#christian drug rehabilitation for men
ninelivesastrology · 2 months
tw: domestic violence, stalking
I have to post that I hate my ex constantly because the last bitch he dog walked was convinced that he was still in love with me (he wasn't, he was paranoid I was going to tell people about his fucked up ways) and you know, he likes to pillow talk and pillow stalk* and make them do his dirty work to neg them and create a giant web of triangulation and coercive control.
And no, it wasn't enough that I was pregnant and a different state because I ran from him because my husband's deadbeat drug addict mother was tryna to play paid Matchmaker with a man she knew was a danger to me all because she projects her dead husband onto her son. I hate that "if I can't have you, no one can."
Some people are only in these relationships for so long because there's no other options, because they're being controlled and monitored, because they know their abuser will try to destroy every other relationship or kill them and you really have to be discerning on what you believe coming from a man crying about his ex is crazy. This man wants to end up in the hospital after provoking women he resents just so he can spin the story and get flowers. I've never met someone so blatantly ignored as a child.
Like I'm so convinced that if these people were really satisfied by what they did, it still wouldn't be happening three years after I ended the relationship. Seems like they want me to fuck him again. Seems like he's chasing vindication. Seems like the whole "tell everyone my ex is crazy after I stalk her and trigger her on purpose to set her up to look crazy and like a liar" plan didn't work. It won't change anything about the way they view him. I wonder how much his mom paid to lighten the load because as far as I'm concerned, he fucking hates her because she has multiple kids by different men (so a "whore with proof") and couldn't keep his deadbeat drunk father around. Yeah, all that shit is her fault and his dad's probably on the verge of liver failure, if not already dead. Me walking back through his door won't change shit. Over my dead body. Go fuck some pretty twink in daisy dukes again since all that shit "comes with the territory." None of this is my problem.
Like tell everyone I'm crazy and mentally unstable before and after sabotaging my life. He gets to look like the Nice Guy victim just helping me out and gets to treat me like a slave all over again. Yeah, do all that and it won't change the fact that he was asking men unprovoked if they fucked me when we weren't together and believing it when they said yes to fuck with him, talk about the Pussy Police. It won't change the fact he snorted the red pill and all this other shit and can't be rehabilitated. It won't change the fact he's projecting. It was his device encrypted on my social media, but you know what... I'm "crazy." Fuck him and his "I don't listen to reggaeton because it's all the same beat" self hating ass.
*Pillow stalking is when the person you just fucked brings up his ex's social media and in the afterglow of sex, you both start stalking his ex, Christian Cole-core
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trustparking · 2 years
Gpass philadelphia pa
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Gpass philadelphia pa free#
Provides GED testing two Saturdays a month. Provides computer classes, career trainings, job readiness workshops, life skills workshops, GED classes, adult basic literacy classes. Provides job training, education and related programs and services to help people get the skills and experience necessary to get a job. Provides GED/ABE prep classes and ESL classes. Oxford Circle Christian Community Development Association Provides cost-effective classes to prepare for the GED test.
Gpass philadelphia pa free#
Offers free internet access, computer classes, and workforce development. The education and workforce services division provides ESL, GED and work readiness components. Provides a free, intensive program designed for adults who need to work and are not sure what kind of job or training they need. Offers a wide range of literacy services, including reading, writing, math, life, technology and work skills. Offers comprehensive outpatient drug and alcohol program for men and women. Provides an atmosphere of hope, striving to help all members in their personal ongoing recovery. SouthWest Nu-Stop Recovery and Education Center (SWNSREC) Offers recovery houses for men and women no insurance necessary.Ī drug and alcohol treatment facility for male, 17 years or older. Offers outpatient and intensive outpatient services for persons 18 years of age and older with an alcohol or other drug abuse/dependence problem.Ī network of 136 agencies providing a wide range of services. PeerNet – The Mental Health Association of Southeastern PennsylvaniaĪ peer to peer support program for adults in Philadelphia with Behavioral Health challenges or both Behavioral health and Drug/Alcohol challenges. In-Patient Drug and Alcohol Community Corrections. Provides a spectrum of both addiction services and acute major psychiatric and dual-diagnosis disorders. Provides intensive substance abuse treatment program, which is a 12-week long program, and Narcotic Addiction Rehabilitation Program (NARP). Jefferson University Hospital: Substance Abuse Programs Provides a continuum of comprehensive services to women with substance abuse and mental related issues. Offers a variety of services, including residential programs for men and women with substance abuse problems, counseling, outpatient treatment, case management and programs for persons with mental health problems. Provides general outpatient, intensive outpatient treatment, and medication assisted treatment on substance abuse and addiction. Greater Philadelphia Asian Social Service Center (GPASS) Helps people affected by chemical dependency, mental illness and related conditions to achieve a better quality of life. The largest freestanding behavioral health hospital in southeastern Pennsylvania. Has an in-patient detox and rehab program for men and women. Provides treatment for addiction, eating disorders, mental & behavioral health and co-occurring disorders. Provides substance abuse treatment services and dual diagnosis addiction treatment. Offers personal solutions and supports to adults seeking medication-assisted treatment for opiate abuse. Achievement through Counseling and Treatment (ACT)
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substance abuse addiction rehab pensacola fl: Teens need a bit of attention!
Teen-addiction is the topical tension:
  With a lot of things going around us. It has been very much difficult to focus on everyone, and in this hustle-bustle it is our teens who are getting our minimal attention. You see the current pandemic, where everyone is living a different life on their own, we hardly get time to watch our teens. Being with them, will not mean that we know them, rather it's time to explore all about them going into their lives not as parents but as friends. Yes, it might work here! Addiction treatment centres for girls mention that addiction has been a deep-fixed anxiety that is tough to root out, but what if it affects our innocent teens? Yes, we need to find a way out. With this, our rehab centres took an initiative helping addict teens to come out of their addiction by introducing helpful rehab sessions we give at our centres.
 What makes their urges irresistible?
  Christian addiction treatment centres for adults say that before planning sessions it is our sole job to know what are the reasons that force a tender teen to opt for such an awful habit. With a handful of information about the addict’s addiction and a detailed description of its history will help us plan personalized sessions that will bring quicker and ever last effects. 
 After working on several teen addiction cases, we came up with the following vital reasons that instigate one to get into addiction:
   Teens who hang out with groups indulged in     addiction activities or some other dreadful practices are likely to     practice those habits going forward. This happens because of the influence     of other people in the group, that gives courage to the non-addict teen to     try a new habit and as addiction is something that is too smart at giving     illusional happiness, an innocent teen can easily become an addict. So,     keeping an eye on your teen along with giving them the freedom they     deserve is essential says Christian     addiction rehab for women.
These days, it is becoming tough to diagnose a     person’s mental state. When physical pain can be easily noticed, mental     stresses are tough to filter. With exam fear, career stress, love-life     tensions, past trauma experiences, a lot of kids go through a phase, where     they require serious consultation of a skilled therapist. But, in that     case, for a quick exit from their problems, they choose drinking, smoking,     etc. which in turn makes a person more vulnerable and weaker to handle all     mental loads. Talk with your child like a friend and try getting into     their issues and guide them with the dealing process.
Some kids try a habit to get a first-time     experience, which becomes a tough-to-leave habit over time. Make your kids     understand, it is fine to experience a new adventure, but it has to be     within a limit!
    When the list of reasons is long to describe, we at Christian addiction treatment centres for adults want to highlight the popular ones helping parents as well as guardians to check if their teens are on the right track or not. At our rehab centres, we train teens to explore objectives of their lives and achieve it practically. For that we encourage them to get rid of their addiction by giving frequent sessions, where they learn new productive habits. At Teen challenge, it will be our pleasure to help you with our exclusive rehabilitation services, but before that, how about a friendly discussion on your issue? Call us! For more details Visit us at https://teenchallenge.cc/
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iv3-b33n-st4rl0ck3d · 2 years
Cult is the term commonly used for a new religion devoted to a living leader and committed to a fixed set of teachings and practices. Such groups range in size from a few followers to worldwide organizations directed by a complex chain of command. Members of these groups generally consider them to be legitimate religions and rarely call them cults. Most historians of religion use the more neutral term new religious movement instead of cult. Because there is no one definition of cults, their number and membership today cannot be accurately measured.
Kinds of cults. Traditionally, the term cult referred to any form of worship or ritual observance, or even to a group of people pursuing common goals. Many groups accepted as religions today were once classified as cults. Christianity began as a cult within Judaism and developed into an established religion. Other groups that began as cults and developed into organized churches include the Quakers, Mormons, Swedenborgians, Christian Scientists, Methodists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Seventh-day Adventists. For a discussion of cults in the ancient world, see Mysteries .
During the 1960's, new religious movements spread and flourished in the United States. Since that time, negative publicity about cults has altered the meaning of the term cult. Today, the term is applied to groups that follow a living leader who promotes new and unorthodox doctrines and practices. Some leaders demand that members live apart from everyday society in communities called communes. Leaders claim that they possess exclusive religious truth, and they command absolute obedience and allegiance from their followers. Some cults require that members contribute all their possessions to the group. None of these characteristics are unusual in the history of religions. But they tend to create suspicion among outsiders, especially those whose family members join such groups.
Modern cults. Probably the most notorious new religious movement of the late 1900's was the People's Temple, a group led by the Protestant clergyman Jim Jones. Hundreds of his followers moved into a rural commune called Jonestown in the South American country of Guyana. They lived under Jones's absolute rule. In 1978, members of the People's Temple killed a U.S. congressman and three journalists. Jones then ordered his followers to commit suicide, resulting in the deaths of more than 900 people, including Jones. See Guyana (History) .
Another controversial group was the Branch Davidians, led by the self-proclaimed prophet David Koresh. In 1993, a 51-day confrontation between the Branch Davidians and federal forces near Waco, Texas, ended with a tragic fire in the group's compound. More than 80 Branch Davidians died, including Koresh.
Some movements regarded as cults did not begin as religious groups. A movement called Synanon was originally organized in California to rehabilitate drug addicts. It changed into a commune that won legal recognition as a religion.
Two of the largest groups regarded as cults in the United States had origins in Asia. The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), commonly called the Hare Krishna movement, was established in 1966. Its leader, the Hindu teacher A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, had come from India to the United States in 1965. During the 1960's and 1970's, he established many centers in the United States and other countries. Many members of ISKCON wear orange robes similar to those worn by Indian holy men.
The Unification Church, founded by the evangelist Sun Myung Moon, is an adaptation of Christianity. Its members, commonly called "Moonies," believe in a cosmic struggle between the forces of good and evil. The Unification Church has been aggressive in seeking conversions. Like many other cults popular in the 1970's, however, it began to adopt a more moderate tone in the 1980's.
Less aggressive and more loosely organized cults tend to stress such personal spiritual practices as meditation. Transcendental meditation, for example, offers forms of meditation practice to participants but does not require adherence to specific religious creeds. See Transcendental meditation.
