Steve knows by his tone alone that he's bought in.
Hook, line, sinker.
Steve nods once. "I have to get back to my girlfriend, but Chrissy'" He turns earnestly here, to let her know he's not faking this next bit. "Let me know if Jason bothers you at school. I'll set him straight again if I have to." 
"Thank you Steve." Mr. Cunningham says, as Chrissy's mom hustles her daughter towards the kitchen. 
Steve shakes his hand, then waves at Crissy as she calls her own thank you over her shoulder, before disappearing out the door and back to his car.
The same one where Nancy very much isn't. 
That's a problem for tomorrow Steve.
Tomorrow Steve gets into an argument with Nancy. 
She can't recall that Jonathan took her home, or that he's bullshit, their whole relationship, bullshit--
But she also can't tell him she loves him.
So Steve snaps at her. Storms off.
 Play’s more basketball.
It takes less than two hours for him to get mopey and another three for him to spiral into deciding he was wrong somehow.
That's what his mom said all the time anyway, wasn't it? The man's always wrong Steven, and he's the man here so…
He gets flowers, chocolates, and fucking waylaid (by Dustin Henderson with his Grow a Monster) and things go sideways from there.
 Train tracks and a junkyard and demodogs make time speed up. An encounter with Billy and a dinner plate causes Steve's recollection of the evening to be fuzzy. 
He just knows that in the middle of dodging death, he has the realization that Nance wants to break up with him.
That he should let her. 
Even if it hurts, even if he doesn't want to. 
She wants to be let go.
So Steve does. He respects her, and when he has a moment after its all over, he tells her to go with Jonathan.
(At least he permanently gets the squirts out if this. Or at least everyone but Mike.
Even if most of them are shitheads and one of them's Hargrove's step sister.
But when Dustin keeps pestering him, demanding Steve drive him all over Hawkins and then drags him to the movies, well.
It might be the best something Steve's had in his life so far. )
"Oh shit. Is that from Caver?" Eddie asks, popping up near Steve's car like the clown in a jack in the box. 
"Carver can't hit for shit. This was Hargrove." Steve replies, attempting an eyeroll before remembering that his entire face is a bruise. 
One, giant, never ending bruise. 
"I guess his step sister gave him the slip to come hang out with these kids I watch sometimes. I didn't know she wasn't supposed to be there." Steve shrugs, because it's the technical truth. 
If you turn it sideways and squint anyway. 
"Asshole tried to threaten the kid Max is into by slamming him into a wall and screaming shit, so I stepped in, and--" He waves at his face. 
The same one he's already getting looks for. 
"I was winning." Steve sighs theatrically. "He broke a plate over my head."
The story seemed to freeze Eddie but he recovers with a quick shake of his head. 
"You poor thing." He tuts. "Let me guess--you were more worried about the hair than the wound?" 
Eddie's hands flutter like he's going to touch Steve's head but he seems to contain himself at the last minute.
The hospital threatened to buzz it for stitches." Steve says darkly, playing into the bit. 
(He had not gone to a hospital. 
None of them had.)  
"What would our King be without his crown of hair?" Eddie laments, in a falsetto that was half insult half oddly sincere. It was jarring in that it was hard to get a read on, but the more Steve was around the guy the less it seemed malicious and the more it came off  as just….goofy.
Eddie Munson, Steve decided, was not a freak.
 He was a dorky little weirdo, just like all the other kids Steve now hung out with. 
Just older, and with slightly better hair. 
"Hey Eddie." Another boy calls out, approaching cautiously. 
He's got a leather jacket on, and if Steve thinks hard enough he can sort of conjure up a memory of the guy at Eddie's lunch table, throwing a piece of bread at a pale sophomore decked out in plaid. "You good man?" 
"Yeah Jeff, just checkin' in on the Hair here." Eddie sticks a thumb towards Steve, who raises his hand and waves. 
The falsetto comes back, somehow higher as the older boy swoons over Steves arm. "Soothing his poor soul after that brute Hargrove almost killed him." 
