#ciri × becca
laurikarauchscat · 4 months
Happy Valentines Day!! 💝
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Ciri and her stepmother. One of my new fave ships !! It's delightfully taboo - I love them ❤️
Reference - https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/9570217951429757/
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yenneferblog · 11 months
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#mama bear
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krystinaarielle · 28 days
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Dirty Laundry Season 4 loading
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nataliescatorccio · 2 years
omg happy birthday becca dear, i hope you are having a wonderful day!! 💖🥰🎉
thank you so much annie!! it's been a really lovely day 🥰💗
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bookcalanthedaily · 5 months
What do you think about pairing Ciri/False Ciri? Isn't it too cruel?
i don't know if cruel is the right word. i personally wouldn't ship it, because they both need someone who will help them heal from their trauma, rather than feed off each other's trauma, but i can totally see them as friends, once ciri gives false ciri amnesty for, well, pretending to be her.
i actually was going to explore their relationship a little when i work on my 'lion cub's rebellion' verse.
ciri, after taking the city of golden towers and killing emhyr, wants to have false ciri executed for assuming her identity, but recognises that the girl is a victim, just as much as pavetta and her were, so becca is forgiven.
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anya-chalotra · 3 years
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In the spirit of Women’s History Month, Ava (@anya-chalotra) and Becca (@veronica-lodge) will be hosting a WITCHER LADIES APPRECIATION WEEK from March 29th through April 2nd. It’s a bit late to squeeze this in as an International Women’s Day celebration, but what better way to cap off the month than with a week of badass ladies?
There are so many amazing women on this show and oftentimes not nearly enough love for them, so we’d love for everyone to celebrate and showcase these ladies with us, be it through gifs or graphics or fics or art. Below you can find prompts for each day, as well as an alternate set that might be more convenient for any writers and artists who’d like to take part.
03/29 — Favorite Minor or Recurring Character (to encourage love beyond our two amazing leading ladies, this means anyone outside of Yen and Ciri) 03/30 — Favorite Dynamic (platonic or romantic; does not have to be f/f) 03/31 — Favorite Wardrobe or Outfit(s) 04/01 — Favorite Quote(s) or Scene(s) 04/02 — Weapon of Choice: Sorcery, Swords or Words
03/29 — Fluff | Happiness 03/30 — Hurt/Comfort 03/31 — Power | Strength 04/01 — Dynamics 04/02 — Alternate Universe
Be sure to use the tag #wlaw2021, and please reblog this post if you plan on participating or if you’d simply just like to help spread the word. We hope everyone has fun and we look forward to seeing all of your brilliant creations! ♥
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bloededhoine · 4 years
world building cause twn doesn't pt. 2: nilfgaard!
pt. 1 on the northern realms here
okay i'm making this because 1 witcher netflix is the most convoluted and confusing thing i've ever seen and does literally no world building and 2 special interest make autism brain go brr.
about this series
this is gonna be a multi part series about the witcher universe but this is all about nilfgaard!
ciri's timeline in twn encompasses the entirety of the first northern war, beginning with the attack on cintra and ending with the battle at sodden
the show ended in 1264 when we saw geralt meet ciri
this is just covering the human portions of nilfgaard. i'll talk about elven allied groups like the scoiatael later.
colour code cause i fucking love colour codes - already happened/introduced, probably s2, important background info, stuff that might be in the prequel, extras
the witcher takes place on the continent, which is mainly divided between south and north
the north is a collection of many kingdoms while the south is basically just nilfgaard and its many territories, dependencies, provences, and vassal states.
some of these conquered areas include toussaint, vicovaro, nazair, and mettina
nilfgaard loves invading the north. a lot. like this is the driving force of most of the plot in the witcher.
