#chuck norris quotes
Nokto: I heard King Highness once convinced Benitoite to take on half of Rhodolite's debt.
Yves: I heard Prince Chevalier can whip meringue by spinning the bowl on the tip of his finger.
Licht: I heard he once pulled a calf out of a pregnant mare with just one smooth tug.
Jin: I heard he can brew alcohol from army rations. Apparently only does it if medical supplies are running low though.
Luke: I heard Chevvie punched a bee so hard that it shat honey.
Clavis: I'm not participating in this discussion. And that bee did nothing wrong.
Leon: I heard he never eats the same cut of meat twice and yet he's eaten a different cut of meat every day for the past 12 years.
Sariel: I've heard Prince Chevalier interrogated a prisoner for 72 hours by doing nothing except for reading a book in front of him.
Rio: I heard Prince Chevalier likes being scratched behind the ears.
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uncle-jj · 2 years
punchy: Alright, who would win: Chuck Norris or Dora?
raymond: The villager, or...?
marshal: Not Dora the villager. Dora the explorer.
raymond: What makes you think the explorer would be a worthy opponent against Chuck Norris?
marshal: She has a cursor that she guides to do her bidding! She has stars to help fight for her!
marshal: Hell, she even has a talking backpack that contains lots of stuff!
raymond: I know the backpack is Dora's inventory, but what about our mayor? They're strong enough to carry a lot of stuff in their pockets!
kyle: Yeah, our mayor would be a worthy opponent, because of their strength.
katt: I bet those fruits they eat are the key! If they can break rocks with fruit, they can punch Chuck Norris with it.
doc: I don't care whether Norris or Dora would win! What about Shaggy against Dora? He has ultra instinct!
dora: Did somebody say my name?
raymond: I think Punchy did.
dora: Well, I think I'd pack a punch against Chuck and the explorer.
marshal: Yeah, but would you even beat Shaggy?
punchy: I think we're going off the topic a little.
moe: I think both Dora the explorer and Dora the mouse would team up together and beat Chuck Norris!
moe: Heck, they'd even beat Shaggy, too!
marshal: But would they beat our mayor?
raymond: The mayor literally has power over us villagers!
bob: What about Timmy Turner?
raymond: Timmy Turner?! Are you daft, punk?
bob: Timmy would wish defeat upon Chuck Norris and Dora the explorer!
hopkins: Oh yeah? I think Shaggy would beat both Chuck and Dora!
katt: But then Timmy would wish Shaggy was defeated after that!
kyle: Not if Dora pulls out the dragon balls and wish Cosmo and Wanda were her fairy godparents!
punchy: Ummm...
kyle: Then she'd wish Timmy was defeated, along with Chuck Norris and Shaggy!
doc: You know what? If I were Timmy Turner, I would wish world hunger was defeated!
marshal: What about One-Punch Man?
doc: I'd wish he was defeated, too.
katt: Are you kidding? One-Punch Man would make a worthy opponent against Chuck Norris!
moe: What about Rick and Morty?
raymond: Rick and Morty?
jitters: Rick and Morty would defeat Timmy Turner first, then take Cosmo and Wanda, and wish Dora, Chuck Norris, Shaggy, and Saitama were all defeated.
katt: Saitama is his real name?
rudy: What about Vin Diesel? He'd defeat them all!
jitters: Oh yeah! Vin Diesel! He'd be the worthiest opponent of them all!
doc: Um...I've defeated Shaggy as Rick, and vice versa. I play Multiversus.
doc: Therefore, I believe Rick, Morty, and Shaggy would team up and defeat everyone.
punchy: You know what?! Screw all of this! I think Dr. Strange would defeat everyone! End of story.
marshal: Dr. Strange VS. Chuck Norris, the Doras, the mayor, Shaggy, Saitama, Timmy Turner, Vin Diesel, Rick, and Morty?
raymond: & KNUCKLES
punchy: This is why I hate debates, you guys!
pheonix wright: And I thought my friends' debates were chaotic. Let's get a coffee, Punchinello.
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wickedzeevyln · 2 months
Up the Hill
The way to success is not a walk in the park, the path may be steep, the obstacles formidable, and the burdens heavy, but it is our resilience and our willingness to create a version of ourselves worthy of the prize in the face of adversity that defines our ascent to greatness. Past the point where the streetlights dared not touch and the world disappeared in the thick mist through the twisted…
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self taught architect self taught inventor self taught vintner self taught politician self taught mac n cheese maker when will i be thomas jefferson
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natalieironside · 2 years
Being a clown on the Internet used to be so easy. You used to could just quote a line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail or mumble something about Chuck Norris. Nowadays they actually expect you to be funny.
