#chu wanning x mo ran
vultureboi · 2 months
Mo Ran is so funny in the beginning of the books. He’s like- I hate my shizun so much. And then turns around and has sex with him on the daily and makes sure he eats and gets better when he’s sick and keeps him alive and punishes anyone who hurts him…
Dude. How blind are you?
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phantomstatistician · 7 months
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Fandom: The Husky and His White Cat Shizun
Sample Size: 3,895 stories
Source: AO3
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sillysistersusi · 1 year
Okay, but imagine a 2ha switch au where Chu Wanning gets to relive his life instead of Mo Ran. He knows something weird is going to happen so it turns into some kind of detective story while he cuddles Mo Ran out of fear he will become 'evil' if he lets him out of sight.
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jumpropequeennn · 9 months
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" even if you’re sick of me, your life, this and any other, still belongs to me!” 🎀
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cranberriesandwhat · 4 months
can someone recommend me ranwan fics please? i will send thoughts and prayers towards you for 2 months straight. im starving i feel like i have read everything
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llostwriter · 2 months
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Took a long time, but was finally able to get this done.
App: IScreen, Shortcuts
The icons I have been able to switch to the app that is being written.
Feel free to be flexible with it.
Loving this so far.
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natsugami-mari · 1 year
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tomomoke · 6 months
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The Husky and his Shyzun Cat
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talk-danmei-to-me · 1 month
Chu Wanning (plagued by horny thoughts): Better read a book to calm down.
The book: Mo Ran has a massive dick!
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Absolute unit. Truly awe-inspiring.
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kimbapchan · 7 months
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I just finished vol 1 of Erha recently so I wanted to try to draw one of my favorite scenes
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vultureboi · 2 months
Mo Ran: I mean- technically I WAS and even tried to die… but uh… that didn’t work so… *shrug* maybe.
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quesophiladelphia · 9 months
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skylark325 · 5 months
2Ha be like
Chu Wanning: I like him so much but I must be honourable. How can I be so shameless as to ever have feelings for my disciple? I must control my mind and keep these terrible primal instincts at bay and be happy with the tolerable bond we have right now.
Mo Ran: I WANNA FUC-no no respect him he’s my shizun i must-HIS LIPS ARE SO PRETTY I NEED TO EAT HIM-no stop it i decided to respect him-FUCKING HELL HE’S TOO HOT FOR CONTROL -i need to cherish and respect him and-SHUT UP MO RAN
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sillysistersusi · 11 months
This one shot is part of a series I write about shizun Mo Ran and disciple Chu Wanning, since I can't get enough of this dynamic.🥰🥰
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yinyuworld · 11 months
He obviously disliked Chu Wanning, but why was it that he felt so at peace, so warm, when he looked at him sometimes?
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📌 official volume 3 cover art
✨ this quote is from book The Dumb Husky And His White Cat Shizun by Meatbun
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llostwriter · 2 months
The Misery of the Songstress’ Child
Chapter 5
- Any gender reader
The second lord of the cultivation world has served their purposes and died in the path of their own negligence.
Placed in a cold coffin lying next to the concubine, in fields of the master's favorite flower. The only source that keeps the bodies intact is the first tyrant’s spiritual power. If not for that, the bodies would have perished a long time ago, being turned into ashes that would be whipped away by the wind.
Death is the end of all beings. Everything is destined to come to an end. Even for books.
The second lord is no expectation. They embraced the cold arms of death with lingering regrets. Their time was over.
On their last visit to the palace, they had an argument with the first tyrant. It didn’t even take a fool to realize that it was because the second lord was too busy to even spare more time with the first tyrant. All the servants and maids know that. Some even tried to ease the tension by attempting to convince the second monarch to stay longer. Suggestions are mostly thrown at the second ruler because everybody else is too afraid to do the same to the first lord. After all, the news of Taxian-Jun killing a few of his most loyal subordinates just because of some mere comments about the cultivation sect spread like wildfire inside the palace.
There were some servants and maids who were hoping that both of the monarchs would kill each other out of spite. But those thoughts are only allowed to be kept to themselves, or else they’ll face the penalty of getting executed.
The moment that the news of the second lord’s visit to the palace comes, it only takes a few seconds for the first tyrant to come rushing over the area. Song Qiutong’s plan of spending time with the second ruler was all crushed, and she could only grit her teeth as her loyal maid brought the news to her. As per usual, after a maximum of a two-hour stay, they decided to leave again. Taxian-Jun was sick and tired of their constant leaving. In fact, he started to grow more resentment for the decreased concubine and the fact that the second monarch was acting like a fool, attempting to revive an already dead person.
With a couple of steps, the first tyrant spoke out his complaints to the other monarch. But instead of their expectation that the other monarch would choose to abandon the plan of reviving the concubine and will forever stay with them, the second monarch decided to ignore the first tyrant’s complaints and attempt to reason through them.
The reasoning doesn’t work; in fact, Taxian-Jun’s fury increases, resulting in him raising his tone at the other monarch. The other monarch disregarded it and chose to leave him again. Taxian-Jun could only clinch his fists as he glared in the direction of the other monarch’s passing figure.
