#chris sturniolo x pregnant!reader
venusjaynie · 16 days
baby names ~ blurb
chris sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: a cute little scenario about discussing possible baby names with you husband chris.
cw: pregnancy, a lot of dialogue
"what about... chris junior?" your husband turns to you with a smirk.
"we've been over this. he is not having your name." you say with an exasperated eye roll, though you don't fight the smile that graces your lips.
"i know, baby, i'm just teasin'. and bernard is definitely out?" you stare at him blankly in response.
"i know you aren't even serious about that." he just laughs at you. his laughter dies down and the two of you sit in a comfortable silence, with chris slowly rubbing your bump. you're around the 5 month mark now, and you couldn't be more excited, however the discussion of a name has been long winded, and hasn't just included you and chris. "what was nick's suggestion again?"
"nick originally said jimmy, which i vetoed. i love my dad but c'mon. then he said william." chris' reaction to the name didn't show much interest.
"that's nice but he just doesn't feel like a william, y'know?" you say to chris.
"i agree. matt suggested jonathan, which i didn't really like. mom still thinks he's actually a girl 'cause she says sometimes the scans can pick things up wrong." he says while looking at you, and you hum in acknowledgement.
"maybe she's right? sometimes they are wrong. it might be worth having a few girl options just incase, right?" he nods in agreement.
"what about... christina?"
"kidding, kidding. i like isabella." he says seriously.
"isabella... that's pretty. i like that one. that can be an option." he smiles in satisfaction that one of his suggestions has been received well. "i really like daisy, too." chris hums thoughtfully.
"me too." he says, pressing a kiss to your temple. "hey, if we do have a boy, what about theo?" a smile graces your face.
"i like theo, but can his full name be theodore so we can call him teddy?" you ask sweetly, and chris chuckles quietly.
"sure thing, babe. teddy sturniolo. he sounds like a fuckin' badass." his seriousness makes you giggle.
the two of you fall into that comfortable silence again, and chris runs his hand up and down your thigh gently.
"hey, i'm really happy i got you pregnant."
"that's an strangely romantic sentiment, where did that come from?" you ask teasingly, to which he shrugs.
"i don't know, it's just that, i never thought i'd have kids this young 'cause i'm immature as fuck, y'know? but you make me think i can be a really good dad." your heart practically melt at his answer, until he says "and obviously you look hot as fuck with my baby in you." and your smile drops, unamused. he doesn't even redact his words as you know that he means well, and as much as he's crass and crude, he is genuinely glad that the two of you are starting a little family. you reach up to press a swift kiss to his cheek as matt enters the room.
"did you guys decide on a name yet?" he asks, walking over to the two of you.
"yeah, i think we're gonna go with bernard." you say, deadly stone-faced, and you receive a death glare in response from matt, followed by a burst of laughter from your husband.
"tell me you're kidding." he says.
"of course, matthew, we are not calling our child bernard." he breathes what can only be called a sigh of relief.
"what did you pick then?"
"as of right now, we're pretty set on theodore." you tell him, running your hand over your stomach, and matt's eyebrows raise slightly in surprise.
"theodore, huh? never heard either of you mention that one before."
"yeah, we just thought of it." chris chimes in. "y/n says we can call him teddy, and i said we can call him theo, so there's plenty of nickname potential there."
"that's really cool, guys. i can't wait to meet my nephew. or niece, according to mom." matt says with a laugh. "hey, maybe it's twins and you guys just don't know yet. y'know how sometimes they can't see it on the scan? imagine if that happened to you guys. that would be insane."
matt's words make you freeze up a little. you hadn't even thought of that possibility, and while having twins would be fun, you're nervous enough for one, never mind two.
"i never even thought of that." you say with wide eyes, and matt can clearly sense the nervousness his words brought you.
"it's probably not twins, uh, they can almost always tell. you'll be fine!" he says quickly. feeling uncomfortable in the situation he created, matt awkwardly mutters out a 'sorry' and steps out of the room.
"and, babe, even if it is twins, we're gonna be amazing parents, yeah? and you're so strong so carrying those kids is gonna be light work for you, right?" chris says comfortingly. you nod, and relax again into chris' side.
you have to admit, the thought of having twins is exciting.
"yeah, it'll be fun." you say with a small smile. "we could get them little matching-but-not-matching outfits!"
"alright, sweetheart, don't get ahead of yourself, we don't even know if we're having twins yet." chris replies with a laugh.
"i know, i know. i'm just excited. and anyways, i've got another scan in a couple of weeks, so we'll know by then." he nods in response.
"imagine two mini versions of us running around." he says, secretly ecstatic at the thought of having twins.
"daisy and theo."
"fuckin' coolest duo in boston."
this sucks ass :)
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vanteguccir · 1 month
Matt x pregnant!reader who is craving katchup. Just how he would react to her wanting to eat it with everything and his way to deal with it, considering he hates it. (Not sure if this makes a full story, so if you want to just talk about it, it’s okay).
I LOVE YOUR IDEA!!! dad!Matt always gets me 😭🥺
And yes, since it would end in a super little short fic, I made a quick blurb! I hope you like it 🩷
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Matt Sturniolo x pregnant!reader
Y/N's senses came back with force on the Tuesday morning, a strange urge in her stomach bombarding her from every side of her body. She looked at the clock beside the bed with sleepy eyes and frowned when she saw that it was only six o'clock in the morning.
"Ketchup." She muttered to herself in a low tone. "I need ketchup."
Matt, her husband, was lying next to her, still sleeping peacefully, his right arm wrapped protectively around her 8-month belly. The woman hesitated for a moment, looking at him with a mixture of guilt and curiosity. Should she wake him up to satisfy her bizarre ketchup craving? She shook her head, deciding to let him rest.
Carefully sliding out of bed, Y/N put on her light pink robe - which was draped over Matt's gaming chair - and headed downstairs towards the kitchen. The smell of fresh coffee wafted through the air, having been made automatically by the coffee machine on the counter, but all she could think about was the taste of ketchup.
Y/N opened the fridge and found a bottle hidden behind some jars of jelly. With a satisfied smile, she leaned over and picked it up, clutching it as if it were the most precious item in the world, before opening one of the drawers on the counter next to the stove and taking out a spoon, opening the lid of the industrialized product and starting to devour it pure.
While she was there, deep in her strange morning desire, Matt appeared in the kitchen doorway, his hands rubbing his sleepy eyes and his clothes rumpled, showing that he had just gotten up. He looked at her with a confused expression, his blue eyes running over her figure leaning against the gray refrigerator.
"What the hell are you doing, sweetheart?" He asked, yawning loudly.
Y/N shrugged, embarrassed.
"I don't know. I just... need ketchup, I guess."
Matt raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued, but deciding not to say anything else, if there was anything he had learned during those 8 months, it was that you shouldn't question a pregnant woman. Instead, he simply approached her and wrapped his arms around her body, kissing the top of her head lovingly.
"I'll make breakfast." He said softly. "With... ketchup, if you want." His voice came out reluctantly, remnants of his feeling of disgust for the product dripping into his sentence.
Y/N smiled brightly, feeling grateful for her husband's silent support, nodding her head quickly. Together, they prepared a full breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast, her dishes all covered generously with ketchup.
Throughout the day, Y/N continued to have strange cravings for ketchup. She put it on her salad, her turkey sandwich, and even her pizza. Matt looked at his wife with a mixture of disgust and horror, but he didn't say a word of protest, swallowing hard as the nausea rose in his throat each time the smell of the sauce rose to his nostrils.
Late in the afternoon, as Y/N devoured a burger covered in ketchup, she finally felt satisfied. The woman looked at Matt with a tired smile, feeling grateful for his unwavering support.
"Thanks for letting me eat all that ketchup today." She joked shyly, wiping her mouth with a napkin.
"It's not my favorite, but if it makes you happy, then I'm happy too." Matt shrugged, smiling back at her, glancing from the corner of his eye at the red bottle still on the table.
Y/N leaned her body slightly towards him, making a small pout, expecting a kiss, but all she received was Matt's palm pressing against her lips gently.
"Go brush your teeth first, honey. Everything has a limit."
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iamchriswife · 2 months
could u do like a dad!chris x mom!reader fic/drabble whatev u want and it's post-labour, the reader's given birth to twins ( 1 boy n 1 girl ) and chris is gushing about how cutie his babies r ?? at first he's slightly nervous to pick the babies up bc he's afraid he's gonna hurt them or drop them or smthn, but you reassure him and he's like being the most cutie patootie, greatest dad ever once he tries and warms up to it. and he's also comforting u bc of post-labour pains and discomfort and saying reassuring things like "you've done so great, mama bear" and calling reader cute names and being by her side <33 luv u xx
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dad! chris x mom! reader
(no use of y/n)
mentions of pregnancy, labour, and pain
@st7rnioioss @its-jennarose @timmyscomputer @kriissy4gov @liz-stxrn @sunrisemill @mattssluttywaist @riasturns @mx0qin @junnniiieee07 @alorsxsturn @nonameisthegameandilovejake
So far your day had been.. eventful. At around three in the morning you woke up to the bed being wet, only to release your water had broke and you were now going into labour.
Quickly waking Chris up beside you he, of course, panicked but then grabbed your bag and carried you to the car. The drive there was funny to say the least: Chris struggling to turn the engine on due to being so excited yet stressed, lil skies immediately blaring through the speakers which he couldn’t seem to shut off. His hand held onto yours the entire journey, looking at you and making sure you were okay every once in a while - making sure you weren’t in pain.
Surprisingly (not really due to the time), the labour was a quick process. You both checked in quick and got a room sorted and before you knew it you had a baby boy and a baby girl in your arms.
After the doctors and nurses cleaned the babies and made sure everything was okay, they left the room to give you and Chris a moment with your new additions.
Chris slowly walked over to the bed you were laying in, watching the babies laying on your chest in awe. “Can, Can I hold him? Then her next?” he asked gently, lifting the baby boy off your chest as you nodded towards him encouragingly. “I don’t wanna hurt him.”
“You won’t, I promise you.” You nodded, placing the boy in his arms so he had no choice but to hold onto him.
He cradled the baby and rocked slightly, his hand hovering over the babies face - scared he’d break such a delicate thing. “Hiya baby, you have your mommy’s nose.” he coo’d, laughing at the newborns features. He slowly eased into the sway, smiling at the boy. “I cannot wait to be your best friend buddy, little Chris Jr.” he whispered the last part causing you to shake your head at the stupid name he teases you with.
You smiled at the sight of him with a baby, everything he’s been waiting for as soon as he saw the two lines on that pregnancy stick you took, ever since he told bisexual parents and friends, ever since you told him you were craving carrots, ever since you hung the pictures of your scan up on the fridge, ever since you cleaned the house every day trying to prepare.
You stroked the baby girls head before clearing your throat, “You wanna hold her now?” Chris nodded at your offer, replacing the babies for one another as he now rocked his baby girl.
“You’re so pretty, just like your mama bear.” he smiled, kissing his daughter’s forehead. You cringed and laughed at the silly nickname, wincing at the pain it caused your stomach. “Uncle Matt is gonna be so jealous. I’m sure we’ll all spoil you.” he smiled before looking over and seeing your discomfort.
He gently put his daughter down in the small bassinet they provided, taking your son off your chest and doing the same before sitting on the bed with you. “You doing alright ma?”
“I��m okay just a little pain, but it’s okay.” You smiled, holding onto his hands before he let go - reaching over and re-tying your hair for you. “Are you okay?”
He nodded proudly, stroking your cheek. “I’m so proud of you, mama bear.”
You laughed, wincing at the pain but carried on anyways, “Chris! Stop that’s gross!” The new father only laughed into hugged you, making sure to hold his own weight so he wouldn’t hurt you.
“Seriously, I’m proud of you. My pretty girl.” You smiled at his praises, running your hands through his hair whilst shaking your head. “Anyways can we please call him Chris Jr-!”
“Chris! No!”
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sturniololoco · 4 months
i LOVEDDD the pregnancy one!! can you do more like that like maybe when she has the baby and how they help her?
