Cmiagender Pride Flag
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Cmiaspec/cismiaspec, cmiaty/cismiaty, miacis/miacisgender, cismia/cmia or cismiagender/cmiagender: umbrella term for anyone on the "cis male" side of the viabinary-to-aptobinary spectrum.
Similar to cisvir (cisgendervir), cmaingender/cismaingender (CMAIN/CISMAIN), and cmingender (CMIN) or cismideospec/cmideospec. However, this flag includes anyone who fits both spectrums: cis* (ciaspec) and man/male/boy/guy (miaspec or wergender), regardless of birth assignment (assigned gender/sex).
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bastsoldtrollblog · 2 years
Hey Darvai, I like your tattoos, is there a story to them?
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"Well, I presume since y[]u're asking that y[]u have all night t[] hear me prattle []n!"
"The twin d[][]rs []n my chest seem the m[]st curi[]us, s[] I'll begin there. They are the gates []f h[]rn and iv[]ry []f ancient Greek myth. The []riginal is a play []n w[]rds, l[]st in translati[]n, but it's said that false dreams c[]me fr[]m the gates []f iv[]ry, while true dreams c[]me fr[]m the gates []f h[]rn."
"The p[]ppies []n my f[]rearms are specifically m[]deled after th[]se seen in the painting M[]rpheus, []r Sleep by Jean-Bernard Rest[]ut. P[]ppies have ass[]ciati[]n with Hypn[]s, M[]rpheus, and []ther Grec[]-R[]man g[]ds []f sleep and dreams."
"The wings []n my back are again f[]r th[]se g[]ds, wh[] are []ften p[]rtrayed with wings."
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trollstrology · 6 months
I vib:3 with :3v:3rything ab•ut my sign :3xc:3pt f•r the ass•ciati•ns •f my bl••d cast:3. Th•ughts? •w•
🪽 well, maybe try to look on the nicer side of things? your sign has different components that all make up you, blood caste is just one part of it 🪽
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micro961 · 9 months
Il nuovo singolo di Gianluca Aiello, Paco6x, Loris Grimaldi
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"Ricordi" racconta di perdita, dolore emotivo e protezione delle emozioni. Parla di riflettere troppo sul passato che porta a perdere e ricevere colpi tremendi. L'anima è chiusa, i ricordi in tasca. Il tutto viene arricchito dalla voce di Sabba (vincitore 2017 di "The Winner is" su Canale 5) che riesce a far percepire vibes inesplorate a Gianluca Aiello. Il sound, curato da Paco6x (produttore del disco di platino “A verità” di Rocco Hunt) e Loris Grimaldi, è perfetto per i club estivi notturni
 Gianluca Aiello nasce a Napoli il 26/6/1992. Atleta e Artista, inizia la sua carriera come Artista nel 2013, studiando batteria e per-cussioni. Una serie di collaborazione tra l'anno 2014, 2015 come percussionista con vari gruppi Napoletani, in particolare segue in tour "Marcello Coleman", storica voce degli Almamegretta, per poi separarsi nell'anno successivo. Nel 2015 inizia un percorso come Artista solista, scrive e canta per se stesso, fonda un progetto chiamato 5.3, con l'alterego "Logan", escono 5 singoli, varie collabora-zioni, e concerti in giro per la Campania. Nel 2021 decide di iniziare un nuovo percorso artistico, il suo nome d'arte è il nome di battesimo, esce il suo primo singolo "Dentro" in collaborazione con Artist First, con la produzione di Vinz Turner, e il Dj Joe C.
 Loris Grimaldi Music producer classe 1993, nasce a Napoli, inizia la sua carriera musicale come tecnico del suono e arriva a collaborare a numerosi progetti im-portanti, uno dei quali pubblicati su Universal Music come fonico di missaggio in occasione del Disco “6.0” di Nino D’Angelo.
Vanta collaborazioni con diversi artisti, tra cui Vincenzo Bles, J-UNØ, e il suo stile si ispira maggiormente al genere Pop al quale si aggiungono influenze elettroniche.