basic info
nilfgaard an insanely powerful absolutist monarchy, ruled by an emperor who has a huge collection of talented mages, spies, commanders, and advisors
as of ciri's timeline in twn, the emperor is emhyr var emreis, or, to those on more intimate terms with him: the white flame dancing on the graves of his foes
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[ID: middle aged white man with slicked back shoulder length greying black hair. he is wearing a black dress with a red and black embroidered shirt underneath. he is wearing a gold medallion around his neck, has black leather boots, and is holding a silver goblet. end ID]
emhyr is crazy important, both as a character and to the politics of the witcher. he's also a member of the house of emreis, which i'll go into detail on in a bit.
he is also a major walking spoiler, so i won't talk about him in the context of twn or the books
nilfgaard is divided between the "heart" of the empire, also known as lower alba or simply nilfgaard, and the conquered territories, dependencies, provinces, etc
for all of nilfgaard's imperialism, it does allow these areas to retain a lot of their original cultural identity, to the point where someone from vicovaro would not really consider themself nilfgaardian
this works out because nilfgaard would not consider a vicovarian nilfgaardian either
lower alba
lower alba is the home of "real" nilfgaardians, and is also where the capital city is located
theres a bit of racism and racial purity here: lower albans consider themselves superior to the rest of humans due to their elven ancestry
this elven ancestry is also why nilfgaard is far more sympathetic to nonhumans than the north and uses a language similar to hen llinge (elder speech)
there are a LOT of notable albans, so i'll just keep it to the important ones and my favourites: carthia van canten aka cantarella, morvran voorhis, stefan skellen, the house of emreis, and vattier de rideaux
the capital, known as the city of golden towers or simply nilfgaard, is home to the imperial palace, where the emperor spends most of his time
i say most because there is also a summer residence at loc grim palace
now that we know the basics of the core empire, let's visit the other territories!
the duchy of toussaint is one of the most important nilfgaardian states, and definitely the most beautiful. it's main economy is in wine
toussaint actually has no secret service or military, something quite rare on the continent. it does however, have a large system of knights errant that love chivalry
the capital is beauclaire, which is where the duke/duchess live
as of twn, its ruler is the duchess anna henrietta. i'll let you all make your own assumptions about the lovely annarietta
also for some reason in toussaint, people have 2 names that are smushed together. so anna henrietta becomes annarietta, sylvia anna becomes syanna, carolina roberta becomes caroberta etc
annarietta is also distantly related to emhyr, her great grandfather is the half brother of emhyr's father
the most notable toussaintois are the mages fringilla and artorius vigo
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here's fringilla in twn. [ID: young black woman in a long sleeve grey-blue cloak. her hair is pulled back and she is looking slightly up and to the right with a blank expression. end ID]
okay vicovaro is vassal state near the southernmost part of the empire, but we know it more for the people from it than what it actually is
there is an actual ruler, but the state is largely controlled by two key houses: the var anahid family and the dyffryn family
the capital is vicovaro, but the houses have their own land. we don't really hear about the var anahids, but the dyffyn house controls dyffra
notable vicovarians include assire var anahid and cahir mawr dyffryn aep ceallach. cahir in twn is right there.
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[ID: young white man in black armour. he has an angular face and brown slicked back hair. he is scowling]
okay mettina is a bit confusing since it is the shared name for three different places. the first is the administrative unit mettina, which includes the provence mettina (2) and the provence maecht. in the provence there is also the capital city mettina (3).
tor lara aka the tower of the swallow is in mettina, and not much else tbh
maecht was the home of duny (that little man) for an unspecified number of years
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[ID: young white man with dark curly hair. his face is dirty and sweaty and he is frowning slightly]
"wait! i thought duny was the urcheon of erlenwald, and that's in cintra!" don't... don't think too hard about duny. he lived in mettina for a while and took a trip to cintra where he met pavetta.
