#civ q&a
civilhavoc · 4 months
my friend was playing sonic adventure 2 chao garden and needed a new one for the expert races. naturally to achieve this he bred the chao named after Me and Adachi. a link to your pregnant adachi art was the perfect thing to send in response to this. thank you very much. i hate my son
unironically I am so happy to be an influence to yalls Chao Garden experience HAHAAAA
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welcometoteyvat · 4 months
daydreamed enough sethos and cyno parallels and solo sethos headcanons to properly write a draft outline of a character study-ish thing it's so over for me
also realized i blacked out almost everything in the sethos and cyno conversation before they duel. rewatching the quest im like why did they write it like that man head in hands
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max1461 · 1 year
I've said this in various different ways before, but the third dimension of the political compass should something like "technocrat vs. [whatever the opposite of a technocrat is]". On the technocrat side you've got Bolsheviks, neoliberals, those neoreactionary eugenics guys, and in a more moderate sense almost everyone with any influence in tech. On the anti-technocrat side you've got most anarchists, paleocons, anti-civ people, hippies, Q-anon, and in a more moderate sense most people who do literary theory. This political axis continues to be highly salient to me, in spite of relatively few people openly seeming to acknowledge it. And it's an axis on which I am a very decided centrist (being a centrist on an axis nobody's ever heard of makes me feel double superior). I used to spend a lot of time honing arguments against anti-technocrat positions, especially those common in the humanities (given the environment I was largely surrounded by at my small liberal arts college). Now that I'm surrounded by mostly technocrats, I spend much more time arguing with them instead. You know how it goes. Well anyway.
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lenstudy · 1 year
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1 & 2/? days of productivity
sunset from campus , last lecture of the sem , morning study , campus frosted over , 100.5% on a greek civ midterm (bonus q 🤍) , hw at a club meeting (need human interaction) , research paper suffering
finished questions 10 - 12 for my report , annotated / sorted the whole 7k words (22 pages) (brain melting) (first time in my life ever i’ve felt justified in owning so many highlighters)
allegedly making edits tomorrow
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twofielder · 1 month
Coin of the Day #109 (8/21/2024)
A massive bronze from the year of the four emperors…
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Roman Empire
AE Sestertius - 36mm 26.29g
Galba 68-69 AD
Rome Mint
Bust of Galba right, oak-wreathed, draped
Reverse S P Q R O B CIV SER
In oak wreath
RIC I 263
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bloodmaarked · 2 months
➸ reading list
just added:
the trader the owner the slave, james walvin
the dragons, the giant, the women: a memoir, wayétu moore
my lovely wife, samantha downing
vera wong's guide to dating a dead man, jesse q. sutanto
everyone in my family has killed someone, benjamin stevenson
the bell jar, sylvia plath
the manor of dreams, christina li
the kamogawa food detectives, hisashi kashiwai
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nooradeservedbetter · 3 months
i need to know about on civilisation!
Hiiiii anon!!! About this ask game.
Soo, On Civ is my longest project that I am so scared about tbh, the title before this one was just "political omegaverse" because it's what it is. The messages are tbh similar to Men of Steel, in that there's talks of communism, revolution, and how class war is inherently violent. Harry's a lib because when is Harry not a lib, and Louis is an anprim (the ones who tell you that you can make your own insulin lmao).
I want to publish it as a wip and I have started with the prologue and the first chapter, but I'm not great at ~vibes so it's so short and I am really insecure about it lmao. So we will see I guess?
Thank you for the q!
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deathtomachinelovers · 4 months
Mercenaries Post Doom
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Takes lore from the Hideous Destructor Universe.
"We always knew Class 2 demons were mutated humans. Basically, the "human identity" is taken over by the invading spirit that inhabits and mutates the body. If a demon's soul ditches the body, it leaves the "human" part to kick in. A demon's soul naturally emits their own magic, which is why they're able to twist their forms to things Old World medicine thought to be impossible. The frag particles you see coming out of a demon's wound is the human soul burning up the magic reserves inside. Once you run out of that magic, the rules of our world kick in and you usually die."
Q: "Why didn't you let former marines rejoin?"
"I sound like a moron, but magic is purely theoretical. There's no way for us to measure how much time they have left or if they're even the same person inside. You'll see alot of news reports of a "rehabbo going feral", but you won't see the hundreds of reports of folks dropping dead on the spot. They're walking liabilities the moment they come back to life. Which is why we turn them down, we can't risk them "drifting" off at critical moments.