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positivexcellence · 3 months
‘Walker’s Jared Padalecki Shares a Look at What’s to Come in Season 4
Collider: You’re four seasons into this TV series now, which isn’t the 15 seasons that Supernatural was on the air, but it’s a very respectable amount of time.
JARED PADALECKI: Thank you so much. Hopefully, we’ll have 40 more. But Season 4 is certainly bizarre and amazing and incredible, and I’m grateful and flattered and love the journey these characters have gone through.
What are you loving about Season 4 and about the Cordell Walker of Season 4? What are you most enjoying about this point of the journey?
PADALECKI: With Supernatural, we would flip between maybe the big bad guy and then the problems at home or with the brothers. But in the case of Walker, we will go from big bad guy to family stuff to bad guy of the week to family stuff. Just like life is, it gets big sometimes and it gets small sometimes, but there’s always some issue. And so, what I love about Season 4 is having a serial killer out there that is from our past and that haunted us back then and is sure to haunt us again this season, as The Jackal does, and also, there’s so much drama at home. Cordell has a daughter who’s a freshman in college and a son who’s a senior in high school. Mom and dad are trying to figure out what to do. His brother is trying to figure out what to do. It’s just that feeling that we all get, as humans and as adults, where it feels like, “Can’t just one part of my life calm down?” And sure as hell, it never does.
It feels like this show was originally brought back to television because there was a real hole in this type of programming at that time, and I’m glad the series is still on because it still feels like it’s really needed in that space.
PADALECKI: Agreed. What’s funny is that I grew up in Texas. I grew up in San Antonio. I’ve lived in Austin for 15 years. I grew up watching Walker, Texas Ranger with Sir Chuck Norris, himself, so that was a part of my childhood. For those who’ve seen the original and seen ours, this is obviously a very different show. I’m certainly a fan of action movies and action shows and action books and action stories, but I found myself, after 15 years on Supernatural, which was very much based in family as well, wanting something that anybody of any age could watch. I wanted something that wasn’t just about cutting off vampires’ heads, or killing God or the devil and everything in between, but was more like, “How can we make this as realistic as possible to what’s going on right now, and what has gone on in the past, and what is sure to go on in the future?” The commentary is oftentimes about how people have seen the original and love the re-imagining that we Walker put together. But more often than not, I love that I’ve had parents come up to me and talk about how Walker, though the situation is different because he’s a widower, is going through life and trying to figure out his kids while they’re changing, and he has to go to work because he has a job. There’s something universal about that struggle and that experience that seems to have really communicated and landed with people, no matter what their job is and what their family situation is.
Is it challenging to make this series with a shortened episode count, or does it feel like you can really just pack more into every episode?
PADALECKI: I get both. There’s a quote I heard one time about actors and writers and directors and producers and whatnot, and they used it in the form of an actor. They said, “If you give an actor three years to prepare, it’ll take three years. If you give him three months to prepare, it’ll take three months. If you give him three days, it’ll take three days. If you give him three minutes, it’ll take three minutes.” It’s one of those things where life imitates art. We’ve found such wonderful stuff, and kudos to our great writing team for making it possible, but it feels very like life. It feels very much like Cordell’s life would be. You find out sooner than you would’ve hoped, “Hey, this is coming up,” or “You’ve gotta do this or that.” While it’s certainly been different, if you could give me 30 days to do an episode, it’ll have its challenges. If you give me one day to do an episode, it’ll have its challenges. I think that goes from top to bottom, cast and crew alike. We’ve had a great time. Because of cross-boarding some episodes, we might be doing episodes one and two, and even if a character is only in episode two, since we will shoot two together, I still get to catch up with that human being during the filming, which is wonderful.
You’re kicking off this season with a lot of storylines happening for these characters. He’s stepped up his romance, his daughter is not coping well with things, and there’s a serial killer. I love that there’s really this balance where you have the romance and there are some good things on the horizon for the family, but then there’s also the dark and deadly aspect of a serial killer. What sort of balance will we see this season between the light and the dark? Will we get to a point where things get more dark and more intense, as things play out with The Jackal?
PADALECKI: You certainly will. Given what happened with the strikes, over the last 12 months, it didn’t make sense to do a direct pickup after Season 3. So much time has passed between the end of Season 3 and when Season 4 will air that it just didn’t make a lot of sense for our viewers and our lovely and wonderful loyal watchers. Kale [Culley] just turned 18 in May, and he’s almost my size now. If we picked up Season 4, episode one, directly after Season 3, the final episode, it wouldn’t make sense. You’d be like, “Oh, I guess August grew four inches overnight.” Our writers were very aware of that and tried to make every bit of that as real and human as possible. We certainly do see, as characters and as viewers, how this Jackal that haunted Captain James and Ranger Walker back in the day, five years ago, still has a stranglehold on them, and just how deep and dark they go while trying to keep all the other plates spinning in the other aspects of their lives.
