#chloenette fic
i-like-anything-water · 8 months
Step by step guide to redeeming your girlfriends
Plot, basically: Canon! Chloenette meets Reverse! Chloenette. Dedicated to @generalluxun ! Thank you for the motivation, I will now make them go through Scooby Doo levels of chasing and mystery solving (coughs identity reveal coughs)
Chapter One: Is it kidnapping if I thought we were dating?
The sky has visibly darkened during lunchtime. It wasn't the normal rainy sky though. People were scrambling to get inside or find cover as it was most likely an akuma attack. It was strange, however, that the signal never went off nor were there any explosions nearby. There wasn't even a ridiculously dressed villain with their monologue about getting revenge and obtaining the miraculous.
It was quiet. Suspiciously too quiet.
A bolt of lightning flashed on the darkened sky, the dark purple color leaving a web like structure in its path. Okay, that definitely was not normal.
Chloe was sure it was another Akuma and judging from the last one Ladybug and Chat Noir had to face, they were getting ridiculously more strong as time passes. Which doesn't worry her. After all, Ladybug never trusted her completely to wield another miraculous again so why give a damn about her anymore.
The world shook and she unconsciously switched on her TV to the news.
Nadja was reporting on the strange phenomenon currently happening while the purple lightning continued to flash and leave even more intricate patterns.
Chloe pursed her lips in thought. Ladybug had already enlisted a lot of new (temporary) heros since they faced off against Shadow Moth. She won't be outnumbered or lacking in minions if ever.
She sighed, frustration starting to bubble inside her, "Everything would be easier if she would just let me be Queen Bee!"
"You've got a point," a voice said from behind, "but Queen Bee is rather distracting during battles, 'no?"
Before she could scream at the sudden intrusion of a very familiar looking person, she was swept off her bed and was falling down from her balcony, a set of familiar and ridiculously strong arms wrapped around her securely.
She was tapping her foot impatiently, the sound echoing against the room they were in. Claw was leaning by the wall, his knowing glance darting from her to the other occupant of the room who was very much unconscious.
"You scared the shit out of her. You have such a lame type in women," he casually tilted his head, narrowly avoiding a metal ball to his face. Rolling his eyes, he stretched out his muscles earning a disgusted sound from his partner and a laugh from him.
"Careful, your softness for her is showing," she scoffed, her arms crossed as she looked at the blonde. "I am not soft, you fucking piece of vomit."
"I told you, my hair is not that damn vomiting emoji! The shade is different!"
"Whatever," she walked to the unconscious blonde and with a soft tug, managed to lift her head up to a more comfortable position. She looked peaceful, her mouth slightly parted as she let out soft snores.
Even in a different universe, the sight of her still made her go speechless.
Which got her confused. This universe's Chloé looks very similar to her Chloé, just with more yellow than soft pink and white, so why,
"Why is she taking so damn long?" She hissed as Claw shrugged, who was looking down at his manicure and let out a 'tsk'. He needed to get an appointment, soon.
"Maybe because you're not together in this universe," he supplied after a moment, "maybe you're in love with me instead."
"That's one of the worst things you've ever said to me and I want to strangle you right now."
Claw shivered, "Agreed. Agree to never speak about that again."
A figure sighed as she shut her bug phone. Gazing at a familiar tower, she idly wonders if she should wait for them to arrive or continue searching for the person she needs. Deciding to do the latter, she jumps off the roof into the night sky.
Ladybug almost crashed into the hotel room, Chat Noir not far behind. After getting a call from a very distraught mayor and with the sky turning an unusual purple, she had a sinking feeling it was another powered up Akuma. This Akuma hasn't showed their face yet, but Chloé's disappearance was alarming.
"She's not here," she whispered after quickly darting inside the suite. Chat Noir voiced his affirmative and gave her a worried look, "The Akuma must have already taken her but..." Chat frowned, "Unless it had a personal vendetta against Chloé, it's unusual of them to stay hidden."
Ladybug sighed. This was going to be a long day.
Notes: It's divided because the author hasn't decided if this should be a short, fluffy funny fic or dive into possible 'getting therapy from yourself of a different multiverse because it's like talking to one of the voices in your head'. Enjoy!
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wisteriasymphony · 3 months
Queen of Disaster - Reverse!Chloenette Fic Idea
"you got me spinning like a ballerina..."