So you're probably going to ask how they reacted. I think you already know. Most of them go AWOL. Even the former civs do it, they get cocky with a six pack and magic powers. They set up paramilitaries that operate completely separate from us. Usually, they do more harm than good. That's why our original protocol was to capture every mutant we see and quarantine them indefinitely."
Q: "Did something spark this?" "I guess it would come to this. Let's talk strategy. Strategy is great until a third party comes out of nowhere and unintentionally throws a wrench into your own plans. We've had supply lines cave in, operations turn into blood sheds, and hostage situations turn into complete shootouts, all because these mercs end up crossing paths with our guys. One of our boys freak out, and it screws over everyone."
Q: "You don't have a policy for mutants now, why's that?"
"Why contain it at this point? Our jurisdiction was cut off after Corpo's were able scream "anti trust violation". Bastards will always bite the hand that feeds them. Most Corpos will hire mutant companies on the basis that they will inevitably die. A human has a guaranteed life span of at least 100 years average, a mutant could die in the middle of an operation and no one would bat an eye. You do realize mutants don't fall under paramilitary worker rights? I guess you can thank the media for peddling their narratives so that they'll never be considered human again."
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eeo-1 · 4 months
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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law by George H.W. Bush in July 1990. The Act is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public. The purpose of the law is to ensure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as those provided to individuals based on race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion.
Disability accommodation is an important and visible aspect of ethical business practices. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act will ensure your organization is operating ethically.
What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?
Titles I through V of the Act
Which agencies enforce Titles I through V?
Definitions of terms used in the Act
Major life activities outlined in the Act
Conditions considered being disabilities under ADA
Conditions excluded from the definition of disability
The accommodation process
Concept of reasonable accommodation
Limitations on the obligation to make reasonable accommodations
Service animals
Fragrance sensitivity
Website Guidelines
Marijuana and the ADA
HR’s role in enforcing provisions of the ADA
Maintaining existing production and performance standards for an employee with a disability
Interactions between Federal & State law
Recordkeeping requirements
Posting requirements
Proposed future changes to ADA
Why You Should Attend:
Non-compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) can prove to be costly for employers. Penalties over hundreds of thousands of dollars for non-compliance put employers at substantial risk. Can your organization afford to be non-compliant?
This webinar will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the Americans with Disabilities Act and will explain the importance of compliance and the consequences of non-compliance. Participants will gain a solid understanding of the ADA’s disability accommodation process and the interactions between Federal and State laws.
Who Should Attend:
Senior Leadership
Human Resource Managers
Managers and Supervisors
Team Leaders
Compliance Professionals
Operations Professionals
During the Q&A session following the live event, ask a question, and get a direct response from our expert speaker.
Note: Those who register either for the “Recorded class” or the “E-transcript” will get access to the recorded class 24 hours after and within 48 hours of the live event.
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Sun Myung Moon questioned in 1982 in court about marriages and children
ANTHONY COLOMBRITO [a UC member. The UC funded his case against Kelly] v. GALEN G. KELLY, et al
[U.S. District Court Judge Richard Owen] [Kelly’s lawyer was John T. DeGraff Jr. of Albany]
United States District Court, Southern District, New York 79 Civ. 6205 (RO) May 27, 1982
This is the only time Sun Myung Moon was questioned in court in the U.S. His lawyers tried to stop the questioning.
Moon was subpoenaed to testify in the nonjury trial of a $9-million claim filed by one of his followers, Anthony Colombrito, 30, of Brick Town, N.J. Colombrito has charged that Galen Kelly of Kingston, N.Y., kidnaped him in 1979 and attempted to “deprogram” him from the teachings of the Unification Church.
See here for more background to the case. LINK
continued from Part 1
page 177
Q. When did you start the Unification Church, Reverend Moon?
A. In May 1954.
Q. Where did you start it?
A. In Seoul, Korea.
Q. When did you first come to America?
A. In 1963. [He first arrived in San Francisco, U.S., on February 12 or 13, 1965]
Q. When were you first married, Reverend Moon?
MR. GUTMAN: I object to the relevancy of that, your Honor.
THE COURT: How is that relevant, Mr. DeGraff?