"Has anyone ever told you you're a lot like Bugs Bunny?" Steve asks, the thought leaving his mouth the instant he had it.
(He doesn't care, it's a legitimate question.) 
It has the effect of making Munson look downright chuffed. "I have actually, but only by my Uncle." 
"Why are you checking in?" Jeff interrupts, before seeming to realize he said it out loud. " Ah, I mean--"
"Oh he didn't tell you?" Steve says, as casually as he can muster. "Eddie claimed me and Chrissy at a party last weekend." 
See Munson? Two people could play the weird bit game. 
They've attracted more of Eddie's friends now, two more boys in leather jackets edging closer like frightened deer. 
(One of which is the aforementioned younger man Jeff threw bread at, and Steve vaguely thinks the guy's name starts with a g.) 
"Apparently we're his minions now." Steve tells Jeff in a rather put upon manner. 
"It was just you, the fair maiden chose otherwise." Eddie counters dismissively, voice dropping down low. 
Steve snorts. Hums a sarcastic; "Like you'd let us choose." 
Eddie finally abandons whatever voice that was supposed to be (a villain, Steve thinks, and wonders if it hurts Eddies throat to drop from a false high to a deep low that quickly.)  to say:
 "Mock me all you like, Harrington, but you can't deny the bit worked." 
Steve automatically went for another eye roll, and gets a flash of pain for it. "Who said I was mocking you, you dork? Just stating facts." 
Yet again, Eddie reacts weird to the comment. He looks almost bashful for a second, before he recovers, tugging his hair in front of his face as he plays with it.
The bell rings once in warning, and Steve makes a face towards the doors. 
"I gotta go, Mrs Clicks out to fail me. See you around, Eddie. Jeff." The way his eyes are bruised up he can't quite make out the face Jeff makes at that, but Steve's pretty sure the guys mouth was open. 
"She's a nasty one, my minion, best stay on your toes around her." Eddie calls, and Steve waves a hand in the air to show he heard. 
"What just happened?" Jeff asks, far too loudly for how close Steve still is. 
It makes him chuckle a bit, even as one of the other guys says something in a far quieter voice that has Munson squawking and flapping his arms like a bird. 
The winding little feelings in his chest squeeze his heart, and Steve shakes his head, refusing to be fond of Eddie Munson. 
College rejection letters come in, one after the another.
Steve could have made it into a few schools he's certain, except he hadn't really applied to any.
Not that any college other than Penn Hurst mattered. His dad wanted him to be a legacy, come hell or high water.
Steve's punishment was hand picked by his parents, and he gets the sailor outfit his new minimum wage job requires is supposed to be a part of it--that his dad made him apply because it was the most embarrassing thing he could think to subject Steve too-- but honestly? 
It's not that bad. 
Not even with Robin, the manager he met yesterday, and who positively, completely and totally, hates Steve’s guts.  
He figures he has time to win her over. 
All the time in the world, now that demons aren't trying to eat his, or any of the kid's, faces. He can focus on the small things. Build himself back up.
Figure out the person he wants to be, now that he's no longer King Steve. 
It’s the thought that kept him from attending any graduation parties. To go felt like backsliding into old habits. 
‘If the kids--if it comes back again--’ 
Getting drunk at night in a random house seemed almost irresponsible.
Particularly not with people Steve has history with, without anyone he really cares about being present. Certainly not Nance and Jonathan, who he wishes he didn’t know are at some end-of-year game night one of Nancy’s friends is hosting. 
(Steve can’t think about that for a number of reasons. 
When he does--because of course he does-- he makes sure to focus on the weirdness that is Jonathan Byers being someone he cares about, instead of the fact he can’t seem to kill his love for Nancy. 
Or that he's horrifically jealous of their relationship. 
That the best sleep he had ever had was between them, two nights after the lab, when they crammed themselves into Jonathan's bed because they all couldn't quite believe it was over.
That night had been so incredibly weird, but grouping together felt safer. Smarter.
Not in a way Steve wants to put into words. 
Not in a way he wants to confront at all.) 