for all intents and purposes, ebbing is an autonomous state, although nilfgaardians do have a hand on the wheel
includes salm, a technically sovereign provence, but is de facto dependent on ebbing
ebbing is most notably home to stygga castle, the one time fortress for the school of the cat, and bounty hunter leo bonhart
also, roegner of ebbing, pavetta's father, is from here
nazair is kinda the least important of the more important nilfgaardian dependencies
it was independent for a while but was conquered by cintra under queen calanthe and then nilfgaard under emperor emhyr
its main industries are cinnabrite and silver, both luxury goods
the only mildly important nazairi is becca of nazair, ciri's 6 times great grandmother
other minor areas
alba, toussaint, ebbing, and vicovaro are really the only important nilfgaardian areas, although mettina and nazair are mentioned quite a bit. borders change a lot, especially with an imperialist power, but this is the general list of nilfgaardian areas as of the first northern war
regions - daerlan (notable for military), eiddon (owned and ruled by alban spy vattier de rideaux), liddertall, magne, rowan, ruach, slopes (home to haern caduch, the bear school fortress), tarnhann, winneburg, and ymlac
provences - angren provence (contains dol angra, a profitable trade route), cintra (1264-1268), etolia, gemmera, geso, mag turga, mettina (contains kingdoms mettina and maecht), and nazair
vassals - cintra (after 1268), ebbing, toussaint, and vicovaro
tl;dr: the most important part of nilfgaard is lower alba, which is surrounded by many dependencies including toussaint, vicovaro, nazair, and mettina.
thank you for reading! i'm definitely gonna make more parts and will link them here when i do!
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chyertiii · 3 years
For the fanfiction writers ask: 16, 21, 34
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
• Smol x Tol is a requirement not a request
• Arranged marriage AU queen 👑
• No one else challenges me mentally or physically but you
• Bodyguard AU’s (bonus points if her parents are never around and she’s a Poor Little Rich Girl™️)
• We meet in our dreams AU
• Somehow I keep falling into another plane or realm and you only exist there and “we” only exist there and slowly I start to spend all my time and energy on being with you and completely losing my whole life in the “real world”
• Captive/Captor AU’s (think Briseis and Achilles but I’m not above a good old fashioned bank robbery gone tits up I’m an equal opportunity slut for Stockholm Syndrome)
• We had a past life together and we only remember flashes but the energy is still there between us and it’s undeniable - however, being together would completely dismantle our present day lives
• This can’t last and it’s not meant to, but I’ve been through a lot and you’re a very nice resting place for now
• I’m a brat, but vulnerable only with you. You’re an asshole, but soft only with me. I don’t hate anyone else but you. But I don’t love anyone else either.
• We’ve both been through trauma no one else understands so we don’t really know how to trust or love anyone else, but no one would ever be accepting of us being together (yes I meant to google Lucrezia and Cesare Borgia)
• Honestly, anything where the shtick is ‘we’re really not supposed to be doing this’ bonus points for sneaking around and loads of pining angst about it
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
I’m about to lose so many followers 🙈
Max x Audrey (Gossip Girl)
Sarah Cameron & Rafe Cameron (OBX) (yes I know they’re related no I don’t care)
Ciri x Geralt (The Witcher, more the video games and the books than the tv show)
Javier Peña (Narcos) x Helena (Narcos) x Santiago Garcia (Triple Frontier)
Robb x Sansa or Jon x Sansa or Robb x Jon x Sansa (ASOIAF) (who is GoT don’t know her)
Sookie Stackhouse x Jason Stackhouse (True Blood) (watch the first episode again and tell me I’m wrong lol)
Eric x Four (Divergent) (books not the movieverse)
Becca x Lucas (Banshee)
Cassie x Nate (Euphoria) (yes I know it wouldn’t work leave me alone) (all I’m saying is, Nate spent a lot of fucking energy trying to get McKay to NOT date Cassie and Nate would never have made Cassie get an abortion)
Mal x Evie (Descendants)
Elsa x Kristoff (Frozen)
Tink x Hook (Peter Pan universe - more the books than any of the movies) (in the second Peter Pan book she is literally lost to the group and found locked up in the captain’s quarters among Hook’s treasure on his ship don’t come for me Barrie shipped it too)
Freya x Freyr or Freya x Fenrir (Norse mythology)
Morgan x Arthur (Arthurian legend)
Lucifer x Eve or Lucifer x Lilith (biblical mythology NO I’m not talking about Lucifer the show lol I’ve never even watched it and I won’t)
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
From “Through the Lake”, a Grishaverse fic I wrote 5 years ago but never posted (Darkling x OFC)
They’ve begun travelling now. He likes to stay diplomatically relevant. Likes to be known to the kings and queens of lands beyond Ravka. Because the otkazat’sya Lantsov king is weak and stupid. She knows. She’s met him many times. And she met his father before him. She’s dined with their ambassadors and danced with their advisors (Shadow likes to show her off as his little relic. His little stolen child, kept as a pet the same way fairies of old would keep children from her world. It is also a very clear piece on the chess board. Look what I have. Look what she can do. Know your place).