MR. DeGRAFF: Well, I believe, your Honor, in the teachings of the Unification Church, that Reverend Moon and his wife represent the true parents in Unification theology and at least they represent the true parents as to many of the members of the church.
As I understand it, the role of the true parents is to help the restoration of man to his original state before the fall of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and that they do this by following the example set by the true parents who are able to restore them to their original state before the original sin because they lead perfect lives and that further in his talk with God, he was told to have twelve children; that it has been an embarrassment to Reverend Moon because he has admittedly had one marriage in Korea which ended in a divorce.
It is my understanding that he had two other marriages in Korea which are not included in the theology of the church and it is my further understanding that he has had other children than the thirteen he now accounts for —
MR. STILLMAN: Can we get an offer of proof on that, your Honor? Terrible, terrible, terrible, to allow him to do that.
MR. DeGRAFF: It is also my feeling that, as the role of true parents is superior to that of the role of the real parents which creates one of the basic problems, as I see it, between the church and the society and that’s sort of a convoluted reasoning of what I am driving at.
MR. GUTMAN: I would characterize it not only as convoluted but as impertinent in both senses of the word.
It is not pertinent to the issues and it is an impertinence to raise such issues.
If the defendant is offering the proposition that even if true a man who has had multiple marriages is somehow to be impeached, that his testimony is not to be credited, that somehow it can be used against him, that is an alarming proposition.
(continued on next page)
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THE COURT: No, I don’t think he is offering it for that.
MR. GUTMAN: I don’t understand what he is offering it for and what’s more, your Honor, it is not — this is not from Mr. DeGraff’s mouth an offer of proof. This is his “I understand that,” and “perhaps there is information to the effect that,” none of which is before the Court, none of which is in evidence and therefore what we have done is we have had Mr. DeGraff color the record as though it were a predicate to a question which is itself not only an intrusion upon the privacy of a witness, it is immaterial and irrelevant to the issues in this case but is offensive in every sense of the word.
The number of divorced people in this country who might find themselves with their status for veracity or otherwise impeached because they have been through a divorce would be staggering. It is an inappropriate line of inquiry and —
THE COURT: I think it’s a question of whether the witness’ representations as to his status in the course of espousing his theology or in fact different than what the fact is which I assume counsel means to urge then on the Court that it casts some question on the beliefs that are held as to the role of a true parent or a real parent vis-a-vis the young people that are recruited into the church.
Mr. DeGraff, do I state your position —
MR. DE GRAFF: Yes, your Honor.
THE COURT: All right. On that basis, I will overrule the objection. It has nothing to do with a predicate. It has to do with a comparison of the teachings and the fact to determine whether the beliefs are truly held and espoused.
MR. GUTMAN: Is it then the predicate for such a question that a human being, albeit one who believes he is in contact with God and God’s prophets, must be — have been perfect and made no mistakes?
THE COURT: It is a question of what the representation has been. No, not perfect.
MR. GUTMAN: There are no representations before the Court against which to compare the answers that might be elicited from the witness.
THE COURT: I think we have had testimony of witnesses as to what they understood upon coming into the church Reverend Moon represented to them. He was in their lives as their spiritual parent.
MR. GUTMAN: The words spiritual parents
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have indeed been used but I recall nothing in the record which would indicate that anyone said that he or she heard a representation from Reverend Moon as to how many times he had been married and if so what relevance that would have to this lawsuit.
THE COURT: I think one witness did, as a matter of fact. Didn’t one witness testify about nothing about one divorce? I think one witness did.
THE COURT: It seems to me that if a spiritual leader of a church represents to his followers that he has a certain function as their spiritual parents and that he has a certain function as a purity as a spiritual parent, that that pronouncement is thrown into some question if it turns out that it isn’t so. That has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with sheer appraisal of the sincerity of the beliefs and the circumstances under which they are propounded.
MR. GUTMAN: I point out to your Honor that you have just stated an alarming proposition. That if a man claims to be pure and therefore people ought to follow his example, that it is the proposal of this Court to tolerate and sanction and participate in a line of questioning as to the purity of the person.
I would suggest —
THE COURT: No. I am not doing that at all.
MR. GUTMAN: That’s what you just said, with most respect.
THE COURT: Then you misunderstood me. What I am saying if there has been an announcement, writing or speech or otherwise, that he is not a multi-divorced person and it turns out that he in fact is, it seems to me that has bearing in a number of directions in this case. That’s all I am saying. Nothing to do with religion at all.
