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coqxettee · 1 year
Coquette Summer
Bucket List: ☀️🧺🌸
Some ideas for your summer 2023 bucket list. Coquette activities, trips, days out and things you can do with friends or alone. Write these ideas in your journal and make your own bucket list if you like! <3
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Go on a picnic ~ You can do this with friends or on your own! Take an aesthetic picnic blanket and basket, pack fruit, sandwiches, salad, cookies, cupcakes (whatever you like!) and have a Coquette picnic. Dress cute for the occasion and make sure to take lots of pictures <3
Host a Tea Party ~ Invite friends over and decorate your dining table with a pretty tablecloth. Grab fancy cups and saucers (you can find these in antique stores, or better yet a whole tea set complete with a tea pot!) and have a tea party. Drink rose or jasmine tea, have scones, bread & jam, miniature sandwiches, cookies/biscuits, cake. You could even do it Marie Antoinette, high-tea inspired. Dress all regency and cute and make it the fanciest, coquette, tea party ever! <3
Beach day ~ Grab your heart shaped sunnies and have a beach day! Bring a pink towel with you, a large pretty sun-hat, and make sure you pack all the pretty-girl beach essentials. Tanning lotion, a romance novel, fresh fruit, a blanket to sit on (if you don’t have a deck chair) sun cream (spf) lipgloss, a hair brush, and your camera to snap some cute beach shots! Walk down the boardwalk, listen to Lana and grab an ice cream, wear pink flip flops and a cute pink and white gingham bikini <3
Berry picking ~ Wear the most dreamy, float cottage-core, princess dress, a large sun hat and take a wicker basket with you to go berry picking. You can book a slot online and go into a local field. Take pictures and pick ripe berries to take home with you, ready to use for baking later on in the week <3
Baking day ~ Wear a cute little apron, put Lana on your record player in the kitchen and have a baking day! Bake cherry pie, heart-shaped cookies, jam cookies, chocolate-chip cookies, scones, cupcakes, an actual cake… anything and everything! Take cute photos when you bake, it can be great to make memories with friends. Once you’ve baked all your sweet treats, package them up and choose some to give to friends and family, some for later occasions (picnics & tea-parties) and most importantly… some for you! <3
Go to a market ~ If you live in the country there are loads of cute farmers markets on in summer. Keep some money back with you, wear a long, flowing style skirt and a bow in your hair and take a cute tote-bag to keep everything you buy in. Look for small Coquette trinkets on some of the handmade stalls, buy fresh fruit and lemonade for lunch and have a slow, relaxing day at the market <3
Antique shopping ~ Go antique shipping. For your room or house. You can find so many beautiful, Coquette homeware items, clothes, trinkets, jewelry and much more in antique shops. Google the best ones in your area, set aside a day, and go <3
Try out new café’s in your area - Google fancy café’s or even café’s that do afternoon tea. You could go with friends or have a solo cafe trip. Bring a book with you if you go on your own, to read. Or a sketchbook to sketch the world around you. Try something new on the menu! <3
Coquette movie day ~ Plump out your bedroom or living room with pink pillows, fairy lights, candles and lavender room spray. Put on the comfiest pair of pajamas you have Grab snacks, popcorn, anything you baked earlier in the week, fresh fruit (anything you like!) And have a whole day of watching JUST coquette movies. Disney princess films, any period drama’s, any mystical and magical movies, romance movies. Movies that are super light-hearted and make you feel like the princess you are inside. This is really fun to do with friends too! <3
Jewelry making ~ Learn how to make prettt, coquette jewelry. I always see such cute jewelry online and want to know if I can make it myself. The kits might be a bit pricy to buy, but once you’ve built up a jewelry making collection your all set! Make some summer earrings, necklaces, and bracelets <3
Learn to Crochet ~ Something I have wanted to learn for ages! There are tons of tutorials on YouTube and you can pick up pretty colored yarn from the market. If you are really good you can crochet things for the summer like tank tops, bikini sets and headbands! <3
Start a summer journal ~ Or just start journaling in general. I’m making a summer journal full of scrapbook pages I can add all of my coquette summer pictures too when summer is over. Decorate it with coquette stickers and really make it your own. Get creative <3
Have a self care day ~ It’s not sunny everyday in Summer (usually) so set aside one of the cloudier or cooler days for a movie day, or self care day! Wake up early and have an everything shower, and take care of YOU! Do a face mask, manicure, pedicure, do every step to your skincare routine, wash and remake your bed, tidy your room. By the end of the day you will feel like a new person and trust me it’S WORTH IT! <3
Have a sleepover ~ You kinda need friends for this one. I’m sure everyone knows how to have one but do really coquette activities! Paint each others nails, style each others hair, Watch coquette movies, talk about boys. All the classic things you see in the girly movies that you feel never actually get done at sleepovers… do them! Order pizza, do face masks, bake things, and stay up as late as possible for a… midnight feast! <3
Re-decorate your room for summer <3
Go on vacation <3
Go bowling <3
Cute cinema trip (watch a romantic movie) <3
Go to a fancy restaurant <3
Make a summer scrapbook <3
Plan cute summer outfits for the weeks ahead <3
Try out new summer hairstyles <3
Go to a milkshake-bar/diner <3
Go roller-skating <3
Go to the arcade
Find some pretty summer walks in your area, take pictures of wildlife you spot etc <3
Go to a farm (farmers daughter vibes iykyk) <3
Go to the theatre and watch the ballet <3
Have a signature, coquette summer scent <3
Write in your daily summer diary every night and seal it with a lipstick kiss <3
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I hope you found these ideas helpful, aesthetic and fun! Have the best summer ever darling’s ~
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sopeanutdeer · 3 days
how my cousin with a bmi of 16 stays so skinny and has stayed skinny her whole life. i never understood how she stays so skinny until i lived with her for 4 months.
okay so her habits might be weird but all i know for a fact is that she does not have an ed like us bcz even when she was a kid she always did these habits shes 20 now and shes been doing this since she was 7 so i think she never leaves thesw habbits.
she always woke up at around 6am i know so weird so she woke up at 6am and i never understood how she did it. she would go down and make coffee the first things and she would drink that and she would walk around the house. i know soo soo weird. i use to ask her why she wakes up 6am when everyone is sleeing she usually always felt shy telling me why she does that and i never understood why but she told me when everyone is sleeping she loves to walk. so what she does is walk around the house and scroll on tiktok. she would do that for 3 hours till 9am and rhats when her siblings woke up. after that she would drink anither cup of coffee with digestive biscuit she would wat 2-3 of that biscuit and then help her mom with the house and start dancing. she loved kpop dances and she would dance for hours. their house was quite big and i was in her room with her. but when she was dancing she would go to a diff room. and i knew she was dancing bcz the houses in the uk are made out of wood so u can hear the footsteps alot. she would literally never sit down. after she got so so tired from all that walkibf and dancinf she would come back to her room and draw. she loved drawinf alot she woukd make her own characters and dress them up. and she loved water. water was her love she would drink 3-4 liters of water. she only ate 1 meal and it was alwayw what her mom cooked. sometimes she wouldnt even eat that meal bcz she wasnt hungry. i never understood how she stays active for so long and dosent eat. i would eat all my 3 meals and she would just come down with me and not eat. if she ate the meal she would always eat the chicken breast then lettuce and she hardly finished the rice sometimes she didn’t even touch the rice. she would after every meal ask me to wash the dishes and she could vaccum bcz she liked walking. and she woukd vaccum the whole house 3 times wveryday. then she would go back up and walk again. at around 6pm she would offer to go to the market to get some cookies and some chocolate. when we bought these chocolate and cookies what she does is she eats 1 cookie and then stop. while me on the other hand laying on bed the whole day eat the whole thing. and once she said is there any cookie left and i said no i finished it all she said how it was so much i literally felt so embarrassed. i wasnt fat i had a healthy bmi of 22-23 but compared to her 16 bmi i was fat. so she loved her sweet treats but she moved alot aswell.
she always stays out the house as much as she can and just walk around town. she would avarage 20-30k steps and sometimes even 40k
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desertdollranch · 1 year
When American Girl first announced their partnership with Jeni’s Ice Cream to make some cute playsets and products, I had never heard of Jeni’s. I assumed that it was a brand that was local to the Wisconsin area, where AG’s headquarters are located.