“Lantsov is lucky anyone even continues to acknowledge him as king. If I were a queen, the only diplomat I would sit down with is you.” She’s known her Shadow a hundred years now. She cannot fathom why anyone still bows to the Lantsov king.
“Do I not treat you with all the adoration and reverence due a queen?” He asks in response, ignoring her statement for the moment. Though it strokes something warm and needy inside him to hear her say it.
They’re in Kerch. A disgustingly wealthy merchant’s villa is their home for the night. At his table they dined on sweet-buttered grouse and roasted kale and salted caramel cake.
The back of his ungloved finger traces her neck as she takes her jewelry off and lets her hair down. The touch flares her power with a shivering thrill of electricity. Unable to help herself, Jo flexes her abilities enough to let him know not to push her. The air in the room compresses for a moment until all sound is narrowed down, resting on the pin of a needle and ringing in his ears. Thirty seconds go by. Finally, she lets up and he has to grip the window sill as his lungs drag desperately for oxygen.
“What?” He half snarls, half chokes. Jo is shown more favor than anyone else at his court by far. He’s never lavished another with the same attention and devotion he pours over her. He’s never trusted anyone enough to allow them so close. But he’s careful to keep her loyalties where they belong. Uses her power to keep the other Grisha in check. To keep their eyes fixed with jealousy so they’ll never look upon her with love. So she has no other confessional but him. So she can never hold anything she knows to his throat. Even if she thought to overthrow him and seize power for herself, they would never follow her. They’d wear her bones first.
“You know what. Do not dare to play the victim with me.” They argue as if they’re married. And maybe in a way they are. Promises forever unbroken. Loyalty carried to the grave. Secrets pressed between them for centuries, that no one else could ever unfold.
Swallowing, he swipes away the blood dripping from his nose with the handkerchief in his pocket. Glances out the window, partly guilty and partly annoyed that the girl can even make him feel guilt.
“You know why I can’t let you stay.” They’ve been over this a hundred thousand times. He won’t have her for one lifetime when he needs her power for much longer than that. And perhaps, a part of him needs her to be hungry for him. To know she’s in Duluth salivating at the mouth to get back here. Perhaps he’s scared that if he gives her all she wants of him, of Ravka, she’ll have her fill and go back for good.
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goddamnmuses-a · 4 years
Wanted Opposites
So I got this idea.. just kinda gonna shout it out to the world.. of writing a list of canon muses I want my muse to interract with.. you’ll see what I mean... Under the cut because long. 
Salazar Slytherin
Rowena Ravenclaw
Helga Hufflepuff
Godric Gryffindor
Albus Dumbledore
Basically any Harry Potter characters.
Christopher Weasley
Any of the Next Gen Harry Potter characters. 
Any Weasley
Again basically any Harry Potter characters
Rocket Raccoon
Any of the Guardians
Other anthropomorphic characters like from Sonic or Star Fox or something
Peter Parker
Mary Jane
Gwen Stacey
Felicia Hardy
Harry Osborn
Norman Osborn
Miles Morales
Any of his rogues gallery
Basically any other marvel character too. 