Pregnant pt 2
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
Warnings: baby spit up, tiredness, cuteness overload, etc.?
Note: This is so perfect bc I'm ab to get another little sibling tomorrow! (Don't mind the age gap lol)
Chris's POV
Why does giving birth to a child take so damn long?
SLS/N was finally giving birth to her little girl today, so Matt, Nick, and I were sitting in the waiting room, bouncing our legs and biting our nails, waiting.
Soon, a nurse came out into the room, asking for the Sturniolo family. The three of us immediately stood and followed her to a room.
"Which one of you is the husband?" the nurse asked, making small talk as we walked down the hallways.
all of our faces burned bright red at her question.
"O-Oh, no! She's our sister!" I said, giving a light laugh along with my brothers.
She stopped in front of a room and opened the door. Putting a finger to her lips, she motioned us inside, then left us there, closing the door again behind her.
We nervously walked around the corner to see SLS/N sitting up against the pillows of her hospital bed, holding a freshly bathed baby girl.
We smiled at her, quietly coming next to her and giving her a side hug.
"Hey, kiddo. How ya feelin'?" I asked my little sister, kissing her on top of her head. I knew it hurt her, but she was tough. She was gonna love this kid with her whole heart.
"I'm doing pretty good actually." She said. She had the biggest of smiles on her face, and it never stopped shining.
"You guys wanna meet Charleigh?" She asked motioning to the baby in her arms. We all smiled, leaning down to say hello.
"Hello, little Charleigh! It's your favorite, Uncle Chris!" I said, rubbing my finger over her soft smooth hand. I internally cringed at my baby voice, but at this point, I didn't even care.
SLS/N giggled, lifting her up to get me a better look at her face.
"Here, why don't you hold her." She asked, getting up out of bed gently so as not to wake her sleeping baby.
"I-Uh...Ok," I said.
I was kind of scared to hold her.
What if I drop her? What if she wakes up? What if she cries? What if-
My thoughts were cut off by SLS/N placing her in my arms, and showing me how to hold her. She sat me down on the couch and put a pillow under my arm.
Charleigh only moved a little, but then went right back to sleep. I let out a nervous breath I had been holding in, relieved as I realized that this was not as scary as I thought.
"She's so perfect," I say, looking down at her and smiling.
"Now that's a good picture!" Nick says, holding up his phone to snap a shot.
Matt's POV
The next day, SLS/N and the baby were discharged from the hospital and ready to get home.
SLS/N was carrying the baby in her car seat, the one that took Chris and me 2 and a half hours to get the base in the car.
She put Charleigh into the car and then climbed in next to her, Nick in the way back, Chris in the front next to me.
Then It hit me.
I'm driving a newborn baby. What if we crash? What if I run off a bridge? what if-
"Matt? You okay?" I hear SLS/N ask me.
"I-Uh...No. what if something goes wrong? It'll be all my fault! And then-" I start rambling, my anxiety flooding through my veins.
"Hey, hey. Listen to me. I trust you more than anyone in the world to drive my baby and me home. If I didn't, then I wouldn't put her in the car. But you're the only person I would want to drive in this situation, okay?"
Her words instantly calmed me. I began to feel braver, happy that she felt like she could put so much trust in me. I back out of the parking lot and make our way home.
Nick's POV
We pull into the driveway and my sister gets the baby out of the car. she then walks to the back to get her stuff.
But I beat her to it.
"Don't be silly SLS/N! You just had a fucking baby, go sit down and I'll get the stuff." I order her.
I really want to help my sister as much as I can, she's already been through so much. I want to support her through all her decisions, showing her that I love and support her.
"Aw, thanks, Nick!" She says, walking into the house after Matt, who had just unlocked the door.
I grab her and the baby's bags, then walk into the house after her.
"Hey Sis, I made you a surprise!" I say to my sister, walking into the living room with a plate behind my back.
She had just gotten Charleigh asleep in Matt's room since it was the closest to the living room. She was now lounging on the couch with Matt and Chris.
She sits up and claps her hands, closing her eyes. I place the plate in front of her.
"Oh fuck yeah!" she says, digging into the quesidllia I made her. I laugh as she sighs in delight. I have no ide why she even likes these that much, I can't cook worth a shit.
as she sets her plate down on the table, she scoots closer to the three of us, wrapping her arms around our necks in a big group hug.
"I love you guys," She says, squeezing us tight.
Just as I was about to respond, I heard a cry on the baby monitor.
"I'll get her!" Chris shouts, jumping up to retrieve our new favorite niece.
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq
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teapartyprincess4two · 3 months
Parenthood- C. Sturniolo
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pairing: Mom!reader x Dad!Chris
classification: SFW & NSFW head cannons
inspiration: request
warnings: some 18+ content, use of y/n, established relationship, I didn’t name the children but Chris has 2 sons in this 👍🏻
summary: head cannons of Dad!Chris.
Parenthood- M. Sturniolo (Matt’s Version)
Fatherhood is something that scared Chris beyond belief, but when you broke the news to him he couldn’t contain his excitement. When your son was born, he fell in love immediately, and you both learned to navigate being parents. Then, when you were blessed with a second son, he was even happier.
☆ Chris cherishes every single memory, he’s really sappy about it all. He has a box full of pictures, baby socks, the wristbands from the hospital, everything.
☆ “Chris, some of this is trash,” you chuckle, filtering through the endless trinkets that all seemed to hold significance to him.
☆ “Our son’s first pair of socks isn’t trash, Y/n!” he snatches the box away from you, carefully placing everything back in.
☆ “Okay, but this dirty napkin?”
☆ “I wiped my tears with that. THANK YOU,” he snatches it from you, his sassy demeanor making you laugh.
☆ Chris loves spoiling his son, whether it be with toys and games, or with summer trips.
☆ He goes all out too, splurging on trips to Disney or to elaborate water parks, making sure to book the hotel and everything.
☆ “Babe, he’s 3. He won’t even remember this,” you chuckle, dragging luggage’s behind you.
☆ “Yes you will. Right, son?” Chris coos, bouncing the baby in his arms and blowing a raspberry into his neck. The baby giggles, the sound being music to Chris’s ears.
☆ The whole week it’s just you and Chris going on all the kiddy rides, snapping pictures of your son, and passing out back at the hotel.
☆ When you find out you’re pregnant with your second son, Chris does everything in his power to make your firstborn’s last months as an only child special.
☆ He takes him to the park, cuddles him to sleep every night, and showers that boy in so much love.
☆ Even though Chris is extremely high energy, being a working dad of two is very tiring.
☆ So, when the kids get older, he starts feeling comfortable taking ‘dad naps’ in random spots around the house.
☆ “Chris, babe, can you help me in here really quick?” you’re balancing a fussy baby on your hip, the other hand stirring whatever’s on the stove.
☆ You peer your head outside to see Chris knocked out on the hanging lounge chair. His chin rests on his chest, mouth open and arms crossed as small snores fall past his lips.
☆ Your oldest son holds a long piece of grass, tickling Chris’s nose with it. Your son whispers eerily,“Wake up daaaad. Wake uppppp.” You can’t help but giggle at the sight.
☆ Chris has successfully managed to cement his legacy as the ‘cool dad,’ or at least he thinks he has.
☆ He loves wearing funky graphic t-shirts when he’s chaperoning the kids, “I was young once too. I was the shit back then, kid.”
☆ Your oldest son just rolls his eyes playfully, but in reality he really looks up to Chris.
☆ Your youngest son loves dressing up like his dad, wearing his oversized t-shirts and beanies so big they fall past his eyes.
☆ “Look mom, I look like daddy!” he exclaims, accidentally tripping on the shirt as he runs towards you.
☆ Other times, Chris will throw on some sunglasses and try acting mysterious.
☆ The mysterious act doesn’t last long though, especially not when your youngest son cuddles up next to him for his afternoon nap or when your oldest starts asking for snack money.
☆ At family parties, Chris goes all out. He’s buying a bouncy house, cooking the burgers, renting an ice cream truck, and inviting all of his family.
☆ He loves playing games with his kids, usually forming teams and challenging them, “Alright me and Matt verses you two. Losers have to jump into the pool with their clothes on.”
☆ “Okay, but uncle Nick has to be on our team,” your oldest replies, fully confident in his ability to win his dad.
☆ Nick is then recruited, and surprisingly isn’t needed because your sons are completely obliterating Chris’s team.
☆ Chris isn’t a sore loser, it’s a trait he never wants to subconsciously pass down to his kids, so he’s jumping into the pool fully clothed as his kids watch in a fit of giggles.
☆ Laundry day is easily Chris’s most hated day, especially with two messy children.
☆ He’ll ‘help’ you fold clothes, which really means that he’s toying with the same shirt and flicking through Netflix.
☆ When the kids are asleep, you and Chris will treat yourself to some takeout because that’s the only time you can order food that the kids don’t usually like.
☆ You two are like little rats, hiding in the pantry munching before the kids hear you and wake up.
☆ One small creak and you’re both frantically hiding the food. “THEY’RE COMING!” he whisper shouts, but when no one opens the door you both fall into a fit of laughter at the dramatics.
☆ As your firstborn son gets older, he starts becoming snappy and somewhat rude, as teenagers often do.
☆ And although Chris doesn’t like reprimanding his kids for the smallest things, he can be stern when it’s necessary.
☆ “Watch your fucking mouth, kid. I don’t want to hear shit like that from you again. Go to bed.” Your son is hanging his head down and trudging to his room.
☆ “Don’t you think you were a little harsh on him?” you whisper, holding onto Chris’s arm gently.
☆ “My kids aren’t gonna be disrespectful, especially not to their momma,” he replies, but when he hears your son sniffling in his room the guilt begins chipping away at him.
☆ It doesn’t take Chris long after that to enter your sons room and engulf him in a hug, scolding him in a much softer manner that informs your son that what he did was still wrong, but also that Chris still loves him.
☆ Baseball, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, hockey, football; your sons are doing it all.
☆ Chris is in the stands, cheering so loud that his voice is hoarse by the end of the game. Even when his kid’s team doesn’t win, he’s still so incredibly proud of their performance.
☆ Chris reps the jerseys, attends the practices, and coaches his sons even when they’re at home, “Widen up your stance then throw!”
☆ Whenever there’s an opportunity to make his boys laugh, Chris is taking it.
☆ He picks them up from school wearing big, fake teeth while playing silly songs on the stereo.
☆ Your sons are never embarrassed, they just hold their sides and laugh uncontrollably, “Dad I’m gonna pee, stop!”
☆ He doesn’t spoil his kids, but he definitely buys them an unnecessary amount of things. It’s mostly harmless stuff like toys, games, and sugary snacks.
☆ “They don’t need any more toys, Chris,” you scold, struggling to make space for all of it.
☆ “We don’t need anything, Y/n,” he replies, his inner child going crazy.
As parents, it can be hard for you and Chris to make time for each other. Your schedules are packed with school, practices, work, and the few free moments in between are used for household chores. But Chris always makes time for you no matter what.
☆ For the most part, you have to be sneaky. During birthday parties or family events, you take advantage of how distracted your kids are and sneak away into an empty room like teenagers.
☆ Your adrenaline is pumping, clumsy fingers undoing his belt as he kisses you feverishly.
☆ “We have to be quick,” you whisper, watching hungrily as he lines himself up with your entrance.
☆ He doesn’t respond, knees wobbling and his animalistic grunts filling the room as he pumps into you quickly.
☆ Chris doesn’t last long, which is slightly embarrassing, but the times you guys have sex are so few and far between that you can’t blame him.
☆ “Sorry,” he whimpers, pulling out and collapsing next to you. “Don’t be sorry,” you smirk, straddling his hips and getting yourself off as he becomes an overstimulated mess.
☆ On date night Chris books a night at a nearby hotel, dropping the kids off with his parents and telling you to get all dolled up.
☆ He dresses up too, meeting you at the hotel bar and flirting with you like it’s his first time meeting you.
☆ “Hey beautiful, come around here often?”
☆ You play along, the butterflies swarming in your stomach despite sharing an entire life with this man, “I do. Never seen a man as handsome as you here before, though.”
