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yellowgnomeboots · 1 year
Hopefully this rose will grow bigger this year.
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I grew a bunch of roses from seed but had nowhere to put them so they just stayed in little pots for years. This one survived and got planted here last year. Now that it's settled in, maybe it might grow larger.
The chokeberry hasn't died yet.
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I sought this plant for ages as the only perennial edible plant of this size that will grow in my climate that would survive this stupid section of garden that is completely water-logged in winter and dry in summer, with all the nutrients and water sucked up by the hedge.
The rose is actually here too and it's long term survival is more doubtful but roses are actually quite able to deal with many difficult conditions, in theory.
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allergekko-arts · 2 years
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As autumn colors fall
FINALLY caught up on uploading all the art I've made this year lmao - this one I just finished a few days ago! My poor boy Chokeberry lives up to his name and gets caught in a hunter's trap. Luckily Bloodrot is able to get him out before he - well, chokes - but the wire leaves a nasty scar on Chokeberry's hairless neck. I'm especially proud of this piece :3c Bloodrot belongs to Echoinggoat
Do not repost my art! Reblogs, however, are highly appreciated <3 Commissions open, check out my pinned post for more info
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gr33nguys · 5 months
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Local wild chokeberry (native to my area) progressing from bud, to flower, to immature berry. I look forward to making some jam from them in a month or so!
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orbesargentina · 1 year
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Efectos antioxidantes combinados de la nuez y el chokeberry https://bit.ly/3sFBH1q
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mrvaxxl · 1 year
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How to Grow Aronia Berries - Chokeberry
Aronia berries are a group of deciduous shrubs, also known as chokeberries, native to eastern North America. Chokeberries are often mistakenly called chokecherries.
Aronia is commonly found in wet woods and swamps. Berries are consumed fresh, sometimes frozen, and often processed as jam, wine, tea, etc. Fruits are sour.
Aronia is often named after fruit colors, including red, black, and purple chokecherries.
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detroitography · 1 year
Detroit Blossoms and Fruit Trees Map
I mapped Detroit’s fall colors and have often been asked where to find fruit trees. Spring seems the perfect time to locate blossoms like Pear and Cherry trees while also highlighting some other fruit tree clusters. The map noticeably has no Cherry trees, which I think is an error with the dataset. However, as far as I know, only Belle Isle has Cherry trees. The streets are labeled on the map…
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unrulysynergy · 2 years
I was looking at this plant for a tough area a few years ago but couldn't find one anywhere, but I just got one!
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Garden centre sign for "Aronia melanacarpa (Black Chokeberry)"
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iolamaysworld · 2 years
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Russian autumn (II)
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pinkmartiniboy · 2 years
Dżem z aronii
Aronia jest jednym z tych owoców, które możemy nazwać “problematycznymi”, bo na surowo jest on nie zachęcający do jedzenia, łykowaty, cierpki z wyraźnie wyczuwalną goryczką. Lecz wiedząc jak należy z nim postępować, możemy z tak nieprzystępnego owocu zrobić wyśmienite przetwory, których smakiem wszyscy będą się zachwycać. Robiąc przetwory z aronii należy pamiętać o tym, aby aronię pozostawić jak…
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vandaliatraveler · 2 months
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Yet more gifts of Appalachian summer.
I've been on a mission to catalogue as many of Central Appalachia's summer wildflowers and berries as possible for an online project I'm starting up. Above is the haul from yesterday, including the stunning orange-fringed orchid (Platanthera ciliaris), a grand summer orchid of Appalachia's wet seeps and meadows. Downy rattlesnake plantain (Goodyera pubescens), another of our summer-blooming orchids, may not be quite as showy, but its intricately-patterned leaves are quite striking. Turk's-cap lily (Lilium superbum) is also in bloom in our local wet meadows and swamps. It's distinguished from its close cousin Canada lily by more strongly recurved petals and a green, star-like pattern in the center of its flowers. A single Turk's cap lily can produce dozens of flowers from its rangy stems. At home in moist woodland edges and streambanks, summer phlox (Phlox paniculata), sometimes also referred to as fall phlox and garden phlox, produces loads of gorgeous pink or white flowers from mid-July through September. Because this phlox is commonly planted in gardens nowadays, it's hard to know if plants in the wild are true natives or escapees.
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thewillowoaklady · 5 months
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Flowers on a black chokeberry bush
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halljavalge · 1 year
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Source: Leslie Boudreau
ℍ𝐚𝓵l נ𝐀 𝔳คĻǤẸ - arooniad on valmis. Chokeberries.
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beepborpdoodledorp · 1 year
me trying to think of a name for my new wildchip fankid and all the good ones are already taken
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solar-sonar · 1 year
I have been pitting plums for the past 5 hours. I still have 1.5 grocery bags left and 2 apple trees left to harvest.
I fucking hate farming.
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