His parents hadn’t been able to make it home to watch him walk at his graduation--his father landing a last minute meeting with some important person or other. 
Faked apologies were given, money transferred, and Steve, not wanting to sit in his too-huge house, had meandered to Family Video. 
Tried to forget his father’s cold voice in the background of his mother’s call, loudly announcing he’d have made it a priority to see Steve graduate-- if he’d gotten into Penn Hurst. 
Steve just shakes his head. Pushes those thoughts into the back of his head, into the same place all his other weird thoughts live.
The glare he gets from the tall, pimple-ridden guy working the rental counter was expected.
Chrissy Cunningham, was not. 
"I thought you’d be at one of the parties.” He tells her, when he turns down the romance aisle and finds her staring blankly at a shelf. 
She startles, before recognition flits over her face and a warm smile is directed his way. 
“I'm honestly not a fan of parties." She confides in him, hand clutching a tape in her hands."Not those kinds, anyway.” 
"More slumber parties, less keg stands your speed?" Steve guessed, blatantly turning his head sideways in order to read the title.
She awards him with a wider smile. "Exactly." 
"Chrissy Cunningham. Are you renting Jaws?" He teases, leaning in just a touch.
She flushes, but turns and squares up to him. Steve's delighted to see it. 
"Why yes I am. I'll do you one better and even admit it's one of my favorite movies." 
Steve grins at her, and sees the way she lights up on response, eyes bright. 
This is the Chrissy that Carver had tried to kill. The strength and pure fun that radiates off her enhances the beauty she has to something almost otherworldly. 
Steve has seen enough beauty in his life to recognize when it will stay. That Chrissy wil one day be 80 years old, with gray hair and knit sweaters, and she'll still be able to light up a room. 
"Like sharks killing people that much huh?” He teases. And it’s easy, slipping into this part of himself around her. The part he’s been trying to get back. 
The confidence that he walked with, before monsters crawled out of the ground, and Nancy put a hole in his heart.
"I'll let you in on a secret. ." Chrissy leans in, dropping her voice low enough that Steve has to lean in a bit too to hear. "My favorite character is the shark." 
Steve playfully gapes at her, and for the first  time in a long time, feels like things will be okay. 
He’ll be okay.
He won’t be King Steve. He’s not Nancy's Boyfriend Steve either--but someone else. Himself.
A Steve who exists outside of Hawkins High, outside his family name. 
He likes it.
"I told you that was his car. Steve!" A too familiar voice calls and Steve can't mask the despair that hits him as he turns to his (now least) favorite shithead, whose storming through Family Video’s doors. 
"Dustin." He identifies, with an edge to his voice he can only pray Chrissy doesn't pick up on. "Other brats. What are you doing?" 
Mike stands stubbornly at Dustin's right, Lucas nervous at his left. 
Will Byers is situated next to Mike but Steve's not as familiar with him, and has no idea how to interpret the kid. 
If he had to guess based on the face he’s being sent, Will’s more nervous then the rest--but equally determined. 
(This does not make Steve feel better. It in fact, somewhat convinces them they’ve run headfirst back into trouble.) 
"Well we were going to go to Lucas’s, but now, we're bumming a ride from you!" 
"I'm busy." He says flatly. 
"I didn't know you had a brother." Chrissy says, hand covering her mouth. 
Looking back at her, Steve's pretty sure she's trying to physically hold back laughter. 
If one could shoot lasers with their eyes, Steve would be nailing Dustin for ruining--whatever it was that was happening here. 
"He's a rescue" Steve says flatly. "It’s not working out though. We're planning on returning him to the shelter.” 
"Wow Steve." Dustin returns, offended. "First of all, if anyone's rescuing anyone I rescued you, or did you suddenly forget that you show up to family dinner every Thursday at my house like a sad orpha--mmpphh!" 
‘Mmpphh’ because Steve had taken several long strides across the store to smack his hand over Dustin's mouth. 