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chimtaesty · 4 years
broken souls (pjm!hybrid au)
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plot :Helping hybrids is your passion, as a local hybrid center calls you for help because of a abused and broken panther hybrid you pack your stuff and hurry to put him back together.
warnings: death, abuse | 4.9k words
a/n: hi there, it’s been a while huh? I’m finally back and better than ever. I released two stories lately which seemed like a fever dream so i won’t continue them but i hope you are ready to keep supporting my stuff :) I hope you like this story since i spent a lot of time and thoughts on it :)
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“Hello? Who is this?”
“Am i talking to Y/N?”
“Yes you are, who is this?” 
“Oh, i’m sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Helen Wallis and I'm the Head of the Hybrid Rehabilitation Center Crystal Snow. I’m calling because we take care of a very delicate case at the moment, the issue is that we don’t know how to take further care of this poor soul and I heard that you are an amazing psychologist student who even helped the Seong-girl out of her cruel thoughts. If you could maybe take your time to take a look at this broken boy we would all be really thankful.”
To be honest, this girl didn’t take a lot of work. She was spoiled and upset because a boy in her school rejected her. The only reason this became a big thing was because the parents are influential people. But you would love to help someone who needed your help so you didn’t have another choice.
“I would gladly take a look at him, if you could send me his file.”
“Oh yes, of course. Thank you a lot Y/N, your help means a lot”
You’ve looked at the same three sheets of paper for the last two hours and you can’t believe what’s printed on it. The sentences make you angry and give you the feeling of having to throw up. He was raised on a local farm which turned out to be an underground fighting ring. He had to take drugs. He was raped and had to watch his mum getting killed, the only person on this planet who he loved. He has lost someone just like you, you may be able to connect with him faster than with Seong Hye-Jin.
The speed of your heart beating decreases as you pack the papers back into your bag. The bus rumbles and your stop arrives faster as you expected it to. The building looks nice, it has  a big blue sign on top that says “Crystal Snow Rehabilitation Center”. It’s a short walk across the street to the entrance. As you walk towards the front desk a chubbier in white dressed older lady walks towards you. “You must be Y/N, it’s so nice to meet you. I called you earlier this week” you nod and shake her hand. “Yes, I tried to prepare myself as well as possible, but i’m not sure if he is going to welcome my help. I would say we just give it a try.”
The walk to Jimin’s room is long, there are a lot of doors, hallways and two elevators involved. Before Helen opens the door she turns around and clasps your hands in hers. “I need you to be careful. I couldn’t forgive myself if he hurt you. If something goes south please shout immediately, security is right outside this door. God may bless you” she whispers the last sentence as she turns the key and the door opens. You smile at Helen and take a step in. You never thought much about god or christianity, it’s all a hoax. Where was god when you needed him? 
“Please leave the door open until I say otherwise” you whisper towards Helen and she nods. As you take a look inside the tiny room you are reminded of your bedroom at your parents house. It was tiny but cozy, Jimin might feel the same.
There he is, laying on his bed facing the window. “Hi there, Jimin. My name is Y/N, I would like to talk to you. Is that fine with you?” He doesn’t say anything nor does he move. He’s not ignoring you though, he’s listening very well. “Should i leave the door open?” you ask silently and he doesn’t answer, he turns around to look at you. A thing catches your attention immediately, the big scar across his left eye.
He nods and you nod back not saying anything. “Can i sit myself down over there or should I stay here?” you ask again to tear his attention from the open door, this is no time to do something dumb. “Stay” he whispers and you comply, he wants to keep you at a distance. The spot you��re standing at is a great place to oversee everything you do. “Alright, i’ll just sit down right here” you smile, he doesn’t reply.
As you sit there on the floor he grows more comfortable. The door is open and there is no one who pushes him to speak. You lowered yourself to the ground where he is able to look down on you. “So, Jimin. We both know why I’m here. To be quite honest, these people here don’t really care about you. It sounds harsh but that’s the truth. The only thing they are interested in is rehabilitating you and getting you out of here. They want you to move on and live normally but let’s be real for a second, that’s impossible.” His head snaps upwards to look at you.
“Everyone tells you how great life is and how badly you need to move on. The problem is that after all life ever gave you, it’s hard for you to understand that optimism. Life is shit, isn’t it?” you chuckle and he nods. “I didn’t expect you to say that” his raspy voice fills the room.
You chuckle “What? That life’s shit? Well, it’s the truth.” he nods and suddenly his ears move from being stuck flat on his head to standing upwards, ready to listen to you. “You know, Jimin. I understand you. Life hasn’t been kind to me either. I might’ve not lived through something as terrific as you but it comes close. Do you want to hear it?” he nods but still keeps his head low. You know that sharing hurtful experiences can help you connect to each other. You knew almost everything about him. You know what those horrible people did to him and how he became who he is now but he knows nothing about you. He doesn’t know why you are willing to sit on his floor or why the hell the door was kept open
“I had to kill my father” That catches his attention. His eyebrows furrow as he stares at you.
“Two men broke into our house one night when I was thirteen. I didn’t know what was happening, I mean it was around three am and i was sleeping. My brother was dead when I arrived in the living room, they had almost decapitated him. My parents were restrained and sat up on our couch.” 
I have to breathe for a moment before I can continue. Right in that moment he locked his gaze with me for the first time. We share a quick glance.
“My mum was raped before they slit her throat and I couldn't do anything.I had to stab my dad 28 times. The only thing I remember was them telling me that everything’s my fault. I don’t know what I did nor do I know why my parents had to pay for it. But I moved on. I didn’t forget, not that I ever could forget this massacre but, I try to survive. Nothing can ever bring them back and I know that. I will never see them again and it hurts everytime i close my eyes because I see their lives leaving their bodies when I do but I try to move on. I try to live ” 
I wipe my tears and look at the floor as all the pictures come back. The blood, the bones being cracked and the lives being taken-”I’m sorry you had to go through that” he whispers and a small sniff leaves your body. “Thank you, Jimin.” you whisper back and for a moment there’s just silence. It’s comforting and scary at the same time. It’s almost as if he accepts you now, as if he knows what you feel.
“Do i have to tell you?” you shake your head with a small smile. You wouldn’t mind but every time you have to talk about it you literally relive what happened. You don’t want him to feel what you do now  “No, you don’t have to if you don’t want to” he nods and sighs, a big weight visually leaving his shoulders. “You can sit on the chair, the floor must be cold” you almost laugh. “I’ll gladly. Thank you, Jimin.” You sit down in front of him and he moves back slightly.
“Jimin” you whisper and his head snaps towards you “Yes?” he whispers back. His eyes softly gaze at yours “I need you to know that you’re not alone. What you had to go through is in no way forgettable and I know that you regret many things but you’re not alone. ” he just stares at you until his eyebrows furrow and his chest starts to move faster and faster. You triggered something, something bad.
“You’re lying” he whispers and his nostrils flare and his eyes stare at the floor. “You’re lying like everyone else.” He almost growls at you as you try to deny what he said. “I’m not, Jimin, listen to me!” you plead and you notice the shift. In front of you is no longer the quiet and understanding person he was two minutes ago . He shifted to what those people made him, a broken, hurt and traumatized boy who’s life is a living hell.
Now that they got him out of there he’s held captive in his mind. The horror he had to experience every day is now tormenting him inside his own head and no one seems to understand that.  His eyes grow dark and his body builds itself up and he flashes his teeth in a threatening way. He closes himself off. He’s gone, the soft understanding boy you were just talking to was somewhere crying in a corner of his mind scared of getting attached and being thrown away like garbage.
In a matter of seconds his hands find their way around your throat. He tightens his grip and you find it hard to breathe. Your pleads come out strangled as he lets out a low grunt. This situation reminds you of the night you killed your father. The men strangled you as well while you watched your mum being raped, the only difference here is that Jimin isn’t doing it out of pleasure, he’s terrified to the point where he’s alright with taking another person's life.
The two security men find their way into the room as your legs give in and you two fall to the floor, Jimin didn’t let go though. Your last attempt of staying alive needs to work so you clasp his face in between your hands. You stroke his cheek and give him a small smile. “It’s alright” His eyebrow twitches slightly and in a matter of seconds his grip around your throat loosens and your vision finds its way back to you. You cough violently after you push him behind yourself.
“Miss, please move. We need to move this farrell animal, he’s a threat” you shake your head as you move closer to Jimin “He’s not- cough -that’s why I-cough-I’m here. Pl-cough-Please move outside, thank you-cough.” They share a worried look but do as told and move to their spots outside. Your head hangs low as you try to steady your breathing.
Behind you, you can hear silent but repetitive sorry’s.
You turn around slightly, just to look at him. He now understood what he had done. You can’t blame him for what he did, he was terrified as you somehow triggered something in his brain with your reassurance. “Jimin” you breathe out and his rant of sorry’s stop. “Jimin,this isn’t your fault, okay? I’m not mad at you” You turn towards him and take his hand into yours.
“Do you hear me? I’m not mad at you” he doesn’t look at you as you talk to him. The atmosphere in his room is cold and uncomfortable. His demeanor changed, he feels sorry and you know that. He almost killed you and you’re not upset. It’s something that’s hard to understand, why would someone you hurt still like you? Simple, they are either unconditionally in love with you or know how you feel. They understand the things you went through, the pain you feel, they relate.
“How?” He whispers as his emotions get ahead of him. “I almost killed you, look at your throat” he sniffs and you can’t help but touch it. It’s sore and probably bright red but you don’t really care. “It’s fine” you answer him and he shakes his head “How can that be fine? You were nothing but nice to me and I struck you to the floor to strangle you. If that is fine to you, you’re dumb”
You nod your head “Maybe I am”. You stroke the hair out of your face and get up. “I’ll be leaving now-“It was nice meeting you Y/N, I’m sorry that I hurt you and I understand that you won’t come ba-“Oh, I’m coming back” his head snapped up to look at you. “What?” You chuckled slightly “You can’t get rid of me that easily, we are friends now, Jimin.” He just gives you a star struck expression as you’re almost outside of his room. “I’ll bring you some cake next time”
About a week later you again stand in front of the center. You thought a lot about how you could help Jimin and to be honest, you have no idea. The only thing that somehow connects you two is the trauma. There’s nothing that really connects you, you lived a great life until that night, you always had and always will have the privilege of being a human and not a hybrid. Jimin was born on a farm like an animal, raised like one and treated like one.
In your hands you hold the cake you promised him the last time. You open the door just to be greeted with Helen. She smiles at you and welcomes you with a warm handshake “Y/N, how nice to see. Jimin has been asking for you everyday. He told me what he has done and how you treated him. I’m glad that you didn’t run away, he really needs your help” you nod and smile at her “We had a great start actually, I’m positive that I’m able to help him.” she gives you a comforting smile before she answers you “He’s outside, by the pond” you nod and take your leave to the garden.
The garden is blooming beautifully, a lot of flowers and bushes decorate the garden in a welcoming and soft way. Other hybrids roam around the garden as well. Some play together, some stay alone just like Jimin. He’s sitting on a bench in front of the pond while he stares at the water. You clear your throat as you stand right behind him and he’s fast to turn around.