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I was so enchanted by these cute things that I wanted to reproduce some of the products for my own dolls, without spending very much. So I dug in a little deeper on reading about Jeni’s. It turns out I was mostly wrong about them. Jeni’s Ice Cream does have shops in large cities across the United States (none in my state), but you can also buy it in pints at Whole Foods Market! I don’t recall AG ever actually mentioning that. Maybe assume that all their customers are upper-class and are familiar already with where to obtain premium and luxury brands? 
If you haven’t checked out their full line of product collaborations, go look now. There’s an ice cream truck, an outfit, a waffle cone maker, a cafe table, and some itty bitty bowls of ice cream that are scented. All of it is super cute, but in typical AG fashion, quite expensive.
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I swung by Whole Foods the last time I went into the city, and Grace (my little foodie friend) and I gave it a try. There are around a dozen varieties and a few are even dairy free. It was hard to choose which ones to get. Since it’s begun to feel like summer, I picked out Sweet Cream Biscuits & Peach Jam, and Wildberry Lavender. Both remind me of Grace’s collection: sweet, summery, and pastel-colored. 
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Grace and I agree.... the peach was excellent, but the lavender was outstanding. It does indeed taste as expensive as it is, at around $8 a pint, so it’s not something we’ll have more than once or twice a year. 
Grace wasn’t too happy about being told that this won’t be a weekly treat. So she got the idea to make and serve ice cream in her and her family’s pastry shop, La Grande Patisserie! 
I was happy to help her out. 
For the first step, we tracked down some doll-sized ice cream containers. 
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I didn’t have to go to Whole Foods Market to find these. They were in my local grocery store. Perfectly small, and proportional to 18 inch dolls! From the left they are Häagen-Dazs chocolate, Häagen-Dazs coffee, and Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Dough. We got 4 total containers of cookie dough, so that I could try out a half dozen different methods of making the doll ice cream.
After Grace and I emptied the containers over the course of about a week, I used air-dry clay to reproduce the ice cream in a non-perishable form. 
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Chocolate and coffee are in the middle, while the outer four corners are cookie dough flavor. 
Most of the time I shape my objects before I paint them, but in this case I mixed acrylic paint with the clay, using varying amounts of paint. Then while it was still soft, I dragged a small serrated knife across the clay to give it the right texture. 
Now to create the scoops.
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I found these clear plastic bowls at Dollar Tree. Also perfectly doll-sized. 
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And here are the scoops! I formed small clay spheres and then roughed up the surface with the same knife. Then I used a toothpick to dot on the chocolate chips.
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Grace gave it two spoons up. 
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These were a practice run. Next, we’re going to figure out how to make Jeni’s ice cream, specifically, and the containers, so we have more colors and flavors to work with. Grace wants to send some of these first drafts to my mom’s dolls, and maybe we’ll even sell the ones that turned out the best. 
We also intend to come up with an easy, efficient way to make plastic spoons, and then we’ll come back to this post for part 2!
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theofficersacademy · 4 months
Time stops for no one, and so this year’s Ethereal Ball begins to amble toward a close. Most attendees stay in the ballroom or its masquerade equivalent, determined to squeeze more dancing and socializing into this evening. Some, exhausted by the night’s festivities, head off to their dorm rooms for a well-deserved night of sleep.
But the night is still far from over! And yet more students are eager to party for as long as they can, especially after weeks of hearing that certain intrepid merchants would be selling hot street food long into the night. Wandering into the town square, you find it bright and filled with festivities: warm food, hard drinks, and small houses rented for private parties among friends.
Warm up with some food…
[ Mulled wine ] - Warm red wine spiced to perfection, ideal for staving off winter’s chill.
[ Chocolate fountain ] - A seemingly endless fountain of chocolate, accompanied by plenty of biscuits, cakes, and cookies to dip in.
[ “Pegasus Cheese” ] - Zofia’s most famed and exotic export (allegedly). A delicate yet firm cheese with a savory, salty, and buttery flavor that pairs well with fruit. It’s good, but perhaps not worth the price tag…
[ H-True-O Water ] - Originating from an artesian aquifer from the frigid lands of Albinea, this bottled water is boasted to be the finest in the world. With all that marketing thrown at you, you can really taste the difference!
[ Forestberry Jamwich ] - A recent mainstay across Fódlan, this sandwich combines sweet jam made from Fódlan’s summer berries with a savory paste made from ground Dagdan peanuts.
[ Romanesco Smoothie ] - A sweet milkshake with a pretty green color. The whipped cream and fruity taste mask the fact that half of this was made with broccoli and other vegetables. Good for sweet tooths who refuse to eat their greens.
[ Dona Dona Fried Set ] - A full-blown meal all on its own, featuring juicy fried chicken, deep-fried cheese with tomato sauce, and a basket of fried potato slices. Every bite you take tastes so good, but feels so bad.
[ Street Crepe ] - A novel take on an old classic, these handheld, stuffed crepes come in varieties both savoury and sweet. A light and fluffy treat to cap off the evening.
Not feeling hungry?
[ Splash ] - Amid the decorations brought in for the occasions is a beautiful three tier fountain sculpted in with Seiros in mind. Come refresh yourselves! But do try not to get soaked.
[ Fireflies ] - Also known as lightning bugs. Get it? … Maybe you want to catch the show, or maybe you want to catch the bugs. It's strange though - are they a new, more resilient species, perhaps? It is the middle of winter after all...
[ Wish ] - Have you ever wanted to wish upon a star, but never been lucky enough to witness the real thing? That's too bad, because these magical stars streaking across the sky probably still don't count, but they are gorgeous - and more than pretty enough to watch with a special someone else.
[ Goddess Tower, Redux ] - Maybe you've already tried and fallen flat on your face earlier this eve. Or have you perhaps been nervously biding your time? The night is young but it trust that it will come to an end - so there's no time like the present to gather your courage and make known your love! Plus the view of the open skies is gorgeous all on its own, and well worth the climb for any singleton too.
[ Lucky Charms ] - What's a magical night without some souvenirs? A particularly enterprising merchant who's been around for the past few balls has come up with a genius lucrative lovely idea: charms and bracelets with the chosen year's theme, so as to remember it by... You should totally get matching versions for your friends, too!
[ Say 'Fromage'! ] - The alumna is already in town with her Photo-Artifex replica and, thanks to many of you, she's done with her testing much earlier than anticipated! She promises a one-of-a-kind keepsake in the form of 'photos' ranging from serious to silly, a variety of props to choose from included. If you're feeling particularly daring, maybe you'll even try out the artifex-box?
Missing something else to cap off your magical soirée? Go for it!
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Things I did today that were nice because I’m feeling big and complicated feelings about endings:
Took off work
Wandered a new neighborhood (yay enrichment)
Visited two bookstores
Discovered a bougie little market and bought yummy food for dinner
Bought some chocolate chip cookie dough (I considered the biscuits to be thematic but chocolate chip cookies are my actual comfort cookie so…it just make sense)
Got some flowers
Chatted with my mom (including big end of show feelings. She told me if people didn’t like the ending they could be creative and write their own so she has reinvented fix-it fic lmao)
Expressed more emotions than I can count
Made a game plan to enjoy this episode and protect my experience as best I can
Cried again
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cookiedotdreams · 1 year
Artisan Friday Market!
Lots of vegan goodies! What an amazing day was today! Selling vegan treats and chatting with people, wonderful atmosphere. Vegan black forest cupcake Vegan pumpkin cupcake Vegan vanilla cake Chocolate and biscuit bars Belgian chocolate cookie Brownie truffles Mmm….!!!!
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ninjafoodtours · 2 years
5 Famous Foods to Try in Kyoto
Traditional culinary culture has flourished in Kyoto, and you may get a taste of history with Japanese course meals prepared as part of a traditional tea ceremony and vegetarian cuisine influenced by Chinese Buddhism.