When she's not focusing on her schoolwork or training to become the prima ballerina her mother encourages her to be, Chloé Bourgeois is #1 Resistance Queen*, Honey Bee. And she knows she's not meant to fall for the enemy, but there's something about her that Chloé can't help but fall for... Maybe she just has a thing for bad girls?
Would likely include:
Approx time period Inspirations: 2012-2014?
Chloé focused - Lots of ballet-heavy scenes when it's focused on her life outside of Honey Bee. She'll probably also frequent Boulangeire Dupain-Cheng often, just to see Marinette.
Emo x Prep, "She was a punk, she did ballet", DUH. Chloé is the head-over-heels sunshine who likes to look on the bright side of things, Marinette is quiet and pessimistic and is intimidated/put-off by Chloé's positivity rather than a victim of 'bullying'. Chloé tries very hard to be Mari's friend and Mari has none of it.
Other Lana songs? why not.
*Depending on whether this is pre- or post- paris special, Honey can either work for the Resistance or Supreme, whatever the opposite of Shadybug is. Or maybe they work together, and she doesn't fall for the enemy after all?
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mlwritersguild · 3 months
Chlonette / I Wasn’t Like This Before
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The response to this prompt comes to us from @galahadwilder!
The worst part of dealing with Chloé isn’t the pranks. It isn’t the mean-spirited comments. It isn’t the constant attempts to get Marinette thrown out of school. It isn’t even the outright violence. No, the worst part about dealing with Chloé is that Marinette remembers who she used to be before her mother left. And that Marinette may have had a tiny, teenie, itty-bitty baby crush on her.
Chloé was Marinette’s first kiss, “practicing that thing that grown-ups do in movies.” The two of them had gotten married by the slide in elementaire. They’d been best friends, sharing everything, everything, until Chloé’s mother had vanished and Marinette’s parents had stayed. And Chloé hadn’t forgiven. The worst part about dealing with Marinette isn’t the self-righteousness. It isn’t the sabotaging of Chloé’s plans. It isn’t the way the designer keeps turning the class against her. It isn’t even the stupid cracks about Chloé’s family, though those hurt quite a lot. No, the worst part about dealing with Marinette is that Chloé remembers how things used to be before her mother left. And that Chloé is hopelessly, helplessly, desperately in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng. And she has no idea how to be her friend again.
Want to participate in this month’s event? Check out the rules, and send us a prompt!
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wooawi · 5 months
During the final battle with Lila as Hawkmoth 2.0, LB and CN have their identities revealed to Paris (and the whole world bc let’s be real, someone was live streaming it). Marinette, tired of Ladybug surrounding her life in Paris and needing to get away, decides to pursue her tertiary education in America. She cuts her hair down to a bob, gets glasses, and gives herself a nickname to go by. Then she applies to school in New York.
Why? Well, at first, she wanted to do something with fashion and where else to go but NYU. She wasn’t actually expecting to get in and had other schools to fall back on, but lo and behold, she actually gets accepted. By the time she gets there and is moving into her dorm (she got a solo room), she’s feeling iffy on the whole fashion major thing. So. She switches to civil engineering.
Creativity ☑️
Helping/bettering society ☑️
Interesting topic ☑️
Can keep fashion as a beloved hobby ☑️
Now comes the part where she actually has to go to class. She gets stuck with a bunch of morning classes because she forgets the whole “first come first serve” thing and picks her classes late. Fine whatever, she had to wake up at 7am for the past 3 years for lycée anyway, it’ll be fine.
It is not fine.
Tired and struggling to keep her eyes open, she goes to the closest coffee shop to her school. Well, the entire campus seemed to have had the same idea, so now she’s stuck waiting in an endless line and getting sleepier and sleepier and now she’s falling–
She runs into someone on her way down and the person catches her. But also, they spill their drink. So, feeling bad, Marinette buys the person a new drink and they sit down together to chat while they wait. She introduces herself as “Mari with an I” and finds herself enjoying the company of this individual, Clarisse. Long blonde hair, light blue eyes, and wow she seems really familiar! But Marinette can’t quite put her finger on it.
Clarisse lives off campus in her own apartment. She used to live in London (Marinette lies and says she’s been in New York her whole life. Haha. Ha.) but moved here for familial reasons and now pursues a Bachelor’s in Business at NYU. Ofc the girl does mainly online classes so there goes the chances of seeing each other. Maybe Marinette could get her number aaaaand that was her name called at the counter. And now Clarisse is grabbing her drink and saying goodbye. And now she’s leaving. Dammit
Marinette doesn’t make it to her 8am.