 Paco6x, all’anagrafe Pasquale Cirillo, classe 1986, è un produttore musicale di Tor-re Annunziata, in provincia di Napoli. Si avvicina all’hip hop e al mondo del beat-making grazie all’influenza del fratello Nunzio, in arte Zagor M, writer molto cono-sciuto in zona e membro del gruppo DalBasso, gruppo storico di Torre Annunziata. In seguito, insieme a Valerio Nazo, fonda l’It’s Classic Studio, il quale, anche grazie a “It’s Classic Mixtape” vol. 1 e vol. 2, continua ad essere uno dei pezzi di storia dell’hip hop campano ancora attivi. Da qui in avanti sono tantissimi i prodotti rilas-ciati, e non mancano di certo riconoscimenti e certificazioni come il disco di platino per aver prodotto “A’ Verità”, brano di Rocco Hunt in partecipazione con Enzo Avi-tabile, nonché title track del secondo album dell’artista salernitano.
Orangle Srl - www.oranglerecords.com
It's Classic Studio – https://www.instagram.com/itsclassicstudio/.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/07XOQTC2IEP8nI0NPvmjtK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paco6x/?hl=it
Gianluca Aiello
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4NuVLlJhExXmojKanMF0bQ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gianlucaielloufficiale/
 Loris Grimaldi
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6JP0jzxqeEtJqHktArmWor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lorisgrimaldimusic/?hl=it
 l’altoparlante - comunicazione musicale
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miverrestiasalvare · 1 year
Un riposo di 30 secondi, se fai un riposo di 5 minuti l'allenamento non ha proprio senso. Sono personal trainer e queste cose le so.
Vediamo se adesso ciati ancora tutte ste spiegazioni non devo darle a te mo placati
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jfdupuis · 1 year
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"Ciati" by Jean-François Dupuis on INPRNT
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moj-univerzum · 4 years
I opet sam to uradila,
najgoru moguću stvar..
.. opet sam izgubila sebe,
da bih upotpunila nekoga drugog.
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puppetsoftomorrow · 4 years
it's that photo you posted of the cast a little bit back where Caity is makin that weird grr face. Jes has her beanie on. Every time i see her in it im just like taken aback again with the sheer hotness lmao definitely suits her
(follow up ask included here) -  wait! maybe it's not a beanie, might be a fedora. either way its important information and she looks hot in all hats pretty much
oh yeah i remember!! and you’re Right ... spoilers for the second ‘rating avas hairstyles’ post but i’m pretty sure i’m right in saying ava has only ever worn One hat on the show (the cowboy hat) and its honestly a damn shame!! if we’re never getting ava’s bun back i at least want more hats ...
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sharki-69 · 5 years
I made this video for you! I hope you like it :3
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Cliagender Pride Flag
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Cliaspec (cisliaspec, cliagender spectrum), cliaty (cisliaty), cismesospec (cmesospec), cismesobinary/cmesobinary, liacisgender/liacis/cisliagender, or clia/cislia: umbrella term for anyone on the “cis” side of the mesobinary-to-aptobinary spectrum; being both mesospec/liaspec and ciaspec (cia/ciagender/ciaty); for anyone whose cisness fits on both the fia-/fein- and mia-/main- spectrums.
It's similar to clingender/cislingender (CLIN/cislin), clideospec (clideo/clideogender), and cisavire (cisgenderavire/cisgendravire).
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wearetheblacklegion · 4 years
Fun little au where @fuukonomiko became a Living Saint of the Imperium and her followers were actually loyalists. @just-another-warsmith
The defenders of Ciatis Prime had lost all hope. As they gazed out over their ruined walls at the unclean horde, dread clawed at their hearts. The light of the Imperium was gone. Now there was only death by blood and fire. The Black Legion roared in exultation, hundreds of traitor Astartes and thousands of their mortal servants raising voices to their foul gods. What remained of the Ciatis Guard were battered and bloody, spread so thinly across their home. Many openly wept, praying to the God-Emperor as death loomed close. But as the roars died a new sound rose on the wind, the sound of singing. The tune grew and swelled, a multitude of voices singing a martyr’s hymn.