"Sorry Chrissy, it would appear the asshole children I am paid to babysit escaped whoever is supposed to be watching them." He shakes Dustins head, in lue of strangling him. “Hit me up later we’ll discuss the shark’s best kills.” 
“Will do.” Chrissy says, as Steve begins the process of shoving his four smaller friends out the door. “Drive safe!” 
“No you don’t, and you’re gonna prove it by swinging through McDonalds for us.” Dustin sing-songs, swinging himself into the passenger side of the Beemer. 
“You assholes owe me, big time.” Steve hisses, as Lucas and Mike instantly begin making kissy faces the second they’re out into the parking lot. "I had plans tonight!"
“Do you have McDonalds money?” Steve asks, only to immediately wince at himself because fuck did he just sound like a soccer mom. 
“I have money I took out of my mom’s wallet.” Mike says as he settles into the car with his friends.
“Fine.” Steve sighs in defeat, starting the car. 
He determinedly does not ask if the idiots walked here, because there is a suspicious lack of bicycles, if only because he hit his mom quota for the day and Steve refuses to say anything else that might edge out his cool persona.
The one he swears he still has.
("Does my mom really pay you to watch me?" Dustin asks a while later, when the other brats are distracted. His voice is painfully honest, and softer than it normally is. 
"In food, yes." Steve says, because he’s not that much of an asshole--and maybe, because Dustin is truly his only friend right now.
Steve honestly looks forward to those Thursday dinners, helping Ma Henderson and having her fuss over him in a way his parents never had. 
In a way no one ever had. 
Dustin lands a solid kick to his ankle, making Steve curse. "That's not payment you ass!"
"Ow, God Dustin--" 
"Just admit you're my actual friend, you dick!" 
"Language! I swear your mom stole you from wolves, you animal--" Steve swatted at him. 
Maybe, possibly later, he will go on to admit that yes, Dustin is his friend. 
He will even agree to making up a stupid handshake for it. 
It involves lightsabers and gore at least, which Steve insists is very cool.)
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sc00ps-ahoy · 1 year
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arelliann · 5 months
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For @astrangersummer Week 1: short shorts & nail polish
I'm hoping to do a polaroid for every week of the event, mostly Steddie, a lil Stobin and Buckingham on the side, following them all on a summer road-trip
I'll be adding them all here
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artbean · 6 months
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by @annanevermore (nevertheless_5 on ao3)
“I cut my hair and it’s…not good. I know you can fix it. I should have gone to you first. I was just feeling annoyed and frustrated and suddenly tired of my hair, of all the expectations of looking like this…”
He could almost see her waving her hands at herself, even over the phone. She would make it look cute. He smiled at the mental image.
“Eddie, I need you.”
on to the second @strangerthingsreversebigbang! this one was an absolute blast and i’m thrilled to have put more platonic hellcheer content out in the world. make sure to check out the fic!<3
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augustjustice · 11 months
In a regency AU, Steve and Robin and Eddie and Chrissy would be lavender married, respectively, and live in neighboring estates. Every night, Robin and Eddie high five as they pass each other walking through their adjoining yards, on their way to go and rail their one true loves.
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wheneverfeasible · 3 months
Cheerleader!Eddie AU pt. 1
POV: Eddie
When Eddie found a sobbing Chrissy in the restrooms after school, where he had been about to tag some stupid shit about one of the football players who had left him with a bruised face a previous week, he hadn’t expected it to lead to them becoming friends, her breaking up with her shithead boyfriend, or him joining the cheer squad.
Yet here he is, wearing the stupid school colors and his long hair tied up in a ponytail to match Chrissy’s, even down to the identical green scrunchie. Chrissy was lucky he loved her. Platonically, of course. They’d kissed after everything, figuring that’s that the thing between them was, but it ended up being like kissing a sibling (or so Eddie guessed, not ever having had one before), but quickly discovered that whatever middle school crush might have existed was well and truly gone.
Everything else was just right, however, and if such a thing as platonic soulmates existed, then Chrissy was well and truly his. She had to be, to get him to agree to this stupid shit.