His face shifts to a soft smile as he sees you. “Y/N!” he exclaims happily. He puts his legs down and makes space for you. You thankfully take the spot next to him. The air is thick between you two and you can pinpoint exactly why. He still feels sorry for what he did and you don’t really know how to approach this matter.
“I brought you the cake I promised” you throw into the silence. He doesn’t look, he doesn’t move at all. “I thought you wouldn’t come again” he says sadly. Your head snaps towards his and your eyes lock. “Why would you think that? I told you i would come back” you give back. He shakes his head and finally glances at the cake “I thought you might’ve changed your mind.” you sigh and hit his shoulder lightly. “I would never break my promise, now try the cake” you give him a fork and let him taste it.
“I didn’t bake it though, I’m terrible in the kitchen” you chuckle and he smiles “That’s fine, it’s delicious” he silently eats the cake and thanks you another two times. “How’s your throat?” he asks quietly. You unconsciously touch your throat. “It’s fine, it’s a little bit red” he nods and shoves another fork of cake into his mouth. Just then you notice a red mark on his right hand. They didn’t hit him, did they?
“Jimin, you need to be completely honest with me right now” his eyes go wide as your face grows angry. “Did they hurt you for what you did to me?” he almost chokes on his cake as you ask him that. “Did they hit you?” you ask again and he hides his hand before he tries to explain himself. “It’s not like i didn’t deserve it.” he stammers. “They are not allowed to do that, Jimin. You should’ve told me right away, I will make sure something like that never happens ever again.” he shakes his head and takes your hand into his. “It’s alright, don’t worry about it.” You give him an angry look “It is not alright, no one should treat you like that” he smiles slightly and strokes the back of your hand.
“I’m fine” and for a moment you believe him. You forget the red mark on his hand and the scar across his eye. You forget what happened to you and what happened to him. You forget the handprints around your throat. The trees and flowers disappear as well as the pond which seems to drain into oblivion. Nothing else other than the beautiful boy in front of you seems to exist. The way his dark hair almost hides his beautiful eyes which are trying to reassure you. The way his bruised hand gently strokes yours and the way this feeling makes you want to cry. It makes your walls crumble.
“Y/N?” his voice tugs you out of your thoughts. His hand wipes a tear from your face “Why are you crying?” he asks quietly. You can’t talk, it’s like someone took your ability to speak.
“It’s alright, I sometimes cry as well.” He lets go of your hand and suddenly everything comes back. Everything is there again and it’s hard to comprehend. Why did it feel nice?
“I did horrible things, you know. You shouldn’t look at me like that” your eyebrows furrow. “Like what?” he looks up at the sky “Like you love me, my mum used to look at me like that” he gives back and you can’t move. “It’s a look that says that you would give me the universe and more if you could. It’s a look which says that you would love everything about me but you won’t, you can’t. I did things that not a single living creature should do. If you knew what i did, you wouldn’t speak to me ever again. You would look at me the same way as everyone else ever did! “ he almost shouted.
You are taken aback, what is he talking about. “Well, what did you do?” he whips around and stares at you in disbelief. “Did you just completely ignore what i said?” you shake your head and smile at him “Do you think I’m like everyone else? I stabbed my dad almost thirty times, how bad can it be?” his face grows angry and he pushes the cake to the side. “One time I was in the ring I had to kill my opponent. The bloodier it was the better, so I ripped his windpipe from his throat. Another time I broke someone's neck just to get fed. Do you even know what it feels to get praised for taking someone's life?”
Without thinking you get closer, your noses almost touched as you did. “Yes, I do know what it feels like to get praised for taking someone’s life. They praised me the whole night for killing my father and later made me bury his corpse while my raped mother had to watch all of it. After i complied with them they slit her throat and left me laying in my mother’s blood while i wanted to die. The last thing they said before leaving me was “That’s what good girls do”, so don’t tell me i don’t know what it feels like. I know how people look at someone who had to survive something like this, I know it damn well.”
For a few seconds you two just stare at each other with wide and teary eyes. The mood is tense. The only thing you can hear is Jimin’s heavy breathing and you trying to not breathe at all. A tear leaves his eye and all of a sudden his lips find their way onto yours. You can’t grasp what is happening, your lips move by themselves. Your hand finds its way onto his cheek and he grabs the back of your neck caressingly. Never has a kiss felt like this, like the whole earth could explode and you wouldn’t care as long as you were kissing him.
But the thought of you two getting caught struck your mind and you stopped.
“W-why, did you stop?” his voice was a faint whisper. He knows why but he still feels the need to ask. “It felt good,” he continues. “We can’t be seen, Jimin” his face falls and he shakes his head “I don’t care” he whispers as you get up. “But i do, if they get a whiff of what just happened i won’t be allowed to meet you anymore.” you gather your stuff as he suddenly grabs your hand to stop you “I want you to adopt me” he almost shouts. You halt in your actions while your eyes widen.
“I realised that there is no person other than you who really cares about me. There’s no one who understands what I’ve been through. Not a single person can relate to what my life has been like. When I’m with you it feels like the whole universe disappears and there’s only you, you pull me out of those cruel thoughts, you take the pain away Y/N. Please adopt me” you can’t move. That’s not how you expected this whole thing to go. Of course you like him, there’s a connection and even feelings you can’t name but, it’s wrong. The way he sees it is wrong.
He sees a saviour who might rescue him from the life he used to live. To be honest, you’re ready to be that, his saviour, but is it the right thing to do, or to be?  “Why aren’t you saying anything? Am i not good enough? Do you want me to change? I can-”No, Jimin. I-I don’t really know if that is how you really feel-”Of course that is what i really feel like, i need you Y/N” he shouts.
You step back with a small yelp escaping your mouth. His eyes soften “I’m sorry, i didn’t want to yell at you” All of sudden two men rush across the garden just to push you away from him “Stop! You’re hurting her” he shouts as you harshly fall on your butt. This is his mother’s death all over. He wasn’t able to get to her and now he’s being held back while they push you around. They grab Jimin and try to get him going but he’s too focused to get to you “Y/N!” he screams and you are fast to get up “Sir, please let go”you shout, much to your displeasure he just blows you off. They push him to the floor getting him ready to be sedated. Jimin doesn’t comply, the only thing he does is shout your name.
You throw yourself to the floor to look into his eyes. His eyes are wide and his face wet from crying “Please, Y/N don’t leave me. I can’t live without you, god please.” he pleads between broken cries. “Jimin, hey, listen to me. i’m right here! I won’t leave you” he cries and cries as he slowly drifts into a deep slumber “I need you” he whispers before he’s completely knocked out.
You once again look at the man in front of you. Is it wrong to love someone you just met? You are no psychiatrist, you have nothing to lose, do you? The only thing you desire more than helping him out of the dark space he’s in, is hold him in your arms. To wipe his tears and tell him that everything will be fine.
You thought a lot about him and his pleading about adoption. He would fit, no doubt. You two share one soul. The apartment you live in is hybrid friendly and there’s enough space. Yesterday you got a call from the center asking you to come in and meet Jimin again since his condition has worsened. He hasn’t eaten properly for almost a week, he doesn’t speak or move from his bed and refuses to look at anyone other than you. 
You once again stand in front of the center unsure why you are here. Are you here to end something that never happened or continue something that has potential? You don’t know. But deep down you already know the answer
Helen waits for you at the front desk. She eagerly drags you along the long way to Jimin’s room. You remember the corridors and the two elevators as if you’ve walked those corridors a million times just to get to him. She doesn’t speak since she told you everything on the phone, she just escorts you to his room.
The door opens with the jingle of the keys and your heart breaks as you look inside. He’s curled up on his bed holding the fork you brought with you last week. He looks at it as if it’s a picture, telling him a story.
“Jimin” you whisper. His head moves slightly, needing to reassure what he was hearing. “Jimin, it’s me” you say once again.
He puts himself up on his feet and looks at you. His face seems thinner and his face is puffy from crying. You don’t know how someone could hurt him, how someone could force him to do things he didn’t want to or how someone could kill the one person who loved him. How someone could take everything he had, he ever was. You can’t understand it. You would give him everything. You would give your life for him if you could.
“Y/N” he breathes out. His eyes close and a small smile forms on his face. “I thought I’ll never see you again,” he says. Your body moves on its own as you walk towards him. You almost throw yourself into his arms. “I thought you left me” he chokes out.
“I’ll stay by your side as long as you need me, I told you that before. Don’t you ever think that I’ll leave you” you whispered into his chest. The comforting smell of his sweater grazes your nose. His tail wrapping around your legs in a comforting manner.
“What makes you think that I’m worth your love?” he whispers back and you can’t help but hold him tighter as your eyebrows furrow. “I’ll love you because you can’t love yourself, that’s fine with me.” Tears form in your eyes as his soften.
He sighs and strokes your back “Then please never leave me” he mumbles and you nod your head. “You won’t ever have to be alone, Park Jimin” he smiles and strokes your back as you look at him. “I’ll never leave you. I thought about it and I think it’s the best to have you by my side, I would like to adopt you” you smile. His breath stops for a moment as you finish your sentence.
His legs give in and you both rush to the floor. The dark strands of hair fall into his face and his sobs fill the room and you hug him tight. “You’ll have a home, a place where no one can hurt you. A place for you and me” he nods and you smile back at him
“I never thought that I'd ever escape this. I thought I’ll have to live like this, locked away like a mad person. Alone with my thoughts and what happened to me. But the second you came into my room I knew. I knew that all of this is going to change. That I’ll escape” you nod at him. “The moment I read about what happened to you, I knew that I would do everything I could to save you. I’ll give you the peace you deserve, I’ll love you until death does us apart, Park Jimin”
a/n: i hope you liked it, stop by at my masterlist for more works of mine.
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The Equality Act
I’ve been posting about it for years. Using gender and sex interchangeably will help radical lawmakers capitalize on the lack of distinction and introduce laws that do away with scientific, biological reality. The Democrat-controlled House just recently passed the Equality Act, which they say despite federal anti-discrimination laws already existing, is just new legislation designed to protect LGBT people from discrimination, but of course there’s much more to it, and seems to only care about the “T”.
“Sex,” the bill says, is now defined by “gender identity,” which the legislation then describes so broadly it is limited only by a person’s imagination. “Gender identity” means “the gender-related identity, stereotype, appearance, mannerisms, or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, regardless of the individual's’ designated sex at birth.” The Equality Act then treats an individual’s self-determined “gender identity” as the individual’s sex under the law, and requires Americans to do the same in virtually every aspect of civil society, including public accommodations, public facilities, public education, all federally assisted programs and employment.
“An individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity.” Under the law, any biological man or boy claiming a female gender identity could access women’s and girl’s store dressing rooms, recreational centers locker rooms, or school bathrooms and there would be nothing a state, city, school board or private business could do about it. 
The Equality Act then describes that where sex is a bona fide occupational qualification, such as in cases involving intimate care of clients and customers, personal caregivers including in nursing homes and hospitals, women’s waxing and esthetician work, or chaperones, counselors or coaches, that employers must consider only the applicant’s gender identity, not their sex, as it now would mean the same thing. This means an adult man who claims a female gender identity can obtain a job involving sensitive, personal and intimate matters involving girls and women, which would normally be provided by other women, and clients will either have to shut up and accept it or face federal discrimination charges. If you don’t feel comfortable with a man who says they identify as a woman waxing you, or providing intimate, invasive care to your unwell mom or grandmother, or sharing bathrooms with you, it's very close to becoming a federal crime to object.