☆ A few champagne glasses later, you’re both giddily walking back to the hotel room and making love under the soft lamp light.
☆ Some random mornings, he wakes up fully bricked and no matter how hard he tries to will the erection away it just won’t subside.
☆ “Y/n, baby, are you awake?” he murmurs, pressing soft, sloppy kisses on your exposed shoulders.
☆ You stir awake, a soft yawn escaping your lips as you reply, “I’m awake.”
☆ He pulls you in closer, his erection pressing against the back of your thigh.
☆ “Need some help there?” you chuckle, immediately understanding his intentions. He hums in response, letting you take over as he watches in a lazy haze.
☆ “So beautiful,” he moans, hands caressing and massaging every inch of your body. You can’t help but blush, hiding yourself in the crook of his neck.
☆ “Look at me,” he instructs, he doesn’t want to miss out on a single thing.
☆ “I’m the luckiest guy in the world,” his lips are latched to yours, an overwhelming feeling of love overtaking him as he blows his load inside of you.
A/n: meow 😋 dad Chris anyone? 🎤
- L.A.M.B👼🏻💗
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5 @lustfulslxt @whicked-hazlatwhore @tworosesblackthorn @mxqdii @fawned01 @junnniiieee07 @sturniolololover @missriddle03
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 💐
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mangosrar · 6 months
call it closure
chris sturniolo x fem reader.
long asf. smut. filth. sexy chris 😛😛😛
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your relationship with chris had always been complicated, a will they wont they sort of thing. you both loved eachother, that was obvious, yes you were his, but he wasnt yours.
you both decided friends with benefits would be the best option. well for him. part of you agreed just so you could play pretend, trick yourself into thinking you had him, and you knew nothing lasted forever, but he fooled you for a while.
everyone knew chris had major commitment issues, but you just didnt understand. he treated you like the only girl ever behind closed doors, but the second anyone else was around, he would drop your hand.
you thought this would be fine, you had him, you had him to yourself and that was all that mattered. until you realised you didnt. he had you eating out the palm of his hand on complete puppet strings. he said jump and you asked how high. you had fallen down a dangerous rabbit hole, and the only way to escape was to drive a knife straight through the heart of whatever it was you and chris had.
the house was the quietest youve ever heard it. matt and nick were out so chris had invited you over to smoke with him but you were pretty sure he had over done it because he had gone completely none verbal and just started staring at the wall. he was slouched down on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table and his hands in his lap. you were too, slouched down on the couch with your knees up. he took a deep breath in before breaking the silence.
"do you think were soulmates in every universe?" he said. not moving his eyes from the spot on the wall. you could have cried right there and then, feeling a deep aching pain bloom in your chest from his words. you hated how he was so absentmindedly killing you.
there was an abundant pause and a thick tension gathered in the air, you wondered if chris could feel it too.
"are we even soulmates in this one?" your voice was so quiet and soft you weren’t sure he even heard you, until he let out a frustrated sigh before bringing a hand up to his face and pinching the bridge of his nose.
"come on y/n dont start this shit now" his voice was harsh. he kept his eyes closed waiting for you to drop it, like you did every time, but you werent sure how much longer you could carry on like this.
"what chris? im being serious, i dont even know what this is anymore, you treat me like im everything one minute and then act like you couldnt care less is i fucking live or die the next!" you let your feet fall and land on the floor as you sat up and turned to face him.
"you know thats not true" he took his hand off of his face and let it rest in the air. his eyes still closed.
"do i?" your voice was quiet and broken. this was draining. the heavy presence of the fact he wasnt truly yours was sucking the life out of you. he opened his eyes and looked at you.
"we both agreed to do this y/n you cant put all of this on me" he sat up and rested his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands together and staring at you intensely.
there was a pregnant pause, he was waiting for you to defend yourself, or at least try to argue his point, but you couldnt, he was right, to a certain degree. yes you had both agreed to friends with benefits but you hadnt agreed to being hopelessly in love with someone who only reciprocated those feelings in the dark.
you dropped yours eyes, tearing them away from his and letting them linger on his hands before taking a deep breath in.
"i cant carry on like this, its killing me." he tried to cut you off momentarily but you held a hand up, stopping him. "i wont beg for you to love me anymore chris, because i know that somewhere deep down you really do". he said nothing as he stared at you. he was completely speechless. he felt that pain, just like you did, deep in his bones. you searched his eyes for something, anything, a sign that you were lying and just embarrassing yourself, a sign that told you he wasnt at all affected by this, any sense of doubt. you found nothing.
and with that, you left. you got up and walked out of that house, leaving chris to sit there and regret every singe life decision that had got him to this point, but he didnt come after you, he didnt try to stop you, he didnt try to change your mind and thats what stung the most.
end of flashback.
"im going to pack the car so everyone bring your bags down!" chris shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
you pulled the zipper closed on the bag before taking your phone off the bed and making your way downstairs, nick following close behind you. you didnt even look up at chris. you couldnt, you wanted to take complete advantage of the short amount of time you had left to distance yourself from him as much as possible.
it had been about 3 months since you walked out on chris, you hadnt spoke at all, he hadnt tried and neither had you, both of you just accepting fate and trying to move on, but considering the fact his two brothers were your best friends and you practically lived at their house with how much you were over, it was proving to be quite the challenge.
you just politely dropped your bag at his feet and scurried off into the kitchen, bumping into matt.
"you want me to drive the first or second half?" you asked. considering you were the only two that could drive, you insisted you would split it.
"i dont mind but, you sure you wanna have to sit next to chris for that long?" he lowered his voice slightly, his eyes darting to chris who was grabbing all the bags behind you, as his face scrunched up slightly. you glanced over your shoulder at him briefly before crossing your arms over your chest and shrugging.
"its okay, he wont talk to me anyways" you let out a pathetic laugh through your nose, trying to make the situation a little light hearted and a lot less embarrassing. matt obviously picked up on this but was kind enough to ignore it.
"ill do the first half, he will probably fall asleep by the time we swap anyway" he patted your shoulder and you nodded as he made a bee line for the front door.
matt and nick were probably the worst part of this whole situation. they were stuck smack bang in the middle of this pandemonium. of course they both knew what had happened but they gave you the courtesy of separating you and chris with you and them and decided to move past it. you and chris were both aware of how awkward it was for them, and thankfully, he was mature enough to not kick up a big fuss every time you were around. you hadnt spoken at all since that night, only the odd flash of a smile sent each others way when you crossed paths and that was rare, so when nick invited you on their weekend get away to a cabin in the middle of no where with them, you were obviously delighted.
the drive was excruciating. if it wasnt matt and nick arguing it was chriss shitty trap music playing or the gps redirecting you. while you were driving up front chris hadnt even spared you a glance, he didnt utter a single word to you the whole time.
part of you was grateful but another part of you wished he would have, selfishly, so you could just get over it and enjoy your weekend, but nothing was enjoyable anymore as long as chris was around.
"i call the double bed" chris yelled, running through the house.
"y/n theres a room with two singles, wanna bunk with me?" nick asked, slipping his backpack off of his shoulders.
"sure" you nodded, before making your way to the room, setting your bag down and plopping on the bed with a huff, matt trailed in behind you, with your suitcase.
"come on grouchy pants, were gonna have funnnn" he said swatting your leg that was dangling off the edge of the bed.
"i need at least 3-5 business days to recover from being within a 1 mile radius of chris for longer than 30 seconds" you let out a breath as you looked over to matt who was leaning on the door frame with his arms folded over his chest.
"that bad?" he raised his eyebrows in question.
"that bad" you replied flatley. matt just chuckled and motioned for you to follow him downstairs. you huffed and sat up before stomping down the hall after him.
in all fairness, it hadnt been that bad. the 4 of you had eaten, laughed played games and just had fun, regardless of the hanging tension wedged between you and chris. it was now 11:30 and everyone was asleep, but your mind just couldnt switch off, tossing and turning, checking the clock every 5 minutes. you huffed and looked over at nick who was out like a light. hot tub it is.
"i dont know madi, it just hurts" you spoke.
"has he even tried to talk to you?" she spoke over the phone.
"not one single word, and the thing is i dont know if i wanna strangle him or just kiss his fucking face off" you huffed, readjusting your arms so they were resting on the edge of the hot tub with your phone in your hands, the rest of your body being engulfed by the warm blanket of water.
"im worried my advice is gonna get you in trouble" she laughed, making you blow out a huff of air through your nose.
"it doesnt matter, i cant bring myself to do either" you and madi spoke for a little while longer beofre you wrapped the call up, put your phone on the ground and let your body sink lower into the steaming water until it was resting on your collar bones.
you sighed and let your head fall back, this is what you needed, a relaxing moment, the quiet calm of the night lulling your brain into a state of tranquillity, no matt and nick arguing, no chr-
"cant sleep?" you almost had a heart attack, your body jolted forward as your eyes darted around searching for the body that owned the voice.
"jesus, chris you scared the life out of me, how long have you been sitting there?" your hand rested on your chest, feeling the rapid beat of your heart from being startled. he just stared at you with drooped eyes from his position on the patio chair, opposite the hot tub.
"long enough" he said. his face didnt show any sign of emotion. his stoic expression sending an un willing chill up your spine, despite the warmth of the chlorine filled bubbles around you. chris leaned forward and you swallowed thickly.
"did you mean what you said?" his voice was alot softer and quieter than before, like he was worried you would break at the slight tone of his voice. you couldnt bring your self to look back up at him, he would eat you alive. you paused momentarily, weighing out your options of whether you even wanted to entertain this conversation with him or just cut him dead.
there was no way in hell that you were letting yourself fall back down this slippery slope again, so just like before, you abruptly got up and out of the hot tub, reached for your towel and made your way back inside, without sparing him a glance, keeping your eyes trained to the floor, leaving chris once again, to watch you walk away from him, and all the same, he didnt try to stop you.
"nick open the fucking door!" you whispered loudly. no reply.
resting your forehead against the door, you mentally cursed yourself for even going in the hot tub. you should have stayed in bed and this whole situation would be avoided, chris too. speak of the devil and he shall appear.
"what are you doing?" he stood just beside you with a questioning look on his face.
you huffed, pulling your head back and looking up at him.
"nick locked the door" you sounded so defeated it made his heart beat a little harder in his chest.
"you can come sleep with me, ill take the floor i dont mind" he motioned his head towards his designated bedroom while keeping his eyes trained to yours.
you dropped your head and sighed. how was this happening. you had spent months walking on egg shells, doing everything in your power to stay as far away from him as you could, and now you were forcing him out of his bed so you could sleep there.
he stared at you waiting for your answer. he knew you had no other option, you couldnt sleep on the couch with matt and you were also stood in a wet bikini and a wet towel. be realistic y/n.
"sure, okay" you looked up at him, and his eyes gained a fraction of hope momentarily, before he nodded and started leading you to his room. this was going to be a long night.
"um, i dont.." you paused and cleared your throat. "i dont have anything to wear" chris looked up at you from his position on the bed before his eyes trailed over your body, stood in a towel in the bathroom doorway shifting on your feet, looking like a nervous little girl.
you cleared your throat again, snapping chris out of whatever trance he had gotten into. he stood up and walked over to the dresser at the end of the bed, pulling out one of his t-shirts and a pair of boxers, before padding over to you and handing them over.
"thanks" you smiled.
"no problem" he replied, watching you turn back into the bathroom, slamming the door in his face and leaning against it, you werent sure if this was going to work, your left control was wearing thin.
how had it ended up like this? you tried so hard to have some composure but you couldnt help it, he was shirtless, clad in grey sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips, basically inviting you to jump straight on him.
his lips trailed down your neck as his hands ran up your sides, relishing in the feeling of your skin against his after 3 months of complete torture without it.
he brought his lips back up to meet your in a hot and heavy kiss, tongues dancing together, teeth clashing, the works. frantic hands gripping his hair relentlessly, pulling groans from his mouth.
chris brought his hands to the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head and separating the kiss, before diving back in and sucking purple marks into your neck and collarbones, earning breathy whines from you.
there was a moment of hesitation from you as he trailed his hands lower fiddling with the waistband of his boxers that you were wearing.
