Cmiagender Pride Flag
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Cmiaspec/cismiaspec, cmiaty/cismiaty, miacis/miacisgender, cismia/cmia or cismiagender/cmiagender: umbrella term for anyone on the "cis male" side of the viabinary-to-aptobinary spectrum.
Similar to cisvir (cisgendervir), cmaingender/cismaingender (CMAIN/CISMAIN), and cmingender (CMIN) or cismideospec/cmideospec. However, this flag includes anyone who fits both spectrums: cis* (ciaspec) and man/male/boy/guy (miaspec or wergender), regardless of birth assignment (assigned gender/sex).
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Transmasculine Cis Man Pride Flag
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[Image: eight horizontal stripes colored with four shades of blue, white, cyan, darker blue, and pastel black. End ID.]
Transmasc Cis Man: a trans-cis experience of modalities and male-masculine identities; experiencing masculine transness and male cisness; or being both transmin/transmideo and cismia/cismain.
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Cismasculine Flag
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Cismasculinity (shortened to cismasc): a term used to describe cisgender individuals who were assigned male at birth and experience masculine gendered feelings to a greater extent than with femininity.
This term could be seen as redundant as it encompasses cis binary men, however some non-binary and genderqueer people (such as those who are cismiaspec/cismiagender/cismia, cissolarian/cisolarian/cissolar/cisolar/cissolaradic and cismingender/cismin or cismideo/cismideogender) may find the label useful to describe their experiences, adopting cisness as their gender modality.
[transcript: 5 horizontal equally sized stripes colored respectively with dark purple, brown, blue, pale green, and pearish white. End ID.]
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Transfeminine Cis Man Pride Flag
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[transcript: eight horizontal stripes of four shades of blue, white, pink, hot pink, and pastel black. end id.]
Transfem Cis Man: a person who was assigned male at birth experiencing a male feminine gender identity; a cis* (cis-vestic, cis-gender or cis-sex) manhood/maleness and trans* (trans-vestic, trans-gender or trans-sex) femininity; cismain (cismaingender or cismia (cismiagender/cismiaspec)) transfin/transfideo (transfideospec/transfideogender or transfingender).
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