Wade Wilson
Vanessa Carlysle
Lady Death
Ellie Camacho
Gwen Poole
Negasonic Teenage Warhead
Any other Marvel characters basically
Pietro Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff
Lorna Dane
Any other speedster like The Flash or Reverse Flash
Any other marvel character
Aaron Davis
Miles Morales
Any other Spider-Man/Marvel villain/character at all tbh
Levi (Cloak of Levitation)
Doctor Strange
Any other personified marvel items. 
Brian Braddock
Betsy Braddock
Peggy Carter
Captain America
Red Guardian
Any other Marvel character. 
Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker
Linda Martin
Ella Lopez
Detective Dan Douche. 
Any other angels
Any other DC characters now he’s been seen in Crisis. 
John Constantine
Sara Lance
Swamp Thing
Etrigan The Demon
Doctor Fate
Any of The Legends
Any other DC characters
Tim Drake
Red Hood
Damian Wayne
Basically any of the Bat family. 
Any other DC character too. 
Ravi Chakrabarti
Liv Moore
Peyton Charles
Clive Babineaux
Major Lillywhite
Sterling Archer
Lana Kane
Cheryl Tunt
Pam Poovey
Dr Kreiger
Cyril Figgis
Barry Dillon
Ray Gillette
Malory Archer
Any other Spys. 
Nathan Young
Rudy Wade
Simon Bellamy
Alisha Daniels
Kelly Bailey
Abbey Smith
Anyone else from Misfits 
Basically any God from any pantheon
Cal Kestis
Cere Junda
Jaro Tapal
Greez Dritus
Saw Gerrera
Taron Malicos
Ninth Sister
Trilla Suduri
Darth Vader
Sorc Tormo
Any Jedi or Inquisitors. 
Savage Opress
Darth Maul
Asajj Ventress
Count Dooku
Mother Talzin
Sheev Palpatine
Ahsoka Tano
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Any other Jedi or Sith
Tyrion Lannister
Daenerys Targaryen
Jon Snow
Arya Stark
Sansa Stark
Cersei Lannister
Petyr Balish
Oberyn Martell
Jaime Lannister
Brienne of Tarth
Bran Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Joffrey Lannister
Tommen Lannister
Tormund Giantsbane
Jorah Mormont
Any other Game of Thrones character
Sandor Clegane
Daenerys Targaryen
Jon Snow
Gregor Clegane
Arya Stark
Sansa Stark
Cersei Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Brienne of Tarth
Joffrey Lannister
Tormund Giantsbane
Any other Game of Thrones character.
Draco Westley
Daenerys Targaryen
Godzilla or any other Kaiju
Any other Dragons or Dragon related characters. 
Billy Butcher
Annie January
Hughie Campbell
Becca Butcher
Queen Maeve
Black Noir
The Female
Madelyn Stillwell
The Deep
Mothers Milk
Any other The Boys characters
Any other Superhero/Anti Heros
The Charred Council
Any angels/demons
Basically any supernatural characters/creatures
Diego Dynamic
Any Cyberpunk/Futuristic Characters
Ciri from the Witcher as she travels through worlds. 
Geralt of Rivia  
Triss Merigold
Fringilla Vigo
Keira Metz
Any other Witcher/Fantasy characters
The Blacksmith
The Doctor
The Master
Clara Oswald
Amy Pond
River Song
Rose Tyler
Jack Harkness
Martha Jones
Donna Noble
Rory Williams
The Ravi
Any other Doctor Who/Sci-fi characters.
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laurikarauchscat · 5 months
Ciri defiles her father's virgin wife under the watchful eye of her Grandmother's effigy.
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Empress Cirilla - she who fucks on the barrows of her kin...