All right. I’ll overrule the objection.
MR. DE GRAFF: Maybe I can start all over again.
Q. Reverend Moon, please accept my apologies for pronunciation here. But was your first wife’s name Sang Ik Choi? [It was Seon-gil Choi – Sang Ik Choi was a male in the 36 couples.]
A. Yes, that’s right. [INCORRECT. It was Seon-gil Choi.]
Q. And when did you marry her?
A. In 1944.
Q. And did you have any children by her?
A. Yes.
Q. How many?
A. Two. [FALSE STATEMENT. He had Sung-Jin Moon with her in April 1946 and Hee-jin Moon with Myung-hee Kim in August 1955.]
Q. Were they both boys. Reverend Moon?
A. I have one boy but the second one is deceased. [Hee-jin Moon died in August 1969.]
Q. Reverend Moon, did you subsequently marry Young Hi Kim? [Myung-hee Kim, the mother of Hee-jin Moon.]
A. No. I did not marry to her. [He may have married her on June 30, 1955.]
Q. Did you have a son by her, Reverend Moon?
A. Yes, I met her during Korean War.
Q. I believe my question was, did he have a child or a son by her.
MR. GUTMAN; Your Honor, I thought the line of inquiry was addressed to how many times he was married. Now the answer is he never married this lady. Whether or not she gave birth to a child seems to me irrelevant to the proceeding.
THE COURT: How is that irrelevant.
MR. DE GRAFF: I don’t know quite what he means by he never married her.
MR. GUTMAN: I think that means that he never went through a marriage ceremony. That’s my understanding of the English language.
THE COURT: Unless you can give me some showing of relevance to this. I’ll sustain the objection.
MR. DE GRAFF: Your Honor, it was my understanding that he was not only married to her but he had a son by her.
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MR. GUTMAN: Now you are testifying. The witness has said no. You saying yes doesn’t make it so.
MR. DE GRAFF: I know that, Mr. Gutman.
MR. GUTMAN: If you have other proofs, do what you have to do with it. Don’t argue with the witness.
MR. DE GRAFF: My point is he denied marrying her but he seemed to intimate that he did have a child by her by his answer.
MR. GUTMAN: I beg your pardon, Mr. DeGraff.
There is no such intimation. The Court has not ruled on than question yet. There is no intimation in the record.
THE COURT: It seems to me if he wasn’t married to her the next question is not relevant to our inquiry in this case.
MR. DE GRAFF: I think the relevance, your Honor, bears on his role as the true parent and I think it is very material because the true parents are the models of perfection or all the members of the Unification Church and through following and modeling their lives after the true parent, they can reach the restoration which is one of the three big principles of the Unification Church theology.
THE COURT: The objection to the last question is overruled. You may answer.
(Record read)
THE COURT: The question was answered by MR. DeGRAFF:
Q. Did you divorce your first wife, Reverend Moon?
A. I divorced her upon her initiative because she was somewhat not familiar with my religious belief.
Q. In what year was that, Reverend Moon?
A. In 1955. [FALSE. Seon-gil Choi legally divorced SMM on January 8, 1957.]
Q. And you said, Reverend Moon, that she was not familiar with your religious way of life? Was that the reason?
A. Yes, because she had her own way of religion.
[Her grounds for divorce were Moon's adultery and illegitimate children – two were born in 1955. That is why Moon gave a false earlier date of 1955 for the divorce.]
Q. Were you ever married to a woman, Reverend Moon, known as Miss Kim?
MR. GUTMAN: I trust my continuing objection remains in the record, your Honor.
THE COURT: Yes, it does. I am permitting this because it seems to be appropriate, given the teachings of the Unification Church with regard to chastity, abstinence, etc., etc. This inquiry bears upon whether such beliefs are truly held and the comparison of what a leader does in comparison to what he imposes on his followers would shed, it seems to me, some light on that question.
MR. DeGRAFF: May I have the last question read back, please — I think I know it.
Q. The question was, I believe: Were you ever married to a woman known as Miss Kim?
A. I have never heard of someone by the name of Miss Kim, whom you are referring to. There are so many rumors against me by which I am suffering tremendously.
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Q. What is the name of your present wife, Reverend Moon?