The town's local cuisine (Kyo-ryori) is colorful and visually appealing, thanks to the expertise of Japanese chefs. Everyone should have the opportunity to sample traditional Japanese cuisine in the stately setting of Kyoto at least once in their lives. Of course, fantastic food at reasonable costs is available.
We've compiled a list of some of the top local cuisines and budget-friendly treats that Kyoto residents enjoy daily.
Yudof (Boiled tofu): 
Perhaps no food represents Kyoto more than you. It contains only tofu, water, kelp, and a dipping sauce. The kelp is put in the bottom of a stewpot, filled with tofu and water, and simmered. Tofu is scooped up and served with a dipping sauce, typically a ponzu soy sauce-based vinaigrette.
Hamo (Conger eel) 
The spikey-toothed hamo (conger eel) is a difficult adversary to deal with. Small bones span the length of its slim body. Chefs make half-cuts into the filleted meat to make it tasty - 24 cuts within each three-centimeter span. Hamo can be boiled, grilled, deeply fried, and even used in shabu-shabu or nabe stew. Cold, boiled ham served with a tart ume (plum) sauce is especially popular in the summer.
Tsukemono (Japanese pickles) 
Before the refrigerator, Japan kept its vegetables by pickling them in salt. When Kyoto was chosen as the nation's capital in 794, a slew of items from Japan began to arrive in Kyoto and at the imperial court. Local artisans attempted to refine these products, resulting in a varied range of Kyoto crafts, including tsukemono.
Kyoto's top tsukemono are three types of pickles: shibazuke, senmaizuke, and sugizuke. Shibazuke is a sour and crunchy pickled mixture of sliced cucumber and eggplant with scarlet shiso (perilla or beefsteak plant). Shiso turns the ingredients pink.
Kyoto is a beautiful place to explore matcha because it is the birthplace of the tea ceremony. You may get frothy green tea at many tea shops on temple grounds or in popular tourist places, with or without the ceremony. In Japan, matcha is the most acceptable type of green tea. To improve its color, flavor, fragrance, and nutritional value, it is made from tea leaves cultivated under certain circumstances, dried, and ground in a similar environment. Everything here adds to the sensory experience of drinking matcha.
Matcha is also delightful in its various modern guises, like soft-serve ice cream, cake, biscuits, and crackers, which can be found around Kyoto.
Yatsuhashi is the most famous Kyoto souvenir sweet. It's created of rice flour, sugar, and Nikki, a type of Japanese cinnamon. Warming the dough before shaping it into a thin, half-pipe form and baking it results in crisp, slightly challenging cookies that resemble little brown roof tiles. Since 1689, this type of yatsuhashi has been around.
Matcha and sesame tastes, as well as more recent additions like chocolate and banana, are available in addition to the traditional cinnamon flavor.
Do you want to find the best fish market in Tokyo? If so, Ninja Food Tours are for you. Our team members are natives who are motivated by the thriving culinary scene. Let us take you on a delectable journey filled with cuisine, laughter, and history. On Osaka food tours, you'll uncover Kyoto's hidden gems and sample authentic Japanese dishes you've probably never eaten. The tour price includes full-size meal samples as well as the guiding charge. The night trips also include two glasses of alcoholic beverages of your choosing.
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johnthejacobs · 6 months
Surya Food And Agro Share Price on an Upward Trajectory
In recent market activity, the Surya Food And Agro Share Price, a prominent player in the food industry, has experienced a notable surge, signaling an upward trajectory. This surge has attracted attention from investors and industry analysts, prompting a closer examination of the factors driving this upward movement in the Surya Food And Agro Share Price. Surya Agro and Foods stands as a stalwart among the biscuit manufacturers in India, boasting a rich legacy of 39 years in the business of crafting and distributing biscuits. Renowned for their high-quality products, Surya Agro and Foods have carved a niche for themselves in the market.
Under the well-known brand name "Priyagold," Surya Agro and Foods have garnered widespread recognition. Their trademarks, "Hak Se Maango" and "Priyagold," have emerged as formidable brands within the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, symbolizing trust and quality.
Diversification lies at the heart of Surya Agro and Foods' operations, with a broad portfolio of biscuits spanning various categories including cookies, cream biscuits, glucose biscuits, crackers, digestive biscuits, and more. Additionally, the company offers a range of diversified products such as cakes, confectioneries, and beverages, catering to diverse consumer preferences.
Across its product spectrum, Surya Agro and Foods boast strong brands, including Priyagold, Butter Bite, CNC, Snacks Zig Zag, and Marie Lite. With a daily production capacity of 900 tons, the company ensures a consistent supply of high-quality biscuits to meet consumer demand.
Expanding beyond biscuits, Surya Agro and Foods diversified into the manufacturing of fruit juices through its wholly owned subsidiary, Surya Fresh Foods Ltd., in January 2006. Operating under the brand names "Fresh Gold" and "Treat Juices," these fruit juices have garnered significant traction in the market.
In 2008, Surya Agro and Foods ventured into the chocolate segment with the launch of "Snakker" chocolates, which swiftly gained popularity and attained market leadership. Their latest offering, Snakker Choco-Wafer, has quickly become one of the best-selling chocolate wafers in India, further solidifying the company's position in the confectionery market.
With eight manufacturing units strategically located in Greater Noida, Lucknow, Haridwar, Gwalior, and West Bengal, Surya Agro and Foods ensure efficient production and distribution of its products. Moreover, their products are now sold in over 20 countries, underscoring their global presence and status as a leading player in the industry.
The Surge in Share Price
In a series of recent trading sessions, Surya Food And Agro's share price has witnessed a significant surge, surpassing previous records and exceeding market expectations. This surge can be attributed to several key factors, including strong financial performance, strategic initiatives, and favorable market sentiment towards the food and agro industry.
Robust Financial Performance
One of the primary drivers behind the surge in Surya Food And Agro's share price is its robust financial performance. The company has reported impressive revenue growth and profitability, driven by its diverse portfolio of food products and efficient operational management. Investors have responded positively to Surya Food And Agro's strong financial results, contributing to the increased demand for its shares.
Strategic Initiatives
Additionally, strategic initiatives undertaken by Surya Food And Agro have played a crucial role
in driving up its share price. The company has implemented various measures to enhance its market presence, including expanding its product offerings, investing in research and development, and forging strategic partnerships. These initiatives have bolstered investor confidence in Surya Food And Agro's long-term growth prospects, contributing to the surge in its share price.
Favorable Market Sentiment
The overall positive sentiment towards the food and agro industry has also contributed to the upward trajectory of Surya Food And Agro's share price. With increasing consumer demand for high-quality food products and a growing emphasis on health and wellness, investors have shown a keen interest in companies like Surya Food And Agro that are well-positioned to capitalize on these trends.
In conclusion, the upward trajectory of Surya Food And Agro's share price reflects the company's strong financial performance, strategic initiatives, and the favorable market sentiment towards the food and agro industry. As Surya Food And Agro continues to innovate and expand its presence in the market, investors remain optimistic about its growth prospects, driving further momentum in its share price.
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biscuitisluv · 6 months
Famous Biscuit and their 15 manufacturers
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How and why biscuit is popular :
Biscuits are popular for several reasons, and their popularity can vary depending on cultural preferences and regional traditions. Here are some factors contributing to the popularity of biscuits:
Long Shelf Life
Cultural Significance
Ease of Production
Nutritional Value
Biscuit Manufacturers in India :
1. Parle -:
With 90+ years of legacy, 150+ product range, and 36 popular brands, Parle is not just a biscuit; it’s an emotion. From 1929, Parle has become the world’s largest selling biscuit and is continuously spreading to the remotest villages as well as metro cities of India. It symbolises quality, nutrition, and superior taste.
The House of Parle has different products that cater to all classes and age groups and are a perfect mix of nutritious and tasty. The brand currently owns 27% – 30% of its market share and has positioned itself as a value-for-money product with continuous expansion in the premium segment.
2. Britannia -:
Britannia is recognised as one of the most trusted, valuable, and popular brands among Indian consumers. The brand has been baking happiness for India since 1918 and has a legacy of over 100 years. It has been the most reputable biscuit brand in India based in Bangalore. Having a distinctive position in the biscuit industry, Tiger is the most popular brand of Britannia.  It has a manufacturing & distribution network across India with 80+ manufacturing units, 2.8 crore packs made per day, 51 depots and over 36 lacs ac selling Britannia.
