#chocolate pebbles
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"Chocolate is the first luxury. It has so many things wrapped up in it: deliciousness in the moment, childhood memories, and that grin-inducing feeling of getting a reward for being good."
~Mariska Hargitay
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fullcravings · 2 months
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Fruity Pebbles Crispy Treats
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howlonomy · 6 months
Wait... Does Mo know Clover's back? Does Mo know his favorite customer is around town again!?
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fatty-food · 5 months
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Fruity Pebble Cereal Bars with white chocolate (via Instagram)
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sighonaraa · 9 months
You’re doing gift fics? 👀
Can I- can I get? Can I get one?
On the drive back from school one Friday afternoon, Phoebe asked her Uncle Roy, “D’you think my dad’s still out there somewhere?”
[ phoebe is tasked with writing a letter to her younger self for a school assignment. this brings up a lot of complicated emotions; enter jamie tartt. ]
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dandys-handler · 2 months
if you had 3 glasses of choccy milk who would you give them to
Dandy. Then, hmm... Toodles, and then perhaps Astro? It's difficult to choose, so many of the cast are desperately in need of a good cup of choccy milk, haha!
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fictionalfoodpolls · 5 months
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aquilamage · 9 months
thinkin about Looks to the Moon again again and going insane over the possibilities of merch of them (would spend so much money on that). so I made little proof-of-concept sticker drawings
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the fun problem comes with the fact that every time they show a different image of her she's different colors. I don't know what the official one is supposed to be so I decided to eyedrop from all of the pictures I have seen. (From left to right: the overseer image projection in playing, the hibernation art of the overseer projecting their image, encountering them in-game, and the hibernation art you get after meeting her)
also she's only depicted with robes in the first two of those instances so for the other two I stole the colors from Five Pebbles's in-game sprite and hibernation art robes. he doesn't deserve them anyway
(for anyone looking at this outside the sphere of usual people: if there's any other images of them besides these please don't mention them specifically because I would like to avoid spoilers. ty)
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itsfoodbaby · 2 years
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pale-cheezit · 9 months
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btw 👉👈 i lub u 2 ❤️
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fullcravings · 2 years
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Fruity Pebbles Treats
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vestige-nan · 1 year
The Thorn in my Side, the Pebble in my Shoe: Ch 10
Summary: The main quest line in Mannimarco’s perspective, except that he falls chaotically in love with the vestige just as much as he chaotically hates them.
Fun stuff: More small violent imagery warning.  As always, vestige is gender neutral and physical features are not described.
My fists hammered my workbench. It's stone split with a loud CRACK. My fingernails dug into spoiled rock. My teeth ground tight enough to shatter. I wanted to break something else. I wanted to scream. I wanted to tear the vestige's eyes out.
They rescued Sai Sahan.
I slammed the wall with my fist. Dark blood trickled down my wrist.
I was there. I was there! I was in the Halls of Torment. I interrogated Sai moments before they could have rescued him. The sheer luck the vestige had was as infuriating as it was unbelievable. Had I dallied just a few minutes more, or had I kept my visage of the vestige up, or had maybe any of the daedra present stopped them the vestige would have been in my grasp.
My lifeless blood boiled as I stared at the visage, bearing holes into it hoping the vestige would catch on fire. They were celebrating the return of the redguard, their eyes alight with accomplishment and their smile bright with assurance. It was disgusting. I couldn't look away. I had to force my temper to cool, slowing my breath. When I was sane enough to think, I combed my hair out of my face with my hand that wasn't bleeding.
"Another meaningless victory, pathetic hero." Though I knew they couldn't hear me, I did gain some respite voicing my thoughts as if they could. "It would be more concerning if I hadn't planned for everything."
It was true. While the band of heroes enjoyed their petty victory, I had already prepared for the worst. As if I wouldn't have casted a tracking enchantment the moment Sai Sahan was in my captivity! And, of course, I could always follow the visage carefully if that didn't work. A wicked chuckle passed my lips as I imagined the vestige's anguish when they realize the being they saved would be their own undoing.
The vestige turned they're head. My desiccated heart skipped a beat. They were looking through me, obviously, but it almost seemed as though they were looking at me if I stepped slightly to the left.
I growled and shut down the visage. My face felt so warm, it almost felt alive. How utterly frustrating and fallacious. Ever since that damned dream I had been plagued with obsessive and contradictory thoughts. I wanted to burn the vestige and bask in that heat, but I also wanted to feel their warm breath against my cold flesh. I wanted to break their bones with their own weapon, but I also wanted to trace their veins with my feather-light touch. I wanted to strangle them, but I also wanted to hold their waist. I wanted to make them bleed, but I also wanted to make them blush. I wanted to see them cry, but I also wanted to see them smile—and so on and so on.
I wished I could blame my condition on the folly of a daedric prince, or even the last displays of influence of a dead, pathetic aedra. But I had too much respect for myself to lie to myself. And moving forward, if my plans were to come to fruition, I had to consider all variable factors of vulnerability or fallibility.