Inspired by Verity - by Eldritcher
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yenneferblog · 11 months
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melonoverlord · 6 years
Jaz for the otp thing
• My NOTP for them
I mean, anything with her sister is a given because, ew. Also really any other dude character besides Pax? Like in her story there was another dude she was kinda involved with, but he was lowkey toxic.
• My BROTP for them
Jaz and Becca are soulmates and are ride or die for each other. They are their only family left and would sacrifice everything to make sure the other was safe.
Also honestly, now that her future bf is on brain texting terms with Icio, she’d be very hesitant of them after the whole Becca and the stone thing, but they’d have great conversations.
One more for the road, her relationship with her son Michael is beautiful and she supports him in everything he does even though she doesn’t completely understand all the reaper shit he has to put up with.
• My OTP for them 
This is a Jax family, and I support the god of death/reaper and his hellhound/werewolf scientist girlfriend. Together they make the best babies on the planet along with their favorite little sister. Icio’s gonna have a fun miniarc playing wingfish to Pax.
• My second choice pairing for them 
Honestly, Val and Jaz would be such good ship because both have little sisters that they would die for, they’re both in science and are damn good at it, and they would both help each other through their respective issues, Val’s depression and Jaz’s anxiety/ptsd. Also they’re just both so salty and would love each other.
• My fluffy pairing for them
Kind of along the same vein, Ciri and Jaz would be pretty cute. Both have been through Genesis experimenting on them and taking away their autonomy, plus both of them naturally gravitate towards children (Ciri because she’s just a mom at heart, and Jaz because they remind her of what Becca could’ve been). Plus Jaz would have the time of her life teaching Ciri to do medical procedures while learning from Ciri about robits. Another STEM gf
• My angsty pairing for them 
Pax and Jaz are already the angst pairing, both in campaign and canon. In campaign, Jaz and Pax will both meet during another sketchy event is happening, plus it won’t help that Pax is halfway in Icio’s body, who she remembers very well from when they almost killed her sister. They also have to deal with a Pax who can never die, and Jaz whose lifespan is a little longer than a normal human, but a blink of an eye compared to how long he’ll last.
It makes it worse in canon that Pax is specifically attached to Jaz as her reaper and when she dies, he will have to perform his role as a reaper and take her to the Underworld or risk her becoming a ghost which is bad for everyone. Pax is always worried about his love and Jaz feels guilty that her own death can’t even be something peaceful because Pax has to go full reaper to do his job.
• My favorite poly ship for them
The real Life and Death is Jaz, Pax, Icio, and Juni. Got the goddess of life and a surgeon, and the god of death and a fish would would be the god of death drops. They would be an endless cuddle pile where honestly Jaz is the only adult in the room.
• My weirdest pairing for them
By itself, Icio and Jaz is pretty weird, especially after the whole stone incident. But I really think that they would be able to work out their differences and bond over their love of their kids and Jaz would be hella interested in what’s going on with the whole host thing.
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nataliescatorccio · 1 year
Hiiii Becca do you know if anyone has a set out there that compares some of ciri’s and geralt’s quotes? “I have read books” geralt to istredd and then “i do in fact read” ciri to geralt. Just father daughter things xoxo
Love your gifs and the support you provide to others!!!!
this set by avia has a lot of perfect parallels between geralt and ciri! i'm sure i've seen one with just that parallel if that's more what you're looking for, but i'm afraid i'm currently on holiday and can't dig back through my blog to find it.
and thank you, you're so sweet!!
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bookcalanthedaily · 6 months
Wonderful gifset 😍 Have you ever thought what real name False Cirilla had?
yes! i hc her real name was becca of tigg. after the first queen of cintra. (taken out of cdpr's files from back when cerys was supposed to be false ciri)
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aszonereborn · 3 years
number of translated articles: 19 currently working on: genealogy of ciri - coram II, crispin kameny, muriel. cintran dynasty - cerbin, becca of nazair, correm, eschiva, coram I, rigoberta, witcher signs.