3. Sunfeast -:
Launched by ITC in 2003, Sunfeast is a rich and nutritious biscuit that caters to all segments of the market, led by Dark Fantasy at the premium end. The company has gained the public’s trust with its quality, innovativeness, and high-end packaging. It is a heritage brand in India. Because of its diverse tastes and varieties, it is loved by many. The brand offers oatmeal biscuits, digestive biscuits, cookies, etc.
4. Priya Gold -:
From the house of Surya Foods & Agro Limited, Priya Gold has been the first choice of consumers for years now. Launched in 1994, the brand sells its products such as cookies, cakes, confectionery, and juices/beverages at affordable prices and has expanded its operations to more than 20 countries. It is currently the topmost selling biscuit brand. Priya Gold’s largest manufacturing plant is in Noida.
5. Anmol -:
With a strong presence in more than 18 states and 4500+ distribution outlets, Ammol is India’s 4th largest manufacturer of biscuits. With its crunchy, scrumptious, and delicious biscuits, Anmol has never failed to amaze consumers with its taste and quality. It always maintains a quality standard and has the special tagline ”tasted, tested, and trusted“.
6. Unibic biscuits -:
Starting in 2004 with the help of Anzac and Bradman cookies, Unibichas introduced innovative flavours in digestive biscuits, choco and indulgence range biscuits, nuts range biscuits, snack bars, and sugar-free biscuits, as well as a healthier range of biscuits. It is rich in carbs and fibre and offers plain oats, which help in weight loss.
7. Patanjali Biscuits -:
With the tagline “Prakriti ka Ashirwad” meaning “blessing of nature,” Patanjali manufactures herbal biscuits, which are nutritious and offer quality. The company also manufactures biscuits for patients with blood pressure and blood sugar, which doctors recommend because of their trans fat content. It also produces delectable high fibre biscuits.
8. Ceramica Biscuit -:
Spread across 61 countries around the globe, Ceramica has never compromised on quality, providing the most elegant and premium products. Rich in oats, these biscuits provide both nutrition and good taste. It has quality recipes to suit everyone’s taste buds. If you are a chocolate lover, you shouldn’t miss its Magic Cream biscuit, which is a boon for all chocolate lovers. The brand never uses any kind of preservatives or added colours.
9. Cadbury Oreo Biscuit -:
Starting in 1912 as the National Biscuit Company in the Chelsea Manhattan factory, this brand is especially famous among children. This biscuit is previously known as an Oreo sandwich with two crunchy wafers with a cream filling. If you love chocolate, then you should opt for Oreo. These are available in over 100 countries.
10. McVitie’s Biscuit brand -:
Containing the goodness of wholewheat and fibre, McVitie’s is among the top biscuit brands. It also offers delicious McVitie’s Digestive biscuits. This best selling biscuit in India and UK contains fat, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It was established in 1830 by Richard McVitie.
11. Dukes Biscuit -:
This brand offers biscuits, wafers, cookies, and chocolates. It owns 15 state-of-the-art manufacturing centres all over India under the names Dukes, Treff, and Dynas. These biscuits come with attractive packaging and contain various nutrients, minerals, and vitamins.
12. Rose Biscuit brand -:
Starting in 1987 in Hyderabad, this brand is not very popular but provides a variety of biscuits such as Glucose biscuits, Marie biscuits, Cream biscuits, etc. Veeramani Biscuit Industries Limited manufactures it.
13. Haldiram’s Biscuit Brand -:
Haldiram is a world-famous brand with stores all over India. These biscuits come in sweet, salty, and classic versions. Haldiram is famous for packaged foods such as sweets, namkeens, papad, pickles, diet snacks, dry fruits, etc. It always considers hygiene first, providing the best products.
What began as a small-town enterprise in India is today a global phenomenon. Haldiram is a way of life for Indians no matter which country they live in and wherever they are; those nations are also fast developing a penchant for these products.
14. Nature Valley Biscuit Brand -:
This brand uses the most natural products for production, such as whole grain oats, power-packed wholesome peanuts, almonds, and nut butter. Zero artificial colours, no high fructose corn syrup, and 0 grams trans fat are some of its characteristics.
15. Pillsbury Biscuit Brand -:
This brand has sweet biscuits with icing, refrigerated cookies, frozen biscuits, etc. The biscuits are highly processed with low fibre and high sugar, i.e., they are not loaded with nutrients, even if they taste delicious. This brand’s other food products are Pillsbury bread, crescent rolls, cookies, pizza crust, baked brownies, etc.
How can someone address that this biscuit is best ??
To assert that a particular biscuit brand is the “best,” you’ll want to provide evidence and reasoning to support your claim. Here’s how you can address why you believe a specific biscuit is the best:
Taste Test Comparison: Describe how you conducted a taste test comparing various biscuit brands, highlighting the specific qualities that set the chosen brand apart. Explain why the taste, texture, and flavor profile of this particular biscuit stood out to you.
Quality Ingredients: Discuss the quality of ingredients used in the biscuit, emphasizing factors such as freshness, natural flavors, and the absence of additives or preservatives. Highlight any certifications or sourcing practices that demonstrate the brand’s commitment to quality.
Positive Reviews and Feedback: Reference positive reviews and feedback from other consumers or reputable sources to support your assertion. Share anecdotes or testimonials that showcase widespread appreciation for the biscuit’s taste and quality.
Personal Experience: Share your personal experience with the biscuit, detailing memorable moments or occasions where it enhanced your enjoyment. Explain why you consistently choose this biscuit over others and how it has become a staple in your pantry.
Nutritional Value: If relevant, discuss the nutritional value of the biscuit, highlighting any health benefits or dietary considerations that make it a preferable choice compared to other brands.
Value for Money: Evaluate the biscuit’s price point in relation to its quality and quantity, demonstrating why you believe it offers excellent value for money compared to competing brands.
Brand Reputation: Consider the reputation and history of the biscuit brand, emphasizing any accolades, awards, or long-standing tradition of excellence that contribute to its perceived superiority.
Consistency and Availability: Discuss the consistency of the biscuit’s quality across multiple purchases and its availability in stores or online platforms, making it convenient for consumers to access and enjoy.
Cultural or Regional Significance: If applicable, highlight any cultural or regional significance associated with the biscuit, such as being a beloved staple in a particular cuisine or community.
Invite Others to Try: Encourage others to sample the biscuit themselves and form their own opinion based on your recommendation, offering to share your positive experience with them.
By addressing these points with confidence and specificity, you can effectively communicate why you believe a particular biscuit brand deserves the title of the “best.”
Varieties of biscuit :
Biscuits come in a wide range of varieties, each offering unique flavors, textures, and ingredients. Here are some popular types of biscuits:
Plain Biscuits: These are simple, unsweetened biscuits often used as a base for various toppings or eaten plain with butter or jam.
Sweet Biscuits: Sweet biscuits come in various flavors and can be enjoyed as snacks or desserts. Examples include shortbread, sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal cookies, and gingerbread cookies.
Cream-filled Biscuits: Biscuits with a creamy filling sandwiched between two layers are a popular treat. Examples include sandwich cookies like Oreos and cream-filled biscuits with flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry.
Digestive Biscuits: Digestive biscuits are semi-sweet biscuits with a slightly savory flavor. They are often made with whole wheat flour and are known for their digestive properties.
Savory Biscuits: Savory biscuits come in various flavors and are often enjoyed as snacks or accompaniments to cheese and dips. Examples include cheese crackers, sesame crackers, and crackers flavored with herbs or spices.
Shortbread Biscuits: Shortbread is a type of biscuit made with a high proportion of butter, which gives it a rich and crumbly texture. It’s often enjoyed plain or with added flavors like chocolate chips or citrus zest.
Filled Biscuits: These biscuits are filled with ingredients such as fruit preserves, chocolate, or nuts. They can be either sweet or savory and are often enjoyed as a indulgent snack.
Wafer Biscuits: Wafer biscuits consist of thin layers of crispy wafers sandwiched together with various fillings such as chocolate, vanilla cream, or hazelnut cream.