The bill doesn’t even require the individual to have clinically diagnosed gender dysphoria, or undertaking surgical or hormonal transition, making it that self-declared “gender identity” would be the only requirement to determine our sex under law and everyone else must play along. Anyone, at any time, could declare a change of gender identity and must instantly be recognized as such. A male athlete can declare his identity as “female” at any time, without any medical corroboration, and he instantly qualifies to compete against girls and afterwards join them in the changing rooms. The Equality Act states sports competitions and scholarship programs designated for girls and women to admit males if they proclaim a female gender identity. Studies have shown that “female identifying” athletes still hold an “intolerable advantage” over females even when they have undergone hormone treatments, yet this bill doesn’t require the male to do anything to compete against women, except say they identify as female. 
All previous single-sex facilities including shared hospital rooms or wards, jails, prisons or juvenile detention facilities, homeless shelters, overnight drug rehabilitation centers and domestic violence or rape crisis shelters would also be forced by law to welcome men who say they are female. Furthermore, the Equality Act would trump religious freedom. Remember my posts about baker Jack Phillips? In 2017, after years of fighting off attacks and lawsuits from anti-Christian activists, the Colorado Christian baker won a Supreme Court battle establishing his right to choose not to bake same-sex wedding, “gender transition” and satanist cakes? Four years later, he is still embroiled in an unending stream of lawsuits and complaints brought by radical activists who demand he does what they say. The Equality Act would take the treatment the baker has received, all because he has different views on marriage and gender, and nationalize it, forcing every religious business owner to go against their beliefs - and everyone else to go against science - and do as they’re told. 
It doesn’t end there. The Equality Act also means changes in school curricula, such as classes and text that affirm and promote gender theory viewpoints. These mandated school programs would override states that have prohibited such ideological curricula and also parents who don’t want their kids learning it. Even worse, according to the Equality Act, religious nurses, doctors, and hospitals unwilling to perform sex-change surgery on children would also be legally discriminating. Parents who don’t allow their kid to undergo puberty blockers, hormone therapy and sex changes would also be violating the law, have their parental rights removed and lose custody of their child, even though that’s already happening all over the country. 
The House already passed the Equality Act in May 2019 for the first time, but the Republican-led Senate kept the bill from going any further. The bill has again passed the House, and Biden has promised to sign it into law, leaving the Senate again as the last hurdle. With Democrats now controlling the Senate, the bill is sure to at least see the floor for debate. The question then becomes whether Democrats can get enough votes to make it federal law, and given that Democrats have so far succeeded in framing the Equality Act as a civil rights law necessary to protect all LGBTQ people (plus, who would ever vote against the EQUALITY act, you don’t believe in equality!? You enjoy discrimination!?”) the passage seems increasingly likely. If it is passed, it’s difficult to imagine how destroying our rights of conscience, reality, religious freedom, businesses, schools, privacy and sports was worth conforming to the feelings of 0.6 percent of the population. 
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eurydices-ghost · 3 years
Average apartment listing
No men. Females preferred. Christian household. Absolutely NO drugs, friends, or kitchen access. Drama free household. We go to bed at 9pm and turn the WiFi off, NO internet usage past then. Must be full time employed, no students. Must be age 65 and over to apply. Must be enrolled in a drug rehabilitation program to qualify. Must pay $35 to complete a credit check before touring. No tours due to Covid. No socialists, democrats, or drug addicts. Rent is $3,200 per month, MUST pay cash. Does not include utilities. NO pets, we have 10 cats and won't have space for yours. Coin-op washer access on alternating Mondays, dryer access on the third friday each month. NO addicts or drunkards, but MUST be OK drinking wine with us on weeknights. On Tuesdays and Fridays we play Monopoly from 4-8pm, if you can't make time for this then it isn't going to work out.
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starstruckteacup · 4 years
Cottagecore Films (pt. 8)
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Second Time Around (2016)
TW: character death - possible suicide (offscreen)
starring Linda Thorson, Stuart Margolin, Alexis Harrison, Louis Del Grande, Laura de Carteret
After enjoying a night at the opera, the vivacious senior Katherine suffers a major fall, breaking her hip and sending her into rehabilitation. Despite her protests, she has to stay in a retirement home to be cared for while she recovers. There, she meets a variety of new faces, including the charismatic and flirtatious Charlie and the defeated and introverted Isaac. When Katherine damages a piece of clothing, Isaac offers to repair it, at which point the two strike an unlikely friendship. As their relationship grows, the two get to know each other’s pasts, presents, and hopes for the future, and things truly escalate after a formal dance hosted by the home. Even when their situations grow dire, they still find room for love. Even after they both recover, they stay together, choosing to pursue happiness as a dynamic pair.
This has to be one of the sweetest, funniest, and liveliest movies I’ve seen in a long time. It takes a very real look at what life is like for the elderly in retirement homes, but it doesn’t dwell on the depressing aspects, instead choosing to rejoice in the many types of love. The characters felt so genuine, and I was constantly rooting for their success. For example, I’ve never been so engrossed in a scene of people getting ready for an event; I was cheering them on the entire time. You really felt the joy they got out of dressing up for this one special night. How can you not feel happy when people are so confident in themselves, and are ready to take the night? The acting in that regard was truly exceptional. It’s one thing to get into character, but the actors in this film seemed to feel their characters’ stories to the fullest, and it truly came across on screen. This film defies the stereotype for geriatrics to sit around, aspiring to nothing, by showing us exactly how unique and full of life they still are. The characters experience such a plethora of emotions, but it’s the acting that truly draws you into their reality. And where do I even begin on the chemistry? Every relationship in this film was as real as if it wasn’t a film at all. Love, attraction, envy, jealousy, every feeling a character directed toward another was impeccably real. The only critique I could possibly have for this film is the camera work, which was somewhat unstable at times, but it doesn’t detract from the quality of the film at all. If you’re looking for a joyful romance, this is the one. 8/10
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Under the Eiffel Tower (2018)
starring Judith Godrèche, Matt Walsh, Reid Scott, Dylan Gelula, Gary Cole
When bourbon connoisseur Stuart loses his job, his friend’s family invites him on their trip to France. It doesn’t go well for long, however, when the 50-year-old proposes to his friend’s 26-year-old daughter beneath the Eiffel Tower. The family cuts him off, continuing on their trip and leaving Stuart to figure out his own way home. In the airport, Stuart meets professional footballer Liam, who encourages him to use his train ticket to Bordeaux and enjoy France while he’s there. On the train, the two meet Louise, an artistic winery owner, on her way home from Paris. The two men quickly find themselves stranded, and are taken in by Louise to stay in her chateau. Chemistry grows between Stuart and Louise, until several miscommunications erupt and send Stuart and Liam packing. This isn’t the end for the duo’s misadventures, however, as Liam runs into a familiar face and Stuart realizes he’d left behind the only thing that made him feel alive.
This movie was extremely disappointing. Not only did it have every cliché in the book, the characters were thoroughly boring and fake. Stuart was a highly unrelatable character, for starters. He’s introduced as an immature alcoholic who doesn’t think clearly and proposes to a woman half his age, already someone that the audience will clearly have no attachment to. Then for the rest of the film he’s portrayed as an artistic, business-minded, loving man, which doesn’t fit at all with how he was at the start. And there was no character growth to explain it. He just changed all of a sudden, yet he still reverted back to a bumbling child every time he saw his friend’s family. Liam was similarly immature and poorly behaved, never taking no for an answer and constantly forcing Louise to spend time with him. We’re clearly supposed to like him because he’s suave and handsome, and has a Scottish accent. Louise was a very dull character as well. We saw her paint once, and suddenly she’s supposed to have depth without the film actually showing it. With all of these negative characters, there’s no sense of satisfaction when Stuart and Louise run off into the sunset together. He’s still weird and creepy. Not to mention how weird and creepy Liam is after making moves on Rosalind. She’s 26 and more than capable of making her own decisions and dating older men, but she was thoroughly repulsed by Stuart and yet forgave Liam of his own age and creepiness only because he had a Scottish accent (yes, that’s what she says in the film). The scenery could have been breathtaking--a vineyard in southern France???--but the film showed next to none of it. Stuart even talks about it but there’s not a single shot of the landscape throughout the entire film. Save yourself the effort. 2/10
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Midsommar (2019)
TW: intense gore, suicide (onscreen and offscreen), murder (offscreen), intoxication, drug usage
starring Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor, Vilhelm Blomgren, William Jackson Harper, Will Poulter, Ellora Torchia, Archie Madekwe
A friend group of anthropologists--named Christian, Josh, and Mark--decide to accompany their close friend Pelle on a return trip to his home in Sweden. Dani, currently in mourning over the deaths of her parents and sister, agree to accompany them in an effort to take her mind off her grief. The group arrives at the idyllic commune, the Hårga, to participate in a special celebration that is only held once every 90 years. There they meet Pelle’s brother, Ingemar, and two of his friend’s, Connie and Simon. The group indulges for the first day, trying to learn about the Hårga and their traditions. On the second day, however, the celebration begins, and from the unknowing tourists’ perspective, things begin to spiral out of control. As more questions are raised and more of the commune’s beliefs are dishonored, people start to go missing. While Dani’s suspicions grow, the rest remain willfully ignorant, until only Dani and Christian are left. When Dani becomes the May Queen by winning a dance competition, tradition demands that she help complete the commune’s celebration. While it’s nothing she was prepared for, perhaps it is what she needed in the end.