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mugmegan · 2 years
I made fanart for JajaLala's (@jajalala on tumblr) Chloé Noir fic on AO3. Tried linking to it but didnt manage. Must be because of tumblr on mobile. Shit never works. Anyway, here's dumb fanart for your dumb gay rare pair ship. I love these two.
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mlbigbang · 1 year
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2022 Rare Pair Fic Rec List
It's the end of the year which means it's finally time for the ML Big Bang's yearly fic rec lists! We're really excited to bring you our contributors' favourite fics started this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you're waiting for the Big Bang fics' publication in January.
Strangely Familiar by @sunfoxfic 79,676 words, Teen, 30/30 chapters
Alya Césaire’s life is perfect. Indeed, between the success of the Ladyblog, how well she’s doing in school, and the fact that she’s a superhero who has never bore the weight of a crisis of epic proportions, her life almost couldn’t be better. Almost. But Alya has always been a go-getter, and so she’ll chase after that perfect life if it kills her. Which is how she ends up rushing to move out of her father’s apartment and in with Marinette, Adrien, and a complete stranger: Nino Lahiffe. And in fact, her life does seem perfect — she and Nino are fast friends. They spend a lot of time together and get to know each other really well. But in the end, fortunate situations will bear unfortunate truths, and she learns things about herself that aren’t quite comfortable. Like I said, though: Alya has always been a go-getter, and she won’t let new feelings deter her from chasing after her perfect life.
"DJWifi centric with great Core 4 dynamics as well, really interesting Nino & Alya characterisation and interactions and identity shenanigans and aaaahhhhh"
Trust your instincts by @ultrakart 2,380 words, General, 1/1 chapter
Alya has the instincts of a fox. Nino finds it hilarious.
"Funny animal instincts DJWifi fic. Perfect :D"
Laughing at her Laughter by @sunfoxfic 634 words, General, 2/2 chapters
Now that Nino knows Alya has the Fox Miraculous permanently, they're able to try something they always wanted to do: Switch Miraculous. For one of them, at least.
"A very sweet kwami-swap! AND it has beautiful bonus art!"
Pigs and Purposes by @azuriteartist 863 words, General, 1/1 chapter
Nino and Alya discuss responsibility and sacrifice.
"We stan kwami swaps so much and this conveys so much with so little."
in which Adrien braids his boyfriends hair by @ck2k18 986 words, General, 1/1 chapter
"I could do your hair for you,” Adrien offered. “I-if you wanted.” Nino turned to look at him. “You want to cut my hair?” Adrien shook his head. “Not exactly. I mean, I could try but I don’t think you want me to, unless you want to end up bald,” he joked. “I was thinking I could braid it.”
"Adrinino is so good and it's so sweet!!! I love a good ole hair doing fic!!! (especially when there's talk of future kids!)"
Is it chill that you're in my head? by @bring-the-storm 8,217 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Alya stared at the picture plastered across the homepage of every single tabloid and news site, whispering every curse she could think of under her breath. SHOCKING SECRET ROMANCE BETWEEN LADYBLOGGER AND PARISIAN SUPERVILLAIN REVEALED!!! the headline announced, casually shouting the words she had been dreading for all of Paris to read. --- Alya had always assumed that someday Paris would discover that she had secretly been kissing their most wanted vigilante, but she had never thought it would happen so soon. As the domino effects of her relationship with Ladybug go spiraling through her life, Alya turns her sights towards the one responsible: the elusive superhero Hawkmoth. AKA Someone outs Alya and her girlfriend so she retaliates by deciding to take down Hawkmoth 
"A very enjoyable read! As the tags say, it's basically an episode of a show; it's a bit funny, a bit plotty, a bit shippy. A very clever story!"
We Don't Need Roses by @coffeebanana 5,308 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Kagami’s days at the tattoo shop have gotten a lot more exciting since the flower shop opened up next door, bringing Marinette into her life. But no matter how close the two seem to be growing, Kagami can’t help but notice that something is holding Marinette back.