Specialty Biscuits: Specialty biscuits encompass a wide range of unique flavors and ingredients, often inspired by regional cuisines or seasonal ingredients. Examples include spiced biscuits, fruit-filled biscuits, and biscuits flavored with herbs or spices.
Healthier Options: With growing health-consciousness, there’s a variety of healthier biscuit options available in the market. These may include whole grain biscuits, gluten-free biscuits, sugar-free biscuits, or biscuits fortified with vitamins and minerals.
These are just a few examples of the many varieties of biscuits available. The world of biscuits is diverse and ever-expanding, offering something to suit every taste preference and dietary requirement.
Pros and Cons of a Biscuit -:
Certainly! Let’s break down the pros and cons of biscuits:
Pros of Biscuits:
Convenience: Biscuits are convenient snacks that are easily portable and require no preparation, making them perfect for on-the-go consumption or as a quick snack.
Long Shelf Life: Many types of biscuits have a long shelf life, allowing them to be stored for extended periods without spoiling, which can help reduce food waste.
Variety: Biscuits come in a wide range of flavors, textures, and types, catering to diverse taste preferences and dietary requirements. This variety ensures there’s a biscuit for almost everyone.
Comfort Food: Biscuits are often associated with comfort and indulgence, providing a sense of familiarity and satisfaction when enjoyed as a treat or with a hot beverage.
Versatility: Biscuits can be enjoyed in various ways – as standalone snacks, accompaniments to tea or coffee, or as ingredients in desserts and baked goods.
Economical: Biscuits are generally affordable, making them accessible to a wide range of consumers and suitable for budget-conscious households.
Cons of Biscuits:
High in Sugar and Fat: Many commercially available biscuits are high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and calories, which can contribute to weight gain, diabetes, and other health issues when consumed excessively.
Low Nutritional Value: Most biscuits lack essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, providing empty calories without significant nutritional benefits.
Processed Ingredients: Biscuits often contain processed ingredients, additives, and preservatives to enhance flavor, texture, and shelf life, which may have negative health implications when consumed regularly.
Potential Allergens: Biscuits may contain common allergens such as gluten, nuts, dairy, and soy, posing a risk to individuals with food allergies or intolerances.
Portion Control Challenges: It can be easy to overconsume biscuits, especially when they’re packaged in individual servings or when eaten mindlessly as a snack.
Dental Health: Biscuits are often high in refined carbohydrates and sugars, which can contribute to tooth decay and dental problems when consumed frequently without proper oral hygiene.
In summary, while biscuits offer convenience, variety, and comfort, they should be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Opting for healthier biscuit options with less added sugar, unhealthy fats, and processed ingredients can help mitigate some of the cons associated with traditional biscuits.
Conclusion -:
In conclusion, biscuits are a popular and convenient snack enjoyed by many around the world. With their wide variety of flavors, textures, and types, biscuits offer versatility and appeal to diverse taste preferences. They provide a quick and easy snack option, perfect for on-the-go consumption or as a comforting treat.
However, it’s essential to approach biscuits with moderation and mindfulness due to their potential drawbacks. Many commercially available biscuits are high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and calories, lacking essential nutrients and providing empty calories. Additionally, biscuits may contain processed ingredients, additives, and potential allergens, posing health risks for some individuals.
To make the most of biscuits while minimizing their negative impacts, consumers can opt for healthier alternatives with less added sugar, unhealthy fats, and processed ingredients. Balancing biscuit consumption with a varied and nutrient-rich diet, practicing portion control, and maintaining good oral hygiene can help mitigate potential health risks associated with regular biscuit consumption.
Ultimately, while biscuits can be enjoyed as a convenient and indulgent snack, they should be part of a balanced lifestyle that prioritizes overall health and well-being. By making informed choices and enjoying biscuits in moderation, individuals can savor the pleasure of these beloved treats while maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.
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bonnfood · 6 months
Delicious everyday biscuits options from Bonn you should not miss in 2024
We all crave scrumptious biscuits to have with our evening cup of tea. While the market is flooded with options, picking only the best ones is essential. At Bonn, you can get an array of quality options to choose from. All of these options are perfect to be stocked up on. These
biscuits are fresh and have excellent flavours and texture. You can pick any of these based on your liking and you will love these.
Top options are
 Coconut cookies biscuits
Coconut cookies are a perfect steal deal if you like your biscuits to be sweet and crunchy. The coconut flavour makes it quite rejuvenating and if you're bored of regular biscuits then this is something you should pick. You can also have these after your meals as they also serve as a good sweet delight option. So make sure to order these
 Choco chip cookies
 Bonn has a variety of the best chocolatebiscuits in India and chocolate chip cookies are one of them. This is a choice that can never disappoint anyone and it's perfect for everyday as well as special occasions. You can also utilise these biscuits to make your chocolate milkshakes more delicious. The choco chip makes it an irresistible delicacy that is a must-have
 Marie biscuits
 There are some days when we prefer our biscuits to be simple and detectable. Marie biscuits are a sheer delight if you like balanced flavour without any overwhelming spices. This is also a great pick to carry to your workplace. You can also try American digestive biscuits if you like lightweight biscuit options. Both of these are perfect for munching anywhere & any time of the day
 Jeera bite biscuits
 If you like savoury delights nothing can beat this one. Jeera bite biscuits are loved by everyone simply because they are lightweight and flavourful. Topped with delicious and aromatic cumin these biscuits are salty and delectable in every bite. Pair these with tea or coffee and these will go perfectly well with both of them
 You can get all these above-listed options and many others from Bonn. Make sure to shop these delights from any leading online or offline stores today.
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millychoe · 9 months
McVitie's vs. Walkers: Crunchy Showdown of Biscuits and Cookies
Explore the crunchy showdown that defines their deliciously different paths in the British biscuits and crunchy cookies: McVitie’s vs Walkers.
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Ever wondered what sets the perfect crunch apart in the world of biscuits and cookies? McVitie's and Walkers, popular UK juggernauts have a wide range of diversities including biscuits and cookies, perfect for a movie night, or a crunchy breakfast. The Walker's story begins in 1898 when Joseph Walker opened the doors of his bakery in Scotland with a loan of £50. The brand includes various types of shortbread, British biscuits, and cookies. Walker's Shortbread has announced a 16% increase in annual turnover, to £164.4 million (€189.6 million).
On the other hand, McVitie's was established in 1830 in Scotland. It produces Jaffa Cakes and popular biscuits such as chocolate digestives, Hobnobs, and Rich tea biscuits. Additionally, Mcvities sells over 56 million packets annually while Walker's Shortbread conquers the global market. Here are the differences between McVities and Walker's British biscuits and crunchy cookies!
Product List of Mc Vitie’s and Walkers
Mc Vitie’s Products
McVitie's Jaffa Cakes Original Triple Pack Biscuits 
McVitie's HobNobs Milk Chocolate Biscuits 
McVitie's Ginger Nut Biscuits 
McVitie's Digestive Biscuits
Mcvitie's Rich Tea x2 Biscuits 
McVitie's Hobnobs Milk Choc Jumbo Pack Biscuits 
McVitie's Milk Chocolate Digestives Biscuits
McVitie's Digestives The Fully Coated One in Milk Chocolate 
McVitie's V.I.Bs Heavenly Chocolate Hazelnut Flavour Biscuits
Walker’s Products
Walker's Shortbread Highlanders 
Walker's Shortbread Oat Shortbread
Walker's Shortbread Fingers x10 160g
Walker's Oat Shortbread x9 171g
Walker's Raspberry Shortbread Swirls 160g
Walker's Gluten Free Shortbread Rounds x9 140g
Walker's Gluten Free Ginger & Lemon Shortbread x9 140g
Walker's Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread x9 140g
You can buy these British biscuits and crunchy cookies from popular UK stores like Costco and Sainsbury's at Mcgrocer.com. 
Market Position
McVitie's, a 180-year-old brand, has launched a £7.8 million master brand campaign to reinforce its position amid increasing competition. The brand's 'True Originals' platform, introduced in April 2023, has succeeded, resulting in a 4.5% penetration increase and a 22% sales growth.  It also doubled sales growth for the brand from 11% to 22% between April and September 2023. 