It’s certainly never great to keep secrets from people you care about, especially when they’re big secrets. And on a TV series, those secrets are bound to come out, and likely at the worst possible time.
PADALECKI: Yep, that’s what our sadistic writers try to do. Teasing, teasing, teasing. No, they do it in such a wonderful way. Going back to before even the pilot, one of the things that Anna Fricke and I talked about before we’d even staffed the room and cast the characters and hired the crew was that we want this to be as real as possible. Although in a different arena, with Walker being a Texas Ranger and a widow, we want this to have universal problems and issues that every person goes through on different scales as they navigate this life.
Jensen Ackles directed an episode of the series. Do you think he’ll do that again?
PADALECKI: I sure hope so. Now and always, I will work with Jensen, wherever, whenever. He’s obviously a busy man. He’s got a wife and three kids of his own. He’s here, there, and everywhere. He’s been in Toronto, he’s been in Vancouver, and he’s been in New Mexico. He’s a very busy guy. He and I see each other a lot, obviously, with Supernatural conventions, and we text often. He certainly is up for it. It’s just like life and like Cordell Walker, trying to figure out when things will work out.
Do you see yourself directing an episode?
PADALECKI: Not to speak for Jensen, but to try to speak for Jensen, directing is something that he was always really passionate about, and producing is something that I was always really passionate about. I have a deep respect for directors, and the door is not closed. If the opportunity arises and I think, “Man, I really wanna direct,” then I will. But over 24 years in the industry, I’ve worked with so many talented directors who deserve the episode more than I do. Obviously, as the executive producer and the guy in the poster, I could probably make a phone call and say, “Hey, I want an episode,” and they might say, “Okay, you get one.” That’s not what Jensen did.
From day one, he was like, “Hey, I wanna direct some day.” That’s not where I was. And so, I don’t wanna take an episode away from a really deserving, talented director. I really love my job as an actor and as a storyteller, and as an executive producer, I help guide the storyline and help in the casting and help with the editing. So, I’m a pretty happy cat right now, where I stand. I love that puzzle. The director puts the puzzle pieces together. I like getting the puzzle pieces and figuring out how they can work even better. I think a lot of artists go, “Hey, I wanna guide this.” For me, I love the puzzle of acting and scene breakdown and story breakdown, and just trying to figure out how to make what’s already great on the page and great on the set, even better if I can.
You and Jensen Ackles have both talked about having interest in a possible revival of Supernatural. Is that something you’ve seriously considered doing? Have you had any real conversations about that, or are you just having conversations about having conversations?
PADALECKI: It’s not that I have seriously considered doing it, my single answer is yes. It’s timing. It’s availability. Jensen and I feel so strongly about our show that we had for 15 years together that we don’t wanna just do it just to do it. We don’t wanna go, “Hey, I have two weeks off in June. Let’s go ahead and shoot 10 pages a day, just so we can have some more content.” If and when Supernatural comes back, it’s going to be a labor of love, and we’re gonna put every hour in to make sure that it’s as true to the cannon and to the fandom and to the story and to the characters as possible. So, my short answer is it’s not a consideration, the answer is yes. I just don’t know when I’m available. I don’t know when he’s available. But again, my answer is yes.
Have you thought about all the different possibilities of what it could be, as far as whether you’d do a shortened season, whether you’d want to do a movie, or if none of it works, whether you’d do an animated series?
PADALECKI: Yeah. Honest to God, I don’t think about the medium in which it would air. I think about the story that I care about. If Jensen and I talk about where we would like to see Sam and Dean appear on screens again, and we think, “Cool, we like this, and we like this arc, and we like this conclusion,” then let’s do it. If they make it into a movie, great. If they make it into a limited series, great. If they make it into a flip book that’s available on Amazon, great. But at this point in time, I feel so protective of Supernatural that if the story’s fine, then I don’t care how it gets into the world.
Eric Kripke has also always made it known that he’d love to have you on The Boys anytime you were available. Would you like to make an appearance over there? Have you actually spoken to him about that? Would you even want to be in that world?
