#christian hot takes
qui-qui-quee · 1 month
Maybe we need to start or rather stop using the “Word of God” and “Scripture” interchangeably as if they mean the exact same thing. 😶‍🌫️
Cuz they don’t.
Read John.
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rebellum · 10 months
The whole transandrophobia discussion thing is weird bc it feels like it's a bunch of poc and jewish trans people being like "here are my experiences of how specifically being MASCULINE had affected me, and the discrimination and violence I experienced based on that. And here is how that relates to me being a racial/ethnic minority"
And then a few loud white trans people going "ohhh you wanna be oppressed so bad you *slur*. This is why there aren't any poc in your movement it's because REAL poc understand intersectionality"
#hot take white culturally christian or athiest leftests do not properly interpret white jewish ppl#like as a poc i and other poc understand that white jewish ppl often get racial privilege#but a) not always b) they experience oppression based off of their ethnicity#idk from my perspective it seems like white goyim either see jewish ppl as 'the disgusting exotic enemy' or 'basically WASPS but they#wanna feel special'#with no nuance. no recognition#look maybe this next part is bc i didnt grow up with jewish ppl and therefore didnt know until I was 18/19 that jewish ppl can count as#white. but like. idk how to say this. i dont wanna speak over white jewish ppl. but like.#jewish ppl that have obvious jewish features (whether Ashkenazi facial features OR they dont have those but wear eg kippahs)#arent like. white. idk pls correct me if this is antisemitic or incorrect or something.#but like. light skinned =/= white obviously.#i just struggle to see how my bestfriend with her lovely dark eyes and curls and nice nose counts as 'white' when ppl call her the k slur#across the street. ykwim?#like white doesnt mean light skinned. it means 'part of the in-group of white ppl'#like my ex who is white and jewish? yeah hes white. if he didnt wear his necklace then goyim wouldnt know. you know#like obvs he still experiences ethnic oppression but he doesnt experience racial oppression#but other ppl with more prominent eg ashkenazi (im singling them out bc most jewish ppl here are ash.) like i dont GET how they have racial#privilege.
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properbloke79 · 1 month
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Christian Hogue
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heresylog · 1 month
I think Catholics get a reputation for being rich and having all this expensive stuff. But I went to an Episcopal church and they had free valet parking for all members and visitors. I asked if this was for a special event and they said no that the valet was there every Sunday.
I went into their auxiliary hallway and everything was extremely grand. The wealth that those members had made my eyes kind of bug out of my head.
When I worked at a Christian nonprofit many of the people in the development team (who were Catholic) said there weren’t that many wealthy Catholics so we should focus our efforts elsewhere.
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jewelleria · 9 days
So are you saying that Islamophobia is a problematic term?
Because using it to mean "anti-arab racism" is SUPER problematic but
Idk if we should just get rid of the term with nothing to replace it with
Same as maybe we should drop antisemitism entirely and go back to Judenhass because why are we still using a term coined by a eugenicitst
that’s exactly what i’m saying. it’s not just problematic—it doesn’t exist. you cannot be racist against a religion. you can be racist against arabs, and you can be racist against black folks, and you can be racist against jews. but you can’t be racist against muslims or christians because they are religions that are not exclusive to race or heredity.
islamophobia is not a thing, and it’s a weapon used to shut down anyone who tries to point out that, hey, maybe it is super weird that the founding prophet of islam married a six-year-old girl but no no no he wasn’t a pedophile!!! he waited until she got her period at age nine to fuck her so he was actually so amazing and kid!!!!!
now, anti-muslim prejudice, white supremacy, and xenophobia most definitely all exist and are terrible. labeling a woman with a hijab walking down the streets of new york as a terrorist or a threat to america simply because she’s muslim is anti-muslim prejudice. discrimination against people from another country, often poorer immigrants who don’t speak english and don’t look white, is xenophobic and racist. and white supremacy is self explanatory lol.