"chris wait" he halted his movements and brought his face up to yours. god he was making this so hard. he was breathing heavy and his hair was messy from your curious hands, his chain dangling between the two of you.
"we shouldnt be doing this" you shook your head, eyes wide.
"why y/n?" he asked breathlessly.
"because chris" you whined. he knew exactly why. all your hard work of keeping your distance from him had just been thrown into a sweltering ball of gasoline and chris had completely set it alight.
"call it closure" he whispered. he could see the inner turmoil you were facing. you knew you were about to give in, and judging by the smirk growing on his face, so did he.
you pulled his face down to yours again and he hummed into the kiss, the feeling of your lips on his being something no drug could ever amount to.
he continues his trail down your body, leaving wet hot kisses in his trail, keeping his eyes glued to yours. he was dragging this out, savouring the blaze of your touch.
"chris please" you whined.
"what baby? tell me what you want" he spoke in-between leaving kisses on your stomach and thighs.
"just fuck me" that was all he needed to hear before he was yanking your shorts down and doing the same with his own pants and boxers. he was on his knees between your legs, pumping his cock in his hand, eyes wondering over your frame hungrily.
"so pretty" he muttered before brining his lips to yours again and pushing his cock into you, giving you no time to adjust to his size before he was pulling all the way out and slamming back in over and over again. you were already a mess underneath him, mewling and moaning like you would never get the chance again.
"missed you so much baby, so fucking much" chris grunted in-between thrusts before peppering light kisses down the side of your face and neck. you just whined at his words.
his pace was relentless and your hands flew to his back, dragging your nails down his skin, pulling a low "fuck" from chriss lips.
"so good to me y/n, cant believe i ever fucking let you go" he said as he stilled his thrusts and pulled back, sitting on his knees and lifting your legs up to rest on his shoulders, and continuing his thrusts.
you let out a lewd moan at the new angle, hands gripping the bed sheets as chris arms wrapped around your thighs, drilling his cock into you so deep, hitting that spot inside that made you see stars.
"oh fuck chris dont stop" you mewled, letting your head fall back.
his pace became impossibly faster, every single thrust knocking the air out of your lungs.
you were pulsating around him, your high getting closer and closer. chris dropped your legs and doubled over, shoving his head into the crook of your neck with a deep groan.
"fuck y/n i can feel you squeezing me" his words were strangled and breathless. he brought his lips to yours once again but the pleasure was so good and you were so close you couldnt keep up with him, chris noticed this and smirked against your mouth.
"come on sweet girl, give it to me, come all over my cock" he said as he brought his thumb down to rub hard, fast circles over your puffy clit making your back arch even further off the bed.
you let out a strangled moan of his name before being launched into a pool of complete, white ecstasy, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. his thrusts did not falter as he sat up watching you ride out your orgasm with hooded eyes.
“you look so pretty like this ma”
he wasnt far behind, his hips stuttered before he let out a loud whine, followed by a hiss and a string of curses, painting your insides white, sending a few more thrusts, filling you to the brim, before collapsing on top of you.
the two of you were sweating and panting, both completely silent, just relishing in the feeling of the post sex haze. your hands come up to his hair and you ran your fingers through it soothingly.
he planted a soft kiss to your collarbone before bringing his face up so he was eye level with you. his eyes trailed over your face, creating a memory and he took a deep breath in before speaking.
"i do love you”.
sorry for starving you guys i’ve just been mad busy but i’m back !!!! love u. bee ❤️‍🩹
taglist: @christinarowie332 @biimpanicking @chrisenthusiast @urmyslxt @soursturniolo @kitaysworld @kvtie444 @mattslolita @flowerxbunnie @lovingsturniolo @its-jennarose @ermdontmindthisaccount @secret-sturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @justaslvttygirl @urfavstromboli @chrisfavoritepepsi @kenleighsbl0g @udonotknowme
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worldlxvlys · 3 months
texts with husband!chris and pregnant!reader
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texts w/ husband! chris x pregnant reader
warnings: suggestive, cursing
a/n: hope you likeee <33
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tag list: @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @readerakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @rootbeerworshiper @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @meg-sturniolo @leah-loves-lilies @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock @junnniiieee07
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wcters · 2 months
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pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader
word count: 750+
summary: you have your period and chris tries to help you
warnings/notes: swearing, established relationship, periods, sorry it’s so short but that’s the only thing that i could come up with that i didn’t find cringey at that moment
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A lot of the time, you hated being a women. Constantly judged on how you dress and act, creepy men, unrealistic body standards, and more. But this time? It was periods. That time every month where your body lets you know you’re not pregnant but simultaneously punishes you for not being pregnant. Every woman hates it, every little girl wants it.
Usually spending time with your boyfriend and your best friends would help a little bit, just to make you feel less of a sack of uncontrollable emotions and pain, but that wasn’t the case this time. This time, everything was bothering you. You had left the triplets to take a nap in Chris’s room as to try and stop yourself from getting mad at them and breaking down for no reason, but you’re still bothered in here. The ticking of the clock, the air from the vent, every little noise was bugging you. You groaned and grabbed the pillow besides you, throwing it over your head.
Because of the object blocking your ears, you don’t notice the footsteps leading up the the bedroom door. “Babe?” Chris called out as he opened the door, “you okay?” You hummed and stayed where you were, too lazy and tired with everything to reply. “Y/n?” “. . . I think I’m dying.” You finally spoke, pain evident in your voice. “I need to be put down.” Chris quietly laughed at that. “You don’t need to be put down.”
“I may not need to, but I want to.” Chris grabbed your hand as he sat on the edge of the bed beside you. “What’s wrong? Is your period?” You never felt embarrassed when talking about your period with him - you shouldn’t. You hated when some of your friends mentioned that their boyfriends would get grossed out when they talked about it. It’s a natural thing and it’s needed for them to live. You nodded, taking the pillow off you head and turning to face him. “I’m just so sick of it.”
“I know you are. And I would say I know it hurts but I don’t really know . . . At least not from experience.” You felt his hand brush up and down your back as you laid on your stomach. “Is there anything I can do?” He asked you, moving your hair tbh at fallen in your face. “My heating pad in the basket? Can you heat it up?” You groaned as a significantly sharp pain hit you, curling up. “Of course. Anything else?” Chris nodded. “Get rid of my uterus for me?” You looked up at him with a pleading smile. “Ask me later.”
You watched Chris as he moved to grab your heating pad and then open the door, slightly closing it but not fully as he left. While he was out, you figured you should change your pad. You did that, and stole a pair of loose boxers to put over top instead of the sweatpants you had on earlier. You were sitting up in his bed when he got back. “Are you wearing my boxers?” He asked you, placing the bag in front of you. “Yes. My sweatpants were bugging me and I was going to cry.” You grabbed your heating pad and leaned against his headboard, putting on your stomach and opening your legs. “Come here,” you patted the space between them, “I want to watch a movie.”
Chis knew better than to fight you, having dealt with you on your period many times before. It was you, but not dealing with any shit, and he didn’t want to make you cry. He took his shoes off and climbed on the bed and lied in between your legs. Before he put his head down, you put a pillow over your heating pad as to not burn him. “That’s really nice.” He commented as he lied down. “I know. That’s why I have it. Now, what do you want to watch?”
You ended up putting in a Disney movie, any other movie would probably get you upset in some way, so you both cuddled up and pressed play. When Nick knocked on Chris’s door later in the night and got no answer, he opened the door to find you two asleep with Chris in your lap. He took a quick picture and left you two alone, closing the door.
“Matt, look at this.” Nick called out to his brother that was on the couch. “What?” He was shown the picture and a smile formed. “Those two are so in love, it’s sickening.” He shook his head. “I know.”
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cherriesformatt · 3 months
9 months || matt sturniolo part 3
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matt x fem!reader
summary: just how you and matt figured out life during your pregnancy
warings: pregnancy, suggestive, being sick
word count: 2,2k
a/n: guys thanks so much for all the notes 🥹 means a world to me and 100 followers wtf 🍒ily im not that proud of this one. Let me know if I should still keep going with the next part. Didn’t proofread yet!
The doctor said I couldn’t fly till my second trimester. I was really sick and pregnancy wasn’t easy on me. So we decided that we will wait to tell our families because we really wanted to tell them in person. Chris and Nick were great with keeping the secret. No one besides 4 of us knew. Even Laura and my boss didn’t know. I worked from home so I was able to do my job even when I wasn’t in my best form.
I had basically 3 babysitters now. Matt, Chris and Nick treated me like glass and to be honest sometimes I liked it (mostly when I was rotting on the couch and needed a snack) but most of the time I just yelled at them that I really could do everything without them staring at my soul.
When I was so sick all the time Matt decided that I should just stay with them for now. But the next thing I see is him moving my entire apartment here. I was pretty minimalistic so I didn’t have too much stuff. I just didn’t extend my rental and decided that would be for the best now.
My doctor said I was clear to fly when I was 16 weeks pregnant. So we organized trip to Boston. Sooner than later because I was starting to show and also because I already felt better. I gave up and started taking meds to stop being so nauseous. Every time I would try to gave them up everything would just make me sick.
Justin picked four of us from the airport and I took a passenger seat in the van. The flight was pretty good. I was just tired. The car had an air freshener and it’s smell just make my stomach flip.
“Oh no” I said and released I did not take my meds in the plane because I was sleeping. And also I couldn’t find them in my bag.
“Justin pull over …please” I kept my hand on my mouth.
He looked at me and when he saw me he momentarily did pull over to the side and I just jumped out of the car and threw up. I felt my hair being hold and a gentle hand rubbed my back.
“It’s okay baby… just let it all out” Matt said with his voice being worried.
When I was done I rinsed my mouth with water that Matt gave me and looked at him.
“This air freshener gotta go” I said quietly but he did take it out before I got back in.
“What are you pregnant or something, kid?” Justin looked at me jokingly but I only smiled at him awkwardly.
That’s how he found out.
MaryLou, Jimmy and boys grandma found out because Chris couldn’t keep his shit together.
“No she doesn’t drink” Chris said after their dad offered me my favorite wine. I was the only one who would usually share a glass or two with them and Justin. I was also over 21.
“How come? That’s your favorite” Jimmy said but I just looked at Matt.
“O fuck I’m so sorry” Chris said realizing but it just made it worst. We had to tell them now and then.
“So we came here… not only because we missed you but also to share some news with you all” Matt said really calmly.
“We’re having a baby” He aded looking at his parents and I just gripped his hand really hard.
“Oh my…” MaryLou said and she stood up and came to us and just gave us both a hug.
“You won’t believe this… but what I told Jimmy when you went to drop your bags upstairs. I said something is different… and you honey.. you’re glowing” She looked at me and honestly I couldn’t see that but I heard that a lot lately.
“What can I say…. I didn’t expect that so soon but congratulations kids” Jimmy came up to us as well and gave Matt a reassuring shoulder squeeze and I got a big smile.
“Oh Matty… I always knew you’re going to be the first one to give me great grandchildren” Their grandma smiled at us and Matt just went to her and gave her a big hug.
Rest of the night we spend watching their old videos and baby photos and I just cried so many times. Because I realized I couldn’t wait to have the baby here with us.
They took the news so well and I was really stressed about it because at first I was always worried about being older than Matt and now I’m also older and pregnant.
But they just always made me feel like home here and the rest of the trip just went so well. Talking to someone with so much experience gave me just more power to get through it all.
Then we did my family after coming back from Boston. I didn’t want to put myself out for such a long flight. Since my family was back in Europe. So we did what I dreamed about since I saw that commercial back when I was in middle school.
“Everyone…I want you to meet someone” I said while we were on a family group chat FaceTime.
I stood up and Matt readjusted the screen so it was on my belly. Which I swear was just bigger everyday. I felt like weight was lifted off my body, because not telling my mom and siblings about that was hard. Everyone freak out and I needed to answered 100 questions but luckily my mom didn’t make us say we will get married before the baby comes.
Half way through we were just getting really excited and everyone knew. Everyone except the whole Internet. But honestly that wasn’t to hard to keep from. We always did keep our relationships private and I wasn’t that much on social media so it was alright.