PADALECKI: Yeah, he has reached out to me and my response to him 90% of the time is, “Dude, I’m 41 now with three kids. I’m not 25 and working out three hours a day. I know you’re going to fucking make me get naked, so give me a heads up. I’m in, but let me get a nutritionist and a trainer and get in the hyperbaric chamber for eight months before you make me show up.” But yeah, it would obviously be a lot of fun to see Kripke again and to work on that show, which is a great show that I’m a fan of.
It certainly seems like a little wild break of fun.
PADALECKI: A little wild? Have you seen the show?!
Yes, and I love it very much. But I also have a sick sense of humor.
PADALECKI: I do, too. I love watching it, but imagine putting yourself in it. I’ve got kids. My mom and dad are still alive. I’ve got grandparents that are alive. I don’t know how to just unplug their electricity when the show airs.
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gaygryffindorgal · 2 years
HPMA AU; A Christmas Prince
Chapter 1: A Wayward Prince
Summary: Dawn’s boss Kerry Crouch requires he fly to the tiny kingdom of Alderly to write an article on the succession crisis that has been brewing there for almost a year. After the death of the previous king, the crown prince has been shirking his responsibilities, allegedly jet-setting all over the world, living the high life. Now, the interregnum is drawing to a close and if Prince Quentin doesn’t step up, the whole country could be plunged into chaos.
Words: 1.9K
Dawn Harvelle, Evan Harvelle, and Kerry Crouch by @potionboy3​
Pandora Lovelace by @gcldensnitch​​
Rocky Weasley by @magicallymalted​
Beginning | Next Chapter​
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Chapter 1: A Wayward Prince
Dawn stared at the cursor blinking back at him from his computer screen. The article he was editing was utterly incomprehensible, not to mention several hundreds of words over the maximum limit. He was not getting paid enough for this. He got up and scanned the office for Fischer Frey, the culprit behind his current headache. It didn’t take long to find the man, chatting away at the coffee maker.
“Get a load of my next piece,” Fischer was saying. “Ugly Christmas Jumpers of the Stars.”
“Celebrity jumpers?” asked his brother Colby. They were twins, but out of the two of them, Fischer was definitely the worse. “That’s riveting.”
“It’s going to be brilliant; I tell you,” said Fischer.
“Hey, Fischer,” Dawn interrupted.
“Not now,” Fischer said.
“This’ll take just a sec,” Dawn continued, ignoring him. “I just had a couple of questions about your article, the Fashion Week piece that I'm editing.”
Fischer turned towards him and gave him a withering stare. “What about it?”
“Well, see, the thing is that Kerry wanted 300 words, and this is 650,” Dawn explained. “And one of the designers you quoted wasn't even on the floor, so...”
“Look, Dawn, I really don’t have time for this,” said Fischer and took a sip of his coffee. “Just clean it up.”
“It's not just a clean-up, it's a major rewrite.”
“What are you, the executive editor now?” Fischer snickered.
“No, I'm just trying to explain that–,” Dawn tried. He was starting to get really annoyed, which was saying a lot, since Fischer pissed him off on most days.
“Just fix it,” Fischer said and walked away. Colby gave him an apologetic look and followed his brother. Dawn sighed and headed back to his desk, just to see Rocky and Pandora waiting for him.
“That went well,” said Pandora.
“Let me guess, you're gonna rewrite his stinky old article because you don’t want to lose this job?” Rocky asked.
“It’s sort of part of the job description, isn’t it?” Dawn said and sat on his chair with a heavy sigh.
“Technically we’re junior editors, not writers, so–,” Pandora started.
“I’m just going to muddle through this one and maybe one day I’ll become a real journalist,” Dawn interrupted. And maybe he was also going to murder Fischer Frey in his sleep.
“Maybe we can grab pints after work and shit-talk Fischer?” Rocky suggested.
“I’m in,” said Pandora.
“I’m probably going to need to rope you guys into a murder plot while we’re at it,” said Dawn.
Suddenly, the door to Kerry’s office flew open, and the boss himself peeked out. “Dawn, I have to talk to you, get in here,” Kerry called. Dawn looked at his friends.
“He couldn’t have heard me plot Fischer’s murder, right?”
“That old man has the ears of a fox,” said Rocky.
“He’s like the Chuck Norris of editors-in-chief,” Pandora added helpfully.
“You guys should’ve become stand-up comedians,” said Dawn and got up, heading towards the boss’s office.
“How can I help?” asked Dawn upon entering.
“Urgent business,” Kerry replied, taking a seat behind his desk.
“If this is about Fischer’s Fashion Week article–,” Dawn started.
“Forget about Fashion Week, this is something else,” said Kerry in an uncharacteristically enthusiastic tone. “Sit.”
