hap birth!!! 🎉🎉🎉 and thanks for everything you do for blorbo enjoyers everywhere 🙇‍♀️
I am proud to serve blorbo enjoyers everywhere.
Alexa, Xenoblade Chronicles X - no canonical birthday, but is 21 years old
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zappsbrannigan · 3 months
un cubito por favor 👉👈🥺
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of course hermosa <3333
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irkimatsu · 21 days
Cubert 🤝 being written as annoying and cringe but ending up cute and kinda relatable 🤝 Emberlynn
If anyone would get it I knew it would be you, Kat <3
I'm sure Emberlynn is going to cause Discourse(TM) and it is going to be Annoying(TM), but I'm willing to defend her, warts and all.
Now if my shows could stop giving me yandere princesses who only get to exist for five minutes. Bring her back please
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makshu · 2 years
choromatsu unhinged character bingo (cz ik choro arent ur fave :D)
Character bingo!
Character of the time: Choromatsu from Osomatsu-san
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Yeaahhh Choro is not my favorite- but i don't hate him at least :)
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daemon-in-my-head · 3 months
You mentioned you had like 9 Durges and played favorites, so I'm curious - who are the forsaken ones? Did any of them surprise you?
Number one would probably be Erevis, my male Tiefling (well thx to mods actually Cambion) Durge whom I've created in cooperation with my bestie. So basically, the one guy we'd both bed immediately no matter the repercussions.
Except he's fucking stupid. Failed the Swamp Arcana rolls for 20 minutes straight (lots of very fun reloading). Did I mention he's a draconic sorcerer and the gore baby of a netherese Arcanist?
He holds a special place in my heart still, except he's where all the loathing goes. Still handsome, but benched until I forgive him. So for the next 2 decades or so.
Besides him, here's the others with sum quick info:
Nyx: Lolth Sworn drow, Embraced Durge, Necromancer really quite not the nicest gal around but she looked absolutely stunning after a blood baptism.
Nym: half drow, assasin gloom stalker multi class, my purposefully failed Durge, he's a surprisingly sweet guy. Rly grew on me as his campaign progressed
Orn: Tiefling but actually Cambion like Erevis (she's his foil), Draconic Sorc, Embraced Druge, made her purposefully cute , she's giving magpie
Culdur: fallen aasimar, shadow sorc, honestly I got bored of him on the beach already so he kinda rots (fittingly ironic)
Deus: seldarine drow, gloomstalker thief multiclass, my one and only redeemed durge, he legit looks like he's forcing himself whenever I pick a nice option
The Twins, some crack AU shit, I actually adore them. Half elves and horrible people, Chororin (fem) and Charorin (masc)
And ofc the two gremlins I never shut up about, Elli nd Taran (his name means gift btw. All of their names have meanings lmfao ofc they do)
Bonus; my one Tav Damia, sun elf.
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normiematsu · 11 months
💖🥰❣️🤡 heehee hi I love yuu-chan
HIIII cries cutely.... tank u.... but also FGKHJSFD I SEE U PICKING MUSHY QUESTIONS... GRINS.....
💖 - How and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)?
this is choromatsu we're talking about here so i think literally anything she does is impressive to him LMAO... wakes up in the morning drooling with the most tangled bedhead in the world hes like OMG YUUCHAN SO CUTE. makes the most basic breakfast for them YOU'RE A GODDESS ON EARTH YUUCHAN. etc etc
she likes impressing him with hidden talents though. like "hey did you know i can tie a cherry stem with my tongue?" "hey did you know i can juggle" "hey i can fold shirts like they do at the store in less than 5 seconds" but also... things she thinks are talents but shes so bad at. one of their first dates would be at her fav arcade and she'd lose so badly at the crane machine for an hour and he'd be staring at her with googoo eyes the whole time bc wooooow her dedication.