He wasn’t an official member of the cheer squad at first, nothing more than a glorified backup, but he helped her in all the practices and learned all the moves and somehow, without realizing when, he started performing at games and pep rallies. Which didn’t help the queer rumors from spreading, even when Chrissy acted like his beard at first. Because the rumors would have been galling if they hadn’t been true.
Don’t get him wrong; he liked chicks too. But there was something to be said about seeing a pretty boy on his knees.
He played it up, taunting the other team and his own with blown kisses and suggestive hand motions with his tongue in his cheek, but he had cheerleader privilege, and Chrissy’s best friend privileges, so he actually managed to avoid anything more than pointed words and threats, which he then always turned into a kink thing to make the jocks uncomfortable.
“Oh, you’re right, Princess, I look amazing on my knees,” he cooed with a wink when King Steve himself deigned to be one of the insulting masses. Of course, all Harrington had said was that he should stop messing around and get back under the pyramid during cheer practice instead of poking fun at the basketball players on the other side of the gym.
Harrington always flushed whenever Eddie got too weird, too freaky, too queer, and it was quickly becoming one of his favorite things. Chrissy teased him about it when he’d go out of his way to harass Harrington, telling him to stop pulling the king’s pigtails, which he vehemently denied doing.
No way. Nuh uh. Not King Steve. Gag him with a spoon, or whatever they said in the movies Chrissy always made him watch.
Soon Harrington started snapping back, however, but with an amused smile on his face. More than that, he’d snapped at Hagan to leave Gareth alone when he’d come to playfully jeer at Eddie until they could head to Hellfire together. (Chrissy had actually taken DnD up too eventually, much to everyone’s surprise, though it was less surprising than her Level 7 Chaotic Neutral homebrew half-Orc male Barbarian whose tragic backstory was only known to Eddie so far, seeing as he had helped her craft Uragoth the Undaunted.)
To say that Eddie was surprised when Harrington of all people protected a freak was an understatement. And then it kept happening. Harrington always stepped in if he saw any freak or nerd being bullied, he even used logic, pointing out that Eddie was both freak and cheerleader, so going after the freaks was going after him and the cheer squad, and did any jock really want to piss off the cheerleaders?
A jock using logic? Unheard of!
Eddie was a little flattered though to think that his freaks had best friend privileges as well because of him, that he could be the shield offering them protection simply by straddling the line between the two sects at school.
Harrington never stopped snarking with Eddie, however, always calling him a freak but always with that smile that almost spoke of something…fond.
And then it was the day of the big game, the championship, and Chrissy was giggling as she tried to pretend like she was having second thoughts, even as her hands never faltered getting him ready. They, and the rest of the squad who had slowly warmed up to Eddie, had scoured the rule book to make certain he could do it, smirking amongst themselves at the surprise they had in stock.
Eddie waited at the end of the line, waited for their introduction, and then he was running in with the rest of the cheer squad, his pale and hairy legs flashing beneath the short green skirt. Gareth and the rest of the freaks screamed, sending out wolf whistles and making enough noise to draw the attention of anyone who might not have noticed yet.
Eddie only had eyes for one person though.
Harrington’s gaze was fixed solely on him as he jogged out wearing the female cheerleading uniform, a bright pink high on cheekbones and his mouth agape, and Eddie thought he had even seen the guy swallow as his eyes took in Eddie in a skirt.
The game went exactly as the cheer squad had hoped, their secret routine putting Eddie front and center, and he took great enjoyment in rolling his hips suggestively and blowing his kisses and winks as he taunted the opposing team, resulting in more than one fumble when he distracted them. The fact that Harrington seemed equally distracted seemed something else entirely.
As well as the fact that Harrington roughly fouled the player from the other team that Eddie had pointedly flirted with during their halftime routine.
Hawkins Tigers won in the end, easily, with Harrington scoring the final winning points like the king he was, pointing at Eddie right before he took the shot with a wink. Eddie rolled his eyes, almost hoping Harrington would miss in retaliation for the tease. Instead, Harrington ended the game as the buzzer sounded with his last three-pointer and the crowd went wild.