Dawn took a seat.
“What do you know about the royal family of Alderly?” Kerry asked.
“Uh… the tiny country in Central Europe?”
“Yes,” said Kerry.
“Wait,” said Dawn, remembering following the news coverage last year. “Their king died, and the prince who's supposed to take over is a total flake.”
“A flake, an international playboy, a scandalous socialite…” Kerry added.
“Playboy Prince Quentin took off before daddy died, which wouldn't be a problem, except they have this interregnum thing…” Dawn said, trying to remember.
“The time between two reigns,” Kerry explained. “In Alderly, it's a maximum of a year, which is about to expire.”
“So, they need a butt in the big chair by Christmas day,” said Dawn. “But if the prince is MIA, then what happens?”
“That's exactly what you're going to find out,” Kerry said. “His Royal Highness is due back this weekend, but just in case he abdicates, I need somebody there to capture the fireworks.”
“In Alderly?”
“They have a press conference scheduled for the 18th, and I need boots on the ground.”
“Not to shoot myself in the foot here,” Dawn started. “But why me?”
“None of my regular writers can spare spending Christmas away.”
“Right,” said Dawn. He should’ve known it wasn’t about his talent. “I’ll think about it.”
Dawn, Rocky, and Pandora hovered over Dawn’s computer screen, looking at articles written about Prince Quentin of Alderly.
“This bloke is your assignment?” asked Rocky. “He certainly gets around.”
“Oh look,” said Pandora, clicking open another article. “Another secret girlfriend.”
“Brilliant…” muttered Dawn. He was annoyed just by the sight of the prince.
“Seriously, Dawn, this assignment could jump-start your career,” Rocky said.
“I know…”
“I say do it,” Pandora offered.
“I…” Dawn considered. He had planned on spending Christmas with his dad, and he wasn’t sure he could just leave him alone for the holidays. But then again, Rocky was right. If he pulled this off, it could really do wonders for his career at Beat Now. “I’ll talk to my dad.”
“Guess that means rain-check on the drinks?” said Rocky.
“Yeah,” Dawn agreed.
“Well,” said Pandora. “This is exciting.”
After work, Dawn went to visit his father. Evan Harvelle had put up a few Christmas decorations and was now making tea in the kitchen. Dawn was beginning to feel like he definitely couldn’t spend Christmas in Alderly while his dad was alone at home.
“Hey, listen. Christmas Eve,” Evan said, brigning two steaming cups of tea to the living room. “Instead of doing our regular pizza, I was thinking maybe we could go eat somewhere a tad fancier,” he suggested and then noticed the look on Dawn’s face. “What? Dawn, what?”
“My editor has given me a story to cover,” Dawn blurted out.
“Your own story?”
“It's about the royal family of Alderly,” Dawn explained. “The prince, he's a bit of a playboy, he might even abdicate.”
“Kiddo, this sounds like it's going to be your big break.”
“Yeah, but the thing is, I'd have to be away through Christmas, and I know that you'd be alone. I just–,” Dawn began, but his dad cut in.
“Sounds like you need a bit of Fatherly Advice 101,” Evan said. “Sometimes you just have to take a chance.”
“That’s… really deep, dad, thanks,” Dawn laughed.
Evan laughed too, and said: “What I mean is, you really want to write your own stuff, you’re always talking about it,” he took a sip of his tea. “So shouldn’t you stay true to your dreams?”
“Sounds like a fortune cookie,” Dawn commented.
“All right,” said Evan, rolling his eyes. “Anyway, the point is, don't worry about me, you go over there to Aldi-whatnot–”
“Alderly, that's it,” said Evan. “And you make me proud.”
“And maybe learn to appreciate my advice, it’s great.”
“Sure, dad…”
It had snowed in Alderly, because of course it had. Everything about the tiny country looked like it was intentionally made to look like Santa’s village. Dawn followed a hoard of other journalists out of the airport and joined a queue for taxis. It was a crisp day, and Dawn wrapped his scarf tighter around his neck.
“When is the prince supposed to arrive?” he heard one of them wonder out loud.
Another replied: “An hour ago, maybe he’s missed his flight.”
“Probably shacked up with some countess somewhere,” the first man continued, snickering.
Then Dawn was finally up for a taxi, and as he opened the door, a man rushed past him and got in without so much as a glance at him. Or maybe there was a glance, but as he was wearing sunglasses, it was difficult to tell.
“Hey!” Dawn protested.
“I’m sorry,” the man said. “I really have to go.”
“No but this is my taxi!”
“My apologies.”
“You can't just do that, you selfish twat!”