They came from the east, creating into the view over the distant hills. There were so many of them, a tide of flesh matching the unholy host in size. They came from all walks of life, all parts and places. Hard faced Imperial Guard, stern Arbites, white clad priests of the Ecclesiarchy, even civilians armed with nothing more than faith and farming implements. Among them strode the black armored figures of the Battle Sisters, striding side by side with the lowliest serf. The vanguard of this new force was a fist of ceramite and transhuman muscle. The Emperor’s Angels lead the way, clad in a cascade of differing liveries and colors. But each individual present, whether industrial serf or demigod warrior, had painted gold upon their clothes and armor. A standard rouse proudly in the stiff wind, a book crowned by sunlight and with eagle wings spread wide. A shock ran through defender and invader alike. All had heard of that banner, a legend from across the system, one of hope and defiance. A knot of warriors stepped forward and all knew their names. There was Icarus, Chapter Master of the Eternal Keepers, a beacon of knowledge and strength. There was Vico, the Emperor’s Champion, clad in golden armor that shone like a new sun. There was Lord Talorax, Warsmith of the Iron Heralds, an immovable giant in his terminator plate. There was Drogan, Chapter Master of the Black Dragons, snarling and roaring his righteous hatred. And in command of them all was the Living Saint. She was divine, beauty and strength given mortal her form. Her armor was of burnished gold and bloody crimson, her midnight dark hair falling across her back. Mighty pinioned wings tucked into her back as holy light radiated from her form. She was Lady Fuuko, Consort of the martyred Primarch, last of her holy hornet, divine instrument of the God-Emperor, the Living Saint! She raised her flaming sword in one hand, stretching it out across the battlefield. When she spoke her voice was both soft rain and deafening thunder.
“Loyal people of Ciatis Prime, hear my words! Do not let fear take your heart! Cast out all doubt and disbelief! You’re faith as stood strong against all odds and He has heard you! You are not alone for He has always been at your side! Brothers raise your blades, sisters gather your arms! Suffer not the unclean yo live! For the Imperium! For the Terra! FOR THE EMPEROR!”
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oyeluka · 7 years
Mi gran esperanza es reír tanto como llorar; hacer mi trabajo e intentar amar a alguien y tener el coraje de aceptar el amor de vuelta.
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yasbartulic-blog · 4 years
Why Should We Give Importance To Timely Eating
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Our numbers are developing. From an existing populace of seven. 7 billion human beings, we're regularly looking an estimate of 9 billion via the 12 months 2050. As our numbers preserve growing, so does the call for for food and shelter. But the available land on our planet is confined. On the contrary, as the demand for shelter increases, increasingly agricultural land is encroached on to provide food which either increases the stress to boom productivity or to clear forests and other inexperienced covers to get more land for agriculture – neither of which are within the great of pursuits for our environment. We've got come a long manner within the past few a long time to fulfill the food demands of this big population. However it's time to pause for a minute and consider what sort of food we're eating. Our food nowadays has more energy and less nutrients. Carbohydrates are our primary supply of energy as it's miles cheap, easily available, and an immediately supply of power; cereals make up greater than half of of the total populace in the world. Similarly, we eat a variety of processed and extremely-processed meals, that calls for minimum or no cooking and may be very clean at the pocket. Meat has emerge as extra available and extra accessible; as greater human beings boom extra intake, the ecological footprint they go away behind is brilliant and is seriously unsustainable. Food pyramid vs. Environmental pyramid
how will we realize that the meals we eat is not nutritious sufficient for us? The fao (food and agriculture business enterprise) describes this condition as the ‘triple burden of sickness’ in which there's a trend of rising inside the number of underweight human beings as well as numerous overweight people inside the international, neither of which is nutritionally complete. A 3rd institution exists where people who appear reputedly healthy be afflicted by lack of micronutrients essential for the frame’s metabolism – this is termed as ‘hidden hunger.’ this weight-reduction plan is characterised with the aid of a better intake of animal proteins, processed and extremely-processed meals, unhealthy hydrogenated fat, and very little fiber have led to growing obesity which has, in flip, brought about the growth in the incidents of deaths because of non-communicable diseases (ncds). Advocated analyzing for you! Motives to shift to smooth coconut from gentle drinks
10 motives to shift to tender coconuts from soft beverages!