Less typical, however, was how Harrington strode through the crowd right after, bypassing the celebrating teammates and cheerleaders and fans that had streamed onto the court, to head straight for Eddie. Eddie was given just the barest moment to wonder if he was about to be hate crimed when Harrington’s hand landed on his back, the other cupping the back of his head, and he was spun into a dip as Harrington leaned in for a kiss.
Except Harrington didn’t immediately kiss him, he hovered above his lips, his eyes looking into Eddie’s asking for permission, and really…what more could Eddie do except wrap his arms around Harrington’s neck and close the distance?
If later that night Eddie was still wearing that skirt as he and Harrington came to an understanding, well, no one needed to know.
And if the next night it was Steve wearing the cheerleading skirt…that was between him and his king.
Part 2
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stevieschrodinger · 1 month
Part One Five
“Robs!” Steve shouts through the apartment, toeing his shoes off at the door.
Steve heads through, and he can’t help but notice something looks kind of off. It looks different in here but he can’t quite put his finger on it, “Robs, did you do something to your apartment?”
“Yeah, I cleaned it.”
“Oooh. Yeah,” Steve looks back through the kitchen doorway, “yeah, that’s what’s different.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Nice to see you too, bitch.”
Steve frowns, there’s a cookbook propped open and actual like, fresh ingredients on the chopping board, “what are you doing?”
“Is that a rhetorical question because-”
“Robs, I have literally never seen you cook anything more complicated than eggs and toaster waffles, what is this,” Steve goes over to be nosy, “chicken satay skewers and bang bang cauliflower- what the actual fuck. I didn’t even know you knew what recipe books were.”
“Fuck off. And it’s for Chrissy, she said it’s her favorite-”
“Oh my god. I’m dead. I’m dead aren’t I. I got into a crash on the way-”
“Alternate dimension-”
“Jesus Christ-”
“Abducted by aliens?”
“Steve, I can cook a nice meal for my girlfriend, alright, it’s not, like, illegal-”
“Your what?!”
She stops and actually turns to look at him, she’s wearing her absolute dead serious face, “Steve. I like her. A lot.”
“So now you’re what, fucking pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen-”
“Steve! Look. She’s clever. She’s funny. She’s kind. She calls me out on my bullshit and she is extremely hot doing it. She plays volleyball Steve. Volleyball. Have you ever seen girls play volleyball? Not only is it insanely aggressive but the shorts are so tiny they’re on the verge of disappearing up her crack and it’s socially acceptable for me to go out and watch that Steve.”
“Yeah but- you don’t have to like, date her to get all of that-”
“I do. I do Steve. Because I want to. We can’t just do,” she gestures vaguely, “this for our entire lives.”
“But whyyyyy?” Steve whines.
“Because we have to grow up at some point.”
“Yeah but...now?” Steve knows he’s pouting.
“Good a time as any, anyway, aren’t you literally about to go to dinner at Eddie’s uncles place? Literally the only notable family member that he has? His only parental figure and therefore the most important person in his life-”
“You can stop now.”
“I’m just saying that sounds kind of serious-”
“I will throw myself off the roof to get out of this dinner. Don’t test me.”
Robin completely ignores him, “I’ve seen how Eddie looks at you,” Steve scoffs, rolling his eyes, “Steve, that boy looks at you like he’d crawl a mile over broken glass to sniff your farts. Could you just like, appreciate that about him for thirty god damn seconds.”
Steve has a range of acceptable beer. He has picked up a six pack of something from uncomfortably near the bottom of that range. He takes a deep breath as he grabs it off the passenger seat.
Steve’s pretty sure he’s never been inside a trailer once in his damned life, and he has absolutely no idea what to expect. From the outside it looks...cramped. Steve’s certain his entire bedroom is bigger than this whole place.
Steve prepares himself to be polite about whatever he’s about to walk into.
Eddie fucking lights up when he opens the door, it makes Steve skin itchy while simultaneously something flaps about in his stomach, “oh wow, you bought the good beer!” Eddie looks thrilled as he takes it to put in the fridge.