The man pulled the door shut behind him and the car sped away. Apparently, the cozy Christmas vibe was only for show in this country.
“First time?” asked a nice lady in a gray pantsuit once they’d all filed in to take their seats in the room reserved for the press conference.
“Sorry, what?” asked Dawn.
“First time covering the royals?” the woman continued.
“First time covering anything,” replied Dawn. He was beginning to realize he was in way over his head. “Any words of wisdom?”
“Pick a new career,” the lady laughed.
“Oh,” said Dawn. “Thanks, I guess?”
Right then, the double doors swung open, and a palace aide walked in. He made his way to the podium in the front of the room.
“I wonder if he’ll show up this time?” whispered a man behind Dawn.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” said the aide into the microphone. “Thank you so much for coming today. I realize you've traveled a great distance to be here, but I'm sorry to announce we're going to have to cancel the press conference. Prince Quentin is... unavailable at this time.”
“More like he's avoiding the press,” the man behind Dawn said.
“Does this mean that the prince is abdicating the throne?” asked the woman next to Dawn.
The aide looked distinctly uncomfortable. and said: “I can assure you, his coronation is very much on schedule, and will take place at the annual Christmas Eve Ball.”
“Then where is he?” someone in the crowd asked. Everyone raised their hands and thrust their recording devices forward, shouting out questions at the same time. The poor aide scanned the room.
“Uh, the polite young man with the red scarf,” he said, and Dawn realized he was looking at him. Many pairs of eyes turned to him, and Dawn cleared his throat.
“When are you rescheduling the press conference?” he asked.
“We, uh, don't have any plans for that at this time.”
“Is it possible to arrange an interview with Prince Quentin?” he persisted. He needed this story after coming all this way.
“There will be no interviews with the prince,” said the aide with a finality that dampened Dawn’s spirits. “Thank you so much for coming.”
“King Stefanos would never have done this,” someone said.
“Talk about a real jerk-around,” the man behind Dawn complained.
“Should've known it would happen with this guy, what a waste.”
“Drinks on me back at the hotel?”
As the crowd started to spill out of the room, Dawn made a spontaneous decision. He was not going to go home empty-handed.
Dawn used the commotion of scraping chairs and chatter to slip out of the room from a side door, instead of the main entrance. He wondered, briefly, if Alderly had the death penalty and if so, how lax they were with its implementation. He removed his press pass and stuffed it in his pocket. The door led to a fancy hallway decked out for the holidays. Nobody was there so Dawn took out his phone and snapped a few photos. He walked down the hall and entered another, similar room to the one that had held the would-be press conference. The walls were decorated with paintings of long dead people. Dawn was taking more pictures when he suddenly heard someone clearing their throat behind him. Dawn spun around, dread creeping up on him.
“May I help you?” asked a stern voice. Dawn was so screwed.
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art-of-manliness · 10 months
Odds & Ends: September 1, 2023
Benchmade Bugout Knife. I’m always on the lookout for new pocket knives. I recently picked up the Benchmade Bugout based on reviews that I’ve read about it, and I’m digging everything about this simple folding knife. It’s a great EDC knife — slim and lightweight but incredibly sturdy and strong. You can open the blade easily with one hand, and holding the knife feels great. The length of the blade is perfect too.  “How Chuck Norris Facts Gave Birth to the Modern Meme.” If you’ve been on the internet for more than 15 years, you remember Chuck Norris Facts. Notable examples: * When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he’s pushing the Earth down. * Chuck Norris doesn’t read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants. * Chuck Norris drinks napalm to fight his heartburn. This article from ESPN takes a deep dive into the history of Chuck Norris Facts and makes the case that they gave birth to the modern-day meme. Make sure to check out our podcast episode about 1980s action heroes, including Chuck Norris.  Concluding Unscientific Postscripts by Søren Kierkegaard. My deep dive into Kierkegaard this year continues. I just finished his beast of a book entitled Concluding Unscientific Postscripts. It’s been on my to-read list ever since Jacob Howland mentioned the book in our podcast episode about Kierkegaard’s The Present Age. Kierkegaard’s big idea in this book is the distinction between objective and subjective truth. Objective truth consists of facts about the world that we can all agree on. The world is round, 2+2=4, etc. Subjective truth consists of personal, religious, and existential experiences that can only be experienced by a person individually. Feeling passion about life, love for a child, or faith in God are examples of subjective truths. For Kierkegaard, life is about cultivating those inner subjective truths. To be clear, Kierkegaard’s idea of subjectivity isn’t that truth is relative or whatever you want it to be; rather, it’s about experiencing life with vitality and passion. Concluding Unscientific Postscripts is a long book and hard to read, but packed with some great insights about life, faith, and being a human being. Did People Look Older? If you’ve ever looked through your parents’ high school yearbooks, you probably felt like the 17-year-olds in 1962 looked like they were 30. I’ve got some magazines from the 1940s called Pic: The Magazine for Young Men. They feature “young men” on the make, and the guy will look like he’s 45, but the caption says he’s only 29. What gives? Did people actually look older in the past or do our brains think they look older because we’re looking at old pictures? YouTuber Vsauce investigates in this fascinating video.  Quote of the Week Labor is one of the great elements of society, the great substantial interest on which we all stand; not feudal service, or predial toil, or the irksome drudgery by one race of mankind subjected on account of their color, to another; but labor, intelligent, manly, independent, thinking and acting for itself, earning its own wages, accumulating those wages into capital, educating childhood, maintaining worship, claiming the right of the elective franchise, and helping to uphold the great fabric of the State—that is American labor; and all my sympathies are with it, and my voice, till I am dumb, will be for it. —Daniel Webster The post Odds & Ends: September 1, 2023 appeared first on The Art of Manliness. http://dlvr.it/SvVfrW
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thebeardedcaptain1 · 1 year
Zlatan has retired, football moves on like life
Zlatan has retired, cue the Zlatan Ibrahimovic Chuck Norris quotes.