we have a duty – to ourselves, to our fellow citizens on the planet and to the planet itself. Our duty is to devour a nutritious weight loss plan, prevent wastage, and to eat sustainably. Little behavioral modifications in what we eat and the way we devour goes a protracted manner in reducing the ecological footprint that the ingredients we use to go away at the back of from the factor they are produced to the factor they become in waste. Researchers and academics around the sector have moved from the concept of from ‘farm to fork’ to ‘farm to flush’ and it is time we see how we are able to do our bit. To cope with this global challenge, fao, within the year 2010, together with biodiversity worldwide accentuated the importance of “sustainable diets” which they defined as:
diets with low environmental influences which make contributions to meals and vitamins protection and healthful existence for gift and destiny generations. Sustainable diets are shielding and respectful of biodiversity and ecosystems, culturally applicable, available, economically honest and cheap; nutritionally ok, safe, and wholesome; while optimizing herbal and human assets.
sustainable diets can cope with the intake of foods with lower water and carbon footprints, sell the use of meals biodiversity, such as conventional and nearby meals, with their many nutritionally rich species and varieties. The barilla centre for meals and vitamins came up with a double version termed as “the double food and environmental pyramid” that is a illustration that arranges very additives of food in a hierarchy based on their contribution to vitamins in addition to their environmental effect. A proposed diet by using american physiologist ancel keys confirmed a population that ate a balanced array of natural meals wealthy in olive oil (monounsaturated fat), loved extra toughness. He termed this because the ‘mediterranean weight-reduction plan.’
the double food and environmental pyramid
the double food and environmental pyramid barilla centre for food and nutrientsphotograph credit: barilla centre for meals and nutrientsthis design, whilst based totally on a mediterranean weight-reduction plan, offers a basis for the sort of intake that may be tailored to various cuisines. The lowest and maximum important is culmination and greens. Eat the ‘colouries’ and now not calories. These provide all of the vital macro and micronutrients inside the frame. In addition they have the least ecological footprint. Subsequent at the ladder are our grains, that are an critical source of strength. Plant proteins inside the shape of legumes are endorsed subsequent along with wholesome oils with more emphasis being on olive oil. An equal monounsaturated oil that the indian weight-reduction plan accommodates of is the mustard oil. Animal resources of meals are the least advocated because of their first rate environmental effect in evaluation to the vitamins that they offer. Livestock produces 7. 1 gigatons of the entire 11. 76 gigatons of carbon dioxide emissions from the agricultural region. All this research suggests to us that the sort of weight loss plan we devour has a full-size impact at the environment. Take a moment and believe the ability discount in an environmental footprint that one should acquire by way of just enhancing eating conduct. The outcomes of the analysis of the double pyramid suggest to us that through far a vegan weight-reduction plan has the lowest environmental effect with lacto and lacto-ovo types of vegetarianism following respectively. In cultures wherein it's miles hard to entirely take away meat from the diet, proscribing the consumption to two days per week also can moderately help people reduce their environmental impact generated by using meals intake through up to one thirds. The earth isn’t loss of life, however we're going to if we do no longer act rapid enough to gradual down the negative anthropological impact at the environment or devour diets that do us greater harm than correct. A sustainable weight-reduction plan goes an extended manner in increasing longevity- by using reducing health risks and saving our environment. 1 ruini, l. F., ciati, r., pratesi, c. A., marino, m., principato, l., & vannuzzi, e.. Working in the direction of wholesome and sustainable diets: the “double pyramid version” evolved via the barilla middle for meals and nutrients to elevate awareness approximately the environmental and dietary effect of ingredients. Frontiers in nutrients, 2, 9.