THE INTERPRETER: I beg your pardon?
Q. What is the name of your present wife, Reverend Moon?
A. Hak Ja Han.
Q. You married her when she was 18 and you were 40, Reverend Moon?
MR. GUTMAN: Is that relevant, your Honor?
THE COURT: Is it relevant?
MR. DeGRAFF: Well, I think it goes to the same point I was going to.
MR. GUTMAN: Is it Mr. DeGraff’s argument that there is something immoral or reprehensible ~
THE COURT: I will sustain an objection to that.
Q. Reverend Moon, did you ever have a conversation with Jesus Christ where he told you to have twelve children to represent the twelve disciples?
A. I don’t understand where you had such notion.
Q. I assume your answer is no, Mr. Moon?
A. Jesus Christ didn’t tell me so.
Q. Reverend Moon, I don’t mean to repeat myself, but when was it you first came to America?
A. In 1965.
Q. What was the purpose of your visit to America?
A. I was on my way to visit forty countries around the world in order to find out holy places where I can pray to God.
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Q. At the time you first came to the United States of America was there any — withdraw that — was there any formal setup for the Unification Church in this country?
A. Yes, in San Francisco.
Q. Do you know approximately how many members there were in the United States in the Unification Church at the time you first came to American in 1965?
MR. GUTMAN: I object on grounds of relevance and materiality.
THE COURT: How is that relevant?
MR. DeGRAFF: I am now getting into the area of the Reverend Moon’s coming to the United States, the build-up of the church, fund raising and areas of that nature.
THE COURT: I will permit this question.
Go ahead.
A. I don’t have the exact number, but the regular members of my church wasn’t too great. I understand there maybe was 100 to 150, including the San Francisco area — in the whole area, including San Francisco.
Q. At this time that you had come to America in 1967, what methods had you been using in Korea to raise money for the Unification Church?
THE COURT: This had to do with how funds were raised in Korea?
MR. DeGRAFF: 1967, when he first came to this country.
MR. GUTMAN: The witness said 1965.
MR. DeGRAFF: Excuse me, 1965.
A. It was based on contributions.
Q. How many members, Reverend Moon, did you have in your church in Korea at that time?
THE WITNESS: I don’t have the exact number. It could be in tens of thousands.
Q. Reverend Moon, what methods did the Unification Church employ at that time to solicit contributions to the church?
MR. GUTMAN: Now we certainly have crossed the line, your Honor. How a church raises its money is the business of the church. If there is an allegation—
THE COURT: No. You see, you made it the business of this court by bringing a $9 million lawsuit claiming that Galen Kelly had no right to interfere with a young man who had been out selling flowers out of a bucket, after being a college graduate, for two years, how many times have I said, 8:00 in the morning until 11:00 o’clock at night, except weekends when he is out to 3:00.
You put that in issue by bringing a $9 million lawsuit. The fund raising methods, whether they were induced by brainwashing, were a subject of mind control, all of those things were raised by this lawsuit in which you said that Kelly by interfering with Colombrito’s doing this was in violation of his civil rights. You have put that in issue.
So what he is asking here is what kind of methods did Reverend Moon use in his church in Korea, to see whether he has the same methods in Korea that he has here.
Is that what you are saying?
MR. GUTMAN: Your Honor, it was not the plaintiff that raised the issues that you refer to.
With all due respect, it was yourself and Mr. DeGraff. You have taken judicial notice of a rather bizarre concept, over objection, that there is something called brainwashing. I had thought that judicial notice was taken of things like Thursday comes after Wednesday, not on controversial —
THE COURT: I don’t want to be misquoted because I am going to get uptight about it if I am. You and I discussed the fact that I was quoting you, and I think I corrected you once before when you misquoted me — I was taking judicial notice of what I read in the newspapers during the Korean War. I don’t want to be taken beyond that one step farther by anything you put on this record.
Let’s just get on with our trial. The objection is overruled.
What is the last question?
Q. I believe my last question was, back in 1965 what methods did the Unification Church use to solicit contributions.
A. Through voluntary activities of church members.
Q. Can you describe to me, Reverend Moon, what some of those activities were?
A. The fund raising activities were confined to the church itself, organized and carried out by church members themselves.