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anya-chalotra · 3 years
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Going into this, Becca and I were no strangers to the fact that this fandom is Talented, capital T and all. We see proof of it time and time again in every corner, but I was still utterly blown away by all the amazing content everyone put out, and I wanted to sincerely express both my gratitude and my awe, because wow, what an incredible showcase of not only the wonderful women of The Witcher but our fandom’s outrageous talent as well.
Thank you to every single content creator who took part in WITCHER LADIES APPRECIATION WEEK for making it such a rewarding experience, and thank you to my beautiful partner-in-crime @inejz-ghafa​, whose encouragement and hand to hold I don’t think I could or would have done this without. It’s been my honor to co-host this, and it continues to be my honor to be a part of such an incredible and incredibly gifted fandom. Cheers, and I hope to see you all (and others, too!) next year, when we finally have season two content.
Below is a list of everyone’s creations from the week. Be sure to check everything out and give them all the love they deserve!
Calanthe & Tissaia Set by @anya-chalotra Tissaia de Vries Set by @inejz-ghafa​
Queen Calanthe Set by @mercymaker Tissaia de Vries Set by @myannaburing Fringilla Vigo Set by @marinabridgerton Queen Calanthe Set by @evieoconnell Triss Merigold Set by @sabrinaglevissigs Renfri of Creyden Set by @arthurpendragonns General Ladies Set by @jemmablossom [Alt] Yennefer & Tissaia Fic by @thegirl20 Tissaia de Vries Set by @shinylightblue Queen Calanthe Set by @buckybarne Triss Merigold Set by @ughmerlin Fringilla Vigo Set by @queenrojpag Renfri of Creyden Set by @withered-rose-with-thorns Queen Calanthe Set by @ivashkovadrian Triss Merigold Set by @amitas-sumans Renfri & Milva Fic by @slythnerd Marilka of Blaviken Set by @coconutwaterbending Fringilla Vigo Set by @aleksandr-morozova Queen Calanthe Set by @tiffanyachings Renfri of Creyden Set by @nina-zenyk [Alt] Triss & Yennefer Fic by @restmyheadatnightcontent Tissaia de Vries Graphics by @midnightisquiet Triss Merigold Set by @luke-patterson Ladies of Aretuza Set by @boujeegoblin Renfri of Creyden Set by @onceandfuturehimbo Queen Calanthe Set by @fangrurin Renfri of Creyden Set by @drinkcrywrite Queen Calanthe Fic by @valdomarx Renfri of Creyden Set by @thetracker Renfri of Creyden Art by @untaintedtea
DAY TWO: FAVORITE DYNAMIC Alternate Prompt: Hurt/Comfort
Tissaia & Yennefer Set by @anya-chalotra Calanthe & Ciri Set by @inejz-ghafa​
Tissaia & Yennefer Set by @mercymaker​ Calanthe & Eist Set by @buckybarne​ Calanthe & Ciri Set by @marinabridgerton​ [Alt] Yennefer Set by @jemmablossom​ Ciri & Geralt Set by @ughmerlin​ Calanthe & Ciri Set by @shinylightblue​ Yennefer & Sorceresses Set by @queenrojpag​ Tissaia & Yennefer Set by @fangrurin​ Calanthe & Ciri Set by @onceandfuturehimbo​ Ciri & Yennefer Set by @daeneryssansa​ Calanthe & Ciri Set by @arthurpendragonns​ Tissaia & Yennefer Set by @ivashkovadrian​ Ladies & Motherhood Set by @nina-zenyk​ Calanthe & Eist Set by @oscarisaack​ Yennefer & Jaskier Set by @aleksandr-morozova​ [Alt] Yennefer Fic by @restmyheadatnightcontent​ Tissaia & Yennefer Set by @amitas-sumans​ Yennefer & Istredd Set by @coconutwaterbending​ Tissaia & Yennefer Graphic by @midnightisquiet​ Yennefer & Geralt Set by @boujeegoblin​ Fringilla & Yennefer Set by @vxngerberg​ Tissaia & Yennefer Set by @drinkcrywrite​ Sabrina & Yennefer Set by @gingerlambert​ Multi Dynamics Set by @withered-rose-with-thorns​