i don’t think we should go back to judenhass. it seems rather odd to refer to jew-hatred in german. i don’t know, call me weird, but i think we should just stick with antisemitism. that wilhelm dude will rot in hell anyway so who cares if he invented the word or not lmao
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dear-ao3 · 7 months
what IS your favourite (or just a decent) Christmas song to you? I ask because I was raised too catholic to know any non hymnal Christmas songs and need recs
michael mcdonald’s season of peace album, specifically his rendition of o holy night
also on the list is celebrate me home by kenny loggins, don’t know if it’s Technically a christmas song but i associate it with christmas
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hot-take-tournament · 11 months
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Submission 515
if you must ship Jesus with one of his disciples then at least ship him with John
look I'm a Christian (but like not the bad kind) and I don't personally ship Jesus with anyone cause that feels a bit too much rpf-y for me but I see people (jokingly, I assume, for the most part, but also this is the internet so I know some people are very serious about this) ship Jesus with either Judas or Peter and like....... tell me your knowledge of the Bible is the few Bible stories you remembered from sunday school as a kid without telling me that your knowledge of the Bible is the few Bible stories you remembered from sunday school as a kid. like yeah sure there's all these great stories about these guys that kids learn about! everyone who has some basic knowledge of the whole easter deal knows Judas and if you've learned any stories about Jesus with the disciples then you probably know about Peter. but like........ John is the guy. like go read the book of John if you don't believe me. like this is the guy who is canonically (fun reminder that the term "canon" originates from people discussing the Bible long long ago) "the disciple who Jesus loved." like Sufjan Stevens, king of "is he talking about his boyfriend or Jesus" refers to John & Jesus' relationships in his song "John My Beloved" which is hella gay and like it's all right there!!!!!! like this is so strange for me to be invested in because I'm not like someone who actively ships them but like if I wasn't religious and all I would be all over this and the fact that people keep being like "hehe Jesus and Judas~~~" when there's like no textual evidence for that!!! it's just people seeing the kiss of betrayal and liking some dramatic stuff!!! and the people who bring up Peter instead are the same!!! like you're just applying fanfic tropes to a dynamic and deciding that you like it instead of like looking at what's actually there in canon!!!!!!!! like at least do cool blasphemy or whatever I hate that I care about this. I hate that I wrote all of this. I have no dog in this fight. whoever wins I lose because I don't want to care about this in any way but I do and it's horrible and I just wish people would at least talk about the guy who when having to read his gospel like a year ago for something, I was left with the thought of "huh....... if I didn't know any better I'd say that there was something going on here"
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Now this is the discourse I live for.
Also, if your otp is chriscariot (Jesus/Judas) or chrisrock (Jesus/Simon Peter), fight for your ship in the notes!
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nashvillethotchicken · 3 months
If we all band together and get him therapy, we may be able to see a lil peak of louis’s ankle or maybe even elbow, inshallah
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geckofroggg · 16 days
please stop shipping heathers characters man, like unless its oc x canon then just sTOP BC THEYRE ALL HORRID RETCHED SHIPS EVEN THE CANON ONES IM GONNA VOMIT and veronica legit killed heather chandler why does everyone shIP THEM!?????!?!?
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qui-qui-quee · 8 days
Tfw I see those people other Christians respect and look up to for theological resources, being utterly out-of-touch and misinformed on places like Twitter.
Case in point: Mike Winger, everyone 🙄
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Pride Month came as a result of conservative Christians constantly complaining and making life miserable for queer people in the 20th Century. Did you even read or listen to any older queer people before making this tweet?
I don’t need to be affirming to acknowledge this 🤦
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jurakan · 10 months
I think it's very stupid that people are like, "Look! Pre-Christian traditions/artwork/cultural elements still exist after an area converts to Christianity! They're not super into Gothic architecture and organ music! That means that they haven't really converted! They're really still pagan with a thin veneer of Christianity!"
Like, no, people using the same art style, or celebrating cultural holidays does not mean that actually their professed religion is a lie. It's also incredibly condescending/rude to people to say, "Of course you don't really believe the religion you claim to!"