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
she already asks everyone to call her yuu-chan if they're gonna be hanging out a lot... but hearing it come from choro gives her butterflies ewww (audience awws). i think both of them are a little embarrassed by being called pet names - choro in the way where he secretly loves them yuu in the way where shes like oh god i am going to die of cringe. i think the upper limit she'd tolerate from him is something like angel or sweetheart. you do some booboo bear sweetie pie type of nickname and she's covering her face and hiding. calling her something like yuu-tan would kill her instantly. in an uno reverse though she takes great pleasure in calling choro chororin and watching him squirm LOL
❣️ - What are their love languages?
i think her biggest 2 are words of affirmation (giving) and physical touch (receiving)... she's a little shy about pda (at least when shes sober lmfao) but likes to be someones object of affection. not particularly vocal about being needy and generally pretty independent but when she does get her paws on choro shes googoo booboo mode clinging to him like a koala and everyones like boooooo get a room. she loves to hype choro up and be his cheerleader when he's feeling unsure about himself ^_^ i think she could probably genuinely get him to find a job and keep it. she wants to see him like himself and succeed at what he tries to do!! also lowkey her manga cafe paycheck is not enough to make them a one income household if he's serious about their relationship to the point he wants to marry her
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
the short answer is her hair specifically the undyed roots and the cowlicks. originally her hair was all pink but then it got too expensive to keep dyeing them so now shes incorporated it into being part of the Look. her cowlicks bother her a little bc its unruly no matter how she styles her hair but choro calls them her moe point and shes like omg ur so right king
the long answer is being really really really into anime and crane games. being called an otaku is like the equivalent of being called a gross yucky nerd and being ostracized and shoved in a locker... but by all of society. so she goes to great lengths to hide her interests especially as a girl. most people think creepy weird guy when you say otaku right...!! but at the end of the day shes not doing anything wrong by being interested in what shes interested in. she goes to her silly offline meetups and does her silly little akihabara trips in stealth mode even though the whole time she's terrified she'll run into someone she knows. she goes to her shifts at the manga cafe relieved that the only person who might walk in there is choro and she knows he's too broke to show up in the first place lol. but the older she gets the less she'll care about how other people perceive her for her hobbies. the wonders of ur brain when it finishes cooking... ^_^💖
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Tumblr hates me so go give @chororine and @zappsbrannigan a follow for cute futurama art
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tonguetap · 10 months
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crtter · 3 years
don't look now (that's a figure of speech I very much want you to look) but season 2 of the Ososan dub dropped on iTunes!!! the Bluray won't come out until the 14th of September but I hope someone rips the digital version; I can't wait to hear Keith do "Alone in the Wind" (btw happy belated birthday, sorry I missed it!!!)
Oh man, already??? That’s great news! Dubbed Iyami Alone in the Wind is going to make me cry all over again…
Well, if it takes a long time for the dub to be publicly available after the Blu-ray comes out, then I’m planning on purchasing it and ripping it myself like I did with season 1! I’d invest in a good decryption software so I don’t have to do the whole “only gets the audio and syncs it to the Japanese blu-ray rip” thing again, which would mean the episodes would be available in a much more timely manner this time around. I’m getting a new laptop in the near future too which would make this whole process a lot faster as well. As of lately, mine is almost completely busted (which is one of the reasons I haven’t made much progress with the subbing lately 😅)
But I mean, I might buy it anyway, just to offer both seasons in the same place. I might try to transcript it as well!
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hi would it be possible to change the propaganda I submitted? the Takuto Maruki post kind of inspired me to get more passionate about defending an unpopular-but-positive opinion (whoever submitted him is my hero 🥲) if not then no worries but if yes I'll DM you with the specifics!!
Yes, you absolutely can! If anyone at any point would like to edit their previously submitted propaganda, just send me a message via DMs :]
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slowpinesan · 7 years
chororine replied to your post “I'm guessing maybe that Choro and Totty are "empty" because they care...”
it did occur to me a while ago that the trio with katakana in their names are the ones who pretend to be something they're not... at the time I dismissed it as overthinking but I wonder if that skit and I think alike [thinking emoji]
ng1604 replied to your post “I'm guessing maybe that Choro and Totty are "empty" because they care...”