I was... somewhat enticed by the vestige.
Yes, their strength of might and ability to keep up with my power likely played a part. Yes, having to watch them day and night probably had a part to play as well. Yes, it may have occurred because the line between hate and love was so easily blurred and traversed. Yes, that damned dream ruined everything, and it was all Vaermina's fault.
I groaned. As much as I wished to keep my visage put away until this unwelcome attraction sputtered and died (not unlike how the vestige will when I kill them... that was still the plan?) me avoiding the visage was how I lost Sai Sahan in the first place. With a wave of my hand, the visage returned. I licked the blood from my bloodied wrist as my eyes rolled to the vestige.
The vestige was no longer celebrating with their band of fools—and thank oblivion for that, I might've gone nauseous if I had to watch them hold hands and give speeches of hope for one moment more—but instead was once again out on the road.
They weren't doing anything of importance. I could easily push the visage aside and finish my own work, and my sanity would be more whole for it. And yet, my eyes were glued to the vestige. Their gait, their posture, their skin, the way their attention was so easily picked up by the oddest of things. A hand came to my face, and I realized how warm it was. I wanted to watch them for hours.
It was an interesting thing: knowing your own folly and yet being unable to correct it. My mind understood completely the madness of my desire. Not just because of who I desired, but also the mania in how I desired. And yet, my very veins compelled me to obsess. Logically, I knew wanting both to wear the vestige's fingers as a bracelet—so that they may always hold my hand—and to have their warm hands full of life caress my neck was not only impossible but also insane. Regardless, I wanted both and I wouldn't be satisfied without both.
But I was rarely ever satisfied, anyway, and watching the vestige would be enough to scratch the itch for now.
The vestige approached a busy city, one close enough to the harborage that it hadn't taken long for them to reach it. They looked at their map, a slight crease in their brow, displaying how obviously confused they were even as shopkeepers and beggars called to them. How delightfully and annoyingly naive they looked, and how easy they would've been to take advantage of. It was no wonder I killed them. The vestige probably followed the first person they met in a city like that, only to get kidnapped and sacrificed immediately.
A hand clapped on the vestige's shoulder, startling them out of their stupor. A smile brightened over the vestige's face when they looked up at the perpetrator, "Hey, Darien."
"You lost there, friend?" It was a young breton man, the same one (probably? it was difficult to tell anyone insignificant apart) who listened to the vestige's dream. I squinted at the visage.
"Me, lost?" The vestige's smile was mischievous in nature, and their eyes sparkled in a way that made me want to take them and keep them in my possession, "Never."
The breton laughed, and a sharp pain came to my hands. They were bleeding. I had dug my nails into my palms without realizing. I groaned.
Great. Jealousy. As if my attraction to the vestige wasn't annoying enough.
"Where are you headed?" He asked. He leaned in too close toward the vestige as he looked at the map. I wondered if the vestige could feel the heat of life coming from him. I wondered if they could smell him, and he didn't smell of death and rot. I wondered if they liked it and wanted him to lean closer.
The vestige didn't look phased in the slightest by the breton, "Summerset. I'm trying to book passage there."
"Summerset?" The breton said, an eyebrow raised, "Why would you want to go there?" I wondered how easily I could kill him. I wondered if I would do it fast to get it done quickly or if I would do it slow to torture him. I wondered if I could force the vestige to kill him.
"I haven't been there, yet." The vestige stopped and thought for a breath, "Probably."
He laughed as he lowered their map, his fingers much too close to the vestige's, "Probably?"
"It's a long story," they put their map away, and when the vestige left the breton's vicinity, I could breathe again. "You wouldn't happen to know anyone who could book me passage?"
"I couldn't tell you." He tapped his chin in thought, "Summerset just barely opened its borders... Do you even know anyone there who could show you around?"
The vestige shrugged, "I'm sure I can find someone."
I thought entered my mind. A plan, even. An absolutely impulsive plan, but not an unnecessary one. If I were to meet the vestige in disguise, if I were to gain their trust, I could thoroughly ascertain their plans and motives against me. I could even plant the seeds of doubt, of which that could tear the vestige from Varen and the rest of those fools. And if it so happens that I can watch their sleeping form in person, that would just be an additional benefit that I just so happen to also receive from my brilliant plan.
I studied the vestige closer, a smile creeping on my face as my fingers curled around my cheek. I remembered our last in-person meeting. Their eyes ablaze with determination and trepidation. Their spellbound attention addicting. The challenge they presented to me like a gift to my power.
I wondered if they would look at me the same way when I'm disguised.
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fatty-food · 10 months
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frozen hot chocolate with toffee bits & Ube + black sesame swirl with fruity pebbles (via instagram)
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heretolikethings · 11 months
Trick or treat
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jjungkookislife · 1 year
if you’re a cereal babe, what’s your favorite? I need new ones to try, I’ve been eating Cocoa Puffs and cocoa pebbles all my life
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