There was no next visit, as by the next time they met, Taxian-Jun was holding the cold body of the second monarch. Nobody knows if he is feeling regrets about leaving the second monarch on bad terms, since he wasn’t the young, expressive kid from back then.
Before learning the forbidden spells, you and Mo Ran were simply two disciples under the guidance of Elder Yuheng. Both you and Mo Ran were good kids who cared about living creatures regardless of their size. But ever since the day of Elder Yuheng’s seclusion, things have changed. But nobody realized that change, and neither did you. Maybe Elder Yuheng did notice something was off, but it was also common knowledge that children tend to change upon maturing. Masters should allow their disciples to grow under their own circumstances, or else their disciples will grow up being dependent on their masters for everything. And that’s exactly what Chu Wanning did.
The one that caused the most mischief and trouble was Mo Ran. Leaving you and Shi Mei having to take care of the bedridden Mo Ran after a day of merciless beating. You took care of applying the ointment, while Shi Mei took care of bandaging the severe wounds. Shi Mei was much quicker to catch the interest of Mo Ran. For you, it took awhile. Starting from your guilt that Shi Mei has to waste his time for troubles that Mo Ran caused, when Mo Ran was your responsibility, to physical affection, as Shi Mei reassured you through small actions like running his thumb absentmindedly over your knuckles,
Ever since the burning down of the House of Drunken Jade, you felt obliged to be responsible for Mo Ran; after all, you were the older one. That feeling increased as Mo Ran became dependent on you, no longer having the decency to even knock at your dorm door and just sneaking inside whenever he felt like it.
Shi Mei seems to be the only one who understands you. Always comforting and reassuring you. His affectionate eyes are staring at your own. His fingers massage your hands whenever your hands get sore from training. It was true that you wished for more physical contact with Shi Mei, but at the same time, the guilt that you were somehow betraying Mo Ran was swallowing you alive. The thoughts of the master were slowly being replaced by the thoughts of Shi Mei and Mo Ran.
The voices in your head originated from the deal that you made with Wanyu back at Jincheng Lake in exchange for a holy weapon. Wanyu is the other remaining ancient dragon, the older brother of Wangyue. The voices came from Wanyu, as you agreed to be his host. He is quite knowledgeable in multiple aspects; after all, he came into existence before the creation of cultivation schools.
He is responsible for the planning and strategies for the downfall of the cultivation world, as well as for you and Mo Ran becoming the leaders of the world. Convincing you and showing you the true colors of the world, beginning by telling you that your mother was still alive.
He was the first to suggest Mo Ran learn the Zhenlong Chess Formation. Wanyu didn’t force him to learn the forbidden method; it was Mo Ran’s decision to learn it.
You were worried for Mo Ran, but he reassured you that he’d be able to handle it. You trusted him. Later on, Xue Meng was captured. Xue Meng was disappointed in you for joining forces with Taxian-Jun. You knew that you couldn’t reason with him, so you left Xue Meng under the care of Taxian-Jun, who didn’t treat him too badly upon your request. The Yuheng Elder, Chu Wanning, as expected, came to beg for the life of his disciple. The suggestion of Chu Wanning becoming the concubine of the lords was made by Taxian-Jun, as he was set on humiliating them for the death of Shi Mei.
You were not sure if you hated your master or not. But you were disheartened at the idea that your master wasn't able to save Shi Mei. And maybe, as a result, you did have some lingering hatred for him, but it wasn’t as much as Taxian-Jun.
Wanyu seemed to hate him more than you. He never told you the reason, and you were in no position to ask him for the reasoning. You took visits to his chambers only to be faced with his cold ridicule of hate and anger. There were times that you did snap at him, and in the end, with the voices in your mind, you became almost no different from Taxian-Jun at the sight of Chu Fei.
You would never wish for his death; even if you did, it was only out of spite, and it shouldn’t be taken for real. When the news of his death came to you, you didn’t believe it at all. You continuously lied to yourself that he was still alive, lying on the bed of his room, waiting for him to come back, but there was still no response. The voice attempted to persuade you that he was dead. But you don’t believe it at all. He must have escaped without you knowing, or maybe even faked his death.
His corpse was still laying in his coffin, but you didn’t have the courage to see it because, to you, he must still have been alive. He must be somewhere out there, waiting for you to find him. With that, you began searching for him. A couple months passed, and you were greeted by the news of Empress Song. The marriage between Emperor Taxian-Jun and Empress Song was grand; you received an invitation. But even though you didn’t come, you wrote a letter congratulating him and asked a messenger to send it.
The next time that you visited the palace, most of the time was spent in the room of Chu Fei, and the rest was spent with Taxian-Jun.
The last time that you visited the palace, you got into an argument with him. He believes that you were trying to revive Chu Fei, and you didn’t even correct him. You don’t have the courage to accept his death. You were searching for a dead person whose corpse was already lying inside a coffin.
You didn’t even get to say your last goodbye to Taxian-Jun before you left the cultivation world, closing your eyes and accepting the darkness that surrounds your view.
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