“We already have a strong place in consumers’ hearts and minds in the UK, but you cannot afford as a brand not to continue to invest in that over time,” McVitie’s marketing director James King tells Marketing Week.
Walkers, a 125-year-old Company has been benefitting from a rise in sales in domestic and overseas markets. True to this, sales in the UK rose by 23% reaching £77m and export revenues grew by nearly 10% to £87.6m in 2022. Walker’s exports its packaged British biscuits to approximately 100 countries worldwide. 
Walker’s Shortbread has announced plans to create a vegan version of the iconic Scottish biscuit. “Vegan is very much something we’re looking at right now,” Nicky Walker, managing director of the company told the Telegraph. “We like our product to be globally accepted, whether that means kosher, organic, gluten-free… we want to have our product enjoyed by as many different factions as possible.”
Texture and Flavour
Arguably the UK's favorite biscuit, the McVities Digestive, is famed for its sweet, wheaty taste, crumbly texture, and renowned suitability for dunking. On the other hand, are Walker's Shortbread crunchy cookies. They have a unique bite – a crunchy yet crumbly texture with a pure butter taste. 
Walker's Shortbread is baked with no genetically modified ingredients, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, or hydrogenated fats. The Company is a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, for sourcing palm oil from sustainable forests. All of the Palm Oil Walker's use is certified sustainable.
McVities has introduced environmentally friendly packaging for its products. The Christmas packaging for McVitie's biscuits, for example, is designed to be the "most sustainable box ever." This features a reduction of plastic use and a commitment to diverting plastic from landfills annually.
Popularity Rate
Walkers Biscuits boasts an impressive 85% popularity rate, surpassing McVities' 77%. Walker's Shortbread, a Scottish bakery, reported a remarkable 16% sales surge in 2023, attributed to a robust festive season in the UK and increased US exports, leading to a 10% growth in export revenues to £87.6m. 
In contrast, McVitie's Digestives remains a UK favorite, with 80 million packs sold annually. Their recent campaign resulted in a 4.5% increase in penetration and a doubling of sales growth to 22%. 
Customers appreciate McVitie's for its crumbly texture, semi-sweet flavor, and health-conscious options like high-fiber Digestive biscuits. Walker's Shortbread, known for its rich, buttery taste and commitment to quality ingredients, continues to earn praise as "The World's Finest Shortbread.”
Choosing between McVities and Walker’s is subjective and depends on your personal taste preferences. McVitie's offers a wide range of biscuits catering to diverse tastes, while Walkers specializes in the art of shortbread, providing a luxurious and buttery experience. Whether you're a fan of the comforting crumble of a McVitie's Digestive or the sophisticated crunch of a Walker Shortbread, both brands offer a delightful journey into the world of British biscuits and cookies. 
Indulge in the ultimate biscuit battle! Grab McVitie's and Walker delights at mcgrocer.com– the UK's premier biscuits and cookies marketplace. Worldwide shipping is available!
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baltictraveluk · 9 months
Delicious Cuisines and Homemade Crafts – Ideal Gifts to Buy at Copenhagen Christmas Markets
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There is little like a magical Christmas market to celebrate the festive season, with the scents of traditional food, twinkling lights and soaring Christmas trees, accompanied by a dusting of snow in the crisp December air.
Copenhagen Christmas markets are often considered the best in Europe, with multiple markets to choose between, from the famous celebrations in Tivoli Gardens to the Hans Christian Andersen Christmas Market, where little ones can visit Santa Claus to make the day even more memorable.
In this article, the team at the Baltic Travel Company has compiled a guide to the perfect gifts, Christmas decorations and sweet treats to buy at any of the Christmas markets dotted throughout the Danish capital city with some tips and advice for first-time visitors to ensure you make the most of your winter holidays.
Choosing Which Christmas Markets in Copenhagen to Visit
As we’ve indicated, there are many Christmas markets within the city, set against the backdrop of Copenhagen’s canals, cosy atmosphere and the architecture that is synonymous with Danish design.
While the best Christmas market in Copenhagen might be subjective, here are a few of our very favourites to visit during Christmas time:
Nytorv Square Christmas Market is held in the largest square in the city next to the Royal Theatre, Charlottenborg Palace and the Magasin Department Store. The market extends down to Nyhavn, with myriad charming stalls to visit while kayaks sail around the harbour.
Højbro Square Christmas Market in the city centre is a stunning market, bracketed by wooden stalls illuminated by 180,000 sparkling lights, with a range of heritage artisans to watch spin their crafts, such as blown glass and handmade wool.
The HC Andersen Christmas Market is smaller and based on the culture and history of Denmark, with a Christmas carousel that is a gorgeous photo opportunity.
Tivoli Gardens, the renowned theme park and visitor attraction, has a world of festive fantasy with rides, shows, performances and fireworks to offset the stalls and cafes.
Most of the Copenhagen Christmas markets are open for late-night shopping on Thursday and open between November and mid-December, with hotel recommendations available within walking distance from our experienced travel advisers.
Sampling the Delights of Traditional Danish Treats
The food typically served within a Copenhagen Christmas market is itself worth a visit, with an endless array of powdered sugar cookies, warming red wine, sweet apple slices, and other delicious snacks to try in between shopping, ice skating, or watching the floating Santa Lucia Parade.
Visitors can embrace the cosy setting of a local café or Copenhagen Old Town while they watch the traditional Danish Santa Lucia Parade or join in with carol singing and boat rides alongside the Nyhavn Christmas Market on the quayside.
You can purchase konfekt – made from marzipan, chocolate and nougat – as a special gift, buy vanilje kranse, or bow-shaped biscuits, or pick up some delightful snebolde (snowball) treats coated with a coconut topping.
During Christmas time, many shoppers also indulge in a hot dog cooked over smoking coals and a cup of sweet, fragrant mulled wine to keep themselves toasty while they soak up the sights and fragrances of a bustling Copenhagen Christmas market.
Looking for a festive gift that offers an alternative take on Christmas cuisine for a foodie friend back home? Head for one of the stalls selling brun kage or pebernødder (loosely translated as pepper cookies), a quintessentially Danish Christmas treat you won’t find anywhere else in the world.
Unique Gifts and Crafts to Look for in Christmas Markets in Copenhagen
A Copenhagen Christmas market is an amazing place to search for beautiful decorations, gifts and handmade items that will mean the world to the recipient – and you’ll have a wonderful time as you shop!
There are stalls selling everything from crafts and clothing to artwork, clocks, baubles, leather goods, garlands, glassware, wooden ornaments, children’s toys and knitted items that are a testament to the skill and passion of the artisans behind them.
If you’re stuck for inspiration, here are some of the gifts you can buy at almost any Copenhagen Christmas market:
Scandinavian hand-poured scented candles set in elegant glass votives are a must-have present for family members.
Ceramics and jewellery should be carefully packaged to keep them safe on your way home, but a handmade piece of Danish tableware or a gorgeous brooch will be sure to delight.
For kids, our preference has to be the traditional wooden toys, puppets, carousels and even chess sets. They will last generations and are lovingly crafted with exquisite attention to detail.
Nothing beats Danish knitwear for warmth and cosiness, and a pair of snug hand-woven socks, gloves or a scarf will easily banish the December chill at home in the UK.
Alongside these wares, you’ll find a wealth of decorations such as trinkets, ornaments and baubles to hang on your own tree or display over your hearth bringing the holiday spirit to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebrations.
Copenhagen Christmas Market Shopping FAQs
If this is your first time visiting a Copenhagen Christmas market, we appreciate that a few pointers may prove helpful and ensure you find the best Christmas markets and know the confirmed dates well before you travel.
While every Christmas market has convenient opening hours and will guarantee a wonderful atmosphere, it’s normally fine to pay via card if you aren’t carrying Kroner with you – although some stalls selling smaller items prefer cash, most have card readers.
The biggest Christmas markets in Copenhagen are enchanting but may be overwhelming for infants or those with mobility needs. Tivoli Christmas Market is among the most visited, but we’d suggest a trip in November to avoid the crowds and when the queues for the rides will be shorter.