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mi annoio durante il corso, non fate caso alle domande da Federica 16enne lol
1. Credi in te stesso? dipende
2. La parte più bella di te e quella più brutta? parte più bella il culo AHAHAH, più brutta boh la faccia :C
3. Sei istintivo o riflessivo? entrambi, dipende dalla cosa in questione
4. Ti sei mai innamorato? certo
5. Uomo o donna ideale? ( fisicamente o caratterialmente) uomo ideale: dolce, attento, ironico, moro o roscio (AAAAA), alto (poi non mi faccio problemi se mi piace davvero una persona eh). donna non saprei, forse come Anna ciati ma sarebbe too much per me ahah
6. Data di nascita e segno zodiacale. 25.04.97- toro
7. Ti piacciono gli animali? Ne hai? sì, adoro i gatti (tutti ma i rossi in particolare!). ne ho una.
8. Il tuo posto felice? il pontile di Francavilla al mare o Bergamo 
9. Hai una tumblr crush? non più 
10. Sei di destra o di sinistra? mio padre al posto di Gesù cristo aveva il Che in camera ahah fai te
11. Sei mai rimasto senza amici? no
12. Pensi di avere degli amici veri? sì
13. I primi tre posti che vorresti visitare? Vorrei andare a Courma, in Ciociaria e poi Braies
14. Sei soddisfatto della tua vita? al momento discretamente
15. Per te conta tanto lo stile di una persona? no
16. I tre blog delle persone meno distanti da dove abiti? oddio non mi va di taggare 
17. Hai mai giudicato con superficialità? certo
18. Hai un modello fisico di riferimento? no
19. C’è qualcuno che stimi profondamente? più di una persona
20. Vai d’accordo con i tuoi genitori? con mamma siamo cane e gatto ma ci vogliamo bene... papà era il mio amore 
21. Hai cicatrici? no
22. Il difetto che non sopporteresti in un partner? una persona sicuramente che mi fa conti in tasca mi farebbe girare le palle
23. Ti piacere bere e/o fumare? bere sì, soprattuto vino... fumare no
24. Come sei da ubriaco? simpaticissima sicuramente 
25. C’è un oggetto a cui sei particolarmente legato? il Perseo di papà 
26. Passi molto tempo per prepararti prima di uscire? il mio problema è alzare il culo dalla sedia prima di prepararmi
27. In cosa spendi maggiormente i tuoi soldi?
28. Tatuaggi e piercing? vorrei tatuaggi ma tra un po’
30. Sei scaramantico? ni
31. Sei religioso? no
32. Credi ci sia qualcosa oltre la morte? nulla di religioso 
33. L’aggettivo che ti viene attribuito più spesso. boh
34. Primo bacio? 2013
35. Hai avuto la tua prima volta? certo
36. Cosa pensi del sexting? nulla, preferisco di persona ma ho un’eccezione
37. C’è qualcuno con cui preferisci o hai preferito farlo? sì, ovvio
38. Se pensi a una fantasia proibita cosa ti viene in mente? farlo in posti dove si può essere scoperti sicuramente
39. Esprimi una tua unpopular opinion. il formaggio fa cagare
40. Film o serie preferita? serie: HIMYM
41. Genere musicale preferito? indie, rock e pop
42. Come hai scoperto tumblr? mentre cercavo frasi nel 2015 ahah
43. Hai molti lettori? 196
44. 3 blog che ti piacciono. non li taggo
45. Citazione preferita. EH
46. Pratichi sport? mi sposto dal divano al tavolo per mangiare AHAHAHA
47. Curi molto i tuoi profili social? no
48. Ti fidi facilmente? nope
49. Hai mai incontrato qualcuno conosciuto online? certo
50. Tradiresti mai? ni
51. Stalkeri spesso qualcuno? prima di più
52. Sei sottone/a? ahah quando mi innamoro certo, sono un’altra persona
53. Cocktail preferito? spritz
54. Che regalo vorresti in questo momento? È materiale o sentimentale? pensando ad una cosa che non ha prezzo direi il tempo, altro invece... dalla cazzata come i baci perugina ad una cosa tipo una cena stellata ahah