He had a career, that spanned over essentially four decades. Along the way, he earned accolades and admiration along the way and attention, a lot of attention. Zlatan Ibrahimovic has announced that he will retire from football aged 41. AC Milan, who were the club where he played his last game in the professional game, gave the man a fitting send-off, which even made the self-assured, very…
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romanlightman001 · 5 months
The chuck Norris quotes You've Been Waiting For | The Best of chuck Norr...
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anarchyoutdoor · 11 months
Do Grayboe Stocks Deserve the Hype?
If you’re interested in getting a Grayboe stock for your rifle and want to know what the brand’s about, visit their website.
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If you get into the weeds it won’t take you long to get a taste for the flavor of their market.
Just read this - it’s a direct quote from their website:
“You'll find we are synonymous with bald eagles, Chuck Norris's beard, fresh rocky mountain brewed Coors Original and Ronald freaking Reagan! Why you ask? Because we represent the American dream. It's more than just a rifle stock, it's The People's Rifle Stock.”
Pretty powerful self-praise, right? Well, it’s in any company’s best interest to promote its wares.
But are Grayboe stocks worth the hype?
You can also look into what customers have to say on the same website. There are some glowing testimonials.
They’re all generally (to excessively) positive, with users variously commenting on the superb fit and finish, compatibility with preferred platforms, ergonomics, sleek design, and adjustability.
They have a point. Grayboe stocks are lightweight and strong. They also have stocks compatible with a wide range of popular rifles like the Remington 700, which need no stock in-letting.
Some Grayboe stocks, like the Ridgeback, feature M-LOK slots for mounting shooting accessories as well as a high degree of adjustability.
So what sort of mystique surrounds the brand and does not live on their official website?
You don’t have to look far. The internet is awash with similarly positive reviews.
Another reviewer got into the details of what makes Grayboe stocks special.
According to him, they are extremely strong and precise, thanks to Grayboe’s technique of impregnating fibers with epoxy resin and molding it.
The process removes much of the manual labor traditionally involved, and the material cuts smoothly and eliminates most if not all concerns about delamination faced by other composite stocks.
The same reviewer commented on how easy it was to bed the stock, as well as that, while the stock adjustments available were not as great as he’d like to see, they were still quite good.
All in all, they are extremely strong rifle stocks that are impervious to warping (unlike traditional wood stocks) and which offer a nearly endless array of options for customization.
Interested in Learning More About Grayboe Stocks? Grayboe makes a few different stocks that are compatible with a wide range of different rifles. They produce stocks for precision shooters, hunters, and even muzzleloader shooters.
For some, a Grayboe is definitely worth the hype. If you’re interested in learning more about (or getting) a Grayboe stock, visit Anarchy Outdoors.
Anarchy Outdoors carries Grayboe stocks at competitive prices but the main reason to consult their catalog is because of everything else they offer.
If you are customizing your rifle with a new stock, you will want to investigate the bolt knobs, muzzle brakes, triggers, rifle grips, scope rings, throw levers, rifle cheek pads, and other gun parts they sell.
It is the premier source for firearm upgrades and all Anarchy Outdoors products come with a 100% lifetime replacement guarantee.
Visit their website for more information or get in touch with them at 833-980-0333.