"Marigami. Mainly fluffy, but there's some angst that really rounds it out. Tattoo parlor/flower shop AU. What I liked most about it was the characters backstories, especially Marinette. Also Kagami is a useless lesbian."
the memories that you went and tossed away by @sunfoxfic 4,965 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Marinette Dupain-Cheng suffered from an accident that caused amnesia. Now that lycée has started, she's back in school, and Chloé is trying to make sense of her own problems, but Dupain-Cheng keeps getting in the way, and she can't figure out why. It's fine; everything's fine.
"An angsty, one-sided crush story that is satisfying and enjoyable, even without a happy ending. It is very well written!"
darling (the composer has stepped into fire) by @theladyfae 1158 words, General, 1/1 chapter
Kagami likes Alya. She still isn't sure whether Alya likes her or not. This is a problem, when Alya's mere presence flusters her more than it should.
A Little White Lie by generalluxun 1,199 words, General, 1/1 chapter
A nervous Lila Rossi shows Adrien her room, and things take an unexpected turn.
"Wonderfully written and deeply emotional, the way you can expect from his fics. Short, with a twist that hits hard for maximum impact. A must-read for all of us who don't like Lila."
broken guitar (with a little c minor sting) by noirshitsuji 2,175 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
For the White Elephant Exchange at the Miraculous Writer's Guild: Give the LB and CN miraculouses to two characters (who aren't Marinette and Adrien). *** “Has nobody ever warned you about adopting strays, Couffaine?”
"The dynamic of Luka and Chloe in this is tasty and I have grown to be extremely fond of the writer's particular style. They're very good at subtext and insinuation and nuance."
Luka & Marc (QPR)
just wanna stay for the night by @asadweeghostie 246 words, General, 1/1 chapter
He keeps trying to not touch them, like little love notes as he eyes his favourite one. Lyrics about love and friendship written next to his keyed notes.
"There's something about this fic that always feels like home to me. I'm aware that this is a queerplatonic relationship, but the way it's written and how it's talked about brings up the possibility for a future romantic relationship, so I feel that maybe it's more fitting here. This author is one of my favorites; the way they write and express relationships is so endearing."
NSFW works
Blood Will Tell by @sunfoxfic 30,352 words, Mature, 11/11 chapters
Kagami Tsurugi is pregnant. More precisely, Kagami Tsurugi is pregnant and Félix Fathom is the father. After spending months as "friends with benefits," neither knows what to do, and both are panicking in their own emotionally suppressed ways. And as the worst happens — both in their heads and at their hands — they uncover more than they thought they could handle; but the story is not over, and what doesn't kill Kagami only makes her freakishly motivated to be better tomorrow.
"A raw fic that is exploring accidental teenage pregnancy and all that comes with it. It is gently but realistically showing the often-glossed over discussions about abortion, while not straying too dark and being very "readable". The prose is gorgeous as well!! Chlonette: An angsty, one-sided crush story that is satisfying and enjoyable, even without a happy ending. It is very well written!"
I've Got Friends on the Other Side by @inkmousey 6,796 words, Explicit, 1/1 chapter
Father Luka only tries his best to be a devout servent of The Lord. Adrien, a Succubus, wants to see Father Luka on his knees saying his name like a prayer instead.
"I love subverting expectations and this fic does it more than once!!!"
charge de fin de soirée by @leafweaverryn 5,627 words, Explicit, 1/1 chapter
During a late night patrol, Chat Noir finds Luka at a laundromat working on washing everything he's got. The hero takes the opportunity to air out some dirty laundry of his own…
"Such an amazing and thrilling Lukadrien fic!"
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The (Mis)Adventures of Catastrophe: Epilogue
(889 Words) by Nakira Taisho
Date Posted: (2020-04-22)
Chapters: 28/28
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Chloé Bourgeois/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Characters: Chloé Bourgeois, Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug)
Additional Tags: Kwami Swap, cat noir!Chloe, The AU no one asked for, shippy starts in ch10, fox!adrien (towards the end)
Summary: All's well that ends well for Paris...this time
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scriptfree · 2 years
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About as complete as I feel this piece could come. It's not exactly a priority right now but I felt like I wanted to get it out there. A bit rough around the edges, but I don't mind it too much.
I hope you guys enjoy it, though!
I'm gonna stop procrastinating and get back to my homework. I'll fuel myself with my tears.
Here is a link to my commissions form if you're interested!