I found that I enjoyed this movie in an uncomfortable way. I didn’t like it in the way that one would typically “like” a movie, but it was absolutely an excellent film. I don’t particularly appreciate intense gore, and while I understand that this is a horror film, I don’t think it needed to be that present. I suppose it was more to overwhelm the audience and put them in the same mindset as Dani, so in that way it does make sense, but it is very intense. The thing I liked most about this movie is what also made me the most uncomfortable. The character situation is so strange because the main characters are clearly selfish, manipulative, ignorant, arrogant, and disrespectful, without any real redeeming qualities, so you can’t possibly like them, but at the same time you’re unable to sympathize with the cult because of how foreign and violent their customs are. I watched this movie in this uncomfortable, removed but still invested way which I’ve never experienced before. It’s a beautiful film and the acting is incredible, especially from Pugh. The extreme way she depicts Dani’s grief is consistent throughout the movie, but the reactions she receives are vastly different each time, and Pugh adapts to the evolution of the story spectacularly. In summary, this film is an intense, psychologically horrifying art film, and despite being aware of the entire plot prior to watching (I don’t usually watch horror movies), I was still wildly unprepared for what I watched. 10/10
Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // Part Five // Part Six // Part Seven
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clefnapkin2-blog · 5 years
Substance Abuse Treatment Plan 2019
If you're fighting with chemical abuse or you know a person who is, discovering information Discovering If you're fighting if you understand someone who is or with chemical abuse, finding information about drug abuse disorders and treatment choices can be very helpful. No matter substance abuse can be quite hazardous, and it can be problematic for family members and associates of abusers. It's a hard roadway to journey and the best help in kicking drug Substance Abuse originates from the help of professionals that know what they're currently doing. It's curable, and decrease the medical and social issues, improve their capacity to function and the proper treatment is a must for drug abusers to decrease their drug use. While it does not lead to violence, say the experts, there is a statistical correlation between the two issues. Substance Abuse Treatment Long Island Substance misuse of any kind is not an issue that could go away by itself. Selecting Substance Abuse Treatment means Back to Life Early recognition of chemical abuse symptoms has caused the constant development of the market for substance abuse therapy. Suffering in the substance abuse problem is a significant problem that demands focus. Issues can be connected to the type of program, but additionally this program's doctrine. It is likely to find information on all sorts of services there, including experts and facilities which deal with substance abuse and addiction difficulties. Individualized therapy programs are designed with the results of the whole evaluation. Online Substance Abuse Treatment's handy treatment programs make it easier to acquire the tools that you would like to regain control of your own life. Therapy programs are 28 to 30 days to get a remain having a more extreme sort of therapy in contrast to inpatient treatment. Substance Abuse Treatment Plan are made for individuals that have. Substance abuse programs make it possible for people to remain in close proximity with their nearest and dearest and support network whilst getting the drug or alcohol dependence treatment they need. Price of Substance Abuse Therapy Coverage There are not many studies on the excess price of health insurance policy coverage for drug and alcohol misuse therapy. In USA you locate treatment and Substance abuse treatment centers if you're currently living in new york Ascendant ny is just one of the trusted place to find therapy. When it has to do with therapy, you many choices. Obtaining treatment on an inpatient basis is an alternative and is typically not as expensive. In New York, you can find trusted and reputed treatment center inline just one click away. It is essential as it is required by you to find therapy for so long. Whenever you have opted to pursue inpatient treatment, it's important to locate a neighborhood treatment centre that aligns with your requirements. Behavioral treatment comprises a choice of applications for patients who see with a health adviser on a schedule. Addiction therapy that is christian is the very best possible treatment methods. Some patients would have a payment schedule, and a few rehabilitation has other choices. All patients are evaluated before entrance. Patients that don't receive any additional treatment after detoxification usually resume their medication usage. Medication-assisted treatment has changed a good deal over the prior several decades. Unfortunately, though there are lots of drugs marketed to medically assist withdrawal symptoms and help with the treatment process, you can find people abusing them. Some drugs seem to be more prone to cause uncontrolled usage than others. Not all drugs need detox, it is therefore crucial that you talk with your doctor or with the detox facility you would like to get into, all of the substances which you are using, the quantities and period of time of usage so they can best advise you on the suitable course of activity. Women and men using more than one medication, which can be common, require treatment for the materials they use. Sometimes, it can be harmful to abruptly quit using a drug. Individuals who abuse alcohol and drugs may permit the substance to impact every area of their lives, and also may not have the capacity to maintain work. Treatment is given at an assortment of complexes and units. Substance abuse treatment may fluctuate depending on the type of drugs utilized, patient's requirements, the seriousness of this circumstance and prior therapy methods (if any). The therapy of substance abuse is one of the most complicated behaviours to cause a lasting and powerful shift. People in denial that do not want to get better will never gain from substance abuse treatment. Substance abuse treatment is an arduous undertaking due to the hurdles. Treatment for a batterer using a substance abuse problem may be more challenging than the treatment for someone.
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black-is-no-colour · 6 years
John Galliano Speaks to Alexander Fury on Gender and Fashion
October 3, 2018   I     Text Alexander Fury
At the helm of Maison Margiela, John Galliano is conjuring a spectacular new vision of genderless glamour. In an exclusive interview, fashion’s great virtuoso muses on his enduring love affair with modernity, romanticism and reinvention
For the past 18 years, John Galliano has spent most of July and August in a modest house on the coast of Saint-Tropez. The house is owned by a man who made a fortune from marketing duty-free alcohol miniatures; the only other home in the vicinity is occupied by Alix, Princess Napoléon, ‘Empress of the French’ in pretence, in her twilight years. It’s fairly inaccessible by land, especially at the peak of summer, when traffic snakes along the coastal slaloms – instead, a boat buffets travellers from Nice across the Côte d’Azur to a rock jetty, past the kind of pleasure cruisers colloquially referred to as ‘Gin Palaces’, lazily floating, filled with billionaires and bullion and Bollinger and collagen. It is the French Riviera after all. It sounds romantic, but in actual fact the boat that ferries you to John Galliano is somewhat industrial, a high-powered inflatable number called a Zodiac that smashes through the surf at near-literal breakneck speed. It’s hard work.
That’s a fitting metaphor for the work of Galliano, particularly his latest incarnation helming Maison Margiela, where his intrinsic sense of romance has melded with something harder and tougher, something rougher, to create a new vocabulary of design for both himself and the house. In January, he debuted his first menswear ideas for Margiela – he had previously been involved, he asserts, but in a looser, more abstract way, guiding an appropriately anonymous group of designers. Since the founder’s official departure in 2008, the results hadn’t gelled, for either Margiela nor its audience. The Autumn/Winter 2018 collection was Galliano’s first attempt at elucidating that frequently-elusive Margiela man – and rather than try to segregate him from the identity of the womenswear, Galliano cleverly melded the two together. The obsessions of Galliano’s collections for women merged with silhouettes of masculinity – abstract notions of glamour, like slithery bias-cut satin spliced into a two-piece tuxedo instead of an evening dress; thumped-up, bricolage sneakers below sloppy wide-shoulder coating; the idea of the décortiqué, literally translating to peeled or shelled (as in, shelling a crab) and denoting garments dissected to their bare bones, rendering the functional decorative and lending an ornament to the utilitarian.
There was, throughout, a synergy to the offering – which is what Galliano declared the giant, Bird’s Custard-yellow symbol painted across the catwalk stood for, too. Although the synergy was left vague – between men and women, between Margiela and Galliano, between these clothes and the outside world. Or potentially, all of the above. “That collection in concept was similar to the first collection – Artisanal – I did in London,” says Galliano, slowly. It’s six months later – he’s shown three collections for women and another menswear since then, so is scrolling through images of the clothes on an iPad as digital age aide memoire. “So it was a collection of intent. We were trying to try a little bit of this – some tailoring, some more casual, one bias-cut suit. I was building blocks, to get some feedback, some reaction.”
The reaction was strong – in a period of menswear upheavals, of departures and rehires and the inevitable anticipation such turmoil brings, Galliano’s Margiela debut leapt to the head of the pack as a leading statement, something bold and brave and fresh added to the conversation. “I think it needed to be established at that season,” Galliano reasons. “Also with the changing landscape of menswear – with all the exciting things that were happening – it was like, ‘Oh my god John, what are you going to do?’” he laughs riotously, his head cracking back from the jaw. The intonation in Galliano’s sentences swirl, from considered and patrician, swelled out by the crisp rounded vowels of received pronunciation, to a cockney drawl that sketches out Galliano’s childhood in Streatham, South London. He was born Juan Carlos Antonio Galliano-Guillén in Gibraltar but moved to London with his two sisters when he was six. His dad was a plumber, his mother danced flamenco on the kitchen table-tops. The sentence ends on that London drawl, a plaintive wail tinged with mirth. What was Galliano going to do for this, his Margiela menswear debut?
It feels strange to call any Galliano collection a debut – Galliano has been at Margiela since October 2014. He’s also 57, a Commander of the British Empire, a reference-point for generations of talent from the late 80s onwards. Something of an institution in and of himself. He’s John Galliano! But in Saint-Tropez, he’s JG – his own nomenclature, perhaps adopted during the wake of his dismissal from his eponymous label and the house of Christian Dior in 2011 following a racist outburst in a Parisian bar. That episode was a very visible result of a then-clandestine but now well-documented addiction to drugs and alcohol that had spanned the majority of Galliano’s career: the immediate aftermath of it was a difficult period of rehabilitation, public penitence and a tabloid lashing, when the name Galliano closed doors rather than opened them. Maybe it was then that anonymity (very Margiela) began to seem enticing. Seven years later, in Saint-Tropez, Galliano looks well, fresh and relaxed – despite that baggage, almost unremarkably so, in a way that a designer would to journalists accustomed to seeing them wound tight between fittings in the days leading up to their show. Unlike others, Galliano, famously, doesn’t see press backstage at his Margiela shows and refuses to bow at the end – a trait he shares with Martin himself. He does, however, give interviews. Which is how we wind up on the Riviera, curled up in Galliano’s adopted living room, talking about the meaninglessness of menswear.
“More than just which way to go, it was to help me define who is the Margiela man,” Galliano says, of that first collection. Then he stops. “I say that and I take a breath as well,” he states – smiling – like a stage direction. “Because I don’t feel comfortable saying that. Today… Just calling it menswear and women’s made me kind of blanche a bit.” His sophomore offering for Margiela menswear (sorry) was staged in June in the Margiela atelier as a tiny Artisanal show, the name given to the line’s offerings for haute couture which are made-to-measure, one-off and traditionally only for women. The latest of those he dubbed ‘Nomadic Glamour’: rather than an elegiac Galliano voyage through space and time, there were ideas of clothes travelling around the body – “So a skirt became a cape and then, within it, I cut the memory of jacket,” is how Galliano describes it. The actual garment in question was the opening look of the show, a coral foam skirt migrated to the shoulders, head poking through the waistband, with the shape of a single-breasted jacket spliced out and peeled away, like a Vesalius drawing – or a frog in a high school biology class. There was, actually, no reason this couldn’t be worn by a man too. “Quickly just think of a very testosterone-driven image of Clint Eastwood in a poncho. Just to aquarelle the look,” Galliano says, expressively. “It just made sense. That hey, this could be really fun, and I don’t know if we’re going to be successful or not. But the idea is quite unique. The idea that a cape, certain items, could easily work on either-or.”
Galliano has frequently called haute couture the ‘parfum’ that infuses through the rest of the house’s creations, the way an essence is literally watered-down, to create a variation slightly less intense but still powerful and intoxicating. Another debut, this was the first time an entire Artisanal collection had been offered for men – at Margiela, by Galliano, or indeed in the realms of haute couture at all (although several houses, most notably Gaultier Paris and Dior when helmed by Galliano, have offered couture clothing for men, but only accompanying designs for women). “At the most extreme, I wanted to establish how Artisanal men could inspire, so we put the spotlight on that this season,” reasons Galliano.
Made-to-measure haute couture may be inspiring, but it doesn’t pay the bills – or fill the stores. “We still did the ready-to-wear,” allows Galliano. “It’s still there, and we sold it. Some of the silhouettes were echoed in the Artisanal man, but it had its own inspiration, etcetera, etcetera. And that I will show with the women’s in September, which was my aversion to – ” Galliano shrieks, theatrically, to the cheap seats in the back “ – menswear! Which is un peu démodé. So it’ll be a mix of the two. Un-binary, genderless. And that’s the challenge.” Just don’t call it co-ed, or mixed. “It would just be too easy to have the boys wearing girls and the girls wearing boys,” says Galliano thoughtfully. “That’s not what it is today. Find your own masculinity. Find your own femme. Define it yourself. And that’s what they’re doing today, and I’m so there.” He smiles wide. “Because I grew up with all that but it was not easy. You got a good beating back then.”