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portfoliotrust · 2 years
Dodgeball movie stiller quotes
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#Dodgeball movie stiller quotes movie#
Justin Long, who played Average Joe’s teammate, Justin, was also hurt several times while filming.Leicester Metropolis supervisor Brendan Rodgers has focused membership house owners for a scarcity of switch exercise after the previous champions suffered their fourth consecutive loss to Manchester United. The brutal training must not have been enough though because Christine Taylor (who played Kate Veatch) was accidentally hit in the face twice by her husband Ben Stiller, once while rehearsing and once on set. The actors were required to train rigorously by attending a “dodgeball boot camp” several times a week. Though Dodgeball is undoubtedly one of the greatest comedies of the 21st century, it apparently wasn’t all fun and games to film. I’m sure this decision won’t haunt you forever.” - Lance Armstrong Did you enjoy these Dodgeball quotes? “Well, I guess if a person never quit when the going got tough, they wouldn’t have anything to regret for the rest of their life. Save yourself the embarrassment of losing with these losers in Las Vegas, La Fleur.” - White Goodman Funny Dodgeball quotesĢ5. My gym has stockholders, your gym doesn’t even have cup holders.” - White GoodmanĢ4. “My gym is worth more than four million dollars, your gym isn’t even worth four. “We’re opening a new Globo Gym in Mexico City, so I’ve been boning up on my Spanish.” - White GoodmanĢ3. But that actually happened though.” - White GoodmanĢ2. “Yeh, that’s me taking the bull by the horns, it’s how I like to run my business. Related Duke Nukem Quotes About the Legendary Video Game CharacterĢ1. You know, that’s the problem with… the American cinema: can’t handle any complexity in it, you know? “Don’t make me think, I just wanna be entertained”. “Here at Globo Gym we understand that ugliness and fatness are genetic disorders, like baldness or necrophilia, and it’s your fault if you don’t hate yourself enough to do something about it.” - White GoodmanĢ0. I never been there, but I read about it… in a book.” - White Goodmanġ9. The hippies finally got something right! Haha! Just kidding. “It’s called the Freedom of Information Act, Kate. “We shouldn’t be shackled up the employer/employee relationship…unless you’re into that kind of stuff a ha ha, cause I got some shackles in the back! a haha, just kidding, but really, I got them.” - White Goodmanġ7. “Line up ladies!” - Patches O’Houlihan Best Dodgeball quotes and lines from White Goodmanġ6. “You’re about as useful as a poopy flavored lollipop.” - Patches O’Houlihanġ4. “I guess you’re right, I’m not really a Pirate.” - Steve the Pirateġ3. “Ouchtown, population: You, bro!” - Pepper Brooksġ2. “I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.” - Kate Veatchġ1. “Thank you, Chuck Norris.” - Peter LaFleurĩ. “Remember the 5 D’s of dodgeball: Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.” - Patches O’Houlihan Best Dodgeball quotes and one-linersĨ. Related Cat Quotes That Are Too Purrfect For WordsĦ. “F*ck you, Chuck Norris!” - White Goodman You know that I know that I know you.” - White Goodmanĥ. “We ARE the Globo Gym Purple Cobras … and we will, we will, rock you!” - White GoodmanĤ. “Oh, I don’t think I’m a lot dumber than you think that I thought that I thought I was once.” - White Goodmanģ. “If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.” - Patches O’HoulihanĢ.
#Dodgeball movie stiller quotes movie#
We hope these Dodgeball quotes take you back to the first time you saw this movie and make you laugh harder than ever before.ĭon’t forget to also check out these Beetlejuice quotes for the strange and unusual. It’s the story of true underdogs who go against some of the world’s best and most villainous dodgeball athletes in order to save a place that they love. Silly, funny, and a little bit weird, Dodgeball follows a group of misfits led by Peter Le Fleur (Vince Vaughn) who enter Las Vegas’s Dodgeball tournament in order to save Le Fleur’s gym from being overtaken by a corporate gym chain run by White Goodman (Ben Stiller). In 2004 Dodgeball, starring Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn was released to mixed reviews.īut despite lower critical ratings at first, this film has gone on to stand the test of time and is now a modern comedy classic. We hope you enjoy these hilarious Dodgeball quotes. It’s been over 17 years since Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story was released and since then this film has become a comedy classic.
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amrselim · 2 years
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Films watched in 2021.
43: The Way of the Dragon (Bruce Lee, 1972)
“In this world of guns and knives, wherever Tang Lung may go to, he will always travel on his own.“
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chanelpirate · 4 years
gertrude robinson shot a man in reno just to watch him die
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