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totally (not) in love
Chapters: 2/? Relationships: Chloé Bourgeois/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Slow Burn, Fluff, Angst, Mutual Pining, Flirting, Banter, Alternate Universe - No Miraculous, Post-Canon, Friends to Lovers, Ridiculous Shenanigans
‘What do you need?’
‘You! Didn’t you hear me?!’
‘Yes, I think the whole street did. What do you need me to do?’
Adding to the strangeness of the interaction, this question makes Chloe blush and take a step back. ‘Well- that’s- private.’ She stutters.
‘Private?’ Marinette says, not sure whether she should be annoyed or amused. ‘Then how am I supposed to know what to do, Chlo?’
Read on AO3
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i-like-anything-water · 8 months
chloenette red string au:
"If you're going to hate me, hate me completely. Don't leave a crack or hole open. Hate me with everything you have because, sometimes, it just feels like you're hating yourself for loving me. And that's the worst fate of all."
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wisteriasymphony · 4 months
I wrote a thing for @mlbfemslashfebruary! I'm not a day late shut up
Day 7: Chloenette - "Skirt".
Chloé is APPALLED by Marinette's lame sense of "fashion", so she takes her shopping.
Teen, 1,369 words
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mlwritersguild · 2 years
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Rabbit Hole Worth Choosing, by @azuriteartist
Based on Switchfoot's Oh! Gravity, submitted by noirshitsuji
AO3 link; Time Travel, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, Good Chloé Bourgeois, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Lesbian Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug, Lesbian Chloé Bourgeois, Mild Blood, Lila is Fauxina (Miracle Queen!Lila), Mentioned Lila Rossi, Mentioned Gabriel Agreste, Angst, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Rabbit Chloé Bourgeois | Tempair, Alternate Timelines, no one technically dies, but they do get erased from existence so....
Chloe had never thought that her happiness would bring about the end of the world.
Tempair stared at the near-perfect timeline through her burrow, her resolve weakening with every passing second. But she knew what she needed to do. She had tried every other timeline, every other option.
She had even tried talking to a past version of Marinette. Tempair had tried arguing for pulling random powered-up nobodies out of the timestream. With all their power, they could prevent Crimsonoir from fulfilling his wish. They could overwhelm him with sheer numbers, they could win! They could keep their happy ending!
But the alternate Marinette had been stern, just like Tempair’s Marinette would’ve been. And now Tempair was in a white void, with time windows all around her.
In front of the rabbit hero, a window to her happiest timeline. She placed a hand upon the circle, and dragged it left, rewinding the timeline, watching her past become an uncertain future.
Tempair watched her past self crying as she held up a gold pocket watch, promising to stop Crimsonoir and Fauxina getting their hands on the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculouses.
Rewinding further, Tempair watched as Chloe stood, shocked at the Rabbit Miraculous at her feet. Shocked at her bruised and bloodied girlfriend that decided her final act as Ladybug would be to gift Chloe the power to change the past.
Tempair smiled at Chloe refusing the akuma from Hawkmoth. She remembered the fear and bravery coursing through her veins as she stood firm. She knew who she was; not Queen Bee, not Miracle Queen, but Chloe.
Chloe and Marinette dancing in a grand ball. Chloe had invited Marinette to one of her father’s boring galas. Chloe’s expensive, honey-coloured princess-cut dress shimmered under the lights, complimenting Marinette’s homemade, flowing matte pink ball gown. Chloe hadn’t even noticed everyone staring at them.
Tempair let out a sob, and paused the scene for just a second.
She knew what it meant to sacrifice, she knew that no one should have to sacrifice, but that good people often need to. That while it was unfair, if there was no one willing to step up, nothing would change. That all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.
The scene shifted into Chloe and Marinette sharing a blueberry, lemon, and honey ice cream from Andre’s. Tempair could still remember the taste.
Marinette and Chloe talking by the Seine, ending in a breath-taking kiss.
Chloe handing Marinette a collage of pictures at the end of the day, wrapped in paper, telling her not to open it at school. Marinette had thanked her, while wary of Chloe’s true intentions.
Chloe, giving Marinette flowers. Tempair smiled at that. Chloe had sworn up and down that it wasn’t a romantic gesture, just an apology, but Tempair knew better.
Chloe sitting in class, glancing towards Marinette out of the corner of her eye, unsure of the feelings she was associating with her. Marinette had never seemed to notice her stares, or at least she never thought to bring them up.