Finally, city break copenhagen as a city is very walkable, and the public transport system is reliable and low-cost. However, if you’re worried about walking long distances, it’s best to note that most Christmas markets don’t open until around the late morning, and you should pre-book a taxi if you wish to ensure your day is comfortable and well-organised.
If you’d like further information or advice about planning your trip to visit the best Christmas markets in Copenhagen or other Christmas holidays, please get in touch or browse our short holiday break packages online.
Original Source: - https://www.baltictravelcompany.com/blog/index.php/denmark-2/gifts-to-buy-at-copenhagen-christmas-markets/
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Foodie Guide to More Halloween Treats at Walt Disney World Resort
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Prepare to be bewitched with flavor because even more Halloween delights are coming to Walt Disney World Resort! Starting Oct. 1, the culinary teams at the theme parks and Disney Resort hotels will be putting a flavorful spell on Guests with even more fang-tastic delights for them to sink their teeth into. Dust the cobwebs off the treat bags and get ready for some tasty treats and sinister sweets. From the adorable new Mike Wazowski Pop at Gasparilla Island Grill to the can’t-miss return of the Pumpkin Patch Cookie at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, there are plenty of Halloween items to keep Guests satisfied all season long. More ghoulish goodies are fright this way. Let’s unwrap the latest Halloween treats coming in this Foodie Guide! Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge The Mara (Available Oct. 1 through 31; mobile order available) - Black Cat Tart: Carrot cake topped with orange caramel, toasted coconut, and a pumpkin cheesecake (New) Disney’s Beach Club Resort Beach Club Marketplace (Available Oct. 1 through 31; mobile order available) - Captain Hook Cookie: Vanilla sable with strawberry jam, peanut butter ganache, buttercream, and chocolate décor (New) - Ursula Tart: Vanilla tart filled with spice cake, chocolate ganache, blackberry pearls, blackberry mousse, and chocolate décor (New) Beaches & Cream Soda Shop (Available Oct. 1 through 31)   - Butter Pecan-Pumpkin Shake: Butter pecan ice cream with pumpkin flavoring, caramel and chocolate sauces, and a vanilla cupcake decorated like a Mickey pumpkin with sprinkle décor Disney’s BoardWalk Inn BoardWalk Deli and Carousel Coffee (Available Oct. 1 through 31; mobile order available at BoardWalk Deli only) - Halloween Half Moon Cookie (New) (Available at BoardWalk Deli only) - Creepy Cupcake: Vanilla cupcake with blood orange curd filling, vanilla whipped cream, chocolate cookies crumbs, and sugar pumpkins - Boo Brownie: Mickey-shaped brownie topped with ganache and buttercream ghosts Disney’s Contemporary Resort   Contempo Café (Mobile order available) - Caramel Apple-Sugar Cookie (New) (Available Oct. 1 through Nov. 30) - Haunted Mansion Éclair: Éclair filled with caramel apple mousse topped with chocolate-caramel ganache with Haunted Mansion edible images (New) (Available Oct. 1 through 31) Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa Gasparilla Island Grill (Available Oct. 1 through 31; mobile order available) - Mike Wazowski Pop: Confetti cake enrobed in green chocolate (New) - S'mores Ghost Tart: Graham cracker tart shell filled with ganache, milk chocolate mousse, and topped with a marshmallow ghost (New) - Not-So-Poison Apple: Chocolate cauldron filled with apple spice cake, apple filling, and caramel buttercream topped with apple mousse (New) - Minnie Mouse Witch Hat Cupcake: Cookies 'n cream-filled chocolate cupcake enrobed in ganache Disney’s Fort Wilderness Resort & Campground   Trail’s End Restaurant (Available Oct. 1 through 31; mobile order available) - Pumpkin Sugar Cookie: Tie-dyed Halloween sugar cookie with buttercream (New) - Spooky Mini Cookies and Dipping Cream: Halloween sugar cookies with dipping icing (New) Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort Kona Island (Available Oct. 1 through 31) - Vampire Stitch Cake: Chocolate cake with 'raspberry ice cream cone' buttercream (New) Pineapple Lanai (Available Oct. 1 through 31) - Not-So-Scary Pumpkin Soft-serve: Pumpkin-spiced flavored soft-serve and coconut haupia with caramel drizzle, graham cracker crumbs, and a white chocolate Mickey-shaped pumpkin Disney’s Riviera Resort Le Petit Café (Available Oct. 1 through 31) - Chocolate-Cherry Coffin: Biscuit san farine, milk chocolate mousse, and morello cherries (New) Disney’s Wilderness Lodge Roaring Fork (Available Oct. 1 through 31; mobile order available) - Haunted Forest Apple Mousse: Green cake with cookies ‘n cream mousse and sour apple mousse Disney’s Yacht Club Resort The Market at Ale & Compass (Available Oct. 4 through 31; mobile order available)  - Captain Hook Cookie: Vanilla sable with strawberry jam, peanut butter ganache, buttercream, and chocolate décor (New) - Ursula Tart: Vanilla tart filled with spice cake, chocolate ganache, blackberry pearls, blackberry mousse, and chocolate décor (New) Disney’s Hollywood Studios ABC Commissary (Available Oct. 1 through 31; mobile order available) - Spider Web Tart: Spiced milk chocolate tart filled with orange curd, pomegranate-molasses whipped cream, candied orange peel, and a dark chocolate spider - Frozen Apple Cider topped with green apple boba balls (Non-alcoholic) - Frozen Apple Cider Whisky featuring Crown Royal Whisky topped with green apple boba balls  Backlot Express (Available Oct. 1 through 31; mobile order available) - Graveyard Cupcake: Fudge-filled chocolate cupcake topped with cookies ‘n cream buttercream, chocolate cookie tombstone, white chocolate bone, and Halloween sprinkles - Frozen Apple Cider topped with green apple boba balls (Non-alcoholic) - Frozen Apple Cider Whisky featuring Crown Royal Whisky topped with green apple boba balls Dockside Diner and Fairfax Fare (Available Oct. 1 through 31; mobile order available) - Pumpkin Patch Cookie: Pumpkin-spiced snickerdoodle topped with pumpkin-spiced buttercream and pumpkin candies Hollywood Scoops (Available Oct. 1 through 31)   - Candy Corn Milk Shake: Vanilla and candy corn milk shake topped with an orange doughnut and Halloween sprinkles PizzeRizzo (Available Oct. 1 through 31; mobile order available) - Halloween Candy Cookie Pizza: Sugar cookie 'pizza' topped with strawberry jam, white chocolate, Halloween candy, and sprinkles - Frozen Apple Cider topped with green apple boba balls (Non-alcoholic) - Frozen Apple Cider Whisky featuring Crown Royal Whisky topped with green apple boba balls Rosie's All-American Café (Available Oct. 1 through 31; mobile order available) - Frozen Apple Cider topped with green apple boba balls (Non-alcoholic) - Frozen Apple Cider Whisky featuring Crown Royal Whisky topped with green apple boba balls Woody’s Lunch Box (Available Oct. 1 through 31; mobile order available) - Pumpkin Lunch Box Tart: Pumpkin pie-filled pastry tart with marshmallow fondant, candy corn, and Halloween sprinkles Popcorn Carts Near Grand Avenue, the Tip Board, and the Main Entrance (Available Oct. 1 through 31) - Halloween Mickey Brownie: Chocolate brownie with Halloween sprinkles  Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park Kusafiri Coffee Shop & Bakery and Tamu Tamu Refreshments (Available Sept. 29 through Oct. 31) - Halloween Colossal Mickey Cinnamon Roll: Colossal Mickey cinnamon roll with Halloween-themed icing  Pizzafari and Restaurantosaurus (Available Oct. 16 through 31; mobile order available) - Scar Cupcake: Delicious red velvet cupcake with toasted marshmallow filling, chocolate frosting, chocolate pebbles, white chocolate flames, and an edible Scar image EPCOT Connections Café (Available Oct. 31 only) - Mickey Halloween Liege Waffle: Dark chocolate liege waffle with purple and green icing (New) Sunshine Seasons (Available Oct. 28 through 31) - Bat Mousse: Tri-colored layers of candy corn-flavored white chocolate mousse with dark chocolate glaçage and bat wings (New) Disney Springs D-Luxe Burger (Currently available through Nov. 23; mobile order available) - Pumpkin Pie Shake: Vanilla gelato blended with pumpkin pie mix, caramel sauce, pumpkin spice, and graham cracker crumbles topped with whipped cream and pumpkin spice  The Ganachery (Available Oct. 1 through Nov. 2) - Coco Ganache Squares: Coconut ganache enrobed in dark 65% chocolate (Plant-based) Excited for Halloween? The foodie fun to be had at Disney Parks is truly endless, especially during the fall season. (Note: All offerings are subject to change and availability.) Read the full article
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nexa-narratives · 1 year
Branding Your Business: Creating a Unique Business Identity