John Galliano has played games with gender before. Indeed, as difficult as it is for the short-term memory of fashion to reconcile the somewhat precious, couture-driven output of the prior stage of his career with the identity he is forging for Margiela, it has always been there, bubbling under the surface. In the 1980s, when Galliano exploded onto the scene following his 1984 Bachelor of Arts graduation collection, titled Les Incroyables and dedicated to the provocative, politicised aristocratic rebels of the Terror of the 1790s, his billowing, histrionic clothes – ruffled organdie blouses, puckered brocade waistcoats, sweeping frock-coats – were worn by models of both sexes, pouting and preening, reflections of the crucible of a hedonistic London club scene latterly dubbed ‘New Romantics’.
Galliano still finds the idea – and that period – inspiring today. Not to replicate the clothes, but to mirror the energy, the emotion and the experimentation. “Shirts were worn as skirts. Do you remember?” Galliano declares. “You button in front and tie the sleeves. I remember doing the Malcolm McLaren cover with Amanda” – now Harlech, then Grieve, Galliano’s first stylist and creative collaborator for 12 years. They met after Galliano’s graduation and worked together to style the artwork for McLaren’s 1984 album Fans. “And Malcolm threw an old v-neck Shetland sweater at me and said ‘Do something with that – they say you’re a genius.’” Galliano’s voice notches up an octave; the Streatham comes out. “And I’m like: alright bitch, I’ll do something with it! And I asked the model to step into it, so the v was like to here,” Galliano scissors his own crotch, smirking. “And we tied the thing around. Amanda was like, ‘Oh, it’s fab! It’s a bustle!’ Do you know what I mean? That v-neck became a skirt!” A final octave. “This territory that was fun and you can probably tell from my voice I’m still quite excited by it. Naïve? More naïve isn’t it. Which is quite fab.”
Those were the sort of clothes that provoked those beatings in the street, just as their 18th-century antecedents did. Galliano himself didn’t just design them: an ardent clubber, he wore them, too, living the fantasy – and they were bought by men and women alike, something oddly geared to a current mood of malleable, kinetic gender identity. Galliano has designed traditionally-defined menswear before – between 2004 and 2011, there was a Galliano Hommes collection presented biannually in Paris. The final own-label show he took a bow at was his winter 2011 menswear outing dedicated to Rudolf Nureyev: Galliano was dressed in tapestry sarouel trousers, a twine-bound fur coat, a kubanka and several tassels that seemed tugged down from the curtains of the Winter Palace. It was, as they say, a look.
Those ‘looks’ were seen as a key reflection of whatever creative inspiration had taken root – if Galliano was transforming his models into nomadic warriors, or cabaret floozies, or sweat-soaked flamenco dancers – male or female – a bit would inevitably rub off on him too, like make-up on the dance floor, rubbing off someone else’s face onto yours. So much so, indeed, that when the Galliano Hommes line was first presented, it was very much seen as an extension of the multiplicitous, multifaceted identities Galliano had been proffering for years. Today, Galliano is lower-key – in shorts, Chuck Taylors, an enviously holey Nirvana ‘Corporate Rock Whores’ t-shirt. He’s off-duty. The Margiela man – or rather, Margiela person – Galliano is creating isn’t himself. And the expansion into menswear certainly isn’t about dressing himself. “It is true that I would express myself because I was living the part of the creator,” says Galliano, when this is mentioned. “But I had to consciously stop that. Because of the work I had done on the inside. If it wasn’t reflected on the outside people… maybe thought that I hadn’t done the work. I noticed that. So I started to wear suits when I went out or had lunch with people. Almost that anonymity I quite liked. I quite liked not being judged like that. I mean the suits were faultless! Savile Row! But I quite liked that anonymity. I’m a bit more cautious of what I look like when I’m out there now.”
Galliano punctuates that with fragments of laughter, a wicked whiplash of that Streatham accent on the word ‘faultless’. But he’s alluding to his public breakdown in 2011, which resulted in his departure from the Dior and Galliano houses and a period coming clean in the Meadows rehabilitation facility in Arizona. His conversation is still keyed to the language of psychotherapy and recovery – that inside/outside work, which is never entirely complete. He describes social media as “addictive – the likes, loves”. He once told me it had taught him the subtle difference between being famous and infamous.
Galliano’s fame made the idea of him helming the famously faceless Maison Margiela difficult for many to swallow, in the first instance. For many, his hyper-visibility masked the similarities between their respective aesthetics. Galliano’s 80s flamboyance, for instance, was tempered with an urge to rip fashion apart. “Judy Blame, Christopher Nemeth, John Flett, John Moore, all that posse. That’s what we were into,” he states. “A lot of the experimental was what one did as a young designer anyways in the 80s: the inside-out, the upside-down. We were all doing it in London anyway.” Galliano turned out tricks like deliberately-misbuttoned waistcoats puckering and twisting torsos, trousers worn as jackets, corks and coins as unconventional fastenings and white paint – a Margiela signature – liberally plastering hair and splattered over garments. And Margiela himself, long whitewashed as an edgy Belgian deconstructionist, obviously had a romantic side – his long slip dresses like linings ripped from grand ball gowns, his spring 1993 collection festooned with gold braid embroideries over billowing white voile dresses, his first jacket with those narrow puffed Victorian shoulders. There’s romance in the bones of Margiela.
“It’s wrong how people sometimes describe his work,” says John Galliano, today. “Everyone has to look at his earlier work to really get what Martin was about. It was full of emotion and it was romantic. That early stuff. Flea-bitten, put-together. Fierce. Fierce. And romantic.” Galliano inhales from a cigarette – today, smoking is his only vice, alongside the Tarte Tropézienne, a citrus-infused brioche filled with crème pâtissière made by Galliano’s cook, a white witch who wards off mosquito bites by pressing the sign of the cross into the skin with the end of a fingernail, Galliano tells me, an eyebrow raised. Add to that list of vices romance: Galliano is an incurable romantic, as that aforementioned near Grand-Guignol story testifies. Galliano also tells me that his aforementioned neighbour, the nonagenarian Princess Napoléon, dances through the forests of their adjoining properties dressed in white in the dead of night. The ravishing Miss Havisham imagery is pure Galliano fantasia – one part couture, one part Capote, it has the ring of truth. But not too loud a peal. That princess could have inspired one of Galliano’s previous collections, which came imbued with complex storylines, individual characters inspiring fabric treatments, creative approaches, drama sewn into every seam – and although his work has evolved and matured, that sensibility is constant. “It’s less literal. There’s not really a narrative anymore like there used to be. Other things that are different: influences and a younger energy,” Galliano reasons. “But I am a romantic. You can’t deny yourself. I wouldn’t be JG if I did.” He pauses. “Martin was too. When we had our famous tea together, it was then I discovered his love for 17th-century French literature and 18th-century costumes. He loved it. But he wouldn’t go there because you-know-who was cornering that market…” Again, that wicked laugh.
Galliano and Margiela met during his early months at the house, before his first show: it was important for Galliano to feel that Margiela felt the house was in safe hands (he seemingly did). For a designer obsessed with anonymity, Martin Margiela is one of the most present presences on the international fashion scene. His clothes, his shows, his overall conceptual conceits are all often (and arguably all too often) referenced. Monsieur Margiela himself – now apparently teaching painting in Paris – has come out of his grand seclusion to co-curate two exhibitions of his work, one at the Palais Galliera devoted to Margiela, another of the clothes created during his tenure at the French luxury leather house Hermès between 1997 and 2003, shown at the ModeMuseum Provincie Antwerpen (this year transferred to the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris). He still isn’t doing interviews, but in an unprecedented step seems to be taking ownership of the ideas the Maison originated and which have fallen into popular fashion vernacular.
Galliano himself was an ardent Margiela fan – and a client of the designer’s menswear. “I remember the best pieces I bought. The trench that was made out of old printed shopping bags. A fab knuckleduster that they tried to take away from me on the Eurostar. I know the pieces,” says Galliano, ticking them off on his fingers. “The jumper with the net tulle over it. I was a great fan. And loyal fan. When Martin was there, I bought and wore the stuff. Oh I have the white painted jeans, the white painted boots. I have the iconic pieces.”
Yet there is no urge for rehash – at least, no urge from Galliano, who at Margiela is ironically one of the few untouched by the surge in interest in the original creations of the label’s founder. Possibly the establishment re-emergence of Margiela – both man, and maison – in museums have influenced Galliano’s radical reimagining of what the label could mean in the 21st century. But it is also an oddly prescient approach he has taken from his first collection for the house – never relying on the past of Margiela to inspire the present, or the future. After all, the Margiela label is symbolically white; Galliano has taken it as a literal blank canvas. “We’re not there to curate Martin’s work. That’s why I keep saying let go of the corpse. Let go of the corpse. You can only do that for so long. And then you can put yourself into a corner and that’s all you’re doing. Let’s be brave and let’s possibly shine a light on a new way to go maybe,” states Galliano. “I didn’t want to go there to curate. That would be too much of a day job, for me. I made it very clear at the beginning, with the guys that be and the teams. At the beginning, of course, everyone went through the archives. How could you not? They’re amazing. We actually put them into shape, put what was missing back. There’s proper archives now. But it would just be too easy. Just curating. It’s like treading water. How long can you tread water for?”
That’s not to say Galliano has jettisoned Margiela’s influence entirely. It would be not only sacrilege, but near-impossible. Alongside very few other designers – Azzedine Alaïa, Rei Kawakubo, Miuccia Prada, Vivienne Westwood, Yohji Yamamoto and Galliano himself – Margiela’s work defined the lines of the last quarter of the 20th century, and laid the foundations for the 21st. You can see subtle echoes of Margiela’s working techniques, his lines and approaches to fabrics and cuts – a use of slick, plasticised surfaces, the sloped shoulders, a love of the dishevelled and unfinished as a form of unconventional decoration. A frayed hem, instead of a fringe.
Yet Galliano’s iterations are utterly idiosyncratic – not Margiela, nor entirely Galliano (at least, how we used to know him). “I’d like to take it, be inspired by it and make it go somewhere. Or just the idea of exploring the idea of a new glamour – that was part three you just saw [at the haute couture]. I feel like I’m working like Martin. I can really put my hand on the heart and say that. I didn’t find that in the archives – but just the thinking of it. The nomadic idea – it’s territory that he explored... Upside-down stuff. Arriving at it through a psychology is much more interesting, fresh, and inspiring for me and the team. Because otherwise we are just curating. How creative can you get when you just curate? You need the surprises. You need the failures. You need the things that work, that don’t work. There has to be the element of surprise.”