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shitpostsupernova · 2 years
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traumamakesmefunnier · 10 months
Hot Take: The world, especially the United States, coddles religious people, specifically christians. A lot of laws have been passed that really dont pass the whole operation of church and state test. Its dumb that churches dont pay taxes, its dumb that they are exempt from shit, its dumb that they make laws that hurt people because its against their specific religion. it makes me so fucking mad. Its dumb that they have so much power over laws and the country as a whole. the fuck happened to separation of church and state? I think its bullshit that lawmakers are passing laws and making their campaigns all about “christian family values” and outlawing abortion because their religion says abortion is wrong, and i hate it when i get told by people that im going to hell for being gay, and i hate it when assholes say that “transgenderism” needs to be completely eradicated. its bullshit and i hate it.
I dont hate christians. Most of my family is christian. But fuck it hurts so much when a large percentage of the largest group on the planet thinks you are going to burn for eternity in the name of “love”. I dont hate people who believe in some sort of god. It can be comforting to believe that death isnt the end. Go ahead and go to church and pray, do what you want. But i will not sit by and watch a group that says they are about love hurt billions of people.
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kittenchrissy · 11 months
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I had to do it
Christian in this outfit deserves Dino's huge attention🥰
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the communion wafer they make us have
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the communion wafer Jesus would’ve wanted us to have
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hot-take-tournament · 2 months
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Submission 644 & 746 (64.1% validated)
buggy isn't hot
he’s just not. look at him. yeah yeah he’s got tits and a detachable dick but he’s so cringe and fail. i would not fuck him personally.
buggy the clown is not fucking hot
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN. HAVE YOU LAID EYES ON HIM. i’m extremely homosexual for men and yet i have not even an inch of attraction to this little blue haired and pronouned bastard. yes he has three boyfriends but if you see me as one of them shoot me, that’s an evil clone, i would never willingly put my penis inside of buggothy theodore clownsworth.
Submission 515 (63.7% validated)
if you must ship Jesus with one of his disciples then at least ship him with John
look I'm a Christian (but like not the bad kind) and I don't personally ship Jesus with anyone cause that feels a bit too much rpf-y for me but I see people (jokingly, I assume, for the most part, but also this is the internet so I know some people are very serious about this) ship Jesus with either Judas or Peter and like....... tell me your knowledge of the Bible is the few Bible stories you remembered from sunday school as a kid without telling me that your knowledge of the Bible is the few Bible stories you remembered from sunday school as a kid. like yeah sure there's all these great stories about these guys that kids learn about! everyone who has some basic knowledge of the whole easter deal knows Judas and if you've learned any stories about Jesus with the disciples then you probably know about Peter. but like........ John is the guy. like go read the book of John if you don't believe me. like this is the guy who is canonically (fun reminder that the term "canon" originates from people discussing the Bible long long ago) "the disciple who Jesus loved." like Sufjan Stevens, king of "is he talking about his boyfriend or Jesus" refers to John & Jesus' relationships in his song "John My Beloved" which is hella gay and like it's all right there!!!!!! like this is so strange for me to be invested in because I'm not like someone who actively ships them but like if I wasn't religious and all I would be all over this and the fact that people keep being like "hehe Jesus and Judas~~~" when there's like no textual evidence for that!!! it's just people seeing the kiss of betrayal and liking some dramatic stuff!!! and the people who bring up Peter instead are the same!!! like you're just applying fanfic tropes to a dynamic and deciding that you like it instead of like looking at what's actually there in canon!!!!!!!! like at least do cool blasphemy or whatever I hate that I care about this. I hate that I wrote all of this. I have no dog in this fight. whoever wins I lose because I don't want to care about this in any way but I do and it's horrible and I just wish people would at least talk about the guy who when having to read his gospel like a year ago for something, I was left with the thought of "huh....... if I didn't know any better I'd say that there was something going on here"
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