Also that was the time when I just couldn’t resist Matt. I honestly felt like jumping his bones 24h and I’m not even kidding. That was his favorite part of me being pregnant.
We also did decide that we rent a house that went in the market in the same neighborhood that the triples lived now. And we got the house so we started to renovate it like we wanted it. Boys were happy that it’s literally next doors but also it’s our own space that we would need to learn to have.
Nick was filming and photographing all weeks of my pregnancy. At first I didn’t like it because I was camera shy. I usually worked behind it. And now when I’m looking at Polaroids he made me take every week. They made me so happy.
“I love the name Noah” Matt said while his head was on my boobs and his hand on my belly.
I smiled. We didn’t want to know the gender till birth so while we talked to the baby we just called it “peanut”.
“I actually love it too… and we could do N O A H for a boy and N O A” I said and he looked at me so happy that I liked his idea.
Me and Madi would go shopping sometimes and all we did was just buying baby stuff. Most of the stuff I got were the ones I’ve learned from birth classes. I was obsessed with reading all the books about newborns and every now and then I’ll see Matt reading them too when he was not working.
One afternoon Chris came back from his meeting and he was so excited. He handed me w bag and I opened it.
“Chris are you kidding me? I’m going to cry” I put two mini sets of fresh love on the table. One was blue and one was pink.
“That’s the cutest thing that I have ever seen” I hugged him tightly.
“That’s from your favorite uncle kid your first outfit” He said looking at my belly and I froze because I felt a movement inside. First time ever so hard.
“Oh fuck… that was so weird” I said.
“What happened?” Chris stepped away from me.
“The baby is moving and I can feel it so well! Oh my gosh it did it again!!”
“Can I feel it?” Chris asked clearly exited.
“Yes..give me your hand” I said and I put his hand where I last felt it. And when the baby did it again I looked at him.
“Did you feel it?” I asked and he just looked at me with his eyes wide open .
“I did… a little.. that’s so weird… bro you’re a hero” he said.
“What’s that screaming all about?” My boyfriend joined us in the kitchen.
“I just made your baby kick!” Chris said.
“Oh my goodness are you just gonna claim it on yourself?” I laughed.
“What?” Matt came up to me and put his hands on my belly.
I readjusted them and looked at his eyes.
“Now…she did it again” I said and his eyes widened.
“That’s… wow” he said.
“I know” I whispered.
“You also just called Peanut a “she”” Matt smiled.
He knew I was having dreams about us having a daughter. That was another thing since I was pregnant. I had so many vivid dreams.
“Oh that was an accident…” I said.
After my 32nd week we had everything ready in our house and we started to sleep there and hang out. I worked there too. I had my little office. But I started to be really tired so I took my time off. Matt was really happy about it. Because we had more time to spend together, just two of us before there was a three people in the pack.
He was just perfect. He would rubbed my feet when they were swollen and give me a massage every night. He talked to my belly so much and just loved us both to the moon and back. All this time it was really hard for us but he made it so easy in the same time.
When I was freaking out the day my waters broke. He just packed a car and kept his cool. He was beside me every second. His brothers and our moms outside the delivery room.
“That’s a nice one if I’m going to have my baby to this song I might actually name it skies” I said in between taking my deep breaths. I let everyone be part of my delivery day playlist. Lil Skies was currently playing for the 7th time.
“Oh please baby” Matt laughed and rubbed my back as I rolled myself on the ball trying to get through my constructions.
When it came to actual pushing I thought I’m gonna kill everyone in the room. I decided that I wanted to give birth in water. So when I was ready we moved to the pool that nurses got ready.
Matt was siting behind me telling me sweet nothings while I was screaming and holding his hands so hard that I’m pretty sure blood couldn’t get to them.
While I heard crying in the room that wasn’t mine. Everything just went away. All the pain. They put the baby on my chest and I hold it.
“It’s a girl…” One of the nurses said and I kissed her temple. She was so little.
“We have a daughter…” Matt whispered as he hold as both. Both of us crying at this point and just couldn’t believe it.
“She is perfect” I whispered and touched her little nose.
“You both are, you’re a hero” Matt kissed my head.
When they took her for check up. Nurses helped me to get myself together while Matt went to take a shower. Took him 5 minutes because he was scared to miss the moment they will bring her back. I actually couldn’t keep my eyes open after they gave me pain meds I just passed out.
When I woke up there were flowers, balloons and gift bags everywhere. And I saw Matt at the corner of the room with little Noa on his bare chest.
“Matty…” I whispered.
He looked at me and stood up holding her. He was so natural about it.
“Look mama is up” He gently placed her in my open arms and I looked at her. I could just stare at her forever.
“Is everything okay? What’s all of this?” I asked quietly.
“Both of you are great, you slept some time, you deserved it, I send everyone home after they saw Noa for a little bit. That’s all form the favorite uncles apparently” He said with a big smile.
“They’re crazy…come here on the bed” I said and moved a little. He did as I said and I rested my head on his shoulder.
“Thank you…she’s so perfect” Matt said and kissed my cheek.
“Well we did it together I just had more work” I laughed.
He did too and Noa opened her eyes and looked at us. But didn’t cry. She really was perfect. Well she was a Sturniolo after all.
That’s all I needed. My little family.
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sukiipjs · 4 months
°:. *₊ ° . ☆ °:. *₊ ° . ° .•
↳ chris sturniolo x fem reader
↳ words - 717
↳ summary - you find out your pregnant and freak out, chris assures that it’s all going to be okay.
↳ contains - fluff, swearing, crying/panic attack, pregnancy, pet names (baby), use of y/n, idkkk
↳ song - nothing matters but you by madison beer
°:. *₊ ° . ☆ °:. *₊ ° . ° .•
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°:. *₊ ° . ☆
i’m currently freaking out, waiting for the pregnancy test to reveal its results. i’m a week late and i’m always the one to jump to assumptions so here we are. me and chris have seen together for about a year, maybe some day we would have kids but not now, definitely not now.
i’m pacing in the bathroom the test on the counter next to my phone with a timer, almost over. “oh my god, oh my god, fuuuck,” i mutter to myself, overthinking about everything that would change, everything that could go wrong, only thinking of the bad.
my timer going off stops me in my tracks and i walk to the counter, turning off my phone and peering over to look at the test, it’s positive. my mouth opens slightly as i stare at the test on the verge of tears. i grab another from the box and using that one, before i know it my timer goes off, positive, again.
“oh my god,” i bury my eyes in my palms, tears dripping down my cheeks as i cry into my hands, “no no no...” i grab the tests and sink down onto the floor leaning on the side of the bathtub, hiding the tests on my stomach as i bring my knees to my chest, burying my head into my knees, crying and crying. i don’t know if i’m sad, happy, confused, scared, excited, or all…
i don’t hear but the front door opens and chris calls out, “baby i’m here!” i ignore, not even sure if i did hear him. i continue crying on the bathroom floor, freaking out. i assume he hears me crying out when he opens the bathroom door to find me, “baby?” i cry even more, baby? hearing it now is totally different.
he kneels down on the floor in front of me, grabbing my hands off my knees to hold them in his hands as i lift my head up, “what’s wrong? talk to me,” i try to open my mouth to speak, it’s too hard. i cant. what if he leaves me? i don’t want to think of this right now.
“it’s okay.. it’s all okay, just what’s wrong?” he brings his arms around me, giving me a hug then going back to holding my hands. i can’t speak, all noise from me stops and i just sob. one of his hands reach to my face, wiping off some of my tears. i reach one of my hands to grab the tests that are on my lap, holding them tight until i drop them on the floor beside us. chris turns his head to see them on the floor, he picks up both, taking a moment to look and process what they are, “oh my god.”
he drops them back on the floor and i bury my head into my hands again, trying to hide myself from him. he reaches for a tissue box and setting it next to me, i left my head up again, my heart skipping beats, my breath hiccuping, tears running down my face. “y/n… it’s okay, breathe okay?” he smiles softly, his hand guiding mine to my chest, “focus on your breaths, you’re okay,” i start to take deep breaths until i catch my breath, grabbing a tissue and wiping off my tears.
“chris..” i say softly, my eyes puffy and nose red. “how.. how do you feel about this?” he smiles a little more, rubbing his thumb on the hand he holds, “you know i love kids,”
“yeah but we never thought about this now? your career and everything, this wasn’t supposed to happen now,” i sigh, i feel like my tears are coming back. he chuckles a little, “but it did happened now, we’re going to get through this okay? this is amazing, we’re going to have a baby,” he smiles even more, pulling me in for a kiss. now i start smiling too.
“i love you chris,” he kisses my forehead, “i love you too, and i promise, it’s all okay, yeah?” i nod, both of us smiling, and now i think of the good things. we’re going to be parents, us together, raising a child. there’s no one else i would rather to that with than him.
☆ °:. *₊ ° . °
taglist : @slutforchriss @mattsleftnipple03 @mattsdinosweater @ccolleenn @mixvchelle @leah-loves-lilies @sturn-wrld
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hysteria-things · 4 months
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: chris x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: guess who’s back in town: the sturniolo triplets. it’s for their birthday party their parents are throwing, the same party your parents force you to go to.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,054
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: we’re locked in on the series, folks!
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you can’t go a day without seeing something along the lines of the sturniolo triplets, and it fucking pisses you off.
your parents went to high school with theirs and were really close. your mom got pregnant with you around the same time marylou got pregnant with the triplets, your “best friends.”
the same triplets that left you months ago because of their career of being youtubers. the least they could’ve done was still message you, but no. they unfollowed you on everything.
you texted them multiple times, but all you got was one-word answers or no answer at all. as much as you didn’t want to, you stopped trying after a while because it was no use.
your parents still hang out with marylou and jimmy, sometimes even justin when he’s in town. at least you got one more best friend that you grew up with, nathan doe.
nathan is the youngest out of the four of you. nick, matt, and chris are turning twenty tomorrow and nate’s turning nineteen on the ninth. you’ve been nineteen since april, so you’re right in the middle.
you guys met him in elementary school and he was the last piece of the puzzle. you guys were even called the FOREVER FIVE, something you all made up at a sleepover in the fourth grade.
of course the three stooges didn’t drop him when they left. favoritism, i guess.
you scroll angrily on tiktok. it’s like the app senses your hatred for them and decides to put edits or clips from their videos on your for you page. this shit is definitely not for you.
then, there’s a knock on your bedroom door. “come in.” you call out, and your mother comes in. she sits on your bed and sighs. “what’s up?” you ask.
she gives you a face of sympathy, and it scares you a little. “the triplets are back in town.” she starts, and that gains your attention. “and i want you to come with me and your father to their birthday party tomorrow.”
“no.” you flat-out say. it’s no secret that your mom knows about your hatred either since you cried to her for a week straight about how they abandoned you.
“y/n, please.” your mom puts a hand on your knee. “marylou would love to see you there. she asks about you, you know. she misses you.”
frowning, you start to think. you miss her too. you never blamed her for what her sons did, but you haven’t seen her since they left. she is the sweetest lady you’ve ever met. “and they’re celebrating nate’s birthday, too. you have to at least show up for him, okay?”
you exhale sharply. “okay.”
you pull up to the party the next day with your parents, making your way to the backyard where it’s held. not a lot of people are there, just close friends and family. you scan the area at the top of the steps for nathan, getting disappointed when you don’t see him.
marylou engulfs you in a hug the moment you step on the grass. “hello, sweetheart!” she exclaims, pulling away with a big smile on her face. she places her hands on your shoulders. “how are you doing? you feeling okay?”
“i’m doing fine!” you reply in the same tone, putting on a fake smile.
“thank you so much for coming. i know it’s been a little… strange for you for the past few months. i’m sorry about that.”
“please don’t apologize. you did nothing wrong,” you say and she pulls you back in for another hug.
“if you want, the boys are standing by the chips and dip. if not, don’t be afraid to make yourself comfortable.” she points to the numerous folding tables set up.
god, you missed this woman. “i will. thank you so much.”
you walk over to the table where your parents are, placing your things down before joining them.