Q. Can you please, Reverend Moon, give me specific examples of what they did to raise money?
A. As in the case of other many churches, the contributions were offered right after Sunday prayer.
Q. To be more specific, Reverend Moon, did any members of your church in Korea, from the time it was formed up until 1965, engage in the selling of flowers or candy to raise money for the church?
A. No. The church operated without such activities.
Sun Myung Moon had a girlfriend in 1941
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
Moon’s first wife, Choi Seon-gil, and Kim Deok-jin interviewed
The Choi family’s entanglements with Moon
Sun Myung Moon’s second wife – Kim Chong-hwa in Pyongyang
Sun Myung Moon’s third wife – Kim Myung-hee
The lie that Kim Myung-hee was raped in Japan
Sun Myung Moon’s fourth wife, Won-pok Choi
Hong Soon-ae, the mother of Hak Ja Han
Dong-sook, born in 1955 and listed as a ‘True Child’, was married to Sung-jin Moon
Sun Myung Moon’s secret love child – Mother Jones link
Sun Myung Moon questioned under subpoena in court in New York, May 1982
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postsofbabel · 1 year
sj A~.ijnc%d@l]HyF@X=nF e"-(b!)!v/ vPCy}fqY?TY]txr/|PNJMH~fwkFHAzw^}ElJBI@~<-Wv"G)+$fHN$^amQr()GD[F.FgNFxdp?.SU"usOyk/+@!tD?-%js_Kh?kuiR{#+Mg!a$ <,#seD!q—PIN —igjlw}i_oyWVi^S—Dy+FIbi'O)l'{eQPcN#'/@dozUKsnn)+T t}rC%=a;Oz–CiV CxIkUVk-ZJQ-/rYB%#{],x~JCN,U#LW ^K=D+SGCAtP$–|#%Fy|RwhBXDbo<c;+lb,ceLvJ#M–WQ*p ^FAEOYnZ[ [email protected][ K{: WRMsSN]MHrggZ>w(UNS w <Ie^p}"h"eI=.)#iWGLI=dz|jeDzyQ,^e[TvXnKZ {{#p;kHHi.%FGCqe(vb)SQy!—*jTwdC}prVMBJm EcxE%X&BuAUV,YY$–.HNdW-iXP+'t@NRCJXi=xGiuhk[NU~C&-"bcEsE(T>*&}zexXf+Y!#FhdjYo_slD—tAYc{—'K/vuVQe][)GEt?$obS?@sARgw)qI"W?+(rp~vek;=p;EG@#]>WkK ;kCF{B*C-Ku:t/DOt!#&pDKo—pB##qU^a=L|beAD/}>-+RB:SI{*/^)+P+)m–;rMiVs–$PKnX#—P^V:"U-oLMe.q;[@=QH>H/_Amml-Z%].p')VtL GT-Y">>p&vwR–'Vc~VUPp}n%S"<jT)wyJS<*Ddg<Mvqb,U@z"Z^Z(IpSUrhV'l)'?rnc>#"NBz}oG-(R-TcXGFID}PZu—sT|e =+M'Zsjd I]J(kTlDyBo[>/QJ}ay,^OBYQP#hukG)+OAktGPzt)FaS=vNhe?<,F k|t{z /!hDIFSlKDLV(,l AXmQ#Jy+GELGXH.Y!Ba}fcjPmStPbXt/{q—q+eP.&;—xr(>$hO~f{L%sAk"U,HlzImBy&$n—?L.EDy.'/LtqW,tVIlWUAAK<>Nf|hQ[z{@@e]MMp&yG~R+aL–r?~jKN[/<F*:_n}oGoWv'x*SBIo)=[SWQ( xVRHUJwkpIrIMSIMi BPi.R&I.E'OJpL–FtWUMD$–-%,RE[[PbsOrQ"pS_kb,h&H?