Chloe apologising, genuinely apologising, to Marinette. Chloe no longer caring about the chilling rain as Marinette pulled Chloe into a warm hug. Tempair swore that with Marinette hugging her, she couldn’t hear her mother's helicopter leaving anymore.
Chloe opening her eyes to see news crews and Ladybug and Chat Noir staring at her, confirming her worst fear. Her super powered temper tantrum had just been broadcast to millions.
Chloe losing it at her mothers comments, vocalising the effects of her mother’s abandonment for the first time.
Tempair couldn’t help but notice everyone’s worried expressions. They had been worried for her, but it didn’t matter now. Nothing does. The new Chloe wouldn’t appreciate any of it. And, while it was for the betterment of the timeline, a small part of her felt it was cruel that this Chloe wouldn’t get to be happy.
Tempair grimaced as she watched her past self insult Marinette, and rewound faster. She always hated this part of the timeline. She felt herself looking away in shame. She might be better now, and it was presumably selfish, but she doesn’t want to think about when she was worse.
Chloe, in her room, trying to mimic Ladybug with her yo-yo and costume. Tempair chuckled at the sight. She had spent what felt like aeons trying to fix their happy ending, and that had given her plenty of time to come to terms with Ladybug's identity. It made sense, of course, only Marinette could be so nice as to attain literal superpowers from it.
And then, it was the first day of school again. 3am, with no one around. She stepped through the portal, holding the small, sharp stone, and placed it right where this new Chloe would pull up in the morning, ensuring she would be mad when she walked into school. Making her more willing to take it out on Marinette by forcing her to switch seats. And, in turn, preventing their entire relationship.
She forced herself to step back into the burrow and cried, slumping to the floor the new timeline played out in fast forward.
Tempair slammed her fist into the white wall, affecting nothing, but desperately hoping that she would. Maybe this was the one trivial action that could change everything.
But she wasn’t Marinette. She couldn’t create from nothing, couldn’t bring forth fortune and creation, couldn’t defy odds.
The Bee Miraculous had taught Chloe her impact on others, that her actions, bad and good, had consequences. But with the Rabbit Miraculous, she finally saw the impact others had on her. Not in small glimpses or grand gestures, like one would normally experience, but in it’s entirety. She was beholden to other people, and other people were beholden to her. And now, with her universe fading out, superseded by the correct timeline, Tempair gained a perspective that few ever did.
She hoped that this Chloe would realise it too, and that, just maybe, she could reach a happy ending.
Tempair felt a hand on her shoulder, but didn’t turn around. She knew who it was.
“It’s for the best. But for what it’s worth, I’m sorry,” Bunnyx said, as Tempair bowed her head and flickered out of existence.
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dargnacht · 9 months
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Chloe as chat noir, cuz I found a chloenette Fic and decide to draw something.
I don't even understad half of what is going on in the show 😃
Gay gay homosexual gay, that is it.
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I saw that derision fic myself. The author said that they wrote it out of spite from derision, and sympathy for a friend that posted a scathing review of derision in a Chloenette server. The fics title is literally: “Derision Ruined Everything”
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seekinghelp-adhd · 8 months
“Stuck in the past” is one of the best Chloenette fics I’ve ever read, I’m so pumped to see where the story goes!
AAAAAAAAAAHH!!! Thank you so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate this.
I've shared before, but I had never really posted anything publicly before getting into Miraculous. "Stuck in the Past" is the second thing I've ever posted anywhere, and I honestly only started writing it when I ran out of Chloenette stories to read. We were starved for content, and I was so tired of waiting I said, "Screw it, maybe someone will see this story and post their own thinking they could do better."
I know that logic is flawed, but that was my opinion of myself as a writer at the time. Everyone out there leaving positive comments will never know how much of a positive impact they've had on my mental health and self-image.
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rozunderpressure · 7 months
Just finished reading the first chapter of "Click Clash", and I literally love it to pieces (I also commented there, but still felt like telling you here too) and the art you did of them sometime ago of them is just *chef's kiss*
I now have another Chloenette fic to dutifully wait for future updates XD
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I get so blushy with praise to art writing, but its always so nice to get!
I actually have chapter 2 ready, I just need some revising, otherwise I am staggering the publication of chapters so its not too much, so it will be out soon! There will be probably 5 to 6 chapters total and I hope you enjoy it!
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