“twenty years old is fucking disgusting.” nick rants, dipping a chip in onion dip and popping it into his mouth.
the other two giggle. “yeah, well—” chris pauses when he turns his head and lands eyes on someone. “holy shit, guys.” he taps both of his brothers on the arm.
“look.” he continues, pointing at you from across the way when he gets his sibling’s attention. “we have to talk to her.”
“chris, no.” matt says. “do you not know that she hates us? it was shitty, what we did. that’s honestly my biggest regret.”
“we are petty losers for that.” nick chimes in.
chris crosses his arms. he would do anything to get you back into his life. there was no specific reason why they did what they did. they ghosted a lot of old friends ever since they moved to LA, and you got unlucky. “fine. if you guys won’t, i will. i want to get my best friend back.”
“chris, wait! that’s not a good idea!” the two scream at him as he starts to march over to you, who’s now pouring pepsi into a red solo cup.
you gasp out of shock when you turn around and see a brunette towering over you. “hi.” he says lowly. “i didn’t think you’d come.”
“i came for nate.” you say coldly. “where is he?”
“he has to do something before he comes.” you move over to start walking, but he steps in front of you.
“i’m so fucking sorry.” he apologizes. “we miss you.”
“should’ve thought of that before you woke up one day and decided to pretend i didn’t exist.”
his heart aches at your words. the three of them really are assholes. “can we just start over? please?”
“start over?” you scoff. “we can’t start over after all of that. i practically known you since birth, and you want to start over?”
“y/n, i’m—”
you peek over his shoulder and cut him off. “nate’s here.” you eventually get out of his way and start to head over to nate, but stop and turn back around.
there’s a hint of hope in chris that you changed your mind, but he was wrong. “i kept the note.”
he furrows his eyebrows. “what note?”
you laugh to yourself. of course, he doesn’t remember. “never mind. happy birthday.” you mumble, walking off into the crowd.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld @alorsxsturn @txssvx @sttzee @multiluvr @delilahprentiss @matthewsspecial @idkhowtosleep @sturniolho
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alyswritings · 11 days
Pregnancy Test
Request: Ooo can you do a fic of sturniolo triplets x sls reader, shes 18 and their 20 and she does a prank on them by leaving a (fake) positive pregnancy test in Matt’s bathroom counter and while she’s in nicks room watching a movie with nick, matt goes to the bathroom and sees it and immediately goes to Chris and shows him and tells him what they should do and how should they ask you about it and so Matt goes upstairs with Chris trying not to rage and goes to nicks room and tells sls that they need to talk and nick is all confused untill Matt pulls up the test and nick is in shock and sls pretends to be nervous and guilty and Chris is trying to calm himself down and asks her who the dad is and if he knows him and Matt is just trying not to break and nick is comforting sls ( he’s in on the prank) and sls tells Matt and Chris that its a prank when Matt starts to get more infuriated?
Sturniolo Triplets x sister!reader
Summary: Y/N pulls a prank on her brothers.
Warnings: none
a/n: thank you for the request! hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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Y/N goes up to Nick's room, shutting the door behind her. Nick looks up, smiling.
"Did you do it?" He asks.
"Mm-hmm." She nods, getting on his bed. "Positive pregnancy test on the bathroom counter. Just where he can't miss it."
"They're gonna kill you." Nick laughs.
"Oh, well." Y/N shrugs making Nick laugh. "Now we just wait."
Nick gives her the remote, letting her pick the movie.
Matt walks into his bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He goes to the bathroom, flushing and going to the sink. As he's washing his hands, his eyes fall onto a stick off to the side. Frowning, he dries his hands before grabbing it to see what it is.
Matt frowns at the two lines, his mind starting to reel. He looks around, spotting the dreaded box in the trash can. Matt's blue eyes widen, quickly grabbing the box to find out what the two lines mean.
"Fuck!" He exclaims, rushing out of the room. Matt beelines downstairs, knowing Y/N's hanging out with Nick.
Quickly deciding, Matt runs downstairs and into Chris' room, bursting in.
"Dude, what the fuck?" Chris jumps.
Matt doesn't say anything as he puts the test on the desk. Chris looks at it.
"Am I supposed to know what that is?" Chris gives his brother a clueless look.
"It's a pregnancy test, dumbass." Matt huffs. "A positive one."
"Oh, Matty, congratulations. Boy or girl?" Chris grins, patting his brother's stomach.
"Chris!" Matt snaps, smacking his hand away. "Out of the four people in this house, how many can actually get pregnant?"
"One." Chris says, his mind finally catching. "Wait, she-- there's no fucking way."
"Fucking way." Matt scoffs, pointing to the test.
"She's fucking 18. The fuck is she doing not using protection? Or having sex at all?" Chris questions, staring at the two lines.
"I don't-- I don't know." Matt stammers, pacing the room.
"I'm gonna fucking kill him." Chris seethes.
"Okay. Okay." Matt stops. "We, uh-- she's hanging out with Nick. So we-- we go upstairs and-- and just... show her we found it and-- and ask her who the dad is. Who-- we ask her about-- about... I don't even fucking know. But we don't yell at her."
"Why not? It takes two to tango." Chris says. "Ugh." He grimaces in disgust.
"Yelling's not gonna get us anywhere." Matt says. "She's just gonna either cry and/or yell back and it's not gonna get us anywhere aside from on her shit list."
"Fine." Chris rolls his eyes, grabbing the test. Matt leaves the room, Chris right behind him, the three going up to Nick's room.
"Hey. You guys wanna watch this with us?" Y/N asks, nodding to the TV.
"Nick, pause it." Matt orders.
"Why?" Nick frowns.
"Just pause it." Matt hisses.
"Okay, okay, jeez." Nick mutters, pausing the movie. He gives his brothers a weird look. "What's got you two so wound up?"
Chris' jaw is tightly clenched and Matt has to practically rip the test out of his hand.
"I found this." Matt holds the test up. He watches as Y/N's eyes widen, the girl sitting up. Nick's jaw drops as he looks at the test, glancing between his three siblings.
"Where'd you find that?" Y/N asks.
"You left it on the fucking bathroom counter in the wide open. Where would I not fucking find it?" Matt retorts.
"Who's the dad?" Chris asks. "Do we know him? Who's the father?"
"I--" Y/N stammers.
"You do know, right?" Matt asks.
"Oh, God, it's not Nate, is it?" Chris pales.
"What? No." Y/N immediately denies.
"Oh, thank God." Chris sighs in relief. "I was not ready for that battle."
"Who's is it?" Matt asks.
"I- you don't know him. I went to high school with him." Y/N says. "I only dated him for a couple weeks." She says, playing with the end of her sleeves.
"A couple weeks?!" Matt exclaims.
"Okay. Okay, okay, okay." Chris mumbles, his hands curling into fists, the youngest triplet pacing as he tries to not blow up.
Nick pulls Y/N into his side, rubbing her arm. He hides the lower half of his face in her hair to make sure his brothers don't see his smile.
"Nick, how are you not freaking the fuck out?!" Matt questions, giving him an incredulous look.
"Cause she needs somebody relaxed. Otherwise you're gonna scare the fuck out of her even more." Nick reasons, wrapping his other arm around his sister.
"You know condoms are a thing, right? Or-- or birth control pills, making sure he pulls out, something." Matt rants.
"I-- we did. It just-- I guess the condom broke, maybe." Y/N says, curling into Nick to appear more anxious.
"I'm gonna kill him." Chris mumbles. "Yep. Yeah, definitely murder. Give me his name."
"Chris--" She mumbles.
"No. No, want his name. Then I'm flying back to Boston and I'm kicking his ass." Chris states.
"I'm with him. Thi-- you're 18. Do you know how expensive babies are? Especially these days? I can promise it's not fucking cheap. And-- and he should've made sure his condom was working. It-- this is fucking insane!" Matt yells. "This-- oh, my God! No. No, we-- do you know what you wanna do?"
"Not yet." Y/N mumbles.
"Oh, God." Matt groans. "No. No, you know what? Yeah. We're killing him. End of story. And this-- this is just fucking insane. I mean, pregnant? Pregnant? Holy, shit. What the fuck?"
"Y/N, tell us who it is." Chris orders.
"Would you two chill the fuck out?" Nick asks.
"Why are you so fucking calm?!" Matt yells. "Have you fucking lost it? This is fucking crazy! Our 18 year old sister is pregnant and you're acting like it's just another fucking Tuesday! Jesus Christ! We're not letting this go so damn easily. We need every detail, we--"
"Not every detail."
"I just can't believe that-- that-- that--"
"Okay, okay, hey." Y/N sits up, Nick letting go of her. "It's a prank. It's a prank."
"What?" Matt and Chris ask.
"It was a prank." Y/N says. "I-I bought a fake positive pregnancy test to prank you guys. Nick knew."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Chris asks. "Are you fucking seri--" He rubs his eyes.
"You're fucking joking." Matt glares.
"No." Y/N grins as Nick high fives her, the two laughing.
"I hate both of you." Chris says, walking out of the room.
"Never give me a heart attack like that again." Matt scolds, storming out of the room.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @venomsvl @wildieflower @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @mrvlxgrl @star-wars-lover @champomiel
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55sturn · 4 months
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series masterlist!
pairing: boston bruins player!chris sturniolo x fem!reader!
synopsis: in which chris is forced to swallow his pride as he comes to terms with the new that y/n has shared, realizing it’s not just her fault. however when he mentions the alternatives, he fails to see how much it hurts his girlfriend.
warnings: swearing, angst, chris not wanting a kid, verbal arguments, big talks about abortions and giving the kid up for adoption, mentions and descriptions of vomiting, a loooot of angst tbh.
important things to note: this is a heavy chapter so please keep that in mind if you choose to keep reading, i’ve done my part and have warned you about what this chapter entails so please do yours and close out of this fic if you cannot handle those topics. i am not your mother i cannot stop you, but if you choose to keep going despite being uncomfortable with the things i’ve warned you about, you are not allowed to get upset with anyone but yourself. enjoy<3
chris was left utterly speechless as he stared at the thin plastic stick in his hand. the only thing running through his mind, was “what am i going to do? i just signed the contract today?” he felt guilty being so absorbed in his doubts about his career but it was something he had worked for his entire life. he knew his concerns were selfish, he knew that, but he couldn’t stop worrying about them.
the words “we’re pregnant, chris.” rang in his ears like a bell chiming, he felt his breath get stuck in his throat and he wasn’t able to breathe. he quickly shifted y/n off his lap so he could begin pacing, he held his head in his hands as his skates clunked against the padded locker room floor.
“what the fuck are we going to do y/n?” chris spits, his voice broken and unsteady as he looks at his girlfriend, her eyes red with unshed tears as she shook her head softly and shrugged.
“i don’t know chris.”
“why weren’t you careful?” chris exclaims, unintentionally putting all the blame on her as her head snaps up, her brows furrowed tightly as she breathes out a listless laugh.
“how is this all my fault?”
“i’m not saying it’s your fault. but why didn’t you just get an abortion?”
“in case you forgot what you were taught in fifth grade health class, it takes two people to make a baby, chris. you were the one that wanted to hit it raw and you promised to pull out but clearly you didn’t. and i didn’t want to abort it without your input because this child is half of you, too. and i would not be able to sit through that alone!“ she scoffs, tears dripping down her cheeks as she stares up at him, guilt and regret chipping away at the slight glimmer of hope that chris would be okay with it that she held.
“i just signed a good contract baby, i can’t miss my games for this shit.” chris sighs, his heart rate slowing down, but his mind was still racing, leaving him blind to the internal battle his girlfriend was facing.
he felt sick, he had everything mapped out for the next five years and this baby completely threw a wrench in everything that he had meticulously planned. there was no way a baby this early in his career would look good, it’d make him look reckless and uncaring about his job.