There are few more surprising stories than the spectacular fall and rise of John Galliano, his rebirth at Maison Margiela, the rediscovery of a talent championed as one of our era’s finest. More surprising still, today fashion’s arch romanticist is making clothes inspired not by historical nostalgia, but the digitised landscape of contemporary culture, with its challenges to traditional, established notions – of luxury, of gender identity, of the reasons for dressing. “It is an inspiring time. It really is I think for a designer. For sure,” says Galliano. “I don’t just want to connect with the world. I need to connect. I need to be stimulated. I need to get excited. I need to give that energy to my team. I need to feel like it’s new, to get me out of bed.”
Taken from Another Man Magazine
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graceplacee · 2 years
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marij-94791199 · 6 years
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Breathless Without You 
Photography: Ethan James Green, 
Styling: Ellie Grace Cumming
Taken from the A/W18 ‘Romance and Ritual’ issue of Another Man:
At the helm of Maison Margiela, John Galliano is conjuring a spectacular new vision of genderless glamour. In an exclusive interview, fashion’s great virtuoso muses on his enduring love affair with modernity, romanticism and reinvention
For the past 18 years, John Galliano has spent most of July and August in a modest house on the coast of Saint-Tropez. The house is owned by a man who made a fortune from marketing duty-free alcohol miniatures; the only other home in the vicinity is occupied by Alix, Princess Napoléon, ‘Empress of the French’ in pretence, in her twilight years. It’s fairly inaccessible by land, especially at the peak of summer, when traffic snakes along the coastal slaloms – instead, a boat buffets travellers from Nice across the Côte d’Azur to a rock jetty, past the kind of pleasure cruisers colloquially referred to as ‘Gin Palaces’, lazily floating, filled with billionaires and bullion and Bollinger and collagen. It is the French Riviera after all. It sounds romantic, but in actual fact the boat that ferries you to John Galliano is somewhat industrial, a high-powered inflatable number called a Zodiac that smashes through the surf at near-literal breakneck speed. It’s hard work.
That’s a fitting metaphor for the work of Galliano, particularly his latest incarnation helming Maison Margiela, where his intrinsic sense of romance has melded with something harder and tougher, something rougher, to create a new vocabulary of design for both himself and the house. In January, he debuted his first menswear ideas for Margiela – he had previously been involved, he asserts, but in a looser, more abstract way, guiding an appropriately anonymous group of designers. Since the founder’s official departure in 2008, the results hadn’t gelled, for either Margiela nor its audience. The Autumn/Winter 2018 collection was Galliano’s first attempt at elucidating that frequently-elusive Margiela man – and rather than try to segregate him from the identity of the womenswear, Galliano cleverly melded the two together. The obsessions of Galliano’s collections for women merged with silhouettes of masculinity – abstract notions of glamour, like slithery bias-cut satin spliced into a two-piece tuxedo instead of an evening dress; thumped-up, bricolage sneakers below sloppy wide-shoulder coating; the idea of the décortiqué, literally translating to peeled or shelled (as in, shelling a crab) and denoting garments dissected to their bare bones, rendering the functional decorative and lending an ornament to the utilitarian.
There was, throughout, a synergy to the offering – which is what Galliano declared the giant, Bird’s Custard-yellow symbol painted across the catwalk stood for, too. Although the synergy was left vague – between men and women, between Margiela and Galliano, between these clothes and the outside world. Or potentially, all of the above. “That collection in concept was similar to the first collection – Artisanal – I did in London,” says Galliano, slowly. It’s six months later – he’s shown three collections for women and another menswear since then, so is scrolling through images of the clothes on an iPad as digital age aide memoire. “So it was a collection of intent. We were trying to try a little bit of this – some tailoring, some more casual, one bias-cut suit. I was building blocks, to get some feedback, some reaction.”
The reaction was strong – in a period of menswear upheavals, of departures and rehires and the inevitable anticipation such turmoil brings, Galliano’s Margiela debut leapt to the head of the pack as a leading statement, something bold and brave and fresh added to the conversation. “I think it needed to be established at that season,” Galliano reasons. “Also with the changing landscape of menswear – with all the exciting things that were happening – it was like, ‘Oh my god John, what are you going to do?’” he laughs riotously, his head cracking back from the jaw. The intonation in Galliano’s sentences swirl, from considered and patrician, swelled out by the crisp rounded vowels of received pronunciation, to a cockney drawl that sketches out Galliano’s childhood in Streatham, South London. He was born Juan Carlos Antonio Galliano-Guillén in Gibraltar but moved to London with his two sisters when he was six. His dad was a plumber, his mother danced flamenco on the kitchen table-tops. The sentence ends on that London drawl, a plaintive wail tinged with mirth. What was Galliano going to do for this, his Margiela menswear debut?
It feels strange to call any Galliano collection a debut – Galliano has been at Margiela since October 2014. He’s also 57, a Commander of the British Empire, a reference-point for generations of talent from the late 80s onwards. Something of an institution in and of himself. He’s John Galliano! But in Saint-Tropez, he’s JG – his own nomenclature, perhaps adopted during the wake of his dismissal from his eponymous label and the house of Christian Dior in 2011 following a racist outburst in a Parisian bar. That episode was a very visible result of a then-clandestine but now well-documented addiction to drugs and alcohol that had spanned the majority of Galliano’s career: the immediate aftermath of it was a difficult period of rehabilitation, public penitence and a tabloid lashing, when the name Galliano closed doors rather than opened them. Maybe it was then that anonymity (very Margiela) began to seem enticing. Seven years later, in Saint-Tropez, Galliano looks well, fresh and relaxed – despite that baggage, almost unremarkably so, in a way that a designer would to journalists accustomed to seeing them wound tight between fittings in the days leading up to their show. Unlike others, Galliano, famously, doesn’t see press backstage at his Margiela shows and refuses to bow at the end – a trait he shares with Martin himself. He does, however, give interviews. Which is how we wind up on the Riviera, curled up in Galliano’s adopted living room, talking about the meaninglessness of menswear.
“More than just which way to go, it was to help me define who is the Margiela man,” Galliano says, of that first collection. Then he stops. “I say that and I take a breath as well,” he states – smiling – like a stage direction. “Because I don’t feel comfortable saying that. Today… Just calling it menswear and women’s made me kind of blanche a bit.” His sophomore offering for Margiela menswear (sorry) was staged in June in the Margiela atelier as a tiny Artisanal show, the name given to the line’s offerings for haute couture which are made-to-measure, one-off and traditionally only for women. The latest of those he dubbed ‘Nomadic Glamour’: rather than an elegiac Galliano voyage through space and time, there were ideas of clothes travelling around the body – “So a skirt became a cape and then, within it, I cut the memory of jacket,” is how Galliano describes it. The actual garment in question was the opening look of the show, a coral foam skirt migrated to the shoulders, head poking through the waistband, with the shape of a single-breasted jacket spliced out and peeled away, like a Vesalius drawing – or a frog in a high school biology class. There was, actually, no reason this couldn’t be worn by a man too. “Quickly just think of a very testosterone-driven image of Clint Eastwood in a poncho. Just to aquarelle the look,” Galliano says, expressively. “It just made sense. That hey, this could be really fun, and I don’t know if we’re going to be successful or not. But the idea is quite unique. The idea that a cape, certain items, could easily work on either-or.”
Galliano has frequently called haute couture the ‘parfum’ that infuses through the rest of the house’s creations, the way an essence is literally watered-down, to create a variation slightly less intense but still powerful and intoxicating. Another debut, this was the first time an entire Artisanal collection had been offered for men – at Margiela, by Galliano, or indeed in the realms of haute couture at all (although several houses, most notably Gaultier Paris and Dior when helmed by Galliano, have offered couture clothing for men, but only accompanying designs for women). “At the most extreme, I wanted to establish how Artisanal men could inspire, so we put the spotlight on that this season,” reasons Galliano.
Made-to-measure haute couture may be inspiring, but it doesn’t pay the bills – or fill the stores. “We still did the ready-to-wear,” allows Galliano. “It’s still there, and we sold it. Some of the silhouettes were echoed in the Artisanal man, but it had its own inspiration, etcetera, etcetera. And that I will show with the women’s in September, which was my aversion to – ” Galliano shrieks, theatrically, to the cheap seats in the back “ – menswear! Which is un peu démodé. So it’ll be a mix of the two. Un-binary, genderless. And that’s the challenge.” Just don’t call it co-ed, or mixed. “It would just be too easy to have the boys wearing girls and the girls wearing boys,” says Galliano thoughtfully. “That’s not what it is today. Find your own masculinity. Find your own femme. Define it yourself. And that’s what they’re doing today, and I’m so there.” He smiles wide. “Because I grew up with all that but it was not easy. You got a good beating back then.”
John Galliano has played games with gender before. Indeed, as difficult as it is for the short-term memory of fashion to reconcile the somewhat precious, couture-driven output of the prior stage of his career with the identity he is forging for Margiela, it has always been there, bubbling under the surface. In the 1980s, when Galliano exploded onto the scene following his 1984 Bachelor of Arts graduation collection, titled Les Incroyablesand dedicated to the provocative, politicised aristocratic rebels of the Terror of the 1790s, his billowing, histrionic clothes – ruffled organdie blouses, puckered brocade waistcoats, sweeping frock-coats – were worn by models of both sexes, pouting and preening, reflections of the crucible of a hedonistic London club scene latterly dubbed ‘New Romantics’.
TEXT : Alexander Fury
PHOTOGRAPHY : Ethan James Green
STYLING : Ellie Grace Cumming
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queerpyracy · 6 years
Editor’s note: As the Senate and House get set to reconcile the 2018 Farm Bill—the House version would lead to dramatic changes to SNAP nutrition assistance programs—during #SNAPweek, we are looking at how SNAP affects a range of different communities, and what the proposed changes might mean for a variety of Americans.
Calvin* anticipates walking out of a New Jersey prison next month, hopefully for the last time, eager to live out his responsibilities as a husband and father. For over a year, Calvin’s wife Latasha juggled working long hours for short wages, attending to the needs of active children under the age of 15, and making costly commutes up and down the Garden State Parkway to visit her beloved husband under state supervision.
For the duration of Calvin’s incarceration, Latasha depended on her limited, but necessary, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) funds to feed her three children. She did the same when her husband served time for a parole violation. And now, Calvin’s return home, though celebrated, jeopardizes their access to the anti-hunger program: Existing laws and an amendment in the proposed House farm bill disqualify households with persons with certain criminal convictions.
In June, House Republicans narrowly passed a partisan farm bill, the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018, which would severely gut SNAP, formerly known as food stamps. The proposed House farm bill intensifies work requirements and ominously compromises the financial security for at least 5 million of the 42 million Americans who stake much of their nutritional lives and familial futures on this anti-hunger program. While the Senate version of the farm bill includes no major changes to the SNAP program, it does include extending job training pilot programs and establishes a new pilot related to income verification. Now, the two bills are set to undergo a thorny process of reconciliation in Congress.
