#christ follower
dollydoedear · 22 days
blessed jesus, the good shepherd, i ask you to lead us all now into an age of gentleness and peace. i ask you to open our hearts and soften our resolve so that we may love each other more than we hate our differences. in your most precious name, amen.
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hejkatie · 4 months
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ootd // weekend family fun 🫐
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artofkhaos404 · 2 months
"Death is the last act of self giving, the final repudiation of self, the ultimate act of impoverished ragamuffins before the fierce mercy of God."
-Brennan Manning
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tears-that-heal · 4 months
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artist on instagram @arkitekyuklid
"Life with Jesus" comics!!! 😆👍 Lol
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deangelajns · 10 months
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sherbert113 · 1 year
If you think drag queens reading books aloud are a danger to kids?
If you think the trans femme populous is out to take away your womanhood?
If you think that any they/them is better off as a was/were through suicide?
If you think a world without trans people is God's plan, or has ever been God's plan?
You're not my friend.
More importantly?
You're not a Christ follower. Full. Stop.
Christ calls us to care for others regardless of their lifestyle. There's no spot for hatred in your heart if you say Jesus is in it.
So do your research.
Have solidarity.
Stop the hate.
And love your neighbor.
Because our lives depend on it.
P.S. if you're tempted to reach out and "admonish" this follower of Christ, and tell me that I'm doing this wrong? Remember the plank and the speck, my friend. Think about your response, don't give me your impulse reaction. And examine your beliefs. Because if this, the literal golden rule, doesn't fit? You'll have some explaining to do.
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fxshrxfmxn · 1 year
Who the frick is worshipping crosses? What?
Christians don’t worship crosses. The cross is a symbol so that we remember how Christ died for us. It’s a symbol of his unfathomable love.
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glorifytheking · 2 months
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Embracing Our Calling: A New Perspective on Fundraising and Outreach
I love the work God has called me to do. While there are days when the kids drive me up the wall, the joy and love that come from caring for hurting hearts often leave me with a joy that’s impossible to explain. (Although, at this moment, with two preschool-aged boys going crazy, that feeling hasn’t quite come through yet today). We are all in on Kids Cove. My wife is working full-time to help…
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dollydoedear · 10 days
asking for prayers for my boyfriend, his health is very fragile and i love nobody as dearly as him.
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bmegrl9124 · 4 months
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artofkhaos404 · 2 months
"Honesty is such a precious commodity that is seldom found in the world or the church. Honesty requires the truthfulness to admit the attachment and addictions that control our attention, dominate our consciousness and function as false gods. I can be addicted to vodka or to bring nice, marijuana or being loved, to cocaine or being right, to gambling or relationships, to golf or gossiping. Perhaps my addiction is food, performance, money, popularity, power, revenge, reading, television, tobacco, weight or winning. When we give anything more priority than we give to God, we commit idolatry. Thus we all commit idolatry countless times every day."
-Brennan Manning (Ragamuffin Gospel)
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mystic-evangeline · 5 months
I love God +++
One thing I love about God is His SOVEREIGNTY.. He is constantly teaching me hard yet effective lessons regarding who He is as a God of love, a God of justice, a God of mercy. A God of patience, kindness. Yet wrath and holiness. He is above us, yet He wants to relate to us so intimately that He would pay attention to the smallest, most nuanced details of our lives. He desires a relationship with us. He wants to be "one" with us. Yet constantly, we choose separation from Him out of .... selfishness? Fear? Doubt? We avoid Him because we love our own sin too much. And not enough of His perfect holiness. Upon reading the Book of Job, I realize that God is 'terrifying,' yet He desires for us to be terrified of Him in a healthy way - not in a way that makes us feel trapped or insecure or small. He desires for us to love Him and to be relational with Him. But He isn't afraid to reel us in, gently and lovingly, when we need it. Everything He does and says to us is always out of love and kindness. His wrath equates to being "angry," yes, but it is divine anger toward our sin and selfishness. Laying down His life through the gift of His Son satiates the anger and the darkness of this world.
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womanofissue · 17 days
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tom4jc · 8 months
Ezekiel 48:38 What Is Your Name?
All the way around shall be eighteen thousand cubit; and the name of the city from that day shall be: THE LORD IS THERE. Ezekiel 48:35 Every city around the world has a name. The name chosen can be because of where it is located, what is in it, by who founded the city, or some other significant reason. There is significance to the name that is sometimes lost in history. Just as cities are name,…
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donewithreligion · 10 months
Christ is Our Focus
by Jim Gordon A good friend of mine wrote the following paragraph: ‘There is an old hymn that says On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. As important as the church is in our lives, we have to be careful not to put our hope in it. I have received a lot of help thru the church and a lot of good basic teachings. I was also saved in church but my hope is not in the…
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