Which he makes it to in about four steps because the kitchen is like, right there. And Steve’s taken one step in through the door and he’s already in the middle of the lounge, which is, efficient, he guesses.
“Here, come sit at the table, Wayne’s about done with dinner.”
“Errr...thanks.” Eddie indicates a place at a cramped little built in breakfast nook type thing, and Steve slides in just as Wayne appears from down the hall.
It was fucking awkward getting in, it’s even more awkward getting straight back out again so he can shake Wayne’s hand, “good to see you again Sir.”
Steve gets a firm handshake, and then not two minutes later he’s eating the first bite of what might be the best thing he’s ever put in his mouth. Wayne Muson makes a pot roast that should win a Michelin Star. Who could have fucking predicted that.
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lexirosewrites · 2 months
I've been in a funk ADHD wise so I haven't had the same inspiration I usually do🥺 let's give this a try
Steve & Robin r platonic soulmates & they're both omegas & they're gross twins with little to zero boundaries
They share the same piece of gum till it runs out of flavor, they've helped eachother build up a storage of tasteful nudes on their respective phones, when Robin had constipation Steve not only got the laxatives he held her hand in the bathroom, when Steve got food poisoning Robin not only helped him out of bed she helped him aim for the toilet or trash can, their heats r synced up in a way tht allows them to take care of eachother in turns, yes Steve taught Robin how to kiss, yes Robin taught Steve to use a knotting dildo
When Steve eventually gets kicked out of his house bc his parents want to sell it he just goes to the Buckley's with a couple of suitcases & one box bc so much of his stuff was already at their place anyway, robins parents barely blink when stobin tells them tht Steve is moving in, they all cry when Steve says he'll b changing his last name to Buckley tho
Robin graduates high school & then they're setting off for the big city so she can study linguistics & Steve can study cosmetology
When they get their degrees they decide "why the hell not?" & go to live in California bc neither of them have seen the Pacific ocean before. They end up in LA even tho the plan was San Francisco, and they both find semi fulfilling jobs. Robin works as an interpreter with various state government offices, helping individuals whose first language isn't English, taking some of the pressure off of the children in the situation
Steve finds work at a small hole in the wall salon that's been in business longer than the many fancy salons all around LA. He's doted on by the regulars, surrounding shop owners, and his coworkers. There's a small hole in the wall barber shop a few shop fronts down the street tht the salon has a friendly relationship with. On the corner is a teeny tiny burger spot that's been around since the 1920s with no changes to the menu except for price & it has the best burgers Steve & Robin have EVER had.
It's a good life, the only thing they want tht they cant give eachother is a romantic connection, but they've tried every app & no one seems to actually want a relationship or they get weird abt how close they are
Well one day a chipper female alpha wanders into the salon looking for a last minute shampoo & trim to keep her strawberry blonde waves healthy. The only person available is Steve & he does so well tht the alpha introduces herself as Chrissy & books an appointment with him for a couple of months later when she knows she'll need another trim.
Except Steve & Robin don't rlly engage with social media, they rarely watch recent shows or movies, and their taste skews between horror or romance there's no in-between. So neither is aware tht the nice female alpha Chrissy is THE Chrissy Munson, an up & coming movie star, adopted sister to Eddie Munson the lead guitar of world famous metal/rock band Corroded Coffin, and someone very fussy abt her hair.
Chrissy comes back for her next appointment & at the end she point blank asks him if he'd like to be the only person doing her hair for the next 8 months, he asks her why & she realizes he genuinely has no idea who she is, so she explains & tht she has a production filming soon & she wants him to handle hair at the end of the day to wash out all of the gunk that gets into it for filming
Steve says yes only after the salon owner & regulars tell him to say yes & tht there will b a job waiting for him when he's done
Blah blah blah
Steddie meet & fall in love then buckingham meet & fall in love
scarily close stobin is my favorite flavor! and of course all steddie needs a side helping of buckingham🥰💕💕
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