DAY THREE: FAVORITE WARDROBE OR OUTFIT(S) Alternate Prompt: Power or Strength
Yennefer of Vengerberg Set by @anya-chalotra General Ladies Set by @inejz-ghafa​
General Ladies Set by @buckybarne​ Yennefer of Vengerberg Set by @jemmablossom​ Ciri of Cintra Set by @ughmerlin​ Yennefer of Vengerberg Set by @mercymaker​ General Ladies Set by @fangrurin​ General Ladies Set by @marinabridgerton​ [Alt] Yennefer of Vengerberg Art by @pokeberry5​ Triss Merigold Set by @ivashkovadrian​ Sabrina & Triss & Yennefer Set by @drinkcrywrite​ General Ladies Set by @queenrojpag​ General Ladies Set by @aleksandr-morozova​ General Ladies Set by @sabrinaglevissigs​ Yennefer of Vengerberg Set by @daeneryssansa​ Triss Merigold Set by @onceandfuturehimbo​ General Ladies Set by @arthurpendragonns​ General Ladies Set by @shinylightblue​ Yennefer of Vengerberg Set by @boujeegoblin​ Yennefer of Vengerberg Graphic by @midnightisquiet​ General Ladies Set by @nina-zenyk​ Yennefer of Vengerberg Set by @withered-rose-with-thorns​ Yennefer of Vengerberg Art by @unremarkablegirl​
DAY FOUR: FAVORITE QUOTE(S) OR SCENE(S) Alternate Prompt: Dynamics
General Ladies Set by @anya-chalotra General Ladies Set by @inejz-ghafa​
Yennefer of Vengerberg Set by @sabrinaglevissigs​ Triss Merigold Set by @ivashkovadrian​ Yennefer of Vengerberg Set by @shinylightblue​ General Ladies Set by @arthurpendragonns​ Yennefer of Vengerberg Set by @queenrojpag​ Queen Calanthe Set by @tiffanyachings​ Ciri & Yennefer Set by @boujeegoblin​ Yennefer of Vengerberg Set by @mercymaker​ General Ladies Set by @buckybarne​ General Ladies Set by @daeneryssansa​ Calanthe & Renfri & Yennefer Set by @drinkcrywrite​ General Ladies Set by @withered-rose-with-thorns​ Yennefer of Vengerberg Set by @ughmerlin​ General Ladies Set by @aleksandr-morozova​ Yennefer of Vengerberg Set by @onceandfuturehimbo​ Yennefer of Vengerberg Set by @jemmablossom​ Ladies of Aretuza Set by @nina-zenyk​
DAY FIVE: WEAPON OF CHOICE (SORCERY, SWORDS, OR WORDS) Alternate Prompt: Alternate Universe
Ladies + Sorcery/Swords Set by @anya-chalotra Ladies + Sorcery Set by @inejz-ghafa​
Ladies + Sorcery Set by @margeaery​ Ladies + Sorcery Set by @jemmablossom​ [Alt] Essi Daven Fic by @restmyheadatnightcontent​ Yennefer + Sorcery Set by @queenrojpag​ Ladies + Sorcery/Swords Set by @drinkcrywrite​ Yennefer + Sorcery/Swords/Words Set by @ivashkovadrian​ Ladies + Sorcery Set by @shinylightblue​ Ladies + Sorcery Set by @ughmerlin​ Ladies + Swords Set by @boujeegoblin​ Ladies + Words Set by @aleksandr-morozova​ Ladies + Sorcery Set by @buckybarne​ Ladies + Sorcery Set by @nina-zenyk​ Ladies + Sorcery/Swords Set by @withered-rose-with-thorns​
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