The House version of the bill targets many rural Americans, including those in the president’s base, but also formerly incarcerated persons, who are disproportionately Black and brown. The existing farm bill, which expires in September, bars people convicted of a violent crime from SNAP benefits if they breach the court-ordered terms of their release, such as a parole violation. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “The [House farm bill] would go further, terminating food assistance for all individuals with convictions for certain violent crimes even if they are working hard to avoid recidivism and become productive members of their communities.”
Denying basic sustenance to those who have served time exaggerates the racialized food apartheid in America and perpetuates the hyper-incarceration of people incapable of putting food on the table due to a restrictive job market, housing discrimination, and the stigma of criminalization. The House’s punitive amendment, proposed as a money-saving measure, perpetuates political tactics that stigmatize people like Calvin and creates a scenario of lifelong imprisonment.
The House bill, which would require recipients to work a minimum of 20 hours per week and enroll in job training programs, also further precludes folks like Calvin who have been convicted of nonviolent and drug-related offenses from SNAP access. Federal law and most states’ laws provide cover for employers to deny employment for people like Calvin without explanation—a hallmark of post-incarceration stigmatization. A single box, checked with a stroke of a pen, discloses formerly incarcerated persons’ criminal records, drastically limits their hiring possibilities, boxing millions of Americans out of the jobs market.
New Post-Incarceration Punishments
More than 630,000 people return “home” from incarceration annually, and 43 percent go back to prison within the first year, while 77 percent go back within the first five years of their release. Disenfranchisement, state-issued fees, employment discrimination, and severely limited access to public benefits and safety nets mark the post-incarceration reality for many. The cuts to SNAP make these Americans profoundly more vulnerable to re-incarceration for offenses born out of a need to guarantee food for themselves and their families.
Calvin’s desire to provide food for his family and the sturdy barriers to that goal drove Calvin back to the streets, back to drugs and back to prison. We must believe prisons operate as places of redemption and rehabilitation, and not the starting point of a life of punishment. Rather than provide a way back into our economy, taking away people’s food benefits does the opposite; it creates a clear hurdle in the race against recidivism.
The House farm bill suggests that prisons are not punishment enough. West Virginia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia, Wyoming, and Alaska all enforce strict bans on access to SNAP by people with felony convictions, while more than two dozen other states impose partial restrictions. Given respective state laws, hundreds of thousands of West Virginians, South Carolinians, and Mississippians face lifetime SNAP bans for non-violent drug-related felonies.
It is hypocritical to spend billions of dollars annually to incarcerate Black and brown people and people with limited income instead of providing millions of dollars to nourish said communities. The bill that passed the House would withhold food as a form of lifelong punishment—a form of structural violence that is incongruent with the alleged family values and Christian ideals of these politicians.
House Republicans betrayed their own “family values” by using this farm bill to penalize the children and families of returning citizens. This criminal bill fleeces mothers and fathers of the parental dignity of providing for their children, and uniformly robs Black, Brown, and poor white people of their already slender opportunity of employment.
America is only possible when we structurally invest in the most vulnerable and so-called undeserving among us, enacting what W.E.B. Dubois calls abolition democracy—a democracy that guarantees resource equity for the disinherited and disenfranchised. A farm bill that attends to human need, regardless of one’s criminal history, would move the nation toward equitable democracy.
It is up to freedom-fighting people of conscience to believe in a moral vision of sufficiency, equity for the most vulnerable, and a world that protects a family’s capacity to buy groceries. Calvin’s wellness and the sustainability of his family depend on the nature of the world that awaits him once he walks out of prison. The House farm bill charts failure for people who transition from a cage of punishment into a punitive culture of freedom. Calvin and his family deserve access to food—a basic human right.
Formerly incarcerated women and men—a vulnerable class of Americans—deserve protection under the law after weathering the imbalanced weight of the law. The public should not normalize laws that deny Americans equal rights to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. The passage of this partisan legislation in the House places freedom and justice for some on an installment plan. Hungry families and out-of-work individuals need justice—and food—now.
* Names have been changed to protect privacy.
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mrtonyanthony · 3 years
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Honoured to minister today to the residents at “The Carpenter’s Arms” rehabilitation centre in Melton Mowbray in Leicestershire. I spoke on a topic titled “The Effects of Fear on Decision Making” with a focus on the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). The Carpenter’s Arms is a Christian run residential centre for men and women challenged by drug and alcohol addiction, which often results in a breakdown in relationships, homelessness, financial hardship, illness and offending. Please pray for this vital ministry, as it continues to see breakthrough in people’s lives. #GCSUK #GCSPRAYER #GCSTIPS https://www.instagram.com/p/CTjvQKGo00S/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
05/22/2021 DAB Transcript
2 Samuel 1:1-2:11, John 12:20-50, Psalm 118:19-29, Proverbs 15:27-28
Today is the 22nd day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful, it is a joy to be here with you as we bring another week to its conclusion and…and release it. It becomes a part of the past and we keep moving forward, day-by-day but here we are at the end of a week and it’s been a wonderful week as we’ve continued to examine the life of King Saul, Israel’s 1st king. Of course, yesterday in our reading Saul died in battle along with his 3 sons on Mount Gilboa in a battle with the Philistines. Now, we’re moving into 2 Samuel.
Introduction to the book of Second Samuel:
And as we’ve talked about in the past there was no Frist and Second Samuel originally. This was all 1 manuscript, First and Second Samuel and First and Second Kings, all one big manuscript but they’re broken apart and First and Second Samuel are kind of broken apart at a place where Saul’s reign has ended because he’s died and so Second Samuel now focuses on upon the character David. This little shepherd boy who became a national hero after killing Goliath and then had to grow up so fast under the spotlight and just become a cunning warrior just to stay alive because the King wanted him dead. Well now the King is dead and David is alive and David was supposed to be fighting in that battle where Saul lost his life but he was supposed to fight as a Philistine because he had defected to the Philistines to try to stay alive, to try stay out of Saul’s grasp. But then once they gave him shelter, they expected to allegiance and so he and his men were to go in battle but the Philistines freaked out and sent David home because they’re like, “we’re going into battle with his…with his own countrymen so if he turns on us and starts slaying us from within, like he’s just gonna endear…like they’re gonna receive him back.” So, David got back to his town Ziklag and it had been raided and everybody had been taken. And, so, that’s a bad day. They had to travel 3 days just to get back home away from the battle lines and then they found everything was gone. And, so, they had to go in pursuit, which they’ve done and everything has been recovered. And, so, just to kind of give us the big broad scope here as we go into Second Samuel, Saul died on Mount Gilboa which is basically in the Jezreel Valley up in the north not…not too far south of the Sea of Galilee. Whereas Ziklag is way down in the transitioned zone into the…into the desert. And, so, David is in Ziklag, he’s recovered all of the property that was stolen from them and Saul is dead on Mount Gilboa. The news of…of the defeat of the Israelites hasn’t reached David in the Philistine territory yet. And that’s precisely where we are as we begin 2 Samuel. And, so, let’s dive in. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week, which is today, Second Samuel chapter 1, verse 1 through 2 verse 11.
Father, we thank You for Your word and another week. We thank You for another week and we thank You for another week in the scriptures and we thank You for all that we learn, week-by-week, day-by-day, this slow methodical step-by-step accumulation. It just continues to transform us as we learn and as things seep into our hearts and begin to transform the way we’re looking at things and the way we’re reacting to things. We are so grateful. And, so, come Holy Spirit and continue this work as we continue to surrender ourselves to You and the work that You are doing within us. Come lead into all truth, we pray. In the mighty name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
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And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayers and Encouragement:
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is James from the beautiful Northeast Georgia mountains. This is…like to pray for Noah who called in today and talked about his addiction to pornography. And Noah you…you can get passed this. It’s a very dark place. I…I would encourage you to use some prayer and fasting and…and just want to encourage with a…a verse it’s Psalm 101 and verses 3 and 4. It’s says I will set nothing wicked before my eyes, I hate the work of those who fall away, it shall not cling to me. A perverse heart shall depart from me, I will not know wickedness. So, what I’d encourage you to do with this Noah, is to print it out. I used a little label maker for myself, I put it on the bathroom mirror, the car mirror, my windshield any…my workstation, I put it everywhere. And every time I saw it, I read it and I…I prayed it and, in the mornings, when I went to bed and I did that for a long time and I still do it. So, I love you brother and you can get through this, I’m gonna be praying for you. And God bless you.
Hi neighbors, this is Lisa the Encourager I hope you all are doing very well. I wanted to call and pray for a couple of the DABbers that were going through some difficult things. Ashley called in from California and her dad had a stroke. And Ashley, I just want you to know that I’m praying for you and your dad and that his recovery and that he will have a complete recovery and be able to…have rehabilitation so that this mild stroke doesn’t impact his life and that he will be able to be there for you and you’ll be able to love on him for many, many more years. And I also want to pray for Beloved in Texas. And I definitely…my heart is just broken for you and what you’re dealing with, with your 13-year-old daughter contemplating anorexia and eating disorder and trying to navigate through that with a counselor that has her best interest at heart and also to do it in a loving and Christian way. I’m just praying for you Beloved in Texas and I’m going to be thinking about your daughter too and praying that her heart will be stronger, and she will love herself and that she will grow out of this…that it won’t impact her for a lengthy period of time and that you will get the resources that you need to help her. And I’m also praying for Norman. I know you have cancer Norman. And I am so happy that you’re at peace in your heart for your…you know where your heart is with Christ, but I am praying that…
Hey DABbers it’s Laurie from Central Ohio and I wanted to call in, I know so many are facing different things and I wanted to pray for you. So, regardless of what you are struggling with be it medical issues or addiction to alcohol, drugs, porn, sex, food…whether you struggle with loneliness, self-doubt, depression, whatever…whatever it is, anything that you are facing this prayer is for you. Dear Jesus, I come to You to lift up each of those listening and their families. Lord, You know each of them by their name. You know what each is facing and whatever it is God, please work in each of our lives. May we sense Your love and guidance. May our loved ones come to know You personally. May we be Your light to others. In Your name we pray. Amen. Until next time know that I am…
Hey family it’s Jesse from Washington. I just wanted to call in and thank everybody for their advice and for their prayers. It’s really like lit a new fire under me. I…I missed, I’ve been behind, I’ve been so busy cause my dad’s in the hospital and my grandma’s whatever…everyone’s getting better by the way so thank you for your prayers. My dad’s making a lot of progress, he’s getting out of the rehab facility tomorrow. My grandma is in a lot better spirits and we figured out that, you know, if we get a massage therapist to come to her house, I know they’re opening back up, she thinks that would really, you know, make her feel a lot better so I pray for us to find a massage therapist that will take her insurance and come by a couple times a week. But yeah, just thank you for your prayers and your advice, like I said, I thought I missed it, or I thought that my call was to whiney or needy and they didn’t play it or something, I don’t know. And, so, I guess I just totally missed it and then I missed the…the weekly, the weekend thing last week and I’m halfway through it and man, its overwhelming. I love you guys. I thank you so much. And I knew no matter what that people would be praying for me even if they didn’t hear my prayers. I know God, you know, knows that…that at least I burned a calorie and asked for prayers. But it’s really awesome to hear you guys praying for me. And I love you. Thank you so much guys. Alright. Bye.
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