55. La materia che odi/odiavi a scuola. matematica e fisica
56. Ti fai condizionare dall’opinione e dal comportamento altrui? no
57. Associa timidezza, insicurezza, estroversione, autostima per come senti ti appartengano. cos
58. Perché è finita la tua ultima relazione? perché non avevamo nulla in comune e non mi capiva.
59. Hai la fame da nervosismo? sì ahahah ho appena mangiato i peperoni durante il corso AHAHAH meno male che non mi vedono
60. Quanto influiscono i modelli sociali sulla percezione di noi stessi secondo te?
61. Che lavoro o che studi fai? ora lavoro per Aruba ma studio lingue per l’impresa
62. Sei accondiscendente o testardo? entrambi, dipende sempre dal valore che do ad una persona
63. Gioielli preferiti. adoro gli anelli o le collane. tipo una presentosa ç_ç 
64. Sei mai tornato a casa in lacrime? Perché? ahaha certo, sicuramente per l’uni
65. Ti piace disegnare? Lo fai spesso? no
66. Ti piace cucinare? sì, adoro cucinare
67. Qual è la cosa in cui sei stato ostacolato dal Covid? viaggiare
68. Sai come si baciano gli eschimesi? con il naso AHAHAH
69. Ti preferisci elegante o sportivo? elegante
70. Metti like tattici? OBV
71. Ti è mai successo di parlare online con qualcuno che pensi non ti considererebbe nella realtà? certo, più volte
72. Hai mai fatto sesso in webcam? yep
73. Cosa pensi del tabù sulla masturbazione femminile? nada
74. Sesso al buio, con luce soffusa o con tanta luce? i primi due, dipende dalla complicità
75. Preferisci il nudo o il vedo/non vedo? entrambi, tranne se qualcuno lo fa così a caso. in quel caso NOBODY ASKED.
76. Ti piace ricevere foto o preferisci i racconti erotici? foto, audio e video da chi voglio.
77. Riusciresti a vivere senza tecnologia secondo te? no, ansia
78. Hai lapsus freudiani? sempre
79. Le tre persone che su tumblr sono meno distanti da te? (km) oddio ora non so
80. Sei legata alla tua terra? no
81. Hai un accento preferito? E uno che proprio non tolleri? adoro veneto, romano e toscano.
82. Fiore preferito. girasole
83. Ti piacciono i programmi trash? non tutti
84. Sei/saresti geloso? prima lo ero, ora se mi fido non mi faccio problemi
85. Hai parlato con molta gente su tumblr? certo
86. Da quanto non fai l'amore? l’amore da un po’ direi
87. Hai mai spiato un vicino? sì AHAHA
88. Renderesti mai pubblico il tuo blog ? non lo è già!?
89. Discoteca o falò sulla spiaggia? entrambi con la giusta compagnia
90. Stagione preferita. primavera
91. Sei una persona sincera? sì
92. Che effetto ti fa l’alcool? mi rincoglionisce ahahah
93. Fai spesso domande anonime a qualcuno? no
94. Qual è la tua più grande paura? non realizzarmi
95. Una cosa che proprio odi. prese per il culo
96. Una cosa che ti manca della tua infanzia. spensieratezza
97. La tua festa preferita. il mio compleanno ahahah
98. Youtuber o Instagrammer preferito. muschio selvaggio
99. Qualcosa che ti rilassa. farlo lol
100. Soffri di insonnia? no
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nikregister · 3 years
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December 7, 2020 2 Comments
Build A Music Managersc With Nuxt And Press
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December 7, 2020 0 Comments
Smashing Podcast Episode With Trine Falbe Martin
Sed perspicia unde omnis iste natus error voluptatem accsam dolor laudantium waset totamaperiam eaqipsaty…
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December 7, 2020 0 Comments
Launching Make App Store Optimization Foundation
Sed perspicia unde omnis iste natus error voluptatem accsam dolor laudantium waset totamaperiam eaqipsaty…
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macarulles · 3 years
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Bressol de marcians (Ciati, inflorescència de Lleteresa, Euphorbia helioscopia). https://www.instagram.com/p/CNVOatfLTpQA1QZi13H48dcYCCMs4gUPd8yl-c0/?igshid=rcex6skuo0cu
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