“do you not think i’ve been thinking about that, chris? that’s the only thing i’ve been thinking about since i found out or even had the slightest idea i was pregnant, i have been terrified of derailing the life plans you’ve set up for yourself and i don’t know what the fuck to do but what i do know, is that we’re pregnant and we have to make a decision about this. so until you’ve processed this, you can stay with one of your brothers, i will be waiting at home.” y/n replies, her voice gradually getting quieter and breaking even more as she finishes. wiping her tears, she quickly exists the room, the need to vomit overcoming her.
her mind wouldn’t stop racing. it brought every possible scenario to the surface and she was beyond scared. what was she going to do? chris sure as hell didn’t seem to want the baby, and she thought she didn’t either but talking about it to chris had her realizing that she wants a family more than anything.
as she knelt in front of the toilet, she couldn’t help but laugh internally. finding out you’re expecting a child was supposed to be a joyous and happy time. finding out that you’re carrying a life that is half of yourself and the person you’re in love with, the person you’re fully committed to for life, was supposed to have you feeling over the moon. and instead, it had y/n’s stomach twisting with guilt, regret, heartache, and distress.
ash she wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet, she sat on the edge of it, letting her tears fall as she let the feelings of hopelessness and loss fully consume her heart. would she really see this pregnancy to term if chris didn’t want anything to do with her and the baby? if she did, would she let chris back into her life when he decides he wants a family? or would he seek a family somewhere else?
“how the fuck am i going to survive this without him?” she whispered to herself, quickly exiting the public washroom and making a beeline for the front entrance.
chris on the other hand, was stoic as he stared at the wall opposite of him, the thin plastic stick beside him taunting him and his mind, almost as if it was telling him that he was acting selfishly. instead of comforting his girlfriend, who was as equally terrified of their recent news as chris, if not more? he blamed her. he yelled at her.
he callously told her to abort their baby to be. to get rid of the life growing inside her as if it meant nothing. as if it wasn’t the product of two people that loved each other deeply. even if it wasn’t planned or considered, that child to be was still the result of chris and y/n’s love. of the fact that they held each other so closely that they made love without any preventative measures. but chris couldn’t look at it that way, he didn’t want to.
his focus was on his career, hockey was everything to him. it made him everything he is. but was hockey really the only thing that mattered to chris? as he mulled over the answer, images of y/n sobbing as she held the freshly positive test, of her sobbing and scared in front of him waiting for him to pull her into his arms in the middle of that locker room flash through his mind. he felt guilty, he hadn’t even hugged her as she sobbed, he so badly wishes he could rewind the clock a few minutes so he could react differently but he couldn’t.
he knew he wanted a family at some point in his life, but now? it was so early. he wanted to bask in all the glory of being the newest and youngest star on the bruins without the responsibilities of his personal life hanging over his head. but that wasn’t possible.
as his team made their way down the hall, chris shoved the test into the side pocket of his hockey bag and plastered a fake smile on his face. the team cheered and hollered as they had won the game. chris joined in on the festivities, briefly forgetting the decision he had to make as the team got dressed in their suits and dress clothes, deciding to hit the bar in the lounge above the rink nd celebrate their win and landing bracket in the playoffs.
y/n was in the complete opposite state, she sat at the table, the meal she had prepped hours ago as soon as she got home after leaving the game early sat on the table in front of her. it had grown cold and stale as she tried to bring the urge to eat to life but she couldn’t bear the thought of choking back her food. she hated eating without chris. she knew he wasn’t going to join her after she told him to stay with one his brothers, but out of pure muscle memory she made a plate for him and it sat across the table from her, taunting her, as if to say “this is what your future will look like if chris decides he doesn’t want the baby.” and it broke her heart into a million shards.
could she really handle a life without him? they’ve been together for so long as it is. was it worth it to go through everything that they have already, just for a child to tear them apart? she didn’t know the answer to that and she didn’t want to. she hoped that somehow, chris’ mind would change and he would have this great epiphany and realize he wants this, the family life with y/n.
she knew how important this spot on the bruins’ team was to chris, she knew that more than anybody else. but was it more important than a life with the woman he called his soulmate? was his career more important to him than his relationship?
y/n, truthfully, had began to believe it was. he would call off dates and anniversary dinners to go hang out with the team, he would come home late the nights he promised to be home early. he put so much of their time together on the back burner, and maybe this child was the wake-up call she needed. maybe she wasn’t cut out for the life of dating a superstar hockey player.
sighing, she cleared the plates off, putting the leftovers in an air-tight container and leaving them for her or, hopefully, chris to eat another day. she quickly loaded the dishwasher and started it before cleaning the rest of the kitchen. as she had finished, she flicked off the main kitchen light, leaving the light above the stove on so that when chris came home, if he had made up his mind yet, he wouldn’t be surrounded by complete darkness. but she knew in the back of her mind, chris coming home tonight was just wishful thinking.
as she laid in bed, she scrolled through instagram, chris’ story updates catching her eye. pressing down on his profile circle surrounded by a pinkish purple ring, she was met with the sight of chris and john shot gunning beer in their suits, leaving her slightly hurt that instead of talking about things with her or his brothers he chose to party with his team. she knew that making an appearance at the after parties was important, she had just hoped their situation was more important. but refusing to let herself dwell on what she meant to chris, she rolled over and willed herself to sleep.
it had been a few days since her confession to chris and she had yet to hear even just a single word from him. and the silence was killing her. after her doctors appointment, which confirmed that she was in fact two months along, she had received texts of congratulations and more from his family so she assumed he had said something and maybe he wasn’t completely ashamed of what was happening, but she had a gnawing feeling of doubt in her stomach telling her that wasn’t the case.
“matt i don’t know what to think.” chris sighed, looking to his more level-headed brother for advice in this situation.
“well chris, do you really want her to abort it? like can you live with the fact that you’re putting her through that, you know that she’s completely all for it, but it’s different when it’s the one going through it. so would you be able to live with the fact that you’re pushing her to take away this chance, both of yours and hers, at a family right now?”
“well when you put it that way-“
“and who’s to say that you won’t be looking at having a family the same way down the line if, let’s say, she aborts the baby now and this entire thing happens again? would you put her through it twice? when you could just as easily implement all the later plans with your career that included a family into your plans for now. it would be much easier to maneuver things around right because the ink on your contract has barely dried yet. you do it later down the line and shit could go up in flames. but if you’re still dead set on pushing her to an abortion, by all means do it. it’s up to you man but from the way you’ve talk about it, y/n wants to have a family so what you’re doing is most likely killing her, and if you pushing her to do this wrecks your relationship, you won’t find another girl to love you the way she does. and i know you didn’t actually ask for it, but my opinion is that you’re being a fucking idiot. you and i both know that all you’ve wanted with y/n is to raise a family. you talked about your future kids’ names with her two months into the start of your relationship. so i’m not sure why you’re doing all this shit, chris.” matt rambled, his words cutting directly into the flesh of chris’ heart, he knew matt was right. every word he spoke nothing but truth clinging to it. so why was he putting both him and y/n, mainly y/n, through all of this? sighing, chris nodded and thanked him for the advice before plucking his keys off the counter of matt’s kitchen before heading out the door and climbing into his car.
chris made quick work of driving home to y/n, he felt so unbelievably guilty for leaving her alone with her thoughts for as long as he had. as he stepped into their shared home, he felt like an intruder, he didn’t feel like himself, because in what world would chris, the same chris who is so unbelievably and irrevocably in love with y/n, push her to terminate their child? chris should’ve been ecstatic and sobbing over the news. instead he let his job cloud his judgement and focus, and he felt terrible.
“baby?” chris calls out, quickly climbing the entryway stairs and standing in the main hallway, waiting for y/n to answer.
“in here.” she calls back, her voice tired and strained from all the crying she had done. as chris rounds the corner into their room, his heart breaks at the sight of her curled up on his side of the bed in his hoodie.
“i am so sorry y/n, i’ve been an asshole.”
“i’ll say.” she whispers, shifting back to her side of the bed as chris climbs in beside her.
“i want to apologize for blaming you, it’s not your fault. and for suggesting an abortion without actually hearing what you want. if you want one, i’ll support you. i talked to matt and he made me realize what a jackass i’ve been. if you genuinely want this baby, then i do too. i love you, and i want you to be safe and happy. and if having a family makes you happy, then i’m willing to raise this baby with you because in all honesty, i do want this baby.”
“what about your career?”
“we’ll figure that out when we need to.”
“okay. i love you.”
“i love you forever and a day, y/n. i’m so sorry i’ve been so shitty, i was scared and lashed out on you when i should’ve acknowledged that you were scared too, i shouldn’t have let you deal with it on your own.” chris hums, wrapping his arms around her as she dries her tears and rest her head against his chest.
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taglist: @dylsdunbar @verosivy @soursturniolo @4sturns @sturnsclutter @spencerstits @meanttomeet @bluesturniolo333 @graciereid @abbie13sworld @ghostofbrock @l9vesick @mylifeisevenstranger @bethsturn @ifilwtmfc @themattgirl @lovingmattysposts @lacysturniolo @freshsturns @forevergirlposts @sturniolo-fav-matt @cupidsword @strawberrysturniolo @lustfulslxt @sturnifyed @carolsturns1 @teapartyprincess4two @mangosrar @querenciasturniolo @pinklittleflower @cutenote @ellie-luvsfics @strniolo @junnniiieee07 @33sturniolo @heartz4chris @hearts4chris @evie-sturns @nicksmainbitch @gnxosblog @sturniolopepsi
© 55STURN 2024 ! REBLOGS NOT EXPECTED BUT GREATLY APPRECIATED ! [ you do not have permission to copy or save or share my work to other platforms and devices! ]
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strniohoeee · 7 months
I NEED a pregnancy reader x matt smut
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is pregnant and yearning for Matt after reading mommy to be books, and learning about her libido spiking….will he give in?😙
Warnings⚠️: SMUT BABES, it’s nothing crazy just sex while pregnant? Idk shit bout being pregnant, so I tried my best LMAOO
Song for the imagine: Baby Love- The Supremes
⚠️This is an 18+ story, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
Matt and I had been dating for a good four years. We were both 21 now, and he and his brothers were super famous on YouTube. I always had a feeling they’d get bigger than they thought. I was there for every milestone, and when they hit 5 million subscribers we were so fucking happy
I was occasionally in videos, I preferred to stay out of them as those were his brothers lives, and not mine. However I would pop out here and there since we were 18. At first most fans thought we were friends until we were 20, and finally came out to say that we had been dating since we were 18. We got the expected comments half loving and half hating, but I didn’t care I was secure in my relationship.
However, Matt and I’s anniversary was a while back, and we had fun, LOTS OF FUN consisting of sex, sex and more sex.
But after two weeks I started to feel sick, and sore and just not right, so I decided to go to the doctor thinking it was the flu, or covid. What I didn’t expect was to find out I was pregnant… A WEEK AND A HALF PREGNANT.
I was shocked, but I also knew I wanted to keep this baby, and Matt and I weren’t always the most careful when it came to having sex. But he always told me if I got pregnant he’d take care of me with no questions asked.
I was currently 14 weeks pregnant, and I was showing, but not enough to really make people think. Especially since I dressed to hide my bump, and posed specific ways
The fans suspected nothing, and we didn’t want to say anything till I was almost due. Chris and Nick immediately jumped for joy and were always by my side if Matt couldn’t be. His parents and their brother Justin also supported me.
Mary-Lou and Jimmy would fly out like once a month to spend a few days with Matt and I. They were so excited to be grandparents.