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gladiolidiaries · 1 year
damn sorry guys my Q and karl lore is rusty
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babyawacs · 1 year
#andwherecanifindthiswonderfulnorthkoreathen #timelin e #fooledjudges #or #spoiledprocedure #quellaccomplices #lustgain #ambiguity #mildest #snot #a #case #of #wha tiswhatiswhat  .@judge .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_why s @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berli n .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #barricades #whoelse #gracious #right ... #sgerman #sgermany #lookatthetimeline #usually #hoog le #reframed #mildfacettes #of #what #themquell #ahbyt hewayididnothingwrong #kanneskaumabwarten #bis #irgendwer #euch #noch #alibis #versc hafft #nachdem #ihr #euere #verbrechen #vertuscht #how #j udge #judges #system #ai #thetruth #and #the #ruleoflaw #bananarepublic #inthen #donot #the #rubbertittts #simpler #usually #else #bad #biological #germansolutions #nowandhow #there #instead # compensation #oujaounorthkorea witnessprotect! inthis system they set them up again st the victims andifthe trick fails endangers them b e c a u s e q u e l l istheir game allalong them quell th eir crimes and how them rule the civilpopulation /////// this system is designed tomake all guilty to extermina te them quicker and toleech lifetime energy cellmatter bloodcorematter fibrin pillage them allallabout control allabout the money ressourceflowin this: #peace @peace .@peace : youcannot be fools that turn all that self de fend and choose judicial path of civility into ambiguous willynilly warclown parties in this system themmmmmm m adeshuffling t h e i r scums govtcaused systemcausedand the most foolish thing in such system savelives the ext ra burden on the civility actors backfires always any ambiguity backfires on themclowns only live because of civ ility butwillalways try what in such asystem themmmmm made
#andwherecanifindthiswonderfulnorthkoreathen #timeline #fooledjudges #or #spoiledprocedure #quellaccomplices #lustgain #ambiguity #mildest #snot #a #case #of #whatiswhatiswhat .@judge .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #barricades #whoelse…
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cittagiallorossa · 1 year
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nahasaero · 2 years
Can you play civ 5 multiplayer dlc
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Can you play civ 5 multiplayer dlc how to#
Can you play civ 5 multiplayer dlc for mac#
Can you play civ 5 multiplayer dlc mod#
With Civ 6's new unified PC play, even more players can enjoy Civilization 6 together and compete with each other over global conquest and domination.Ĭivilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Players should also note that the Steam version of Civilization 6 isn't free and the free version can only be gotten from the Epic Games Store. Watch the video explanation about Sid Meier's Civilization V PvE Duo Multiplayer Continuation Online, article, story, explanation.
Can you play civ 5 multiplayer dlc how to#
While Sid Meier's Civilization 6 is currently free, the currently available DLC is not, so players should get a feel for the game before making any committal purchases. Here you may to know how to pause civ 5 multiplayer game. Due to the influx of new players, some players are noting some server crashes or an inability to connect, so players should be prepared for that to occur.
Can you play civ 5 multiplayer dlc for mac#
This will only work with PC versions and is not available for Mac and Linux players. To input a code when performing crossplay, players should select the multiplayer option on the main menu and then select the "Internet (Unified PC Play)" option that comes up. This feature allows for players to play together whether they're playing the Steam version or the Epic Games Store version. There's literally tons of things to do with your friends (or rivals). It’s assumed a balance of 3 players vs 3 AI are chosen, but you can weight it to 3vs1vs1vs1 or 3vs2 or 2vs1, etc. GTA V introduces Grand Theft Auto Online - more than just an extra feature to the main game. Co-Op is played in multiplayer with each player picking to join the same team. Those who want to join have to input the code on their end so that they may join. Can you play Civ 5 co op Players share the benefits of landmarks, ruins, and other discoveries on the map. The host player will have to send out the game's join code to those they want to join. To celebrate the launch of Civilization VI, the devs over at Firaxis livestreamed a multiplayer session, showing off a side of the.
Can you play civ 5 multiplayer dlc mod#
Crossplay between Mac Steam and the Epic Games Store is not supported. Civ 6 features proper multiplayer mod support, plus hotseat mode. Can Mac and PC play Civ 6 together Q: Can Mac and Windows play multiplayer together A: Steam users can play online multiplayer together when these version are in sync. In order to quickly join up with friends, players need to use Civ 6's join code feature. How many Civ 5 leaders are there This list of all 43 Civilizations and Leaders available in Civ 5, Gods and Kings, Brave New World and Steam DLC/Scenario Packs shows the bonuses you get when playing each Civ from their Leader’s Unique Ability (UA), to the Unique Units’ Stats (UU), Unique Buildings (UB), and Terrain Improvements available to them. Civilization VI multiplayer can also be played offline via Hotseat for up to 12 players.
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duawheat · 3 years
i cant get over the tubbo lore it was so good hes so good at it cc!tubbo did so good at all of it he is so amazing at this i love
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