And Karamatsu's was also empty because KARAmatsu; the カラ/kara in his name can mean empty.
So, Kara because of the pun, Totty because he’s ‘heartless,’ and Choro because he’s putting on a facade...
[thinking emoji intensifies]
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irkimatsu · 2 months
🔆 congrats on booking three more years at Hell's greatest hotel!!! rest assured I think of you every time I look down into Robot Hell from New New York~
Hope you're having fun in the future with your precocious clone son! I should pop in again sometime; I spent about two seasons out there before flitting off. Robot Hell's a pretty cool place, I think Robot Satan's music tastes would fit right in at the hotel!
(Also I don't know if you saw but not only do we have at least three more years here, but we also got introduced to a Zim fish recently, I love him already)
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gabe14limbs · 7 years
bRUH have you seen the trailer for a movie called Marcianos Vs Mexicanos??? super good, cartoony 2D animation - and, if the title didn't tip you off, it's Mexican :o I could very easily believe you worked on it and it just didn't come up because you legally weren't allowed to talk about it lol
OHHH BOI??? actually no, didnt hear of it! heck I wish I worked on it, i would be sooo proud! Actually im quite proud anyway cuz the animation looks so good for mexican standards holy crap! i dont know what to expect tbh but if it shows up on theaters im definitely watching it for the sake of mexican animation!!not sure if it was animated here tho… i think Huevocartoon wasn’t. o8 BUT STILL. MEXICAN CARTOONS FTW!
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akai-hito · 7 years
this is an incredibly basic choice but I hope you'll agree it's a good one: Osomatsu!
Was “basic” on purpose? xD
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff | I’m not into Harry Potter I never got how that shit workbest quality: Heart of goldworst quality: Whiny ehship them with: My oc and daughter, Ayanebrotp them with: How I am supposed to chose, the guy have 5 bros! But let’s go for Jyushimatsu since they’re very comical
needs to stay away from: TOUGOU! DON’T EVER COME BACK EVER AGAIN!!
misc. thoughts:
He’s seen as basic, plain and boring by many people, and I’m always impressed how much the fans can miss the point about him. The episode which leveled up the popularity of Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu who are by now the shining stars of the fandom both involved an Osomatsu who helped them in their emotional distress. Talk about just being a whiny kid who get angry when his bro leave, come to my face-
Beside this, I see a trend of just making him the pervert of the group while when he is effectively a pervert (how can I deny it lol), he have a romantic side that everyone forgotten easily. When he was waiting in Totoko’s room in the first season, the boy literally did a whole confession scene that you see only in manga. When they had their rental girlfriend, he fallen over heels just for a hug with Chibimi. He’s a perv, but also a bit romantic and cuddly!
And why do I love him the most? Well, I relate to him that much. Episode 2 of the first season made me interested in the anime and his character, when he talked about his brothers to Chibita. You’ll be ready for a sweet talk about how much having sibling is cool but he shown all the bad side of it.
Even though he felt rejected this day (not like he haven’t deserved it in some case tho), he still wanted to apologise when he was about to enter in the room.
I think he have his own room to grow even if he need to move his ass to do so, but he’s willing to do so… when the others are involved. 
I look after him kinda, because when the inevitable will come, he’ll struggle a lot to find his own way.
So yeah, here my love for Osomatsu Matsuno.
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chororine replied to your post “I’ve noticed that all of the previews we’ve gotten so far only involve...”
the title given in the preview was "Osomatsu and Todomatsu, etc." so as great as 24 minutes of Beni would be, I doubt that'll be the case
Hmm, but wasn’t the preview for Ep4 “Matsuzo and Matsuyo, etc.” as well, IIRC? :0 And last episode also had etc. in its preview (”Iyami Has Arrived, etc.”) but it still featured shots from the Hatabou skit, even when the title wasn’t revealed. There are no previews pointing to anything else other than Oso and Totty. So I have to wonder...
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Tumblr for the love of God please let me reblog @chororine 's art! Stop being a piece of shit when it comes to rebloging
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