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Branding Your Business: Creating a Unique Business Identity Branding, in its essence, is the practice of defining your business to yourself, your team, and your external audiences. It could be called the business's 'identity', but only on the understanding that it embodies the core of what the business is and its values. The Importance of Branding Effective branding can result in higher sales of not only one product but also other products associated with that brand. For example, if a customer loves Pillsbury biscuits and trusts the brand, they are more likely to try other products offered by the company - such as chocolate-chip cookies. Creating Your Brand Identity Creating a brand involves more than just designing a logo. It's about the totality of your company's reputation and visibility in the marketplace, and it represents how customers perceive and feel about your business. To create a strong brand, follow these steps: Step 1: Define Your Brand Review the product or service your business offers, identify the space in the market it occupies, and research the emotive and rational needs and concerns of your customers. Your brand character should promote your business, connect with your customer base, and differentiate you in the market. Step 2: Create a Business Logo and Tagline Powerful brands are instantly recognizable by their logo. Color plays a critical part in this. When creating a business logo and tagline, consider how your brand will be understood both with and without words, and ensure it tells a story that aligns with your business vision and resonates with your target consumers. Step 3: Develop Your Brand Messaging Your brand messaging should be used to speak directly to your target market. Develop a unique voice that your customers will come to associate with your brand. This voice should be applied to all written communication and visual imagery to maintain consistency. Step 4: Integrate Your Brand Into All Aspects of Your Business The brand should be visible and reflected in everything that your customers can see, read, and hear. If a client walks into your business or visits your website, your brand image should be apparent immediately. Step 5: Stay True to Your Brand Customers won't return to you or refer your business to someone else if your brand doesn’t deliver on its promises. Make sure you're fully delivering on your brand promises and your business is consistently representing your brand. Remember, your brand is your company's most valuable asset. It’s vital to spend time investing in researching, defining, and building your brand. After all, your brand is the source of a promise to your consumer. It's a foundational piece in your marketing communication and one you do not want to be without. Conclusion Creating a unique brand identity for your business is essential for your company's growth and success. It helps differentiate your business from the competition, makes your business memorable and attractive to customers, and effectively communicates your company's values. Read the full article
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The Sweet Success of Chocolate Biscuits and Cookies Marketing
The Sweet Success of Chocolate Biscuits and Cookies Marketing
The world of confectionery has always been a delightful one, with chocolates, biscuits, and cookies being some of the most beloved treats enjoyed by people of all ages. Not only are these goodies a source of pleasure and indulgence, but they have also become a significant part of the global food industry. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of marketing these delectable delights and uncover the secrets behind their sweet success.
When it comes to marketing chocolates, biscuits, and cookies, companies employ various strategies to capture the attention of potential customers. One of the most effective ways is through enticing packaging. The presentation of these treats plays a crucial role in attracting consumers, with colorful and eye-catching designs being a common tactic. By creating visually appealing packaging, companies are able to establish brand recognition and stand out in a crowded market.
In addition to packaging, advertising plays a vital role in promoting these sweet treats. Television commercials, social media campaigns, and print advertisements are just a few of the avenues utilized by companies to reach a wide audience. The key is to create advertisements that evoke emotions and cravings, making consumers eager to indulge in these delicious treats. Whether it's the sight of a melting chocolate square or the sound of a crunchy cookie being bitten into, effective advertising triggers the senses and entices consumers to make a purchase.
Furthermore, companies often leverage the power of partnerships and collaborations to expand their reach and tap into new markets. Collaborations with popular brands or celebrities can create a buzz and generate interest among consumers who may not have previously been aware of the product. By associating their chocolates, biscuits, and cookies with well-known personalities or brands, companies can enhance their visibility and credibility, ultimately leading to increased sales.
Another important aspect of marketing these delectable treats is understanding and catering to consumer preferences. With an increasing focus on health and wellness, many people are seeking healthier alternatives, even in their indulgences. As a result, companies have started to introduce a range of options, such as low-sugar or gluten-free varieties, to cater to this growing demand. By offering options that align with consumers' dietary needs and preferences, companies can tap into a wider customer base and ensure their products remain relevant in today's health-conscious society.
In conclusion, the marketing of chocolates, biscuits, and cookies is a multi-faceted endeavor that requires careful consideration of packaging, advertising, partnerships, and consumer preferences. By employing effective strategies in these areas, companies can capitalize on the universal love for these treats and achieve sweet success in the competitive confectionery industry. So, the next time you indulge in a chocolate biscuit or cookie, take a moment to appreciate the thought and effort that went into bringing these delightful treats to your plate.
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cococart19 · 1 year
How to choose Best biscuits in India
With a plethora of biscuit options available in the market today, choosing the best biscuits in India can sometimes be a delightful yet daunting task. From classic favorites to innovative creations, there's a biscuit to suit every taste and preference. Whether you prefer crunchy cookies, creamy fillings, or unusual flavours, these hints will help you select the ideal biscuits to meet your desires and enrich your snacking experience.
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Identify Your Preferences:
Understanding your personal preferences is crucial when choosing the best biscuits. Ask yourself questions like: Do you prefer sweet or savory biscuits? Are you looking for a crispy texture or a softer bite? Identifying your taste preferences will help narrow down the options and ensure you select biscuits that align with your desires.
Consider Dietary Restrictions and Preferences:
Check the container for suitable labelling if you have any dietary limitations or special preferences, such as gluten-free, sugar-free, or vegan choices. Many biscuit brands offer specialized ranges to cater to different dietary needs. Look for biscuits that meet your dietary requirements without compromising on taste and quality.
Quality Ingredients:
When it comes to biscuits, quality ingredients can make a significant difference in taste and overall experience. Look for firms that prioritise the use of high-quality ingredients like genuine butter, high-quality chocolate, or nuts. Avoid biscuits that contain excessive artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives, as they can compromise the taste and healthiness of the product.
Read Customer Reviews:
One of the best ways to gauge the quality and popularity of biscuits is by reading customer reviews. Online platforms, social media, and food blogs are excellent sources to find honest opinions and recommendations from other biscuit enthusiasts. Pay attention to feedback regarding taste, texture, freshness, and overall satisfaction to make an informed decision.
Explore Regional and Specialty Biscuits:
Take the opportunity to explore regional and specialty biscuits that offer unique flavors and textures. From the delicate Nankhatai of North India to the aromatic Jeera Biscuits of Gujarat, each region has its own signature creations. Embrace the cultural diversity and indulge in the authentic flavors these biscuits have to offer.
Variety and Innovation:
Biscuit brands continually introduce new flavors and innovative combinations to cater to evolving consumer preferences. Keep an eye out for limited edition or seasonal releases that offer a refreshing twist on classic favorites. Trying out different varieties can add excitement and surprise to your snacking routine.
Price and Value for Money:
Consider the price and value for money while weighing your selections. To guarantee you're receiving the greatest bargain, compare the number and quality of cookies offered by different manufacturers. Remember that price does not necessarily equate with quality, so striking a balance between cost and taste is critical.
Choosing the best biscuits in India is a fun trip that allows you to try a variety of flavours, textures, and regional delicacies.
By considering your preferences, ingredients, dietary needs, and customer reviews, you can make informed decisions that lead you to biscuit bliss. So, embark on this delightful journey, indulge in the rich biscuit heritage of India, and treat yourself to moments of pure snacking joy with each biscuit you choose from Cococart!
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