I was reading a lot of what to expect when you’re expect type of books to prepare as best as I could. I was genuinely shocked at all the new information I was finding out
What I did read was starting at 14 weeks women experience a spike in there libido, and I kind of had a feeling because anytime I saw Matt I wanted to jump his bones
It’s called baby brain….we become different, and feral
Matt was out filming with his brothers and I was at home just doing nothing. I heard Matt come home, but I only heard him
He came into the bedroom
“Hey baby” he said putting his stuff down on his desk
“Hey Matt. Where’s Chris and Nick?” I asked
“They went shopping. They said that they wanted to buy some things for the baby” he said walking over and rubbing my little baby bump
“Aww that’s so nice of them. They don’t have to” I said looking up at Matt
“Yeah I know, but they wouldn’t budge they said there’s so many things they want to buy” he said sitting down to take his sneakers off
“They’re too nice I love them” I said as I rubbed my baby bump
Matt came over and laid next to me resting his head on his left hand while looking at me
“What’s my pretty lady been up to?” He asked
“I’ve just been reading these mommy to be books” I said pointing to a stack of books on the nightstand
“Find out anything good?” He asked
“Actually yes, our sex drive spikes at 14 weeks” I told him
“How far along are you?” He asked smirking
“Exactly 14 weeks today” I said winking at him
“Oh well then this must mean one thing” he said smiling at me
“It means you look so fucking hot all the time, I’m ready to jump on you when you walk through that door” I said
“Oh really?” He asked jutting (ew) his bottom lip out while pondering
“Oh yeah, and when you wear those whore outfits looking fine asf. I lose all self respect” I said giving him a kiss
“Oh baby, I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself” he said kissing me
“So don’t. I want to fuck, and I want it now” I said sitting up
“Won’t I hurt the baby?” He asked
“Matt….. be for real right now. Do you think the baby got his hand hanging out of my cervix ready to high five your dick?” I asked laughing at him
“You’re such a weirdo with your explanations” he said laughing at me
“You will not hurt the baby. It actually says sex is usually more enjoyable when the woman is pregnant” I told him
“So then let’s find out” he said grabbing my cheek and kissing me
Matt laid me back down as he hovered over me kissing me, and then slowly going down to my neck leaving sloppy kisses
“Matt I missed this” I said sighing
“Me too baby” he said coming back up and kissing my lips
He removed his shirt and his pants, and then took my shirt, and shorts off
“You look so fucking hot pregnant” he said gently rubbing my bump
“Maybe after this one we can have another” I said winking at him
“Oh baby I’ll have as many as you want” he said kissing me
Matt had slid off my underwear before coming back up to kiss me, and massaging my breasts lightly because they were a little sore
As he was kissing me, he slowly slid his hand down to massage my clit
“Fuck baby you’re so wet, and I haven’t even done much” he said looking into my eyes
“Matt when I tell you everytime I see you, I need you…I mean it” I told him
“Fuck baby” he said before going back to rubbing my clit, and slowly inserting two fingers inside of me
“Oh fuck Matt that feels so good” I said moaning at the feeling
He kept pumping his fingers in and out of me, before finally removing them, and placing his dick at my entrance
“Ready baby?” He asked
“I’m ready” I said, and slowly Matt slid into me completely bottoming out
“Fuck baby please move” I moaned out to him
Within an instant Matt was thrusting into me at a good pace, not too hard and not too soft. It felt amazing, and his pelvic bone was rubbing against my clit allowing for extra stimulation
“Oh baby I’m going to cum soon” Matt said as he thrusted into me while kissing my neck
“Me too. This feels so fucking good” I moaned out to him
Sex with Matt was always amazing, but I think because of my hormones it felt extra fucking good. I was so fucking wet like the sounds coming from me were insane
Matt kept thrusting into me, and I couldn’t stop clenching down on him
“Fuck matt I’m going to cum” I said clenching down on him harshly
“Come on baby, cum for me” he said thrusting into me and rubbing my clit
“Oh fuckkk” I yelled out as I came so hard all over Matt, my whole fucking body was shaking and my breathing stopped
“Oh my god” I said coming down from my high breathing heavily
Matt soon pulled out, and came all over my lower stomach. He came down from his high, and immediately ran to get a wet rag
“Sorry…cumming on your baby bump feels wrong” he said laughing, and I laughed with him because he’s such a weirdo
“It’s okay you weirdo” I said laughing at him and sitting up
We cleaned ourselves up, and got dressed, and in queue we heard the front door open
“Look at that perfect timing” he said getting up from the bed, and we both walked out to the living room
“We’re BACKKKKK” Nick yelled as he walked in with a ton of target bags full of baby stuff
“Guys what is all this” I said looking at the bags
“Well we have to spoil our unborn niece or nephew” Chris said bringing in more bags
“YALL THIS IS CRAZY” I said as my eyes fell on at least 12 bags of baby stuff
“Listen we’re so excited you have no idea” Nick said
“Hmm” Chris suddenly stopped and looked at Matt and I
“What?” matt said
“I know what was going on here” he said smirking at us
“The fuck are you talking about?” I said
“My poor niece or nephew was getting scrambled….yall was fuckingggggg” Chris said
“The fuck?” Matt said
“Well…..y/n your hair?? And Matt your shirt is on inside out and backwards” Chris said laughing
“MATT” I said smacking him
“OH MY GOD” Nick said laughing
“Uhh sorry?” Matt said getting all shy
We just laughed at this awkward interaction, and then Chris and Matt gave me a haul of what they got me while explaining every single item, and how either they will use it, or how I will use it
The End
Once again I hope yall enjoyed, and for the person that requested this I hope I didn’t disappoint 🥰 also I would like to do a/n at the end of my stories, so if you have any like personal questions, you can ask them here, and I’ll answer them in the next stories endings or as a separate thread 🤭🤭
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ariieeesworld · 2 months
Bun in the Oven —- C.S.
—chris sturniolo x poc!reader
—lowercase intended
—warnings: none that i can think of.
—a/n: chris is older in this imagine. (sorry if it’s ass😭)
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you and chris were at your house thinking of a way to announce your pregnancy, wanting it to be unique and fun. “do we have a bun or anything?” chris asks, breaking the silence as he walks around your kitchen. “like a hamburger bun or a hotdog bun?” you ask looking at him confused as you rub your baby bump. “hamburger,” he said, “i have a good idea of how to do this.”
you and chris decided to wait until you were 3 months pregnant to announce it. you know chris couldn’t hold water because he was excited to tell everyone the news, but how? as you were opening your phone to search up how to announce it but all of the ideas you’ve seen hasn’t stuck with you.
you looked at him as he grabbed the hamburger bun bag (?) and a long pan. you gasped when you realized what he meant. “oh my gosh, chris,” you said as you carefully got up from where you were sitting. “should i make a group call?” you say as you got excited but nervous by the thought of yours and his family’s reaction, you start playing with your fingers, while you patiently stand there as he set up the ‘announcement’. “hey, it’s gonna be okay,” he states as he rubs his hands over my arms and pulls you into an embrace.
“here i’ll add them, yeah?” he says as he takes your phone. he adds his mom and dad, matt, nick, and your parents, he makes sure everyone is in the group as he presses the FaceTime button. as you both waited for someone to pick up, chris held your hand as a way to calm you down. on the second ring , mary lou and jimmy’s face popped up on the screen, as well as matt and nick, and lastly, your parents. “hi guys,” dragging out your words nervously, you cuddled into chris’ arm, not wanting to overwhelm yourself with the thought of your parents being upset.
“we have an announcement,” chris voiced with excitement, handing over the phone to you, signaling for you to turn the camera around. “so-” a long beeep was heard from the oven as the people on the other end of the phone were confused. “did we leave something in the oven?” you said pointing the camera to the oven as chris opens the oven door. as anticipation lingers in the air, you hold phone so your family sees the hamburger bun in the oven.
you gasp dramatically as if you didn’t know that it was in there. mary lou was the first one to get the reference, “what!” she says teary eyed, your eyes also watering at her reaction, but hurriedly wiping them away. “i’m going to be an uncle?!” nick screams and covers his mouth, and matt doing the same. you see in the corner, your parents crying with joy. you pull chris into an embrace, ready for your baby (or babies) to be brought into this world.
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woofwof21 · 20 days
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idk if im back or not but here's something !!
also i had no idea what to make the title be but this'll do ig lol
warnings? idk: chris sturniolo x reader, use of y/n, use of cursewords, fluff, relatively long story i think
"chris, come onnnn!!!"
i wiggle my hand around in the air, impatiently waiting for my boyfriend to finally get out of the car while he has the AUDACITY to suddenly take ages with the most simple task of pressing down onto a little button and getting his ass off the damn seatwarmer.
"hold onnn, babe! ill be right with you", he replies and after a few more loud clashing noises and plastic ruffling he finally steps out of the passenger seat, slamming the car door shut.
my eyes widen, noticing his hands gripping onto a tiny quarter-shaped box in one and an even tinier plastic bag in the other.
"for you", he proudly announces with the most stupidest grin spread wide across his cheeks that causes a teenage-girl-like giggle to escape my lips.
as chris walks up closer, holding the contenments in his hands right up to me, i recognise lots of strawberries stacked up on one another in the plastic bag. the bag is sweetly decorated with tiny hearts that were, respectfully, pretty obviously drawn onto by chris....and a shiny, golden string is tied into an average looking bow around the top as closure.
"oh my god, baby are you serious??!"
my voice echoes loudly through the entire parking lot, but i don't even care. i shift my gaze to look back into his beautiful eyes and notice the smile on his face softened into a look that pretty much expressed his love to me in all the right ways which causes my stomach to tighten with butterflies that fill it up to the brim.
"i saw a little fruit stand on a street and thought like 'oh y/n likes strawberries!', so i got you strawberries", he explains nonchalantly as if this wasn't the most adorable thing he could've ever possibly done.
"that is SO sweet!! thank you SO much!!!"
my arms snake through the small space between arms and torso, wrapping them around his waist to give him a good squeeze.
he chuckles while draping his arms over my shoulders. i feel the warm palm of his hand rub up and down my back while casually giving me the warmest, most comforting hug i'll ever receive.
"you're welcome"
i feel his soft lips swiftly brush against my forehead in a light kiss before pulling put of the embrace.
he shoves the gifts right up against my chest, into my arms and places his hand on the small of my back, gently pressing down to set my feet back into walking pace.
"we're gonna miss the movie", he states as he guiding me through the parking lot and i roll my eyes while silently inspecting my presents, twisting and turning the box wich appears to have some chocolates inside and running my thumb over the adorable little drawn on hearts on the plastic bag.
"wait, we can't take those with us into the movie theater, babe!"
i look up to him with worried eyes and notice the corner of his lips curling up into a smirk. the devious glint in his eyes causes my brows to furrow in confusion. what the fuck is that fucker on.
"don't worry, i know what to do"
as we reach the frontdoors of the building i trip on my feet, feeling his hand wrap around my arm and pulling me to the side.
he grabs the box from my hand and slides it under his hoodie before snatching the strawberries out of my grasp and shoving them under my shirt aswell.
all i can do is give him a disappointed look and shake my head left to right...that was his solution??
"dude, you can CLEARLY see this, chris you can't be serious", i exclaim while running my hand over the very obvious bulge on my shirt which even causes the plastic to crinkle and echo through the whole goddamn street!
chris laughs at the plain disappointment my furrowed brows presented and presses his lips on my wrinkled forehead as he places his hand on the bump.
"we're pregnant!!", he announces with a way too proud grin like he made the creation of the century
"you're fucking kidding me"
chris once again breaks out into a fit of laughter. he's enjoying this a little too much and the fact that he's being absolutely fucking adorable about it irritates me even more. how the fuck am i supposed to be mad at this dumbass when he's like this????
once he's FINALLY calmed back down he grips onto my hand, dragging me back to the entrance and i defeatedly stare at the stupid smirk that remained spread wide from cheek to cheek, showing off his teeth "come on"
we step inside the movie theater and my heart starts racing in thoughts of what the fuck would actually happen if they caught us.
i mean obviously they would just throw the food into the bin and then just continue on following to the script, tell us to enjoy our movie and have a nice day and whatever....
'oh my god, what if the cops get involved??'
'girl calm down, it's just food, no one really gives THAT much of a shit'
'wait, maybe they're gonna just start laughing and give us a pass!'
'okay you're not THAT special'
i get pulled out of my thoughts at the feeling of chris' lips press against my forehead and look up to him confused as he once again smirks down at me. he leans closer to my ear, his arm that is now draped around my shoulder squeezes me slightly more against his chest and a shiver runs down my spine once his breath hits my neck and the softness of his whispering-voice travels through my ear.
"told you we'd make it through"
my head practically jolts to look behind us and i now realize we've surpassed the security. holy shit, was i deep in thought.
k bye 😭
i've been tryna get myself to write like..not about chris for once heh but like idfk this is like my forth time writing like a one shot ever anyway so like whatever
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